What berry bush can be planted in the shade. Shady garden (38 photos) - a delight for the soul, they are waiting for me there and I am welcome there

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It is impossible to imagine a dacha or Vacation home without vegetation. Any owner will be pleased to set aside the territory of his property for planting vegetable crops or fruit trees, which will not only delight the eye with their picturesqueness, but will also bring bountiful harvest. Products grown with love own plot, much tastier and healthier than store-bought ones.

Most crops need plenty of sunlight to grow and bear fruit. But, one way or another, at every dacha there are shady areas that are unsuitable for planting the usual tomatoes, watermelons, peppers and potatoes. Many owners do not want to leave such territories unclaimed. The question "What to plant in the shade at the dacha?" may lead to a dead end, but in fact the list of shade-loving plants is quite wide - every gardener will be able to choose the options that he likes best.

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    Features of geographical location and climate

    When choosing crops for planting in the shade, you should consider:

    1. 1. Geographic latitude. It is important to know that the "shadow" is in different geographical latitudes It has various characteristics. For example, in southern regions Many light-loving plants grow well in the shade: tomatoes, watermelons, and peppers. But the northern shadow spares almost no one.
    2. 2. Area of ​​residence. Different areas of the same strip can create different conditions for plant life. The climatic conditions of each region are unique, their importance should not be neglected.
    3. 3. The amount of light on the site. It is important to define the meaning of the concept “shaded area”. Not a single plant will survive in pitch darkness, and therefore it makes no sense to plant even the most shade-tolerant specimens where there is no sunlight at all. An area that is illuminated for at least 2-3 hours a day is considered suitable for planting food (or ornamental) crops. Many types of vegetables will thrive with access to just 4 hours of light per day.
    4. 4. The nature of light. Different light has different properties. Many varieties of pumpkin grow well in diffused light, cucumbers or zucchini. So areas shaded by crowns fruit plants, they certainly won’t be empty.

    The shade-tolerant vegetables and berry bushes listed below are mainly adapted to living conditions in mid-latitudes.


    Many amateur gardeners are accustomed to the fact that cucumbers are exclusively sun-loving vegetables, which without proper lighting will immediately rot. However, this is not entirely true. Modern breeders, through trial and error, have developed several varieties that are resistant to partial shade conditions:

    • F1 Danila;
    • F1 Moscow evenings;
    • F1 Arina;
    • F1 Company secret;
    • F1 Master.

    Cucumbers of the listed varieties grow better in diffused light. It will be convenient to arrange a cucumber bed under fruit trees or near bushes. Cucumbers growing in partially shaded areas retain their ability to bear fruit much longer and produce more yield. However, there is also a drawback to shade-loving varieties: almost all of them are considered late.


    Rhubarb is especially prized for its sour stems. From them you can prepare whatever your heart desires: soups, jams, cereals and even desserts. This vegetable is also used for preservation.

    Rhubarb is not afraid of shadows; in such an environment it grows and develops well. The most important thing in growing rhubarb is not to forget about timely watering, because the plant loves moisture very much and begins to wither without proper care.

    Planting rhubarb can be done using:

    • seeds,
    • parts of the rhizome.

    If you decide to sow the plot with seeds, you can do this in both autumn and spring. But remember that it will take a lot of time for a full-fledged bush to grow from seeds: it will take a year or two before the plant gets stronger and can please you with a harvest.

    When planted with rhizomes, the growing process is greatly facilitated: the bush takes root faster and gains mass, its stems become strong and juicy, and the plant itself is no longer as vulnerable as specimens grown from seeds.


    Garlic is versatile and can be used for a variety of purposes: canning vegetables, making hot sauces, drying garlic powder, etc.

    When a person uses garlic as a seasoning for salads and first courses, not much of it is needed. In this case, there is no point in dedicating an entire garden bed to growing garlic. The plant can be planted under apple or plum trees; areas between currant bushes are also good.

    When growing garlic in such conditions, you should be prepared for the heads to be slightly crushed. Nevertheless, garlic will not lose its taste. And the vacated bed can be allocated for growing more popular vegetables.


    Some gardeners believe that beet roots should be large and juicy, while others give preference to small “representatives”, because they are much more tender and softer, and even easier to handle when preparing food.

    For adherents of the second option, growing beets in shaded areas is ideal. Beets planted in the shade will not suffer from a lack of sunlight. Even rare rays are enough for her to grow medium-sized sweet root vegetables.

    Parsnips and root parsley are grown in a similar way.


    For horseradish, a garden in the shade will not be an obstacle, but a favorable environment for growth. This plant can survive even in the most shady areas, and it will grow large, succulent leaves that reach a length of up to one and a half meters.

    When it comes to “populating” a shady area, best option What the hell, it’s not worth looking for. It will definitely serve you well in cooking: any part of this plant (except the inflorescences) can be eaten. The leaf will be preserved, and the root can be used to prepare sauces and dressings or for medicinal purposes.

