Material (preparatory group) on the topic: Scenario of an autumn matinee for the preparatory group “Autumn Tale”. Material (preparatory group) on the topic: Scenario of the matinee in the preparatory group “Golden Autumn”

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Elena Konovalova
Scenario autumn matinee in the preparatory group


And again autumn leaf covers the ground,

And again the Queen Autumn decorates our garden.

We all celebrate the holiday here

And we invite the guys to the hall.

Children enter the hall to the music

dance "Leaf, leaf, leaf fall".

Children line up in a semicircle near the chairs.


How loud the music sounded

A wonderful holiday awaits us today,

And I secretly found out

What autumn will come to visit us.

It's high time she was here

Let's go with you, kids

We will praise you with poetry autumn,

Let's ask you to come here quickly.

Polina H. Again autumn it's time to spin with the wind,

She captivated everyone with her wonderful colors.

Look: what a carpet of leaves at the threshold!

It's just a pity that there are brighter days a little in the fall.

Anton. No, it's not good for us to be sad,

Let's have fun!

On holiday Let's call autumn,

Let's dance, sing merrily,

For We'll tell you poems in autumn

And we will show ourselves in the games!

Dasha We really like to admire,

Like leaves burning under the sun.

Of course, it’s a pity to say goodbye to summer,

But autumn I like the colorful outfit.

Oleg. We are all happy about these meetings,

"Hello, Autumn- we say.

And today with in autumn

We want to meet.

Presenter: Let's Let's call autumn,

About Let's sing an autumn song.

Song « Autumn» at the chairs

Music, entrance autumn


Vitalik: Hello, golden autumn,

Blue sky above!

The leaves are yellow, flying off,

Hit the road!

Jonibek Yellow paint will paint autumn

Poplars, alders, birches.

The rain is pouring like gray paint,

The sun laughs goldenly.

Artem Red rowan paint

Decorated in the gardens

Splashes of scarlet viburnum

Scattered on the bushes

Dance-song "Kalina"

Autumn. Oh, what friendly guys, how well you sing and dance

And now, my boys,

Guess the riddles!

1. Alena dressed up in a green sundress,

She curled her frills thickly, but her name is (cabbage).

2. Our piglets grew up in the garden,

Sideways towards the sun, crochet ponytails (cucumbers).

3. Long red nose

Rooted into the ground up to the top of his head,

They just hang out in the garden

Green heels (carrot).

4. Before we ate it,

We had time to cry (onion).

5. A bush grew green and thick in the garden bed,

Dig a little, under a bush (potato).

Presenter: Autumn, and we also have our own vegetables,

Only for some time now

They start an argument.

So that there are no quarrels there, let's listen talk:

Performed scene"Garden"


All the vegetables in unison:

Which of all vegetables

Both tastier and more useful?

Who will be more useful to everyone in case of all illnesses?

Cucumber: - Vania

You will be very pleased

Eating a lightly salted cucumber.

And a fresh cucumber,

Everyone will like it, of course.

It crunches and crunches on your teeth.

I can treat you!

Radish: - Lera

I am a ruddy radish

I bow to you low - low!

Why praise yourself?

I'm already known to everyone!

Beet:- Anya

Let me say a word!

Eat beets for health!

You need beets for borscht

And for the vinaigrette.

Eat and treat yourself,

There is no better beetroot!

Cabbage: - Polina V

You beetroot, shut up!

Cabbage soup is made from cabbage.

And what delicious cabbage pies!

Bunnies are tricksters

They love stumps,

I'll treat the kids

Sweet stump!

Carrot: - Vova

The story about me is not long,

Who doesn't know vitamins?

Always drink carrot juice

And nibble on a carrot.

You will always be, my friend,

Strong, strong, dexterous!

Tomato: - Vlad

Don't talk nonsense, carrot.

Shut up a little!

The most delicious and enjoyable

Of course, tomato juice!

Autumn: (rises)

You are all right, don't argue!

To be healthy and strong,

There's no doubt about it

Gotta love vegetables

Everyone, without exception!

Suddenly music is heard and Baba Yaga flies in on a broom.

B.Y.: Who is having fun here? You see, it’s their holiday, They are celebrating autumn here, rejoice, sing songs! And I have radiculitis from autumn cold and damp and this, what’s-its-name... melancholy autumn... ah, I remembered, DYPRESSION! The whole hut was covered in leaves!

And there is so much dirt! In general, yes, killer whales! We don't need any autumn, it’s better that winter comes right away. In winter it will somehow be more fun. Now I'll say a magic spell (I was looking for it all night in my witchcraft book) And I will enchant this autumn of yours so that not a single drop of rain falls from the sky, not a single leaf flies away!

Baba Yaga casts a spell, doing things around Autumn magical passes with hands

B.Ya.: Autumn, we don't need you.

Autumn, you must leave!

I want that in the summer -

Winter has come to us right away!

Autumn falls into a half-asleep state and, obeying the movements of Baba Yaga, leaves the hall.

Leading: Baba Yaga, what have you done! You can’t imagine how much trouble you brought to your forest!

B.Ya.: Yes, what troubles there can be! All forest dwellers will only be glad to see snow and frost! Eh, let’s remember our youth with Koshchei, and go to the skating rink.

Leading: Just look at it for yourself! Now it will snow, but the forest dwellers have not yet collected supplies for the winter.

B.Ya.: (to the side) Hmmm... I was in a hurry though... I did it without thinking.... (to children and presenter): Why is this, I’m a charmer, I have to think about everyone! Who will think about me? Who will help harvest the crops, prepare supplies, and, most importantly, from the blues autumn will deliver? (whines)

Leading: Baba Yaga, if our guys help you do all this, you’ll break the spell autumn?

B. I: Well, I don’t know... (looks at the children, they are painfully can they cope with all the things...They probably only know how to watch cartoons on TV...

Leading: Yes, our guys are getting ready to go to school, you know how many things they can do! Really, guys? And how funny they are. There will be no trace left of your blues!

