Split type air conditioner definition. How to choose a split system for an apartment or house

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Air conditioning in summer creates conditions for comfortable life and human work. However, with the abundance of types of air conditioners, it is difficult to choose the right option.

Split systems

The device consists of 2-6 separate blocks connected to each other by copper tubes. Separate the indoor and outdoor units. The external one (compressor unit with a condenser) is installed outside the building or apartment, and the internal one (evaporator) is located in a suitable part of the room.

Depending on the number of indoor units, split and multi-split systems are distinguished.

The latter involves not one, but several internal structures operating in separate rooms of one building. The devices are popular in office buildings, apartments and country houses.

As for split air conditioners, they have only one indoor unit designed for one room. The power of the entire system directly depends on the power of the compressor. Therefore, the performance characteristics required of the external unit also depend on the number of internal evaporators.

According to the configuration, the devices are divided into: cassette, channel, wall and floor.

Cassette sleep systems– mounted in a suspended ceiling, operating in cooling or heating mode with minimal noise. In view of them ceiling mounting changing operating modes is carried out via the remote control remote control.

Duct split systems the designs allow air conditioning of several separate rooms at once thanks to the distribution of ducts. The system consists of two blocks. The external one provides an influx of fresh air, and the internal one provides air conditioning through the distribution and supply air ducts.

At wall structures, the internal part is mounted on any wall, and floor system it is installed directly on the floor.

The degree of air conditioning and temperature characteristics, start time, and end time are adjusted using the remote control.

Additional functions - air ionization, cleaning and humidification.

TO positive aspects relate:

  • quiet operation - all operations are performed by an external unit, and internal devices operate with minimal noise;
  • the ability to connect several units, making them popular in rooms where only one unit is needed for cooling internal device not enough;
  • functionality – equipped with additional options: air purification and disinfection, heating and additional humidification.

At the same time, there are some disadvantages of split systems:

  • relatively high cost - this is explained both by the need for installation and by greater power;
  • When the external unit fails, the internal components stop working.

Inverter air conditioners

Inverter devices are a type of climate control equipment, characterized by the ability to adjust the power of the compression engine, which increases productivity.

An inverter air conditioner maintains more accurate operating parameters compared to air conditioners using a conventional compressor.

The operating principle is the flexible operation of the compressor, which is capable of short terms bring the air temperature to the specified parameters, and then maintain it at the required level at reduced engine speeds.

This means that during operation there is no need to constantly turn the compressor off and on, therefore energy consumption and noise levels are reduced and wear resistance and service life are increased.

Due to the absence of transient processes in the operation of the inverter, energy savings reach 20 percent compared to non-inverter installations.

Disadvantages of inverter air conditioners:

  • sensitivity to voltage changes - voltage surges in the network cause failure of electronic components;
  • inability to start work at extremely low or high temperatures;
  • the difficulty of repair due to the non-standardization of parts, so in the event of a breakdown, repair is difficult.

Advantages of inverter air conditioners:

  • quickly reach the established temperature regime and save it. At the same time, the output speed is twice as fast as that of a non-inverter model;
  • energy savings, which, among other things, reduces the load on power grids;
  • low level noise due to low compressor engine speeds. This applies to the operation of outdoor units.

The advantages of using inverter air conditioners are complemented by durability.

Air conditioners for allergy sufferers

A smart solution for people suffering from allergies is to purchase an air conditioner with air filtration options. Such devices perform the functions of freeing it from allergens - pollen, bacteria, household dust and other things.

A suitable option for allergy sufferers is a wall-mounted split system with an outdoor unit and fine filters that capture the smallest irritants.

Models for allergy sufferers are divided into types depending on the type of filters used:

  • Antibacterial– used to purify the air from allergens in the form of pollen, to suppress further growth and reproduction of bacteria;
  • Plasma– has a wider spectrum of action compared to the previous version, since it destroys bacteria, viruses and mold. The filter does not require replacement - it is washed under running water and dried. Photocatalytic and nanofilters have a similar operating principle;
  • Deodorant– suitable for people sensitive to smells. Eliminates odors of tobacco smoke, strong perfumes, cosmetics, animals and more. At the same time, filters require regular replacement;
  • Multi-stage filter– include the benefits of all filters, purifying the air from allergens, harmful chemical compounds and odors.

An additional plus in models for allergy sufferers is the ionization function, which saturates the air in the room with negatively charged ions, making it fresh as in the forest after rain or in the highlands.

Floor standing air conditioners

Floor-standing air conditioners are used in cases where installation of standard models is impossible or undesirable. They are a variety mobile structures, which do not require installation, or a subtype of split systems installed on the floor.

Air conditioners are used in rental premises or buildings of cultural value where any structural changes are undesirable.

Advantages of floor-standing air conditioners:

  • lack of installation - this is true for newly renovated premises;
  • conditional mobility for mobile models. No installation means simple installation - you just need to select appropriate place and connect the electrical power.

    If necessary, the air conditioner can be easily moved indoors or transported to another place.

  • ease of maintenance.

Disadvantages of floor-standing air conditioners:

  • noise emitted - since such devices are located in a refrigerated room, the characteristic operating noise causes some discomfort;
  • the occupied space of the room is critical for rooms where every square meter counts.