    Horseradish sometimes suffers from excess moisture in the soil, so keep an eye on watering. Dry summer – comfortable and favorable environment for the growth of horseradish.


    It is worth noting right away that legumes love the sun, however, this will not prevent you from choosing shade-loving varieties: breeders worked hard to breed them. Bush beans also tend to adapt to partial shade.

    The best part of the garden for planting legumes is the bed under the apple trees. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to plant beans and bush beans here.

    As soon as the harvest has passed, it is advisable to leave the green tops on the site: this will enrich the soil with organic matter and minerals.

    Perennial onion

    Varieties such as slime onions or chives are attractive because they take root well in shade and partial shade, and also delight their owners with a harvest for many years in a row. Perennial onions grown in similar conditions boast more juicy greens.

    The beauty of chives lies in their amazing ability to “conquer territories.” In just a couple of years, the plant will fill the entire plot, while the gardener will not have to make any effort at all.

    Chives produce early greens and bloom with pleasant lilac inflorescences. Firstly, they decorate the appearance of the garden. Secondly, these small flowers attract a large number of pollinating insects to the site, which help not only the onions themselves, but also neighboring vegetables/herbs to reproduce.

    The slime onion “comes to life” after the first thaw, i.e. in early spring. At this time, there is no trace of other garden greens, which is why this variety of onion is so valued: at the beginning of spring, it is practically the only option for fresh herbs; it is actively used in preparing salads and dressings.


    Ramson - or bear onion, as it is popularly called - amazing plant, combining the taste of both garlic and onion. IN wildlife wild garlic lives in the forest. Lush and dense tree crowns shield the plant from the sun, which is why it has adapted to shady conditions.

    Traditional medicine resorts to the help of wild garlic quite often: for vitamin deficiencies, cholesterol and skin diseases. Therefore, keeping such a plant in the garden is not only desirable, but necessary!

    A salad with the addition of wild garlic will help strengthen the immune system and saturate the body with an additional portion of vitamins.


    Borago is the so-called borage grass, which delights garden owners with lush greenery already in early spring. The peculiarity of the herb is its taste, very reminiscent of fresh cucumber. This is why borage is valued - cucumbers in early spring more and are not ready for seedlings, but the flavor of these vegetables will be added to any salad or dressing by the aromatic borage herb. The plant is generally unpretentious. It is not afraid of frost and adapts well to life in the shade. Pests rarely attack borage: borage attracts almost no interest from harmful insects.

    To grow borage, gardeners do not need to put in almost any effort. Regular watering is desirable, but not required. Even if you visit the “cucumber” bed once a week and sometimes forget to water, it doesn’t matter! Borago will survive in such conditions.

    This plant is rich in vitamins; during the spring shortage of fresh vegetables and herbs, it will save you from weakening of the immune system. Therefore, you will not regret at all if you populate a bed in the shade with borage grass.


    A variety of types of lettuce (both head and leaf) adapt well to shaded locations. Lettuce, spinach, sorrel, chard, watercress and arugula, as well as mustard - all of these representatives will grow well in beds illuminated by weak sunlight for 2-3 hours a day.

    When these plant varieties are planted in bright areas, their leaves grow excessively, quickly become coarse and can give off an unpleasant bitterness. This definitely won’t happen to specimens planted in the shade: although their leaves will be slightly smaller, they will acquire the ability for a long time remain soft and tender, maintaining the original flavor.

    Spicy herbs, greens

    Those who came to us from the south spices mostly sun-loving. For example, basil will definitely not grow without light. However the following types greenery is quite unpretentious, and therefore adapts well to the shade:

    • parsley;
    • mint;
    • oregano;
    • celery;
    • tarragon;
    • Melissa;
    • thyme;
    • lovage;
    • cilantro.

    These herbs will not only bring a harvest of lush greenery, but will also delight you with their aroma.

    If spices and edible herbs grow under fruit trees or among currant bushes, they must be covered with a protective film when spraying these same trees and bushes with poisons against insect pests. Otherwise, the chemicals will settle on the plants, which will affect both their benefits and their taste.

    Berry bushes

    Twilight is ideal for growing a large number of berry bushes. Under natural conditions, shrubs such as blue honeysuckle, serviceberry, chokeberry (or chokeberry) and viburnum live under forest cover. These plants are shade-loving by nature. If you can't decide what to plant in the shade behind the house, take a closer look at these bushes: they all ripen at different times, so you'll be provided with delicious berries, extremely beneficial for health.


    Raspberries thrive in the shade just fine. If you have an unplanted area somewhere under the fence, you can safely set it aside for planting raspberry bushes. Raspberries ripened in shady conditions will be sweeter, juicier and larger.

