Perennial garden blue and purple flowers. Names of plants with blue flowers: descriptions and photos

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Flower beds of monochromatic plants are a hit recent years. When you have already built an alpine hill on your site, or a landscape flower garden from meadow grasses, and you want to create, because the flight of imagination is inexhaustible, it’s time to think about creating something unusual. It's time to try to create a white flower garden, or a pink one, or something completely unusual - blue.

There are not so many flowers in shades of blue, at least much less than white or yellow. That is why it is especially interesting to create such a blue landscape on your site.

When creating a blue flower garden, it is necessary to take into account some nuances.

  • You can create a flower bed of dark blue flowers, but they are like any other dark color, are not visible from afar and at dusk. It is better to plant blue or light blue ones in the background; they will “burn like lights” until late in the evening.
  • Dark- blue flowers can be shaded with white or light blue, then they will appear brighter.
  • It is more appropriate to plant dark flowers in a sunny flower bed, but light blue ones will glare.
  • In the shade, as well as in the background, plant flowers of light shades.
  • In order for the flowerbed to please you in spring, summer and autumn, choose flowers with different terms flowering.
  • Be sure to take into account the height of the plants; plant tall ones in the background, and plant the shortest ones closer to the edge of the flower bed.
  • Flower beds with blue shades of flowers visually expand the space.

Plants with blue flowers for spring bloom

(Hepatica) is a very early perennial, light blue or blue in color. It can bloom from the end of March to May for 15-20 days, the beginning of flowering depends on weather conditions and region. Plant height 15 cm. Grows well in partial shade on fertile loose soils Oh. In dry years it requires additional moisture.

Scilla or Scylla (Scilla) is a low bulbous perennial that blooms beautifully with bright blue delicate flowers both in partial shade and in the sun. The plant is forest, and therefore requires loose soil rich in leaf humus. Like all bulbous plants, it will not grow in wet, swampy areas. Replanted after 4-6 years. Bulbous plants, such as scillas, pushkinias, crocuses, and muscari, can simply be planted on the lawn; after they finish flowering, mow the lawn as usual.

Chionodoxa(Chionodoxa) - graceful, one of the first flowering bulbs. Can easily cross-pollinate with Scylla. Blooms longer in partial shade. Long time can grow in one place without transplanting. It looks beautiful in flower beds if planted in groups. Chionodoxa bulbs can be dug up and replanted, unlike most bulbous bulbs, long before the end of the growing season, i.e. yellowing and dying of foliage, they do not suffer from transplantation even during flowering.

(Muscari) is an unpretentious bulbous perennial. Flowering occurs a little later than that of the scilla and lasts a long time, almost up to a month. Color ranges from white to dark blue. Plant height is 10-20 cm. Replanting is done after 5-7 years, when the bushes become very thick.

Pushkinia(Puschkinia) - a very decorative spring bulb with pale blue flowers. It needs nutritious, well-drained, weed-free soil. Bulbs dug up for transplanting are not protected by scales and dry out easily, so they need to be stored in slightly damp sawdust, without over-drying, but also without over-moistening.

Forget-me-not (Myosotis) is a biennial plant that blooms with pale blue flowers (there are white and pink) starting in mid-May. Flowering is long lasting. It reproduces well by self-sowing; if left unchecked, it will sow the entire garden. It grows and blooms both in the sun and in the shade. In shady areas, flowering will last longer. The height of the plant is 20-30 cm. It is better not to use organic fertilizers for cultivation; flowering will be more abundant on moderately fertilized soil.

Brunner(Brunnera) or Forget-me-not is a moisture-loving, shade-tolerant perennial with small blue flowers and beautiful variegated leaves. Blooms in April - May. In sunny flower beds, flowering will not be too abundant and will last less long. Replanted at the end of summer, young plants bloom the next year.

Umbilical(Omphalodes) - shade-tolerant ground cover beautiful plant. Its attractiveness is also that the leaves do not die off in the winter and in a snowless winter your flower garden will be green. For middle zone In Russia and similar regions, it is recommended to grow the spring navel, which tolerates these conditions well. It is better to plant in the shade; in sunny places the leaves may turn yellow. It blooms from the beginning of May for a month with blue flowers similar to forget-me-not flowers, only larger. Very unpretentious plant, tolerates drought well, is not damaged by diseases and pests.

