Which insulation is better? Comparison of the effectiveness of home insulation. Choosing inexpensive but effective insulation for the home Modern insulation for the home from

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The traditional solution to the problem of heat loss in the house and maintaining a comfortable temperature regime is solved by modernizing and insulating door and window openings, as well as installing additional heating equipment. Along with these methods, the technology of insulating wall surfaces is increasingly being used.

And of course, it is impossible to carry out such a procedure without high-quality and effective materials. What do residents of apartments and houses, as well as contractors and repair crews most often choose?

Modern best insulation for walls

In the process of choosing the most suitable one, one has to consider a fairly extensive line of trade presented by trading establishments.

The classification of this type of material is multifaceted and differs according to the following criteria:

Production format

In the practice of wall insulation, the following are used:

  • Rolled types of insulators
  • Materials in the form of plates

Origin of raw materials for insulation

Organic insulating materials. This category includes those insulation materials whose components are of natural origin. For example - wood, felt, jute, rubber, basalt, tow, cellulose.

Insulation materials of inorganic origin. This type includes materials created on the basis of artificial components and synthesized chemically. Most often, polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam, and their other analogues are used for insulation.

Insulation structure

Another indicator is structural content. There are three categories in this classification:

Functional purpose

Insulation materials differ and are also classified by type of application:

  • For insulating the inner surface of walls
  • For external insulation of wall structures

Characteristics and properties of modern insulation materials

The practicality of each of the listed categories of wall insulation can be characterized by several parameters. In general, all of their advantages have identical characteristics, boiling down to the following advantages:

  • Modern insulation materials for wall surfaces have improved thermal insulation properties. This is their main purpose and different types of these materials have these parameters to varying degrees.

In this case, the thermal conductivity coefficient is taken into account - this is another important argument in choosing a thermal insulator for the walls of a building. The lower this indicator, the more effective the insulation. This parameter ranges from 0.03 units of measurement for polyurethane foam (the most effective indicator) to 0.047 for mineral wool and expanded polystyrene.

  • Ability to accumulate moisture. The less the material accumulates moisture, the more effective and durable it is. At the same time, the ability to repel excess moisture serves as a guarantee of the safety of the walls from fungal formations
  • Fire resistance. A very important argument. Some types of insulation can withstand temperatures up to +1000 degrees without damaging structural components
  • Excellent sound insulation properties
  • Environmental requirements
  • Long period of use of the material
  • Resistance to deformation
  • Vapor barrier
  • Resistance to biological factors

And, of course, in addition to all the advantages of wall insulation, their cost appears in a favorable light. In addition, one cannot fail to mention such details as the speed of installation of insulation with these materials and the low labor intensity of the work.

Characteristics of wall insulation

The best insulation for walls

When laying and installing a heat insulator, it is necessary to take into account the configuration of the wall, its heat resistance, moisture permeability and thickness. Guided by these criteria, you should choose the insulation material. But the characteristics of each insulation do not always allow its use in certain situations.

Expanded polystyrene is the best insulation for walls from the inside

The optimal choice for internal insulation is polystyrene foam. Due to its small thickness, it will not affect changes in the dimensions of the interior.

Technical characteristics of polystyrene foam

Polyurethane foam is the best insulation for external walls

But for insulating walls outside, polyurethane foam is more suitable. It belongs to the category of sprayed materials, and therefore is simple and accessible in the insulation process, it does not require much labor.

To spray polyurethane foam you will need to have special spraying equipment.

It retains heat perfectly and does not conduct it in the opposite direction. In addition, when sprayed, this material is laid as a continuous sheet, which leads to the absence of joints and potential places for heat leakage.

Polyurethane foam has a high degree of adhesion, which allows it to be used on wall surfaces of any material.

Technical characteristics of polyurethane foam If you prefer organic insulation materials, then it is best to use mineral wool insulation. Known and proven which makes it one of the best thermal insulation materials.

More cheap option- insulation with foil, the use of which is very diverse, and the installation considered is easy and simple.

Which is the best insulation for walls?

Based on the characteristics, properties and functional purpose, choosing insulation for walls must be guided by practical considerations. One or another insulator may be more suitable for each case.

You should not make a purchase based on budgetary considerations, since this approach will neutralize the effectiveness of insulation. But it is more important to choose an effective material that meets the necessary criteria, thereby making the home more comfortable and heating costs lower.

Video about the best insulation for walls

Of all the available thermal insulation materials for walls, two have been singled out - polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam. The attached videos indicate their characteristics, properties, as well as pros and cons.

Advantages and disadvantages of expanded polystyrene.

Pros and cons of polyurethane foam.

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How to choose the right insulation for your home

As you know, there are no good and bad insulation materials. There are materials that are suitable in this particular situation, or those that are not. In order to figure out what kind of insulation you need, you should first determine where you are going to install it and what result you want to get at the output. In this review we will talk about how to choose the right insulation for a house, cottage or city apartment, taking into account the type and characteristics of load-bearing structures.

Related factors when choosing a material

Comparing materials is a good thing and, of course, necessary, but before you decide for yourself which better insulation to apply, you need to study the object being insulated. For example, one of my friends for a long time could not figure out how much 6x6 soft mineral wool was needed for a house. The house is brick and someone told him that the walls should breathe. As a result, after the man was explained, he bought polystyrene foam, installed it himself and was satisfied.

Well, that was a small lyrical digression, but now let’s figure out where the heat goes most of all. In this case, we will focus on a private house; a dacha is just one of the options for such a structure.

And a city apartment is deservedly considered the simplest design in terms of insulation, since there is already some safety margin already built in, it only needs to be slightly adjusted and improved.

If you believe the old, Soviet SNiPs, the main heat loss in a private house occurs through the roof or attic floor. The second place was firmly held by the windows, and only in third place were the walls. At that time, no one thought about the foundation at all; cold floors had to be put up with as if it were a natural disaster. Now, thanks to the advent of modern materials, the situation has improved.

They have already done everything they could with the windows and until some new fantastic technology appeared, double or triple glazing remain the height of perfection.

Breathing walls as the most common myth

Nowadays, both online and offline, the idea is being actively promoted that a safe home should be as natural as possible, or rather made of natural materials, and most importantly, the walls must breathe. I think the authors of this idea are careless advertisers.

If the house is stuffy, people have a hard time breathing and there is a constant desire to ventilate the room, they immediately try to convince people that all these troubles are supposedly due to the fact that air does not pass through the walls. So, any more or less knowledgeable builder will tell you that this is not true.

A comfortable atmosphere, for example, in a wooden house arises not because air from the street passes or does not pass through the walls, but because wood is perhaps the most environmentally friendly material; it is capable of absorbing excess moisture from the room and subsequently releasing it if necessary.

The passage of air through a solid wooden frame or walls made of newfangled aerated concrete is, of course, greater than that of brick structures, but still this figure is so small that professionals do not even mention it.

Comfort in the room depends not so much on what your walls are made of and what insulating material is installed outside or inside, but on the level of air humidity. The higher it is, the harder it is for you to breathe. With good air conditioning and normal ventilation, it will be comfortable to stay in any home.

In order to completely dispel your doubts about the breathing of walls, I will cite another immutable physical law, known to every builder. Steam and heat always move from indoors to outdoors and nothing else. That's why they say that wooden house it is necessary to insulate it with a vapor-permeable material, this is done so that moisture does not become clogged in the massif, but goes out into the street. Otherwise, the tree will begin to deteriorate.

Breathing walls, in the understanding of the common man, do not exist. Here it would be more correct to talk about the ability of the material to absorb excess moisture from the air and give it back when the air becomes dry. This is the best natural conditioner that nature gave us.

Sometimes it happens that people build a wooden house because it is environmentally friendly inside and out. But they soon realize that in our winters, insulation is still needed. After which, succumbing to bright advertising, they buy extruded polystyrene foam and insulate the walls of the house with it.

As a result, if you choose external installation, the wood will begin to rot, since moisture will be retained in it, and in the case of internal installation, of course, nothing will happen to the wood, but people, instead of environmentally friendly housing, find themselves in a “plastic bag” "

By the way, approximately the same applies to porous building materials, such as aerated concrete, foam concrete or expanded clay concrete. They, of course, do not rot from moisture, but are actively destroyed.

In pursuit of environmentally friendly insulation materials

The question of how to choose a cheap and at the same time environmentally friendly building material and the same insulation for it has always interested people. And now, in times of global economic crisis and bourgeois sanctions against our country, it is especially acute:

  • The general, sometimes even fanatical, passion for environmental cleanliness has led to the fact that people began to blindly believe advertising. At the same time, I personally know of only one truly inexpensive and environmentally friendly insulation material - dry expanded clay.

Please note that it is dry expanded clay, expanded clay concrete and its derivatives that are less compliant with environmental safety requirements. But expanded clay is a bulk material that is afraid of moisture, and accordingly, its scope of application is very limited;

  • Various types of mineral wool, which are often positioned as environmentally friendly, are in fact far from such a definition. More precisely in pure form basalt or glass are completely safe and practically natural materials, but the problem is that artificial phenol-formaldehyde resins are used to bind the fibers in all types of wool, and these compounds are initially considered dangerous;
  • Another pseudo-pure insulation material is slag wool. By habit, it is classified as mineral insulation. But for some reason they forget that it is made from blast furnace slag (a by-product of the metallurgical industry). You can believe me, in the blast furnace slag there is almost the entire periodic table and talk about some kind of high level environmental safety is not an issue here;
  • When you start talking about environmentally friendly insulation in a store, they immediately start offering you ecowool. From the seller’s point of view, the technique is almost a win-win, because here even the name of the insulation speaks for itself.