It is worth emphasizing once again that floor-standing models are the type that is used when it is impossible to mount the device. Therefore, disadvantages are a direct consequence of advantages.

Window air conditioners

Such air conditioners are the oldest types of models installed in window openings.

Initially, the devices were used in kitchens, where they cooled the air. Gradually with the advent of two-block systems window designs are losing popularity, but due to their low cost they are still in demand.

The device is a case in the form of a box, through the back of which heat is dissipated. Depending on the design, it is mounted in the window on special brackets.

The compressor motor has a cyclic type of operation, which involves periodic switching on and off.

These processes are regulated by thermal sensors located inside the housing.

Disadvantages of window air conditioners:

  • noise – the engine is located inside the housing. In new models, this issue has been partly resolved, and they are quieter than older designs;
  • reduction in the level of natural light - the device occupies part of the window opening;
  • blowing in winter due to low thermal insulation.

Advantages of window air conditioners:

  • hood – allows you to use appliances in kitchens and catering establishments;
  • service life - due to the simplicity of the design, they will, without exaggeration, last 30-40 years;
  • reasonable cost of purchase and installation.

Heated air conditioners

This type of climate control equipment is in demand among consumers, and many modern models are capable of operating in heat-cold mode. However, most devices operate in a temperature range from -10 to +40 degrees Celsius.

Devices with declared heating options are used only in mild frosts, which is not relevant for regions where the temperature drops below -10 degrees.

When choosing a split system for heating rooms, you should clarify the operating temperature range in advance, because exactly this type equipment is especially sensitive to frost. In case the temperature environment will be below the minimum level declared by the manufacturer, the air conditioners cannot be used because they lose their performance characteristics and fail.

Some modern models can operate at 30 degrees below zero and uninterruptedly provide rooms with heat.

These devices are equipped with a “winter road” and an inverter to maintain continuity of engine operation, since in this case there is no need to constantly turn the compressor on and off.

A window air conditioner also works on the principle of a fan heater, but due to the simplicity of the device, it rather functions as a heater with a blowing mode, which is contraindicated in extreme temperatures.

Among the disadvantages of models with heating, it should be noted the high cost compared to conventional devices that operate only in cooling mode, and the limited temperature range of operation.

And the obvious advantage lies in the name - it works in several modes selected according to the time of year. In addition, when choosing split systems with a heating function, noiselessness and durability of operation are added to the advantages.

In conclusion, it should be noted that mobile air conditioners can also cope with the need to warm the room. In this case, the principle of operation corresponds to the essence of the room heater, since the temperature in the rooms rarely drops to minus values.

Mobile air conditioners

The designs of mobile air conditioners are different - they are monoblock or two-block.

Monoblock design involves only one block, which is installed in in the right place. As for two-block devices, they are internal and external blocks connected to each other by a flexible pipeline, while the external part is taken outside the room and does not require additional installation.

The main advantage of the models is mobility, since they can easily be moved from one room to another or transported. Air conditioners are equipped with remote controls and timers that allow you to delay the start and end of operation.

In terms of the availability of additional options, mobile models are in no way inferior to full-fledged static structures. They have ionizers, built-in filters for cleaning and regulating air humidity, etc.

In addition, two-block mobile air conditioners are characterized by a reduced noise level compared to monoblock models.

Disadvantages of mobile air conditioners:

  • low power – suitable for cooling small spaces;
  • the accumulation of condensate is a conditional minus, since it is explained by the fact that there are no tubes for removing condensed moisture due to the mobility of the installation. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically drain the moisture accumulated in a special container;
  • relative noise level of monoblock structures due to the location of the compressor motor inside the housing installed indoors.

In any case, the ease of moving such systems is a major advantage.

Home air conditioners

All types of air conditioners, depending on the intended purpose of use, are divided into industrial and household (home). The difference between home appliances and industrial ones is their relatively low power.

When choosing climate control device For a home, you need to decide on the functions that it will have to perform. Modern home systems can cool and warm the room, humidify, dehumidify, ionize and purify the air, ventilate the room and maintain the required temperature in it.

When choosing a home air conditioner, it is worth considering the most popular options, among which split systems come first.

The equipment is capable of providing cooling and air circulation over large areas thanks to the ability to connect several indoor air conditioning units.

Another significant advantage is the wide selection of additional options. In addition, there are various modifications of indoor units, which allow them to be mounted on a wall, floor or ceiling.

Less popular, but relevant are mobile devices. They can be easily moved from one place to another, which allows them to be used wherever the need arises. At the same time, the work is limited to a small radius of action due to the low power of the compressor.

An option that is losing popularity is window models. Most often they are mounted in the window frame and consist of one block.

To summarize, it is important to note that even best air conditioner will not meet the user's expectations if he makes the wrong choice. Therefore, the first priority is to pay attention to power.

It should be assumed that every 10 square meters of area with a standard ceiling height of 2.75 m corresponds to 1 kW of air conditioning power.

Only with this calculation effective work of these systems will be guaranteed.

Many of us use similar equipment at home, but hardly know what a high-quality split system is. Our review will help you find out what it is in more detail. This design is not exactly an air conditioner; it has several differences. The split system produces air conditioning. Let's find out together how this happens and what types of technology exist.

