Do-it-yourself interior partitions made from boards. We build interior partitions with our own hands Installation of interior partitions in a wooden house

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Internal partitions in a house made of timber are an essential part of the building, which will allow you to delimit the space of the rooms in a way that will be convenient for the owners of the house. They can be built in several ways, depending on the financial capabilities of the owner and the characteristics of the project. Partitions can be installed in a house made of timber either directly during the construction of walls, or during work on remodeling the house. How can this be done, what is needed to build additional walls?

Options for constructing partitions in a timber house

Partitions in timber house It is customary to make them from wood so that they fit organically into the overall space. However, other design solutions are also possible. In some cases wooden frame sheathed with plasterboard and other materials, and in some interiors designer glass partitions can be used.

And yet the most common solution is interior walls made of the same material as the house itself - thin logs or timber. There are several types of partitions:

  • Timber partitions – perfect solution For wooden house. This is an opportunity to build a strong and dense internal wall that will have good soundproofing properties. To make it, you can use a beam whose thickness is 100 mm, this will allow the wall to withstand the necessary loads.

For example, on such a partition you can attach bookshelf. They look aesthetically pleasing, since the surface of the timber allows you to build a flat wall.

They can have a planed or unplaned surface; additional finishing can be of any kind. Often, panel partitions are additionally finished with GVL to obtain a perfectly flat wall.

The internal partitions of a house made of timber are designed not only to delimit the space of rooms, but also to prevent the spread of sound. In addition, they perform additional means thermal insulation, as they retain heat well.

Timber partition – The best decision, since it will be both quite durable and easy to manufacture. In addition, it looks most organically in the interior of the house.

How to make an internal wall from timber

The installation of partitions in a house made of timber is usually carried out simultaneously with the construction of walls according to the developed project. However, sometimes a five-wall log house is first erected, and only then the internal space is demarcated additional walls. It's not that hard to do, but it takes skill. carpentry work and experience with tools.

For the partition, it is better to use dried profiled timber, as it gives minimal deformation during shrinkage, and it will be very easy to assemble the inner wall thanks to the protrusions and grooves on the top and bottom side material. How to make a partition in a timber house? To do this, you will need to know several important nuances:

  1. From the main load-bearing wall The timber partition is connected using grooves. If the inner wall is thin, the width of the groove is equal to the width of the beam; if it is thick, tenons are made at its ends, which are inserted into the grooves in the walls.
  2. The construction of the partition begins with the bottom bar. In this case, it is desirable that at least the lower part of the wall be made of larch: this material resists moisture, and the wall will not begin to rot. Exactly lower crowns houses suffer the most from high humidity, so they need to be protected Special attention. If the bottom beam is not made of larch, a thin waterproofing gasket is required between it and the subsequent beam.
  3. Between the bars interior wall jute or flax fiber is laid - this material plays a heat and sound insulating role. Its use reduces audibility, which will make life in the house more comfortable.
  4. The beams of the inner wall are fastened together wooden dowels. This ensures the strength of the structure and its strictly vertical location. The pins are installed in a checkerboard pattern, they must be placed at a distance of 150 mm from each other, the distance from the wall must also be at least 150 mm.
  5. When the partition is assembled, it needs to be sanded in the same way as a load-bearing wall. After this, it is coated with an antiseptic to protect it from rotting and the finishing is carried out.

For frame partition They use a square beam with a side of 5 cm, they begin to fasten it from the sides. The upper spacer should extend approximately 10 cm from the ceiling and should be secured with long screws. This is necessary so that the partition does not interfere with the subsequent shrinkage of the timber house.

The frame bars are arranged in increments of 40-50 cm, the first frame bar is attached to the floor using anchor bolts. It is advisable to lay jute insulation under it for sound insulation. Dowels are inserted into the lower link, under which recesses are made in the next beam.

When a house made of timber is designed, partitions are placed in such a way as to ensure a minimum number of passage rooms. Modern programs allow you to create a three-dimensional model and evaluate how convenient the arrangement of rooms will be, and where it is better to leave openings for door blocks.

