The Ministry of Agriculture will stop subsidizing greenhouse projects. Greenhouse construction: why Russian oligarchs got hooked on vegetables

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The Ministry of Agriculture announced changes to the system of state support for the agricultural sector, which will occur in 2019. Deputy head of the department Elena Fastova spoke about the adjustments at round table during the exhibition “Golden Autumn 2018”. According to her, it is planned to change the approaches to providing a single subsidy and subsidies to compensate for part of the direct costs incurred, as well as the insurance mechanism with state support. The changes are aimed primarily at increasing exports of agricultural products to $45 billion by 2024 and at expanding small and medium-sized businesses in the industry.

In particular, 2018 will be the last year when capital costs for the construction of greenhouse complexes are compensated under the state program, as follows from Fastova’s presentation. The fact that the Ministry of Agriculture intends to curtail CAPEX reimbursement in next year, Natalya Rogova, general director of the Greenhouses of Russia association, confirmed to Agroinvestor. “But we continue to fight and ask that this measure be maintained until 2020 inclusive, as previously intended,” she said. Rogova noted that such changes came as a surprise to the sector and would have a negative impact on investments. “Many projects are currently being implemented, and investors were counting on this measure of support. And taking into account the fact that capital costs are reimbursed upon completion of construction, it turns out that those who put the complexes into operation in January 2019 can no longer count on subsidies,” Rogova is concerned.

She estimates that about 300 hectares of greenhouses are currently under construction. “Over the past five years we have built about 700 hectares, but there are still at least 800 hectares of old greenhouses that will be retired. It turns out that in five years we will return to where we started,” Rogova laments. In 2018, the state program provides for reimbursement of 10% of capital costs for greenhouse complexes, in 2017 it was 20%. “However, this year there has been no compensation yet, there is still a debt for 2017,” Rogova noted.

In addition to the greenhouse sector, changes to reimburse part of the direct costs incurred will affect flax growing. If initially the amount of compensation in flax projects was 50%, now it has been reduced to 25%. However, this is the highest level of compensation for capital expenditures, notes Maxim Nikitochkin, project manager of the NEO Center practice. “Only one other sub-industry received a similar level of compensation - dairy farming“, he commented to Agroinvestor. In addition, an innovation was the inclusion in the list of supported areas of the creation of capacities for the production of dry milk products for baby food and components for them (the reimbursement rate is 20%). Compensation of 20% of costs from 2019 will also be provided for sheep breeding complexes for meat production. Also, this measure of state support will continue to apply for investment projects in seed production, selection and construction of storage facilities.

Elena Fastova stated that she considers reimbursement of a share of capital expenditures not the most effective instrument of state support. In her opinion, preferential lending is optimal, the share of which in supporting exports will exceed 50% by 2020. “The amount planned for preferential lending in 2020 is 27.2 billion rubles. - will be more than three times higher than compensation for capital costs (4.3 billion rubles) and compensation for part of the costs of transporting products (4 billion rubles) combined,” compared Nikitochkin. At the same time, he added that the main problem of Russian exports is that foreign countries do not associate Russia with the production of high-quality and tasty food products, unlike Italy, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Switzerland. However, the Ministry of Agriculture planned to allocate only 274 million rubles to create a national brand and promote agricultural products to foreign markets. in 2019 and 335 million rubles. in 2020.

For a single subsidy in 2019, the Ministry of Agriculture provided additional allocations to the regions to reimburse part of the costs of planting and caring for perennial plantings. “There will be limits on the planting of vineyards, the share of insured sown areas and the number of farm animals,” the press service of the agricultural department reported. In addition, a number of adjustments are expected in the field of agricultural insurance with state support. Thus, the threshold for crop loss at which the event is considered insured will be canceled, and the amount of loss that is not subject to compensation (unconditional deductible) will be increased from 30% to 50% of the insured amount. In addition, it is planned to expand the list of natural hazards and supplement the list of agricultural risks. According to the President of the National Union of Agricultural Insurers, Korney Bizhdov, support for agricultural insurance next year will still be included in the single subsidy, but the funds will be “separated” within it for targeted use only for insurance.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, taking into account preliminary decisions in 2019, the volume of federal budget funds for the implementation of the state agricultural program will amount to 302.2 billion rubles. At the same time, as Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev previously promised, “farmers will not be disappointed with the budget.” “We will retain all the tools, support measures, and amounts of funding that are currently available,” the Prime Minister said at the opening of “Golden Autumn” (quote from the transcript on

