Metal fencing for stairs - railings and handrails, photo. How to attach wooden railings for stairs: tips and recommendations Types of stair railings

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Although stair railings are considered a minor design detail because they are not always used, they are important enough to be discussed. The main function is to ensure safety and convenience when moving along a flight of stairs. The design of the railings plays an important role.

Wood, concrete, metal and glass are traditionally used for manufacturing. The latter is usually used to fill the distances between posts.

In this article we will talk about metal railings for stairs .

Sketches of railings and fences - photos and drawings

Sketches of railings are an integral part of the design and help to present the final picture in more detail. Photos of railings, computer graphics or hand drawings are suitable for these purposes.

Stair railing elements

Railing - These are stair railings that protect people from falling out and ensure convenient operation of the structure. Accessories for railings:

  • Balusters . Support posts with which the fence is attached to the stairs. Perform load-bearing and decorative functions.
  • Filling fences . It is necessary in order to close the space between the racks, and thereby ensure the safety of movement along the stairs. Partitions are required if there are children in the house. There are several main types of filling (shown in the photo).
    1. classic. Consist only of vertical or inclined balusters;
    2. solid panels. This type of fencing is a set of wide sheets. Typically used when combining railings with glass.
    3. filling with crossbars. IN in this case the space between the balusters is closed with horizontal metal rods - crossbars or rails, located parallel to the handrails.

Handrails - fencing elements that are installed on balusters on one side of the flight of stairs or on both. Can also be mounted on the wall. Handrail overlays provide a comfortable and pleasant hand grip.

Types of railings for stairs - materials and manufacturing methods

Before explaining how to make a railing for a staircase, you need to choose what metal would be better suited for our purposes.

  • aluminum;
  • iron;
  • cast iron;
  • steel railings.

The choice of material depends on many factors, but the most important is the purpose of the product. For example, for exterior railings, stainless steel is best, which produces nickel-plated railings. Or cast iron, products from which can be seen in old entrances or on bridges.

Aluminum railings are great for indoors and can take more complex shapes(screw or rotary). Iron is generally used for mass production. It is difficult to process and is not suitable for homemade products.

According to the manufacturing method, they distinguish the following types railing:

Prefabricated railings for stairs

The railings are assembled from steel or aluminum parts. In the first case, upon completion of the work, the railings are painted, in the second, a special protective coating. Aluminum railings have the following advantages:

  • ease of installation (you can do it yourself);
  • cheapness;
  • low weight of the structure.

The listed advantages are due to the fact that prefabricated fences are manufactured without the use of welding. If necessary, the structure can be easily dismantled.

According to the method of applying the protective coating, railings and handrails are divided into:

  • fences with polymer coating;
  • anodized aluminum railings.
  • steel with chrome plating.

Welded railings for stairs - photo of metal fences

Welded railings for stairs are made of steel or ferrous metal. Their advantage is strength and durability. However, with proper finishing, such products also turn out to be very beautiful. To shape railings made of of stainless steel The method of “cold” bending of metal is used. This type of design is characterized by the presence of geometric patterns.

The disadvantage of welded iron railings is their susceptibility to corrosion and the need for periodic painting. Stainless steel railings do not have this drawback. Life time similar products about 50 years old. They require no painting or additional care. If necessary, you can repair the railings yourself. The surface of the steel is processed using polishing, grinding or satin finishing.

Welding of railings is divided into two types:

  • semi-automatic;
  • argon-arc.

The disadvantage of the first method is a large amount of splashes. The second method does not have this drawback and is therefore more common. The seam produced by argon welding is more accurate and lends itself well to further processing, which includes stripping and polishing. The handrail is fastened using a hardware assembly or by gluing with a special glue.

Wrought iron railings for stairs - photos of stair railings

Forged stair railings are distinguished by their exquisite appearance and complex manufacturing process. Performed using the method artistic forging, often, by individual project. Any finishing options and mixing styles are possible - from light, openwork, air structures to massive, creating a feeling of reliability.

Forged stair railings will give any product or interior a unique charm of antiquity and good quality.

Wrought iron railings for stairs offer a huge variety of colors: gold, silver, copper, etc. The only drawback of such products is their extremely high price.

