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Any, even the most provincial bookstore can offer an impressive selection of business literature. Books about business are very popular, but among the variety of such literature it is difficult to find truly educational and effective books.

Business literature - the best books for those who want to achieve financial independence - we offer our readers a selection of the ten most interesting, educational and motivating works about the success stories of famous businessmen, the difficulties they faced, and ways to overcome problems. Good business literature is useful not only for beginning startupers, but also for those who are already running a business - it perfectly motivates and inspires, forcing them to act.

Naked BusinessRichard Branson

The best books on business include "Naked Business" Richard Branson. The founder of the British corporation Virgin Group, which includes more than 400 companies, is known not only for his eccentricity, but also for several books. One of Britain's richest entrepreneurs generously shares the secrets of his success with readers. The first book, Naked Business, is dedicated to the history of the creation of his corporation. Branson writes candidly about the successes and failures of his many companies and offers invaluable advice to aspiring entrepreneurs.

Rich dad, poor dadRobert Kiyosaki

No list of the best business literature is complete without a creation Roberta Kiyosaki "Rich dad, poor dad". This book has long been a bestseller and reference book many entrepreneurs and those who want to succeed.

We are all told that without a good education we should not count on any success. Kiyosaki is confident that the world has changed significantly, and in our time education is not so necessary to achieve goals and prosperity. The author writes that school and higher education educational establishments They do not teach real difficulties and do not show their students how to overcome them and how to achieve success and wealth. In his book, Kiyosaki shares the secrets of getting rich and teaches readers the basics of financial literacy.

Atlas ShruggedAyn Rand

"Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand is one of the best books on business. This is unique literary work, which is both an economics textbook and a fiction novel. Three days after the start of sales, the book became one of the bestsellers. “Atlas Shrugged” explains the essence and meaning of entrepreneurship, answers questions about the meaning of human existence and is capable of changing the worldview of the person reading the book.

To hell with everything, go ahead and do it!Richard Branson

Another book by an eccentric British billionaire has made it to the list of best business literature. Richard Branson - “To hell with everything, get out there and do it!”.

This is a real call to action and risk. Branson lives by the principle of taking everything from life. He explains to readers that life is short, and it is stupid to waste it on things that do not make us happy. If you like something, take it up and do it. If you don’t like it, you don’t need to force yourself to waste energy on an activity that doesn’t bring you pleasure. It doesn’t matter whether you have experience, knowledge and education - the goal will be achieved if there is a desire to succeed.

Guy Kawasaki

The best business literature includes “Startup. 11 master classes from the ex-Apple evangelist and the most daring capitalist of Silicon Valley" from Gaia Kawasaki.

Kawasaki is a legend. One of the first Apple employees with his talent ensured that the corporation today has millions of ardent followers. From the book, the reader will learn how to create a successful company and bring it to high level. It will be useful for those who do not want to work under someone else's leadership and dream of achieving financial independence.

Business as a game Dmitry Kibkalo and Dmitry Borisov

Authors of one of the best books on business "Business as a game", the founders of the Mosigra network, talk in simple and accessible language about how to do business in Russia. In fact, this is a real textbook for a novice businessman. In the book, Dmitry Kibkalo and Dmitry Borisov give answers to the most serious business questions: how to sell, hire employees, train staff, open retail outlets. “Business as a Game” will be especially useful for those whose business is related to trade.

Delivering happinessTony Hsieh th

Ranked among the best business literature books "Delivering Happiness" by Tony Hsieh. It has not lost its relevance over the years and continues to rank among the bestsellers. The author writes about the creation successful business, based on my experience. And there's a lot to learn from Shay. He opened his first business at the age of 9. In an interesting and lively language, he talks about such important and complex issues as team management, customer relations and business promotion.

