Buy a pillow after hip replacement. Pillow after hip surgery

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Hip replacement surgery is one of the stages of treatment. After endoprosthetics, a person needs to rest fully at night, while following the recommendations of the attending physician. Before returning home, you need to think about what devices will be needed to eliminate prohibited and unwanted positions of the legs and body.

Sleeping position after hip surgery

What not to do after surgery:

  • Bring your legs together, for example, when lying on your side. This should be done by placing a rolled up pillow between the thighs. If you ignore the recommendations, the artificial joint will dislocate because the muscles and ligaments are under a lot of stress.
  • Sleep on your stomach. In a state of sleep, a person does not control the position of the body and may accidentally bend the knee or turn the foot inward, which also threatens the head of the prosthesis to fall out of the acetabulum. The time frame for each specific situation is different - from 2 months to a year.
  • Lie on the operated side.
  • Overload the joints physical exercise, overcoming the pain.

To help people who have undergone endoprosthetics surgery, a universal orthopedic roller for the hip joint was developed.

Using an orthopedic cushion after hip surgery

Back Sleeping Pillow

After surgery on the hip joint, an orthopedic pillow for sleeping and resting is needed to maintain the angle of knee extension, which should not exceed 45 degrees. This is important in the first 3 to 4 months after discharge from the hospital. During sleep, the muscles should completely relax and rest. It's much easier to do this with a roller.

For rest on the back are provided special pillows with recesses for the legs, so as not to place the operated limb beyond the midline and not to load ligaments that have not strengthened or recovered after the operation.

Orthopedic bolsters are used not only after joint replacement. They are used by professional athletes, people suffering from spinal diseases, varicose veins, and swelling. Placing a cushion under the ankle or between the thighs promotes good blood circulation and relieves muscle tone.

In addition to an orthopedic pillow between the legs, after surgery on the hip joint, a person will need correction and support for the spine. When replacing a joint on one side, many patients complain that over time the joint on the other side begins to hurt, although this did not happen before the operation. Overloads associated with the spine make themselves felt. The pain can radiate to the knee joint or lower back. To reduce muscle tension and correct the spine there is special device– a reclinator that helps people sit upright and reduces the load on the hip joint.

A reclinator can partially help when surgery is needed on the second joint, because the difference in the legs is painful: one is shorter, the other is longer.

Description of product properties

Cushion with fixing tapes

An orthopedic leg roller after hip surgery helps:

  • relieving muscle spasms or cramps due to increased blood circulation;
  • unloading the muscles that surround the spine;
  • relieving the load on the ligamentous apparatus, which is not yet accustomed to the artificial prosthesis.

For convenience, the pillow has Velcro strips to secure it to the leg - such devices are convenient when you need to turn over to the other side.

They help you choose a model individually in the store, where you can try it out and get recommendations for care.

Types of products

Suitable for people who have had joint replacement surgery following models orthopedic pillows:

  • Cube. Designed for sleeping in the supine position, which is recommended in the first 3 months after surgery. The legs are extended and placed in the grooves on the pillow in the shin area. The distance between the notches does not allow the legs to be brought together and stacked on top of each other. The angle of separation should be checked with a doctor and the pillow selected accordingly.
  • Semicircular roller. Suitable for sleeping on your back. Place it under your knees or shins. There are models consisting of several rollers fastened together different heights. The lowest one is placed under the knees, the highest one - under the heels. The cushion is used for sleeping in the side position. To do this, it is placed between the thighs so that the angle of separation is at least 45 degrees.
  • Transformer. The model has 2 indentations for the knees and is used when a person sleeps on his side. The roller is secured to the upper leg with Velcro tape so that you don’t have to stand up when turning over.

Wedge-shaped orthopedic product for legs after endoprosthetics

Sleep products are distinguished by the type of filler:

  • Latex is a natural material that has antiseptic properties. Used to prevent bedsores and other skin problems. The material is durable and elastic. Does not change shape with prolonged use.
  • Foam rubber or polyurethane foam. More rigid than latex, made of synthetic materials. Cheaper.
  • Memorix. TO polyurethane foam material substances are added that change its properties. In this case, the pillow “remembers” its shape and holds it for some time after the person has changed position. Such properties allow you to toss and turn less and fall asleep faster, because the blood vessels are not pinched and the pain gradually goes away.
  • Polystyrene balls. Product service life is up to 10 years with proper care And careful attitude. The material is soft and does not change shape under the weight of the body.

For sore hip joints, it is better to use materials that remember the shape of the body.

