Color for paint - types of substances for creating color and optimal combinations with your own hands (115 photos). Selection of color for façade paint Color for oil paint for exterior work

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If you want to create a space with colors that perfectly match the decor, you need to buy colors. This is a concentrated pigment, a source of color. It can be added to paint, plaster or putty. The result will exceed expectations, the color will be as rich and deep, multidimensional as possible.

Main types of colors

All colors can be divided into two large groups: with organic pigments and inorganic. Which color is better to choose? Of course, you always want to use environmentally friendly clean materials when creating a design indoors, therefore colors with organic pigments immediately evoke great sympathy.

However, there is a catch - colors created with their help fade faster and fade under the influence of sunlight. We need to pay attention to this.

If unnatural substances are used as a pigment, this does not mean that they are dangerous. Is it possible to get poisoned by eating a piece of wall painted with paint based on unnatural substances? Perhaps the chances are greater than in the case when the wall is painted with paint with the addition of a color made on the basis natural ingredients. Sometimes it's important, sometimes it's not.

A photo of paint colors and a palette will help you make the final decision. If the base is natural, more saturated and bright colors can be created by adding it in smaller quantities.

Kohler is a small jar, there is relatively little of it in it. The color palette for synthetic-based paints is a little more modest. Tinting may turn out to be too expensive at first glance. Is it really? Repairs will not need to be done after three years, for example, if you choose them. Of course that's a plus. The design will surprise, delight, delight, and give pleasant emotions for the prescribed five years, no matter what.

Different consistency

How to dilute paint colors? It all depends on its consistency. There are colors in powder, paste and liquid form. They can be designed for acrylic paints exclusively, for oil-based paints, water-based paints or suitable for different types simultaneously. You also need to pay attention to this, study the label, figure out which variety you like.

Colors in the form of a paste can be dissolved in paint faster than powdered ones. Liquids should be handled carefully as it is easy to add more or less than you should.

Powdered ones need to be mixed well - more thoroughly than others. All colors are diluted first in a small amount of paint, then added to the main volume. The paint is mixed and a preliminary test is made. It is advisable to test the color on a material similar to that which is being dyed so that its absorption capacity is taken into account.

Sometimes it is suggested to mix colors and paints using a computer, a special program, right at the point of sale. This is convenient because you can accurately select the shade - the computer determines how much color is needed. But you need to know in advance how much paint will be needed to complete the entire amount of work, so as not to confuse anything later.

Paint base and color features

Color for acrylic paint is added to acrylic paint and only into it. This is important to remember. If the manufacturer indicates that the dye is universal, then it can be added to another type of paint. It is advisable to use paint and colors from the same company - they completely match each other. This simplifies the color creation process.

Color for facade paint characterized by greater pigment resistance to environmental factors. It should be added to the façade paint accordingly. Can it be used for interior finishing work?

If it contains harmful substances, even when added to non-toxic facade paint, it will have Negative influence on health, and therefore the degree of toxicity must be indicated on its packaging.

Color for water-based paint is ideally soluble in water. It cannot be added to oil. This is useless, the result is unpredictable - stripes, spots may remain, the aesthetics will be lost, it will not simply blend with it.

A universal color scheme, even if not all of it is used up, will come in handy around the house, probably in the country house or for decorating another room. Therefore, sometimes they try to acquire it. On the other hand, it may turn out to be superfluous, you will want to choose a different color, you will like spending money, the result will make a good impression, it will become clear: these expenses are rational.

Photo of paint colors

Paint tinting is the mixing and dilution of paint and varnish material in order to obtain the color tone planned for the design project. To obtain the desired shade, you can use the services of companies specializing in the sale of paints, or perform all the procedures yourself.

Experts identify several cases in which it is necessary to tint the surface:

  • selection of shade according to color scheme interior;
  • there are minor defects in the original layer;
  • errors in calculating the volume of paint and the absence of a previously used color;
  • interior design using several shades of one or more colors.

To summarize, we can say that tinting allows you to limit yourself to cosmetic repairs, and not to carry out complex and voluminous painting work.

Tinting systems

To choose the right tone and, accordingly, achieve a perfectly even color, it is recommended to use tinting mixtures. They are a mixture of base paint (usually white) and a coloring composition - tint. The latter are characterized by a contrasting, often saturated tone compared to that used in the base.

Colorant pigments are divided into two types based on origin:

  • organic;
  • inorganic.

Pigments of the first type are a range of bright tones. It should be remembered that paints and varnishes obtained from them begin to lose their brightness and saturation over time when exposed to direct sunlight. Therefore, pigments of organic origin are not the best choice for facade paint.

