The best business in times of crisis. What to do in a crisis to earn money: ideas for metropolitan residents

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Many people constantly need a product that tends to run out. No, the buyers themselves, of course, dream of extending the life of their purchase as long as possible.

But a perpetual motion machine has not yet been created, so when you run out of medicine/shampoo/product, etc., you have to buy a new one. And a budding entrepreneur should take advantage of this. Therefore, let’s look at some of the best options that best meet the requirement mentioned above.

People in Russia, no matter how bitter the truth may sound, have been sick, are sick and will continue to be sick. There is no other pill for all ailments, which is why there is such a rich assortment on pharmacy shelves. You can’t build happiness on someone else’s grief, but the pharmacy is very profitable business with investments, and such a business is worth taking a closer look at.

You just need to take into account the location and basic needs of the population in the area.

For example, the demand will be huge in those places where the nearest medicine store is several kilometers away. And we ourselves know that sometimes a tablet of the same painkiller is needed immediately.

Accordingly, if a given area is predominantly inhabited by families with children, the proposal should be consistent with their requests. This includes baby formula, various bottles, and pacifiers with diapers. Keep in mind that the activities of pharmacies are subject to licensing, and the license is issued for a specific premises. And this is a business that is not afraid of a crisis.

Pharmacies have a big advantage - scalability. Having opened 1 small one today, in the future it will not be difficult to open 1,2,3 more in your city or a couple in the neighboring one.

You can open a pharmacy either on your own or, with the second option, the income will be less, but its implementation is much simpler, since the franchisor gives everything you need and teaches you the intricacies and nuances of the business.

2. Medical center

In order not to stray too far from the topic of medications, the second option is to consider opening a medical center. Difficult? Yes, this is not the easiest business idea to implement.

But remember government institutions: most visitors equate them to one of the branches of hell. Why not show those in need of medical care a new format of service? There are no queues, all doctors are extremely correct and professional.

Naturally, the key to success will be choosing a suitable location. Third in a row on the same street honey. the center will clearly be superfluous. But it’s not worth opening it even on the outskirts of the city. You will have to think about a convenient place in advance.

In particular, attention should be paid to transport and walking distance.

3. Funeral services

Even the best medical center does not guarantee immortality. And in the near future, until scientists find the secret of eternal youth, ritual services will be in demand.

The niche is very well developed and filled, but high quality and low prices will set your small business project apart from competitors. This is a promising business, as there are more and more people, and accordingly more people die. Death is usually not expected by anyone, so the funeral process itself can hit the budget.

Offer your customers installment plans, discounts, and then the profit will become constant and stable.

4. Car service

Moving away from the sad topic, let's remember about car owners. Many of them simply dote on their vehicles, choosing the best for their four-wheeled friend. It’s worth taking advantage of this and opening a car service center. You should attract customers not only with reasonable prices, but also with good quality and speed of work. A simple business worth starting for a beginner. To start, you need to rent 2 boxes and hire 2 car mechanics.

Important point: It’s better to pay them a percentage of the revenue, usually it’s 50-50, but you can negotiate 60% for yourself, 40 for the master.

5. Car wash

This point could be related to the previous one good business, which can be opened in both small and big cities, but we will consider it separately. Not everyone who wants to fix a car wants to wash it. And vice versa. It is worth noting that a car wash requires much less investment.

Therefore, if your starting capital does not allow you to immediately create something large-scale, but you definitely want to work with cars, take a closer look at the option.

It's consistently profitable small business with minimal investment. You can start it with only 200,000 - 300,000 rubles ($4,000), provided you rent a garage or box for this business.

6. Clothing store

All stores have one purpose: to sell goods. But in our case, we will consider several points of sale of different directions. So, what clothes are popular these days? The one who has good quality and low price. By the way, you can open a clothing store with minimal expenses.

For example, it could be a store, stall, pavilion with only men's underwear.

It is desirable that the assortment be presented in both small and large sizes. Also, do not forget about creating several departments at once: for women, men, children. This is a good own business, where the markup on the wholesale price is usually about 300%. Organizing this business is not difficult and special knowledge no need.

7. Cosmetics and perfumery store

Cosmetics and perfumes for the fair sex are always a “sweet spot”. To succeed, you should care not only about quality, but also about different price ranges.

8. Grocery store

Yes, yes, we are once again considering the store as a business option. And the grocery point most fully corresponds to what was said at the very beginning: disposable goods are becoming more and more popular.

Choose the good, a suitable location (this is important), open a store, fill the shelves with affordable and excellent quality goods and you can expect a quick payback.

9. Meat and fish store

As in the case of a car wash/car service, we open a meat and fish store separately from the grocery store. Why? Because this way we can offer our customers the richest choice. The entire retail space is dedicated specifically to our meat and fish products. This will allow us to attract buyers and keep quality at the proper level. This is one that can be opened from scratch.

10. Homemade Food Store (Natural Products)

About 5 years ago there was not one in my city. Now there are already 6 of them. I live in small town, with a population of only 18,000 people. And none of them closed. My friends opened 1 such store 3 years ago. They are doing well and have no plans to close. Products they sell include homemade sour cream, milk, meat, cottage cheese, dumplings, cheese, etc. There is no point in listing the entire assortment, but I will say that it is impressive and the prices are quite high. And even with this picture, there are always clients.

For example. Sour cream for half a kilo costs 250 rubles; regular sour cream in the store is 4 times cheaper. But people buy and are happy.

Another similar store has a large assortment homemade baked goods: eclairs, various cakes, including Napoleon, a huge number of different dishes and salads, already prepared. There is a demand, people buy because many are too lazy to cook after work.

It is difficult to single out the most profitable business from the above. After all, a lot depends, including on the scale. For example, undoubtedly a meat and fish store of 30 square meters will generate more profit than pharmacy kiosk in 8 sq. m. But we’ll try anyway. Based on our experience, the most profitable business today among those listed is pharmacy, medical. center, grocery and clothing store.

The most important choose right place, 90% of success for this type of business depends on it.

Before starting your business activity, be sure to draw up a detailed business plan in which you describe everything down to the smallest detail (consider all issues thoroughly). We hope we have answered the question - what kind of business is profitable to do. Good luck to you, dear reader and aspiring businessman!

What are the benefits of trading in a small town? What is the best business to run at home? How to open your own business with minimal investment?

Working for yourself is like growing up. Anyone who wants to gain independence sooner or later leaves their home - leaves the hired service and begins to work exclusively for themselves.

Good, The choice of areas for personal business is unlimited. The only problem is to find the type of activity that will truly reveal your talents and abilities to the fullest.

Denis Kuderin is with you, an expert on the HeatherBober portal on economic and financial issues. In a new article I will tell you what business to start to earn a lot and consistently, what business ideas are most promising today and now, and what is more profitable - a YouTube channel or a home photo studio.

Don’t switch – you will learn a lot of interesting things.

1. Business with minimal investment - let’s stop work and let's begin earn

There is an opinion that you need to be born a successful businessman. They say that this requires a special mindset, extraordinary abilities and a specific character. Millions of people believe that entrepreneurship is not for them. That they won’t be able to work for themselves. That their business will fail. That they don’t know how to count money, etc.

Of course, we are born with different abilities and inclinations, there is no doubt about that.

However, I personally prefer this point of view: every person from birth is an entrepreneur. When he is born, he already has ready-made company- yourself. It depends only on you whether this company will become successful. You are the manager of this company, its general director and the owner of a controlling stake.

Thousands of people are working for themselves right now. They do not expect a salary from the employer, are not afraid of dismissal, and set their own working hours.

This does not mean that their life is complete euphoria. There are enough problems in the life of a businessman. Perhaps there are even more of them than an employee. But all the disadvantages of “free swimming” are outweighed by a big plus - you become the master of your life and your time, set your own goals and determine your priorities.

And a few more advantages:

  • a huge selection of areas for commercial activity– if you want, teach everyone how to paint in your own studio, if you want, make soap in the garage;
  • the amount of income is unlimited– you set the upper limit yourself in accordance with your ambitions and goals;
  • free schedule, vacation not when allowed, but when wanted– you independently manage your main asset – time;
  • you are not tied to a workplace– work wherever you want: at home, in the garage, in an Internet cafe, on a personal plot;
  • you set the rules yourself– no one obliges you to follow strict regulations and schedules.

If you fail to achieve results in one area of ​​business, you always have the right to change the direction of activity to the diametrically opposite one. If your online business is not working out, get involved in purely earthly technologies - open a shawarma shop or start a business.

I have a friend who dealt successively with: animal feed, video equipment, Indian gems and jewelry (he brought them from India himself), equipment for private (home) cinemas, commercial real estate, information products.

Not to say that he failed in every type of activity - on the contrary, reaching a certain level, he realized that he was losing interest in the chosen topic, and saw broader prospects in another area.

