Pea cypress - types and varieties of plants, cultivation features. Boulevard cypress - evergreen beauty on your site

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I got this amazing beautiful plant at the flower market. Naturally, the seller, wanting to sell quickly, described the Bolivar cypress to me as the most unpretentious and easy-to-care plant. I listened to her with half an ear and simply admired this amazing plant. Of course I bought it. I thought I'd come home and find full information about this tree on the Internet. It’s just that I already had such a case that the saleswoman tried to sell me indoor flower, completely unaware of how to care for him. Therefore, I trust the sellers' words to a lesser extent.

When I came home and scoured the Internet, to my amazement I found no information on this plant, but only small fragments of proposals and assumptions on flower forums. I decided to go deeper (I needed to find out how to care for the Bolivar cypress), and turned to the nursery
coniferous plants for advice.

It turned out that the so-called Cypress Bolivar is actually the Bolivar cypress (Chamaecyparis pisifera cultivar “Boulevard”). More precisely, they didn’t answer me what to call him “Bolivar” or “Bolivard”, they said that either way is correct. This evergreen coniferous tree is considered the slowest growing variety of cypress trees and belongs to the Cypress family. Over its entire life, this plant can grow no more than 2 m in height, has a narrow-conical, soft, light green (most likely even bluish-blue) crown. The bark is red-brown in color, the crown is very thick. The needles are non-thorny, soft, no more than 0.5 cm in length. The cones are spherical in shape, no more than 0.6 cm in diameter, dark brown in color.

This type of cypress was bred due to mutation
old variety of Cypress pea "Squarrosa Sulphurea" and through selection this amazing variety appeared. This cypress tree is named after the nursery where K. Bulevar appeared in the 1930s. IN last years Boulevard cypress began to increasingly win the attention of flower growers and gardeners, and for good reason. While this plant is small, it can be grown both in open ground and indoors. The main thing is to create the right climatic conditions.

This plant loves to be very fertile, loose soil and open sunny space. Doesn't grow well in the shade. While the cypress is small, it grows very slowly, but over time its growth rate accelerates significantly and the annual growth is 10 cm. It does not tolerate limestone, acidified soils, as well as excess moisture and soil compaction. Although it does not tolerate drought well. Not It is recommended to plant this cypress tree very close to others garden plants, since it loves open space very much. Winters well.

The most amazing thing is that the life expectancy of the Bolivard cypress is about 300 years. So, by planting it on your plot, you will bring the joy of admiring it not only to your children, but also to your grandchildren and even great-grandchildren.

Cypress Bolivar in room conditions:

When growing this coniferous plant indoors, you should also follow the rules of care. Let me remind you that it is possible to keep a pea-bearing cypress in the house only during the period of its small growth. Subsequently, it will still need to be transplanted into open ground because of its size. This plant should be placed on a south or south-east window with obligatory shading from direct midday sun rays. Otherwise the plant may get sunburn. Watering should be done in spring summer period– regularly, but without stagnation of moisture in the soil. It is advisable to drain the excess. It is best to water the cypress tree from a tray so that regular watering does not compress the soil.

Frequent spraying with warm, settled water and fertilizing 2 times a month are also recommended. In winter, it is advisable to create cool conditions, since all coniferous plants love a cool winter. In summer, it is better to take the Bolivar cypress tree out into the open air.

For creating optimal conditions yours indoor plants You can purchase an air conditioner for your home that can cope with the heat in summer. And as you know, heat is the main enemy of all plants in the house. Moreover, servicing air conditioners is not such an expensive pleasure, and it will bring much more benefits.

The interest of landscape designers and ordinary gardeners in coniferous trees and the bushes are now greater than ever. Evergreen needles and variety of sizes, decorative forms give a wide scope for choice. One of the popular representatives of this category is the Boulevard pea-bearing cypress. Planting and caring for it are quite simple and not burdensome, which allows the plant to be used in a wide variety of qualities: solitary plantings, hedge, rock garden, etc. Do not confuse it with cypress. The cypress tree differs from its southern counterpart in having branches located in the same plane, small cones and high frost resistance. The latter feature, in particular, explains its high prevalence in England.

