Wall paint - description, choice, characteristics, properties, photos, videos. Paint for walls in an apartment (60 photos): how to choose the right one? Important characteristics of paints and varnishes

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It is impossible to say unequivocally which paint for walls is better, because there is no single rating. The choice depends on your budget and the type of room you want to paint.

All materials can be divided into three groups: for external use, for internal use and universal ones, which can be used in both cases. It is logical that two types out of three are suitable for interior renovation: specialized colors and universal ones. Why shouldn't you use materials intended for outdoor use?

The fact is that the coating for facade works may contain toxic antiseptics, hardeners - substances that cause irritation and even irritation in a closed, unventilated space. Only garage walls are suitable for painting this way.

Paint and varnish materials intended for interior works in a house or apartment, there are two types: based on water and other solvents.

Water soluble

They are also called water-dispersed, water-emulsion - the difference is in the constituent components. They are popular because of their price and practicality: they dry quickly, are tinted well, do not smell, and fit perfectly on almost any surface.

At the same time, the cheapest, but not stable emulsion is based on PVA. It gets dirty easily and is susceptible to moisture. The walls are not covered with it, maximum - in a non-aggressive environment, for example, in the living room or bedroom.


This paint contains aqueous dispersions of acrylic resins. After application they form a thin protective film, resistant to moisture and mechanical stress. This coating is suitable even for rooms with high humidity.

By the way, acrylic-based water dispersion works well on both wood and concrete surfaces. The only “but”: if there are small irregularities, it is recommended to putty first, for more serious defects - first.

More often acrylic coating It is sold in the store as a white base. To get the desired shade, you need to add color - a colored pigment. You can even do this at home yourself. So that the result does not disappoint you, and there is no problem of incompatible components, take a color paste from the same company as the base.


These are aqueous emulsions based on latex copolymers to which rubber has been added. Which paint is better for walls in an apartment: acrylic or latex? Depends on your goals. The latter are distinguished by even greater strength and water resistance, but also by a higher price.

Latex emulsion is often used to decorate rooms with high humidity. In addition, it is recommended to use it to create decor from plaster, for example, imitation of a brick wall. Thin layer, which is formed after application, preserves the texture of the surface, while additionally protecting it from water and moisture.

Like acrylics, latex coatings are mixed with color to obtain the desired shade.


This emulsion based on silicone resins is one of the new products on the construction market. It is suitable not only for finishing walls inside, but also for decorating the facade of a building, it has good performance resistance to mechanical damage, ultraviolet radiation, heat resistance and antiseptic properties. The only significant minus is its high price.

However, in pure form such emulsions are rare. Most manufacturers offer acrylic-silicone mixtures.

Important characteristics of paints and varnishes

  • Hiding power - the ability to paint over the color of a surface. The higher this indicator, the fewer layers are needed to create a uniform tone. The covering power of cheap colors is lower, this should be taken into account when purchasing; you will need more cans.
  • Vapor permeability - the ability to “breathe”. This indicator is important for rooms with high humidity. Vapor-permeable paints conduct moisture and fungus.
  • Resistance to abrasion, that is, mechanical damage, is an indicator of durability. It is determined in laboratory conditions, simulating the washing procedure.

Paints for different rooms

How to choose paint for walls in the kitchen and bathroom

As you know, the most aggressive environment in an apartment is in the kitchen. Here high humidity and temperature, splashes of water and grease. Not every coating can withstand this. The materials needed are appropriate: waterproof, vapor permeable, with good abrasion properties. Latex and silicone emulsions meet such requests.

For bedroom and living room

The calmer environment of the bedroom and living room does not require the coating to be wear-resistant and waterproof. To avoid financial costs Acrylic paint will help. Choose products that have a wet cleaning label on their packaging, so you can wipe down the surface periodically.

Decoration of the nursery

Does a small child strive to paint the room? Choose a color that can be washed and is resistant to mechanical stress. For example, acrylic emulsion.

Often it is in the nursery that you want to create an accent: a fairy-tale pattern or textured finish. Moreover, this can be done even with your own hands. And with an older child, the activity can turn into an exciting game. What colors to paint on the wall? The best option- acrylic. The advantages are obvious: a palette of colors and ease of application.

How to choose an invoice

  • Matte does not shine. Ideally hides surface imperfections. Suitable for rooms with low traffic, such as bedrooms. Deep-matte emulsion is also gaining popularity; it is especially relevant in modern-style interiors.
  • Semi-matte has a barely noticeable shine. It has slightly higher wear resistance and durability; such surfaces can often be washed. Suitable for covering hallways and corridors.
  • Semi-gloss was created for decorating a nursery, kitchen, bathroom - rooms that will have to be washed frequently. It has good strength, resistance to dirt and wear.
  • Glossy gives a shine almost like glass. This is the most abrasion-resistant paint. But it is difficult to work with: the surface must be perfect, because gloss can emphasize even the slightest roughness and unevenness. By the way, you can decorate an accent wall in this way.