Business from scratch. Lean Startup method for quickly testing ideas and choosing a business modelEric Rees

“Business from scratch. The Lean Startup method for quickly testing ideas and choosing a business model" by Eric Ries can easily be considered one of the best business literature. A well-known blogger and entrepreneur offers readers a systematic approach to launching a planned project with minimal investment. The book will become a pocket guide for a novice businessman. Rhys wrote the book based on his experiences as an entrepreneur. “Business from Scratch” will be useful not only for start-ups, but also for established businessmen who want to significantly improve the performance of their business.

From good to great Jim Collins

"Good to Great" by Jim Collins– one of the best motivating books on business. The author clearly explains to readers why some companies are known throughout the world, while others languish in obscurity. The book received such popularity that it was included by Time magazine among the best business literature.

Jim Collins spent six years researching giant companies that achieved amazing success. He discovered that almost all companies have similar principles of success: discipline, the ability to look difficulties in the face, and to put the company, not oneself, at the forefront.

Donald Trump

Book "Think big and don't slow down" by Donald Trump, of course, deserves to be included in the list of the best business literature. Everyone knows about the famous eccentric billionaire, and many are interested in his opinion on the essence of business. Trump dispels all illusions about making money and clearly explains why some achieve wealth, while others can only dream of financial well-being. Only the most stubborn and strong will achieve success, and the lot of lazy people is ethereal illusions.

You can learn from your own mistakes for a long time, making mistakes, losing considerable sums and being completely disappointed in the path you have chosen. We have a different proposal: borrowing experience from those who were able to achieve success in developing their own business. This may be the management of a small, medium or large business, but the main thing is a result worthy of emulation.

We have compiled the TOP 10 books about business that you need to read and are sharing them with you. The best books about business are not only informative, but also provide enough motivation for your own steps. Take note, read, squeeze out and practice from your own experience.

The best business books: the experience of successful ones

  1. Henry Ford "My Life, My Achievements."

During his 83 years of life, the American Henry Ford was able to achieve heights that one can only dream of: the owner of 161 patents in the United States, the owner of car production factories around the world, the author of a real bestseller. Yes, the book “My Life, My Achievements” by the owner of the Ford Motor Company in 1932 sold like hotcakes. As the years passed, books about business appeared in ever greater numbers, and Henry Ford remained at the top of his popularity.

What's the secret? It will be better if you pick up the book yourself or find an online version. And don’t let the date of the bestseller’s writing confuse you. Its relevance has not been lost to this day.

  1. Guy Kawasaki "Startup".

Many people have one question on their mind: how to start your own business? If there is a place for such a question in your head, then the startup guru’s book is for you. Just interesting information: Guy Kawasaki was one of the first employees of Apple, and today he is the managing director of the venture capital firm Garage Technology Ventures.

His book on business and self-development “Startup” is a reference guide for anyone who wants to turn an idea into a successful startup. Want to? Take action! Oh, and don't forget to read Guy's book.

  1. Napoleon Hill "Think and Grow Rich."

Just imagine for a second: 20 million copies of the book. What does this mean? Of course, this is an indicator of crazy success and 100% benefit from reading. These are the sales statistics for Napoleon Hill’s book “Think and Grow Rich,” which was published in 1928. This masterpiece couldn’t help but make it into our top business books.

This is a vivid example of how the rules of success are not susceptible to the influence of time. Read it and see for yourself. This is one of the best books in the non-time bound business literature segment.

The best books about business with motivation

Construction own business starts with motivation. Having trouble finding motivation on your own? Take it from the books. From which ones? We will tell you, continuing our TOP 10 business books:

  1. Donald Trump "Never give up!"

The book is only 6 years old, but today Donald Trump is a contender for the presidency, and his business experience is truly worthy of attention. Trump also had a co-author: Meredith McIver, who is sometimes forgotten. We very often perceive failures and defeats as a death sentence.

In his book, Trump demonstrates illustrative examples in the form of disasters, crises and personal failures, which ultimately became a springboard for jumping and achieving all the goals. Thinking plays an important role, and you will also understand this by reading the book “Never Give Up.”