Boulevard: description

Cypress trees belong to the genus of the same name from the Cypress family. These are woody plants of varying heights, growing slowly, with characteristic needles. They are endemic Japanese Islands, that is, cypress trees are not found anywhere in the world in the natural environment. Prefer well-moistened soils. Wood is characterized by high quality indicators. Withdrawn a large number of varieties. One of the most famous and widespread is the Boulevard cypress, a description of which is given below.

The tree is believed to be a shoot mutation of the Squarrosa form. The plant reaches a height of 5 meters or more, but it grows quite slowly, especially in at a young age. The annual growth is about 10 cm. However, thanks to this, it remains highly decorative for a long period of time. The crown shape is symmetrical, pin-shaped. The needles are awl-shaped, up to 5-6 cm long, at the ends of the shoots they have a characteristic inward bend. The color of cypress is silver-blue, often taking on a gray tint in winter.

Choosing a location for a tree

Boulevard cypress is a typical plant of a humid coastal climate. In this regard, it tolerates dry air and lack of moisture extremely poorly. Regions such as the Astrakhan, Saratov, Volgograd region, etc. are not suitable for it. It must receive at least 400 mm of natural precipitation during the summer season; if there is a shortage of it, the tree will have to be watered.

Cypress quickly depletes its strength in a shady and dry place, which very often leads to the death of the plant. There is no need to place it near large trees whose roots spread over a large area. Cypress grows best in a sunny, bright area with fertile and sufficiently moist soil. But at the same time, stagnation of moisture and proximity groundwater the plant is contraindicated, it is especially sensitive to these factors in spring period. Set aside gentle western and southern slopes, protected from the wind, for planting cypress trees.

Soil for cypress

As mentioned above, Boulevard cypress prefers fertile soils, moist and at the same time well drained, without stagnation of water. The ideal soil for a plant should have a pH of 4.5-5.2. This is easily achieved by adding to the soil required quantity peat Before planting, it is best to prepare a balanced suitable soil, in which the tree will develop for several years. To do this, you need to take turf soil, sand and peat in a ratio of 1:1:2 and fill the planting hole with the mixture. When planting on a slope, the circle around the trunk should be formed in the form of a shallow funnel to make it convenient to water the cypress tree.

Planting dates and technology

It is important to know some of the features of growing a plant when choosing Boulevard cypress for your garden. Planting and care are primary issues that should be studied in advance. The most optimal time for planting is early spring, when the plants have not yet started to grow. active growth, but the soil has already warmed up enough after the winter. The planting hole must be prepared in the fall. Its optimal dimensions are 90 and 60 cm in depth and width, respectively. Don’t forget about a drainage “cushion” at least 20 cm high at the bottom of the planting hole. For these purposes, you can use coarse gravel, broken brick and expanded clay. Pour the pre-prepared substrate on top and leave it like that until winter. By spring, the soil will subside, rot and warm up faster.

When planting, the Boulevard cypress, like any other, needs to be raised slightly so that the root collar is 10-20 cm above the ground level. The soil will definitely settle and will need to be topped up. For the first time, tie the seedling to a support and mulch the circle around the trunk with wood chips or peat.

If planting several specimens of cypress, leave a distance of at least one meter between them, since root system plants grow in a horizontal plane, close to the surface.

Cypress Boulevard: care - watering and sprinkling

The main aspect of cypress tree care is regular and abundant watering and maintaining the required level of soil moisture. The plant is extremely sensitive to hot and dry weather. Weekly watering of a tree involves adding about 10 liters of water to one specimen. If the climate is hot and very dry, then this should be done several times a week. Only under such conditions will the plant delight with its beautiful openwork blue-green branches and high decorative value.

