What business to open in a girl. What business is relevant now and what is in demand?

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We answer the question of what types of businesses are relevant in 2017. Which areas of investment are promising and why. After reading the article, you will find out which areas of business will be profitable throughout this year.

Business 2017: what is relevant in Russia despite difficult conditions

To understand what business is relevant now, you need to analyze the trends of 2016 and determine what is in demand during the crisis in Russia. The ban on the import of products from abroad, the increase in the cost of some goods, and the decline in the solvency of the population have greatly affected the work of entrepreneurs over the past two years. As a result, new trends have emerged and business has adapted to the modern economic situation.

Low-price products and products began to be in demand domestic production and fast food. Let’s take a closer look at which business areas are relevant now and will continue to develop in 2017.

Catering business: what’s trending now

Catering enterprises are one of the most profitable areas of business. But not all establishment formats are profitable. Restaurants are in a difficult situation. The target audience has decreased, customers began to save on food and moved to a lower price segment.

Fast foods, street foods, canteens and pizzerias are experiencing a real boom. In 2016, the demand for chain establishments with an average bill of 500 rubles increased. In them, customers appreciate the familiar menu, design, regular promotions, and adherence to uniform standards of quality and service.

In large cities of Russia, interest in a healthy lifestyle is growing, which is reflected in nutrition. This trend has given rise to a new format of establishments - healthy fast food and street food, juice bars and salad bars. Their feature: focus on healthy products and their minimal processing, coupled with fast service.

The expansion of the catering market has led to tougher competition. Clients have become more selective. In addition to the taste and cost of the dishes, great attention is paid to the speed of service. For delivery services, the “in 60 minutes or free” principle has already become an indicator of competitiveness.

The format of food trucks and cafes on wheels is developing dynamically. Just a couple of years ago there were only a few cars per large city. In 2016, their number increased several dozen times. The main advantage of the “on wheels” format is mobility. The entrepreneur has the opportunity to explore different territories, find out where the traffic is higher.

Current trends in the restaurant business for 2017:

Clue: follow the links to see businesses for sale in our catalogs!
  • Vape bars
  • Healthy food establishments

Hotel business: preparation for the Championship and the problem of non-residential stock

More and more Russians prefer domestic resorts and historical monuments. In addition, foreigners have increased interest in Russian cities. In 2016, Moscow and St. Petersburg became one of the most visited cities in the world. There are favorable conditions for development hotel business.

Owners of hotels and hostels need to take into account changes in legislation. The most significant of them are the law on classification and placement commercial organizations in the housing stock.

Important international events - FIFA 2018 and the FIFA Confederations Cup 2017 - will lead to the active development of the hotel business. Football matches will be held in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Yekaterinburg and 5 other cities in Russia.

Due to the arrival of fans and tourists, the occupancy of the hotel rooms will reach its maximum. Therefore, opening a hotel business now will have a long-term perspective.

The most relevant in the segment will be hostels and mini-hotels. Defining value - price policy: low cost attracts more guests. Tourists appreciate the family atmosphere of small hotels. Secondly, the owner can independently manage the business, this allows him to reduce staff to a minimum and increase profits.

Popular types of hotel business (Links lead to the catalog ready-made business"Altera Invest"):

Trading in 2017: profitable directions

The trade sector remains in demand regardless of external factors. People always need to buy food, clothing, household and hygiene items. Which areas of trade will become the most relevant in 2017:

  • Goods for children. Stabilization of the socio-economic situation in the country will lead to an increase in the birth rate. As a result, the demand for children's clothing, food, and furniture will increase.
  • Food stores. In 2017, demand for economy-class goods will continue, especially domestic analogues of foreign products. The trend toward healthy eating will generate interest in fresh, organic fruits and vegetables. In new areas of large cities, convenience store formats remain the most popular.
  • Online stores. Buyers are attracted low price, possibility of delivery. This profitable solution for entrepreneurs without experience. Investments are minimal.
  • Vending machines. In places with high foot traffic, drinks and snacks from vending machines are in demand. The ease of organizing a business and the autonomy of trade are advantages for beginning entrepreneurs.

What business is profitable to open in 2017

Working for yourself and having your own profitable business is the dream of many. However, some people do not dare to take the path of individual entrepreneurship, some do, but suffer losses, the business falls apart, and only debts and disappointment remain.

We invite you to consider topics on how to open your own business from scratch to generate income.

Selecting business ideas with minimal investment

Every businessman started his business by choosing a field of activity.

Such a choice can be prompted by life circumstances themselves (moving to countryside may give you the idea of ​​raising livestock for meat, getting a job in a flower company will awaken the desire to independently grow planting material for sale, etc.).

If this does not happen, it is better for business to choose an area in which there is some knowledge and a predisposition to work in this direction.

The less competition, the more profitable things are, so you should not follow the beaten path - time and effort will be spent much more than the return received. Competitors who have experience will be able to force a novice entrepreneur out of the market. And constant losses will not allow the business to develop. Therefore, you should choose non-standard activities, those that are required by the consumer, but they are not available, or they are presented in insufficient quantities, or the product is not of sufficient quality.

In order to find out what services or goods the consumer expects, it is best to conduct an analysis of consumer demand before starting your own business (in this area there is a demand for ornamental vegetation, and in this area there are no places for recreation, and there are a lot of young people, so it is better to open youth cafe or club with slot machines).

