Summer crafts for the kindergarten playground. Children's playgrounds for the dacha - how to create a safe corner for children with your own hands

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If there are small children in the family, it is simply necessary to arrange for them playground in the country. Here they will play in the fresh air, allowing their parents to relax or go about their business. And when you are free, you can always join them. The play area in the garden will become much more positive, brighter and more interesting if you use crafts for the playground. There are many ways to make them yourself, which we will discuss in this article.

To decorate a children's playground, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive garden decor. Crafts made by yourself will allow the site to look very original. This will be a unique children's corner that only you and your children have.

Making crafts yourself is pleasant in all respects - materials for such creativity are available in abundance, and completely free of charge; it is enough to use your imagination, creative imagination, and soon you will be able to please your kids. Work must begin by choosing the location where the site will be located. A spacious place not far from the house, where there is both sun and shade, is suitable.

A good covering for the area where the crafts will be placed is a sand mound or lawn. It is necessary to keep the lawn clean so that there are no glasses, sharp pebbles and sticks among the grass, so that children can play barefoot, as well as inedible berries. As you know, in childhood we want to taste everything, especially what looks bright and attractive.

What can be used as raw materials?

First of all, these are old tires. Nowadays, used tires literally become new life– they are used to make flower beds, swings and a wide variety of crafts for the playground.

Tires are good because they can be used to create sports equipment. For example, such a tunnel, make a swing, dig it into the ground at a distance so that you can jump and walk on it

Today, not only boys, but also girls are delighted with cars. Such a luxurious car can be made from tires and a plastic chair. An easier option is to dig 4 tires into the ground and make a wooden seat

From tires you can create amazing crafts- funny bears (tires of different sizes, cardboard, an old basin are used), bright tropical parrots. When painted, they seem to come to life and turn the playground into a corner of joy and positivity.

Tire before starting creative process needs to be washed and dried. You can walk and jump on the tires that are dug in while standing; you can attach boards on top, paint them, and make such “climbing walls” even more interesting. You can make a sandbox out of a large tire, and there are simply countless options for creating different figures.

More ideas for arranging a children's playground in the country:

Bottle palms and plastic zoo

Plastic bottles are also a very common material for crafts. The variety of their shapes and sizes allows you to create very interesting things - palm trees, flowers, figures of insects and animals.

Exotic palm trees will enliven any landscape, and making them is not at all difficult. There is plenty of material such as bottles everywhere. You don’t have to follow strict instructions; experiment by creating a tropical corner for yourself.

Making such a pig is very simple - use a five-liter bottle for the body, two-liter bottles for the legs. The ears from the tail are also cut out of plastic.

This flower garden will not wither throughout the summer. Flowers are the necks of bottles, cut in the shape of lilies and bells, leaves are bottles without a base, cut into 4-6 pieces. Paint them with paint from the remote control and install them in the right place

Such crafts are practical - they are not afraid of either rain or scorching sun. To make a palm tree, cut off the bottom of the bottles and string them on top of each other, insert a metal rod inside - this is the base of the palm tree. To create a “crown”, use one or more bottles and cut them from the base to the neck into several strips - these will be the leaves. Then trim the cut pieces at an angle so that they resemble the shape of the hard leaves of a palm tree. Insert the neck of this bottle into the “trunk”. To create a classic palm tree, brown bottles (trunk) and green bottles (crown) are used, but it is not at all necessary to adhere to classical standards.

Useful: how to do it garden figures for a do-it-yourself garden:

Parade of plywood figures

Plywood is a great material for making flat, brightly colored figurines that will lift anyone's spirits. You can depict anything on plywood - your favorite cartoon characters, movie and book heroes, and then cut out the figures and place them in the garden. The composition can be used as a delimiter fence for garden areas.

Figurines in the form of your favorite cartoon characters are always a delight. For creating Winnie the Pooh a five-liter bottle is also used

Plywood cat and mouse surrounded by flowerpots, located on a soft lawn - an excellent place for relaxation and active games for kids

Foam figures

Polyurethane foam is not very common, but interesting material for making crafts. The figures made from it look like toys, look great and are very popular with children.