Inorganic pigments are more resistant to aggressive external factors, including fading. However, this paint color has an extremely narrow range of shades.

Colorants are produced in three states:

  • dye;
  • paste;
  • dry composition.

The pastes contain dispersing resins, and binder may be missing.

In terms of their range of applications, pastes are universal – they can be combined with any type of paint and varnish materials (alkyd enamels, compositions on water based and others), as well as highly specialized ones.

The advantage of pastes is their ease of use, as well as the ability to make adjustments to the shade as they mix. However, the disadvantage is the high probability that the color intensity of the tinting paste will be uneven.

The composition of tinting paint contains the same components as in paint and varnish material. This should be taken into account when selecting. For example, if you plan to use water-based paint, then you should choose a color that is identical in composition. Combining white paint And this kind of pigments, you can get any colors. Best combination can be found in a special tinting table. You can change the tone saturation towards brightness by using the colorant in undiluted, pure form.

Dry or loose pigments are inexpensive. But against this background, they have several disadvantages:

  • limited choice of colors;
  • the shade is difficult to adjust due to the undesirability of adding it to the finished paint.

Manual and computer mixing

You can tint the paint using two methods:

  • computer;
  • manual.

Tinting at home requires the prior purchase of a base paint, as well as a colorant kit. The pigment is added immediately before coloring begins. Proportions are selected according to the requirements of the instructions. Do-it-yourself paint tinting has a number of advantages:

  • the opportunity to save a significant amount of money;
  • the procedure can be carried out directly at the repair site;
  • the ability to create exclusive colors that have no industrial analogues.

At the same time, the process carried out at home has one drawback: it is almost impossible to reproduce the resulting tone again.

Computer tinting is controlled by a special program. The operator selects the color according to the requirements, and the program itself determines the proportions and then produces the finished mixture.

Computer tinting has the following obvious advantages:

  • the procedure takes much less time;
  • the desired colors are easy to reproduce again (you just need to save the tone in the program memory);
  • wide palette of colors.

The equipment used for mixing can be found in construction stores.

In general, the list of equipment that is used for is as follows:

  1. A large stand with booklets containing a table of tones, grouped, as a rule, by interior groups.
  2. Fan of flowers. In fact, this is the same table that is presented in the stand booklets, only in a separate casing. It is advisable to use such equipment to carry out color selection directly on site.
  3. Computer color machine - used to select paint according to a given sample.
  4. Pigment dispenser. This equipment manual application. It is a drum with canisters made of of stainless steel. Pigment mixing is ensured by a motor.

It should be remembered that tinting paint using a machine method is not feasible directly on site. In addition, color selection is greatly limited to those suggested by the table. It will not be possible to obtain any complex shade, no matter how modern and sophisticated equipment is used.

How to paint walls with color

Today, there are many methods for finishing wall surfaces. Interior paint coating with added pigment is gaining more and more fans. It should be remembered that this process will reveal all the flaws and unevenness of the wall surface. Careful preparation, which includes applying putty and primer, helps to avoid this.

The application of any paint material should only begin after the primer has completely dried. The primer should be selected to suit the chemical composition to the base paint.

Painting walls with color begins with preparing the main components - paint and pigment. You will also need a bucket coated with a layer of enamel or made of plastic. Water-based paint is poured into the container and stirred with a construction mixer until it reaches the consistency of milk. Separately, 100 g of water-based paint and varnish material is mixed with the color and gradually, in small portions, introduced into the base paint.

When mixed, the surface of the coloring solution may become foamy. You should let it settle before you start painting. In this case, the layer will lie correctly and neatly.

We take care of the façade

If earlier external walls While houses were painted in one color, which was offered by hardware stores, today owners are trying to add variety. Therefore, facade paint with the addition of color is becoming very popular.

Color is nothing more than enamels with a rich, bright tone. Used for a wide range of paints: alkyd, water-based dispersion. Very often, colors are used in pure, undiluted form. This, for example, allows you to highlight individual elements of the facade. A special fan table allows you to harmoniously select tones.

When selecting color palette For façade paint, two scales are used - these are the ones that can be found in the tables offered by paint manufacturing companies.

This, and NCS with 1950 colors. The colors are mixed with nitro enamels, water-based enamels, and other paints and varnishes.

As a rule, facades have a large area, so it is better to select a painting solution not manually, but by machine. The desired tones can be selected using the table. It is very difficult to manually prepare the same tone in large quantities.