It would be useful to spray or, in other words, sprinkle the cypress tree. Do it in the early morning hours or after sunset so that the plant has time to dry out before nightfall. Temperature drops in the evening and excess moisture can provoke fungal and bacterial diseases.

After watering, it is necessary to promptly remove weeds around the tree trunk and loosen the soil.

Feeding with fertilizers

The first application of complex mineral and organic fertilizers can be done 2-3 months after planting the seedling. The concentration of drugs should be half that recommended for an adult plant. Otherwise, you can burn the young roots and harm the fragile tree.

An adult Boulevard cypress is fed with mineral complex fertilizer from spring to mid-July, twice a month. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to use a special preparation for conifers of the Kemira brand. It is scattered in a circle around the trunk and embedded in the soil. Feeding is stopped in mid-summer so that the plant has time to prepare for wintering.

Tree pruning

The process of caring for a cypress tree of any variety also includes its regular pruning. For the first time, the procedure is carried out in early spring, cutting off frozen tips of branches, damaged shoots and dried ones. This type of pruning will be called sanitary pruning. In addition to it, in the spring you can make a shaping one, giving the crown of the tree the desired shape.

In autumn the growth is cut off current year by 1/3 of the entire length. This will make the crown thicker. The formation of the plant should begin no earlier than one year after planting or replanting the plant.

Diseases and pests

The Boulevard variety, like other cypress trees, is quite resistant to various diseases and pests. However, sometimes due to errors in care, weather conditions etc. the tree can strike spider mite, scale insects. Among the diseases, there is a possibility of developing root rot.

A sign of the appearance of a spider mite may be yellowing and falling of the needles, as the insect literally sucks all the juices out of it. The solution is to repeatedly treat the plant with insecticides such as Nissorana, Apollo, Neorona, etc. Scale insects also feed on plant sap. The drug "Nuprid" is considered effective. If the scale of the infestation is too large and the process is out of control, then it is best to cut down the tree and destroy it by burning to prevent the spread of pests to other specimens.

Root rot is the result of stagnation of water in the roots. That’s why it’s so important to organize a drainage layer when planting. If a cypress tree shows signs of this disease, then it urgently needs to be dug up, the roots cut back to healthy tissue, treated with a fungicidal preparation and transplanted to another place in compliance with all the rules.

Cypress in the garden

Cypress Boulevard in landscape design is a very popular tree. It is valued for the beauty of its smooth greenish-blue shoots with a silver tint, as well as its resistance to diseases and pests, and frost resistance. The tree is grown in the gardens of Siberia and the Urals, although with proper shelter in winter.

This is especially good coniferous plant looks great in a rocky garden. Beautiful southern and western slopes, flower beds adapted to the natural landscape of the site, alpine hills - cypress grows slowly, so it will become the best decoration for them. Large and smooth boulders of a red-brown hue perfectly set off the beauty of its needles. Minimalism and simplicity, which are always valued in design.

Other representatives of coniferous trees and shrubs will be good neighbors for the cypress tree. For example, ground cover pyramidal and spherical thujas, etc.

Gardeners and landscape designers This variety of cypress is highly valued. In their reviews, they primarily note its two main qualities - high decorativeness and frost resistance, which allows you to significantly expand the areas of use of the plant. According to gardeners, the main difficulty with cypress trees arises only in terms of watering, which, however, is easily fixable. They also note its fairly good durability. The plant will delight you with its appearance in the garden for at least 10 years without losing its decorative value.

Under natural conditions, cypress pea grows in the north of the island of Honshu and in the southern region of Hokkaido, where coniferous broad-leaved forests are located.

Cypress pea is one of the especially revered plants in Japan, which also includes thuja orientalis, obtuse cypress, sciadopitis whorled, and Japanese cypress. In its homeland, pea cypress is often planted next to temples, Buddhist monasteries and dwellings.