But do not confuse freedom with sloppiness, indifference and projectism. A naturally lazy and undisciplined person is unlikely to achieve serious success in business. The money will not be transferred to your account on its own– simply because you declared yourself an entrepreneur.

You will definitely have to work hard and persistently. Perhaps even more than in the office or production. You will need self-control, self-confidence, the ability to calculate options and make decisions on your own.

Being an entrepreneur means working hard and being a multitasker.

Is it necessary to have initial capital? It all depends on the type of activity you plan to engage in. If you open an online store, you will have to purchase goods and launch a website. And this requires money.

Similarly with production - consumables and equipment require investment. But there are different options - leasing, renting, finding investors.

But if you sell exclusively intellectual services, then capital is not required. You'll only have to waste your time. But time doesn’t pay off right away. It is necessary to acquire clients, develop skills, and ideally undergo training.

Give up the hope that a couple of weeks or even months after launching a business, gold coins will start pouring into your wallet. Business, especially small business, requires patience and hard work. Everything will happen, but not right away - remember this phrase!

And for those who need a reliable and proven option with a guarantee of profitability, we offer to invest money in a ready-made business - purchase a franchise from the company. The co-owner of a chain of restaurants serving Japanese and Pan-Asian cuisine is Alex Yanovsky, an entrepreneur with 20 years of experience, the owner of his own School “Business Behind Glass”.

The founders of HeatherBeaver magazine know Alex personally - his business schemes really work and generate income.

Moreover, our good friend Sergei opened a business under this franchise in the city of Maykop - he launched a point in the “island” format. His investment of 1.5 million rubles paid off within six months. So we can confidently recommend his franchise to both beginners and experienced businessmen.

Alex Yanovsky about the advantages of a franchise:

2. 5 popular areas in business

In fact, there are more directions, but these five are proven and well-trodden paths along which thousands of aspiring businessmen like you are successfully and confidently walking right now.

Let's look at all the pros and features the most popular areas of small and medium-sized businesses.

1) Resale of goods

The most accessible type of business.

Its principle is simple and has not changed since ancient times: buy goods in bulk in one place at a low price and resell them in another at a higher cost.

Stable income comes from those goods that everyone needs - food, clothing, shoes, household chemicals, cosmetics. The consumer goods market has billions of dollars in turnover and the same profits.

Another thing is that large corporations take the lion's share. Beginners are left to look for narrow niches and maneuver between mass-market products and exclusive goods.

When choosing the profile of your company, focus not only on demand, but also on the state of the economy. For example, during a crisis, most people have no time for luxury - Swiss fountain pens with a platinum nib are unlikely to be sold quickly and profitably in a small town, where the average salary is half the cost of this very fountain pen.

In such populated areas it is worth choosing a more popular product– for example, open a stock store with inexpensive branded clothing. Or a smartphone store - analogues of well-known companies, but originally from the People's Republic of China.

Small towns, on the one hand, offer excellent prospects, but on the other hand, they are unpredictable in terms of business development.

The table will outline the situation with trade in small towns more clearly:

The universal salvation for any modern trade is the Internet. Here the audience is not limited geographically. Live in Torzhok, and send goods to either Moscow or Nizhny Novgorod.

2) Provision of services

You don't have to sell material things. Professional services are no less in demand than clothing or food.

There are many examples:

  • accounting services;
  • printing center;
  • Interior design;
  • writing texts to order;
  • organization of banquets;
  • creation and promotion of websites;
  • Internet Marketing;
  • Pizza delivery;
  • bicycle repair or household appliances;
  • writing term papers, etc.

Any matter that you understand or want to understand is suitable. The modern world is differentiated and belongs to narrow specialists. Family lawyer, tutor, commercial writer and other specialties are no longer a curiosity and are constantly required.

3) Production

More and more small enterprises are opening in the Russian Federation: in conditions of crisis and sanctions, domestic producers entered new markets.

Are in stable demand natural food. If you focus on quality, then even the relative high cost of production will pay off due to a higher price. The modern consumer is ready to overpay for healthy and environmentally friendly products.

You will find more details about production activities in the article “”.

4) Real estate transactions

An option for those who have substantial starting capital. The real estate market, despite gloomy forecasts, continues to bring profits to owners of liquid housing. Earnings from rent, sales and other transactions with residential and non-residential premises traditionally high.

5) Business on the Internet

The most promising modern direction. And the least expensive if you sell not a product via the Internet, but your skills or services.

But first, you need to master at least one of the most popular professions - website designer, SEO promotion specialist, copywriter, social media administrator. Or make money on your website, affiliate programs.

It's not as difficult as it seems - the main thing is not to be lazy and not stay too long in the status of a beginner. If you want to succeed, read the large article on our website, which is called “”.

3. What kind of business can you start - TOP 10 ideas for a beginning businessman

Let's get down to specifics.

Ten promising ideas for beginners with minimal experience.

1) Homemade soap making

The first private soap makers of our time made soap right in their apartments. Some people still do this, but it is better to have a separate room for these purposes.

I have a friend who lives in Chisinau. Katerina started making handmade soap 7 years ago. The first experiments - multi-colored ellipses of soap with herbal scents, which she sent me as product samples - cost her too much. In addition, in Moldova the demand for this product was almost zero.

She gradually improved the technology, accumulated a customer base and now has a full-fledged online store, where, in addition to designer soap, there are a lot of other exclusive and natural products. High price does not confuse buyers from Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities. They care about quality, original execution and purely natural ingredients.

2) Tutoring

If you are fluent in foreign languages, a six-string guitar, school disciplines, other useful skills and knowledge, no one will forbid you share your experience with others for money.

Thanks to Skype you can teach people all over the world

3) Management of corporate events and holidays

An idea for people with organizational and public speaking skills. Creative thinking, self-confidence and a little courage, and you will become the soul of any audience.

The ingredients for success are as follows: constant practice, original scripts, competent design of the room, constantly changing repertoire.

4) Equipment repair

If you were born with a screwdriver in your hands, you clearly understand how they work Appliances, are knowledgeable about electronics, why not turn your skills into a source of income?

Modern technology has a low safety margin. Most people are better off getting their washing machine repaired than buying a new one. Meanwhile, repairing one “washing machine” costs from 2 to 5 thousand rubles . Several orders a day, and the income is enough not only for bread and butter, but also for an annual vacation to Bali.

Minimum costs – tools, diagnostic equipment, spare parts. If you have a garage, then the problem of renting a room disappears. Large equipment can be repaired at the customer’s home.

5) Food delivery

In Novosibirsk, where I live, you can order anything to your home or office, from hot corn to a full meal from a Chinese restaurant.

Such a business requires investments - renting premises and transport, purchasing raw materials, paying employees. Permits from sanitary services are needed: the premises must have ventilation, all necessary communications, and employees must have sanitary records.

6) Transportation of goods

Are you the owner of a truck? Engage in the transportation of large-sized cargo. You don't even have to buy a car - rent or lease it.

You will need 2-3 responsible workers, and not people from the street, but experienced riggers who know how to properly transport furniture and household appliances, how to pack fragile cargo, how to lower a piano from the third floor.

7) Video channel on YouTube

The YouTube channel's audience is more than a billion viewers. This is every third Internet user on the planet. Promoted TV channels bring their owners millions in profits. Some of the presenters are not even 15 years old.

The ingredients for success are as follows:

  • popular destination– video games, beauty blog, TOPs and lists, entertainment;
  • signature feature– original image, unique format;
  • competent promotion– use professional techniques.

Most Internet users are young people raised on gadgets. They prefer to see it once rather than read a long text, which is why video blogs are so popular.

A little educational program from popular YouTube video bloggers:

8) Home photo studio

You will learn how to take satisfactory pictures in a couple of weeks. You will need professional photography equipment and equipment for printing photos. And then work in the format that you prefer - photo for documents, wedding photography and videography, prom albums, image processing and photomontage.

Just six months after the start of her career, she was invited to major city events as an official photo-chronicler. I don’t know why, but clients like her photographs even more than photographs of experienced professionals.

9) Growing vegetables and fruits in a greenhouse

An idea for those who are interested in gardening and gardening. One greenhouse will give you several harvests a year, and people need fruits, herbs, vegetables and flowers every day.

Before buying a greenhouse and seedlings, take care of the product market, study the competitive environment, price, read specialized literature and thematic sites.

Greenhouse - great tool For own business

Additional income: canning, processing and freezing vegetables, selling seedlings and seeds.

But this is a long-term business for the patient and smart. If you want, read the special publication.

10) Seasonal storage of tires, skis, bicycles

Income close to passive. Very nice idea. You just need to prepare the room: an empty garage is best suited for these purposes. Install shelves, insulate the room, place security system. In summer, store winter tires, sleds, skis, snowboards here, in winter - bicycles, scooters, summer tires, etc.

