Purse what color to choose brings wealth money. feng shui wallet color

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Even in ancient times, people noticed that material well-being depends not only on the diligence of a person, but also on the conditions in which his money is stored. The ancestors treated banknotes and coins with respect and performed many rituals to keep them in the house. In our time, the most relevant question is what color wallet to choose to attract money and how to properly deal with this accessory.

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    How to choose a wallet?

    First of all, the wallet should be liked and match the image of its owner. There is a belief that it is impossible to buy a purse on which butterflies and birds are embroidered or embossed, because money will fly away like them and not linger in the wallet. However, there is no data to support this notion.

    All esoteric teachings claim that the ability to attract or repel cash has only the color and size of the "house" in which banknotes and coins are stored.

    According to the feng shui system

    Connoisseurs Chinese system feng shui help to choose suitable wallet, correlating its color with the last digit of the year of birth:

    • "0" and "1" belong to the elements of metals. Preference should be given to white and silver accessories.
    • "2" and "3" are under the control of water. Those born in such years are advised to purchase blue, purple and black purses.
    • "4" and "5" correspond to the tree. All shades of brown and green are suitable.
    • "6" and "7" are the numbers of the fire element. People who fall into this category can afford a red wallet in any of its variations.
    • "8" and "9" are ground. She owns a natural range of colors from beige and golden to brown and orange, terracotta, yellow.

    The size of the wallet matters. The larger it is, the larger amounts will fall into the money funnel it generates. If it is not possible to use a large purse, you can energetically increase the existing one. To do this, just attach a keychain to it on a long thread or chain.

    A wallet with a length of 17-19 cm and a width of about 2 cm is considered ideal. Banknotes should fit in it without folds and creases, and a separate compartment should be allocated for storing small things.

    According to the signs of the zodiac

    Astrologers say that the energies of money and their owner interact differently. What matters is how a person treats banknotes. If he puts them in a purse or pocket carelessly crumpled, the financial flow will move away. To the one who neatly folds banknotes and keeps order in his wallet, wealth is attracted.

    Different signs of the zodiac perceive material wealth in their own way, therefore, in order for money to always flow, you need to choose the right purse. The color of the wallet to attract money, which will compensate for negative character traits and enhance positive ones:

    zodiacal sign Characteristic Color and material
    AriesThose born under this constellation are distinguished by their love of work and earn large sums. However, the tendency to mindless spending does not allow them to save money for large purchases.For men, wallets in red or burgundy are suitable, while women can choose between gold, green, and deep shades of brown. It is better to choose a product made of genuine leather
    TaurusMaterial well-being is the main goal of Taurus. They are thrifty, but do not suffer from stinginessBoth the strong and the weaker sex are recommended to purchase classic wallets with a minimum of decorative elements. The color scheme can vary from pastel shades of green to pale yellow.
    TwinsRepresentatives of this sign often provide sponsorship, participate in charitable projects. They like gamblingThose who have financial problems should opt for a gray or orange wallet; and for those who do not hold money for a long time, a blue or purple purse will help them keep it. Natural materials preferred: leather, suede, nubuck
    CrayfishCrayfish are overly frugal. They deny themselves small pleasures, setting aside a significant part of their earnings for the future.Wallet would be perfect unusual shape, With interesting decor; made of shiny lilac, silver or white fabric
    a lionThese people have no cult of money. Lions easily part with crisp banknotes - they lend money, buy expensive and branded things, and help those in need. But they do not experience a lack of finance either due to their ability to make money literally out of thin air.The horoscope advises ladies to keep their savings in bright red, scarlet and purple wallets. For men, burgundy, wine, dark red and black are suitable. Various variations yellow will harmoniously fit into the monetary aura of both sexes
    VirgoTo the bearers of this astrological sign you have to work hard and hard for your well-being. They are not greedy, although they spend wiselyTheir wallet should be, first of all, convenient and practical, and only then beautiful. You can choose from blue, blue and green shades
    ScalesThey don't focus on money. Comfort and quality of life are more important to them, and if they are achieved at the expense of another person (parents or marriage partner), Libra will not even think about earningThese people should buy roomy and stylish wallets in the form of a clutch. Colors: white, beige, apple green and sky blue. Men can afford an emerald purse, also in combination with white or gray
    ScorpionEasily achieve their goals and become rich with little start-up capital. They manage their earnings thoughtfully, never make unnecessary purchases, invest money so that they make a profitOnly expensive and high-quality wallets made of genuine leather, dyed in natural tones of yellow-brown, are suitable for scorpions. Men's wallet should be dark - chocolate or coffee
    SagittariusSagittarians rarely boast of wealth, although fate generously endows them with finances. They are impulsive, spend money under the influence of momentary desires and impressions.For women and men, large purses of blue, purple and dark green shades will be equally favorable. Weighty and bright fittings are not recommended.
    CapricornIn everything related to material wealth, people of this sign are careful and vigilant. They are persistent and diligent, they earn their fortune themselves without any help.They need to choose classic models wallets. It is good if the accessory is made of genuine leather, however, it is not forbidden to purchase a purse made of synthetic fabric or polyurethane. Colors: black, dark grey, brown, blue
    AquariusThose born under the constellation Aquarius gravitate toward creativity and freedom, so they often face a lack of money.Wallet self made- that's what they need. Folk motifs, geometric and floral ornaments are welcome, decorative elements copper, wood or clay. Preference should be given to products of turquoise, lilac, pearl shades. Suitable combination of blue color with white or brown
    FishThey do not put money at the forefront and are not ready to sacrifice anything for the sake of achieving wealth. They care little about the financial crisis or low wages, the main thing is inner harmonyIt is worth looking for a wallet stylized antique. The material should be pleasant to the touch, soft, have the color of steel, milk or mother-of-pearl. All shades of blue and turquoise are relevant

