Magic how to punish an offender from a distance. Punish the enemy with black or white magic

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In the life of every person, events occur that deeply affect his inner feelings. Resentment, anger, disappointment, betrayal - all this can become the reason that a person decides to take revenge.

Often one wants to take revenge on a criminal who harmed a family and went unpunished, since the word “justice” in modern world easily bought for money. For example, a person who was infinitely trusted began to steal and caused significant damage.

But how can we ensure that the offender suffers his punishment within a short time, since few people agree to wait for God’s judgment to take place? Help can be found in black magic.

Distinctive features of dark magical rituals, the purpose of which is to harm, destroy, harm the enemy. And the stronger the desire to punish, the more dangerous the ritual can be for the magician. After all, black art can be used in a ritual to kill a person, and not simply to punish evil and injustice against the person who ordered the ritual. Therefore, it is important to work in such a way that there is no rollback.

There may not be a rollback if the actions are justified, and the person himself is far from white and fluffy, that is, there really is guilt behind him. In this case, higher powers can save the performer from returning.

Rollback methods

A magical ritual can have negative consequences, even if the ritual was aimed at a person who committed a bad deed. Depending on the ritual and the message that was sent to higher powers, there may be the following consequences of a rollback:

  • loss of one's own health:
  • collapse of opposing life values;
  • destruction of a love union;
  • inability to find mutual language with children, that is, the complete destruction of the parental bond.

Of course, the action will have an effect, but you will also have to pay for it. To prevent this from happening, you need to think more positively during the ceremony. For example, return to him everything that came back from him. Under no circumstances should you use witchcraft if you already have a mania to punish everyone. This will completely deprive vitality and will destroy both personality and the ability to reason.

Orthodox ways of punishing an offender

Orthodoxy speaks of forgiveness. If a person is a believer, you can come to the temple and read the “Our Father” to the saints. In religion, punishment can only come from God, only he can be the judge. You can light a candle for the health of your enemy, pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Saint Matryona, light a candle at the “Self-Arming” icon.

You can turn to black magic only when all methods have already been exhausted.

This spell has enormous power, but it is worth describing in detail how to punish the offender with magic so that the result is really high in destruction. This ritual can be compared in power to damage.

For the ritual you will need:

  1. Photo of the enemy;
  2. 7 drops of dry red wine;
  3. 5 church candles;
  4. 3 needles;
  5. Your own urine.

We put the photo on a glass with drops of wine in it, place and light candles around it. While pouring urine, we read:

"I urge everyone dark forces come to the rescue, drink all the blood from my enemy (name), as if it were wine in a glass. So that only dirt remains in it, so that the heart stops beating, so that it dries up the same way wine dries up in three days.”

Then we hold all the needles over the candle flame, dip them into the glass and pierce the heart and eye of the enemy’s photograph. The third needle needs to be stuck into the threshold of your offender.

Most often, a person begins to get very sick on the fourth day, and if there was no strong defense, then death is possible.

Conspiracy against the boss

Black magic will also help to punish the boss for an offense, for example, for depriving him of money or setting him up. The ritual is easy to perform at home.

You will need:

  • Matchbox;
  • 2 new spark plugs;
  • black thread;
  • photo of the enemy.

You cannot use photographs that depict a group of people, then you need to cut out the part where only the director is captured, at least his face.

At midnight, light the candles, take a photo from left hand, and wrap it with the right thread with the following words:

"I, God's servant(name), with the power of my will and thoughts, with my iron word, I influence the Servant of God (name of boss or colleague), so that he can no longer do harm to me. I will weave a black web with a thread, and I will forever bind the evil moving away from the enemy. Amen".

Conspiracy without a photo

It happens that it is not always possible to get a photo. Magic will help. You can use the following conspiracy. You will need a clean sheet, a needle, church candle, water from the temple and a pen with red paste. We write your name on the sheet and list all the evil that was brought to you.

Heat the needle over the flame until it turns black. We pierce our finger and cross out with our blood everything that is written on the sheet with the words:

“Written in red, crossed out in red. I ask the dark forces to accept this gift and correct the negativity in my life, punish the offender. Let it be so!".

