Small black flies. How to get rid of small fruit flies in the kitchen

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In almost every home, sooner or later small flies appear in the kitchen. These miniature flying insects do not bite or cause other obvious harm to residents in the apartment, but with their intrusiveness and omnipresence they can be no less annoying than ants or cockroaches.

The reason for the appearance of midges in the kitchen is most often spoiled food - fruits, vegetables, tea leaves

One of two types of small flies can settle in the kitchen of an apartment. These can be fruit flies (or fruit flies) or sciarid flies (or soil flies). The former love to profit from various plant debris, as well as rotting vegetables and fruits. The latter live in flower pots and feed on the roots of indoor plants.

Where do these little insects in the kitchen come from? Eggs and larvae are usually brought into the apartment by people themselves on slightly rotten fruits. In addition, having miniature sizes, these insects are able to migrate from neighboring apartments along ventilation ducts, small cracks and sewers. Having appeared in an apartment, these midges can live not only in the kitchen, but also in the bathroom, although it would seem that they have nothing to eat there. It is clear that they find food in the kitchen, and enter neighboring rooms through cracks and sewers. Drosophila live on rotten fruit. Sometimes the cause of their appearance is a piece of spoiled fruit that has fallen into the gap. They can multiply quickly, settling on damp potatoes or in a rotten onion, from where they scatter throughout the apartment. Fertilizing indoor plants with used tea leaves and tea can also cause the rapid proliferation of small flies. Having found out where these uninvited guests come from, you can think about how you can get rid of them.

Leaving on open places products, you yourself support the vital activity of house flies - you literally feed them from your table

To get rid of small flies, you should do it in your apartment (primarily in the kitchen). general cleaning. At the same time, we must try to find the place where these harmful insects come from - their habitat and breeding places. It could have fallen past the trash can tea bag, an open jar with the remains of jam, an unopened package of juice that was not removed in time, spoiled potatoes or rotten fruit. Stuck pieces of food in the pipes and grates of the sink will suffice for them. One of the easiest ways to get rid of small flies- deprive them of food. If the flies have nothing to eat, they will soon disappear on their own.

Earth in pots indoor flowers you can pour a weak solution of potassium permanganate or sprinkle with ground pepper - this will help get rid of annoying midges
Ways to combat small flies in the kitchen are as follows:

  1. Inspect stored vegetables and fruits and get rid of rotten ones. If possible, put high-quality fruits in the refrigerator.
  2. All dry food products place in an airtight container.
  3. Rinse the sink, pour into drainer a small amount of soda and pour in a little vinegar. After the reaction, accompanied by a characteristic hissing, ends, you need to rinse the sink with water (you can clean it with a plunger).
  4. The soil in pots of indoor flowers can be watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or sprinkled with ground pepper. Several matches stuck into the ground with their heads down will help get rid of soil flies. It is advisable to sprinkle the soil on top with small pebbles or marble chips.
  5. Pet feeders should be cleaned and washed immediately after feeding.
  6. Traps for small flies help a lot. They are very easy to make: put a little jam, a piece of fruit in a plastic cup or jar, or you can pour a little beer. Roll up a funnel with a small hole out of paper, insert it into the glass with the narrow tip down and secure with tape. The flies will follow the smell, get into the jar, and will not be able to get out of there. Traps need to be changed from time to time. Used ones should be thrown away along with the caught insects, after filling them with water or detergent. Instead of a paper funnel, you can use cling film, cover the top of the cup with it and poke several small holes in it.
  7. Many insects, including fruit flies, are afraid of the smell of geranium. Even if it does not help to completely get rid of small flies, it works 100% as a preventive measure.
  8. Sticky fly tapes help remove these insects.

These simple remedies will help you get rid of annoying little flies in your home without using harmful chemicals. The main thing is to be patient, since the insects will not disappear immediately, but after some time. Those who want to quickly destroy fruit flies can be advised to use fly sprays (for example, Dichlorvos) or an electric fumigator, but it should be remembered that there should be no people or pets in the room during treatment.

The fruit fly is a small, harmless insect, but it is always unpleasant to find one in the house. She is attracted by the smell of spoiled fruits and nectar in the flowers of indoor plants. In the warm season, Drosophila can fly into a living room from the street if you simply spray an air freshener with a berry or fruit scent in the room. How to get rid of fruit flies in an apartment? What products should you use?