B.Y.: Well, so be it! If you fulfill everything you promised, I will return it to you. Autumn is yours, and if not... I’ll leave it in my attic forever! Just in case it comes in handy when...

Presenter: Baba Yaga, do you like songs?

B.Y.: well, I don’t even know, I need to listen to your children sing

Song about rain « Autumn is golden»

B.Y. They sing well, of course, but that’s just It always rains in autumn, and the weather is bad, and boo-boo-boo

Ved. Guys, is rain really bad?

Zhenya K. We’re not scared at all

Run in the rain

If the rain is heavy -

Let's take umbrellas

"Dance with Umbrellas"

B. i. I also need an umbrella then. Oh, I’m so tired, and in general I’ve been starving for three days now

Leading: Why are you, grandma, starving? Don't you have any food?

B.Ya.: And all because, my yakhonts, I’m already 500 years old, and in old age, you know, this, what’s his name... Sclerosis! That's not it I remember: How to cook this food? I’m sitting here, my dear, poor, hungry, I’m all emaciated, only my bones are sticking out! (fake sobs)

Leading: Grandma, what’s in your basket?

B.Ya.: Yes, everything in the garden and in the garden ripe: Potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, apples, berries...

Leading: Guys, what do you think can be prepared from all this?

Children: Soup and compote

Leading: Guys, can we help Baba Yaga? Shall we make soup and compote for her?

B.Ya.: But I’ll complicate the problem for you, I’ll close your eyes.

The game is being played “Cook soup and compote with your eyes closed”

B.Y.: Oh, thank you! How diligent they were - they did such a difficult job for me! Thank you! Everyone in the forest knows that I always have order: blade of grass to blade of grass, worm to worm, fly agaric to fly agaric. Well, you made me laugh, you made me so friendly! And I want to make you have fun too. I also want to invite my parents to join us in the game.

A game "Merry tambourine"

pulls out a tambourine from his bosom

While the music is playing, you need to pass the tambourine from hand to hand, to each other.

The music will stop, and the one who has a tambourine in his hands will dance to the cheerful music with a tambourine in his hands, like this (shows). It's clear

Leading: Well, Baba Yaga, we see that you had a good time! How's your blues doing?

B. I: What blues? There is no blues! Turns out, in autumn It can also be fun, if only you have the right company! (winks at the children) And radiculitis... (feels his back) passed! Thank you, killer whales! I return yours to you Autumn, don’t let anyone offend her again!

B.Ya.: (shaking off Autumn specks of dust) Here, I’m returning it in the same form in which I took it. Well, you are having fun here, and I will fly to Koshchei and share my joy with him! (flies away)

Leading: Autumn! It's so good to have you back! Now everything will take its course, as Nature intended!

Autumn: Thank you guys for helping me and all the forest inhabitants!

Ved Dear autumn, we have a funny song for you

Song "Mushrooms"

Autumn: It's time for us to say goodbye...

Presenter: Let's say goodbye to autumn autumn dance.

Dance with umbrellas

Autumn: And from me and the grateful forest inhabitants, accept a treat. (Shows a basket of apples). Goodbye!

Presenter: And our holiday has come to an end! Goodbye!

1. Foster a love of nature through children's matinee dedicated to the time of year.
2. To consolidate children’s ideas about autumn natural phenomena through their expressive performance of songs, dances, poems, dramatizations, and games.
3. Develop musically – Creative skills children.
4. Create a joyful mood in children from mutual learning.
5. Promote the development of children's creative abilities

Preliminary work:

  • Looking at reproductions of autumn landscapes.
  • Observation of autumn nature.
  • Reading stories, fairy tales, poems and riddles about trees and autumn.
  • Conversations with children.
  • Drawing on the theme of autumn.
  • Listening to classical music on the theme of autumn.

Characters: adult presenter, autumn (adult), Baba Yaga (adult), children.

Holiday scenario

To the music, children enter the hall, holding hands, walk like a snake around the hall and stop in a semicircle in front of the audience.


Let's start our holiday!
This holiday is for you!
I want to tell you a riddle now!
Try to guess it quickly!
In the morning we go to the yard!/
Leaves are falling like rain,
They rustle underfoot
And they fly, fly, fly...
If you know, don't be silent!
Name the time of year! (Autumn)

Presenter: Autumn has come to us - the golden time! Autumn covered the entire earth with a golden carpet, exposed trees and bushes, great job gardeners and grain growers. The wheat is ground so that you and I can then eat fragrant and fluffy pies. Our mothers and grandmothers make jam, compotes, stock up on vegetables for the winter, and mushroom lovers salt and dry them, collecting them in the forest after the rain.

No, whatever you say, autumn is a wonderful time!

1st child

Autumn at a fox's pace
Sneaks through the ravines
Along the rivers and rivulets
And along the forest edges.
Sneaks and at the same time
Everything is painted fox color.

2nd child

Autumn was blooming at the edges of the colors,
I quietly moved my brush along the leaves.
The hazel tree has turned yellow,
And the maples began to glow,
In the purple of the aspen,
Only green oak.
Autumn is comforting.
Don't regret the summer.
Look - autumn is dressed in gold.

3rd child

Came at dawn
I didn’t sit down for a moment,
I looked around
And get down to business right away.

4th child

Viburnum with rowan
Colored thickly
On strong teeth
The cabbage creaked.

5th child

At the mills
Turned white with fresh flour,
Orange silk
I dressed the birch trees.

6th child

Curly winter
I laid out the carpet,
On a long flight
She saw off the cranes.

Children sing a song about autumn “Autumn of Nesmeyan is Walking”


1. The orchard was empty,
Cobwebs fly into the distance,
And to the southern edge of the earth
The cranes arrived.
School doors opened...
What month has it come to you?... (September)

2. The face of nature is becoming increasingly gloomy -
The gardens have turned black,
The forests are becoming bare,
Bird voices are silent,
The bear fell into hibernation,
What month did he come to you? (October)

3. The field has become black and white,
It rains and snows.
And it got colder,
The waters of the rivers were frozen with ice.
The winter rye is freezing in the field,
What month is it, tell me? (November)

Host: And here comes Queen Autumn! Meet!