What are the most profitable types of small businesses in Russia, and how do they differ from popular implemented ideas in other countries? The specifics of laws and consumer demand are still short story The development of entrepreneurship in the state has led to significant differences in areas and areas that are successful in the Russian Federation and abroad. If in the West and in the newly industrialized countries the basis tax revenue from businessmen are IT technologies, development, production know-how, then in our country the most profitable types of small businesses are concentrated in trade and the service sector. Among the main reasons, experts identify:

  • focus of businessmen on the formation of assets through working capital, which are faster and easier to implement if the business does not receive recognition and success. This includes expectations of sudden changes in laws, when it is not always possible to be sure how much of the profit the entrepreneur will be able to dispose of after receiving it. And difficult conditions for entering the manufacturing industries, and the lack of affordable cheap loans. Therefore, small businesses are in no hurry to purchase less liquid fixed assets (machines, equipment, etc.);
  • sales difficulties. If the service is organized specifically “for the buyer”, for example, in a new microdistrict in a “dormitory” area of ​​the city, or a cafe is opened near a new business center, the owners can always count on effective demand and a client audience. When engaged in production and development, you need to know the consumer in advance. You can participate in the procurement program on the basis of Federal Law-44 or Federal Law-223, but this requires serious knowledge and financial support, which is not always available at the initial stage of the business;
  • difficulties with resources. Even if sales are found, to organize a laboratory or research center, qualified personnel, complex, often imported equipment, and consumables are needed. Often they are difficult not only to buy, but also to find.

The most profitable types of small businesses in Russia

Assessing the most profitable small business in Russia, the rating can be presented as follows (the share in the total number of recognized profitable activities, the profitability of which, regardless of the season, is 100 percent or more):

Place in the rankingIndustryPercentage share
1. Small wholesale bases0.15
2. Shops (groceries and manufactured goods)0.11
3. Market trading0.1
4. Repair and construction0.09
5. Advertising, including online, website promotion8.5%
6. Consulting, professional services (accounting, jurisprudence)7.5%
7. Educational services (tutoring, governesses, nannies)0.07
8. Medicine (massage, nursing services, nursing activities)0.06
9. Event organization, animation, floral design, photography0.05
10. Domestic services to the population - studio, watch repair, etc.4.5%
11. Public catering4.5%
12. Vending business0.04
13. Hotel business0.03
14. Farming0.02

The remaining 3% covered other industries. Some of them, with high potential profitability, differ high requirements to the initial investment in their organization. For example, specialized clinics, leasing property, drilling wells, oil and gas.

Others have not yet become widespread because the client market has not been formed or sufficiently prepared, and they can only develop in large metropolitan areas for now. These include private managers, financial consultants, and chiropractors.

Some of them will become promising and in demand over time, others will not become widespread and will not become profitable types of small businesses in any other regions.

Profitable production for small businesses

Learn more about how much investment production requires in the most profitable types of small businesses in Russia and what entrepreneurs can count on:

How to start your own business

Small wholesale bases

Their main advantage is convenient location and wide sales. These organizations are necessary for private buyers, large chains, and contractors - small entrepreneurs.

The main part of their costs is the rental of premises and equipment to maintain optimal temperature and humidity parameters. The starting capital of such companies is about 300 thousand rubles, profitability is at least 100%, payback is less than a year.

Retail stationary and market trade

With a successful choice of the location of the point and compilation of the assortment, costs can be recouped within the first 4-6 months of the project launch date. The profitability level can be above 200%, the industry average is about 150 percent. Investments – from 200,000 rubles.

Construction and repair

Most often the work is seasonal, but on average for the year, based on seasonal profitability, it is 110%. There is a demand for minor repairs of premises, cars, installation of air conditioners, split systems, installation of plastic windows, balconies, wardrobes, built-in furniture, reconstruction of country and garden houses. The payback period is from six months, the minimum starting capital is 100,000 rubles.

Profitable business with minimal investment: ideas

Business ideas are related to the implementation of your own unique opportunities, skills, abilities, knowledge. This includes consulting, accounting, auditing, financial and legal consulting and transaction support, tutoring, other educational activities, creation and promotion of websites, online advertising, massage, etc.

The profitability of such an area is estimated at 120 percent or higher; payback in it occurs literally from the first month of operation of the individual entrepreneur (or LLC).

Household services to the population

A significant part of the start-up costs is the rental of premises for the company’s office.

They can be minimized, for example, by opening the business in own apartment(if this does not contradict the conditions of use of the living space). This option will allow you to start from 50,000 rubles. (depending on the type of activity), payback within the first six months of the company’s operation, high (about 100%) level of profitability.

Public catering

Requires significant invested capital, at least 300 thousand rubles. The minimum payback is 4 months, the average is 9 months. Profitability – 130%. Advantages - high demand, you can open a cafe and production with immediate sale of fast food products in almost any locality, varying the assortment and focus of the offer.

It often happens that plans for a happy and calm future suddenly collapse. This is not necessarily due to personal mistakes at work or poor business decisions. Globalization has affected all developed countries so much that the average person has little influence when the economy of an entire state or the world is in a fever.

Therefore, all that remains is to accept the realities of the current situation and survive the constantly recurring waves of the crisis, thinking about what business to start during the crisis.

What to do in a crisis?

In a world where fictitious capital is many times greater than the volume of real capital, a crisis is not something new or surprising, but it always comes abruptly and at the wrong time. Unprepared entrepreneurs lose their assets, and employees lose their jobs.

A businessman has two options during an economic downturn:

  • Try to restore and establish your previous business, which may not be in demand at this time.
  • Find a new source of income in a completely different area, which is profitable even in a crisis.

To do right choice, you need to determine whether there will be any demand at all for goods or services that were consistently purchased in the pre-crisis period. If such prospects are not foreseen, then you should look for other niches for the implementation of your business projects, deciding what business to start during the 2016 crisis.

When the population is acutely short of financial resources, companies producing luxury goods and expensive durable goods are the first to suffer. If the question arises whether to leave money for food or pay the installment on a consumer loan, then the choice will be obvious.

Therefore, in order to successfully endure the consequences of the crisis, you need to offer people goods and services for which they will willingly allocate money even in a difficult economic situation. So, let's look at business in a crisis - what to do in 2016 and make a profit.

What to do during the 2016 crisis - the best ideas

Essential goods

This could be, for example, medicines or clothing, but the most popular product remains food. You have to cope with hunger and thirst at any time, so the food business suffers least from the economic downturn. Meat, bakery and confectionery products, water and alcoholic drinks - all these goods are taken off the shelves no matter what the ruble exchange rate is today or how much a barrel of oil costs.

A businessman is required to choose a specific niche, present his product correctly and attract buyers at a favorable price, which will play the most important role at a given moment in time. You can start such a business even from scratch in your kitchen, with only a passion for cooking and money for the first batch of ingredients. And this is perhaps the best answer to the question of what to do during a crisis to make money.

Car repair

A new car is a big investment during a crisis, one that most people are not financially prepared to make. Therefore, the repair and maintenance of old vehicles is in demand more than ever. During an economic downturn, there is also a good chance to purchase the necessary parts or an entire auto shop from a bankrupt businessman for next to nothing.


Social networks and blogs are experiencing the peak of popularity, and you can make good money from it. A blogger is required to be able to create unique and interesting content for a specific target audience, and all income is based on advertising that is placed on the site or used in the posts themselves.

Direct sales

This type of income is suitable for people who are tongue-tied and can sell any product, sometimes even against the client’s wishes. An example can be taken from companies such as Avon or Oriflame.

What business to open during a crisis - 15 current business ideas for 2017-2018

The most important thing is that this business does not require initial investment or an office.

Any investment in an unstable period involves a risk that many entrepreneurs are hesitant to take on their own. In these situations, they turn to a qualified specialist for help so that he can analyze the situation and suggest what decision to make. This is one of the best options for what to do profitably during a crisis for economists who are left without work due to the crisis.

Educational courses

Even in the most difficult times, parents strive to give their child better education, so the demand for talented tutors never falls. Moreover, the crisis is affecting the labor market. To get a decent job, many people attend various specialized courses, trying to improve their resume in the eyes of a future employer.

Cosmetics business

The desire of women to be attractive and take care of themselves cannot be broken by any crisis, this is a fact. Therefore, sales of cosmetics remain high even during periods of economic instability. For many girls, the very fact of buying a new perfume or lipstick is a cure for stress and allows you to forget about pressing problems.

Preparing real estate for sale

The real estate market reacts very sensitively to changes in the economy; during periods of recession it is extremely difficult to find buyers for new houses and apartments; people simply do not have enough savings. The only ones who do not feel the impact of the crisis in this market are home staging specialists. The task of these experts is to give real estate the best presentation (make redecorating, arrange furniture correctly or remove unpleasant odors from the room). This type of work is best suited for designers or experienced builders involved in apartment renovations.

