Abstract of the GCD for the application in the middle group “Migratory birds. Lesson summary on application in the middle group “Wintering birds”

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Applique is the decoration of a plain surface using a cut-out and pasted or sewn-on plot, pattern or figure, for example, leather, paper, fabric.

Starting from the age of two, the child learns more actively and meaningfully the world and from this moment you can begin to introduce him to the application.

Classes in kindergarten on subject, plot and decorative design surfaces, allow children to become familiar with materials: paper, fabric, etc., as well as methods of processing them. They learn to group geometric shapes: circle and oval, rectangular shapes and polyhedrons, and learn the concepts of length, width and height.

The child consolidates his knowledge and skills with the master various works on a certain topic. This involves several sequential actions that require a sufficient level of development of technical and visual skills and personal qualities: concentration, accuracy, independence, perseverance and endurance.

Classes in kindergarten introduce children to the following types of applications:

Precipitous- used to convey decorativeness, the illusion of volume and adds effectiveness and brightness. Clouds in the sky, plumage or a fluffy chicken look good in this theme.

Quilling- colored paper twisted into a spiral.

Mosaic- the main details of its geometric shapes different sizes, laid out inside the drawn image.

Symmetrical- the workpiece is folded in half and cut along the contour.

Multilayer- to create a composition, the smallest parts are attached to larger parts. Using this technique, using different diameter circles, a bullfinch bird can be made.

Tape- a sheet of paper is shaped like an accordion and the outline of the berry, eyes or fence elements is cut out. This method is convenient for obtaining identical parts.

Silhouette- a contour is drawn or outlined using a stencil and cut out. This is done by children who already confidently use scissors and have a sufficient level of skills and abilities.

Unconventional- are used unusual materials: plasticine, cotton wool, cereals, pasta, foam rubber, eggshell, fabric, threads.

Ladoshkovaya- the basis is the silhouette of an outlined palm, which is arranged into a butterfly, flower or fairy-tale bird.

During kindergarten classes with middle, high and preparatory preschoolers age group, an application made from napkins, fabric, dry plants and leaves, promotes the development of:

  • artistic - graphic skills and abilities;
  • imaginative thinking;
  • creative imagination;
  • spatial perception;
  • fine motor skills of fingers.

In different children's groups, the tasks of creating an application are implemented from simple to complex. As knowledge, skills and abilities develop, application topics become more complex.

The bird applique is basic for the development of a child’s creative skills.

From the younger age group of a child care institution, this topic goes through all stages of education.

In the middle and senior group the number of pasted objects and their combination in size and color increases.

IN preparatory group is located more original solution this topic.

Gallery: bird applique (25 photos)

Owl bird applique made of paper

Applique is performed in the older group, using cutting techniques, using paper and drawing elements. For texture, it is better to use craft and wallpaper paper.

It is necessary to alternate layers - smooth, then textured side

In this case, the owl’s body will be voluminous. The beak and eyes should be made of colored smooth paper.

Work plan

  1. On the cardboard base, you need to stick a branch on which to subsequently plant the owl.
  2. Paint the background using your fingers dipped in paint.
  3. Draw with a pencil based on the outline.
  4. Next, tear off a piece of paper, coat it with glue and place it on the base inside the design.
  5. Apply the feathers of the second layer on top of those already glued.
  6. You can draw the eyes and beak yourself.

When creating crafts on the theme “Birds” from paper, you should pay attention to the child’s color, shape, size and pose. You need to observe the habits of birds in wildlife, look at illustrations and determine a plan for making the craft.

Manufacturing plan:

  • prepare the background;
  • first glue the background details: trees, clouds;
  • figures of the first row: silhouettes of birds - are fixed and shaped last.

Theme “Applique migratory birds”

In a craft from geometric shapes, for the preparatory group of a child care institution, the following are used:

  • glue, scissors;
  • pencil, template;
  • feathers, paper different colors and cardboard.

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. Place the migratory bird template on paper and trace it with a simple pencil.
  2. Cut out the shapes.
  3. We lay it out on a basis to compose a composition about migratory birds.
  4. We fix the figures that should visually fly.

