Is it possible to keep a mother-in-law’s tongue flower at home: signs, superstitions, care at home and photos. Signs about the mother-in-law's tongue flower

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The mother-in-law's tongue flower is a common plant inhabitant of apartments and fits well into the interior. There are many rumors around the houseplant; many signs and superstitions are associated with the mother-in-law’s language.

Where does this name come from?

Mother-in-law's tongue in the scientific world is correctly called Sansevieria (Sansevieria), however, popular names in different countries because of appearance The plant has significantly more leaves:

  • they also call him pike tail,
  • the flower is called snakeskin,
  • some call it the Indian sword,
  • There is such a name as leopard lily.

His long leaves Externally, according to the description, they are similar to long tongues, which is where the main name of the indoor flower took root.

People believe that mother-in-law’s tongue is sharp and carries numerous gossip, quarrels spouses and is the source of family scandals, which is why many signs about quarrels and troubles have appeared around the plant.

Sansevieria came into our home and office interiors from the tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, Africa and India. Under the hot sun and predominantly drought, the plants have developed unpretentiousness and resilience, adapting to grow both on plains and among rocks.

In its small homeland, the pike tail does not act as a carrier of bad omens, but is used as:

  • hedge,
  • natural remedy with medicinal properties,
  • raw material in the manufacture of fabric and rope.

According to the biological description of mother-in-law’s tongue, it is:

  • a plant with a strong root system and a high crown, one meter or more in height,
  • a flower with long shaped leaves, pointed at the tips.

There are types of sansevieria that form the crown not in a straight vertical direction, but with a slope to the sides, almost horizontally. The color of the leaves is most often bright green, but they can have brown and yellow hues, diluted with stripes and specks. In some species, the leaves are covered with a waxy coating.

Sansevieria – flowering plant. It usually blooms in spring, with inflorescences formed from white-green stamens with petals that have a vanilla scent.

Mother-in-law's tongue at home

There are signs that prohibit holding this indoor flower at home so as not to invite trouble. So, if you believe some, then:

  • a pot of mother-in-law’s tongue located in the bedroom will provoke quarrels and lead to adultery,
  • a pike tail in the kitchen will be a source of domestic disputes,
  • A snakeskin growing among the interior of the living room will force spouses to argue about financial topics.

The older generation is not sure whether it is possible for young families to keep a plant at home, and does not advise newlyweds to have such an indoor flower. According to the signs about mother-in-law's tongue, for a fragile couple with less than a year of marital experience, the flower will bring minor everyday quarrels and disagreements that they are not yet able to cope with.

In contrast to many signs, some happy families with experience, we are confident that it was the pike tail that brought mutual understanding, calmness and family well-being, having absorbed all the negative energy that was at home.

It is also considered bad luck to keep him at home young unmarried girl. The longer this indoor flower lives in her apartment, the longer she will be unmarried.

Some superstitions prohibit giving a pike tail as a gift:

  • a flower presented to a young wife as a gift for her husband’s relatives should be a cause for concern, since it is believed that along with the gift, the mother-in-law brings quarrels and gossip into the young woman’s house,
  • young families who received a plant from a woman speak poorly of such gifts, suggesting that she is thereby trying to destroy their family,
  • not everyone is ready to accept it as a gift from widowers or people who have their own family life didn't work out.

But a pike tail that comes into your home by inheritance will become a real amulet.

In order for only benefits to come from the mother-in-law’s tongue and not to act as a source of discord between spouses, it should be placed in right place. The best place for it would be a kitchen window sill, the windows of which overlook the courtyard. Skeptics are sure that this way you can protect yourself from envious passers-by looking into your windows.

You need to carefully approach the choice of flower pot:

  • do not plant your mother-in-law’s tongue in the house and office in a flowerpot of red color and its shades that incites passions and squabbles,
  • choose a calm palette of gray and blue shades for the plant,

Metal ornaments will be a good addition to cool the mother-in-law’s tongue, because metal cools passions.

Snakeskin in the office

Sansevieria fits perfectly into work interiors and is often used as designer decoration office. Its unpretentiousness in care makes it possible not to devote too much time to the indoor plant, which is not enough at work. But not only can mother-in-law’s tongue please the eye while staying in the place where colleagues gather:

  • signs say that snake skin will cope with all the gossip around the owner of the indoor flower,
  • Sansevieria will protect its owner from empty conversations that are unnecessary during working hours,
  • a pike tail will help get rid of annoying colleagues who interfere with your work job responsibilities and warns against their envious glances.

