Materials for the teachers' council "self-educational activities of students as a step towards personal self-improvement." Human self-improvement and its goal

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This process represents conscious management of personal growth, learning new knowledge and skills, modeling behavior that should be observed in all areas of life. This is an integral attribute of every day we live in the quest to become better.

Ways to develop personality


This process includes knowledge of the world, improvement of acquired qualities and skills that correspond life goals. Psychologists say that the basis for self-development is the function of adaptability nervous activity person to the conditions in which each individual develops. Since all of us have different motives and abilities for self-esteem, the goals of self-development can also be different: spiritual interests and beliefs, material wealth, professional improvement, etc.

Almost all self-development and self-improvement books systematize the following conditions for starting to work on yourself:

  • Conducting introspection and introspection to compare yourself with others and identify “weak” areas;
  • setting goals for self-development;
  • developing a program to improve your personality;
  • manifestation of will and strength of character.

Ways of self-improvement

Considering specific areas of personal self-development, we can identify several main ways of this process:

1. Improving morality

This process is somewhat similar to the methods taught by teachers - laying down the norms of tact, politeness, concepts of good and bad. Undoubtedly, all this knowledge remains relevant throughout life. However, the older a person gets, the more serious situations he has to find himself in. Moral values ​​and guidelines are no longer divided into “black” and “white”, so you often have to engage in psychoanalysis and be as objective as possible and find the right solution.

2. Development of the mind is another direction of individual self-improvement

Learning new skills and knowledge not only makes us erudite specialists, but also very interesting interlocutors anywhere, at any time. In addition, this is a great help in old age, because a trained mind does not lose its sharpness and concentration.

3. Aesthetic self-improvement

This process involves the study of the highest values ​​of society and art. Trips to art galleries, museums, exhibitions, and theaters shape personal opinion and taste. Do not think that if you were not born into a family of landscape painters and are not an art connoisseur, then you will never be able to appreciate musical masterpieces or artistic paintings.

4. Development of physical fitness

This method of self-development and personal improvement involves maintaining the body in good shape and in harmony with emotions. In addition to the medical benefits for the body, physical training makes you feel more confident and love yourself.

5. Professional self-development

In the context of rapid growth technical capabilities, adapting society to new ideas and values, it is necessary to remain competitive in the labor market. A competent, creative and confident specialist is worth his weight in gold. Therefore, the purpose of such self-improvement is to develop qualities and skills useful for professional activity.

Thus, we have looked at the main ways of personal self-development that will help you find your purpose in life and become better every day you live.

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Correspond inner strength, and not an imaginary ideal. Match your personal style - not a template or pattern...

Arina Zabavina

The word “Akme” is translated from ancient Greek as peak. Speaking about the process of self-improvement, while emphasizing the acmeological foundations, we mean the presence of a need not just for self-improvement, but for its most active form. In other words,

The acmeological foundations of personal self-improvement are advancement to the heights of mastery, which is embodied in the form of perfection.

Self improvement - concept

By self-improvement we understand the interaction of a person with his environment. social environment in such a way that it is accompanied by the production positive qualities. This contributes to success not only professional field, but also in life in general. Such development involves the development of qualities throughout a person’s entire life journey.

Self-improvement of personality - psychology

According to S.L. Rubinstein, life path human life is not just a forward movement, it is also an upward movement. But upward, as an ascension to the highest, most perfect forms of manifestation of true human essence.

Self Improvement - Definition

More deeply, self-development and self-improvement is nothing more than a conscious process of improving competence, as well as the development of significant personality qualities that are in demand in society in accordance with a personal development program.

Self-improvement as a method of personality formation

The process of self-improvement, like any other process associated with change, presupposes the presence of a mechanism for overcoming many contradictions between the “real self” and the “ideal self.” By overcoming contradictions (which in itself is not possible without a social environment), we rise to a new qualitative level.

From the above we can conclude that self-improvement of a person as a driving force within the social environment presupposes the mandatory presence of motives. It turns out that the path to self-improvement is determined by a simple formula:

corresponding conditions + corresponding needs.