When you dig deeper, it turns out that the material is actually 81% recycled cellulose, 12% boric acid and 7% borax. There are no complaints about cellulose; it is taken from waste paper or wood. But boric acid and borax are very far from chemicals useful for humans.

If natural material, from which this or that insulation is made naturally burns well, rots or is afraid of insects, and the insulation itself is protected from these misfortunes, think about what kind of harsh chemistry it was necessary to impregnate it in order to get such a result.

Some go to the other extreme, build houses from natural, untreated wood, and blow ecowool under the lining inside. As a result, within a year the tree begins to darken and cracks appear. Having come to their senses, people begin to smear everything on the wood, but the rescue instructions are much more expensive. So it turns out that high quality and durability do not coexist with 100% naturalness.

In my opinion, one of the most environmentally friendly and at the same time durable buildings is a brick or some kind of block house in which external cladding metal profile with insulation.

From an environmental point of view, the outer cladding does not pose any danger, since the steam moves from the room to the street. Accordingly, most slab insulation materials, as well as any types of insulating foam, can be used here.

Types of insulating materials

Before considering the materials themselves for insulating a house, it would be useful to remember the basic physical and chemical characteristics. Simply put, what determines the effectiveness of a particular material:

  • Most important characteristic of any insulation is the thermal conductivity coefficient. It shows how much heat can pass through a material under the same laboratory conditions. The lower the value of the thermal conductivity coefficient, the higher quality the material is considered.
    Although there are nuances here. For example, mineral wool and ordinary foam plastic have similar indicators, but wool material is hygroscopic and with increasing humidity, its thermal conductivity coefficient will increase. This is why cotton wool needs waterproofing, plus the thickness of the wool is always greater than the thickness of the foam;

  • The next equally important indicator is the vapor permeability of the material.. It must be taken into account when deciding which material is best to insulate the house from outside. For wooden houses and buildings built from cellular concrete, the level of vapor permeability of the insulation must be higher, otherwise moisture will be clogged in the supporting structure. At the same time, when insulating foundations, it is desirable that the vapor permeability be generally zero;
  • The density level of the insulation allows you to calculate the amount of material and the load on bearing structures . The denser the insulation, the more powerful the supporting structure should be;
  • Such a characteristic as heat capacity relates indirectly to insulation. This parameter indicates the ability of the material to accumulate and retain heat. It is taken into account when it comes to what is the best material to insulate a house from outside. For example, wood and cellular concrete have a low heat capacity, but a brick house has perhaps the highest;

  • The durability of any insulation directly depends on its biological stability. This characteristic indicates the material’s ability to resist fungi, mold, insects and rodents;
  • Great importance is attached to the flammability of insulation. If at home the owner is still free to install any insulation he likes, then in the case of public buildings, not every material will be missed by the fire inspector.

Mineral wool

At the moment, mineral wool is considered one of the most common insulating materials. To be precise, cotton insulation is a whole direction, within which materials are divided into 3 categories:

  1. The first direction includes materials made from minerals. Most often we are talking about basalt. This mineral is of volcanic origin, as a result of which the insulation can withstand up to 1200 ºС;
  2. The cheapest type of wool is glass wool. As it is not difficult to understand from the name, glass wool is made from ordinary glass. The material is melted and formed into fine fibers. The performance characteristics of glass wool are very mediocre, the only advantage is the low price;

  1. Slag is made from blast furnace waste. It's not expensive, but environmental Safety She's pretty low.

The technology for producing cotton wool is quite simple, and the starting material is not expensive, as a result the cost and final price of the product are quite acceptable. This insulation is easy to install with your own hands and does not burn.

As I already mentioned, the biggest and most important disadvantage of cotton wool is its high hygroscopicity. This material must be protected from the outside with a vapor-permeable membrane, otherwise it will become saturated with moisture and become unusable.

When installed correctly, wool is suitable for insulating almost all parts of a building. It can be installed anywhere from the floor to the roof, both outside and inside. Basalt and slag wool are some of the few materials that are suitable for insulating chimneys. Glass wool cannot be placed on chimneys, it will sinter.

In private homes there is only one sector, which is strictly prohibited from being insulated with cotton wool. This is external insulation of reinforced concrete foundations. This is due to the fact that, in addition to its hygroscopicity, cotton wool is not able to withstand high soil pressure; it simply wrinkles.

Cotton wool is produced in the form of soft mats rolled into rolls, as well as rather dense cotton slabs. To insulate pipes, separate semicircular cocoons are produced, although, in fact, cocoons for pipes are just one of the varieties of slab wool.

Foam glass

Foam glass appeared relatively recently. The point here is that a foaming agent is added to ordinary molten glass and blocks are formed from this material. The technology is still “raw”, so the defect rate is quite high, as a result the cost of this product is simply sky-high.

Foam glass blocks are a durable and environmentally friendly material. This insulation does not change its characteristics over time and can be used for as long as desired. The principle here is that you pay once and forget about the problem.


Perlite is made from a mineral that contains water in its pores. The technology is the simplest, the mineral is subjected to a sharp thermal shock, as a result of which the water quickly evaporates, leaving many small bubbles in the mass.

The material is not expensive, but it generates too much dust, plus, like cotton wool, perlite is afraid of moisture, so it requires waterproofing. In its pure form, perlite is rarely used as insulation. Typically, granules and perlite sand are added when making cellular concrete and cement blocks.

Expanded clay

Expanded clay has been actively used as insulation for more than half a century. Expanded clay is the name given to granules made from foamed and fired clay. As you can imagine, the price for this product is quite reasonable. Fired clay does not burn and can lie in a dry place for as long as desired.

The two biggest disadvantages of expanded clay are the fear of moisture and the fact that it is free-flowing. It is almost impossible to insulate walls with this material. Most often it is used to insulate attic floors and floors. In other words, it is only suitable for working with horizontal surfaces.


Foam boards now share the palm with mineral wool. But unlike cotton wool, polystyrene foam is completely indifferent to moisture, plus it is a partially vapor-permeable material.

Fungus and mold are not harmful to polystyrene foam, and it is inexpensive. Rodents are a rather serious problem with such insulation. They love to build their nests in foam plastic.

For construction needs, a slab with a density of 25 kg/m³ is most often used. Denser varieties of polystyrene foam are more expensive, and loose material crumbles badly, which is why it quickly becomes unusable. Previously, foam chips were used to insulate floors and ceilings; now this practice is slowly being abandoned, since the chips are very light and are only suitable for filling in closed boxes.

Extruded polystyrene foam

Extruded polystyrene foam is made from the same material as the above-mentioned foam. But this is a more modern insulation. It has good mechanical strength and can withstand high pressure. Such slabs are now actively used for insulating reinforced concrete foundations and are laid in a screed.

Extruded polystyrene foam, unlike polystyrene foam, has a closed pore structure, as a result of which it is absolutely impermeable to water. To insulate walls, it can only be used in houses made of dense material, for example, brick. When installed on the roof, this material requires enhanced ventilation.

But increased density and zero vapor permeability in some cases can be an advantage. So extruded polystyrene foam does not need waterproofing. By and large, it itself is a good waterproofing agent.

Although extruded polystyrene foam is a self-extinguishing material, when exposed to an open flame it burns well and emits a caustic, suffocating gas. Rodents, as a rule, are not interested in it.

In fact, it is suitable for insulating any surfaces that do not require active vapor exchange. In other words, it is not recommended to insulate the walls of wooden houses and houses made of cellular concrete with this material.

As for cost, extruded polystyrene foam firmly occupies the average price niche. It costs significantly more than polystyrene foam, cotton wool or expanded clay, but is cheaper than polyurethane foam and foam glass.

Insulating foam

In this niche, the leaders are 2 types of foam: polyurethane foam and penoizol. Polyurethane foam has the highest characteristics. This is one of the varieties polyurethane foam. This insulation is applied in a continuous layer and is considered to be of the highest quality, since in principle it cannot have any cold bridges.

Foam is quickly applied to any surface, including surfaces with complex geometry. This is one of the best options for insulating the roof from the inside. The characteristics of polyurethane foam are close to the main parameters of extruded polystyrene foam. It does not allow moisture to pass through and can withstand soil pressure on the foundation.

This insulation has only 2 serious drawbacks:

  • Firstly, polyurethane foam costs quite a lot of money;
  • And secondly, the material cannot be applied with your own hands.

The fact is that spraying requires appropriate qualifications, and most importantly, it cannot be done without special professional equipment. This is actually why polyurethane foam is expensive, because half of the money goes to paying employees.

Penoizol is much cheaper. To install it, you also need to hire professionals, but the cost of the material is much lower there.

Without going into details, I will only say that penoizol is practically the same polystyrene foam, only in liquid form. Most of their characteristics are similar. As far as I have come across, people choose penoizol when they need to quickly and relatively inexpensively insulate structures.


