Flight of stairs for a bath: dimensions and materials. The principle of constructing a high-quality staircase to the second floor in a bathhouse with your own hands What to make a staircase to a bathhouse from

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Any interfloor staircase in the house - a compromise between safety, convenience and space saving. Even in a fairly spacious room this is not easy, and finding a place for a ladder in a bathhouse is much more difficult. The rooms are usually small, which means you have to solve a problem with a lot of unknowns. Therefore, the stairs in the bathhouse require a balanced approach.

  • 1 Entrance staircase to the bathhouse
    • 1.1 Foundations for entrance stairs to the bathhouse
  • 2 Stairs in the bathhouse to the second floor
  • 3 Types of wooden stairs
  • 4 A little about steps, sizes and terms
  • 5 How to calculate the stairs to the bathhouse
  • 6 How to make a ladder in a bathhouse yourself
Entrance staircase to the bathhouse

Usually, several steps are needed and there are no strict restrictions due to lack of space. Therefore, we can do as GOST advises:

Since baths are most often built of wood, stairs are usually made of the same material. You need to choose species that are resistant to climatic influences. Larch is best; pine will work well. Be sure to treat all components with antifungal and protective impregnations(for example, “Senezh”).

Foundations for entrance stairs to the bathhouse

The foundation for stairs is usually made of piles or columns. The fastest and cheapest to manufacture is a pile made from bored piles. Even faster, but more expensive to install screw piles, but their cost is higher. All work on the construction of the underground part of the porch occurs after the foundation of the building has settled.

If the soil is heaving (clay or loam), the piles should be buried below the freezing level of the soil. It is advisable to make an expansion in the lower part (TISE piles), then there will be a guarantee that the porch will not be pushed out during winter heaving.

Entrance staircase to the bathhouse pile foundation deep

Entrance staircase can be done if necessary shallow. Then they use columns rather than piles. Their depth is at least 40 cm below the fertile layer. But then during heaving the stairs will rise. To prevent it from blocking the doors, you will need a high threshold.

If you don’t want to make a threshold, you can make the upper platform attached to the wall of the house. To do this, during construction, beams are laid on which the upper platform will be assembled.

Shallow entrance wooden staircase (to enlarge the image, click on the picture with the left mouse button)

In this case, a transverse support for a stringer or bowstring is nailed to the beams mounted in the wall. The same beam is made on “bulls” - shallow support posts. In this case, it turns out that the stairs can be skewed, but the upper platform will remain in place.

Stairs in the bathhouse to the second floor

If the second floor in the bathhouse has seasonal use- no one will live there in winter, it makes sense to move the lift out of the room - to the veranda or an extension. This way, firstly, you will save space in the bathhouse itself, and secondly, you will not have to cool through the hatch to the second floor of the room.

Planning an "L"-shaped staircase

If the second floor will be used in cold weather, you will have to fit in the structure. In this case, you will have to consider many factors:

  • You need to position the staircase so that it not only fits well on the first floor, but also on the second floor, when you go up, you don’t rest your head on the sloping ceiling: often in bathhouses, not a full second floor is built on, but an attic is made with the help of a broken roof or kicked out, as they say, 1.5 floors, and then comes the roof.
  • It is advisable to make the exit on the second floor near one of the walls: this way it is “eaten up” less area. It is very inconvenient to have a hole in the middle of the room: organizing the space normally is problematic.
  • Select the parameters of the stairs so that it is both convenient and safe.
Types of wooden stairs

The staircase in the bathhouse to the second floor can have straight or curved flights. It will not be possible to calculate and build curved stairs on your own, without experience: it is too difficult. That’s why basically everything is done by straightforward people.

When choosing a model with straight flights, it is not necessary that there be one flight (these are single-flight stairs) - along the wall. You can design it in the form of the letter “G” or “P”. The straight sections are connected by platforms or winder - turning - steps.