Cast fences and railings

To produce cast fences and railings, a sample of the future product is first prepared, from which a mold is made. Next, molten metal (bronze, cast iron, brass) is poured into it. After the material hardens, it is further processed. Casting has a number of advantages:

  • durability and strength;
  • variety of forms.

Combined railings for stairs

Combined fencing involves a combination of different materials. For example, chrome railings with powder coated, steel handrails and glass inserts, or aluminum railings. This variety makes combined railings a universal solution, suitable for almost every staircase.

Requirements for stair railings - standards for railings and handrails

The requirements for fencing (GOST and SNiP) are determined by their main function - ensuring safety during ascent and descent. In this regard, the design must comply with certain standards:

  • the height of stair railings is from 90 cm to a meter.
  • the racks are installed from each other at a distance of about 60 cm;
  • the space between the balusters is filled using one of the methods described above;
  • if the handrail is attached to the wall, then the distance from it to the wall should be 7-10 cm;
  • handrail overlays must be smooth and continuous, with a cross-section of 5 cm;
  • handrails for stairs protrude 30 cm beyond the step line and have a rounded end;
  • the structure must withstand a load of at least 100 kg per meter.

On stairs installed in children's institutions, the handrail should be duplicated at a height of 50 cm. And the distance between the posts is reduced to 10 cm so that the child cannot stick his head through.

Installing handrails with your own hands - installation of stair railings video

It is difficult to overestimate how important reliable installation of stair railings is. First of all, the safety of people depends on this. If you don’t know how to install railings, but want to do it yourself, choose one of two methods:

Attaching the handrail to the wall - installation on stairs

Fastening the handrail to the wall is used if the staircase is located near the wall. In this case, racks are not needed; the handrails are installed using special brackets, the size of which is designed so that the distance from the handrail to the wall is about 7-10 cm.

The handrail bracket can be of two types:

  • cast;
  • articulated

When using the second type, it is possible to adjust the tilt of the handrail, which is very convenient. The structure is easy to assemble and can be quickly dismantled if necessary.

Attaching balusters to steps - handrails to stairs

Installation of balusters can be done in three ways:

  1. single- the simplest and least reliable way, when the stand is fixed only to the anchor (dowel). But, as a rule, it is quite enough;
  2. flange mounting– involves fixing the flange using self-tapping screws. For maximum reliability, use three self-tapping screws;
  3. anti-vandal fastening of fences- the most reliable. With the help of a drill, holes are drilled in the steps and embedded parts are placed in them, onto which pipes for the railings are attached.

Fastening to a step

  1. Installing railings using this method begins with marking out the places on the steps where the posts will be located. They should be located at a distance of 5-10 cm from the edges of the step and at a distance of 30-60 cm from each other.
  2. First, the first and last pillars are installed. For single mounting To do this, holes 12 cm deep and 16 mm in diameter are drilled into the steps. Anchors (dowels) are inserted into the holes, onto which balusters are mounted.

    For flange mounting Three holes are drilled, 8 cm deep and 1.2 cm in diameter, into which dowels are inserted. The flange is secured with self-tapping screws and the stand is attached to it. An example is shown in the photo. During installation, you must ensure that the entrance pillars are vertical, as they will serve as a guide for the rest of the balusters.

  3. Pull a cord along the top of the outer posts and install balusters, aligning them with the cord. Then check the verticality of each and attach to the steps.

    Stainless steel handrails can be attached either on top of the balusters, with self-tapping screws, or on the side, using flanges.

  4. Before installation, cut stainless steel handrails to the required length at a right angle. Determine where holes need to be drilled by placing the handrail against the posts. Place on hinges and secure.
  5. If the space between the racks is filled using crossbars, then it is necessary to cut them into pieces the right size, determine the mounting locations on the posts (usually 2 or 3) and drill holes. Fix the crossbar on the balusters.

    If glass panels are used as filling, then special holders must be installed on the rack and the panels secured with their help.

The disadvantage of fastening “on a step” is that the fence reduces the width of the flight. That's why this method undesirable for narrow stairs. In this case, it is preferable to mount the racks at the end.