Such signs are primarily associated with the fact that mother-in-law’s tongue is credited with the ability to absorb a lot of energy. Such a plant energy vampire feeds on negativity in the form of rudeness and angry mood, unpleasant situations and bad mood. Exactly such emotional states plenty when working in a team. Therefore, many are sure that the pot with mother-in-law's tongue in office space will set you in a working mood, add sociability and friendliness when communicating between colleagues.

Mother-in-law's tongue, “snake skin”, “pike tail”, “devil’s tongue”, “Indian sword”, “leopard lily” - that’s what they call evergreen Sansevieria (with an emphasis on the second “e”), which can often be found on the windowsills of home greenhouse lovers.

Beautiful name perennial flower received from a prince named Sanseviero, who lived in the eighteenth century. By the way, in Africa, strong ropes and cords are made from this plant, and coarse fabric is also obtained. Sansevieria acquired all other names because of its unusual appearance.

This plant has long, thick leaves that look like a pencil lead, a spoon, or long tongues. Among flower growers, “mother-in-law’s tongue” with oval leaves is popular, on a dark green background of which you can see light green stripes; other species may have stripes of beautiful silver colors. The end of each leaf of the “pike tail” is sharp and if the tip is broken, the sansevieria will grow more slowly.

Every novice amateur gardener who wants to see a new plant in his home will definitely find information not only about care, but also scan new flower regarding its energy. As usual, flowers have special magic and can influence the emotional background of the owners and the aura in the apartment in different ways. It must be said that a sufficient amount is associated with sansevieria interesting signs and superstitions, having learned about which flower growers can decide for themselves whether to have a pike tail at home or not.

It is a custom or accepted among people that no matter what the mother-in-law is, there are still a lot of jokes associated with her. In particular, it is believed that the mother-in-law loves to chat and gossip. Apparently, someone saw the long leaves of Sansevieria and jokingly called them mother-in-law's tongues. This name quickly became attached to the flower, and from here came the sign that if you plant sansevieria at home, people will often gossip about the family, scandals and quarrels will begin, which will end in divorce.

Opponents of this opinion, on the contrary, argue that a pike tail will only light a fire in the hearth, improve the connection between spouses, and make the family indestructible.

If you have an enemy at work who is trying to prick you with his statements, just put sansevieria on your desk. They say it will help get your enemy out of the way and make your life at work calmer.

It turns out that mother-in-law’s language absorbs all the negativity that comes from people and improves relationships between participants in communication.

If you were given leaves of mother-in-law's tongue, then put them under your pillow and sleep for three nights in a row. Such a gift can be perceived as a real declaration of love. If the parents of a husband or wife give a married couple sansevieria, the spouses will immediately stop quarreling.

A girl who is not sure of her beloved’s feelings can easily check this by choosing any piece of her mother-in-law’s tongue. If in thirty days the leaf does not wither or fall off, then the guy loves him, and everything will work out.

According to another belief, unmarried woman You shouldn’t start talking about your mother-in-law, otherwise no one will ever put it on her wedding ring on your finger.

There is a popular belief that a flower in the house will lead to frequent conversations about money between spouses. If a woman gives a pike tail to the couple, it means she wants to destroy their family, and if the mother-in-law’s tongue was inherited by the couple from other residents, then it will become a real household talisman.

The benefits and harms of Sansevieria in the house

Benefits in the home:

Damage in the home:

  1. Sansevieria contains the substance saponin. In small doses it is valuable and useful, but in large quantities it becomes a real poison! Doctors use saponin extremely carefully, and medicinal preparations with this component are not recommended for children and pregnant women.
  2. Powerful energy can sometimes be destructive. It is because of this that it is advised not to keep pike tail in rooms where adults or children sleep: the strong aura of the flower will disrupt any sleep.
  3. Trouble will begin for domestic cats and dogs if they decide to eat the leaves of mother-in-law's tongue. Pets will begin to vomit, diarrhea and intestinal upset.
  4. Small children also need to be protected from the flower; they will also suffer if they decide to eat a sansevieria leaf.

Is it possible to keep a Pike Tail at home and where to put it according to Feng Shui

If you are guided only by positive signs that are associated with mother-in-law’s tongue, then keeping a pike tail in your apartment is not only possible, but also necessary. After all, Sansevieria takes away all the negativity emanating from people and things, giving positive energy to household members. In addition, according to Feng Shui, sansevieria will bring wealth and good luck to the house.

