Beautiful terms in Russian. Ъbkhnoshe umpchb

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All people want to appear very smart. To be considered a smart person, you must learn to use smart words. This is not at all as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Below is a short list of buzzwords you will need. Interspersed with both smart and obscene words in your texts, you have every chance to be known as a person of broad views.

Regular list of smart words and expressions:

Idiosyncrasy– intolerance. My favorite smart word. In general, the term is medical, but it can be used anywhere and everywhere. For example: I have an idiosyncrasy for fools!

Transcendental– abstract, abstract, academic, mental, speculative, mental, theoretical. Somewhere like this. Due to the breadth of the concept, a broad use of the term is recommended, where it is necessary and where it is not necessary.

Metaphysical- approximately the same as Transcendental. The term is good for answering a question whose essence you do not understand. For example, like this - “How do you feel about scholasticism? - In a metaphysical sense?”

Binomial theorem- a formula for representing the power of the sum of two numbers. It is used, as a rule, as an expression of something complex as opposed to uncomplicated. For example: “I also like Newton’s binomial!” = Shit-pie!

Scholasticism- medieval philosophical movement. I included scholasticism in my list of smart words solely because of its beautiful name.

Metrosexual- a euphemism for a homosexual. To be completely honest.

Esoterics- secret teaching. Nothing more is known about him.

Truism- a generally known opinion or statement. A typical example of a truism is “The Volga flows into the Caspian Sea.”

Euphemism- replacing rude or harsh words and expressions with softer ones. Among the people, the phenomenon received a very biting and precise formulation: “There is an ass, but there is no word.”

Sophistry- ability to conduct debates cunningly. Juggling with words and concepts. For example: “Go to hell with your sophistry!”

Glossary- also a smart word. Unfortunately, I always forget its meaning and therefore almost never use it. List of abbreviations and abbreviations.

Eclecticism- a combination of heterogeneous views, ideas and theories. A euphemism for bad taste. For example: “He dresses so eclectic!”

Invective– obscene, vulgar language, swearing. Often used in combination with invective vocabulary.

Homogeneous– homogeneous. For example: “The homogeneity of this yogurt is beyond doubt.”

Gender– sexual. Intergender, respectively, intergender. A very favorite word in LJ.

Addiction- addiction. Eg. Internet addiction. Like mine.

Decadence- decadence. The term is good for assessing any actions of any characters. For example: “What decadence!”

Congruence- a very rich word. One of my favorites. It means a state of integrity and complete sincerity, when all parts of the personality work together, pursuing one goal. It is also often used with the prefix not. A very congruent word.

Hyperbola- exaggeration. For example: "Don't be hyperbolic, please!"

Voluntarism- a doctrine that places the volitional principle as the basis of existence. Nowadays, it is used as an evaluative term for a person’s actions that you personally do not like. For example: “Vanya drank all the tequila. This is pure voluntarism!”

Ubiquists- species of plants and animals that live everywhere. Don’t get carried away with this term, no one knows it anyway except you and me.

The cognitive dissonance- new information that conflicts with old knowledge available to a person. The term was introduced into Russian use mainly by the writer Pelevin.

Epistemology- theory of knowledge, the main part of philosophy, considering the conditions and limits of the possibility of reliable knowledge. A very smart word. Unfortunately, it is rarely used.

Egocentric- Self-lover. Just like us all. It is important not to use the term in relation to oneself. Not accepted. Perhaps as a matter of self-irony.

Fisting- You don’t need this. This is from areas of severe depravity. Just know what it is when you use your fist.

Guelphs and Gibbelins- The Guelphs are for the pope and the popolans, the Gibbelins are for the emperor and the nobles. In general, you don’t need this either. It is unlikely that you will be able to show off your erudition. Few experts.

Coherence- Very beautiful word. (from the Latin cohaerens - in connection), the coordinated occurrence in time of several oscillatory or wave processes, manifested when they are added.

Frustration- disappointment. our life is a chain of frustrations.

