Easy and cool tricks. Fantastic home tricks

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In this article we will tell you and offer instructions on how to create interesting tricks. You can surprise your guests and friends with them.

Various tricks and manipulations of people’s consciousness are today considered to be one of the types of performing art. Illusionism dates back to the distant 17th century; the first mentions of magicians date back to this time. The ability to surprise people with the help of sleight of hand and various tricks makes it possible not only to earn money, but also to simply amuse people.

What are the simple and easy tricks, and how to do them?

Watching how cleverly magicians turn everything around into pure magic with completely simple hand movements, almost all of us begin to believe in miracles. However, in fact, most “miracles” are just sleight of hand and the ability to captivate the audience.

At first glance it may seem that we can repeat this ordinary people, we simply cannot do it, but by devoting a little time to this matter, you and I can be convinced of the opposite.

So, we present to your attention the simplest tricks.

  1. "Magic number". This trick does not even require sleight of hand from you, however, at the right moment it will amuse your friends and defuse the situation. To perform this trick you need to do the following:
  • Ask the person to guess any number from 2 to 20.
  • The person must multiply the hidden number by 9.
  • Now ask to add two digits of the resulting number.
  • Then subtract 4 from the resulting number.
  • The result of all the above manipulations will be the same hidden number; ask you to remember it, but not to name it. Agree, finishing the trick this way would not be interesting.
  • So say you need to think a little. At this time, ask to guess the letter that will correspond to this number. Guided by simple rule, counting in order, for example, number 1 – letter A, number 2 – B, etc.
  • In our case, this is the letter D.
  • Then ask the viewer to guess a country using this letter.
  • After all this, voice the result. Most likely, the viewer will wish for Denmark, since the letter D is the most common option.

Let's look at an example:

  • Let's say a person thinks of the number 5
  • Multiply 5 by 9 and get 45
  • Now we add 4 and 5 and get 9
  • From 9 we subtract 4 and get 5
  • 5 was the number that was originally guessed
  1. Guessing the vegetable. This trick also depends not on sleight of hand and the ability to mislead the public, but on human psychology. But the simplest tricks are based on such “magic”:
  • So, you take 2 pieces of paper and write cucumber on the first, tomato on the second. Then put one piece of paper in your left pocket, and the second in your right, the main thing in this matter is not to confuse where each piece of paper is. Why these 2 vegetables? According to statistics, these vegetables are the most common and often called in our country. If you are in another country or want to impress foreigners, then this nuance must be taken into account. Because each person names the vegetable that they use most often.
  • Next, give each participant a piece of paper and a pen.
  • While you are doing all these manipulations, there is no point in telling guests what exactly they will need to do.
  • We distract people's attention. We ask them to count something, guess a riddle, that is, we distract their attention from the focus itself.
  • After all the steps, ask all guests to write any vegetable on a piece of paper without hesitation. It is a mandatory requirement to write immediately on command, without thinking.
  • Now ask one of the spectators to read out what he wrote, and take out a piece of paper with the corresponding vegetable.
  • Attribute your success to well-developed telepathic abilities, of course, while joking about it.
  • Of course, such a trick, like all others, has a certain chance of not working out. You need to be prepared for this, so figure out in advance what you will say and how to act if, instead of the well-known cucumber, someone writes the word “Romanesco,” which is far from clear to everyone. By the way, the latter is a variety of cabbage.
  1. Magic beads. It's quite spectacular and interesting trick however, to perform it correctly, it is necessary to show sleight of hand and attentiveness so that guests see magic, and not truly scattered beads:
  • So, for a successful trick, we need an assistant, a person from the audience or company, who will give his beads (necessarily with a clasp), fishing line, scissors, an empty glass, a sheet of paper for the trick.
  • The magic itself lies in the next moment. You take the beads and show the audience that they are intact. Next, take the beads and, distracting the audience, thread a fishing line through all the beads, next to the main thread. Tie the ends of the fishing line - all this, of course, should be invisible to the eyes of all guests.
  • You take the necklace by the fishing line and show it to the audience; it looks like an ordinary decoration, however, now you can safely cut the additional thread.
  • Now comes a very important moment, you must cut the fishing line and simulate the fall of the beads into the glass, gradually releasing them from your hands.
  • Well, it would seem that this is the end of the trick, but no.
  • You make a kind of little bag out of a piece of paper and put supposedly torn beads in it, then send the thread there.
  • A few magic words-spells, a couple of hand movements and you take out the jewelry intact and undamaged.
  • Then be sure to emphasize the piece of paper by straightening it, showing that it is without a secret.
  • As a container into which we will pour beads (supposedly torn decoration), it is better to take a glass glass, not too tall. Items such as a bag or plate, especially not transparent, will not work and will make guests doubt your abilities.
  • The decoration needs to be held by the top edge of our additional thread, and we will cut the bottom edge. At the same time, keep the beads low above the container, otherwise guests will be able to see that the entire decoration has fallen, and not the beads individually, as it should be.
  • This trick is not at all difficult, but before showing it with someone else’s thing, it is better to hone the art on your own.

There are a huge number of other, no less interesting tricks, some of which will be discussed further.

How to learn to do tricks with cards: step-by-step instructions, secrets

These are perhaps one of the most common tricks that even novice illusionists can do. That is why now we will look at the most interesting of them.