Will help right choice: Be sure to level the surface, use a primer and a medium-nap roller.

What else to consider

If you can't choose a color for your bedroom, kitchen or living room, try making an inspiration board. Create a folder on your computer or print out the interior designs you like. When a sufficient number has accumulated, look at what unites them? What color scheme, style?

Designers unanimously call. However, let's be honest: the majority still prefer a neutral base. Want to try brighter options? Start with a focal point or small rooms. By the way, the most likely successful experiment will be the bathroom. A neutral white bathtub and sink will withstand any color.

  • Material prepared by: Anastasia Khripunkova
  • In the apartment. How to choose the right one in each specific case is one of the main questions that must be answered before starting repair work. The existing variety of shades of different paints allows you to create different visual effects indoors, so the final choice has to be made not according to color characteristics, but according to other parameters. Below we will talk about what paints currently exist on the construction market and what is important to consider before purchasing.

    Current classification

    Arriving at any hardware store, your eyes will run wide from various cans with different types of paints. In trying to understand all this abundance, it is worth thinking in advance what characteristics should be indicated on the bank you need. Let's go through the points:

    1. All paints are divided into facade and interior, i.e. some are used outside the house, and others inside. Paints for walls in an apartment should be interior paints (often the packaging says “for interior use”).
    2. Paints differ in their interaction with water: there are moisture- and non-moisture resistant, i.e. some are applicable in wet areas (kitchen, bathroom), while others are not. To choose more suitable option, you need to think about the purpose of the room being renovated.
    3. One more important parameter, according to which all paints are divided into two groups, is vapor permeability. There are vapor-permeable ones on the market, i.e. breathable materials and vapor-tight. In those rooms where it will be held a large number of time (living room, bedroom), it is necessary to choose vapor-permeable paints for the walls.
    4. Already when choosing and purchasing building materials It's worth thinking about caring for them. An important parameter here is wear resistance. This is especially important when choosing washable paint, because the degree of abrasion resistance should directly depend on the frequency of washing the walls.
    5. Also, when choosing, you need to rely on such a characteristic as hiding power. It means how much paint is needed per 1 square. m. surface. On appearance this parameter does not affect the painted wall in any way, but it should be taken into account when determining required quantity cans.
    6. To make your work easier and more convenient, you should look for another concept on the paint can - thixotropy. This parameter takes into account the ability to change its consistency under any external influences. With high thixotropy, paints do not flow from the brush, do not leave streaks, and do not cause sediment in the jar.
    7. Based on texture, glossy and matte, regular and embossed paints are distinguished, and not only the aesthetic side is important here: glossy is only suitable for perfectly smooth coatings, and, for example, textured paint can hide some wall defects.
    8. Advice! It is advisable to find the inscription “for walls” on the can. Many paints are positioned as universal, but the properties and characteristics of materials for walls and ceilings or floors are somewhat different, so it is better to purchase individual materials for each coating.

      Types of paints by composition

      Based on their composition, all paints are divided into several types, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages:

    • Water-dispersed (in some sources it is called “ water-based wall paint") contains water in the form of a solvent, so it dries quickly and has no odor. All paints created on water based, differ in the polymer that acts as a binder. Such a substance can be polyvinyl acetate (the cheapest option, which is suitable for decorating ceilings, but only in dry rooms), acrylic resins or latex. Among the advantages of such paints are the vapor permeability of the coating, the absence of the process of absorbing dirt into the structure and the easy removal of contaminants from the surface.
    • Alkyd The element bonding paint contains alkyd resin. Such enamels dry due to the oxidation of the solvent from interaction with air. Drying occurs quickly, and a vapor-proof, durable film appears on the surface. When applied and even after it remains bad smell, which is why they are used extremely rarely in residential premises. They are mainly used when it is necessary to protect metal from corrosion.

    It is especially customary to talk about decorative options. Decorative paint is usually water-soluble, although other options are possible. Thanks to them, you can imitate any texture on your wall: from silk, velvet and any other fabric to stone, silver or gold - this is a frequently used technique in designer interiors. One example decorative materials is a pearlescent wall paint that can create completely different visual effects depending on the angle of incidence of the light.

    Advice! To obtain the necessary texture when using decorative paint, you will need to work with different painting equipment: rollers of various modifications, brushes, sponges, spatulas, etc.

