Daylily pyramidal. Varieties of daylily flowers: descriptions with photos and names

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Daylily is one of the most popular flower crops grown in the Ural gardens. In Russia, this plant was called red-flowered because its beauty is short-lived. Not so long ago it was believed that daylilies are one of the most unpretentious flowers, but this statement applies only to old varieties of the crop. In the last few years, foreign flower growers have brought out a lot of new, more capricious, but also quite beautiful varieties plants.

Types of daylily

Daylilies are classified according to various characteristics. If we consider the crop from the point of view of its vegetation, then the following types of daylily are distinguished:

✿ Evergreen daylilies are flowers that, even in cold winter weather, do not lose all their foliage, but remain green. In addition, such plants begin to grow leaves and shoots as soon as the air around them gets a little warmer.
✿ Semi-evergreen daylilies are characterized by the fact that they partially retain green leaves and branches under a thick snow cover. Flowers of this type tolerate cold and unfavorable weather well.
✿ Dormant daylilies are plants that shed their leaves with the onset of autumn, falling asleep for the winter and waking up only with the arrival of spring. Such varieties do not need shelter from the cold.

If we classify the daylily according to the height of its stem, then we can distinguish 4 main types:

✿ Dwarf varieties are distinguished by a short stem, the height of which does not exceed 30 cm.
✿ Low daylilies are flowers that grow up to 60 cm in height.
✿ Medium-sized species are plants whose stem height reaches 80 cm.
✿ Tall daylilies have a peduncle height of 80 cm or more.

Daylilies are also distinguished by flowering time; depending on this characteristic, the following types of crops are distinguished:

Early varieties They bloom around mid-June.
✿ Mid-early daylilies bloom from the last ten days of June to mid-July.
✿ The flowering period of medium-sized daylily species occurs in the last days of July and the first half of August.
✿ Mid-late flowers produce buds in the second half of August.
✿ Late varieties begin to bloom in late August.

If we classify daylilies according to their color type, we can distinguish the following types:

✿ Single-color daylilies are those flowers whose petals are colored in only one shade.
✿ Two-color varieties are distinguished by the fact that the color of their buds contains 2 shades.
✿ Multi-colored crops, also called polychrome, have at least 3 different shades of color. These daylilies look very interesting and attractive.
✿ Blend daylilies are distinguished by the fact that their petals have 2 or more contrasting shades that smoothly blend into each other.

The best varieties of daylily for the Urals

All natural types of daylilies are beautiful, so they are readily used in floriculture. In addition, they are easy to care for, undemanding to growing conditions, resistant to diseases and pests, and tolerate drought and waterlogging well. Listed below are the most popular varieties of daylilies grown by Ural gardeners.


The Middendorf variety reaches a height of approximately 110 cm. The buds of this crop have a diameter of about 9-10 cm, and their color scheme is dominated by yellow and brown tones. Daylilies of this variety bloom 2 months after planting; the flowering period begins in early June and lasts at least 30 days.


Daylily “Yellow” is slightly lower than the previous species, the height of its peduncle does not exceed 70 cm. The buds of the culture have a rich yellow tint and are about 8 cm in diameter. Daylily “Yellow” blooms 45-55 days after the peduncle grows. The budding period begins at the end of May or in the first ten days of June and lasts about 2-2.5 weeks.


Daylily “Brown-yellow” has beautiful large buds, the diameter of which reaches about 14 cm. The height of the peduncle of this variety is 95-100 cm, the color of the flowers is yellow-orange. The flowering period is 30-35 days, and this period begins at the end of June or early July.

Fulled mi

Plant height is 55 cm, the flower is yellow with an orange spot and a yellow throat. Each flower lives for one day, but many flowers on a mature plant ensure long-term flowering. In cloudy, cool weather, flowers last up to six days. The total flowering time of the bush is 25 days or more.

Royal Robe

The height of this variety is 60 cm, the diameter of the flower reaches 14 cm. Its color is dark plum, even crimson. The veins on the petals of bright purple color give the flower, together with the suede texture, clarity and originality. Faintly expressed, soft cream eye, yellowish-green throat. In general, this large size Rowal Robe is quite unusual both in its appearance and in its flowering, which begins at the end of July and continues until the first cold weather, repeated flowering is also possible. 3-4 larger buds and up to six small ones are formed on the peduncles. This variety is frost-resistant and does not require shelter.


The Radiant variety is distinguished by orange buds, the size of which is about 8 cm in diameter. The height of the peduncle does not exceed 85 cm, and the flowering duration of this variety is not very long: approximately 18-20 days. The budding period begins at the end of May.

Double Firecracker

Daylily DOUBLE FIRECRACKER (Hemerocallis Double Firecracker) has large red double flowers up to 13 cm in diameter, the throat is golden-green. The variety is abundantly flowering and fragrant. The flowering period is early, in mid-July, the variety is re-blooming. Plant height - 60 cm.

Stella de Oro

The rich yellow spreading inflorescences of the Stella de Oro daylily reach 7 cm in diameter. Flowering occurs in waves, some flowers are mutually replaced by newly blooming buds. Stella de Oro is the record holder among daylilies for the duration of flowering: from late spring to early autumn. Daylily overwinters well; only a small layer of mulch is needed to cover it.


The variety "Nilbio" belongs to tall crops, the height of its peduncle exceeds 110 cm. This daylily is two-colored, the outer side of its petals is painted in a rich orange hue, and the inner side is brick red. The buds reach 13 cm in diameter, and the flowering period is about 30 days. The beginning of the budding process occurs in mid-July.

Margaret Perry

Daylily "Margarita Perry" grows to 115-120 cm in height. Its buds are painted in 2 shades: light orange on the outside and dark brick on the inside. Flowering time falls in mid-July and lasts about 27 days.

Lady Betty Fretz

Daylily 'Lady Betty Fretz' has very large cream flowers with a bright red eye and a heavily ruffled double red and yellow border. The throat is yellow, deep green. A fragrant day-blooming variety. Plant height is 65 cm, flower diameter is about 16 cm.

Dr. Regel

Low-growing varieties include the daylily "Doctor Regel", the height of the stem varies from 40 to 50 cm. The color of its buds is dark yellow, the diameter of the flower does not exceed 7 cm. The flowering period of this variety occurs in the first days of June and is approximately 2 weeks.


The medium-sized variety "Graminea" reaches 70 cm in height. The color of the bud is pale yellow, the diameter does not exceed 11 cm. The daylily begins to bloom at the end of May, and the process itself lasts 25-30 days.

Golden Dust

The buds of the Golden Dust daylily are golden yellow and reach a diameter of about 10 cm. The height of the stem does not exceed 65 cm, the flowering period lasts 20 days and begins in the second half of May.

Apricot Beauty

The “Apricot Beauty” variety has large double flowers, reaching a diameter of 12 cm. Red strokes stand out in the middle of the bright orange petals. This plant grows up to 70 cm in height.

Patchwook Puzzle

The color of this 10 cm daylily combines lemon and Ivory. In the center is a dark eye outlined with a purple line. It is so contrasting that it seems as if a lilac flap was sewn to the pale petal at the base. That's why it was called "Patchwork Puzzle". A fairly compact bush grows only 45 cm.

American Revolution

Dark burgundy, almost black, velvety dense petals, penetrated by black veins, are collected in a bell measuring more than 14 cm. Its center is painted in a bright greenish-yellow color. There are from 15 to 30 flowers on one stem. The height of the bush can reach 90 cm.

Frosty Lavender

On high bush(up to 75 cm) huge inflorescences of pale lavender color with a green throat (diameter 18 cm) open.

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The time has long passed when daylilies in every city courtyard and every garden looked exactly the same. Today, the variety of delightful flowers of the day can compete even with tulips. And new varieties appear almost every day. Extravagant, original, touching or bright, modern daylilies have made a significant leap forward and are firmly entrenched in lists of favorite herbaceous perennials. And even the most fanciful and rare varieties of this plant still live up to its reputation as an unpretentious and friendly culture.

Flower garden from different varieties daylily

Today, when the number of daylily varieties has exceeded 70 thousand, it is difficult to believe that just a couple of centuries ago the delightful daylily was perceived exclusively as a nutritious crop. Indeed, in Ancient China, the plant was considered both as a medicinal and as a gourmet plant, preparing a variety of delicacies from buds, young leaves and even rhizomes. In some countries, fried stuffed daylily flowers are still on the menu today. But nevertheless, this plant has long changed its former status to decorative. Spectacular throughout the active season, easily fitting into any design style and any mixed composition, not afraid of solo parts, long-blooming and undemanding to care, daylilies are not just one of the most beautiful herbaceous perennials, but also almost irreplaceable plants.

Representatives of the genus Daylily (Hemerocallis) are herbaceous perennials with a compact but powerful root system, forming amazingly beautiful and lush fountain-like clumps of long belt-like linear basal leaves that decorate the garden both before and after flowering. But the true beauty of daylilies is revealed only when the daylily produces stems with sparsely spaced short leaves crowned with loose inflorescences of 20-50 flowers, in which each flower blooms for only one day.

And although daylilies are not those perennials that can bloom all season, from spring to autumn, the summer show that varietal daylilies put on from June to September is quite enough to consider them the main beautifully flowering perennials. Most modern daylilies are remontant plants that can bloom repeatedly. Despite the fact that the flowering period of each variety lasts from 4 to 8 weeks (with the rare exception of the latest hybrids, which bloom longer than usual), choosing varieties with an early, medium and late start of flowering allows you to create a relay race of daylilies and extend the overall flowering for three or more months .