    Numerology is a science that connects all events in a person's life with the date of his birth. It is believed that the energy message sent by a man or woman into space directly depends on the vibrations that are generated by numbers. When someone thinks about money or makes transactions with it, his energy enters into resonance with the financial flow (and then wealth increases) or creates dissonance (thus provoking poverty, poverty).

    To determine the color of the wallet that will attract money, numerologists have developed the following algorithm:

    1. 1. Take the date of birth (not the month and not the year).
    2. 2. Determine the larger and smaller numbers in it.
    3. 3. From higher figure take away the smaller one.

    Those who were born on the 11th or 22nd can use any colors and shades.

    The rest are subject to the following restrictions:

    money number Color matching
    "1" Gold, yellow, caramel, orange, beige, copper, sand, cafe au lait, tannin, brick, umber
    "2" White, rich green, bright mustard, pistachio, apple, meadow grass color
    "3" All shades of purple, hot pink, crimson, fuchsia
    "4" Muted blue, grey, cornflower blue, bristol blue, malibu, cobalt blue, ash blue
    "5" White, grey, pale yellow, pearl, ivory
    "6" Blue, green, pink, as well as their combinations in any combination
    "7" Pink, Pastel Blue, Lilac, Mint, Turquoise, Petrol, Hot Plum, Majolica, Jeans
    "8" Black, navy blue and deep greens
    "9" Red and all its variations

    For a more accurate color determination, you can combine the numerological method with recommendations based on the zodiac circle.

What is never enough is money. Only for some reason they are constantly found in some, while in others they never linger. But the wallet is a talisman that attracts wealth, you just need to know how to choose it correctly. We will tell you everything about it: about the shape, the material from which it is made, what color it should be. We will tell you what is better to put in it to attract banknotes, so that they are carried in it, not transferred.

Successful wallet options

Do not buy a small wallet, it is already pre-programmed that there will never be large bills in it. A capacious wallet attracts money. It is comfortable for banknotes, they do not crumple, there is no need to bend them, which, in general, is highly undesirable.

  1. If in the purse one of the sides is 45-50 mm, then you will get rich.
  2. Think that optimal size pocket along the rib - 27-45 mm.
  3. Wallet side size 54-162mm brings bad luck.

Attention! Solid sums will never be found in an old, shabby wallet. If you decide to become successful, wealthy, get new wallet. If buying a new wallet is difficult, and the old one has holes, sew them up with golden thread. Remember: a wallet with a hole causes a hole in your budget.

wallet material

Only natural materials carry material energy; synthetic materials do not have this energy. You definitely won’t become rich and prosperous with a polyethylene wallet - it prevents the penetration of monetary energy, blocks it.
The best option is leather, and on it is the feng shui logo. If you have not yet earned an expensive wallet made of genuine leather, buy a wallet made of jeans or another natural material. Suede wallets look solid.

Don't overlook the finishes either. The most diverse is allowed:

  • from gold
  • become
  • plastic, but this is an extreme case - such decorations break quickly.

What color wallet do you need

It is impossible to answer this question exactly. There are several options to choose from:

1. According to Feng Shui. It is believed that luxury is attracted by the color of metal and earth, and this is black, golden, brown, silver, yellow of all shades. At the same time, for those who want to have easy incoming money, silver and golden colors are suitable. Thirsty for stability and financial growth, you need a green-colored purse.

2. By gender. For women, the "rich" wallet is green or red, while the male version is dark purple, black, dark chocolate.

3. By belonging to the elements. The same color of the purse for some may be successful, but for others - on the contrary, it will only bring misfortune. This is because we belong to different elements, and there are only 5 of them:

  • fire - you should choose wallets of bright scarlet, red, burgundy;
  • metal - a purse in the color of silver, gray, white, with a metallic sheen would be a good choice;
  • water - corresponds to lilac, blue, black, blue;
  • tree - greens, brown;
  • earth - flesh, yellow, gold.

As for the drawings, the lightness of prints is a priority. Suitable images of banknotes, coins, crowns, precious stones, ribbons, as well as birds, insects, butterflies.

Advice. Never buy a "house for money" in blue and gray, otherwise you will not notice how your finances will float somewhere, but a white wallet is quite acceptable. Red money is attractive, but they quickly disappear, so keep only those finances that you plan to quickly spend in it. Keep your stash in a brown wallet.

What should be in a rich wallet

To ensure that the money in the wallet is never transferred, you need to put in it:

1. Money, and immediately after its purchase. Immediately give the installation that the bills will be there constantly and in in large numbers. Turn them in one direction, in no case do not bend halfway. Never leave a purse completely without money, leave at least something in your house for finances.