Orthopedic pillows and bolsters are selected according to size:

  • Long pillows are placed from the feet to the thigh, which eliminates the incorrect rotation of the foot during sleep and the bringing of the legs into the wrong position. There are models that are used at full height - one part of the pillow is intended for the head, which is convenient when turning over to the other side.
  • Short. Designed for a specific area of ​​the body - pelvis, knees, lower legs.

Features of application

You will have to use a pillow for a long time after hip surgery. Judging by the reviews on the forums, we can say with confidence that most patients use them constantly, because without a roller they feel discomfort and fatigue in the morning. In this regard, they immediately select a high-quality model, test it in the store in all positions in which a person likes to sleep, and clarify the features of caring for the product.

The health and well-being of a person after endoprosthetics largely depends on how the period of adaptation to the prosthesis goes and how well it takes root. Complications arise when the doctor’s recommendations are not followed during the rehabilitation period.

Progressive orthopedic leg pillows are made in compliance with the anatomical silhouette. They were developed by orthopedic specialists recognized in their field. If you want to buy an orthopedic pillow for your feet in Moscow, you can ensure that the joint joints take a natural position when using the product. Tired legs will also get proper rest. It is worth using the products for those who suffer from varicose veins, and even during pregnancy. The pillow will also help those who get tired while walking or suffer from joint problems: arthrosis or arthritis. It will be useful in case of swelling, spasms, leg cramps, and sitting for a long time.

Anyone who wants to get original design, which is equipped with special inserts. The latter allow you to adjust its location if necessary. The product provides ideal support for the leg muscles and joints.

What features do pillows with ortho properties have?

The creator of the product received a patent for the form used. The products correspond to the maximum consumer anatomy and necessarily take into account the precise transition from the muscles of the heel to the joints of the knees. This is quite an important circumstance if you focus on the calf muscles.

The material for the production of such pillows is high-quality polyurethane with a unique elasticity parameter. The product has a memory effect in relation to the shape of the legs - this is a very important circumstance in case of swollen veins, the presence of painful wounds or abrasions. The innovative coating with an anti-slip effect allows for convenient use of the product during sleep.

In our orthopedic salon you are offered the opportunity to buy an orthopedic foot pillow in Moscow. These products are easy to care for and can literally transform your feet, give them strength, restore health and provide maximum comfort.

In addition, ortho-pillows in the form of bolsters will be the optimal gift for friends and family. Even strong and healthy legs need rest and preventive measures. This gift will tell you without words how much you value the health of your relatives and want to take care of them.

Whereas we make every effort to take care of you, and therefore we can offer a wide variety of products, prompt purchase processing, attention from our specialists and attractive discounts with optimal delivery methods for you.

For people suffering from varicose veins or swelling of the lower extremities, experts recommend using an orthopedic leg pillow. It can also be used by professional athletes or those who do heavy lifting. physical labor, as it perfectly relieves fatigue. The pillow can be used to prevent diseases. There are several types of anti-varicose pillows depending on their purpose, as well as different fillers. Let's consider the features of each type and the features of choice.

Scope of application

Before choosing the right orthopedic foot pillow, it is worth understanding what it is for and where it is used.

For what ailments can the product be used?

  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Swelling of the legs.
  • Nagging pain in the legs.
  • Rheumatic disorders.
  • Muscle pain.

When choosing, the person’s weight is also important. If a person has a lot of weight, then it is worth choosing anti-varicose pillows that are large in size, and also made of durable and elastic materials.

Advantages and disadvantages

Experts note that there are practically no downsides to orthopedic products. What matters here is right choice, it is necessary to take into account not only the recommendations of a specialist, but also personal preferences and anatomical features of the body.

It is especially important for people with a tendency to allergic manifestations to choose a filler material. In addition to popular fillers, there are also unusual options, such as buckwheat husk or wool. They have their own advantages and are considered the most environmentally friendly pure material, but stand at a high price category.

Regardless of the chosen model or pillow filling, as well as the advantages or disadvantages of a particular product, all manufacturers provide a guarantee for their products for up to ten years.



It has the shape of a pillow, consisting of three rollers of different diameters. The place with the smallest cushion is located under the kneecap, and the feet lie on the largest part of the product.

The cube pillow has several supporting supports that have depressions for the ankle. Can be used both lying down and sitting.


The product is attached just below the kneecaps and is usually used while sleeping. Fixing the pillow increases the comfort of sleep even when lying on your side and at the same time normalizes blood flow, thereby achieving a therapeutic effect.


It is the largest in size, since you can sit on it at full height.