If we take as a basis that activity must necessarily include two components - adaptation and creativity, we can identify the key reason that stops people in their development.

The point is that it is creativity that directly helps satisfy the need for self-improvement. This is why people who stop creating and indulge in banal adaptation stop improving themselves.

The path of self-improvement consists of the following stages:

  • Self-knowledge as the most important prerequisite for self-improvement;
  • Motivating yourself;
  • Self-programming of one’s own growth (both professional and personal);
  • Effective self-realization.

Orientation to success through the processes of education and self-education

There are no limits to personal development. However, education is not possible without self-education. It turns out that before moving on to educational processes, there is a need to develop a sufficient level of self-education. How can the processes of education and self-education be linked with the desire to achieve success?

Let's take a person with a stable characteristic of striving for success. If you trace the path of his development, you can see that he did not become this way in one day. Depending on how a person’s upbringing goes, he ends up with one of two things: either complete lack of initiative, or he becomes striving for success.

The works of the American psychologist M. Selingman show that lack of initiative and the desire for success can be learned. Such conclusions were made as a result of experiments, first on animals, and then on American students, who were first given obviously unsolvable problems. This contributed to a complete refusal to solve any problems in the future, although later they were simple.

Depending on whether a person sees himself or external circumstances as the culprit of his failures, he, to one degree or another, can cultivate in himself a feeling of helplessness. In other words, a person with learned helplessness will always admit defeat before he even starts the task, even if he is able to do it.

Self-development and self-improvement of a competitive personality through the development of relevant competencies

Live and learn. This phrase, like no other, emphasizes one of the characteristics of a person - learning throughout his life. Up to the age of 18-20, the life of every person requires a constant flow of knowledge. As one grows older, one’s personal initiative plays an increasingly important role in a person’s life. A person learns to apply the experience gained.

For people who have reached the acmeological peak of development, the following is characteristic:

  • Satisfying one's own needs without negative impact on others;
  • By expressing themselves, such people achieve success in what they love;
  • Such people are always responsible both in their actions and in their own development;
  • They enjoy their lives;
  • Everyday life is characterized by energy and vitality;
  • Openness to new experiences and life changes.

The psychology of personal self-improvement on an acmeological basis suggests the following limitations:

  • Strong influence family traditions(limited ideas about oneself);
  • Personal inertia;
  • Poor outside support (support from people around you has a strong potential for the energy needed for new changes).
  • Destructive influence of hostile people;
  • Lack of feedback or its inadequacy (contributes to the formation of a distorted idea of ​​things, like distorting mirrors).

Self-development and self-improvement - an example of a personal work plan:

  • Work to identify your own limitations;
  • Qualitative feedback from other people is an evaluative activity;
  • Effectively overcoming difficulties in the process of self-development;
  • Constant acquisition of new knowledge, skills and abilities (KUN);
  • The cyclical nature of the work done (constant return to the first stage).

Thus, despite the fact that the social environment has a great influence on human development, nevertheless, the measure of each person’s development is hidden in his own consciousness. “We are what we eat” - and this applies exclusively to spiritual food.

In modern psychological and pedagogical literature, this target model of a perfect worker, a specialist who has reached the top or act, as the ancient Greeks said, is depicted in the form of a list characteristic features, without which it is impossible to imagine an effective employee today.

Among the characteristics of such an ideal professional, a master of his craft, the following set of qualities is most often indicated, which can be divided into two blocks: personal and professional qualities.

Personal qualities, inherent in people who have reached the heights of professional excellence, which distinguish them from people at a lower level of development:

1. energy, which means that the ideal employee is highly active, hard-working, and tireless: he is full of desire to achieve success both in his professional activities and in his personal life. This quality can characterize both an effective ordinary employee and a manager.

But this quality alone is not enough, especially for a leader. constantly dealing with people, encouraging them to do quality work Motorina L. Philosophy of Man. - M.: Prior, 2011. - P. 93..