    Rose hip

    Rosehip is a plant for all occasions. Few people know about the ability of rose hips to adapt to the lack of sunlight. It is simply necessary to have such a shrub on your site. At the beginning of summer, it delights owners with its flowers, delicate aroma and ability to attract bumblebees to the garden. And in the fall you will have the opportunity to pick such healthy berries, full of vitamins.

Despite the fact that melon is a “purebred southerner,” summer residents grow it not only in the south. And all because this culture is extremely tasty and very healthy. And varieties “for the market” are not always distinguished by high taste qualities, not like fruits from your own garden or greenhouse. True, melon has its own “secrets,” but they are not particularly difficult. Therefore, if you have not yet grown melon on your acres, you should definitely try it at least once!

Red Sea salad with squid, crab sticks and red caviar - a light and healthy snack that is suitable for a pescetarian menu; it can also be prepared on fasting days, when fish and seafood are allowed on the menu. The salad is simply extremely tasty and easy to prepare. Buy squid freshly frozen. I do not recommend preparing a dish with giant squid fillet; although it looks appetizing and tempting, it has a strong ammonia aftertaste that is difficult to get rid of.

Columnar fruit trees differ from ordinary fruit trees in their compact crown, small height, lack of lateral branching. With a small habit, these miracle trees are distinguished by their ability to produce large yields of large, tasty and beautiful fruits. On 1-2 acres you can place up to 20-25 columnar trees - varieties of apple trees, pears, plums, peaches, cherries, apricots and other crops of different ripening periods. Our article will tell you about the features of creating a columnar garden.

August can feel a little sad - autumn, followed by a long winter, is already on the doorstep. But the flower beds are still full of colors, and their color scheme creates an atmosphere of warmth and joy. The rich palette of August flower beds mainly consists of yellow, orange, and crimson tones. And it seems as if the garden has become warmer and has more sunny color. What flowers should definitely be planted in flower beds so that they brighten up the inevitable passing of summer with blooms?

Peach jam with bananas is aromatic, thick, healthy and, most importantly, it contains half the sugar than regular jam. This is a quick jam with pectin, and pectin powder, as you know, allows you to reduce the sugar content in the jam, or even make it without sugar. Sugar-free jams are fashionable sweets these days; they are very popular among supporters healthy image life. Peaches for harvesting can be of any degree of ripeness, bananas too.

Coriander is one of the most popular spices in the world, and its greens are called coriander or coriander. Interestingly, cilantro leaves no one indifferent. Some people adore it and happily use it in any salads and sandwiches, and they love Borodino bread for the special flavor of coriander seeds. Others, citing the smell that evokes associations with forest bugs, hate coriander and flatly refuse to approach bunches of cilantro even at the market, let alone plant it in their own garden.

Saintpaulias are coming back into fashion and turning the idea of ​​cute blooming violets that willingly live on any windowsill. Trends in the “market” of Uzambara violets indicate a rapid increase in interest in plants with unusual leaves. Are attracting more and more admiring glances unusual colors flowers, and exotic variegated colors of leaves. Variegated Saintpaulias are almost no different from all the others in cultivation.

Sweet and sour marinated cherry tomatoes with red onion and basil marinated with balsamic vinegar and mustard. These pickled vegetables will decorate any festive table, they are very tasty and aromatic. Marinade filling is a completely different story: you get a delicious brine, the only drawback of which is the small quantity. Choose sweet, red onions. Cherries are strong, slightly unripe, and the smallest. Fresh basil will work either green or purple.

My first acquaintance with hydrogel took place a long time ago. Back in the nineties, my husband brought funny multi-colored balls from Japan, which greatly increased in size when filled with water. They were supposed to be used for bouquets or some other decorative purposes. Of course, at first it was funny, but then I got tired of playing and abandoned them, I don’t even remember where they went. But I recently returned to using hydrogel. I will tell you about my experience in this article.

Watermelon and summer are inseparable concepts. However, you won’t find melons in every area. And all because this African plant takes up a lot of space, is quite demanding of both heat and sun, and also of proper watering. But still, we love watermelon so much that today not only southerners, but much more northern summer residents have learned to grow it. It turns out that you can find an approach to such a capricious plant, and if you want, you can get a decent harvest.

You can make red gooseberry jam in 10 minutes. However, it should be borne in mind that this is the time required to cook the jam without preparing the berries. It takes a lot of time to harvest and prepare the berries for processing. Cruel thorns discourage any desire to harvest, and you still have to cut off the noses and tails. But the result is worth it, the jam turns out excellent, one of the most aromatic, in my opinion, and the taste is such that it is impossible to tear yourself away from the jar.

Monsteras, anthuriums, caladiums, dieffenbachias... Representatives of the Araceae family are considered one of the most popular categories indoor plants. And not the last factor in their widespread distribution is diversity. Aroids are represented by aquatic plants, epiphytes, semi-epiphytes, tuberous plants and lianas. But despite such diversity, because of which it is sometimes difficult to guess about the relationship of plants, aroids are very similar to each other and require the same care.

