What symptoms accompany approaching death? Harbingers of imminent death.

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A person's life journey ends with his death. You need to be prepared for this, especially if there is a bedridden patient in the family. The signs before death will be different for each person. However, observational practice shows that it is still possible to identify a number of general symptoms that portend the approach of death. What are these signs and what should you prepare for?
which predict the approach of death. What are these signs and what should you prepare for?

How does a dying person feel?

A bedridden patient usually experiences mental anguish before death. A healthy consciousness is an understanding of what is to be experienced. The body experiences certain physical changes, this cannot be ignored. On the other hand, the emotional background also changes: mood, mental and psychological balance.

Some people lose interest in life, others completely withdraw into themselves, and others may fall into a state of psychosis. Sooner or later, the condition worsens, the person feels that he is losing his own dignity, more often thinks about a quick and easy death, and asks for euthanasia. These changes are difficult to observe without being indifferent. But you will have to come to terms with this or try to alleviate the situation with medications.

As death approaches, the patient sleeps more and more, showing apathy towards the world around him. In the last moments there may be a sharp improvement in the condition, it comes to the point that the lying for a long time the patient tries to get out of bed. This phase is replaced by subsequent relaxation of the body with an irreversible decrease in the activity of all body systems and the attenuation of its vital functions.

Bedridden patient: 10 signs that death is near

In conclusion life cycle old man or a bedridden patient increasingly feels weak and tired due to lack of energy. As a result, he is increasingly in a state of sleep. It can be deep or a slumber through which voices are heard and the surrounding reality is perceived.

A dying person can see, hear, feel and perceive things and sounds that do not really exist. In order not to disturb the patient, do not deny. Disorientation and confusion may also occur. The patient becomes more and more immersed in himself and loses interest in the reality around him.

Urine darkens due to kidney failure Brown with a reddish tint. As a result, swelling appears. The patient's breathing quickens, it becomes intermittent and unstable.

Under pale skin, as a result of impaired blood circulation, dark “walking” venous spots appear that change location. They usually appear first on the feet. In the last moments, the limbs of a dying person become cold due to the fact that the blood, overflowing from them, is redirected to more important parts of the body.

Failure of life support systems

There are primary signs that appear on initial stage in organism dying person, and secondary, indicate the development of irreversible processes. Symptoms may be external or hidden.

Gastrointestinal tract disorders

How does a bedridden patient react to this? Signs before death associated with loss of appetite and changes in the nature and amount of food consumed, manifested by problems with stool. Most often, constipation develops against this background. It becomes increasingly difficult for the patient to empty the intestines without a laxative or enema.

Patients spend the last days of their lives completely refusing food and water. Don't worry too much about this. It is believed that when dehydrated, the body increases the synthesis of endorphins and anesthetics, which to a certain extent improve overall well-being.

Functional disorders

How does the condition of patients change and how does a bedridden patient react to this? Signs before death associated with weakening of the sphincters; in the last few hours of a person’s life, fecal and urinary incontinence is manifested. In such cases, you must be prepared to provide him with hygienic conditions by using absorbent linen, diapers or nappies.

Even with an appetite, there are situations when the patient loses the ability to swallow food, and soon water and saliva. This may lead to aspiration.

With severe exhaustion, when the eyeballs are severely sunken, the patient is unable to completely close the eyelids. This has a depressing effect on those around you. If the eyes are constantly open, the conjunctiva must be moistened with special ointments or saline.

Impaired breathing and thermoregulation

What are the symptoms of these changes if the patient is bedridden? Signs before death in a weakened person in an unconscious state are manifested by terminal tachypnea - hearing death rattles against the background of frequent respiratory movements. This is due to the movement of mucous secretion in the large bronchi, trachea and pharynx. This situation is quite normal for a dying person and does not cause him suffering. If it is possible to place the patient on his side, wheezing will be less pronounced.

The beginning of the death of the part of the brain responsible for thermoregulation is manifested by jumps in the patient’s body temperature in the critical range. He may feel hot flashes and sudden cold. Your limbs get cold, your skin becomes sweaty and changes color.

Road to death

Most patients die quietly: gradually losing consciousness, in their sleep, or falling into a coma. Sometimes in such situations they say that the patient passed away along the “usual path.” It is generally accepted that in this case, irreversible neurological processes occur without significant deviations.

A different picture is observed with agonal delirium. In this case, the patient’s movement towards death will take place along a “difficult road”. Signs before death in a bedridden patient who has taken this path: psychosis with excessive excitement, anxiety, disorientation in space and time against a background of confusion. If there is a clear inversion of the cycles of wakefulness and sleep, then this condition can be extremely difficult for the patient’s family and relatives.