2. communication skills, i.e. desire, willingness to lead others, the ability to take responsibility for others, and not just for oneself. For a leader, this quality is not just one of many, but his main feature, which determines the effectiveness of all his activities;

3. strength of will - another one required quality an effective worker, which means the ability to show firmness and consistency not only in one’s own work, but also the ability to instill confidence in doubters, without which it is impossible to convince people of the correctness of the chosen goals and achieve results;

4. honesty, decency, moral qualities; this means that an exemplary worker, no matter what position he occupies, must be distinguished by unity of word and deed; Without this quality it is impossible to ensure people's trust and the possibility of cooperation with them. In the Code of 10 commandments proposed in our days by the Russian Orthodox Church The following moral standards are proposed for both bosses and ordinary workers:

By appropriating someone else's property, neglecting common property, not rewarding the employee for his work, or deceiving a partner, a person violates the moral law, harms society and himself:

in competition you cannot use lies and insults, exploit vice and instincts Motorina L. Philosophy of Man. - M.: Prior, 2011. - P. 95..

5. extraordinary level of intelligence. He must be able to collect, analyze large amounts of information and use it both to solve the problems of his organization and for personal self-improvement.

Of course, the listed qualities are largely predetermined for each person at the biological, genetic level, but they can still be adjusted, developed, and strengthened to one degree or another during a person’s life, through his work, will, and desire for self-improvement.

But in addition to the listed personal qualities, efficient worker must also have a certain set of professional knowledge, skills and abilities. If personal qualities characteristics of an exemplary worker are universal, more or less similar for workers of all categories, then professional characteristics are specific for representatives of each profession, each specialty. The only thing common between these two blocks of qualities is that they equally need constant improvement and development.

The general direction of such development for each profession is established state standards special education, which establish a list special knowledge and skills for each specialty. Of course, this list is not the same for a physicist, biologist, engineer, or manager.

But you can equally become a high-class professional only if you master both of these blocks of qualities: personal and special Motorina L. Philosophy of Man. - M.: Prior, 2011. - P. 96..

In connection with highlighting the qualities of an exemplary specialist, an exemplary employee, one significant remark should be made at the end of the consideration of this issue: the presence of the entire complex of personal and professional qualities in an employee creates an opportunity. but this does not at all guarantee him absolute success in his activities. Much in practical activity depends on the ability to use one’s abilities in relation to a specific production or life situation. Taking into account the characteristics of a specific situation is the most important requirement to a modern effective specialist.

Having thus defined the dual goal of self-improvement, taking into account the conditions successful application your abilities, it is equally important to choose the right ways, methods, methods to achieve your goal.

Self-knowledge is a person’s assessment of himself, this is awareness of his interests and motives of behavior. The difficulty of this task is due to the fact that it involves trying to look at your inner world as if from the outside, an attempt to connect the subject and object of observation. Therefore, the results of self-analysis are always not entirely accurate.

Nevertheless, as is known from the history of philosophy, the great Socrates considered self-knowledge to be the basis of all human morality and wisdom.

However, this task turns out to be so difficult that it is, perhaps, comparable only to that which Baron Munchausen faced when he and his horse fell into a deep swamp. True, as is known from his stories, he, grabbing himself by the hair, managed to pull out of the swamp, not only himself, but also O.D. Garanin’s horse. Philosophy of man. - M.: Science Press, 2011. - P. 102..

As a result of introspection, we need to extract from the depths of the psyche the qualities hidden in it, and so on. so that the results of our work are somewhat more credible than the description of the exploits of the famous German baron.

What needs to be done to obtain more or less objective results from the analysis of one’s own physical and mental qualities?

Psychologists believe that for this you need to use the following techniques recommended by science:

1. The first of them is, if possible, to impartially evaluate the accumulated professional and life experience. Such an assessment will one way or another answer the question about our strengths, for example, such as activity, honesty, willingness to take risks, sociability, desire to improve one’s social status etc., as well as about our weaknesses, such as lack of energy, unwillingness to take risks, fear of new things, etc. The richer your life experience, the more diverse work activity, those more material will be at your disposal to give yourself a true, and not embellished, self-assessment. According to I.V. Goethe, “man knows himself only insofar as he knows the world.”

