"My family". Short texts in English for children and beginners

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We present to your attention short and interesting story texts in English for children. Stories with translation into Russian - this will make it easier for you to learn English. If you want to practice more in English, not only online, but also via Skype, then knock on my Skype door - markandvika (Canada). I will help you.

You will also find other texts in English in the section interesting and useful. When copying text, translation or audio and posting it on supporter resources, a link to this site is required.

About me and my family

Let me introduce myself. My name is Peter, I"m 10 years old. I"m in grade four and live in a small town. My family is not very big. I have a sister and a brother. We also have grandparents but they live separately at the moment. Our grandparents come to visit us quite often. I have an older brother and a younger sister. My brother is 3 years older than me and my sister is 4 years younger than me.

My brother"s name is Oleg and my sister"s name is Elena. We are all pupils. We love to learn the Russian language, the English language, history, mathematics. Our family is very friendly. We love to spend time together, playing, running after each other or doing our homework.

I think we"re a happy family. My Mother is a shop-assistant and my Dad is an engineer. Daddy is very busy at work, and Mom works about half of the day. My parents love their work.

On Saturdays and Sundays we play sports, go to the local park or fishing. If we have time, we all go shopping.

About me and my family

Let me introduce myself. My name is Peter, I'm 10 years old. I am in fourth grade and live in small town. My family is not very big. I have a sister and a brother. We also have grandparents, but they live separately. Our grandparents often come to visit us. I have an older brother and a younger sister. My brother is 3 years older than me, and my sister is 4 years younger than me.

My brother's name is Oleg, and my sister's name is Elena. We are all schoolchildren. We like to study, we love to learn Russian, English, history and mathematics. Our family is very kind. We love to spend time together, play, run after each other or do homework together.

I think we are a friendly family. My mother works as a salesman, and my father is an engineer. Dad is very busy at work, and mom works about half the day. My mom and dad love their jobs. On Saturday and Sunday we play sports, go to the park or fish. If we have time, we all go shopping together.

My family

My family

Brief story About my family

Family tree

Family Tree


For 2nd grade students

For students 3- 5 classes

For students in grade 5 and older


1. Your parents’ parents are your ___ and your ___ .

2. Your father’s brother and sister are your ___ and your ___.

3. Your aunt’s and uncle’s children are your ___.

4. Your brother’s son and daughter are your ___ and your ___.

5. Your children’s children are your ___ and your ___.


1. Nigel’s mother-in-law is…

2. His father-in-law is...

3. His brother-in-law is...

4. His sister-in-law is...

5. His son-in-law is...

6. His daughter-in-law is...


Exist Various types families. Here they are:

a. a nuclear family
b. an extended family
c. a single-parent family
d. a couple who adopted a child
e. a couple with no children

Read the descriptions of families and determine what type they are.

1. We’re married with three children. Our eldest secondary son, Simon, has just started school, our daughter, Lisa, is eight and our youngest son, Luke, is only five.

2. We’ve only been married for a year. We’re not planning to start a family just yet.

3. I’m a single mum. I bring up my Josh son on my own. Josh doesn’t mind being an only child but I think he’d like a brother or sister one day.

4. We share the house with my mother and father and my wife’s sister and her children.Everyone helps to look after all the children.

5. We couldn’t have children of our own so we decided that adoption was the only answer. Lily came to live with us two years ago. She seems very happy at the moment but we realize that she might want to find her real mother one day.

Ex .4

Match the beginning of the sentences and their end.

1. We’re not planning to start…
2. They help us take care of…
3. We adopted…
4. We share...
5. She might want to find...

a. …the house with my wife’s family.
b. …a baby from China.
c. … her real mother one day.
d. …the children.
e. …a family just yet.

Ex .5

Insert the following words and phrases into the sentences:

the whole family
a very close family
a big family
family tree
a big family reunion

1. I come from…. I've got four brothers and two sisters.

2. We’re… . We see each other almost every day and if ever I’m in trouble, I know I can turn to one of them for help.

3. It’s my son’s eighteenth birthday next week. We're hoping to get... together.

4. My wife and I are celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary soon. We’re planning to have… .

5. When I was researching my…. I found out that my great-great-grandfather came over to England from Ireland 120 years ago.

Ex .6

Fill in the gaps with the following verbs in the correct grammatical form: tell, look, run, get, take.

a. She……just like her mother.

b. She’s……her father’s nose.

c. He……after his father.

d. It……in the family.

e. You can’t……them apart.