    Smart choice

    To decorating walls with paint did not become a problem, both during the repair and after it, it is necessary to think through many details in advance. Before purchasing the treasured jar, you should carefully weigh everything:

    • Determine the purpose of the room in which you are going to paint the walls. The bathroom and kitchen require moisture-resistant materials, the children's room - environmentally friendly, the living room and bedroom - vapor-permeable. Consider the frequency of cleaning in a particular space and determine what level of paint durability is right for you.
    • Calculate the surface area prepared for painting. Paying attention to the hiding power of the paint, determine required amount materials.

    Exist different colors, intended for painting walls, which differ in component composition, characteristics and properties. The modern market offers wide choose paints and varnishes. In this article we will look at aspects of choosing paint for the walls of a room.

    Features of paint selection

    Most consumers remain in a difficult position when choosing paint, because manufacturers offer decorative mixtures with different effects, acrylic and other substances. When choosing, you need to pay important attention to the characteristics of the paint for painting walls, as well as the characteristics of the microclimate in the house or apartment.

    Before buying paint, you need to decide total area work, as well as the type of room, for example, kitchen, bedroom, nursery, etc. It is important to consider the type of base on which the material will be applied. Modern choice paints will allow you to create any wall texture, from imitation marble to wood. Of course, such materials have a considerable cost, so decide on the approximate amount of waste. After clarification of all aspects, you can begin to choose paints and varnishes.

    All paints are divided into two main types:

    • façade - intended for finishing external walls building;
    • interior - used for interior work.

    IN in this case, it is necessary to select paints for the interior. Another type of classification involves division into:

    • moisture resistant, experts recommend using them for the bathroom;
    • non-moisture resistant, used for finishing the walls of rooms, for example, hallways, bedrooms, etc.

    The next criterion for classifying paints for painting walls is the property of vapor permeability. In particular, in children's rooms or bedrooms, it is recommended to choose products that are vapor permeable. Other parameters for choosing paint include wear resistance. This is indicated by the resistance of a painted wall to abrasion as a result of damage, surface cleaning, and so on.

    Most experts also take into account other parameters that are important. For example, for the ease of use of paint, as well as for the desired result of the work, it is recommended to take into account the adhesion and thixotropy. In the first case, the parameter shows the material consumption per 1 square meter of wall surface. The second property involves the use the best colors for painting walls that do not spread on the wall and do not drip from the brush. Such products are quite convenient to use and apply.

    When selecting finishing materials, you need to choose substances labeled “For walls” and the like. Buyers should be aware that all paints and varnishes have various characteristics and properties depending on the painting of the ceiling, walls or floor. The painted wall should be easy to clean with a brush or wipe with a damp cloth. Many manufacturers offer universal products, however, not all of their parameters may correspond to the base.

    Types of paints: characteristics and choice

    Exist different types paints that are intended for finishing the surface of the wall inside the house. So, manufacturers offer:

    • water-dispersed;
    • alkyd enamels;
    • oil;
    • silicone.

    Water-dispersible products are also called water-soluble and water-based emulsion materials. This type means is the most economical and popular in use. When painting walls with water-based paint, you will not feel any odor, and the surface will dry quickly. The main component of the material is water, however, the properties are determined by the added polymers that bind the structure of the paint.

    Water-soluble paints can be produced with the addition of PVA. Such materials are the cheapest, and they are recommended to be used when painting ceilings or dry rooms. More expensive types of paints are made from acrylic resins and or latex. Dispersion mixtures are used when painting a dry building. The main advantage of the product is easy surface cleaning and resistance to contamination. Similar paints have high level vapor permeability.

    Painting walls with acrylic paint is recommended for rooms with high humidity. Similar materials are made from acrylic resin, which allows substances to bind. Acrylic products have increased resistance to abrasion, do not emit harmful substances and are odorless. Tinting pastes are offered for these products, which will allow you to recreate any shade of the room. After painting, the walls take on a matte tint, which looks very trendy.

    Latex-based paints belong to the category of water-soluble substances. Main feature The product is considered to be abrasion resistant. When applying the product, it is not necessary to apply several layers; one will be enough, and the walls will have a matte-silky appearance. Latex paints Excellent for painting wallpaper, as well as for finishing textured plaster. After drying, a thin film is formed on the base of the wall, which will protect the base from contamination. Products differ in the level of glossy surface after finishing.

    Silicone paints have many advantages, because the products are created using the latest production technologies. They are made from silicone resins, which are emulsified. The paint has a high level of vapor permeability. After painting, the surface of the wall does not allow moisture to pass through or absorb it, so the substance is used for outdoor work.

    Oil paints are made from drying oil: natural or artificial with the addition of pigments that form a homogeneous mass. Such materials are durable and are used in different types finishing works. When painting walls with oil paint, it is important to remember that the surface will take a long time to dry and this will create a vapor-tight surface. These parameters can be called disadvantages of using paint. At the same time, all products have a specific smell, however, in Lately such materials are not used for interior finishing work.