I have already mentioned ecowool a little. Now this insulation is actively gaining popularity. When it first appeared, prices were astronomical, but at the moment they are slowly falling.

In principle, there is nothing expensive there. The basis is waste paper, that is, cheap material, boric acid and borax, which are also not particularly expensive. In addition, our production workers have long mastered this technology and produce high-quality and at the same time not very expensive goods.

Ecowool can be installed in two ways. When horizontal attic and interfloor floors are insulated, you can simply pour it out and fluff it up, much the same way as any loose insulation. On walls and other surfaces with complex geometry, ecowool is sprayed with a compressor. This technology is similar to foam application.

According to the manufacturers, this material is not afraid of biological pests and does not burn; more precisely, ecowool can only smolder when exposed to an open flame. But as far as I have encountered, it all depends on the integrity of the manufacturer. In this niche, you shouldn’t chase a cheap product; it’s impossible to visually check the quality, so it’s better to focus on the brand.

Related insulation materials

By accompanying insulation I mean materials that are insulation in themselves, but can only be used as a supplement to the main material.

Not so long ago, only natural materials such as linen, jute or tow were used in this niche. They caulked the crowns in wooden log houses, insulated windows, doors and other similar structures. But as you understand, natural materials are not durable and now people are switching to foamed polyethylene and synthetic winterizer.

Foamed polyethylene, better known as isolon, has a thickness of 10 - 15 mm. This fabric can be produced with a foil coating or without it. Most often, this “blanket” is used to cover mineral wool and other hygroscopic insulation materials. The foil layer acts as a waterproofing agent, and foamed polyethylene enhances the effect of the thermos.

Synthetic insulation in houses is used much less frequently. To make it clearer to you, it is synthetic padding that is sewn on as an insulating lining on jackets, coats and other winter items.

The fabric itself is quite thin and to get a noticeable effect it needs to be wound in several layers. Sintepon is cheaper than isolon, so it is sometimes installed in dry rooms for reasons of economy.

Insulation of various structures

We sort of figured out the general characteristics and purpose. Now let's talk about what materials are used to insulate specific structures.

Roof and attic floor

To insulate a sloping roof, it is customary to use dense basalt wool slabs. Extruded polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam can be installed, but here you will have to take care of additional ventilation.

Although the fastest and highest quality results are obtained by spraying polyurethane foam, ecowool or, at worst, penoizol. In this case, you will have to fuss much less with arranging the insulating pie, plus the quality of the work performed will be an order of magnitude higher than with the slab option. The thickness of the insulating material is roofing pie usually fluctuates around 100 mm.

The attic floor in an unheated dry attic can be insulated with anything. If finances are limited, then I recommend taking traditional bulk insulation. Expanded clay is best suited for these purposes.

If you don’t like expanded clay, you can fill the attic with dry, aged sawdust mixed with slaked lime in a ratio of 8:2 (sawdust/lime). In addition, you can add perlite granules, dry ecowool, or install any slab insulation here.

The thickness of insulation in the attic usually starts from 200 mm, with the only exceptions being polystyrene foam, extruded polystyrene foam and foam materials, where a thickness of 100 mm is sufficient.

Wall insulation

In this sector, the palm is now shared by basalt wool and polystyrene foam. Personally, I prefer foam. The effect is the same, but it costs much less and you have to fuss with almost half as much.

When financial issues are not on the agenda, people usually order spraying with polyurethane foam or ecowool. Polyurethane will last longer, with a warranty of up to 50 years, and foam is considered more environmentally friendly.

Floor insulation

Everything is ambiguous here. If a private house has a low underground floor, then the easiest way is to waterproof the ground and pour loose insulation, for example, expanded clay or perlite, into the underground floor.

For installation between joists, in fact, any insulation is suitable. The technology here is not much different from insulation attic floor. When is the issue of insulation concrete screed, then extruded polystyrene foam is best suited. Previously, expanded clay was poured under the screed, but the thickness there should be at least 200 mm, while for expanded polystyrene 50 mm is sufficient.

When installing an insulated floor on the ground, I also recommend using extruded polystyrene foam boards. In addition to the fact that they are warm, they do not require waterproofing.

Insulation of the basement, foundation and plinth

The extreme conditions in this sector significantly limit the choice of suitable materials. That part of the foundation that is located in the ground can only be insulated with extruded polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam; no other material can withstand such pressure.

The base, in addition to the above mentioned materials, can be insulated with foam plastic with a density of 30 kg/m³. There is only one nuance here, all these materials are afraid sun rays and if this is not significant in the ground, then the base will have to be covered with something. For these purposes, as a rule, a basement is used.

It is possible to insulate a damp basement from the inside only after the drainage has been installed. Without drainage, there is no point in doing this. You will trap dampness between the concrete and the waterproof insulation, leading to even worse consequences.


As you can see, there is no universal insulation suitable for all cases. Therefore, which material to choose should be carefully taken into account its characteristics and installation location. The photo and video in this article contains Additional Information on insulation materials. If you have any questions, write them in the comments, I will try to help.

If the dacha is a favorite place not only for summer holidays, but is also often visited during the cold season, then the premises of the dacha house will have to be well insulated. But who said that insulation (it would be more correct to say thermal insulation) should only serve in winter? It is no less necessary in summer heat– the rooms will be kept comfortably cool on the hottest days.

Can be used for thermal insulation work different material. Moreover, the modern range of insulation materials is so rich that it allows you to choose the best option not only in terms of performance characteristics, but also in cost, depending on the family budget. However, it is still always recommended to “bet” on high-quality thermal insulation material, and it must meet a number of important requirements.

In this publication, we will try to figure out which insulation for walls inside a country house looks preferable and why. Let us dwell on another important issue - what thickness of thermal insulation will ensure comfortable conditions in the house at any time of the year.

Requirements for insulation for residential buildings

Any material selected for repair or construction of residential buildings must meet certain physical and technical requirements, sanitary standards, and also be safe to use. Insulation is no exception.

The main criteria for choosing thermal insulators that you need to pay attention to include:

  • Environmental Safety. Materials should not only help create a comfortable temperature regime in the house, but also not harm the health of its inhabitants. Therefore, during operation, the insulation should not spoil in any way the healthy atmosphere in the rooms.
  • Energy saving characteristics. The insulation must have the lowest possible thermal conductivity.
  • Fire safety. Most building materials, including wood, which you cannot do without when building a house, are flammable. However, the danger modern products, produced on a synthetic basis, is not only the possibility of rapid combustion. An equally terrible phenomenon is the release of toxic combustion products. Therefore, when choosing insulation, you should pay attention not only to its flammability class, but also to its smoke-generating abilities. The heat insulator should ideally be non-flammable (NG) or have minimal flammability (G1) (many materials are far from this). Smoke-forming ability is designated by the letter “D”, and its lowest level is D1, which is what you should strive for.
  • Soundproofing capabilities. You should not think that this quality is not so important for country houses - after all, there is peace and quiet all around... Even if you move away from a noisy city, you can find a neighbor who likes to listen to loud music, which in silence will be heard over a very long distance. It is impossible in dachas to prohibit neighbors from using power tools, working in personal carpentry workshops, or using equipment to cultivate the site. Other disturbing factors could be a busy highway passing nearby, a railway line, etc.
  • Vapor permeability of the heat insulator. With this parameter, since we are talking about insulation from the inside, special care is needed. In fact, when the material is “breathable”, it is generally not bad. But if the vapor permeability of the walls themselves is lower (and this is usually the case), then saturation of the insulation placed in the room with moisture cannot be ruled out. This means that reliable vapor barrier and effective ventilation of rooms are of particular importance. In conjunction with this criterion, the hygroscopicity of the material, that is, its ability to be saturated with moisture, should also be considered. It certainly should be minimal.
  • Durability of the material. This factor is also worth paying attention to Special attention, unless, of course, there is a desire to produce renovation work every three to five years. To avoid making a mistake in your choice, you should not purchase insulation from an unverified manufacturer, even if it has a suitable price. In this case, it is better to overpay, but have confidence in the warranty periods specified by the manufacturer.
  • The ability of insulation to retain its original shape. This quality can be referred to as the strength of the material. During operation, the insulation is subject to different loads - dynamic, vibration, statistical and others. Under the influence of these influences, low-quality materials can deform or decrease in size, forming “gaps” in the thermal insulation. And the entire insulation system will become ineffective.
  • Resistance to biological and chemical influences. When insulating a private home, an important factor is the absence of unwanted “guests”, such as insects and rodents. Therefore, it is worth choosing a material that will not favorable environment for their habitat. In addition, the components of the insulation should not be subject to rotting or decomposition under chemical influence. They should not serve as a breeding ground for microflora - mold, mildew, moss, etc.
  • Compatibility with building wall material. In order for the insulation to “work” as expected of it, it must combine well with the base material that is intended to be thermally insulated with it. In addition, when choosing the thickness of the insulation, it is also necessary to take into account the thickness and material of the walls of the building. This will be discussed in detail below.

Varieties of modern thermal insulation materials

In order to insulate the walls of any private house from the inside, you can use one or more types thermal insulation materials. To understand which of them is most suitable for a particular structure, it is necessary to consider characteristics each of them.