Discourse- and so everyone knows. but it's a smart word.

In the first grade, the average student knows about two thousand words and further learns up to ten words a day while studying at school. Thus, upon graduation, the average citizen we are considering knows tens of thousands of words. At the same time, we use an average of five thousand words, which constitute a constant lexicon.


It is useful to know buzzwords and their meaning for conversation with other people. Rich speech helps to attract attention, interest a person, look better, clearly express thoughts, control the opinion of the interlocutor and gives many other pleasant bonuses. You can also find those who study smart words and their meaning to humiliate an opponent and gain a feeling of superiority. However, such motivation is not ideal, although a dictionary of buzzwords can indeed help you feel better and superior to those who do not know such words.

If we talk about the function that smart words have for communication in everyday life, then rich speech, knowledge of certain quantities and their meanings attract attention. The interlocutor’s brain focuses on expressions that are atypical for everyday speech. Therefore, they begin to listen to you more carefully. As a result, your words are better remembered, and you become an interesting, sharp-tongued, interlocutor with whom it is pleasant to communicate.

In addition, knowing a list of smart words is a status norm for people who communicate with intellectuals, are interested in creativity, and use brainwork. If you communicate in this area, you must have the appropriate skills. Among other things, it is important to learn to speak reasonedly and to the point, to add interesting accents and tones to your own speech, which the following words will help you achieve.


A priori. It does not require proof, is understandable and has been obtained experimentally.

Biennale. Initially art exhibition, nowadays they call it just a party related to art. The peculiarity is that it is held every two years.

Vesicular. Originally a medical term that refers to vesicles found in the lungs.

Gesheft. The German word originally refers to trade and profit, and is still used in a similar meaning, but it can also be used in another, figurative sense.

Dissonance. Originally a musical term that indicates an inharmonious combination of sounds. Now it is used quite often, including in combination with cognitive dissonance, which everyone wants to plunge each other into. Example of use: “Your illiterate use of smart words introduces dissonance into your speech.”

Endova. Utensils for drinking and eating, but also a valley means a kind of gutter between two roof slopes. If the roof has a complex structure, then where two differently directed slopes connect, a valley is formed. Not often used in modern speech.

Jamevu. A term close to psychiatry, the antonym of déjà vu. With jamevu, you are in familiar surroundings or circumstances that you have been in many times before, but you feel as if you are here for the first time.

It is being built. To understand, simply associate this word with the word based.

Indulgence. Previously in catholic church They sold the document for the atonement of sins, retail, wholesale and by weight. Such a product was called indulgence. Now used in figurative meaning.

Incident. Originally a Latin word, relatively recently it was often used in jurisprudence. In general, it indicates a strange situation, a coincidence of circumstances that does not depend on characters, can have both positive and negative meanings. Not noticing and stepping into a puddle is an incident, but meeting a good friend is also an incident.

Liquidity. An economic term, but now used in everyday life. Indicates your ability to convert assets or private property into money.

Skimping. Disdainful attitude. For example: “At work, Ivan skimped on his direct responsibilities.”

Neologism. Literally translated from Latin - “new word”. It can be a new word created or a word used with a new meaning. An example from the Internet: like is a completely new neologism.

Orthodox. Greek word, antonym of heretic. In the original meaning - a person who is faithful to the teaching, who does not deviate from the original postulates. Now it can be used in other contexts.

Puritanism. A unique understanding of purity of views and behavior in society. Characteristics are moderation, conservatism of views, minimization of pleasures, claims, needs.

Radicalism. Extreme adherence to views, the use of crude methods to create change, often in social structures.

Maxim. A moral or wise saying. For example, “afterwards Ivan spent the whole evening bursting out in the company of friends with deep maxims on the topic of education.”

Interpretation. A similar word is interpretation. In general, we are talking about some kind of comment, explanation, view of a certain phenomenon. For example, “his interpretation of Lars von Trier’s film differs from the generally accepted one.”

Union. A form of association or generalization. Originally a political-economic term, but it can be used in other contexts.