2. Talisman. Their choice is quite wide, so be guided by your taste:

  • if a large amount once fell into your hands, then select one bill and place it in your wallet as a talisman. This does not apply to money found or won, they may not be useful. If your finances from such an infusion only began to melt, then it is better to give them to charity;
  • when there is a collectible or rare coin, then make it irreplaceable;
  • check your banknotes, perhaps the serial number of one of them ends in 8 or 98. Such a talisman works well;
  • place cinnamon stick;
  • something related to legumes;
  • a sprig of mint - dried or just plucked, or drop those instead of it with essential oil;
  • acorn;
  • heather, at least 1 leaf;
  • a small piece of horseradish root, but not any, but grown with one's own hands or taken from a person who always has money;
  • clover 4-leaf;
  • something to do with the symbol of the year Eastern calendar. Chinese coins (3 pcs.), Tied with a ribbon;
  • a scale from a fish present on the Christmas table;
  • a talisman with hieroglyphs, graphic symbols that accumulate monetary energy;
  • symbols of Jupiter and Venus, contributing to abundance;
  • a mirror that multiplies the contents of the wallet.

Attention! Do not keep used tickets, checks, prescriptions, business cards in your wallet. All this only clutters it up. And the photos of family members that we so love to put in our wallets are interrupted by rivers of money. If you definitely want to have someone's photo, then let it be a person who personifies well-being for you.

Compatibility horoscope: the color of the wallet according to the sign of the zodiac fish is the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Let's paint a portrait of a thing that is guaranteed to contribute to our well-being.

So which wallet attracts money?

1. New, in perfect order

Of course, there is no need to buy another item every week. But buying a new wallet is definitely worth it if:

  • the old one is battered, thin and no longer pulls on the status of a decent home for substantial sums;
  • if you want to start your financial life with a clean slate and are determined to become more wealthy.

You also need to carefully monitor the integrity of the wallet: every hole in your wallet is a hole in your budget. If a hole appears in any place, it must be sewn up immediately (preferably with a golden thread), but it is still better to dispose of the old wallet and buy a new one.

2. Spacious

What wallet size attracts money? Big enough to comfortably hold a lot of money, so that bills don't have to "crowd" and compete for a place in the sun. In this case, the purchased wallet must be organized space- contain enough compartments so that it is easy to keep it in order.

Another answer to the question of how to attract money to a wallet is its price. For it to become a magnet for finance, the product must look expensive. Cheap wallets carry the energy of poverty - big money cannot stay in them, and there is nothing you can do about it. And, most likely, serious sums will not get there at all. Therefore, when thinking about which wallet to buy, it is advisable to consider only expensive options - as expensive as you can afford in the current financial situation. It is believed that buying an expensive wallet is an investment that will pay off many times over very soon.

4. Natural

What wallet material attracts money - only natural! Things made from synthetic materials, do not carry material energy. Moreover, they block or miss the power of wealth and prosperity. Therefore, it is best to buy wallets made of leather and natural fabrics (for example, suede).

What color wallet attracts money? There is no single answer to this question - there are several preferred options.

How to choose the color of the wallet according to Feng Shui?

In accordance with Feng Shui, it is believed that the color of wealth is represented by all shades of earth and metal. And this means that the wallet should be in colors such as brown, black, yellow (from pale to orange) and, of course, gold and silver. The last two shades are good for those who do not want to work hard for the sake of wealth and are ready to be content with easily coming one-time injections into the budget. If you are more interested in stable financial growth, you should choose a green wallet.

Acceptable White color houses for money. What color should a wallet not be? Any shades of blue and grey. Finances will evaporate and flow away in an unknown direction.

As for the red wallet, there are nuances. On the one hand, it is the color of life, energy, so it can help make money. On the other hand, money will not stay in a red wallet for a long time. Therefore, it is worth keeping funds in it that will serve as an investment and go into circulation. A wallet of this color will attract money in the hands of enterprising, inventive, risky people. Moreover, even they are recommended, after receiving (not without the help of a red wallet, of course) a serious amount to start new house for money. In any case, a red wallet is clearly not the kind of thing in which it is worth making stash and capsules for a rainy day. This role is best handled by a brown wallet.

How to choose a wallet color for men and women

How to choose a wallet according to the sign of the Zodiac (color)

You can search for a wallet, focusing on your zodiac constellation. According to astrologers, if people start buying wallets of flowers according to their sun sign, they will never run into any money problems. So, how to choose the color of the wallet according to the sign of the Zodiac?

What kind of wallet does the zodiac sign Aries need?

These people should only have red or burgundy wallets.

What kind of wallet does the zodiac sign Taurus need?

People of this sign should use a white or silver wallet.

What kind of wallet does the zodiac sign Gemini need?

Gemini needs green wallets

What kind of wallet does the zodiac sign Cancer need?

People of this sign need only light, pastel-colored wallets.

What kind of wallet does the zodiac sign Leo need?

The Sun is the ruling planet of this sign, so its representatives need wallets in red, yellow or orange.

What kind of wallet does the zodiac sign Virgo need?

Virgos should buy deep dark green wallets.

What kind of wallet does the zodiac sign Libra need?

These people should have purses in white, silver, or dirt.

What kind of wallet does the zodiac sign Scorpio need?

