Easter competitions for children and adults. Easter games for children and more

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Games with paints

1. The guys lay out the eggs they brought on the table and cover them with hats. There are also hats on the table with nothing under them. Then the hats are moved along the table. One of the participants in the game is in another room at this time. They call him and ask: “Where are you floating the coki?” The driver, and if there are dyes there, takes them for himself. The game continues until all the colors are taken apart. Whoever is luckier has the most eggs

2. Egg rolling. This game was arranged like this: they installed a wooden or cardboard “skating rink” and cleared a flat area around it, on which they laid out colored eggs, toys, and simple souvenirs. The playing children approached the “skating rink” one by one and each rolled their own egg. The prize was the object that the egg touched.

3. The children who gathered for Easter loved to look for eggs in the apartment or in the garden. One of the elders hid cardboard, paper or plastic eggs with surprises in advance. To get a surprise, you had to find the egg. If there were a lot of children, they were divided into “teams”, and each team tried to win by finding as many eggs as possible in the allotted time.

4. They compete to see whose egg will spin the longest. On command, the children simultaneously spin their paints. Whose egg spins the longest is the winner, he takes the loser's egg.

5. The players sit next to the walls of the room opposite each other and roll paints. Krashenki collide. Whose egg breaks, he gives it to his opponent.

7. Paint fight. The players shout: “One, two, three! My egg, get stronger! Ready for battle!” Players hit paints with any side, usually sharp. Whose egg breaks or cracks is the loser.

Directions: These games can be played anywhere. The older the children, the more complex options they can be offered. You can play with two people, but with more they are more interesting.

Among the favorite spring pastimes in the old days and today are games, competitions (with jumping rope, with pebbles, with a ball), hide and seek games, riddle games, trap games, round dance games with choice.

1) Competition for the most unusual, beautiful egg.

Offer children boiled, blown or plastic eggs, food and inorganic dyes, leaves and blades of grass, stickers, etc. everything that (you think) will help children fulfill their creative ideas. On this day, let the children give their egg to whomever they want and say the words “Christ is risen.” Thus, they will learn one of the Easter rituals.

2) In the old days, men, girls and boys had as much fun as they could with colored eggs. Two people each take one egg and hit it with the sharp ends. Whoever breaks it loses, and the winner gets a point. Of all the couples, who will be the winner? An alternative to hitting eggs is to roll them along grooves on an incline. The principle of the game is the same.

3) "Search for Easter eggs."

Hide the eggs in one of the rooms of the house or in the yard. Divide the children into 2 teams. Notes in which you indicate (allegorically) the place where the next egg is hidden will help children look for eggs. In total, the team needs to collect, for example, 4 eggs. This means there should be 4 clue notes, each of which is revealed with a newly found egg. Which team will be smarter and faster?

4) Relay race "Easter table".

2 teams are participating. Depending on the number of participants, determine and come up with stages of the relay. For example.

1st stage

The first participant runs to the table (5-6 meters away). He needs to peel the egg, boiled for Easter and painted, eat it (put salt, warm tea so that he can wash it down), put the shell in Matchbox, close it and come back with it.

2nd stage

The second participant, having reached the table, must carefully cut the Easter cake and place it in pieces on a plate.

Stage 3

The third participant prepares Easter from the proposed set of products: cottage cheese, butter, raisins, cream.

Stage 4

The fourth participant is given a spoon and an egg. He should roll up to" Easter table"spoon an egg along the paper path. And the fifth participant must roll the egg with his nose.. You can continue the number of stages of the relay yourself.

After the competitions, invite the children to the festive table, do not forget to prepare sweets for the kids in addition to Easter dishes. And after a light snack, you can offer children the game of pebbles, which was very popular in Russia at one time. (This game is not so active, but very exciting and useful, develops attention, resourcefulness, and develops dexterity of hands and fingers). To play the game, children use a special lot to decide who will throw pebbles after whom: the players take 5 pebbles, slightly throw them up, turn their hands palms down and try to catch them on the back of their hands. Whoever has the most pebbles on his hand starts the game. Then the participants sit in a circle at the table, each with their own stones. The place where the game takes place is called the kon. The line of players is set in a circle.