Frustration. The feeling when you want to get what you want, but cannot achieve the goal.

Hypocrisy. Creating a positive image of one’s own personality, a deliberately strong negative attitude towards free views, flaunted virtue, modesty (sometimes religiosity). Although in reality the hypocrite is far from the ideals declared out loud.

Time trouble. Lack of time.

Swaggering. Arrogant and dismissive attitude. For example, “The boss, although he kept his distance, was not arrogant, he could communicate normally and joke.”

Chauvinism. Initially refers to nationalism and represents its radical form. Chauvinists considered their own nation to be exceptional and the best. The term can be used in other contexts, but the meaning of the understanding of exclusivity remains.

Scrupulousness. Following to each “chip”. Behaving according to standards or treating something with care and rigor.

Etymology. The field of knowledge about the origin and meaning of words. In order to expand your own vocabulary, it is useful to study etymology.

Jurisdiction. Range of powers possessed government agency or structure.

Jagdtash. Hunting bag. Now the term is used as a name for a convenient, stylish bag.

Now that you know some smart Russian words and their meanings, you should give additional advice. These terms should not be used everywhere, just as different clothes are worn for different situations, and appropriate communication styles are used for different circumstances.

Otherwise, you will look ridiculous, throwing terms everywhere and inserting them indiscriminately into all phrases. The beauty of speech lies in the harmonious combination of words, weaving a pattern of their sound and meaning.

Mastering the art of competent communication is not difficult if you wish. However, it will be equally important to pay attention to such aspects as correct diction, a well-trained voice and the appropriateness of using certain words.

There are situations when simply using smart words and terms is not enough, especially if they are used completely out of place and off topic. To avoid ridiculous attempts to attract the attention of your interlocutor only by inserting clever words, you should definitely study not only the meaning of these words, but also their synonyms and antonyms, correct positioning accents, declension and gender. For example, it is a common mistake to use the neuter word “coffee” or to try to make the word “coat” plural.

Another opportunity to show yourself as a competent interlocutor is the ability to avoid banal, hackneyed and “hackneyed” expressions. Instead of “good” you can say “smart” if you are talking about an employee or colleague as a specialist, instead of “beautiful” you can say “spectacular”, “catchy” if you are discussing the appearance of anyone, even an acquaintance, even a celebrity. Using a dictionary, you can find a synonym for almost every word that is both understandable to everyone and at the same time quite unusual. This approach will undoubtedly attract attention to you during communication.

Parasitic words can be omitted or replaced. You will not learn this right away, but persistent and thoughtful training will help you achieve the desired effect. Speak slowly, carefully thinking through your phrases and their logical construction. Gradually, you will definitely master the art of conducting a conversation competently, and this will help you make the right impression, and, perhaps, will push your rise in success. career ladder. Do not underestimate the ability to correctly express your thoughts and the ability to argue your own opinion; such skills can be useful in any situation.

In this article we will look at some buzzwords and their meaning. Many of them are probably familiar to you. However, not everyone knows what they mean. We took the most from various areas of human knowledge.


Quintessence - in medieval and ancient alchemy and natural philosophy - the fifth element, ether, the fifth element. He is like lightning. This is one of the main elements (elements), the most accurate and subtle. In modern cosmology, quintessence is a model of dark energy (its hypothetical form, which has negative pressure and uniformly fills the space of the Universe). Quintessence in a figurative sense is the most important, essential, the main point, the purest and subtlest essence, extract.


Onomatopoeia is a word that is an onomatopoeia that arose as a result of phonetic assimilation to various non-speech complexes. Onomatopoeic vocabulary is most often associated directly with objects and creatures - sources of sound. These are, for example, verbs such as “meow”, “croak”, “rumble”, “crow”, and nouns derived from them.


Singularity - which represents a certain point at which the considered mathematical function tends to infinity or has some other irregular behavior.