Hello! Today we’ll talk about subsidies and grants for agriculture in 2018.

In connection with the sanctions rhetoric against our state, efforts are being made serious measures, which are aimed at developing and increasing the level of management Agriculture. This year the state plans to allocate an even larger amount of funds for this industry.

Types of grants for agriculture

Grant programs allow farmers and owners to reach new level development, build a farm that will be economically successful.

Now let’s look at what kind of grants there are:

  • Grants allocated for communications at agricultural enterprises, for the construction of various facilities in agriculture;
  • Subsidizing measures to modernize the economy;
  • Subsidizing for repayment of payments on;
  • Partial compensation of funds spent on construction works for the construction of production facilities;
  • Grants for the purchase of farm animals;
  • Compensation for funds spent on fertilizers.

In general, there are 2 options for providing support to the agricultural sector. Grants that the government provides to beginning farmers and family farmers.

A beginning farmer who meets certain criteria, which will be discussed below, can apply for such a grant.

Criteria for professional assessment

  1. The professionalism of a farmer who applies for an agricultural development grant. This criterion is met by: farmers with higher education(preferably specialized) who have recommendations from local authorities;
  2. The presence of a well-written document, in which: formulated goals for the future, ways to achieve them, resources used, the end result.
  3. Availability ;
  4. Availability of objects to achieve the set goals;
  5. Sales plans finished products.

The final criterion for evaluation is the following: how significant the proposed project is for society.

Taking into account all the above criteria, the commission selects the most worthy participant in the competition.

Requirements for applicants

  • Citizenship Russian Federation;
  • The position of the head of a peasant farm, and has been in force for less than 2 years;
  • With at least 3 years of experience in the agricultural sector;
  • The applicant did not receive state previous support;
  • The applicant must live in the area where his peasant farm is located.

Grant procedure

To bring all the ideas of a novice farmer to life, in any case, a certain amount of Money, you can’t go anywhere without them. The only problem is that not everyone has these tools, and not everyone knows. It is in such cases that the state is ready to provide assistance in the form of a grant for the development of farming.

Grant - type financial assistance, which does not need to be returned, but the person who received it must provide reporting for the funds spent.

To receive this help, you need to complete several tasks. Therefore, we will dwell on some of the subtleties and nuances of the procedure for obtaining support from the state.

First of all, it is worth considering that the proposed project should be of interest to the members of the expert commission. This needs to be reviewed before submitting your application.

You cannot spend the money received as a grant at your discretion: you will need to account for it.

Now let's look at what documents are needed to successfully submit an application:

  • Completed application form;
  • Photocopy of an identity document;
  • Photocopy of diploma;
  • Business plan;
  • Correctly completed application form;
  • Recommendations;
  • Consent for the processing of personal data;
  • Copies of the Charter;
  • A certificate confirming that the applicant is indeed a small business.

If the commission requires a number of other documents, they will need to be provided.

The entire grant amount is not given out in full; the transfer occurs in installments.

If a farmer receives a grant for agricultural development, he will also need to pay taxes after receiving each tranche. Another important point: if the purpose of obtaining funds is any equipment, then it will be provided to the entrepreneur, and not financial resources for the purchase.

Regarding grants for creating a farm, it is worth saying that they can be obtained not only from Russian investors, but also from foreign ones. Therefore, before submitting an application, you should clarify who exactly the investor is, since their requirements differ significantly from each other.