Where do fruit flies come from in the house?

There are several ways for a fly to enter an apartment:

  1. The insect chooses soft, slightly or severely spoiled fruits as a place for laying eggs, since their peel is easier to bite through. Since both the fly itself and the eggs have it small size, it is almost impossible to notice that a vegetable or fruit is infected.
  2. Fly larvae and eggs can appear in the house along with soil for indoor plants.
  3. Open windows without mosquito nets or open doors- another path along which an insect can get into the apartment. Midges fly to the smell of fruits, indoor flowers or spoiled food.

Where to look for fruit fly larvae in an apartment?

To get rid of these small insects, it is not enough to simply destroy adult individuals - fruit flies reproduce actively, a female is capable of laying about 20 eggs at a time, and in 2 months (this is the life span of an adult insect) she can produce up to 2000 eggs. Insects hatch in the early morning, and already 8 hours after this, the female is ready to reproduce. If you do not start fighting Drosophila in time, it will easily fill the entire house.

The most common habitats of midges:

  1. Trash can or food bowl pet- this is where they are created optimal conditions for the laying of eggs and the accumulation of adult insects, because there is no shortage of food in such a place.
  2. Pots with indoor flowers. Wet soil and fallen leaves that are beginning to rot are also attractive to insects.
  3. Storage areas for vegetables and fruits. If there are several fruits in a container, one of them may begin to deteriorate before the others, and flies will definitely smell it.

Are fruit flies harmful?

In fact, fruit flies do not cause much damage: they do not have the slightest interest in humans or animals, do not bite them, and do not spread dangerous diseases. The only, and even then hardly possible, threat is the risk of intestinal upset. This is possible if you eat fruit infected with larvae.

How to deal with fruit fly?

Having noticed the appearance of uninvited guests in the house, you need to carefully inspect the apartment and find all the spoiled food: fruit forgotten on the table, sour leftover food in the trash can, pet food in a bowl that has spoiled in the heat. If tea leaves are used as a fertilizer for indoor flowers, you also need to inspect the pots with soil.

All detected possible sources of Drosophila must be disposed of immediately by sending them to the trash. Containers for storing fruits and vegetables should be thoroughly washed to remove larvae and eggs invisible to the eye from the surfaces.

Flowers need to be transplanted into pots with fresh soil. If some of the leaves or flowers of the plant begin to rot, they are removed. The indoor plants themselves are watered often, but little by little - waterlogged soil attracts midges.

Traditional methods

To clear your apartment of midges, you can build your own traps:

  1. Since one of the Drosophila's favorite treats is banana, it can be used as bait. Peel the fruit and place it in plastic bag or plastic bottle. Using a toothpick, make several holes in polyethylene or plastic. Leave the trap near the midge habitat. Over the next 2 days, a significant portion of the midges will fly inside, but they will not be able to get out.
  2. Just as much as bananas, the fruit fly Drosophila loves honey, fruit juice or apple cider vinegar. The trap is made like this: take a deep container, pour one of the listed liquids into it, and cover it with a bag or cling film. Make holes with a toothpick. Insects attracted by the smell will climb into the trap.
  3. Another possible variant– use a glass jar. A piece of banana, orange or any spoiled fruit is placed at the bottom. A cone is made from a sheet of paper with a small hole at the top. Turning it over, insert the blank into the neck of the bottle. The midges will easily get inside the jar, but they will not be able to fly back out.
  4. IN disposable cup pour beer, water diluted with sugar and yeast and leave it near a cluster of insects. Hearing a tempting smell, the midges will fly towards it and drown.

In addition to traps, you can use other means.


The crushed hard camphor is placed in an old frying pan (one that you don’t mind throwing away) and put on fire. As soon as the frying pan is hot and steam starts to flow, the container is carried throughout all rooms of the apartment. The resulting smoke is not dangerous for humans, but midges will not tolerate it.

Poison for midges

A couple of recipes for poisonous treats for insects:

  1. ½ cup of milk is mixed with 40 g of sugar and the same amount of ground black pepper. Soak a paper napkin or piece of paper in the liquid toilet paper, placed on a plate next to the midges. After a while there will be no insects left.
  2. 10 g of honey is combined with 1 g of saccharin, and a napkin is moistened with this mixture. Place it on the windowsill.