The crown of the pea cypress is wide-pyramidal, openwork. The branches are located horizontally. The bark is smooth, reddish-brown, breaking up into thin strips. Under natural conditions it is propagated by seeds, and in culture by grafting and cuttings.

Does not tolerate dry air well and can be damaged by spring rays. This species is recommended for use in group and single plantings. It has a large number of cultivars that grow in the temperate zone of Russia.

A wide variety of forms and very high frost resistance of some varieties allow this beautiful species to be used in garden construction in humid areas, in moderately cold ones, and more drought-resistant forms in dry areas. Due to the abundance of decorative forms, the use of pea cypress is diverse.

Cypress pea "Filifera Nana"

Dwarf form of cypress pea. The shrub is dense, at 25 years it reaches a height of 40 cm and a width of about 90 cm. The crown of this cypress is spherical. The tips of the branches have a thread-like shape, spread out in all directions. The needles are scaly, dark green. Grows slowly, wider than tall. Winter-hardy. Photophilous.

Propagated by cuttings. Used for single and group plantings on rocky areas, on balconies, and in heather gardens.

Cypress pea "Filifera Aurea"

Tree about 3-5m high. The crown is conical and wide, its diameter is about 5 m. It grows very slowly. The shoots are spaced, their ends hanging, thread-like. The needles are scaly, bright yellow or yellow-golden. Winter-hardy. Propagated by cuttings. Recommended for single plantings in gardens and in groups, often in rocky areas.

At 20 years old, the height of the bush is about 3 m, the diameter of the crown is 280 cm. The annual growth is approximately 5 cm, in at a young age It grows faster, by the age of 20 its growth begins to slow down to 3 cm. Winter hardiness is average. In protected places it forms cones with developed seeds.

Cypress pea "Filifera Aurea Nana"

A squat bush with a cushion-shaped or rounded shape, crowns with a diameter of about 3 m. The shoots are densely branched, thread-like, arched, slow-growing. Height is about 1.5 m. Annual growth is approximately 5 cm. Crown diameter is 3 m. Width growth is 5 cm. Photophilous.

The needles are adjacent, scaly, golden-yellow, and they remain the same in winter. The roots branch, spreading over the surface, thin. Prefers soils that are neutral to highly alkaline, fertile, and moist. In harsh winters it sometimes freezes.

Cypress pea "Boulevard"

The height of an adult tree is about 5 m or more, the shape of this cypress is pin-shaped, symmetrical. Needles 5-6 cm long, awl-shaped, curved inward; in summer they are silver-blue, in winter they are gray-blue. In youth it grows very slowly, then faster. Annual growth is approximately 10 cm.

Photophilous. Prefers moist, fertile soils; it grows poorly on dry and calcareous soils. Recommended for single and group plantings.

Cypress pea "Filifera"

Tree about 5 m high. The crown is wide-conical. The shoots are distant or drooping, at the ends of the branches they are strongly drooping or thread-like. It grows slowly.

The needles are dark or gray-green, scaly. This cypress is winter-hardy. Propagated by cuttings. Recommended for tapeworms, as well as for groups in public gardens and parks.

Cypress pea "Plumosa Aurea"

The tree is about 10 m high. The crown diameter is about 3-5 m. The needles are bright golden in color, needle-shaped. In winter the color is lighter. Annual growth is about 15-20 cm.

Cypress pea "Filifera Sangold"

Dwarf form. Height is about 1 m, crown diameter is 2 m. The bark is reddish-brown. The crown is wide-conical. The needles are golden-yellow, scaly. The branches are light green. It grows slowly.

Photophilous. Prefers moist, fertile soils; grows poorly in dry soils. It is frost-resistant, however, in severe winters it can freeze slightly. It is used for solitary plantings, in groups, and for plantings on rocky hills.