Delirium with agitation is complicated by a feeling of anxiety, fear, and often turns into a need to go somewhere or run. Sometimes this is speech anxiety, manifested by an unconscious stream of words. A patient in this state can only perform simple actions, without fully understanding what he is doing, how and why. The ability to reason logically is impossible for him. These phenomena are reversible if the cause of such changes is identified in time and treated with medication.

Painful sensations

Before death, what symptoms and signs in a lying patient indicate physical suffering?

In general, uncontrollable pain rarely worsens in the last hours of a dying person's life. However, it is still possible. An unconscious patient will not be able to let you know about this. Nevertheless, it is believed that pain even in such cases brings excruciating suffering. A sign of this is usually a tense forehead and deep wrinkles appear on it.

If, upon examination of an unconscious patient, there is a suggestion that pain is developing, the doctor usually prescribes opiates. You should be careful, as they can accumulate and over time intensify an already difficult situation due to the development of excessive excitement and convulsions.

Giving help

A bedridden patient may experience significant suffering before death. Relief of symptoms of physiological pain can be achieved with drug therapy. Mental suffering and psychological discomfort of the patient, as a rule, become a problem for relatives and close family members of the dying person.

An experienced doctor, at the stage of assessing the general condition of the patient, can recognize the initial symptoms of irreversible pathological changes in cognitive processes. This is, first of all: absent-mindedness, perception and understanding of reality, adequacy of thinking when making decisions. You can also notice disturbances in the affective function of consciousness: emotional and sensory perception, attitude to life, the relationship of the individual with society.

The choice of methods to relieve suffering, the process of assessing the chances and possible results in the presence of the patient, in some cases can itself serve as a therapeutic tool. This approach gives the patient a chance to really realize that he is sympathized with, but is perceived as a capable person with the right to vote and choice. possible ways resolution of the situation.

In some cases, a day or two before the expected death, it makes sense to stop taking certain medications: diuretics, antibiotics, vitamins, laxatives, hormonal and hypertensive drugs. They will only increase suffering and cause inconvenience to the patient. Painkillers, anticonvulsants, antiemetics, and tranquilizers should be left.

Communication with a dying person

How should relatives who have a bedridden patient behave?

Signs of approaching death can be obvious or conditional. If there is the slightest prerequisite for a negative forecast, you should prepare in advance for the worst. By listening, asking, trying to understand the patient's nonverbal language, one can determine the moment when changes in his emotional and physiological state indicate that death is rapidly approaching.

Whether the dying person knows about it is not so important. If he realizes and perceives, it makes the situation easier. You should not give false promises and empty hopes about his recovery. It must be made clear that he last will will be fulfilled.

The patient should not remain isolated from active cases. It’s bad if there is a feeling that something is being hidden from him. If a person wants to talk about the last moments of his life, then it is better to do this calmly than to hush up the topic or complain about stupid thoughts. A dying person wants to understand that he is not alone, that they will take care of him, that suffering will not affect him.

At the same time, relatives and friends need to be prepared to show patience and provide all possible assistance. It is also important to listen, let them talk, and offer words of comfort.

Drug assessment

Do you need to tell the whole truth to relatives whose family has a bedridden patient before death? Signs of this condition?

There are situations when the family of a terminally ill patient, being unaware of his condition, literally spends their last savings in the hope of changing the situation. But even the most flawless, most optimistic treatment plan may not produce results. It will happen that the patient will never get back on his feet and will not return to active life. All efforts will be in vain, expenses will be useless.

Relatives and friends of the patient, in order to provide care in the hope of a quick recovery, quit their jobs and lose their source of income. Trying to ease the suffering, they put the family in a difficult situation. financial position. Relationship problems arise, unresolved conflicts due to lack of funds, legal issues - all this only aggravates the situation.

Knowing the symptoms of the inevitable approach of death, seeing irreversible signs of physiological changes, an experienced doctor is obliged to inform the patient’s family about this. By being aware and understanding the inevitability of the outcome, they will be able to focus on providing him with psychological and spiritual support.

Palliative care

Do relatives who have a bedridden patient in their family need help before they die? What symptoms and signs of the patient indicate that they should seek help?

Palliative care for a patient is not aimed at prolonging or shortening his life. Its principles affirm the concept of death as a natural and natural process in the life cycle of any person. However, for patients with an incurable disease, especially in its progressive stage, when all treatment options have been exhausted, the question of medical and social assistance is raised.

First of all, you need to apply for it when the patient is no longer able to lead an active lifestyle or there are no conditions in the family to ensure this. In this case, attention is paid to alleviating the suffering of the patient. At this stage, not only the medical component is important, but also social adaptation, psychological balance, peace of mind the patient and his family.

A dying patient needs not only attention, care and normal living conditions. It is also important for him psychological relief, alleviation of experiences associated, on the one hand, with the inability to independently care, and on the other, with the awareness of the fact that death is imminent. Trained nurses and doctors of palliative clinics master the subtleties of the art of alleviating such suffering and can provide significant assistance to terminally ill people.