After this, we burn the leaf and scatter the ashes.

We have looked at how black magic can help punish the enemy at home. These are not all the conspiracies that can be used to punish an offender; there are also more powerful methods that come from warlocks from ancient times. But before you turn to black forces for help, ask yourself: are you willing to accept the payment they may ask?

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Enmity between people gives rise to problems and a desire for revenge. Black magic is often a powerful weapon in the hands of one of the parties. There are many conspiracies, the use of which in rituals can return to the opponent all the evil he previously sent and even increase it several times.

Danger of black magic

Any evil intentions will not go unpunished. This is important to keep in mind when using black magic spells to take revenge on your enemy. Even when a person is confident in his own rightness, his emotions and anger can harm not the one who first offended, but the one who is going to repay what he deserves.

All actions when performing magical rituals must be careful and thought out in advance. If the person against whom magic is used is innocent of the evil committed, Higher power the one who made the mistake will be punished. The spells used in dark mania are dangerous and their effects are unpredictable. For any negative consequences magical actions performed, you need to ask the Saints for forgiveness, atone for your sins.

Black magic should be resorted to only when all other plans and actions are ineffective and the person and his family are in danger. Only then will the Higher powers be favorable to the sufferer and help him overcome the offender.

Ritual at the offender's house

The most powerful ritual of black magic, which allows one to take revenge on the offender for what he has done, is carried out at his home. You need to wait until next Tuesday night, stock up on a church candle and a salt shaker and go to the doorstep of his house.

Having quietly made your way to the door of the enemy’s dwelling, you need to place magical accessories next to it. The ritual itself is carried out like this:

  1. light a candle and place it at the door;
  2. take a salt shaker and sprinkle its contents on the threshold;
  3. read the plot:

“I’m not sprinkling you with salt, but I’m rewarding you with future pain. May you suffer as much as you hurt me before. I wish to punish the one who offended me in the old days. Under the Moon and the Sun, under Satan and God, my enemies are tormented and want to retire. You won’t know who did you bad. Amen".

After the spell is cast, they clean up after themselves and move away. After some time, you can notice that negative changes are taking place in your opponent’s life, he begins to get sick and suffers from failures.

Black thread conspiracy

Before using spells and black magic to take revenge on the enemy for some of his unkind actions, it is important to have a strong desire for revenge. Black magic without such a feature will not bring the desired result. If a person intends to take revenge by any means, an ancient conspiracy on a black thread will suit him. After sunset, you should take a black thread, wind it around your left hand and tie 6 knots. When winding a magical accessory, it is important to whisper a conspiracy:

“I’m not tying a rope, I’m tying something dirty. My enemy, you are not doing harm to me, you are taking it for yourself.”

The next evening, the thread is removed from the hand, without cutting it, and burned over a candle flame with the thought of returning the evil done to the person to the one who sent it. After the end of the ritual, fate will give you a chance to take revenge on the offender. He will come to the person. It is important not to take anything or give him anything, but only to throw a handful of salt at his back.

The ceremony is carried out in secret from everyone, so complete privacy for a day is required. If everything is done correctly, the enemy will soon be in trouble.

Ritual with fire and water

The evil done by the offender must be returned in the same “coin”. If he uses black magic as a weapon against his opponent, there is no point in doing nothing. A series of problems will engulf the sufferer, and he will be powerless in the fight for his own life, so you need to respond to your enemies quickly and harshly. And a powerful weapon for this will be a ritual with fire and water.

If you want retribution, it is important to prepare the necessary magical accessories for the magical action. A person will need:

  1. black tablecloth;
  2. Bible;
  3. 6 church candles;
  4. Holy water;
  5. glass container;
  6. mirror (a small one will do).

The ceremony itself is performed on a full moon. Having retired to own room, you need to cover the table with the prepared tablecloth and place 5 candles on it in a circle. A Bible and a mirror are placed in the center of the circle. A container with holy water is placed on it, and the remaining candle is placed between the book and the mirror. They light the candles and, looking at the reflection in the mirror, read the plot:

“Powers of water and fire, hear me. Clean water I wash off myself, I burn with hot fire all the evil of God’s servant (name of the offender). Bring water, evil, pain and tears back to the slave (name of the offender). Burn, fire, his soul and body. Let the sins of the slave (name of the enemy) remain with him. My word is firm. Amen".