Topic: “Firebird Application”

The Magic Firebird is an exclusively fairy-tale character and no one has ever seen what it looks like. It is this reason that allows the child to work on crafts both in a group and individually, including fantasy and imagination, and come up with a fairy-tale bird.

Manufacturing stages:

1.The body and head of a fairy-tale bird.

  • You need to cut out a square with a side of 10 cm using colored thin paper.
  • The child shapes the cut out square into a triangle and bends it in half along the long side, thereby marking the fold line.
  • We unfold the square - we get four equal parts.
  • We overlap the two outer parts, forming the body. The long side is the tummy, the short side will become the back.

We cut out nine 9 strips 9 centimeters long, which can be rounded or left straight.

3. Glue 3 strips on the back. It turns out to be a tail.

4. From the remaining strips we make wings and glue them to the back.

5. Wings made from colored strips of paper are glued in the following sequence - from largest part to smallest part. The wide part is cut with fringe, which gives volume to the feathers.

6. Draw the eyes and glue them to the fairytale bird. The tail and wings can be made using the palm technique.

7. The craft is ready. Now you can sit the bird on a branch. The branch needs to be made from a napkin. It curls into flagella and turns brown.

7. We decorate the background with flowers or patterns.

Theme: “Firebird” from foliage

To make a Firebird craft from leaves you need:

  • A4 cardboard sheet;
  • colored paper Brown;
  • Maple Leaf;
  • dried herbs and flowers;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • markers.

Work process

Even a child in the middle group of a preschool institution can make a bird:

  1. We take cardboard and carefully glue a maple leaf into its middle.
  2. The neck and head are made from brown paper.
  3. Now you need to help the child glue the head and neck to the body.
  4. We draw the eyes, beak and paws.
  5. The last step will be decorating the product from autumn flowers and blades of grass.

When doing crafts, the main thing is to properly organize the children's room. cognitive activity, so that the child approaches the proposed topic more consciously and creatively.

The teacher determines creative tasks:

  • Cut out the outline of objects, distinguish them by size when comparing with each other. For example, small sparrows and a tall tree.
  • Select the main and minor objects and associate them with the place and setting. For example, birds fly south.
  • The ability to convey the characteristics of characters.
  • Correctly arrange objects horizontally and vertically.
  • Select and use the color of the craft to convey the relationship to objects and the time of year.

Learning to use appliqué has a beneficial effect on a child’s development, and a correctly explained lesson topic will benefit his emotional upbringing.

Natalia Morozova
Summary of GCD for the application “Birds on a branch”

Target: teach children to transmit to applique image of birds, features of the shape of the head and body, tail (cutting out in parts from colored paper, observing the relative size. Learn to beautifully arrange images on a sheet.


Developmental: Practice cutting corners of squares by rounding them.

Develop the ability to work correctly with scissors. Develop in children Creative skills, a sense of beauty, the ability to understand and appreciate the beauty and richness of the surrounding world.

Educational: continue to teach children to carefully glue parts, use glue and a brush; fix the names of geometric shapes;

Educational: To cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, a love for wildlife and a desire to take care of birds; accuracy and attentiveness.

Demo material: illustrations with images winter landscapes, bullfinches, titmice. Sample made by the teacher.

Materials for the lesson: Black rectangles for the bullfinch's wing (titmouse). Black rectangles for the bullfinch's tail (titmouse).

Red rectangle for bullfinch breast. A yellow rectangle for the tit's breast. A black square for the bullfinch’s head (titmouse, scissors, glue, oilcloth, napkins.

Preliminary work: Conversation with children about wintering birds, about how people help birds in winter. Reading poems about birds; asking riddles; looking at a themed album "Birds", clarification of names; observation of birds flying to the site.

GCD move

Educator: Tell me, guys, what time of year is it now?

Children: Winter.

Educator: What birds can we see outside in winter?

Children: Pigeons, sparrows, titmice.


Children: Wintering.

Educator: Well done! Now, guess the riddles. Having solved them, you will find out who we will be making today.

Red-breasted, black-winged,

Loves to peck grains.

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will appear again.

In winter on apples on branches!

Collect them quickly!

And suddenly the apples flew up,

After all, this is...