Splits are an important element of any interior

A powerful split system (what it is can be understood after familiarizing yourself with the design of the device) structurally includes two parts. The inner part represents the evaporative element, and the outer part represents the compressor-condenser element. The external element is fixed on the facade of the building, and the internal element is fixed in the room itself. Internal elements may vary in location. Both blocks are connected using thin copper pipes. The compressor is the “heart” and the noisiest part of the system. That is why he is being taken out of the building.

Nuances of the split system air conditioner

The principle of operation of a split system device is to remove warm air masses to the street. Such equipment not only has a cooling effect, but also a heating effect. Warming up is done in reverse order. Freon evaporates in the external element, and condensation occurs in the indoor unit.

The external element is placed outside the space that is being cooled. It contains elements such as a capacitor, compressor, receiver, control board, and power switching relay. Installing the mechanism outdoors allows you to get rid of the sounds produced. The possible noise level in the apartment is 25 dB.

1-compressor; 2-four-way valve; 3-heat exchanger-condenser; 4-sound insulation; 5-fan; 6-casing; 7-output grid; 8-two-way valve; 9-way valve; 10-pallet; 11-drain pipe; 12-heat exchanger-evaporator; 13-tangential type fan; 14-grid; 15-input filter; 16-guide blinds; 17-leaf; 18-faceplate; 19-LEDs; 20-temperature sensors; 21-control board; 22 circuit board; 23-remote.

The internal design works for cooling, heating and filtering air masses. Thin tubes connecting structural parts can be mounted in suspended installations, in special grooves or in laid cable channels.

Helpful information! Many of the latest models are complemented by the following functions: cleaning filters, special timers, an air ionization mechanism, and a device for maintaining temperature.

Types of split air conditioning systems for apartments

Now you know what a split system is: it is an air conditioning device that has several versions. Let's look at the main types of devices.

Wall hardware

Wall-mounted equipment can be presented in various designs. Such devices are mounted on the outside of the wall. This option is especially convenient, since all bulky elements are taken outside. Currently, this is the most common split option. Such models provide maximum heat and cold output. They have the following advantages:

  • excellent assembly;
  • blocking the pressure device;
  • a compressor operating with drainage heating;
  • system of brake elements;
  • intelligent program that sets the optimal temperature regime.

Duct and ceiling models

Ceiling and floor split systems for heating and cooling are used in rooms that have an oblong shape. Strong currents of air masses pass along surfaces and are distributed throughout the entire space.

In the case of a channel device internal element mounted behind a suspended ceiling. For such an installation, about 36 cm is allocated between ceiling area. Air is drawn out of the room and penetrates back through. A quarter of the air coming inside is a fresh stream saturated with oxygen. Ceiling structures are used in small rooms.

Which option to choose for large rooms?

Devices cassette type very suitable for indoors big size where there are suspended ceilings. To install a complete structure between base ceiling and the decorative space must be at least 25 cm. All internal mechanisms are located behind the suspended structure. Only the decorative grille remains visible. The air passes through the grille and then, after being processed, passes through the louvres and is distributed in four directions.

If suspended structures are missing, then the device will do column type. Such units provide a powerful stream of air, which moves towards the ceiling and then moves across the entire area. In such structures, about 10% fresh air is provided.

Multi split system

It is important to take into account the characteristics of split systems of various types. For example, a multi-split design includes several indoor units. It is in demand for installation in several office premises, for residential buildings with several floors and for big stores. In this case, only one block is placed outside. Such equipment is more expensive than alternative options.

Setup and management

You can purchase an inverter split system. This mechanism allows you to transform D.C. into variable. Thanks to this, air conditioning can be carried out without interruption. The inverter allows you to smoothly regulate the operation of the unit. The device is equipped with many sensors and an additional microprocessor. During operation of such a device, the temperature regime is constantly maintained, since there is no shutdown during heating and cooling.

Control is performed through the following modes:

  • cooling is the main task of such a design. To transfer cool air into the room, 1 kilowatt is spent in exchange for 3 kW of cooled air. Temperature reduction is possible to a certain norm. The maximum cooling limit is +17-18 degrees. A flow of cold air comes out of the indoor unit and evenly cools the room;
  • For the heating function in splits, a reverse movement cycle is implemented. The reverse process occurs - cold air masses move outside, and heat goes into the room. When installing such a unit, it is better to pay attention to models with heating elements. It is worth considering that such equipment consumes a lot of electricity;
  • The dehumidification function can be used. At the same time, it is removed from the cooled air excess moisture. It is known that heat with high humidity is difficult for people with blood pressure and heart problems. The drying mode removes water molecules but does not change the temperature;
  • the ventilation mode ensures the circulation of air masses in the room and their cleaning;
  • An important function is carried out using an air-mechanical filter. This mechanism must be periodically vacuumed and washed. More expensive models have a fine filter. The carbon filter allows you to clean the air from odors and tobacco smoke.

Splits are also equipped with many additional functions. For example, a sleep timer ensures optimal temperature conditions at night. Automatic mechanism movement of vertical and horizontal blinds regulating air flows. There is a timer to turn the structure on or off at any desired time.

The table shows prices for some models.

ImageModelprice, rub.
General Climate GC/GU-S09HRIN115000

Hot weather is good on a beach near a cool river, on the seashore, lake or near another body of water. But what to do when the heat hits at home or in the office, and the thermometer rises to 28 degrees or higher?

