What mattresses to buy: reviews, tips for choosing. How to choose the right mattress for a double bed? Choosing the right mattress

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When choosing an orthopedic mattress, you need to consider a number of important parameters: height and weight, age, lifestyle and health status of the future user. Only in this case will you be able to get the maximum orthopedic effect and proper rest. How not to get confused in the variety of types and models and choose the right mattress?

User age

The older the person, the softer the sleeping place he needs. We grow until we are about 27 years old. In order for the muscles and skeleton to form correctly during sleep, a hard surface and good fixation are needed. Therefore, mattresses with medium and high level rigidity. But for older users, choosing a mattress model should be based on preferences and health status.

Mattress size

To calculate the length of the mattress, you need to add 20 cm to the person’s height. This size will be quite enough to make you feel comfortable. The width of a single model should be at least 80 cm, and a double model should be at least 140 cm. Such a mattress will allow you not to feel tight and constrained while sleeping and relax in the position that you like.

It is also important that the mattress size matches exactly sleeping place. If the mattress moves and shifts during sleep, this will negate the orthopedic properties of the product.

Body weight

For adults who weigh less than 60 kg, models with a medium degree of rigidity are ideal. If your weight is in the range from 60 to 90 kg, then you can safely choose the level of rigidity that you like best. For those whose weight exceeds 90 kg, hard mattresses are more suitable.

But remember that age should also be taken into account. For users over 50 years of age, even with significant body weight, softer models should be chosen.


If you lead an active lifestyle, move a lot, visit a fitness club, you need to choose anatomical models that take the shape of a sleeping person. For professional athletes and people who are exposed to high physical activity every day, firmer mattresses are needed.

If you have problems with the spine or frequent back pain, doctors advise sleeping on a hard mattress. If you are healthy and don’t complain about anything, you can opt for a more comfortable and soft model. Great option– a double-sided mattress that allows you to change the level of hardness depending on the circumstances.

If you are suffering chronic diseases musculoskeletal system, have recently undergone surgery or injury, then in order to choose the right mattress, you need to consult with your doctor.

Types of mattresses

Mattresses come in two main types – spring and springless. Spring mattresses can have an independent spring block, where each spring works independently. This design allows you to most accurately adjust to the curves of the body and ensures correct fixation of the spine during sleep.

They also produce spring mattresses with a dependent block, which consists of five-turn springs. Such mattresses are much cheaper, which makes them attractive in the eyes of buyers, but the orthopedic effect of the dependent block is low.

Springless mattresses can consist of one or more types of filler. Most often, modern manufacturers use natural latex, coconut fiber, thermal felt, memory foam, cotton or wool as filler.

The best option is considered combined options, since the combination of the positive properties of several materials makes the mattress more comfortable.

Anatomical and orthopedic properties

The store will offer you a choice of anatomical and orthopedic mattress models. What is the difference? Anatomical mattresses have the ability to take the shape of the sleeper. Experts consider models with an independent spring block and springless mattresses filled with memory foam to be the best in this class.

Orthopedic mattresses not only take the shape of the body, but also support the back and reduce pressure on the spine during a long night's rest. Many doctors advise choosing this type of mattress. The orthopedic model will provide you with comfortable stay no matter what position you like to sleep in. The design of the mattress does not allow the spine to bend, so the nerve fibers are not pinched, blood circulation is not impaired, and the muscles are completely relaxed.

A good “correct” mattress is not a cheap purchase. But it is worth the cost, since the quality of your sleep depends on the quality of the mattress, and on it, in turn, your health. This is not an exaggeration - good dream gives the body the rest it needs, and a good mattress guarantees the absence of insomnia and allergic reactions, a “medicine” for the muscles and spine. Having ensured a comfortable sleep, a person will not experience a feeling of constant fatigue, will cease to be irritated, feel drowsy, and will become more active and happy. The quality of life will improve. In addition, an orthopedic sleep product will help correct deviations in the spinal column without any effort on the part of the person.