Children: Bullfinches

Educator: Bullfinch - the most winter bird. She comes to us with the onset of the first cold weather. The bullfinch has bright red plumage and a black cap. Bullfinches love to eat rowan fruits; viburnums only eat the seeds. (Showing illustrations)

Educator: Here's another riddle

Little fidget,

Almost all yellow bird,

Loves lard and wheat

What is her name…

Children: Titmouse

Educator: Tits do not fly away for the winter warmer climes, and survive the winter, hiding in a hollow tree. In search of food, they fly to human habitation. Tits feed on plant seeds; they look for insects that are hidden in the cracks of houses and fences. They also find supplies that they make for the winter. (Showing illustrations)

Educator: Today we will make a bullfinch and a titmouse.

Educator: Look at the bullfinch. Name the body parts of a bird.

Children: The bullfinch has a beak, head, wings, tail, paws, and abdomen.

Educator. What is the shape of a bird's head?

Children: Round.

Educator: What is the shape of the body of a bullfinch?

Children: Oval.

Educator: What is the shape of the beak?

Children: Triangular.

Educator: What parts of the bullfinch’s body are black?

Children: Wing, tail, head, beak, eye.

Educator: What color is the body of a bullfinch?

Children: Red.

Educator: On your tables there are blanks for parts of our birds. First, cut out an oval from the red rectangle, rounding the corners. This will be the body of the bird. Then from the black square, rounding the corners, we cut out a circle. This will be the bullfinch's head. We will also make the tail from a rectangle, with reverse side draw a wing from a rectangle and cut it. And from the scraps we will cut out a beak, paws, and an eye.

Educator: when we prepare all the parts, we will glue them onto cardboard, but first we need to lay out all the parts on cardboard: first the body, then the head, then the tail and wing.

Educator: And you and I will make the titmouse in the same way as the bullfinch, only for the breast we will take a yellow rectangle.

Educator: Now, let's take a little rest.

Physical education minute

Here on look at the branches, (Hands clap their sides)

Bullfinches in red T-shirts. (Breasts are shown)

The feathers spread out, (Arms slightly to the sides)

Basking in the sun. (Wiggle fingers)

They turn their heads, they turn them, (Turn your head right, left)

They want to fly away. (Run in a circle, waving their arms)

Shoo! Shoo! Let's fly away!

Educator: Let's rest a little! Well, now go to the tables. (Children go to the tables)

Educator. Let's repeat the chain one more time in what order we will complete the task.

Children: First you need to glue the torso. Then glue on the head. Then we will glue the tail. Then glue the wing. We will make paws, beak, eyes from scraps.

Educator: Look at all the birds. What beautiful bullfinches and titmice we got. I would like to tell you about this bird. (The teacher analyzes one of the works)

Educator: What birds did we make today?

Children: Bullfinch and titmouse.

Educator: Name the body parts of birds.

Children: The bullfinch and titmouse have a beak, head, wings, tail, paws, and abdomen.

Educator: How can you call the birds that stayed with us for the winter in one word?

Children: Wintering.

Educator: You did a good job today, well done. And when we go for a walk, we’ll take some bread crumbs and go outside to feed the birds.

Goal: Creating conditions for development cognitive abilities through familiarization with migratory and wintering birds.

Objectives: - Expand and consolidate children’s ideas about migratory and wintering birds, their lifestyle and appearance.

    Develop visual - figurative thinking, speech hearing, coherent speech, coordination of speech with movement, general and fine motor skills, visual attention and auditory perception

    Fix the techniques for gluing the bird, work carefully with the glue.

    Foster a caring attitude towards nature and a desire to help birds.

Preliminary work: bird watching on walks, looking at paintings and models, conversations, reading fiction, memorizing poems.

Resources: Pictures of Migratory Birds(ducks, swans, swifts, swallows, rooks, starlings, swans) and wintering birds(sparrow, crow, tit, bullfinch, pigeon, owl, woodpecker, magpie) ; audio recording, with the noise of the forest and the singing of birds.

Handouts: blanks for appliqué in envelopes, oilcloth, glue, felt-tip pens.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Guys, today when I was going to kindergarten I found a feather(showing) . Who do you think it is?

Children's answer: this is a bird feather

Educator: Who will we talk about today?