Flower bed of daylily variety "Going Bananas". © waltersgardens

Measuring and describing the diversity of daylily varieties is very difficult and almost impossible. More simple or with an unusual structure, large- and small-flowered, elegant and extravagant, bright and romantic - there are a variety of varieties of daylilies. From tiny varieties only 25-30 cm high to huge spreading bushes over 150 cm high, from miniature flowers with a diameter of 3.5 cm to huge 35 cm flowers, and this is not to mention the choice between triangular, round, simple, the spider-like shape of the flowers, the presence of frills, ruffles or borders, watermarks, folds and tucks... Daylilies are indeed very diverse. But still, even in the huge assortment of varieties and hybrids, which the American Daylily Society AHS carefully catalogs and studies, there are some undisputed favorites that have won fans all over the globe.

Let's take a closer look at the 11 best varieties of modern daylilies, which are worth paying attention to in catalogs and at exhibitions - unpretentious, especially spectacular and brightly standing out in any collection of hybrids with unforgettable flowering.

Daylily variety "Black Prince"

Despite his youth, the “Black Prince” is a legendary and unique beauty. Of course, the color of the flowers does not even approach black, but only invites you to admire the satin-burgundy tones. But such a dark color is not typical for daylilies in general, so a slight exaggeration (about the color of the prince) can be forgiven. This is a medium-sized daylily with a maximum height of up to 1 m, capable of blooming repeatedly. Flowers with a diameter of up to 15 cm appear only in July, flowering lasts a little more than 1 month. The dark cherry-burgundy color is combined with a thin yellow stripe in the center of the petals, as if flowing from a bright yellow neck. The shape of the flower is very elegant, classic. The only drawback of a daylily with such an original dark color is the medium-sized clumps and a small number of flowers on the peduncles (most often three flowers bloom on one stem, and their total number rarely exceeds 20 pieces).

Daylily variety "Black Prince". © dhabisdaylilies

The charming dark soloist looks great against the background of plants with light or original greenery and in the company of white, pink and yellow-flowered plants. Phlox, mantle, Byzantine chist, wormwood, silver heuchera - these are the best partners for this variety. But still, “The Black Prince” looks most impressive in borders.

Daylily variety "Black Stockings"

This is a much more original dark-colored semi-evergreen daylily, capable of repeated flowering. Small plants up to 60 cm in height are distinguished by denser greenery and a lush clump with an emerald tint of greenery color and a beautiful bend of the leaves. And their flowers are inimitable. Reaching a diameter of 15 cm, these red flowers flaunt wide, decorated with luxurious ruffles and beautifully curved petals, with a thin yellow stroke from the throat and a base speckled wine color in the darkest tones. The variety blooms profusely, with more than 30 flowers blooming on one peduncle.

Daylily variety "Black Stockings". © flower55

This variety looks great with white-flowering partners, in borders, or as a soloist.

Daylily variety "Spotted Fever"

This is a double daylily with a special structure and unusual color. Triangular flowers with a fancifully twisted center and an almost green throat captivate with their almost graphic ripple effect: on a whitish-peach, very delicate background, raspberry-purple ripples of the smallest strokes appear. The internal “scallops” look surprisingly elegant. The height of the peduncles is about half a meter, the clumps are semi-evergreen. The leaves are numerous, collected in a very beautiful dense clump. This is one of the most abundantly flowering daylilies - a small masterpiece of nature, from which it is impossible to take your eyes off.

Daylily variety "Spotted Fever". © Barbara Ehlert

Use it unique plant always in the foreground, in the most advantageous places, where the unique beauty of the plant will be most fully revealed. At the peak of flowering, the bushes look like living bouquets.

Daylily variety "Mike Longo"

This is not quite a yellow-flowered daylily, but rather a creamy-melon-golden daylily, famous not only for its unusually pastel color, but also for the number of flowers. This amazing variety blooms about fifty flowers on each peduncle per season. The remontant flower captivates with its strong corrugation of petals with raised veins and strikingly beautiful ruffles. The bright yellow throat fades into various shades of cream and brighter color along the edge. You can admire the nuances of color endlessly, because in one flower an attentive observer can find more than 10 shades. Beautiful dark leaves are complemented by strongly branching peduncles, which give the bushes a particularly elegant look.

Daylily variety "Mike Longo". © National Gardening Association

This daylily reveals its beauty best in the company of decorative foliage plants, when planted on a border or in a spot on the lawn.

Daylily variety "Burning Daylight"

One of the most elegant varieties, the color of which seems dazzlingly fiery and almost carrot or orange. The shape of the flower resembles a lily with the graceful curve of its petals. They reach 15 cm in diameter and are distinguished by delicate corrugation along the edge. This daylily blooms late, in early August, but surprises with the simultaneous blooming of three flowers on one peduncle. The bushes are compact and dense. A pleasant “bonus” is a strong aroma that goes wonderfully with the fruity, rich color tone. Maximum height – up to 60 cm.

Daylily variety "Burning Daylight". © Paul Paradis

For this variety to reveal its beauty, it is worth choosing violet-flowered partners for it - catnip, speedwell, sage, lavender or phlox.

Daylily variety “Stella d’Oro”

This daylily has rightfully earned the title of legendary variety. Also yellow-flowered, but with much more modest lemon flowers, the variety captivates with its combination of delicately bright flowering with the beauty of bright clumps of greenery. The funnel-shaped flowers do not exceed 6 cm in diameter, but they look bright thanks to the peduncles that are practically no larger than straight leaves and the delicate melon-yellow color that contrasts with the dark green color. The bushes are medium-sized, up to 40 cm high, but amazingly dense and dense, the leaves are attractive all season long. From a distance, it seems that the bushes are completely covered with flowers thanks to the highly spreading inflorescences, and flowering occurs in several waves and can begin in late spring. The aroma is subtle, but due to the abundance of flowers it is felt quite strongly.

Daylily variety "Stella d'Oro". © Monrovia

To bring out the beauty of the Stella d'Oro daylily, it should be used in borders or planted in the company of massive, lush perennials - catnip, St. John's wort and sedum.

Daylily variety "Thin Man"

This variety is considered one of the most large-flowered and amazes with its huge flowers. “Thin Man” belongs to the spider daylilies; its petals are graceful, thin, elongated, pointed, intricately twisted at the ends into a spiral. The spectacular transition of a bright yellow throat into wine-red petals with a light spot at the base turning into a central white line and two-colored stamens make the flowers appear even larger from the play of shades. The diameter of the flower is up to 30 cm. The leaves are quite dark and long, the clumps are powerful, the peduncles rise to a meter in height. One peduncle bears up to 30 flowers.

Daylily variety "Thin Man". © Aarne Kähr

The variety with huge flowers reveals its beauty best in the company of flowering shrubs and small-flowered textured perennials. Salvias, catnips, oregano and spirea are ideal partners for this beauty plant.

Daylily variety "Ginger Twist"

Another spider star among the most beloved daylilies. Its flowers are huge, up to 28 cm in diameter. The watercolor orange-pink base color is combined with red chevrons, which seem to be “drawn” with colored pencils or pastels. But what is most surprising is the narrow base of the practically non-closing petals, which makes the flower seem even more elegant. This is a medium-sized daylily, the watercolor miracle of its flowers is effectively emphasized by very dark-colored leaves, the shape of which somehow echoes the narrow spaced petals of the flowers.

Daylily variety "Ginger Twist". © day-lily

This variety will perfectly cope with the role of a soloist on a neutral background - not only a lawn or ground cover, low perennials, but also a decorative backfill.

Daylily variety "Jordan"

One of the massive, bouquet-like varieties of daylilies. The height of the bushes is up to 60 cm. The leaves are arranged very densely, flaunt a dark, muted green color, and are quite wide. Flowers up to 15 cm in diameter are numerous. The petals are densely spaced, very wide, forming an almost “solid” flower. The unique dark pink color of the petals is combined with a lemon spot in the center of the throat and dark stamens. The petals are characterized by a special satin-velvet matte finish, which makes the colors shine in a new way. And the slight corrugation of the edge seems to emphasize that all attention should be paid to the color. The leaves are bright green and look surprisingly striking compared to other perennials. This variety blooms quite late, in early August, but pleases with its flowers in the fall.

Daylily variety "Jordan". © garden365

This daylily can be planted even one bush at a time in any company and in decorative compositions of all types.

Daylily variety "Alpine Ruffles"

This variety of daylily appears strikingly delicate thanks to its delicate shades of light yellow and cream colors that evoke a variety of associations. A light pinkish and melon bloom, an almost white “burnt-out”, gradual lightening of a round flower with a diameter of up to 15 cm are intricately combined with amazing folded ruffles and a bright throat with a transition from light green-lime to lemon yellow. Up to 45 flowers bloom on each peduncle. Light stamens with dark anthers seem incredibly touching. Foliage of very bright colors is collected in dense clumps. This is a medium-sized red daylily, with a height of 60 to 70 cm. The unique daylily blooms in July and delights with flowering until the end of August.

Daylily variety "Alpine Ruffles". © Nikki Keeton Schmith

This variety is delicate and romantic, looks great as a soloist or as an accent in flower beds, and can be combined with any plants. But it shines most beautifully in the company of mantle and geranium.

Daylily variety "Andy Candy"

This red flower is one of the favorites among varieties with a round flower shape. He really looks very tasty - bright, with a basic orange color that almost completely overshadows the huge red spot, he seems surprisingly massive. The dark red edging along the edge of the petals also adds charm to the plant. It is considered an evergreen or semi-evergreen daylily with an extended flowering period and an early start. The leaves are broad-linear, with an emerald tint, but the clumps are quite modest in volume, narrow and not so dense. The height of the peduncles is about 70 cm.

Daylily variety "Andy Candy". © mattsmom

This daylily stands out in any environment. But the variegated and silver-leaved partners and single planting give it a special charm - so all the beauty of the flowers can be appreciated without difficulty.