When analyzing, everything should be taken into account - the age and gender of the consumer, his ability to pay, the location of establishments of future competitors near this location, etc. So, for example, in a student area, a store selling planting material will not be in great demand, but a donut machine will be in place. Moreover, near universities where more girls study (teaching institutions, accounting institutions), inexpensive cosmetics will work well. Near the men's educational institutions For example, opening a gym would be relevant.

Once an idea has been chosen, all the details should be carefully considered and calculated. To do this you need to write a business plan.

The business plan will be useful in the future, without it it is impossible to obtain investments (if any are required), it will be in demand in other cases. There are even special forms for writing business plans. But at the beginning stage, such a plan is written for yourself and there is no need to adhere to special forms. The main purpose of writing is to see the approximate prospects of the chosen business.

The business plan includes:

  • The purpose of starting a business;
  • Methods, methods of activity;
  • Approximate calculation of all costs (including equipment purchases, workers' compensation, utility costs, etc.);
  • Sales market, clientele, suppliers, competition;
  • Placement of equipment, construction or rental of premises;
  • Staff;
  • Risk factor, ways to avoid losses;
  • Other.

Already from the drafting of a business plan, it will be possible to realistically assess your capabilities and see how soon you need to expect a certain profit.

Interesting fact: The man who created the world famous Fender guitars, Leo Fender, never knew how to play the guitar himself.

In order to avoid serious consequences, you should remember that:

  • You cannot take money from banks to open a business if everything is not thought out to the smallest detail and if there is no experience;
  • You should not start a business with money that is intended for important purposes (buying an apartment, education, improving your health);
  • Even before opening a case, it is necessary to outline “escape routes” and provide for the possibility of failure;
  • You should never get involved in dubious projects with huge financial investments, even if they promise instant super-profits;
  • It is necessary to constantly learn from successful entrepreneurs;
  • Running your own business will require a great deal of personal organization and conscientious treatment of your clients.

Interesting fact: McDonald's became famous not only for having many of its locations around the world, but also for firing 155 of its workers just because they gave leftover food to the homeless.

Business ideas in 2017 with minimal investment

You can without leaving own home, . This doesn't even require large investments.

Just a few ideas are worth considering.

Creation of online stores

Such a store is very convenient because you don’t need to spend money on salaries for sellers, look for staff, rent warehouses– at first you can get by on our own, and only when the matter gains momentum, you need to attract assistants.

You can sell your own products via the Internet self made, sewn bed sheets, knitted clothes, wicker furniture, pottery, furrier's products, etc.), or you can sell goods from other manufacturers if you have access to goods with a minimum cost.

The disadvantages of such trading are that due to the impossibility of inspecting the goods, buyers may return the products. When a product is purchased from another manufacturer, there may be difficulties.

Another disadvantage is that to sell commercial products you will need very powerful advertising, since competition is very strong, and competitors are not concentrated in one city (town, region), but are located throughout the country and abroad, that is, there are a lot of them.

Nowadays this type of service is very relevant, and you can earn good money.

However, there are also disadvantages.

Such a business can only be done by those who are well versed in computer capabilities.

Another disadvantage is that this business can only generate limited income, because one person can only create a certain number of sites in a certain period of time. Involving assistants (who are also good at computers) in this matter is not an easy task, such assistants can create websites themselves, they do not need management.

Internet advertising

A very popular business, it has not been particularly new for a long time. However, to this day it is in great demand and will be relevant for a long time. To do this, you need your own platform (your own website, blog), which is popular. Advertising will be placed on this site. Next, you need to find a customer who would agree to advertise their products on this site and agree on a price.

The disadvantages include the fact that this method of earning money will require knowledge computer programs and the ability to interest users and it is not always easy to find a good customer.

If you have your own car, then you can already count on income. The most common type of business is transporting people.

This type of business is very popular. With a small financial base, you can limit yourself to individual transportation of people or goods, but if finances allow, you can open a transportation company.

In order to withstand competition, the services offered must be expanded. For example, to organize not only the transportation of goods and passengers, but also animals, livestock, Construction Materials, liquid products. To do this, you need a fleet of various equipment.

The disadvantages include higher costs for the purchase or rental of equipment, which does not quickly pay off.

A service that has appeared recently, but is already popular - providing a bus for entertainment events. To turn this idea into reality, you need a bus that is equipped with tables and decorated accordingly.

The idea is good for a family business, where the husband is the driver and the wife is in charge of the entertainment program.

Here you can sell your own baked goods, food and drinks, which will also make a profit.

The disadvantages are increased competition. You can fight this with your own extraordinary imagination.

Services for parents

Children require entertainment and new methods of development, so you can offer your services here too.

First graders are yesterday's kindergarteners. Their school day ends early, and the rest of the time they are forced to be without parental supervision. Therefore, such a service as maintaining a child after school until the parents arrive is in great demand and is not widespread enough. Such groups can be organized if there is free space (if there is none, you can rent it).

It is better to work in such groups of 2-3 people. In this case, one worker will be in the group, and the other will pick up the children from lessons and bring them to the group.

Children in such a “kindergarten” are given a certain routine - lunch, rest after school, preparing lessons, games, etc.

Among the disadvantages, one can note that the income from one such group is not very large.