The player takes five pebbles in his hand, throws one of them up, and scatters four on the table. He catches a thrown pebble and throws it up again. While he is flying in the air, you need to have time to touch one of the pebbles lying on the table. If several pebbles lie together, you can touch them all at the same time and have time to catch the falling pebble. The pebbles touched by the player are put aside.


The same game, but the scattered pebbles need to be turned over or moved from their place.


Children take five pebbles in their hands, throw one up, and place four on the table with their chests and catch the thrown pebble with the same hand. The pebble is thrown up again, the four pebbles lying on the table are quickly taken and the thrown one is caught. The game ends when all players complete the task.

On the hem The player scatters four pebbles on the table and throws the fifth one up. Before catching a thrown pebble, you need to have time to take one pebble from the table and put it on your knees, the hem of your dress. The game is repeated until the players pick up all the pebbles and place them on their laps.


The player scatters four pebbles on the table, and throws the fifth one upward. You need to quickly take one of the lying pebbles and have time to catch the thrown one. One of the two pebbles is thrown up again, and the second is quickly placed on the table; Instead, you need to take the next one and catch the thrown one. The game continues until the players exchange all the pebbles.


The child takes five pebbles in his hand. One of them is thrown up, and four are scattered on the table. He catches the thrown pebble and throws it up again, quickly takes one pebble from the table and catches the thrown one. The game is repeated until all the pebbles are collected from the table.

Even and odd

One of the players takes a handful of pebbles, throws them up and, turning his hand palm down, catches the pebble on the back of one hand. Covering the caught pebbles with his other hand, he asks the players: “Even or odd?” Whoever guessed wrong pays forfeit. The one who gave all his forfeits leaves the game.


To play you need 40 pebbles. All the pebbles, except one, are placed on the line. The first player throws one pebble and, before catching it, quickly takes as many pebbles from the horse as he can and catches the thrown one. Having caught it, the player puts all the pebbles aside except one, throws one pebble again and, while it flies, again takes pebbles from the horse. If the player does not catch the stone thrown upward, the second player starts the game. Whoever picks up the most pebbles is considered the winner

This is a simple competition as a warm-up for the brain. Whoever remembers and gives the answer the fastest wins a prize. The questions are: eggs with their own designs? (paintings); eggs in the same color? (colors); eggs painted using a special technology? (pysanky); eggs with a plain background and spots or stripes? (speckles); painted eggs with a scratched pattern? (rags); decorative eggs made of wood, for example, or beads? (eggs).

Easter Quiz

The competition is quite simple and does not require special effort from guests. The presenter asks questions, and whoever is the first from the audience to raise their hand answers. If the answer is correct, the participant earns his point. At the end, you can select 3 prizes, for example, with certain awards. Questions may be of the following nature: bread kvass, distributed in Orthodox Church, and they say that if you drink it on an empty stomach, you can get rid of all diseases (artos); name a product or object that is made before Easter in Bulgaria, it is thrown out of the window during the holiday, and the one who picks up a fragment of this object will find happiness (pot); the word "Easter" comes from the Hebrew word meaning "passes by", from the Egyptian expression "bestows light" or from the Romans "unearthly joy" (from Hebrew); this is the name for the solemn ringing of bells at Easter (blagovest); and Easter cookies in Poland, and the name of the dance (mazurka) and so on.

Fight, don't be afraid

Guests are divided into pairs. The host asks riddles to each pair, and whoever guesses first gets the right to be the first to beat the egg. Riddles can be very different, depending on the age and circle of guests, for example: the sun is shining brightly and birds are singing around, everyone has red... (testicles) on the table today; painstaking work before the holiday in the oven to bake delicious and rich miracles - ... (Easter cakes); Everything in the house is clean, but my soul is joyful, like in a fairy tale, because everyone is prepared for... (Easter) and so on. Then, in pairs, the participant who first guessed the riddle beats his partner’s egg. Whoever's egg remains intact has the right to make a wish, which the guest grants, with a broken egg.

Fun rides

In this competition, children will simply have fun, and adults can resort to knowledge of physics and mathematics, calculating the trajectory and speed. The participants' task is to roll their egg down a slide, which can be used as a board, or to make a special slide out of plastic. Whose egg stops the farthest wins. For general interest, multiple winners may be selected.