Predictors of death according to scientists

What should relatives who have a bedridden patient expect?

Symptoms of the approaching death of a person being “eaten” by a cancerous tumor were documented by the staff of palliative care clinics. According to observations, not all patients showed obvious changes in their physiological state. A third of them showed symptoms or their recognition was conditional.

But in most terminally ill patients, a marked decrease in response to verbal stimulation could be noted three days before death. They did not react to simple gestures and did not recognize the facial expressions of the staff communicating with them. The “smile line” in such patients was lowered, and an unusual sound of the voice was observed (groaning connection).

In addition, some patients had hyperextension of the neck muscles (increased relaxation and mobility of the vertebrae), non-reactive pupils were observed, and patients could not close their eyelids tightly. Of the obvious functional disorders, bleeding was diagnosed in the gastrointestinal tract (in the upper sections).

According to scientists, the presence of half or more of these signs may most likely indicate an unfavorable prognosis for the patient and his sudden death.

Folk signs and beliefs

In the old days, our ancestors paid attention to the behavior of a dying person before death. The symptoms (signs) of a bedridden patient could foresee not only death, but also the future prosperity of his family. So, if in the last moments a dying person asked for food (milk, honey, butter) and relatives gave it, then this could affect the future of the family. There was a belief that the deceased could take wealth and success with him.

We had to prepare for near death, if the patient shuddered violently for no apparent reason. It was believed that it was death that looked into his eyes. Also a sign of imminent death was a cold and pointed nose. It was believed that it was his death that kept the candidate in last days before his death.

The ancestors were convinced that if a person with a fatal illness turns away from the light and lies face to the wall most of the time, he is on the threshold of another world. If he suddenly felt relief and asked to be transferred to his left side, then this is a sure sign of imminent death. Such a person will die without suffering if the windows and doors in the room are opened.

Bedridden patient: how to recognize the signs of impending death?

Relatives of a dying patient at home should be aware of what they may encounter in the last days, hours, minutes of his life. It is impossible to accurately predict the moment of death and how everything will happen. Not all of the symptoms and symptoms described above may be present before the death of a bedridden patient.

The stages of dying, like the processes of the birth of life, are individual. No matter how difficult it is for relatives, you need to remember that it is even more difficult for a dying person. Close people need to be patient and provide the dying person with the maximum possible conditions, moral support and attention and care. Death is the inevitable outcome of the life cycle, and this cannot be changed.

The rhetorical question asked by the Apostle Paul is “Death, when will you sting?” – worries everyone to one degree or another. It’s not for nothing that the Gospel says: “You know neither the day nor the hour.” And yet there are people in the world who are able to foresee the timing of their transition to. The basis of this ability is the same multidimensionality of the human body...

A forty-year-old driver, who had never previously complained of health, unexpectedly told his wife that he felt death was approaching. He instructed her in detail how, in what clothes and where exactly he should be buried, what kind of monument should be placed on his grave. The frightened woman begged him to quit his job, fearing a possible accident. But trouble came from a completely different direction: about two months after the conversations, the driver died of a massive heart attack right in his home.

A young woman, having arrived from the dacha and going to bed, somehow casually said: “Well, I’m tired. It’s okay, I’ll rest in the next world.” The next day, she and her husband had an accident: a truck hit their car. The woman died at the scene of the accident, and her husband was taken to the hospital in serious condition.

Famous German philosopher F. Schelling, together with his beloved wife Caroline, came to the city where he was born and raised to live for some time in his parents’ house. Once Caroline, standing at the window of the house and looking at the picturesque landscape, suddenly said: “Schelling, will you believe that I will die here?” Of course, the philosopher was amazed at the question of the young and quite healthy woman. However, a couple of weeks later, Caroline contracted a dangerous infectious disease and died, despite all the efforts of the best doctors.

The French priest Berangier Saunière, who lived in the 19th century, unexpectedly invited an undertaker to his place and asked him to take his measurements to make a coffin. The undertaker shrugged his shoulders and fulfilled the order. A few days after the order was completed, Abbe Saunière suddenly died of apoplexy.

There are many examples of this kind known. Doctors from America W. Green, S. Goldstein, A. Moss and others, studying the phenomenon of death, examined thousands of case histories of patients who suddenly died. Their research showed that most people anticipated their death in advance. However, their premonitions did not lie in prophetic statements or advance preparations for the funeral, but in a special psychological state and a desire to put their affairs in order.

It turns out that a lot of people shortly before death experience a depressive state that lasts from a week to several months before sudden death. Some scientists have suggested that this depression is caused by hormonal change in the body, and its psychological function lies in the fact that this depression, as it were, prepares the central nervous system to accept death. Be that as it may, these psychological changes indicate that, on a supernatural level, many people sense their impending transition to another plane of existence.