Organizing a Model School is also not a new idea, but there is still a demand for them. In order to stand out from the competition, it is necessary to look for outlets on television; it’s good if school children star in advertisements, their photos are located in magazines. Then the popularity of the school grows, and therefore the income of the organizer – the businessman – increases.

In order for such a business not to fall apart at the very beginning, it is necessary to find good specialists in dancing, movement, makeup, etc.

Disadvantages include: high costs for specialists, payment for renting halls, competition.

You can also organize other schools or courses - training in horse riding, a school of modern, ballroom dancing, a school for young car enthusiasts, karting drivers.

Disadvantages - it requires specialists, specially equipped premises or areas for training.

Organizing holidays is such a familiar service that a newcomer will have difficulty finding a place in this market. However, you can try. To do this you need to add a little fiction. For example, you can organize an outdoor holiday for children.

A bright event will be for any child a trip out of town in a decorated bus, with a stop at Alyonushka’s hut, with a meeting with the Old Man - Lesovichok in a real forest clearing, who will play games with them. IN winter period You can visit the winter meadow, where children will find colorful slides, snow labyrinths, snowmen and snowball fights.

Such trips can be organized not only on holidays, but also on any day, calling it “Fairy Tale Day”, “Snow Maiden’s Birthday”, “Meeting with Fairy Tale Heroes”.

This service can be offered through kindergartens, through schools (primary classes), organizing a group of children for a trip at once.

Disadvantages: a lot of training is required (albeit low-cost), many workers must be involved. Such a trip will not be cheap, so not every parent will be able to pay for such a holiday for their child.

Interesting fact: The number one best selling product in the world is the Rubik's Cube. And only then the iPhone.

Pet owners treat their pets with such care and love that they are willing to pay for various services that make life easier for their pets.

We will not describe the creation of beauty salons for dogs, clothing stores for animals and other well-known ideas. We propose to consider services that are in demand, but the market is not yet sufficiently filled with them.

Many pet owners are forced to leave home for a while. Therefore, before each trip, they rush around in search of those people who would agree to look after their pet.

In cities (even small ones) there are already pet hotels, however, not everyone is in a hurry to place their pet there. This is due to the fact that the animals are kept in individual cages or boxes, isolated from people. Pets that have been close to humans since birth experience double stress - the loss of their beloved owner (even if temporarily, but the animal does not know about it), and confinement in a cage.

Home foster care, it would seem, is not much different from a hotel, but the animal gets rid of one of the strongest stresses. Often, there are also animals in such foster care, so the bitterness of separation from the owner is not so acutely endured.

In order to organize such home foster care, it is necessary to attract many workers, because keeping many dogs or cats in one apartment is simply impossible. But this is not difficult to arrange - many single grandmothers are afraid to have animals because they do not trust their health. A cat (dog) that will live with them certain time who will be fed, provided with a tray, monitored for her condition (and the condition of the owner of the foster home), and even paid money for it – will become a desirable guest.


  • Any dog ​​or cat is not suitable for such home foster care. Aggressors and big dogs are unlikely to be able to live in someone else's house no problem.
  • Great responsibility for the health of the animal being kept.
  • Also, there is a considerable risk that the owner will take the pet back.

As an idea, you can consider creating a bakery (cafe, snack bar) for dogs and cats. Here you can prepare special dog treats, as well as sell food from well-known manufacturers.

Disadvantages: in our cities, there is still not enough demand for such bakeries.

Many owners do not have the opportunity to fully walk their dogs. Some dogs of small breeds live like this, walking only on a leash (it is dangerous to let small dogs out without a leash in the city), adapting to the leisurely pace of the mistress or owner. Meanwhile, the dog needs certain physical exercise. Owners understand this, but cannot provide their pets with a full walk every day due to work, health problems or age.

IN in this case We are not talking about regular pet walking; such a service, even if it is in demand, will not cost much.

Adopting a dog, taking it out of town, providing it with games, running, and meeting other dogs is worth a good price.

The duties of a dog trainer can include training, training burrowing dogs on animals (dachshund, west terrier), swimming for a duck (labrador).

And if you add to such a diet a weekly examination by a veterinarian, who will trim nails, clean ears and monitor the pet’s health, the price for the service will be quite impressive.

Not every owner will be able to afford such a trainer, but there may be enough of those who will cooperate. In addition, satisfied owners themselves will advertise a good trainer.

There are almost no disadvantages to such a business. Except for the time spent getting to know the dog, but that happens quickly.

Business ideas for a small town

Many people think about what kind of business they can open in small town. There are enough offers that are relevant in small cities. Here are just a few of them.

Children's freedom after secondary school always worries parents, no matter what grade the child is in.

In small towns, it is very difficult to rent a sports area that could accommodate, for example, swimming, figure skating, basketball and diving. To do this, you need several sports grounds of different quality (swimming pool, skating rink, gym). But presenting one sport will be ineffective (not everyone will go only to swimming, figure skating, etc.).

Therefore, it is better to select sports that require sports grounds of the same type. For example, you can rent a skating rink (or organize it yourself, with the help of housing offices, etc.), hire coaches and conduct lessons in figure skating, speed skating, and hockey.

If you rent a gym, you can conduct gymnastics, open a basketball, athletics section, etc.

In order for the school to be in demand and interest in it not to dry up, it is necessary to invite famous athletes, take children to big cities for the competition, look for successors for promising children.

Disadvantages: Renting premises.