However, with the help of this technique alone it is difficult to achieve complete objectivity of the results of self-analysis. Therefore, psychologists recommend other methods of self-knowledge, including:

2. testing, trainings, business games. With the help of these techniques, which are becoming increasingly widespread as methods of training, control and self-knowledge, more objective results can be achieved. These tools are widely used today to determine psychophysical characteristics. knowledge, experience, skills of the subject. Thus, tests are widely known that include several hundred questions and, on their basis, determine the level of intelligence (for example, the well-known test of the level of intelligence by the English psychologist Hans Eysenck and others);

3. Therefore, it is also important to take into account the opinions of other people about our strengths and weaknesses, especially the opinions of those who have known us for many years: relatives, friends, workmates:

4. and finally, the results of self-knowledge will be the most reliable. if they are constantly checked, supplemented, clarified, and adjusted in the course of a person’s daily labor, cognitive, and social activities. “How can you know yourself? - asked Goethe and answered: - Thanks to contemplation this is generally impossible, it is possible only with the help of action. Try to fulfill your duty, and then you will find out what is in you” Garanina O.D. Philosophy of man. - M.: Science Press, 2011. - P. 103..

Of course, in order to seriously engage in this difficult work. one must be well aware of its significance.

It must be remembered that the emphasis on the high value of self-knowledge is one of the central ones not only in the Western, starting with Socrates, but also in the Russian cultural tradition.

It is also appropriate to recall that one of the main ideas of Christianity, which sounds especially clearly in Orthodoxy, is the conviction that “the kingdom of God is within us.”

Russian thinkers have long seen the meaning of all human work on self-knowledge in finding the best correspondence between those abilities, talents that each person possesses, and those real conditions of their development, improvement, which are given to him by fate, the conditions of his real life. This work is very intense, difficult, and sometimes even tragic. But in the search and implementation of such harmony between personal abilities and real possibilities, according to the tradition of Russian self-awareness, lies the highest meaning of human life.

Based on the results of a comprehensive self-assessment, a more or less accurate picture of our negative and positive qualities is formed, that is, the result of self-knowledge, which can be the basis for O.D. Garanin’s self-improvement plan. Philosophy of man. - M.: Science Press, 2011. - P. 105..

Clear planning is another important prerequisite for successful self-improvement. If in traditional forms of education the task of planning was performed mainly by the school, then in the conditions of self-education planning becomes the student’s own task.

Planning is a kind of project of placing the processes of work, study, and other forms of activity in time for a more or less long period: from one day to a person’s entire life.

The main purpose of planning is to ensure the rational use of personal time. It has been established that an increase in the time spent on the planning process itself ultimately leads to significant time savings in general.

As experience shows, the only alternative to planning can be disorder, confusion and chaos, both in public and personal life.

Planning includes a number of stages:

The work of drawing up a plan is a type of work that is one way or another present in any human activity, including in self-improvement activities; This is a whole set of actions and operations, including special meaning have such as research on the time spent on individual species planned activities, consultations with people with significant planning experience, development of the plan itself.

Planning of personal work and training is a whole system that includes a number of subsystems: long-term plans that specify their mid- and short-term plans.

Planning begins with creating a long-term plan that can span several years or even your entire life. In medium-term plans, drawn up for a period of one year to one month, as a rule, events are planned that are carried out regularly in every year or every month; short-term plans are plans for today and tomorrow, covering a time from one day to a week. All these types of personal plans, of course, must correspond to each other.

An obligatory component of this system is control, verification of results, comparison of plan-facts. Moreover, this must be done after each planning period.

The success of work to implement the adopted plan, as research has established, largely depends on the ability to classify the intended tasks according to their degree of importance, i.e. from the ability to take into account that not all the things you have are equally important, just as not all the branches of an apple tree bear the same fruit; a planning principle that requires arranging all tasks according to the degree of their importance. sometimes called the ABC principle. These letters indicate the three most important things that need to be done first today, relegating all others to the background.