Having studied these requirements in advance, you can adjust your business plan in accordance with their requests. For example, the targeted use of funds received is especially important for investors from other countries, while domestic sponsors are more interested in the number of potential jobs that will be created if the project is implemented.

If we talk about receiving a grant for the development of peasant farmers and farms, here preference goes to those individuals who are ready not only to ask for money from the state, but also to contribute their own funds to the development of the business.

Other types of support

In addition to the grant, young farmers can also take advantage of one-time government assistance. The decision to issue it is also made by a commission of experts, and it can be spent on repairing or purchasing housing, purchasing furniture, office equipment, installing the Internet, carrying out various communications, etc.

Conclusion of an agreement and transfer of funds

After the farmer is recognized as the winner in the competition for the distribution of funds, an agreement is concluded between him and the Ministry of Finance, on the basis of which the grant is awarded. Funds will be credited within 5 days from the date of signing the agreement.

The agreement includes the following items:

  • The amount of funds that will be allocated;
  • Purpose of allocation of funds;
  • Commitment to carry out agricultural activities for 5 years after the grant was issued;
  • Agreed reporting deadlines;
  • The level of responsibility of the parties to the contract for violation of its clauses;
  • The procedure for returning funds not used for the implementation of the project.

Financial resources are transferred from the personal account of the Ministry to an account that is opened in the name of the recipient of the money. The transfer period is usually specified in a previously concluded agreement.

The maximum grant amount that can be allocated to one person is 1,500,000 rubles, and the one-time support provided is 250,000 rubles.

How to get a grant from private investors

A beginning farmer can apply for a grant not only from the state, but also from a private foundation. Typically, such funds provide funding to the grantee in stages. If the first amounts are disbursed successfully and the reporting for their use does not contain violations, the next part of the funds is paid.

An important point when approaching private investors is that small projects are unlikely to interest them. But if you think globally and can justify your plans, it is quite possible that they will be interested in you and provide the necessary financial support.

Taking as a basis the experience of people who have already participated in the competition for grants, we can give several practical recommendations for those who are just planning to try to receive government support.

  1. Each region has its own specific aspects of the competition. This needs to be taken into account and such information clarified in advance in order to be fully prepared;
  2. You need to register with the Federal Tax Service only after a detailed study of all documents about the competition. Otherwise, there is a risk of not being allowed to see him.
  3. Take into account the validity periods of all certificates so that you do not have to collect them again;
  4. Take your business plan seriously. The commission studies this document especially carefully;
  5. Study all the conditions for granting a grant in your region of residence;
  6. Strictly adhere to deadlines for submitting reporting documents.

Responsibility for misuse of a grant

If during the proceedings it is proven that the recipient of the grant did not plan to use it for its intended purpose, but only received and appropriated these funds, or did not account for them in deadlines, this act can be qualified under the article “Fraud”.

Also, such an offense may be classified under the article “Misuse of budget funds,” which already entails criminal liability.

What would you like to say to conclude today's conversation? If a farmer receives a grant, many people benefit: residents of a particular area will buy products from a local manufacturer, the farmer will receive a profit, and therefore the opportunity to expand his business.

What is the benefit of the state? The fewer imported agricultural products are sold in our country, the less external influence will be exerted on it. But this story is from a different area.

V.P. Yurkov,
deputy general director Agrisovgaz LLC,
Honorary Builder of Russia

In the article “Results of the operation of greenhouses produced by Agrisovgaz LLC”, published in the magazine “World of Greenhouses” (No. 6, 2004), we noted that main problem new construction is the need to search for additional sources of financing, because The construction of a new greenhouse with full modern equipment is often difficult to implement using only its own funds, even for large, successfully operating greenhouse complexes. In this situation, it is useful to turn to both foreign experience and consider possible options and ways to resolve this issue in Russian conditions.

Developed foreign countries.