Olga Zykova
Lesson notes on English language"Family"


Practical: consolidation of ideas about family ties.

Educational: consolidation of learned material, development of skills oral speech, familiarization with the sample speeches: This is my mother.

Developmental: development visual-figurative thinking and speech guessing, improving sustained attention.

Educational: fostering a sense of pride in one’s family, kindness towards others.



Mini-dialogue "How are you?".


A game "Mosquitoes and Wasps".

Invite the children to say the sound (z)(z-z-z) and explain that this is how mosquitoes jingle in our game, then invite the children to make the sound) - (--) and explain that this is how wasps buzz. Every time mosquitoes buzz (sound (z, children should clap their hands as if driving away mosquitoes, and when wasps buzz, they should sit quietly so that the wasp bites them. The goal of the game is to teach them to distinguish sounds by ear) and (z).


A game "Who is bigger?".

Divide the children into two teams and ask them to take turns naming the words to the topic. « Family» . The last team to say the word wins.


Place drawings related to the topic on the table or pin them on the board. « Family» . Explain to the children that you will talk about your family and you will show the one you are talking about. Point to the first picture and Tell: This is my mother. Rearrange. Ask the children to repeat the sentence in chorus. Then Tell: My mother's name is Lena. Ask the children to guess the meaning of what was said and translate the sentences. Repeat the sentence in chorus. Similarly, work out the sentences using the pictures that remain.


Invite the children to paste portraits into Ken's family album and listen to him talk about family.

Hello, I am Ken.

My mother's name is Kate.

My father's name is Sam.

My sister's name is Mary.

My brother's name is Tom.

Help children talk about their families and enter the names of the members families in workbooks.


This is my mother.

This is my father.

This is my sister.

This is my brother.

I love my mother.

I love my father.

I love my sister.

I love my brother.

Mother, father, sister, brother

Hand in hand with one another.

Invite children to look at the rhyming pattern (RZ, p. 13) and repeat it after you line by line. Explain the meaning of the last line of the rhyme. Practice the most difficult words to pronounce with one another. Say the rhymes in unison twice.


Invite the children to say goodbye to each other in a chain.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of a group lesson in English for preschool children (4–6 years old) “Color’s” “Colors” Municipal budget preschool educational institution urban district Korolev, Moscow region " Kindergarten combined.

English lesson notes Topic: My family. Goal: To introduce new lexical units. Tasks: - introduce new vocabulary.

Summary of an English lesson for preschoolers “Fun English” Goals and objectives: - to awaken interest in the English language; - teach how to pronounce correctly english sounds; - teach how to say hello and goodbye.

Summary of an English lesson in the senior group “Introducing new words: big, little” Organized technological map educational activities. Educational area: Communication Integration: English Topic: Acquaintance.

English lesson notes "Special Forces" Objectives: 1. Improve the ability to distinguish prepositions: in (into, on (on, under (under). 2. Reinforce the names of animals. 3. Reinforce usage.

Summary of the English language lesson “Spring” for senior preschoolers Task: developing the skill of monologue statements on a topic. Goal: to activate vocabulary on the topic “Spring” (sun, sky, grass, trees, river,.

My family

My family

A short story about your family


Family Tree


For 2nd grade students

For students 3-5 classes

For students in grade 5 and older

1. Your parents’ parents are your ___ and your ___ .

2. Your father’s brother and sister are your ___ and your ___.

3. Your aunt’s and uncle’s children are your ___.

4. Your brother’s son and daughter are your ___ and your ___.

5. Your children’s children are your ___ and your ___.

1. Nigel’s mother-in-law is…

2. His father-in-law is...

3. His brother-in-law is...

4. His sister-in-law is...

5. His son-in-law is...

6. His daughter-in-law is...

There are different types of families. Here they are:

a. a nuclear family
b. an extended family
c. a single-parent family
d. a couple who adopted a child
e. a couple with no children

Read the descriptions of families and determine what type they are.

1. We’re married with three children. Our eldest secondary son, Simon, has just started school, our daughter, Lisa, is eight and our youngest son, Luke, is only five.

2. We’ve only been married for a year. We’re not planning to start a family just yet.

3. I’m a single mum. I bring up my Josh son on my own. Josh doesn’t mind being an only child but I think he’d like a brother or sister one day.