Raindrops sound, Autumn emerges.


Autumn, Autumn, what's wrong with you?
Where is your radiant gaze?
Why are you crying suddenly?
Everything around has become dim!


I'm very sad this morning
Nobody needs me
From me there is only harm and slush,
How can I, friends, not cry?
Leshy with Baba Yaga
They told me: “Autumn, stop!
All the guys love summer
Turn home."


It's not true, don't trust them. We were all really waiting for you, and the guys prepared a surprise for you.

Children read poems about autumn.


I'm very happy friends
That you love me.
I won't grieve anymore
I will forget about the insults.
I want to have fun with you
And it’s fun to spin around in the dance.

Dance “The Magician Falling Leaves” with autumn leaves.


Autumn is gradually coming into its own. It can be cheerful and sad, sunny and cloudy, with rain and sleet, with cold winds and frosts. But we love autumn for its generosity and beauty, for its rare but glorious warm days.

Song “Autumn rustling leaves”

Suddenly the sound of an engine is heard, and Baba Yaga flies in on a broom.

Baba Yaga: Who's having fun here? You see, they have a holiday, they celebrate Autumn here, they rejoice, they sing songs! But I have radiculitis from the autumn cold and dampness and this, what’s-its-name... autumn blues... oh, I remembered, DYPRESSION! The whole hut was covered in leaves! And there is so much dirt! In general, yes, killer whales! We don’t need any autumn, it’s better if winter comes right away. In winter it will somehow be more fun. Now I will say a magic spell (I was looking for it all night in my witchcraft book!) and I will bewitch this autumn of yours so that not a single rain falls from the sky, not a single leaf flies away!

Baba Yaga casts a spell, making magical passes with her hands around Autumn.

Baba Yaga:

Autumn, we don't need you.
Autumn, you must leave!
I want that in the summer -
Winter has come to us right away!

Autumn falls into a half-asleep state and, obeying the movements of Baba Yaga, leaves the hall. The howl of a blizzard sounds.

Host: Baba Yaga, what have you done! You can’t imagine how much trouble you brought to your forest!

Baba Yaga: What troubles can there be! All forest dwellers will only be glad to see snow and frost! Eh, let’s remember our youth with Koshchei, and go to the skating rink!...

Host: Just look for yourself (the wind howls).

B.Ya: (to the side) Hmmm... I was in a hurry though... I did it without thinking... (to the children and the presenter): Why is this, I’m a charmer, I have to think about everyone! Who will think about me? Who will help you harvest the crops, prepare supplies, and, most importantly, get rid of the autumn blues?

Presenter: Baba Yaga, And if our guys help you do all this, will you break the spell of autumn?

B.Ya: Well, I don’t know... (looks at the children), they are too young... how can they cope with all the things... They probably only know how to watch cartoons on TV...

Presenter: Yes, our guys are getting ready to go to school, you know how many things they can do! Really, guys? And how cheerful they are!... Not a trace will remain of your blues!

B.Ya.: Well, so be it! If you fulfill everything you promised, I will return your Autumn to you, and if not... I will leave it in my attic forever! Just in case it comes in handy when... But there’s so much to do, you can’t handle it alone! The harvest is ripe, my favorite potatoes! (throws potatoes around the hall). But I can’t put it together: my back hurts!

Here you go, iris, baskets and spoons so you don’t get your hands dirty! (gives two children a basket and a tablespoon each).

Attraction "Who can collect the most potatoes with a spoon"

B.Ya.: Hmm... We did it, my dears... Oh, you don’t know my grief! I've been fasting for three days now!

Host: Why, granny, are you starving? Don't you have any food?

B.Ya.: And all because, my yakhonts, I’m already 500 years old, and in old age, you know, this, what’s his name... Sclerosis! I don’t remember: how to cook this food? I’m sitting here, my dear, poor, hungry, I’m all emaciated, only my bones are sticking out! (fake sobs)

Host: What's in your basket?

B.Ya. : Potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, apples, berries...

Host: Guys, what do you think can be prepared from all this?

Children: Soup and compote.

Host: Guys, let's help Baba Yaga? Shall we make soup and compote for her?

Relay race “Soup and compote”

Two teams play. At a distance of 5 m from the first players there is a basket with fruits, berries and vegetables mixed in it. The children of one of the teams must select vegetables for soup, the other - fruits, and I - for compote. At the leader’s command, the first players run to the basket, choose from it what they need for soup (compote), and carry the fruit into the soya saucepan, which is located at the starting line. The first team to prepare their dish wins.

B.Ya. : Oh thank you! How diligent they were - they did such a difficult job for me! Thank you! Everyone in the forest knows that I always have order: blade of grass to blade of grass, worm to worm, fly agaric to fly agaric. And then so many children came running - they littered my place, littered me (she insidiously, in front of everyone, tears and scatters pieces of paper), scattered candy wrappers (he immediately takes out the candy, unwraps it, puts it in his mouth, and throws the candy wrapper on the floor) - and who will clean up? ? Here are the brooms - get to work!

Game with brooms.

Host: Well, Baba Yaga, we see you’re having fun! How's your blues doing?

B.Ya: What blues? There is no blues! It turns out that autumn can be fun too, if only you have the right company! (winks at the children) And the radiculitis... (feels his back) is gone! Thank you, killer whales! I return your Autumn to you, don’t give it to anyone else!

Autumn brings out the music.

B.Ya.: (shaking off specks of dust from Autumn) Here, I’m returning it in the form in which I took it. Well, you’re having fun here, and I’ll fly to Leshy and share my joy with him! (flies away)

Host: Autumn! It's so good to have you back! Now everything will take its course, as Nature intended!

Autumn: Thank you guys for helping me and all the forest inhabitants! Well, now guess the riddles.


1. Like in our garden bed
Mysteries have grown -
Juicy and large,
They're so round.
In summer they turn green,
In autumn they turn red. (Tomatoes.)