Donskoy salad for the winter - a savory appetizer of fresh vegetables in a sweet and sour marinade with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. IN original recipe regular or apple cider vinegar, but with a combination of wine vinegar and light Balsamico it turns out much tastier. The salad can be prepared without sterilization - bring the vegetables to a boil, put them in sterile jars and wrap them warmly. You can also pasteurize the workpieces at a temperature of 85 degrees, then quickly cool.

The main mushrooms collected are: porcini, obabka, boletus, chanterelles, boletus, moss mushrooms, russula, milk mushrooms, boletus, saffron milk caps, honey mushrooms. Other mushrooms are collected depending on the region. And their name (other mushrooms) is legion. As well as mushroom pickers, of whom there are more and more every year. Therefore, there may not be enough for all known mushrooms. And I know for sure that among the little-known there are very worthy representatives. About little-known, but tasty and healthy mushrooms I'll tell you in this article.

The word "ampel" comes from the German word "ampel", meaning a hanging container for flowers. The fashion for hanging flower beds came to us from Europe. And today it is very difficult to imagine a garden where there is not at least one hanging basket. In response to the growing popularity of container floriculture, a large number of hanging plants, whose shoots easily fall outside the flowerpots. Let's talk about those that are valued for their beautiful flowers.

Almost any summer cottage There are both well-lit, sunny and slightly shaded places that you also want to arrange.

Especially if there is not so much land and on “6 acres” you need to place a house, a garden, a vegetable garden, and plant flowers. Therefore, the question: “What to plant in the shade at the dacha?” occurs in every summer resident.

Degree of shading of the area

Each shaded area must be considered individually. There are corners that are well lit by the sun, but only for a few hours. Others are in the “openwork” shade of trees; diffused sunlight penetrates through the foliage. There are completely shaded areas that cannot be penetrated at all. Sun rays. But some plant species can grow even under such conditions.

When choosing a crop for planting, you need to take into account the location of the cottage and the climate. Thus, the same crop in different climatic conditions will develop differently in the shade. For example, in the southern regions, shaded areas are suitable for growing vegetables, but in the northern regions - only for greens.

Shade-tolerant and shade-loving crops

So what to plant in the shade at the dacha? To choose the right plants that will do well in shady place you need to familiarize yourself with their characteristics, find out how they tolerate the absence of sun.

Suitable for planting in shaded areas:

  • Shade-tolerant crops (scioheliophytes ) - grow normally in both open and shaded areas. Among them there is a wide variety of shrubs, vegetables, and flowers.
  • Shade-loving crops (sciophytes ) - develop better in a shaded place, grow poorly in open areas. There are much fewer such plants than light-loving and shade-tolerant ones.
When choosing a plant to plant, you need to consider:
  • Shading degree.
  • Soil condition and acidity.
  • Humidity.
  • Drafts.

Trees that can be planted in the shade

Ground that is covered most of the day in the shadow of buildings or high fence- not a very attractive place for planting young trees. But some species easily tolerate the absence of bright sun. More often these are ornamental rather than fruit trees.

You can plant here:

  • Spruce. It is mainly used by summer residents in single plantings. Areas with acidic soil, sheltered from the wind, are more suitable for it.
  • Irgu. Formed in the form of a small tree or bush. It has edible fruits - small sweet apples up to 1 cm in diameter.
  • Cypress. Can be shaped like a shrub or used to create a hedge.
  • Maple. Used in single and group plantings, to create alleys. It is better to plant it in partial shade, since in full shade it grows more slowly. To form a beautiful crown, sometimes you need to trim.
  • Fir. In most cases, it is used in group plantings. It is valued for its cone-shaped crown, which does not need to be trimmed.
  • Rowan. The tree doesn't need special care. Rowan fruits can be eaten after the first frost (they lose their astringency). They are often used in folk medicine.

Shade-tolerant shrubs

In the southern regions, when growing some types of fruit bushes, summer residents are faced with the fact that in the spring the plants get sunburned, and in the hot summer the fruits are “baked” in the sun. Therefore, in the south it is better to plant them in the light shade of trees. A large number of shrubs develop well and bear fruit in shaded areas.