The changes that occur in the human body before death concern not only the sphere of his psyche, but also, above all, the state of his energy complex.
It is no coincidence that in the Tibetan “Book of the Dead” it is said that before death a person’s auric radiation extinguishes and almost completely disappears. Observations by psychics in our time have confirmed the correctness of the conclusions of ancient teachings.

So, for example, in the book by A. Landsberg and C. Faye “Encounters with what we call death” there is a story of one psychic who, in his words, saw death while standing on one of upper floors skyscraper waiting for the elevator. When the elevator approached and the door opened, the psychic was horrified: all four people standing in the cabin had no aura. WITH landing Another person entered the elevator, and immediately his auric glow disappeared. “This,” said the psychic, “I wanted to tell them to go out and wait for another elevator, but I knew that no one would listen to me.” When the elevator started moving, its cabin fell off and flew 22 floors: for some reason the emergency brake did not work. Of course, all five people in the elevator died.

Another well-known psychic in America, Alex Tanu, in his autobiographical book “Beyond Coincidence” also cited many cases made by him accurate predictions deaths of apparently healthy people weeks or months before their death.
Knowing how to “read the aura,” Alex Tanu advised one young woman not to marry the man she was engaged to: he had almost no aura. True, the psychic did not tell her the reasons for this advice - according to him, he did not have the spirit for it. A few weeks later, a woman wrote to Tan that her fiancé was found dead on the floor next to his bed: he had died of a heart attack.

American researchers A. Landsberg and C. Faye cited the following case:

“1970, December - Linda Wilson, a housewife from New Jersey, came to her neighbors for Christmas dinner and immediately felt something unpleasant. “I felt it,” she said. “I always felt like there was something freezing in my nostrils, as if I was outside in the cold.” She found the smell disgusting, overpowering the scent of the Christmas tree and the delicious food on the dining room table. The husband of the neighbor who invited Linda to dinner had Parkinson's disease, but no one, including the doctors, expected him to die. Linda Wilson did not enjoy the holiday dinner that day. “I didn’t take my eyes off Peter all evening. It was crazy, but I was convinced that he would die soon. He ate with a voracious appetite, and his cheek was flushed, but as soon as I glanced at him, I trembled. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before.” A week later, Peter fell ill with pneumonia. 5 days later he died.

But here is a domestic phenomenon. Engineer Igor K. has had the ability to foresee the death of other people since his youth. Needless to say, this ability does not bring him any joy. It all started with the fact that when he was somehow with his family, one of his distant relatives began to talk about her health problems and that, perhaps, she would soon undergo liver surgery. At some point in the conversation, Igor looked at the woman - and everything inside him went cold. Instead of the face he knew, he saw a deathly mask - lifeless, greenish in color. The illusion was so strong that Igor, citing a desire to have a smoke, left the room. Of course, he decided that it was his imagination. After smoking a cigarette in the courtyard of the house, Igor again entered the house and sat down at the table. But as soon as he raised his eyes to his relative, the terrible vision repeated itself. Igor didn’t know what to think, but he didn’t tell anyone about it.
A couple of weeks later, his relative underwent surgery. But a few days later she died - the liver disease turned out to be much more severe than the doctors thought.

Several years after that incident in construction team, which was led by Igor, a young worker came. A strong, healthy-looking man, talking with Igor, said that he wanted to quit his previous job in order to join his team. During the conversation, Igor’s gaze accidentally fell on the guy’s hands and... a familiar cold penetrated the engineer. Hand young man, lying on the table, suddenly seemed to him like the hand of a corpse - almost blue, as if ossified. "God! Again!" – thought Igor. But he immediately forced himself to throw away the dark thoughts.

Soon the young man completed the paperwork and began working. But he did not work in the brigade for long. The engineer's premonition did not deceive him. Literally two weeks later, an accident occurred at a construction site: a poorly secured multi-ton slab broke. At that moment, a worker who had recently been hired into the brigade was under the stove...

Death can be different, sometimes it is sudden among complete well-being, such a death is usually sudden, bright and tragic, but there is another death, this is a death that quietly creeps up and, as it were, humbly waits at the head of its moment, this is the death of seriously decrepit old men and women, such a death is of little interest and much less has been written about it than about her first friend. Sooner or later, we will all have to face death because “contra vim mortis non est medicamen in hortis”, sometimes death has to be met not in the intensive care unit, which is burning around the clock with all the lights, but at home, with the family, of course, this is in any case a very difficult event , but you shouldn’t completely lose your head, reveling in your experiences, but on the contrary, you should make the last days and hours of your loved one as comfortable as possible, how to recognize the signs that the end is near and help the dying person in these last difficult stages of his journey .