In such a situation, a split system is useful, which brings the temperature to the required level and maintains it throughout the entire time.

What is a split system, where is it used and what does it consist of?

Generally speaking, a split system is one of the types of air conditioners that is most convenient to use and is in greatest demand.

The device is especially relevant in houses where central air conditioning is not provided.

The advantages of a split system include efficiency and low noise levels (especially in comparison with monoblocks). Such advantages were achieved by dividing the equipment into two blocks - internal and external.

The external part is equipped with a condenser, compressor and fan. The block is installed on the external part of the structure (on the roof, on the wall or balcony). The noise level of this unit is about 50-60 dB.

The second part (indoor unit) contains a fan and an evaporator, and the installation is carried out inside a refrigerated room. Here the noise level is lower - 25-30 dB.

Thanks to this feature, the sound from the air conditioner was reduced by almost a thousand times. So it is not surprising that such systems have become widespread in all residential premises - apartments, houses, offices and other buildings.

Types of split systems

What determines their choice, pros and cons, which of them are most common and popular.

As noted above, the device consists of two separate blocks - internal and external. Both elements are connected to each other using copper tubes and electrical cables.

The main differences concern the device mounted indoors. Here are the following options for split systems:

  • Wall-mounted;
  • Floor-standing;
  • Ceiling-mounted;
  • Duct;
  • Cassette;
  • Floor-ceiling.

Before choosing a split system, it is worth understanding the features of its placement. Each type of device is designed for a specific room.

For example, wall-mounted split systems are more suitable for apartments and private houses. This type of device is household.

As for other types of products, they fall into the commercial category. Their peculiarity lies in their ability to serve rooms in which there are a large number of of people.

Despite their greater efficiency, there is no point in installing commercial air conditioners in ordinary apartments having a small area.

This is due to the fact that it will not be possible to fully use the capabilities of such models, but you will have to overpay for using the split system.

Some experts do not agree with this opinion. They assure that duct and cassette air conditioners, as well as floor and ceiling split systems can be used in a private home. The main thing is that the selection and installation is carried out by a professional.

The peculiarity of duct and cassette split systems is that they require a large ceiling space.

They do an excellent job of air-conditioning rooms with high ceilings or unusual geometric shapes.

In addition, complex systems are more economical compared to classical devices.

Duct air conditioners

Some experts claim that the best solution is ducted air conditioners.

Their advantages:

  • Compactness. Such devices take up minimal space and can be installed in a hallway or utility room;
  • You can do without installing an indoor unit. Instead, special grilles are installed in the room, which can be easily matched to any interior;
  • With one unit you can cool and ventilate several rooms at once;
  • Ensures uniform distribution of air in a room of any shape, including irregular ones.

But there is one difficulty. To install and configure such a split system in an apartment or house, you must invite a specialist who will wisely approach the placement of air ducts, the indoor unit, and also quickly resolve any problems that arise.

It is worth highlighting one more significant disadvantage. A ducted air conditioner guarantees that the average temperature is achieved for all rooms, and individual control becomes unavailable. In addition, due to the presence of channels, odors can be transferred between rooms.

Cassette air conditioner

If the room has a high ceiling, the best solution is a cassette air conditioner.

Its advantages lie in its ability to evenly distribute and renew the air in the room.

But here, as in the previous case, you cannot do without a ceiling space - from 20 cm or more.

For channel devices this figure is from 25 cm.

It must be remembered that duct and cassette systems are important not only to choose correctly, but also to install taking into account existing rules. This is due to the fact that the air and freon pipelines are behind the beautiful finish.

If the system fails, cost savings on installation may require more expensive and time-consuming repairs and restoration.

When choosing, it is important to take into account not only the type, but also the power of the split system and its performance. On average, 10 square meters of space requires 1 kW of power. This requirement is relevant for standard height ceiling (2.5 m).

It is also worth considering the glass area, the number of people in the room, the presence of equipment and other heat sources. That’s why you should turn to professionals in your field for help in choosing and installing.

A good option is split systems with an air ionizer. Their peculiarity lies in the additional purification of the air, as well as its saturation with ions, which have a positive effect on well-being. Such devices are often installed in children's rooms of private houses or apartments.

An interesting option are air conditioners made using Mega Ion+Patrol Sensor technology.

This is a Japanese development, the essence of which is the generation of negative ions with the OH group. The latter deletes harmful bacteria from the air, and deactivate existing viruses. In addition, the overall efficiency of such split systems is 40-50 percent higher.


Each component of the split system has individual structural elements.

The external unit contains:

  • A compressor is a device that compresses freon and maintains its movement through the refrigeration circuit. It can be spiral or piston. Spiral products are more reliable, but they are more expensive than their piston “brothers”.
  • 4-way valve. This part is mounted in reversible air conditioners. The task of the device is to change the direction of movement of freon through the system, which leads to a change in the function of the blocks. The external unit works for heating, and the internal one for cooling.
  • The control board is an element characteristic of converter-type split systems. In other types of devices, the electronics are located on the indoor unit due to the risk of damage due to high humidity and temperature.
  • A condenser is a unit in which freon is cooled and condensed. The air that passes through the air conditioner warms up.
  • A fan is a device that provides air flow. Cheaper models have only one speed, which means the air conditioner can operate within a small temperature range. In more expensive devices, fans have 2-3 speeds, which significantly expands the functionality of the split system.
  • The freon unit filter is a device that is placed in front of the compressor inlet and protects it from foreign elements. If the installation was carried out in violation of the rules, no filter will help.
  • The quick-release cover is designed to cover the terminal block and fitting connections.