Shade-tolerant include:

  • Blackberry. A thorny bush with edible dark purple or black berries. It takes root normally on any soil. It can be planted near water. It is growing strongly. Requires frequent pruning.
  • Dogwood. Decorative bush with edible fruits. In summer it blooms and bears fruit profusely, and in winter it acquires unusual look due to the young shoots being red. Grows well in soil rich in lime.
  • Gooseberry. A low thorny bush with sweet and sour berries. When planting it in the garden, you should avoid proximity to plums and cherry plums. These trees have a negative impact on him.
  • Hazel(hazelnut). Well growing shrub. Can be used for group and single plantings. It is better to replant in the fall.
Having a dacha in the central or northern regions of Russia, you need to take into account that, being shade-tolerant, the shrubs will bear fruit, but their harvest will be smaller. So here it is better to plant ornamental shrubs in the shade at the dacha. Such as:
  • Hydrangea. Most often used in group plantings. Prefers shaded areas and well-moistened soil.
  • Kalina. Unpretentious shrub. For which slightly acidic or neutral soil is more suitable. Does not grow well on peat and sandy soil. If you plant viburnum in infertile soil, it will grow, but will not bloom.
  • Juniper. One of the most popular and easy to care for shrubs. Depending on the type, its crown can be cone-shaped, spreading or creeping.
  • Rhododendron. Almost all of its species and varieties are shade-loving. So plant it in the shade at the dacha - great option. It can be replanted regardless of the time of year, except for the flowering period. Quickly accepted in a new place.
  • Lilac. Can form as a tree or as a shrub. Although it is a shade-tolerant species, it does not bloom well in heavy shade.

Shade-tolerant garden crops

Experienced summer residents claim that almost half of the vegetable crops can be planted in the shade at the dacha.

Even with little sunlight By following the rules of cultivation, you can get a good harvest:

  • Carrots. Loose and sandy soil is suitable for it. But before planting, it needs to be cleared of pests and weeds.
  • Ogurtsov. This vegetable grows in any soil, but it is better in light, well-fertilized and moistened soil. In hot and dry summers, cucumbers are protected from the sun with a special protective cloth, otherwise they begin to get sick.
  • Radish. Loamy, not acidic soil. Before planting, the bed can be fertilized with ash. To get large fruits, radishes need to be watered frequently.
  • Beetroot. Moisture-loving culture. If there is strong shading, the root crop will develop poorly, so alternating shade and bright sun is more suitable for beets.
  • Garlic. A frost-resistant crop that can be planted both in late autumn and spring. Before planting, it is recommended to prepare and fertilize the soil.
In shaded areas, you can grow white cabbage or cauliflower, but provided that direct sunlight hits the garden bed for at least 5 hours.

A good place for growing herbs (parsley, celery, lettuce, sorrel, onions) is considered to be light shade.

In regions with very hot summers, even tomatoes and sweet peppers are recommended to be grown in the shade. Since an excess of sun, especially with poor watering, plants produce bad harvest, are sick.

Flowers for a shady garden

In shady areas of the dacha (near the house or under the trees) you can create a recreation area. Plant and grow beautiful lawn in an area where there is little sunlight it is difficult. The grass will be weak and sparse. But there are many kinds of flowers that can be formed beautiful flower beds, flower beds, ridges.

To do this, you need to select flowers and ornamental plants that react normally to the lack of bright light. These include:

  • Badan. A perennial that is valued not only for its appearance, and healing properties. It grows strongly, preventing weeds from sprouting. Grows well on light soils. Therefore, before planting, it is better to mix the soil with sand or small crushed stone. Does not tolerate stagnant water well.
  • Periwinkle. low growing perennial. It is often used to cover the ground under trees. It is unpretentious and grows well.
  • Geranium. Universal flower, which does not require serious care. It develops equally well at home in a pot and in open ground, in a sunny and shaded area. It is enough for her to be in the sun for about 5 hours. So you can safely plant it in the shade of trees in the country.
  • Lily of the valley. A common perennial. Tolerates shade and plenty of moisture well.
  • Forget-me-not. Perennial or annual herb. Does not require complex care. It grows quickly, covering the ground well. You can plant it directly under the trees.
  • Fern. Doesn't like bright sun. Grows best in shaded areas with well-moistened soil.
  • Khosta. Belongs to the shade-loving species. It is unpretentious, but grows more slowly on sandy soils. Loves moisture (without stagnant water).
Don’t be upset if there are a lot of shaded areas in your summer cottage. At the right approach, they can also be beneficial and pleasing to the eye.

Already in early spring, we begin to think about the layout of our garden, distributing the plants that we will plant in different corners of our summer cottage. As a rule, most people are faced with the problem of choosing a plant for planting in shady places that they really want to decorate. beautiful flowers or bushes, because such areas are often left empty and unkempt.

What to plant in a shady place or which plants are shade-tolerant

A shady place is considered to be an area where sunlight reaches no more than 3 hours a day, and the rest of the time there is deep shadow.

Every garden has shaded areas; these can be on northern or western slopes, near a fence or between large trees.

In fact, the shadiest places in the garden are the most best places, because, as a rule, this is where the favorite bench for relaxing on a hot summer day is located. However, not every plant will be able to withstand the shade, grow successfully and delight the eye with its flowering.

Shade-loving plants include those plants that, no matter how strange it may sound, cannot tolerate sunlight at all or suffer from its excess. They typically have bright, lush, green foliage.