Painted facades give the house an attractive appearance and protect it from negative environmental factors. Adding colors to paint increases the brightness of water-based materials.

Tinting paints – The best way implement design ideas. The resulting solutions are used for internal and external work. Pigments are added even to. Color and paint must be from the same manufacturer - this is a guarantee High Quality staining.

Despite huge selection Of the various shades of paint that manufacturers currently offer, the picky consumer is not always able to find what he needs. In this case, you can create the desired shade for yourself yourself and enjoy the chosen color.

Let's first understand the concept of tinting and color. The concept of “color” has several meanings in various areas. The so-called “folk” meaning of this term means a certain color or shade, and experts call color a composition that is ready for use.

Tinting is a process where paint is mixed or thinned, the purpose of this process is to achieve the desired shade of color.

You can do the tinting yourself, or if you have doubts about your own abilities, you can order ready-made tinting from a company that specializes in this.

In what cases is it necessary to perform tinting? It is performed if:

  1. It is necessary to select a shade in accordance with the design of the apartment.
  2. A small piece of the painted surface has become unusable, and there is no point in repainting the entire surface.
  3. During the repair you made a mistake with the calculations required quantity paints, but now you can’t find the shade you need on sale.
  4. Choose shades that will harmonize.

Thanks to tinting, small redecorating will be a successful replacement for the front of the intricate painting works.

Currently, there are several types of tinting.

Computer tinted paint

First, let's look at computer tinting. This is a version of our modernity. What is it? You choose the shade that you need, and using a specially created program, you can easily calculate the amount of paint and dye that you will need. With the computer method, you are not limited in the amount of paint. This method is unique.

It has the following advantages:

  • the tinting produced will be accurate and fast;
  • you can tint any type of paint.

Manual tinting

There is also traditional hand tinting. Of course, this method will not give you the same clear results as the computer method. To carry out manual tinting, you purchase white paint and tinting paste. The more tinting paste you add, the more intense the resulting shade will be.

The manual method has its advantages:

  • you can do the tinting yourself;
  • it is convenient and economically beneficial.

But using manual tinting, you will not achieve dark, rich colors. And also, if you need additional paint of a similar shade, then you are unlikely to be able to exactly repeat your result.

Pay attention to the lighting in your apartment - it will certainly have an impact on the shade you choose. So, if the lighting is artificial, then any shade you choose will have a yellowish tint. Daylight will give a more realistic picture. All your interior items will be reflected in tinted color.

Cool colors in artificial light will appear one shade darker. It's green, blue. Orange and yellow, on the contrary, will seem lighter to you. If your interior contains some bright objects (furniture, textiles), then the selected monotonous colors will fade against their background and get lost.

Also keep in mind that paint applied to a small area and a large area will seem different in shade to you. Especially if you start applying it vertical way. Based on all this, before you settle on any shade, take into account all the features of your room.

In the painting world there is such a thing as tinting systems. This is the use of base paint and color. Colors are deep or opposite colors. The pigments that make up them are organic or inorganic. Organic pigments are typically used for richer shades.

But such pigments have the following disadvantages:

  • not every surface can be coated with this composition;
  • paint with such pigments is short-lived, under sun rays it will fade over time.

Colors with inorganic pigments have a limited color range, but they are not afraid of the influence of atmospheric phenomena.

The production of colorants is carried out in different versions:

  • pastes,
  • paints,
  • dry mixes.

The paste contains dispersing resins; it is also possible to have a type of paste where there is no substance used for bonding.

There are pastes different types- there are universal pastes that are suitable for any paint, and there are specialized pastes designed for specific paint materials. The pastes are easy to use; when mixing, you can easily adjust the desired shade. But they have disadvantages: the pastes do not have formal properties of color and saturation. The final shade may be unexpected for you.

The composition of tinting paints does not differ from the paints and varnishes for which they are used:

  • water emulsions,
  • acrylic,
  • oil
  • others.
By combining white paint and pigments, you will get the color you need. If you need a very bright and saturated color, then the existing colorant does not need to be diluted.

The advantage of dry compounds is their low price. But the color range of such pigments is very narrow, and correcting the desired shade is very difficult, since such pigments should not be added to a color mixture that is ready for use.

What you will need for this process is a container of the mixture, a drill with an attachment, a small reservoir for placing a test portion, white base paint, and color scheme.

