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If a cactus blooms in the house, then according to signs, changes will soon occur in life. Superstitions say that this plant can not only collect dust on its thorns, but also warn of upcoming events.

Why does a cactus bloom: signs

  • The blossoming of a cactus in a house where a family with children lives is associated with making a profit, inheritance, or a successful acquisition.
  • If a plant that is located in the workplace suddenly produces a flower, the signs promise a promotion.
  • According to another sign, the cactus blooms for loneliness. Signs indicate the impossibility of starting a family, and thorns contribute to this. It is believed that these plants negatively affect the character of the owner, which is why he is unable to escape from loneliness.
  • There is an opinion that this plant blooms in houses with bad energy. Therefore, if a cactus suddenly produces a flower, it means that everything in this family is not as prosperous as it seems.
  • According to folk signs, if such a plant was presented to you as a gift, it means separation. However, on the other hand, it will not bring trouble. But a gift from envious people can become a source of negative energy.

Signs for women

  1. If a plant decorates a house with flowers unmarried girl This means that soon pleasant changes will come into life, and she will get married.
  2. Married women should also expect good things to happen if a cactus blooms in their home - signs predict an imminent addition to the family. Moreover, if the flower turns out to be dark, there will be a son, and if the flower turns out to be light, there will be a daughter.
  3. It is believed that women should not grow cacti in the house. Their flowering means the husband's continuous drunkenness. And the larger the sizes flowering plants, the more serious their influence will be.

What does it mean if you dreamed of a blooming cactus?

A blooming cactus seen in a dream is a symbol of positive change. Such a dream brings with it a lot of pleasant moments and good luck.

But if you saw a beautiful flower among numerous thorns, and such a dream left behind negative emotions, then this speaks of an attitude towards events that are in the past. They may have impacted your life and still make you worry. Let go of memories and start living in the present - this is what the subconscious is talking about.

If a man dreams of a blooming cactus, which was ugly, then this means that soon he will life path a woman will appear. She will want to turn your life around, but if you fall under her influence, you will not experience joy.

This woman will only bring negativity. Therefore, be careful and do not rush headlong into the pool. It is important to first get to know the person, find out what he is thinking about and what goals he is pursuing. This is the only way to avoid trouble.

If you pick flowers from a cactus in a dream, then this speaks of loneliness. Perhaps you have isolated yourself from the outside world and lead a reclusive lifestyle, and this state is becoming more and more depressing every day. It's time to open up. Make an appointment with your friends, invite your loved ones to your home. They also miss you and want to meet.

Dreaming of a blooming cactus also indicates the onset of a pleasant period in life. Now you can safely plan your vacation. You will be able to relax and get great pleasure from it. In addition, such a dream indicates that good luck and good fortune will accompany you. A white streak will come, which will bring something that we could not count on.

Where to place the cactus

By folk beliefs, it is better to keep prickly pets away from those rooms in which you spend a lot of time. It is highly undesirable to place these plants in the kitchen, bedroom and children's room. Superstitions claim that, otherwise, cacti with their thorns will take away positive energy, leaving the owners with swearing and squabbles.

The best place for this flower will be the hallway. By placing it near front door, you will protect the house from the evil eye, damage and keep negativity out.

Folk omens advise providing the plant with care and favorable conditions, otherwise he will not “respond” to his owners in the best way in the best possible way: according to beliefs, health will worsen, passion between spouses will fade, and relationships will cool down.

Some of them bloom in relatively early age 2-3 years, others will be ready to flower only after 15-20 years.

When does a cactus start to bloom?

The cactus begins to bloom... already in winter, when the plant is resting. It is the rest from growth and summer heat helps prepare for flowering. At the end of hibernation, most cacti begin to produce buds. When you suddenly notice buds on your cacti, the most important thing is not to disturb them. Do not disturb the plant by replanting, otherwise the buds will dry out.