Children's answer: about birds

Educator: That's right guys, today we will talk about birds.

A game“Do you know?” .

Educator: - Guys, do all the birds stay for the winter?

Children: - No, not all.

Educator: - Where do they fly?

Children: - Birds fly south.

Educator: - When do birds fly south?

Children: - they fly away in the fall.

Educator: - What are the names of birds that fly south?

Children: - Migratory.

Educator: - But why do they fly away?

Children: - Because they have nothing to eat.

Educator: - What do swallows, starlings, and swifts eat?

Children: - insects.

Educator: - Where do insects disappear in the fall?

Children: - they are hiding from the cold. They climb into the cracks of fences and into the bark of trees.

Educator: - Yes, that’s right, that’s why birds that feed on midges and bugs fly to the south, where it’s always warm and there’s always food. Name the migratory birds.

Children: - ducks, cranes, cuckoo, swallows, swan, nightingale, heron.

Educator: - What are the names of the birds that stay with us for the winter?

Children: - Wintering.

Educator: - Name the wintering birds.

Children: - Crows, sparrows, woodpeckers, pigeons, etc.

Educator: - Do you know why they stay for the winter?

Those birds that feed on seeds, cones, berries, crumbs, lard, and cereals remain to winter. They can find food. Guys, how can we help wintering birds?

Children: make feeders and pour food into them.

Educator: correct

“They fly away - they don’t fly away”

Children go to the middle of the hall and perform voluntary movements to the music. As soon as the music stops, the teacher names the bird. If it is a wintering bird, the children remain in place; if it is a migratory bird, the children move."fly" , spinning, performing smooth movements.

A game:"Find the bird according to the riddle"

Educator: guys, now you will need to guess the riddles and find the answers in the pictures.

I catch bugs all day
I eat bugs and worms.
I’m not leaving for the winter,
I live under the eaves.
Tick-tweet! Don't be timid!
I'm experienced...(sparrow)

Black-winged, Red-breasted,
And in winter it will find shelter:
He is not afraid of colds -
The first snow is here!(bullfinch)

Kar-kar-kar! Kar-kar-kar! –
That's the whole repertoire.
Announces the maple crown
With your singing...(crow)

On the claws on the pine trunk,
The red-headed fitter climbed in.
He worked hard
But the light did not flash in the forest.(woodpecker)

Here's another mystery.
Motley fidget,
Long-tailed bird,
Talkative bird
The most talkative(magpie)

Reading a poem with a demonstration of a toy(magpies)

Magpie flew to us
Belogruda, Belobok
Crackled, galloped
I crushed the loose bed,
I dug here and there with my beak,
I wet my tail in a puddle,
Then she shook the feathers,
She ran and flew up!

Educator: I’m forty, I just said that she has no friends at all and she’s very bored. How can I feel sorry for the magpie? How to help a magpie?

Children: we need to find her friends.

Educator: let's make it together for forty friends.

Look at our magpie! The magpie has a nickname - white-sided. The feathers on her sides are white, and her head, wings and tail are black. The magpie's tail is very beautiful - long, straight, like an arrow. The feathers on it are not just black, but with a beautiful greenish tint. The magpie cannot be confused with any other bird.

Finger gymnastics:"Ten birds flock"

Sing along, sing along:
Ten birds flock.(clap our hands)
This bird is a nightingale
(we bend our fingers one by one right hand, starting with the little finger)
This bird is a sparrow
This bird is a sleepy little nightingale.
This bird is a waxwing
This bird is a corncrake
This bird is a starling,
(we bend the fingers on the left hand one by one, starting with the little finger)
Gray feather
This one is a finch
This one is a swift
This one is a cheerful siskin
Well, this one is an evil eagle
(hold your left thumb)
Birds, birds go home!
(we wave our arms like wings)

The guys are doing the applique"Magpie" from pre-prepared parts for audio recording"Bird Voices" .

Educator: - Well done, guys, you coped with all the tasks, you know and are able to do a lot. Today I prepared a treat for the birds: lard, seeds, grains, bread. Now you and I will go for a walk and feed the birds that fly to our site.