Vacuum cleaner

The place where midges have accumulated is treated with a vacuum cleaner. A running unit will draw in insects, trapping them in a dust bag. The container must be emptied outside the apartment.


Drosophila are very sensitive to temperature; hypothermia is detrimental to them. If they attacked the apartment in winter, it is enough to simply leave the window in the kitchen open when leaving the house. After a few hours, all the flies will die.

This way you can destroy adult insects, but if there are larvae left somewhere, then after a while the insects will appear again. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to thoroughly wash the pet’s trash can and bowl, and water the soil in flower pots with a manganese solution.

Potassium permanganate or matches

This method is suitable if there are flies on the plant. Prepare a weak solution of manganese and treat flowers with it twice a month.

You can also use regular matches: stick them head down into the ground in the pot. The sulfur from the match will destroy the larvae.


Fruit flies cannot tolerate the smell of geraniums. If there are midges in the kitchen, you need to get rid of the spoiled fruit and place a pot with this plant on the windowsill of the room.


Midges do not like the smell of garlic, so placing the crushed head near the Drosophila habitat helps. After a few hours there will be no insects.

Orange and clove

A stick of spice is stuck into the orange peel and placed next to the place where midges gather.

Store products

How to get rid of fruit flies if you don’t have time to bother with building traps or preparing poisonous compounds? You can use ready-made traps or preparations.

Manufacturers offer a choice of:

  1. Repellents. Tapes impregnated with chemical compounds, from which vapors that poison insects emanate. Such products cannot be called completely safe for humans - the room in which the tape is located must be ventilated.
  2. Sprays. Special liquids containing fatty acids, falling on larvae and insects, destroy them. They are not dangerous to humans.
  3. Zappers. Modern devices, which affect insects with electricity. The only drawback of some models is their high power consumption.
  4. Traps. Factory-made traps do not contain poison; most of them use a substance that attracts insects, and the midge that flies into the trap dies of hunger, unable to get out. You can even install such devices in the kitchen without fear that they will harm a person or animal.

Preventive measures

It is not difficult to prevent the appearance of Drosophila in an apartment; all you need to do is:

  • keep clean;
  • regularly (at least once a day) remove the bucket;
  • wash dishes immediately after a meal;
  • Throw away spoiled fruits immediately;
  • Do not leave food in your pet’s bowl for a long time, remove it as soon as the animal eats.

If the midges have nothing to eat, they will not appear in the apartment.

Even if midges have infested your apartment, you should not immediately rush to the store for chemicals– you can get rid of them without the use of toxic substances.

Responsible housewives always strive to ensure that their kitchen is perfectly clean, and they succeed. But sometimes it’s not clear where small flies can appear from, which instantly spoil the perfect picture, and how to get rid of them is not always clear. In order to understand what to do, you should first figure out where these midges come from.

Causes of midges and consequences

Drosophila (and that’s exactly what they are) appear when there is suitable conditions for their residence and reproduction. This is food and warmth. If you have spoiled fruits or vegetables lying around freely, there is open jam or honey on the table, a trash can has not been taken out, or the sewage system has not been repaired for a long time, then with a high degree of probability expect that flies will take up residence in your home. If we add to this the air temperature above +16 and humidity, then evil in the form of small insects becomes inevitable.

Sometimes it seems that midges come out of nowhere, on their own. In fact, this is not so. You may have brought fly eggs from the fruit and vegetable store without even realizing it. They could also have arrived from neighbors, attracted by the smell of food. By themselves, these flies do not harm people in any way: they are not poisonous, do not bite and do not carry diseases. But the very fact that you have them suggests that the kitchen or bathroom is not perfectly clean. And the flickering of these insects, which can fall into tea or get into food, is not the most pleasant situation. Despite the fact that flies live for only a few days, during this period they are capable of laying hundreds, or even thousands of eggs. They will hatch into new hordes of insects that can ruin everyone's life. So if you start to notice the presence of small flies, you should immediately take all possible actions to get rid of them.

How to fight?

There are a great variety of methods to combat midges in the kitchen - from folk remedies to chemical means. But before you get rid of these annoying insects, it’s worth cleaning up the mess. With this simple action you will deprive small flies of their ideal habitat. Otherwise you can endlessly apply various methods fight, but midges will appear in even greater numbers.

