Terry daylily Double River Wye. Terry daylily River Wye (River Wye) Ay on America

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Day-lily Double River Wye (Double River Wye). Beautiful large flower with wide petals. Nice colour! Lemon, double, repeat flowering.

Daylily Double River Wye(Double River Vay)

Herbaceous rhizomatous perennial. Peduncles up to 65 cm tall, usually rising above the leaves. IN middle lane Russia should choose an open area for landing sunny place. The bush blooms massively and efficiently only when fully sunlight. Allows planting in partial shade.

Requires any garden grade, well-drained soil. Poor soils must be enriched with compost with the addition of sand, peat and fertilizers. Heavy and sandy ones are unsuitable. Best time for planting in the middle zone - May or August.

Responds very well to watering. Moreover, only when sufficient watering forms quality flowers. Collectors even say that best fertilizer for daylily - water. This is, of course, a joke, but only partly. Water should be abundantly at the root.

Mulching ensures the desired water regime. But fresh sawdust cannot be used for mulching. It is little affected by diseases and pests. It grows in one place for a long time. Winters well under snow. The most valuable varieties can be covered in case of snowless winters, but under the condition quick removal shelters in the spring.

Used in single and group plantings for any type of flower arrangement.

Rarely what ornamental plant It can bloom in one place for many years. Daylilies, varieties with photos and names of which are described below, are capable of not only growing, but also blooming luxuriantly, striking each year with their variety of shapes and colors.

Today, tens of thousands of large and miniature varieties are available to gardeners who are passionate about these plants. Large flowers appearing above the foliage illuminate the garden with all shades of yellow and red, pink and lilac, white and deep purple.

Such diversity of daylilies was achieved thanks to complex hybridization using species plants.

Species and hybrid daylilies

It was not the brightest and most spectacular species of plants, even today common in gardens and parks, that became the ancestors of hybrid daylilies, which are much superior to the “natural savages” in the brightness of colors, the duration of flowering and the unexpected forms that, thanks to breeders, flower corollas received.

The most famous and widespread are three species forms. Brown-yellow daylily (Hemerocallis fulva) with pointed linear leaves, growing on sunny areas and in partial shade, forms powerful clumps. Peduncles with orange flowers, regularly swaying on peduncles up to a meter high.

Yellow daylily (Hemerocallis flava) resembles the previous species, but its leaves are more prone to droop as they grow. The corollas of flowers with a diameter of about 10 cm have a sunny yellow color.

Another natural look, which became the ancestor of modern hybrid plants, this is a lemon yellow daylily (Hemerocallis citrine). Plants up to 120 cm high with graceful light yellow or greenish flowers bloom en masse from the second half of summer.

The first cultivated varieties of daylilies were created using intraspecific selection, therefore, while retaining the characteristics of their ancestors, they received larger flowers, spectacular double corollas, began to bloom longer and were less dependent on growing conditions. The names and photos of these varieties of daylilies are still well known to flower growers. But hybrids managed to gain maximum popularity, for which, due to the abundance of shapes, colors and other characteristics, a special classification was developed.

Existing hybrid daylilies are distinguished by flower shape, highlighting:

  • simple, closest to natural appearance;
  • terry, with a double or triple set of petals;
  • arachnids, with elongated petals making the corolla look like an insect;
  • unusual or uncertain shape;
  • as well as multiforms and polymers, which, based on one or another characteristic, can be classified into several groups at once.

No less important than the shape of the flower, the duration of flowering and the time of its beginning are important for the gardener. Based on this characteristic, plants are divided into several groups from early to very late. There are daylilies that bloom only once a year, but more and more often breeders are introducing hybrid plants in which the formation of buds occurs in waves, several times during the summer.

Since each daylily corolla lives only for a day, varieties of night-, day-, and long-flowering types are distinguished. Knowing the characteristics of the crop, you can choose varieties for your garden that will make it unique at any time of the day.

The sizes of daylilies themselves and the flowers that open on them vary greatly. Miniature varieties do not exceed 30–40 cm in height, and giants can produce flower stalks up to one and a half meters. Corollas up to 7–8 cm are considered small. The most spectacular flowers have a diameter of about 15–17 cm.