A house made of timber allows you to build the maximum convenient layout. The location of the partitions can be any, which allows you to ensure required area all rooms in the house.

Like any others, they provide for the presence interior partitions. They are usually made from different materials, But traditional solutions are:

  • log;
  • beam;
  • board;

You can choose a material that will be cheaper than others. IN in this case this is acceptable, because after that the wall can be finished by making it appearance excellent.

Types of partitions

Before you line up wooden partitions V wooden house, you must understand their varieties. Among others, it is worth highlighting:

  • wooden;
  • carpentry;
  • frame-panel;
  • solid.

Frame panels are the most economical. They act as the most popular partitions. They can be made from timber with a cross section of 50 x 100 mm. The bars must be placed 60 cm apart from each other. The connection will be a horizontal harness. It gives additional stability. You can make partitions soundproof using polystyrene foam and mineral wool. The thickness of the first can vary from 50 to 100 mm.

Additional moisture protection can be provided vapor barrier material, which is laid on both sides of the structure. Such partitions are suitable for houses made of laminated veneer lumber and other lumber. They cost about 100 rubles. behind square meter. To ensure that the external and internal surfaces are smooth, the partitions are sheathed with plasterboard, plywood sheets or gypsum fiber sheets. Plywood can have a thickness ranging from 7 to 10 mm, while GVL is 10-14 mm.

Features of carpentry wooden partitions

Wooden partitions in a wooden house can be carpentry. They are used interior designs. They are decorated with sheets of valuable wood or coated with paint or varnish. Soundproofing abilities such walls are lower, so they are rarely used, and only where such characteristics are not so important. This applies to the dressing area in the bedroom.

The carpentry partitions are filleted. They have strapping and connecting spikes. Such walls are good because they do not require finishing. The price of such structures can vary from 250 to 1500 rubles. per square meter. The cost depends on the type of material. You can assemble such wooden partitions in a wooden house yourself.

Reviews of solid partitions

Such structures are usually made from materials that were used in construction. For example, to build a house from profiled timber, partitions can be made from timber with a section of 50x100 mm. As consumers emphasize, the top of the structure can be sheathed with plasterboard or fiberboard.

Home craftsmen claim that the system gains rigidity thanks to metal spikes; their length and diameter are 100 mm and 10 mm, respectively. They are used for assembly. The structure is secured from below and above with triangular bars. On the sides, the connection is made with nails, with the help of which the structure is attached to the load-bearing wall. If special grooves are made in the latter, then timber can be laid there during assembly. However, this approach is recommended only if the house has not yet completely shrunk.

Buyers claim that such wooden partitions in a wooden house have sound insulation qualities that depend on the characteristics of the timber. However, if you wish, you can improve these characteristics by adding a layer of foam to the structure. But this will require finishing. Consumers claim that the price of such a system will depend on the type of timber used in the construction of the house. From profiled products chamber drying you can get a partition, the cost of which starts from 250 rubles per square meter. The most expensive solution, according to users, are partitions made of laminated veneer lumber.

Installing a board partition

If you decide to make partitions in a wooden house, then you can use boards, planed or unplaned. Before work, you can stock up on products whose width and thickness start from 150 and 50 mm, respectively, and end at 200 mm and 60 mm, respectively. The boards are connected using shunts.

Before finishing, the structure must be sanded. If planed boards were used, the trim can be installed immediately. To ensure that the partition does not bend after plastering, the boards are split with a hammer, and wedges of 10 mm or more are hammered into the resulting cracks.

Manufacturing of panel partitions

Interior partitions in a wooden house can also be panel partitions. For this, the same boards are used, the length and thickness of which can be different. In this case, you can use construction remains. Optimal size for shields, boards with a thickness of 20 to 40 mm are read.

The shields should form two or three rows. In order to improve the quality of heat and sound insulation of the partition, cardboard, roofing felt, thermal insulation material or parchment paper.