  1. Eliminate any fruits and vegetables that have become too soft or even starting to spoil. And wash the rest warm water with soap, dry and store in a cool place.
  2. Take out all the trash. Especially if you have completed the previous point. And try to throw away leftover food every day so as not to provoke the breeding of flies.
  3. Check all drains in the bathroom and kitchen. Pour cleaning products into it. If that doesn't help, you'll have to take everything apart and clean it thoroughly.
  4. Be sure to check for any leaks. Small flies love moisture, and even a tiny area of ​​water can become their refuge. Therefore, inspect all the pipes, the space under the bathtub and under the sinks. It’s worth checking even the furniture, as moisture can accumulate there too.
  5. Flies also love warmth. Therefore, open the windows and begin to ventilate all rooms well. Just don't overdo it, especially if you're outside severe frost. Otherwise, you can destroy the plants and damage the heating system.

Now that you have deprived the flies of their ideal habitat, you can get rid of the flying flies.

  1. The simplest thing is to use a vacuum cleaner. Just turn on the unit and start hunting for pests. Fast, efficient, although somewhat tiring and noisy.
  2. Another easy way get rid of small flies - sticky tapes. Just hang them in places where insects gather and wait for them all to stick to the trap. Then all that remains is to remove the tapes and throw them away. You can additionally hang a piece of spoiled fruit next to the traps to attract flies. And walk around the apartment carefully so as not to stick your hair to these ribbons.
  3. Fumigators against flies also help well. All you have to do is place the plate, plug in the device and wait until there is no trace of the flies left.
  4. You can also resort to sprays that we have been using for decades. They help get rid of insects instantly, but the smell leaves much to be desired. In addition, such products are unsafe for people and animals. Therefore, first take everyone out of the room, put away the food, put on a protective mask - and only after that start spraying the product. After treatment, be sure to wash your hands and wash your face, and after the prescribed time (it is indicated on the bottle), ventilate the rooms well.
  5. There is a less unhealthy way to get rid of small insects - a jar trap. To make it you will need a regular glass jar, funnel from paper sheet and bait. You can use rotten fruit or sour juice as bait. Place the bait in a container, insert a paper funnel into it with the narrow neck down and seal the joints with tape. Overnight, a huge number of insects will fall into this trap, from where they will no longer be able to get out, and all that remains is to eliminate them.
  6. Another one like this interesting way get rid of flies - a plastic cup with bait. As in the first case, put fruit or juice in a container, cover the top with cling film, in which you make several holes with a thick needle.

    Try replacing the film with adhesive tape. This way, you won’t have to rack your brains about what to do with the midges that ended up inside the container. They will all stick to the tape, and all that remains is to throw out the glass along with the adhered flies.

  7. You can try using essential oils. Just light an aroma lamp with clove, ylang-ylang, fir or any other strong-smelling oil at night.
  8. Try using natural vanilla, the smell of which flies do not like. Boil some spices and sprinkle this water on the surfaces of the furniture.
  9. You can also heat pieces of camphor in a frying pan. As soon as smoke starts to appear, walk around the apartment with this container. Camphor is completely harmless to people, but flies really don’t like it.

Now all you have to do is choose a method you like - and you can start getting rid of annoying flies.

Preventive measures

It’s good if you managed to get the little flies out of the apartment quickly. But it’s better to prevent them from appearing again, then you won’t have to think about how to get rid of them. Since you already know what flies like and where they come from, taking preventative measures is easy.

  • Take out the trash daily.
  • Dispose of spoiled foods immediately.
  • Do not leave jam and honey on the table.
  • When you bring fruits and vegetables home, immediately wash them and dry them well.
  • Make sure that there is no excessive humidity in the kitchen and bathroom.
  • Try to ventilate rooms more often.
  • As an addition, you can put geraniums on the windowsills, which insects don’t like in autumn, or periodically light an aroma lamp.

A little attentiveness, love of cleanliness and the desire to prevent the appearance of midges - and you can easily create an environment in your apartment that is unbearable for them. Even if it happens that you bring these creatures home with fruit, they are unlikely to want to stay in your kitchen. They would rather move to their neighbors. But this will no longer be your headache.