Caring for the elderly

There are many elderly people who need day-to-day care, but their relatives have very busy schedules and are unable or unwilling to do it themselves. Setting up an elderly care service is a good business idea at any time. In addition, there are wealthy retirees who want to see the world and have accumulated funds for this. You can help them realize their dream and at the same time make money by organizing travel.

Ecological business

IN last years The demand for environmentally friendly products has increased sharply, as in Food Industry, and in the world of fashion. Enterprises that do not harm the environment have become especially revered.

Websites about discounts and sales

Such resources are always in demand among consumers seeking maximum savings. But during a crisis, sites about promotions, discounts and sales acquire special value, bringing the owner good income from advertising.

Remote employee

Large companies use any methods to reduce their costs. Outsourcing tasks allows you to get rid of the need to maintain an office and reduces costs wages. Employees working remotely also benefit. They don’t have to spend money on travel and have the opportunity to control their schedule.

Online video creation

Going to the cinema involves a lot of expense, especially if you have popcorn lovers in your group. In this regard and with the desire to save money, the Internet has replaced visiting cinemas for many people. The demand for high-quality online video has increased, and many platforms have appeared where you can sell such content.

Home business franchise

For those who are afraid to open a business on their own, there is the opportunity to buy a time-tested franchise, which is designed for starting a business from scratch at home.

Online trading assistant

There are a number of online platforms where you can profitably sell old or unnecessary items. However, many people do not know how these resources work and how to work on them correctly. Such sites provide the opportunity to trade on behalf of others, and people willingly use the services of sales assistants who receive a percentage of each transaction.

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Most people on our planet wonder about starting a business every day, but even more people think about ideas for their own business.
A lot depends on the idea, because it lays the foundation for your future business. To avoid wasting your time, nerves and, of course, money, you need to consider and analyze only really working business ideas.

What are working business ideas?

Working business ideas include only those ideas that can bring you the desired and, importantly, constant profit. In an idea, you need to see something that no one else could notice.

How do you know that a business idea will work and you can make money from it?

A business idea will become workable when opening your business allows you to earn a sum of money, which in turn will cover all the costs of starting a business. You should not rush to conclusions, because at first your business may bring you good income, but a turning point may occur and your small business will slowly die.

Classification of business ideas

I classify all ideas, because this way it’s more convenient to analyze them and make some predictions about your future business. They are divided into three groups, namely:

  • Highly promising;
  • Unpromising;
  • Average prospects;

Now let's take a closer look and analyze each group.


Low-promising ideas include those ideas, the implementation of which will result in temporary profits. A good example would be opening an ice cream stand. From this example it is already clear that the main profit will come only in the summer, and in the winter you, alas, will have to bite your nails. So opening a business based on such an idea will be empty and hopeless.

What ideas are suitable for starting a business during a crisis?

Moderately promising

Medium-promising ideas for business implementation include the following:

  • Office chair with footrest;
  • Musical bathroom;
  • Candies with natural juice;

You can read about all this in the article about ideas for starting a business. Everything seems to be fine, these ideas can be developed, but will you make money from your business in 2-3 years or later? Optimists will say yes, but you need to evaluate everything as it happens in real life.

One entrepreneur opened a company whose main service was to provide citizens necessary information. Something like a reference. This company brought him good income, but with the development of the Internet, the service provided by his company simply became unnecessary to anyone.

Hence a small conclusion: you need to think about the prospects of your business at the “fundamental” stage, that is, precisely at the moment when you come up with an idea that should work. Let's move on and look at the last group:

Highly promising

Highly promising workable ideas relate to businesses that will generate income in five, ten and fifteen years. Such a business includes only one whose services will always be in demand. Based on this, you need to look for ways to create and develop your “precious” business. Such businesses include:

  • Opening your own grocery store (people will always eat as long as they live);
  • Opening a beauty salon (people will always want to look beautiful and this trend is growing every year);
  • Clothing store (a person is simply forced to dress);
  • Business related to the biological and chemical industries (there is a whole future in these areas);

Conclusion: open a highly promising business based on working business ideas! Good luck to you!

Section: Tips

Publication date: 2017-12-08 18:06:26

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The thought in the title of this article has not only a deep, but also a double meaning that allows us to answer...

The thought in the title of this article has not only a deep, but also a double meaning, which allows us to answer the sacramental question - what to do with business in a crisis? After all, while some entrepreneurs experience panic and losses during a crisis, others are making their own success story...

First of all, you need to understand what happens during a crisis in three main segments of goods and services - for the rich, for the middle class and for people with below-average incomes.

Many economists and marketers agree on the following: the market for the “rich” remains relatively stable; the “middle class” market is rapidly shrinking and is in a fever; The market for “those with below-average incomes” is growing!

Why is that?

People who are considered rich, as a rule, have a good “margin of safety” and are in a large financial gap even from the middle class, which simply cannot be overcome. Many of them can lose millions, or even billions, but at the same time not become poor. And so they will remain true to their habits. But the market aimed at the rich is quite narrow. And the competition is high. And start-up costs for starting a business are extremely high. Therefore, starting to work on it right away is quite difficult, whether in a crisis or not. In general, it's a matter of taste.

The market, aimed at the middle class, is very promising in normal times and covers the widest segment of goods and services. But a crisis always hits the middle class especially hard. Moreover, not only (or even not so much?) financially, but psychologically. During a crisis, the incomes of some representatives of the middle class fall to the state of “poverty” for objective reasons, but the majority begin to save a lot simply because of negative expectations and fear for their future.

Therefore, during a crisis, the market, aimed at people with “below average” incomes, begins to grow rapidly precisely at the expense of representatives of the middle class - either former or frightened. People with incomes below average simply do not have the opportunity to radically reduce their consumption.

Accordingly, during a crisis, it is the businesses that grow best that are aimed at those who are not going to spend a lot and save every penny. And we need to help these people save!

What kind of businesses could these be? The scope for new ideas is unlimited. And I can suggest a few traditional ones:

- inexpensive and most necessary food products - people always want to eat and drink;

- budget catering - see "point one";

- pharmacies are where most people save money on last resort;

- repair of clothing, electronics, household appliances - what in the best years was simply thrown away, in a crisis they will most likely try to repair it;

- stock and second-hand stores - here, I think, nothing really needs to be explained;

- goods for children - diapers and rompers - this is something that few people will save on...

It is clear that in the “below average” price segment there is also fierce competition and earnings per conventional unit of goods or services are significantly lower than in other segments. So you need to immediately get ready to work “in areas”, attracting a mass client. How to do this is a topic for another conversation...

But I promised to talk about the second meaning of the phrase “businesses for the poor always grow during a crisis.” The fact is that a crisis is the best time to start or expand their business for entrepreneurs who lack start-up capital. A crisis is a time of particularly broad opportunities.

Business in times of crisis: promising directions

Rent of office and industrial space at this time is the lowest, and the cost of real estate, in principle, is the same. At this time, the easiest way is to find qualified specialists who are ready to work at this stage for a relatively modest remuneration. In addition, you can save a lot of money on equipment - during a crisis, it’s easier to find good used options. Well, competition, be that as it may, is falling. It's clear that it simply won't happen. But when and for whom is it easy in business? Just remember that difficulties only make us stronger, and hurry to take advantage of new opportunities. After all, the crisis is also not eternal...

Alexey Voronin shared his thoughts with you

Tags: Money and business, Voronin

Profitable niches for trading: pilaf via the Internet, knives, optics and much more.

Since the establishment of commodity-money relations, trade has been one of the most profitable types of business. However, during a crisis, the question of what is profitable to trade becomes especially relevant. Which product will definitely be in demand: already known and “promoted” or innovative? Low or high price category? Domestic or imported?

To understand which product to choose for promotion, you should analyze the market situation in various segments, its development prospects, evaluate sales channels and the level of competition.

Market situation

Nowadays, citizens' incomes are declining, and this entails a decrease in their purchasing power. According to Rosstat, in 2015, real disposable income of Russians fell by 4%, and in the 1st quarter of 2016 - by another 3.9%.

According to Romir research, approximately 70% of our compatriots in 2015-2016. began to save up to 10% on the essentials: groceries, clothing, shoes, and other non-food items of daily demand.

Sociologists distinguish four types of buyers depending on their chosen cost-saving strategy (see Table 1).

Buyer type




Men over 45 living in large cities

Refusal from expensive brands (21%), transition to cheaper ones (31%)


High income people

They make a list of proposed purchases (29%) and always follow it

"Bargain Hunter"

Women 35-44 years old, citizens with low level income, residents of small towns (100-500 thousand people)

They purchase goods mainly through promotions (19%)


Residents of small settlements, people with low incomes

They stock up on food for future use (16%), go shopping less often to keep their budget under control (22%)

Similar trends are observed in online sales (see Fig. 1).