There are always lonely people and, most often, such people want to give up their loneliness. The overwhelming majority of dating occurs on the initiative of those who want to find a match, but there are also people who simply need help!

Disco “For the Free” is a symbiosis of a disco and a dating club. If you apply maximum imagination to the organization of such a disco, then small town(where restaurants are expensive and entertainment options are scarce) this will be a success.

To do this, you do not need to rent the area constantly. It is necessary to take into account that people of different ages should gather in different time. For example, guests who are over 40 need appropriate music, entertainment and games appropriate for their age and an appropriate contingent.

So that the idea does not fail the first time, you should find clients in advance, send them the program of the evening and announce the cost of the ticket.

It is better if the main cost is not the tickets themselves, but the goods that will be offered at this evening (soft drinks, chocolate, ice cream, etc.).

In different age groups evenings are held at different times, ticket prices may vary.

In a small town, you can successfully sell T-shirts with interesting slogans.

The success of the business will depend on knowledge of city dates and upcoming celebrations. For example, for a school anniversary, you can release T-shirts with an inscription relating to this date (in a serious or humorous form). Near the registry office sell T-shirts “A good mother-in-law will not have a skinny son-in-law”, “Married”, etc. Near the maternity hospital “The Best Dad”, etc.

There are practically no downsides if you work with imagination and in the right places.

Organization and sale of master classes

Even small towns already have the Internet. This means there are opportunities to make money in it. For example, you can sell master classes.

This is done like this: for example, you decide to change the wheel (spark plugs, etc.) yourself. Perhaps it will be interesting for some newbie driver. Therefore, each stage is described in detail and recorded on a movie camera. After the video is ready, it can be offered for purchase on car enthusiast websites.

Such master classes can be conducted in any direction - construction works, gardening, plumbing. Master classes on makeup and handicrafts.

The disadvantages include the fact that finding a buyer for a master class is not easy.

Business ideas of 2017 that are not available in Russia

There are ideas that we are in no hurry to implement in our country. But in fact, they work great abroad.

A novice businessman may be afraid of the novelty and will not invest a lot of money in starting such a business (for example, a flower machine that dispenses bouquets of fresh flowers. You need to invest about 500,000 rubles). Therefore, we present several low-cost ideas.

This food is very popular abroad. You can make it yourself; it is made from chocolate, marmalade or caramel.

Children will be incredibly happy with this treat. You can make a small batch of dishes for testing to evaluate how such a business will go.

With such a “small” detail, sales will be successful in a children's cafe or other food outlet (this new product will also appeal to adults).

Among the shortcomings, it is only worth noting that we are wary of new products.

Old car tires We have a lot, but the sidewalks are not yet properly covered everywhere.

beautiful and cheap solution invented by the Americans. They take old tires, vulcanize them into crumb rubber, and then pour the resulting mass into ready-made molds. After drying, it turns out durable and of high quality. paving slabs, which serves for many years.

We have not yet engaged in such production, there is zero competition.

One of the disadvantages is that you still have to spend money on equipment. But these investments pay off in a matter of months.

A simple idea, but not very well developed here. Traveling to places where famous TV series were filmed is very popular abroad. For those who own a bus, the costs will be minimal. (You must remember that there is a device on the bus that reproduces footage of these places with the actions of the film characters).

Disadvantages: You need to think carefully about the filming locations of which film to offer a tour in order to get the most clients.

Expert opinion

Oleg Mansurov, Head of the youth entrepreneurial community "Preaktum"

In my opinion, the most difficult thing is to find an idea. The idea that will always inspire you, the one that will shoot into a sustainable business. The journey of an entrepreneur must begin with practical experience from setting goals and implementing them. It is important to understand what you want to achieve, how you can achieve it, and what resources are needed for this. Ideally, the idea will be packaged into a specific project or action plan.

It is project activity that lies at the heart of entrepreneurship. When we talk about the development of entrepreneurship, most often we talk about the practice of project activities.

The next step is relationship building and communication skills. These include team building, collaboration, partnerships with external players. An entrepreneur is a person who primarily works with relationships; he builds them between partners. Relationships can give you a lot, for example, people who have different assets, funds, resources, connections.

This is very important from the very beginning of the journey. You may not need the money so much as the people who have what you wanted to buy with that money. Finance is not so important at the first stage. The entrepreneur’s task is to agree on the resources he needs on a barter basis, or with deferred payment. By the way, no one canceled the investment option either.

If we talk about commerce, about trade - understand where there is demand, understand how to satisfy this demand, where to find goods with a lower price and eliminate the shortage of goods where it exists. And then move on from simple exchange to production stories.

The next stage will be increasing capitalization, reducing business costs, growth and scaling.

In short:

  1. Plan, project
  2. Team
  3. Partners
  4. Attracting investments
  5. Working to meet demand
  6. Business development


These few ideas will help someone become richer or will finally prove that there are countless areas for developing their business, and for some they may even discourage them from starting their own business.

Main, we must remember that a businessman is not a person who has been very lucky in life, but a person who has internal self-organization, tireless efficiency and the ability to overcome difficulties. That is, such qualities that everyone can cultivate in themselves.

Owning your own business is a direct path to financial freedom. Nowadays, any motivated person can take up entrepreneurial activity and achieve great success. The most important thing is to find new ideas for business in 2019, the newest ideas that will work in modern conditions.