There is also a gravitational singularity. This is a region of space-time where the curvature of the continuum turns to infinity or suffers a discontinuity, or the metric has other pathological properties that do not allow physical interpretation. - a short period of rapid technological progress assumed by researchers. The singularity of consciousness is a globally generalizing, expanded state of consciousness. In cosmology, this is the state of the Universe in which it was at the beginning of the Big Bang, it is characterized by infinite temperature and density of matter. In biology, this concept is used mainly to generalize the evolutionary process.


The term "transcendence" (the adjective is "transcendent") comes from the Latin word meaning "to step over." This is a philosophical term that characterizes something inaccessible to experimental knowledge. B was used together with the term “transcendental” to denote God, soul and other concepts. Immanent is its opposite.


“Catharsis” is a term from modern psychoanalysis that denotes the process of relieving or reducing anxiety, frustration, conflict through emotional release and their verbalization. In ancient Greek aesthetics, this concept was used to express in words the impact of art on a person. The term "catharsis" in ancient philosophy was used to designate the result and process of ennobling, purifying, facilitating the impact various factors per person.


What other smart words should you know? For example, continuum. This is a set equal to the set of all real numbers, or a class of such sets. In philosophy, this term was used by the ancient Greeks, as well as in the works of the scholastics of the Middle Ages. IN contemporary works in connection with changes in the “continuum” itself, it is often replaced by the noun “duration”, “continuity”, “indissolubility”.


"Nigredo" is a term of alchemy that denotes the complete decomposition or first stage of the creation of the so-called philosopher's stone. This is the formation of a homogeneous black mass of components. The next stages after nigredo are albedo (the white stage, which produces the small elixir, which turns metals into silver) and rubedo (the red stage, after which the great elixir is obtained).


“Entropy” is a concept that was introduced by the German mathematician and physicist Clausius. It is used in thermodynamics to determine the degree of deviation from an ideal real process, the degree of energy dissipation. Entropy, defined as the sum of reduced heats, is a function of state. It is constant under various reversible processes, and in irreversible change its always positive. We can highlight, in particular, This is a measure of the uncertainty of a certain message source, which is determined by the probabilities of the appearance of certain symbols during transmission.


In psychology, there are often smart words, and their designations sometimes cause difficulties in definition. One of the most popular is the word “empathy”. This is the ability to empathize, the ability to put oneself in the place of another (object or person). Also, empathy is the ability to accurately identify a particular person based on actions, facial reactions, gestures, etc.


Clever words and expressions from psychology also include a direction in this science that explains human behavior. It studies the direct connections existing between reactions (reflexes) and stimuli. Behaviorism directs the attention of psychologists to the study of experience and skills, as opposed to psychoanalysis and associationism.


Enduro is a style of riding on special trails or off-road, racing over long distances over rough terrain. They differ from motocross in that the race takes place on a closed track, and the lap length ranges from 15 to 60 km. Riders cover several laps per day, the total distance being from 200 to 300 km. Basically, the route is laid in mountainous areas and is quite difficult to pass due to the abundance of streams, fords, descents, ascents, etc. Enduro is also a mixture of city and motocross motorcycles.

They are easy to drive, like road vehicles, and have increased cross-country ability. Enduros are close in a number of characteristics to cross-country skis. You can call them jeep motorcycles. One of their main qualities is unpretentiousness.

Other smart words and their meanings

Existentialism (otherwise known as the philosophy of existence) is a movement in the 20th century in philosophy that viewed man as a spiritual being capable of choosing his own destiny.

Synergetics is an interdisciplinary area of ​​research in science, the task of which is to study natural processes and phenomena based on the principles of self-organization various systems, which consist of subsystems.

Annihilation is the reaction of the transformation of an antiparticle and a particle upon collision into some particles different from the original ones.

A priori (literal translation from Latin - “from what precedes”) is knowledge that is obtained independently of and before experience.

Modern smart words are not understood by everyone. For example, "metanoia" (from Greek word, meaning “rethinking”, “after the mind”) - a term that means repentance (especially in psychotherapy and psychology), regret about what happened.