  1. Tricks with 4 kings. A simple trick that even the most inexperienced fakir can perform. In this act, it is very important not only to show magic, but also to tell a story in a captivating way that, in addition to informing the audience, also distracts it.
  • So, the first thing you need to do is pull out all the kings from the deck, as well as any 3 more cards.
  • We fold the cards in our hands in such a way that only the kings can be seen by the guests. Additional cards must go to the kings.
  • Next, we begin to tell the story of a bank robbery. The point is that the kings want to rob a bank, and they want to enter the premises through the roof of the building.
  • At this stage, all 7 cards must be added to the rest of the deck. The back of the cards should be on top, exactly like the 3 additional cards. We say that the kings ended up on the roof.
  • Now you take the first card from the top (the spare one, but people will think it's a king because they don't know about the extra cards). At the same time, be careful and do not show anyone what kind of card it is. Say that this is one of the kings that will stand on the 1st floor and place the card somewhere at the bottom of the deck.
  • We send the second king (also a spare card) to the 2nd floor, to the middle of the deck.
  • The 3rd king (last spare card) will be on guard in the basement, place it in the middle of the deck.
  • The last king (really the king, the first in the deck) remains on the roof, show this card to the audience.
  • The king, who was observing everything on the roof, reports that the police are heading towards them and everyone must come to him immediately. Tap the deck 4 times, supposedly calling all the kings, and then reveal the last 4 cards
  • They should all be kings.
  • After this, invite anyone to see that the deck is not fake and that there are no more kings in it.
  • The most important thing in this trick is to quietly take 4 kings and 3 more cards, and then quietly fold a fan of cards.

  1. Here's another simple card guessing trick.
  • You hold a regular deck of cards in your hands and show it to the audience
  • Next, anyone must choose a card and put it on top of the deck, while you, of course, should not see the card
  • Now we remove the deck and place the lower part on top. During this manipulation we look at the bottom card of the deck, it will be a guide for us
  • Then we lay out the deck of cards one by one, face up. The card we need will lie in front of the bottom card of the deck that we memorized
  • To prevent the trick from failing, do not rush into laying out the cards. In this case, even if there is some kind of hiccup, it will be attributed to the desired scenario

How to learn to do tricks with a coin: step-by-step instructions, secrets

Such tricks always delight guests and spectators. In order to show interesting performances with such elements, of course, you need to practice, since the point here lies solely in the dexterity of your hands and their placement.

  1. For the first trick we will need any 2 cards from the deck, a small thin magnet, 2 absolutely identical coins, glue, a glass and scissors
  • First, let's prepare the props. The magnet must be thin, otherwise it will be visible and it will ruin the whole trick. You can buy it in craft stores or borrow it from any decorative magnet that we usually use on refrigerators.
  • Now we take the card and on it front side glue the magnet.
  • Then we carefully glue another card of the same type on top. We glue it so that visually the card is no different from others in the deck.
  • When all this is done, put the card in the deck so that the trick is more believable and the audience does not understand what its essence is. You will easily identify the card, since in your hands you will feel well that it is thicker than the others.
  • Next, in fact, you need to show the trick itself. But you should definitely initially check whether your coins are magnetic, since it happens that there is no such effect. In this case, a miracle will not happen and you will be exposed.

  • All is ready. Begin. We go out to the audience and explain that now you will show how a coin will literally leak through the card and fall into the glass.
  • Place a glass on the table, you have a deck of cards in your hands, the coins are neatly and discreetly hidden behind the container.
  • We shuffle the deck of cards, go through them to find the one we need, take it out and throw it on the table, right on one coin. Be careful, the card must “take” only one coin.
  • Next, without spinning the card or showing it to the audience, we place it on the glass.
  • Then we take the second coin, show it to the guests and sharply hit the glass with it. As a result, the coin, which is already in the glass on the magnet, will fall into the glass.
  • At this moment, with a deft movement of your hands, you must pick up the coin with which you knocked and remove it from people’s eyes.
  • Almost simultaneously with the previous action, you must show a glass covered with a card with a coin inside.
  • Be careful with the size of the magnet; take this fact into account when choosing a coin. A large coin requires a large magnet. The size of the magnet should be at least a couple of times larger than the size of the coin. In this case, you can casually throw the card on the table and be sure that the object will be magnetized. Otherwise, the miracle may not happen.

How to learn to do tricks with fingers: step-by-step instructions, secrets

Tricks with hands and fingers deserve special attention. Dexterity and speed of movement are always in first place here. It is appropriate to show such tricks at various children's events at home. You should refrain from them on the street and if spectators are standing too close to you.

  1. Severed finger. This trick is quite simple, however, all movements must be done quickly, clearly, without hesitation
  • Spectators should not be able to see the back of the hand when performing this trick.
  • Show your hands to the audience, twirl them
  • We show guests one hand with the thumb pointing up
  • Next, we place a second hand on this hand so that we can use it to grab the thumb of the first hand into a fist.
  • Make a fist with your index and middle fingers

  • Now we unclench our fist a little, quickly press the thumb to the palm, and place the thumb of the other hand in its place. In this case, his nail should be slightly visible between the index and middle fingers
  • After this, trying, making an effort, “tear off” your finger with a sharp movement, showing your hand, the thumb of which will be pressed to the palm
  • Now we return the finger to its place. Initially, we press our hands together and carefully but quickly straighten our thumb into a fist. Next, remove the fist and pull out the thumb of the second hand, which is shown between the middle and index fingers
  • That's it, the finger is in place, and the audience is delighted

At first glance, the trick may seem difficult, but in fact it is not, it just takes a little practice. And one more very important point, all the roughness should be hidden by the game of your face. Don’t be afraid to show emotions during a trick, scream when you “tear off” your finger and rejoice when it appears in place again. All these little things will force viewers to pay attention only to the necessary details.