Nootka cypress in the photo

Nootka cypress- a tree of the first size with a narrow-conical crown. Even in central Russia it is possible to overwinter it; light shelter is enough. Valuable because the needles contain essential oil and vitamin C and, of course, its decorative effect.

As you can see in the photo, this type of cypress plant is used for single and group plantings against the background of a lawn:


The most famous form is "Pen-dula". It is only 2.5 m in height, the crown is weeping, the shoots flow down.

Cypress pea fruit in the photo

Cypress pea- Japanese species, very original with its crown. It is narrowly pyramidal, the branches are directed upward, and their ends hang down. The needles are shiny, green, with whitish stripes. The tree is frost-resistant, loves moist soils and moist air.

This species is most in demand on rocky ridges, as it grows very slowly and has a squat crown.

Popular shape "Bollward". This is a dwarf, very slowly growing plant up to 1 m in height. It has a conical crown and climbing shoots with silver-blue needles.

Pay attention to the photo - in winter this variety of cypress turns lilac-blue:

Cypress in winter
Cypress in winter

The form “Filifera Aurea” belongs to the same species.- dwarf tree up to 1 m in height. The crown is wide-conical. From the ends of the branches hang bright yellow thread-like branches - annual shoots. Used as a tub culture.

Dumb cypress at home in Japan is a big tree up to 35 m tall with a dense, wide, sharply rounded crown and characteristic hanging ends of the branches. The branches are flat. The bark is brownish-reddish, smooth. The needles are thick, scaly, dark green above and bluish-green below.

Look at the photo - this type of cypress has single cones on short petioles, brown-orange, up to 1 cm in diameter, ripen in the first year:

Cypress cones
Cypress cones

Like other types of cypress, obtuse has many decorative forms. The most interesting of them are dwarf, slow growing ones.

Among the very small, dwarf cypress trees there is a form "Nana".

Its height is only 50 cm. The branches, folded like the wings of a shell, extend from the compact bush in different directions. The needles are dark green, glossy.

The plant is very decorative, which allows it to be used in indoor or greenhouse conditions, as well as in open ground. alpine roller coaster.

Lawson's cypress- a very beautiful large tree. IN North America in forests it reaches a height of 20-25 m. It is characterized by horizontally growing branches with hanging tips. The bark is reddish-brown with round scaly plates. The needles of adult plants are greenish-gray above and bluish-green below. The cones are numerous, small, 7-8 mm in diameter.

There is a wide variety of forms, which are distinguished by small scale-like paired needles and small rounded fruit-cones - flat, with outgrowths in the center.

So, Allumium form- with blue needles, paws pointing upward, it is a decorative miracle. The height of a ten-year-old plant does not exceed 2 m. It is used for single plantings and original hedges.

Form "Columnaris"- a columnar, growing tree up to 2 m high. Used for single plantings and high borders.

Very popular dwarf Elwoodi form. The gray-green needles take on a blue hue with a metallic sheen in winter. The height of the tree is 1.5 m. It grows very slowly. Indispensable for alpine slides and in tub culture.

But the record for short stature was set by such a variety of cypress of this species as

"Minima Aurea"- at the age of ten he is only 30 cm tall.

This good material for bonsai. It grows very slowly. The form is very decorative due to the bright yellow needle scales. Used in alpine slides and tub culture.

Dwarf forms "Minima Glauka"

And "Lana", the same short, but inferior to the previous one in decorativeness. “Lana” is also called “golden feathers” for its year-round, colored yellow pine needles But the crown of the tree is often branchy, although in nature it has a conical shape.

Caring for cypress varieties in the garden (with photo)

Despite the diversity of species and forms of cypress trees, their biological requirements are generally similar, but differ significantly from the requirements of their relative cypress. These, in contrast to cypress, are slow-growing plants that cannot tolerate smoke in the air and dry soils. For successful care for all varieties of cypress trees better soils are fresh, sandy loam.