All shade-loving and shade-tolerant plants can be divided into 2 varieties: decorative foliage and flowering.

  • To the shade-loving flowers and flowering bushes include the following: weigela, matthiola two-horned, daisy, forget-me-not, rudbeckia, fragrant tobacco, astilbe, brunnera, lungwort, hydrangea (large-leaved, tree-like, serrated), heuchera, honeysuckle, hawthorn, bergenia, Rogersia, arizema, basilisk, Volzhanka, aquilegia, dicentra, aconite, tenacious (ayuga), lily of the valley, cuff, astrantia, kupena, black cohosh, buzulnik.
  • To the shade-loving decorative deciduous bushes includes hosta, fern, astilboides, euonymus, Thunberg barberry, privet.

Advice! When you arrange plants in a shady area, do not plant only monocultures; shade-loving perennials and annuals look great in close proximity.

Popular shade-loving shrubs

Ideal among shrubs for shady places barberry thunberg. In deep shade you will hardly get the bright yellow and red colors and it will most likely just be a uniform green color, but it is still a very noticeable shade tolerant plant.

Another small and shade-tolerant shrub is euonymus. Its variegated and low form looks very good in the garden.

Under the shade of trees, a low bush will be quite noticeable privet. His lemon color leaves seem to illuminate a shady place.

If you want to plant a taller shrub in a shady corner of your garden, and even with healthy berries, then it is best suited for these purposes hawthorn.

And if you need a beautiful flowering shrub, then this is suitable for this weigela. However, different varieties differently belong to the shade - some are more shade-tolerant, some are less.

It will look very decorative in a shady corner cotoneaster. It has beautiful dark green leathery and shiny leaves. Again, the varieties differ markedly in shade tolerance.

Imagine how pleasant it will be to sit in a gazebo that is entwined with honeysuckle with its magnificent flowers.

By the way, decorative Viburnum Buldenezh (Snow Globe) also shade-tolerant.

Popular annual and perennial shade-tolerant flowers

Favorites among the flowers for a shady garden will be matthiola bicorne, forget-me-not, rudbeckia, and fragrant tobacco.

Fragrant tobacco

If we talk about seasonal and annual shade-loving plants, then under the trees, where there is a lot of shade, in the spring you can safely plant , , and , because they will bloom in all their glory long before the leaves appear on the trees.

Brief descriptions of the most popular shade-tolerant and shade-loving perennial plants: shrubs and flowers


According to many gardeners, hosta is simply the queen of the shady garden. It has a wide variety of leaf colors, ranging from bluish to yellow-green, and there are even leaves with a white edge.

It is very appropriate to combine hosta with the most different varieties ferns, planting them in the shade of the house, where everything is in order with humidity (it is high).

Video: care and cultivation of shade-loving hosts


This is a fancy plant that thrives in shade and thrives in moist soil.

Video: growing and caring for shade-loving astilbe


The most striking feature of this plant is its original large leaves. Its leaves can reach from 80 to 100 centimeters in diameter.

Another one distinguishing feature astilboides is that its stalk is attached in an unusual way: it grows directly from the middle of the leaf. In other words, it turns out to be an umbrella on a leg.

This luxurious and spectacular plant loves to grow near swampy rivers, it is at its best Suitable for decorating artificial ponds.


There are a lot of varieties of buzulniks. Those that grow in natural conditions have dark green leaves and irresistible inflorescences yellow color.

Artificially bred buzulniks often have dark brown, even burgundy foliage and unusual daisy-like yellow flower stalks that can last for a whole month.


This is absolutely unique plant, ideal for planting in the shade. It goes into winter in a green state and after winter again appears green to the eye. The fact is that under the snow, bergenia does not shed its leaves and does not die, but remains green all the time.

The flowers of this plant are simple and modest, but very cute.

Another interesting property of bergenia is that its old leaves, which turn dark or brown, have special healing properties. In Tibet, they are brewed as a rejuvenating tea.

Video: unpretentious and shade-tolerant bergenia

Brunner (Forget-me-not)

Indispensable for decorating a small shady area.

Besides beautiful leaves impressive coloring (variegated and green with silvery cobwebs), it also blooms angelically charmingly - with little blue forget-me-nots.

You can look at her for hours, she is so airy and beautiful. It's simply impossible to take your eyes off!

Video: planting and caring for the shade-loving plant Brunnera macrophylla

Volzhanka (Arunkus)

It tolerates partial shade remarkably well, but blooms a little less profusely in deep shade. And yet the unassuming Volzhanka blooms its inflorescences again and again!

Video: unpretentious Volzhanka for planting and flowering in the shade


Heuchera looks absolutely wonderful, which is why it has won the hearts of many gardeners. The number of leaf colors is surprisingly rich: from lilac-steel to bright red and green.

The sizes are also quite varied: from miniature forms to quite tall specimens.