Plants with blue flowers for summer bloom

(Aquilegia) or columbine is a shade-tolerant perennial with beautiful carved leaves. There are types and varieties of different colors, but there are quite a lot of blue, blue-blue and blue ones. Plant height is from 30 to 100 cm. The soil for growing should be loose and sandy. Tolerates dry years well. It is easy to sow, but plants grown from self-seeding usually do not retain varietal characteristics.

(Campanula) - popular perennial and annual plants. They differ in height and flowering time. Of course, there are white, pink, and lilac colors, but there are still more blue and blue colors. Often in gardens you can find the Medium Campanula - a biennial plant 50-100 cm tall. There are low-growing species, for example, Carpathian bellflower, beautiful perennial for alpine slides and rockeries. It blooms for a very long time in June-July and grows quickly. Its height ranges from 30 to 60 cm.

(Delphinium) - a tall, majestic beauty familiar to everyone, very easy to care for. Flowering begins in June and continues throughout July. The plant is a long-liver; it can grow in one place for up to 20 years. It is better to plant in places protected from the winds, not flooded, in soil fertilized with organic matter. If the soil on the site is acidic, lime is added to it. When planting, do not bury the root collar. Does not require shelter for the winter.

Hyssop(Hyssopus) - light-loving, drought-resistant, winter-hardy low shrub, medicinal plant and spice. The soil for growing needs to be loose with sufficient lime content. Will not grow in saline and wet areas. It tolerates cutting and shaping well. Flowering occurs at the end of June. A wonderful honey plant.

(Linum) - annual and perennial plants. It is best to grow in open sunny areas. The soil should be light and fertile. Blooms for a long time and abundantly.

(Iris) or iris - familiar to everyone, loved by many gardeners, unusually beautiful flowers. They come in a variety of different and even unexpected colors, but there are quite a lot of blues and blues. It is better to plant in areas protected from the winds, well lit. The soil for growing is fertile and loose. Replant once every 3-4 years, 2-3 weeks after flowering.

Aconite(Aconitum) or wrestler is a frost-resistant, unpretentious plant with beautiful openwork leaves. It will grow well in both sun and shade. There are climbing species that grow well in shady corners. Any soil is suitable for growing, except sandy and too wet. For better decorative effect, faded inflorescences are removed. They are replanted after 4-5 years, after the bushes have grown greatly.

Periwinkle (Vinca) is a rapidly spreading ground cover (up to 20 cm in height) perennial with shiny smooth dark green leaves. An irreplaceable plant For shady garden. Winter-hardy. There are variegated (variegated) forms. Will grow on almost any soil.

Veronica(Veronica) - there are short and tall species. Grows best in sunny places. The soil for planting should be loose and nutritious. An excellent plant for creating natural flower beds with meadow and field herbs.

Lavender(Lavandula) is a perennial subshrub, best planted in well-lit flower beds. Tolerates dry, hot summers well. The soil for planting must be alkaline, well-permeable, and moderately nutritious. In the spring, lavender must be pruned a little, even if the branches are frozen in winter, after pruning the plant recovers well.

(Echinops) - will add variety to any flower garden; it will look especially picturesque together with various field and meadow grasses. To do this, plant it with blue endives, cornflowers, meadow geraniums and sage. The location should be sunny. The plant is cold-resistant and frost-resistant. It will grow best in moderately moist, alkaline soils. Height 30-70 cm.

(Phlox) - in addition to the tall, familiar phlox, there are types of low-growing ground covers with blue flowers. These are Phlox splayed and some varieties of Phlox subulate. The soil for growing them should be nutritious, loose, and moderately moist. It should be planted in well-lit, non-flooded areas. Phlox blooms starting in mid-summer. At the end of flowering, it is better to cut off the flower stalks or, if there are a lot of phloxes, you can cut the plants, they tolerate it well, they branch better, grow, and, therefore, bloom.