So, the following heat insulators are most often used to insulate walls:

  • Mineral wool - glass and basalt, for example. This material goes on sale in rolls and mats.
  • Expanded polystyrene - produced in rigid slabs.
  • Ecowool. This insulation is made from natural cellulose and is sold in bulk or in the form of mats. The loose version of the material can be applied to the walls using the “wet” spraying method or simply poured into the cavity.
  • Polyurethane foam and penoizol. These insulation materials are sprayed onto the walls to form a seamless, continuous coating.

You may be interested in information about what characteristics it has

To take the first step towards choosing a material, you should first consider them positive sides and obvious disadvantages:

IllustrationName of insulationAdvantages of the materialDisadvantages of the material
Basalt (stone) wool- flammability class NG;
- has low thermal conductivity;
- a modified version of the insulation does not absorb moisture.
- hygroscopicity of conventional, unmodified insulation;
- high price.
Glass wool- has good thermal insulation characteristics;
- high vapor permeability;
- affordable price.
- belongs to the flammability class G1 (low-flammability);
- hygroscopic;
- insufficiently high stability of shapes, poor resistance to vibration influences, tendency to gradual caking;
- is not environmentally friendly.
Ecowool- environmentally friendly insulation;
- low thermal conductivity;
- long term operation;
- resistance to biological damage.
- is a low-flammable material - G1;
- hygroscopicity;
- when laid dry (in bulk), there is a tendency to caking, and therefore requires periodic replenishment of the thermal insulation layer.
- low thermal conductivity;
- moisture resistance;
- low weight of slabs;
- non-toxic under normal temperature conditions;
- has a long service life;
- has high mechanical strength;
- resistant to biological influences.
- flammable (no matter how much they say otherwise);
- when melting and burning under the influence high temperatures releases toxic gas dangerous to human life;
- not vapor permeable (which, by the way, is certain conditions can also be regarded as a virtue).
Polyurethane foam- moisture resistant;
- has markedly low thermal conductivity;
- forms a continuous seamless insulating layer;
- long service life;
- non-toxic in normal conditions.
- belongs to the flammability group G1 (low-flammability);
- not vapor permeable (the controversial nature of the defect has already been discussed);
- application requires special equipment and experience working with it;
- quite high cost of the material and work on its application.

The table below shows comparative characteristics, allowing you to evaluate the parameters of the above materials at the “digital level”:

Name of materialDensity,
Coefficient of thermal conductivity,
Vapor permeability
Moisture absorption
Glass wool15÷400.039÷0.0460.4÷0.60.55÷1.0
Basalt wool30÷500.035÷0.0420.4÷0.60.1÷0.5
Extruded polystyrene foam35÷450.030÷0.0350.0÷0.0130.01÷0.05
Polyurethane foam30÷800.024÷0.0300.0÷0.0050.01÷0.05
Ecowool (mats)33÷750.038 ÷ 0.0450.3÷0.50.3÷0.8

It is necessary to clarify that today modified insulation materials with improved technical and environmental characteristics are on sale. However, their production is carried out only by large manufacturers who are highly responsible for the quality and potential capabilities of their products. Naturally, the cost of such products is much higher, but they will also last longer without harming either the building itself or the health of the house’s residents.

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The parameters of such thermal insulation materials will be presented below.

Basalt thermal insulation

This type of insulation materials is called differently stone wool, since they are produced by melting gabbro-basalt rocks. Products made from these raw materials could be called the best option for thermal insulation of surfaces inside the house. If not for one nuance that will be mentioned.

Basalt insulation has very low thermal conductivity. Stone-based materials are more suitable for insulating residential premises, as their fibers are more elastic. Thanks to this quality, the mats have a higher density and also have high strength characteristics. The fibers have a sufficient degree of elasticity, and therefore are not as brittle as glass wool.

Basalt insulation is manufactured in rolls and mats. Some material options are equipped with a layer of aluminum foil, which can enhance insulation by reflecting heat flows into the room. In addition, the foil becomes a vapor barrier, which is of particular importance in such conditions.

And now - about that very nuance that still calls into question the expediency of such a process as. Let's consider whether it is acceptable to use mineral wool for insulation from the inside?

In general, the optimal structure of an insulating structure is one in which the vapor permeability of each subsequent layer (in the direction from the room to the street) is higher than that of the previous one. In such a situation, water vapor will simply escape unhindered into the atmosphere. Mineral wool placed indoors does not fit these requirements.

The fact is that with such a structure of the thermal insulation “pie”, the dew point will be precisely in the thickness of the mineral wool or on the border between it and the wall. That is, this is where condensation will form during the cold season. Since the vapor permeability of mineral wool will always be higher than that of any wall material, and a high concentration of water vapor in a room is a normal phenomenon, gradual wetting of both the insulation itself and the wall cannot be ruled out.

The solution is to provide the insulating layer with a reliable vapor barrier from the side of the room, so that water vapor simply has no chance of penetrating into the mineral wool. And plus, the house must have effective ventilation. Under such conditions, mineral wool will show all its advantages.

The general characteristics of this insulation were shown in the table above. However, large manufacturers produce improved versions of products, while the technical characteristics of insulation vary in their performance.

« Knauf»

« Knauf" - this is a famous German manufacturer various building materials known to Russian consumers for their quality. The company has been supplying its products to Russia for decades and has established the production of materials directly on the territory of the Russian Federation. And these products fully comply with GOST requirements and sanitary and epidemiological standards, which is confirmed by numerous quality certificates.

« Knauf» supplies to the Russian market several brands of basalt insulation, both universal and intended for different areas of the building. For example, the “Insulation” line of insulation products is a professional-class product and is used for thermal insulation of various objects. For private buildings, the manufacturer has provided a separate line of products that takes into account not only the thermal insulation capabilities of the material, but also the “human factor” - these are “TeploKNAUF House”, “TeploKNAUF Dacha” and “TeploKNAUF Cottage”. All heat insulators are vapor permeable and non-flammable (NG).

Their remaining operational characteristics are presented in this table:

It should be noted that the line of insulation materials produced in the form of slabs has been expanded with the products “Cottage+” and “House+”. They differ from the materials named in the table by their thickness of 100 mm.


The Rockwool company is constantly working on modifying its products, improving their characteristics. All lines of basalt insulation from this manufacturer belong to the NG class, that is, non-combustible materials.

Despite the very wide variety thermal insulation products from this manufacturer, for wall insulation country house the optimal choice would be “ROCKWOOL LIGHT BUTTS SCANDIC” or “ROCKWOOL LIGHT BUTTS”

Special processing of the material during its production gives the blocks water-repellent qualities. The compact packaging is especially convenient - after opening it, the slabs quickly return to the given original size. In addition, one edge of the slabs is made “spring-loaded” - for easy and tight installation between the sheathing drains.

The main characteristics of the “ROCKWOOL LIGHT BUTTS” heat insulator are as follows:

Operating parameters of insulationIndicators
Thermal conductivity coefficient (W/m×°C):
- calculated value at t = 10 °C0,036
- calculated value at t = 25 °C0,037
- operational under conditions “A”0,039
- operational under conditions “B”0,041
Flammability classNG
Fire safety classKM0
Vapor permeability (mg/(m²×h×Pa), not less0.03
Moisture absorption when partially immersedno more than 1kg/m²
Dimensions1000×600 mm
thickness50, 100 or 150 mm


This insulation material produced by a domestic manufacturer who is well known to Russian consumers.

Modified basalt wool "TechnoNIKOL" is also a non-flammable material (NG), as the manufacturer reports on its packaging. Thermal insulators of this manufacturer are manufactured under strict control, in accordance with established GOST standards, and also fully comply with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements of the Russian Federation.

This table shows the most popular options basalt insulation"TechnoNIKOL", as well as their technical characteristics:

Material gradeCompressibility, %, no moreVapor permeability, mg/(m×h×Pa)Moisture absorption, kg/m²Density, kg/m³
"Rocklight"0.037÷0.04130 0.3 2 30÷40
"Technolight"0.036÷0.04120 0.3 1,5 30÷38
"Heat roll"0.036÷0.04155 0.3 2 25÷35
"Technoacoustic"0.035÷0.04010 0.3 1,5 38÷45
"Technoblock"0.035÷0.0408 0.3 1.5 40÷50

For insulating the walls from the inside of a country house, any brands of “Technoacoustic” are well suited as they have a low thermal conductivity coefficient and optimal density. In addition, “Technoacoustic” is designed to insulate the house from external noise, so it can be called a multifunctional material.

Glass wool

Glass wool is made from fibers obtained by melting broken glass and quartz sand, as well as other natural additives. As binder Phenol-formaldehyde resins are used to connect glass fibers into a single structure. Boards and mats acquire rigidity as a result of pressing with simultaneous heat treatment. The heat insulator obtained by pressing glass fibers into blocks or mats has fairly high dimensional stability, but not the most outstanding vibration resistance.

Glass wool is a good sound and heat insulator, is resistant to chemical influences and can withstand temperature changes. Its operating temperature range varies from -60 to + 180 degrees. However, if this is exceeded for now, the fibers themselves are not damaged, but their binding substance is destructured, so the structure of the mats is sintered, deformed or disintegrates.