Tinting stages:

  1. Preparing a test portion. Before making a large volume of the mixture, test a small portion. Otherwise, you just might ruin all your material. Pour some paint (100 ml) and a few drops of the color mixture into our small reservoir. When you get the shade you need, remember how many drops you added.
  2. Conducting experimental tests on work surface. As we already mentioned, the color on the surface may be different from the color of your mixture. Therefore, we take our test dose and try it on a small area of ​​the work surface. We wait for it to dry and see what happens. Keep in mind that different lighting will give different shades.
  3. Production of the main volume of material. If you are completely satisfied with what came out in the trial version and on the work surface, then you can proceed to the main volume. How to calculate the required amount of color? Subtract from doses received trial version 20 %. That is, if you added 7 drops of one color and 2 of the other to the sampler, then per liter of paint you will need not 70 and 20 drops, but 56 and 16 drops. When the mixture is evenly stirred, test the surface again. Don't forget about different lighting.

The main thing is not to rush when tinting. Take your time and achieve the desired result. Otherwise, you risk ruining all your existing materials, or achieving a color that doesn’t suit you. Please note that it is better to prepare more paint than is needed.

If you don't have enough paint, choosing exactly the right shade is a very difficult task. And, most likely, the shades in different containers will differ. The remaining amount will be useful to you in the future, when the time comes for corrective repairs. Pour the excess into a jar and close the lid tightly.

You need to tint large paints in one container, otherwise, if you need to repeat the shade, you will have difficulty calculating the required volume. When you are faced with a choice of color, it is better to choose one contained in bottles with a narrow neck - it is more convenient to calculate the number of drops. If you choose another one, you can use a syringe for these purposes.

In order to select the desired color and the amount of color required, you can use a special table for mixing colors.

To ensure that the resulting material is evenly mixed, attachments of various sizes can be attached to the drill.

It is better to choose paint and colors from the same company, this guarantees achievement maximum result when mixing. As a rule, the color scheme comes with information about the required volume of base paint.

When painting an apartment, study the color scheme in advance. It is known that some colors have a calming effect on a person, while others, on the contrary, cause irritation and aggression.

Table. Mixing colors.

Color nameMix to get it
Pink 90% white + 10% red
Royal red 5-10% blue is added to red
Tomato red Add 5% brown and yellow to red
Crimson Blue base + a little white, brown and red in equal proportions
Chestnut Add 5% brown and 3% black to red
Red If you want to lighten red, add white
Orange Add up to 30% red to yellow
Yellow Yellow - lighten with white, darken with red and brown
Olive Green base + 10-20% yellow
Turquoise green Add up to 25% blue to green
Bottle green Yellow + 20-40% blue
Turquoise blue In blue 10-15% green
Royal blue In blue 10-15% black and 2% green
Dark blue Blue + 5% black and 2% green
Grey In white to 5% black
Medium brown Add red and blue to yellow in equal portions, add white if you want to lighten it, darken it with black.
Golden brown To yellow we add 10% blue, white and red, the more yellow, the higher the contrast.
Mustard In yellow, 5% black and red + 1-2% green
Beige Add white to brown while stirring until the desired tone is obtained, add yellow for brightness
Pink gray In white up to 5% black or red
Gray-blue In white up to 5% light gray + 1% blue
Green-gray In white 5% light gray + 1% green
Gray coal Black is added to white until the desired tone is achieved (with constant stirring)
Lemon yellow In yellow 5% white and 1-2% green
Fern green color Add black, green and white paint in equal parts to white
Forest green color Green is diluted with black (up to 5%)
Emerald green Yellow diluted with white (less) and green (more) paint
Light green Yellow is diluted with white (5%) and green (10%) paint
Aquamarine Add up to 35% green and 5% black to ball paint
Avocado Add black and brown paint to yellow in equal parts (up to 10%)
Royal purple Red color is diluted with yellow and blue paint
Dark purple We dilute the red tone with black and blue paint
Mandarin, orange IN yellow paint up to 10% red and up to 5% brown
Reddish chestnut Red is diluted with black and brown
Orange White diluted with red and brown
Burgundy red color Add 5-10% yellow, brown and black paint to red paint in equal parts
Plum In red, 10% black and blue and 5% white
Chestnut Add white, red and black paint to yellow in equal proportions
Dark brown In yellow paint 10-20% each of red, white and black
Black Black is lightened to different shades of gray with white

materials on the topic

Drawing is a very exciting and at the same time useful activity for children. of different ages, it allows you to develop fine motor skills their hands, creative thinking, children's fantasy and imagination. The industry that produces varnishes and paints produces paints, with their help children can engage in creativity, which over time can develop into a profession.