But before studying information about corrective mattresses, it is necessary to answer the question, does a person need exactly orthopedic model. What does this term even mean, and is it useful for everyone to sleep on such a mattress, ignoring the usual one?

Important! An orthopedic or anatomical mattress is a product that is most friendly to the human body. It is tailored to him and really helps create the most favorable conditions for the position of joints and spine during sleep. During the day, a constant load is placed on the supporting organ, and if proper relaxation does not occur at night, illness cannot be avoided.

The purpose of an orthopedic mattress is to provide support for the spine when a person sleeps or rests

Such mattresses are recommended for both adults and children, both those with and without spinal problems. The difference between the anatomical one is that it simply takes the shape of the body lying on it, repeating it exactly. The orthopedic also bends in shape, but provides some resistance, correcting and supporting the spine in its curves.

Naturally, you need to make the right choice of your mattress, because if you choose it incorrectly, instead of correction and benefit, it can cause significant harm.

What should an orthopedic (anatomical) mattress be like?

Eat necessary set functions that a mattress of this type should perform. This is what makes him different from regular product, whose function is only to serve as a surface for sleeping.

  1. . The orthopedic berth automatically bends at the locations of the pelvis, shoulders, and back. At the same time, the product has elasticity, which helps to support the sleeper’s body in all positions, preventing it from bending.

  2. Correction and absence of curvatures. Therefore, it is important to choose a level of rigidity that will help relax the muscles, rather than strain them. A product that is too hard can, over time, bend the spinal arch, constantly maintaining its unnaturally tense state, just like a product that is too soft, since the deflection will be deep.

  3. . Only in a relaxed state do they get rest. This function – complete relaxation – is one of the leading ones. In this state, you can get quality sleep and proper rest.

  4. Relief from pain. When you sleep on a mattress that is too hard, lumpy, and lacks shock-absorbing properties, your body weight is distributed unevenly. This can lead to unpleasant and painful sensations. The anatomical product excludes them.

  5. Getting rid of insomnia. In many cases of insomnia, it begins with the wrong mattress and pillow. When arranging a comfortable sleeping place, the problem disappears.

  6. . Corrective models provide elasticity in those points that need to remain mobile to avoid pinching nerves or blood vessels. On an absolutely flat, non-elastic, or vice versa, lumpy (and also non-elastic) surface, sooner or later the nerves will definitely be pinched.

  7. Microclimate preservation. The mattress does not lie directly against the body like pajamas or bed sheets, but air exchange in it is very important, as well as moisture and heat exchange. A person secretes up to half a liter of sweat per night, thermal energy and carbon dioxide. To remove these waste products, the mattress must have the necessary qualities.

  8. Hypoallergenic. This indicator is important not only for chronic allergy sufferers. The material filling the product must be environmentally friendly and contain hypoallergenic components, antibacterial, and also prevent the development of mold and fungi, and the proliferation of mites.

Criterias of choice

If you list all the selection criteria, there will be more than a dozen of them. It is not necessary to take into account absolutely everything, but the main ones need to be taken into account.

Table. Criteria for choosing an anatomical mattress.

By type of designThere are options with and without springs. The latter, in turn, are divided into products with dependent and independent springs.
According to filler materialThere are a lot of them - from those used since ancient times to the newest, innovative ones with “memory”. There are natural and artificially created fillers.
By quality of sidesEach mattress has the same number of sides, but the quality may vary. In this regard, they are divided into one- and two-sided.
By degree of hardnessThere are three levels: hard, medium, soft. They are selected depending on age, the presence of spinal problems and their severity.
By sizeThere are single, double, one-and-a-half, teenage, children's, and infant products. Size is important.

Overview of options

It will not be possible to analyze all models - manufacturers offer thousands of them. But to get your bearings, you need to get an idea of ​​what choices are possible and consider them in detail.

By the way. In addition to specific characteristics, it is necessary to take into account the size of the bed, the age of the user, and necessarily personal preferences and comfort. You need to lie down on the selected product and try to feel if it is right for you.