Business planning books like Trump's work should be reference books. We recommend reading it both for beginning businessmen and for those who have an existing and successful business at their disposal.

  1. Bill Gates "Business at the Speed ​​of Thought."

The creator of a real empire of the 21st century, Microsoft, Bill Gates, could manage his honestly earned billions for his own pleasure, without revealing the secret of success. But he decided to demonstrate business process modeling using modern information technologies in his book Business at the Speed ​​of Thought.

It’s very cool if you are a favorite of fortune and you have an inexhaustible amount of bright ideas. But…

  • Modern business is a multi-level structure
  • Every successful company should have its own “electronic nervous system”

Bill Gates demonstrates such theses in his book. Who else but him would know about creating a successful business in the 21st century using modern information technologies. Do you want the whole world to talk about you? Start with books about business and the experiences of successful ones. It will be difficult further, but the main weapon at your disposal is knowledge.

  1. Dale Carnegie How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.

He was not a businessman, but he was an inimitable speaker and teacher. Dale Carnegie developed the concept of conflict-free communication. Is this necessary in business? Certainly!

His work “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living” is in the TOP business books, after reading which you will get answers to many questions: How to find yourself? How to help your loved ones understand themselves? and others.

  1. Azimov Sergey “How to make money without starting capital».

This is one of the new works from business coach and businessman Sergei Azimov. The issue of earning money without starting capital is relevant for many today. For you too? In this case, we recommend that you read the book. It will be especially useful for beginning businessmen.

The best literature about business: who made it to the TOP 3?

  1. Alexander Vysotsky “Small business. Big game".

In 2014, entrepreneur, management consultant, business lecturer Alexander Vysotsky published a book that will primarily be useful to small and medium-sized businesses.

One of the main problems of small businesses is manual management. How to “get out” of this and scale up? Alexander Vysotsky in the book demonstrates strategies and effective tools controls that allow you to expand your business and abandon manual control.

  1. Robert Sutton “Don't work with assholes. And what to do if they are around you.”

A translation of this book in Russian appeared only last year. Have you ever encountered destructive elements in a team? What if this team is under your leadership and you don’t know how to act? Building an effective and coherent team is not easy work.

True, the company will become a well-oiled mechanism as soon as destructive elements disappear from the team. What to do with them? Pick up a book or download it on the Internet, and there is enough information for reflection and active action there.

  1. Walter Isaacson " Steve Jobs».

In first place is a biographical book about the manager of the legendary Apple, with history and results that are impressive in their scale. Why is a book about the life of Steve Jobs in first place?

We're sure there's no need to say much about Steve. Better than any words is the Apple company, to the development of which he devoted most of his life. Only the example of successful managers can become the basis for your own success. He motivates, gives answers to many questions and is admired. Beyond the bright famous brands- the difficult path of their creators and those who were able to prove to the whole world: “This product is worth your attention, period.” That's what Steve Jobs was. His life path and the approach to doing business you will learn from the book by Walter Isaacson.

These are the books we recommend for beginners and those who already have their own businesses to read about business. Even small idea has every chance of becoming a legend about which hundreds of books and articles will be written. Creating a legend is the right and opportunity of everyone. The main thing is not to stop.

The idea of ​​starting a business or building a successful career visits every person who wants to become successful and independent in financially. But in most cases, it remains an unfulfilled dream or is broken by the first obstacles encountered along the way.

In such cases, people begin to look for the reason for their failure, try to achieve what they want in a different way, which often leads to the loss of significant amounts of money and precious time.

Secrets of proper business management allow you to open business books in which you can gain experience successful people who have conquered the heights of entrepreneurship.

The top 10 best publications on this topic should be read by every person who is looking for inspiration, motivation, wants to change their worldview and start taking action.

The best example for aspiring entrepreneurs and people who have been running their own business for a long time will be the biography of the legendary manager of the most famous in the world Apple.