Here they provide all possible support to their own producers at all levels, including the provision of long-term loans at a low interest rate of 1.5-2.5% per annum for up to 25 years (Netherlands), regulation of selling prices by establishing minimum purchase prices, introducing customs duties, sanitary barriers , anti-dumping bans and fines on imported products (USA), etc. In countries of Eastern Europe that have joined the EEC (Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, etc.), new construction is carried out under state programs (Sappard) for the reconstruction and development of the greenhouse industry, financed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

In Poland, where 80% of greenhouse farms are small (by Russian standards) farms from 0.5 to 1.5 hectares, loans are issued on very preferential terms (loan rate 1.5-2.5% per annum for up to 25 years). After completion of construction, 50% of the loan is repaid by the bank.

CIS countries.

The situation with state support for the greenhouse industry in all CIS countries (except for the Republic of Belarus) is almost the same: the greenhouse industry is left to its own devices, there is no investment. The expansion of fixed assets and reconstruction are carried out in large farms, where the main driving force is enthusiasm and high professional level farm management. An additional incentive in this situation is the privatization of farms and their transfer into the hands of shareholders represented by the workforce or private owners. For example, in Kazakhstan, new greenhouses are being built exclusively with the money of private investors in order to solve social issues on behalf of President Nazarbayev (creating jobs) or to gain a monopoly position in the market, where greenhouse farms have fallen into exceptional decline, and greenhouse products have decreased by 90%. 95% is imported from Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and China.

In this situation, the Republic of Belarus represents an exception, because here the greenhouse industry, thanks to the support of the President, receives a completely unique impetus for development. After the visit of the President of the Republic of Belarus in September 2003. Minsk greenhouse complex, built on an area of ​​6.2 hectares on the basis of Agrisovgaz greenhouses, Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 830 dated July 7, 2004 was adopted. “On construction in 2004 - 2006. energy saving winter greenhouses", prescribing the construction of new greenhouses in 9 farms with total area 38 hectares (the area of ​​one greenhouse is from 3 to 6 hectares). The resolution defines the volumes and sources of financing, which consist of 80% of the budget long-term loan for a period of 7 years with repayment of 2/3 of the refinancing rate from regional budgets, 10% - funds from local budgets and 10% - funds from the farms themselves. In addition to this program, large organizations of the Republic of Belarus (Belarusian Railway, National Bank of the Republic of Belarus) plan to carry out additional construction of greenhouses with a total area of ​​about 20 hectares on the basis of existing greenhouse complexes at the same time, using their own funds, completely updating their fixed assets, including the construction of new gas mini-boiler houses to replace the old ones with low efficiency.


The continuing rise in energy prices further aggravates the problem of replacing old greenhouses of Russian greenhouse enterprises with new ones. The unanimous opinion of Russian and foreign experts and greenhouse managers is that the depreciation of fixed assets of most greenhouse enterprises has reached such limits that the operation of old greenhouses becomes unprofitable due to the huge costs of heating, repair and reconstruction, insufficient quantity and often low quality of the products produced. products.

Ways and methods of financing new construction of industrial greenhouses

In order to assist managers of greenhouse farms in finding sources of financing for new construction, Agrisovgaz LLC in 2004. Work began on providing consulting assistance for the acquisition of new greenhouses produced by Agrisovgaz LLC on the basis of credit and leasing.

For this purpose, negotiations were held with various leasing companies and banking structures.

1. Leasing

For getting financial resources Based on leasing, applicants should know that:

· the amount of funds issued through leasing cannot exceed 40-50% of the annual financial turnover of an operating enterprise.

· the enterprise must provide complete accounting and management reporting for study and analysis;

· the object of leasing is the greenhouse itself (a mandatory requirement is a single supplier of structures and equipment, including construction and installation work and commissioning);

· additional security – pledge of land, equipment, assignment of the right to use, Guarantor.

· Own funds – up to 30%;

· Leasing term – up to 5 years;

· The greenhouse with equipment becomes the property of the lessee only upon the end of the leasing period and the completion of the leasing payment schedule.