Platycodon(Platycodon) or Broadbell - a perennial herbaceous bush that will perfectly complement any flower garden. The height of the plant is from 50 to 70 cm. It can grow both in the sun and in partial shade, but in illuminated places the flowering will be more abundant. The soil for growing should be fertile, loose, and dry well. It blooms, depending on the variety, from July to September.

Plants with blue flowers autumn bloom

(Leadplant) - low creeping shrubs (up to 30 cm) with very bright blue flowers. The leaves take on a reddish-burgundy hue in autumn. It blooms from late summer and almost all autumn. It is better to place it in the sun or in slight shade. Tolerates heat and dry summers well. The soil is moderately fertile, loose, well drained. Requires shelter for the winter.

Gentian(Gentiana) - grows well and forms a lush carpet of bright blue flowers. Prefers sunny places and moderate moisture. It will bloom in September-October. Some species do not tolerate transplantation well, so they are dug up with a large lump of earth, having previously been moistened abundantly.

A bush can be a chic accent in any flower garden. large leaf hydrangea, if its flowers are “turned” blue. It will bloom from July and almost all autumn.
In addition to those listed, you can choose many other plants, which, depending on the variety, will have blue flowers of all shades.
In blue flower beds, blue hostas or blue molinia, which stand out brightly from the general background of greenery with blue-gray leaves, would be very appropriate.
You can plant annual flowers, for example, blue or blue lobelia, blue varieties of ageratum or asters can become a bright spot along the paths.
You can diversify flowering plants with beautiful conifers by selecting those that have gray or blue needles.
Some cereals also have blue shades, for example, amethyst fescue, gray fescue, and blue-silver sedge.

For a long time now, everyone has known how color therapy can affect a person. Any summer resident - happy man. Flowers in our garden have a huge positive impact on our nervous system, shaken by stress and poor ecology.

However, note that despite everything huge selection Of the flowers and plants that exist today, blue ones are the least abundant. But it is this color that creates comfort and a feeling of stability. Blue flowers in the garden can expand space. It is this color that emphasizes the harmonious arrangement of the garden space and transforms it. Every flower garden must have flowers in shades of blue. Therefore, today we have compiled the following selection of flowers of the sea and sky (mostly perennials).

Aquilegia is a low perennial, often used in rock gardens, sun-loving, and quite unpretentious.

Aconite - its leaves are blooming in early spring, but flowering begins only in mid-summer and continues until late autumn. The plant is very moisture-loving.

Ankhusa (woolwort) - it is interesting that the name of this plant comes from ‘anchusa’ - makeup, cosmetics. And all because its roots contain a red dye, often used in the production of cosmetics. Includes perennial, biennial and annual herbaceous plants.

Periwinkle is a ground cover plant with delicate blue flowers; prefers moist soil and partial shade.

Mountain cornflower - this plant needs no introduction, everyone knows it. Unpretentious, sun-loving, drought-resistant.

Speedwell Austrian is a beautiful and unpretentious ground cover plant that is best used in the foreground. Flowering begins in June and lasts about a month.

Chinese decorated gentian is incredibly beautiful, and just as capricious. The plant is perennial, only 10-15 cm high, and begins to bloom in autumn.

Hydrangea is an unpretentious, profusely flowering perennial plant with huge spherical inflorescences. It looks especially attractive in early autumn.

Delphinium is a perennial plant ranging from 20 cm to 3 m in height, depending on the species and variety. Blooms at the end of June and blooms throughout July. Unopened delphinium buds are shaped like the body of a dolphin.

Irises are perennial, very delicate large flowers, from 50 cm to 1 m in height. Depending on the variety (and there are many of them), they can have shades of blue: from light blue to rich dark color. They bloom in May-June.

Hyssop officinalis is an unpretentious, drought-resistant and winter-hardy perennial shrub with a wonderful aroma, very reminiscent of lavender in appearance.

Bluebells - bloom all summer, very attractive, often used for cutting and creating beautiful bouquets.

Campanula - spectacular funnel-shaped blue flowers in dense panicles. Blooms throughout the summer. Amazing components of a flower garden or border.