Business with China

Chinese products are confidently conquering the domestic market, so if you are looking for new business niches in 2019, try reselling goods from China. This is enough promising direction activities that guarantee budding entrepreneurs a decent, stable income.

Has many advantages:

  • Quick profit;
  • High markup;
  • A wide range of;
  • Not bad quality;
  • Low prices;
  • Well-established delivery;
  • Development prospects.


  • Huge competition;
  • The risk of purchasing low-quality goods;
  • Long delivery times;
  • Customs duties when ordering a large consignment of goods.

If you are interested in new business ideas 2019 minimal investment, you can work according to the dropshipping scheme. But in this case, you need to create your own website on which you can post photos of the product with its detailed description. Newcomers purchase products in small wholesale quantities for 10–20 thousand rubles. Due to good markups, you can make a good profit and spend it on larger purchases. If you order a large batch of goods, Chinese sellers can give you a good discount, so you shouldn’t spend too long on dropshipping.

Reselling goods from China can hardly be called a new business in Russia in 2019. Many entrepreneurs have been supplying large quantities of Chinese products to our country for a long time and earning decent money from this, so you can safely move in this direction.

Dry wash

Another new business idea for 2019 from Europe is dry car washing. This service is beneficial not only for entrepreneurs, but also for consumers. Its main advantage is environmental friendliness, safety and, of course, mobility. A person can wash his car anywhere - in the courtyard of a house, near an office or in the parking lot of an entertainment complex.

- This is a fairly profitable activity that has its advantages:

  • Low barrier to entry;
  • There is no need to rent premises or purchase special equipment;
  • There is no need to obtain permits;
  • None additional expenses to pay water and electricity bills;
  • Mobility;
  • Development prospects;
  • Speed ​​of service;
  • Environmental friendliness.

But this new small business idea of ​​2019 also has its disadvantages:

  • Dry washing cannot be performed in the cold season, since according to technology, special cleaning agents can only be used at above-zero temperatures. In winter, at twenty degrees below zero, hardly anyone wants to work with a rag and spray. In principle, this kind of work can be done in the garage, but then there can be no talk of any mobility;
  • The fender liners and the bottom of the car are poorly washed, which means that you will not be able to properly wash an overly dirty car;
  • High cost of quality detergents.

It is most profitable to open a dry car wash in a parking lot near a shopping or entertainment center. Here you can serve about 20 clients per day. The cost of washing is about 250 rubles. This means that in one shift you can get 5 thousand rubles in revenue. At the same time, the cost of one sink is only 20 rubles. This new idea for business in 2019 can be implemented practically from scratch. Cost of one bottle detergent is approximately 500 rubles. In addition, you need to purchase several microfiber towels. You will spend another 300 rubles on this. In total, you will need only 800 rubles to start.

Decorative chrome plating of parts

They amaze with their diversity. I would like to pay special attention to one of them. We are talking about decorative chrome plating of parts. This is applied to the surface various items, special coating. You can offer your services for decorating motorcycles, bicycles, car parts, etc. The technology for applying such a coating is quite simple, so it can be easily mastered by anyone without special skills. The only problem that may arise during the work process is finding a supplier of quality reagents.

It will not require large financial investments from you. If you have your own premises, for example, a garage, you will need 100 thousand rubles to start. This money is needed to purchase special equipment and reagents. You can achieve full payback in just 2 months.


  • High level of profitability – 85-90%;
  • Stable profit;
  • Small starting capital;
  • Free education at the expense of the state and the possibility of receiving a free subsidy;
  • Exclusivity;
  • Demand.

Most often, chrome plating services are ordered by motorists, so this new business The idea of ​​2019 is better implemented on the basis of a car service center or workshop. Some car owners even chrome the body of their car, after which it turns into a real masterpiece.

Car resale

In order to open your own business, it is not necessary to take the newest business ideas of 2019. You can follow a path that other entrepreneurs have already taken many times, for example, reselling cars. This business can be safely called a home business, since to operate you do not need to rent an office or register as an individual entrepreneur. All you need to work is a computer with Internet access and a mobile phone. For each car sold, you can earn a profit of 10-20% of its total cost.

It is most profitable to deliver cars from abroad, but there are serious risks. The most a big problem– this is the buyer’s trust, since he must make 100% advance payment. But over time you will be able to solve it. The more successful transactions conducted by a businessman, the more willingly they will trust him.

In order to purchase a used domestic car, you will need approximately 50 thousand rubles. You will spend another 15 thousand rubles on its pre-sale preparation. Such a car can be sold for 80–85 thousand rubles and earn 15–20 thousand rubles on it. How more expensive car, the more income you will receive. In general, a beginning entrepreneur must have a start-up capital of at least 500 thousand rubles. But it’s better if it’s 1–2 million rubles. In this case, you can minimize everything possible risks. - This is a rather difficult, but at the same time profitable occupation. Experts recommend paying special attention to it.


Handmade products always cost much more than mass-produced products. But, unfortunately, not all talented people who know how to do something with their own hands know that such a hobby can become a permanent source of income for them.

If you are looking for ideas for business in 2019, the newest ideas can be implemented from scratch with your own hands, with virtually no start-up investment. This is the main advantage of this line of activity. Author's execution and creativity will allow you to attract a huge number of customers to your creations. allows you to start with minimal investment. You can start with 10–20 thousand rubles and after a few years develop your business into a large, highly profitable enterprise.