Very similar in appearance and nature of impact to a cube. Also has several supports and cavities for the shins.

Types of filler

There are many companies producing orthopedic foot pillows, as well as many types of products. But all of them can be divided into several subgroups, which will help the final consumer make the final choice.

Main types of filler:

  • Latex. Most popular look filler that has positive characteristics. This pillow bends well and does not lose its original appearance for a long time, that is, it has a fairly long service life. Natural latex pillows are highly durable. Thanks to this, normal blood circulation in the legs is restored, and the light surface protects the skin from bedsores in case of indications for bed rest after surgery in the treatment of varicose veins.
  • Polyurethane foam. Has quite high quality, and besides, polyurethane foam products are in the middle price category. The filler consists of small balls that have previously undergone anti-allergenic treatment. A pillow made of this material is elastic, durable and not subject to deformation. Excess liquid is absorbed well without leaving any traces. But to avoid unpleasant odor From sweat, products should be ventilated at least once every few months.
  • Thermoplastic foam. This is a new innovative type of foot pillow filler. The material is made from polyurethane foam, which in turn has been widely used in industry for more than four decades. Distinctive feature and a significant advantage is the ability of this product to remember. A person, placing his feet on a pillow for the first time, starts this process. The pillow remembers all the features of a person’s curves and retains this shape. The product also has increased strength and elasticity. The disadvantages include high cost, as well as the ability to use the pillow by only one person.

You can see that the price, as well as the properties of the product, directly depend on the fillings of the pillows. There are also inflatable models. Phlebologists, specialists in the study of venous diseases in humans, note the low effectiveness of using inflatable pillows.

In addition to the main and most popular fillings, there are also options for pillows made from buckwheat husks (the most environmentally friendly material), bamboo fiber, cooling gel, mini-springs, algae, wool (camel or sheep), natural down, padding polyester, silicone or holofiber.


There are no contraindications as such to the use of an orthopedic leg pillow. Of course, if a person has an individual intolerance to the components from which the filler is made, then you should refrain from using it. In this case, it is better to choose a filler made from hypoallergenic materials, for example, from natural latex, which practically does not cause reactions or allergic manifestations in anyone.

It is also not recommended to use a pillow if there are open wounds on your legs. This is especially true for the point of contact skin with a pillow. First of all, it is not hygienic. In addition, dust or dirt that is on the pillow can get into open wounds, which can lead to infection or the disease lasting longer. long period time.

Features of choice

When treating varicose veins, an additional therapy is an orthopedic leg pillow; reviews of this product are very positive. In addition, this item can be used as a prophylaxis or for increased swelling of the lower extremities.

You can get confused in the variety of models, shapes and fillers. But there are universal tips for choosing a truly high-quality anti-varicose “helper”.

How to choose the right orthopedic pillow?

  1. Choose the size of the pillow depending on the weight (the more a person weighs, the larger the product should be).
  2. If the foot pillow will be used by several family members, then you should choose products with adjustable height.
  3. Give preference to purchasing at specialized retail outlets and choose only certified products to avoid counterfeits (high-quality products and their fillers do not cause allergic reactions on the skin, unlike unknown analogues).
  4. The filler must be made from natural materials.
  5. Pay attention to the rigidity - it should be medium so as not to deform, and also be able to adapt to the shape of the legs.
  6. For advice before making a choice, only consult a specialist who will help you choose the most best option with an existing problem with the lower extremities.

The orthopedic leg pillow does not require special and constant care when used as prescribed. Of course, like any product with filling, if you jump or gallop on it, it loses its shape and noticeably decreases in size. Also, do not fluff or shake out the pillow, as this will only deform it.

The shelf life of a pillow directly depends on how it is used. If you treat the product with care, then it will last for many years and can significantly reduce pain in the legs.

If the pillow is not used for some time, then it is better to place it in a special case and leave it in a well-ventilated area. Like any thing, it is afraid of high humidity.

As used outer material or the upholstery of the pillow itself may become dirty. It is better to wash by hand at a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees. After washing, the pillow should dry under natural conditions, preferably on the balcony, not on the radiator.

Many people are scrupulous when choosing a mattress, sleeping pillow and bedding accessories. And this is understandable! Comfortable sleep is largely associated with general health, morning alertness and good mood. In some cases, the above accessories are not enough for a comfortable sleep. Have you already heard about an orthopedic pillow for your feet? Most consumers do not need it, but in the case of a number of diseases it is - indispensable help. We offer for consideration the advantages of this accessory, types of orthopedic foot pillows and types of fillers. After reading the article to the end, you will be able to form your own opinion.