Modern trends in the field of interior design are becoming more and more popular every day. And you can see that the most common solution for decorating walls in this case is painting them. Firstly, it is very practical. Especially if you are used to frequent changes of scenery. After all, a painted wall can easily be repainted in a different shade at any time and with virtually no special preparation. Secondly, sometimes painting is a more affordable type of finishing than the same, the prices of which can sometimes be discouraging. Of course, savings can only be achieved if your walls are perfectly smooth. Otherwise, you will have to spend money on leveling them.

Be that as it may, those who prefer paint to other types of finishes may encounter such an unpleasant moment as the lack of the desired shade among ready-made compositions. But this is not a reason to abandon your idea. It's easy enough to find suitable shade in the palette of possible ones and mix the color and base in the given proportions. In this article we will give 8 tips on how to tint paint, we’ll tell you exactly what compositions can be tinted and give examples of proportions to obtain the most original and sought-after shades.

Types of colors by composition

Probably each of you can imagine in theory how the process of giving ordinary white paint the required shade occurs. The main thing in this matter is to choose suitable look color, which is a concentrate a certain color. Depending on the added amount of this composition, the saturation and intensity of the final paint color will change. By the way, the technology for creating a new shade has two names that imply completely different actions:

All colors, depending on the origin of the pigments in their composition, can be divided into two types:

  • Organic;
  • Inorganic.

In the first option, the color will have a more saturated, rich and bright shade, which is undoubtedly an advantage. Their color palette is very wide. However, the finished paint composition based on this color will have low light fastness, that is, they fade very quickly in the sun and lose their spectacular original color. In addition, if the paint is applied over mineral-based plaster, which does not emit a large number of alkali, this will negatively affect the coating.

Colors inorganic origin are more resistant to ultraviolet radiation and retain their original shade for a long time. But in comparison with organic pigments, the resulting tones will be muted and less concentrated. And the range of possible colors will be more limited.

Based on this, many recommend choose the first type of colorants if artificial lighting will predominate in the room to be painted. And give preference to the second type of colors if you plan to paint bright rooms filled with natural light throughout almost the entire day.

Types of colors by release form

The entire variety of colors can be divided into three large groups depending on the form of their release:

  • Powder– are the most affordable. Please note that only water-based paint compositions can be tinted using dry pigment. The palette of possible colors is very limited. Also, powdered dyes are not very convenient to use in terms of calculating the exact dosage. If you don't use special measuring spoons or scales, you will never know how much color you added to the base. Another disadvantage is poor solubility. To obtain a composition that is truly uniform in color throughout the entire depth of the container, you need to mix very thoroughly and for a long time;
  • Liquid or color paints– can be sold in tubes, small jars, bottles, plastic buckets or tubes. This paint is very rich and concentrated. With this composition you can safely paint a wall without diluting. This is especially true when it is necessary to achieve maximum bright shade, for example, at . Liquid colorant is more convenient and controllable in dosage. Usually the number of drops is counted. Containers with thin, cone-shaped spouts will be more convenient;
  • Pasty- the most popular and widespread. The advantage of color pastes is the ability to obtain a soft, close to natural shade. They are also quite easy to mix using a whisk and easy to dose.

Compatibility of colors with various types of paints and other compositions

Many people often have the question of whether it is possible to tint this or that type of paint composition and, if so, which color is best to choose. We decided to clarify this issue:

As you can see, thus, we can safely say that almost all varieties can be tinted paint and varnish compositions and even primers and varnishes. In addition, many designers add pigment directly to the composition when creating a coating.

But don’t think that color can be added to the base in unlimited quantities. This is fraught with two things at once unpleasant consequences– the final shade may become too saturated after the paint sits for a while and you will have to either resign yourself and take what you got to work, or go for a new portion of white paint. Or the coloring composition may lose its adhesive properties and will lie unevenly on the base or slide off.

Stick to it basic rules:

  • The volume of color added to water-soluble paints should not exceed 20% of their volume;
  • For oil paints this figure should not exceed 1.5-2%;
  • For all other paint and varnish compositions – no more than 5%.

Then the resulting composition will be suitable for use, and the integration of the pigment will not affect its properties in any way.

Review of manufacturers

You can often come across the concept "tinting systems", which can be misleading with its name. In fact, this is nothing more than the usual palette of possible shades that can be obtained by mixing the base paint and color of a particular manufacturer.
Each manufacturer has the same color, for example, regular red, but it may differ in tone or temperature. Pay attention to this point. also in ideal It is advised to choose the base and color from the same company for a 100% match in color and to obtain exactly the shade that is drawn in the palette. It is noteworthy that, despite the fact that using different colors you can get up to 15,000 new interesting shades, tinting systems of different brands have a strictly limited number of possible tones. Let's consider Most Popular:

Methods for tinting LKS

After you have become familiar with the possible varieties of colors and their compatibility with different compositions, you need to figure out exactly how the paint tinting process itself can be carried out. Options Total two:

  • By mechanical or automated means;
  • Manual.