In the meantime, dear reader, you have already caught your first fish with a wet “March” and a dry “golden” and are thirsty for new exploits. Most beginners think that they can achieve them with the help of as wide an assortment of flies as possible. Well, I in no way want to convert you to my faith on this basis. I recommended that you start with only two flies according to that main reason, to force you, as a beginner, to fish with these already a thousand times proven samples and make sure that you yourself do not fall for these countless flies that tempt you to buy.

Because the first person to be hooked by seductively sparkling flies is always the fisherman himself. And even a fly fisherman who has gone through fire and water can hardly resist magical action, which this multi-colored tinsel produces on him. Only experience allows you to resist temptation to some extent and helps you save money. The beginner still believes that the fluids emanating from the iridescent flies should also spread to the fish, which he is sorely mistaken about.

Every experienced fly fisherman knows the beauty of experimenting with a box completely filled with colorful flies. For some hobbyists, fly fishing would be much poorer if they had to give up the hobby. And finally, everyone must decide for himself what flies and how many of them he will go to the pond with. At the intersection of fishing roads, everyone must look back at the foreseeable past before he perhaps chooses a different direction. He will weigh his successes and failures to himself and form his own opinion, his personal point of view, based on the results - this is called experience.

Experience-tested, tried many times - this is the best thing that can be advised to a beginner. Therefore, I would now like to introduce you to several proven front sights, the origins of which in almost all cases are in England. That's why they usually have English designations. If you ever decide to replenish your stock, this short dictionary will help you find what you want in specialty stores. And remember that almost all of these patterns are available commercially as both wet and dry flies.

Generally speaking, flies for traditional fly fishing are divided into flies for grayling and flies for trout, and the former, as a rule, are distinguished by smaller hooks (No. 3.5 and smaller). This means that they are also suitable for catching all small non-predatory fish (dace, rudd and bleak). Among these types of flies with small hooks, there are several that have proven to be particularly catchy when catching the capricious grayling, and each body of water has its own specific favorite, which varies depending depending on the time of year and weather conditions. The same applies to the hook size. I can’t dwell on any specific flies here; I’ll just name a few standard grayling ones: Witch - “sorceress”; Greenwells Glory- “Greenwell”; Blue Dun - “blue mayfly”; Red Ant -“red ant”; Black Ant - “black ant”; Zulu Fly - “Zulu”; Red Palmer - “red caterpillar”; Jungle Cock Sedge - “caddisfly”; Brown Sedge - “brown caddisfly”; Tricolore - “three-color”.

The following ten models can be mentioned as trout flies preferred by fish: Red Quill - “red keel”; Iron Blue Dun - “blue-steel mayfly”; Hares Ear - “rabbit ear”; Hardy’s Favorite - “favorite”; Hoflands's Fancy - “Goflandic fantasy”; Coachman - “coachman”; Stone Fly - “stonefly”; White Mothe - “white moth”; Ronal Coachman - “royal coachman”; Olive Dun - “Olive mayfly”..

Almost all of these flies can also be purchased as nymphs. Hunting for fish with the help of a nymph is considered subtle and in a complicated way fly fishing with a wet fly. The nymph, like its sister, the wet fly, imitates an insect larva. It differs from the wet fly by shortened tail appendages, scantier feathers and a small hump on the back - the rudiment of future wings of an adult insect. In fact, the nymph is of interest only in salmon reservoirs. The beginning angler, imbued with the spirit of exploration and wanting to try out the nymph on peaceful fish, can use it in the same way as he has hitherto practiced with a wet fly.

I already mentioned palmera a couple of times in the previous chapter. It comes in black, red-brown and white colors. Palmer should not be missing from any set of flies. It can be fished with either a dry fly or a wet fly. Its close relative is the similarly colored and especially densely tied “baemflige”, which, like a well-floating dry fly, is used primarily in the evening for catching chub, asp and large salmon.

Several special flies - “Alexandra”, “grasshopper” and “beetle” fly. “Alexandra” is a purely wet fly, which is best fished with a pull-up. It looks like a fry and is intended for catching chub and salmon. She's being made different sizes, and also performed in the form of a nymph. A floating “grasshopper” with a cork head is a surprise fly in streams flowing through meadows, where on a summer day everything is teeming with these racers, and the fish are accustomed to the fact that such an unsuccessfully jumped animal swims in front of their noses. The same can be said about the “beetle” front sight, which we will see on rice. 44 ; at the same time, plastic imitations with an average weight of 5 g for regular fly fishing are too heavy when casting.