Each of the guests takes turns writing on a common sheet 3 words that he associates with today, for example, holiday, joy, eggs, and so on. Then the presenter announces that it is the turn to write a story or sing a song, that is, each of the guests, only in reverse order from the beginning of the sheet (from the first words), must make up sentences from which the Easter story will be built. At the request of the guests, you can make up not a story, but sing a song, whoever is good at what, in general.

Delicious Easter cake

For this competition it is necessary to prepare several small Easter cakes that the participants will eat. You need to be the fastest to eat your cake without using your hands. The most dexterous and fastest one wins a prize.

This is an interesting and fun fortune telling, a competition for the most interesting and fun future. But before the start, the host does not say anything to the guests. The task of each participant is to take turns going outside and name 3 objects they saw. When all the guests are outside, everyone stands up in turn and names their objects, for example, grass, sun, puddle. And the host turns on his imagination and talks about what awaits the guests in the future. For example, grass - great luck and green light awaits you in any endeavor, the sun, you will shine like the sun, warming everyone with its warmth, a puddle - you saw it, which means you have been warned, and no one can put you in a puddle.

Fun coloring pages

For this competition you will need eggs (wooden, chicken, paper, etc.), paints and brushes. Behind certain time Each of the guests must decorate their egg in their own way, while trying to do it very beautifully and better than the others. The best decorated Easter egg (maybe several) is chosen by voting, for which guests receive their prizes.

Easter is one of the oldest Christian holidays, which is celebrated with family and closest relatives. Preparation for the holiday has always been accompanied by special care and scrupulousness. Easter is quite a serious event, so children often get bored during it. This is not surprising, because at their age every child wants to participate in fun games and competitions. Given this nuance, you should worry about entertainment program for this day. Children will be incredibly happy and excited to take part in exciting games and competitions. It is worth providing and making their dreams come true, because such bright moments remain in the memory of children for life. The main attribute in many competitions is the Easter egg, which is a symbol of this holiday. Below are the most interesting and fun contests and games for Easter.

Competition "Fanta"
To conduct this competition, the presenter needs to prepare the simplest tasks in advance. Next, he gathers all the children, possibly adults, who dance together in a round dance. The leader, in turn, stands in the center of the resulting circle and begins to spin counterclockwise. Cheerful Easter music is turned on and the competition begins. Then the presenter suddenly stops, and in front of the person who stopped, hands him a forfeit, that is, a simple task that the participant must complete. You should not come up with conditions that will be difficult for the child to fulfill. Simply reciting a poem or singing a song will be enough. The winners are necessarily awarded prizes in the form of Easter eggs or a symbolic toy of this holiday.

Competition "Summer resident-lucky"
At least three children can take part in this competition, to whom the presenter must first ask one important question and then distribute one egg each. The question will be: “For what purpose and why did the ancient Slavs roll colored eggs on the ground at Easter?” Only after the participants give the correct answer does the competition begin. Parents and adults cannot be given any hints; let the children figure it out themselves. After this, all participants need to roll the egg on the ground, but without using their hands. How to do it? Everything is very simple, you need to roll with your nose to a certain mark. The winner will be the one who completes the task much faster and at the same time completes everything according to the rules. As a reward, the presenter should be given a badge with the inscription “Lucky Summer Resident”.

Competition “What do they put in Easter cake?”
Easter cake is the most favorite delicacy of all children, and this competition is associated with it. The presenter selects several participants and gives them one blank sheet of paper and a pen. Their task is that they must try to write down the ingredients of this delicious pastry. Almost since childhood, we have been watching our mothers bake it, so for some children it will not be difficult at all. The competition is not only interesting, but also good for the child's development. The participant who can write as many ingredients as possible will win. The prize will, of course, be a large and delicious Easter cake.

Competition "Yula"
The funny competition “Yula” will be exciting not only for children, but also for adults. The rules are the simplest and easiest. Several volunteers come out and are given one colored egg by the presenter. Their task is that they need to promote this attribute. The competition should be fun and accompanied by music. The winner will be the one whose colored egg spins the longest. Children will receive a huge amount of positive emotions and positivity from participation. To add a little excitement and intrigue, you can hold the competition again, only with the participation of adults. The winner will receive a colored egg from the loser.