Different types stairs to the second floor (to enlarge the image, click on the picture with the left mouse button)

Please note that marches can be closed or open. Closed flights have risers - parts that close the gap between two steps. A turn in the staircase can be made with a rectangular landing (the option on the far left in the picture) or with winder (triangular) steps (there are two options in the picture).

This is a staircase with a closed flight - with risers

In one place it is better not to make many winder steps, as in the picture in the center - you will have to climb “along the wall,” that is, where the steps are wider. The most optimal number of them is three to four. But it is not always possible to fit this option into the existing conditions and then you have to make a compromise.

U-shaped staircases to the second floor are usually poorly integrated into small spaces: when designing, shafts are specially left for them or space is provided. It is much easier in this regard with the placement of “L”-shaped ones.

L-shaped stairs are easier to fit into small rooms in the bathhouse. The marches here are open - there are no risers

The staircase in the bathhouse to the 2nd floor in the shape of the letter “L” can, as in the photo above, run along two walls, or it can adjoin only one of them.

A little about steps, sizes and terms

We have already talked about what winder steps are - they are triangular or trapezoidal shape turning steps. But these are not all the terms. To calculate the stairs for the bathhouse yourself, you need to know some standards, terms and tolerances. With the height and width of the steps: this is already clear. But there is such a thing as a lifting step. This is essentially the height of the step, but must take into account the thickness of the material. Since the materials may be different, the lifting step may vary significantly.

The following step sizes are considered the best: width about 30 cm, step up 15-16 cm. But these are average figures. For people of average height with average long legs. And these parameters, as you know, are different for everyone. If you are planning for yourself, you can calculate based on what is most convenient for you and your family members.

The width of the step is determined by the length of the foot. It is more convenient when the entire foot rests on the step, and not just part of it.

It will be more convenient to rise and fall if the entire foot rests on the step

But this, unfortunately, is not always possible. If the reduction is insignificant and you won’t have to use the stairs very often, as in a bathhouse, for example, then you can reduce the width of the steps. If the bathhouse is residential, or used as a guest house, you can find a way out of the situation by making a staircase “ duck step" It is distinguished by steps of unequal width: on one side there is a cutout. In this case, you have to start the descent or ascent from a certain leg. Look at the photo of such a staircase and everything will become clear.

You can make a “goose step” staircase to the bathhouse. It has figured steps. You have to climb it with a certain foot in order to get to the wide part

When going up and down these steps, you are forced to change your gait. That's why this name arose. But at the same time, it allows you to make a very, very steep climb, and without any particular threat to safety.

When calculating, they do not use the height of the room, but the distance from the floor of the first floor to the floor of the second. To do this, add the thickness of the ceiling to the height of the ceiling and finishing materials floor of the second floor. This is the value needed in the calculation.

The number of steps is found simply: the found distance from floor to floor is divided by the recommended lifting step - 15-16 cm. The resulting figure is rounded (up or down, see for yourself). For example, the distance from floor to floor is 280 cm. Divide by 15 cm, we get 18.6, round up, we get that our staircase should have 19 steps.

Now let’s determine what the lifting step will be: divide 280 cm into 19 steps. The result will be 147 cm. Not enough. If there are no children or elderly people in the family, you can consider the option of installing 18 steps. In this case, the lifting height will be 155 cm. This value fits into the recommendations. This will be more comfortable for a person of average height.

Another point that requires checking: the size of the opening for the stairs on the second floor. To avoid hitting your head on the opening when descending, the distance from the step below to the opening must be 200 cm (minimum 190 cm).

To avoid hitting your head when descending, check the distance from the step to the edge of the cutout. This, by the way, is an example of a one-flight staircase. But there is a very steep ascent here, apparently neither small children nor elderly people go to the bathhouse

If the resulting height is less than 190 cm, there are two options: increase the size of the passage through the ceilings (make it longer). If this is not possible, increase the ascent step, making the stairs steeper. But it cannot be made larger than 210 mm. The solution is to increase the clearance a little and at the same time make the rise a little higher.