Scorpios should keep their money in red wallets.

What kind of wallet does the zodiac sign Sagittarius need

Wallets of yellow or orange color- this is what, according to astrologers, Sagittarius needs for financial well-being.

What kind of wallet does the zodiac sign Capricorn need?

Blue or black - perfect color for people of this zodiac sign.

What kind of wallet does the zodiac sign Aquarius need?

These people should have wallets that are very dark or black.

What kind of wallet does the zodiac sign Pisces need?

Yellow wallets are the best choice for Pisces people.

6. Like you

A wallet, in order to attract wealth, must please the person who wears it. You should look at the thing with pleasure, because it helps to accumulate positive energy in it.

What to put in a wealth wallet

What needs to be done so that our house for finance has an inner content rich in every sense, what to put in a wallet to attract money, and so that they are always found there?

What to put in a wallet for wealth - of course, first of all, money!

  • After buying a wallet, you need to immediately put money in it and imagine that there will still be a lot of these in it, and always.
  • Money should be sorted by value, folded on one side; don't fold them in half.
  • For a wallet to attract money, it must never be completely empty. There should always be something “for divorce” in it.

Talismans that attract cash flows to the wallet

Fortunately, there are a lot of them, for every taste. In one of the compartments you can put the following talismans for the wallet:

  • lucky money - for example, one of the banknotes that was once in your hands large sum, a gift from a wealthy person, etc. In this case, you need to be careful with the coins and banknotes that you won or found. In this case, you need to monitor how your budget reacts to such replenishment. It may turn out that the “freebie” will not do any good, and then you need to get rid of the money that has fallen like snow on your head in favor of those in need.
  • rare, collectible coin or banknote. good help fiat bills and coins are considered wealth.
  • a banknote with the number 8 at the end of the serial number. It will be just great if the number contains, in addition to the eight, also 9.
  • cinnamon stick.
  • any of the legumes: beans, beans.
  • fresh or dried mint. Instead, or in addition to the leaves, you can literally drop a couple of drops of mint on the material. essential oil. You can also use patchouli oil for the same purpose.
  • heather leaf.
  • acorn - it is believed that it concentrates material energy in itself.
  • a piece of horseradish root - with such a talisman for a wallet, you can never say that you do not have a horseradish. It is desirable that this horseradish be grown by hand or in the garden of a person who does not suffer from lack of money. By the way, saving the financial situation with horseradish is an old Russian custom.
  • Four-leaf clover
  • a scale of carp or other fish served at the Christmas table. This custom is practiced by Catholics in Western Europe(as well as the previous one) - who knows, maybe it will help you too?
  • It is also recommended to follow Eastern calendar and every year put in a wallet for wealth an image or some kind of symbol of the patron animal of the current 12 months (for example, a feather or something similar in the year of the Rooster, etc.).
  • three Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon.
  • runes, hieroglyphs and others graphic symbols bringing prosperity. In particular, a very good choice is a talisman with the Fehu rune, which effectively accumulates financial energies.
  • symbols of the planets Venus and Jupiter (in astrology they symbolize abundance).
  • a tiny mirror - it is designed to increase your fortune. The main thing is not to forget to take it out when the wallet is temporarily empty.

What should not be in a wallet that attracts wealth

What is not a place in the wallet, which is entrusted with the mission of making you rich? Everything that has nothing to do with money or amulets.

  • Obviously, checks, tickets, business cards, with which we tend to clutter up wallets, do not pull on the role of a mascot.
  • invalid, expired bank cards.
  • prescriptions for medicines, especially expired ones: they can prevent us from recovering, and the money will be spent on medicines.

Can I carry photos in my wallet?

This is a controversial topic, and the main thing here is who is depicted in the pictures. If this is a photo of the very rich, successful people who are for you the personification material well-being, then - unlike pictures of loved ones (more on that below) - such a photo in your wallet would be quite appropriate. From the rich will not decrease, but you can help.

But the photos of loved ones in the wallet are not the best best idea: Snapshot interrupts cash flow. In addition, carrying a photo of a loved one in your wallet is also not recommended because the person depicted on it will be either greedy or, conversely, prone to too frivolous spending.

There is also a compromise option: if you definitely want to carry photos of loved ones in your wallet, then these should be people you love, whom you want to surround with care, including financial. But you can’t carry photos of relatives (even loved ones) in your wallet who are pulling money from you or once caused your difficult financial situation. This can put you in debt. Whether you are ready for such sacrifices for them is up to you.

When to deal with the wallet

On the waning moon, clean your wallet, free it from paper garbage. On the growing moon, it’s good to put things in order in the talismans for the wallet: put in new ones, check the status of the existing ones, etc. Well, go for a new home for big money best when the Moon is in Taurus.

The color of the wallet to attract money according to Feng Shui and the signs of the Zodiac

In esoteric teachings, the color of an object is a reflection of its energy component. Different teachings interpret the influence of colors in different ways. Now we will find out what color a wallet should be to attract money, according to the Eastern teachings of Feng Shui and Western astrology.

Choice according to Feng Shui

It is believed that the energy that corresponds to the element of his birth works best for a person. This applies to the color of any object: a car on which you will not get into an accident, or a wallet that will attract additional material wealth into your life.