Attaching balusters to the end of the step

Such fastening of the railing is possible when the distance between the flights is at least 70 cm. The baluster is installed at the end using two anchors. There are four possible ways:

  1. Fastening balusters to two expansion anchors through a sleeve. It is used in cases where it is necessary to place the stand at a short distance from the step. At the end of the step, 2 recesses are drilled into which expansion anchors are inserted through the holes in the racks and bushings with decorative overlays so that the end of the anchor protrudes slightly. A cap nut is screwed onto this end, expanding it and securing it.

  2. Side mount. In this case, the balusters are threaded into special holders and fixed. And expansion anchors secure them to the flight of stairs.

  3. On two expansion anchors without the use of a sleeve. In this case, the stand is adjacent to the end of the step. It differs from the first method only in that a bushing is not used.
  4. Mounting on chemical anchor. Chemical or liquid nails are an adhesive substance that penetrates deeply into concrete and firmly holds it together. This method is used if it is necessary to secure stair railings in concrete structure. So, an anchor and a pin are inserted into the hole filled with the mixture.

After the balusters are secured, the remaining installation of the railings is carried out. In the same way as when installing ON a stage (described above). The stainless steel staircase railings are ready.

  • racks cannot be installed in places where there is a difference in height and bending of the handrails (fracture);
  • during installation, in places of branch and fracture, it is necessary to adjust the joint as accurately as possible;
  • If possible, the joints of the crossbars should be made so that they are covered with fasteners or special fittings;
  • When installing racks on steps lined with tiles, it is necessary to make a mark on the surface so that the drill with a diamond core does not slip.

If you follow these rules, you can assemble the stair railings with your own hands. This is a very real task if you approach it methodically and slowly.

Stainless steel railings for stairs are an integral part of any building. Our company produces them.

When ordering elements, it is important to understand that stairs and are completely different concepts. Both types must comply with all safety standards and be made of high-quality materials.

OL No. 1 from 5500 rub.


Stair railings consist of several parts that are closely connected to each other. This includes railings, that is, handrails. Load-bearing elements occupy the main part. Filling is also an integral component. You can order any type of product.

OL No. 2 from 25,000 rub.

Let's look at each part separately.

⦁ are structures that you can hold on to while going up or down the stairs. They create special convenience while moving.

OL No. 3 from 12000 rub.

⦁ Load-bearing components serve as posts or balusters. They are necessary to create the foundation and strengthen all parts, for example, handrails and steps. Glass parts can be used as them, which will be called load-bearing. But it is important to keep in mind that posts and balusters sometimes have other meanings. The first of them is truly an irreplaceable part and serves as a support, but the second can be used as a decorative component.

OL No. 4 from 5500 rub.

⦁ The filling can be completely different, whatever the customer wants. Typically, crossbars, glass and modular options are used. Everyone can choose what they need.

OL No. 5 from 7600 rub.

Technical specifications

Any railings must be safe, reliable and durable. In Moscow we offer products High Quality. Stair railings are manufactured in accordance with all standards state standard. The height of stair railings, thickness and other measurements must be correct.

OL No. 6 from 7800 rub.

Depending on the type of installation, the requirements for them also change.

⦁ Where there are stairs, there are always fences. Of course, this applies to adjacent and residential areas. Corners, protrusions and edges must also be made according to all the rules so that no obstacles are created during movement.

OL No. 7 from 13000 rub.

⦁ Such elements in residential premises are made inexpensively from durable materials to withstand the required load.

OL No. 8 from 9900 rub.

⦁ The width is sufficient to avoid negative consequences, for example, during a fire.

OL No. 9 from 30,000 rub.

⦁ Corrosion protection is also a prerequisite.

Depending on the above norms and rules, there are two types of buildings. The first of them are the upper direct types, which are mounted using drilling into the tiles on the steps. The second type is lateral. They are placed on racks and then secured to plates.

OL No. 10 from 12000 rub.

The division of fences into high and low types indicates their further location. Inexpensive installation occurs at altitudes from 1000 meters to 1500 meters.


The company manufactures stair railings. Welded, prefabricated and forged options will suit any customer. The main component is stainless steel, which can withstand any load and environmental influences.

OL No. 11 from 8000 rub.

The choice of metal depends on the design of the staircase. To achieve maximum uniqueness, you can mix several types at once, for example, metal, wood and glass.

Handrails can be different shapes: round, rectangular, square and others. They make railings for stairs, from metal, even from glass.