To be successful in growing varietal daylilies, there are only a few things you need to consider: important aspects growing:

  • daylilies love sunny places, but dark-colored varieties fade in full sun and it is better to provide them with light shade;
  • only fertile, high-quality loose, loamy or sandy loam soil with a good organic content and a neutral reaction is suitable for krasodnev;
  • deep watering in severe drought and two feedings - in early spring and a month after the peak of flowering - that’s all the basic care measures;
  • Flowering daylilies need to be plucked regularly wilted flowers– this is not difficult, but daylilies will reveal their beauty (withered flowers not so much affect the duration of flowering as they make the plant look unkempt and neglected);
  • daylily foliage is cut only after it has completely turned yellow, to a height of 5 cm;
  • daylilies are divided at a frequency of 8-10 years, in early May or late August, dividing into large parts.

Collection of daylilies. © merryspring

If you want daylilies to be the star of your garden, always plant them with crops with contrasting foliage everywhere. Combine daylilies with delicately lush crops like mantles, geraniums and catnips, with perennials with radically different characteristics like lupins and delphiniums, foxgloves and basilisks, phlox, astilbe, echinacea and monarda. And don’t forget to add a few partners with an eye to autumn: daylily foliage will decorate ensembles with asters, chrysanthemums, sedums, aconite, and calimeris. But you can always play on an unexpected contrast with ornamental grasses - they also have narrow leaves in beautiful turf, but the character is completely different.

Catalog of the best varieties of daylilies

Variety Pink Stripes

These are perennial, unpretentious flowering plants, characterized by a variety of colors, aromas, duration of flowering and availability of planting material.

Variety Fun Fling

I have prepared for you my own catalog of the best varieties of daylilies with photos and descriptions, in my designer opinion. You can easily find all new varieties in garden stores in Russia.

Wild Cherry Wine variety

Basic information

Before we begin, let's understand the existing main types of daylilies. This information will be useful to us later. So, there are seven main species found in nature.

Daylily brown-yellow Hemerocallis Fulva

Brown-yellow daylily (Hemerocallis Fulva)- has long been grown by flower growers in Russia. In some areas, in abandoned villages, it is already found as wild plant. This is an ornamental plant known to everyone since childhood with long hanging leaves and orange flowers on long peduncles towering above the bush.

Yellow daylily - Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus

Yellow daylily (H. lilioasphodelus)- grows freely in the vast expanses of Siberia and the Far East. In Europe, it has been cultivated in gardens and parks since the 16th century. The flowers are bright yellow, bell-shaped, fragrant, petals 6 cm long.

Lemon yellow daylily - Hemerocallis citrina

Lemon yellow daylily (H. citrina)- Found growing wild in China. Blooms at night. The flowers are bright lemon, long, up to 14 cm, half-open, with a strong aroma.

Small daylily - Hemerocallis minor

Small daylily (H. minor)- grows in elevated areas of Siberia and the Far East. Found on the slopes of the mountains of Mongolia and China. The flowers are bright yellow, monochromatic, fragrant, located in inflorescences of 5-6 pieces.

Thunberg daylily - Hemerocallis thunbergii

Thunberg daylily (H. thunbergii)- The yellow flowers of this plant have a weak aroma and open during the day. Not to be confused with lemon yellow daylily!

Middendorff daylily -Hemerocallis middendorffii

Middendorff daylily (H. middendorffii)- a wild plant of the Far East. The flowers are bright yellow, open, collected in inflorescences of up to 10 flowers. It blooms earlier than all daylilies - in May-June.

Hybrid daylily (H. hybrida hortulorum)- bred by gardeners by crossing various species and hybrids of daylilies. At the moment, there are up to 35 thousand varieties of hybrid daylilies.

Differences in Appearance

Daylilies vary in color and shape of flowers, forming several groups:

1. Daylilies with simple flowers, corrugated or fringed. They are further divided into groups based on color: white daylilies include flower colors ranging from cream to white. To yellow - from yellow to golden. To orange - from apricot to orange - in the photo on the left.

Photo of daylilies with simple flowers

The pink group consists of daylilies with flowers ranging from peach to rose-red. The lavender group includes shades of flowers from lavender to purple. Finally, the red daylily group consists of flowers ranging in color from light red to black-red.

2. Daylilies with an eye

The flowers of this group differ in color - in the center of the flower it is more intense, this area has a clear border - in the photo in the center and on the right.

3. Terry daylilies

Originating from wild Chinese daylilies, they have semi-double or double flowers in warm pink, red or yellow shades. Sometimes these are complex multi-colored or even ruffled flowers.

4. Group of daylilies with arachnids or other flowers of unusual shape.

5. Multi-petal(more than 6 petals) daylilies.

6. Low daylilies no more than 0.5 m high.

7. A group of miniature daylilies with a flower diameter less than 7 cm.

In general, all daylilies are worthy of the attention of gardeners! Now let’s look at the best varieties in more detail.

My catalog of daylilies with photos

Photos of daylilies

Variety "Magnificent Rainbow"

A lavender variety with a flower 15 cm in diameter and a peduncle 42 cm high. The inner petals of the flower are brighter, and the eye is multi-colored. Blooms early, leaves fall in autumn - pictured on the left.

Variety "Edith Sliger"

Semi-evergreen with a peduncle 62 cm high and a not very large flower diameter - 12.5 cm. A variety with corrugated flowers of complex colors. The main color of the petals is a mixture of pink and rich coral, and the ruffled edge is golden yellow. An early re-blooming variety - pictured in the center.

Variety "Bela Lugosi"

The best variety of the group of purple varieties. A medium-flowering variety with medium-sized flowers (15 cm in diameter) of a dark purple color with a yellow throat. The petals of the flower have a wavy edge. The flowers are collected in inflorescences on very long (82 cm) peduncles - pictured on the right.

Photo of scarlet daylilies

"Read my lips"

Early variety, possible re-blooming. Very bright, pink flower 14 cm in diameter with a cranberry-raspberry edging and the same eye. Peduncles 70 cm high - pictured on the left.

"Primal Scream"

A variety with very large flowers with a diameter of 18.5 cm and very long peduncles (85 cm). Mid-late variety, blooms from late July. Peduncles with spider-shaped (orchid) flowers of orange-tangerine color. An unusually beautiful variety! Awarded the Silver Stout Medal in 2003 in the USA - pictured in the center.

"Spacecoast Extream Fashion"

A variety with pink-peach flowers with corrugated petals with a diameter of 14 cm on short peduncles (52 cm). An early semi-evergreen variety, it stands out for its unusual super-corrugated flowers - pictured on the right.

The most beautiful daylily in the world - "Cute As Can Be"

The photo shows a daylily variety Cute As Can Be

This daylily is recognized as the most beautiful in the world! Peduncle height 30 cm (short), flower diameter 5 cm. Blooms twice at the beginning and in the middle of the season. Semi-evergreen plant. A beautiful red-pink flower with a yellow center. Indeed, he deserves such an honorary title!

"Black Prince"

A wonderful example of a modern, graceful daylily that deserves your attention.

"Ebony Jewel"

Daylily Ebony-Jewel

Peduncle height 68 cm, flower diameter 12.5 cm. Blooms in the middle of the season. A velvety black-violet flower with wide petals and a green throat.

"Scarlet Lace"

Daylily Scarlet Lace

High peduncle - 67.5 cm, flower diameter 11.5 cm. Repeated flowering. Blooms early and mid-season. A red and white striped flower with a slightly ruffled edge and a green-yellow throat.

"Premier Surprise"

Daylily Premier Surprise

It has very high peduncles - 74 cm, the diameter of large flowers is 14 cm. Repeated flowering. Semi-evergreen. The flowers are dark purple with a lime green throat and a small white and gold stripe along the edge of the petals. The spider-like flower tapers towards the throat. An extremely fertile variety.

"Light Years Away"

Daylily variety Light Years Away

The peduncle is tall 53.5 cm, flower diameter is 14 cm. It blooms in the middle of the season. Semi-evergreen. Light lavender orchid-type flowers with a green throat. Super ruffled edges.

Planting and care in open ground

Daylilies are actually both aristocratic and sophisticated, as well as rustically cute. To some they may seem too bright and even pretentious, but this does not prevent them from captivating the hearts of summer residents and flower growers.

Nowadays daylilies with double flowers and long, lush flowering. Although daylily is called a flower for the lazy, one cannot rely too much on its unpretentiousness. Still, to display its best qualities, the plant needs watering, a well-lit place, fertile soil, sufficient fertilizers.

My favorite varieties- Strawberry Fields, El Rosario, Antarctica, Art Festival. As soon as the snow melts on the site, their leaves appear! The first daylilies bloom at the end of May, and the flowering itself continues until October. This is quite a long period; it is a rare flower that can boast such a long flowering period.

At the same time The daylily flower does not live long- just one day. But if the plant is large, then the total number of planted buds is also considerable, which allows you to admire these cute flowers throughout the summer.

The rules for caring for them are not at all complicated, but for the plant to reveal its full potential, it needs to be given due attention. Daylilies reproduce by rhizomes - this must be taken into account and not bury them too deep into the ground.

Concerning landing sites, then preference should be given to sunny areas. The persistent daylily will grow and bloom even in partial shade, but it will reveal all its beauty only under the bright sun. Any garden soil is suitable for unpretentious daylilies, but if it is too heavy and clayey, then it is better to add peat and sand. If the soil is poor and sandy, then the matter can be improved by adding humus and compost.

Throughout the growing season care comes down to watering, weeding and loosening the soil. I water daylilies abundantly, but not often. I feed with complex fertilizers without excess nitrogen, which is understandable - nitrogen promotes the growth of green mass to the detriment of flowering.