· interest rate - 8-9% per annum (for operating enterprises), 18-20% - for investment projects, because high risk percentage.

The advantages of this type of financing:

· income tax savings

· relatively low interest rate;

· accelerated depreciation of the object;


· risk of hostile takeover;

· restrictions on the volume of financing (40-50% of annual turnover);

· initial advance – 15-20% of the total financing.

2. Bank loans

Currently, the following methods of financing through credit are practiced in Russia.

1) Credit at the expense of the supplier

The bottom line is that the company receives an investment “LC-loan” for a period of up to 5 years under a first-class guarantee Russian Bank(SB, GPB, VEB, etc.) on bail real estate with an interest rate of 7-9% per annum in foreign currency under the following conditions:

  • Construction of a turnkey greenhouse on the basis of a single supplier of greenhouse structures and equipment (usually an importer);
  • Warranty and post-warranty service (1-2 years);
  • Quality assurance of products (vegetables, flowers);
  • Guarantee of sales at the Dutch auction price (vs. sales contract);
  • Insurance of the transaction (insurance company “Atradius” or others)


  • Difficulty obtaining a guarantee from a first-class bank;
  • Complete dependence on the import supplier;
  • A sales guarantee from an import supplier is, as a rule, a profanation;

2) Creation of joint ventures with supplier companies (foreign)

Example: " Rose Garden» Nedelnoe village.

Pros: tax savings (VAT, import duties)

3) Loan with the support of the local administration (government of the republic)

The most commonly used form of financing in the construction of new greenhouses in the Russian Federation.

The main advantage of this type is the repayment of 2/3 of the refinancing rate from the local budget.

The construction of new greenhouse blocks can be carried out through:

· Own funds;

· Credit resources;

· Supply of greenhouses on lease.

Since at present the own resources of greenhouse enterprises are extremely limited, and the use of credit resources is met with the reluctance of banks to finance long-term agricultural projects (for a period of more than 3 years) at an acceptable interest rate (8 - 9%).

In this situation, leasing becomes a unique investment tool that allows an enterprise to obtain the property necessary for development, paying for it gradually, from operating income.

Under a leasing agreement, the lessor ( leasing company) undertakes to acquire ownership of the property specified by the lessee (client) from the seller identified by him and provide the client with this property for a fee for temporary possession and use for business purposes.

The following are available for leasing:

· Greenhouse structures produced by Agrisovgaz LLC;

· Engineering systems And technological equipment for a greenhouse produced by leading Russian and foreign companies at the choice of the lessee.

Conditions for leasing greenhouses:

1. The customer provides partial financing of the leasing project in the amount of 20–30% of its cost from his own funds.

2. Leasing term – 4 – 5 years.

3. Guarantee support for a leasing transaction is required, including pledges of liquid property, bank guarantees, third-party guarantees, etc. The type and amount of collateral is determined individually for each client, taking into account his financial condition.

4. Compulsory insurance of the leased item from the risk of loss, damage, destruction, shortage, damage and risks of civil liability associated with the mutual obligations of the lessor and the lessee under the leasing agreement.

5. The leased asset can be taken into account both on the balance sheet of the leasing company and on the balance sheet of the lessee in order to optimize tax deductions.

6. Payment of leasing payments is carried out monthly according to the agreed schedule.

7. Upon expiration of the leasing period and fulfillment of the leasing payment schedule, the greenhouse with equipment becomes the property of the lessee.

To consider an application for leasing a greenhouse, the client fills out an application for leasing, a questionnaire of the enterprise participating in the leasing, provides financial statements enterprises for the last three years, as well as quarterly reports for the current year and a business plan for the project proposed for financing (if available). After reviewing these documents, the leasing company gives a conclusion on the possibility of leasing the greenhouse and equipment, provides the customer Required documents for registration and leasing payment schedule.