Perennial flax - openwork bushes with sky-blue flowers grow on sandy soil in sunny places. Easily propagated by self-sowing. Flowering: May - June. Height: 30-50cm.

Lupine - blooms in early June. After cutting off the flowering stems, the plant produces new shoots that can prolong its flowering until late autumn. Lupine is not just beautiful, but also useful, it enriches the soil with nitrogen.

Meconopsis alphabifolia - a poppy-like plant with amazing blue petals; requires a lot of sunlight, well-drained, loose soil and preventive shelter for the winter.

Muscari is a very common small-tube ephemeroid. Blooms in spring and early summer. Sun-loving plant, but tolerates even weak shading.

Forget-me-not - beautiful low-growing perennial, whose many bright blue flowers will decorate the garden throughout spring and early summer.

Scylla reproduces itself, shooting ripened seeds in all directions. It blooms in April and dies in early June. After flowering it grows up to 15 cm. Cold-resistant, undemanding to the soil, can grow both in sunny areas and in partial shade.

Noble liverwort - loves shady places under or in front of trees and bushes. In the summer, when its sky-blue flowers have already disappeared, it produces a mass of seeds that are carried by ants throughout the garden. Therefore, liverwort can be found in the most unexpected places.

Felicia - annual plant height 20-25 cm. They like to plant it along paths in the form of borders; it also looks good in small groups in mixed flower beds.

Cyanothus is a tall, heat-loving plant (100-150 cm) with an incredibly rich color palette. In our climate, it is often found in greenhouses, rarely in the garden.

Nature has given man a rich selection of colors and shades of garden plants. Red, yellow, orange and white - it’s impossible to list them all. But sometimes the eye stops at the extraordinary splendor that blue flowers give. Large, small, scattered along the stem or collected into elastic buds - variety color range The blue and purple hues are simply mesmerizing.

Colorful tints of blue

Fashion exists everywhere, it has touched garden plots. Currently, it is fashionable to grow one-color flower beds or create smooth transitions from one shade to another. Thanks to the modern variety of flowering plants, even an ordinary amateur gardener can do this.

For those who are not repelled by the coldness of blue and the certain fabulous heaviness of purple, nature and breeders have selected flowering plants in blue, dark blue and unprecedented purple shades. From blue flowers, the names of which are varied, The most popular among summer residents can be noted:

A beautiful garden flower called aquilegia has pleasant pale blue buds. The plant itself belongs to the class of perennials and permanent place reaches a height of 50 to 100 cm. Its main flowering period is from May to June, it is unpretentious in care and easily produces seeds from which you can grow new bright fragments in a flowerbed or alpine slide.

A rare blue flower for our region, whose name is amsonia, very unusually decorates flower beds and garden plots. The bushy plant blooms in early summer and reaches a height of 90 cm. It thrives in partial shade and on well-moistened soils. It is propagated by bushes or seeds and is a perennial.

Many people have also seen a plant with blue flowers called African lily, but they just didn’t know its name. The plant is southern and heat-loving, does not tolerate frost on the soil. In summer it pleases the eye with its inflorescences, the buds of which reach 5 cm. Loves an open sunny place and moist soil.

From periwinkle to flax

Small periwinkle (garden) is unpretentious and easily tolerates domestic winters. This guest of garden plots, creeping along the ground, quickly creates a curly carpet of rich dark greenery and delicate blue flowers. Periwinkle is also a perennial. The plant is a real salvation for those who have few sunny and well-lit areas in their country house.

Brovallia, a plant with weak stems and beautiful blue inflorescences, is most often grown at home, but it is also found in gardens. Loves places protected from drafts and does well in hanging baskets on the streets.

A creeping plant called brunnera is similar in characteristics to garden periwinkle. It also loves shaded places and quickly spreads throughout the territory. It blooms with small blue flowers that are very reminiscent of forget-me-nots.

Familiar to most gardeners appearance and mountain cornflower, the name of which speaks of its unpretentiousness and resistance to various natural conditions. Already in May, cornflower pleases others with its flowering.