It's also nice that I didn't notice any pests on them, although I already grow daylilies for a long time. I replant them in the fall by dividing the rhizomes. After replanting for the winter, I mulch the young plants with needles, and those that I do not replant, I do not cover - they overwinter without shelter and feel great.

Video - how to grow and propagate daylilies

Expert review from Greensad - how to grow and propagate daylilies.

Despite the obvious similarity in names, lilies and daylilies, the descriptions of the varieties of which are presented later in the article, have little in common, except external structure flower. These are large herbaceous plants with a powerful cord-like rhizome, arched leaves and large inflorescences.

In gardening, the original natural species of daylily and numerous varieties are used, striking in the beauty of their flowers and the abundance of their shades. The plant is valued by flower growers mainly for its unpretentiousness, high stability and mobility in culture, the ability to quickly form lush bushes, as well as for a long flowering period.

The most popular are two natural types: lemon yellow daylily, yellow. The varieties that now abound on the market were bred on their basis.

Daylily yellow

This is a perennial herbaceous plant. Widely distributed in the wild in Asia (zone temperate climate) and southern Europe. In gardens it is used as a decorative plant, undemanding to the soil. This type of daylily forms a spreading bush with linear curved leaves up to 0.75 m long. Tall inflorescences contain from 3 to 9 large flowers. The funnel-shaped corolla can be varied: from golden yellow color to rich dark burgundy. There are numerous highly decorative varieties of daylilies of this type.

Lemon yellow daylily

A perennial flowering plant that forms a powerful bush up to one meter high. In its natural environment it grows along river banks, forest edges, on the slopes of meadows, reaching up to 2000 m above sea level. The homeland of the plant is China, Japan and Korea.

Large flower stalks exceed the leaves in height; at the top they have an inflorescence of 2-5 large flowers. A distinctive feature of the species is its pronounced aroma. The flowers open in the afternoon or late afternoon, the top of the bud is purple-black, and the perianth, as the name suggests, is lemon yellow. In the homeland of its growth it is used not only as ornamental plant, but also food (flower buds are eaten as a side dish or in soups).


There are many varieties of daylilies. Moreover, every year they continue to be replenished with new hybrids with improved characteristics. It is impossible to present them all in one article. However, when choosing a daylily for his plot, each gardener should pay attention to several criteria that will help to navigate this diversity. It is by these that I often classify varieties.

  1. Peduncle height: low (less than 30 cm), medium-high (30-60 cm), semi-high (60-90 cm) and very high (from 90 cm).
  2. Vegetation type: evergreen, semi-evergreen and dormant. The latest varieties of daylilies are the most optimal for our climate, as they easily survive the winter in a dormant state, and then come to life again with the arrival of spring.
  3. Flowering dates (the international designation that can be found on the package with rhizomes is indicated in brackets): early (E), mid-early (EM), middle (M), mid-late (ML), late (L). The gradation by month begins from mid-June until the end of August.
  4. Flower blooming time: night, day and long-blooming. Many varieties have a pronounced aroma.

The best varieties of daylily

Magnificent daylilies have rightfully received the name “Smile of the Sun”. It seems that they don’t care about anything, and they smell fragrant in any conditions. The opinion is partly erroneous. If natural species are indeed very stable and labile in terms of cultivation, then cultivated hybrids require a little more attention and care. At the same time, the favorites of choice are always plants with long and abundant period flowering.

We offer you three varieties of daylilies that meet all your requirements.

  • Strawberry Candy is a semi-tall variety (70 cm) with luxurious flowers that fully justify their name, up to 12 cm in diameter. They have characteristic corrugated petals of an almost round shape, which makes them seem even denser and more pronounced against the background of greenery. One of the advantages of the variety is its long flowering period from late June to September. Moreover, there may be a second stage provided there is a warm autumn.
  • Stella D'Oro is an almost continuously blooming daylily. Low growing varieties (in in this case height does not exceed 40 cm) are good because they can be used even on small area, creating an oasis of bright yellow flowers against the background of emerald green leaves. Flowering is long-lasting with short breaks from May to October. The flowers are large - 6.5 cm in diameter, the petals are round, slightly corrugated.
  • Frans Hals is a tall variety (up to 1 m) with excellent hardiness characteristics and a long flowering period; it belongs to the category of two-color hybrids. The coloring is truly unique. Petals of a uniform yellow color alternate with brick-red ones, in the middle of which there is a stripe, up to 15 cm in diameter.

Terry daylily: varieties

Terry daylilies can compete in their beauty with elegant lilies and even roses, although they are fundamentally different plants. Corrugated corollas have a different number of petals. It is difficult to cover all the diversity, and therefore we bring to your attention new varieties of daylily with double flowers:

  • Double red royal is a plant that forms a bush up to 75 cm in height with large (14 cm in diameter) double velvet flowers of a rich wine shade and a silver edging on the inner surface of the petals. Blooms all summer.

  • Just my size - 2014 variety with very abundant flowering. The double flowers are pale pink with a reddish “eye” and up to 7 cm in diameter.
  • Ikebana star is a luxurious variety with large pale yellow flowers. The petals are slightly wavy and paler than the central part of the edge. Flower diameter up to 15 cm. Fragrant variety, blooms throughout the summer.

Despite the fact that daylily species and varieties are completely diverse, the basics of its cultivation and care are the same for everyone.


It should be noted that in their homeland, daylilies are plants of shaded areas (shrub thickets, forest edges), but in our climate they need a sufficient amount of light, especially garden hybrids. Otherwise, adjacent to the hosta in partial shade, they simply will not be able to express themselves in full glory. Of course, the plant is very flexible and can grow even in the shade, but abundant and spectacular flowering is observed only in good lighting.

Relation to moisture and soil

Daylily is also quite loyal to moisture. The powerful rhizome can obtain water from deep layers, and is not afraid of surface drought. However, it is best to mulch the space near the bushes with peat or wood chips to prevent excessive evaporation.

Our usual garden soils are quite suitable for this plant. If there is an abundance of sand, moisture will evaporate too quickly; in heavy clay soil, on the contrary, it will stagnate, which will lead to rotting of the root system.


The planting location largely depends on the characteristics of the hybrid. In particular, it depends on whether you choose tall or dwarf daylilies. Varieties of one or another group must be correctly combined with each other, and then the flowerbed will delight the eye throughout the entire season with its lush flowering.

The planting hole is prepared for each rhizome separately and carefully. Remember that the daylily will grow in this place for many years. Now it is just a small piece of rhizome, but in 3-4 years you will have a spreading bush with turf up to 70 cm in diameter.

If the soil is fertile and well-permeable to moisture, then simply dig holes and plant the plant. If you doubt the quality of the soil, then add peat, sand, humus and fertilizer (potassium, superphosphate, ash, etc.) to it first. When planting, do not bury the neck; it should be 1.5-2 cm above ground level and mulched.

Watering and fertilizing

As experienced gardeners rightly note, daylilies do not cause much trouble in caring for, but still require some attention. Meanwhile, even a novice gardener can grow them.

Daylilies are not fans of frequent and shallow watering. It is better to do this rarely, but plentifully in case of prolonged drought, otherwise they grow well with normal amounts of precipitation. Watering is carried out at the root to avoid drops of water falling on the flowers.

Plant pruning

Withered flowers not only spoil the appearance of the bush, but also “drain” excess energy from it to form seeds. Therefore, as flowering begins to fade, it is necessary to remove flower stalks with pruning shears. If the weather is damp, the petals will not fall off on their own; cut off the flowers completely.

Before the onset of winter, the entire above-ground part must be removed. As a rule, the foliage does not have time to dry out on its own in our climatic conditions and dies only due to frost. If you leave it until spring, the rhizome may simply burn or dry out before the next season.

Mulching the soil

The procedure is very useful for plants and serves several purposes. Firstly, as a result of sprinkling the area around the bushes with wood chips or peat, the rate of evaporation of moisture from the soil decreases. Secondly, mulching prevents roots from overheating in hot weather and from freezing when severe frosts in winter. Thirdly, the need for weeding and loosening is reduced to a minimum.

Use in the garden

Daylily has a very wide range of possible applications in landscape design, thanks to its spectacular appearance. It can be used in group mono- or combined plantings, cleverly playing with the heights and shades of different varieties. Single plants look great surrounded by a flat lawn or along the banks of an artificial pond, along borders.

The variety of bright shades of the plant perfectly complements evergreen conifers and ordinary deciduous shrubs. The beauty at a distance is especially emphasized by varieties with yellow flowers, and rich shades (burgundy, dark pink) are best used in the foreground.

The daylily plant is boldly called a crop for lazy gardeners. Even the almost complete lack of care does not prevent its gorgeous flowering. You can decorate your garden with “savage” daylilies, as well as hybrids and varieties of incredible beauty bred by breeders.

They are called flowers of joy - one cannot help but rejoice when looking at bright flowers. They are believed to bring good luck, taking away all sorrows and sorrows.

Culture prefers solar lighting, but also feels good in slight shading (active lighting of the area for 6 hours a day is sufficient). There are no special requirements for the composition of the soil; they grow successfully in one place. long years, forming lush, beautifully flowering thickets. Perfectly adapted to the vagaries of the weather.

When does daylily bloom?

  • Flowering dates for daylilies: active flowering occurs in April-June.

For successful cultivation For daylilies, several points should be determined: what place to choose, when and how to plant, what, even minimal, care is required.

Place for planting daylilies

Daylily flowers in the garden photo

It is very important to immediately select the right site for cultivation, since daylilies are long-lived. Curtains with beautiful multi-colored corollas last for about 15 years without replanting.

When choosing a site for growing daylilies, keep in mind that they develop best under bright light. At the same time, it is not afraid of drafts and strong gusts of wind. Under such conditions, the majority garden crops will feel uncomfortable - daylilies are very helpful. For free growth, provide it with space that will not be limited by shrubs, trees, and large herbaceous plants. They can compete with the plant.