The indoor unit has a number of elements:

  • The front panel consists of plastic grill, through which air flows into the block. The panel can be dismantled if it is necessary to maintain the split system (for example, to clean the filters).
  • Evaporator is a radiator designed to heat freon and evaporate it. Thanks to this device, the temperature of the passing air is reduced.
  • The coarse filter is a plastic mesh that filters out large dust and animal hair. For full-fledged work The system must be cleaned every 14 days.
  • The indicator panel is a section of the indoor unit where a group of LEDs is mounted, reflecting the operating mode of the split system and signaling the presence of breakdowns.
  • Horizontal blinds are an element that adjusts the direction of air flow. The peculiarity of the devices is the presence of an electric drive, as well as the possibility of regulation from the remote control.
  • Fine filter. The purpose of this unit is to remove fine dust and odors from the air entering the room. The device comes in various types - coal (eliminates unpleasant odors), electrostatic (retains dust) and others. Even without such a filter, the air conditioner will work normally.
  • Fan - a device for supplying air to a room, has 3-4 speeds.
  • The condensate tray is located above the evaporator and is necessary to collect water that has formed on the outside of the evaporator. Next, the accumulated water is discharged through the drainage tube.
  • Vertical blinds are necessary to regulate the direction of air flow horizontally. Conventional air conditioners provide only manual adjustment, while more expensive devices provide control using a remote control.
  • The control board is usually located on the right of the indoor unit. Also posted here the electronic unit with a central microprocessor.
  • Fittings are special connections that are located at the back, at the bottom of the block. Tubes are connected to them, connecting the blocks outside and inside the room.

Principle of operation

The operating principle of a split system can most easily be presented by explaining the processes occurring in the device.

Freon is supplied to the compressor from the evaporator under a pressure of 3-5 atmospheres, having a temperature of 10-20 degrees Celsius.

Next, the condenser is blown with an air flow whose temperature is lower than the freon temperature. As a result, the gas turns into liquid form and additional heat is released. Liquid is already coming out of the condenser, and the freon temperature is 15-20 degrees higher than the air temperature.

Warm freon is supplied to a thermostatic valve made in the form of a capillary ( copper tube small cross-section, having a spiral shape). Thanks to this design, the freon pressure drops to 4-5 atmospheres, its temperature decreases, and part of the gas evaporates.

As a result, the gas turns into a gaseous state, takes away heat and cools the air in this way. After this, the freon is sent to the compressor inlet, and the cycle is repeated again.

The considered principle of operation is typical for any air conditioner, regardless of its type and manufacturer.

The main problem in the operation of an air conditioner is the inability of freon to transform into a gaseous state in a timely manner.

The result is a supply of liquid to the compressor inlet, which causes a powerful hydraulic shock. The result is compressor failure.

There can be many reasons for the malfunction, ranging from filter contamination to malfunction of the air conditioner.

How to install split systems, expert opinion

To ensure proper operation of the split system, it is important to correctly approach the installation of both units - external and internal. The performance of the device, its service life and cooling (heating) efficiency depend on this.

The external unit is mounted on a balcony without a glass frame or directly on the wall of the building. When installing, it is worth taking into account many nuances, including the noise level. In addition, condensation from the split system air conditioner should not drip onto the balconies below, and the device itself must be securely fastened to prevent it from falling.

According to all the rules, the installation of a split system must be carried out according to a special project that complies with current standards and requirements.

The cost of such a service is about 1000 rubles. At the same time, it is convenient when one company is engaged in the design and implementation of the project. Firstly, it’s easier to get a discount, and secondly, it’s easier to find the culprit in case of low-quality installation.

The installation and connection of the split system should be entrusted to professionals. This is important, because the work involves securing a serious load at a high altitude.

It is important that the external unit is mounted strictly horizontally and connected to minimize the risk of leakage. It is important that builders can provide references as well as official letters from the companies they provided services to.

The indoor unit must be located at a certain distance from the external unit, but no further than the length of the connecting pipelines allows. As a rule, this parameter is 20-30 meters depending on the model.

It is worth taking into account the height difference, which should be in the range of 5-15 meters. This recommendation is relevant for cases where the unit is installed at different levels.

The indoor unit must be mounted in such a way as to prevent cold air from entering the person. That is why it is worth deciding in advance on the optimal placement of the unit - above the bed or workplace.

But not everything is so critical here, because in modern split systems for apartments and houses, control is carried out using a remote control. But cheaper models provide manual adjustment, which is less convenient.

How to choose a split system?

It is no secret that the air conditioner is selected for an apartment or house based on its size and power. This is where the knowledge of most users is limited.

It's not always clear what you need to focus on first to achieve maximum efficiency while saving money. Below we will consider the main aspects that you should pay attention to during the selection process.

Main settings

When purchasing a split system to create a climate in a house or apartment, you should focus on a number of criteria:

  • Area and height of the room;
  • Level of solar activity in the room;
  • Number of people living;
  • Heat sources (operating equipment);
  • Other factors.