Unusual to the ear of the common man is the name of this plant with large and delicate blue flowers - Himalayan blue poppy. For our latitudes, raising this very fastidious handsome fellow is quite an unusual test of strength. Himalayan poppy loves moist soil and air, and pleases with its flowering from June to the first months of autumn.

Blue flax is used not only for industrial purposes, but is also quite popular among ordinary gardeners. A plant with blue flowers looks great in well-lit flower beds and requires regular watering. The only inconvenience of growing it is the need to treat it against natural pests - flax fleas

From Mordovnik to Pushkinia

Echinops globulus, whose flowers resemble pale blue hedgehogs in appearance, is quite common in modern flower beds. The plant calmly tolerates drought and places with scorching sun, and if you simply don’t have the opportunity to visit your garden plot often, then Mordovnik is just for you. In height at good conditions can reach 2 meters. Perfect for those who like to dry flowers for the winter, it looks great in dry bouquets.

Forget-me-not, tenderly blue flowers which is really not allowed to be indifferent to this guest in the flowerbed, belongs to perennial plants. It blooms in the second year after planting and creates a delicate bluish-white carpet of small stars with yellow centers.

Unusual for our latitudes is the flowering plant nutwing or karyopteris. Each of its blossoming buds resembles splashes of water at the edges, and from a distance the inflorescences look like the fluffy tail of an exotic bird. It sows very well and quickly without human intervention. It does not like the cold, so it must be covered for the winter.

Pushkinia is a primrose flower that pleases with its blue inflorescences in the spring, when the bulk of the flowers have not yet sprouted. This plant is classified as a type of hyacinth, and the conditions for caring for it are appropriate.

Blue gamma

Adherents of rich blue color or its smooth transition the petals of a blossoming plant also have quite wide choose. In this case, flowers such as:

  • aconite;
  • anagallis;
  • borage;
  • hyacinth;
  • spring gentian;
  • clematis.

Wolfsbane is attractive to the eye, and its large, deep blue buds resemble a helmet with the visor down. The bright plant blooms from mid-summer to early autumn, but do not be fooled by its beauty. Aconite is highly poisonous from root to flower.

The blue flower, whose name is Anagallis, has a very rich bright color. It is about him that we can say that he is even “bler than blue.” The small flowers are shaped like open three-dimensional stars with white-yellow centers. Anagallis pleases the eyes of gardeners from late spring to mid-autumn and does not stop blooming until the first frost.

An exotic flowering plant with a cucumber flavor; in addition to borage, it is also popularly called Borage Grass. It is not only pleasing to the eye, but also delicious to the taste. You can eat all parts of Borago, dry the flowers or preserve them for the winter. Borage prefers partial shade and not too moist soil. Blooms from late May to September.

Hyacinth is a flower that everyone knows. Its blue inflorescences of large stars resemble a spear. A flower in a pot is always given to women in early spring on March 8th. A mini version of the plant called Mouse hyacinth. It smells pleasantly of musk and pleases the eye with its flowering for a long time. It will dilute well with a strip of other bright plants.

A low perennial plant that blooms with large blue flowers, Spring Gentian is also a good choice for those who like cool tones in their flower garden. It can grow on both rocky and dry soils and is easy to care for. The only thing you should pay attention to before planting is whether this particular species is listed in the Red Book, since most of the subspecies of the plant are under state protection.

The Clematis plant with large buds from soft blue to deep blue is quite demanding in its care. It needs to be fed with fertilizers 2 times a month and watered abundantly once every 7 days. Clematis is a perennial plant and does not tolerate cold, which is why the bushes are covered in late autumn.

Purple addiction

For those who prefer to grow purple flowers in flower beds and garden areas, the following flora representatives are perfect:

  • heliotrope;
  • iris;
  • crocus;
  • lavender;
  • sage.

The ancestors of the heliotrope flower, which has deep purple buds, arrived in Europe from Peru. By clusters-inflorescences exotic guest It resembles some varieties of lilac, but its habit is to constantly monitor the sun - a sunflower. That is why heliotrope got its name, which translated means “rotation of the sun.”