Competition "The most unusual egg"
In this competition, children will have to creative work, in which they can use their imagination to create the most beautiful colors. The presenter places boiled eggs and various decorative elements for decorating paint. The assistant turns on cheerful children's music, and the children begin to make crafts. They will carry out a wide variety of ideas and plans without the help of their parents. After the children’s colored eggs are ready, they can give them to anyone they want with the words “Christ is risen.” Thus, painting the main symbol of Easter will bring them great pleasure, and they will also be able to master the Easter ritual even better.

Game "Easter egg rolling"
It’s simply beyond words how much fun children will get from this game. It is this competition that brings a little spirit of competition into the mood of every child. All children take part, whom the leader divides into two equal teams. A chair is placed not far from each group. Then he gives the first team members one egg each. The task is that each participant must roll the attribute to a chair, walk around it and back, without breaking the egg. In order not to lose, you should perform actions carefully, and most importantly, take your time. The team that can quickly complete the task and complete everything in accordance with the rules will win.

Game "Egg Rolling"
In this game, participants need to choose a pair for themselves, and then sit on the floor opposite each other. The presenter gives each person one painted Easter egg. Cheerful music turns on, and the couples begin to roll paintballs. No doubt they will run into each other along the way. Whoever's egg broke or cracked lost. The whole game continues according to this principle. Each winner of the pair plays with the other winner. It will be no less fun and interesting.

Game "Rolling eggs downhill"
Another game in which participants must roll eggs. This time they have to do it downhill. At the command of the leader, the children lower their paints from the slide and watch them ride. The one who has the egg to roll away the longest wins. As a reward for winning, he takes the dyes of the losing participants in the game.

Game "Easter Gifts"
This game will not leave even adults indifferent, because taking part in it will be a pleasure. The presenter lays out various small gifts. These can be candies, souvenirs, etc. After which each participant in the game, in turn, begins to knock down souvenirs using a colored egg. All gifts knocked down by the child remain as a prize. Children will experience incredible emotions and admiration from this game, and parents, in turn, will be curious and very pleased to watch their child.

Game "Easter Bell"
Since ancient times there have been traditions of dancing, playing and singing on Easter. However modern world improved in many ways that many began to forget the customs of Easter rituals. This game will be able to remind all guests of the holiday about traditions. The presenter must do it in advance best selection folk songs that no one will perform. Why? Because in Rus' on this day the bells rang loudly. So it is in this game. Several people can take part, each of whom chooses their own song. His task is that he must perform a well-known composition without words. Instead of choruses and choruses, he melodiously says “Ding-ding-ding.” The winner will be determined by the audience, but it must be the one who can perform the song more accurately to the tune while being very interesting and fun.

Game "Blow the Egg"
Another exciting game in which all participants should be divided into two teams. The presenter must prepare in advance a raw egg without all the contents inside. You can make it empty using a needle. Next, both teams sit at the same table opposite each other. The prepared attribute must be placed in the middle of the table. At the command of the leader, the participants begin to blow the egg with all their might towards the opposite side of the table. The team that is the first to complete the task will win.

Game "Find the Hare"
Chocolate, toys and various souvenirs have always been among children's favorite accessories and delicacies. In this game they can get it all. The competition can be held both outdoors and indoors. The presenter must hide a certain amount of sweets, toys and chocolate bunnies in advance. Next, gather all the children and explain the rules. The conditions are that the participants, upon the leader’s command, must find all the hidden elements. You need to look everywhere. The winner is the one who manages to find as many accessories and treats as possible. As a reward, the child will be given all the things and chocolates that he found. It will be incredibly fun and interesting to watch how children with great curiosity are in search of their favorite sweets and toys.

Happy holiday: Easter

MBOU "Rylskaya Basic comprehensive school No. 2"

Gaming competitive program

"Let's celebrate Easter"

Prepared and conducted by: teacher

Dmitrieva Tatyana Viktorovna


Target: Introduce the history of the origin of the traditions of celebrating the Easter holiday, the traditions of dyeing Easter eggs.