Figures from polyurethane foam look ready. The website has a master class on how to make them, if you are interested, you can master the technique of making them

Hedgehogs and ladybugs made from pebbles and boulders

Large pebbles too suitable material. If you color round stones bright colors, you will get funny bugs, hedgehogs or other animals, depending on what your imagination tells you. It's better to color them acrylic paints, and then cover with colorless varnish. Drawings with a clear outline look good. First it is drawn with a pencil, then with black or white paint. Colored paints are applied between the contour lines.

Such a family of ladybugs will add positivity to a children's corner. The easiest way to paint stones to look like bugs is to apply a simple outline drawing, and then use bright contrasting paints and varnish

Combinations of materials - room for creativity

You can create interesting crafts from logs, combining pieces of wood of different sizes and different lengths. Combinations of various materials - tires and logs, tires and plastic bottles and they won’t let you get bored at all, you can make a children’s playground that will be the envy of those who bought a ready-made one for their garden.

You can create interesting lawns or flower beds in the shape of animals and insects using bottles as a fence. Work with your children; they usually come up with completely out-of-the-box, interesting ideas.

A funny crocodile flowerbed - a suitable decor for a children's playground, made of plastic bottles (outline), eyes - plywood and plastic

If there was an old tree on the property that you cut down, do not rush to get rid of the stump. From it you can make something like this great house with door, roof and windows. Not only will it please the children, but it will also wonderful decor for the site

Zebras are made from logs and tires, and their manes are made from plastic. This is both sports equipment and homemade garden decor at the same time

To create the sun, plastic bottles and old tire. The composition is very bright, positive, and easy to make. Bottle caps are nailed to the tire, then screwed to the bottle - the beams are ready

If you still have unused materials after building a house or arranging a garden, do not rush to throw them away. For example, pieces of bright ceramic tiles you can lay out paths, space around the figures, or use pieces of broken tiles to lay out mosaics, images of various characters. Draw the outline of the figure on the path, and then lay it out with tiles. If laid out on the ground or sand, such a mosaic will be short-lived, but laid out on cement mixture will create an image that will last for years. Rub the seams after drying, and the result will please you.

Now many residents country houses They strive to decorate a clearing or flowerbed with an unusual composition that will attract the attention of passers-by and delight the owners and guests. Today you will be inspired to make crafts from various waste materials.

Plastic bottles - no one needs them empty container. Many people simply mercilessly throw them into the trash can or bin. But experienced needlewomen carefully collect plastic bottles different shapes and size. For what? To make incredibly beautiful and original crafts for the garden and cottage. You can make different birds and animals that will become a real decoration for your garden plot.

This article is dedicated specifically to DIY crafts for the garden and dacha. You will learn about the secrets of making deer, sheep, cats, horses, etc. These funny and graceful animals, made with your own hands, also look great in the garden.

To make a brown deer, you need to take a five-liter plastic bottle and cut off the neck of it. A one and a half liter bottle is attached to the cutting site using self-tapping screws, bottom down. A liter bottle is attached to the neck of this container.

You just need to cut a circle in the center and insert the plug of the previous workpiece into it. The result is a head on a long neck and the body of a deer.

Then 4 holes are made in the five-liter bottle (bottom) and long wooden slats are inserted into them. These will be the legs of the animal.

The tail and ears are cut out of plastic containers and placed in the appropriate places on the craft.
All that remains is to paint the deer with brown and white paint, draw its eyes and attach antlers from ordinary intricately shaped twigs. The brown deer is ready!

Yellow fawn - DIY garden craft

The yellow fawn is made using the same principle, but there are a couple of nuances. The five-liter bottle is attached entirely, and the neck is the tail. The neck is made of a short wooden strip.

DIY yellow fawn

Cat made of plastic bottles

This animal is made in a completely different way. First you need to collect a lot of plastic bottles with a volume of 2 or 1.5 liters, approximately 100 pieces.