Design selection

Perhaps the first thing to start with is choosing a mattress design. Its base will either be spring or not.


If you choose this option, then you purchase a product consisting of block or single sheets of natural or artificial material, compressed so that the shock-absorbing functions are performed to the maximum extent.

By the way. This category also includes inflatable and water mattress products, which can also be orthopedic.


More often, springs are hidden under the outer cover. And, as already mentioned, they may or may not be addicted. What is the difference?

Dependent springs have mutual interweaving. That is, if it is a double mattress on which two people are resting at the same time, they can roll towards each other, or when one gets up or changes position, the entire mattress reacts.

Independent are such because each spring is taken into an individual autonomous “glass”, covered with fabric. If the springs are isolated from each other, they more accurately adapt to the body, doing this locally, only at the point where the change occurs. The optimal number of independent springs in a product is from 500 pieces per bed.

Advice. Which is better? The choice is individual, but orthopedists do not rule out the possibility of limiting ourselves to dependent springs if a person sleeps alone, and purchasing an option with independent springs for sleeping together.

Filler selection

This is very important stage when choosing a mattress. The variety of fillers is amazing; new ones are constantly being invented, along with the fact that some manufacturers continue to use felt, wool and other “grandmother’s” materials.

All fillers can be divided into two types - natural and artificial. Moreover, in the case of mattresses, natural does not necessarily mean better.


  1. Latex. An extremely popular material that is obtained from the sap of the rubber tree. It has natural elasticity, hygiene, is anatomical and is not allergenic. Supports the spine well. There is artificial latex - polyurethane foam. When purchasing, you need to be careful, since in the artificial version, latex is only a generally accepted commercial name for the product.

  2. Coconut. Coconut coir, or coconut fiber, is another natural filler that has become Lately popular. It is elastic and durable, famous for its antibacterial properties. Typically used for tougher products.

  3. Sisal. A less popular natural fiber with hygroscopic and antistatic properties. The material is highly durable and can withstand heavy loads.

  4. Horsehair. Continues to be used in mattresses increased rigidity. Valued for its environmental friendliness.

  5. It is not used alone; it is used only as layers in springless versions or a soft frame in spring ones.

  6. Wool fiber can be used from different animals: camel, sheep, llama, merino. Basically, it also acts as a layer for stiffer materials, although there are also completely woolen models.

An ergonomic orthopedic mattress is an essential item for a happy couple! If one of the partners does not get enough sleep and feels exhausted all day, there is no strength left for romance and tenderness. How about a double bed so that it’s comfortable for both? Let's figure out what materials and technologies mattress manufacturers use and how this affects our comfort and health.

How to choose the right mattress size

Rectangular mattresses for double beds are produced in standard sizes: from 160 to 200 cm wide (King Size). There are even fewer length options - 190, 195 and 200 cm. Please note that measurements are taken from the bed, and not from the old mattress - as a result of prolonged use, the product will become deformed, and the measurement results may be inaccurate. Length is adjusted according to height tall man. The height depends on the filler: from 18 to 24 cm for spring models and 15-18 cm for springless models, but it does not affect the ability to withstand high loads.

For mattresses from the USA, the length and width are indicated in inches, which makes conversion difficult. In particular, the American King Size with a length of 80 inches (203 cm) will no longer fit into the standard length of beds made in Europe and Russia. To avoid surprises, try to buy mattresses from the same brand as your bed.

Mattresses for round double beds are selected according to diameter. To prevent partners from interfering with each other, choose products that are at least 230 cm in diameter.

The maximum weight load on the mattress indicated in the passport is based on one sleeping place. Since people sleep together, it is recommended to multiply the passport value by two, but this approach is only justified if the inhabitants of the apartment are of approximately the same build. If there is a significant difference in the weight of a man and a woman (from 30 kg or more), special design solutions are required.

How does an orthopedic mattress for a double bed differ from a regular one?