    Introduce children to the traditions of celebrating Easter in Rus', rituals, and games that accompany this holiday.

    Introduce the history of the tradition of dyeing eggs for Easter.

    To create conditions for children of the spiritual and cultural heritage of the Christian holiday of Easter.

    Foster respect for Russian Orthodox traditions.

    Improve creativity.

Progress of the event:

Phonogram "Ringing of Bells"

    Children read poetry .

1. Easter announcement

The blows came

To the blue skies

It rings loudly

Quiet Valley

Drives away sleep

Somewhere down the road

The ringing stops.

2. From a distant land

Swallows are flying

They chirp merrily

People are told:

“People, wake up!

Spring is coming to us!

And happy spring and Easter

Brings us joy!”

3.Christ is risen!

Everywhere the gospel is buzzing,

People are pouring out of all the churches

Look like in the glow of heaven

Christ has risen again in the spring!

The snow has already been removed from the fields,

The bear has risen from his winter dreams,

And the nearby forest turns green...

So Christ has already risen!

The earth is waking up again

And the fields are getting dressed!

Spring is coming, full of miracles!

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

4. "Bells"

Good on the bell tower

Ring the bells

To make the holiday more relaxing,

So that the soul can sing.

Like an angel singing

This wonderful chime

Bright hymn of Sunday

Sounded from all sides.

Easter - Holy Resurrection of Christ. This main event in the spiritual life of Christians was called the Feast of Feasts, the King of Days. We prepared for it for 7 weeks - 49 days. And the week before Easter was called Great, or Passionate. Maundy Thursday- the day of spiritual cleansing, receiving the sacrament of communion. Good Friday is a reminder of the suffering of Jesus Christ, a day of sadness. Holy Saturday is a day of waiting; the Gospel of the Resurrection is already being read in church. Easter is the Sunday when we celebrate the Resurrection of the Savior

As people prepare for Easter, they are filled with joy and faith. WITH Maundy Thursday The favorite activity begins - coloring and painting eggs. Did you know that eggs painted in one color were called dyed eggs; if spots, stripes, or specks of a different color were indicated on a general colored background, these were specks. There were also pysanky - eggs painted by hand with plot or ornamental patterns. A lot of meaning was put into simple patterns. Wavy lines are seas-oceans. The circle is a bright sun. According to tradition, ready-made krashenki and pysanky were placed on fresh sprouted oats, wheat, and sometimes on soft green lettuce leaves, which were specially grown for the holiday. Juicy greens and bright colors Easter eggs created a festive mood.

The closest relatives gather for Easter breakfast. The owner approaches the guests with wishes and the words “Christ is risen!”, and then kisses everyone. You should answer like this: “Truly risen!” The sacred egg is cut into as many pieces as there are persons present. A candle burns on the table as a reminder of the brightness of this day. You should definitely start your Easter breakfast with Easter cake. Even crumbs of this bread that fall on the floor should under no circumstances be thrown away. The holiday lasts throughout Bright Week

    Competition "Easter food"

From the given set of products, children prepare decorations for the Easter table (boiled eggs; fresh apples, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots; parsley, dill; canned green pea, corn).

    Easter scene “Golden Egg”


Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman,

They had a pockmarked chicken.

The hen laid an egg,

Not simple ─ golden.

Baba: Hey, old man, wake up quickly!

Grandfather:Are there wolves at the door?

Why are you making noise, old woman?

Baba: Look what I found:

Our pied hen

She laid an egg under a bush.

Grandfather: What's your problem?

After all, the egg is somewhere!

Baba: Yes, the egg is not easy,

Oh, look, it's golden.

Grandfather: Gold! Indeed?

You and I got rich.

Baba: Oh, it’s burning, it’s blinding your eyes!

Grandfather: Miracles!

Baba: Miracles!

Grandfather: Lock him in the chest (a knock is heard on the door)!

Baba: There's no one at home!

Grandfather: You go lock the bolt

Yes, we should let the dogs go.

Baba (returning):

I'll go to the city on Wednesday

There is a market there on Wednesday.

There are a lot of rich people out there!

I’ll sell them the egg.