It is also necessary to plan your work day daily, defining a list of tasks and actions every morning. Moreover, this list should be realistic, feasible and not include more than five to seven things. You should always start with tasks in the ABC category.

It is important to constantly remember that the main goal of planning is a specific result. Therefore, there must be constant monitoring of the results and results of planning, both in terms of timing and quality.

Having learned to plan, a person will be able to change for the better not only his career, but also his life, achieve top level self-improvement.

However, both the work on self-knowledge and the planning of self-improvement activities will be jeopardized if at the same time you do not pay due attention to your health and its psychophysical regulation.

Coming to the Truth!
Don't get stuck on the Path.
Do not turn the Spiritual Gift into a frozen paradise


With self-improvement and similar in their goals. They guide a person along the path of spiritual development. When we want to change, improve the quality of our lives, diversify the daily series of events, increase our professional and personal effectiveness, we think about how to change ourselves and our environment. How to use our best qualities With the greatest benefit and at the same time neutralize weak sides nature or correct them, work to ensure that they do not introduce an imbalance into the even flow of life.

How to maximize your strong qualities and improve less developed ones is one of the main questions, with the solution of which you can turn your life for the better. But in order to answer it, you need to dive inside yourself. To get started you need:

  • understand yourself;
  • identify the strongest and weakest sides of nature;
  • analyze professional quality;
  • formulate a detailed plan to develop skills that need improvement or personal characteristics;
  • start implementing the plan.

Everything is quite clear and understandable. The main thing is to take the first step on the path of self-improvement, and it needs to be done today.

Personal and professional growth

First of all, let's choose what kind of self-improvement we are interested in - professional or personal. As for professional skills, their correction and development is in many ways easier to implement, and here’s why. They are more specific and visible, while personal qualities are so deeply rooted in your very nature that it can be quite difficult to identify their origins (and the work on correction and improvement begins precisely with identifying the root of the problem).

Many personal qualities are fixed by habit, since it is from it that character is formed, so the work ahead will not be easy, not only in terms of time expenditure (here you will need to be patient), but also energy-consuming: you will need to collect all your spiritual energy, desire and will in order to achieve goal and be able to change yourself.

Attempts to change oneself with the help of self-development and self-realization programs

It is easier to try to change the situation than to change yourself. Working on yourself is both interesting and difficult. This is the challenge for you. You are the observer or researcher who looks from the outside at yourself being studied and will work on yourself as if you were your own instructor and guru.

The task is high, but the goal is worth it. By working on creating an improved version of yourself, you reconstruct the image of your “I”, give it a new desired form, correct and remove the shortcomings of the previous version - in a word, create the “Self 2.0” model.

This is exactly what courses do to provide personal growth programs aimed at improving your efficiency and productivity; personal coaching; seminars on building business relationships; various kinds business courses, the purpose of which is to make you a more effective participant in the system, be it in the areas of business, marketing, and the like.

Modeling instead of self-improvement

The tactics used in such courses are always the same - to turn a person into a more highly effective element of the game so that this element brings more benefit to the owner. If you yourself are the owner, i.e. you own a business or you individual entrepreneur, then you will be taught how to more effectively manipulate others to achieve your goals.

At the same time, you will receive the status of a more worthy player who fits well into the system called “mass production and consumption”, and with even greater dedication you will continue to invest your energy in the common cause of building a deeply materialistic society, where everyone is forced to serve mammon.

So much for increasing personal effectiveness, learning time management techniques, business planning, increasing motivation, new approach to developing business ideas and other quite useful things.

However, what is the use of all this if a person still does not know himself. He is asked to consider himself as a mechanism, as a function that can be updated, increase the productivity of this mechanism, and replace old programs with new ones. But in the end, any mechanism comes to an end; it has an expiration date. A permanent upgrade is impossible, and if the organizers of such business trainings and personal growth programs offer it, it is only for the purpose of their own benefit.