The finished parameters of the stage must be checked using the convenience formula. If you add the lifting step multiplied by 2 and the width of the step, the result should be in the range from 600 to 650 mm. So, if the lifting step is 155 mm and the step width is 300 mm, we get 155 mm * 2 + 300 mm = 610 mm. We're getting back to normal. If not, an adjustment is needed.

The minimum width of the stairs to the bathhouse is 80 cm, the optimal width is 100 cm. Plan somewhere in this area.

Don't forget that everything wooden surfaces It is advisable to treat it with protective impregnations in the bath. How and what, read here.

How to make a ladder in a bathhouse yourself

In addition to the parameters of the steps, you also need to decide how exactly to build the staircase itself. Wooden stairs made on bowstrings or stringers. The string is the boards between which the steps are attached. They have smooth edges, and the steps are attached precisely between them, using corners and bars. Special grooves are also cut into them.

Methods for attaching steps to the strings of a ladder (to enlarge the image, click on the picture with the left mouse button)

The stringer is distinguished by the fact that it has a sawtooth profile. The steps are laid on the molded ledge.

How to make a stringer for the stairs to the bathhouse (to enlarge the image, click on the picture with the left mouse button)

It is easier to make a ladder on bowstrings: a much lower level of carpentry skill is required. This is especially true for mortise steps or when they are mounted on corners. The skills required here are generally minimal.

How to build a staircase to a bathhouse on a bowstring (to enlarge the image, click on the picture with the left mouse button)

How to build a staircase to a bathhouse on a bowstring: it all starts with installing a bowstring and support pillars, if any. support pillar- usually a square beam of at least 150*150 cm. Boards with a thickness of at least 4-5 cm are used for strings and steps. They are needed good quality without knots or cracks. Bowstrings are attached to the wall using long nails or wood screws.

Then steps are installed on the corners or support bars. If there finished project, it must have a complete layout of the dimensions of each step. If there is no project, difficult places You can first make patterns from cardboard, then outline them on wood and cut them out precisely. This will definitely be needed with winder steps (rotary). All others should be standard sizes.

If you still want to make a staircase on stringers, watch the video. Everything is told very sensibly.

You need to think about the location of the stairs at the construction stage. Change finished interior much more difficult to implement, and the price of this service is significantly higher than the usual installation of a flight of stairs.

The staircase in the bathhouse not only connects the steam room with the dressing room, but can serve as an exit to the porch or to the attic. If the house and the bathhouse are located very close, then they can be connected together. The staircase leading from the bathhouse to the second and first floors will allow you and your guests to quickly move from one room to another.

There are many options you can use to save space. Spiral staircase will not take up much space in the bathhouse, and at the same time will give interior decoration beauty and some uniqueness.

Order a ladder for a bath

Stairs for outdoor and indoor baths can become a real decoration. "Staircase Pro" is ready to decorate your staircase with any additional elements. Figured design pillars, balusters and bowstrings will make your staircase one of the most beautiful places in the house. Pine, which is the main raw material for manufacturing, lends itself perfectly to processing, which allows you to realize the wildest fantasies of the client.

You can buy a ladder to a bathhouse made of wood, metal, concrete or glass using the contacts that you can find on the official “Staircase Pro” page. Here you are offered a large selection of ready-made flights of stairs, and you can also order an individual project.

In addition to the stairs to the bathhouse on the 2nd floor, you can buy all the components from us - bowstrings, steps, balusters, forged and carved railings. Big choice styles will give you a wide field to choose from. You can find everything here: modern glass products, which make the room brighter, classic wooden stairs, which are in constant demand among buyers. By contacting us, you will get the best that is on the market in Moscow and the Moscow region! “Ladder Pro” - climb higher with us!

If the completed project for the construction of a bathhouse provides for the presence of a full second floor, then it is simply impossible to do without installing a high-quality staircase. A practical lifting system is relevant if the owner decides to arrange a comfortable seating area. A practical staircase to the second floor in a bathhouse must necessarily correspond to the specificity of the structure. For manufacturing it is necessary to select only high-quality and durable materials.