Ninel Baranova
Summary of GCD for application in the middle group " Migratory birds»

Summary of GCD for application in the middle group on the topic« Migratory birds» .

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about migratory birds.

Program tasks: be able to transmit each other's mood; be able to name birds; work carefully without distractions; develop fine and gross motor skills; coordination of speech with movement; bring up caring relationship to nature and its inhabitants.

Materials and equipment: audio recording of P. I. Tchaikovsky’s music album "Seasons"(excerpt “Lark”) painting by M. Vrubel "Swan"; landscape sheet A-4 format beige colour, glue brush (glue stick); PVA glue, oilcloth, napkin; circles - blue, green, white flowers; voice recording birds(sounds like background); some chairs are arranged in a semicircle, others stand at tables; tables.

Preliminary work: learning a poem by A. N. Pleshcheev with children. "The grass is turning green..."; looking at images migratory birds in books, drawings, postcards; surveillance birds while walking; reading Russian folk tales from the cycle "Swan".

Chairs for children are arranged in a semicircle. To the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky "Lark" from a music album "Seasons" children go to their places

Educator: Hello children! Hello, guests! To make our meeting pleasant and kind, take a comfortable position, close your eyes - and think about pleasant things... Open your eyes, smile at each other. let's try hand over mood to each other without words. I suggest you play the game "Touch":

Touch me like a kitten tenderly with your paw...

Touch me like a gentle cloud...

Touch me like you really miss me...

Touch it as if it were a pity...

Touch as if you want to make peace...


The swallow came rushing

Because of the white sea,

She sat down and sang:

“No matter how March you frown

Be it snow, be it rain,

Everything smells like spring"

Educator: about what bird told in the poem?

Children: about a swallow.

Educator: What is it bird?

Children: Migratory.

Educator: Which ones migratory birds you know? Why are they called that? What else can you tell us about birds?

(Children's expected answers are swans, rooks, cranes, starlings, etc. they fly over from one place to another, they fly south; at birds two wings, one head, body covered with feathers, etc.)

Finger gymnastics "Starling"

Starling lives in a birdhouse

and sings a sonorous song Place your palms vertically towards each other, press your little fingers (like a boat, bend your thumbs inward)

Educator: Did you know that everything birds call differently. I wonder if you can guess which ones the birds scream so much:

Kurly-Kurly (crane)

Peek-a-boo (cuckoo)

Educator: You and I have been sitting too long, let’s imagine that we are beautiful, proud birds - swans. (multimedia presentation of M. Vrubel’s painting "Swan")

Speech development game with coordination movement:

The swans were flying

All the people watched, walking in a circle, waving their arms, depicting the flight of a swan.

the swans were sitting down

all the people were amazed.

We sat down and sat. squat, lower your arms, fold them behind your back like wings

took off, flew

flew, flew

They started singing a song and ran in a circle, flapping their arms like wings.

Educator: They say the truth “The beauty of the desert is water, the beauty of water is swans”. Let us try to make a picture with you "Swan".

(Children pass behind workplace, where they lay out and paste their own from circles picture: blue circles – water; green – grass; white - swan).


Look how beautiful the swans you have made!

A swan floats along the river,

Above the bank the little head is carried.

Waving a white wing -

He shakes the water onto the grass.

Publications on the topic:

Lesson summary for the senior group “Migratory Birds” Summary of a lesson in the senior group on the topic "Migratory Birds" Purpose: 1. to form an idea of ​​wintering and migratory birds; deepen.

Summary of the final lesson on the topic “Migratory Birds” in the middle group. Objectives: Educational: consolidate children’s knowledge about migratory birds.

Summary of direct educational activities in the preparatory group “Migratory Birds” Synopsis of direct educational activities in the preparatory group “Migratory Birds” Purpose: To deepen and systematize.

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the preparatory correctional group “Birds of Migratory” Summary of educational activities for speech development in the preparatory correctional group Topic: “Migratory birds” Goal: To develop children’s ability to compose.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the preparatory group “Migratory Birds” Notes on speech development in the preparatory group Topic: Conversation about the seasons. Spring. Migratory birds. Goal: Expand vocabulary.