A brand new mattress may smell unpleasant for a while, but the next day there is no trace of the smell. If the heavy spirit in the room persists for more than two days, it means you have received a defective model. Without a doubt, return your purchase to the store and get a replacement!

Soy foam

Not so long ago, an eco-twin of cellular modifications of polyurethane foam appeared on sale - soy foam with a shape memory effect. Unlike polyurethane foam, soy foam has no foreign odors and allows air and moisture to pass through easily, so mattresses and mattress covers with soy filling can be washed.

Double waterbeds

For lovers of unusual sensations, we can recommend water mattresses. The durable polyvinyl chloride case is filled with water or a synthetic substitute. Measured vibrations of the liquid gently massage your back, helping you relax after a busy day. In addition to the massage effect, the advantages of water mattresses include the complete absence of dust and toxic fumes, which makes them very attractive for allergy sufferers.

The mobility of the filler is balanced by the stabilizing fiber, and the cross-shaped lattice built into the base of the structure distributes weight evenly in all directions. To improve elastic characteristics, coconut board and polyurethane blocks are used. For double beds, two-chamber water mattresses are produced with separate pressure adjustment for each bed.

It’s nice to fall asleep on the waves, but you have to pay for the convenience, not only with money, but also with difficulties in everyday life:

  • Firstly, double water mattresses are heavy - their weight can reach 500 kg, so they are installed on a rigid frame.
  • Secondly, the water mattress needs electrical heating. For advanced models, energy costs for heating a medium-sized model reach 10-15 kW per month.
  • Thirdly, be careful: sharp claws can puncture the cover. Additional protection on the sides will protect you, but it is still better to place the mattress in a tray so that accidental damage to the cover does not result in a flood.
For economy class water mattresses, the water must be completely changed several times a year. The water substitute is changed less frequently - once every 2-3 years. With expensive models less hassle: it is enough to add a conditioner to the water annually, which kills bacteria and fungal spores.

How to choose the right mattress for an allergy sufferer?

For people prone to allergies, the greatest danger comes from dust accumulations, bed mites and synthetic materials upholstery that does not allow air to pass through and irritates the skin.

First of all, pay attention to springless mattresses with non-electric fillings, such as latex, coconut board and seaweed. Latex, coconut fiber and soy foam do not accumulate dust or release toxic fumes into the air. Holofiber and dense polyurethane foam based on simple polyols, which do not contain toxic plasticizers and prevent the proliferation of bed mites, are relatively safe.

Hypoallergenic calico mattress covers - too good help in the fight against allergies. Durable cotton fabric does not electrify and does not attract dust, allows air to pass through well and retains moisture, providing sleepers with thermal and tactile comfort. Covers made of cotton jacquard, knitwear and holofiber have similar properties.

Covers made of synthetic and mixed materials should be pleasant to the touch and provide for the possibility of active air and moisture exchange - microclimate disturbances can damage the sensitive skin of an allergy sufferer. Antistatic carbon fiber weaving and special impregnations prevent dust and bed mites.

Manufacturers who value their reputation use environmentally friendly materials and in the screed. The most commonly used siliconized fiber with a density of 0.4 kg per square meter. In order to improve ventilation of the filler in side part A three-dimensional mesh is sewn into the cover.

Rating of mattress manufacturers for double beds

Even in stores mediocre The range of mattresses is impressively diverse, so you will have to spend a lot of time trying to figure out who is who on the market. Independent experts come to the aid of buyers: we present to your attention the top 15 models of orthopedic mattresses for double beds.