This is an absolutely unpretentious plant that does not require special attention, grows well and does not lose its decorative effect from May to October.

In addition, heuchera is very winter-hardy and tolerates the first autumn frosts well, going under the snow with leaves covered with frost.

And in the month of May, heucheras take off very quickly and gain their color due to the amazingly beautiful foliage.

It blooms amazingly beautifully, the flower stalks rise quite high above the plant and last quite a long time.

In the recent past, botanists crossed Heuchera and Tiarella and got new variety heucherella. The plant has become even more resistant to maintaining color, and the color range is much wider.

Video: everything about growing shade-loving heuchera

Dicentra (Broken Heart)

It can grow both in open and sunny areas and in shaded areas. However, in the sun, the buds bloom and fade early, and the flower stalks are not particularly large or splendid. In shady places, the color develops more slowly, but the flowers are brighter, larger and give pleasure with their wonderful appearance until July-August. Therefore, it would be good to plant the dicentra, for example, closer to the gazebo or house, the shadow from which will fall on the plant most of the day.

It will look good near the fence.

Video: how to grow dicentra or broken heart in a shady garden

Black cohosh (Cohosh)

Its name, of course, is not entirely euphonious, but the foliage is so delicate and pretty that when you see it, you will most likely just fall in love.

At the end of summer, it usually throws out a peduncle - a long panicle with silvery flowers. The spectacle is impressive! It is simply impossible to pass by without stopping.

Another important advantage of this shade-tolerant perennial is the fact that it can grow in the same place for quite a long time.


In our summer cottages, this flower is not widespread, but nevertheless it is a very friendly plant, which, like no other, is suitable for the shady side of a summer cottage.

Its coloring can vary from dark green to variegated, when the edge of the green leaf is bordered by white stripes.

Delicate white and pink flowers all over the stem, somewhat similar to a lily of the valley, are a very pleasant sight.

The plant grows quite quickly, so if you need to fill the shady space under fruit trees or plant it in the shade next to conifers, then the kupena deserves your attention.


Another king of shade is the fern. Of course, it doesn’t produce flowers, no matter how much we want and expect, but it has stunning foliage that comes in different colors, different sizes and forms. He lives best in a damp, shady corner.

We are accustomed to the fact that ferns are always dark green in color, but now varieties have been developed with a dark brown color, a lilac center and silvery edges of the leaves.

If you plant a fern in the shade of your garden house or in another shady place, then it will completely take all your attention and the attention of the guests of your garden.

Video: caring for ferns and growing them in the shade under the canopy of trees


Many gardeners call it the queen of the shady garden, which grows up to 1.5 meters in height.

Thanks to the magnificent large leaves Rogers is very picturesque throughout the season.

Fluffy and fragrant panicle inflorescences of white, pink or cream color bloom in early July and can bloom for more than a month.

Shaded area design idea! Plant tall and shade-loving plants such as buzulniks, black cohosh and ferns in the background, make the second tier of hostas, and heucheras and heucherellas on the bottom.

In your summer cottage, only shaded areas remain unplanted, and is it difficult for you to select suitable plant specimens to revive them? Use our tips and recommendations for landscaping, and then the whole mosaic of your garden will come together.

Video: what plants to plant in shady areas

Gardeners encounter two opposing problem areas: bright sun and deep shade. Both of these extremes significantly reduce the ability to grow many plants, both flowers and vegetables.

It often happens that a large plot is in the shade behind a house, garage or other buildings. But there are areas where the sun is at least partially present, and there are those where it does not reach at all.

In this article we will tell you what can be planted behind the house, in the shade.

Vegetables for a shady area

There are much fewer vegetables for a shady area than ornamental plants. The fact is that light is needed for the fruit to ripen. But deciduous plants can live in dimly lit areas. You cannot plant any vegetables in deep shade, but in partial shade you can grow:

  • spinach;
  • watercress, arugula and lettuce;
  • chard;
  • onions for greens;
  • peas;
  • beans;
  • cucumbers;
  • radish;
  • broccoli and cauliflower.

Among others, cucumber can thrive in the shade of trees, hanging on fences. In addition to vegetables, in such conditions it is quite possible to grow greens, such as parsley and dill. This is a small list of vegetables that can be planted in the shade behind the house.

Shade-loving or shade-tolerant?

These concepts often tend to be confused, but meanwhile it tolerates partial shade well, while shade-loving plants prefer to grow in deep shade. Before you go buy plants, find out through observation what kind of area you have, how many hours the sun is present there. One question is what to plant in the shade of trees, and another question is what to plant in the deep shadow of a house. This will help avoid mistakes.

Top plants growing in the shade

Among the shady options there are a lot of magnificently beautiful flowering decorative deciduous and coniferous trees. You just need to know them. Then, instead of the question of what to plant in the shade behind the house, you will have another one: what to choose from the many shade plants? There are actually quite a lot of options.