When fly fishermen talk about the Mayfly, the connoisseur clicks his tongue. When the May mayfly flies out, it is trout season; it begins in the last week of May and lasts until the first days of June.

Depending on the weather, terrain and other circumstances, the mass emergence of these large insects may shift by one to two weeks. Only during the period of emergence does it make sense to fish with a voluminous dry fly, since insects take off from the surface of the water for their mating dance and soon after, their corpses are carried away by the current. The May mayfly changes its face twice in just a few hours of existence.: First, the nymph turns into a subimago, which, having molted, becomes an adult capable of mating insects.

May mayfly -the only insect, having wings in two stages of development. During the evening mating dance, male mayflies attract and seduce females. Fertilized females return to the water to lay eggs, then, exhausted and dying, they sink to the surface of the water and go to feed the fish. Since during a mass flight these insects appear in huge numbers,sometimes the entire surface of a trout river is covered with their corpses. Still, it is not recommended to offer the fish the first imitation of May mayfly that comes across. Indeed, during its short stay in this world, the insect changes color several times. After The subimago hatches from the pupa, its wings are yellowish-green, and then they acquire a grayish-green sheen. In an adult insect, the wings become grayish-blue and darken with each passing hour. And the creatures carried away by the current, having fulfilled their duty and already doomed, are completely gray. However, only females die on the water, while males in most cases end their lives on land.

Dear reader, during this short lecture on entomology, you may have already noticed that when fishing for May mayfly, you cannot get by with just one color, since trout are extremely demanding in everything related to mayflies. Therefore, if you are lucky enough to find yourself near a pond at such a blissful hour, carefully understand the colors of the flies, which the fish pick up. Late in the evening, trout rise not only for dying or already dead and gray-colored insects; Winged yellow-green subimagos drying out their feathers also become victims of the noble robber. Females with grayish-blue wings who land on the water to lay eggs are subjected to similar reprisals.

Therefore, take care in advance of the fly models painted in the appropriate colors. The most catchy ones are considered yellow, green, brown and gray colors, -in First of all, this concerns the colors of feathers and wings. Knit May mayfly on hook No. 4-6.

To make it easier to answer the question: “Which fly should I tie to the leash?” I provide tables where the most frequently used flies are listed by month.

Table No. 1

Wet flies

January March









Hare's ear





Hare's ear


Goffland fantasy

White moth



June July August



Goffland fantasy





White moth

Royal coachman




Goffland fantasy





White moth

Royal coachman





Goffland fantasy





White moth

Royal coachman


red ant

black ant

September October November November December



red ant


black ant

White moth




red ant

black ant

White moth






Table No. 2

Dry flies

January March





Red Keel



Olive mayfly

Red Keel




Olive Mayfly Witch


May mayfly






Olive mayfly



May mayfly



Bam front sight

Brown caddisfly

Blue mayfly



Olive mayfly



May mayfly



Bam front sight

Brown caddisfly

Blue mayfly


Red caterpillar



steel blue




Red Keel




red ant

black ant


October November

November December




Red Keel




red ant

black ant

steel blue



red ant

black ant



steel blue






This cute creature does not tolerate loneliness and does not come alone - fruit flies start in flocks and arrange noisy parties in rotting fruit, stagnant water in vases, and waterlogged indoor plants. There they feel great, breed and reproduce, lay eggs and tolerate your presence in their life…. The appearance of these creatures does not mean that your home is not perfectly clean or that you are not clean. They have their own habitat, their own views on life and you have nothing to do with it!


Drosophila - insects up to 4 millimeters in length, yellowish or brown in color with red eyes, which have a rather short life cycle- no more than two weeks - but one can envy their love and fertility. They live mainly in putrefactive plant debris, flowing tree sap, and wine and beer wort.

Looking for the root cause

If outwardly everything is decent: the garbage is taken out of the apartment regularly, there are no unloved fruits on the table that are not eaten at the same rate as favorite ones, no berries have rolled under the sofa, the stems of flowers given a week ago are regularly washed under running water and the vase is often cleaned of plaque and mucus, and they are still flying - let's move on to the sewers and vents!