Budding cacti

Cactus buds photo

Do not move the pot in relation to the light - the buds will stop developing. And don’t start watering the cactus abundantly, as this will cause the buds to turn into babies. Moisten the soil slightly and spray regularly warm water- this is enough for the buds to bloom after a while.

For most cacti, the bud matures in about a month. However, there are also such nimble plants in which the appearance of buds and their flowering occur within one day. The duration of flowering for all cacti is different, as are the shades and size of flowers. Oddly enough, the cloudier the weather outside, the longer the flower lasts.

So, in bright sunlight a cactus flower fades within 3 days, and if it is rainy and dark outside, this process will drag on for a week. This is due to the fact that pollen matures more slowly in rainy weather. As the pollen matures, the color of the flowers changes. Also, the flower increases in size as it blooms, so don't rush to measure it right after it blooms.

After the cactus blooms, fruits are formed on it, which can be of all kinds of shapes and sizes; seeds appear in these fruits, and they are capable of creating a new plant.

The spectacle of a blooming cactus is attractive, especially for those species that produce large arrows. It would seem that a rather uninteresting plant turns into a pedestal for a spectacular flower that will delight the eye for several days.

1. To flower, a cactus must be in a state of growth. It would seem that this very first and most important condition was not worth even talking about, it is so self-evident. However, a fairly large percentage of collections consist of cacti surviving but not growing, and one of the most common and sad sights is a collection in which each plant is surrounded by an entire system of supports. Such a collection has no future - cacti that are not growing, devoid of living roots, will gradually die, and, of course, there is nothing to think about any flowering. The cactus should not suffer from either “hunger” or “overfeeding”.

2. An exhausted cactus will never bloom, for several years without being transplanted into fresh soil and not receiving sufficient watering in summer. But you can’t expect flowering from a fattening plant grown in chernozem or greenhouse soil either. The harm caused by feeding is especially great organic fertilizers. Even fertilizing with a mixture of mineral salts is unsuitable for a cactus that is ready to bloom. The only feeding that is useful for it is watering it with a solution of potassium phosphate (1 gram per 1 liter of water), but you should not get carried away with it either.

3. The cactus should overwinter dry and cool. Only plants that stop growing during the sunless winter months develop normally. During winter holiday their summer growth ripens and buds are laid, appearing on the surface of the stem only 50-30 days before the flower opens.

4. A cactus should receive maximum fresh air in summer. Most often, amateurs sin by underestimating the importance of keeping plants on the floor around the clock. outdoors. It is believed that if during the day cacti stand on open window, then this is enough, but this opinion is erroneous: they desperately need a nighttime temperature difference. It is especially important not to bring plants into the room during cool nights in the fall, since they help to compact the stem and the skin covering it and harden the cactus, preparing it for winter. By the way, after such hardening it is much less susceptible to disease and damage from red mites than a pampered indoor specimen with a loose stem and thin skin.

5. In the spring, the cactus should go through a period of acclimatization to the sun as early as possible. and receive unshaded sunlight in summer. It is interesting to note that the amount of solar exposure required for a cactus to bloom varies greatly depending on the genus to which the plant belongs. And the point here is not how far south or north the homeland of the cactus is located, but the conditions under which it exists in the wild. For example, “southern” Gymnocalyciums need two to three hours of sun a day to flower, while “northern” Echinocereus need six to seven hours. This is easy to understand if we remember that the first genus grows on the grassy plains of southern Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay, and the second is a native of the stony-sandy, sun-scorched deserts of Texas, Arizona (USA) and Mexico all day long. The cactus should always stand facing the sun with the same side.

6. If all the above conditions are met and the cactus still does not bloom, then very often the reason lies in the habit of many lovers of constantly moving and rearranging pots with plants. Having picked up a cactus to examine it or show it to a friend, the cactus grower often, when putting the pot in place, does not pay attention to maintaining the same orientation in relation to the light. It is these frequent changes in the illuminated side of the stem that prevent flowering. You can avoid this by making a mark on all pots on one side and following the rule - always place the pots so that this mark faces the illuminated side of the window. There is nothing to fear about stem bending: if your cacti spend the summer on a shelf outside the window, where the light is less one-sided than on a window sill inside the room, bending will not occur or it will be very slight. In the fall, when bringing plants into rooms, you can turn the pots 180° - over the winter and spring, the slight tilt that appears will straighten out.