Who needs an orthopedic pillow for their feet?

An orthopedic pillow for your feet is a fairly ergonomic invention. Its benefits were appreciated even by many of those who do not have chronic diseases of the joints and limbs. Among other things, it is designed to improve sleep comfort.

  • An orthopedic foot pillow will be appreciated by those who, due to their occupation, are forced to spend a significant part of the day on their feet (standing or walking). Its use helps relieve the load on the spine and improve blood supply to the lower extremities.
  • People who often experience aching joints at night are another category that should take a closer look at a specially shaped orthopedic leg pillow. This product allows you to keep your pelvis and knees under right angle. She contributes quick withdrawal load and maximum relaxation of the leg muscles.
  • Often those who like to sleep on their sides want to place a pillow between their knees. This adds comfort and relaxes the pelvis.
  • Some people who prefer to sleep on their backs most of the night sometimes want to place a bolster under their knees.

Reference! If you are relatively healthy and have decided to choose an orthopedic leg pillow solely to improve sleep comfort, be guided by your own preferences. However, during pregnancy and if you have chronic diseases of the lower extremities, be sure to consult your doctor for additional advice.

In what cases is it especially relevant?

Initially, the orthopedic leg pillow was designed for people with special needs.

During pregnancy. To maintain the legs in a certain position, in order to relax other parts of the body (pelvis, lower back). The assortment includes boomerang shapes, letters U, C, I, G and G.

For a number of chronic diseases. As an aid, the product can be recommended for those suffering from varicose veins, arthritis, osteochondrosis, swelling, insufficient blood circulation or aches.

For athletes. In particular, those experiencing heavy loads (weightlifters, weightlifters). The product is good prevention and additional support for the spine, joints and ligaments of the legs.

What types of foot pillows are there?

Orthopedic foot pillows differ in location and type of internal filler.

By location

Rollers and half-rollers. Classic version. Absolutely universal item with the possibility of placing it under the neck, lower back, knees and ankles (if necessary). Adds comfort in sitting and lying positions. There are models with a textured surface that provides an additional massage effect.

Combi rollers. Inflatable models made of PVC, consisting of three roller sections with different diameters. The smallest is placed under the knees, the largest, respectively, under the feet. Each section is inflated individually, allowing you to adjust the height and stiffness. Positioning the legs above body level helps in the fight against swelling, fatigue, heaviness in the legs, calf cramps, and varicose veins. Not the most anatomical model, but still better than the option of lying with your “buzzing” legs thrown up on the wall.

Embossed wedge pillow for legs. Also called contour. Also ensures that the legs are positioned higher than the body. A more advanced option compared to combi rollers. Anatomical convexities exactly follow the shape of the legs (knee, calf muscle, ankle), which creates the effect of a “quick rest”. On sale you can find options for medium and high growth. Filling material - polyurethane foam.

Made from two blocks (pillows) of a wave-like shape. When unfolded, orthopedic pillows fastened together can be placed under the knees, calves or feet - to relieve fatigue, against bedsores of the heels (for bedridden patients). A particularly relevant subject for those who have undergone surgery on the knee and hip joints. When folded, you can place it between your knees or thighs while lying on your side. Such a need may arise during pregnancy, in the postoperative period (of the hip joint or legs), for people who have had injured legs. Filling material - polyurethane foam and viscoelastic memory foam.

Pillow with anatomical grooves for knees. The option with a fixing tape allows you not to “lose” the pillow when turning over to the other side. A particularly relevant model in the postoperative period (3-4 months) for hip replacement.

Full body or universal. Allows you to place the pillow under your entire body, choosing the most comfortable positions. Current option for pregnant women and those who suffer from sleep deprivation due to the inability to find a comfortable position.

Cube pillow. An inflatable travel cushion that allows you to elevate your legs while sitting to a more comfortable level.

By filler type

  • Latex. Elastic and at the same time soft, natural material. Among the advantages - long term operation (on average 15 years) and ease of maintenance. Main disadvantage- high price.
  • PPU (polyurethane foam). Modern foam rubber, sometimes called artificial latex. Excellent elastic filler.
  • Holofiber. Synthetic filler (100% polyester) in the form of small balls. The technology of twisting hollow fibers into a spiral gives the material elasticity and springy properties. The elastic filler is not subject to deformation, does not cake, is practical, easy to care for, and has a long service life.
  • Viscoelastic foams. The most high-tech products, which directly affects the price. The filler adapts to the anatomical features of the shape of the legs, does not exert pressure on the joints, does not put pressure on blood vessels and veins (which is especially important for varicose veins), and does not create a springy effect.