How to learn to do paper tricks: step-by-step instructions, secrets

Paper tricks are exactly what a beginning illusionist needs. The props for such numbers are always available, and even a child can perform them.

  • We'll start with a comic number that will help you tune the audience into the right wave. There will be no magic or sleight of hand in the room. So, you give a piece of paper and a pencil to anyone who wants it and ask them to write any words or sentences there.
  • Next, ask to pass this piece of paper to any other person and promise that you will write the same thing on your piece of paper. Next, a couple of seconds of silence, you seem to be trying to guess the word and write “the same thing” on a piece of paper, then, having prepared the audience for the result, you show a piece of paper with the inscription, voice it, explaining that you fulfilled what you promised and wrote the same thing.

Now that the guests are in a joking mood, you can perform the following tricks. We will analyze the simplest and at the same time interesting of them:

  • We paint a masterpiece in front of the public. So, we need to take an easel, paints, brushes, a sheet of fairly thin paper, a reproduction of a painting, oil.
  • The essence of the trick is that you first wrap the picture in paper and attach it to an easel. Next, place a sheet of blank paper on it and start drawing.
  • The audience sees that you are taking paint with a brush, but in fact there should also be oil on the palette. Dip the brush into the oil, as if drawing, and begin to move it over the paper.
  • The paper will begin to become oily and the image of the painting will begin to appear.
  • In a matter of seconds you will draw a masterpiece right in front of all the spectators.
  • When doing a trick, don't forget about facial expressions and playing with the audience.

We recommend that you start with these simple tricks; they will help you learn how to behave in front of people and “play” in public. Only after you have learned how to skillfully show such illusions, move on to something more complex, where, for example, everything will depend on the dexterity of your hands and the ability to keep the audience in suspense.

How to learn to do vanishing tricks: step-by-step instructions, secrets

The most interesting tricks, according to many people, are disappearing tricks. After all, it is simply unrealistic to believe that an object that was just in front of you has disappeared, but we can even do this.

  1. Pencil disappearing trick. The key to your success is a fairly loose shirt with long sleeves.
  • We take the pencil in our hands and hold it by its edges on both sides with three fingers: thumb, index and middle
  • We only show the front side of our fingers to guests.
  • We begin to press on the pencil with our fingers right hand. So we move it slightly towards the wrist of the right limb
  • Next, we do a few simple manipulations with our hands, as if distracting the audience. For example, a couple of movements up and down
  • Next, we squeeze the fingers on our left hand so that the pencil rests completely on the wrist of our right hand.
  • Now it’s a matter of small things, quickly but carefully insert the pencil into the right sleeve
  • Then we show the audience that there is no pencil
  • You need to do the trick quickly, distracting the guests with your movements, facial expressions, etc.
  • There is no need to perform such a trick without practicing in advance, since such “magic” tends not to happen

Vanishing tricks
  1. Here's another completely simple coin disappearing trick.. We need a table covered with a tablecloth, a coin and, of course, spectators. The trick should be performed while sitting, and the guests should be located not at the side of the magician, but in front of him, at a sufficient distance (not immediately in front of the table).
  • So, we put the coin on the table. It is very important to place it not too far from the edge of the table. 10 cm will be enough
  • Next, we begin to intensively rub the coin into the table with our entire palm. In this case, each movement of your hand should push the coin closer to the edge until it finally lands on your lap
  • After this, using the same rubbing movements, we return the hand to the place where the coin was originally, and make a couple of movements only with the fingers, and not with the entire palm
  • We start saying a funny spell, words, and suddenly raise our hand
  • We are surprised to say that it worked.
  • During all these manipulations, you need to pick up the coin from your lap with your left hand in order to then “get” it from a completely unexpected place

How to learn to do tricks with a handkerchief: step-by-step instructions, secrets

Tricks with scarves are standard at all fakir performances, and for good reason. It is the tricks with such props that are done quite easily, however, they always make a special impression on the audience.

  1. So, we need a scarf, an assistant and basically nothing else, just sleight of hand and the ability to tie knots in a special way.
  • You can choose any viewer as an assistant
  • Next, take a scarf, it should be large enough and twist it so that you get a tourniquet
  • Now we take a twisted scarf and throw it over the person’s hand, doing it from the bottom up. That is, the fabric of the scarf will hold the hand from the underside
  • We must place the left end of the fabric in our left hand between the index and middle finger. Hold the right end arbitrarily
  • Next, we place the right end of the scarf between the ring and middle fingers. At this moment there is already an air loop on the viewer’s hand
  • The right end, after placing it between the indicated fingers, should face towards the thumb and lie on the left end

  • Press your middle finger into your palm. At this time, big and middle fingers left hand holds the right end of the fabric
  • Take the left end of the scarf, thread it through the resulting loop and, continuing to hold the right end with your left hand, tighten the loop
  • Visually it will seem that one strong knot has been made on a person’s hand
  • Next, we wrap the right end of the scarf around the hand in the opposite direction, after which we tie one simple knot and at the end of this manipulation we sharply tighten the knots
  • At this moment, all spectators will see a miracle - the scarf, having passed through a person’s hand, will literally jump off it and tie itself into a knot in the hands of a skilled magician

The trick with the disappearance of a scarf and the appearance of a rose is also very popular, however, these tricks require special props, so we recommend that you initially hone your skills on the simplest trick presented above, and only then move on to something more complex.

How to learn to do magic tricks with an elastic band: step-by-step instructions, secrets

Tricks with an elastic band are a little less popular than others, however, for a beginning magician these tricks are considered the most suitable.