This book is currently the most popular business literature and leads the top 10 ranking. It tells the story of a successful entrepreneur and tough leader who was able to build a multi-billion dollar enterprise from the ground up.

Journalist Walter Isaacson was inspired to write a biography book by a proposal from Steve Jobs, who learned about a terrible diagnosis. The famous entrepreneur wanted his story to be told honestly, without any embellishment or thickening of clouds.

He spent a lot of time with Isaacson in conversations in which he revealed his secrets on doing business. Jobs wanted the journalist to highlight all of his achievements and the many failures that happened along the way, which would help aspiring entrepreneurs avoid the mistakes he made.

The book turned out to be truthful and impartial, which made it high rating.

After reading the book " Steve Jobs“It becomes clear to every person how much effort and labor is required to achieve the desired result in any endeavor. Success doesn't come on its own.

On the way to your goal you need to sacrifice a lot, not stop at the first failure and stick to the chosen course.

Robert Kiyosaki "Rich Dad Poor Dad"

The list of the most popular publications on self-development and business management would be incomplete without Robert Kiyosaki’s book, which became a bestseller and inspired many people to make rapid breakthroughs in their careers and entrepreneurship.

It ranks second in the list of the most popular and useful books about business. In it you can find answers to the most important questions that startups face:

  • how to learn to manage finances competently;
  • what actions a new entrepreneur needs to take;
  • where do ideas for new promotions come from;
  • how to set priorities correctly and not be distracted from the chosen path.

Stephen Covey "7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

The third position in the top 10 business publications is occupied by the book of the famous self-development and management specialist Stephen Covey. Even successful entrepreneurs note that it can radically change their life position. The bestseller sheds light on the following points:

  • how to form and specify a life goal;
  • what tools should be used to achieve what you want;
  • what motivates a person to action, contributes to his self-development;
  • How can you realize your maximum potential?

Many business books are difficult to understand after reading or listening to the electronic version. But all of Stephen Covey’s works are written in a language that anyone can understand, which makes them extremely popular.

Michael On "It's the client, you idiot!"

A real find for startups and established entrepreneurs is the work of Michael On, which helps attract clients by establishing the right relationships with them. It ranks 4th in the top 10 best business literature.

The book is quite small, but very useful, which is why it has a high rating. After all, every entrepreneur is familiar with the situation when a minor mistake forces clients to turn to other companies, which has a bad effect on the state of affairs.

Donald Trump "Never Give Up!"

The work of the current US President Donald Trump “Never Give Up!” is extremely popular. It ranks 5th in the top 10 best self-improvement publications. It is worth reading for every person who is tired of a series of failures that happen in life.

The book motivates you to action, makes you leave your usual comfort zone, and achieve your desired goal no matter what. She inspires new achievements, thanks to which her rating has continued to increase for 6 years.

On the pages of the book, Trump teaches how to deal with emerging problems so that nothing can interfere with the path to success.

He also gives advice on how to see failures as opportunities to achieve what you want, rather than wasting time on regrets or meticulously analyzing the current situation.

Tony Hsieh, Delivering Happiness. From zero to a billion: the story of creating an outstanding company"

He reveals how he built a thriving e-commerce company in just 10 years that was valued at $240 million.

Verne Harnish, The Rules for Profitable Startups. How to grow and make money"

In it, the author gives advice to people who decide to start a business or improve the state of affairs in an already developing company. The publication describes effective tools that allow you to confidently move towards the implementation of your plans:

  • focus– the main goal, which is achieved over several years, as well as short-term goals;
  • data– communication with clients, employees and partners, allowing you to track the progress of business;
  • rhythm– ways to establish coordinated work among all company personnel.

Harnish gives detailed instructions on conducting business that will allow you to build a thriving business that generates a stable income. It is a must-read for anyone who dreams of rapid advancement.

Richard Branson “To hell with everything, get out there and do it!”