A leasing company specializing in the supply of greenhouses on lease can increase its efficiency compared to a loan due to the following factors:

1. Savings on income tax.

2. Receiving a lower loan rate, because Many leasing companies were established by banks to implement investment projects and are interested in attracting as many clients as possible.

3. Reducing the price of greenhouse components, because The leasing company in this case acts as a wholesale buyer.

An additional effect from cooperation with a leasing company is the performance of the following functions:

  • Negotiations with a lending organization and preparation of a package of documents for credit advice;
  • Applying for a loan on oneself and full responsibility to the lending institution for its timely repayment and payment of interest;
  • Working out purchase and sale agreements with all suppliers, agreeing them with the lessee;
  • Organizing the implementation of the entire project, coordinating the delivery and installation of equipment;
  • The leasing company is interested in reducing the construction and commissioning period as much as possible, which will ensure control over the timely fulfillment of obligations by all project participants;

Anyone interested in leasing the supply of greenhouses to Agrisovgaz LLC can contact our company directly. We plan to invite representatives of the leasing company “Lizingaz” to the upcoming seminars for greenhouse growers for a detailed talk about the possibilities of leasing industrial greenhouses and conducting the necessary preliminary consultations.

In conclusion - about the greenhouse itself, as a leasing item. LLC "Agrisovgaz" for Lately significantly expanded the range of greenhouse structures offered to customers. In addition to the traditional Venlo-type block greenhouse with a span of 9.6 m and column heights of 4, 4.5 and 5 m, which has proven itself to Russian and foreign consumers, since January 2005 Agrisovgaz has been offering a new development - a greenhouse with a span of 8.0 m and the height of the columns is 4.5 m, characterized by increased light transmittance and lower consumption of materials for its production. The width of glass in greenhouses can be 800 or 1000 mm, depending on the region of construction and the wishes of the customer. For one of the customers, a special reinforced greenhouse design was developed, intended for construction in earthquake-prone areas (up to 8 points), in the VI wind and IV snow regions.

For special purposes, for example, growing potted crops and seedlings on tables, a greenhouse with a span of 12.8 m and a column height of 4.5 m is offered. Side and end filling can be done with either glass or polycarbonate (at the customer’s request).

In 2005 The design and technology bureau of the enterprise began to develop several types of film greenhouses, which are expected to be put into mass production in 2006.

Thus, by purchasing an Agrisovgaz greenhouse on lease, the customer has the opportunity to choose exactly the design that will not only solve all agronomic issues, but also apply the most modern equipment, provide required amount and product quality, but also to ensure that the new greenhouse meets all building regulations and rules. And this ensures the main thing - the economic success of the entire project as a whole, guaranteed safe and successful operation of the greenhouse for many years.

Best practices and perspective.

Despite the difficulties in obtaining credit resources, a number of Russian greenhouse enterprises, relying on the support of local authorities, find an opportunity to collect necessary funds and begin to alternately replace outdated greenhouses with new production facilities of Agrisovgaz LLC.

Thus, the State Unitary Enterprise VOSHP “Zarya” (Volgograd) built in 2004. new greenhouse with an area of ​​1.56 hectares, purchased structures for another 1.56 hectares (second stage) and plans to carry out construction of the third stage (1.56 hectares) in 2005, in addition to the construction of the second stage. State Unitary Enterprise RM "Teplichnoye" (Saransk) was built in 2004. 1.02 hectares (first stage) and is being prepared for construction in 2005. another 1 hectare (second stage). In 2005 it is planned to build new greenhouses in the Teplichny TC (Vladimir) - 0.8 hectares; TC “Zavyalovsky” (Izhevsk) – 0.9 hectares; Agricultural Production Complex "Greenhouse Plant" (Vologda) - 1.0 hectares; State Unitary Enterprise Agricultural Enterprise “Sovkhoz Teplichny” (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk); TC "Moskovsky" - construction of complexes for growing potted crops (3.3 hectares) and seedlings (2.2 hectares). GUSP TC "Murmansky" plans major reconstruction– replacement of external glazing of greenhouses under the Agrisovgaz project in the amount of 3.0 hectares.