2. Sundress on a sundress,
A dress on a dress.
How are you going to undress?
You'll cry your fill! (Onion.)

3. Unprepossessing, gnarly,
And she will come to the table,
The guys will say cheerfully:
“Well, crumbly, delicious!” (Potato.)

4. The cramped house split
In two halves
And fell into the palms
Shot beads. (Peas)

5. Dark as a plum,
Like a turnip is round,
I accumulated strength in the garden,
The hostess got into borscht. (Beet)

6. The lady sat down in the garden bed,
Dressed in noisy silks.
We are preparing tubs for her
And half a bag of coarse salt. (Cabbage)

7. The cheeks are pink, the nose is white,
I sit in the dark all day.
And the shirt is green,
She's all in the sun. (Radish)

8. For a curly tuft
I dragged the fox out of the hole.
To the touch - very smooth,
It tastes like sweet sugar. (Carrot)

9. Born in a greenhouse,
Good for food.
Little blue boy. Who is this? ... (Eggplant)

10. “A drop one, a drop two,
Very slowly at first.
And then, then, then,
Everybody run, run, run.”
Children: Rain!


We're not scared at all
Run in the rain.
If the rain is heavy,
Let's take umbrellas.

The dance “Dance with Umbrellas” is performed.


Well, the children told us -
They are friends with vegetables.
Is it possible to taste them?
Guess their taste yourself.
Only, mind you, with your eyes closed!

There is an attraction called “Guess the Vegetables by Taste”.

They bring in a large plate with pieces of vegetables: boiled beets, potatoes; carrots, garlic, onion, cucumber - fresh. They select several children, according to the number of pieces, and blindfold them. Each child tastes the vegetables from the hands of the teacher (served on a spoon), says what he ate, and then shows a replica of the eaten vegetable. In this way, the correctness of the child’s answer is determined.


Autumn is a beautiful time, but also a little sad.
After all, it will immediately become cold around,
And the birds will fly away from us to the south.
How sad it is to see somewhere out there, in the distance,
How cranes fly like a wedge.

The song “Crane” is performed.

Host: I know that you know a lot of poems and songs about birds, and I wanted to play the game “The Birds Have Arrived” with you. Now I will only name birds, but if suddenly I make a mistake and you hear something else, then you can stomp or clap. Begin.

Game "Birds Have Arrived".

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Flies and swifts... (Children stomp.)

Presenter: What's wrong?

Children. Flies!

Leading. And who are the flies?

Children. Insects.

Leading. You're right. Well, let's continue:

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Storks, crows,
Jackdaws, pasta!.. (Children stomp.)

Leading. Let's start again:

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, foxes!...

Leading. The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits.
Lapwings, siskins,
Teapots, swifts... (Children stomp.)

Leading. The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,
Lapwings, siskins,
Jackdaws and swifts.
Mosquitoes, cuckoos... (Children stomp.)

Leading. The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,
Jackdaws and swifts.
Lapwings, siskins.
Storks, cuckoos.
Swans, starlings...

Well done to all of you! (Applause for yourself!)


Autumn walks along the path, her feet are wet in the puddles.
It's raining and there's no light... Summer is lost somewhere.
The autumn rain has filled the puddles, we need to cross them quickly!

Competition "Who can run through puddles faster"

I'll give you galoshes and an umbrella
And you are not afraid of rain.
Let's see who can quickly and deftly escape from the rain.

Sheets of paper are laid out on the floor - “puddles”. 2 teams are selected. The players' task is to run through the “puddles” as quickly as possible without getting their feet wet.

Host: We’ve seen how funny and mischievous you guys are. Now let’s check how friendly and dexterous you are. Let’s also see how well you know fairy tales. For example, do you remember the fairy tale “Turnip” well? (Asks the children to remember all the fairy-tale characters of this fairy tale and the sequence of their appearance.) Our next competition is called “Turnip”.

Competition "Turnip"

2 chairs are placed at the opposite end of the hall, children are seated on the chairs - these are “turnips”. 2 teams of 6 people line up: “grandfather”, “grandmother”, “granddaughter”, “bug”, “cat”, “mouse”. Grandfather starts the game. At a signal, he runs to the “turnip”, runs around it, returns, the “grandmother” clings to him (takes him by the waist), they continue running together, run back, the “granddaughter” joins them, and so on, until the “train” is lined up "from all participants. At the end of the game, a “turnip” clings to the “mouse”. The team that pulls out the turnip the fastest wins.

Autumn rewards children with diplomas and medals for drawings and crafts.

Autumn: For your songs, poems, dances, I want to treat you to apples.

I'm sorry to part with you,
But Winter's turn is approaching.
I'll come to you again, guys.
You are looking forward to Autumn in a year! (Autumn is leaving)

Host: The autumn holiday is over. I think it lifted everyone's spirits. Our guests, goodbye! Thank you all for your attention!

Children leave the hall to the music.


Scenario for an autumn matinee for the preparatory group

"Autumn Tale"

Developed by:

Musical director Sahuta N.A.

Anna 2014


1. Foster a love of nature through a children's matinee dedicated to the time of year.

2. To consolidate children’s ideas about autumn natural phenomena through their expressive performance of songs, dances, poems, dramatizations, and games.

3. Develop the musical and creative abilities of children.

4. Create a joyful mood in children from mutual learning.

5. Promote the development of children's creative abilities.


Autumn brings us to your ball

Today I invited

So that no one is late,

Autumn asked

And here we are.

The hall sparkles

Faces are warmed with warmth,

It's time to open our ball

And get spinning in the dance!

To the music, children run into the hall and stand in a semicircle.


The holiday came into every home today

Because autumn is wandering outside the window.

Looked in autumn holiday to a kindergarten,

To please both adults and children.

The readers come out.


It's raining outside,
Wet road.
Lots of drops on the glass
And there's a little heat.


Like autumn mushrooms
We carry umbrellas.
Because in the yard
Autumn has come.