A real manifesto of life is the book of the famous extraordinary American entrepreneur Richard Branson, which takes 8th place in the ranking of the most useful literature for self-development and business promotion.

A successful billionaire in his work calls the reader to action, to persistently move towards his goal.

The author argues that the main criterion for successful business management is desire. He also warns that people should only do what they like, otherwise life becomes a routine, which is absolutely not motivating to conquer new heights.

Henry Ford "My Life, My Achievements"

In ninth position in the top 10 best books that allow you to understand the intricacies of doing business and achieving success is the creation of the famous US entrepreneur Henry Ford.

In it, the famous billionaire shares his thoughts on conducting business and organizing the work of the company. Henry Ford's ideas became the mottos of many entrepreneurs who built successful businesses from scratch.

Napoleon Hill "Think and Grow Rich"

The book became so popular that it had to be published 42 times. There are also electronic versions of it in many languages. On the pages, the author gives clear instructions on how to achieve the desired results and gain financial independence.

The book is filled vital energy, what motivates, makes you wake up and start acting.

Everyone once thinks about starting their own business, but many have not encountered this and do not know where to start. What business books should you read to start a profitable company?

Top 21 best books

Before starting your own business, you should carefully study the literature that will help you realize yourself. If you have had your own business for a long time, but your profits are not increasing, then they will help you with business and self-development.

Kiyosaki Robert and prioritization

The first place in our ranking is occupied by Robert Kiyosaki's publication. The title of the book is quite clear and concise - “Before you start your business.” This printed publication will help you understand who an entrepreneur and an employee are.

This book is especially useful because it most accurately describes the mistakes of novice entrepreneurs. After reading it, you will understand that the future of your business is only in your hands. Kiyosaki's publication also differs in that it helps you fully understand what difficulties you will have to face when developing your business.

Stephen Covey and the signs of highly effective people

An honorable second place went to “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,” authored by Stephen Covey. This book is not much inferior to the previous one. It makes you realize how much time we spend on the phone, laptop and TV. The author believes that in this way a person not only wastes his life, but also hides the fear of opening a business.

Critics believe that Covey's book has a special pathos, and this makes it special. “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” will allow you to look at your life differently. Thanks to this publication you will learn to live profitably.

David Novak. The story of a dizzying career

In third place in our ranking is David Novak’s book “How I Became a Boss.” This publication tells the story of an “accidental” career in a large corporation. “How I Became a Boss” is included in the best business books in Russia. Novak described how he achieved a good career. The author believes, on the one hand, that he achieved everything thanks to work and effort, and on the other, that his career is a happy accident.

The book helps you realize your ambitions and achieve a dizzying career. By the way, the author himself started as a full-time copywriter, and is now the director of a global company.

David Ogivley and his thoughts on the advertising industry

The fourth place holder in our ranking of the best books for self-development is “Ogivly on Advertising,” authored by David Ogivly. This publication helps to implement advertising activities. The book contains many valuable recommendations. It is especially useful because the author refers to his own experience. The book found a huge number of fans among marketers and advertising workers.

Books on business and self-development help a future entrepreneur understand how many obstacles may stand in the way of starting his own business. The essay “How to ruin your own business. Bad advice for a Russian entrepreneur” is no exception. He occupies fifth place in our ranking. The author of this printed publication is Konstantin Baksht. It examines and systematizes typical mistakes entrepreneurs. Konstantin offers his options for solving them, and also tells how to build a business correctly.

Marcus Buckingham: "First break all the rules!"

"First break all the rules!" takes sixth place and says that even simple work requires a talented approach. The author of the book is Marcus Buckingham. The publication allows the future entrepreneur to understand that his employees should only do the work that they are good at. This is the key to a successful company.

Michael Lewis. "Liar's Poker"

The rating, which includes the best books about business, could not do without Liars' Poker. It was written by Michael Lewis. The publication explains that the more complex the monetary schemes, the harder it is to keep track of them. Lewis believes that a person must first of all be ambitious. Incredible interesting job Michael Lewis is in seventh place.