7. Transplanting early flowering cacti should be postponed until after flowering. If you transplant a specimen with buds, it will almost certainly drop them or they will degenerate into babies.

8. From a cactus preparing to bloom, You should not remove the babies and cut the cuttings. Both will inevitably disrupt (at least to a small extent) the established rhythm of the plant’s life and its metabolism, and this will lead to the shedding or degeneration of buds. And it must be said that of these two troubles, the second is worse than the first: a baby that appears in the “wrong” place often leaves an ugly scar on the areola, even if it is removed when it is still very tiny.

Flowering for a cactus is the stage of plant reproduction, therefore, all cacti can bloom, but the flowering conditions for some succulents are either difficult to achieve or completely unattainable at home. But you can always try and it’s worth it, because it’s such beauty!

Flowering species - their names, descriptions and photos

It's time for specifics. Let's talk about each flowering cactus separately.


  • The start of flowering of the plant is May/June.
  • Reference. If the temperature is very high in summer, the plant stagnates and in the fall, when it gets colder, it can begin to bloom again.

  • Basically, they bloom most of the summer, the flowers last 1 day.
  • Some species, such as Mammillaria slender, bloom in winter.
  • Mammillaria blooms in the following way: flowers form from the buds, and from the flowers - a crown covering the central stem. The sizes of the flowers themselves vary from species to species, but are larger than 7 mm.
  • The color of the flowers also depends on the type of cactus: they can be white, yellow, different shades of red, cream, pale yellow.
  • During flowering, Mammillaria needs additional lighting. If the plant blooms in winter, then the daylight hours should be artificially increased to 16 hours. Otherwise, follow the general rules when flowering for any other succulent.


  • All cacti of this species bloom in summer. The specific flowering time depends on the size of the pot: the smaller it is, the formerly a plant will bloom.
  • Flowering occurs once a year.
  • At good care, flowering will continue from late spring until late autumn.
  • None of the Astrophytum species blooms in winter.
  • During flowering, the cactus appears large flowers, with a diameter of 4 to 8 cm, you can rarely notice blotches of red on the upper part of the stem. The lifespan of flowers is from 1 to 3 days.
  • Their color ranges from light yellow to yellow.
  • There are no special rules for caring for Astrophytum during the flowering period.

Prickly pear

  • Prickly pear blooms in mid-April.
  • Flowering can occur once a year.
  • The cactus can bloom from mid-spring to early autumn; the flowers fall off after 2-3 days.
  • Since prickly pear flowering is possible only in places with high temperatures, the plant does not bloom in winter.
  • Prickly pear blooms profusely, sometimes there can be up to 10 flowers on one segment of the plant; the flowers themselves are large, from 3 to 5 cm in diameter.
  • The flowering color depends on the type of cactus. The flowers are white, yellow, dark red and light lilac.
  • Prickly pear rarely blooms at home. Flowering is achieved or in its natural environment, or in special greenhouses. But if the plant managed to bloom at home, then, in addition to the general rules, the following should be observed:
    1. Avoid moving the succulent pot in any way.
    2. Do not replant the plant.
    3. Follow the watering and fertilizing regime that was in place before flowering began.


  • Cereus begins to bloom in May and June.
  • In rare cases, with good care, cereus can bloom in late spring/early summer and early autumn.
  • Flowering will last from several days to two weeks, and the flowers wither after a day.
  • Cereus does not bloom in winter.
  • Cereus is a night-blooming cactus; flowers appear simultaneously or sequentially, but this is rare at home. The flowers are large, have a strong and pleasant aroma, reminiscent of vanilla.
  • They are yellow or light yellow in color, often their center is golden.
  • At home, the appearance of flowers is quite rare. For them to appear, the following conditions must be met:
    1. The cactus should be well lit.
    2. In winter, the plant's dormant state should not be disturbed.
    3. The succulent should not be too young.
    4. Must be observed temperature regime in the room.
    5. Water the plant often and ventilate the room.