Therefore, before determining what the color of the feng shui wallet should be, you need to find out your element by the year of birth.

This color is always considered as one of the most powerful wealth activators. It suits people of the element of Fire. Good for the earth element.

However, even for those elements that suit red, it is not always worth buying such an accessory. The fact is that red enhances everything: both bad and good. And if there are serious problems with money in a person’s life, he can exacerbate these problems. And finally push away material wealth.

Therefore, if you internally feel some resistance, do not purchase a red accessory. Even if you belong to the element of Fire.

This color is considered a symbol of abundance in many cultures. Not only in the teachings of Feng Shui.

A blue wallet suits people of the elements of Water and Wood. Neutral to Earth. And it is completely contraindicated to Fire and Metal.

Black is also associated with Water in Feng Shui. Therefore, such accessories are again suitable for people of the Elements of Water and Wood.

They are bad for Earth, Fire and Metal.

The color of the earth element. Also suitable for Wood and sometimes Metal people. Under no circumstances should it be used by Water and Fire.

Beige shades are good only for the Earth.

An excellent choice for people of the elements of Wood and, oddly enough, Fire.

Also, green items are suitable for all those who start something new in their lives, for example, start a new project, and want to intend to receive additional monetary profit from this enterprise.

The color of the earth element. Suitable for metal.

However, be careful. Money comes into yellow wallets easily. But it's also easy to get out of them. Therefore, they should not be used by people prone to rash spending.

The golden option is suitable only for people who already have good cash savings and want to increase them.

Corresponds to the people of the elements of Metal. They can also use silver and light gray accessories.

Pure whites are shown to those who are completely confused in financial problems and wants to clean and renew their money channels. Regardless of the element of birth.

Choice by Zodiac Signs

Astrologically, the color of the wallet is chosen according to the color of the elements of their zodiac constellation.

Fire Element: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Red, gold, purple (purple, lilac).

Earth Element: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Brown, terracotta, green, black.

Air Element: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

All shades of blue. Work especially well bright hues- color summer sky, turquoise.

Water Element: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

Red and blue-green shades.

It may seem strange that red is associated with Water. But it is so. He personifies the power of the depths of the ocean.

But remember that the final choice is always yours. Be sure to listen to your inner voice. If you feel that the advice of the Eastern teachings does not suit you psychologically, then it is not really true for you.

Feng Shui Terms of Use

  1. Never put family photos in your wallet. It will "confuse" money.
  2. Never leave it empty. There should always be a certain amount of money that is not intended for spending, but simply “lives” there. It will be great if you take such a "fidgetable ruble" from a person who is much more wealthy than you in the financial planets.
  3. Do not use an old, dirty and torn wallet. As soon as an item shows signs of decay, it must be replaced immediately.
  4. Purchase only items made from natural materials. If you can't afford genuine leather, it is better to buy a cloth accessory than an item made of leather.
  5. You can’t keep anything in your wallet that reminds you of spending. For example, receipts. Don't put credit cards in there. Since they symbolize the lack of money, not their abundance. Also, do not put items that have nothing to do with money, for example, identity cards.
  6. Purchase wallets only large enough to fit bills freely without bending.

I would also recommend keeping a banknote in your wallet with a serial number so that its last digits ideally match your year of birth (for example, 1977), or the last 2 or 3 digits match two or three digits from the year of birth, i.e. 977 or 77. You may not be able to find a banknote with four digits of the year of birth right away. But to meet a bill with two numbers is quite real. It must be invariable and always be in the wallet.

The wallet should please. No need to spare money to purchase it. Every time you take it out, positive feelings should arise. This is a message from the Universe that you are happy to spend money. She, in turn, will do everything possible to ensure that you do this more often.

And one more recommendation, not from Feng Shui, but from practical psychology. If there is such a problem as unreasonable spontaneous spending, put a piece of paper in your wallet with a reminder: “Do I need it?” And every time you want to buy another unnecessary thing, it will serve as a kind of reminder. Will save a lot of money) Checked)

Money horoscope: how to choose a wallet according to the Zodiac Sign

Would you like to have a wallet that would attract money to you? If you believe the money horoscope, then this is quite possible if you choose a wallet in accordance with your Zodiac Sign. So, what kind of wallet will attract wealth to you?

Aries need to choose expensive leather wallets. Such an accessory will emphasize his status and become an excellent talisman for money. Preferred wallet colors: red, gold and crimson.

A modest wallet is suitable for Taurus, but with taste. Preferably without drawings and inscriptions. A purse of green and yellow colors will lure money.

A purse with many compartments and pockets will bring money luck to Cancers. The color of the wallet should be chosen lilac, silver, light green.

Leo's purse should be luxurious. Sequins, stones, inscriptions, drawings, riveting and other decorations are welcome. The color of money luck in this case is black, scarlet, purple.

Dev wallet, first of all, should be convenient and practical. Colors Recommended money horoscope- white, green, pale blue.

Libra needs to choose a stylish and original wallet. The colors of money luck are blue, turquoise.

Exceptionally, only a high-quality and expensive wallet can attract good luck in money to Scorpions. The colors recommended by the horoscope are red, yellow, orange, gold.

Sagittarians need to choose a large and bright wallet that will become a beacon for money. lucky colors- blue, green, purple.