In the first case, obtaining the required shade occurs on specialized equipment, which is controlled from a computer. Such machines can be found in professional stores that sell exclusively paint and varnish compositions or in large construction markets.
Process happens as follows:

  • You select the shade you need from the palette or from the color spectrum in the program, which controls the mixing equipment;
  • Each shade has a clear composition and strict proportions;
  • After this, you need to set the required volume of finished paint;
  • Based on these data, the computer makes a calculation and the tinting process itself occurs;
  • As a result, you get a guaranteed shade.

This method is undoubtedly very convenient. First of all, if in the end you didn’t guess with required quantity paint and you just don’t have enough, you can always go back to the store and re-order. This eliminates the difference in shades of the new composition with the previously obtained one.
Although, to be honest, this statement, for me personally, raises some doubts. After all, even the manufacturers of pigments and base paints themselves always warn that the tone of the same color but different batches may differ. This means that the tinted composition will also have differences? Question…

TO shortcomings This method can also include:

  • Additional costs, because this service is not free;
  • The impossibility of tinting directly on site and assessing the required shade intensity on site. But this is very important, since a small square of a shade in the palette may be perceived completely differently than the entire wall painted with that color.

Manual tinting is a more painstaking process, but there is nothing complicated about it, and you can handle it on your own. This method has only one negative point:

  • There is a very high probability that you will not be able to repeat the prepared shade if you do not have enough paint.

But benefits much more:

  • First of all, it's absolutely free;
  • Secondly, you can always first prepare a small amount of the composition on the spot, practice, paint a small fragment of the wall with the resulting color and sensibly evaluate the result. And the main thing is to make adjustments in time. And this is exactly what I recommend doing, but more on that a little later;
  • And thirdly, you don't need any special equipment. Just clean, preferably glass containers, wooden stick, and a whisk attachment, a measuring cup and a syringe without a needle.

Step-by-step instruction

The tinting process is not complicated, you just need to adhere to the main rule - do not rush. Many people do the same thing mistake, which leads to unnecessary additional expenses - a large amount of color is immediately added, and then they begin to mix the composition. Naturally, in the vast majority of cases, the result will be unpredictable.
We will act carefully and clearly:

  • First, let's prepare everything necessary tools, which we talked about in the paragraph above;
  • Let's prepare a work area for ourselves - cover the floor if it already has finishing coat, since it is best to dilute the paint exactly in the room for which the shade is selected;
  • We will begin work by preparing a so-called sample, that is, a small amount of tinted paint. At this stage, our task is to decide on the proportions and feel the mixing process itself. After all, the paint must be painted evenly and have a coherent structure;
  • To prepare the sample, pour a small amount of white paint into a clean container. Many people don’t write this, but it’s best to use a measuring cup so you don’t have to guess later how much base there was. After this, draw a small amount of color into a syringe without a needle. Add the pigment to the base drop by drop, mix thoroughly and only then, if necessary, add the next drop of dye. You may not notice it by eye, but believe me, with each new drop the shade really changes;
  • When, after mixing, the shade is approximately similar to the desired one, stop. The fact is that the prepared composition should be slightly lighter than the one you imagined. This is due to the fact that on a large surface, the tone may already be quite saturated;
  • Count how many graduations on the scale on the color syringe you used. Write down the volume of the base and color on paper;
  • Now you need to do a test staining. This will help you understand whether this is really the shade you need;
  • To do this, you don’t need to paint the floor of the wall at all. A small fragment is enough. Literally 40x40 cm. Do not choose a section of the wall in the corner or close to the floor. In such places the shade will always appear darker;
  • Color the square at your eye level. And don’t be afraid, if something doesn’t suit you, you can always cover it with the next layer of paint;
  • Now we need to evaluate the result. Do not hurry. Look at the square below different angles. Also look at what the color looks like underneath different sources lighting. Turn on the overhead light, floor lamp, all together, turn off the light. It is advisable to work in the middle of the day when there is enough space in the room natural light to evaluate the influence of all possible lighting sources. If time permits, leave the paint on the wall until next day. In the evening everything may appear completely different;
  • If the work is postponed until the next day, close all containers tightly and place them in a dark place;
  • Let’s say that the next day the shade is still pleasant to you, then you can safely prepare the working composition. It is very important to dilute the tinting paint with a small margin, just in case;
  • When preparing, use the existing proportions. For example, you diluted 5 drops of color in 100 ml of base. This means that for 1 liter of paint you need 50 drops. But this does not mean that you need to add all 50 drops at once. Add 45, mix thoroughly with a whisk, look, add 3 more drops, mix, and only then add the rest of the color and mix again.