    Another option for paints is alkyd; they consist of different components that are bonded by alkyd resin. Such substances do not dry out due to the use of solvents, but as a result of oxidation on outdoors. Such paints dry quickly and create a protective film on the surface. Most often, the products are used to cover metal parts to protect them from corrosion. Alkyd substances are released strong odor, Which long time doesn't run out of steam. Therefore, it is not recommended to use such mixtures for painting walls.

    Painting walls with decorative and textured paint

    Particular attention should be paid to decorative paints that have recently appeared on the market. Using such a mixture will allow you to recreate different surfaces with certain effects, textures, and so on. After completion of the work, the surface of the wall can display the appearance of stone, gold, velvet and the like. Many clients choose to purchase chameleon paints, which change their shades when certain light hits the wall surface.

    Decorative paints are produced on a water basis with the addition of mineral or polymer components, which determine the properties and characteristics of the substance. Also, such materials have other advantages. First of all, the decorative mixture is environmentally friendly, which allows it to be used in any room and this is especially true for living rooms. Such mixtures are resistant to abrasion and wear, which extends the life of the room.

    Decorative and textured paints They allow you to create different effects, however, to implement them you need to seek help from specialists. All work is carried out with the necessary tools and in compliance with paint application techniques. Professionals use rollers different shapes, brushes, spatulas and other devices. IN construction stores, samples of patterns of a certain type of paint are offered. After all, each mixture forms different surface, which is important to consider when choosing paint.

    Eco-friendly paints

    Some manufacturers have recently begun to produce a certain type of paint that is environmentally friendly. Experts call them “green paints.” Such materials are completely natural, and when painting walls they do not emit harmful substances. The production process completely eliminates components that threaten human health, such as mercury, lead, and the like.

    When painting walls with designer paint, environmentally friendly paint is not an option. Most often, such mixtures are used to decorate children's rooms or for people who suffer from allergies. Many manufacturing companies use special labels on products that indicate environmentally friendly pure material.

    Paint Selection Options

    Most experts put forward a number of requirements for different types of paints:

    • environmental properties of the mixture, it is recommended to choose water-based substances;
    • resistance to impact ultraviolet rays, mechanical damage and cleaning agents;
    • drying time of the material;
    • properties that determine uniform surface coloring.

    It is important to know! The higher the indicators provided, the better the mixture is considered for painting indoor walls.

    When choosing paints and varnishes, you need to pay attention to the following features:

    • type of wall base;
    • total area for finishing;
    • purpose of the room, for example, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, etc.

    When choosing paint, you need to decide on the required shade of the wall. At the same time, you can use decorative mixtures that will create an original and beautiful wall surface. When choosing paint, it is important to follow some guidelines and tips.

    So, the characteristics of choosing paint are:

    • property of parapermeability (the purchased material must “breathe”, that is, allow air to pass through, especially when painting a nursery or bedroom);
    • resistance to wear (the painted surface of the walls should not wear off);
    • thixotropy (when painting, it is important that the paint does not flow from the brush, which can form drips and deposits on the surface);
    • approximate material consumption per 1 sq. meter.

    Aspects of choosing a paint shade

    Many people believe that the corresponding paint color is displayed on the packaging in the form of a small rectangle and the like. Most buyers choose bright shades for painting walls with paint, photos of which are presented in catalogs. Experts do not recommend choosing colors based on such parameters.

    Bright shades will eventually bore the owners, especially in large rooms or in the rooms where they spend the most time. It is recommended to choose pale or pastel colors. This way you will create a cozy room in your apartment or house.

    Designers suggest following small rules for selecting paint shades. This will create comfortable room any style direction. So, pay attention to these aspects:

    • in rooms with low lighting, it is recommended to use substances in light shades, for example, beige and so on;
    • when the windows face south, you can choose paints of darker shades with a rich texture;
    • V small rooms it is recommended to use light shades mixtures, which will visually enlarge the room;
    • When choosing a paint color, it is important to remember that the shade of the ceiling and walls matches;
    • if you plan to make glossy walls, then the required shade intensity should be higher, and with a matte surface, the color is absorbed.

    In fact, when choosing a paint, it is important to consider various parameters, such as the type of substrate, material characteristics, and so on. Important attention is paid to selecting the shade of paint to match the interior of the room, which will create a comfortable and original room in a house or apartment.

    Fashion trends in the design of walls in an apartment during renovations tend to fluctuate periodically. Suffice it to remember that not so long ago the undivided “masters” in this area were wallpaper, which relegated all other finishing materials to the background. However, paint was never abandoned - not a single repair was carried out without it. And now, thanks to the emergence of new developments and production technologies, paint is actively regaining its lost positions, and an increasing number of apartment owners give it preference when decorating walls. Moreover, it became possible to combine two types of finishes. An example of this is wallpaper specifically designed for painting.