The classic version of the wallet will come in handy. Recommended colors are black, blue, brown.

Aquarius, money luck will bring a handmade wallet made by someone from relatives or friends. Colors - turquoise, blue, ultramarine.

Money luck Pisces will bring a vintage wallet. Colors - blue, steel, silver, white, aquamarine.

Use your money luck given to you by your Zodiac sign! Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

What color should Pisces' wallet be?

What color should Pisces' wallet be?

Pisces People- refined natures. They love everything elegant, beautiful and unusual. Pisces can be called connoisseurs of everything beautiful. They look with awe at antiques, they love it when things are made of good, solid materials.

And this time the astrologers are not original. For Pisces, they advise choosing a wallet made of quality leather. It can be performed in strict or vice versa, in unusual design. Pisces are not bold, but when it comes to accessories, they can experiment.

It is better to choose a wallet of medium size. It will be optimal if the extra decor is not made on the wallet, there will be minimalism. The main thing is the quality of the material.

BUT here's the thing about color, then astrologers recommend choosing colors that will remind Pisces of the water element.

  • choose a blue wallet. It is better to choose a deep color.
  • a sea-green wallet is very well suited;
  • steel. It will resemble scales with its modest brilliance, and fish scales are used to attract wealth).

These colors are recognized as universal and can be used to create not only women's, but also men's wallets.

The photo below shows clutch wallets:

How to choose a wallet according to a horoscope

Each wallet has the ability to attract money.

Your money house may have different shape, color, size, material, but regardless, its main purpose is to promote the magic of wealth.

This article will discuss how to choose a wallet according to the horoscope so that it contains money.

What should be a wallet that brings wealth?

You can choose a wallet based on your zodiac constellation.

According to astrologers, if people start buying wallets of flowers according to their sun sign, they will never run into any money problems.

How to choose a wallet according to a horoscope (color)

1. Purse for Aries - These people should only have red, crimson, gold or glittery purses.

2. Wallet for the sign of the Zodiac Taurus - green, lemon, lilac, white or silver.

3. What kind of wallet does the sign of the Zodiac Gemini need - light yellow, orange, purple, gray-blue.

4. Raku wallet - only light, pastel-colored wallets, light purple, pale coral, silver, pistachio, etc.

5. Purse for the sign of the Zodiac Leo - scarlet, black, red, yellow or orange.

6. Which wallet to choose for Virgo - deep dark green, as well as white, light blue.

7. Purses for the signs of Libra - purple, blue, white, silver, aquamarine.

8. Scorpios should keep money in red wallets and all its shades.

9. Green, purple, blue wallets - that's what, according to astrologers, Sagittarius needs for financial well-being.

10. What kind of wallet does the Zodiac sign Capricorn need - blue or black, ash gray, light beige, dark brown.

11. Wallet for the sign of the Zodiac Aquarius - very dark tones or black.

12. Which wallet to choose for the sign of the Zodiac Pisces - blue, steel, aquamarine.

How to choose a wallet to attract money according to a horoscope

1. Aries - strict proportions of the purse famous brand in expensive leather. Don't forget about money talismans Aries.

2. Taurus - original and comfortable model large size, preferably without drawings and inscriptions.

3. Gemini - optimal choice, double-sided wallet or purse with two compartments. Better yet, two wallets at once to stabilize the financial situation.

4. Cancer - pay attention to fasteners and compartments. The presence of a secret pocket is obligatory; you need to put a rake spoon or other purse talisman in it. And if there is only one compartment in the wallet, then let it close with a beautiful lock.

5. Lion - chic quality and beauty, catchy handiwork will do. Sequins, stones, inscriptions, drawings, riveting and other decorations are welcome. And in the inner pocket, place a yellow shiny coin.

6. Virgo - a small, neat wallet, as convenient and comfortable as possible. Be sure to calculate the imperial size of the wallet.

7. Scales - a stylish and original wallet with a large number of compartments and pockets so that you can arrange money in ascending denominations.

8. Scorpio - a thing that has clear seams, even lining, no stains or poor workmanship, with an emphasis on quality.

9. Sagittarius - a big bright wallet that will become a beacon for money luck.

10. Capricorn - classic version that combines beauty and functionality.

11. Aquarius - a large purse in which bills will not wrinkle.

12. Pisces - a wallet made of exceptionally high quality leather, handmade if possible, in vintage style or having an aged look. You can't save on wallets.

Why you can’t give an empty wallet, and what to do if you were given it
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    How to choose a wallet for money
  • According to the art of feng shui, a wallet is the main keeper of money and, accordingly, it is associated with wealth and financial prosperity. It is important to approach the choice of a wallet with all responsibility, because it is with the help of a wallet that you will exchange energy with money.

    From this article, you will learn what the color of the wallet should be, as well as what shape and size products you need to purchase if you want to always have enough money in stock.

    Features of the shape of the purse

    You need to store your hard-earned money in spacious wallets in which they can be placed deployed. It is very important that the money lies in the wallet intact, and not bent halfway or folded in several layers.

    Creases on banknotes will disrupt the circulation of positive energy, which in turn will repel good luck and profit from you.

    According to Feng Shui, the ideal shape for holding money is rectangular. In this case, folding purses will become absolutely useless.