How to make a garden craft in the shape of a cat step by step:

  1. From each container you need to cut off the bottom; this is the part of the bottle that is needed for work.
  2. Then you need to make two balls from a metal mesh: a large one for the body, a small one for the head. They are easily and securely connected with wire.
  3. Then you need to attach the bottoms of the bottles to the mesh. This can be done using thin wire or liquid nails.
  4. The hat, tie, tongue and eyes are made from pieces of old linoleum.
  5. All that remains is to paint the cat White color(can be any other).
  6. Draw his eyes, nose and mustache with black paint. But decorate the tongue, headdress and tie in bright shades red
  7. To ensure that the structure stands firmly, it can be secured to a metal rod dug into the ground.

Cat made of plastic bottles

DIY sheep

The big sheep was made using the same technology as the cat. You prepare the bottoms of the bottles and fix them on a ball formed from a metal mesh. The legs are made of wooden slats. The ears and face of the animal are carved from five liter bottle. But the small lamb is formed from polyurethane foam.

Sheep made from plastic bottles for the garden and cottage

DIY horse for the garden

It requires a large plastic bottle. In our example, we replaced it plastic pot for flowers. This will be the basis for the body of the animal. On four sides of the pot they are attached with self-tapping screws wooden slats. The neck and tail are also sections of a wooden stick.

The horse's head is made from a paint can, and the hooves are made from plastic trays. flower pots. The animal's mane and tail are an old blue wig. Instead of artificial hair, you can attach hay or threads.

The finished figure is covered with brown paint and planted in a pot. favorite plant. It turns out to be both a flowerbed and an interesting character!

Pigs are the most common crafts for the garden and dacha

Large water bottles can be used as original flower beds in the form of a pig. To do this, the side of the bottle is cut off - flowers will grow there. Then the ears are cut out from the remaining sidewall.

Take four one and a half liter bottles and cut out the necks, they will be the legs of the pig. The resulting legs are attached to the body using wire. The piglet turns white or pink.

Then you need to fill out inner space soil, having previously made several holes in the belly. Now you can plant the seedlings. Such a pig will look great in combination with any other flower bed.

DIY craft - peacock for a dacha garden

Peacocks - extraordinary beautiful birds. You can admire their tail for ages. It's a pity that not every yard can see such beauty. Although, the situation can be fixed! You can make a magnificent peacock with a long tail from ordinary plastic containers.

The following materials are suitable for work:

  • Styrofoam;
  • stationery knife;
  • metal rod;
  • stand (log);
  • old canister;
  • metal grid;
  • wire (thick and thin);
  • awl;
  • plastic bottles of all sizes;
  • scissors;
  • enamel paint of different shades.

First, take a stand (it can be a board or wooden log) and fix the pieces of metal rod on it, making two legs of the future bird. Then you need to make a body from an old canister. To do this, the container should be given the correct shape by cutting unnecessary details. You can secure the canister to your feet using wire.

Do-it-yourself peacock for a summer cottage garden

The neck and head are cut out of foam plastic and secured with wire to the canister (torso).
And all that remains is to form the tail. To do this you need to take metal mesh, cut it to size and lower it along the length to the floor. In order for it to hold, it must be attached to the canister with screws or wire. That's it, the base of the future bird is ready!

Now the most painstaking stage of the work is making feathers from plastic bottles. Wings require long feathers. To do this, the bottle is cut into strips, and oval oblong blanks are cut out of them. You will also need short oval parts to decorate the body and neck of the bird.

You can attach the feathers to the canister and foam using self-tapping screws or pieces of thin wire. In this case, you need to move exclusively from the bottom up, so that each subsequent layer hides the fastening of the previous parts.

For tail feathers, it is better to use 2-liter green plastic bottles. One bottle will yield 4 feathers. You need about 70-80 pieces. The tail feather has an oblong oval shape with fringe around the edges. It is better to immediately draw a pattern on each workpiece. When attaching feathers to the tail, you can use wire or nylon thread. You should move from bottom to top, closing the previous row.

The crest, beak and fingers are also cut out from plastic containers. The final stage of work is painting the feathers with enamel paint. Colors should be bright and saturated.

Our peacock made from plastic bottles is ready!

Unusual crafts for the garden with your own hands

To decorate a flower bed, you can use a wide variety of ideas, you just have to use your imagination. For example, you can give a second life to an old non-working TV.

To do this, open the back panel, throw everything out, leaving only the body. The panel needs to be put back. We fill the soil inside and outside the TV so that it looks like the earth is pouring out of the screen. Now we plant small flowers. The illusion is that a stream of color flows directly from the screen.