Jay Conrad Levinson. Techniques of successful sellers

Our list of business books in eighth place complements " Guerrilla Marketing", authored by Jay Conrad Levinson, describes techniques for salespeople who increase their sales year after year.

Because it helps you understand how to get big profits at low costs. This is a very valuable skill for every entrepreneur.

Clayton Christensen. Best Essay on Innovation

Books on Internet business are especially popular in Lately. The ninth place in our ranking is occupied by the best publication about innovation. Clayton Christensen's essay "The Innovator's Dilemma" helps the aspiring entrepreneur understand that the user needs something new that is based on old basic needs. The author believes that the Internet develops business.

Bennis Warren. The influence of life values ​​on leader development

Bennis Warren's book comes in at number ten and is the book that looks at management from a leadership perspective. The author finds out how the development of a leader is influenced by the era and human values. Bennis Warren described the formation of leaders of any historical era. The most useful publication is for beginners and experienced managers.

Kennedy Gavin. Negotiator's Handbook

In eleventh place is Kennedy Gavin's book "You Can Agree on Anything! How to Achieve the Maximum in Any Negotiations." According to readers, this is the negotiator's bible. In it, the author gradually reveals the principles of the negotiation process.

Kennedy talks about the pitfalls and mistakes of prioritizing. Gavin's book will provide invaluable assistance to those who frequently negotiate, namely businessmen, sales managers and intelligence officers. What’s especially nice is that the publication is written in simple spoken language. Reading such a book will be useful not only for entrepreneurs, but also for ordinary readers.

Johnson Spencer and his parable book

in twelfth place is complemented by Johnson Spencer's allegory in the book "Where is my cheese? Know your dream." This is a kind of parable. The book reveals the deepest truths that relate to changes in the reader’s life. Cheese is everything we strive for and strive for. This could be anything from work to personal relationships.

The labyrinth in Johnson Spencer's book is where you look for your cheese. By carefully studying the entire book, the reader will understand how to cope with difficulties and achieve greater success.

Successful CEO of Peter Drucker

"Effective leader" is the most famous book Peter Drucker, and it deservedly takes thirteenth place in our ranking. The essay explains the topic of employee efficiency mental work who become leaders.

A good leader is not only intelligence and constant work. To be a successful boss, it is enough to do simple rules, which are described in the book by Peter Drucker.

Covey Stephen and the Seven Rules

Fourteenth place is occupied by a book with global significance - “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”, authored by Stephen Covey. This publication had a huge impact on the lives of millions of people, including Bill Clinton and Stephen Forbes. Stephen Covey's book systematizes a person's life values ​​and the goals he sets. She helps to achieve them. The author shows that everyone can become better.

The book does not promise quick change. Any improvement requires time and effort. If you want to maximize your potential, then this book is for you.

Michael Gerber and his myths about his own business

Business books should accompany every beginning and experienced entrepreneur. They will help you realize yourself. Fifteenth place in our ranking is occupied by Michael Gerber and his book “Small Business. From Illusions to Success. Return to the Myth of Entrepreneurship.” She tells how to build your own business. The publication is quick and easy to read. Also in it, Michael identifies the differences between work and business. Gerber's publication helps to take a fresh look at the problems associated with the organization and development of small businesses.

Hamel Gary. "Competing for the future. Creating the markets of tomorrow"

In sixteenth place is Hamel Gary and his book “Competing for the Future. Creating the Markets of Tomorrow.” It is dedicated to a company that is building its future. It illustrates the experiences of organizations that have overcome their challenges against all odds. The author offers absolutely new approach to building the future of the company. The printed edition of Hamel Gary was included in the best books on business.

McDonald's and Love John

Who among us does not know the fast food chain McDonald's? This is what will be discussed in Love John's book, which took seventeenth place. In his essay, the author talks about the history of the development of the famous chain of fast food restaurants. Its creator is a journalist who decided to dedicate your life to a famous corporation.