Iris is a frequent visitor to personal plots central Russia. Its flowering begins at the end of April and ends in May. Before the snow has time to melt, green iris tubercles are already sticking out of the ground. The plant loves well-lit areas and sun, and is a perennial.

Tender and bright flowers Crocus is also an expensive spice - saffron. In our area, the plant is quite rare and belongs to the primrose family. Typically, crocus prefers to grow in the shade of trees or cool areas with moist soil.

Lavender with small purple flowers, which from a distance resemble a haze spreading over a field, is considered to be a mountain plant. However, this is far from true; the pleasant-smelling plant loves dry soil and open areas. Lavender bushes also feel great on black earth soils. open areas vegetable gardens and summer cottages.

Sage will not only decorate your local area with pristine beauty, but will also serve as a preventative service in winter. During flowering, its flowering arrows are collected and dried for the winter, since sage is a perennial medicinal herb.

Different and beautiful

Among the plants, the range of colors of which contains not only bright and warm shades, but also purple and soft blue, the following can be noted:

  • delphinium;
  • morning glory;
  • cineraria.

Delphinium is a plant of both annual and perennial species. It blooms with large flowers, on high arrow-like legs. Delphinium care is quite simple., and even a novice gardener can handle it. All you need to know about it is that the plant loves the sun in the first half of the day and does not tolerate stagnant water. The range of shades that nature has endowed the flowers of the plant with varies from white to deep purple.

The morning glory bindweed blooms with multi-colored buds up to 6 cm and smells pleasant. It’s not hard to imagine what kind of variety morning glory comes in. Thanks to its climbing properties, it is ideal for decorating fences, arches and gazebos. It grows well in both shade and sun and blooms throughout the summer and early autumn months.

An annual aster plant called cineraria produces large flowers that resemble gerbera daisies. Color ranges in which this occurs herbaceous plant, include all shades of the rainbow. Cineraria loves moist air and well-lit areas, but does not tolerate direct sunlight.

The modern abundance of decorative fauna can satisfy the most strict and refined taste of the gardener. Every year, skilled selectors continue to develop new flowering varieties plants that can decorate a flowerbed, flowerpot or garden meadow in a new way.

Blue color is a rather rare guest in the gardens of our country. This is primarily due to the fact that cold shades, which include blue and cyan, attract insects less well; accordingly, flowers of this color will land on fewer insects, and they pollinate worse. In this article you can find information about blue garden flowers, their photos and names.


These blue flowers are sometimes mistakenly given the name Lesnik; in the photo below you can evaluate their external parameters. This short plant is very undemanding to growing conditions, reproduces well and is immune to diseases and pests.

Did you know? Scilla is used in folk medicine. Its dried flowers are included in infusions against colds and flu.

This plant is often confused with snowdrops, since they emerge almost simultaneously. It has long leaves with parallel veins, the root is a bulb, and the flowers have radial symmetry, containing six petals and stamens and one pistil. The fruit is a capsule with many small seeds.


There are many different types of this flower. There are bushes and herbaceous perennials, but the vast majority are climbing vines. Their color range is not limited to just blue shades, also including yellow, red, pink and orange.

Leaves of clematis can be complex (including 3, 5 or 7 small leaves) or simple, usually green and paired. Flowers can be collected in inflorescences of various shapes (scutellum, semi-umbrella, panicle) and contain a fairly variable number of petals: from 4 to 8, and in some forms - up to 70.

In the center of the flower there are many stamens and pistils. The aroma exuded by clematis is similar to primrose, and.


In total, there are about 80 species of this flower: from vines and shrubs to small trees. may be the most different colors: blue, white, soft pink, dark purple, red and cream.

This flower can be either deciduous or evergreen, but in our latitudes the first option is more common.

Did you know? The color of hydrangea can be changed if desired by adjusting the acidity of the soil and the amount of aluminum it contains.

Hydrangea has quite large, oval shape, with sharp ends, leaves with slightly noticeable venation. It blooms over a fairly long period: from spring to late autumn.