Compilation (otherwise known as programming) is the transformation by some compiler program of text written in difficult language, into a machine, close to it, or objective module.

Rasterization is the conversion of an image, which is described in a vector format, into dots or pixels for output to a printer or display. This is a process that is the inverse of vectorization.

The next term is intubation. It comes from the Latin words for "into" and "pipe." This is the insertion of a special tube into the larynx in case of narrowings that threaten suffocation (with swelling of the larynx, for example), as well as into the trachea in order to administer anesthesia.

Vivisection - performing on a living animal surgical operations to study body functions or individual organs removed, to study the effects of various drugs, to develop surgical treatments, or for educational purposes.

The list of “Smart words and their meaning” can, of course, be continued. There are a lot of such words in various branches of knowledge. We have highlighted only a few that are quite widespread today. Knowing buzzwords and their meaning is useful. This develops erudition and allows you to better navigate the world. Therefore, it would be nice to remember what smart words are called.

Were there Russians? What was the cutter used for? Who is Herzumsrolik? These and other words are on the list of the most interesting hapaxes - words used only once in history

Gapaxes(in Greek - ἅπαξ λεγόμενον, hapax legomenon, “named once”) are words that appear only once in the entire body of texts in a given language. There should be many such words in every language: according to Zipf’s statistical law, the frequency dictionary of any text and any collection of them contains a long tail of “ones”. Most of these hapaxes consist of well-known roots and suffixes and are understandable even to those who have not heard them before. However, some of these words are particularly interesting, especially when we are talking about dead languages ​​or literary classics: their meaning is often mysterious, their origin is unclear, and in some cases they are complete ghost words, resulting from an erroneous interpretation of the text.


Old Russian language

From the album “Peoples of Russia”. France, 1812-1813 Bibliothèque nationale de France

The most famous ancient Russian hapax is the word Russians. True, it occurs not once, but four times, but only in one short text- “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.” But rarely are any of our contemporaries unfamiliar with this word: in dozens of popular books and films, residents Ancient Rus' that’s the only way they are called, so now the word “Rusich” has become a popular patriotic name for anything: from a subway car to a cinema. And yet ourselves East Slavs usually called themselves simply collectively - Rus. No one ancient monument With Russians It was not possible to find more, except for obvious crude fakes such as the “Veles Book”. Even in the medieval imitation of the “Word” - “Zadonshchina” - the words Russians not on any of the lists, but there is Russian sons.

For a long time, a minority of scientists defended the point of view according to which the Lay, the only manuscript of which burned in 1812, was fake. Of course, the name of the inhabitants of Rus', which does not exist anywhere else, served these authors as one of the arguments in favor of the forgery of the monument. Now it is shown that this word does not actually contradict ancient Russian norms; rare options for -ichi were in most names of peoples and denoted “children of a common ancestor.” In addition, a similar word was found in Ukrainian folklore Rusovichi. "The Word" is a poetic text, so unusual name could very well be used in it.


Old Russian language

In one ancient Russian text, the list of property mentions forged cutter. The “Dictionary of the Russian Language of the XI-XVII centuries” includes the word “fornicator” with the indication “the meaning is unclear.” Imagination draws some kind of metal forged tool, the purpose of which is better not to think about.

Linguist Vadim Krysko solved the riddle of the “fornicator.” This word simply does not exist: the letter “yus” (ѫ) is read not as most often - “u”, but as “yu”, and before us is simply “forged cut dish”, that is, a dish with a forged carved pattern. Nominative in such cases it happens in modern language: for example, in the inscription on the price tag “leather gloves”.


Ukrainian language

The father of Ukrainian literature, Ivan Kotlyarevsky, wrote in his poem “Aeneid”:

Dzheregels were woven here,
Chunks on the heads.