    The use of paints significantly expands the possibilities of homeowners to decorate premises in the chosen style. Even just a toned wall is a field for the manifestation of imagination: it can be decorated with drawings, patterns, artistic compositions and other decorative elements. And if suddenly the design style becomes boring or begins to cause irritation (this also happens quite often), the walls can be repainted without resorting to large-scale repair work.

    But everything said above will be fair if really high-quality material is used for the work. When an inexperienced person comes to a specialized store, he may get “lost” due to the abundance of samples on offer, differing in color, composition, basic purpose, performance qualities. How not to get confused, if you are choosing exactly the paint for the walls in the apartment, how to choose one in order to achieve the desired beauty of the room design, and not negate the efforts to pre-prepare the surfaces for decoration? This publication is devoted to these issues.

    Advantages and disadvantages of painting walls

    First, let's figure out why decorating walls with paint is attractive, and whether this method of decoration has any disadvantages.

    Benefits A similar method of decorating walls can be called the following:

    • A variety of options for wall decoration - you can bring to life the most daring projects, with a combination of different shades, textures, with the application of picturesque drawings, etc. Modern paints and varnishes allow you to “play” with basic colors, achieving an almost limitless number of different shades.

    • High-quality paint, subject to careful surface preparation, creates a coating that will not lose its decorative qualities for a very long time.
    • Unlike other finishing materials, a painted wall is not particularly attractive to pets, that is, the likelihood of scratches or gnawed corners with such a finish is significantly less.

    • High-quality paint coatings can be cleaned regularly, including wet ones, without losing their appearance.
    • Painting the walls is much more convenient way finishing, if the room has a complex configuration - it has niches, columns, figured protrusions, etc. With wallpaper or decorative panels In such a situation one has to suffer a lot.

    Painting a complex room is much easier than wallpapering it
    • It will always be possible to eliminate minor defects if you have a small amount of paint of the desired shade in stock. Indelible mint, a scratch or chip can simply be touched up.
    • Changing it partially or even completely is much easier than with any other finishing material.

    Now let’s focus on shortcomings this finishing method.

    • High-quality painting will require very careful preparation of surfaces. Paint can not hide, but rather even emphasize, seemingly almost invisible wall defects.
    • The dyeing process is not at all as simple as it might seem at first glance. In the absence of experience or in non-compliance with recommended technologies, and even more so when using cheap, low-quality material, the coating can be very uneven in color or external texture.

    Eternal problem inexperienced painters - paint drips
    • The paint does not like point mechanical impact and pronounced abrasive load. If you use residential premises carelessly, it will be difficult to avoid scuffs, chips, and scratches. However, this applies equally to most wall finishing materials.
    • Most wall paints, with the exception of glossy coatings, tend to accumulate dust on the surface from the air in the room.

    Basic physical, technological and operational properties of paints

    When going to the salon to choose paint, the apartment owner, of course, Firstly thinks about its decorativeness, keeping in mind the chosen shade. However, if you do not take into account others important properties material, it is easy to make a mistake, and the resulting result will be strikingly different from what was intended.

    • Of course, decorative qualities are briefly the determining criterion for selection - this is clear simply from the intended purpose of the material.

    Paint is an opportunity for color variety

    By the way, an inexperienced consumer may even be surprised that despite the variety, not as many shades will be presented in the salon as he would like. No wonder - there are technologies for creating required colors– we will talk about this a little later.

    Regardless of color, paint can create a surface with varying degrees of gloss. So, the compositions are divided into matte, semi-matte, glossy. There are paints related to high gloss, creating almost mirror surface, but they are practically not used in apartment conditions.

    — Paints that create a glossy surface are attractive because they are easy to maintain - they are less susceptible to abrasive loads and moisture, and it is easy to wipe off dust or remove stains from such painted walls. But there is an important drawback - gloss will only look on a perfectly flat surface. Even very subtle defects from the play of light will instantly come out.

    Gloss paints for full coverage walls are used very rarely. They are more likely to be suitable for additional decoration or for highlighting individual elements of a room’s decoration. In addition, they can be used for painting walls in rooms with high humidity - for example, in the kitchen.

    — Matte paints are used much more often for decorating the walls of living rooms. They create a smooth surface and are able to visually hide minor flaws. In addition, the matte finish makes the room visually more spacious.

    Matte paints for residential premises are preferable

    The disadvantage is that stains placed on such a surface will be much more difficult to remove, and most likely you will have to resort to touch-up.

    — Semi-matte paints, of course, occupy an intermediate position, having approximately equal “pros” and “cons” of the types already mentioned above.