No one can predict when death will occur, but people on duty, often encounter people spending their last days in this world, are well aware of the symptoms of approaching death, the symptoms of the fact that there are only a few days and hours left of a human being.

Loss of appetite
In a gradually fading person, energy needs decrease more and more over time, the person begins to refuse food and drink, or take only small amounts of neutral simple food (for example, porridge). Coarser foods are usually abandoned first. Even once-favorite dishes do not bring the same pleasure. Just before death, some people are simply unable to swallow food.

What to do: do not try to force feed a person, listen to the wishes of the dying person, even if you are deeply upset by his refusal to eat. Periodically offer the dying person pieces of ice, fruit ice, sips of water. Wipe soft cloth With your lips and the skin around your mouth moistened with warm water, treat your lips with hygienic lipstick so that your lips do not dry out, but remain moist and elastic.

Increased fatigue and drowsiness
The dying person can spend most of the day sleeping, since the metabolism fades, and the reduced needs for water and food contribute to dehydration; the dying person wakes up more difficult; weakness reaches such a degree that the person perceives everything around him completely passively.

What to do: let the dying person sleep, do not force him to stay awake, do not disturb him, everything you say he can hear, it is assumed that hearing is preserved even if the person is unconscious, in a coma or other forms of impaired consciousness.

Severe physical exhaustion
A decreasing metabolism produces less and less energy, there is so little of it left that it becomes very difficult for a dying person not only to turn over in bed, but even to turn his head; even taking a sip of liquid through a straw can cause great difficulties for the patient.

What to do: Try to maintain a comfortable position for the patient and help him if necessary.

Confusion or disorientation
The functional failure of many organs increases, not bypassing the brain, consciousness begins to change, usually, at one speed or another, its depression sets in, the dying person may cease to be aware of where he or she is, who surrounds him, may speak or respond less readily, may communicate with people who are not or cannot be in the room, may speak nonsense, confuse the time, day, year, may lie motionless on the bed, or may become restless and fidget with the bed linen.

What to do: remain calm yourself and try to calm the dying person, speak softly to the person and let him know who is currently at his bedside or when you approach him.

Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath
Respiratory movements become erratic, jerky, a person may experience difficulty breathing, so-called pathological types of breathing may be observed, for example, Cheyne-Stokes breathing - a period of increasing loud respiratory movements followed by decreasing depth, after which a pause (apnea) occurs, lasting from five seconds to minutes, followed by another period of deep, loud, increasing breathing movements. Sometimes excess fluid in the airways creates a loud bubbling sound during breathing movements, sometimes called the "death rattle."

What to do: Prolonged apnea (pause between breathing movements) or loud bubbling sounds can be alarming, however, the dying person may not even be aware of this type of change, focus on ensuring overall comfort, changing positions, for example, placing a back and head under the another pillow, you can give him an elevated position or slightly turn his head to the side, moisten his lips with a damp cloth and treat his lips with chapstick. If separated a large number of sputum, try to facilitate its discharge through the mouth naturally, because artificial suction can only increase its separation, a humidifier in the room can help, in some cases oxygen is prescribed, in any case, remain calm, try to calm the dying person.

Social alienation
While the body gradually increases irreversible changes, the dying person gradually begins to lose interest in the people around him, the dying person may stop communicating completely, mutter nonsense, stop answering questions, or simply turn away.
A few days before completely plunging into oblivion, the dying person may surprise his relatives with an unusual surge of mental activity, again begin to recognize those present, communicate with them, respond to speech addressed to him; this period can last less than an hour, and sometimes even a day .

What to do: in any case, remember that all these are natural manifestations of the dying process and are not at all a reflection of your relationship, maintain physical contact with the dying person, touch, continue to communicate with him if appropriate, and try not to expect any answer from him instead, cherish the episodes of sudden clarity when they happen, as they are almost always fleeting.

Changed urination pattern
The dying person's need for food and fluids decreases; a decrease in blood pressure is part of the dying process (which, due to the latter, does not require constant correction until normal level, as well as some other symptoms), urine becomes small, it becomes concentrated - deep brownish, reddish, or tea-colored.
Control over natural functions may subsequently be completely lost during the dying process.

What to do: according to instructions medical personnel, a urinary catheter may be placed to monitor urine output and facilitate its removal, although this is usually not necessary in the final hours. The onset of kidney failure leads to the accumulation of “toxins” in the circulating blood and contributes to a peaceful coma before death occurs. And, simply, lay down fresh film.

Swelling of the hands and feet
Progressive renal failure leads to the accumulation of fluid in the body, it usually accumulates in tissues located away from the heart, that is, usually in the fatty tissue of the hands and, especially, feet, this gives them a somewhat puffy, swollen appearance.