An elegant option for a spacious sauna

Staircase indoors

If the upper floor is used exclusively in the cold season, then you can install a compact lifting system, which will be located in the extension or veranda. Thanks to this, you can save valuable space in the sauna and also maintain heat. If the second tier is used all year round, then the ladder should be located inside the steam room. In this case, the master must take into account several main factors:

  1. Exit to top floor It is best to do it near one of the walls, as this will help maintain the main percentage of the free zone.
  2. The staircase should be located so that it looks as harmonious as possible on the ground floor and is comfortable to use. Often in saunas they do not build a full second tier, but simply build small attic, which is not entirely convenient for frequent use.
  3. Dimensions must be designed so that operation is as safe as possible.
  4. The connection between the two floors must provide the most reliable ascent and descent. A traditional device of small marches is considered an excellent option.
Unusual decorative approach

Common types

Experts identify several categories of devices that are designed to connect two floors within one building.

The most popular models are:

  1. on pain;
  2. on the bowstring;
  3. folding;
  4. on casing pipes;
  5. combined.

The basic element is the bowstring - these are steps and powerful side supports. Modern masters They prefer to modernize everything. Instead of a classic bowstring, other devices can be used:

  • Boltsy. These supports are made in the form of massive bolts from high-quality steel. Used in the construction of household frameless lifting devices. The bolts can rest not only on the wall, but also on the railing and side bowstring. Visually lightweight, as it is devoid of bulky elements.
  • Stringers. The bowstring is made in the form of small jagged bases for steps. This option is actively used when arranging standard staircases.
  • Retractable/folding bowstring. The structure turns out to be very compact, since the structure can be easily hidden when it is not in use.
  • Durable casing. These details are often combined with bolts. The versatility of this option allows you to attach a standard spiral staircase.

Important! Among owners of country real estate, a staircase in a bathhouse to the second floor in a limited space made of wood is in great demand. Since the finished structure looks quite stylish and compact.

Great option to save free space


The master must take a responsible approach to calculating the width of the flight, as well as the depth and height of the steps. Only in this case will the staircase have the necessary safety and comfort. Experts recommend relying on accepted standards, taking into account the free area allocated for the construction of the lift.

Basic parameters:

  1. When placed internally, the width of the march should be in the range of 75-80 cm.
  2. The minimum size should not be less than the required 65 cm.
  3. It is most comfortable to use the stairs with a flight of more than one meter.

These nuances are relevant in relation to direct and turning stairs. Optimal width and the height of the steps is calculated based on the parameters of the person’s foot.

Just like in a sauna high level humidity used wood material must be resistant to the development of putrefactive bacteria. It is best to choose natural raw materials from ash, larch, and wenge. For creating metal steps fits stainless steel. This material is not subject to corrosion and deformation.

The available option is presented in the video:

Stairs must correspond to the characteristics of the room. The master can independently build a durable wooden product. In limited space, it is better to choose L-shaped models.

The installation principle consists of several main stages:

  1. Preliminary calculation of the dimensions of the building.
  2. Installation of pre-prepared support systems. If a small rotating part is provided, then additional reinforcement will be needed.
  3. Fixing the bowstring. You can use straight parts or slightly curved stringers. If the master plans to use a classic bowstring, then you need to prepare the slots in advance at the places of future fixation.
  4. Fastening all steps.
  5. IN closed type will be needed additional installation risers.
  6. Experts recommend installing handrails to make movement as safe as possible.


Available options

Compact products made from high quality metal on bolts or pipes.

But in this case, you need to take into account several important nuances:

  1. The interior of the room should be combined with metal elements.
  2. Steel stairs are ideal if the lifting structure is located outside the steam room and is not exposed to the negative effects of high temperatures.

They look more stylish and sophisticated. If the room is very small, then you can build a product in the goose step style.

Important! For limited space, a rotary or straight staircase is ideal, all steps of which are alternately located only on the left or right side. Due to this, you can save free space at the height of the approach, while maximizing the comfort of use.

If the second tier will be used exclusively in the warm season, then you can attach the stairs to small terrace or on the street.