Walter Isaacson

The best business books help you realize yourself. The rating continues. Eighteenth place is occupied by the co-founder of a well-known global company. Who among us has not heard of Apple? This is what we will talk about.

Walter Isaacson is a journalist, biographer, who in 2012 published The author worked on the publication for more than three years. They did a colossal job. Walter recorded more than 50 interviews with Steve Jobs and interviewed about a hundred of his relatives. The essay was scheduled for release in November, but due to Jobs' death, the book was released in October 2012. Later, the author was paid a round sum for the opportunity to film the work.

It doesn’t matter whether you are a fan of Apple gadgets, the book allows you not only to learn about the life of a genius, but also to understand that anyone can become one. She will help you reveal your ambitions. Walter Isaacson's book is a must-read not only for aspiring entrepreneurs, but also for those who are just looking for themselves.

"Jobs Rules. Universal Principles of Success", Carmine Gallo

Nineteenth place in our ranking is occupied by the book “Jobs’ Rules. Universal Principles of Success,” authored by Carmine Gallo. It is not surprising that this book, like the previous one, refers to the great genius - Steve Jobs, because many businessmen imitate him and admire him.

Steve Jobs changed our world. In his book, the author identifies seven rules of great genius. These principles will help not only in business, but also in ordinary life. The essay will be of interest to businessmen and managers, as well as fans of Steve Jobs and simply lovers of motivational literature.

Radislav Gandapas, "Kama Sutra for the speaker. 10 chapters on how to receive and deliver maximum pleasure when speaking in public"

It's no secret that you must not only be able to calculate everything one step ahead, but also speak well. This skill is rarely taught in the best business and self-help books. The list is complemented by a unique essay by Radislav Gandapas, who will teach you the art of public speaking.

Radislav Gandapas is a famous business coach in Russia who regularly conducts educational webinars and classes. Conversing with a stranger or speaking in public causes panic in many of us. This quality of an entrepreneur has a bad effect on his business.

"The Kama Sutra for the Speaker. 10 chapters on how to receive and deliver maximum pleasure when speaking in public" will help you learn how to manage the attention of listeners, get the upper hand over your own anxiety and correctly structure your story. The book by Radislav Gandapas is recommended for reading for those who often speak in public and communicate with a large number of unfamiliar people. In addition, the essay will be useful to the ordinary reader who cannot freely communicate with other people. The publication by Radislav Gandapas “The Kama Sutra for the Speaker. 10 chapters on how to receive and deliver maximum pleasure when speaking in public” deservedly complements the best books on business.

"My Life, My Achievements", Henry Ford

Are you looking for a book that will describe everything, and every word is worth its weight in gold? Henry Ford's essay "My Life, My Achievements" is just for you. Books on business and self-development are often filled with unnecessary discussions that do not convey necessary information. Henry Ford's edition is different in that it must be read carefully and completely, as each sentence conveys valuable information.

The owner of a famous car manufacturing company talks about his life. "My Life, My Achievements" tells the story of how the author changed the world of business. Henry Ford's approach to his work is amazing. If he was not satisfied with metal prices, he opened his own metallurgical production. Henry Ford believed that work that interests you cannot bore you.

On the way to success

Business books are great option for self-development. By reading the best essays and gleaning valuable information from them, you can easily become a successful and self-sufficient person. Books on business will help you identify hidden talents, learn how to achieve your goals and go all the way towards your dreams. In our rating, we have selected the most useful essays for aspiring entrepreneurs. Read with pleasure and become better with each edition you read!

Best business books, and what are they? IN modern world business and finance various business books appear like mushrooms after rain. A lot of coaches, mentors, teachers appear out of nowhere, and each of them wants to give people a new, revolutionary, unprecedented system for achieving success and earning huge capital. But is it? As a rule, most of these business trainers themselves cannot earn normal money, and their books are an ordinary retelling of cult business publications that have influenced the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world.