Experts do not recommend using glass wool for insulation of residential premises. This is due not only to its high hygroscopicity. There is also the possibility of microparticles of fibers getting into the air in the room, which poses a rather serious threat to the health of the residents of the house. Therefore, if for some reason glass wool is chosen for insulation, then after installing it in the sheathing, the thermal insulation should be hermetically sealed with plastic film or vapor barrier membrane. However, as we have seen, basalt wool needs exactly the same protection.


"Isover" is a high-quality thermal insulator produced in innovative equipment in accordance with all requirements of existing standards.

“Isover” is produced in mats and slabs, so it can vary in density. The slab material has a higher density and can be used to insulate walls before plastering. Materials with increased density include “Isover OL-A” and “Isover OL-E”. But plastering mineral wool insulation is only permissible on the outside of the wall.

The manufacturer positions “Isover” glass wool as a non-flammable insulation material, that is, it belongs to the NG class.

There are several options for glass wool on sale, which are designed for insulation. various parts Houses. The main characteristics of these products are as follows:

Insulation brandThermal conductivity coefficient, W/(m×°C)Compressibility, %, no moreVapor permeability, Mg/(m×h×Pa)Moisture absorption, kg/m²Density, kg/m³
"Isover Light"0.035÷0.04010 0.3 1,5 38÷45
"Isover Standard"0.036÷0.04155 0.3 2 25÷35
"Isover Optimal"0.036÷0.04120 0.3 1.5 30÷38
"Isover Facade"0.035÷0.03830 0.3 2 30÷40

In addition to the options mentioned above , Isover also produces other brands of insulation materials. Moreover, the company continues to develop and launch innovative products that can withstand the necessary loads in a certain area of ​​the structure.


Another well-known brand of insulating materials is URSA products. The manufacturer uses innovative technologies in the production of its products, trying to minimize the disadvantages of glass wool. Thanks to this approach, URSA glass wool is characterized by increased durability and particular strength. The density of the slabs and mats greatly simplifies installation work.

Since URSA produces a wide range of insulation products, due to ignorance it will be difficult to choose the required material option. We give a hint - for thermal insulation of a country house, it is recommended to use insulation from the URSA GEO line. They are safe for the health of the residents of the house and are maximally adapted to the conditions of private construction.

The URSA GEO line includes the following products:

Insulation type “URSA GEO”Thermal conductivity coefficient, W/(m×°C)Vapor permeability mg/(m×h×Pa)
"M-11"0.04 0.64
"Mini"0.041 0.64
"A private house"0.041 0.55
"Universal plates"0.036 0.51
"Light"0.044 0.35
"Pitched Roof"0.035 0.55
"Noise protection"0.04 0.6
"Framework"0.035 0.64

In addition to those presented in the table, this series of materials also includes other insulation materials suitable for thermal insulation of private houses.

Speaking about any of the mineral wool heat insulators, one cannot fail to mention their general shortcomings, which may well influence the choice of material.

  • The binder in most brands is phenol-formaldehyde resins, which are a toxic substance. Throughout the entire period of operation of the insulated structure, the emission of compounds harmful to humans will be observed. Some leading manufacturers claim that these components are no longer used in the manufacture of their products, as they have been replaced with environmentally friendly binders. It is quite difficult to verify this statement without special instruments, and you have to take it on faith. However, it is better to give preference to insulation materials labeled ECO.

  • Another problem with mineral wool is rodents, which adapt well to this material, making their nests and making passages in it. It will be possible to get rid of these neighbors only by dismantling the casing and replacing the insulation with another version. If in country house Since measures have been taken to protect against these ubiquitous animals, you can purchase mineral wool for wall insulation. In another case, it is better to give preference to denser insulation or those options that mice bypass.

Extruded polystyrene foam

Many people think that extruded polystyrene foam is the same as the familiar polystyrene foam. But this is not true at all. Yes, the raw materials for their production are similar, but they differ from each other not only appearance, but also in their own way technical specifications. Until recently, inexpensive foam plastic was widely used for insulation of both internal and external surfaces. However, it has a large number of significant drawbacks, which have led to the complete abandonment of this material in many countries around the world.

When starting a renovation, many, wanting to save money, prefer polystyrene foam, but before making your choice, you need to have an idea of ​​its negative qualities.

  • Flammability of the material. Polystyrene foam doesn't just burn - it melts and spreads over the surface, becoming a flame spreader. At the same time, such toxic smoke is released from the molten mass that just a few breaths can cause poisoning that is incompatible with life.
  • Polystyrene foam (non-pressed polystyrene foam) is a polymer that is not chemically stable enough. And during long-term operation under the influence of temperature changes and other external factors also begins to release substances harmful to the environment - free styrene. These fumes will not be able to be contained by the plaster or brick layer, and they will penetrate into the premises.
  • Polystyrene foam is breathable, and therefore mice can easily live in it. They not only easily gnaw through this material, but also make their nests in it. This is especially common when foam plastic slabs have a fairly large thickness of 70÷100 mm.
  • Polystyrene foam is short-lived, it deteriorates quite quickly - it begins to crumble. As a result, the material loses its thermal insulation qualities.

Extruded polystyrene foam is made from the same raw materials as the familiar polystyrene foam. But in its production a completely different technology is used.

The fine-cell structure of polystyrene foam boards is created by melting polystyrene granules. Foaming and strengthening additives are added to the molten mass. Compositions that do not contain freons are used as foaming agents.

The advantage of extruded polystyrene foam is its high density. Thanks to this quality, the material is not attractive to mice. Plus, it is impenetrable to steam and air, so rodents do not make nests in it. The maximum they can do to harm it is to gnaw off its edges.

Extruded polystyrene foam is non-hygroscopic, has a distinctly low thermal conductivity coefficient, high compressive strength, and has good frost resistance. In addition, insulation is not susceptible to biological damage and chemical decomposition, so it is often used even for insulating the foundations of buildings.

However, as regards its flammability, this is a controversial issue. Manufacturers position expanded polystyrene as highly flammable and self-extinguishing, that is, does not support combustion. Practice shows that it still ignites when exposed to open fire, is often capable of supporting combustion, and, just like polystyrene foam, emits toxic smoke. They are trying to combat this - many materials in this group undergo special treatment to increase their fire resistance. But it’s still a long way from being inflammable!

Extruded polystyrene foam has almost zero vapor permeability. And this factor is just right for insulating walls from the inside. That is, the laid layer of slabs itself becomes a good vapor barrier, and the structure of the material inside will definitely always be dry, that is, there is simply nothing to condense in it. True, this still does not eliminate the need to create a general hermetic vapor barrier under the finishing layer, or at least from hermetically “sealing” the seams between the slabs laid on the wall. The requirements for creating effective system ventilation - they are required for any type of internal insulation.

Both well-known and completely unknown manufacturers present their products on the construction market. Sometimes you can find slabs that do not have any markings at all. It is clear that one cannot expect any guarantees from such materials. Therefore, if the choice is made on this particular insulation, then you should give preference to well-known brands.


Most popular on Russian market can be called extruded polystyrene foam “Penoplex”. This is a product domestic manufacturer, which produces several types of material that differ in some characteristics.

The names of the slabs indicate their purpose - these are the universal materials “Comfort”, “Roof”, “Foundation” and “Wall”. Accordingly, for thermal insulation of wall surfaces, two types of slabs are used - “Comfort” and “Wall”, performed with “Roof” slabs, etc.

Penoplex slabs (this is the colloquial name most often used) are produced in a wide range of thicknesses - from 20 to 100 mm (20, 30, 30, 50, 60, 80 and 100 mm). Linear dimensions - 1200×600 mm. Comfort type slabs can be produced in lengths of 2400 mm.

The main characteristics of the Penoplex thermal insulation material specified by the manufacturer are as follows:

— thermal conductivity coefficient – ​​0.030 W/(m×K);

— moisture absorption – no more than 0.2÷0.4% of the total volume;

— vapor permeability – 0.007÷0.008 Mg/(m×h×Pa);

— flammability group - G2 – G4;

— operating temperature range – from -50 to +75 °C;

— durability declared by the manufacturer is 50 years.

  • "Penoplex S" is designed for thermal insulation of walls. Contains fire retardant components that reduce the risk of fire. High thermal insulation properties, minimal moisture absorption, resistance to temperature changes, as well as grooves provided for connecting the slabs, make the insulation of the walls of the house reliable and durable.
  • “Penoplex Comfort” is a universal version of slabs that can be used in different areas of the structure, from the roof to the foundation. In this regard, it can well be used to insulate the walls of a country house from the inside.
  • "Penoplex F" is intended for thermal insulation of the foundation. Due to the fact that this insulated area of ​​the building is located in the ground, the slabs are manufactured without the addition of fire retardants. Therefore, it is not recommended to use them for installation in other areas, since they belong to the G4 flammability group.
  • "Penoplex K" is used for insulating roofs and ceilings, but it can also be used for thermal insulation of wall surfaces.

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Styrodur extruded polystyrene foam boards are not as popular as Penoplex, although they also have decent technical characteristics.

Several types of this thermal insulation material are available for sale - these are 2500 C, 2800 C, 2800 CS, 3035 CS, 3035 CN, 4000 CS, 5000 CS. The difference between the slabs primarily lies in their density and compressive strength. The surface of all slabs is protected by a smooth, more durable layer of material, and Styrodur 2800 C and Styrodur 2800 CS are equipped with a grooved surface.