Available options installations

External extension

There are several types of lifting structures that can be installed from the street. They all differ from each other in size, shape of the main architectural elements, as well as some technical features. Professional craftsmen There are several main types of external stairs:

  1. Semicircular.
  2. Square.
  3. Oval.
  4. Rectangular.
  5. Curvilinear.
  6. Faceted.

The structure can be frontal (installed perpendicular to the facade), profile. The parameters of such stairs are fully consistent with those installed inside the steam room. The height of the riser should be in the range from 14 to 18 cm, the depth - 32 cm. Special attention is paid to the slope of the steps, since it is necessary to ensure water drainage. Top width landing calculated so that the distance from it to the door is at least 60 cm.

When choosing the most suitable structure, you need to take into account the fact that a straight vertical staircase is not very convenient for use. This option is not suitable for unobstructed access to the recreation room on the top floor. This architectural approach is only appropriate if the owner wants to save personal savings, and not to achieve maximum comfort and practicality.

The most popular are spiral and screw types, as they are aesthetically attractive and reliable. look after metal stairs quite simple, and the durability of operation is confirmed by time. But building one in a cozy bathhouse with your own hands is quite problematic.

Read also: - its design, pros and cons, assembly rules

Marching options from quality wood ideal for almost all types of real estate. If free space allows, then a reinforced concrete lifting system can be made. It will be durable and reliable, as it is not at all afraid negative impact environment and mechanical loads. The main task is to ensure that there is no dissonance between the room and the stairs.

Safe street structure

Construction requirements

The installed types must meet all basic operational requirements.

If the product is located under open air, then you need to take into account a number of nuances:

  • Durable railings, balusters and other barriers are a must.
  • The work requires a material that is least susceptible to high levels of humidity, sudden temperature changes, as well as various precipitation.
  • All steps must be equipped with small notches or a specific relief that will protect all users from slipping and accidents.

Since the product is located outdoors, the master can fully implement all the basic requirements for standard dimensions, without saving valuable space on the width of the flights. Thanks to this, it is possible to reduce the angle of inclination, thereby increasing practicality.

Metal perfect option for the street

When you need to hide the stairs from prying eyes, then it must be placed exclusively on the side of the sauna, and not on the front side of the property. If all construction works the owner of the steam room decided to do it himself, then Special attention careful processing of consumables is required.

There are a number of basic requirements:

  • When constructing from solid wood, you need to prepare in advance a high-quality antiseptic with fire-retardant and moisture-proof properties.
  • All welding seams cleaned of metal shavings and coated with paint to prevent rust.
  • The wood must be thoroughly sanded to minimize the likelihood of splinters.

To make a preliminary drawing, you need to measure the height. Be sure to calculate the number of steps. To do this, divide the height by the dimensions of the supporting parts (14-25 cm). The length is taken into account as the product of the depth of the step (maximum 30 cm).

Important! To build a durable staircase yourself, you need to choose the right consumables, prepare a project, and also make accurate calculations.


Most often, a home sauna is made from quality wood. Due to this, the room is filled with an atmosphere of coziness and comfort. The owner is proud of the new property, which is why he tries to do as much work as possible on his own. If a man has all the necessary skills and materials, then he can make practical staircase on one's own. It can be decorated with unique decorative elements so that it fits as harmoniously into the interior of the room as possible.

More interesting and educational information You can find out from the video:

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The porch of any building, including a bathhouse, should be comfortable, practical, and... In order to achieve this goal, certain technologies must be followed during its construction. Of course, first of all you should draw up a project like this.

When developing it, you need to decide on the material from which it will be made, its dimensions, as well as its design. What is the right way for a bathhouse with your own hands? Read about this in our article.

Types of bathhouse porches

A porch will only be aesthetically pleasing and practical if the project is thought out to the smallest detail. Look at what it’s like for a bath (photo):

Drawing up the project begins with the choice of material for the march, and. Most often the bathhouse street stairs made from wood. The most common option is regular.