Personal self-improvement

And this world does not exist without you, so know yourself


We must look at the problem of personal growth more deeply, from the philosophical side, and here we cannot do without considering the issue from the point of view of existentialism, that is, the beingness of man. Man and the eternal problems of his existence are questions of the meaning of life, the desire to realize all the potential that lies within him. First of all, we are talking about personal self-realization.

Our desire for self-development, and with it self-improvement, always comes from the depths of our soul, from our inner world. The desire to know and learn are qualities inherent only to a human being. Only he, unprompted external factors and motives is capable of in-depth study of a subject that interests him. An internal stimulus to reveal the spiritual principle leads a person to self-knowledge.

From self-knowledge to self-development

“Know yourself, and you will understand the whole world” - this is what ancient wisdom tells us. Having gone through the secrets of self-knowledge, we come to the idea of ​​self-development and self-improvement. There is no final stop on the path of self-knowledge, it is limitless, and therefore beautiful. This is a process, and those who decide to follow the path of self-discovery will discover an unprecedented world. inner life, will take the first step into the vast expanses of the unknown - where no traveler has gone before; because for every person his own inner world is a unique country, always open to study. But there can only be one researcher - you yourself.

The path of self-improvement. Development and self-improvement

Truth is a country without roads, therefore the road to your inner world is a journey without fellow travelers.

On the path of self-improvement, you are left to your own devices. No one can tell you how and what you need to do, how to understand yourself correctly, or from what place, starting point, to start. This is the beauty of self-development through self-knowledge. It is impossible to impose someone else’s point of view here, just as it is impossible to accept it, otherwise self-knowledge will cease to be self-knowledge and will not lead to any self-development.

But by being your own guide and explorer of the unknown, you will learn to hear the inner voice that is in each of us, and you need to learn to listen to it. This inner knowing connects us with something higher, an ideal, a higher essence. Yogis called it Ishvara.

Spiritual practices on the path of self-development, their influence and goals

When we apply meditation techniques, new knowledge becomes available to us, directly coming from the Source. allows you to stop the conversation of the mind, calm it, so the connection with inner knowledge is restored. It is finally possible to hear him. You just need to immerse yourself in silence - the real silence of the mind. Often we seem to be left alone with ourselves, and begin to think and reflect, which in itself is already a great achievement in our society of ultra-high speeds and advanced technologies.

Silence internal and external

Being alone in silence is already a good start. Simply being silent and thinking is the first step in the practice of mouna, or silence, used by yogis. But the essence of this silence is to stop the verbal noise, not only external, but also internal, to stop the flow of thoughts. If you have never thought about this, then stop yourself right now at any thought. You see, it worked. Perhaps you were having an internal dialogue with the author of the article about what was written or thinking about your own affairs. All this is just an illustration of the fact that the brain never stops, it talks all the time, draws conclusions, evaluates, compares and generalizes.

Everything would be fine if this internal process of dialogue did not separate us from true knowledge, direct perception of information: not with the help of the mind, but through receiving direct knowledge. This is exactly what happens during the process of meditation.

Meditation goals:

  • merger with the Absolute;
  • stopping the thought process;
  • complete disidentification with one’s “I”, and even with consciousness;
  • self-knowledge;
  • knowledge of the world.

It helps to clear the mind of unnecessary things, calm it down, and, if possible, even stop the “conversation” of the mind. When you come out of meditation, you will notice how your thinking has cleared up and thoughts are no longer swarming in your head. On the contrary, you can now more easily control them, as well as your emotions.

All these are so-called “side” effects of meditation practice.

Personal development and self-improvement through meditation practice

You can begin your own internal spiritual development by studying Vipassana, since this course represents the basis of the method of any meditation. It can also be used at more advanced levels of practice, it’s just that the practitioner will have slightly different goals when performing the techniques.