Summary of a lesson on the surrounding world in the middle group “Migratory Birds” Program content: Introduce seasonal changes in the life of birds in autumn period. Introduce children to migratory birds. Learn.

Master class on creating a postcard on the theme “Autumn Birds” with children from the middle group of preschool educational institutions

Author of the work: Polina Bolotnikova, a student of the middle group at MBDOU " Kindergarten general developmental type No. 452" of the Samara city district.
Supervisor: Lisova Maria Aleksandrovna, teacher at MBDOU “General developmental kindergarten No. 452” of the Samara city district.
Description of work. This master class includes photographs and text material, aimed at the development of preschool children educational institution. It includes a combination of drawing and appliqué at the same time. Can be used in educational process both school and kindergarten.
Purpose. The work can be used in drawing classes, you can decorate an exhibition of works at autumn theme, use as a gift.

Target: familiarizing students with the technology of creating postcards for the autumn holiday
GCD tasks:
- introduce children to the technology of creating postcards for the Autumn holiday;
- be able to depict on a plane;
- learn to distinguish colors;
- be able to use brushes, paints, felt-tip pens.
- develop observation skills, the ability to reason, discuss, analyze, and perform work based on drawings, diagrams and instruction cards;
- learn to use your knowledge and skills in new situations, draw analogies;
- develop artistic abilities.
- cultivate interest in the subject;
- cultivate accuracy and independence;

Cultivate a love of work.
Resources: White list A4, paints, brushes, black felt-tip pen, pencil, orange paper, scissors, glue.

The teacher asks the children to guess what the topic of the GCD lesson will be. To do this, he includes the musical piece “Hello, Autumn!” (Music - Y. Slonov, words - V. Maslov).
Educator: Guys, what do you think this song is about?
Pupils: This song is about autumn.
Educator: Right. Let's remember how they change weather in the fall?
The teacher invites the children to look out the window: at the trees, at the sky.
Pupils: In autumn it becomes colder, in autumn it drizzles.
Educator: But now it’s not so cold yet: the sun is shining, but it’s already getting chilly. And in the fall, birds fly south, but not all of them. For example, they do not fly south in autumn and winter time the following birds: bullfinch, crossbill, goldfinch, siskin, pigeon.
We will draw with you birds like pigeons.
What do you know about pigeons?
Pupils: Pigeons are either wild or domestic. They come in different colors: white, black, motley. Pigeons used to deliver mail to people.
Educator: Do you know that pigeons love their chicks very much, they feed them, look after them and keep them warm in such cold weather. Let's draw a mother pigeon and a chick, which she warms with her warmth.
The teacher creates all the conditions aimed at children actively making postcards, explains step by step actions in work, which the students repeat.
1. Take a white sheet of paper and fold it in half.
2. Lay the sheet horizontally so that the card can open.
3. Place the large mother bird template close to the right side of the card half and trace with a pencil.

4. Now place the chick template so that it is located next to the mother. So that the outline of the chick template matches the outlined outline. And outline the missing outline with a simple pencil.

5. In the background (behind the birds) draw a clearing. To do this, simply draw a straight line above the middle of the sheet. In the upper left corner we will have the sun. To do this, simply trace the template along the contour and draw rays of the sun.

6. First, let's color the background. Let's start coloring the clearing in green color. To prevent the clearing from being too dark, we will use a brush more water. Take a medium size brush.

7. Now that the clearing is dry. A little short of the horizon line, we begin to paint the sky. It will be bright blue, for this we take more water on the brush.

8. Now that our background has dried, we begin to paint the big mother bird in Orange color.

9. Now let's color the sun in yellow, and then the chick in yellow.

10.Now let’s outline the sun, separate the clearing from the sky, draw the paws, draw the eyes and beak of the birds with a black felt-tip pen: the circles are the eyes, and the triangle is the beak. Trace around the template and cut out the wings. Glue the wings: a smaller wing on the left side, a larger wing on the right side. Glue it on, spreading a little glue on the edges of the wings. First we glue the large wing, then the small one.

12.The postcard is almost ready. All that remains is to glue a wish that will warm you with warmth in such cold weather.
Autumn, autumn, wait!
And don't rush with the rains,
Give us another summer
Sunshine and light (A. Teslenko)


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