When choosing a place for this flower, remember that it is better not to place a flowerpot with mother-in-law’s tongue next to the bed. Suitable place there will be a niche under the window, and the kitchen windows should look out onto the courtyard. This will minimize gossip around your family.

It's good if Sansevieria appears in your workplace. Thanks to this, your productivity will increase, quarrels with colleagues will stop, and your colleagues will not pester you about stupid questions.

Signs on the condition of the flower Mother-in-law's tongue

If you see white arrows with flowers on your sansevieria, rejoice: a white streak has come for you and your family. Mother-in-law's language in this way simply shouts that the time has come to start something new, change your life for the better, and promises that any endeavors will be crowned with success.

If mother-in-law's tongue blooms in winter, this does not bode well. The owner of a blooming sansevieria will face troubles, troubles, failures and disappointments.

Yellowed pike tail leaves predict separation.

If the flower begins to fade, get sick and wither, it is necessary to urgently take measures to restore a comfortable psychological environment in the family. The mother-in-law's fading tongue warns the owners of an impending illness.

Flower care

Sansevieria is an unpretentious plant, capable of adapting to any conditions, but this flower requires some care.

This plant will not be harmed by excess color, but if the window sills are located in the south, then it is better to move the pot into the shade. If yellow color There is a lot of mother-in-law tongue on the leaves, so less light is required. If you want to protect your flower from burns, then it is better to protect sansevieria from direct sun rays.

Sansevieria can survive a week without water, so you should not water it often, otherwise the flower may rot. If the flower is in the cold or in the shade, it needs to be watered less often; mother-in-laws hate spraying, but you can wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

The soil for the flower should dry out quickly and be of low nutritional value. Choose soil for your mother-in-law's tongue that is suitable for growing cacti. The main thing is that the ground is light.

The pot for sansevieria should be wide, but not too large and deep. There should be large drainage holes at the bottom of the pot.

Everyone can make a choice for themselves: to have an unpretentious sansevieria in the house or to hold off on purchasing it. People who think positively always keep the most important things in mind. positive traits this beautiful plant, including his healing properties. The main thing is not to self-medicate, I use sansevieria, but be sure to consult a doctor. Remember that any plant needs to be looked after and done correctly, and then no superstitions are scary.

Mother-in-law's tongue is a flower often found on the windowsills of Soviet apartments, in public medical institutions and kindergartens. Its long leaves, usually rich green in color with dark splashes or stripes, were a common attribute of any self-respecting housewife of the USSR. As it turned out, in the 21st century, culture from Africa also found a place next to man. IN modern world Sansevieria, as mother-in-law's tongue is also called, is quite widespread and continues to win the hearts of indoor plant lovers around the globe.

A flower with many names

Born under the scorching sun of subtropical countries, Sansevieria or Sansevieria has taken root quite well on modern window sills. There is no name for the indoor flower, which in nature has 69 varieties. The most common popular names heat-loving beauties are:

  • mother-in-law's tongue;
  • pike tail;
  • snake skin;
  • Indian sword.

Sansevieria received its official name from the famous scientist and botanist of the 18th century, a native of Italy, Prince Sanseviero.

The plant not only looks picturesque, but also has a sufficient number of beneficial properties. According to research American company NASA, the pike tail is almost the only representative of the flora that clears space of carbon dioxide and other harmful substances. Scientists were also amazed by the fact that an Indian sword is capable of absorbing and processing all carbon dioxide in the room where it is located. Neutralizes mother-in-law's tongue and harmful secretions from plastic windows.

Folk signs associated with culture

Before bringing home this or that green window sill dweller, some housewives are also interested in the energetic influence of the plant. So, for example, folk superstitions Previously, mother-in-law's tongue was given a bad name. It was believed that sansevieria represents the wife’s mother, and it has long been believed that this particular lady loves to teach young people, meddle in their affairs and gossip.

It used to be believed that by having a pike tail in the house, the family doomed itself to a short-lived existence as a married couple. Between husband and wife, disagreements and constant quarrels and scandals must begin. However, modern esotericists believe that the ancient signs associated with mother-in-law’s tongue are nothing more than legends. Experts are convinced that it is Sansevieria that is called upon to protect peace in the house where it grows, and is named after the long tongue of the wife’s mother as a joke.