Again autumn time
Spun by the wind,
Miracle - she paints,
She fascinated everyone.


Look at the carpet
Leaves at the doorstep!
It's just a pity that there are brighter days
A little in the fall.

Round dance song “Autumn has knocked on us” (performed by girls in folk costumes)


Summer said goodbye to us

Good journey and good hour.

About autumn signs

We'll tell you now.


1 child:

Thin birch

Dressed in gold.
So it appeared
Sign of autumn.

2nd child:

Birds fly away
To the land of warmth and light,
Here's another one for you
Sign of autumn.

3rd child:

The rain sows drops
All day from dawn.
This rain too
Sign of autumn.


It's been raining all day long

Drumming on the windows, on the door.

Autumn is knocking on us

Hello, autumn! We invite you to visit!

(Autumn appears with a basket to the music)


I walked in the forest and in the park,

I was in the garden and vegetable garden,

I gave out my gifts to everyone

Animals, people - all nature!!!


Thank you, dear Autumn, for the generous gifts. We also want to please you with our songs, dances, and round dances.

Song “Autumn has come after summer”

Autumn: Thanks guys for the song! And now I invite you to an autumn walk. Let's go to the garden and see what the vegetables are doing there?

Scene “How the tomato became red”

Leading: Vegetables lived in the same garden.
(Children wearing hats with pictures of vegetables come out and introduce themselves)
- I am a cheerful fellow,

I am green (cucumber).
- Without me, the garden is empty,

And my name is (cabbage).
- Without me, you are like without hands.

Every dish needs (onions).
- Children have long loved tasty, sweet (tomato).

Leading: The owner loved her small garden and watered it every day.
Mistress: (walks around with a watering can and waters the vegetables)

I'll water my garden

He also drinks water.
Leading: The vegetables grew and ripened every day. They lived together and did not quarrel. But one day the tomato decided that he was better than everyone else and began to show off.
Tomato: I am the tastiest person in the world

Everyone is rounder, greener.

Me adults and children

They love you more than anyone in the world.
Cucumber: Look, it's just a laugh

Bragging that you are the best.
Onion: He won’t understand, brothers,

It's not nice to wonder!
Leading: And the tomato kept saying its own thing.
Tomato: I am the tastiest person in the world

Everyone is rounder, greener.

Me adults and children

They love you more than anyone in the world.
Vegetables: (in unison) He boasted, he boasted

And he fell from the bush!
Leading: At this time the hostess came to collect vegetables for lunch. I took everyone with me, but didn’t notice the tomato.
A raven flew past.
Crow: Kar! Kar! A shame! Nightmare!

Didn't want to be friends with us

No one will need you.
Leading: The tomato felt ashamed.

He blushed with shame.
Tomato: Forgive me, friends.

Take me with you.
Leading: The hostess heard these words, took pity and took the tomato. Believe it or not, tomatoes have been turning red ever since.

(The Scarecrow appears to the music)


Who dared to make noise here?

What kind of unrest?

The harvest is long overdue!

Don't trample the beds!

I'll teach everyone a lesson with a broom!!!(waves a broom)

Autumn: Don't worry, dear friend Scarecrow. You really managed to scare the guys. But they came at my invitation! Better tell them about your harvest.

Scarecrow: Well, if that’s the case, then I won’t scare them anymore, but will play garden riddles with the guys! Let them guess what vegetables are sitting in the garden.

  1. No redder, rounder, no dispute

In the garden... (tomato)

  1. Green, juicy fellow

Lying in the garden...(cucumber)

  1. Cleverly dug into the ground

Only the tail sticks out...(carrot)

  1. What is crunchy and tasty

This is a juicy leaf...( cabbage)

  1. It's just a pain to cut it

But there is nothing healthier...(Luke)


Well done guys

We solved all the riddles!

I suggest you play!

Game "Harvest"


Have fun, friends.

Well, it's time for me to go.

The children say goodbye to the Scarecrow.


Beauty autumn splashed colors:
Heavenly blue, as if from a fairy tale.
Lilac linden and flame of aspen,
Farewell calls from the crane family.
October is flipping through the golden pages,
And the white birches are already dreaming of winter.

Song "White Birch"

It’s autumn, and we’re wondering, where did you learn to color nature in such a way that you won’t find a single identical leaf, not a single identical flower – they’re all different in some way?!

Autumn : You know, I didn’t immediately become so good at drawing. I tried, I studied, and I succeeded.

Leading. And our guys also know how to make the world colorful. And now we will show you how we do it.

Song "Colorful Game"


Thank you, my friends!

You all made me laugh!

I want you to say goodbye

My gifts have been received.

Leading: Thank you Generous Autumn. Ruddy, ripe, juicy apples will give our children strength and health.

Children sing a farewell song to Autumn, “Leaf, leaf, leaf fall.”

Autumn says goodbye to the guys and leaves.

The holiday is over.


Presenter: How loud the music sounded

A wonderful holiday awaits us today,

And I secretly found out

That autumn will come to visit us.

It's high time she was here

Let's go with you, kids

We will glorify autumn with poems,

Let's ask you to come here quickly.


1. Autumn is knocking on our windows

A gloomy cloud, cold rain.

And it will never come back

Summer with a warm ray of sunshine.

2. Birds quietly say goodbye to summer,

They don’t fly frolicking into the skies.

Only sparrows and tits scurry about,

3. Autumn gathers birds in flocks

And they fly south, they fly

You are beautiful, golden autumn

How beautiful is your farewell outfit

4. We don’t understand where Autumn is

Why doesn't she come to us?

Probably with the rain together

Everything brings beauty.

5. I wanted to gild her

Birches, lindens, maples.

So as not to miss anything,

Paint over the color green

Song: Autumn is very good

1. Autumn is very good,
Good, good.
Autumn is walking slowly
He walks slowly.

Autumn has an outfit

Golden, golden!

Surprises everyone

Autumn beauty

Chorus: Autumn dear, rustle

Leaves around.

Don't rush to see him off

Cranes to the south!