New construction taking into account the current permitting system of local authorities and sufficient long terms registration and approval of bank documents requires time from 3 to 8 months to complete the entire procedure, including designing a greenhouse, preparing a business plan, contracts for the supply of greenhouses and equipment, construction contracts, etc. In this regard, in order not to lose construction season, to ensure the construction pace of “two hectares in 3.5 months”, we recommend that you contact us in advance to conduct all necessary consultations and agree on deadlines.

The Ministry of Agriculture Commission recommended 39 investment projects to reimburse direct costs incurred during the construction or modernization of agricultural facilities. The estimated cost of the selected projects is 14.5 billion rubles, the amount of state support for them will be almost 2.6 billion rubles, follows from the protocol of the commission. Thus, taking into account the selection process, the total amount allocated from the federal budget in 2017 for reimbursement of capital costs will be 12.9 billion rubles.

The presented investment projects involve the construction and modernization of greenhouse and dairy complexes, vegetable and fruit storage facilities, as well as selection and genetic centers. Natalia Chernetsova, director of the department of economics and state support of the agro-industrial complex, included Chechnya, Krasnodar and Stavropol territories, Yakutia and Tatarstan among the leading regions in terms of the number of selected projects and the amount of funds for cost recovery.

As for the projects themselves, greenhouse projects became the leaders in terms of the amount of approved subsidies. The largest subsidies among the applications considered by the commission are expected to be allocated to the Thunder company (Magnit structure). As follows from the materials of the Ministry of Agriculture, the estimated cost of the company’s four facilities in Krasnodar region is 2.4 billion rubles. excluding VAT, of which 482 million rubles. expected to be reimbursed from the state budget. In January of this year, the retailer began construction of a center for growing champignons with a capacity of 6.4 thousand tons and a compost workshop in Kuban, the regional agricultural department previously reported. At the same time, at the beginning of construction, the volume of investment in the project was estimated at 1.79 billion rubles.

In second place among 39 projects is the “Valley of the Sun” greenhouse complex, built by the “ Belaya Dacha"in the Stavropol Territory. The cost of the project excluding VAT, in accordance with the protocol of the commission, is 1.98 billion rubles, of which 308 million rubles. expected to be reimbursed from the state budget. The project includes two stages, the construction of the first of them has now been completed - 15 hectares of greenhouses have been erected for growing mini-salads. As the company's CEO said in June, “ Belaya Dacha trading" Anton Semenov at the "Agricultural Forum of Russia: how to ensure sustainable growth of the industry", the company also reimbursed the interest rate on the loan for the greenhouse project, which became the first compensation from the state budget in the 99-year history of Belaya Dacha. “I honestly didn’t believe it. When I started the project, I assumed that it would be implemented without subsidies. But it turns out that this [state support system] works,” Semenov said.

In third place in terms of the amount of subsidizing part of the capital costs is also the greenhouse complex being built by the YugAgroholding company in Chechnya with an estimated cost of 1.96 billion rubles. Design size subsidies will amount to 285 million rubles. As the press service of the government of the republic reported, the greenhouse complex is located on an area of ​​17 hectares and is designed for year-round cultivation of vegetables and green crops using automated systems and 100% additional illumination. The volume of production will be more than 7.2 thousand tons of vegetables. The greenhouse complex "YugAgroholding" was registered in August 2015, according to data from The main activity is the cultivation of vegetables, melons, root and tuber crops, mushrooms and truffles. Owns 99.99% of the company Executive Director company, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Chechnya Nursolta Adaev, 0.01% - “ RSHB Finance" (structure of Rosselkhozbank).