  1. We need to take a ring and cut rubber band:
  • So what do we do next? We stretch the elastic through the decoration, it is important to stretch it not the entire length, but only a couple of cm
  • The rest of the elastic will be hidden in our hand
  • Then we raise the hand that holds the elastic band without a ring, and shake it slightly
  • At this moment the decoration will fall down the other end
  • Now you should very carefully and gradually begin to release the edge of the elastic that is loose. The ring will rise up

During this trick, it is very important to take your time and do all movements very smoothly, otherwise the rubber band may jump out of your hands and the ring will simply fall to the floor.

How to learn to do tricks with a cigarette: step-by-step instructions, secrets

Tricks with cigarettes are very unusual tricks, however, to perform them we need a special prop - that same cigarette.

  1. So the first focus is disappearing cigarette in the nose. From the details we take a special non-real cigarette. As a rule, a rubber band is attached to the end of the cigarette on the filter side, with which you will get rid of it during the trick. The filter itself moves around the cigarette, which creates the effect that the cigarette is placed in the nose.
  • We take a cigarette, first under the jacket in the sleeve area, fasten the elastic band, creating tension
  • Next, we hold a cigarette in our hand and place it towards the edge of the nose, so that the viewer visually sees that the cigarette is right at the opening of the nose
  • We begin to move the prop filter upward, creating the impression that the cigarette is plunging into the nose
  • After this, we release the cigarette, the rubber band works, and the prop flies away unnoticed

  1. And one more no less fascinating trick with a special cigarette. The peculiarity of this cigarette is that it looks like a real one, but inside it is hollow and this can be seen from the filter side. Also included with the props is a tube - a kind of case for the same cigarette, when the cigarette gets there it is not visible due to the fact that its cavity is black, like the cavity of the case. With all this, get it a common person he won’t be able to do it without the help of a magician, and that’s basically what we need.
  • Well, the trick is a shrinking cigarette. To be more precise, we put a supposedly ordinary cigarette into the case, and take out a very small one
  • We put a smaller copy of it in the cavity of a large cigarette.
  • Use your finger to press down on the part where the cigarette might fall out. We show the audience that the cigarette is quite ordinary and place it in a case.
  • After this, close the case with a cap and say any magic words
  • Shake a small cigarette out of the case
  • The case can be given into the hands of guests and spectators, the cigarette is not visually visible in it and it will not be taken out from there, even if you knock on the case

Showing tricks is not as simple as it might seem at first glance, because it is not just hand movements, it is a whole action that must be accompanied by real magic.

  • Show tricks only after long training. Don't tempt fate. Practice at home in front of a mirror, so you will see everything that is happening as if from the outside
  • Always be prepared for something to go wrong. In this case, you need not to get confused, but quickly and quietly correct the error
  • If there is no opportunity to correct the mistake, you need to be able to quickly switch people’s attention to another object, focus, etc.
  • Hone not only your sleight of hand, but also your acting skills, because by performing magic tricks, you are literally playing the role of a wizard. Don't be afraid to be funny, pronounce your words clearly and with appropriate intonation
  • When performing tricks, take your time; there is no need to rush in this matter. You need to do quickly only those movements and manipulations that the viewer can notice if they were done differently
  • Before showing a trick to a large number of people, show it to someone in your family and ask them to evaluate it objectively. Based on this, decide whether you have enough skills to demonstrate such an illusion
  • If you work with props, do not skimp on them, otherwise they will easily let you down at the wrong moment

Creating miracles and magic is not so difficult; for this you need to be patient and show all your imagination and dexterity. Training and your desire will definitely bring you positive results.

Video: How to show tricks - spectacular tricks and their secrets

Hello again!

Sergey Kulikov, aka Sailor, is in touch with you again!

And in our article today, I would like to tell you about what cool children's tricks at home I know!

The advantage of all these tricks is that they can be done very easily with any deck and without preparation. That is, they do not require any secret cheating methods and techniques to be studied at all. Even a small child can make them.

And another big plus is that these tricks can be done with absolutely any deck. playing cards. You can even take the “satin” ones and start entertaining our first viewers.

Focus number 1!

This trick is called “Kings and Queens” and it is very simple to perform. But despite this, he is quite effective and can deceive a large number of of people.

So, for this we only need eight cards. Four Kings and Four Queens.

The idea of ​​the trick is that each Lady is inseparably linked with her King. This is the classic pattern for this trick.

We place the Queens on the Kings and ask the spectator to remove this pile any number of times. After this, the cards remain completely mixed.

Now we take this pile, put it behind our back and take out two cards. One of them will be turned face up and the other face down.

And it turns out that we pulled out two cards with the same suits! That is, we pulled out the Lady Kresti along with the King Kresti and so on.

This trick is remarkable in that the viewer directly participates in it. That is, he participates in the creation of magic. This is just a great trick!

Focus number 2!

This focus is very important role plays the plot. This trick is wonderful because it happens automatically and therefore you can direct all your attention to the most beautiful putter.

So, we have a certain King. He had four daughters - four Ladies. And in order to protect his daughters from their admirers (Jacks), he locked each of them in a tower, hung locks (Tens) and posted guards (Aces).

We put all these four piles together and ask the spectator to pick up the resulting pile as many times as he likes.

We lay out these cards again into four piles. After some time, the King decided to check on his daughters. We turn over the first pile and see that there are four Aces! The guards were deceived!

We turn over the second pile, and there are Two Jacks and Two Queens of the corresponding suits!