Please note that the root system should not suffer from close groundwater and spring flooding.

Timing for planting daylilies in open ground

What flowers to plant daylilies with photo

The timing of planting daylilies in open ground can be attributed to the advantages of the plant. This can be done throughout the warm season. Nothing prevents you from replanting until the fall.

Spring planting is most successful– seedlings quickly take root and begin to grow; flowering will occur in the same season. If the weather is cold, planting material can be stored outside the ground for about a month: sprinkle the root system with sand or a sand-peat mixture, or transfer it with a damp rag. In this case, cut the leaf blades by half or 1/3 to reduce the plant’s need for moisture.

If the summer is not hot, you can plant at this time.

There is a risk when planting in autumn that before the onset of cold weather the plants will not have time to take root, they may freeze in winter or, if they do not die, they will be weak. For the winter, young plantings should be covered with earth, mulch the soil with leaves or straw.

  • According to experienced gardeners, in the middle zone the most favorable months for planting daylilies are May and August.

Planting daylilies in open ground in spring

How to plant daylily photo

Seedlings should be prepared for planting. Inspect them, remove dry, damaged or rotten roots. Treat the cut areas with fungicide. Greens can be trimmed by moving 10-15 cm from the base of the leaf blades.

If the roots have dried out by the time of planting in open ground, the seedlings should be soaked for 4 hours in a solution with a growth stimulator.

Daylily grows well in loose, light soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction - such as ordinary garden soil.

  • Dig the area to the depth of a full bayonet of a shovel. Dilute clay soil or loam with rotted manure, compost and sand.
  • Make planting holes according to the size of the root system.
  • If the soil is depleted, prepare a nutrient mixture: humus and peat with the addition of 30 g of potassium and phosphorus per 1 bucket of substrate.
  • Pour heaped soil into the planting hole, place the seedling on top of the soil, carefully distribute the rhizome so that the roots do not bend.
  • Sprinkle with earth and lightly compact the soil around the seedling, water, the root collar can be buried 2-3 cm.
  • Maintain a distance of 70 cm between individual plants.

To reduce moisture evaporation, you can mulch the soil around the plant. Use available materials (tree bark, pine needles, straw). Daylilies are planted in the same way in summer and autumn.

How to care for daylilies in the garden

Daylily care procedures are minimal: water, periodically loosen the soil, remove weeds.


Actively growing and flowering daylilies require regular watering. Faded leaves indicate a lack of moisture; buds may drop. In hot weather, water generously so that the soil is wet to 20-30 cm (to the depth of the root system). The daylily will also respond excellently to light sprinkling. If there is sufficient rainfall, reduce watering.

The best time to spend water procedures is evening or early morning - there is no risk of burns.


In the first season after planting, the plant has enough nutrients. From the second year, start fertilizing. Use complex mineral fertilizers. The proportion of nitrogen should be moderate so as not to provoke excessive tillering to the detriment of flowering. Feed in the spring, a couple of times in the summer. Closer to autumn, apply potassium-phosphorus fertilizer to strengthen the plant for wintering.

Shelter for the winter

The frost resistance of the plant is high, but the daylily may suffer during snowless winters. Cover with pine needles, spruce branches or other available materials. Release from the shelter as soon as active snow melting begins, so that the root collar does not overheat and dry out.

Daylily propagation

Typically, daylilies are propagated vegetatively (dividing the bush, rooting a leaf rosette). When propagated by seed from one's own seeds, varietal differences are lost - therefore, daylilies are grown from seeds only if they were purchased from a trusted manufacturer.

When to plant daylilies or why they don’t bloom

The maximum bloom of the daylily bush occurs in the first 5-7 years, then flower stalks appear less frequently among the lush greenery, and the inflorescences become smaller. The situation can be corrected by simply dividing the bush. The unpretentious culture easily tolerates the process of division and transplantation.

Daylily propagation by dividing the bush

  • To divide a daylily bush, carefully dig up it from all sides to remove it along with the root system.
  • The resulting planting material is carefully divided into separate parts with a knife so that at least one green shoot with part of the rhizome remains.

How to divide a daylily bush photo

  • The resulting cuttings are planted in the manner described above.

Reproduction of daylilies by air children - prolifera

Proliferation- another way to propagate daylilies. What he really is? This is the rooting of leaf rosettes formed on the peduncle (proliferation). They must be well developed.

Daylily propagation Photo of cut prolifera

  • Wait until the upper part of the peduncle going to the rosette dries, then cut out part of the peduncle along with the rosette and place it in water for rooting.

How to propagate daylilies with proliferators photo

  • Shorten the leaves by 1/3 of the length.
  • You can add a couple of drops of growth stimulator.

Prolifera gave roots photo

  • When the roots reach a length of 4-5 cm, plant in pots with light soil and grow in room conditions until spring.
  • Transplant into open ground in late April-early May.

Growing daylily from seeds at home

How to grow daylily from seeds at home photo

  • You can plant daylily seeds at home as early as the end of February.
  • Daylily seeds are quite large. They are soaked before planting, spread on damp small pebbles, perlite or damp cloth.
  • When the seeds hatch, they are carefully planted in separate cups or pots filled with universal soil for seedlings.
  • There must be drainage holes in the bottom of the container.

Daylily seedlings from seeds photo

  • Seedlings are grown in a warm sunny window.
  • Water regularly without stagnating moisture, feed 1-2 times a month with complex fertilizers.
  • At the end of May, when there is no longer frost, daylily seedlings can be planted in the ground.
  • Pre-harden off the plants for 1-2 weeks.

Types of daylily with photos and names

Three species of daylilies are cultivated.

Brown-yellow daylily Hemerocallis fulva

Daylily brown-yellow Hemerocallis fulva photo

On a meter-high peduncle there are six-petaled corollas of an orange hue.

Yellow daylily Hemerocallis flava

Yellow daylily Hemerocallis flava photo

The corollas are dusty yellow and droop slightly.

Lemon yellow daylily Hemerocallis citrine

Lemon yellow daylily Hemerocallis citrine variety baroni photo

The lemon-yellow corollas reach a diameter of about 10 cm.

There are about 30,000 varieties of daylily - the painstaking work of breeders.

They can be divided according to the shape of the inflorescences:

  • Simple (closest to natural species);
  • Terry (have a double or triple set of petals);
  • Arachnids (elongated petals make the flower look like this insect);
  • The shape is unusual or uncertain;
  • Multiforms (can be classified into several groups at once).

Daylilies are classified according to their flowering period:

  • The dates are early and late, there are varieties with wave flowering (several times per season).
  • There are also day and night species.

Classification by height:

  • Miniature varieties 30-40 cm high (corolla diameter 7-8 cm)
  • Tall, reaching a maximum height of 1.5 m (the diameter of the corolla can reach 15-17 cm).

The best varieties of daylily with photo names and descriptions

Hybrid daylily Frans Hals Frans Hals photo of flowers

Frans Hals – plant height is 60-80 cm, the peduncle ends in yellow-orange corollas with a wavy edge, the diameter is 12-15 cm.

Daylily Bonanza Hemerocallis Bonanza photo

Bonanza – in the center of the yellow corolla there is a red wine-colored coating. It is distinguished by regular flowering and high frost resistance.

There are varieties of daylilies, the inflorescences of which resemble gladioli in appearance:

Daylily ‘Longfields Pearl’ Longfields Pearl photo

Longfields Pearl - yellow-cream flowers bloom in August, delighting until mid-autumn. The diameter of the corolla is 10 cm.

Daylily Stella De Oro Stella De Oro photo

Stella De Oro - the height of the bush is 30-40 cm. The yellow corollas are 6-7 cm. It has a long flowering period. The baby will become a real star of the garden: low-growing bushes will look impressive along paths and in border plantings.

New varieties of daylilies:

Daylily Catherine Woodbery Catherine Woodbery photo

Catherine Woodbery - the petals of a classic daylily shape have a tremulous lilac hue, changing depending on the lighting (under the bright sun it becomes pink-yellow, and in the shade it shows lilac-pink sophistication). Diameter – 12-16 cm.

Daylily Night Bacon Night Beacon photo

Night Beacon - a colorful contrast of yellow-green core and purple petals, does not fade in the sun. The corollas reach a diameter of 8 cm.

Daylily Double River Wye Hemerocallis Double River Wye photo

Double River Wye – double corollas with a diameter of about 12 cm, color – deep yellow.

Daylily bestseller Hemerocallis Bestseller photo

Bestseller - the height of the bush is 60-70 cm. Large corollas (14 cm in diameter) are impressive in shape and color. They are simple, but along the edges of the pink-purple petals there is a curled frill of a greenish-yellow hue.

Daylily Divas Choice Hemerocallis Diva’s Choice photo

Diva’s Choice - in the depths of the neck there is a spot of a creamy yellow hue, smoothly turning into pink-cream petals, which becomes salmon-coral as they bloom. The record diameter of the inflorescences is 17 cm. One peduncle holds 3-4 corollas.

Daylily Pandoras box Hemerocallis Pandora’s box photo

Pandora’s box - with a half-meter height of the bush, it pleases with inflorescences with a diameter of about 10 cm. The neck of the corolla is lime-colored, then the bright middle is like a handful of ripe cherries, ending with petals of a pastel yellow shade.

Daylily Pardon Me Hemerocallis Pardon Me photo

Pardon Me is the leader among low-growing varieties. Blooms from June to late September. The neck is lime-colored, the petals are dark cherry color.

Daylily Night Embers Hemerocallis Night Embers photo

Night Embers - the height of the bush is 75 cm. The corollas are double, with a diameter of 12-15 cm. The petals are like velvet, raspberry-wine in color.