4. We share the house with my mother and father and my wife’s sister and her children. Everyone helps to look after all the children.

5. We couldn’t have children of our own so we decided that adoption was the only answer. Lily came to live with us two years ago. She seems very happy at the moment but we realize that she might want to find her real mother one day.


Match the beginning of the sentences and their end.

1. We’re not planning to start…
2. They help us take care of…
3. We adopted…
4. We share...
5. She might want to find...

a. …the house with my wife’s family.
b. …a baby from China.
c. … her real mother one day.
d. …the children.
e. …a family just yet.


Insert the following words and phrases into the sentences:

the whole family
a very close family
a big family
family tree
a big family reunion

1. I come from…. I've got four brothers and two sisters.

2. We’re… . We see each other almost every day and if ever I’m in trouble, I know I can turn to one of them for help.

3. It’s my son’s eighteenth birthday next week. We're hoping to get... together.

4. My wife and I are celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary soon. We’re planning to have… .

5. When I was researching my…. I found out that my great-great-grandfather came over to England from Ireland 120 years ago.


Fill in the gaps with the following verbs in the correct grammatical form: tell, look, run, get, take.

a. She……just like her mother.

b. She’s……her father’s nose.

c. He……after his father.

d. It……in the family.

e. You can’t……them apart.

Galina Dashkeeva
Final lesson. "My family"

Target: consolidation of vocabulary on topic: "My family"


Development of attention, voluntary memorization;

Training of language guessing, visual memory;


Strengthening children's ideas about what is "Family";


Consolidating vocabulary on the topic "My family";

Basic vocabulary:

My family, mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather.


Fostering love and respect for your family.

Equipment and materials: demonstration material, ball, letter, tree, leaves, multimedia board, computer.

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time:

Hello, my dear children!

Hello my dear teacher!

We are fine, thank you!

Let's begin our lesson!

Our goal classes today – consolidate your knowledge on the topic "My family". (PowerPoint Presentation)

Our motto classes will be a proverb: East or West, Home is Best. (Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.)

Phonetic warm-up:

Let's guys remember the fairy tale about the tongue that lived in cozy warmth home, in the mouth of its owner. Do you remember how inquisitive he was? How he loved to listen to everything that was happening outside.... The tongue listened to how the hedgehog ran, snorting, [f] how the flies buzzed... (practicing dental sounds)

You know guys, I recently received a letter (Letter) from our friend from the UK, listen to what he writes to us (I take out the envelope and read the letter). I will read, and you guys will translate the letter.

"Hello! I am Nick. I am a boy. I am from Great Britain. I have got mine family. I have got my mother. My mother's name is Ann. I have got my father. My father's name is Mike. I have got my sister. My sister's name is Sue. I have got my grandmother. My grandmother's name is Kate. I have got my grandfather. My grandfather's name is Tim. I love my family very much

(PowerPoint Presentation)

Now let's play a little! Stand up, please!

A game "Big Ben" (physical education minute)

Big Ben is a tower

We wouldn't mind playing with her!

For mom, dad, son, daughter!

(similar game "The sea is agitated once". I call all family members children. Children should pretend that mother – she cooks, does housework; father – repairs furniture, reads a newspaper, etc.)

Sit down, please!

Children! Remember, you and I drew our family tree (Family tree) Look, now it’s autumn outside the window, and this is what a sad tree I have... Let’s all make it happy together, hang leaves on it, and the tree will become green and cheerful again. But first you need to guess who we are talking about, and for each correct answer, I will give you leaf:

My mom's dad (grandfather) My grandparents' daughter (Mother)

My mom's son (Brother) My brother's sister (sister)

My grandparents' son (dad)

My dad's mom (grandmother)

(on a pre-prepared tree (made of paper or wire, etc., we will hang green leaves on which all family members are written).

A game "The reporter"

The teacher throws a ball to each child and asks questions. The children answer.

(Have you got a father? What is your sister’s name? How is your brother)

Well done! We completed all the tasks, repeated the words and consolidated our knowledge. Let's sum it up result.

Do you agree, children? So what is family to us? (Power Point Presentation)

Family is what we share among everyone,

A little bit of everything: both tears and laughter,

Family is something that is always with you.

Let the seconds, weeks, years rush by,

But the walls are dear, your father’s house -

The heart will forever remain in it!

The lesson is over. Good Bye!

Children receive stickers as a reward (emoticons, etc.)


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