After the spoken words, you need to put out the candles, alternately dipping the flame into water. Candles and a mirror are wrapped in a tablecloth and hidden away from prying eyes. A container of water is carried to the enemy’s house, at whose door it is poured out. After the end of the ritual, you need to go to the nearest crossroads and give the Higher Powers a payoff - throw out a few coins.

Revenge with a needle

In black magic, the most dangerous and painful rituals are those performed with a needle and thread. Wishing your opponent revenge for the evil he has done, you need to prepare 2 sewing needles and black thread and go to the enemy’s house at night. Approaching the door, you need to get magical accessories. The needles are placed crosswise, and their point of contact is tightly rewound with thread. With thoughts of the suffering offender, the words of the conspiracy are read:

“My needle is short, but yours is longer. Likewise, your conscience is short, like a trace of rain. My life was going well until you showed up. I want to remove all the grief, bring the trouble back to you. You know how to cause grief, and I know how to return it. I pay those who have done evil with the same coin. Let it be so".

After the words have been spoken, the cross of needles must be inserted into the door so that one of the sides points to the doorway. If everything is done correctly, the owner of this home will soon have problems. The person performing the ritual often learns about them from the ill-wisher himself.

Revenge on the enemy from a distance

Most of the rituals and rites of black magic are carried out with personal thing the patient, his photograph or next to his home. Because of this, it can be difficult to take revenge on the offender unnoticed. The only way out is to find effective way conducted at a distance. One of these is the Easter ritual.

After waiting for Easter, you need to go to the nearest church. The ritual itself is carried out like this:

  1. you need to buy a church candle;
  2. break it in 13 places, imagining how the offender’s bones break;
  3. make a ring from the resulting candle fragments;
  4. set fire to all fragments of the candle;
  5. read the words of the conspiracy:

“I will close your life, I will extinguish your power. The circle breaks, you fade away. Before, you mocked me, brought evil to my doorstep, took me out of the world. Now is my time. I know a conspiracy to get rid of you forever. The earth and sky will not accept you, there is nowhere to hide. Amen".

After reading the words, they hide the candle under the funeral table and rush to the exit of the church. When leaving the temple gates, it is important to throw 6 coins onto the road, turn around and go home without looking back.

Hex with a nail and a hammer

When the enemy shows his physical superiority and threatens a person with violence, there is no time to think. The best way to answer evil - to find reliable protection against it. A nail and hammer ritual can help with this. All you need is to find a long nail, a hammer and a flat stone.

The ritual itself is simple. In the evening you need to go into the house, draw the curtains and go to the table with prepared magical accessories. A stone is placed on the table, a nail in one hand, and a hammer in the other. Place a sharper nail in the center of the stone and make 3 light blows to the head, reciting the spell:

“Iron versus stone, sharp versus dull. Standing versus lying down, strength in iron - weakness in stone. To order one, to fall at the other's feet. Everything is in my hands and my power.”

After hitting the nail with a hammer, a dent should remain on the stone. The stone itself is taken to the enemy, and the nail is kept as a talisman against the evil intentions and actions of the ill-wisher. The nail will serve reliable protection person for life.

Damage from photo

This ritual is performed on the waning moon. Having locked the door, you need to stand in the middle of the room and draw a circle around you with chalk. You need to put 2 candles (preferably red) on the table and light them, and in the center of the drawn circle put a photo of the ill-wisher. Looking at a photograph of the enemy, they read the plot:

“I conjure you (name of the enemy) so that you disintegrate the way the trace elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth disintegrate in Chaos. So that your thoughts (name of the enemy), like the rays of the pale Moon, are directed towards suffering and torment. So that you create your pain in your own imagination and follow this pain as if across hot stones. And may the spirit of evil hover over you (enemy’s name), like Water over the Earth.”