The flowers are collected in inflorescences of various shapes: an umbrella, a ball or a panicle, they have 4 petals, with pistils and stamens in the center. The fruit is a capsule with a large number of small seeds.


Important! Aconite is a plant that is poisonous to humans, so you should take precautions when growing it.

It has alternate leaves of a round shape, less or more deeply palmate. The stem is straight, 30–40 cm long. The inflorescences are an apical raceme, which consists of quite large flowers. The flowers are irregularly corolla-shaped, have a five-leaf calyx, which can be blue, white, lilac or yellow, with many stamens and one pistil located in the center. Fruit - from 3 to 7 prefabricated dry leaflets with a large number of seeds.


This blue garden flower well known to all residents of the post-Soviet space for the song of the same name by Vyacheslav Dobrynin. It is a perennial plant of rather medium size, often very pubescent.

The stems reach sizes from 10 to 40 cm and have a highly developed branched structure. The leaves are lanceolate or spatulate, sessile, alternate.

Flowers are blue with yellow spot in the center, usually formed into an inflorescence (curl or brush), consist of a five-lobed calyx and a disc-shaped corolla, in the center there is one pistil and five stamens. The fruit is a coenobium, which after ripening breaks up into four parts that are not welded together.


This plant can mainly be found in latitudes with temperate climate. His Latin name- Campanula, just like Russian, refers to its shape and is translated as bell. Extremely undemanding to living conditions.

The stem is narrow, straight, up to 1.5 meters long. The leaves are arranged alternately, small, elongated, lanceolate in shape. The inflorescences are often racemose or paniculate, sometimes single-flowered.

The flowers, as the name implies, are bell-shaped, quite large (up to 7 cm), with three stamens and one pistil in the center. Color varies from blue, violet and blue to white and lilac.


Also known as pelargonium, there are about 400 different plant species, usually represented by subshrubs and herbs. These small blue flowers are also called crane flower due to the shape of their fruits, which resemble the beak of a crane.

Stem - curved shape, up to 1 meter long. The leaves are located on petioles extending from the stem, dissected by the most different ways, palmately lobed or palmately, sometimes pinnately shaped with three to five leaves.

Some species have soft hairy leaves. The peduncle contains from one to three flowers of regular shape, quite large in size, each of which consists of a five-leaf calyx and five petals of a round corolla, in the center there are up to 10 stamens, each with an anther.


A plant from the nightshade family, the main habitat of which is South America. Hybrid forms grown as annual crops in pots, they are loved by gardeners for their varied colors and rather large, attractive flowers.

The stem is straight, from 20 to 70 cm long. The leaves are alternate, sessile, different sizes and forms, pubescent, entire. The flowers are very large, often solitary, and, as a rule, have quite unpleasant smell; the calyx consists of five leaves, which are fused at the base for 1/6 of the length, the corolla is five-petaled, regular or star-shaped.

There are four to five stamens in the center of the flower. The fruit is a bicuspid capsule that opens after the flowering period.


This flower is considered a weed and is often found in fields, forest edges, vegetable gardens and fields. - an annual or biennial plant that can be quite rarely found cultivated in, so you can really surprise your guests by including it in one of your flower ensembles.

This flower has a straight, rough stem 20–100 cm long. The leaves are lanceolate, tightly seated on the stem, and drooping. Flower baskets crown the top of the stem, large, solitary, have a fringed edge, the marginal flowers in the baskets are the brightest color, sterile, the inner ones are less bright, contain several stamens and one pistil.

The fruit is an achene with a red tuft, which is almost equal in length.

IN large gardens we observe countless shades of colors. Of course, they are colored with different intensities, so some colors dominate others. Flower beds and blue flowers visually expand the space and are unique in their beauty. Therefore, when organizing flower beds in your garden, do not forget about flowering plants in this color.

The beauty of blue flowers

The blue color of the sky and sea is associated not only with space, but is also associated with the color of freedom, freshness, elegance, and sophistication of the world. Blue flowers are conducive to meditation and reflection. The ability to create a composition with transitions from blue to dark blue makes it possible to enliven the garden, creating an oasis of sophistication and elegance.