OL No. 12 from 8500 rub.

To achieve a decorative look, choose high quality stainless steel. You can use wood inserts to achieve maximum uniqueness.

If your budget is limited, you can choose more available options. For example, products made from painted ferrous metal will last for many years. They will also look beautiful with any interior.

OL No. 13 price on request.

The filler is often stainless steel crossbars. It is important to take into account that the glass can slide out of the structure. To prevent this from happening, plate holders are used that connect the elements to each other.

In some buildings, only glass is used. This design looks very dignified, beautiful and incredibly unique. Durable. Aluminum profiles hold back the entire structure. They deserve special praise, but they are also more expensive than metal or wood railings.

Another material for filling is stainless steel, or rather racks made of it. But this option is not suitable for all buildings. Products are made only to order according to personal measurements and requirements. Various companies are engaged in production.

Price policy

OL No. 14 from 14000 rub.

Making fencing is a very responsible and labor-intensive task that requires the necessary skills and special equipment. That is why it is better to entrust such a task to real masters of their craft. There is no impossible work, we always try to do something unusual, and the prices please our customers.

The company has special workshops that produce metal and wood products. Direct deliveries avoid additional expenses and marriages. You can order the services of masters by phone or on the organization’s website. Individual measurements and design are provided to each buyer.

OL No. 15 from 7000 rub.

You can order different products price category. There are simpler, cheaper ones that are suitable for different areas. And there are exquisite and expensive products that are made entirely in accordance with the requirements and wishes of the customer, even the smallest details are taken into account. You can use gold, brass, titanium and other expensive types that will give a luxurious and rich appearance.

The cost of all services is agreed in advance between the customer and the company in order to avoid controversial issues in the future.

If the client does not have time to choose unique projects and think over the details, this will be done by masters and specialists of organizations. You can get consultations during which the design and design of stair railings will be selected. Excellent workmanship, reliability and style are guaranteed to everyone. Designers will offer best solutions for your home.

For ease of use and safety, most stairs are equipped with railings. The railing is not only an element of insurance, but also an element that gives the staircase a logically complete look.

It is the railings that are usually decorated with rich carvings, gilded decor and chiseled details.

So that the railing fulfills its direct purpose protective function and there were comfortable in the support, it is necessary to accurately calculate their height.

Building codes state that height the railing should be, on average, from 0.7 to 0.9 m. But there may be deviations from this norm - in children's institutions, the height of the railings on one side should not exceed 50 cm.

But fencing areas where there is a risk of falling from a height more 5 meters must be not less than 110 cm.

In order to find out perfect the height of the railing for a particular person, it is necessary, when descending from the stairs, to slightly extend your arm forward and measure the distance from the palm to the step under it.

Another parameter is extremely important when designing railings - width handrail Standard sizes industrially produced handrails range from from 34 to 74 mm.

A reliable and comfortable handrail should fit in the hand so that, in the event of an accidental fall, provide possibility of a strong grip. To ensure the required structural strength significantly Another size influences - the distance between the posts.

It's picking up based on from the staircase design and the designer’s artistic vision.

Advice! But anyway, Not recommended make the racks spaced apart from each other more than on 50 cm.

Simple ways to make parts and install them yourself

Basic stages The manufacture of railings is as follows:

    1. Design. If drawings and calculations of the railings were not included in general project stairs or there is a need to change the original plan, then at this stage height calculation, distances between posts, quantity necessary materials. Produced on the stairs marking places for installing balusters.

  1. Final finishing railing surfaces. At this stage they are installed decorative elements, overhead threads and painting of the railings. For finishing, varnishes, oils and mastics based on wax (beeswax or carnauba) are used. IN special cases, according to the designer’s idea, the wood is brushed with special brushes, reaching aging effect.

How to make bent railings for stairs, see video below:

Metal stair railings are often made by home craftsmen on their own. You can make such designs with your own hands with a minimum level of skills using standard set tools.