Daylily Frans Hals

The bright yellow-orange color of the petals of daylilies is “native” and natural. But the creators of the Frans Hals variety were able to achieve a unique combination of these shades, turning the flower into an incredibly spectacular spectacle. As they open, the corollas of the Frans Hals daylily surprise with the richness of their wide orange petals, “stitched” with a yellow midrib. The neck of the corolla is yellowish-green, the trio of narrow petals is deep yellow.

As you can see in the photo, the daylily variety called Frans Hals is an excellent decoration for any garden where there is a well-lit area for the plant. Peduncles reach a height of 1 meter, the diameter of the flower in bloom is 12–15 cm.

Daylily Bonanza, Bonanza

Modern variety with yellow flowers, decorated with a bright red-wine coating in the center of the corolla, perfectly tolerates moisture deficiency, loves the sun and, with easy care, will illuminate any area. Daylily Bonanza or Bonanza is a diploid variety with a medium flowering period. It is characterized by regular flowering, resistance to freezing and pest attacks.

When grown in the shade, the hybrid daylily blooms, but not as intensely and for a long time as in the sun. But the shade promotes the growth of foliage, which remains juicy from early spring until snow falls.

Daylily Longfields Pearl, Longfields Pearl

Cultivated varieties of daylilies are very different from each other, and sometimes in shape they can be more reminiscent of lilies or gladioli than their relatives. The Longfields Pearl daylily variety opens corollas from the first days of August until mid-autumn, which at first glance can easily be confused with yellowish-cream colored lilies. Wide petals form a wide-conical flower. The neck is painted with greenish-yellow tones, which gradually warm up, becoming creamy and creamy. The diameter of the corolla is 10 cm. The leaves are green, narrowly pointed, linear.

The plant is unpretentious to growing conditions and requires regular watering and cleaning the soil under the rosettes from weeds. To maintain decorativeness in summer, remove wilted flowers, and after 5–7 years the daylily is replanted.

Daylily Stella de Oro, Stella D'Oro

Many people are accustomed to considering daylilies to be large garden perennials. However, today in the long list of varieties of these plants there are more and more true miniatures, no more than 30–40 cm in height.

These can rightfully include the daylily variety Stella de Oro with yellow, star-shaped flowers. The diameter of the corolla of a pure, yellow hue is 6–7 cm. Plants with a compact rosette and a very long life. lush flowering, despite their modest size, they are sure to become real “stars” of the garden, fully justifying the name of the variety and photo of daylily.

Daylily Stella D'Oro blooms in waves almost from June until frost, can be grown in open ground, as well as in large outdoor flowerpots.

Daylily Catherine Woodbery, Catherine Woodbery

The Catherine Woodbery daylily variety does not amaze with double flowers or the incredible size of the bush. The peculiarity of this variety is the very delicate quivering lilac shade of the petals, which looks especially advantageous against the background of the light greenish neck.

The simple flowers of the Catherine Woodbury daylily reach 12–16 m in diameter. Flowering occurs in the second half of summer. In the sun, the opening corollas are dominated by a yellow-pink tone, which in partial shade takes on a lilac sophistication.

Daylily Night Bacon, Night Beacon

A variety with an unusual contrasting combination of thick purple-wine and yellow tints cannot be called a new product. Daylily Night Beacon has long been known to flower growers not only thanks to spectacular coloring 8 cm flowers. The corollas of a classic shape, proudly rising above the green, slightly drooping foliage, do not fade in the sun.

The unpretentious and bright Night Bacon daylily thrives in the sun; in partial shade, the flowers are somewhat rarer, but the violet-purple shades on their petals acquire true depth.

Daylily Double River Wye

Yellow terry variety River Wye is a semi-evergreen variety that in early spring, and in late autumn they delight with lush greenery. This plant has a daytime flowering type. From the opening of a daylily bud Double River It takes about 16 hours for the tree to wilt, during which time the garden is illuminated with exquisite yellow hues and light aroma large, 13-centimeter flowers.

Flowering begins in July, and the last flowers with a double set of petals open in September.

Daylily Bestseller, Bestseller

This variety of hybrid daylily has many advantages. These are large flowers with a diameter of up to 14 centimeters, and caps of green foliage that are clearly visible in the garden, growing to a height of 60–70 cm. However, what attracts gardeners most about the daylily Bestseller is the color and refined shape of the simple corolla. The flowers of the Bestseller variety are painted in delicate lilac-pink tones. The petals are edged with a fancifully convoluted frill with green and yellow edges. Medium flowering plants decorate the garden from June to mid-August.