Working on a two-layer shield

The boards used for partitions may have different thicknesses, but the shield should be no thinner than 40 mm. Nails must be used for laying and nailing. The joints are completely overlapped. On the side parts of each shield there should be 25 mm protrusions from the board.

Using a quarter, you can connect elements together. As a result, you should get boards whose width is 0.5 m, while the length is 1.5 m. The installation of partitions in a wooden house using this technology involves attaching logs to the floor and ceiling. Grooves are made in them, where the partition is fixed. The structure is plastered and finished with plasterboard.

Making a three-layer shield

The boards can form the basis of a three-layer structure. This allows you to achieve better insulation. The thickness of the products will range from 19 to 25 mm. The bottom and top layers are laid vertically, while the middle one provides for a horizontal arrangement of the boards. In this case, products of smaller thickness should be used.

Fastening is carried out along the seam. If you decide to build a partition in a wooden house according to the principle of a three-layer structure, then you need to leave quarters at the edges to give the boards the appearance of a single structure. Roofing felt or cardboard is laid in two layers between the first and second, as well as the second and third layers. Soundproofing of partitions in a wooden house will be at top level. Therefore, such designs can be used in any room. On final stage The boards are plastered on both sides.

Manufacturing of frame partition

For execution frame structure interior wall, you need to familiarize yourself with the floor structure. If it was installed on beams, then the frame is installed on one of them. The strapping is performed at a distance of 10 cm from the floor and ceiling. If the floor was built on joists on the ground, then the frame partition in a wooden house must be installed on separate beams, ensuring a gap of 1 cm on all sides.

The structure should not be located on clean floor, because repairs become more complicated and sound insulation worsens. Before installing a frame partition, it is necessary to measure the room, making markings on the walls and floor. The bars and grooves will be located along the marked lines. According to the measurements, it is necessary to prepare the racks and assemble a frame from them. If there is a door in the wall, then its frame is installed at the strapping stage. Along the edges of the box there should be racks that connect to the frame.

Work methodology

When assembling the frame, you can use one of two technologies. The first involves the assembly and installation of the entire frame. Another approach involves assembling panels and elements separately. This is true for frame-panel walls. The frame is installed vertically and wedged. Fixation is carried out with screws. The outer racks must be fixed to the wall. The bottom trim is attached to the floor; screws must be used for this. Their heads are recessed for finishing.

In order to provide stability to the intermediate posts, boards and bars are fastened across them. Before this, you need to measure the angle at which the bars will be installed. It must be straight. From the outside, the beam is nailed through the post, while from the inside, two nails must be used, they must be offset at an angle. The hat also goes deeper.

Steam-conducting material is laid inside the structure to soundproof the partition in a wooden house. Previously, dry slag or brick was used for this. Today you can increasingly find synthetic filler, for example, mineral slabs. They are located after the sheathing is completed on one side. Communications can be laid together with the material. To save material and time, it is better to use frame cells; their dimensions can be 500x500 mm or 500x100 mm. Thermal insulation boards are produced in these sizes. Consequently, such a device allows you to cut the slab in half or use the entire material.


After making the frame partition, you can sheathe it with one of the many materials that is presented on modern market. For fastening it is necessary to use self-tapping screws and nails, which are sunk into the material and then covered with putty. After the layer has dried, the surface can be cleaned and corners and joints adjacent to the ceiling and load-bearing walls can be sealed. To do this, it is recommended to use vertical strips, putty and fiberglass tape. The finished partition is often covered with wallpaper or painted. However, you can use any of the finishing materials you choose for this.

This type of partition is used if a wooden house requires redevelopment or division of the common space into zones. Frame partitions have the advantage that with a relatively small weight and thickness (up to 200 mm), thermal insulation can be significantly improved. At the same time, sound insulation is created. Additional communications can also be installed inside the frame, for example, plumbing or electrical wiring.

The construction of frame partitions includes racks, sheathing and strapping. The racks (frame) are made from metal profile, felling soft wood or boards. Plywood, drywall and other smooth surfaces are used for sheathing. Inner space insulate various materials. They also provide sound insulation. The strapping is done with slats or boards. The interesting thing is that you can install any interior walls with your own hands.