Daylily Lacy Doily Hemerocallis Lacy Doily photo

Lacy Doily - the bush is 60-80 cm high. Graceful double flowers have a soft pink tint.

Daylily Double Dream Hemerocallis Double Dream photo

Double Dream is truly a dream. Huge (15 cm in diameter) terry corollas from creamy to salmon shades. It blooms early, is ready to grow in the sun, tolerates lack of water, and is not afraid of frost.

Daylily Red Rum Hemerocallis Red Rum photo

Red Rum - scarlet inflorescences with a diameter of 10 cm are pleasing in the period June-August.

Daylily Black Stockings Hemerocallis Black Stockings photo

Black Stockings is new (released in 2015). It is striking with a corolla diameter of 15 cm and a purple-violet hue of the petals; the yellowish core illuminates from the inside. The edges of the petals are corrugated.

Daylily Little Anna Rosa Hemerocallis Little Anna Rosa photo

Little Anna Rosa is a miniature 40 cm tall, corolla diameter 8 cm. The core is a rich lemon color, the petals are a soft pink shade with corrugated edges. Has 2 waves of flowering.

Daylily Mildred Mitchell Hemerocallis Mildred Mitchell photo

Mildred Mitchell - huge corollas (18 cm in diameter) open in June-July, repeating flowering in the fall. The color is the most delicate, in pink and purple tones.

Daylily Burgundy love Hemerocallis Burgundy Love photo

Burgundy Love – you can expect 2-3 waves of flowering from it. The corrugated petals have a noble burgundy hue.

Daylilies in garden design photo selection:

Daylilies in garden design photo flower beds

Daylily photo in the garden on a flower bed

Daylily border

Daylilies in mixed planting photo

Daylilies in landscape design photo

Daylilies as a fence decoration photo

Daylilies with hostas in a flowerbed photo

Daylilies with other flowers in a flowerbed

Daylilies in a flowerbed photo

Daylilies in landscape design photo

Daylilies in the garden photo

Glade of daylilies photo

How to plant daylilies photos with other flowers

Daylily (lat. Hemerocallis), or krasodnev– herbaceous rhizomatous perennial of the subfamily Daylilies of the Asphodelaceae family. Homeland - East Asia. Daylily has been known to mankind since ancient times, but science first started talking about it in 1753, when Carl Linnaeus gave it the name “hemerocallis”, which consists of two Greek words: “hemera”, which means “day, day”, and “callos”, which means “beauty”. In Russian the plant is called krasodnev, that is, beauty that lives only one day.

Not only cultivated species and varieties of daylilies are beautiful, but also “savages” growing in nature. In addition, daylily flowers are so unpretentious that gardeners call them the lazy gardener's plant, but this is only true for old varieties. In recent years, thanks to American and Australian breeders, daylilies have found themselves at the peak of fashion: new varieties, although more capricious than the previous ones, are so incredibly beautiful that you don’t regret the time or effort spent on them.

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Planting and caring for daylilies (in brief)

  • Landing: sowing seeds in open ground before winter or in spring after stratification seed material. Divide and replant in the spring, at the end of April or beginning of May.
  • Bloom: depending on the type and variety from May to August.
  • Lighting: bright sun, partial shade or shadow.
  • The soil: any garden soils, except sandy. The optimal soil is rich, well-drained loam with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction.
  • Watering: infrequent, but plentiful. Water is poured at the root.
  • Feeding: full mineral fertilizer in the spring, when the leaves grow, and a month after the peak of flowering.
  • Reproduction: varietal plants - by division followed by replanting in August or separating a daughter rosette without digging up the plant. Species plants can be propagated by seed.
  • Pests: thrips, water voles, lily gnats, slugs.
  • Diseases: root rot, fusarium, rust.

Read more about growing daylilies below.

Daylily flower - description

Daylily adventitious roots are cord-like, usually fleshy, thick, and this helps the plants survive in drought. The leaves are basal, broadly linear, two-rowed, arcuate or straight. Daylily flowers are six-parted, large, most often funnel-shaped, orange, yellow, red-brown or yellow, collected several times in inflorescences. Up to three flowers bloom at the same time, and the total flowering period of a daylily bush is more than three weeks. One or several peduncles are leafy, depending on the type and variety, from 30 cm to 1 m in height, sometimes even higher. The fruit of the daylily is a triangular capsule with seeds. In gardening, both natural plant species and numerous cultivated varieties and forms are used.

Growing daylilies in the garden

How to grow daylily

In nature, in their natural habitat, daylilies grow among shrubs on the edges of forests, so logically it is best to grow it in partial shade, and this will be correct if the partial shade is in Australia, Africa or the south of France. In our gardens, daylilies planted in partial shade may not have enough light and heat for full flowering, especially when it comes to hybrid varieties. Only bright sunlight will make the daylily bloom unique.

In the photo: Growing daylilies in a flower bed

Concerning soil for daylilies, although the plant is unpretentious and any garden soil will suit it, but if you want to get the maximum benefit from the daylily, it is better to adjust the soil in which you immerse the daylily root in accordance with its tastes: add sand and compost to clay soil, and add sand to sandy soil. – enrich clay and soddy-podzolic soil with compost.

The ideal soil composition is rich loam with good drainage. In terms of acidity, the soil should be neutral or slightly acidic.

If creating good drainage for the area is a problem, make raised beds for daylilies. Otherwise, daylilies require attention, but do not cause trouble.

What colors do daylilies go with?

Daylilies in garden design are used both as single plants and as group plants. They look great against the background of trees and shrubs (viburnum, paniculata hydrangea, bamboo). Densely bushy varieties of daylily make very beautiful borders, and low-growing, small-flowered species and varieties are very good near stone hills, on the banks of a pond or river. Daylilies are also used as decoration winter gardens, last a long time when cut in bouquets.

In the photo: Orange daylilies in the garden

Since by the end of summer many daylilies lose their decorative value, think in advance about what plants to plant them in composition with so that the yellowed, dying daylily leaves are not visible.

Designers advise using ornamental grasses, physostegia, yarrows of different shades or point loosestrife.

Planting daylilies

When to plant daylily

Plants are planted from spring to autumn - planting time depends on your climate. If winter comes early and quickly in your area, it means that a daylily planted in the fall may not have time to take root before frost and will die, because on average a plant needs a month to take root. But if you choose garden forms with an early or medium flowering period, then even in latitudes far from the south, your daylilies can have time to prepare for winter in the garden. Besides, mulching the beds with wintering daylilies can protect them from cold and frost.

In the photo: How daylilies grow in a flowerbed

Based on these considerations, decide when to plant flowers. Flower growers believe that the best time to plant daylilies in the middle zone is May or August. Divide and replant daylilies too better in spring or in August.

How to plant daylily

Before planting daylilies, pre-purchased planting material should be soaked in water or highly diluted water several hours before planting in the ground. mineral fertilizer so that the roots swell and come to life, and then you will immediately see which roots should be carefully removed. Trim the remaining roots to 20-30 centimeters in length.

In the photo: Young daylily

Dig a separate hole up to 30 cm deep for each bush or division, and do not forget that you are planting daylilies for a long time, and the bush, which has grown over time to 50-70 cm in diameter, should not be crowded. Pour a mixture of sand, peat and humus into each hole, add ash with superphosphate or potassium-phosphorus fertilizer, lower the roots into the hole, distribute them over the mound so that there are no voids left under the roots, fill the hole with soil, but not completely.

As for diseases, daylilies most often suffer from fusarium, rust and root rot.

Root rot manifests itself in the spring, when the already grown young leaves suddenly stop growing, turn yellow and are easily pulled out of the ground. You need to dig up the plant, cut out all areas affected by rot, wash the rhizome in a pink solution of potassium permanganate, treat the wounds with a fungicide, dry the rhizome for two days and transplant it to another place. Don't expect it to bloom for two years. Do not plant daylilies in the area where the diseased plant grew for at least a year.

In the photo: Daylily after the rain

Rust It appears in daylilies only if patrinia grows somewhere nearby - do not place them next to each other, and you will not have trouble. For prevention, thoroughly treat daylilies with fungicides.

Fusarium- a known problem. Affected plants have a depressed appearance, the leaves turn yellow and die prematurely, and the roots look like rot. The disease is fungal, destroyed at an early stage with fungicides. If the infection is in full force, the plant will have to be burned, the soil where it grew, and neighboring plants will need to be sprayed with Fundazol. As preventative measures, sterilize gardening tools, add Fitosporin-M to irrigation water, and loosen the top layer of soil after watering.

In the photo: Growing daylilies in the garden

Daylilies after flowering

According to one classification, daylilies are divided into deciduous, or dormant, semi-evergreen and evergreen. Dormant Daylilies are distinguished by the fact that in the fall their leaves wither and die, the plant goes into a dormant state until spring. Evergreens in our latitudes they have only a two to three week rest period. Semievergreen occupy an intermediate position: in warmer climates they behave like evergreens, in cool climates they behave like deciduous ones: the leaves turn yellow, but growth does not stop completely.

Daylily is a very peculiar plant. The huge number of its varieties is simply amazing: over the last half century alone, about 30 thousand new varieties and hybrids of daylily have appeared. Descriptions of daylilies occupy many sources, and these catalogs are constantly updated. Despite its very extravagant, one might say, tropical appearance, daylily is a fairly unpretentious plant that is easy to care for. This plant combines beauty and hardiness, a rare combination for most flowers.

Brief description of the species

Biologically, the daylily is a member of the Asphodelaceae family, and it is indeed of tropical origin. This is a perennial herbaceous plant with a powerful root system, often forming pseudotubers, the so-called “stolons”. It has two-row leaves, moderately wide and long; leaves can be either straight or curved.