Independent spring block - the best models The best springless mattresses Shape memory effect - the best offers
Askona Concept - luxury mattresses with double block independent springs. Ormatek Flex Standard is the best artificial latex mattress. Hilding IQ X-Pro - anatomical mattresses with multi-zone multi-level support. Standard independent springs alternate with X-Point microsprings; Several layers of proprietary orthopedic foams are used to adjust the rigidity.
Hilding Bodyfix - Swedish anatomical mattresses with a five-zone block. In areas of increased load, hourglass springs are installed. Mattress covers made from high-quality wear-resistant knitwear contain foamed bamboo charcoal with antibacterial impregnation with aloe vera. The Russian equivalent is Askona Fitness double-sided mattresses. Askona Trend Roll is the best value for money. Vegas X1 is a double-sided mattress with seven support zones. The combined filler includes coconut coir, cellular polyurethane foam and orthopedic Memory Foam.
Ormatek Verda Support with reinforced rigidity block. Withstands loads of 170 kg +170 kg. DreamLine Classic Roll Slim is a comfortable ultra-thin mattress with a thickness of 10 cm. Lonax Memory S1000 - medium-firm mattress with viscoelastic porous filler and additional protection thermal felt springs.
Promtex-Orient Soft Standard Combi. Multifunctional mattress of variable hardness. Promtex-Orient Roll Standard 14. Double-sided PU foam mattresses that are completely odorless. Serta Natural Start - hypoallergenic adhesive-free mattresses with independent springs of varying degrees of hardness. The mattress covers contain materials with shape memory effect and micro-massage - orthopedic foam and bamboo charcoal.
Luntek Cocos 625 with an improved block of independent springs - 550 units per seat. Mr. Mattress Compact On Line. Recognized as the best orthopedic mattress for the elderly. Ormatek Ocean Mix - high orthopedic mattresses with a double layer of foam of variable hardness. An elastic knitted cover with the addition of Memory Cool orthopedic foam has a memory effect.

How to choose the right mattress for a double bed: conclusions

When looking for a new mattress on the Internet, do not be tempted by beautiful pictures from the catalog. The product passport will tell you much more about its properties. If possible, give preference to official dealers of major brands who supply mattresses directly from the factory with a full set of certificates and accompanying documentation.

One way or another, the last word remains with the spine, so don’t be lazy to go to the store or warehouse with your partner and test the model you like. Lie down together on the mattress you are going to buy, listen to your feelings and listen to your partner’s opinion. If the seller is confident in the quality of his product, he will not mind.

It may not be possible to find a suitable mattress right away. Carefully study the design parameters of the product, inquire about the composition of the filler and mattress cover, and most importantly, do not hesitate to ask clarifying questions. The more information, the less room there is for erroneous maneuvers!

The quality of your night's rest directly depends on the choice of anatomical mattress. That is why it is so important to choose the ideal sleeping place from a trusted manufacturer. The Askona factory offers spring and springless models, manufactured to all quality standards and approved by Roszdravnadzor and CITO. And our qualified consultants will tell you how to choose a mattress, taking into account physiological characteristics and personal preferences.

What to look for when choosing?

Anatomical mattress design

Mattresses are divided into two types - spring and springless. When choosing an option with a spring block, you should pay attention to the number of springs. The optimal density is considered to be 550 pieces per bed. The more springs there are per bed, the better the anatomical effect of the mattress.
The spring block, in turn, is divided into two types:
  • Dependent spring block. Such a block has a continuous weave that connects all the springs to each other. The advantage of such structures is their relatively low price and strength. They can withstand heavy loads, but practically do not have the necessary anatomical effect.
  • Independent spring block. Independent springs are the most important component of an anatomical mattress. Each spring is in an individual case and works autonomously. Thus, only those that bear the direct load bend under pressure. This allows you to maintain the spine in an anatomically correct position, eliminating the “hammock effect”.

How to determine which mattress to buy - with a dependent or independent spring block?

Mattresses with dependent and independent spring blocks have a significant difference. The latter have a greater anatomical effect and better adapt to the contours of the sleeper’s body. Despite the low price, mattresses with "" springs are recommended for short-term use, for example, in the country or as a guest option. Due to the continuous connection of springs dependent block has a “wave effect”, since when pressure is applied to one, those adjacent to it are also activated. This causes the spine to adapt to the curves of the mattress, and not vice versa. In addition, a person with less weight may drift towards a larger partner.

In anatomical mattresses with an independent spring block, the “wave effect” is excluded. The weight of the sleeper is evenly distributed over the entire surface and the spine takes correct position. Thus, independent springs provide complete, uninterrupted rest and support posture.