As you can see, nothing complicated, just a little patience and diligence.

Some important points, which are mandatory should be considered for self-tinting:

"Recipes" of the most popular shades

Now in, you can find the most varied and boldest shades. It happens sometimes - you look at a color and think, how did you get it? Let's give example the most noble shades and their composition in percentage:

  • Royal red– add 5-10% cool blue to a cold red base. You can experiment with the same content, but with warm colors;
  • Tomato red– easy to obtain by adding 5% yellow and 5% brown to the base red;
  • Crimson– its base is blue, to which 1-2% of white, brown and red are added. If the intensity is insufficient, add again a small amount of auxiliary colors in equal parts;
  • Olive– 10-20% yellow is dissolved in the green base, depending on the desired saturation;
  • Turquoise green– add no more than 20% blue to the standard green base;
  • Bottle green– obtained by mixing yellow and 20-40% blue;
  • Turquoise blue– easy to obtain by adding 10-15% green to the standard blue color;
  • Royal blue– this chic shade is obtained by adding 10-15% black and 2% green to the blue base;
  • Rich dark blue– obtained by adding 5% black and 2% green to blue;
  • Golden brown– to give a shining effect, add to yellow 10% blue, 10% white, 10% red. At the same time, the higher the percentage of yellow base, the higher the contrast;
  • Mustard— to the yellow base you need to add 5% black, 5% red, 1-2% green;
  • Noble pink-gray color– obtained by adding up to 5% black and up to 5% red to white;
  • Gray-blue shade– obtained by adding 5% light gray and 1% of blue color into a white base. With the same proportions, but with the addition of green instead of blue, they will give a gray-green tint;
  • Lemon yellow– a bright and positive color is obtained by adding 5% white and 1-2% green to standard yellow. Moreover, if the base yellow is of a warm shade, then the final color will be more yellowish;
  • Aquamarine– can be obtained by adding 35%, no more, green and 5% black to white paint;
  • Royal purple– obtained by adding small quantities and equal proportions of black and blue to the red base until the desired level of saturation is achieved;
  • Burgundy– add 5 to 10% of each color to the red base, but in equal parts – yellow + brown + black;
  • Plum– a wonderful shade is obtained by adding 10% black, 10% blue and 5% white to a red base.

All of the above is vibrant example process glazing. After which the resulting shade can be used either as an independent composition, or as a color, which is usually diluted in a white base.

The tone of the painting material offered by the manufacturer does not always satisfy the consumer.

To give the desired shade to the composition, water-based paint color is added to its base.

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What are colors

A color is a concentrated pigment based on a binder or a paste-like consistency saturated with one of the colors. The main purpose is to give existing paints the desired shades.

Coloring pastes are used for all surfaces. Before painting them, every owner is puzzled by the choice desired color so that the latter simultaneously matches the interior. Retail tones do not always meet consumer needs, and choosing the right one can be difficult.

Why do you need a paint color? They usually take as a basis White color, and so that it acquires the intended shade, concentrated pigment is added to it. Mixing the color with the coloring base is carried out in the following quantities:

  • no more than 20% for water-based paints;
  • no more than 1.5% for oil-based paints;
  • no more than 7% for other types of paints.

Such decisions were made due to the high saturation of color schemes. With a high concentration of color performance colors are decreasing.

Types of colors, how to choose, how to dilute and how to choose a color

Color is added to the paint to give it a color that matches the style of the room.

Types of pastes are divided into:

  • inorganic;
  • organic.

The second ones on the list have bright tones. At the same time, the choice of color palette is quite large. But, despite this advantage, there is one drawback - they quickly fade when exposed to sunlight.

Inorganic pigments are produced in limited quantities; their colors are dull, but they retain their color properties for a long time.

How to choose a color for painting walls? To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Explore the proposed catalog.
  2. If there is no code color range It is not necessary to experiment with obtaining a tone in a store, since the color obtained in this way will differ from the one created in everyday conditions.
  3. The color must be mixed with a small portion of the color base.
  4. At artificial lighting indoors, it is recommended to use organic pigments, and if natural color predominates, inorganic ones.
  5. The products of a foreign manufacturer are not necessarily better than domestic ones. Russian manufacturers produce tinting pastes of no less quality than the products of their foreign colleagues.
  6. You should pay attention to the neck of the bottle, it should be narrow, this will make dosing easier.
  7. A palette of water-based paints will not be superfluous when purchasing diluted pigment, it will be easier to navigate in order to get the expected shade.