Restoration of old furniture

This area of ​​activity cannot be classified as the newest ideas of 2019, since many entrepreneurs in our country are engaged in this type of business. The main advantage of such a business is the minimum start-up investment. But you shouldn’t count on too much profit. As a rule, such an idea is used as the basis for the development of a larger-scale project. In addition to furniture repair, you can offer clients reupholstery of sofas and armchairs, as well as replacement of worn-out fittings. brings in a more substantial income, but in order to engage in such a business, you need to have special skills.

The main disadvantage of this line of activity is the high level of competition. To attract customers, offer them upholstery materials in different price categories and give good discounts at first.

You will spend approximately 10 thousand rubles on the purchase of tools. Fabrics and accessories will cost another 50 thousand rubles. Full payback occurs in about six months. Business profitability reaches 30%.

Production of inflatable trampolines

In the list of business ideas 2019, the newest ideas stand out for their originality and simplicity. Especially when it comes to the production of inflatable trampolines. In order to open such a business you will need special equipment. It will cost you about 300 thousand rubles. The cost of raw materials largely depends on its quality. It is best to purchase materials for the production of trampolines in bulk from foreign manufacturers through their official dealers. In general, with the cost of rent and staff salaries, you can meet 1 million rubles.

The Russian economy is developing according to its own incomprehensible laws, and, as usual, there are several scenarios for this process. We will look at the two main ones and try to predict business development for 2017.

Economic forecast and its impact on business in 2017

Option one, pro-government, optimistic. The economy is on the rise even before the New Year, and in 2017 it significantly improves its performance. GDP tends to 3-3.5%. In this case, the business can develop in any direction without any restrictions. Loans for business development will be relatively easy to obtain, and the interest rates should not be extortionate.

Option two, expert, pessimistic. Here they predict a prolonged recession, which will be long and quite depressing. GDP no more than 0.3%. The ruble is falling. Banks are increasing loan rates, people are stopping making expensive purchases. Here it is advisable to develop small business with cheap goods and services that are necessary - sometimes vital - for the majority of the population. It is worth thinking about how to open your own business with minimal investment; according to the forecast, 2017 will provide opportunities for just this.

What business is in demand now and will be in demand in 2017?

The trends at the end of 2016 will remain relevant for 2017. Here is a list of popular business areas for the coming year:

1) High technology.

There are many areas for development in this industry. You should not focus on the production of highly specialized IT -products. For example, the development of programs responsible for security is no longer so relevant; there is no high need for paid entertainment and the most complex mechanisms. Now everything is simpler, and a startup idea looks relevant and fresh mobile applications. Thanks to special design programs, you can develop applications without special developer skills. Even “dummies”, having figured it out, can declare their “creation” in serious app stores.

2) Production sector.

Imports are becoming more and more expensive, prices are going up, like space rockets, which means it's time to pay attention to production. More precisely, to create mini-workshops. They can be: foundry, forging, sewing, working with plastic and wood. For a sewing workshop, even for extras, a couple of machines and qualified workers are enough. There are also options in this business: the production of belts, bags, leather goods. And the rest of the “workshops” can easily be organized in the garage. A carpentry workshop for the production of cheap small-sized furniture can also be located there.

3) Trade.

The trading outlook for 2017 is not particularly bright. In terms of retail - negative. In addition to shops with a single price - 50, 100, 200 rubles. The main secret of success is direct deliveries from China. So far, this country is an unsurpassed leader in the production of cheap goods. Buying clothes in Europe is no longer profitable or profitable due to exchange rates.

4) Agriculture.

Sanctions continue, the list of unfriendly countries is growing, and so is the need for import substitution. A personal one would be a good help subsidiary farm. Options for business - rabbit breeding, breeding geese, quails, planting herbs in greenhouses, growing, collecting herbs for teas.

5) Video industry.

Advertising budgets are being cut, and companies need inexpensive, non-standard promotion that works. Video - the latest trend advertising market. Viral videos are made by private individuals, and for $200-300 they get a product of acceptable quality. The second type of earning money from video is video blogging and providing your videos for advertising. Here, even a diligent single person can earn a couple of thousand dollars a month.

Global and Russian business trends 2017

Several notable global trends that will tell you what business to open during the 2017 crisis.

  • People need money and constantly take out loans. For convenience, microcredit organizations can offer loans entirely online with credit to an account or plastic card.
  • The consumer demands an environmentally friendly product. Naturalness and others are in trends useful qualities natural products. Brands are also rapidly going green.
  • The trend towards the use of crowdfunding. Do you know that money for a really interesting business project can be raised by the whole world? This collection is crowdfunding. There are special platforms online for this process.
  • Alternative energy and everything connected with it. Gas microturbines, electric units, solar panels- this is what the future looks like.

IN Russian business the trends are different. The list will be succinct and short.

  • import substitution (production of fish, mushrooms, vegetables, fruits and berries);
  • anti-collection business (collectors cause inconvenience to many people);
  • domestic tourism (new tempting routes and holidays - Raspberry Day in Ryazan, Cucumber Day in Kostroma, etc.);
  • online business (IT , applications, video blogs).

How to come up with a relevant business idea?

It seems that all niches in the field of entrepreneurship are already firmly occupied. But that's not true. There is a technique for finding a free “place in the sun.”