To prevent the formation of cold bridges at the joints of the slabs, various types of joint locks can be provided at their ends. This is also how the plates differ from each other.

Due to its strength characteristics, as well as different configurations of locks, this insulation is well suited for internal insulation of house walls.

Name of characteristics and units of measurementDigital marking of Styrodur insulation
2500 C 2800 C 3035 C 4000 C 5000 C
Dry thermal conductivity coefficient, W/m×K0.029 0.029 0.029 0.03 0.03
Density (not less), kg/m³25 30 33 35 45
Moisture absorption in 24 hours, % of volume0.13 0.13 0.13 0.07 0.07
Compressive strength at 10% linear deformation (not less)0.2 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.7
Surface of slabssmoothgroovedSmooth or groovedsmoothsmooth
Linear dimensions of slabs, mm1250×6001250×6001265×6151265×6151265×615
Slab thickness, mm20,30,40,50,60 20,30,40,50,60 30,40,50,60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160 30,40,50,60,80 40,50,60
Operating temperature range, C-180...+75
Flammability groupG2
Frost resistanceMore than 300 cycles

Styrodur boards are produced only in light green color, so they are difficult to confuse with other similar materials. The heat insulator is non-toxic under normal operating conditions; freon is not used in its production. In addition, the material is odorless, so it can be used to insulate the internal surfaces of residential buildings.

Polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam, as an effective insulation material, appeared in the public domain relatively recently, but has already proven its reliability in thermal and sound insulation of premises. Polyurethane foam is applied by spraying, for which special equipment is used. The material can be applied in several layers to achieve the required thermal insulation thickness.

The composition applied to the surface, after foaming and polymerization, forms a monolithic layer on it, as it expands and fills the space. In addition, the finished mass has excellent adhesive properties, so when sprayed, it is firmly fixed to almost any surface of the walls and ceiling.

This material is used for thermal insulation of both internal and external surfaces, and is especially suitable for use in regions with low winter temperatures. The thermal conductivity coefficient of polyurethane foam is very low, ranging from 0.025 to 0.030 W/m×K. That is, among the insulation materials under consideration, it is an absolute “champion” in this indicator.

Due to the fact that the structure of polyurethane foam decomposes under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, it must be installed under decorative cladding.

When insulating a house from the inside with this material, a frame structure is installed on the wall to secure the facing material. And between its racks and jumpers the composition is sprayed. After the polyurethane foam applied to the wall or ceiling hardens, the excess that protrudes beyond the frame, formed during its expansion, is cut off.

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Polyurethane foam has a low moisture absorption index, therefore it retains its thermal insulation qualities at any ambient humidity. Vapor permeability is practically zero. And since the coating is seamless and continuous, you can even do without additional vapor barrier.

This material can belong to different fire safety groups - from G1 and even to G4, depending on the additives added to the composition. However, polyurethane foam, as a rule, does not become a source of fire and does not spread fire. It quickly chars, stopping the flow of oxygen necessary for combustion deep into its structure. But the gases formed during thermal decomposition are still not as dangerous as those of expanded polystyrene.

Excellent material for internal insulation. But it requires special raw materials and equipment for its application, as well as work skills. And the cost is very high. All this limits its widespread use for such purposes.


Ecowool is a material that is not yet familiar to everyone, and therefore not so popular. But it is successfully used for insulating residential buildings both inside and outside. The main advantage of this insulation is its environmental friendliness. Ecowool is made from cellulose fibers that are processed boric acid, which protects the material from mold and makes it unattractive to rodents.

Slabs are formed from the fibers, or ecowool is sold in bulk and intended for installation using the so-called “wet” method - spraying.

Loose ecowool is also used in dry form; most often this method is used for thermal insulation of horizontal surfaces, for example, ceilings or floors in the house. Another method of insulation is filling closed spaces (specially provided cavities) with dry ecowool. For example, in a frame partition sheathed on both sides with plywood sheets.

The “wet” method of application can be called the optimal installation option. However, this process is complicated by the fact that it requires special equipment. This means that you will have to invite a specialist for insulation.

Ecowool applied “wet” forms a monolithic seamless layer on the surface that reliably protects the premises from the cold. The material retains its thermal insulation qualities throughout its entire service life.

If you plan to do the insulation yourself, then the best option would be ready-made, molded slabs. They are installed between building sheathings in the same way as mineral wool, by surprise. Of course, with internal insulation, this will again require a reliable vapor barrier - ecowool has considerable hygroscopicity.

When installed dry, both on horizontal surfaces and when filling empty spaces, the wool may shrink over time. Therefore, when carrying out insulation, it must be well sealed.

In terms of its flammability, ecowool belongs to group G1 (lowly flammable material) due to special processing in the production process. When burned, cellulose does not release toxic products that are excessively dangerous to humans.

There are several varieties of this material from different manufacturers on the market. For example, it is worth paying attention to the Finnish manufacturer Termex.

Ecowool "Termex" goes on sale in packages weighing 13 kg and has the following characteristics:

— thermal conductivity coefficient 0.040 W/(m×°C);

— density, depending on application - 35÷79 kg/m³;

— sound insulation capabilities with a layer of 25 mm - 9 dB.

Ecowool allows water vapor to pass freely, and for external insulation– you can’t imagine anything better. But for the internal, this again becomes a problem, which has already been mentioned more than once above. Such a thermal insulation structure will require a very reliable vapor barrier. Ecowool has considerable hygroscopicity, and without such protection it can soon literally swell with water, losing all its insulating qualities.

* * * * * * *

In order for the insulation of a country house to be high-quality and safe, when choosing a thermal insulation material, it is necessary to carefully study its characteristics, as well as methods of application with all the nuances. It is recommended to purchase insulation famous manufacturers who have been working in the building materials market for a long time and have managed to gain authority.

As we have seen, insulation materials can be produced in a wide range of thicknesses. And the thickness of the layer of polyurethane foam or ecowool can be adjusted by the employee. In any case, you need to know what thickness of insulation will be guaranteed to cope with the task of reliable thermal insulation of walls assigned to it. And this issue should also be considered.

What thickness of insulation will be required?

Each home owner is able to make such a thermal calculation. Now we will “arm” him with an understanding of the calculation algorithm and a convenient online calculator.

What is the calculation based on?

Try to imagine any abstract insulated structure. Since our theme is a wall, we will leave this example.

So, multi-layer construction will include the actual wall of the house, made of one material or another. Often, it is finished on the outside. The same is true on the inside, as well as a layer of insulation, the thickness of which needs to be found.

So that the premises of the house are maintained comfortable temperature at any time of the year, this entire multilayer structure must have a certain total heat transfer resistance. And it consists of the resistances of each layer.

It is appropriate to make a reservation here - external facade finishing, organized according to the ventilated facade system. It does not make any contribution to the overall insulating qualities of the wall.

Where can I get the necessary data?

What the total resistance should be is shown by its normalized value established by SNiP for each region, taking into account climatic conditions. This indicator can be easily clarified at any local construction organization. Or, what’s even simpler, identify it using the diagram map below. In this case, for further calculations it is necessary to take the value “for walls”, which are highlighted in purple.

The thermal resistance of any layer is easy to determine - to do this, the thickness of the salt (expressed in meters) must be divided by the tabulated thermal conductivity coefficient of the material from which this layer is made.

Rc =Hc/λc

Rc- thermal resistance of the layer, m²×K/W;

Hc- layer thickness, m;

λc- coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material, W/m×K.

It is clear that there is little point in taking into account layers that are too thin (for example, membranes). But some options for external and interior decoration are quite capable of influencing the overall thermal characteristics of the wall structure.

So, if you calculate all the thermal resistances of the layers planned for future construction and sum them up, this will still not be enough to achieve the normalized value. This very “deficit” should be covered by a layer of thermal insulation. The difference is known, the thermal conductivity of the insulation is also known, which means there is nothing stopping you from finding the desired thickness:

Well =Ry × λy

Well- required insulation thickness, m;

Ry- “lack” of thermal resistance, which needs to be compensated for by thermal insulation;

λy- thermal conductivity coefficient of the selected insulation material.

To simplify the task as much as possible for the reader, a special online calculator has been compiled. When making calculations, you don’t have to take into account the insulating qualities of the finishing layers - just their thickness is left by default equal to zero. As for the rest, everything is simple and probably does not require much additional explanation.

The result will be immediately shown in millimeters - it’s more convenient. The obtained value is minimal, and it is usually reduced to standard thicknesses of insulating materials, somewhat rounded up.

Which insulation is better for the walls of a house outside and inside, how to choose the most effective one? We will also consider the dependence of their characteristics and basic properties on the place of application.

What is the best insulation for a home, and which for the floor, ceiling or roof? We will try to answer these questions by carefully studying the properties that different types of insulation have. What is insulation, types of insulation and their characteristics, we will tell you everything you need to know.

In the production of these heat insulators, raw materials of organic origin are used. The composition of modern organic insulation no longer includes toxic substances - phenols and formaldehydes, but may include cement and various plasticizers.

First, let's look at the type of insulation that is used to insulate walls from the inside, as well as for the floor and ceiling.


Produced from pressed small chips. IN modern construction It is used extremely rarely due to its flammability and susceptibility to rotting, due to its high hygroscopicity.