I'll buy new things,

There are forty different skirts,

Shawl in blue flowers,

I'll fill the chest to the brim.

Grandfather: Why are you telling tales!

Look, you've found a young lady

Dress up in different trash.

Not if we are rich

I'll build a hut instead

Three-story chambers

And gazebos in the corners.

Baba: Punishment with a stupid husband!

What are you, old man, don't be a whim!

We live no worse than others

We don't need floors!

Grandfather: Am I the owner or not?! (The egg falls and breaks).

Baba (crying): Oh, the egg rolled,

It rolled and broke.

Grandfather: Calm down, that’s enough, woman!

Ryaba will lay eggs for us.

We will color these eggs

And we will give it to children for Easter.

Grandfather and woman bring out a basket of sweets and give gifts to the children.

Questions about the fairy tale.

    Easter games (children receive sweet prizes for participating in the games)

During Easter week It is customary to visit people, give gifts, and send greeting cards. These days, not a single soul should feel lonely and forgotten (bell ringing). I invite you all to the games.

“Where is the egg boiled?”

The game involves two people. In the old days, eggs were covered with caps, you can take plastic cups. One of the players leaves the room for a while or simply closes his eyes. Empty inverted cups are placed on the table, an egg is hidden under them, the player is called and asked: “Where is the egg boiled?” The driver selects a cup and picks it up; if there is an egg there, he takes it for himself as a prize.

"Spin the Egg"

Two people play, each with their own egg. At the same time, players spin Easter eggs on the table; whoever spins the egg the longest wins; the winner takes the egg of the losing player. You can play not only with two people, but also with three or four people, then the winner takes not just one egg, but all of them.

"Krashenka on the ground"

The egg is placed on the ground. One of the players is standing ten steps away from him. He is blindfolded with a scarf. Blindfolded, he measures ten steps, unties his eyes and tries to get the egg without leaving his spot. If he gets it, he wins, if he doesn’t get it, he loses.

Children stand in pairs, each with an egg. It is necessary to roll the egg down the slide so that it does not fall, does not break, and rolls as far as possible from the opponent’s egg.

"Color the Egg"

Children are blindfolded with a napkin, and they color the eggs - blanks

"Don't Drop the Egg"

Children are divided into two teams, each team has an egg and a spoon. The first participant must carry the egg on a spoon with one hand, go around the obstacle, return and give the spoon to the next player. The first team to complete the task without breaking the egg is the winner.

    Easter Quiz

Now let’s test your knowledge in the Easter “sweet” quiz, why is it sweet, guess what? (for the correct answer - candy)

    What was Easter called in Rus'? (Bright Resurrection, Great Day, Christ's Day, Tsar's Day)

    Name of the Mother of the Savior? (Maria)

    How many disciples – apostles – did Christ have? (12)

    One of them became a traitor. What was his name? (Judas)

    On what day of the week was Christ betrayed, on what day was he crucified, on what day was he resurrected? (Wednesday, Friday, Sunday)

    Mary Magdalene came to Emperor Tiberius and said: “Christ is risen!” What did she give him? (egg)

    This is how the tradition of painting eggs began. Do you know what eggs that are colored the same color are called? (Krashenki) What if spots, stripes, specks of a different color were indicated against the general background? (Specks) And there were also eggs painted by hand with plot or ornamental patterns, are they called? (Pysanky)

    What is the name of the last week before Easter? (Passionate or Great Week dedicated to the suffering of Jesus Christ)

    Summing up the results of the arts and crafts competition “Bright Easter”.

Exhibition of students' works.

    Children read poetry , the ringing of bells sounds quietly.

1 .Kulich and willow are a symbol of Easter,

Spring, family warmth.

So let it be such a beautiful day

The bells are ringing loudly.

Let there be a home full cup,

May joy never leave us

And the path is the star of our freedom

It illuminates us in difficult times.

2. We wish you a Happy Easter from the bottom of our hearts,

Christ is risen - these are the main words!

May the Lord protect you from troubles,

And reward for good deeds!

3. "Christ is risen!" - the bells sing.

And the news is joyful and bright.

A wave rushes over the world,

And the world listens to that song.