An unusual flower bed can be built using the most original items. It could be a wheel from an old cart, rubber tire, old suitcases, dishes, umbrellas, basins and even old shoes.


Summer is here - a wonderful time! Everything around us is blooming and shining, and we also want to do something extraordinary, beautiful and unique. I present to your attention several useful ideas how to transform a site in a kindergarten. Everything is made from simple and available materials, but overall it looks funny and is educational in nature.

1. Fungus “Fly agaric”

We take an old basin, repaint it red, let it dry and draw medium-sized white circles. We put it on the stump and secure it - the mushroom is ready.

Target: consolidation of knowledge about edible and poisonous mushrooms, their meanings, safety measures and assistance.

2. “Flowers of unprecedented beauty”

We buy a large plastic tray with a picture of a flower in the store and fasten it to the tree with nails. Then we take the old hose from washing machine, give it the shape of a stem and leaves, attach it to a tree trunk and paint it green.

Target: observation during a walk, the ability to compare the structure, color, purpose and variety of colors; broadening the child's horizons.

3. Train "Rainbow"

To make it you will need small plastic containers of different colors and a waste basket. Wheels, eyes, mouth and cap are parts wooden construction set various geometric shapes. With the help of wire they are attached to our train. Soil is filled into the container and flowers are planted.

Target: Increasing children's knowledge about diversity flora, joining labor activity(care, watering, weeding, care). Consolidation of knowledge about ordinal counting, geometric shapes, size, color, size.

4. Health track “Merry Caterpillar”

It consists of various segments: carpet runners, differing from each other in hardness, color, texture; grass, sand, bathroom rugs, button panels different sizes, cork covering, plastic tubes, etc. The most important - Fresh air, bright sun and a great mood.

Target: physical development children play a huge role in shaping norms and rules healthy image life. As a result, coordination of movements, gross motor skills, hardening and massage develop.

5. “Entertaining lawn”

It consists of a pen, inside of which there are geese near a pond (plastic toys and a basin of water) and cat friends (bowling pins), ladybugs, which sit decorously on a tree and watch everything that happens (they are made from simple helmets, which are used at construction sites for safety purposes; painted in different colors- emphasis is placed on the black spots and face, attached with nails and a hammer). And in front of the pen sit faithful friends Sharik and Bobok, guarding their possessions (soft toys).

Goal: expanding the child’s horizons, increasing vocabulary, formation complete picture the surrounding world, the development of fantasy play activities (you can make up stories while walking; play, developing the plot and performing appropriate roles; experiment),

6. “The Miracle of the Flowerbed”

To make them you will need car tires: arrange them in the order you see fit and cover them with earth. Using multi-colored paints, you can paint and plant flower beds (for variety, you can plant flowering and non-blooming, tall and short, green and multi-colored plants).

Target: environmental education children: the ability to name, compare, highlight similarities and differences, structural and nutritional features, method of care.

7. Information stand for parents “This is interesting!”

Made from leftovers plastic panel. The information was selected from various children's magazines with pictures, secured with adhesive film (which is used as covers for notebooks and textbooks). The frame is made of self-adhesive paper various colors. Using wire or elastic thread, we attach our stand to the tree. The parrot is made of chipboard and painted with acrylic paints, and the boa constrictor is a cut car tire, also painted.

Target: working with parents. Competent and accessible, brightly designed and relevant information worthy of attention, useful for mothers and fathers, as well as grandparents (for example, “Safety measures”, “The sun is friend or foe”, “Beware of the car” and others).

8. "Friends"

The butterfly is made of tin sheet and painted with acrylic paints, large bright flowers- this is a tray. Everything is secured to the wood using nails and a hammer.

Target: expanding knowledge about insects and plants, learning to compose short stories, fairy tales, riddles (for example, “True Friends”, “Journeys of a Butterfly” and others).

9. “Our Masha”

Another way to decorate a rotten stump. The headdress is made of oilcloth, the outfit is a child's dress, the eyes, nose, and mouth are lids from juice, sparkling water and mayonnaise. We secure all this with nails and a hammer.