The thermal conductivity of particle boards is from 0.09 to 0.18 W/m*K depending on the density, which can range from 500 to 1000 kg/m3.

Wood fiber insulation board

During production, organic raw materials are used with the addition of antiseptics and water-repellent substances, which makes this material more suitable as a heat insulator for a house to be insulated from the inside.

Thermal conductivity - from 0.09 to 0.18 W/m*K. Main advantage of this material– environmental friendliness and ease of installation on internal walls, as well as the variability of their final processing.

Polyurethane foam

Some people believe that it can be used for both external and internal wall insulation and that it is the best insulation for walls, but I strongly disagree with this (it is not environmentally friendly).

Has the following characteristics:

  • density – 40–80 kg/m3, which provides good water resistance, noise and heat insulation;
  • thermal conductivity – 0.019–0.028 W/m*K;
  • durability - 30 years.

Thanks to the spraying method, the formation of cold bridges is completely eliminated when using this insulation. According to its flammability properties, polyurethane foam is a self-extinguishing, difficult to ignite material. Main disadvantage This heat insulator is high cost and is applied using special equipment.


The scope of application of penoizol is quite wide: it is used for facade walls, ceilings and floors. It is not recommended to use penoizol for walls inside a building, since the material contains formaldehyde resins and is not environmentally friendly.

The material is produced in the form of loose crumbs or in the form of blocks. Penoizol in liquid form is poured into previously prepared cavities. This technique can most often be found in the internal insulation of foundations, but there is an opinion that this heat insulator cannot be used in humid environments due to the high moisture absorption parameter.

Characteristics of penoizol:

  • density – up to 20 kg/m3;
  • thermal conductivity index – 0.03 W/m*K;
  • service life -50 years;
  • flammability class - G3, ignition temperature - over 500 degrees.

The disadvantages of penoizol include: it is not environmentally friendly, exposure to aggressive environments, and high moisture absorption.

Expanded polystyrene

Expanded polystyrene contains polystyrene, an organic compound obtained from petroleum. Expanded polystyrene is used for insulation of facades, floors and roofs.

No insulation causes as much controversy as expanded polystyrene. Many professional builders believe that this is one of the best insulation materials, despite its many shortcomings; others recommend under no circumstances using it for walls, since it is not environmentally friendly, is flammable, and leads to the formation of condensation and mold.

Properties of expanded polystyrene:

  • thermal conductivity index – 0.037–0.042 W/m*K, which is its main advantage;
  • resistance to aggressive environments – average;
  • excellent hydro and sound insulation;
  • flammability class G2, when burned, it releases toxic substances hazardous to human health;
  • vapor permeability – 0.015–0.019 kg/m*hour*Pa;
  • The hygroscopicity of a material depends entirely on its density.

Extruded polystyrene foam

Thermal insulation material made by extrusion, due to which the material has a cellular structure. The cells are filled with air, providing heat-insulating and noise-absorbing properties.

The technical characteristics are as follows:

  • density 35 kg/m3;
  • thermal conductivity – from 0.037 to 0.048 W/m*K;
  • flammability class – G2.

This is the best insulation for thermal insulation of foundations: it has a low degree of moisture absorption and is resistant to rodents. We do not recommend using it to insulate the walls of a house for two reasons: it is not environmentally friendly; when heated, extruded polystyrene foam emits toxic fumes, and it is flammable.


A unique heat insulator of its kind, with very high heat and sound insulation rates. The disadvantage of this insulation is a decrease in basic properties over time.

This material is made from waste from pulp and paper production. Another disadvantage is strong moisture absorption. The use of this organic insulation is possible only in dry rooms for thermal insulation of floors and floors using the bulk method.

Inorganic insulation materials and their characteristics

In the production process of heat insulators of this type, substances of a mineral nature are used: asbestos, glass, basalt rocks. Such insulation materials are resistant to aggressive environments, non-flammable, and have greater specific gravity in comparison with organic heat insulators. Insulation materials of this type include: mineral wool, glass wool, basalt-based wool, etc. Let's consider the most popular types.

Mineral wool

On the modern market, mineral wool is presented in two versions: slag and basalt (stone).

Slag wool is considered not environmentally friendly, because industrial slag is used in its production. However, it is this wool that is often used to insulate non-residential industrial buildings. Basalt mineral wool is considered more environmentally friendly, so it is often used for thermal insulation of walls, floors, roofs, as well as for the construction of ventilated facades.

The main advantage of mineral wool, which manufacturers always point out, is zero flammability. Mineral wool is also an excellent sound insulator.

The disadvantage is a decrease in thermal insulation properties over time and the high price of the material itself and components.

Characteristics of mineral wool:

  • thermal conductivity – 0.0035–0.042 W/m*K;
  • flammability class - NG;
  • vapor permeability is high.

Glass wool

The material is based on silicate production waste.

The advantages of glass wool include:

  • thermal conductivity - 0.03 to 0.052 W/m*K;
  • good noise insulation properties;
  • flammability class - NG;
  • hygroscopicity – low.

A significant disadvantage of glass wool is its brittle fibers, which can penetrate the skin, lungs, and clothing. Recently, there have been many counterfeits on the market that contain harmful substances, but they can be distinguished by their color and smell.

Insulation made of porous concrete with density D-140 “Velit”

If you ask the question which thermal insulation is better or which insulation is the best, I would answer that it is Velit or the Velit Plus insulation system.

This is a thermal insulation material made of porous concrete with a density of 140 kg/m3. This is slab insulation, which consists of environmentally friendly pure materials: sand, cement, lime and air.

The material is not flammable and is not subject to destruction. They can be used to insulate walls both outside and inside the house, and also very well insulate floors, ceilings, and flat roofs.

Main advantages: environmentally friendly, non-flammable and durable. The insulation system with this material is 20 percent cheaper than insulating the facade with mineral wool.

Thickness matters

Now let's talk about the thickness, on which the thermal conductivity of the entire layer of the structure of the structure depends. When choosing one or another insulation, it is necessary to calculate its required thickness to ensure thermal insulation properties. Simply put, you need to know how thick the selected insulation should be to keep the house warm.

This indicator will depend on the properties of the thermal insulation material: density and thermal conductivity. The calculation of the required thickness of insulation in each specific case is made using special formulas that take into account not only the characteristics of the insulation, but also the conditions under which they will be used. The calculation is very simple, I won’t show it here so as not to scare you with formulas, it’s all easy to find on the Internet using relevant queries.


Which insulation materials are best to choose for the walls of your home? Here I express my opinion, and you can agree with it or not. When asked what the best thermal insulators are, I would answer basalt wool, mineral wool. As for the question of which insulation is the best today, it is definitely Velit.

The use of thermal insulation systems in building structures allows you to significantly reduce heating costs. The use of all kinds of insulation makes it possible to speed up the pace of construction and reduce the budget for building a house. In order for them to cope with their responsibilities, you need to know how to choose them. Do you agree?

We will tell you how to choose the right insulation for the exterior walls of your home. The article we presented describes all types of thermal insulation materials used in practice and their operating features. Independent owners of country estates will find facade insulation technology here.

Heat loss through walls averages about 40%, depending on the integrity of the structure and the thickness of the wall. With rising prices for gas and electricity, it becomes unacceptable to spend money on heating the street.

Therefore, it is necessary to insulate the walls from the outside, which provides the following advantages:

  • Thermal insulation of the house from the outside does not take away usable area indoor living space;
  • the insulation layer performs decorative and protective functions for walls, extending their service life;
  • walls insulated from the outside do not freeze and are not saturated with moisture from steam, as with internal insulation;
  • Thermal insulation materials also perform a soundproofing function.

But the main reason for insulating the facade of a house is still economic, because this simple procedure can almost halve the amount in receipts for heating.

To correctly select a material designed to reduce heat loss, you need. Our recommended article will introduce you to its examples and formulas.

Types of insulation materials

So what is the best way to insulate a house from the outside to reduce heat loss? Manufacturers offer many materials suitable for these purposes. But there are several main types. These include: polystyrene foam, basalt wool, glass wool, extruded expanded polystyrene, mineral wool and others.

A less effective method of insulation is to apply a layer of plaster to the outer part of the walls. This is an inexpensive way to reduce heat loss, but it requires experience and certain skills - just desire will not be enough.

External wall insulation requires certain professional skills from the performer. They will be useful both when choosing a material and during its installation.

Wooden houses are often insulated using a double frame. In this case, any of the listed materials is attached to the walls, and cladding is done on top. At the same time, an air “cushion” remains between the insulation and the decorative layers for air ventilation.

Option No. 1 - polystyrene foam

Expanded polystyrene has gained the greatest popularity among thermal insulation materials. First of all, this is due to its low cost. Distinctive feature The insulation is also low weight.

Other advantages of the material:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • affordable price;
  • long service life.

One of the disadvantages is that foam does not allow steam to pass through. This feature does not allow it to be used for insulating wooden houses.

Among other disadvantages, the most significant is that polystyrene foam is a flammable material that emits substances harmful to humans during combustion. In addition, the fragility of the material, which leads to damage to the insulation even with minor mechanical stress, significantly complicates its installation.

Foam insulation is an excellent way to reduce heat loss, both in a private home, an apartment or an industrial enterprise, and for quite little money.