Blue and light blue flowers in the photo

When designing a site, keep in mind that the entire garden cannot be planted with plants of the same color scheme; create harmonious compositions based on combinations of blue with others according to the color chart.

Try combining different shades of blue:

  • Light green greens and blues next to purple shades. They look very aesthetically pleasing.
  • Blue flowers naturally harmonize next to orange ones. Both colors complement each other perfectly.
  • Blue flowers have another advantage - planted in distant places or to highlight distant objects on small area, they visually zoom in.

Among garden plants It’s not often you see owners of pure blue color. Even the charming cornflower is painted with cobalt. The hypnotic properties of blue are enhanced by the addition of red or black tones. But, visually, look, even:

Spruce and white spruce, balsam fir, Blue Surprise cypress, Korean spruce, Japanese larch and creeping juniper are all shades of bluish blue. Blue color is sometimes found in hostas (eg Siebold) and grasses (eg gray fescue).

In spring, bulbous plants such as

  • hyacinths,
  • squill,
  • saffrons,
  • spotted irises,
  • delphiniums blooming in summer,
  • lavender,
  • garden hydrangeas.

Autumn flowers blooming blue - permanent asters, dahlias, rare roses.

Annual and perennial blue flowers on the site

Thanks to the unique flower arrangements they are becoming increasingly popular due to their elegance. These colors perfectly improve your mood and calm you down. And if you add white flowers to the blue, it will also add grace.

Examples of plants with blue and cyan flowers

Brunnera macrophylla, or Caucasian forget-me-not (Brunnera macrophylla). An unpretentious spreading plant. Prefers to live in areas that are sunny in spring and shady in summer. After flowering, it forms a dense carpet of large dark green leaves. Moisture-loving. Flowering: April - May. Height: 50 cm.

Mountain cornflower belongs to the great and unique family Asteraceae, or as they are popularly called Asteraceae. This plant came to us from the unforgettably beautiful mountains of Western Europe. The flower grows in the form of a flower basket and comes in blue to blue-violet colors. Cornflower likes to bloom in June-August.

The bracts of the creeping tenacious are lilac in color, collected in inflorescences that are pink, white, azure or blue-violet in color.

Gentian is a perennial, or less commonly, annual herb or shrub, the height reaches from 2 cm to 1m 50 cm. The root is short, thick, with cord-like thin roots. Stems are short and straight. Flowers solitary or few in number. The corolla is bell-shaped or funnel-shaped; in rare cases, it straightens the leaves, forming a plate shape. Gentian has a blue, blue, and violet color.

Hyacinth perennial bulbous plant, the bulb of which produces flowers for up to 10 years, so you will have to handle it carefully.

Large-leaved hydrangea blooms on last year's shoots from June, and also on current year's shoots from August until the hardest frost.

In Russia, the iris flower is often called iris. It is a perennial wintering plant with creeping thick branching rhizomes or bulbous roots.

Blue flax is a perennial. In addition to blue, there are red and white, but these are already annuals. Perennial herbaceous plant up to 50-60 cm tall. The shoots are woody, thin, numerous, small-leaved. The leaves are small, linear-lanceolate, arranged in an alternate order. The flowers are sky blue, up to 2 cm in diameter.

Forget-me-nots - annual or perennial herbs small in size, usually heavily pubescent. Branched stems 10-40 cm tall. The leaves are alternate sessile, lanceolate, linear-lanceolate or spatulate. The flowers are usually blue with a yellow eye, sometimes pink or white, collected in an inflorescence - a curl.

Borage is a very cold-resistant crop that is resistant to diseases and pests. It is not demanding on soil fertility, but good harvest and tender greens are obtained only on well-fertilized garden lands. Sowing is carried out as early as possible, sowing rows are spaced 50 cm apart, borage seeds are planted to a depth of 2 cm. The seedlings are thinned out twice - first 10 cm are left between plants, then 20 cm.

  • Common catchment
  • Delphinium grandiflora
  • Noble liverwort
  • Muscari Armenian
  • Carmichel wrestler
  • Spring umbilicalus
  • Tender anemone
  • Common bruise


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