In total, 11 projects worth 8.7 billion rubles were selected in the area of ​​“greenhouse complexes”, the estimated amount of state support for them will be 1.5 billion rubles. In particular, a subsidy to reimburse part of capital costs in the amount of 236 million rubles. it is planned to allocate 119 million rubles to the Maryinsky greenhouse complex in the Stavropol Territory. — Agricultural enterprise “Greenhouses of Belogorye” in the Belgorod region, 82.8 million rubles. - state farm "Teplichny" on Sakhalin.

In the “dairy complexes” area, 15 projects were selected for a total amount of 2.2 billion rubles, the total amount of subsidies is 463 million rubles. The largest amount of state support in this area will be received by the project of EcoCorm LLC (part of the Molvest company) for the construction of a dairy farm in the Voronezh region. Its cost exceeds 815 million rubles, of which 150 million rubles. expected to be reimbursed from the state budget. According to the administration of the Voronezh region, at the beginning of June, the governor of the region, Alexei Gordeev, inspected a new dairy complex, the first stage of which is designed for 1.2 thousand cows. As Elena Efimova, deputy director for livestock production at EcoCorm, said in June, the milking herd will be formed from Holstein cows; 510 heifers have already been imported from the Netherlands. In the future, the livestock of the dairy complex is planned to be expanded to 3.5 thousand animals. Also among the large supported dairy projects is the construction of a livestock complex for 600 cattle places in Chechnya, implemented by the Agromir Naursky SEC (investments in the project - 520 million rubles, subsidy - 81 million rubles), projects of the Rayana companies in Chechnya (170 million rubles and 27 million rubles) and “Rial-Agro” in Kabardino-Balkaria (125 million rubles and 37 million rubles).

Among potato and vegetable storage projects, the commission supported nine projects totaling 1.8 billion rubles, subsidies for their implementation will amount to 213 million rubles. The leader in this direction was the Nizhny Novgorod Potato System, which, according to data from open sources, built a vegetable storage facility for 24 thousand tons of carrots. Based on the protocol of the commission, the cost of construction will be 610 million rubles, of which 55 million rubles. will be compensated from the budget. Also, four projects in Chechnya will receive subsidies for the construction of storage facilities for potatoes and vegetables, including the Asbusiness agricultural firm for 332 million rubles. (subsidy - 30 million rubles), agricultural firm "Sadovod" for 237 million rubles. (47 million rubles), as well as the Leader-A company for 175 million rubles. (RUB 12 million).

Subsidies to reimburse part of the capital costs in the area of ​​fruit storage were approved for three projects in Kabardino-Balkaria, Voronezh and Ryazan regions for a total amount of 107 million rubles, the estimated cost of these projects is estimated at 583 million rubles. Also, one project can receive a subsidy for the construction of breeding and genetic centers - VSGC LLC, which built a pig breeding complex in the Velikoluksky district of the Pskov region for 1.2 billion rubles.

Acceptance of investment projects for the creation and modernization of agricultural facilities for selection to commissions Ministry of Agriculture held from July 20 to July 24. The department’s working group received 95 projects totaling 26.7 billion rubles, and 41 projects totaling 14.8 billion rubles were accepted for consideration by the commission, reports Ministry of Agriculture. The previous meeting of the commission for selecting applications for reimbursement of capital costs took place in January 2017, when 114 projects were selected. Thus, the ministry reports, taking into account the newly selected projects, the total amount of support for reimbursement of part of the direct costs incurred for the construction and modernization of agricultural facilities in 2017 will amount to 12.9 billion rubles. from the federal budget.

Starting from 2015, the state reimburses from 20% to 35% of the costs of construction or modernization of dairy and greenhouse complexes, vegetable and potato storage facilities, fruit storage facilities, wholesale distribution, seed selection and selection and genetic centers. The amount of compensation for greenhouse complexes, storage facilities and ORC is 20% of the estimated cost (for the Far Eastern regions - 25%), for dairy farms and SHC - 30% of the estimated cost of the facility (for regions included in the Far Eastern Federal District - 35%).


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