Option No. 2 – mineral wool

This material also enjoys well-deserved popularity among owners of residential and non-residential premises.

Advantages of mineral wool:

  • high vapor permeability that doesn't let you rot wooden structures, and the bricks are not saturated with moisture, which prevents the appearance of mold and fungi on the surface of the walls;
  • low cost;
  • light weight of the mats, which makes it easier to work with them and reduces transportation costs;
  • the material is not flammable, there are no toxic odors;
  • long service life.

There are three types of mineral wool: slag wool, glass wool and stone wool (also known as basalt). Each material has its own characteristics.

Most suitable for residential buildings Basalt wool is considered, since it is made from safe raw materials, unlike glass wool. At the same time, the material is stronger and more durable than slag wool. But the high cost of basalt wool is its disadvantage.

Mineral wool, made in the form of mats, is the most practical option for insulating low walls and small rooms. And anyone who has at least a little knowledge of construction can handle its installation.

Modern glass wool is considered safe to use. Unlike the material of the same name, manufactured ten years ago, it does not irritate the respiratory tract. It can be used to insulate not only external, but also internal walls and ceilings.

It is easy to install and lightweight. Can be purchased in rolls or slabs. It is more advisable to buy rolled material for insulating long walls. Glass wool slabs are suitable for small walls.

The following advantages of the material are highlighted:

  • does not absorb moisture from the air;
  • no toxic odors;
  • does not ignite;
  • does not change shape during use;
  • high performance vapor permeability;
  • good sound insulation properties;
  • does not interact with chemicals;
  • can be used in all climatic zones of the planet.

In some cases, rolled glass wool will cost less than that made in the form of slabs. To cut it, you can use ordinary sharpened knives.

The material does not have many disadvantages. Among them:

  • when insulating walls with glass wool, you need to wear protective gloves and goggles;
  • the fragility of the fibers of the material, which is why a lot of synthetic substances are in the air during installation and interfere with safe breathing.

Despite the fact that modern insulation material is an order of magnitude more environmentally friendly and safer for humans, if there is a significant amount of polymer particles in the air, it is better to use a respirator.

In some cases, rolled glass wool will cost less than that made in the form of slabs. To cut it, you can use regular sharpened knives.

Option #3 – uh extruded expanded polystyrene

This material is made from ordinary polystyrene foam.

After special processing, it receives the following benefits:

  • increased compressive strength;
  • low moisture absorption;
  • low flammability or its complete impossibility, which depends on the amount of fire retardant substance;
  • reduced thermal conductivity.

For such material you will need to pay more high price than for ordinary polystyrene foam. But more durable and reliable.

Another disadvantage is considered smooth surface slabs of material. Because of this, solutions do not “set” with it, so without preliminary preparation surfaces such foam cannot be used in a “wet façade” design.

You will need to sand the smooth side with fine sandpaper, to give it a rough surface. Additionally, you can apply a layer of adhesive primer, which will increase the penetration of the solution into the insulating material.

Option No. 4 - bulk insulation

Bulk materials can also be used for external thermal insulation.

Among them, the most popular are:

  • vermiculite;
  • perlite crushed stone;
  • expanded clay

Vermiculite can be used not only to insulate walls outside the room, but also from the inside. It is used to insulate sewer and water pipes, floors, attics, and foundations. It can be produced in the form of slabs. There are technologies by which this material is added to concrete or mortars.

Vermiculite is a natural material that does not emit harmful toxic odors. Its advantages are: durability, lightness, fire resistance, low thermal conductivity and sound absorption. It also does not absorb moisture.

To insulate the outer wall, bulk material can be added to building mixture or fall asleep between the main wall and a decorative one, built on a foundation made of facing bricks. This method is more expensive, as it requires expanding the foundation. An additional load on the foundation slab is also expected.

Vermiculite is sold in paper bags, usually 25 kg. This is very convenient during transportation, because for delivery you can use your own passenger transport.

Perlite, depending on the fractions, can be of different sizes. It is also used to insulate roofs and floors. It is a volcanic glass-like rock that has no odor. Widely used not only in construction, but also in metallurgy and agriculture.

Advantages of the material:

  • porous structure;
  • low cost;
  • easily absorbs and releases moisture without losing its qualities;
  • fire resistance;
  • low thermal conductivity.

A perlite layer of just 3 cm has the same thermal insulation efficiency as brickwork 25 cm wide.

Expanded clay– granular porous material obtained artificially. When several components are burned (peat, intumescent clay, diesel oil, sawdust, sulfate-alcohol stillage), fusible raw materials are obtained. It is foamed and heat treated to give it its final shape.

To save on purchasing expanded clay, you need to buy it from the manufacturer. Of course, this is not always convenient, but there is a guarantee that the material is really high quality

The material is sold in fractions from 2 mm to 40 mm. Expanded clay from 10 mm to 20 mm is considered the most popular. They are the ones who need to fill the space between the walls – the main and decorative ones.

A layer of only 100 mm replaces 1000 mm of brickwork in terms of thermal conductivity. In frosty weather, insulation will prevent the house from losing a lot of heat, and in summer heat– will keep the room cool due to its extremely low thermal conductivity.

Advantages of wall insulation with expanded clay:

  • this is one of the cheapest insulation materials;
  • reduction in heat loss reaches 75%;
  • can be used at any outside temperature and humidity;
  • long service life;
  • there is no burning or rotting of the material;
  • expanded clay does not attract insects and rodents;
  • You can insulate a house yourself, as it does not require high technical skills or special tools.

In the layer between decorative and load-bearing wall Expanded clay can be poured in pure form, or mixed with cement. The proportion is 1:10 - one part cement and ten parts expanded clay. You will need a concrete mixer and water to dissolve the cement. The prepared mixture is poured into the empty space between the walls.

This is what a cement mixture with expanded clay looks like, which can be poured as insulation between two walls. Of course, insulation with cement mixture is a rather lengthy process, but it’s worth it

You can also do it differently: first pour expanded clay to a height of 300 mm, and then saturate it with the prepared cement “milk”. Then add insulation again. And repeat this until the height of the insulation reaches the desired level.

Any of the methods will not worsen the thermal insulation properties of the material.

Facade insulation technologies

There are three main technologies for facade insulation:

  • "well" method- construction of a multilayer wall;
  • "wet" method- under covering with plaster;
  • "dry" method- “ventilated facade” technology.

Depending on what you choose, you should select thermal insulation materials suitable for implementation.

"Wet" method represents the application finishing coating on a layer of insulation in the form plaster mixture. Since the mixture is rich in moisture, it is necessary to use only materials that do not absorb water. Polystyrene foam is best suited for this, but mineral wool can also be used.

Depending on the strength of the wall and the integrity of the brickwork, the plaster system can be “light” or “heavy”. In the first case, the main goal is to reduce the weight of the thermal insulation layer.

The insulation is fixed to the wall with glue and dowels. From the outside it is protected by a metal profile made of thin aluminum. Only a thin decorative layer of plaster is applied to it to level the surface of the wall and give it a finished visual appearance.

In a “heavy” system, the insulation is fixed with metal anchors and pressed down with reinforcing mesh. A 5-5.5 cm layer of plaster is applied on top. This design is reliably protected from temperature changes and moisture.

With the “dry” method Insulation plaster is not used at all. The insulation is fixed to the wall with glue and mounting umbrellas. In this case, it is ideal, for which telescopic fasteners with wide caps and other mounting elements are specially produced.

On the outside, the insulation is protected by a membrane layer, the main task which is to provide protection from atmospheric water. The membrane is fixed with spaced metal or wooden slats, forming a ventilation gap between the thermal insulation and the sheathing.

The gap width is up to 5 cm. The cladding layer can be made of various panels: wood, steel. It can also be half-brick masonry, tiles or siding. This method of insulation is more durable, unlike the “wet” one, and can reach a service life of half a century.

Using multilayer technology the surface is insulated with two more layers: insulation and an outer wall made of brick. This method of insulation was described above. Various bulk materials that are resistant to steam, condensation and moisture (expanded clay, perlite, etc.) are suitable for it.

To choose the right insulation, you need to take into account several more factors that may affect the quality of the work performed.

Condition of walls and foundation. If the house is old, and the foundation or brickwork is already cracked, then it is necessary to abandon heavy insulating structures. In this case, it is best to install lightweight and durable materials. It is better to attach them using special adhesives.

Architectural complexity of the building. Polystyrene foam and mineral wool are well processed and make it possible to provide reliable insulation walls with recesses, patterns and other decorative elements.

Resistance to insects and rodents. Often, small rodents and insects, such as mice or ants, can make nests under a layer of thermal insulation.

If there is such a problem on the site, then it would be advisable to carry out insulation using bulk materials. Expanded clay is good because it does not attract animals.

It is also necessary to take into account other factors, such as the price of insulation, features of its installation, wall material, impact on the environment, fire resistance, etc.

If you are planning a device thermal insulation system from the inside of the house, it is worth reading, in which materials and methods of their use are discussed in detail.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

To avoid common mistakes when choosing materials for insulation, we recommend watching the following videos:

With all the variety of available materials and insulation methods, you can always choose the most suitable one. Despite the fact that some work seems easy to perform, it is still better to entrust it to for experienced builders and heating engineers.

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