Photo of the porch to the bathhouse. The simplest design from boards and timber

However, sometimes the owners suburban areas arrange and . In the event that the bathhouse is chopped, the option of a street staircase with a staircase cut in half lengthwise will suit its exterior very well. Stringers are usually made of concrete.

Advice: It is not necessary to make a bathhouse porch from a log on concrete stringers. If it is not high, you can use log blocks instead.

Stringers wooden porch can be made from logs

Of course, sometimes street stairs for a bathhouse are poured and. Usually these are not too large structures with a couple of steps.

Photo of a porch for a bathhouse made of concrete

They are rarely added to bathhouses, but this option also occurs. Usually for construction similar design Stainless galvanized steel is used.

Designing a street staircase

Before we start figuring out how to access a bathhouse, let’s see how to correctly calculate its dimensions. First of all, you will need to decide. In this case, one should take into account SNiP standards, according to which it should not be less than 27g and more than 45g is always equal to the height of the base.

The porch for the bathhouse should not be steeper than 45g.

Important: You must subtract at least three centimeters from the height of the base. The fact is that after the building shrinks, when opening, the door leaf may simply begin to touch the surface of the upper porch area.

Having decided on the height of the porch and its angle of inclination, it will not be difficult to calculate the length of the march. After this, taking into account that their depth should not be less than 27 cm, and their height should be 16-20 cm. All calculations are performed using trigonometric functions.

The calculation of the stairs must be carried out taking into account SNiP standards

Do-it-yourself porch construction technology

  • Two bars are attached to the wall of the bathhouse using anchors.
  • At a distance equal to the depth of the upper platform, two support pillars are buried in the ground.

First of all, the supporting pillars of the street stairs are dug in

  • They knock down the frame of the upper platform and attach it with one edge to the supports, and the other to the bars nailed to the wall.
  • A concrete pad is poured at the location of the first step of the march. To install it, dig a pit approximately 30-40 cm deep.
  • On next stage stringers are cut out or bowstrings with support bars are made.

Methods for making a street march string

  • The resulting elements are pressed against a concrete pad with one edge, and nailed to the dug-in supports on the side with the other.
  • Having completed the installation of such an element as the sheathing of the porch in the bathhouse (frame), they begin to install the treads and risers.
  • Balusters are attached to the steps with metal pins.
  • Next, the frame is knocked down and the sheathing is filled.
  • Then the canopy is covered with boards and attached to the wall of the house.

Porch to the bathhouse. Photo of a wooden canopy of an interesting shape

Advice: Bath street staircase can be covered acrylic enamel, varnish on oil based or oil paint.

As you can see, making a porch for a bathhouse with your own hands is not that difficult. Particular experience in working with wood or some complex equipment this is not required.

Any interfloor staircase in a house is a compromise between safety, convenience and space saving. Even in a fairly spacious room this is not easy, and finding a place for a ladder in a bathhouse is much more difficult. The rooms are usually small, which means you have to solve a problem with a lot of unknowns. Therefore, the stairs in the bathhouse require a balanced approach.

Usually, several steps are needed and there are no strict restrictions due to lack of space. Therefore, we can do as GOST advises:

Since baths are most often built of wood, stairs are usually made of the same material. You need to choose species that are resistant to climatic influences. Larch is best; pine will work well. Be sure to treat all components with antifungal and protective impregnations (for example,).

Foundations for entrance stairs to the bathhouse

The foundation for stairs is usually made of piles or columns. The fastest and cheapest to manufacture is . Only screw piles are installed even faster, but more expensive, but their cost is higher. All work on the construction of the underground part of the porch occurs after the foundation of the building has settled.

If the soil is heaving (clay or loam), the piles should be buried below the freezing level of the soil. It is advisable to make an expansion in the lower part (TISE piles), then there will be a guarantee that the porch will not be pushed out during winter heaving.

If necessary, the entrance staircase can be made shallow. Then they use columns rather than piles. Their depth is at least 40 cm below the fertile layer. But then during heaving the stairs will rise. To prevent it from blocking the doors, you will need a high threshold.