By growing pike tail at home, the housewife provides her family with a calm and peaceful atmosphere in her home. Observations have shown that the number of quarrels and scandals with the appearance of mother-in-law's tongue on the windowsill is significantly reduced and eventually disappears altogether. People living near her improve their mood and sleep.

There are also signs on the topic of Sansevieria flowering. A native of the subtropics rarely shoots an arrow with buds. Popular rumor claims that if a plant throws a flower into winter time from December to February, then this is a sign of trouble, and during the next year you should not expect gifts or mercy from fate. In other seasons, the blossoming of mother-in-law's tongue promises happiness and prosperity to its owner.

Modern experts are sure that sansevieria produces buds only in a favorable atmosphere, which means that its flowering in any of the 12 months brings good luck.

Varieties of mother-in-law's tongue

Caring for sansevieria at home is not particularly difficult, and its buds smell pleasant and are beautiful in appearance. The most popular varieties of mother-in-law's tongue include the following plants:

  • big;
  • hyacinth;
  • Duneri;
  • graceful;
  • pick;
  • Liberian;
  • three-lane;
  • cylindrical.

A reddish border along the edge of a wide, almost 60 cm ovoid leaf with stripes indicates a large sansevieria. This plant blooms with white or greenish-transparent inflorescences.

Indian sword hyacinth and duneri

The hyacinth piketail stands out among its green relatives with tufts of lanceolate leaves with light horizontal strokes. The flowers of this representative of mother-in-law's tongue are small.

Duneri is another type of Indian sword. Her characteristic features are flat, straight-directed leaves, periodically intersected by dark wide stripes. The buds are distinguished by their whiteness.

Graceful mother-in-law's tongue and pickaxe

Often in indoor pots You can also find Sansevieria graceful. It is distinguished by small pointed shoots of a greenish-gray hue. The color of its rather wide stripes is grayish-beige.

The leaves-tongues of the pickaxe can reach a height of 1.8-1.9 meters in an adult plant and have a soft green tint. The spots that nature generously endowed this sansevieria with are both white and white-green. This variety of mother-in-law's tongue produces light buds.

Liberian, three-strip and cylindrical sansevieria

The flowers of the Liberian Sansevieria are considered the most strongly fragrant. The leaves of this plant are flat, lance-shaped and grow parallel to the ground. The stripes that cross the tongues are usually light green.

Three-strip sansevieria is named so because of the vertical lines that strip its leaves. Fresh green shoots have a white or light border around the entire perimeter and dark stripes located horizontally. This representative of Sansevieria usually blooms with small greenish-white buds.

But the leaves of the cylindrical Indian sword are often used to braid the plant. The rich green tube shoots have a diameter of up to 2 cm, and the mother-in-law's tongue itself blooms with unusual brown flowers that secrete sweet nectar.

How to care for sansevieria?

To grow healthy and pleasing sansevieria at home, you need to follow several rules. TO important details Mother-in-law tongue care includes:

  • choice of location;
  • landing;
  • watering;
  • fertilizer.

Despite the fact that the subtropical plant is unpretentious by nature and even some of its species prefer to live in a canopy, perched on tree branches, right choice space will be the key to the health of the window sill inhabitant. The flower does not like direct sunlight, however, constant light is vital for it.

Sansevieria loves the east or west side.

Temperature environment in summer should not exceed +25 degrees Celsius. In the winter season, the thermometer in the room where the mother-in-law's tongue grows must be at +10 and above.


The piketail prefers small but wide pots, as its roots spread outwards rather than inwards. There must be drainage under the soil layer so that the water in the vessel does not stagnate and the plant does not rot. The best option The soil mixture will be turf and leaf soil mixed with sand in a ratio of 4 to 2 to 1. A substrate for geranium will also be suitable. It is recommended to regularly wipe off dust that accumulates on the leaves with a damp cloth.


Sansevieria needs to be watered moderately from April to October. During the cold season from November to March, it is recommended to limit the amount of water. You should definitely make sure that liquid does not get into the center of the flower rosette, as this can lead to rotting of the plant.

Reproduction of pike tail

Like any other green inhabitant of window sills and indoor shelving, Sansevieria has a weakness for feeding. Experts recommend fertilizing the soil from March to August, and fertilizer for cacti (the dosage is reduced by half) is suitable as a healthy “delicacy” for mother-in-law’s tongue.

Pike tail propagation can also be done at home. Sansevieria produces:

  • dividing the rhizome;
  • seeds;
  • cuttings.