Here is a sequence of steps to determine which business is currently relevant in 2017 and beyond.

  1. Look in other countries. Be inspired by the USA, a country of small businesses, where 90% of enterprises are individual entrepreneurs. There is still a sea of ​​unused ideas.
  2. Think about what you really like. And build on this when developing a plan.
  3. Assess what the citizens in your place of residence lack. Ask your friends, people on the streets. Define your target audience.
  4. Conduct a banal brainstorming session with loved ones who approve of your proposed start-up.
  5. Remember that they usually work classic models business into which you can add some creativity. The two main criteria for your future business are: cheap price and mass participation.

Top 10 ideas for business from scratch

When you want to get out of your comfort zone and finally open... own business, but no money, a list of ideas on how to start your own business almost from absolute scratch will help.

  • Travel agency. You collect money for the tour, look for great deals, hire a tour guide, and control it. Start with excursions, at least around your hometown.
  • Children holidays. Treat the kids with a unique show. Let it be not only boring pseudoscientific experiments and soap bubbles, but also high-quality costumes and the sparkle of neon. Use unusual accessories for the holidays.
  • Design studio, web studio. Practice creating websites, web elements, banners. Learn the basics html - layout and web analytics. First, try yourself on freelance exchanges.
  • Psychological support service. Believe me, many people just want to be listened to carefully and helped to understand the difficulties. To do this, however, it is worth taking at least psychological courses.
  • Consumer Rights Protection Organization. If you are a lawyer or a person well versed in the law, you are lucky - you are able to organize a sought-after service designed to help citizens protect their rights. After all, how many people are offended by this or that company looking for justice on the Internet! Monitor and offer your services without forgetting to maintain a web page.
  • Production knitted clothes. Suitable for women on maternity leave or for pensioners. Free time dedicate yourself to creating lovely little things from yarn or thread. Then you can purchase a knitting machine and increase production volumes. Open an online store on a social network.
  • Home dining or cooking classes. Without leaving your home, look for people interested in food or training. And if you know how to cook well, you will have something to offer them.
  • Private makeup artist, hairdresser. A start-up will allow you to save money and subsequently purchase an office, and then create a company.
  • Intermediary activity is the search for certain services for a fee.
  • Other options: photographer, training organizer, seller (reselling goods on the Internet).

Top 10 business ideas with minimal investment

If you still have cash, then it would be logical to start a business with minimal investments; 2016 was conducive to this and 2017 will be the same. Promising ideas are as follows:

  • Unusual cafe: in the dark, in a tree, in a greenhouse (jungle cafe), themed (only shrimp, Peruvian cuisine, steampunk style).
  • Emergency Commissioner Service
  • Smoking booths or mobile smoking areas are great for public events.
  • Vending (trade through vending machines - small items, sweets, rolls, soda, photo printing, calling a taxi, etc.)
  • Exhibition of illusion paintings
  • Takeaways - points selling soft ice cream in cones; different types teas, coffee, fruit drinks, milkshakes; folk pizzerias (tasty, cheap, fast).
  • Sale of information products (consultations on the Internet, texts, forecasts, analyses, reviews, etc.)
  • Laser attractions (like going through a labyrinth of laser beams, like in the movie)
  • Services for the elderly population (club of interests, consultations, healthy lifestyle, orthopedic products, useful education).
  • Car wash on call, dry car wash ( through The polarizer is applied with washing liquid, and then the surface is wiped dry with a rag).

How to open your own business with minimal investment: stages

Stage one. First, generate an idea, or look through all business ideas 2017 with minimal investment, and then start looking for money. We'll tell you where to get them from. Use the resources of your family and close friends. If not, try finding business angels.

Business angels are not flocking to your light? Take part in a program from the regional government - there is probably something like the “School for Aspiring Entrepreneurs”. Based on the results of your education, there is a possibility of receiving a subsidy or grant at the end.

Stage two. Compose detailed business plan and a basic cost estimate. Plan your actions as the head of your own mini-enterprise.

Stage three. Realize your plans! Create conditions and a team, maintain the fighting spirit. Read specialized literature on your topic, at least a page a day, communicate with colleagues. Think about development.

To be successful in business, it is important not only to do what you like, but also to follow modern trends. Business sectors do not stand still - everything develops, some faster, some more gradually. But changes are happening everywhere. If you are going to start your own business in 2019, then research and analysis will be a mandatory step current state business market. We have compiled for you a small list of those business ideas that present the greatest promise in the next two years.

Mobile applications

Surely, you have heard more than once that mobile technologies are increasingly conquering the world. Experts call the mobile application development industry one of the most promising in the coming years. And the sooner you plunge into this area, the greater your chances of starting to make good money from it.

There are just a lot of ideas for creating mobile applications. These can be games, applications for organizing your work process (various planners and electronic notepads), applications for children (educational and entertaining). By the way, pay special attention to mobile applications for children. Nowadays, children get mobile phones from a very early age, and there are not as many specialized applications for them as for adults.

, you need to be able to work with special software that will allow you to create mobile applications; and have a good understanding of human psychology.

Training courses

People are willing to pay money to learn something they really need. If you are an expert in some field or simply have an excellent understanding of something, then consider opening your own courses. The area is especially relevant now information technologies and software. Are you good at Photoshop? Or do you know all the details specific language programming? Why not start teaching this to others and make money by selling your knowledge.