If you don’t want to make a threshold, you can make the upper platform attached to the wall of the house. To do this, during construction, beams are laid on which the upper platform will be assembled.

Shallow entrance wooden staircase (to enlarge the image, click on the picture with the left mouse button)

In this case, a transverse support for a stringer or bowstring is nailed to the beams mounted in the wall. The same beam is made on “bulls” - shallow support posts. In this case, it turns out that the stairs can be skewed, but the upper platform will remain in place.

Stairs in the bathhouse to the second floor

If the second floor of the bathhouse is used seasonally—no one will live there in winter—it makes sense to move the lift out of the room—to the veranda or an extension. This way, firstly, you will save space in the bathhouse itself, and secondly, you will not have to cool through the hatch to the second floor of the room.

Planning an "L"-shaped staircase

If the second floor will be used in cold weather, you will have to fit in the structure. In this case, you will have to consider many factors:

  • You need to position the staircase so that it not only fits well on the first floor, but also on the second floor, when you go up, you don’t rest your head on the sloping ceiling: often in bathhouses, not a full second floor is built on, but an attic is made with the help of a broken roof or kicked out, as they say, 1.5 floors, and then comes the roof.
  • It is advisable to make the exit on the second floor near one of the walls: this way, less space is “eaten up”. It is very inconvenient to have a hole in the middle of the room: organizing the space normally is problematic.
  • Select the parameters of the stairs so that it is both convenient and safe.

Types of wooden stairs

The staircase in the bathhouse to the second floor can have straight or curved flights. It will not be possible to calculate and build curved stairs on your own, without experience: it is too difficult. That’s why basically everything is done by straightforward people.

When choosing a model with straight flights, it is not necessary that there be one flight (these are single-flight stairs) - along the wall. You can design it in the form of the letter “G” or “P”. The straight sections are connected by platforms or winder - turning - steps.

Different types of stairs to the second floor (to enlarge the image, click on the picture with the left mouse button)

Please note that marches can be closed or open. Closed flights have risers - parts that close the gap between two steps. A turn in the staircase can be made with a rectangular landing (the option on the far left in the picture) or with winder (triangular) steps (there are two options in the picture).

This is a staircase with a closed flight - with risers

In one place it is better not to make many winder steps, as in the picture in the center - you will have to climb “along the wall,” that is, where the steps are wider. The most optimal number of them is three to four. But it is not always possible to fit this option into the existing conditions and then you have to make a compromise.

U-shaped staircases to the second floor are usually poorly built into small rooms: when designing, shafts are specially left for them or space is provided. It is much easier in this regard with the placement of “L”-shaped ones.

L-shaped stairs are easier to fit into small rooms in the bathhouse. The marches here are open - there are no risers

The staircase in the bathhouse to the 2nd floor in the shape of the letter “L” can, as in the photo above, run along two walls, or it can adjoin only one of them.

A little about steps, sizes and terms

We have already talked about what winder steps are - these are triangular or trapezoidal turning steps. But these are not all the terms. To calculate the stairs for the bathhouse yourself, you need to know some standards, terms and tolerances. With the height and width of the steps: this is already clear. But there is such a thing as a lifting step. This is essentially the height of the step, but must take into account the thickness of the material. Since the materials may be different, the lifting step may vary significantly.

The following step sizes are considered the best: width about 30 cm, step up 15-16 cm. But these are average figures. For people of average height with average long legs. And these parameters, as you know, are different for everyone. If you are planning for yourself, you can calculate based on what is most convenient for you and your family members.

The width of the step is determined by the length of the foot. It is more convenient when the entire foot rests on the step, and not just part of it.

But this, unfortunately, is not always possible. If the reduction is insignificant and you won’t have to use the stairs very often, as in a bathhouse, for example, then you can reduce the width of the steps. If the bathhouse is residential, or used as a guest house, you can find a way out of the situation by making a “duck step” staircase. It is distinguished by steps of unequal width: on one side there is a cutout. In this case, you have to start the descent or ascent from a certain leg. Look at the photo of such a staircase and everything will become clear.