First, the ability to consciously concentrate attention on one thing - an object or image - is trained. Then, when the mind is calm and can easily hold any object or idea in focus for a long time, the main stage of the meditation process begins - turning off the flow of one’s own thoughts and emotions and penetrating into the object of meditation - merging with it.

Other techniques are also considered that facilitate the first acquaintance with meditation and immerse the practitioner in a completely different atmosphere than the one that surrounds him in ordinary reality. What makes this course remarkable is that at the retreat a person is offered to plunge into new world, where nothing bothers him, the effect of external stimuli is reduced to zero, there is silence not only inside, but also outside. In this way, all conditions favorable for learning and mastering new practices have been created. In turn, they lead to the expansion of the horizons of the knower and fill his life with new content.

Constant self-improvement

The road to self-improvement is limitless, there is no time frame. Once having taken this path, the seeker will not return back; he will always strive to find something new; his desire for development cannot be stopped.

Are there any goals for self-improvement? There are too many of them to even begin to list, and the reader himself is perfectly aware of them, because for everyone they are individual, sometimes they are difficult to express in words, since many of them can be in the emotional-figurative sphere, but inside each of us knows them and feels.

What is the meaning of self-improvement?

Why are you trying to improve yourself, what do you want to achieve? “I like the process itself” - this may be a short answer to the question posed. A creative path is always hidden in self-improvement, because the essence of any creativity is the creation of something new, probably on the basis of what is already known, but no one has canceled the use of the accumulated knowledge of centuries in order to create new unique works.

Rethinking the experience of the past, a new approach to it - all this is an expression creativity each person.

Much depends on what we understand by creativity. It is not limited to masterpieces of literature, music and theater or the creation of new technologies and designs. Creativity is also present in Everyday life. A new approach to doing any task is already a manifestation of creativity.

Thus, practicing yoga and performing asanas from hatha yoga allows the practitioner to connect to the creative energy flow expressed by a certain asana.

A creative approach to the practice of hatha yoga

Each pose is a physical exercise and at the same time, through its execution, you connect to a source of energy that stimulates the practitioner. creativity. static, unshakable, but the energy passing through you in the process of its implementation is the key to everything.

Your body becomes a conductor vital energies, which also affects consciousness. Many practitioners note that with the beginning of yoga practice, something elusive appeared in their lives, that element of novelty that makes every moment of life unique, when every detail is filled with meaning.

It was your view that changed, you began to notice what you had not paid attention to before. Looking inward, into the depths of your consciousness, through spiritual practices, has opened up a new world outside for you. First of all, your perception has changed.

Human self-improvement through the practice of hatha yoga

By choosing hatha yoga for yourself as a way for self-knowledge and self-improvement, you are also immersed in the traditions of ancient teachings. a spiritual practice where through body awareness, cleansing and breathing practices you can master your mind and body.

Enormous benefits from doing physical exercise in yoga is obvious. Like no other practice, it will help to cope with many problems of the musculoskeletal system, correct posture, and tighten the muscle corset. Well known and therapeutic effect from performing yoga asanas, it is only important to choose the right complex in order to evenly distribute the load on those areas that you would like to work with first of all.

Personal transformation through yogic practices

In psycho-emotional terms, yoga is indispensable in our age of stress. By practicing mindfulness, self-absorption and concentration in each lesson, you thereby help yourself break out of the circle of daily bustle, look at yourself and the situations in your life with an unbiased, detached mind. This will help you find a new approach to seemingly unsolvable oppressive problems, or you will simply appreciate the present differently. What seemed significant will no longer occupy the forefront of your consciousness. Other goals and objectives will come to the fore.

Your life attitudes will change, transforming you and the space around you. Yoga classes are a constant source of inspiration that opens the door to the world of self-knowledge. By improving yourself through yoga and meditation practices, you create a new image of yourself and change from the inside. These changes are profound because you are working with all layers of your psyche that are not accessible in your normal state of consciousness.

Yoga gradually changes your inner world and consciousness. Once you get acquainted with the ancient tradition, you will never be the same. The knowledge acquired through practice will help your individuality to reveal itself, and you will finally find yourself.


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