As noted, per 10 “square” there is 1 kW of power. If the room is combined with another room, you need to add its area.

What is an inverter system and what are its features?

In the coming years, an increase in demand for inverter split systems, which are more economical, is predicted.

On average, the use of inverter technology can reduce energy costs by 40-50%.

In addition, the advantages include:

  • Less noise level;
  • Rapid achievement of the required temperature;
  • Increased resource;
  • Possibility of smooth change of temperature mode.

The disadvantage of an inverter split system is that it is sensitive to voltage changes and has a higher price.

It is also worth considering that repairing an inverter air conditioner or replacing a faulty element will cost more, because most of the spare parts are not standardized.

The downside is that inverter split systems cannot be turned on when leaving the permissible temperature range. So, if a regular model starts up easily at -6 degrees Celsius, problems arise with the inverter device.

But this feature is an additional protection against improper operation.


Special attention must be paid to the power of the device. Here, many people have a dilemma about how to achieve the required temperature in a large room without spending money on an expensive air conditioner. Such options must be immediately discarded.

To cool a large area of ​​an apartment or house, you need to buy a split system of appropriate power.

In the process of calculating the indicator, it is worth taking into account:

  • Room area;
  • Ceiling height;
  • The presence of heating devices (especially important when installed in the kitchen);
  • Maximum number of residents;
  • The number and size of windows, as well as their orientation in relation to the sun;
  • Number of storeys. The higher the floor, the warmer it is inside the room.

To choose the right model by area, you need to know the performance (indicated in the abbreviation for the device) multiplied by three. As a result, you get the area of ​​​​the apartment or house that can be cooled by the split system.

For example, a designation with the number “12” indicates that the air conditioner is suitable for cooling 36 square meters.

The given type of calculation is suitable for standard apartment and reflects only an approximate parameter. To get a more accurate indicator, you should turn to professionals.

But you shouldn’t buy devices with performance reserves. In this case, the compressor will constantly turn on and off, which will lead to a decrease in its service life. So, for an area of ​​21 to 27 square meters, an air conditioner with a “ten” or “nine” in the designation is more suitable.


An important criterion that should be paid attention to is external design split systems. Most indoor units have classic look, which is unlikely to appeal to connoisseurs of original interiors.

However, few manufacturers pay special attention to this aspect.

Among the most interesting developments, it is worth highlighting Artcool from LG. Eg, main feature Artkul Slim devices have a sleek body with a thickness of only 17.7 cm, a durable black glass finish, and LED backlighting.

Another option is Artcool “Gallery”. Unlike other devices, it has square shape, and the wall length is 12.9 cm. If desired, you can insert a picture or photograph into the front frame.

Another representative of this line, “Stylist,” is distinguished by its original design. This split system has a milky white body with an inscribed circle and decorated with dynamic lighting.

Thanks to LEDs, it is possible to simulate sunset and other scenarios.

The more expensive the better?

There is a stereotype that the cost of a product directly determines its quality. This is a misconception.

So, if we consider split systems for home or office, belonging to the middle and premium categories, the differences will be insignificant, and the difference in price will be very impressive.

Many manufacturers increase the cost of the device due to reduced noise levels, but in practice it is almost impossible to notice the difference.

The price of an air conditioner also depends on the installation of additional devices, including motion and activity sensors that save energy.

But what is the point of overpaying 10 thousand rubles if during the year you can only save 500-800 rubles on electricity.

Also, when choosing, you should not focus on the country of origin. Products from China have long been equal in quality to goods from other countries.

Therefore, when choosing a split system, it is important to consider two important criteria - guarantee period and the company that manufactures the product.

Many are chasing compactness and lightness, which can be achieved by reducing the size of the heat exchanger. As a result, the performance of the device suffers.

More efficient filters may be installed in expensive models, but their effectiveness in protecting against viruses and bacteria is controversial and impossible to prove.

The service life of a split system, as a rule, depends on the main parameter - the quality of installation. So you shouldn’t buy an expensive model with free installation - you shouldn’t skimp on installation.

Types of compressors, and which one is better

The lifespan of the climate control device depends on the quality of the compressor. If a part suddenly fails, replacing it can cost half the price of a split system. That is why it is important to approach this nuance with special attention.

In modern models, compressors are hermetically sealed, so they cannot be repaired - the parts are installed as a whole.

There are several types of compressors:

Taking into account the above, we can conclude that modern split systems for a house or apartment should be equipped with a scroll or rotary compressor.

What does the market offer?

Today, consumers have a variety of interesting models split systems for houses, offices and apartments. Below we present the most interesting models.

Today, Mitsubishi Electric products are manufactured in Thailand. Below we look at several models:


Equipment under the Electrolux brand never ceases to pleasantly surprise. Let's highlight several models:


It is impossible not to highlight several models from the manufacturer Hyundai:



The popular brand Samsung deserves special attention, which also offers customers wide choose air conditioners. Let's highlight some options:


Daikin offers customers split systems of several series. Let's look at some of them:

Installing a split system is a justified decision, because with its help you can ensure a comfortable temperature in any room, be it a house, apartment or office.

But to achieve the greatest efficiency, it is important to involve experienced installation specialists, because improper installation can eliminate all the advantages of the air conditioner and reduce its service life.