Fig.1. How e-commerce is growing in Russia*

*Data is presented excluding online orders of prepared food, tickets, digital goods, and wholesale purchases

In 2015, according to Vedomosti, they grew by only 3% taking into account inflation (excluding - by 16%). This is 2.5 times less than in 2014 (8% taking into account inflation). In the average online store, the receipt “grew” by 8% and amounted to 4,050 rubles, the number of orders also increased by 8% (increase to 160 million)

According to Data Insight statistics, buyer interest has shifted from electronics and household appliances to budget products: inexpensive clothing and consumer goods. At the same time, the share of premium brands and expensive goods has decreased. The leaders are sporting goods, products for animals and children's assortment.

Summary: The market situation makes us think about creating a fairly wide assortment designed for an audience interested in saving money. At the same time, the quality must be acceptable, since competition in the low and medium segments has been and remains high. The sales strategy should be focused on different categories of citizens and take into account their preferred methods of saving.

What do buyers want?

Let's look at what products are profitable to trade today, using the example of successful startups and the most popular franchises (according to Forbes 2016).

Food products: pilaf via the Internet

Food products are classified as essential. Even in times of austerity, buyers will never exclude them from their shopping basket. This means you can take your place in this niche. This is exactly what the young entrepreneur Ilkhom Ismailov did. In 2014, he opened an online Uzbek food store,

Start-up capital - 1 million rubles from their own savings - was spent on furnishing the kitchen and creating a website for accepting orders.

At first, the entrepreneur and his partners sold only pilaf, but in 2015 they expanded the range and began offering sweets, salads, manti, and baked goods: sales increased by 88%. The revenue of the online store in the period from January to April 2016 increased by 2 times compared to the same period last year.

Our immediate plans include creating a franchise (there are already about 200 requests from potential franchisees) and opening a business offline: “We understand that we need to go offline,” says Ilkhom Ismailov. — In summer, people try to spend more time on outdoors, in parks. We have to be where our client is.”

At the end of 2015, I. Ismailov became the winner of the “Young Billionaire School”, held annually by Forbes, and his project was recognized as one of the most promising.

Cooking at home: knives for amateur cooks

During the crisis, people began to visit cafes and restaurants less, but at the same time they still want to eat tasty and beautiful food. This trend was noticed by entrepreneur Alexey Yakovlev and entered into an agreement with largest producer steel and ceramic knives"Samura Cutlery." By promoting the products of this company in the middle price category, you can interest amateur cooks in them. The idea has justified itself: today the Samura franchise (TOP 5 in the Forbes rating of 2016) operates 250 points of sale (23 opened in 2015).

The initial investment is 250,000 rubles: it involves the cost of equipping a retail outlet and purchasing a starting batch of knives. The franchisee's revenue is 3.75 million rubles, profit - 2 million rubles (knives are sold at a 160% premium).

Good vision comes at a price

The demand for health products is consistently high. This explains the success of Icraft Optics, a federal retail chain of stores that sell ready-made glasses and make them to order (it has its own lens turning workshop). Franchise TOP-12 Forbes rating. Currently there are 130 of its own and 350 franchise points (120 opened in 2015).

Geography of business - more than 100 cities. There are no royalties or lump sum fees. For the starting fee (1.4 million rubles), franchisees receive retail, lighting, medical equipment and the base batch of goods.

The franchisor offers partners the opportunity to make up to 300% of the retail markup and, as a bonus, gives 50% compensation for advertising costs.

Revenue - 6 million rubles, franchisee profit - 3 million rubles.

For children's creativity

Most parents consider investing in the younger generation to be paramount and most profitable, therefore, among everything that is now profitable to trade, goods for children occupy one of the first places. Let's look at them in more detail.

If we talk about the offline format, the franchise for selling creative kits “Orange Elephant” is successfully promoting (TOP 15 in the Forbes rating): 10 of its own and 422 franchise points. Franchisors have their own production in China of kits for drawing, modeling, design, and decoration. Today it is one of the most recognizable and rapidly growing chains of goods for children, represented in 61 cities in Russia, as well as in the CIS, Europe, Asia, and South Africa. In 2015, 85 new Orange Elephant locations opened.

Initial investment - 250 thousand rubles. Estimated revenue - 7.5 million rubles, profit - 1.9 million rubles.

What is profitable to sell online?

Today, almost anyone can create their own online store. But not everyone knows what to fill it with. The editors of Segodnya invited experts to clarify this issue. Here are some of the categories they recommend for promotion and their marketing features that are worth paying attention to (see below).

What kind of business can you start during a crisis?

Table 2).

What to pay attention to

Souvenirs, gifts

  • high demand (seasonal holidays, birthdays, memorable dates, etc.)
  • you can sell goods of your own production with a markup of up to 300%

Goods for pets

  • the ability to order delivery of the most popular items - food and filler, which usually have a large volume, so it can be inconvenient to pick them up from the supermarket
  • a good solution for those who do not have a pet store near their home
  • products with a long shelf life, so they are ordered at a significant interval: you will have to engage in active promotion
  • during a crisis, many switch to feeding animals by-products

Hobby items (diamond mosaic, felting wool, paints, brushes, decoupage paper) and collecting items (stamps, coins, antiques)

  • enthusiastic people are a grateful audience: they will always find funds for their hobby
  • It is not profitable to maintain an offline store on this topic, since the goods are not essential, but in the online version it is profitable (less overhead costs, lower price, higher demand)
  • Many people hesitate to purchase collectible goods via the Internet due to the risk of counterfeits.
  • goods are not cheap, so demand for them during a crisis will be limited

Goods for recreation and tourism

  • More and more people are focusing on active and country holidays
  • delivery of large and bulky goods to the apartment is attractive
  • difficult to find suppliers (China does not suit everyone)
  • a lot of imports - currency risks
  • seasonal demand
  • many competitors

But not everything depends on the popularity of a particular product. In order for trading to be successful, professionals recommend selling what you yourself are well versed in. If the seller is an expert in his product, the buyer trusts him and quickly becomes a regular, recommending him to his friends. This must be taken into account when choosing your trading niche.

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Helpful information

What business is better to start during a crisis?

Not so long ago, economic crises posed a real threat to most entrepreneurs. Today they have become so familiar that they are perceived completely differently. Truly successful businessmen have not only adapted to the permanent “crisis”, but also learned to benefit from it.

It cannot be denied that the resources of the entrepreneurial market are limited and the situation on it is unstable. As for the demand for goods and services, it is not easy to predict. Credit institutions are in no hurry to issue loan obligations to everyone, as was the case quite recently, and investors are losing their taste for financing interesting, but controversial projects that may not pay off.

Profitable business areas

It should be understood that the absence of losses is already a benefit. Thus, the type of activity that does not require global financial investments becomes the most viable in a crisis. And, I must say, there is plenty to choose from on the market!

Consulting companies agree that in difficult economic times obvious advantage has a service sector. Organizations that provide services are the most profitable. The problem for a novice businessman who has chosen this type of detail is usually the rent. It is not necessary to hire employees at the stage of business formation: all work can be done on your own.

One example of a safe (even in a crisis!) commercial activity is blogging. In some cases, to implement similar project You will need the help of web developers, whose services start at $100. For this amount you can get a laconic but working website.

The next safe business option is resale. The “bought cheap, sold dear” scheme has been in effect since ancient times. It’s difficult to come up with something more effective to quickly increase momentum. Having engaged in resale, it makes sense to adopt Internet technologies: in other words, open your own store on the Internet. The owner of a virtual retail outlet spends money only on maintaining the site, advertising it and, of course, purchasing goods.

What types of activities are relevant during a crisis?

A profitable business is a business that is in demand, or relevant. Relevance is directly dependent on the purchasing power of potential customers, which, as we know, is also affected by the crisis. “Troubled times” make the consumer more far-sighted and, as a result, stingy. He will no longer waste money. That's why, during the planning stage, it is necessary to find out what consumers still cannot refuse and make a thorough analysis of their purchasing power.

In the West, the percentage of small businesses is much higher. Therefore, it makes sense to take a closer look at foreign trends and progressive solutions in this area.

European analysts have compiled a list of the five most promising areas of anti-crisis commerce. Here's what it looks like:

  1. 1. Providing repair services. In times of economic instability, almost everyone is forced to abandon new acquisitions. True, for some these may be luxury items, but for others they may be essentials.

    Eight ways to make money during a crisis

    But, one way or another, during a crisis people suddenly realize that many things that have fallen into disrepair are more profitable to repair. Why not give them this opportunity?

  2. 2. Fast food. Since, in the face of decreasing purchasing power of the population, restaurants and cafes are losing their attractiveness (and the desire to have a snack in the middle of the day does not disappear), you can rely on fast food. Fast food will always be in demand.
  3. 3. Trade in medicines. This business requires impressive start-up capital, but never loses its relevance: the demand for medicines is consistently high. By the way, medicines Most are not subject to VAT.
  4. 4. Sale stores. Stores like “Fix Price” or “second hand” during periods of crisis multiply like mushrooms after rain, and each of them has good chances. Low prices and constant discounts attract not only young people, as is commonly thought, but also all those for whom brands do not matter, but price does.
  5. 5. Providing collection services. In times of crisis, not only individuals, but also legal entities turn to collection companies for help. Of course, debt collection is not a business that evokes pleasant associations. But in an era of general aggravation of stinginess, it is extremely relevant and profitable.