    • The most important quality of any paint is its hiding power. This is an ability material to create a smooth, monochromatic surface that completely hides the base background of the base. As a rule, hiding power is determined by the minimum number of layers required for such an effect.

    In most cases, high-quality paintwork materials require two layers. In advertising brochures there are assurances from manufacturers that one-time staining is sufficient, but this should be treated with reasonable skepticism.

    An important factor in this matter, of course, is the color of the base. Therefore, experienced painters recommend not to trust advertising, but to try the hiding power of the paint in practice, on a small scale surface fragment. Usually, when checking a material, several methods are used - apply a smear to a black surface, to a completely white one, and to one that has already been tinted. desired color. After the prototypes have dried, it will be clearly visible whether several layers will be required.

    Special experimental cards of the type “ chessboard" Below the letter “a” is the card itself. After the first pass of paint (“b”), it is clear that contrasting spots appear through the coating. And after applying the second layer (“c”), the painted surface turns out absolutely smooth.

    • Inextricably linked with hiding power is the consistency, viscosity of the paint composition, its ability to spread and adhere to the surface. If the paint is too thick, the painted surface may be uneven in color. In addition, this always leads to waste of material. However, thick paint can be brought to the desired state using a base solvent. It is much worse if the composition is excessively liquid - this will give a lot of drips, poor coverage, and it is very difficult to deal with this.

    From this point of view, paints that are given the property of thixotropy become a very profitable purchase. Such compositions change their thickness depending on conditions. When mixing the paint, it becomes more liquid, and in a calm state it quickly gains viscosity.

    Usually the manufacturer indicates this quality of paint on the factory packaging - it’s worth looking for, since such compositions practically do not drip, creating a smooth painted surface. True, you need to be prepared for the increased cost of such paints and varnishes.

    • It is worth paying attention when choosing and available methods applying paint to the surface of the walls. This is usually indicated in the form of pictograms depicting a brush, roller or spray gun. In some cases, painting large surfaces using aerosol spraying technology can be much more profitable and faster.
    • It is worth paying attention to the declared qualities of resistance to wet cleaning. This is especially important for rooms where the likelihood of spills hitting the walls is high, for example, in the kitchen.

    True, we should think here from a different point of view. Washable paints are significantly more expensive than regular paints, and it is quite possible that it would be more justified to periodically update the surface with cheaper compounds.

    • If we consider paint specifically for walls, then one more quality should be noted - the uniformity of the composition. Paint can be not only “smooth” - there are varieties with special inclusions that create a micro-relief of the surface they cover, for example, with the effect of sand or silk.

    Sandy effect paint

    Such textured coatings look very original, however, in order to apply them efficiently, some experience is still required painting works.

    • For residential premises, an important parameter of paint is its vapor permeability. The decorative coating of the walls should not interfere with the natural exchange of moisture, so as not to cause condensation drops on the surface. In a word, paint should not prevent the walls from “breathing.”
    • The paint must be safe for the health of people and pets. All its components are the dispersed pigment composition itself, binder, solvent, certain additives after drying should not emit unpleasant odors or release toxic substances. It will be very good if the paint also has antiseptic properties = prevents the development of all forms of microflora. Another important requirement– safety of the paint coating in terms of flammability and smoke generation.
    • And finally, any person carrying out repairs wants the work to be done as quickly as possible. Therefore, they try to give preference paint and varnish compositions with minimal drying and polymerization time - with them the productivity of painting operations increases dramatically. As a rule, paint hardening times are indicated by manufacturers on the packaging. But it should be borne in mind that these periods are determined for normal temperature and humidity conditions.

    By the way, if, when choosing paint, the buyer comes across a jar with instructions in a foreign language unfamiliar to him, then, of course, he should ask the seller for a sheet with a translation. But the pictograms on the packaging can also say a lot. The most common ones are those presented in the table below:

    PictogramSymbol meaningPictogramSymbol meaning
    Pictograms for the degree of glossiness-mattness of paint Pictograms for areas of paint application
    Absolute, 100% matte paint.The highest degree of versatility - the paint is suitable for all surfaces, for interior and exterior use.
    Matte paint.Roofing paint.
    Semi-matte paint gloss level.The paint for the external walls of the building is façade.
    Semi-gloss paint.The paint for the external walls of the building is base paint.
    Glossy paint.Paint for flooring only.
    The highest degree of gloss is super gloss paint.Paint for ceilings only.
    - - Paint only for interior walls Houses.
    - - The paint can be used for interior walls and ceilings.
    Pictograms indicating technological features paints
    A brush is used for application.Before use, the paint must be stirred (usually for toxicotropic compositions).
    A roller is used for application.The period required for drying to a level that is safe from touching and dust.
    It is allowed to use aerosol spraying using a spray gun.The minimum period required for drying before applying the next layer.
    Paint consumption on a smooth or primed surface (in this case – 1 liter per 7 ÷ 9 m² of wall area).When storing paint, negative temperatures are not allowed.
    Paint consumption on a rough, absorbent, cut or sawn surface (in this case – 1 liter per 3 ÷ 5 m² area).A pictogram indicating the technology of tinting to the required shade. In this case, the MoniColor system.