Contraindications and care

The product has no special contraindications. The exception is cases of individual intolerance to the filler material (more relevant to 100% natural latex and then in extremely rare cases).

Note! The foot pillow should not be used by those who have open wounds on their feet. It can become a source of irritation, preventing the full supply of oxygen to the wound.

The product does not require special care. Anatomical pillows should not be crushed, knocked out or fluffed - this can damage the filling. If there is no demand, the orthopedic pillow is stored in a special case away from moisture.

Summing up

An orthopedic leg pillow is an excellent help for those who experience constant discomfort caused by chronic diseases lower extremities (cramps, swelling, varicose veins, postoperative period, other problems). It can also provide a “quick rest” to the aching legs of those who have a standing job - it helps relieve fatigue, get rid of heaviness in the legs, swelling and cramps. However, the soft accessory is intended not only for those who have health problems, but for everyone who wants to improve their sleep quality.

On initial stages development of varicose veins and various rheumatic pathologies, it is recommended to use an orthopedic foot pillow while sleeping. The device relieves pain and fatigue, stimulates blood circulation, improves the quality and speed of recovery, and promotes muscle relaxation.

Varicose veins are a fairly common pathology among people leading both an active and predominantly sedentary lifestyle. The development of this disorder occurs relatively slowly, which makes it possible to prevent it in the initial stages. In order to prevent varicose veins, it is recommended to review your diet, use stretchy knitwear, and also use specialized products. One such device is an orthopedic leg pillow. Main purpose of this product is the adjustment of blood circulation in the veins of the lower extremities during sleep due to correct position legs The device has no contraindications for use, which makes it possible to use it for any category of patients.

Important! It is recommended to use when sitting or standing for a long time. This device improves blood circulation around the entire perimeter of the back, which has a positive effect on the general condition of the human body.

Description of the device

Orthopedic pillow in the form of a bolster under the knees

An orthopedic foot pillow is a specialized product made from one or more synthetic and natural materials. The variety of types and models makes it possible to select a device that meets all the therapeutic needs of each patient. The main advantage of such pillows is the maximum repetition of the anatomical features of the structure of human limbs. Also, many products have the so-called “memory effect,” which means that the materials ideally adjust to the curves of the patient’s body. This improves blood circulation in the legs, relieves muscle tension and creates optimal conditions for maximum rest and recovery of the body.


The structural features of this device allow it to be used in the following conditions:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • nagging pain syndrome in the lower extremities;
  • various rheumatic pathologies (for example, arthritis or osteochondrosis);
  • muscle cramps;
  • blood circulation disorders in the lower extremities;
  • frequent physical overload;
  • pregnancy period;
  • swelling of the legs.

It is also possible to use the device after surgery on the lower extremities. Using the product during the rehabilitation period will reduce pain, eliminate swelling and speed up the recovery process.

Important! Using an orthopedic leg pillow is one of the necessary elements rehabilitation complex used after surgery on the lower extremities.

Types of foot pillows

Orthopedic transformable pillow

Today, there are several types of orthopedic leg pillows, differing in shape, materials and location.

Differences by place of application:

  • Cushion under the shins. This type of product focuses attention on the legs, raising them higher relative to the body.
  • Pillow for sleeping between the legs. Installed at knee level. Best suited for people who like to sleep on their sides.
  • Anatomical pillow. Follows the curves of the legs from hip to ankle.
  • Orthopedic pillow under the knees. It is a cushion placed under a person’s knees.
  • Full length pillow. This variety is distinguished by its large size and the ability to place not only legs, but almost the entire body on it. Such products are most popular among pregnant women.

By form:

  • cube;
  • beveled cube;
  • contour anatomical;
  • roller;
  • transformer;
  • universal;

There are also pillows with the ability to adjust the height of the legs.

Universal pillow for pregnant women

By type of filler:

  • Latex. Pillows made of this material have the ability to ventilate, which prevents your feet from sweating even on the hottest night. Also, such products are not susceptible to moisture, which ensures their durability. They are distinguished by their high cost.
  • Polyester. Elasticity is achieved using filler in the form of balls. Best choice there will be a product with balls up to 1.5 cm in diameter.
  • Memorix. Such devices are filled with foam with the so-called “memory effect”. Are different high level comfort and average price.
  • Buckwheat husk. One of the oldest and most proven natural fillers. Such products are distinguished by their ability to massage the legs in a targeted manner. The disadvantages of pillows with buckwheat hulls are their fragility (on average 3 years) and the inability to wash.


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