The plant has large flowers, collected several times in beautiful spreading inflorescences; Most often there are 6 flowers in an inflorescence, but sometimes there are giants with 10-12 flowers. The diameter of the flowers is very diverse - from small 5-6 cm to giant ones, reaching 20 cm in diameter. The height of flowering stems can also vary: from 25 to 100 cm.

Flowers bloom 2-3 at a time, flowering is short-lived, from 12 to 20 hours. However, taking into account the number of peduncles on the bush and flowers in the inflorescences, the flowering time of the plant can reach up to 15 to 25 days. Some species bloom at night.

Daylily can withstand temperatures down to -40°C in winter However, since it is an early plant, its leaves may be damaged by late frosts.


The agricultural technology of this plant is quite simple and easily repeatable in almost any region of the middle zone. However, the further south the daylily grows, the better it will be. On the other hand, according to numerous reviews from flower growers, from year to year the plant becomes more and more adapted to the climate in which it is grown. For example, the growing season, in order to avoid the death of leaves from frost, begins a little later, and flowering occurs during the sunniest periods of summer, and so on.

Using daylilies in landscape design

Such changes are typical for a large number of perennials, so there is nothing unusual in such “behavior”. But this should not be abused, since the normal life and flowering of the plant will occur under growing conditions that completely satisfy it.

Planting site and soil

Where exactly you can plant a particular daylily depends on its color. Light daylilies (white, yellow, pink, and others) prefer sunny places. They love direct sunlight; According to the recommendations of breeders and nursery owners, daylilies need at least 6 hours of direct exposure to sunlight on a summer day.

Daylilies of this color can grow both in partial shade and in the shade, however, its flowering will not be as abundant as if it grew on the sunny side. If the color of the daylily is red, purple, violet, and generally dark, then such a plant will do best in partial shade. Planting them out in the open sunny areas will lead to burning of their flowers and leaves. The petals will have a faded, “melted” appearance.

Daylily grows best on loam with a moderately loose structure, the layer of which exceeds 40 cm. Heavy clay soils require dilution with sand or compost, since the root system of the plant, although powerful, does not like too dense soils. Naturally, loose soil necessarily implies good drainage.

The acidity of the soil should be close to neutral or slightly acidic. Strongly acidic soils are limed with chalk or lime. Adding ash is not practical.

Alkaline soils require “acidification” by adding peat and other substances that increase the acidity level. The soil should be rich in organic matter; Of course, chernozems are best suited for daylilies; however, in the absence of such, it is recommended to add organic fertilizers to the soil in the form of compost or humus.

For a plant, stagnation of water is critical because it leads to the death of the root system. It should be avoided in every possible way, but with some reservations.

The roots of the plant normally tolerate high groundwater levels, but the neck of the root should always be above the water level.

Therefore, stagnation of water is especially dangerous after melting snow or heavy rain, when the plant is flooded with water 2-3 cm above the soil surface. To avoid this, it is best to plant daylilies in raised beds.

However, if there are no such “floods” in your climate, it is better not to do this. Since the presence of a plant in such a bed leads to overheating and drying out of the root system, which automatically entails an increase in the number of waterings.

Planting a plant

After purchase, the plant is inspected for damaged roots and leaves. Dead and weakened roots should be completely removed.

Leaves are cut to a length of 10-12 cm from the root collar. If the leaf has injuries closer to the neck, it is cut so that the injured area is cut off completely.

Before planting, it is advisable to soak the daylily roots in a fertilizer solution for several hours. If the roots are very dry, this procedure can last up to 2 days.

The solution may contain the following components:

  • superphosphate (5-10g per 10 liters of water)
  • Kornevin (1 g per 10 liters of water)
  • heteroauxin (5g per 10 liters of water)

In this case, the soaking procedure must be done in a dark place, at a temperature no higher than +23°C, otherwise the fertilizers in the solution will damage the roots.

After soaking in fertilizers, the roots are removed, dried for 24 hours, and then immersed in water with chopped willow branches for 4 hours. After this, the root is treated with a fungicide and planted in a hole 30-40 cm deep so that the root neck protrudes 2-3 cm from the soil.

Sometimes on the root of a daylily a white line is clearly visible at the base of the leaves - this is the planting level of the plant. We are guided by it. After planting, the daylily is watered abundantly.

As such, there is no planting time for daylilies - it takes root well in spring, summer, and autumn. The only thing that distinguishes autumn planting from others is the need to mulch the soil, as preparation for further covering the plant for the winter. A month after planting, the first fertilizing is applied; these can be mineral or organic fertilizers dissolved in water.

Watering daylilies

Without watering, daylilies can last almost the entire summer. Its root system is quite capable of providing the plant with water, which is enough even for some flowering. But in order for the daylily to “open up” to its fullest, it must be watered in sufficient quantities.

The amount of water for irrigation will depend on the composition of the soil, its looseness and climatic conditions. In areas with average rainfall, it is enough to water the plant once every 3-5 days. The main requirement for irrigation is water penetration to a depth of at least 50 cm.

Sandstones require additional watering. Watering must be done after any application of fertilizers.

Daylilies will be a great decoration for your garden

During the active growing season, watering is carried out by irrigating the entire plant, and closer to the time of flowering, the daylily must be watered at the root, since drops of water falling on the buds can change their color to brown-spotted.

However, some features related to watering should be noted. Ornamental types of daylily, obtained several decades ago, are much more demanding on the amount of water than older varieties obtained before the mid-20th century. They do not tolerate drought well and may die without the proper amount of water.

When purchasing one or another variety of daylily, you need to make sure what kind of daylily it is - “dry” or not.


The plant tolerates various types of fertilizers well and readily responds to them. Both vegetation, budding, and flowering are perfectly enhanced with the help of fertilizing. When feeding these plants, a standard fertilizer application scheme is also used:

  • Early spring. Nitrogen fertilizers are applied to accelerate awakening and stimulate growth (20 g of natroammophos per 1 sq. m).
  • Mid spring(end of April – beginning of May). The period of active vegetation and intensive growth of the plant. Complex fertilizers are used, but still, the main emphasis remains on nitrogen fertilizers. It is recommended to add a little magnesium sulfate (up to 5 g per sq. m).
  • Early summer. The time for active budding of daylilies begins in June. It is best to use organic fertilizers such as mullein or chicken manure. You can use compost from rotted grass.
  • End of summer. Feeding after flowering and before the plant's rest period. Nitroammophos or superphosphate in standard doses (15-30 g per square meter). Fertilizers are stopped at the beginning of September. They are not brought in directly for the winter.

It is preferable to apply fertilizers in already dissolved form. At the same time, it is conventionally believed that one daylily requires 10-20 liters of water in which fertilizer is diluted.

Another way to apply fertilizer is as follows: Fertilizers are applied to each bush by simply pouring them onto the soil, which is subsequently watered. Watering rates when fertilizing in this way are 20-40 liters per 1 square meter. m. This method is not very good, since it can lead to high local concentrations of fertilizer in the soil, which can cause chemical burns to the root system of the plant.

A separate problem may be a deficiency of certain microelements in the plant. Daylilies on poor soils may suffer from iron and boron deficiencies. Copper and other elements. Each of them has its own peculiarity, but they all appear approximately the same - the leaves, and especially the veins on them, characteristically change their color and appearance.

Caring for the soil around the plant

Daylily needs mulching of the soil. Since he is, after all, a guest in our area, he needs to create conditions as close as possible to his family. This is especially true for its evergreen varieties in the first years of their acclimatization.

The main function of mulching is to retain moisture in daylily hybrids. last decades and its evergreen forms. In addition, mulching prevents sudden temperature fluctuations in the soil in summer period, protects the root system from frost in winter time.

And another important function of mulching is to protect the daylily from weeds.

Typically, the following materials are used for mulching:

  • before wintering: hay, straw, stems of large grass, foliage, pine needles
  • in spring during active growth: sawdust, freshly cut grass
  • after flowering: freshly cut grass, hay

Mulching before wintering also serves as shelter or thermal insulation. It must be produced when winter begins to cool down to temperatures of about 10-15°C. This mulch can lie on the site until the beginning of May.

The first mulching in the warm season is carried out in late spring, when the soil is well warmed up. Here the main function is also thermal protection, but not from cold, but from heat. Additional functions– this is moisture conservation and weed control.

In addition, mulching helps to avoid excessive splashing of water when watering, and prevents the formation of an earthen crust, allowing air to freely reach the roots.


Daylily reproduces almost everything accessible ways. They include vegetative and seed propagation. There are the following methods for propagating daylilies:

  • bush dividing method– classic way
  • multiplication– vegetative propagation by already faded buds
  • meristem reproduction– used only laboratory or industrially: growing a whole plant from a part of the mother plant in a nutrient solution
  • vertical dissection– dividing the mother plant into several parts with division even within one “bush”
  • propagation by dividing the central shoot– removing shoots to get several new ones
  • regular seed reproduction

All of these methods (except for the meristem method) have proven themselves to be excellent at home and can be used at the request of the gardener.

Reproduction by dividing the bush is carried out when signs of obvious growth of the root system are observed. The plant is dug up, its root system is preserved as much as possible, it is divided, and damaged and dead roots are removed.

The further procedure is similar to the planting described earlier, with the only difference that pre-soaking the plant in fertilizers at this stage is not necessary. Plants can be planted at any time from April to October, with the exception of the period of budding and flowering.

Classifications of daylilies

By genes

Daylilies are unique plants in their own way. One of their unique properties is ploidy, that is, the ability to form hybrids that can carry a larger number of chromosomes than normal plants.

From the point of view of gene structure, daylilies come in the following varieties:

  • diploid– ordinary plants, like most living things on Earth, 2 sets of chromosomes
  • triploid– three sets of chromosomes
  • tetraploid– four sets
  • polyploid– more than four sets

Thanks to this genetic variability, the birth of about 45 thousand species of daylilies has become possible over the past hundred years. The main breakthrough began in the 50s of the last century, when the first tetraploid hybrids were obtained. And since then, almost any cross-breeding of daylilies produces more and more new varieties that have stable characteristics from the first generation.