How to run a business in times of crisis

The ideal of a “crisis” business is a break-even enterprise. The task of the owner of such a company is to minimize negative changes in the level of liquidity. Only in this case will the business not only survive, but also develop even in extreme conditions. unfavorable conditions.

To maintain the profitability of their company, many businessmen turn to consulting agencies for help. But such measures do not always lead to a positive result, and, of course, require funds. There is no guarantee that the recipe for overcoming a crisis proposed by consultants will work in a particular situation.

But there are other methods to keep a business afloat. One of them is to minimize third-party costs.

There are also rules that must be followed so that changes in the economic situation cause as little inconvenience as possible:

  • Maintain the ability to compress the business. As for the nature of the risks, new players in the market experience the same difficulties as existing enterprises. The most dangerous risk is a negative change in liquidity levels. The decrease in demand is not so critical compared to the lack of funds for business development. However, the decline in consumer purchasing power poses a threat to inert businesses—that is, those that cannot “shrink” or “expand” depending on circumstances.

    To minimize risks, you need to limit expenses (primarily unreasonable ones) and avoid long-term obligations.

    As you know, small businesses mainly spend money on rent and employee salaries (and staff turnover in small businesses is usually high). To ensure “compression”, personnel renewal will have to be abandoned, as well as salary indexation. But these measures do not guarantee staying afloat. Only a flexible business model will help you truly control the situation.

  • Strive to maintain liquidity. Low liquidity in a crisis will inevitably lead to the death of an enterprise (or even an entire industry). An example of this is the many construction projects that were never implemented due to the 2008 crisis due to lack of funds.

    But if the leading manager knows how to ensure at least some development of the enterprise in unfavorable conditions, the business has a chance.

  • Search and develop new opportunities. In fact, the crisis is a stimulus for development. This is confirmed by numerous examples. When the market situation changes for the worse, it is time to search for new economic niches. Many managers choose to “work in parallel directions.” So, the owner of a company that supplies office supplies can pay attention to office furniture. There are also more daring options: for example, opening a cafe at a bookstore. Crazy ideas in times of crisis have special potential.
  • Change and improve. A good leader knows how to take initiative. He does not so much act under the pressure of circumstances as he is ahead of these circumstances. When drawing up a development plan, he must take into account all possibilities for both expansion and contraction of the business.

    If an enterprise is developing steadily and gradually improving under competent management, the onset of a crisis can only slow down these processes, but not reduce them to nothing.

What to do in a crisis

Creating a viable enterprise in an era of economic instability is a noble goal, but difficult to achieve. Any mistake in this area will have dire consequences. To minimize possible losses, a novice businessman must learn to plan the distribution of investments.

The business plan should take into account a number of aspects: the amount of invested funds, the desired development time frame, income and expenses, and the number of personnel. To evaluate profitability various fields business at a specific point in time, it is necessary to analyze the market. Identifying the most stable businesses, studying their policies and adopting some business solutions is the surest way to achieve success.

So, here's what a future business owner should take into account:

  • trends in the area of ​​the market that he is going to develop;
  • investments in the production and promotion of services or goods;
  • risks large and small;
  • possibility of loss Money, Unexpected expenses.

It must be remembered that funds allocated for business development in a crisis situation can become the basis for a rapid leap forward. You should pay attention to advertising (but do it wisely). And finally, it is necessary to calculate the profit that a business brings in “dark times”: in some cases, instead of trying to pull out a futile business, it is wiser to admit its failure and stop investing in a doomed project.

Western experience

Most of the progressive solutions are created and tested abroad. AND New World, and Europe have experienced many crises. Therefore, domestic entrepreneurs are advised not to lose touch with their Western colleagues, who have a lot to learn from.

And finally, the main thing that an entrepreneur should remember is that the most relevant anti-crisis business is not so much profitable as break-even.

How to increase sales during a crisis

Crisis threats can be neutralized at a fairly high level and even used to further increase sales levels. Read about how to do this in our publication.

What business to start in the village

This article will talk about what entrepreneurial activity you can do things in the village. We will talk about the five most promising areas of rural business.

These materials are intended for those who want to succeed in life, significantly increase their income and become rich, but do not have the initial capital to realize their dreams, who have decided to take the path of business and feel ready for this. They will help you make money using the huge opportunities of the Russian market, find the type of activity that best suits your character, your abilities and capabilities, and take the first step along the broad road of modern business.

We can give many examples of how novice entrepreneurs managed to earn tens of rubles in a relatively short period of time. Of course, to achieve such a goal it is necessary to show a certain determination, perseverance and energy.

First, determine what the market needs most today, be it some services or a product. Determine what is in greatest demand and come up with best option satisfy this need according to your capabilities. Start, and the matter itself will suggest the further course of action and correct errors.

We offer you a number of simple and most effective ways earnings (activities) that do not require special investments:

Having any printing equipment, for example, a copier, or having constant access to it, you can easily earn money by fulfilling orders from organizations and individuals. Fortunately, the prices for printing services are quite high, and finding clients will not be difficult. It is enough to submit it to newspapers or post advertisements around the city. The greatest effect will be achieved by your advertisements posted in places where printing services are constantly required. These are the premises of district administrations, notary offices, banks, universities, libraries, etc.

Having earned a certain amount from this business, you can purchase more expensive and, accordingly, generating much more income, printing equipment such as a risograph. This business will always find its clients and will always remain very profitable and promising.

You can engage in the production of original layouts, that is, the design of various documents, forms and other printed materials on a computer, either as a separate type of activity or in combination with printing activities. To run this business, you need to have a computer and a good printer, on which the quality of your work largely depends. Spare no expense and purchase a laser printer, which, with excellent print quality, will quickly recoup your purchase costs and will bring you a solid profit, because the production of one original layout on an A4 sheet costs from $5 and more. In order to find clients, similar to printing activities, submit advertisements to newspapers or post advertisements around the city.

Do lamination - covering documents, forms, photographs, etc. with protective plastic. The laminating machine is miniature, relatively inexpensive and will pay for the cost of its purchase within the first month of operation. Offer your services in crowded places and places where they are especially needed, for example, in traffic police departments where driver's licenses are issued, in photo salons, etc. This way you will ensure yourself a good and stable income. The approximate cost of laminating a driver's license is $1.00.

Prices for unstamped envelopes invariably rise along with increases in postal rates. You can make money by making a template, purchasing paper and starting to make them. And by hanging your advertisements in post offices or publishing them in local and out-of-town advertising and information publications, you will ensure good sales of the manufactured envelopes.

Publishing is one of the most profitable types of business. It can bring profit, depending on your capabilities, from several to tens of rubles. First, decide what you will publish. This could be a solid book of 200-300 pages or a brochure of 10-20 pages. When selecting material for a book or brochure, it is very important not to violate copyright and therefore not fall under a certain article of the law. When reprinting materials from foreign sources, be sure to provide a link to this source.

Carefully calculate the consumer value of your book and the costs of publishing it. If you do not have sufficient funds, arrange a subscription to it with an advance payment. This will allow you to collect the necessary amount to publish your materials.

Sell ​​your book among subscribers, at bookstores, through Rospechat kiosks, etc. By placing an ad in the media mass media or by posting them around the city, for example, at the same bookstores, you can sell it by mail.

Despite the abundance of books on the market, their sale remains a very profitable and promising business. Buy books for sale directly from publishing houses or from wholesalers, where they are sold without a trade markup, much cheaper than in city bookstores. Sell ​​them in crowded places” at the same bookstores, bookstores, by mail, etc.

Having collected a certain number of the most interesting books of various genres and adding to them books from your home collection, organize a private library and rent out books on bail. This idea is feasible not only at train stations and airports, where people while waiting for a train or plane happily while away the time reading an interesting book, but also in any friend in a crowded place. Go to your nearest library and see that despite the huge number of books on the shelves, it is almost impossible to choose something worthwhile.

If you have a two-cassette tape recorder or, better yet, a tape recorder with a CD player and have free time, start recording. By duplicating recordings of popular music and selling them in crowded places, for example, in clothing markets, near the metro, etc., or by accepting orders for recordings, you can earn good money. You will receive the largest number of orders by posting your advertisements in technical schools, universities, hostels and other places where there are a lot of young people. Selling cassettes by mail will also have a good effect. To do this, submit advertisements in newspapers and send everyone who responds to it a detailed catalog of available recordings, indicating the cost of the tapes and the terms of their shipment and payment. Buy clean cassettes at clothing markets or wholesalers.

Now almost every second family has a VCR, and video recording can also be a very profitable business. To do this you will need two VCRs. Otherwise, everything is similar to sound recording.