    The wallet must have a special section for small money. If it is not there, it is best to buy an additional compact coin box.

    Natural foundation guarantees success

    In the process of choosing a wallet, it is worth special attention put it on the basis. Feng Shui allows only natural foundations that ensure the free circulation of money energy.

    by the most ideal option will become a natural leather wallet. You can also opt for suede and fabric products.

    Another tricky detail - in its own way appearance the wallet should slightly distract attention from the money itself, thanks to this, others will not be able to take away your financial energy.

    In no case do not buy artificial leatherette products, because the latter does not conduct money energy and will not allow you to attract finance into your life.

    feng shui ideal wallet size

    What size should be the ideal purse according to the philosophy of feng shui? For selection right size"money house" it is necessary to determine its parameters, which are in length, height and depth. But at the same time, you need to use not the usual school ruler, but a special one developed by Feng Shui experts. It has not just markings, but also a scale of favorable and unfavorable sizes. Of course, if you did not find such a ruler, then you can use the usual centimeter.

    It should also be added that the ancient Chinese device has 4 favorable and unfavorable segments. In addition, each of the segments is additionally divided into 4 more sectors. Each sector corresponds to a specific value.

    For example, the group of favorable segments includes the following distances:

    • 0-54 mm;
    • 162-215 millimeters;
    • 215-270 millimeters;
    • 378-432 mm.

    Measure your purse for compliance with these parameters and check how well it is for saving money.

    There are also meanings that are more attractive financial well-being. Next, we will consider them in more detail:

    • 0-13 millimeters - tells about financial success;
    • from 27 to 40 millimeters - will attract all kinds of good luck to its owner;
    • from 40 to 54 millimeters - speaks of wealth;
    • from 1.75 to 1.89 centimeters - such a distance will portend unexpected additional income;
    • from 2.02 to 2.15 - will indicate that success awaits a person in the future;
    • from 2.43 to 2.56 - income will be increased;
    • from 3.78 to 4.02 - soon you will face an influx of finances;
    • from 4.15 to 4.29 - there will be a lot of jewelry;
    • from 4.29 to 4.32 - a person will succeed, succeed in life.

    But besides the positive ones, there are also negative numerical values ​​that you need to beware of. And you will learn about their more detailed meaning later.

    • from 81 to 95 millimeters - they will tell about failures, collapse and the likelihood of imprisonment;
    • from 95 to 108 millimeters - one of the spouses will die;
    • from 149 to 162 - a person can be robbed;
    • from 270 to 284 - such values ​​\u200b\u200bwill tell about death or about a forced change of place of residence;
    • from 297 to 311 - high chances of exile and shame;
    • from 311 to 324 - a lot of money will be lost;
    • from 324 to 338 - the values ​​\u200b\u200btalk about various misfortunes;
    • from 338 to 351 - they will tell about death.

    With regards to the shape of the purse, in order to store paper bills, it is better to choose rectangular options, in which it will be easy to place different money straightened.

    It is necessary to refuse those wallets in which money will be wrinkled or bent - they slow down the flow of monetary energy and prevent money from increasing in its quantity.

    What should be the color of the wallet according to feng shui

    If you conduct an audit of stores with wallets, you will find that most often on sale there are purses of all shades of red. Scarlet, onboard, purple, pomegranate - all these tones have powerful energy.

    At the same time, red wallets, according to feng shui, are not only the strongest in terms of energy, but also the most fastidious. It is important that such a wallet looks perfect - stylish, luxurious and made of leather. High Quality. So that it is not only pleasant to hold it in your hands, but that it also arouses admiration.

    You can choose a wallet that matches your color using an individual method.

    Each person belongs to one or another element, and the color of the chosen wallet will largely depend on it. Therefore, you will need to determine your element, and then your color of wealth. This can be done using a special Circle of Destruction, which looks like this:

    • the element of water takes control of the fire element;
    • the fire in turn affects the metal;
    • metal is elevated above wood;
    • the tree controls the earth;
    • the earth rises above the water.

    If you take the following table as a sample, you can easily determine the color of the purse that suits you best. For example, if you belong to the earth element, then you need to choose yellow wallets for yourself.

    Knowing your personal element, you can easily choose the financial element for yourself. The principle of five elements operates here, according to which the element of money is the one that is under the control of your personal element.

    • the element of personality (tree) - corresponds to the financial earthly element - purses of brown, yellow and sand shades are suitable;
    • fire - the element of metal - opt for white, light gray or silver wallets;
    • earth - correlates with the water money element - black, blue and turquoise wallets are suitable;
    • metal - corresponds to the element of wood - you can buy wallets of all shades of green and light green;
    • the water element of the personality corresponds to the fiery element, which is associated with red, burgundy or pomegranate colors of wallets.

    If this technique seemed complicated enough to you, there is a simpler alternative - the earth element is always associated with accumulation. Therefore, to increase the flow of money, it is worth buying brown, beige or yellow purses.

    Talismans for a rich wallet

    As a rule, people put photographs in their wallets, which depict their loved ones and relatives. However, feng shui does not support this approach and there are two reasons for this:

    • according to the first, when financial energy passes through a photo of a person, it can cause severe harm to his energy field;
    • and according to the second, photographs have far from the most favorable effect on the energy of money.