Each new hybrid has its own pedigree, which reflects from what varieties and in what way it was bred. For example, the Alpine Tranquility variety was developed from crossing two hybrids: Spectral Elegance and Hybrid by Michael Miller.

All the variety of colors, sizes, shapes, leaf arrangements, etc. - the result of the excellent intraspecific variability of this plant, which can accommodate more than two sets of chromosomes in its cells.

Tetraploid plants have the following advantages over diploid ones:

  • larger flower size
  • greater color intensity
  • faster growing season
  • more selection possibilities due to twice the number of chromosomes

But diploid plants also have their advantages:

  • they are more stable and unpretentious
  • reproduce more easily and reliably both vegetatively and by seed
  • Pollination is easier to carry out in diploid plants; more seeds are obtained
  • Most beautiful and decorative flowers are diploid
  • classic monotone colors are more common in diploid plants

According to the characteristics of the growing season

This classification divides daylilies according to how they spend the winter and how they then grow.

From the point of view of vegetative classification, daylilies are:

  • Evergreens. In their natural conditions (tropical climate) they do not have a period at all. They rarely shed or grow leaves, changing them only as they age. In our conditions, the plant freezes for several months, partially losing its foliage, but some leaves can survive two winters.
  • Semi-evergreen or dormant. These plants are characterized by a dormant period, but it passes without shedding leaves; only their growth rate slows down. In our conditions in winter they behave the same as evergreens.
  • Sleeping. Common deciduous daylilies that shed their leaves in the winter and form new leaves in the spring.

Naturally, it is the deciduous daylilies that are most well adapted to our climate, since they do not require any adaptation typical of other varieties. The main problem of evergreen and semi-evergreen daylilies is the vulnerability of the plant’s growth cone to frost. Because of this, they may die in the first years without adaptation.

  • average; flowering occurs in July
  • late; flowering – second ten days of August
  • very late– bloom in early autumn
  • repeat-late bloomer; hybrids bred approximately 30 years ago; these daylilies bloom twice: the first time - around the time of early, the second - during very late
  • As a rule, a daylily flower blooms for one day, but depending on the time of day, flowering can be divided into:

    • daytime– a flower blooms in the morning and fades by the end of the day
    • night– a flower blooms in the evening, blooms at night and fades in the morning
    • extended– the flower can be open from 16 to 24 hours, regardless of the time of day

    Daylily is often called the “perfect perennial” for its many positive qualities. Bright flowering, variety of varieties and colors, resistance to drought and heat, undemanding care - all these advantages have made the flower one of the favorite plants of landscape designers and flower growers. But how to grow daylily correctly? Planting of this crop must be carried out taking into account the rules, without which it will not be possible to obtain long-lasting lush flowering.

    Daylily is an impeccable unpretentious perennial.

    The Daylily genus has about 60 thousand varieties, which are replenished with new hybrids every year. During the flowering period, 2-3 flowers open daily on one peduncle, which dry up in the evening, and new buds appear in their place. There are also nocturnal varieties of daylilies that bloom throughout the night. If you love evening walks in the garden, pay attention to these views.

    The shapes and shades of daylily flowers are varied. Plants usually reach 45 cm - 1.25 m in height. Their basal leaves are two-rowed, in the shape of a wide line, pointed at the end, very highly decorative. The total flowering time is 1-5 weeks. Depending on the variety, flowering occurs from early spring to late autumn.

    Where and how best to plant daylilies?

    Plant daylilies in early spring or early autumn, taking into account the climatic characteristics of the area. The plant should be able to take root well before the first frost.

    Daylilies prefer fertile loams and well-drained soils. Add organic matter to heavy soil, and clay or compost to soil that is too light. If there is little space for planting, you can place the plants in containers.

    The area should be sunny or partially shaded. The lighter the bloom, the more sunny color is required. If a daylily doesn't get enough sun, it grows poorly and stops blooming.

    Planting daylilies:

    • before planting, dip the root of the seedling in a solution of water and mineral fertilizer;
    • remove dried or diseased roots;
    • cut leaves to 15 cm;
    • dig holes slightly larger than the root;
    • At the bottom of the holes we fill a soil mixture of soil, compost, organic fertilizer, peat and sand;
    • we place the seedling in the hole so that its root neck is 2-2.5 cm below ground level;
    • sprinkle the roots with the prepared soil mixture, cover with soil, compact slightly;
    • water the soil and, if necessary, mulch the soil.

    We plant seedlings at a distance of 45-65 cm from each other. We leave more space for fast-growing hybrids - up to 80-90 cm.

    How to propagate daylily?

    Popular methods of propagating daylilies are dividing the bush and transplanting air layering. Planting seeds is used more often in breeding work, since this method is not always suitable for preserving varietal characteristics plants.

    When to divide and replant daylilies?

    We use the method of dividing a bush once every 5-7 years, when replanting an old plant is necessary: ​​when decorative characteristics decrease and the quality of flowering deteriorates. The acceptable time for transplantation is late autumn (1.5 weeks before frost), or early spring (early to mid-April).

    How to propagate daylilies by dividing the bush:

    • we dig up the bush without particularly trying to be delicate;

    • we wash the roots, divide them into sections by hand or with a knife;

    • We treat the cuts on the roots with a fungicide;

    • we transplant the divisions to a new place, and if necessary, mulch the soil.

    • When planted correctly, strong and strong divisions bloom in the first year after being placed in open ground.

    How to propagate daylilies by air layering

    Small layers are formed on the stem in the axil of the leaves after flowering has ended. Planting these seedlings is a simple method that allows you to get a full-fledged plant in the shortest possible time.

    To do this, we perform the following actions:

    • after the stem dries, cut off the mature rosette at a distance of 4 cm from the node;
    • place the cuttings in water to get a strong root;
    • before planting, cut off the leaf bunch to 8 cm for better development of the plant;
    • we plant the cuttings in open ground 7 weeks before frost appears;
    • we position the sprout so that the leaf node with roots is 1-2 cm below ground level, mulch the soil;
    • if the transplant is done in late autumn, plant the cuttings in a pot with light soil, sprinkle a 1-centimeter layer of sand on top, and leave the plant in a bright and warm place.

    We water the layerings planted in pots throughout the winter, and in April we begin to harden them: we take them outside, gradually increasing the time the young plant spends on fresh air. We plant them in open ground at the end of May.

    Daylilies: basic care

    With the arrival of spring, remove the layer of mulch and loosen the soil. In the first year after planting, you don’t need to apply fertilizers, and then we use complex fertilizers with a low nitrogen content (in spring), and potassium-phosphorus fertilizers in winter.
    Daylilies need abundant watering throughout the season. With insufficient moisture, the leaves turn yellow and lose their attractiveness and decorative properties. We pour water right under the stem, preventing it from getting on the buds.

    We immediately remove faded flowers and seeds, this will speed up the growth of new buds. We also trim off dry dead leaves. At the end of the season, before frost, we cut off the leaves at the root and mulch the ground with peat.

    Which daylily to plant: the best varieties

    When choosing a daylily variety for planting, note that there are early, mid and late flowering species. This assortment will allow us to decorate the site with magnificent and bright colors, which bloom from spring until autumn.

    Daylily variety Strutter's Ball (Strutter's Ball)

    Daylily “Strutter’s Ball” is a very popular variety of daylily, the flowers of which look like luxurious purple bells measuring 15 cm. The bush is up to 1 m in height. It blooms towards mid-July with 15-centimeter flowers. The petals are dark cherry, with a bright yellow stripe that runs from the center of the flower to the tip of the petal. Blooms for 1-1.5 months. It reproduces well. With such a flower, your flowerbed will not go unnoticed.

    Daylily variety Strawberry Candy

    The Strawberry Candy variety is an early variety. Bushes up to 70-75 cm in height, flowers up to 11 cm in diameter, with wide petals corrugated along the edge. The center of the flower is bright yellow, the tone of the petals closer to the center is rich strawberry, gradually turning into caramel. It blooms for the first time at the end of June, and again at the end of August. The Strawberry Candy variety has received many medals and awards in the USA.

    Daylily variety Stella D'Oro (Stella D'Oro)

    Flowers of the “Stella D’Oro” variety decorate the garden from May to mid-autumn. The plant is short (up to 35-40 cm in height), but at the same time, it is distinguished by abundant long flowering. The flowers are lush, up to 6-6.5 cm in diameter, round, yellow-golden in color. The petals are densely planted, with a beautiful corrugated edge. Drooping leaves are highly decorative, light green in color. Daylily “Stella D’Oro” was bred in 1975 by amateur gardener V. Yablonsky.

    Daylily variety Siloam Double Classic (Siloam Double Classic)

    Daylily "Siloam Double Classic", which is known for its sweet aroma, blooms in early summer with large apricot-pink double flowers, 10-12 cm in diameter. The flowering period continues throughout the summer. Bushes 50-70 cm in height. The winner of numerous competitions, the variety was awarded the highest award in the most prestigious international competition for daylilies, the Stout Medal.

    Daylily variety Double River Wye (Double River Wye)

    Double flowers, rich lemon color. The variety has a long flowering period - from late July to early October. Bushes up to 1 m in height, flowers up to 14-15 cm in diameter. Up to 20 flowers are usually formed on 1 peduncle. The leaves are rich green, highly decorative, and decorate the site throughout the season. The variety is very popular among landscape designers.

    Daylilies go well in a flowerbed with hosta, phlox, irises and lilies. Knowing the rules for growing daylilies - planting and simple care - you will get a flower that will only delight you all season.


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