After the spoken words, it is important to thank the Higher powers for their help and wipe the chalk from the floor counterclockwise. The ritual will begin to take effect when the candles burn out to the end. This method will be effective when there is strong hatred towards your opponent. All the evil he has done will return to him, but will be several times more powerful and dangerous.

How to see an offender in a dream

If a person is often sick or suffers from a series of problems at home and at work, there is reason to think about the possible evil eye or damage. If the sufferer has no suspicions about who could have harmed him in this way, it is necessary to ask the Saints to see the enemy in a dream. This can be done before any church holiday. Before going to bed, read the prayer 3 times:

“I, servant of God (name), will go in rows and look with my own eyes. Among those ranks is Saint Samson. In the name of the Lord God I will pronounce the holy word. May Saint Samson show me prophetic dream, let him point out my sworn enemy, let him show his face to me. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Holy Trinity He will show me the way, Jesus Christ will bless my dream and reveal my enemy. Let it be so. Amen".

This magical method is completely safe, because it does not harm anyone. Having found out who and how “annoyed” the sufferer, you will be able to think through a detailed plan of revenge in advance.


Black magic is good, but dangerous way“annoy” your offender. There are many rituals, the performance of which will lead to various problems from the enemy, will negatively affect his health and financial well-being. Some magical methods can even lead to the death of your opponent, so use such radical methods you have to be careful when fighting someone. The desire and desire to “annoy” a personal enemy is often fraught with consequences.

Nobody is perfect, sooner or later everyone has enemies. Sometimes, when resentment clouds their eyes, people are capable of actions that are unusual for them. It’s up to you to enter into a stage of irreconcilable confrontation, forgive or punish on the sly.

In pursuit of the thirst for revenge and personal peace, the idea often arises to deal with the offender once and for all and to bring down the one who seriously offended him, so that he is crushed in 3 days. This is not surprising; Internet resources are full of advertisements for shamans, fortune tellers, and psychics. Such a craze for witchcraft involuntarily suggests the simplicity of working with otherworldly forces. Is this so, and what consequences should we be afraid of?

We punish the offender with a conspiracy at home

Having settled on resolving the problem with the help of black magic, the first priority is to come to an agreement with your conscience. Remember, magic in the wrong hands can be dangerous and lead to irreversible consequences. Do not use it rashly and for trifles; turn to God for help, not to the devil. Take conspiracies not as a means of getting rid of enemies, but as a way to protect yourself from their negative influence.

If the issue of using rituals has been resolved, then here are some simple, proven methods:

Water spell

For the ritual you need to know who your ill-wisher is. Pour into the container pure water, placed on the Bible in front of the mirror. A candle is lit between the water and the mirror. Say:

“He who is with good will remain with good,

whoever has evil will receive this evil,

someone with a nasty word,

he will choke on the same word.”

Pour water at the doorstep of the enemy's house.

With a candle

Church candles are needed metal utensils and blank paper. It is recommended to do it at night. Light a candle, write the enemy’s name on paper, and read the Lord’s Prayer over him three times. Light the leaf with a candle and place it on a plate. While the paper is burning, say the following:

“A fiery arrow is flying, my anger is full. Not at the eyebrow, not at the eye, but at the heart. There will be pricking and cutting, tearing away all hopes. Evil will be poured out with tears, everything will return to the Lord’s servant (name)! Amen!"

Scatter the ashes in the wind that same night, or sprinkle them under the enemy’s door.

Return Witchcraft

An effective method to return the evil he has committed and punish the one who did you bad. Take two sewing needles, one short and thin, the other long and thick. Insert the smaller needle into the eye of the thick needle. Wrap the place where they join with black thread to make a cross, and say:

“Your needle is long, mine is short,

Your work is evil, mine is good.

I pierce your evil and return it to you

everything he prepared for me,

everything he did for me,

I got everything back

now, this minute and forever!”

Stick a big needle in doorjamb at the victim's home, turn the tip of the thin needle to the right, repeat the spell.