    It will be much better and more effective if you put a couple of interesting feng shui talismans in your purse, for example, 3 Chinese coins that are hung on a red ribbon, or an imperial-sized mirror (you can buy it in a special store). With the help of such attributes, you will definitely increase your financial flow.

    In the art of feng shui, it is believed that mint is responsible for the smell of money, so if you want to always have banknotes in your wallet (preferably larger), you will need to drop a couple of drops of mint oil into it. If, for some reason, you cannot use an aromatic product, we advise you to simply keep wrappers from mint chewing gum or sweets in your wallet, or you can simply take the leaves of this plant.

    Another trick that will help you attract money into your wallet is to put in it the first coin that you have earned or 100 dollar bill and don't exchange.

    A bean pod stored in a wallet will save a person from excessive spending. And if you put a piece of horseradish in your purse, it will attract more more finance and make you more fortunate financially.

    It may seem strange, but to strengthen and stabilize your cash receipts, you should put honey on one of the banknotes. Thanks to this, you will provide yourself with a stable level of income.

    And if you want to raise money for some kind of purchase or, for example, for recreation, Feng Shui philosophy experts advise you to prepare an image of the item that you dream of owning and place it in your wallet. Every time you open your wallet, the picture will catch your eye, which in turn will create a stream of positive vibrations that will help you get the amount of money that is not enough.

    Now you know for sure what color the purse should be, which will attract financial success into your life. In conclusion, watch an interesting thematic video:

    Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

    For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

    When you're ready, draw a card:

    Some people sincerely believe that the right vault for money can help attract financial flows. Simply put, if you choose a wallet based on some recommendations, then money will always be found in it.

    Of course, you can be skeptical about such beliefs, but why should you follow simple tips when buying a new purse, what if they really help you find financial well-being? In general, today let's talk about how to choose a wallet to attract money correctly.

    Decide on the shape, size and material of the wallet

    Before we answer the question of what kind of wallet should be in order to attract money, inspect your finance vault. If it is already shabby, the zipper is broken, there are holes and some wear, then this is a call that it is time to change the wallet.

    In this form, he will not attract money, so get ready for a new "house". Before heading to the store, be sure that your purchase will be very expensive. Purses that look cheap do not attract money.

    The storage for finance should speak about the status of its owner, look expensive and respectable. Of course, inexpensive products can look solid, but this, unfortunately, is extremely rare.

    If you choose a purse to attract money, then give preference to products made of leather, suede or fabric. It's believed that artificial materials unable to attract financial flows.

    If we talk about what should be the size of the wallet, then, of course, large, spacious, easy to use. The purse should have a compartment for coins and banknotes. It is important that the money fit in full length, without folds.

    The optimal shape of the wallet is a rectangle located horizontally. Paper money can be put into it in expanded form, which will help attract financial flows.

    How to choose the color of the wallet to attract money?

    It is believed that the right shade of a purse will help attract money. Adherents of Feng Shui distinguish black, yellow, brown and golden tones from the entire palette of colors, calling them optimal for the wallet.

    Often, when you come to the store for a wallet, you may encounter a very intrusive service of the seller, who will advise you to buy a red wallet, saying that such a color scheme has a beneficial effect on financial flows.

    Sellers do not lie, there is an opinion that bright, saturated red color remarkably attracts money, helping them not to “leak” from the wallet.

    By the way, all shades of pink are also well suited for attracting finance. People whose work is related to creativity are recommended to choose wallets in yellow, turquoise or purple flowers. Such shades will help increase cash flow.

    Purple and green wallets are considered very good for attracting money, however, such shades are not suitable for everyone. So, for example, a green wallet is recommended for people born on the 2nd or 6th.

    If we talk a little more about color scheme, then from the whole variety one can distinguish silver, orange and white tone. To attract money, wallets of the listed colors are great, these shades have a simple magical properties and will attract material well-being to you.

    Talismans to attract finance

    Now let's talk about what you can put in your wallet to attract money.

    There are a lot of options for a talisman for money, we list the most common:

    • Small figurine of a frog. It is believed that if you put in one of the compartments of the wallet
      miniature of an amphibian, then money will be found in the wallet. This talisman is especially recommended for novice entrepreneurs;
    • In one of the compartments of the purse, you can put a coin that you will never change. Such money will attract others;
    • Pictures depicting mint or tea leaves are also considered excellent money magnets;
    • Some believe that if you dig horseradish yourself, dry its root, and then put a small piece in your wallet, then money will always be found in it;
    • A self-found acorn can also become a good talisman;
    • One scale big fish can help ensure that your money vault is never empty;
    • You can put a bag with sea ​​salt or dry yeast. Such talismans will contribute to material well-being;
    • Chinese coins are considered an excellent talisman for money. You need to take them in the amount of three pieces, string them on a red ribbon, tie it so that the money is not lost, and put it in your wallet;
    • Pine nuts will help you attract finance. To do this, take one nut, break it in half. Draw a plus sign on one part of it, and a minus sign on the other. Put the prepared nuts in the purse in one compartment, but in different directions. It will be a kind of money magnet.

    That's all. Now you know how to choose a wallet to attract money. Of course, to believe or not in all this is a personal matter for everyone, but maybe it's worth a try?


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