Root division

A new plant is obtained by transplanting an adult Sansevieria. To do this, you need to remove the mother-in-law’s tongue along with the root and rinse thoroughly. Next, the rhizome of the flower is divided into the required number of pieces using a well-sharpened knife. In this case, there must be leaves on the separated parts. The new sansevieria is placed in a prepared pot and covered with soil. Then the seedling is watered abundantly. After some time, the soil can be fertilized.

Sowing seeds

When propagated by seeds, they are collected after the mother-in-law's tongue has flowered. Next, the slightly dried material is planted in selected pots and placed in a small greenhouse for germination. After 21 days, the seeds will sprout.

After the new pike tails have sprouted, they are picked and, if necessary, transplanted to permanent place in a large container. Watering and caring for young plants is identical to the recommendations for the first breeding option.

Germination of parts

Cuttings from leaves are considered by experts to be the most in a complicated way propagate a native of subtropical forests. In order to get a new plant from an existing sansevieria, its leaves, selected in required quantity, cut into several pieces and dried.

Then the slightly withered parts of the mother-in-law’s tongue fragment are immersed on one side in wet sand to a depth of 2 cm. After 54 days, the cuttings will take root, after which they are planted in a permanent place of growth and, if necessary, in a larger pot. It is recommended to care for such sansevieria in the same ways as for those grown using previous methods.

The plant requires mandatory replanting when it begins to regularly turn the pot onto the floor.

How to repel plant pests?

Despite the fact that mother-in-law's tongue is quite unpretentious, and it is affected by pests. The most common diseases of Sansevieria are spider mite and thrips. They are combated with special insecticides purchased from flower shops. For example, Vertimek or Fitoverm will help in pest control. The course of treatment takes place at intervals of 7-10 days.

Web Maker

Another pest that is difficult to see in time due to its small size is the spider mite. This insect reproduces quite quickly and affects indoor green spaces in a matter of days. If a barely noticeable cobweb and black spots appear on the flower, it means that the pest has already attacked a representative of the home flora.

Usually, flowers affected by mites cannot be saved. They urgently need to be isolated from other neighbors in pots. If there is a desire to try to resuscitate a green patient, then he is sprayed or watered from the shower until wet, and then placed in a container with a special solution of the drug. Treatment also takes place in several stages at intervals of 5-10 days. Usually processing special means carried out 3 times.

Appearance brown spots or fragments on the leaves may also indicate that the crop has received an excess of moisture. In this case, the rotten leaves are removed. Mother-in-law's tongue is an excellent indoor plant, which is easy to care for and pleases the eye with its fresh greenery. If we manage to create ideal conditions for the inhabitant of the windowsill, then you can admire its flowering.

If you want to buy your mother-in-law’s tongue (flower), signs will help you better understand what this plant is. Most of the beliefs are, of course, related to the name of the flower, but some of them are still worth listening to.

Mother-in-law's language - signs and symbolism of the name

Since ancient times, many superstitions associated with various plants. So, we can find out which ones draw out energy, and which ones, on the contrary, help a person become stronger.

The pike tail plant has many names. Some of them were put together by the people, but the scientific name of the plant is Sansevieria. It is also called the Indian sword, snake skin, devil's tongue and mother-in-law's tongue, which has led to the appearance of a negative sign about this plant.

This is due to the fact that the leaves of the indoor flower have very similar long tongues. And as you know, the mother-in-law is far from the most pleasant character in the family, and her angry, long tongue often prevents young people from living quietly and peacefully. She usually doesn’t like her son-in-law and constantly talks about how her daughter could find a better husband.

Of course, not all girls will agree with this, but such an opinion still exists. It is possible that the now popular title “Mother-in-law’s tongue” was given to the plant solely as a joke. But over time, this name stuck.

But what else connects the plant and the mother-in-law? Nowadays, many people believe that the flower attracts quarrels, swearing, gossip, rumors, and discord. According to one of the signs, if there is Sansevieria in the house, then there will be no peace in the family and very soon the marriage will fall apart.

Nevertheless, many bioenergetics specialists and psychics absolutely disagree with this sign. They claim that the effect of the flower is similar to the plant "Women's happiness" (spathiphyllum).

If such a flower is located indoors, then bad energy will finally leave him, the relatives will finally stop sorting things out, and harmony, love and understanding will return to the family.

Pike tail - beliefs about energy

Probably everyone knows that it is very important to maintain a normal energy balance in the room where you live. If you don't do this, the house will be attracted negative energy, it will not be comfortable and calm.