In the Ukrainian-Russian glossary appended to the Aeneid, he explained that these are “braids, finely braided and arranged like a wreath on the head.” Since then, this word has been included in various dictionaries. Ukrainian language, including a small dictionary compiled by the young N.V. Gogol; but all its uses ultimately go back to Kotlyarevsky. Where he got the word from and whether it exactly means what it says in the glossary is unclear. In the 1985 Etymological Dictionary it is associated with Polish ceregiela(“ceremony”), but the meaning Polish word completely different. For some time in the Russian Wikipedia there was an article “Dzheregeli”, illustrated with a photograph of Yulia Tymoshenko, but then it (the article) was deleted.


Belarusian language

Cab driver in Vilna

In Yanka Kupala's classic play "Tuteishyya" ("Local" or "Natives"), one character meets another carrying a cart with all sorts of junk, and says to him:

“What’s wrong with you? Didn't you leave the men's free Hertzum-roles? “like a wheelbarrow, you ram this buck with yourself.”

More Belarusian texts with the word hertsum-srolik No. But it was found in the essays in Russian “Travel through Polesie and the Belarusian Territory” by Pavel Shpilevsky, where, when describing the Nemiga spills, it is said:

“Since this channel is sometimes quite large, bridges are built to cross it: however, fast water demolishes the bridges on the same day as they are built, and then you have to cross in hired cab carts (like the Viennese Zeiselwagen) of the so-called Hertzum roller Jews, who fly to the shores of Novaya Nemiga in countless numbers and collect pennies from the riders for transportation.”

As one can conclude, this word means a Minsk Jew who earns money as a cab driver, a kind of “bombilo”, a “free” non-professional. It is logical to look for its etymology in the Yiddish language. Linguist Alexandra Polyan suggested that it consists of her cu- “hey, you” and “Srolik” (in Ukrainian Yiddish Srul) - common Jewish name, a diminutive of Israel.


Ancient Greek language

“Chersonese Oath” - a monument from the territory of Crimea (near present-day Sevastopol), found in the central square ancient city Chersonese Tauride in the 1890s. Dated to the beginning of the 3rd century BC. e. This is a marble slab with a long text of the oath of a Chersonese citizen. Among the understandable oaths (“I will not betray anything to anyone, neither Greek nor barbarian”, “I will not violate democracy”, “I will not plot a conspiracy”, “I will be an enemy to attackers”) there is also this: “I will protect the saster (ΣAΣTNR) for the people.”

This word is not found in any other Greek text of Old or Modern times. The literature on Saster is enormous. There are many hypotheses, including some very eccentric ones. Max Vasmer and Lev Elnitsky, for example, believed that saster was the Scythian governor of Chersonesos, S. A. Zhebelev - that this was some kind of sacred object, for example an idol; V.V. Latyshev (the first publisher of the inscription) - that this is something legal concept, for example, the civil oath. Parallels were sought for this word in Iranian and other languages. Historical novels appeared in which the sacred saster towering above the Chersonesos shore appears; A festival called “Saster of Chersonesos” was held in Sevastopol. On the Internet you can listen to a song with the words “And I will find the magic saster” (with the emphasis on “a”) and read poetry with the line “The unknown saster that melts away from us” (with the emphasis on “e”).

But no one knows for certain what or who the “saster” is, which (which) the Chersonesos were supposed to protect for the people. This problem can be solved only if one day another inscription with this word is found in the Black Sea region.


Latin language

The Vulgate (the Latin translation of the Bible made by Saint Jerome) in most editions contains the following edition of verses 23-24 of chapter 19 of the Book of Job:

Quis mihi tribuat ut scribantur sermones mei? Quis mihi det ut exarentur in libro stylo ferreo et plumbi lamina, vel celte sculpantur in silice?

(“Oh, if only my words were written down! If only they were inscribed in a book with an iron and tin chisel, carved on stone for eternity!”)