Target: development of gaming activities (for example, you can organize a plot - role-playing game“Visiting Masha” or “Guests have come to us”, “Merry tea party” and others).

10. “Funny Frog”

The last masterpiece is a big-eyed frog, which looks great in place of a huge stump. We select a green bag (which is used for storing potatoes) and wrap it around our stump, securing it with nails. Then, we cut out the fins from the ice cube with scissors and attach them on both sides in the same way. The eyes are two medium plastic bowls, the pupils are decorated with acrylic paints and nailed to a tree stump. The mouth is made from an old washing machine hose, fixed and painted red. AND finishing touch- a hat (a cake box) and an umbrella (we use a children’s umbrella, nailing it to the stump by the handle). Our “Funny Frog” looks at you playfully, smiles and everyone likes him madly!

Target: formation of an excellent and cheerful mood during a walk in both children and adults.

To be close to do-it-yourself kindergarten plots decorated, were interesting for kids, many conditions must be met. But it is equally important that these small corners filled with entertainment and space for fun games, were also attractive from the point of view landscape design, because this way you can develop good taste and a sense of beauty in children. We will not only look at examples and, but also analyze which forms of leisure and entertainment to give preference to.

Do-it-yourself kindergarten plot

Original, different from others plot kindergarten with your own hands– rather an exception than a rule. All places for preschoolers to hang out were at one time created as a carbon copy, based on norms and rules. However, these rules can hardly be called incorrect, it’s just that in addition to the mandatory elements, you still need to be a little imaginative, make it conceptual, attractive, so that each group has individual decorations and entertainment.

We need to talk about the rules before we consider certain design examples that relate to individual elements. Structurally, the playground (its dimensions are calculated based on the number of children in the group and ideally there should be 7-9 per child square meters platform) should be divided into several parts. The largest and central part is occupied by the so-called group training area. Not only are physical education equipment located here, but there is also a special covering, rubber or grass, so that kids can play sports here, play outdoor games, and so on. And along the perimeter of this common area you can build additional elements such as a sandbox, sports equipment and horizontal bars, stumps, decorative vegetable garden and other components required for interesting areas in kindergarten. Do it yourself in summer adults can also add not only a flower garden or decorative flower bed, but also make an additional canopy so that the kids are not disturbed by the bright summer sun. A permanent terrace with a canopy and hard floor is suitable for use in cooler seasons.

Do-it-yourself children's areas in kindergarten

In the photographs presented in our article today, you can see how to creatively approach the filling process do-it-yourself children's areas in kindergarten. After all, there is enough space on the territory not only for entertainment, but also for learning, especially in game form.

Let's remember the basics and apply our existing knowledge to the process of transforming a children's play area. First you need to draw a plan, marking the size of the territory, its topography and all the permanent buildings that already exist and that will need to be used in the conceptual design. Next, select a theme to which you will adjust all other elements. For example, such a theme could be a favorite animated film, or it could be a maritime, pirate, or football theme. If parents want to please absolutely all children, then they can make a design in a fairy-tale style, filling the area with crafts in the form of fairy-tale characters.

On the plan, in addition to the dimensions of each of the areas and useful objects, you also need to mark the direction of the shadow that is present at those moments when children play on the street. It is best that a long afternoon walk is not overshadowed by excessive sun activity. Therefore, if it so happens that the area is very lit and there is little natural shade on it, you can develop roofs for the sandbox, fabric canopies, and also plant trees and shrubs that will provide the desired shade for the summer period.

You also need to take care of lighting and other engineering communications, but so that safety comes first. All wires not only need to be carefully insulated, but also generally removed from access and visibility. You also need to check the entire space for sharp corners; if the swings or rides are wooden, then they should not leave splinters, and if they are metal, then all connections should work perfectly and not have sharp edges, chips, pieces of crumpled or rusty metal.

Do-it-yourself kindergarten plots: photo

General appearance do-it-yourself kindergarten plots, photo which you have already seen above is, of course, wonderful, but you also need to think about special cases - about the elements. You can decide by a majority of parental votes whether this or that zone is needed for your children (because it’s simply physically impossible to squeeze in absolutely everything), but there are things that should be placed everywhere. And first of all, this statement is true for the sandbox, beloved by children of all ages.