The third pile contains four Tens! The locks on the doors were broken!

The fourth pile contains the next two Jacks with their corresponding Queens!

After this incident, the King decided to double his security and take better care of his daughters!

Focus number 3!

These types of tricks are my favorite! After all, in them the magic happens solely thanks to the decisions and actions of the viewer! These are the tricks I most often use as “openers” for my routines!

So, we have a regular deck of cards. Let's choose one random card from it. We won’t show it to the viewer for now.

Now let's start flipping the cards one at a time, face up, until the spectator stops us.

As a result, after these manipulations, we have two piles and one card on the table. We turn over the top card of the first pile and it turns out to be a Ten.

We turn over the tenth card and it turns out to be Ten again!

Now we turn over the top card of the third pile and it is also a Ten!

And the same card that we chose at the beginning of the trick - Ten!

Thus, the spectator himself found four Tens in the shuffled deck!

Demonstration and teaching of these three wonderful tricks.

That's all I have for today! I know such cool children's tricks at home! I hope that you will learn them, rehearse them and tomorrow you will delight your first viewers!

Sergey Kulikov, aka Sailor, was in touch with you!

Who doesn't love magic tricks? Everyone loves magic tricks - both adults and children. Because a trick is a little magic that, if desired and skillful, you can do yourself. Of course, this matter is not as simple as it seems at first glance, so to begin with, the tricks should be as simple as possible. But that doesn’t make them any less effective! We have put together magic tricks that you can show to kids or help your child master them himself - especially for little magicians! The most important thing in this matter is to learn the magic spell: “hocus pocus alle op!” All! Now everything will definitely work out!

Piggy bank book

And it's not simple piggy bank, and the magic one - there are more and more coins in it! We put five coins on the page of the book, close the book, and do not forget about the spell. We open the book - ten coins already fall out of it! Everything is elementary: five coins need to be hidden in advance in the spine of the book. Now the main thing is that the coins do not fall out ahead of time.

Obedient tie

Even kids can do this trick. A young magician appears before the audience. But something is wrong with his suit. Oh yes - he forgot to put on his bow tie! But this is a fixable matter, wave magic wand- hello oops! - and the tie is already in its place! The secret is simple: we sew a thin elastic band to the tie, and hide the tie itself under the armpit. We thread the other end of the elastic through the buttonhole on the collar and pull it under the shirt to the waist, securing it. Now all that remains is to take the magic wand in your hand, wave it - the elastic band is released, and the butterfly “flies” to its place!

Magic spoon

Calmly stir sweet tea or compote with a teaspoon. And suddenly - hello oops! - the spoon is already hanging on our nose! Miracles! In fact, everything is simple: the spoon really sticks to the nose because of the sugar (after all, our tea was sweet, and even more so the compote!). Of course, you need to glue the spoon with the concave side. Plus a little sense of humor and acting skills - a funny trick is ready!

Magic lid

We hand out 3 plastic bottle caps to the audience. One of them should be different from the others in color. Let the audience, without our knowledge, hide the lids in a box with three compartments, each lid in its own (the box is made of 3 boxes glued together). We pick up the box and unmistakably determine where the lid of a different color is located! How? Very simple. In advance, you need to put a weighting agent in this lid - a circle of lead, equal in size to the bottom of the lid. At the moment of guessing, carefully take the box with the lids with your fingers by the middle - the heavy lid will outweigh it slightly. If the drawer remains in balance, then the desired lid is in the middle compartment. And, of course, the caps should be given to the spectators one at a time so that they do not have the opportunity to compare their weight.

I can read minds!

The child takes a book at random from the shelf and asks the audience to tell the page number. Then he leaves the room. The magician's assistant reads out the top line of the page chosen by the audience. A young magician enters and repeats it without hesitation! He really can read minds! In fact, everything is simpler: our magician and sorcerer simply knows how to read. Behind the door lies the same book as the one that the child took out “at random” from the shelf. And he himself read the required top line behind the door!

Lord of Rice

The magician is holding a plastic margarine box filled with rice. The child covers it on top with exactly the same box - bottom up. After magical manipulations and reading the spell, the box opens, and lo and behold, a miracle - there is much more rice! It doesn’t even fit in the box and spills out onto the table! The secret of the trick is in the specially prepared box with which we covered our rice. It has a “double bottom” - the lid from it needs to be cut off and carefully glued as a bottom approximately in the middle of the box. Now the most important thing is not to mix it up and at the end of the trick, pour the rice into the right box, the one with a false bottom.

Sleight of hand

For this trick we will need a bracelet, rope and a scarf. The assistant tightly ties the young magician's hands, after which he gives him a bracelet and wraps the magician's hands with a scarf, holding the ends of the scarf. After a couple of moments, the scarf is removed, the magician raises his hands - and the magician’s bracelet is put on a rope! The thing is that there are actually two bracelets: the second one is already put on the child’s hand and hidden under the sleeve of the jacket. All that remains is to quietly drop the bracelet onto the rope and hide the second bracelet!

Candy made from... confetti?

For this sweet trick you will need a wide bowl filled with confetti to the middle and a couple of paper cups, not just ordinary ones, but with a secret. Here it is, this secret: one of the cups should have a lid, onto which we glue confetti thickly and thickly. Then it's a matter of technology. We put candy in a glass with a lid and bury it in the bowl of confetti. The child shows the bowl to the audience. So that everyone can see that there is no deception here, he scoops up confetti with another glass and pours it back into the bowl from a fairly high height. Then he scoops up the confetti again (but in fact takes another glass, and hides the first one in the bowl), covers it with a handkerchief, reads a spell, removes the handkerchief - in front of us is a glass filled with delicious candies! The main thing is to carefully remove the lid along with the scarf - this is the second secret of our trick.