What to do: usually this no longer requires special measures (prescribing diuretics) since they are part of the dying process, and not its cause.

Coldness in the tips of the fingers and toes
In the hours to minutes before death, peripheral blood vessels constrict in an attempt to maintain circulation to the vital organs, the heart and brain, as blood pressure progressively decreases. With spasm of peripheral blood vessels, the extremities (fingers and toes, as well as the hands and feet themselves) become noticeably colder, and the nail beds become pale or bluish.

What to do: at this stage the dying person may already be in oblivion, otherwise, a warm blanket can help support comfortable conditions, the person may complain about the weight of the blanket covering their legs, so free them as much as possible.

Skin spots
On the skin, which was previously uniformly pale, clearly visible variegation and spots of a purple, reddish, or bluish tint appear - one of the final signs of imminent death - the result of circulatory disorders in the microvasculature (venules, arterioles, capillaries), often such spotting is first detected on the feet.

What to do: no special actions need to be taken.

The described symptoms are the most common signs of approaching natural death; they can vary in the order of occurrence and be observed in different combinations in different people, in the case when the patient is in the intensive care unit, in conditions artificial ventilation, and multicomponent intensive drug therapy, the dying process can be completely different, here in general outline the process of natural death is described.

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Throughout life, the question of how a person dies of old age is of concern to most people. They are asked by the relatives of an old person, by the person himself who has crossed the threshold of old age. There is already an answer to this question. Scientists, doctors and enthusiasts have collected a wealth of information about this, based on the experience of numerous observations.
What happens to a person before death

It is not aging that is believed to cause death, given that old age itself is a disease. A person dies from a disease that the worn-out body is unable to cope with.

Brain reaction before death

How does the brain react when death approaches?

During death, irreversible changes occur to the brain. Oxygen starvation and cerebral hypoxia occur. As a consequence of this, rapid death of neurons occurs. At the same time, even at this moment its activity is observed, but in the most important areas responsible for survival. During the death of neurons and brain cells, a person may experience hallucinations, both visual, auditory, and tactile.

Loss of energy

A person loses energy very quickly, so drips with glucose and vitamins are prescribed.

An elderly dying person experiences a loss of energy potential. This results in longer periods of sleep and shorter periods of wakefulness. He constantly wants to sleep. Simple actions, such as moving around the room, exhaust a person and he will soon go to bed to rest. It seems that he is constantly sleepy or in a state of permanent drowsiness. Some people even experience energy exhaustion after simply socializing or thinking. This can be explained by the fact that the brain requires more energy than the body.

Failure of all body systems

  • The kidneys gradually refuse to work, so the urine they secrete becomes brown or red.
  • The intestines also stop working, which is manifested by constipation or absolute intestinal obstruction.
  • The respiratory system fails, breathing becomes intermittent. This is also associated with a gradual failure of the heart.
  • Failure of the circulatory system functions leads to pale skin. Wandering dark spots are observed. The first such spots are visible first on the feet, then on the whole body.
  • Hands and feet become icy.

What feelings does a person experience when dying?

Most often, people are not even concerned about how the body manifests itself before death, but about how an old person feels, realizing that he is about to die. Karlis Osis, a psychologist in the 1960s, conducted global research on this topic. Doctors and medical staff from departments caring for dying people helped him. There were 35,540 deaths recorded. Based on observations of them, conclusions were drawn that have not lost their relevance to this day.

Before death, 90% of dying people do not feel fear.

It turned out that dying people had no fear. There was discomfort, indifference and pain. Every 20th person experienced elation. According to other studies, the older a person is, the less afraid he is of dying. For example, one social survey of older people showed that only 10% of respondents admitted to fear of death.

What do people see as they approach death?

People experience hallucinations before death similar friend at a friend's place. During visions, they are in a state of clarity of consciousness, the brain worked normally. Moreover, he did not react to sedatives. Body temperature was also normal. On the verge of death, most people had already lost consciousness.

Often, visions during brain shutdown are associated with the most vivid memories of life.

Mostly, the visions of most people are associated with the concepts of their religion. Anyone who believed in hell or heaven saw corresponding visions. Non-religious people have seen beautiful visions related to nature and living fauna. More people saw their deceased relatives calling them to move on to the next world. The people observed in the study suffered from different diseases, had different levels of education, belonged to different religions, and there were also convinced atheists among them.

Often the dying person hears various sounds, mostly unpleasant. At the same time, he feels himself rushing towards the light, through the tunnel. Then, he sees himself as separate from his body. And then he is met by all the dead people close to him who want to help him.

Scientists cannot give an exact answer about the nature of such experiences. They usually find a connection with the process of dying neurons (vision of a tunnel), brain hypoxia and the release of a hefty dose of endorphin (vision and feeling of happiness from the light at the end of the tunnel).

How to recognize the arrival of death?