Types and algorithm for installing frame partitions

Interior frame partitions are installed after the frame shrinks, like windows and doors. If the load-bearing walls are permanent and supporting, then the installation of partitions allows them to be removed or redone at any time. Although this design is considered lightweight, it must withstand the natural loads in residential areas.

Such a wall is usually used in a wooden house, for example, in timber log house. There are interior partitions with and without a frame.


Photo No. 1

Such partitions are a prefabricated structure and are considered the most economical. Their design makes it very easy to build a wall with your own hands. The frame can be made from boards of any tree 50 mm wide and about 100 mm long, which are installed vertically and tied together horizontal beam. They can be two-layer or three-layer. Frame-panel structures made from various cut boards. It is best to use shields up to 40 mm wide and up to 150 mm long.

When making two-layer partitions, the boards are placed vertically in 2 layers. And in three-layer panel partitions, the middle boards (usually thinner) can be positioned horizontally. Frame-panel structures are assembled into grooves made on the floor and ceiling. The material is fastened with nails. The seams between the boards must overlap the boards of the next layer.

Sound insulation of such partitions is ensured by laying roofing felt, cardboard, mineral wool, polystyrene and other materials between the boards insulating material. It is necessary to protect the structure from excess steam vapor barrier film. And cover the surface itself gypsum plaster or sheathed with plywood or fiberboard. Double plastering is done on top of the panels.

Solid partitions

You can make solid ones in a wooden house from timber. The beam is assembled on spikes. The structure is attached to the surface of the floor and ceiling with triangular bars. The surface of the structure is sheathed with plasterboard, plywood, and chipboard. You can also knock out a groove in the load-bearing wall and install a partition in it. This method is good to use in a wooden house that has not yet shrinked. To avoid surface warping wide boards it is necessary to split it with an ax, and insert wedges into the resulting splits to form small cracks.

A solid frame partition can also be made two-layer. To do this, it is necessary to vertically install boards 35 mm thick and cover them with a layer of thinner boards (up to 25 mm) at an angle of 45°. So that the surface can be plastered in the future, you need to use unplaned boards.

Joinery (paneled structures)

Such partitions lack heat and sound insulation. The device only serves the function of dividing the room into zones and may not even reach the ceiling. Executed from wooden planks the required size, and is tied with separate slats and panels. The surface is covered with varnish, paint or sheathed with valuable wood or plywood.

Installation of frame partitions

In order to make a fence, you need to know the structure of the floor in a wooden house. If the floor is located on beams, then the frame can be installed on one of these beams. The strapping should be done at a small distance – from 10 cm – from the floor and ceiling. If the floor is located on joists on the ground, then the partition should be placed on separate beams with 1 cm gaps on all sides. The structure should not be placed on a clean floor - this makes repairs more difficult and the sound insulation deteriorates.

Photo No. 2

Before installing a frame partition, you need to measure the room and make markings on the floor and walls. Along the marking lines, bars and grooves for the future wall will be placed. Based on the measurements, the racks are cut out and the frame is assembled from them. If you plan to install a door in the wall, then its frame is installed at the strapping stage. Additional racks are placed along the edges of the box and connected to the frame.

Video: installation and use of materials for laying in the frame

When assembling the frame with your own hands, you can use two methods.

In the first case, it can be assembled and installed entirely, like a frame. Or you can assemble panels and elements separately (where frame-panel structures are used). The assembled frame is placed vertically and wedged, strengthened with screws. The outer posts are attached to the wall. Bottom harness It is also attached to the floor using screws. The screw heads are recessed for subsequent sealing.

To stabilize the intermediate posts, bars and boards are attached across them. Before installing them, the angle at which the bars will be attached is measured. It must be straight.

From the outside, the timber is nailed directly with one nail through the post, and from the inside - with two nails offset at an angle. The nail head must be deepened.