The fences we are interested in for staircase structures are very common nowadays. There are many reasons for this. And the main advantages of metal railings include the following facts:

  1. High wear resistance and strength. These characteristics provide the required level of safety when moving on stairs. Due to their increased strength properties, metal products can be manufactured in compact sizes, which distinguishes them from more bulky stone and wooden fences.
  2. Ease of processing on various machines. Metal blanks are subjected to even very complex plastic deformations without destruction of their structure. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to create sophisticated decorative elements for staircase structures.
  3. Excellent technology. Metal fencing structures are made by hand in living conditions. Their individual parts are allowed to be connected into a single structure using an electric arc manual welding, clamps, threaded connections.

Metal fencing for staircases

Metal stair railings, in addition, do not require expensive constant maintenance, and their surface can be given a very original look, using your own version of them finishing. Most often, the following techniques are used for such purposes: polishing with abrasive materials; Powder and conventional painting oil compositions; galvanic anodizing to obtain nickel or chrome-plated surfaces; matting (otherwise called satin finishing) using special sandblasting units.

If desired, all options for finishing metal products can be done with your own hands. The only disadvantage of metal fences is their susceptibility to rust. But this problem is not difficult to deal with. Now there are several effective technologies that make it possible to reliably protect the described staircase railings from corrosion.

For production metal structures Stainless and carbon steels, brass and bronze alloys, aluminum, cast iron are used. You can make handrails for or in front of the entrance to a residential building with your own hands from all of the specified materials with the exception of cast iron. There are several reasons. Cast iron is difficult to weld and has a lot of weight, which necessitates the construction of staircases with massive spans. And in private houses such designs look quite ridiculous, unless, of course, you are the happy owner of a huge mansion.

These problems do not arise with aluminum structures. Alloys of this light metal can be processed with your own hands without any problems. They are characterized by light weight and quite attractive appearance. True, not everyone likes the dull glow of aluminum products. It is almost impossible to correct such a situation. The method of anodizing aluminum structures is expensive and impossible to do at home, and such railings cannot be painted.

Aluminum structure for stairs

Stainless steel stair railings are recommended for installation outside the home. They are not subject to rust. They will look great outdoors. But inside residential buildings, stainless steel structures do not look very nice, as they give the house some formality. This does not contribute to creating a comfortable environment. It is possible to process stainless steel yourself. But you will have to put a lot of effort into welding such products and drilling holes in them to install fasteners. These operations are labor-intensive and require the home craftsman to have special equipment and tools, as well as fairly serious practical skills.

Easiest to make on our own metal railings made of ordinary carbon steel. This material can be forged and bent simply manual pipe bender. Steel fencing for interior or can be easily designed for any exterior or interior, using suitable technology for their surface treatment (usually nickel plating techniques are used, applying modern polymer coatings or chrome plating).

Railings made of copper-based alloys are rarely used in everyday life. There is only one reason - high price brass and bronze products. In most cases similar designs are produced upon pre-order.

Metal railings are made according to different technologies. We briefly describe them below:

  • Stamped fencing. Their production is carried out in molds and stamps. Dignity finished products– possibility of selection for any architectural style.
  • Forged railings. Externally beautiful and elegant designs that you can actually make yourself, provided that House master has a machine for performing cold forging operations.
  • Prefabricated products for stairs. They are made of stainless and ordinary steel, as well as aluminum alloys, using flanges, angles, tubes and other parts prepared in advance for these purposes. Such work is done with your own hands. Ready-made designs easy to install and dismantle if necessary, since their weight is minimal.
  • Cast fencing. They are usually ordered from special workshops. They are made of bronze and cast iron. Cast structures are ideal for decorating large grand staircases.
  • Welded railings. The most popular among home craftsmen. Manufactured from alloyed and carbon steels, are connected into a single structure by welding in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide or argon, as well as electric welding.

Making metal railings

Also, for the manufacture of homemade railings for stairs, it is allowed to use several different materials. Originals can make railings with wood handrails, a metal frame and glass core. Such designs are aesthetically pleasing.

Structurally, railings consist of handrails, balusters and filling parts. Each of these elements has its own purpose. Balusters are inclined or strictly vertical racks. They are supports for other railing elements. The balusters are connected to each other by handrails, which also serve as a support for the hands of a person moving up the stairs.