In the future, having earned a small capital, it is important to expand and organize a small sound and video recording company, scattering several retail outlets around the city.

You don't even need a VCR to carry out this activity. By purchasing several dozen video cassettes (DVD, CD) with recordings of popular and new films and organizing their rental on bail, you will receive a source of daily stable income. The only condition that guarantees your success in this matter is that the repertoire of films must change periodically.

Our domestic equipment, and in particular televisions, often break down and repairing them can give you a very good income. If you do not have the necessary qualifications for this, enroll in the appropriate courses and within two to three months you will feel like a specialist in the field of radio engineering and acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to repair televisions. And by publishing your advertisements in newspapers, posting them around the city or placing them in mailboxes (everyone now has a TV), you will get an excellent opportunity to test this knowledge in practice.

You can also repair other household appliances, for example, refrigerators, audio-video recorders, computers, etc. In addition, not all of our TVs are equipped with a PAL unit, low-frequency input, UHF and remote control units. By purchasing these units in radio stores, in specialized markets, or making them yourself, start installing them in TVs. It should be noted that, for example, without a UHF or LF input unit it is impossible to connect a VCR to a TV, and without a PAL unit it is impossible to see a color image, since most videotapes are recorded in this color system. Therefore, by installing these blocks, you will receive a large number of clients and earn good money.

This work can be done even without special skills in handling a soldering iron, which will come with practice. Buy circuit diagrams, detailed descriptions of assembly and setup, radio components, boards, cases and others in radio stores or specialized markets. necessary materials for self-production of remote control units, PAL units, telephones with automatic detection numbers (Caller ID), Sinclair computers. They are very easy to manufacture, assembled in a few days and are in constant demand among customers. More powerful computers such as PCs are very expensive and inaccessible to families with average incomes, and Sinclair, with its availability and low cost, allows you to get acquainted with a fascinating world in practice computer games, gain basic programming skills (as opposed to gaming consoles) and will remain quite popular. The importance of PAL blocks was discussed above, but you probably know very well yourself about the popularity of Caller ID phones.

Sell ​​your products in the same markets, at radio stores, or place an ad in periodical advertising and information publications and post them around the city. Success is guaranteed to you!

Having a personal car and knowing your city well. You will earn a lot of money by operating a private taxi service. And for this it is not at all necessary to drive around the city, looking around in search of voters. Stand near large stores that sell large items, such as furniture, refrigerators, televisions, etc. Delivery services are not always prompt, and often absent altogether, and you can help people deliver the items they have purchased. You can “pick up” clients standing at train stations or just near the metro and at stops where public transport is poor. This work is most effective in the late evening or even at night, when transport does not run at all or runs extremely rarely.

You should not lose sight of the fact that many commercial enterprises require drivers with personal vehicles, for example, to transport goods to retail outlets in the morning and transport them back to the warehouse in the evening. This job pays very well.

Typically, the level of driving training in driving schools does not allow you to prepare well for the traffic police exam. By publishing your advertisements in newspapers, posting them around the city, near driving schools and recruiting students, you will ensure yourself a decent income. To attract greatest number clients, set your tuition fees slightly lower than at a driving school. Give the first lessons only on quiet streets, in special closed areas, etc. And only as your student masters driving skills; drive with it to busier sections of roads, to intersections with heavy traffic. It is very important that your student is able to put into practice the theoretical knowledge of traffic rules that he receives at school.

It is necessary to take into account that only those who have at least 3 years of driving experience can engage in this business. And don’t forget to install “Training” identification marks on the windshield and rear window of your car. Perhaps you will start releasing special video courses.

Dogs can not only relieve stress and lift their owners’ spirits, but also bring income to the family. And which! The annual “salary” of an ordinary dog ​​is a few rubles. It should be taken into account that this business requires at the initial stage not only financial costs and physical strength, but also a certain mental attitude. Without this attitude, without love, care, without responsibility for the fate of your pets, there is no point in getting down to business.

Buy a puppy only with a good pedigree and carefully check the authenticity of its documents. It is best to buy from kennel clubs or at sales exhibitions that are regularly held by these clubs. Here you can compare puppies and consult with canine specialists about which puppy is most promising for breeding. Remember that only a high-quality puppy, with proper care, education and good treatment, will eventually turn into a high-quality dog. And for your future business this is crucial.

It should be noted that breeding purebred cats can also bring good income.

Good income can be generated by breeding pets: hamsters, white mice, guinea pigs, etc. These small animals are unpretentious, feed exclusively on food of plant origin, reproduce with amazing speed and are always popular with children.

Breeding budgies and aquarium fish is also of great commercial interest. Many people who started this business live only on the income from this activity. Of course, to achieve such a result, you need to pay constant attention to your pets, have some experience and great knowledge in this matter. Read the relevant literature, consult with specialists and people involved in breeding the species of your choice, and over time you will get no less results.

You can sell pets, birds, fish at bird markets, pet stores, etc. In the future, you can open your own zoo or even a private pet store, selling not only animals, but also food for them, cages, aquariums, and various devices to care for them, etc.

Even with minimal skills in handling a camera and photographic equipment, you can get into photography. At first, it is not at all necessary to have a darkroom. You can take the film to a photo studio for processing. Shoot on the street and at home, in kindergartens and schools, at weddings and other celebrations. Deliver the photographs taken to the customer yourself or send them by mail. Recently, Polaroid cameras have appeared on the Russian market, which allow you to take pictures almost instantly. However, according to unverified data, photographs taken in this way are not of very high quality and darken over time.

Having gained some experience in this matter, you can open a private photo studio and take artistic photographs and photographs for documents. Photographer services are always needed and well paid.

Today, some people have a video camera, and if you are one of them, it makes sense to engage in video shooting.

No person can do without the services of a hairdresser. And at the same time. that prices for all types of hairdressing services are persistently creeping up, you can organize your own home hairdresser and make great money by first completing relatively inexpensive courses and receiving the appropriate certificate.

Equip your hallway with a mirror and shelves, buy the necessary Equipment and start with your friends and work colleagues. If your first practice is successful, the rumor about inexpensive hairdressing services will spread through your acquaintances and acquaintances of your acquaintances, like circles from a stone thrown into water, and you will not have problems with clients and, as a result, with money. In the future, you can submit advertisements to the media, post them around the city and work on call at the client’s home.

Organize a private atelier of household services. Work alone or with help, such as your family, in your own home or in a client's home. Clean apartments and offices, wash and iron clothes, wash windows, look after apartments in the absence of owners: water flowers, take out mail, care for pets. You can make good money by exterminating domestic insects.

If you have knowledge in the field of science, take up tutoring. Place advertisements in newspapers or post them in schools, technical schools, universities, or simply in crowded places in your city. Help your clients master the sciences, prepare them for tests, exams, and admission to universities and technical schools. Can be done various tasks, drawing work, preparing coursework and diploma projects, etc. Compilation of a collection can bring good income best essays, a collection of solutions to standard problems in mathematics, physics, chemistry with their subsequent sale through kiosks and Rospechat stores, through street booksellers, by mail or in the same universities.

Today, many firms and entrepreneurs enter the international market, wanting to establish business contacts with foreign partners. As a rule, the conclusion of any contract or transaction is preceded by a long correspondence and, having difficulties with the language, they need the services of a translator. Such services are absolutely necessary for people working with various publications in foreign languages, when translating various technical literature, advertising brochures, etc.

Using your knowledge of the language, you can make a good income working as such a translator. And if your knowledge allows you to communicate freely in a foreign language, work at international exhibitions, presentations, on excursions with the participation of foreign guests, etc.

Buy typewriter in Latin font and in parallel with translation, draw up business correspondence abroad. It wouldn’t hurt to have a typewriter with Russian font for translation into Russian. To find profitable clients, publish advertisements in newspapers or post advertisements around the city.

Recently, many shops and wholesale centers have appeared in Russia selling “Second hand” - used clothes by weight, where for a ridiculous price you can buy quite tolerable things, among which there are also practically new ones, for example, those that have gone out of fashion in some countries But this does not mean at all that it is the same for us.

Start selling these clothes. This business is very profitable! Go to one of the large stores or wholesale warehouse and pick up a small amount of clothes to start. .I usually sell goods to wholesale buyers in bags of 25-100 kilograms and offer significant discounts. In order not to make a mistake, consult with the store (base) employees about what product is best to buy for sale and where to sell it.

After purchasing the goods, go to the market or travel to other cities, taking into account the specifics and climatic conditions of this region, and sell the clothes individually, and not by weight. The result of such trading is always the same - a good profit.

Good income can come from knitting or sewing. If you do not have hand knitting skills, buy an industrial machine. By setting a program for it, you can knit sweaters, scarves, children's clothes, etc. To do sewing, you need to have a good sewing machine. In addition to a variety of clothes, you can sew various leather products: waist belts, wallets, watch straps, etc., car covers, workwear, and make a soft toy.