So, the most popular shade plants:

  • Decorative deciduous perennials: hosta, fern, brunnera, hoofweed.
  • Ground cover perennials: periwinkle, ivy.
  • Flowering perennials: daylily, aquilegia, tradescantia, clematis.
  • Conifers: Canadian spruce (conica).
  • Shrubs: euonymus, derain, cotoneaster.
  • Tuberous: cannas.

Some of them deserve special attention due to their decorative nature and love for shady places. Still undecided on what to plant in the shade behind the house? With the photographs included in the article, the choice becomes easier. Next we will talk about other options.

Hosta - Queen of Shadow

Hosta is the most popular plant for low-light areas. What's remarkable is the fact that denser shade makes hosta leaves appear larger and more impressive. Therefore, the answer to the question of which plants to plant in the shade is the hosta. It is very shade-loving and, on the contrary, loses all its decorative effect in the sun.

In addition, it is also valued for its frost resistance: it tolerates extreme cold well without shelter. There are many types of hosta, they differ in the size and color of the leaves. This plant is valued for its variety of soft green, variegated with white and silver leaves, collected in a basal rosette.

Hosta has cute white or purple flowers in the form of a small bell, which are located on a long stem.

Planting a hosta is very simple: dig up part of the rhizome with leaves and plant it in a new place, preferably in spring or autumn, outside the hot season.

Canadian spruce conica - coniferous charm in the shade

The name of this spruce gives us an understanding of its cone-shaped shape. Indeed, this evergreen and extremely slow-growing tree has the shape of a cone. Konica has a dense structure, so that the trunk is not visible, and what’s interesting is that it forms this shape itself, creating the image of a trimmed tree.

This spruce is an ideal shade dweller; it loves moist soil, but drainage will not interfere with it. Keeping in mind its slow growth, do not place anything tall nearby, otherwise it will clog the conic.

It will look great in a single planting if you lay agrofibre around it and sprinkle with small decorative stones. Can also go well with low junipers.

Fern - forest guest

Some people dream of growing ferns on their property. However, it does not take root anywhere except in dimly lit areas. If you are thinking about what plants to plant in the shade, feel free to choose this forest beauty.

Among the ferns, they are the champion of survival in conditions of lack of light. But it not only survives there, but also creates wonderful lush thickets. It is valued for its unwinding leaves (wais), which have a beautiful carved structure.

It can take a long time to choose what to plant in the deep shade behind the house, but if you choose ferns, you can’t go wrong.

Ivy - evergreen lace

Ivy is an evergreen plant from the Araliaceae family, with many varieties. For our territories, only frost-resistant species that can survive in winter are of interest.

Ivy is prized for its evergreen waxy leaves of various colors: from dark green to variegated varieties.

If you have an empty, low-light place near the fence or you don’t know what to plant in the shade behind the house, then purchase this plant as soon as possible. Ivy is used to decorate hedges and as a ground cover. They will also be a salvation for the shady segments of alpine slides: ivy falling from the stones gives a wild, mysterious look.

Daylily - a flower for the lazy

If we talk about daylily, then, like all flowering plants, it prefers sunny places, but can easily withstand shade. This is a plant with thin, long leaves that gather at the root and a flower on a long stem. The flowers are quite decorative and bloom even in strong shade, but the stalks will be very long. Daylily grows at a colossal speed, so that in a short time you can get a dense clearing.

Daylily is called a flower for the lazy: the usual orange and yellow varieties really do not require any care at all. More demanding species have greater decorative value. Light varieties are not suitable for planting in deep shade. You need to choose darker types.

Cotoneaster - wild prince

Cotoneasters are very unpretentious plants, which, in addition to dense, small, shiny foliage, charm with small bright red berries. The berries stay on the branch for so long that it gives the impression of an ever-bearing bush.

Weight of cotoneaster species: from tall bushes to ground cover. Creeping cotoneaster, which deserves special attention for shade, is very a short time takes large plots. For slopes alpine slide and rockery is the best option.

The shady side of the house is suitable for compositions with stones. What to plant in the shade among stones is no longer a problem. Of course, cotoneaster, forming wild untamed thickets hanging from stones or winding between them. The effect is amazing, considering that the stones, like cotoneaster, do not need bright sun.

Unexpected shadow area bonuses

Shady areas also have their advantage - they are often very wet. Even in scorching conditions, they retain life-giving moisture, almost never drying out. In such places there may be plants that will die in other areas. But that's not all the benefits of the shadow.

Plants can only be replanted in spring and autumn, since they do not take root if there is a lack of moisture. But in deep shade you have the opportunity to transplant throughout the summer!

So, we told you about what to plant in the shade behind the house. Flowers, shrubs or ground covers - the choice is yours. But there are very few annuals for shade; it is better to choose perennials: plant and forget.

Now you will not have problems choosing what to plant in the shade behind the house.


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