Recently, springless mattresses have become increasingly popular. They are assembled from one or several layers of materials, both natural and artificial. Combination various materials provides varying degrees of mattress firmness.

Due to the variety of models, the question often arises: which mattress is better - spring or springless? It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally, because each of them has a number of advantages.

Spring mattresses can withstand heavy loads and are highly wear-resistant. They are well ventilated and adapt as accurately as possible to the contours of the sleeper’s body. Springless models, in turn, do not accumulate static electricity and are not at risk of squeaking due to the lack of metal structures in its composition. They can be used on various transformable bases, and are also easy to transport, as they can be sold rolled up.

Before choosing a spring mattress, you should pay attention to the maximum permissible load per bed. Partners with a significant difference in weight should choose mattresses with an independent spring block and no load restrictions. This will help avoid the “wave effect” and individually distribute the pressure of the mass of each sleeper over the surface of the mattress.

Anatomical mattress is selected according to its level of hardness. Depending on it, models are divided into:
  • Soft. The softness of the mattress is given by various comfortable layers - latex, anatomical foam, holofiber, etc. The more materials are placed above the spring block, the softer the mattress becomes. Such models are suitable for people with a fragile constitution and the elderly. In some cases, they are also recommended for diseases of the lumbar region.
  • Medium-hard. Medium hardness is achieved through a combination of hard and soft fillers. Typically, coconut and sisal are used as a rigid base, and comfort is provided by a layer of anatomical foam or voluminous stitching. These mattresses are universal and suitable for both children and adults.
  • Tough. In rigid models, materials such as coconut coir, sisal, and thermally bonded linen predominate. Such mattresses may have a reinforced spring block, which allows them to withstand maximum loads. Recommended for people with high index body weight, as well as problems with posture.
  • Versatile. Such models may have different degrees of rigidity on the sides. This allows you to flip the mattress depending on the season and change comfort.

Which mattress is better - soft, medium or hard?

The rigidity of the anatomical sleeping place is selected individually, depending on the age, weight and preferences of the person. The greater the weight of the sleeper, the harder the mattress should be. Not only comfort during sleep depends on this, but also the service life of the product, because rigid models use more load-resistant materials that eliminate early deformation.

Perimeter reinforcement

An additional anatomical foam box around the perimeter of the mattress allows you to avoid deformation throughout its entire service life. It also protects the box spring from damage and provides comfort when sitting on the edge of the mattress.


When choosing a size, you should rely on two criteria - the spatial capabilities of the bedroom and the physiological characteristics of a person. The sleeper should not rest his feet on the foot of the bed. The length of the mattress must exceed the person’s height by at least 15 cm, and the width of the sleeping place must be equal to double the width of the sleeper’s shoulders. With proper selection, nothing will interfere with proper sleep.
Mattresses can be single, semi-size, double. Each type has its own standard sizes:

single beds: length - 190-200 cm, width - from 80 to 90 cm;

one-and-a-half-sleeper: length - 190-200 cm, width - from 120 to 140 cm;

double: length - 190-200 cm, width - from 160 to 200 cm.

When choosing a sleeping place for a child, there are some nuances, since children's mattresses have several types:

  • For newborns . Such mattresses are made for bassinets and provide support for the child in the first years of life. The length of the models ranges from 100 to 120 cm, and the width is 50-60 cm.
  • For younger children. When the baby grows out of the crib, the cradle mattress is replaced with a full one. For preschool and school-age children, it is better to choose models from specially designed children's collections. They have standard sizes, but are made from materials adapted to the child's body.
  • For teenagers. Teenage models are characterized by a high degree of elasticity, which allows the fragile spine to develop.


In the assortment of our online store you can find mattresses different brands, both domestic and foreign.

(Russia). Our own brand mattresses have been developed by leading sleep experts. The range of models includes both spring and springless products of different price categories. Askona brand models are certified by Roszdravnadzor and CITO.


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