"Christ is risen!" - the earth sings,

Seas and mountains and fields...

And the answer comes from heaven:

“Truly risen!”

Closing song "Easter"


    "The Bible for Kids", JSC "Young Guard", M., 1993.

    Magazine "Education of Schoolchildren" No. 3, 2009, article by Ageeva E.S. "Easter Holiday".

    Pashkina V.M. “Once upon a time, there was a round dance” Folklore holidays in grades 5-9./ V.M. Pashkina. Artist A.A. Selivanov.- Yaroslavl: Academy, 2005-160p.

    Magazines “Primary School” No. 4, 2000, No. 1, 2006.



A “yes” or “no” game is a great way to warm up. Good game for children to test their knowledge of what Easter cakes are made of. They loudly shout “Yes!” if they think that this ingredient can be put in Easter cake. If it’s impossible, then they shout “No!” even louder:

I put cinnamon in the cake,
Honey will flow there too,
Vanillin powder
and a big bag of oats,

I'll pour some cucumbers.
And here is my grandmother
I poured flour there,
The eggs will be at the top.

Easter cake needs water,
They always put rum there
And also raisins, candied fruits,
Nails, hammers, shovels,

Cottage cheese, butter, yogurt,
And also our prayer,
Salt and sugar and cement.
And the cake is ready in no time!


Competitions can be held both between children and adults. On command, children or adults simultaneously spin their painted Easter eggs. And we look... Whose Easter Egg spins longer, he becomes the winner and receives a small prize.


A very simple, but familiar and beloved game from our childhood. Goals of the game: keep your Easter egg intact for as long as possible in egg battles.

The broken egg is given to the winner to eat. The winning teams fight among themselves. The main winner is the one who was able to keep his Easter egg intact until the end of the game.


Also a very simple and familiar game. The first player hides his Easter egg and the second player's Easter egg in his hands behind his back. Certainly. Easter eggs should vary in color or pattern.

The second player needs to guess which hand the first player has his Easter Egg in. If he guesses correctly, he takes both Easter eggs, if not, he gives away his Easter egg.


A well-known children's game. You can play it without leaving festive table. Considering that we are celebrating the Holy Holiday of Easter, we will make words on the appropriate theme that characterizes the history or traditions of Easter.

The presenter thinks of a word, quickly and barely audibly pronounces it in the ear of the first player, this player passes the word he heard to the next one, and so on until the turn reaches the last player.

The last player loudly says the word that came to him, and the leader calls the original word. The result is simply stunning.


For this game, a prize is prepared in advance, which is wrapped in several layers of paper (for example, 10 or 15). On each layer of paper you need to write a riddle that matches the theme.

A mysterious prize is awarded to the first participant. The player unwraps the first “clothes” and “silently” reads the written riddle. If the player knows the answer, then he names it and continues his research further, unfolding the next “clothes”. And so on, how many “clothes” the prize has, so many answers he must name.

If the player does not know the answer to the next riddle, then he reads it out loud; whoever finds the correct answer faster will continue the game.

Only the winner will be able to reach the “prize”. Having unfolded the last paper layer, he receives his rightful “prize” - an Easter gift, and what kind of gift it will be - you will come up with it yourself.



The Easter egg rolling game has always been a favorite game in Holy holiday Easter in Rus'. Especially for this game, adults made an Easter slide with sides on which Easter eggs were rolled.

A slide or “groove” can be built from wood or cardboard, and to make it inclined, make a stand on one side of the slide. The slide is installed on a flat, preferably smooth, surface.

Each player is given a painted Easter egg with which he will take part in the game. The participants in the game approached the slide one by one and each rolled up their own Easter egg. The one whose Easter egg rolls the furthest wins.


Just like the Egg Roll game, a slide or chute is used along which players take turns rolling their Easter eggs. Only around the slide, on a flat, empty surface, were painted eggs, small souvenirs or toys laid out.

Participants in the game took turns approaching the slide, aimed at the desired prize (turning the slide so that the egg rolled towards the “prize”) and rolled their Easter egg down the slide.

The player's "prize" was the souvenir that touched his Easter egg. The trajectory of the eggs rolling down is set by the player by turning the slide.