You can make a “goose step” staircase to the bathhouse. It has figured steps. You have to climb it with a certain foot in order to get to the wide part

When going up and down these steps, you are forced to change your gait. That's why this name arose. But at the same time, it allows you to make a very, very steep climb, and without any particular threat to safety.

How to calculate the stairs to the bathhouse

When calculating, they do not use the height of the room, but the distance from the floor of the first floor to the floor of the second. To do this, the thickness of the ceiling and finishing materials of the floor of the second floor is added to the height of the ceiling. This is the value needed in the calculation.

The number of steps is found simply: the found distance from floor to floor is divided by the recommended lifting step - 15-16 cm. The resulting figure is rounded (up or down, see for yourself). For example, the distance from floor to floor is 280 cm. Divide by 15 cm, we get 18.6, round up, we get that our staircase should have 19 steps.

Now let’s determine what the lifting step will be: divide 280 cm into 19 steps. The result will be 147 cm. Not enough. If there are no children or elderly people in the family, you can consider the option of installing 18 steps. In this case, the lifting height will be 155 cm. This value fits into the recommendations. This will be more comfortable for a person of average height.

Another point that requires checking: the size of the opening for the stairs on the second floor. To avoid hitting your head on the opening when descending, the distance from the step below to the opening must be 200 cm (minimum 190 cm).

To avoid hitting your head when descending, check the distance from the step to the edge of the cutout. This, by the way, is an example of a one-flight staircase. But there is a very steep ascent here, apparently neither small children nor elderly people go to the bathhouse

If the resulting height is less than 190 cm, there are two options: increase the size of the passage through the ceilings (make it longer). If this is not possible, increase the ascent step, making the stairs steeper. But it cannot be made larger than 210 mm. The solution is to increase the clearance a little and at the same time make the rise a little higher.

The finished parameters of the stage must be checked using the convenience formula. If you add the lifting step multiplied by 2 and the width of the step, the result should be in the range from 600 to 650 mm. So, if the lifting step is 155 mm and the step width is 300 mm, we get 155 mm * 2 + 300 mm = 610 mm. We're getting back to normal. If not, an adjustment is needed.

The minimum width of the stairs to the bathhouse is 80 cm, the optimal width is 100 cm. Plan somewhere in this area.

Do not forget that it is advisable to treat all wooden surfaces in the bathhouse with protective impregnations. How and what, read.

How to make a ladder in a bathhouse yourself

In addition to the parameters of the steps, you also need to decide how exactly to build the staircase itself. Wooden stairs are made on bowstrings or stringers. The string is the boards between which the steps are attached. They have smooth edges, and the steps are attached precisely between them, using corners and bars. Special grooves are also cut into them.

Methods for attaching steps to the strings of a ladder (to enlarge the image, click on the picture with the left mouse button)

The stringer is distinguished by the fact that it has a sawtooth profile. The steps are laid on the molded ledge.

How to make a stringer for the stairs to the bathhouse (to enlarge the image, click on the picture with the left mouse button)

It is easier to make a ladder on bowstrings: a much lower level of carpentry skill is required. This is especially true for mortise steps or when they are mounted on corners. The skills required here are generally minimal.

How to build a staircase to a bathhouse on a bowstring (to enlarge the image, click on the picture with the left mouse button)

How to build a staircase to a bathhouse on a bowstring: it all starts with installing a bowstring and support pillars, if any. The support pillar is usually a square beam of at least 150*150 cm. The bowstrings and steps are boarded with a thickness of at least 4-5 cm. They need to be of good quality without knots and cracks. Bowstrings are attached to the wall using long nails or wood screws.

Then steps are installed on the corners or support bars. If there is a ready-made project, it should have a complete layout of the dimensions of each step. If there is no project, in difficult places you can first make patterns from cardboard, then outline them on wood and cut them out accurately. This will definitely be needed with winder steps (rotary). All others should be standard sizes.

If you still want to make a staircase on stringers, watch the video. Everything is told very sensibly.


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