Non-bursting ball

Take an inflated balloon and a long, sharp knitting needle. A swing, a precise movement - and the knitting needle is inside the ball, but the ball is intact! This is possible with a little preparation and a series of training. You need to stick a piece of transparent tape on both sides of the ball, and the magician’s task is to learn how to hit exactly the marked places. It's not that easy and requires some dexterity. But the effect produced by the trick is worth the time and effort!

Fruit transformation

There is an orange in the palm of the young magician. The magician covers it with a scarf, casts a magic spell - and now there is not an orange on his hand, but an apple! And here’s the solution: you need to peel the orange in advance. And put a small apple inside it. The peel is removed with a slight movement of the hand along with a scarf.

Coin - acrobat

Let's invite our viewers to pick up a coin from the table without touching it. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to do this. Meanwhile, it is enough to blow sharply on a coin from a distance of about 5 cm - it will jump, and you need to keep your hand very close in order to have time to pick up the coin. The trick is charming, but requires practice.

I know your date of birth!

This trick, of course, is beyond the power of children. But you can surprise children and adults with them at some holiday. The magician asks the spectator to multiply his date of birth (number) by 2, add 5 to the result, multiply the amount by 50. Then add the number of the month of birth and call the resulting number. The presenter accurately names the viewer's date of birth! And first in his mind he subtracts 250 from the number named by the viewer. The result is a three- or four-digit number. One or two first digits of which is the date, and the second two are the month of birth.

Slippers and rug

The magician brings a rug onto the stage and shows it to the audience from all sides. He covers his feet with it (and at this time he quietly removes the slippers from his feet). The rug is removed - the slippers are revealed! But that's not all: While the magician bows, the slippers go backstage on their own (they are pulled by assistants on a fishing line)! This is an embarrassment! Let's go get the slippers!

Endless thread

There is a white thread on the magician's jacket; the magician tries to brush it off, but he fails. He asks the audience to remove the thread. The kind spectator pulls the thread, pulls, pulls, but it never ends! Soon the viewer becomes entangled in threads. In fact, in the inner pocket of the jacket there is a pencil with a long thread wound around it, and the end of the thread was pulled out with a needle. And we need a pencil for secrecy - even if attentive spectators suspect something, a pencil in your pocket will not give away the secret - it’s not a reel!

Magic water

There is such an optical illusion: if you put a glass on a coin, it will be visible through the walls of the glass, but if you pour water into the glass, the coin will no longer be visible, unless, of course, you look at it from the side, but if you look exactly from above, it will be visible This can become the basis for a focus. For example, you can glue a coin to the bottom of a glass. The magician shows the audience a glass of water - nothing is visible. And now (after the magic words) we look at the glass from above - a coin has appeared in the glass!

Weightless glass

For the trick we need three glasses and a sheet of paper. We place two glasses on the table not far from each other. The magician informs the audience that a sheet of paper placed on the glasses can easily support the weight of the third glass and invites the audience to try to check this. Of course, no one believes. But in vain! This is possible if you fold a sheet of paper like an accordion. For greater effect, you can pour water into the top glass.

Trained button

Pour soda into a glass and put a small button in it. Now we turn to the button: “swim up!”, then: “swim down!” The button is obedient! And here there is no secret at all, the law of physics: gas bubbles, gathering around the button, lift it to the top, at the top they burst, and the button sinks again. All that remains is to calculate the time for your teams.

Unblown candle

Here again are amazing laws of physics and no magic. We try to blow out the candle through the funnel - we blow into its narrow end. If the candle is located exactly in the middle of the funnel, nothing happens, but if the flame is located at the edge of the funnel, the candle goes out immediately. The fact is that the air we blow out is scattered and distributed around the edges of the funnel. Therefore, no air flow remains in the middle, which is why the candle does not go out.

Video: tricks and their secrets

Simple trick with cards - video

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It is also possible to become a wizard without leaving home. To do this, you just need to know a few beautiful and fun tricks, the implementation of which does not require any specific props. Many ordinary things and objects to which we do not attach special significance, can become magical in the hands of a skilled wizard.

Let's look at several options for beautiful, spectacular and colorful tricks performed at home from handy materials that will appeal to both adults and children.

"Merry Rainbow"

To perform this trick you will need the following set of components:

  • high fat milk (at least 3.5%);
  • food colorings different shades;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • cotton swab;
  • not too deep, but not a flat plate either.

Effect: beautiful multi-colored waves will move in the plate, forming spectacular circles and semicircles of a rich palette.

Execution: pour a little milk into a plate and add a few grains of different dyes. Then dip a cotton swab in dishwashing liquid and, saying the magic words, poke it into the middle of the mixture in the plate. Further transformations will proceed on their own, as chemical reactions will begin to occur between the milk protein, the fat in it and the detergent with dyes.

Try the trick in advance to calculate the most effective amount detergent on a stick.

"Volcanic Lava"

A volcanic eruption can also be done artificially, using ordinary food products and medicines. This trick will appeal to both children and adults for its effectiveness.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • ordinary water;
  • transparent vessel (vase, tall glass);
  • vegetable oil;
  • food coloring, red or orange, to resemble a fire flame and a hot substance;
  • any effervescent tablets (Suprastin, vitamins, ACC and others).

Effect: the wizard demonstrates ordinary water in a vessel. Then, as a result of magical transformations and the addition of witchcraft substances, the water turns into lava erupting, as if from the crater of a volcano.