  • Gymnocalycium begins to bloom in May.
  • With good care it blooms annually.
  • Flowering continues from May to mid-autumn, but due to the lack of sunlight in the fall, flowers practically do not appear.

    Flowers do not fade for up to 10 days.

  • Gymnocalycium does not bloom in winter.
  • Flowering occurs like this: on the side of the plant opposite to the sun, buds begin to form already in April, and by May the buds open. The flowers themselves are large, located on the upper part of the stem.
  • The color depends on the species, but the most common colors are red, pink, white and light yellow.
  • Gymnocalycium is not a demanding plant, so it will bloom without much intervention from the owner, but do not forget that flowering occurs when the cactus reaches 2-3 years of age, and some species must be even older.


  • Hathiora blooms in late winter/early spring.
  • Flowering occurs annually.
  • Hatiora continues to bloom for several weeks.
  • Hatiora is one of the succulents that blooms in winter.
  • 1-2 months before flowering, buds begin to form, after this time buds appear, and then the flowers open. The flowers bloom at the top of the stems and are from 2.5 to 5 cm in diameter, depending on the type of Hatiora.
  • They have crimson, pink, light red or yellow colors, again, depending on the type of succulent.
  • For the plant to bloom, you will need:
    1. Regular watering.
    2. Regular feeding mineral fertilizers(potassium and phosphorus play their role).
    3. Sufficient lighting.


  • The cactus begins to bloom in May.
  • Blooms once a year.
  • Flowering that begins in May ends in June.
  • Does not bloom in winter.
  • The buds are formed in May-April, open in late May or early July, the flowers themselves will be large (up to 12 cm in diameter), the flowers of some species will also have a strong aroma.
  • Epiphyllum blooms brightly, the flowers will be red, pink, yellow.
  • During flowering, Epiphyllum does not require special care.


  • Flowering begins in May.
  • Blooms once a year.
  • Flowering lasts from May to early June.
  • Rhipsalidopsis does not bloom in winter.
  • During the flowering period, ripsalidopsis is densely covered with many bright and large flowers, up to 6 cm in diameter.

    Very often there are so many flowers that you literally cannot see the plant itself behind them.

  • Thanks to the efforts of breeders, ripsalidopsis blooms in white, orange, purple flowers, when in nature all the diversity is limited to a small number of shades of red.
  • There are no special rules for caring for ripsalidopsis during flowering.


  • Echinopsis begins to bloom in the spring.
  • Echinopsis blooms once a year.
  • With proper care, a succulent can bloom continuously until the end of summer.
  • Echinopsis is not a winter-blooming cactus.
  • During flowering, long, up to 20 cm, tubular shoots appear on the side parts of the plant, which are the stems of flowers. Flowers bloom both at night and during the day, depending on the type of cactus.
  • Flowers can be white, pink, orange, purple.
  • During flowering, there are no special care rules for echinopsis.


  • Peyote begins to bloom in late spring/early summer.
  • One flowering per year.
  • Can bloom throughout the summer.
  • Does not bloom in winter.
  • During flowering small flowers, the number of which depends on the age of the plant, appear on the parietal part of the cactus. Flowers live throughout the wet period.
  • Flowers are only pink.
  • There are no special conditions for caring for a flowering cactus, but do not forget that peyote is one of the slowest growing cacti, and you will have to wait at least 3 years for it to bloom.

Varieties that do not bloom

As already stated, Absolutely all cacti bloom, but achieving this at home is not always possible. Here is a list of indoor cacti that cannot be bloomed at home, no matter how hard you try:

  1. Cephalocereus.
  2. Echinocactus Gruzoni.
  3. Espostoa woolly.
  4. Claycocacti.
  5. Stetsonia clavaceae.

What care rules should be followed at home?