Plants can tolerate light darkening and are frost-resistant, but not absolutely. Can't stand it strong winds. They live much shorter than cypress trees, whose trees can be hundreds of years old.

In the south, especially in steppe zone, the cypress tree is not entirely comfortable due to the dry air and heavy soils. Therefore, it is better to focus on tub culture.

When caring for cypress in the garden, remember that at a young age these plants are moisture-loving, but high groundwater is contraindicated for them.

Mature, well-developed specimens show drought resistance in the summer; they simply do not produce growth until the onset of wet autumn.

Cypress trees add a southern flavor to homesteads and summer cottages even in central Russia.

At the end of winter - beginning of spring, the apical shoots of the previous year suffer in many species and decorative forms.

As shown in the photo, when caring for cypress trees, “burnt” and frozen shoots must be cut out:

Frozen shoots
Frozen shoots

During the period of spring awakening, it is good to spray with one of the growth stimulants (Energen, Epin, Zircon, Albit, etc.) and water the soil generously, especially after frosty winters.

Growing cypress from seeds, propagation by cuttings and grafting

Cypress trees, like most conifers, are propagated by seeds, cuttings and grafting.

To grow cypress trees, the seeds are collected when the boxes begin to open slightly. The seeds are dried in a ventilated area. It is better to sow with fresh seeds in late autumn, but it is also possible in the spring, having previously stratified them. The seeds are sown in the spring when they have sprouted, sprinkled with humus or peat chips on top. When sowing, heavy soils should be avoided.

For the winter, it is recommended to cover the crops with fallen leaves or lightly sprinkle them with humus. In spring, the cover is removed gradually. Growing of seedlings occurs in stages, that is, the emerging seedlings are planted in the 2nd year, where they are given a large feeding area - 20-30 cm, and are grown there for 3-4 years. When transferring to permanent place or in another bed, be sure to save a lump of earth.

All garden forms propagated vegetatively, mainly by cuttings. To propagate cypress, cuttings are cut with a “heel” measuring 5-8 cm and 2.5 mm thick. The “heel” is a piece of wood at the attachment point of the annual shoot. It is better to take cuttings from young, well-developed plants. You can cut them in spring and summer. Spring ones take root better.

Rooting requires a warm substrate, which is created in a greenhouse where there is a layer of manure and soil. It is necessary to provide a layer of sand on top of the ground - 1-1.5 cm. Cuttings take root in 1-1.5 months.

If the root system develops well, then after a year they are planted in the ground, where they remain for 3-4 years. With slow growth and a weak root system, the cuttings are left for another 1-2 years in the greenhouse.

Cypress grafting requires special skills. It can be done at the end of summer and winter in a greenhouse or room.

Two to three year old seedlings of cypress, cypress or thuja are taken as a rootstock. The grafting method is from the side into the cleft if the cutting is much thinner than the rootstock, and from the side into the butt if the cuttings are strong. The month of grafting depends on the maturation of the shoot (August - September).

Winter vaccinations begin in February and end with the awakening of shoot growth - at the end of April. Immediately before grafting, the soil under the rootstocks is watered abundantly.

Cypress pea is an evergreen coniferous plant, reminiscent of external signs thuja, famous in landscape design. Currently, a representative of the Asian region, which began to be cultivated back in the 18th century, has become very often used in landscaping garden plots and park areas in temperate latitudes.

The variety found in Middle lane from Japan, presented tall tree with brown-red bark, which in its natural environment can grow up to 30 m in height. The openwork crown in the form of a cone formed by spreading branches has a bluish-blue color. The name of the species is due to small cones up to 6 mm in diameter, yellow-brown in color, reminiscent of peas.

In warm areas, such a variety as the pea cypress "Boulevard" is common, notable for its low winter hardiness, slow growth rate and silver-blue pintle-shaped crown. Also no less popular are cypress pea cultivars such as “Filifera” and “Nana”. Moreover, the latter variety belongs to low-growing conifers with a height of no more than 60 cm, a diameter of up to 1.5 m and scale-like needles of a blue hue.