Photo No. 3

A heat-insulating, steam-conducting material is placed inside the structure, which improves sound insulation. Previously, brick or dry slag was used for this. Nowadays, synthetic filler is used for these purposes, for example, mineral slabs. It is laid and secured after the sheathing is completed on one side. Along with the filling materials, the necessary communications are carried out.

Photo No. 4

To save time and insulating material, it is better to use frame cells measuring 500 by 500 mm or 500 by 1000 mm. Thermal insulation boards They are mainly produced in these sizes. Consequently, it is precisely this device that allows you to cut the slab in half or use the entire material, respectively.

External finishing of the structure

Various materials using self-tapping screws. All screws and nails are covered with putty. When it dries, all surfaces are cleaned and the panel joints and corners adjacent to the load-bearing walls and ceiling are sealed. For this purpose, vertical strips of various profiles, fiberglass tape or putty are used. The finished partition is pasted over with wallpaper, covered with paint and other finishing materials.

Photo No. 5

Interior partitions made in a timber frame should not be assigned functions load-bearing walls, roof support or upper floors. In places where accommodation is possible lighting fixtures or household appliances, it is necessary to reinforce it with bars.

Those who decide to make a frame partition with their own hands need to decide on its type, material and their financial capabilities. It is also worth considering the ability to work with wood and other materials.

Internal partitions are walls that do not perform a load-bearing function and serve only to separate rooms. Partitions in a wooden house are usually made of wood so as not to disturb the overall style of the building. But this is not important if design solution interior design allows you to construct them from any materials, such as, for example, plasterboard or aerated concrete.

Requirements for partitions in a private house

All walls in the house are divided into load-bearing, self-supporting, enclosing and partitions. Load-bearing walls must be strong and reliable, since other architectural elements rest on them. Self-supporting ones rest on the foundation and support their own weight. The boundary wall can be load-bearing or self-supporting. It should not only be durable, but also insulated.

Partitions, unlike the above types of walls, rest on the ceilings and do not bear any load. Their strength and reliability indicators are subject to less stringent requirements. However, these designs must have certain characteristics.

    The partitions must be sufficient light. The lighter their weight, the less pressure on the foundation and floors, and this is reflected in the economic efficiency of the entire building.

    Partitions must be thin. The thinner the dividing internal walls, the more the living space of the house is saved.

    When calculating partitions, it is necessary to take into account that furniture will be hung on them and Appliances. Therefore they must be strong.

    Partitions act as dividing structures, which should provide the premises with a sufficient level soundproofing.

    Partitions in rooms with high humidity and sudden changes in temperature must be constructed from materials that are not exposed to negative impact these factors. If they are built from wood, then it is imperative to use effective protective impregnations.

    Partitions in the house must be high fire resistance.

    It is very important to consider the need for laying electrical wires in the body of the septum or along it.

On our website you can find contacts construction companies who offer interior remodeling services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

What materials are they made of?

For construction internal partitions are used various building materials. The most commonly used materials are brick, porous concrete or plasterboard.


Brick partitions are characterized by high strength. You can mount any shelves and brackets on them without fear that they will not stay on the wall. In addition, brick walls are a good sound insulator. So that they do not weigh down the building so much, not ordinary solid brick is used, but its porous analogue. But partitions in a house made of timber are quite rarely constructed from ceramics. The fact is that even porous brick is too heavy for wooden building. Besides Brick wall requires painstaking leveling of the surface for final finishing.

Aerated concrete and foam concrete

Cellular concrete blocks are available in various sizes. There are also special products for laying partitions. They are thin and minimum weight. But this also has its drawbacks - when hanging heavy interior elements, you need to use special dowels. Another important nuance - cellular concrete It is hygroscopic, and without additional protection it cannot be used to separate rooms with high humidity.


This is the cheapest and easiest to use material. For the construction of partitions it is installed metal carcass, which is then sheathed on both sides with thick sheets of plasterboard. The difficulty of operating such structures is their low resistance to mechanical stress. You cannot install shelves and equipment on the drywall itself. The truth can be fixed heavy elements directly onto the metal frame.