Depending on the area of ​​application, all air conditioners are usually divided into three groups:

  • Household air conditioners(RAC Room Air Conditions).
  • Commercial air conditioners(PAC Packages Air Conditions).
  • Industrial ventilation and air conditioning systems(Unitary).

Each group includes air conditioners various types. Their features and areas of application are given in the table:

Group Domestic air conditioners Commercial air conditioners Industrial systemsCooling powerPrice range
Types of air conditioners
    Split systems:
    Split systems:
from 1.5-2 to 8 kW from 5 to 30 kW from 5-10 to 200-5000 kW
Application area Separate rooms in apartments, offices and cottages, as well as other residential and public premises with an area of ​​10 to 100 m². Apartments, offices, cottages, trading floors and other premises of domestic, public and industrial purposes with an area from 50 to 300 m². Residential and administrative buildings, shopping areas and sport complexes with an area of ​​over 300 m², as well as production and specialized premises.
Distinctive features Manufacturers of household air conditioners focus on developing an attractive design of the internal unit of the air conditioner and reducing its noise level, as well as adding the maximum number of additional functions, the main of which is air purification. The service life of air conditioners is 7-12 years, but many buyers change them earlier due to obsolescence of the equipment and the emergence of models with new additional functions. Commercial (semi-industrial) air conditioners occupy an intermediate position between domestic and industrial systems. They may have some additional functions to attract buyers, while the service life and reliability of semi-industrial equipment is significantly higher than that of household equipment. The task of industrial systems is the uninterrupted performance of their main functions - cooling (heating) and ventilation. The most important parameters of such systems are the cost and complexity of operation, energy efficiency and unit price of equipment (per 1 kW of cooling power). The service life of industrial systems is at least 20-30 years with year-round operation.
from 10 thousand rubles.
up to 150 thousand rubles.
from 35 thousand rubles.
up to 500 thousand rubles.
over 150 thousand rubles.

Types of air conditioners: monoblock, split systems and multi-split systems

By design all air conditioners are divided into two types: “monoblock”, consisting of one unit and a “split system” (from English word“split” - “to divide”), consisting of several blocks. If the split system consists of three or more blocks, then it is called a “multi split system”:

Split systems

Wall-mounted air conditioner (split system)

Lowest price among split systems, wide range.

Limited power (up to 7 kW). Restrictions on installation location.

The most common and most affordable (from 10,000 rubles) wall mounted air conditioner or split system wall type . Sometimes it is also called a household, home or room air conditioner, since they are most often used in houses and apartments. Wall mounted air conditioner can be installed in any small room office, apartment, store. Their power (2-7 kW) allows cooling from 15 to 70 m². The indoor unit of household air conditioners is usually installed at the top of the wall, near the window, and the outdoor unit is under the window. This placement makes it possible to reduce the distance between blocks and the length of interblock communications, which usually does not exceed 5-7 meters. Please note that domestic wall-mounted air conditioners cannot supply fresh air to the room; this requires a separate

In addition to household wall-mounted air conditioners, some manufacturers produce semi-industrial wall-mounted air conditioners, having a power from 4 to 10 kW. Outwardly, they are similar to household split systems, but in all respects (lifetime, reliability, maximum length routes and others) they are semi-industrial equipment and, as a rule, are used in specialized premises (server rooms, computer rooms, etc.).

Hidden installation, possibility of supplying fresh air. Can serve several rooms.

Requires a suspended ceiling and duct system.

Duct air conditioners (duct split systems), which are sometimes not quite correctly called, are installed behind a suspended or false ceiling, which completely hides the internal unit of the air conditioner. Distribution of cooled air is carried out through a system of thermally insulated air ducts, which are also located in the inter-ceiling space. Thanks to this design, ducted air conditioners can cool several rooms at once. The typical power of duct-type air conditioners is 12-25 kW, which is enough to cool a small office, cottage or 4-5 room apartment. A special feature of ducted split systems is the ability to supply fresh air in the volumes necessary for complete ventilation of air-conditioned rooms.

Thus, the use of one duct-type air conditioner allows you to solve the problems of both ventilation and air conditioning of an entire office, apartment or cottage. You just need to take care of the correct calculation of air exchange, selecting an air conditioner based on cooling power and static pressure, and provide for the installation of an electric or water heater to heat the outside air in winter.

The disadvantage of a duct air conditioner is the difficulty of separately controlling the temperature in different rooms. For these purposes, it is necessary to install valves with electric drives in the air ducts, and thermostats in all rooms where autonomous temperature control is required. If it is planned to maintain the same temperature in all rooms, then this drawback is not significant.

Hidden installation, the ability to cool large rooms.

Requires a suspended ceiling.

For installation cassette air conditioner (cassette split system), just like for a ducted air conditioner, a suspended ceiling is required. However, unlike ducted split systems, cassette-type air conditioners distribute cooled air through the lower part of the unit. The lower part of the cassette split system has the size of a standard ceiling tile 600 × 600 mm, and when high power twice as large 1200 × 600 mm and closed with a decorative grille with distribution shutters. The main advantage of cassette air conditioners is their invisibility, since only the decorative grille is visible. Another advantage is the uniform distribution of air flow in four directions, which allows you to use just one cassette-type air conditioner to cool a large room (when using wall-mounted split systems, you would have to use 2-3 lower-power air conditioners to achieve a similar effect).