Filling elements can be solid, vertical and horizontal. They are placed between the balusters. The purpose of the filling parts is to make the staircase structure more attractive from the point of view unusual decor and ensure safe use of stairs. If you are planning to make metal fences with your own hands, be sure to study the requirements for their key geometric parameters. They are:

  • the optimal cross-section of handrails is 50 mm;
  • recommended railing height – 90–100 cm;
  • the clearance between the wall and the wall handrail is 10–20 cm;
  • the distance between individual balusters is 10–15 cm.

Balusters of a staircase

Important point! The railings must easily withstand a load of at least 100 kg per meter of fence. Only by following this rule is complete safety of their operation guaranteed. There are other requirements for railings. Their handrails must be solid and free from potentially dangerous burrs and sharp corners. It is advisable to produce these fencing elements for stairs with rounded shapes. Experts say that such handrails are the most comfortable for a person.

At the design stage of the railing, you should take into account the recommendations given, as well as decide on the materials used and their quantity. It is imperative to prepare a drawing of the fence and perform competent detailing of all its parts. You can start building metal railings with your own hands after you have stocked up on everything necessary tool And additional accessories. These include screwdrivers, building level, welding unit and electrodes, screwdriver, pipe bender, grinder saw, tape measure, tabletop drilling machine or electric drill.

First you need to make balusters. Take pipes of the required sizes and the right amount, focusing on the drawing, which indicates the total number of balusters, and weld metal flanges to their ends. The latter are made from 4–5 mm sheet steel. Several holes (3–4) must be made in each flange. They are designed for attaching balusters to staircase steps. Drill holes using a benchtop machine or electric drill.

Attaching a baluster to the steps of a staircase

In the first case, you can process flanges as a set - place all the parts in one stack, mark the top workpiece and start the tabletop drilling unit. The supporting elements of the structure can be easily made from a 6-centimeter pipe with an outer cross-section. It should be carefully cut off and the lower parts of the resulting products should be marked (strictly according to the drawing). A lot depends on the quality of the markup. If you do it incorrectly, you will not be able to give the support a vertical position during installation. It is optimal to trim the pipe at turning unit, and then chamfer the supporting elements to ensure high-quality penetration of the racks.

Then weld the flanges to the posts (at two points). Analyze the product for a gap (there should not be one) and weld the stand in a circle. Now you can work on the steps of the stairs. Mark them with a tape measure. In this case, adhere to the following mandatory requirements: the supporting element must be in the middle of the step; the distance between the racks is maintained the same, its specific value depends on the total number of steps. Next, you can begin installation work.

First you need to place the outer balusters. They should be an equal distance from the end of the flight of stairs. At this stage, be sure to check the vertical installation of the balusters with a level. Then stretch two cords between the mounted supports. They should be placed 2–3 cm from the top and bottom ends of the balusters. Important! The cords should be located on one side of the supporting products. Now feel free to install the remaining supports. The cords will be your reliable guide. And the distance between separate elements control with a tape measure.

Installation of balusters of the enclosing structure

Use the pipe used to make the posts to make handrails. In cases where there are several flights on the stairs, the edges of the pipe products must be connected to each other. Then the whole structure will receive good level rigidity. If the structure consists of one span, the handrails at the edges can simply be bent down. The next step is great importance For safe use railing You will need to properly fit the supports (their upper parts) to the handrails. The easiest way to perform this operation is with a grinder saw. After adjustment, there should be no gaps between the handrails and balusters.

Horizontal filling of the structure is carried out with half-inch pipe products. They are usually welded between supports or placed on the side of balusters. It is preferable to use the second method. It guarantees the required parallelism between the horizontal filling parts. You made the railings with your own hands. All that remains is to sand them with sandpaper and then polish them thoroughly.

  1. Definition
  2. Types of fencing
  3. Calculation of fences
  4. Height
  5. Width
  6. Distances

Stair railings ensure safety of movement along the stairs when ascending and descending. Railings and balusters complete the design of the march and emphasize the style. Railings and fences can be ordered from finished form or make them yourself.


The railing is vertical structures, installed along the edge of the flight of stairs. They ensure the safety of people when ascending and descending. The railing consists of several elements:

  • Handrail is the upper part on which a person’s hand rests when moving.
  • Balusters are vertical posts that support the handrail. The outermost stand is a cabinet. Handrails are attached to it at the bottom and top of the flight.
  • Horizontal slats (string) - fencing under the handrails - are located parallel to the movement of the march. Replace balusters.
  • Fastening system – elements for fixing the fence.