2. Autumn is not sad for a long time,
Not sad, not sad.
Even if the snow flies
Snow and rain are flying.
Her outfit became wet,
He became thinner than he was
Still burning with fire
Rowan berries!

(Autumn enters - sad, sad, sad)

Autumn: How beautiful it is in this room!

A world of comfort and warmth

Did you call me poetry?

Finally I came to you.

Presenter: Are you Autumn? I don't understand?

Why are you like this?

Not bright, dull and not nice to anyone?

Golden, where is your outfit?

Why do rowan trees not burn?

Why are birch trees sad? Are there tears in the maple's eyes?

Autumn: That’s the whole problem, but I don’t know what to do.

My gold brush disappeared to God knows where.

A magic brush with which I repaint all autumn nature

And trees and fields.

That's why everything is sad and the trees are withering

Only now they remember their forgotten beauty.

Presenter: What a sad Autumn we have. Guys, let's cheer up Autumn.

To the music "Kamarinskaya" Peas, Beetroot, Cabbage, Radish, Carrot, Tomato, Onion, Potato, Eggplant run out.

Pea: Even though I’m very small,

But useful to everyone

Sweet boy.

Beetroot: That's a braggart.

I'm more useful than you

Need beets for borscht

And for the vinaigrette.

There is nothing sweeter than beets

Cabbage: You, beets, shut up,

Cabbage soup is made from cabbage.

And how delicious

Cabbage pies!

Cucumber: You will be very pleased

Eating a lightly salted cucumber!

It crunches on the teeth, crunches,

I can treat you.

Radish: I am a rosy radish,

All people know me.

Why do you praise yourself?

After all, modesty is decorative.

Carrots: If you eat carrots often,

You will be strong, you will be agile,

Known for vitamin A

I am useful to many people.

Tomato: You, Carrot, are talking nonsense.

There is no equal to the tomato.

Try tomato juice

It's full of vitamins and pleasant.

Bow: You will meet me everywhere,

In salad, sauce, borscht

I give it to everyone, my friend,

A simple green onion!

Eggplant: Blue-sided eggplant

Well known to you.

I make delicious caviar...

Potato: I object to you,

Every day I'm on the table.

People really need me

Even though she looks so modest.

There is a song about me too.

Song about potatoes

1. We will take buckets

And off we go

Friendship will help us

Dig up the potatoes.

Chorus: Eh, potato, potato

Just a treat.

Eh, potato, potato

To everyone's surprise.

2. This is a precocity

That's why it tastes better

What did the guys have to do?

He tinkers with it.

3. Only the autumn sunset

Light up the windows

We are in hot ash

Let's bake potatoes.

4. We'll bring it home

The harvest is rich

Delicious potatoes

All the guys love it.

Presenter: Hush, hush, don’t make noise,

It's better if you help us.

Autumn is lost somewhere

A magic brush.

Have you seen her?

Vegetables: No.

Autumn: What a good and cheerful song you sang, made me laugh, and now we can play!

A game:

(Nonsense enters)

Bad weather: APCHHI!

Spread out, puddles!

May the weather be worse!

Since the golden autumn is not coming,

Bad weather, apparently, the turn has come!

And I am Auntie Bad Weather,

And even the sun is not a joy for me.

I'm making clouds and rain

And trouble is for those who did not take galoshes.

I'm a rainy weather girl

Sometimes cold, sometimes snotty (Apchhi)

Well, hold on now, since I came,

I will take care of my harmful deeds. (does mischief - splashes children with water, blows)

Autumn: What are you, what are you! Bad weather, wait! Autumn has not yet been golden.

Bad weather: Hello! And where have you been?

Know your time, you overslept!

So, get out of the way quickly!

Autumn: Bad weather, listen, wait!

I had a terrible problem

The magic brush disappeared without a trace.

How to paint forests gold?

How to create miracles without a brush?

Bad weather: The brush is missing? Why suffer in vain?

We urgently need to take action.

Okay, I'll help you, so be it

You need to wash off the green color from the leaves.

Come on, droplets, come down - out of the clouds,

Wash the leaves better!

Dance with umbrellas

Game “Cross a puddle in galoshes”

Autumn: No, we tried in vain

The green leaves remain.

Bad weather: Okay, okay,

Autumn, don't be sad

Someone else appeared there

(Autumn and bad weather leave. An old forest boy comes out)

Old forest man: I'm friends with animals

I guard the forest and field.

I live deep in the forest.

Not in a dream, but in reality.

What happened to you?

Presenter: Autumn has lost her magic brush. Help me find her.

Old forest man: Okay, okay, I'll help

And I will tell the animals.

Hedgehog: I'm rocking my way,

I'm looking for yellow leaves.

Insulate a mink for the winter

I want some leaves.

Only I don't see them

There are no gold leaves.

Why hasn't autumn come?

Forgot about things? (approaches the child in a mushroom costume)

Oh, who's here?

Mushroom: Hello, hedgehog!

If you are looking for a yellow leaf.

It seems you don't know.

Autumn lost her brush.

There is nothing to paint the leaves with!

Hedgehog: We need to help her quickly!

Mushroom: Wait, what an eccentric!

You are alone, but there are many guys here!

Hey guys, have you met by chance?

The magic brush that Autumn has lost!

Presenter: We don’t have a magic brush.

But take our advice.

Ask the squirrel quickly, she still knows better from above. (The squirrel runs out)

Belka: Hey, hedgehog! Come here quickly!

Hedgehog: Oh, squirrel, we're in trouble. Have you by any chance seen a brush?

Squirrel: Sing a song first

Song “Autumn in the Forest”

1. Autumn, autumn, autumn has come to us again

Autumn, autumn, autumn is a wonderful time

Parks and gardens dressed in gold

We were looking forward to autumn

2. And in the wonderful forest there is simply beauty

And the path stretches right along the pond

Berries hang on the branches of viburnum

Honey mushroom caps are hiding behind the stump

3. A squirrel in a clearing is gnawing on cones

A barefoot hedgehog walks through the forest

There are apples on the hedgehog's back. Mushrooms

Hedgehog, you really love the gifts of autumn.