Execution: add dyes to the water and add oil. Wait for the phases of the liquids to separate and at this point add the pop into the mixture. Next, a chemical reaction will complete the trick.

Such tricks at home, which are based on chemistry, are always particularly successful and amaze the imagination. After all, no one expects miracles from ordinary things! An interesting trick with glowing liquid which you can do yourself, see here:

Fruit transformation

A very interesting trick that children will especially enjoy. For it you will need:

  • small apple;
  • an orange with a larger diameter than an apple;
  • beautiful colored scarf.

Effect: in front of the audience, the magician turns an orange into an apple!

Execution: you should prepare the necessary details in advance, namely, carefully separate the orange from the peel. It is important that the peel retains its almost perfect shape. Then we place the apple inside the peel and get what appears to be an orange. In front of the audience we demonstrate the fruit and declare that we will turn it into an apple using a spell. We say magic phrases, cover with a scarf and at this time squeeze the apple out of the peel, and leave it in the scarf in the other hand. We show the audience an apple.

Be sure to select the correct diameters of the fruits so that the focus turns out smoothly.

Burning banknote trick

Everyone will love this trick. Its essence is that the wizard sets fire to any banknote and it burns with a bright, beautiful flame. But after combustion it remains completely intact and unharmed. It seems impossible, but everything is quite understandable.

The secret lies in a special solution that needs to be used to treat the bill before setting it on fire. It consists of alcohol, water and salt (liquid ratio 1/1). The alcohol will burn faster than it reaches the dried bill, and the fire will go out, leaving the money unharmed.

A very interesting trick with a flying lighter flame. It looks like this: you strike the flint, but the light does not appear at the base, but seems to float much higher. The secret of this trick can be seen here:

If you want the fire of a burning bill to be also beautiful, you can add any chemical salt to a mixture of alcohol and water (lithium, potassium or chromium salts).

Lord of Fire

A good trick that requires very little preparation. You announce to the guests that you know how to command the fire of a candle and can make it go out at your request. Light a candle and say a magic spell, after which the fire goes out.

The secret of this trick is that before putting the candle on display, you need to drop stationery glue (silicate) into the recess with the wick. As soon as the combustion reaches a drop of glue, the fire will immediately go out.

Practice beforehand so you know approximately how many spells you will need to cast. This way you can avoid the ridiculous delay of the trick.

Homemade water tricks

A very interesting trick with water disappearing from a mug will definitely interest viewers. The effect is as follows. The wizard takes a mug, the most ordinary one, pours the same one into it plain water and begins to cast spells. After some time, he turns the mug over, and there is no more water in it!

The secret of this trick and its training can be found here:

The trick with bleaching ink water is also beautiful. For it you will need:

  • water;
  • Activated carbon;
  • transparent glass;
  • ink.

Effect: water colored with ink becomes discolored after the magic words and the addition of powder.

Execution: Crush the coal into powder in advance and pour into colored water. Then shake slightly and that's it, discoloration has occurred. The secret is that carbon is an adsorbent that absorbs ink.

Magic tricks attract the attention of spectators of all ages, because they, like nothing else, demonstrate real magic in Everyday life. Tricks fascinate, intrigue, and after a magician demonstrates them, you always want to unravel the secret, or even better, learn how to perform it yourself. The latter may not be easy, because magicians often use special props and hone their skills over the years to amaze the audience.

However, there are many simple tricks that even a child can master. To carry them out, you don’t need special preparation; it’s enough to know a few secrets and practice before demonstrating to the audience. The ability to effectively surprise peers, and even adults, raises a child’s self-esteem and makes him more self-confident, which is especially important for shy children.

In addition, most simple magic tricks are based on physical or chemical laws, which allows you to introduce your child to science in a “magical” way.

Before you teach your child a new trick, demonstrate it yourself. Explain the main secret - why it happens this way and not otherwise. Help your child learn the trick. After a few practices, you can perform in public!

And we offer you a series of 11 simple tricks for children that will be an excellent start for a young illusionist.

It often happens that an uncut thread sticks out of clothes and spoils appearance interlocutor. The situation is especially unpleasant when there are no scissors at hand and then you can ask someone to cut the thread, citing dirty hands or your own clumsiness. What a surprise the interlocutor will be when he pulls the thread and discovers that it is endlessly long!

For the trick we will need: a needle, thread, short pencil. Instead of a pencil, you can use a whole spool of thread, but then the chances of the trick being revealed increase significantly.

So, we wind a couple of meters of thread around a pencil in a color that matches the threads in your clothes. We put a pencil in the pocket and, using a needle, bring the end of the thread out to the seam on the clothing. The preparation is over, you can go “ask for help.”

This trick is best demonstrated while drinking tea. To do this, press a teaspoon, previously dipped into sweet tea, to your thumb and wait for the tea to dry a little. When dry, the sweet syrup will “glue” the spoon to your finger and it will hang confidently on it even when you move it. This trick can also be demonstrated by gluing a spoon to your nose, chin and demonstrating the magical properties of your cutlery.

For focus we need an empty one Matchbox and any flat obstacle: large book/folder/cutting board, etc.

First, we ask the guest to move the matchbox from its place without using his hands. This is easy to do by blowing on it. Now ask them to make the box move closer to you instead of moving away. If the guest is confused, show him a master class! We place an obstacle behind the box and blow strongly not on the box, but on this obstacle, just above the box. The air flow will hit the obstacle and return, taking with it a light matchbox. This way the boxes will move towards you without using your hands.