Basic functions of railings and balusters

Fences must be installed on flights of stairs longer than 4 steps. There may be no railings on the stairs on the wall side, but there must be railings on the free side.. The elements are securely fastened so that the structure can perform its main functions:

  • Support. Stair lifts have different angles of rise. People of varying physical fitness overcome these obstacles. Stair railings should help people climb of different ages, weight and physical ability to distribute the load on the legs when ascending and descending.
  • Safety. Properly designed ladders not only provide stability for the climber, but also prevent falls in the event of loss of balance.
  • Decor. Stair railings decorate the flight and emphasize the style. When choosing the design of wooden and metal handrails, it is important to combine them with the surrounding space.

Types of fencing

Stair railing can be made from different materials and have different shape, therefore, these structures are classified according to several criteria.

Fences can be:

  • metal;
  • wooden;
  • polymer;
  • glass;
  • concrete;
  • combined.

Metal railings and fencing posts are made of aluminum or forged steel. The former are distinguished by impeccable shine and smoothness, the latter have decorative properties, since they are made according to individual sketches.

Wooden railings are most often found in private homes: they are warm to the touch, smooth, fit into any interior, and are affordable.

Polymer fences are made of hard plastics that are installed on special fasteners. Compared to other materials, polymer is the cheapest.

Glass fencing is installed in public buildings: in shopping and office centers. They are made from tempered glass.

Concrete barriers are suitable for entrance buildings and on main staircases. Elements are cast from concrete in a factory, sometimes right on the construction site.

Combined fencing combines several materials. The most common option is to mount it on forged or aluminum balusters. wooden railings.

Handrails also differ in the installation method:

  • A separate profile (tube, shaped profile, rectangular) is a product that is attached to the fence structure with special parts.
  • Balusters and railings are a classic option for arranging stair railings. They are attached to each other and fixed on the flight of stairs.
  • Modular ones consist of ready-made blocks (baluster or fence + handrail + fasteners). They are assembled in accordance with the march plan on the spot.

By location, metal, plastic and wooden railings can be:

  • external, they are installed on the street. The main requirement for materials for manufacturing is resistance to weather conditions;
  • Internal fences in premises can be made of any materials.

Calculation of fences

To make reliable railings, they must be calculated correctly


The height of the wooden handrail is the main value that must be determined to ensure safety. According to regulatory construction documents, the height of the railings should be:

  • 0.9 meters for public buildings and residential buildings;
  • in areas where a fall from a height of more than 5 meters is possible, it is necessary to fasten fences with a height of 110 cm;
  • stair railings in a house or building with special requirements can be located at a height of 0.7 meters;
  • in children's institutions, handrails are installed at a height of 0.5 meters.

For institutions where there is a flow of children (schools, kindergartens), double fences of 0.9 and 0.5 meters are usually installed parallel to each other at a distance of up to 10 cm. This ensures comfortable movement for children and adults.

The height of the railings in a private house may not correspond to the norm; individual determination of this parameter is allowed. To calculate your ideal height, extend your arm forward as you descend a flight of stairs. Then measure the distance from your palm to the step. This is the ideal height for you.


The width of the railing should be such that you can grab the handrail. According to the standard, they are produced in widths from 30 to 70 mm; larger sizes are also used for main staircases.

How to determine the width of the handrails that is comfortable for you: in case of a possible fall, the handrail should be comfortable to grab onto without the risk of injury.


The reliability and strength of the structure largely depend on the distance between the balusters.

  • The number of balusters and their parameters are determined by the size and weight of the handrail. When using flexible or heavy railings, balusters should be installed on the stairs so that the profile does not sag or excessive loading of the supports occurs. If spans of more than 15 cm are formed, it is necessary to install a protective string parallel to the railings.
  • Balusters in classic version on wooden stairs installed at each stage, sometimes several at once.

  • For children's institutions, it is necessary to install supports on each step every 15-20 cm to prevent children from falling.

Manufacturing of wooden fences

For a dacha or private home, you can design and manufacture fencing yourself. This will allow you to get custom railings that match the home owner’s design. The cost of a homemade product is significantly lower than that of a purchased product.