Signs of a person dying are listed below.

The question of how to understand that a person is dying of old age is of concern to all relatives of a loved one. To understand that the patient is about to die very soon, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

  1. The body refuses to function (incontinence of urine or feces, color of urine, constipation, loss of strength and appetite, refusal of water).
  2. Even if you have an appetite, you may experience a loss of ability to swallow food, water, and your own saliva.
  3. Loss of the ability to close the eyelids due to critical exhaustion and sunken eyeballs.
  4. Signs of wheezing during unconsciousness.
  5. Critical jumps in body temperature - either too low or critically high.

Important! These signs do not always indicate the arrival of the mortal end. Sometimes they are symptoms of diseases. These signs apply only to old people, the sick and the infirm.

Video: how does a person feel when he dies?


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If there is a bedridden patient in the house who is in serious condition, it will not hurt the relatives to know the signs of approaching death in order to be well prepared. The process of dying can occur not only physically, but also mentally. Considering the fact that each person is individual, each patient will have their own symptoms, but there are still some general symptoms that will indicate end soon life path person.

How can a person feel as death approaches?

We are not talking about a person for whom death is sudden, but about patients who have been sick for a long time and are bedridden. As a rule, such patients can experience mental anguish for a long time, because being in their right mind a person understands perfectly well what he has to endure. A dying person constantly feels all the changes that occur in his body. And all this ultimately contributes to constant changes in mood, as well as loss of mental balance.

Most bedridden patients withdraw into themselves. They begin to sleep a lot, but remain indifferent to everything that happens around them. There are also frequent cases when, just before death, patients’ health suddenly improves, but after a while the body becomes even weaker, followed by a failure of all vital functions of the body.

Signs of imminent death

Anticipate exact time leaving for another world is impossible, but paying attention to the signs of approaching death is quite possible. Let's look at the main symptoms that may indicate imminent death:

  1. The patient loses his energy, sleeps a lot, and the periods of wakefulness become less and less each time. Sometimes a person can sleep for a whole day and stay awake for only a couple of hours.
  2. Breathing changes, the patient may breathe either too quickly or too slowly. In some cases, it may even seem that the person has completely stopped breathing for a while.
  3. He loses his hearing and vision, and sometimes hallucinations may occur. During such periods, the patient may hear or see something that is not really happening. You can often see him talking to people who have long been dead.
  4. A bedridden patient loses his appetite, and he not only stops eating protein foods, but also refuses to drink. To somehow allow moisture to seep into his mouth, you can dip a special sponge in water and moisten your dry lips with it.
  5. The color of the urine changes, it becomes dark brown or even dark red, and its smell becomes very pungent and toxic.
  6. Body temperature often changes, it can be high, and then drop sharply.
  7. An elderly bedridden patient may become lost in time.

Of course, the pain of loved ones from the imminent loss of their loved one it is impossible to extinguish, but preparing and setting yourself up psychologically is still possible.

What does drowsiness and weakness in a bedridden patient indicate?

When death approaches, a bedridden patient begins to sleep a lot, and the point is not that he feels very tired, but that it is simply difficult for such a person to wake up. The patient is often in deep sleep, so his reaction is inhibited. This condition is close to coma. The manifestation of excessive weakness and drowsiness naturally slows down some of a person’s physiological abilities, so in order to roll over from one side to the other or go to the toilet, he will need help.

What changes occur in respiratory function?

Relatives who care for the patient may notice how his rapid breathing will sometimes give way to breathlessness. And over time, the patient’s breathing may become moist and stagnant, causing wheezing to be heard when inhaling or exhaling. It occurs because fluid collects in the lungs, which is no longer removed naturally by coughing.

Sometimes the patient is helped by being turned from one side to the other, then the liquid can come out of the mouth. Some patients are prescribed oxygen therapy to relieve suffering, but it does not prolong life.

How do vision and hearing change?

Minute clouding of consciousness in severely ill patients can be directly related to changes in vision and hearing. This often happens in their last weeks of life, for example, they stop seeing and hearing well, or, on the contrary, they hear things that no one else can hear.

The most common are visual hallucinations just before death, when a person thinks that someone is calling him or he sees someone. In this case, doctors recommend agreeing with the dying person in order to at least somehow cheer him up; you should not deny what the patient sees or hears, otherwise it can greatly upset him.

How does your appetite change?

In a bedridden patient, before death, the metabolic process may be reduced, which is why he stops wanting to eat and drink.

Naturally, to support the body, the patient should still be given at least some nutritious food, so it is recommended to feed the person in small portions until he is able to swallow. And when this ability is lost, then it is no longer possible to do without IVs.

What changes occur in the bladder and intestines before death?