You can sew or knit custom-made models, developed independently or based on patterns and drawings in specialized publications and fashion magazines. Sell ​​your items at clothing markets or take them to consignment and commercial stores.

Relatively inexpensive, small-sized and easy-to-use equipment for the production of popcorn, crispy potatoes, cotton candy and other food products pays for itself in 2-3 months of work and can bring a stable monthly income of several rubles. In the future, having accumulated a small capital, you will be able to buy more expensive and much more profitable equipment such as a bakery or an alcohol production unit.

Having bought buns and ham in bulk, make sandwiches or, if you have culinary skills, bake pies and go to the clothing market to meet hungry sellers and buyers. You can sell your masterpieces of culinary art simply by standing in crowded, busy places in your city.

Once you've made a small fortune, buy equipment for making and selling hot dogs, hamburgers, etc. Know that feeding people is always profitable!

Organize a stall or mine-cafe selling soft drinks, ice cream, etc. In hot weather, you can earn good money by selling these products, for example, on beaches or in gardening. Buy ice cream directly from a cold storage facility or from wholesalers, and you can make drinks yourself, for example, from concentrates.

In the summer, many enterprises need kvass sellers. Earnings are a percentage of revenue. You can sell 2-3 barrels of kvass per day, earning a significant amount. You can prepare kvass yourself.

Rent a car or use your personal vehicle and organize the collection or purchase of agricultural products in areas where there is an abundance of it, for example, on state farms. You can also buy milk from the nearest state farm. By bringing these products to the city, where they can be sold, usually 2-3 times more expensive, you will earn good money.

You can organize the collection and transportation of fruits, vegetables and any other goods from other regions to your city. For example, walnuts and corn grow in the southern regions of Ukraine and Moldova; you transport watermelons from Astrakhan in August during the harvest period, etc. You will not only recoup all expenses, but also make a solid profit. In this case, in the near future you can become a major entrepreneur.

Currently, prices for most types of fish and crayfish have increased sharply and in some cases even exceed the cost of animal meat. Agree that no one will refuse to buy freshly caught fish, much less crayfish. In addition, some restaurants buy crayfish.

In the future, you can organize a point for the sale of fish products and sell fish caught yourself or negotiate with organizations licensed to catch fish on the supply of fish and fish products. You can also organize a small workshop for the production of fish products.

If you have a garden plot, you are a millionaire! In addition to the fact that the land itself is of great value, you can earn good money on “six hundred square meters”. And for this it is not at all necessary to build up a plot of land with ultra-modern heated Dutch greenhouses and grow exotic vegetables and fruits such as pineapples or kiwis for sale. The experience of gardeners shows that in the North-West region, on generally not very fertile land, it is possible to grow a crop sufficient to feed a family, make supplies for the winter, and sell the excess on the market, receiving an income of up to 10 rubles, etc. Grow potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, onions. garlic, herbs, and in good years bring strawberries, apples, currants, plums, etc. to the market.

By the way, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have your own garden plot. Take advantage of the fact that some farms allocate plots of land for rent to urban residents. In addition, you can rent part of the land from villagers.

A good income can also come from breeding and fattening pigs, rabbits, poultry: chickens, geese, ducks, etc. With relatively low labor costs, you can get a lot of different products in a short time: meat, lard, eggs, etc.

One of the most profitable and at the same time internally satisfying activities is floriculture. Start growing carnations or roses, which are the most unpretentious and are in great demand. Having earned some capital from this during the warm period of the year, build a greenhouse for the winter, even if it takes all your savings. But in subsequent years, your fortune will grow exponentially.

If you are a fan of “quiet hunting,” you can combine business with pleasure and, while walking through the forest, engage in industrial mushroom picking, for example, under an agreement with a procurement base or simply selling them at the market. In addition to the fact that you will make preparations for yourself, you will also earn good money: tens of rubles per kilogram of dried products. And there is now a great demand abroad for our mushrooms, for example, chanterelles, which, according to the latest data, are a natural anti-cancer drug. Finns, Poles, Dutch, and especially the Japanese buy them in large quantities.

In good years, it makes sense to engage in industrial procurement of berries: blueberries, forest raspberries, cranberries, lingonberries, which are also in great and constant demand.

Harvesting is also of great commercial interest. medicinal herbs and plants with which our land is so rich. For example, linden blossoms in July. Its flowers are a valuable medicine and are accepted in pharmacies. After the rain, the linden tree completely crumbles and it is not difficult to collect, wash, dry its flowers and sell it for a certain fee. Of course, collecting medicinal herbs is a matter for a connoisseur, and if you decide to do it, first go to a specialized herbal pharmacy and find out everything in detail: how and where to start.

Wicker weaving, a traditional Russian craft, is once again becoming not only popular, but also a very profitable business. From free natural material: twigs, branches, vines, reeds and even straw can be used to make a great variety of useful and beautiful things: from mushroom baskets to elegant boxes and openwork furniture, which are very expensive - handmade!

Of course, at first, without professional skills, there can be no talk of any furniture or boxes, but you can weave basic baskets for mushrooms and for storing vegetables. If you decide to take up this trade, take a sharp knife, or even better, a pruner, and go to harvest the vines. The vine is nothing more than the well-known willow, willow, broom, etc. These shrubs grow everywhere. After cutting the twigs, peel them from the bark and dry them thoroughly in the sun. Before weaving baskets, scald the vine in water so that it is flexible and pliable. You can read what to do next and how to weave baskets in special reference books and magazines.

It makes sense to engage in other folk crafts, such as wood carving, hand embroidery, macrame, etc. These products are also in great and constant demand.

The other possible activities listed below, in our opinion, do not require further explanation. If you decide to do one of them, you can easily figure out, based on the information provided in these materials and on your own knowledge, how to organize this business and what you should do first of all to organize it.

Sewing and shoe repair; refilling and repair of lighters: watch repair; hardware repair; Production of keys; sharpening cutting tools; bookbinding; production of seals and stamps; programming; copying computer games; organizing a dating service; tuning musical instruments; winemaking; hunting; security of objects with a dog; haircut and trimming of dogs; services: massage therapist, nurse, toastmaster, bodyguard, courier, accountant, lawyer; private medical (veterinary) practice; private: shop, stall, cafe, video room, shooting range, warehouse, parking lot; car service; carwash; installation of radio devices and alarms on cars; cargo transportation: minor repairs of apartments, offices; door installation; door trim; furniture manufacturing; furniture repair; furniture upholstery; bathroom restoration; installation of cornices; linoleum flooring; parquet flooring and sanding; glazing and upholstery of loggias, balconies; construction of dachas: laying stoves; production and installation of antennas on country houses; works: painting, finishing, tiling, plumbing, carpentry, electrical installation, roofing, welding, etc.

And there are a lot of such ways of earning money (types of activity) that can be listed. It all depends on your imagination, capabilities and desires. In addition, it should be noted that these materials do not include a number of the most interesting, effective and easy to organize activities, for each of which a detailed description (detailed work methodology) has been developed.

We would like to remind you that any activity aimed at systematically generating profit is entrepreneurial and requires mandatory state registration. To legally carry out this activity, you must register with the local administration as an individual entrepreneur and register with the Tax Inspectorate. Pension Fund and Compulsory Medical Insurance Funds. Registration of entrepreneurs is carried out by the registration authority on the day of submission of documents: passport, application drawn up in the prescribed form and a document confirming payment of the registration fee, the amount of which should not exceed the minimum monthly wage established by law. You can obtain more detailed information about the procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur from your local administration.

And finally, some useful tips. Try to become a real owner of your business. Start small, but yours. Of course, you can invest money in shares of a large enterprise, but in this case you will not be able to influence its strategy and tactics and will become a hostage of decisions not made by you. From the very first steps, draw up a specific and well-thought-out action plan, which you must write down on paper. A written text is always more accurate than the one you keep in your head. When making a plan, be quite critical of yourself, being careful not to overestimate your strengths and capabilities. Although don’t be afraid to dream - remember that any business is always a creative endeavor. Your plan must be alive, that is, it must always correspond to business conditions and people’s needs, and this means that you must constantly adjust it: cross out something, add something. We are, of course, talking about little things. But in general, the plan should be a strong and reliable framework for all your activities. He is your assistant, your tuning fork, setting you up for success!

And one last thing. Invest all or almost all of the profits from your activities into turnover, constantly expand, look for new earning opportunities. When making money from trading or other profitable business, do not try to immediately spend it on your household needs. Be patient! Having created your capital. You will be able, without harming him, to rip off small sums from him for your everyday life. It will already grow like a snowball rolling down a mountain. From time to time you can break off pieces from this lump, that is, funds for your needs. And the more com. the larger the pieces. In the meantime, start a small business and create initial capital.

If you haven’t found what you like, try exploring five more reasons to make money.

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