Salt absorbs energy well, rituals with it are simple and anyone can do it. The charmed salt is placed on the threshold or added to food. The ritual is done so that the offender suffers and suffers. Warning: not only the victim of the ritual, but also her family members and children may suffer.

The words are read above the salt:

“I don’t scatter salt, I send pain and steal peace. The crafty devil, take away peace from the slave (name), so that (name) would yearn, know neither happiness nor joy, so that illnesses would not go away and would endure all sorts of torments both day and dark night. May what has been done be fulfilled."

Ritual with a red rose

Buy a flower and place it in front of you in a large jar. Take scissors or a knife, cut off one thorn at a time and throw it into the container, saying:

“Every thorn for every evil tongue, for every injustice.”

Then remove the petals from the flower, put them in a container with the words:

“Lay softly, sleep hard, think about your own, forget about someone else’s, put everything in its place.”

Pour into a jar salt water so that it covers the contents. Close the container, wrap it in a thick black scarf and tie it into 9 knots with a strong red thread.

If you know who your offender is, bring the container to his doorstep. If the ritual is aimed at an unknown ill-wisher, bury the bottle near your home, it will serve as a talisman against evil tongues.

From photo

This will help punish the offender for meanness from a distance. Take a recent photograph in which your offender is shown alone, looking in front of him, his face and eyes are visible. Buy red and black candles. The ceremony takes place at night. Turn off the lights, light candles, place the red one on your left and the black one on your right. Place a photo between them. Words:

“In a black mountain, in a deep hole, the devil sits, looking into the distance. The Angel of Darkness protects him and does not allow him to go into the world. I will beg him with fire, I will set the devil free. Go through the valleys and forests, to where the Devil himself sits. Take him by the paw and lead his servant (name) into the mansion of the Lord. Administer judgment there, surround him with evil. Let the blood run cold in his veins, let the fear not leave him. Give what you deserve so that you won’t have the strength to repent! Fire is water, from now on forever! Amen!"

Heat the needle over the red candle. Prick your finger until it bleeds and draw a cross on the enemy's forehead. Say three times: “Paid for in blood!” Put the photograph in a secluded place, and when revenge is accomplished, burn it.

Black conspiracy

If there is no photo, this one applies strong way influences at a distance. They make a conspiracy on days of the month that are multiples of six, at 3 am. You will need white paper, a needle, a church candle, holy water, and a red pen. Write on a piece of paper the punishment you wish for your ill-wisher. Write down the details, be specific. Then heat the needle over a candle flame until black. Pierce ring finger With the blood coming out, cross out everything you wrote on the sheet crosswise. Say three times:

“Written in blood, sealed in blood. With the power of darkness I will correct your life. I will bring tears and bitterness into it. You cannot hide from my judgment. Let it be so."

Burn the paper, sprinkle the ashes with holy water and scatter it to the wind.

Consequences of damage

The above conspiracies are not all the ways to punish the enemy using magic. There are many others, from almost harmless to much more serious. However, any can lead to incurable diseases, misfortunes and death of the victim; it penetrates the human biofield, induces melancholy and fear.

Enlist the help of otherworldly forces only to restore justice when the offender brought you suffering and grief. Do not use rituals as a first strike, you risk turning your own witchcraft against yourself. At the same time, sometimes retribution overtakes not the sorcerer himself, but his descendants. Never use magic against pregnant women or children.

Think carefully, do not rush into revenge, pray, ask for protection from the Guardian Angel. It is quite possible that your enemy will repent, and the conflict will resolve on its own.

When someone steps on our sore spot, it is unpleasant and painful. It’s even worse if you realize that the person did it intentionally. I knew it would be bad for you, but I still didn’t give up on the plan. In this situation, it is natural to want revenge. But this cannot always be done directly, in person. Let's see how to punish an offender with a conspiracy from a distance. This method is suitable in many cases. The most common is a collision with more strong enemy. If you go at him openly, he will crush you. Magic will do all the work, and no one will associate trouble or trouble with your name. That is, you should not be afraid of a second attack from an ill-wisher.