Step-by-step plan for making a structure with your own hands.

Step 1. Drawing up a diagram

If the house already has a finished staircase without a fence, the design should be done based on its plan. If construction is just beginning and interesting idea there is already a railing, then flight of stairs can be adjusted to these wishes.

A plan is created that takes into account:

  • height of the staircase railing;
  • type and pitch of balusters;
  • railing width

Step 2. Select wood for making components

For the production of balusters and handrail profiles, different tree species are used:

  • The most durable wood is beech, ash and oak. It has a pleasant structure and an expressive cut.
  • Wood is common and inexpensive coniferous species– spruce, pine, larch.

Soft hardwoods It is undesirable to use wood to create fences - the products shrink greatly and become deformed when drying, becoming covered with cracks.

The normal moisture content of wood that can be used for making railings and balusters is 12–18%.

Step 3. How to make balusters

The method is determined by their shape.

They can be:

  • flat;
  • voluminous.

To make flat balusters you will need processed boards. Hand saws and with a carving tool a pattern is made on them. There are many examples, some ideas can be gleaned from the photographs presented.

To make a three-dimensional baluster you will need a lathe. On rotating equipment, the desired pattern is cut out using various chisels and knives. A milling machine will help you achieve a deeper, asymmetrical design that cannot be done on a lathe.

Step 4. Making handrails

To make a handrail, you will need a rectangular or round piece of different lengths:

  • corresponding to the span, if its length is small.
  • the span length can be divided into 2-3 parts for ease of manufacture and installation of the fence.

For spiral staircase the workpiece must be rounded by turning or the length divided into many elements in order to then connect them using the adhesive method. Only the end of the handrail can be rounded.

Processing of workpieces:

  • We grind square beams, round and smooth the corners. The width of the railing should be convenient for gripping with a brush, the average is 6 cm. The rectangular blank can be given a relief: cut grooves along the beam to make it easier to grip, decorate them with small details, but everything should be smooth, without sharp corners and burrs.
  • To obtain a round handrail, we grind a square-section blank with cut edges on lathe. You can add a slight relief, but it should be smooth.

There is another way to make handrails - gluing boards, if not suitable material. To do this, take boards of the same length, glue them together and, after the glue has completely dried, process the resulting semi-finished product using the methods listed above.

Step 5. Attaching the balusters to the steps

Installation of balusters on a wooden staircase can be done in two ways:

  1. Self-tapping screws and bolts.
  2. Glue method.

We will not consider the second option due to its dubious effectiveness; masters use it in special cases. You will definitely need glue if the railing was made from separate fragments that need to be joined.

Before proceeding with installation, markings are made on the steps where the balusters will go. The master tells more about this process in the video:

To attach the balusters to the handrails, you will need screws or self-tapping screws 80 mm long, 10 mm in diameter and washers.

For fastening you need:

  1. Drill a hole for the screw in the step according to the markings.
  2. Prepare the same hole in the baluster.
  3. Place a washer on the screw and drive it from the bottom of the step.
  4. Attach and secure the stand.

The upper and lower end posts are attached in the same way with a screw, but welded to the embedded part on the landing.

When the installation of the balusters is completed, the guide is attached to them with clamps at the level of the handrail. Appropriate marks are made on the posts with a pencil along which the cut will be made.

To avoid damaging the secured wood, wooden pads should be installed under the clamps.

Cutting by marks can be made on miter saw, other tools will not give an even cut at the desired angle.

This process can be clearly seen in the video:

After installing the balusters, we prepare the handrail. Using the previously installed guide, we measure the angle of contact between the handrail and the outer post, and cut it off on the prepared product. Then we make a groove under mounting strip. We take its width as the diameter of the ends of the balusters, and its height as 5–10 mm. We attach the plank to the balusters fixed with clamps and a beam using self-tapping screws, recessing the head into the material of the plank.

Using a jigsaw, we cut out a recess in the handrail for the bar. It will have a depth of 5–10 mm and a width equal to the width of the slats attached to the balusters. How to do this, look at the video:

All that remains is to fix the handrail on the rail. To do this, we launch the fastening elements from the bottom of the rail, attracting the prepared product with a little force. The stair railing is ready! We invite you to watch a short video summary.


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