What are the different paint colors from modern manufacturers? From famous brands tinting pastes can be distinguished:

  1. Tikkririla. The products of this company are designed to obtain the expected result after initial dilution with the base. In total there are more than 2000 tones from this manufacturer. The manufacturer offers a choice of a number of shades for painting facades.
  2. Natural Color System (NCS) - the color is made according to the standards of Swedish and Norwegian manufacturers. There are only 6 primary colors in the range: yellow, black, red, green, blue and white. Other tones are derivatives of them. Based on the letters and numbers printed on the containers, it is easy to decide on the choice of color.
  3. Tex is a company that produces pastes based on pigments produced outside the Russian Federation. They are versatile and are used to add color to water-based paints, putties and added to whitewash. Used for interior works and painting of facades.
  4. Rogneda is a network of Moscow organizations that produces products for artistic purposes and adding tone to paint, plaster or putty. The color of this company is resistant to exposure to the sun and negative temperatures, and also has high adhesion properties.
  5. Elakr is a color for façade paint. It is resistant to negative environmental factors and resistant to light. Ideally stored at negative temperatures. Most façade paints are produced on a white base and require diluting to give them color.

Is the color white or not? Basically, the manufacturer produces colored pastes in light and rich colors, but in some cases there is also a white color. It is typically used to provide weather resistance and abrasion protection for advertising lettering and graphics.

Important! Products for water-based paints have gained the greatest popularity, but for other types of paint bases it is not difficult to purchase the appropriate pigment.

Prices for paint colors

color for paint

Sequence of tinting

How to tint paint at home so that the color matches what you expect? First you need to calculate the amount of material needed to perform painting work in a given room.

If there is not enough paint to complete the work, it is unlikely that the same proportion will be maintained again. How to dilute color in water-based paint?

Stages of obtaining color:

  1. Pour a small amount of white paint into a small container.
  2. Then the color is added to the white base little by little, and it is important to record how much coloring matter was added. In this way, the expected shade is achieved. The main thing is to remember how much color was used.
  3. It is recommended to add the coloring mixture in drops using a syringe with the needle removed. This will make it easier to follow the dosage.
  4. After obtaining the desired tone, the surface is painted. This is necessary to ensure that the color meets the requirements. Moreover, it is enough to paint an area of ​​no more than 0.5 m2.
  5. If everything is fine, then you can thin the paint and safely paint the walls. If an unsatisfactory result is obtained, experiment any number of times.

To get a rich color, the color should be added to the paint before painting operations, but no later than 2 hours before starting work. If the time period is increased, the pigments will settle to the bottom and the painted surface will not be as bright as expected.

Important! The wall colors on the surface are checked for consistency using lighting fixtures. Surface mixing of the color is not suitable, you should mix thoroughly, better with a mixer. The preparation of the paint composition should be done in one container.

Features of the use of colors

Kohler means tone or color (this is a translation from Latin). Depending on the dosage of the added material, the desired shade can be achieved. It is used for painting interior and exterior substrates.

Designed for painting:

  • wood surfaces;
  • concrete;
  • bricks;
  • plasters;
  • drywall;
  • metal

Suitable for paints based on water-based compositions, oil and alkyd, epoxy compounds, nitrocellulose and polyurethane foam.

Tinting tablespecially designed to make it easier to choose colors. It indicatespaint and color proportions.

For example, 1:5 means that the color consumption for five parts of the main color is one part. There is no need to add a large amount of material at the same time, since the paint base can be ruined.

To properly perform dilution, you must adhere to the requirements set out in the instructions developed by the manufacturer. The measurements must be the same volume. It is important to know that it is better to purchase paint and color from the same manufacturer.

Is it possible to paint with color? This is a question some people ask. The color is specially designed to impart tonality to the main color; it is rich in pigment. Therefore, its basis is a binder. The adhesion between the surface and the base will also be obtained, as with painting. regular paint. So the color itself can be used for painting work, but it will be quite expensive.

Advice! If the concentrated pigment is not used in full, then the remaining material can be mixed with water. Thus, it will be preserved for at least 5 years.

Useful video: mixing color with paint

To paint surfaces, it is not necessary to choose paint by color; it is enough to purchase coloring base and the desired color.


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