Some features of the method

First, let's look at the moral side of the matter. When a person thinks about a conspiracy at a distance, he has to resolve a number of issues with his own conscience. Whatever the damage from evil machinations, I don’t want to be to blame for even greater grief that will happen to the enemy. But you should understand that by giving the power of your anger to magic, you cease to control the situation. You won't be able to stop the process if you don't like something. You know, people who have understood how to punish an offender with a conspiracy at a distance leave different reviews. From them we can conclude that their ideas about what should happen after the ritual are not consistent with reality. The house magician wanted the enemy to lose his position or money, and he had a divorce with aggravating consequences (the man started drinking). Or he tried to bring discord into the family, but the person became seriously ill. It is clear that he will not see happiness if he has to constantly go to hospitals, but his wife did not abandon him or turn away. That is, the ritual leads to the punishment that the victim deserves, and not to what the magician cherishes in his imagination. You should remember this when deciding how to punish an offender with a conspiracy at a distance. Experts recommend accepting the result with humility and gratitude. Otherwise, you will have to deal with your own sins.

How it works

Anyone who is interested in how to punish an offender with a conspiracy at a distance, purposefully, and not for general development, it is recommended to read the following lines carefully. After all, the practice of using magical rituals greatly depends on faith in them and understanding of the processes. All the space around us is permeated with fields. We live in them and constantly interact. It is through these fields that intention is transmitted. There are different energies surrounding us. You need to ride (or feel) the one that agrees with your worldview at the moment. Otherwise, all the work will not bring results. It seems difficult to do this. In fact, you just need to listen to your feelings. They best leader for those who haven’t quite figured out how to punish an offender with a conspiracy at a distance. White magic, for example, offers to forgive this person, only then call him to account. This is a very powerful mechanism. Remaining internally uninterested in the enemy’s troubles, a person can guide his hidden passions without being drawn into confrontation.

How to punish an offender with a conspiracy at a distance at home

Let's move on to practice. Let's look at the rituals of white and black magic. They are different from an ideological point of view. You should choose the one that answers internal state magician To put it simply, if you can’t forgive your enemy, turn to black magic. If you can find nobility and compassion for the poor in yourself, practice white ritual. Let's talk about him. You will need a metal cup or dish and a piece of paper. Start the ritual at a time when everyone else is already asleep. Light a candle and write the name of your enemy on a piece of paper. Read the “Our Father” over it three times. This will protect you from accidental sin. Light the leaf from a candle flame and place it on a plate. While it is burning, say the formula. It is like this: “A fiery arrow is flying, my wrath is full. heart is aimed. There will be pricking and cutting, tearing away all hopes. Evil will be poured out with tears, everything will return to the Lord’s servant (name)! Amen!" Collect the ashes. It should be scattered to the wind that same night. There is another option. If you want to quickly see the result of your witchcraft, then take the ashes to the enemy’s door and sprinkle them there.

Ritual with photography

If you cannot get rid of passionate anger, forgiveness does not come, then perform another ritual. You will need a photo of the enemy. This person in the image should be alone, looking in front of him. That is, it is important that the face and eyes are clearly visible. Buy black and red candles. Plan the ceremony for late at night. Turn off the electricity in the apartment. Its fields interfere with magical energies. Light the candles. Place the red one to your left, the black one to your right. Place a photo in the center. Read these words: “In a black mountain, in a deep hole, the devil sits, looking into the distance. The Angel of Darkness protects him and does not allow him to go into the world. I will beg him with fire, I will set the devil free. Go through the valleys and forests, to where the Devil himself sits. Take him by the paw and lead his servant (name) into the mansion of the Lord. Administer judgment there, surround him with evil. Let the blood run cold in his veins, let the fear not leave him. Give what you deserve so that you won’t have the strength to repent! Fire is water, from now on forever! Amen!" Heat a needle in the flame of a red candle and prick your finger until it bleeds. Draw a cross on the enemy's forehead. Repeat three times: “Paid for in blood!” Hide the photo away so no one can see it. Once revenge is complete, set the image on fire. When figuring out how to punish an offender with a conspiracy from a distance using a photo, you can find other descriptions of rituals. As a rule, they are all working. But keep in mind that the photo must be recent. Otherwise, revenge will take a long time to reach the enemy.