Banana trick

You can easily surprise your guests at the table with this trick, you just need to prepare a little. The idea is that you offer your guests to peel a whole banana. When the guest removes the peel, he discovers a chopped banana inside.

To prepare we will need: a whole banana, a long needle and a little lemon juice.

We pierce the banana peel with a needle and make several upward and downward movements with it, cutting through the soft inside of the banana. We do this several times, thereby cutting the banana into several parts. Then we treat the puncture sites of the peel lemon juice, otherwise they will darken and be noticeable. Preparatory work finished - you can surprise your guests!

Video instructions for cutting a banana with a needle:

Climb through a sheet of paper

Another riddle you can ask your guests is about a sheet of paper. After providing them with an A4 sheet of paper and scissors, ask them to cut the sheet so that both a child and an adult can fit through it. Cutting inside the sheet will not give anything - the hole will be too small. However, if you cut the sheet according to the diagram, you will get a huge ring that anyone can pass through.

To do this, fold the sheet widthwise to form a long narrow rectangle and make cuts on both sides, as for a children's garland. At the end, you will still need to cut the sheet at the place of the original fold, leaving the edges intact (the beginning of the cut is at the location of the scissors in the photo). Now we unfold our sheet and get a huge “ring”. Mission accomplished!

Matchbox in a balloon

Rarely is a child's birthday complete without balloons. You can also show a trick with a ball, and not only by piercing it with a needle, as we wrote about.

Say that you have a magic matchbox that can penetrate the balloon through its wall. To do this, inflate a regular balloon in front of the audience, without tying it, and press a matchbox tightly to its bottom. Now release the air from the ball, remembering to press the box against the ball all the time. When the balloon deflates, the audience will see that there is a box inside the deflated balloon. Put it on your hand and show everyone the result of the magic. The most important thing is not to let anyone know what really happened, otherwise the secret will be revealed immediately.

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

The box, of course, did not get inside. During deflation, the stretched rubber wrapped around the matchbox on three sides, and if you do not look from below, it seems that the matchbox is inside.

We will need 3 opaque cups, a small wad of napkin to match the color of the cup, and sleight of hand.

Show the audience a stack of cups and place them in front of you, bottom up. Ask someone or yourself to roll up a small wad of napkin and place it on a medium glass. Now cover the middle glass with those standing next to you and say your favorite “magic words”. Raise the stack of glasses - a wad of napkin has passed through the bottom of the glass and is lying on the table. You are a real magician!

The secret is to place the same wad of napkin in the second glass before performing the trick. So that the spectators do not notice anything, the cups must be turned over quickly - with a sharp movement of the hand. Thus, already at the beginning of the trick, under the second glass there is a wad of napkin. All that remains is to make sure that the second lump is similar to the first.

To be honest, I doubted until the last minute whether my 4-year-old daughter would master this trick, but she did it wonderfully the second time. Therefore, you can safely show and teach your children such spectacular and simple tricks.

And a few more tricks from passionate mothers.

Magic water trick

Idea: we decided that a clown magician would perform a trick for our daughter. They turned on funny music and called a clown together with my daughter. The clown (dad) came, said hello, magic music started playing, the clown took out a jar of water... We looked at it, after which the clown said the magic words: “You are water - water, light like frost, become water - water, not light, but... green (red, blue)”, shook the jar and... the water turned green (red, blue).

Necessary materials: glass jar with lid, gouache, water.

Technical part trick: pour water into a jar, spread gouache on the lid desired color, close the jar with a lid. The presenter shows the jar, noting that the water in it is clear and light. After that, he says the “magic words” and shakes the jar, and the water turns gouache.

My daughter’s reaction was frightened by the clown, so I had to show the rest of the trick to me myself. There was surprise and a smile on Alena’s face at how the water turned into a different color.

Salimova Olga and daughter Alena 2 years old. 4 months, Ekaterinburg.

I surprised my children with drawing on milk. Anya already tried this method, but as it turned out, she completely forgot.

We will need:

  • a plate of milk;
  • diluted food coloring;
  • liquid dishwashing detergent;
  • shelves for drawing (optional).

Drop dyes into a plate with milk different colors and watch how the paint spreads. You can draw a little with a stick (I recommend it for older children and it is important that there is no intense mixing, otherwise all the beauty will be lost), but even without this, beautiful patterns will appear in the plate.

To complete the process, we drip liquid soap, or dip a cotton swab in soap and place it in a plate. And watch the magic! The paint runs away from a drop of soap, as if by magic. You can add coloring once or twice more. In the final spills, you can dip the paper and print paint on it.

Kudryashova Nadezhda and children: Anya 4 years 6 months. and Misha 1 year 5 months, St. Petersburg.

For the experiment, I took a saucer with water, a piece of white paper napkin, on which I drew squares with colored felt-tip pens. When you put a napkin in water, the water begins to rise up due to the capillary effect - colored paths appear, a beautiful rainbow. They explained to my daughter that the water ran upward along the colored paths.

Olga Antonenko and Olesya 1 year 7 months. Yaroslavl.

Ice tricks for kids

We carried out. I froze water in a candy box and it turned out to be very cute cubes with a flower. At first my daughter didn’t understand what it was, she actively touched it, showing that it was cold. Then she started trying - taking it into her mouth and taking it out again. Then we tried to paint the cubes with gouache using our fingers and a brush. And at the end of the experiment, they sprinkled salt so that the ice melted. Naturally, I didn’t have enough patience to wait, but I really enjoyed clapping my hands on the melted water.


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