This element is simple on the one hand, and complex on the other. That is, it’s quite simple to install it, you don’t even have to buy it, but make it yourself, giving it the shape of a boat, car, solar circle. It is much more important to ensure the safety of playing in the sand, so in addition to the box itself, be sure to provide a lid with which the sandbox will be covered in between games. It will also be useful to organize benches around the perimeter and inside, on which children can sit while picking. Next to the sandbox, organize a small storage room and a drawer where you can put scoops, molds and other toys for sand art.

The second very useful element is tables and chairs for creative activities on outdoors. Here you can not only write, sculpt or draw, but also play games, not active, but logical, developing intelligence and speed of reaction. A canopy is installed over such tables so that classes can be held even when the weather is not very conducive to this.

Another mandatory element is an area for physical education, active games and competitions. Here you can install horizontal bars, you can make a labyrinth or an area for overcoming obstacles. In principle, such a zone is an excellent way to direct all the irrepressible children’s energy into a peaceful direction, so that after a walk they can calmly fall asleep during their nap.

In modern times you can see this interesting device as a path to health. This is a set of separate zones that are lined various materials, for example, crushed stone, pebbles, wooden rounds, hard rubber mats, and so on. This is a great addition for do-it-yourself kindergarten plot in the summer. Photo, which you see above, shows variations in the construction of such a path, and how to fill it. It is believed that after walking barefoot for five minutes on such an obstacle course, children will receive a foot massage that is indispensable for their health.

Decorating a site in a kindergarten with your own hands

Except mandatory elements, there are also many others interesting ideas By do-it-yourself design of a kindergarten plot. One of them is especially relevant for summer period- This is a decorative vegetable garden and garden. Here, on a small plot of land, several beds of vegetables are planted, which can be looked after by children who will enjoy such entertainment. After all, not all children have a summer house to see the process of growing carrots or green onions with their own eyes.

In addition to knowledge of botany and agriculture, a small decorative vegetable garden will teach kids to take care of plants; you can conduct classes telling them what it should be like proper watering how plants differ from each other, what are their edible parts, and so on. Appearance such small area You can borrow it for decorative purposes, for example, by putting boxes or organizing flower beds inside car tires.

Not only plants, but also all kinds of pets attract inquisitive kids, but this is not the reason to get a real one. barnyard. To satisfy the need for knowledge, you can use not real animals, but crafts in the form of them, made from plaster, plastic bottles, car tires and other things. You need to build a small hut - a house for animals, and place a cockerel and hens, a pig, a cow and others around it.

You can develop the curiosity of children not only with the help of plants and organization, but also by using the theme of car signs, arranging a toy race track on the territory with a very real track, markings, signs and even a gas station. Moreover, it can be made quite original by using empty five-liter eggplants and painting them black. Surely girls will also like this new play space, but boys will be absolutely delighted with it. You can look at examples decorating a kindergarten site with your own hands - photo presented above in our article.

Decorating a kindergarten site in the summer with your own hands

Physical education equipment may not be located within the perimeter of the group exercise area. On the contrary, the more free space there is, the easier it will be for kids to run, jump, move around and play outdoor games. But along the perimeter we advise you to decorating a kindergarten site in the summer with your own hands make other entertainment, but more local.

These could be stumps that need to be overcome like an obstacle course. Of course, it is not enough to simply cut the tree into stumps of the same or different heights and place them next to each other; you need to treat their surface well, make sure that there are no splinters or scratches upon contact with the tree, and even better, cover all the cuts with a special varnish or paint . By the way, such cuts - great way learn numbers if you write them on the surface with the same paint. All teachers know that learning through play is the most effective.

To fill the space around the site with beauty, use appliqués on everything you can. This could be the wall of the veranda canopy, a fence, benches, tree trunks. Let there be a lot of fairy-tale and cartoon characters made of plywood and plastic around, looking for them and looking at them will also be one of the exciting games.

Children love to create various crafts with your own hands. To do this, you can use a variety of available materials:

Especially if these are crafts for the street. If you live in a high-rise building and have a cozy courtyard with a playground next to your house, you can decorate it with crafts from improvised materials. If this a private house, especially: here your imagination is not limited. Street decorations are also suitable for kindergarten. Children will be especially pleased when you make outdoor crafts with them. You can carefully examine all the proposed crafts in the photos and pictures.