Signs of imminent death of a patient are directly related to changes in the functioning of the kidneys and intestines. The kidneys stop producing urine, so it becomes dark brown in color, because the filtration process is disrupted. A small amount of urine can contain a huge amount of toxins that have a detrimental effect on the entire body.

Such changes can lead to complete failure of the kidneys, the person falls into a coma and dies after a while. Due to the fact that appetite decreases, changes occur in the intestines themselves. The stool becomes hard, causing constipation. The patient needs to alleviate the condition, so relatives who care for him are recommended to give the patient an enema every three days or make sure that he takes a laxative on time.

How does body temperature change?

If there is a bedridden patient in the house, the signs before death can be very diverse. Relatives may notice that a person’s body temperature is constantly changing. This is due to the fact that the part of the brain that is responsible for thermoregulation may not function well.

At some point, body temperature can rise to 39 degrees, but after half an hour it can drop significantly. Naturally, in this case, it will be necessary to give the patient antipyretic drugs, most often Ibuprofen or Aspirin are used. If the patient does not have the function of swallowing, then antipyretic suppositories can be given or an injection can be given.

Just before death, the temperature immediately drops, the arms and legs become cold, and the skin in these areas becomes covered with red spots.

Why does a person’s mood often change before death?

A dying person, without realizing it, is gradually preparing himself for death. He has enough time to analyze his entire life and draw conclusions about what was done right or wrong. It seems to the patient that everything he says is misinterpreted by his family and friends, so he begins to withdraw into himself and stops communicating with others.

In many cases, clouding of consciousness occurs, so a person can remember everything that happened to him a long time ago in the smallest details, but he will no longer remember what happened an hour ago. It can be scary when this condition reaches the point of psychosis, in which case it is necessary to consult a doctor who can prescribe sedatives to the patient.

How can I help a dying person relieve physical pain?

A bedridden patient after a stroke or a person who has become incapacitated due to another illness may experience severe pain. To somehow alleviate his suffering, it is necessary to use painkillers.

A pain reliever may be prescribed by your doctor. And if the patient does not have any problems with swallowing, then the drugs can be in the form of tablets, but in other cases injections will have to be used.

If a person has a serious illness that is accompanied by severe pain, then it will be necessary to use drugs that are available only by prescription, for example, these could be Fentanyl, Codeine or Morphine.

Today, there are many drugs that will be effective for pain, some of them are produced in the form of drops that are dripped under the tongue, and sometimes even a patch can provide significant help to the patient. There is a category of people who are very careful about painkillers, citing the fact that addiction may occur. To avoid addiction, as soon as a person begins to feel better, you can stop taking the drug for a while.

Emotional stress experienced by the dying person

Changes with a person before death concern not only him physical health, but his psychological state is also affected. If a person experiences a little stress, then this is normal, but if the stress lasts for a long time, then most likely this is the deep depression that a person experiences before death. The fact is that everyone can have their own emotional experiences, and their own will appear. own characteristics before death.

A bedridden patient will experience not only physical pain, but also mental pain, which will have an extremely negative impact on his general condition and will bring the moment of death closer.

But even if a person has a fatal illness, relatives should try to cure their loved one’s depression. In this case, the doctor may prescribe antidepressants or consultations with a psychologist. This is a natural process when a person becomes despondent, knowing that he has very little time left to live in the world, so relatives should do their best to distract the patient from sad thoughts.

Additional symptoms before death

It should be noted that there are different signs before death. A bedridden patient may experience symptoms that are not detected in others. For example, some patients often complain of constant nausea and vomiting, although their disease has nothing to do with the gastrointestinal tract. This process is easily explained by the fact that due to illness, the body becomes weaker and cannot cope with the digestion of food, which can cause certain problems with the functioning of the stomach.

In this case, relatives will need to seek help from a doctor who can prescribe medications to alleviate this condition. For example, for persistent constipation, a laxative can be used, and for nausea, other effective medications are prescribed that will dull this unpleasant feeling.

Naturally, not a single such drug can save life or prolong it indefinitely, but it can alleviate suffering dear person It is still possible, so it would be wrong not to take advantage of this chance.

How to care for a dying relative?

Today there are special means for the care of bedridden patients. With their help, the person caring for the patient makes his work much easier. But the fact is that a dying person requires not only physical care, but also a lot of attention - he needs constant conversations in order to be distracted from his sad thoughts, and to provide sincere conversations Only family and friends can.

A sick person must be absolutely calm, and unnecessary stress will only bring the minutes of his death closer. To alleviate the suffering of a relative, you need to seek help from qualified doctors who can prescribe all the necessary medications to help overcome many unpleasant symptoms.

All the signs listed above are general, and it should be remembered that each person is individual, which means that the body can behave differently in different situations. And if there is a bedridden patient in the house, his signs before death may turn out to be completely unexpected for you, since everything depends on the disease and on the individuality of the organism.


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