Daylily Divas Choice, Diva`s Choice

Another variety of hybrid daylily, the flowers of which can easily be mistaken for garden lilies. The similarity is added by the delicate pink-cream color of the petals, characteristic of the Divas Choice daylily. Bred in 2012, the hybrid will not leave indifferent either a beginner surprised by its diversity or a venerable cultural connoisseur.

Lemon yellow shades deep in the neck become creamy yellow, warmer, turning into pink and coral-salmon. The edges of Diva's Choice petals are corrugated. The diameter of the flower in full bloom reaches a record 17 cm, while 3–4 buds can open simultaneously on one peduncle.

Daylily Pandoras Box, Pandora’s box

A real Pandora's box in the world of daylilies! A magnificent hybrid, which since 1980 has never ceased to amaze flower growers with its brightness of contrasting shades, stability of flowering and compact size of the plant. Pandora's box daylily is a miniature variety. Mature plant does not exceed 50 cm in height, and it blooms very profusely and for a long time, delighting the owner with real bouquets of 10-centimeter flowers.

The greenish, lime-colored neck of the corolla, delicious like a handful of cherries and blackberries, the core and creamy petals. Daylily Pandora Box is an irresistible temptation and the center of attraction of everyone's attention!

Daylily Pardon Me, Pardon Me

Among the popular miniature varieties there are plants with simple and double flowers of all shades. But one of the leaders in attractiveness can be considered the Pardon Me daylily. A hybrid plant, the lush greenery of which rises to 40–50 cm, delights every year with the appearance of dense cherry flowers with a lemon neck. It is this contrasting bright color that is the main “highlight” of the Pardon Mi daylily, which blooms from July until September.

The plant does not require frequent replanting, is very unpretentious and fits well with other miniature varieties.

Daylily Night Embers, Night Embers

For those who are partial to rich tones, bright colors And curvaceous, you will like the hybrid daylily variety Knight Ambers. On medium-sized plants, up to 75 cm, they open double flowers diameters up to 12–14 cm with a truly unique color. The petals of the Night Embers variety seem to be made of velvet in a noble raspberry-purple hue. Their edges are exquisitely corrugated; a warm tone peeks through the deep tone of the petals. yellow neck.

Daylily Lacy Doily

It’s amazing how such luxurious plants as daylilies can be so unpretentious, not afraid of frost, easily tolerate drought and annually give gardeners a lot of original bright flowers.

Daylily Lacy Doily is no exception. From July, graceful double flowers of salmon or delicate pink color appear on bushes 60 to 80 cm high. The core of the corolla is yellow with a lemon or greenish tint. The daylily variety Lacey Doli is stable, long flowering and wintering without problems.

Daylily Double Dream, Double Dream

Incredible plant for yourself exquisite garden! Hybrid Daylily Double Dream is a truly double dream, a plant with huge, up to 15 cm, double flowers of luxurious salmon or creamy color. At the same time, the Double Dream daylily, like all its closest relatives, is not afraid of frost, blooms early, easily tolerates water shortages and is ready to grow in the sun itself.

Daylily Red Rum, Red Rum

Red daylilies are not so common, so each such variety arouses keen interest among gardeners. Red Ram daylily blooms from July to August. At this time, peduncles with actively crescent flowers with a diameter of about 10 centimeters appear above the green foliage up to half a meter high. The corollas of a simple shape in the depths seem to glow thanks to the greenish-yellow throat and the yellow rays diverging from it in the middle of each petal.

Daylily Black Stockings

Daylily Black Stockings is a new product that Russian flower growers have yet to study well. However, you can fall in love with this flower at first sight! The variety, which appeared in 2015, immediately attracted attention with its 15-centimeter flowers, shaped like a lily and colored in a thick purple-violet hue. The core of the corolla is yellow. Greenish-lemon tones are noticeable deep in the neck. The petals of the Black Stockings daylily are edged with a delicate ruffled frill.

Despite the outstanding size of the flowers, the daylily itself is not very large. Its height reaches only 60 cm. The plant is characterized by repeated flowering, the main wave occurs in July and August.

Daylily Little Anna Rosa, Little Anna Rosa

The delicate touching flowers of the Little Anna Rose daylily cannot be ignored even though the variety belongs to miniature plants. The height of the foliage and peduncles does not exceed 40 cm, and the flowers opening at the end of June, and then for the second time in the second half of summer, have a diameter of 8 cm.