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In addition, it is unlikely that residents will have the desire to come to a room where chaos and negativity reign. Therefore, if you can choose the right houseplants, then get rid of domestic troubles and quarrels.

In fact, Mother-in-law's tongue is a wonderful pet. The plant is very unpretentious and can adapt to different climates. Like many other vampire plants, piketail actually feeds on energy.

However, his distinctive feature in what he absorbs negative energy, heavy and unnecessary. The flower literally devours the owners’ bad mood, anger and aggression. Thanks to this, people living in the house become more friendly, sociable, and indulgent towards each other.

Psychics believe that the main value of the plant is its long leaves, which absorb negativity and emit beneficial energy.

Surprisingly, with the help of Sansevieria you can even get rid of your enemies. Think about where your ill-wishers bother you the most? Maybe you have problems with your employees or maybe some scandalous acquaintance comes to visit you regularly? In this case, place this flower at your workplace or in the hallway.

The pike tail is popular due to its ability to ward off ill-wishers. He will interfere with people who will try to do something bad to you. Rest assured that such ill-wishers will soon stop bothering you and you will finally be able to go about your business in a calm atmosphere.

Why does the Sansevieria flower bloom?

A very popular question is what could this bloom mean? unusual plant? It is impossible to give a definite answer, since it all depends on what time it happened. People are convinced that mother-in-law's tongue blooming at the wrong time (when it couldn't possibly happen) is a bad sign.

For example, winter bloom indicates that in the near future you will be faced with a very big problem; a colossal conflict is possible that will significantly change the course of your life.

Moreover conflict situation possible both at work and in the family. According to the sign, the cause of the conflict will be the immeasurable desire of someone to take care of others (employees or family members).

If you believe it, you will accept it if it is an indoor flower did not bloom in winter, this is very good sign. This is because this can only happen if the plant feels good, if it feels that there is a favorable atmosphere around, good people, grace and happiness.

Nevertheless, experts say that the flowering of Sansevieria at any time of the year indicates that the plant is overwatered and does not have enough light. However, to believe in omens or specialists indoor flowers- it's up to you to decide.

As it turned out, the mother-in-law's tongue plant is not as terrible as it seems at first glance. Therefore, if you take good care of it, the flower will help you change your life for the better.

Like many flowers, mother-in-law's tongue received this name among the people. And, like many flowers, it was not spared by signs and beliefs.

The biological name of the flower sounds like sansevieria. Why mother-in-law's tongue? This question remains unanswered even for experienced healers and historians. However, this flower is also known by the names: pike tail, Indian sword, snake skin, etc. But still, if you look more closely, the shape of the leaves of the flower really resembles something between a human tongue and, in color, snake skin.

Is it possible to keep mother-in-law's tongue at home?

Signs and superstitions regarding the mother-in-law's tongue flower will help you decide whether to start and keep such a plant at home.

Some psychologists are sure that the flower got its name because for a long time the main responsibility of the mother-in-law, both on the part of the groom and the bride, was to help maintain peace in the family. But in Lately many young people disagree with this. Therefore, one of the signs says that if keep mother-in-law's tongue in the house, you can forget about peace in the family. Fortunately, this sign, according to many, is just a superstition coming from ignorant people. And the name mother-in-law’s tongue was most likely given by someone as a joke, and has since stuck.

According to bioenergetics research, sansevieria carries exclusively positive energy for people. It has the unique ability to absorb negativity, releasing positive waves in return. Many even associate this flower with a kind of antenna, which is tuned to negativity and is fed by it, helping a person survive unfavorable periods in life.

Many people keep their mother-in-law's tongue at work as a shield from energy vampires and ill-wishers. Signs say that if you put this flower in your office at your workplace, you can forget about gossip and rumors for a long time - your work will become much calmer.

You can also place a flower at home, on the windowsill. The plant is unpretentious in care. You just need to remember to water it regularly with a small amount of water, and it will protect the owner from negativity and help you focus on more important aspects of life.

Why does mother-in-law's tongue bloom?

Mother-in-law's tongue can bloom at any time of the year, and Bad sign, associated with the flowering of the plant, refers to the winter season. According to superstitions, if Sansevieria blooms in winter, the owner should expect trouble.

The flowering of mother-in-law's tongue in all other cases, as a rule, does not bode well, but is only a sign proper care behind the plant.

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