Where in the Russian translation the words “for eternal time” (they are in both the Greek and Hebrew texts of the Bible; Jerome for some reason missed them), there is the Latin word celte- this can only be an ablative (in in this case analogue of the Russian instrumental case) from the word celtis, meaning, judging by the context, some kind of tool for carving stone, for example “cutter” or “chisel”. Word celtis not found, except for the translation of the Bible, in any ancient text; all of his medieval examples depend on the Vulgate. The word found its way into many Latin dictionaries, and during the Renaissance it was taken as a name by the humanist Conrad Celtis, whose real name Bickel means “pick, pick, ice pick” in German.

In many oldest lists Vulgates in place of the word celte is well known certe- “exactly” ( vel certificate Jerome means something like “or else”). A number of researchers believed that celte- a complete phantom, the result of a typo instead certe. Philologist Max Niederman rehabilitated this word, showed that there is no reason to consider it a secondary reading, and brought to it a number of interesting Indo-European parallels. That the word meaning instrument was not included in the bulk of Latin texts, only a small part of which was devoted to technical topics, is not surprising.

More than 6,000 languages ​​are spoken on Earth, all of which describe the diversity and diversity of human life.

But because all these languages ​​convey slightly different worldviews, no one language can fully contain the experience of humanity. On the contrary, every language on Earth contains words that do not exist in any other language. These treasures of linguistics are easy to define, but cannot be translated into one word. Can you, for example, remember at least one word that denotes the essence of you that you put into your work? You could say that you put your “whole soul” into it, but the Greeks simply call this kind of passion for work μεράκι (meraki).

Geography, climate, cuisine, religion and humor are just a few of the factors that lead to the emergence of such unique and unusual words in a language - a distinct part of the human experience.

Here are some examples of the most rare words, which have no analogues in other languages ​​of the world:

abbiocco (Italian)

Noun: that feeling of sleepiness that occurs after a hearty lunch or dinner.

We've all at one time or another succumbed to a light nap after eating, but only the Italians carefully encapsulated this phenomenon in one word. Therefore, when you really want to take a nap after lunch, know that you have abbiocco.

desenrascanço (Portuguese)

Noun: the ability to quickly find an improvised solution.

Desenrascanço- this is the working style of any successful red tape worker. This means not only solving problems and completing tasks, but also a completely improvised approach. Secret agent MacGyver from the television series of the same name used this skill, each time preventing disaster with the help of a bent paper clip and a gum wrapper.

hyggelig (Danish)

Adjective: comfortable, cozy.

Have you ever needed a word that combines everything cozy, safe, friendly and caring? The Danes covered all these meanings with the word hyggelig. It is so often used in Everyday life, which many Danes consider it a national character trait.

sobremesa (Spanish)

Noun: afternoon conversation at the table.

The Spaniards are known for their love of long breakfasts, lunches and dinners together, but it's not just about the food. If after dinner you stay at the table to savor the last “dish” - a pleasant conversation, then you are pampering yourself sobremes.

utepils (Norwegian)

Noun: beer that is drunk on the street.

Norwegians have to wait through a long, dark winter to enjoy a beautiful but short summer. Therefore, the beer that is drunk under open air, absorbing bright Sun rays, this is not just “beer” for you, but utepils.

verschlimmbessern (German)

Verb: to make a situation worse in an attempt to make it better.

We've all experienced this before: trying to solve a small problem, we create an even bigger one. Maybe you tried to inflate a flat tire on your bicycle, but now the wheel won't spin? Or after reinstalling Windows, your laptop freezes every time you turn it on? Oh no! Just don’t say that you yourself tried to fix a haircut you didn’t like! In general, a German would call any of these actions verschlimmbessern.

yakamoz (Turkish) and mångata (Swedish)

Noun: reflection of moonlight on water.

It doesn't matter what language you speak. From time to time you probably admire the reflection of the moon on the surface of the water. But if you are not a Turk or a Swede, then it is impossible to describe this beauty in one word. Swedish mångata literally translates to "moon road", a most apt poetic description.

Turkish also has a special word - gümüşservi, but it is not used in everyday speech. It is much easier to call the lunar reflection on the water yakamoz. This word can describe any light reflecting off the water, or even sparkling fish.


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