To achieve success in this line of business, it is important not only to have an excellent understanding of the subject of study, but also to have the skills to teach and organize an effective learning process.

Opening of EMS fitness studio

EMS fitness studios appeared relatively recently. Previously, most fitness clubs used old, bulky and inconvenient wired EMS machines, which hindered movement and caused inconvenience.
In the summer of 2016, wireless EMS suits for training and fitness appeared in Russia for the first time - such as the i-Motion wireless EMS suit. Over the past six months, more than 150 fitness studios have opened in Moscow alone. From this you can see the growing trend in the popularity of this line of business.

People who are concerned about the beauty and health of their body are now paying attention primarily to EMS training. Exercises with EMS equipment are much more convenient and effective than conventional exercises. The principle of EMS training is that you exercise in a special suit for only 20 minutes, which is equivalent to 4 hours of hard training in the gym.

Do you have many EMS fitness studios in your city? Most likely not yet, so open yours and be one of the first. In this business, choosing the right equipment is very important. Pay attention to Spanish EMS equipment, namely the i-Motion wireless EMS suit.

This is an example of high-quality EMC equipment for such training. The i-Motion EMS simulator is certified in Russia, and you do not need a medical license to work with it. The official representative of the manufacturer in Russia offers full service, so there should be no difficulties in working with the equipment.

As for the potential income from this type of fitness studio, it is quite easy to calculate. The cost of one 20-minute EMS training varies from 700 rubles. up to 3000 rub. Up to 25 EMS training sessions can be carried out per day, since the suit has an antibacterial coating and does not require long-term maintenance between different clients. Accordingly, the potential income is up to 75,000 rubles per day from one suit.

Mobile “cafes”

The modern rhythm of life influences the way a person eats. Not always and not everyone manages to find time to have lunch in a “traditional” cafe - with tables and waiters. You have to snack on the go. Mobile food outlets appear on city streets quite quickly - you've probably ordered a glass of coffee or a croissant from such a mini-cafe at least once. A definite advantage of such a business is its mobility - you can test different locations and move your cafe to those places where demand is greatest. You can offer customers drinks (coffee, tea, juices, cocktails), baked goods with fillings (hot dogs, croissants, sandwiches), and sweets.

, from the very beginning, set a course for creating a whole network of mobile “cafes”. One or two outlets will not bring you much income, but a whole network of outlets around the city is another matter.

Vending machines

We have already written about vending more than once, and in the selection of current business ideas it is simply impossible not to mention it again. Abroad, vending machines are much more familiar to people and more widespread than here. Nevertheless, the topic is very relevant and has great prospects. Vending machines do not require constant supervision; you just need to arrive on time to fill them with goods and collect the proceeds.

To achieve success in this line of business, you need to be able to negotiate the placement of a vending machine in a location that is advantageous to you. Places with thousands of people daily work best.

Sale of environmentally friendly products

There's so much now harmful products in supermarkets, that any store with more or less “clean” products will stand out favorably against the general background. Vegetables, fruits, meat, dairy products, in the cultivation and production of which no chemical additives were used, will be a very popular product among urban residents if it is “presented” to them correctly.

To achieve success in this line of business, it is important not to create the “appearance” of usefulness, but to sell truly environmentally friendly and harmless products. Carefully select suppliers of environmental products and work only with proven and conscientious ones.

Trade in goods for children

Parents are ready to buy anything for their children, as long as their offspring are happy and do not need anything. This is why parents as a category of consumers are so attractive to businessmen. You can sell children's clothing, shoes, toys, educational and educational products, and children's hygiene products. If in doubt, start by trading one type of product. In this business, you can go as far as creating an entire shopping complex for children, which will be no less in demand than “adults”.

Printing house

This business idea is to open a printing house and print any paper products to order, most of them advertising. Since advertising has played and continues to play a huge role in almost any business, many companies print tons of advertising brochures, posters, leaflets and so on.

If the equipment allows you to print products in large volumes, you will be able to cooperate directly with advertising agencies. In general, the business is not bad, the main thing is to be able to take your place in the sun.

To achieve success in this line of business, you need to use only professional equipment and provide customers with a quality guarantee.

Repair services

We are talking about household repair work - from small to large. You can start such a business together with several partners or even alone. You don’t even need a special room at first - you can store the tools in your garage. In the future, this business can develop into an entire repair organization with a staff of workers specializing in one or another type of work.

To achieve success in this line of business, it is important to work conscientiously. Only high quality completed work will make your clients recommend you to their friends.

Sports institution

This includes fitness clubs, gyms, and sections on a certain type sports - choose what you like. Healthy image life does not even think about losing its popularity: just look at how many visitors there are in popular sports clubs. This business requires quite serious investments, because simulators and other equipment are not cheap.

To achieve success in this line of business, you need to work smartly on the pricing policy of services.

Hostels and mini-hotels

A particularly relevant business idea for tourist cities. Not everyone wants and not everyone can spend a lot of money on expensive “star” hotels. A cozy and inexpensive hostel is what many people look for when traveling. Open such an establishment in 2019, and it will be a great start to your business. In addition, a hostel will not require huge investments (by the standards of a large business) - it can be created from several united apartments.

To achieve success in this line of business, love and respect your guests. Provide them with a clean and comfortable place to sleep and rest.


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