    Which paint should I choose?

    Now it's worth draw attention on paint types in terms of their component chemical structure. The difference here can be significant, and not all varieties are suitable for interior work, especially in the residential premises of an apartment.

    One of the most common types of finishing today is surface painting. In order to correctly use the paint that is offered by the modern market in large assortment, it is necessary to understand the varieties of this material.

    general description

    As a rule, paints are made according to one component scheme; they usually contain:

    • binding base;
    • pigment;
    • filler;
    • special additives.

    The base is needed to form a film on the surface. As for pigment, it is a substance for imparting color. Fillers are components that save pigment and give the composition shine and strength. Special additives reduce the rate of drying and hardening, protect the material from solvents, mildew and mold, and also improve properties.

    Some special additives can give the paint fungicidal properties, as well as fire safety properties. Looking through modern views paints, you can understand that they usually have from 8 to 16 components. The quality of the product will depend on how correctly they are mixed and selected.

    Types of paints by purpose

    Paints can be classified according to different parameters, but first you should consider the types of materials according to their intended purpose. Thus, paints can be:

    • universal;
    • intended for interior work;
    • used for outdoor work.

    The latter variety is characterized high stability To external factors by type of rain, ultraviolet radiation and temperature fluctuations. They cannot be used to paint surfaces inside buildings, as such materials are toxic. Modern market, different types of paints are offered, among them we should highlight those intended for interior work. They are not used outdoors, as they have low resistance to negative factors. Universal paints can be used for interior and exterior use; they are water-based and therefore non-toxic.

    Classification of paints according to composition and type of solvent used

    Considering the types of paints, you can understand that they can be classified according to their composition. Thus, paints for painting work can be:

    • oil;
    • water-based;
    • enamel;
    • water-dispersed.

    The type of paint solvent used is divided into the following groups:

    • oil-alkyd;
    • water-based;
    • nitro enamels.

    The first type uses white spirit as a solvent. Water-based paints are water-soluble, while nitro enamels use acetone as a solvent.

    Classification of paints depending on the purpose and chemical nature of the film-forming substance

    By visiting the store, you can find different types of paints. They are classified depending on the purpose and chemical composition of the film-forming substance. Paint and varnish materials can be divided into five groups. The first group contains compounds denoted by the following words:

    • dye;
    • enamel;
    • emulsion paint.

    For those paints that consist of only one pigment, when denoting the first group, the name of the pigment is used instead of the word “paint” (for example, red lead). If we turn to the second group, we can note that it talks about the chemical composition and determines the type of film-forming substance. The group is designated by two letters. If you see the designation MA, then this means that this is oil paint. The abbreviation GF indicates glypthal enamels.

    The third group of characters is indicated by the number that comes after the hyphen. It indicates the purpose of the composition. If you need paint for exterior use, then you should choose one with a 1 after the hyphen. Two indicates interior paint. To paint the bottom of boats, paint with a four after the hyphen is used. All subsequent digits indicate a serial number, the only exception being Oil paint.

    Classification by hiding power

    One of the main characteristics of paint is hiding power; it is expressed in the volumetric content of pigment, which is necessary to cover one square meter surfaces. For example, dry paints are finely ground powders that form an opaque layer with binders. Pigments are represented by artificial or natural compounds.

    They do not dissolve in water and oils; when mixed with solvents, they settle to the bottom. The finer the pigment is ground, the higher their quality. White pigments include white, chalk and lime. The latter can be hydraulic or air.

    Water-based paint

    One of the popular varieties of modern paint and varnish materials is water-based paint. It is an environmentally friendly material that can be used for application to any surface. The resulting coating allows air vapor to pass through, the layer has good hiding power and is compatible with oil, glue and enamel paints.

    Painting with water-based paint can be carried out on the surface of an adhesive paint and varnish material only if an alum or vitriol primer has not previously been used. This requirement is due to the fact that the above-mentioned substances can destroy the water emulsion. If such primers were used, then the surface should be washed away, covered with drying oil, and only then can you begin to apply water-based paint.

    For reference

    Painting surfaces that were previously painted with oil-based compounds or enamels with water-based paint should be carried out only after preliminary preparation. The surface must be washed with soapy water, primed with diluted paint or drying oil, and only then should you begin to apply the water-based composition.