One of the players is selected to be the “catcher”. He sits at a distance of 4-5 meters facing the rest of the players. In his hands he has a plastic cup or cup with which he must catch an Easter egg.

In the hands of the other players are strings with Easter eggs attached to the ends. The Easter eggs themselves are placed not far from the “catcher”.

The “catcher” counts down three and tries to catch one of the Easter eggs while other participants in the game pull their strings.

The player whose Easter egg the “catcher” caught is eliminated from the game.


This game is suitable for both indoors and outdoors. summer cottage or a forest clearing. You will need colored Easter eggs and small surprises: candies, small toys, stickers, etc. You can also use Kinder Surprises that children love.

Hide Easter eggs and prizes in different places in advance, and children or guests will have to find them during the allotted time for the game. Guests and children take the surprises they find for themselves. Show your imagination when choosing hiding places for surprises: stick it with tape under a table or chair, hide it in the paws of a soft toy, hang it on strings from the ceiling, etc.

Of course, it will be great if every child finds something and takes it with them. You can come up with various incentive prizes for those guys who didn’t find anything during the game.


If there are not many children, then you can use this version of the game with the search for Easter eggs and surprises, but it is a little more complicated. Tie thick ropes to hidden surprises different colors. Walk with each of the ropes around the apartment, entangling various items on a way.

Each child finds the end of a string of their own color and, winding it into a ball, reaches the prize.


Another version of the game to find Easter eggs or prizes. In this version, children find hidden surprises and Easter eggs using arrows of different colors, which indicate the path to the “treasure”.


You can come up with a lot different options game "Search for Easter Eggs", we offer you another interesting option, when a child searches for the “Easter Treasure” using a series of notes. If there are several children, then for each child the series of notes should have a different color.

In this case, the first note shows the child where the second note is hidden, the second one directs him to the third note, etc. The last note tells you where the Easter Treasure is.

You can also use puzzles, riddles or small tasks in your notes. The answer to each rebus or riddle must contain the place where the next note is hidden.


Players place their caps on their heads and make a hole in the top into which they place their Easter egg. In the center of the room, chairs are placed in a circle, the number of which is 1 less than the number of players.

All participants in the game begin to dance to the music, trying not to drop the egg from their heads. The host suddenly turns off the music, the task of the participants is to have time to take a chair without losing their Easter egg.

Whoever lacks a chair or who drops an egg is out of the game. Music sounds again, and the number of chairs is 1 less than those dancing... And so on until one of the players wins.



This game requires a large space, so it is best played on the street, lawn or clearing. The first player takes a certain place, from which he should not move yet, and observes. The second player at this time moves away to a distance of 15-20 steps and places the egg on the ground.

The first player, watching the actions of the second, tries to approximately determine the distance to the Easter egg and estimate how many steps it will take him to cover this distance. Then he is blindfolded and, blindfolded, he must walk to the Easter egg, guided by his preliminary calculation of the steps.

When the required distance has been covered, the blindfold is removed and the player needs to reach the egg. At the same time, you cannot move from your spot, take steps to the side, lean your hands on the ground or lie down. If the player reaches, the egg is his; if he couldn’t reach, he gives away his Easter egg.


All participants in the game are divided into 2 teams. The essence of the game, as in any relay race, is that the players must run to the finish line and return back, passing the baton to the next player. Only as a relay baton we use the spoon in which the Easter egg is placed.

You can diversify and complicate the game by holding the spoon in your mouth rather than in your hands.

All team members must take turns running with the egg in a spoon to the finish line and back, trying not to drop or break the Easter egg.

The winner is the team that completes the task faster and with the least losses, with fewer eggs falling to the ground.


To play, you need to draw a circle with an egg in the center. It is better if this egg is different from other Easter eggs, for example, you can take a simple white hard-boiled egg.

Players are given Easter eggs in equal quantities, but different color, i.e. every player has balls a certain color or coloring books.

Now players from the same distance try to roll their Easter egg as close as possible to white egg in the center, while trying not to touch him with your egg.

The winner is the one whose Easter egg is closest to white.

We hope that we will help make this bright holiday special for you and your family - kind, unforgettable, and equally exciting not only for kids, but also for adults.


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