Floor ceiling air conditioner

Possibility of installation both on the ceiling and at the bottom of the wall. No false ceiling needed.

Not intended for hidden installation.

If the room does not have a suspended ceiling, then an alternative to a cassette air conditioner can be floor-ceiling air conditioner or simply ceiling air conditioner. These air conditioners have a shallow depth of 18-25 centimeters. They are installed, as the name suggests, either at the bottom of the wall or on the ceiling. In this case, the air flow in the first case is directed upward, in the second - horizontally along the ceiling. This design allows the cooled air to be distributed more evenly throughout the room and avoid direct flow on people. There are models of ceiling air conditioners that distribute cooled air in four directions at once, and the flow strength is regulated separately in each direction. Such an air conditioner can be successfully used to cool rooms of complex shapes that do not have a suspended ceiling.

Column air conditioner

Great power. No false ceiling needed.

Requires a large area for placement and degrades the design.

Column air conditioner(not to be confused with industrial cabinet air conditioners) is used where high cooling capacity is required and there are no strict requirements for the design of the room. These air conditioners are similar in size to a refrigerator, are heavy and are installed on the floor. Column air conditioners require a relatively large area for their placement, since they create strong current cooled air, which is not allowed to be in close proximity to the air conditioner.

Monoblock air conditioners

Mobile air conditioners

Does not require special installation

Increased noise level high price

Mobile air conditioner(also called "floor air conditioner") the only type of air conditioner that the user can install himself. To install such an air conditioner, it is enough to install it through a vent or a slightly open window. flexible hose(duct) through which hot air is discharged from the air conditioner. Considering that the mobile air conditioner hose is short (about 1 meter), the air conditioner should be located near the window when operating. It is not recommended to lengthen the hose, as this may disrupt the thermal conditions of the refrigeration circuit. The disadvantages of mobile air conditioners are high noise from the compressor, limited power and high price, comparable to the cost of a split system.

Some models of mobile air conditioners have two air ducts: through the first, street air enters the air conditioner, and through the second, it is removed. This allows you to cool a heating radiator (condenser) without using air inside the room (what radiators are in the air conditioner and why they are needed is described in the section). Let us explain why this solution is better than the traditional option with one air duct. If there is no air duct for air intake from the street, then the air, which is discharged through a single air duct to the outside, is taken from the room. That is, cooled air is removed from the room, and in its place through doors and cracks in windows it enters warm air- this significantly reduces the efficiency of the air conditioner. To solve this problem, a mobile air conditioner with two air ducts was created, which has a higher cooling efficiency.

With a power above 3-4 kW, it is not practical to cool the condenser even through two air ducts, since the air flow through them becomes too large. In such models, the capacitor is made in the form of a separate unit with a fan. This unit is hung outside the window and connected to indoor unit using quick-release connections (latches). This air conditioner is called a mobile split system because it consists of two units - indoor and outdoor. However, unlike a traditional split system, this type of air conditioner retains the advantages and disadvantages of its mobile counterparts: the air conditioner can be installed by an untrained user, but the noisy compressor is still located in the indoor unit.

Some modern models of mobile air conditioners are equipped with a remote control. They may also have an automatic condensate removal function. During operation of the air conditioner, moisture condenses on its heat exchanger, which flows into a special tank. When heated by the compressor, this water evaporates and is removed along with the hot air outside, but if the air humidity is high, then even in such models the water from the tank will have to be periodically poured out.

Considering the disadvantages of mobile air conditioners, it is recommended to use them only where it is not possible to install a split system: in a country house, in a rented apartment, etc.

Window air conditioners

Lowest price, easy installation

Increased noise, installed in a window opening.

This was once the most common type of air conditioner, but nowadays, due to declining demand, only a few manufacturers offer such models. To install a window air conditioner, you need to cut out rectangular hole in window glass or thin wall. The air conditioner is installed in such a way that most of it is located outside the room. In this part of the body there are ventilation grates, through which heated air is removed. Inside, only a small part of the monoblock remains with a decorative front panel, through which cooled air enters the room. Typical power of window air conditioners is from 1.5 to 6 kW. The simplest of them can only cool the air, the more expensive ones have a heating mode and a remote control.

The main disadvantage of a window air conditioner is considered to be the high noise level created by the compressor, and the advantages are the low price (from 5,000 rubles) and ease of installation. The low popularity of window air conditioners is explained by the fact that during their installation the thermal insulation of the room is damaged (in winter, cold air will penetrate inside through the air conditioner housing). However, in regions with warm climates this disadvantage is not critical, therefore in the south of Russia window air conditioners occupy a significant market share.

Selecting an air conditioner

In apartments and small offices, wall-mounted household split systems are most often used. This is the most versatile and relatively inexpensive type of air conditioner. For cottages, offices and apartments over 100 m². It makes sense to consider the option of installing a ducted air conditioner; this is the second most popular type of split system. Mobile air conditioners are usually purchased by tenants, or by those who are not ready to wait 2-3 weeks for the installation of a split system during the “hot” season.

For air conditioning large areas (shopping malls, country houses, office complexes) semi-industrial split systems may be required, and in this case it is better to seek help from specialists.


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