Simple ritual

Grandmothers in the village say that there is no point in waiting long to punish the offender. You should use the energy of anger. As this scoundrel passes by, spit in his back with the words: “If you were in my place! Amen!" Give it a try. The witches claim that these words are stronger than all sorcerers.

When a conspiracy against an offender is not read

Everyone has limitations. As a rule, witchcraft is not allowed against pregnant women and children. It’s easy to harm a young soul, but life is not enough to atone for this sin. Experts also recommend not to rush into revenge. Ask your guardian angel for support. It may happen that no conspiracies or rituals are required from you. Punishment will come from a completely different direction. And sometimes it is already in effect, but you don’t notice it. Find out more about the enemy. Evil people are rarely happy. Why add to their suffering? Maybe it's better to forget about them?


Few people are lucky enough to live alone, separated from their closest neighbors by a three-hundred-meter forest belt, and for good measure, also by a three-meter fence. Most people are forced to share space with neighbors, being separated from them by a very small partition. “Don’t buy a yard, buy a neighbor,” says the old saying, and if someone is unlucky enough to turn a “neighbor” into a “neighbor,” then his life can become very far from comfortable and turn into a permanent battle. Indeed, there are so many potentially dangerous factors that can interfere with good neighborly relations: ubiquitous cigarette smoke, squatting of parking lots, incessant renovations, noisy children, different musical tastes, and then there are shitting dogs and unprotected wi-fi... A real minefield.


1 If you have icon Mother of God and lamp, then on Wednesdays at sunrise with the waning moon, pray:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Just as the Holy Trinity lives in peace and harmony, so (the name of the neighbor) would live in peace and harmony with the servant of God (your name). Amen".

2 On the bone.

Find any bone anywhere, but not in your yard, and say on it an even number of times:

“On the sea, on the ocean lives Mother Anger, then her bone. Bone to the Mother, and anger (names of neighbors) will follow her. Let it be so".

While reading the plot, imagine that moment lunar eclipse, when the lunar disk increases.

Then immediately take the bone beyond the first intersection, throw it in front of you with your left hand and leave without looking back. When you arrive home, wash your hands with running water.

The ritual is performed only on the waning moon.

3 A conspiracy for peace and respect between neighbors

If for some time now relations with your neighbors have become strained (scandals, gossip are haunting you, and you instinctively feel that you are being harmed), then, if you wish, try to restore peace and tranquility with the opposing side with a special conspiracy.

“Scream and noise, go to the black water of the king of the swamp, the snake under the well. There's plenty for them, and peace for us. Amen".

After each reading of the text, make the sign of the cross three times on your chest, then bow three times.

Subsequently, try to greet these people first.

4 Protection from an evil neighbor

If, frankly, you are unlucky with your neighbor, and she spreads gossip, insults, intrigues, brings discord and quarrels into your family, then try this way to put her in her place.

During the waning moon, prepare a black cloth and a photo of this evil lady.

If there is none, cut out a silhouette (phantom) of a person from paper, draw the face as accurately as possible, mark the chest, and write the name in the center of the figure.

After sunset, light three wax candles, arrange them in a triangle, spread a piece of black cloth in the center, place a photo (or figurine) on it with its head facing west and say twelve times:

“As these candles burn, and their wax melts from the fire, so the anger of my enemy (name) would melt and disappear. The servant (name of the neighbor) will not touch me, the servant (s) of God (your name), neither in word, nor in deed, nor in revenge, nor in flattery, neither during the day, nor at night, nor in the morning, nor in the evening. I wrap (state the name of the enemy) in black cloth, blocking all the ways for her to do evil and bring misfortune. My word and my spell are tenacious and molding and cannot be corrected either by the church, or by people, or by warlocks forever and ever. Amen".

Extinguish the candles (without blowing them out). Wrap the cinders, photo (or figurine) in the same black cloth and hide it in a secluded corner of the western part of your house (apartment).

For the next three days, do not give anything to anyone from home.

Until you unfold the “doll,” your enemy will not be able to harm you.


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