Belka: That's how the story came out, guys.

The brush, in fact, disappeared somewhere.

Autumn is walking somewhere sad,

I can't find the gold brush anywhere.

(Baba Yaga comes out with a golden brush and paints her hut)

Baba Yaga: Yaga lives in a hut at the edge of the forest

The house is completely distorted from antiquity.

And by the way, I even found a brush,

I'll repaint the hut so it can be a tower.

Presenter: So here it is, the magic brush.

Come on, Baba Yaga, give her here!

Baba Yaga: Well, no! What I got was lost!

Presenter: But Autumn has lost this brush.

She knows what beauty she will bring.

He will give golden outfits to the trees and cover the earth with a multi-colored carpet.

Baba Yaga: Oh, you are so cunning!

They themselves will bring beauty,

What do you order me?

Should I live out my entire life in such a warped, shabby hut?

No, now I’ll make myself beautiful and live happily ever after. And I won’t let anyone in.

Presenter: What to do? How can we lure Baba Yaga’s magic brush?

I came up with an idea! We will go to visit Baba Yaga. (knocks on the hut)

Baba Yaga: Who's there?

Presenter: This is us, guests.

Baba Yaga: What guests? I won't let you in!

Presenter: Will you hire me as an employee?

Baba Yaga: Workers? And pray tell, do what you know how to do, workers!

Presenter: But we can sing and dance, and we can clean your garden and cook dinner for you.

Baba Yaga: Come on, show me what you are capable of.


Game “Collect potatoes with a spoon”(Baba Yaga helps to play the game, and puts the brush on the floor, the leading brush takes away)

Baba Yaga: Well, I’m playing with you,

I have no time, so I went to finish painting my hut.

(takes a broom and starts painting)

Baba Yaga: What is it, I don’t understand?

Presenter: This is your broom!

Baba Yaga: Like a broom? Where's the brush?

Presenter: Look, don’t be lazy! (runs around the hall)

Baba Yaga: Deceived, let down! They took me away from under my nose. (Baba Yaga leaves. Autumn enters)

Presenter: And here comes the golden Autumn.

Autumn: I don’t know how to thank you

I will accomplish so many miracles!

I'll go and gild the whole forest

I will give red beads to mountain ash,

Birch trees have yellow scarves.

And the wind, how happy he will be,

When the leaves fall!

And greetings to you from autumn -

Autumn festive bouquet.

Autumn: And now I invite all the guys to dance!


Presenter: And the guys will sing a song about autumn

Song: “Tender Autumn”

The autumn waltz sounded

Golden leaf fall,

Quietly the leaves are spinning,

They rustle underfoot

Chorus: Autumn, autumn, autumn - a tender fairy tale,

And on an autumn day there is no need to be sad.

Autumn, autumn, autumn - you are beauty and affection

It’s better for us to write a song about this!

The sun is still high

And the kids are walking,

Only birds have a long way to go

It's time to get ready


The birds are flying away again

Autumn will say: “Bon voyage!”

Goodbye, dear stork,

Don't forget to come back.

Autumn: For this holiday, light, bright

I brought gifts for the children

Here to lie for the kids

My autumn gifts

(Gives the children a basket of apples or pears)

Autumn: And now it's time to say goodbye,

Return to the autumn forest!

Goodbye, guys!

How to spend an autumn matinee in a preparatory group? We bring to your attention a version of a ready-made event associated with this amazing time of year.

Purpose of the event

The scenario for the autumn matinee in the preparatory group is aimed at developing stage and creative abilities in children preschool age. When thinking through the forms and methods of work, age and individual characteristics of this age period.


The modern autumn matinee in the preparatory group, the script for which is proposed, fulfills several important pedagogical tasks:

  • in the educational field, it is expected to consolidate the ability to expressively and clearly perform poetry, songs, and dances;
  • development of an ear for music, formation of a sense of rhythm, singing skills, coordination of dance movements with music;
  • nurturing friendly relationships between preschoolers, a sense of mutual assistance and compassion.

Preliminary activities

The autumn matinee in the preparatory group involves learning dance movements, musical composition, creating special costumes and decorations. The teacher is looking for audio recordings with sounds autumn forest, the sound of rain. Decorations will include umbrellas, bear, fox, bunny, and ant costumes.

In addition, the scenario for the autumn matinee in the preparatory group includes toy mushrooms and baskets of fruits and vegetables. Together with the children, the teacher prepares beautiful maple leaves, as well as dummies of birch trees.

Progress of the matinee

The autumn matinee in the preparatory group begins with the children entering the hall with leaves to the music of Chopin’s “Autumn Waltz”. They are walking, enjoying the melody. After it falls silent, the children take their assigned places, and the holiday begins.

First baby:

Autumn has come to us quietly,

Brought magic to the house.

Second baby:

I made the mountain ash red,

Yellow leaves on the bushes.

Third child:

The sun laughs golden

It beckons with its beauty.

Fourth baby:

You and I will smile,

Let's go for a walk.

Fifth reader:

Looks at autumn outside the window,

Having fun from the heart.

You are in a hurry to come to us for the holiday,

And grab some gifts!

The autumn matinee in the preparatory group involves the kids singing songs. For example, “Who said that autumn is a sad time.”

This interesting autumn matinee in the preparatory group can be continued with a creative game called “Dress for Autumn”.

From maple leaves prepared in advance, kids create an original outfit.

The teacher can divide the group into two parts and arrange a competition for the best dress. Parents of children are involved as jury members.

Musical pause

Waltz dance performed by preschoolers senior group can continue the autumn matinee in kindergarten. The preparatory group will see how beautifully the older guys move, this will be an excellent incentive for them to further self-development. Next, Autumn takes the floor, surrounded by girls.

The modern autumn matinee in the preparatory group, the script for which is proposed, continues the dance of Autumn and her friends.

The hostess of the holiday tells about herself:

My name is Golden Autumn,

Sad and depressing at times.