    Technical characteristics of water-based paint

    If you will be using water-based paint, the characteristics of this composition must be considered before applying the mixture to the surface. Ingredients include:

    • thickener;
    • filler;
    • antiseptic;
    • latex.

    The viscosity of the paint may vary. If you plan to apply it to the surface with a brush, then this indicator should vary within 40-45 s. For a spray gun, the paint is diluted to a viscosity of 20-25 s. The mixture is consumed if it is applied in 1 layer, in a volume of 150 to 200 ml/m2. The final value will depend on the absorption capacity of the base.

    The specific gravity of the mixture is 1.3 kg/l. Drying will take from 2 hours to a day. This parameter will depend on air humidity and temperature. Humidity during drying should be 65%, while the optimal temperature level is equivalent to +20 °C.

    Types of aerosol paints

    Aerosol paint is quite popular today because it is easy to apply. It is offered for sale in many varieties. Among others, it is worth highlighting enamels, the basis of which is water. Such mixtures can be used for exterior and interior decoration. Application is quite simple, the paint dries within a short time. You can remove it from the base within half an hour using a damp cloth.

    After drying, eco-paint - another type of aerosol composition - forms durable coating, which is not subject to negative impact ultraviolet. Aerosol paint can also be intended for metal. The mixture may consist of three components, namely:

    • the paint itself;
    • soil;

    Aerosol paints for metal can be two-part, in which case they are prepared from paint and primer. Regular aerosol paints for metal they are used to give the surface the desired color. Automotive spray paints may have different chemical composition, depending on it, such mixtures can be classified into:

    • alkyd;
    • melamine-alkyd;
    • acrylic.

    The first type is characterized by rapid polymerization and is used for local repairs. The second type of this paint dries for quite a long time at high temperatures. The most common are acrylic automotive spray paints. With their help you can achieve a matte or glossy surface. The result is a layer that does not require protection with varnish and is resistant to aggressive environments.

    Types of wall paints

    When considering types of wall paints, you should pay attention to emulsion compositions. They wash off rather poorly, dry quickly and do not have an unpleasant odor. One of the varieties is water-based paint, which can be used in conditions high humidity. The composition is highly plastic, and its application is carried out at temperatures of +5 °C or higher.

    There are a variety of different types of wall paints on sale today. Among them are alkyd compositions, which are among the most popular. A mixture is created on the basis of alkyd resin and is used for application to wood, metal and plastered walls. Silicate paints use water as a thinner. This composition should not be applied to walls that were previously covered with alkyd or acrylic mixtures.

    Adhesive paints are also used to decorate walls. They contain organic polymers pre-dissolved in water. Use this material possible for internal and external works, because it is resistant to aggressive environmental influences and adheres well to plaster, concrete and brick.

    Types of floor paints

    Floor paint is used quite often today when decorating a room. It is offered for sale in the following varieties:

    • varnishes;
    • oil paints;
    • acrylic paints;
    • enamels.

    Varnishes are made from natural and synthetic resins, as well as oils, which are diluted in ordinary water or organic solvents. This type of paint includes clear and colored varnishes. The main advantage of acrylic paints is their safety. They do not contain organic solvents, therefore are not toxic. This floor paint dries quickly, is easy to use, and can be washed off with water during the painting process.

    As for enamels, they are also easy to work with and are inexpensive, which is why they are widely used for painting floors. When considering the types of floor paints, we should also highlight enamels, which include several components, including:

    • pigments;
    • solvent;
    • fillers;

    Water based paints

    When considering the types of water-based paints, we should highlight emulsion compositions that do not contain organic solvents, are fire- and explosion-proof, and are non-toxic. PVA-based paints are low cost and can be applied to surfaces only in dry rooms. Their additional disadvantage is their rather meager palette of shades. Acrylic paints are also water-soluble. They are stable and not afraid of wet cleaning. That is why such compositions can be used even in damp rooms.

    Acrylic paints

    Acrylic paint Freeze-resistant, it freezes at -40 °C. The mixture must be thawed gradually; this should happen over several days. The container should be brought into a room with a temperature above zero. Before application, the acrylic paint is stirred and, if necessary, diluted with water. Exterior acrylic paint should dry at a temperature ranging from 18 to 22 °C. Complete drying should be expected after 2 hours.

    One kilogram of the composition will be enough for an area of ​​5 m2. After completing the work, the paint should be washed off the dishes and brushes, because after hardening it lags behind the surface quite poorly. Produced by industry the following types acrylic paints:

    • vinyl acetate;
    • acrylate;
    • butadione-styrene;

    Acrylic paints based on polyvinyl alcohol should not be applied to surfaces that have previously been treated with chalk compounds. At the first stage, the base is prepared - the chalk layer is washed away for this.


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