Planting a plant in open ground

In order for the result obtained in the garden to correspond to the description of the plant in encyclopedias, it is necessary to plant the cypress tree correctly.

Site selection and soil requirements

Pea cypress can develop well in slightly shaded areas of the garden with deep groundwater and fertile soil. In addition to a good fertile layer, the soil should have a slightly acidic reaction and good drainage qualities.

Preparation of planting holes with simultaneous application of fertilizers should be carried out in the fall.

  • In the selected area, a hole is dug with a depth of 1 m and a diameter of up to 60 cm.
  • Broken bricks are placed in each hole as a drainage layer and a special fertile substrate of turf soil, humus, peat and sand in a ratio of 3:3:2:1.

Landing technology

In mid-spring, when the ground warms up, you can start planting the seedling:

  1. The seedling is installed on the settled fertile soil mixture and is filled with a substrate with a composition similar to that in autumn.
  2. The root collar rises 10 cm above the ground level.
  3. The tree trunk circle is watered.
  4. After the soil settles, if there is such a need, a support is installed to which a thin seedling is tied.

How to care for cypress pea?

By performing simple care measures, the gardener will be able to ensure the cypress tree has a long life and preserves its decorative properties.

Watering and humidity

Ephedra needs regular watering, which in moderate weather is carried out at the rate of a bucket of water for one plant once a decade.

During dry periods, the plant is moistened more often and with a larger volume of water. To increase air humidity, it is recommended to sprinkle the crop: adult plants are sprayed weekly, and young plants - daily.


The tree trunk soil is systematically loosened with the simultaneous removal of weeds. You can also cover the soil under the plant with a layer of mulch, which will reduce the frequency of wetting, loosening and weeding.

Top dressing

Coniferous perennials are fed only in June-July.

This is done using complex mineral fertilizers with a concentration half as much as indicated on the package. The interval between feedings containing all the necessary nutritional elements is 10 - 15 days.

Haircut and pruning of ornamental plants

  • Formative pruning, in which it is not recommended to remove more than 30% of the shoots, begins a year after planting the conifer in open ground, when it has built up a good root system.
  • Every spring, the crop is pruned for sanitary purposes: all dry and frozen branches are removed.
  • Autumn pruning of pea cypress is carried out by shortening the young growth by ⅓.

Prevention and treatment of diseases and pests

Despite the natural resistance of cypress to damage by harmful organisms, this conifer can be attacked by sucking pests such as scale insects and spider mites. Used for fighting insecticidal preparations systemic action.

Among the diseases, the most common is root rot, the development of which is associated with stagnation of water in the roots of the plant due to systematic overflows or the lack of a good drainage layer.

Reproduction methods

To preserve the varietal and species characteristics of a plant, preference should be given to vegetative methods when propagating it.


Cuttings are cut 5–15 cm long from the apical shoots, after which they are buried in a substrate of sand, perlite and pine bark in equal parts. Plantings are covered plastic bottles for creating greenhouse effect, which allows you to speed up the root formation process

Reproduction by layering

This propagation method is suitable for the low-growing variety “Nana”, whose shoots are located close to the ground. To implement the method, the lower branches are pinned into the grooves with their notched sides and sprinkled with earth. After the formation of roots, the cuttings are separated from the mother specimen.

Pea cypress in landscape design

The ornamental plant easily found application in landscape design when decorating:

  • rock gardens and rockeries, where low-growing varieties, including the famous cultivar “Nana”, fit perfectly into the stone composition;
  • front gardens and recreation areas as single plantings or in groups with junipers of various shapes;
  • alleys where cypress trees are planted along the paths.

Thus, pea cypress is a perennial conifer with excellent decorative qualities and care is no more difficult than for thujas or junipers.


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