Little Anna Rosa daylily is a semi-evergreen variety that tolerates winters without problems and is one of the first to greet spring with bright greenery. Delicate pink corollas with a rich spot in the center, in depth painted in rich lemon tones. The edges of the petals are corrugated; bright white rays come along the top three.

Daylily Mildred Mitchell, Mildred Mitchell

Like many modern hybrid plants, the Mildred Mitchell daylily is characterized by double flowering, unpretentiousness to growing conditions and generous gratitude to the grower for modest care. The flowering of the hybrid lasts about a month and occurs first in June–July, and then closer to the beginning of autumn. At this time, lush clumps of narrow-lanceolate leaves are decorated with peduncles with one or 2–4 large corollas in lilac-pink tones.

Mildred Mitchell daylily is a kind of record holder for flower size. The corollas in full bloom have a diameter of 18 cm, which is very large for a plant 60–70 cm high. In the center of the corolla of a simple shape, it is easy to notice a lilac spot, the neck is lemon-yellow, and closer to the edges the corrugated petals are colored delicate pink. Purple colour from the center of the rim in the form of an edging it goes to the frill. The middle line of each petal is decorated with a white or silver stroke. The same shade at the very edges.

Daylily Burgundy Love, Burgundy Love

Hybrid tetraploid daylily with a thick cherry shade of petals cannot be missed by lovers of this garden culture. Daylily Burgundy Love is a “sleeping” variety that easily responds to changes in weather and season. Therefore, you need to expect from it not one or two, but several full-fledged blooms. The flowers of the Burgundy Love variety, when opening, reach a size of 15 cm. Barely ruffled, as if brocade petals are painted in a noble shade of red wine. The neck is yellow; a light, pastel stroke is applied along the center line of the petal.

Hello, dear gardeners!

The Kurkin family fruit nursery is pleased to offer you planting material, which we grow on our own plot, located 20 km from the city of Vladimir. We have been growing seedlings since the early 80s. It all started with a few beds, crossed out black currant. Gradually we learned to propagate red currants and gooseberries; grow and graft apple and pear trees. Every year we mastered new crops and carried out selection the best varieties in terms of winter hardiness, yield, taste, etc. At the moment we have a large assortment of fruits, berries and ornamental trees and shrubs, as well as perennial flowers, strawberries, raspberries. When growing planting material We strictly adhere to technology. For example, when growing apple and pear seedlings, we always pick the seedlings, which contributes to the development of a powerful branched root system. The most important thing is that the seedlings must have strong, not dried roots, so we sell only freshly dug plants or plants pre-planted in containers, which promotes good survival rate when transplanted.

We sell planting material:

  • until May 10 with an open root system;

  • from May 10 to September 1 with a closed root system;

  • from September 1 with an open root system.

In our work, we try to strictly monitor the compliance of varieties and the quality of planting material. Our products are widely known and have proven themselves in Vladimir and the Vladimir region. Arriving at our personal plot, you have the opportunity to choose the seedlings you like directly from the ground. But, because small area on our site, we grow small volumes, so we kindly ask you to check in advance about the availability of the seedlings you are interested in by calling:

  • 8-910-092-17-50, 8-904-039-37-02
    Kurkina Olga Dmitrievna

  • 8-915-779-78-45, 8-904-039-37-03
    Kurkin Andrey Alekseevich

  • or send a request by E-mail:
    [email protected]

Double River Way daylily seems to be the most common double daylily. It is often offered on Avito; almost all my friends have it.

I got this daylily two years ago as a result of re-cultivation. Actually I bought double daylily Patricia. And a nice bush grew with delicate double flowers lemon color, but the structure of the flower is not at all similar to its photo attached to the bag. But now I know why the Double River Vai variety is so widespread. It is growing very quickly. I planted a tiny bush, and on next year you have a large bush with beautiful double flowers, with those kind of lemon suns. In the photo the color turns out a little different, brighter, more saturated.

Like all daylilies, it requires almost no care; it’s not for nothing that daylilies are called the lazy man’s flower. Water from time to time if it is very hot, and don’t forget to feed occasionally. And he will thank you for this with long flowering. Double River Vai blooms abundantly, the flowers are about 10-13 cm in size, very elegant. They look beautiful both growing separately and among other flowers.


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