One often hears the question: “ What are the best business books??”, “What can you recommend us to read?”, “Which book should we start our path to success with?” The questions are quite logical, and every aspiring entrepreneur understands that quality information today is the key to success tomorrow. And no one wants to waste time reading empty books by “phony” business gurus. That’s why I want to understand what the best business books are and what you should pay attention to.

To be honest, there are hundreds of worthy books, and it is not possible to list them all in this article. Therefore, we decided to make the TOP 10 most interesting, popular, and practical business books. How did we choose them? For maximum objectivity, a survey was conducted among three various groups of people:

  • Subscribers of our public VKontakte (at the time of writing this article – more than 250,000 people)
  • Entrepreneurs and business owners who were helped to achieve success by business books (67 people aged 23 to 47 years were interviewed)
  • Freelancers and young startupers who are just starting their path to success.

We believe that such a selection is optimal and will help determine the best business books as accurately as possible. The survey was conducted for almost 2 months, and it was very difficult and several hundred options to choose the 10 most worthy and useful business books. So, we ask you to remember or write down the names and add to your collection of books those presented in our rating.

Best business books: 10 most popular books

We would like to say right away that we decided not to distribute by place, and not to single out the most best book etc. We will simply present 10 books that deserve special attention, and each of them is good in its own way. Any rating is a subjective opinion, and there will be those who will not be happy with it. To avoid maximum dissatisfaction, we decided not to give out places, and all numbering is just numbers, without reference to the popularity or importance of the book.


Rework is a book for those who want to start their own startup, want to change their lives, but for some reason do not dare to take such a serious action. The authors tell you how you can start your own business and still remain permanent job. Also on the Rework pages you will find tips regarding optimal size company, and get answers to many related questions. Why does a company need to grow? Why do you need to develop if you are already happy with everything? What and how to plan, and is this planning necessary? What mistakes can you make, and how can you learn a useful lesson from them? Dozens and dozens of questions that you had before will find answers after reading “Rework”.

The book is worthy of attention, and has received a lot of flattering reviews. The topic of a startup, developing your business from scratch, raising a large company through desire and enthusiasm is close to many. Perhaps this is why Rework received a lot of votes and made it onto our list.

More detailed description You can read books in our article “”

4. Atlas Shrugged

I would like to note that this book is not only on our list best business books, but also noted by major world financial publications. From time to time, large business magazines publish all sorts of ratings, including ratings of the most influential books that have made a great contribution to human development. “Atlas Shrugged” almost always takes its rightful place in such ratings.

And it’s not surprising that this book also has a place on our list. This book will help you understand the essence of entrepreneurship and take a different look at the global economy and your role in its development. According to polls public opinion, conducted in 1991 by the Library of Congress and the Book of the Month Club in America, Atlas Shrugged is the second book after the Bible that led to changes in the lives of American readers.

5. From good to great

Why will you never become great? Because you are content with “good” and do not set big goals for yourself.

Jim Collins has written an outstanding book. Time magazine included it in its list of the 25 greatest business books of all time. And these are not empty words. Jim conducts in-depth research, trying to understand why some companies achieve success, while others remain small, regional, unknown firms.

In this book, Trump shows his entire business essence. He does not pretend, but cuts from the shoulder, dispelling all illusions regarding entrepreneurship and making money. Not every person can become rich and famous, as other business books say. And Donald Trump explains in detail why many people live in a world of illusions, making plans and imagining themselves rich, but never achieve what they want. Only the strongest and most persistent receive success and wealth, while dreams and illusions are the lot of lazy people and weaklings. This is exactly the position Trump defends.

Life is a tough game, and if you want to emerge victorious, then forget about the word “no” once and for all. You must be prepared for the fact that you will have to work with your fists, repel competitors and ill-wishers, endure difficulties, but ultimately achieve your goal.


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