Secret passages

Ventilation systems, plumbing, sewerage, heating and even basements– favorite places for the accumulation of flies – Drosophila.

The bottom line is that breeding centers - in accumulated stagnant water with the remains of waste products - are the most favorable environment for similar insects. Heat a kettle of boiling water and pour in any of the punching agents offered in the store. water pipes from blockage. Follow the instructions, just use boiling water instead of regular water room temperature– it will also get rid of accumulations of fat stuck to the walls of the water drain. Repeat the procedure later, but without the cleaning agent. Please review carefully external joints pipes and fittings, whether the fumilent has lost its elasticity, whether water is oozing, creating a breeding ground for mold and midges.

Fly traps

The very first in the popularity rating for catching fruit flies is homemade trap, consisting of a bottle with a narrow neck with sweetened water or the remains of fermented compote, wine - they will get inside easily, smelling a delicious smell, but getting out is quite problematic. Regularly change the contents of the bottle by flushing the spoil down the drain or, screwing it tightly with a cap, throw it in the trash, using a new container to replace the used one.


Baits, so to speak, “for live bait,” consist of placing rotting pieces of fruit or vegetables in a container covered with cling film with small holes. Stupefied by the treat, the flies fall into the trap through the holes, and will no longer be able to get out. In the morning, change the traps, getting rid of the fly corpses...

Sticky plates stuck into flower pots and ribbons hanging on the ceiling are inevitable death for small insects. Their weight, strength and size do not allow them to get rid of the sticky mixture, saturated with fruit aromas that imitate their favorite foods.

"Velcro" will help get rid of flies

Use store-bought aerosols and sprays chemical composition which are destroyed by flying “guests”, sales consultants will always tell you what is more effective from the arsenal, what is discontinued, and what will help best. But you also need to go to them prepared, so that they don’t give you stale goods that no one has taken for years!

The advantages of such products are that they do not leave traces and disappear quickly enough. Actually, it is also a disadvantage of its kind. But unlike pastes and gels, which are then difficult to remove and wash off stains after them, aerosols are better. Everything is relative…

A “mass grave” for fruit flies is guaranteed

If there are children in the house

If your household includes small children and pets who cannot be isolated during treatment chemicals in aerosols to get rid of the annoying neighborhood of flies, improvised means in the form of apple (or white) vinegar with the addition of detergent (liquid soap). Add a couple of drops household chemicals with a lemon or fruit aroma, vinegar, wine or compote - reducing the surface tension of the liquid with soap means will not allow midges to remain on the surface and they will drown. Place similar “cocktails” in hard to reach places, away from children - on shelves, refrigerator, kitchen cabinets to avoid tasting it.

Houseplants- breeding ground for midges

Midges in the soil of indoor flowers are not uncommon, and we suggest fighting this in the following ways: first of all, stop watering! Let the top layer of soil, in which fruit flies store their eggs and larvae, dry. Without moisture they will die. If it is not possible to completely replace the soil in plants, remove upper layer. Afterwards, treat the foliage with a soap solution, ideally with lemon aroma, leave for a couple of hours, and rinse thoroughly with streams of shower to avoid damage to the leaf blades of plants. We remember the need for drainage in flower pots - they protect against excess moisture and rotting of the root system, which attracts midges.

"Dangerous" purchases

Carefully inspect vegetables when purchasing at the market and in supermarkets. Hundreds of tricks unscrupulous sellers lead to the fact that only at home, when we unwrap a bright wrapper or package, we see stale or rotten root vegetables, sometimes containing rot and insect larvae inside them. Be careful! No overpaying for low-quality goods, no suffering from midges getting rid of them long time- we think this was not part of your plans! Review vegetables in bags and nets that were purchased in good quality, but are stored for a long time due to lack of eating - they can spoil due to timing, storage conditions and temperature environment. Make a regular inventory of vegetables, remove wilted leaves and spoiled root vegetables.


It is easier to prevent the appearance of midges than to get rid of them, therefore, remembering basic rules observing the rules of hygiene and household management, we do not allow them to appear, we store fruits in special caps to prevent flies and midges - and we live happily ever after!

Aesthetic and practical!


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