Photos of the best works

Original options

So, what crafts can you make for the street or garden?

Ordinary plastic bottles make excellent flowers for garden decoration. To do this you will need:

  1. 2 or 3 plastic bottles,
  2. waterproof glue,
  3. paint sprayer for plastic,
  4. small block of foam,
  5. wooden pin,
  6. multi-colored markers,
  7. paper with adhesive tape,
  8. scissors or bottle cutter,
  9. bendable ruler.

Wash plastic bottles and let dry.

  • Using a ruler and markers, mark the cutting lines on the bottles. If the bottle is small, a gap of 2.5 cm between the lines is sufficient; if the bottle is large, you can make a gap of 5 cm or more. Cut along the lines of 1/3 of the bottle, starting from the top. Cut off the top of the bottle and discard.
  • If the bottles are colorless or you want to give them a different color, you can paint them before cutting them. To do this, we put the bottle on a wooden pin upside down, install the pin in foam plastic, and use a spray gun and paint for plastic to paint the bottles. It is advisable to do this in a well-ventilated place.
  • To make flowers from plastic bottles with your own hands, next you should bend the petals at right angles to the bottle. We take 2 bottles, put them one inside the other and glue the bottoms together, arranging the petals so that they are visible in the gaps. The center of the flower can be decorated with paints and markers. Cut the bottoms of the glued bottles crosswise, insert a wooden pin through the gap and glue it on both sides. You can cut a circle from a colored frozen foam and glue it on the back of the flower. Let the glue dry. Such flowers are not afraid of either moisture or dirt.

This is approximately how they will look in the photo. What other crafts can you make from plastic bottles with your own hands? Look at the photo, maybe you will like something from the proposal and you will do it in your garden or on the street.

Video material

Crafts from bottles

What else can be made from plastic waste?

You can make amazing bird houses or birdhouses from ordinary flower pots. In order to make a house with your own hands, you will need 2-4 floral clay pots for outdoor use, waterproof paint, brush. We turn the pots upside down and place one on top of the other. You can install a flashlight at the top. A house made of pots can be painted in any color, doors and windows can be drawn. If the pots have cracks or holes, that's even better. We design it like a window. The house will look beautiful on a playground for a kindergarten, in the courtyard of a private house. In the pictures you can see design options for such houses. Such outdoor crafts are possible using any available materials with your own hands. It's easy to make a whole hanging garden out of plastic bottles. What a fantasy for children's creativity! We will make flower pots from plastic bottles. To do this, cut it out in a bottle square hole. We pour soil into bottles and plant flowers there. We tie a fishing line or strong rope to a support along the wall, tie the bottles in front and behind and hang them in rows in a checkerboard pattern. Hanging gardens ready. When the flowers grow, the bottles will not be visible. In the photo you can see what such a garden looks like. From improvised means you can build a beautiful Street light. Such crafts are suitable for a garden in a private house, or for a children's playground. Lanterns are easy to make with your own hands. We take bottles with thick walls. Pour beans, sand or small gravel inside until about half the jar. Place a candle inside. Instead of candles, you can use a more advanced option. We connect several light bulbs with wires and place each light bulb in a jar. To prevent the light bulbs from falling out, we close the jars with lids, having previously made holes in them for the wire. We also construct containers for seedlings using available materials. Crafts can be assigned to children. This is a real salvation for gardeners who do not have enough boxes for seedlings or do not have the means to purchase them. We collect scraps from raw eggs. It is desirable that the egg remains at least two-thirds intact. Pour soil inside and plant a seed or seedling. Subsequently, the seedlings can be planted in the garden without worrying about it. To remove the plant first: over time, the skin will rot and become good fertilizer. If desired, children can paint each “pot” in their favorite colors. Anything can become a flower bed, even old bike. To make it fit into the landscape design, paint it in suitable color, for example, white. In front, place a container with soil where the flowers will be planted, or a ready-made pot of flowers. The bicycle will look unusual and stylish.

How else can you decorate the street near your child’s kindergarten?

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