But I am cheerful and happy,

That today everything is next to me.

Autumn invites the children to sing a funny song with her. The kids sing together with the hostess of the holiday the song “Golden Autumn!”

Unusual insert

she will become funny scene at an autumn matinee. The preparatory group shows parents how they prepared for the matinee. Some guys cut out the leaves, others interfere with them. The teacher, clutching his head, laments, tries to bring everyone to order.

How to continue the autumn matinee in the preparatory group? The scenario - interesting and bright - can be supplemented with an autumn round dance. Preschoolers surround Autumn, she sings a song, and the children dance around her.

There are a lot of vegetables in the basket,

Both in salads and for cabbage soup.

But I came to you to play,

And offer riddles.

Riddles for kids

1. Golden and mustachioed,

He has a lot of kids! ( Ear)

2. The sun appeared

From a small grain. ( Sunflower)

3. Yellow side, smooth side.
There is a bun in our garden bed. ( turnip)

The autumn matinee continues at the preschool educational institution. The preparatory group sings the song “Harmful Rain.” Next, the parents hold a comic relay race. The guys are divided into two teams, each is given a raincoat, galoshes, and an umbrella. The kids take turns running around the “puddles”, walking in galoshes under an umbrella.

Fairy-tale heroes

A fluffy bunny appears in the middle of the hall, shaking with fear:

Oh, it's getting colder every day,

I feel cold here in the rain.

I'm all wet, I'm shaking so much

I'll hurry to you guys.

I would like a house without rain,

Well, and a fur coat for warmth.

Appears on an improvised stage beautiful girl with an open bright umbrella, under which she takes the chilled bunny to her, runs away with him, then the cheerful “eared little one” appears again, who dances with the girl, rejoicing in the arrival of Autumn.

A fox runs up to them, trying to fit under an open umbrella. Then a bear appears and also tries to get under the umbrella. The sparrow and ant that appeared at the matinee also find themselves “in the house.”

Holiday "Droplet"

We offer an interesting matinee “Autumn Ball”. The preparatory group is children who can demonstrate their creative abilities to their parents. This is why it is so important to include active activities in the holidays: skits, round dances, dances.

The host of the holiday is the teacher of the preparatory group. She invites children and their parents to the autumn ball.

The teacher talks about what an amazing and unique time of year autumn is. The teacher notes not only the richness of the harvest during this period, the uniqueness of shades and colors, but also the sadness of falling leaves and the rustle of rain.

1st child.

Looked into every house today is a holiday,

Because autumn is walking outside the window.

Let there be no sadness, let happiness await everyone

Rainy, wet, but happy day.

2nd preschooler.

Summer has flown by unnoticed,

I didn't have time to enjoy it as much as I should.

May autumn give us generous gifts,

Sunshine, warmth and delicious grapes.

3rd child.

Along the golden road

Autumn is approaching us.

He will bring us a chest,

Children sit on chairs, the host of the holiday takes the floor (her role can be played by the mother of a preschooler).

She talks about how in Rus' it was customary to thank autumn for excellent harvest. Massive massacres were held in the villages festivities. People danced in circles, sang songs, and had fun from the heart.

The holiday continues with outdoor games and comic competitions.

The importance of matinees in kindergarten

Childhood is that golden time when it is important to introduce children to the world of beauty. Holidays are essential for achieving this goal. The fun, joy, and celebration characteristic of such events remain forever in children's memories.

If the teacher involves parents in organizing and holding the autumn holiday, in the course of joint activities contact and mutual understanding are established between the children and their fathers and mothers.

For example, during the autumn festival, the scenarios of which are given above, the children of the preparatory group join the world of art, enrich their lexicon, learn to be creative in drawing and modeling.

Such a festive day will cause unforgettable, strong impressions for preschoolers. In order to achieve this effect, the teacher, together with the parents, thinks through bright and unusual costumes for fairy-tale heroes, “invited” to the fun.

The autumn holiday is a celebration that can unite people through shared experiences and form the correct artistic taste in the younger generation.


The word "holiday" in the encyclopedia is explained as a day that is dedicated to an outstanding event, important date. For example, which is offered above, is dedicated to an amazingly beautiful time of year - golden autumn.

Those impressions that will be formed in preschoolers will become the main emotions that the child will retain in his memory throughout his life.

The joy of creativity, the opportunity for self-expression, emancipation - this is distinctive characteristics any matinee organized in preschool educational institutions. The main task of teachers is to synthesize the passion and curiosity of their students into the formation of moral, aesthetic, mental skills.

The holiday is a wonderful situation that promotes the development of speech and the formation of its communicative function. During the matinee, a positive speech environment is created, which is vital in educational process children. The holiday opens up amazing opportunities for the harmonious development of the younger generation, which is the main requirement of the federal educational standards. It contains different types creativity: music, theater, literature, painting, pantomime.

The autumn holiday can be considered the sum of almost all types of art, which helps to broaden the horizons of preschoolers. Participation in such an event is a way to create norms of behavior for a preschooler and develop his creative abilities.

The different types of activities that are expected during the holiday allow children to express themselves in every possible way: singing, drawing, dancing. Kids learn to listen to music and make rhythmic movements to it.

At a matinee dedicated to autumn, kids don’t just read poems and sing a songbook, they learn to communicate with each other.

Children feel involved in the events that take place on an improvised stage. The original design of the hall, the festive atmosphere, music, beautiful costumes, all this contributes to the aesthetic education of preschoolers.

Dancing, round dances, games, singing not only strengthens the child’s body, but also has a positive effect on coordination of movements. The teacher prepares for the holiday systematically and purposefully, without making adjustments to the usual rhythm of the kindergarten’s work.

Of particular importance is the involvement in the process of organizing and holding any holiday in the preparatory preschool educational institution group, parents of pupils. Cooperative activity mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, with future first-graders, not only brings children and adults closer together, but also helps social adaptation preschoolers. The children receive certain social experience from the older generation and demonstrate their creative abilities.


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