With a strong enough impact plasterboard wall cracks, resulting in the need to replace damaged sheets.

Gypsolite slabs

Material made of gypsum and silicone with a tongue-and-groove connection system. Practical partitions with smooth surface. You can’t just hang heavy objects on them either, but in terms of the degree of resistance to mechanical stress, this material is more attractive than ordinary drywall.

Partitions in a house made of timber

The density of the partitions should not exceed the density of the load-bearing walls, otherwise they will be too heavy relative to the total mass of the building. At the same time, the timber from which the walls of log houses are built belongs to lightweight building materials. Traditional brick and not even very heavy aerated concrete partitions It is not recommended to build in wooden houses. They can be erected from plasterboard or tongue-and-groove slabs. But the most best option– these are timber or frame partitions. IN technical rooms You can install plank (panel) partitions.

Partitions made of timber

Timber partitions allow you to maintain the harmony of the interior of the log house. They are built from material with a small thickness. But the height of the timber for the partitions should be the same as the material for the external walls. This is necessary in order to facilitate the process of constructing partitions and increase the aesthetics of the interior of the premises.

The main advantages of timber structures:



    good sound insulation.

However, it is worth noting that all the advantageous characteristics timber walls are reduced due to the presence of openings in them. An important advantage of timber partitions is their appearance, in which there is no need for additional decoration with finishing materials.

Such partitions are erected in the same way as the outer walls of a log house. The basis of the internal dividing walls are floor beams. During the construction process, it is necessary to remember that the timber in the finished log house shrinks. This applies to both the material for the building frame and the wood for the interior walls. It is more convenient to erect partitions simultaneously with load-bearing walls. But if you are not sure that the timber for the walls and for the partitions has the same shrinkage coefficient, it is better to install the partitions after the house has completely shrinked.

The amount of timber and the type of connection between the partition and the wall is determined by the designer or builders. To protect the wood as much as possible from moisture, the bottom row of the partition is laid from moisture-resistant aspen or larch. In addition, the bottom row is insulated from a vapor-permeable film.

Finished timber partitions are sanded and coated protective compounds along with the main walls. You can safely mount heavy shelves and fastening systems for household appliances on timber partitions.

Frame partitions

It is more economical and prefabricated option. Such partitions consist of a frame and cladding. The frame is constructed from vertical racks and horizontal bundles of timber or unplaned boards. You can use a metal frame as for drywall. The frame is secured with hardware to the surface of the floor, load-bearing walls and ceiling. Ready frame filled from the inside with any thermal insulation sheet material, which will provide the wall with sufficient sound insulation. Mineral wool is most often used. The structure is sewn up with boards, timber or other material suitable for the interior design of the house under construction. The rigidity and strength of the frame partition remains unchanged regardless of the number of technical and door openings.

Despite the fact that partitions are made of timber or frame technology are erected quickly and using simple tools; this work should only be trusted to qualified specialists. When working with wood materials shrinkage processes, which depend on many factors, must be taken into account. In addition, only a professional can securely fasten all elements wooden structure without damaging them.

Video description

Arrangement of a frame partition in a log house made of timber or logs

Plank partitions

A type of wooden non-load-bearing interior wall. A plank partition differs from a timber partition in thickness, sound insulation and strength, as well as price. Typically, plank partitions are installed in utility and technical rooms, where it is not necessary to maintain an ideal design.

This option has the principle of a frame partition. Boards installed vertically or horizontally, depending on the characteristics of the room, are used as a frame. Frame boards sewn up with planed boards.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects timber houses from construction companies represented at the exhibition of Low-Rise Country houses.


A cottage made of timber is an eco-friendly and comfortable housing in all respects. Interior walls in a wooden house should not disturb the harmony of the log house premises. However, they should not be too expensive. In houses designed like a classic log house, it is better to install timber partitions. If the cottage is planned in modern style, it can be used to create dividing walls with a smooth surface to provide designers with the opportunity to create an original, stylish interior.


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