Finally worth mentioning general rules care required for any flowering succulent:

  1. Refuse to replant flowering cactus.
  2. Do not fertilize during flowering.
  3. Do not move or carry.
  4. Do not change the direction of sunlight falling on a flowering succulent.
  5. Ventilate the room.

Cacti are wonderful plants, and when they bloom they become even more beautiful. Yes, it is not easy to achieve this, not everyone will succeed, but if the cactus blooms, then there is no better reward for the cactus grower.

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What types of cacti bloom in room conditions?

Many lovers of indoor floriculture are interested in what cacti bloom. These amazing plants often amaze with their unusualness and beauty. It is especially surprising when the cactus begins to bloom. As a rule, this does not happen so often, but it still occurs even under normal room conditions.

Cacti bloom quite rarely, but with proper care they can delight gardeners with their beauty.

Experts divide all flowering cacti into 2 varieties: forest and desert. Forest species in wildlife grow on trees and tall plants. Growing them at home is quite difficult, even almost impossible. But desert cacti are successfully grown indoors. However, there are many species that are distinguished by their beautiful flowers.

Wilcoxia and Rebuxia

Very often in flower shop or in the nursery you can find a plant such as Wilcoxia. This type of cactus looks like thin elongated green sticks that are covered with small needles. As they grow, these sticks become higher and higher and begin to intertwine with each other, forming bizarre shapes.

Wilcoxia cactus the right conditions may bloom annually.

If you implement proper care, then such a cactus will bloom every spring. At the same time, the outwardly unremarkable cactus of this variety is distinguished by small, but very beautiful pink flowers, which have many pointed petals. For annual flowering, keep the cactus in a tight pot on a well-lit windowsill in a room that is often ventilated.

Quite a common type in indoor floriculture is Rebuxia. This cactus has a spherical shape, numerous very thin white spines. Rebuxia blooms every spring in March or April. Moreover, the flowers are usually very large; they can be even larger than the plant itself. Depending on the variety, Rebuxia can bloom in red, pink and even purple.

But in order for this type of cactus to delight you with its flowers every year, you need to water it as often as possible so that the soil in the pot always remains moist. At the same time, before spring you need to stress it: take it out to a cold room at the end of winter. In early March, place again in a warm, well-lit window.

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Mamillaria and Frailei cactus

Mamillaria is considered one of the most unpretentious flowering cacti. This variety was developed a long time ago. At the same time, the cactus is not particularly demanding in terms of living conditions. It is enough just to water the plant in a timely manner (but only so that the soil does not turn sour), and protect it from constant exposure to direct sunlight.

The cactus itself consists of large quantity small balls that are dotted with light yellow or almost white needles. Such a flower constantly produces children, due to which it constantly increases in size. Between the needles you can see a thin soft web. Mamillaria usually blooms in a bright crimson color. Wherein this type produces very small buds at the top, which later closely resembles a bright crimson wreath.

Frailea cactus is prized for its large yellow flowers.

For frequent flowering, such a plant requires practically nothing. It can produce buds even in relatively at a young age, which is why many collectors like it. You should just try not to touch the pot during the beginning of flowering, do not move it from place to place, so that the cactus does not drop its buds.

Another flowering variety— Frailei cactus. In appearance, the plant is unremarkable. The cactus is distinguished by a small stem that is cylindrical or almost spherical in shape. It is dotted with long yellow spines, the ends of which are slightly curled.

In order for such a plant to bloom, it must be provided good watering and lighting in the summer, but at the same time relative cold and minimal watering in the cold season. In winter, it is best to move this cactus variety indoors, where the ambient temperature should be 10-11°C.

This plant blooms very large beautiful flowers yellow color, for which it is very much appreciated. In this case, it most often happens that these flowers are 1.5-2 times larger in size than the plant itself. In most cases, one cactus produces one flower, but sometimes it can produce 2 or 3 buds.


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