Is it possible to lay linoleum on old parquet? Can new linoleum be laid over linoleum? What you need to know about linoleum

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Apartment owners, when they want to quickly and inexpensively renovate their floors, opt for a finishing material such as linoleum.

Many of them are interested in whether it is possible to lay linoleum on linoleum to avoid dismantling the old coating? Of course, removing it from the floor is sometimes not as difficult as other material, but cleaning, an inevitable consequence of such a procedure, will take a lot of time and effort that you would like to save for other important matters.

First of all, you need to assess the condition of the coating, which will serve as a substrate for the new material.

Is it possible to put linoleum on old linoleum completely without preparation? Of course not! First of all, you need to assess the condition of the coating, which will serve as a substrate for the new material. It is very sensitive to a variety of irregularities that can form various kinds cracks, abrasions, bubbles and tears in the old canvas. The coating laid on it is unlikely to look beautiful. Besides, new linoleum will wear out quickly, and after a short period of time it will have to be replaced.

Do I need to remove the old coating?

Is it possible to lay linoleum over linoleum if the old canvas looks acceptable, but the condition of the base underneath is questionable? In this case, it is better not to save time and remove the coating. The floor underneath may need some serious repairs.

Important! Linoleum is a material that has waterproofing qualities, which can play a cruel joke on the base.

Dampness under the canvas causes mold to appear. Moisture destroys not only wood, but also concrete. It can come from below if during construction there were shortcomings in the waterproofing of the floor. Moisture gets under the canvas and from above (through seams or holes): this often happens in rooms with high humidity.

Dampness under the canvas causes mold to appear.

To the question of whether it is possible to lay linoleum on linoleum, the answer will be negative even if both the coating and the base seem to be in quite good condition, but the canvas has been lying on the floor for a very long time. The reason is simple: under finishing material(as a result of peeling of its inner layer), numerous voids are formed in which debris accumulates. They create favorable environment for the development of bacteria and the appearance of colonies of various insects: from ants to cockroaches. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the old canvas from the base.

Is it possible to lay linoleum on linoleum if the new flooring is not roll material, and what about tiles? It would seem that it can be laid on an old (even damaged) canvas, simply by applying a thicker layer of adhesive to it, which can level the surface.

The operation of laying new material also includes a stage of thorough preparation of the base

The quality of such repairs will be below average: after some time, all the defects hidden under the glue and tiles will definitely show themselves.

Thus, the question of the need to lay a second layer of linoleum on the floor should not arise for a person who decides to repair it. The operation of laying new material also includes a stage of thorough preparation of the base, which is often not possible to perform efficiently, without removing the aged material.

When can you lay a second layer of fabric?

So is it possible to lay linoleum on linoleum? It is allowed to lay a new linoleum covering on an old one only:

  • with reliable adhesion of the latter to the base over the entire area;
  • in the absence of cracks and holes, waves and bubbles in the canvas;
  • if the old coating is laid on a perfectly flat, high-quality concrete screed(height differences of up to 2 mm are allowed).

If these conditions are met, previously laid linoleum can act as a substrate and waterproofing not only for a new canvas, but also, for example, a laminate.

Linoleum floor with underlay

Is it possible to put underlayment under linoleum? On this matter, even professionals cannot yet come to a conclusion unanimous opinion. Nevertheless, today manufacturers produce a wide range of materials suitable for use as a substrate.

It is entrusted with the functions of insulation and leveling the base. In terms of leveling, only slight peaks and valleys on the surface are absorbed by the substrate. The lining will not fix a “bumpy” floor.

Linoleum floor with underlay

But floor insulation is simply necessary if the room is on the ground floor or is unheated. In these cases, the substrate will not be superfluous for linoleum with a base. There are several types of substrate that are recommended to be laid under linoleum fabric:

  • jute;
  • linen;
  • combined (combination of wool, flax and jute).

These materials provide the most effective thermal insulation and do not deform as a result of pressure applied to them.

Important! It is not practical to lay cork material used as a backing for laminate flooring under linoleum.

Cork is a good heat insulator, but it will crumple under the load placed on it, for example, by furniture.

Floor insulation is simply necessary if the room is on the ground floor or is unheated

Polymer materials made from isolon and penoizol are not suitable as a substrate for linoleum in any respect.

Linoleum under laminate and tiles

Apartment owners who have started finishing floors are often interested in whether it is possible to lay laminate flooring on linoleum. Well, it will make a good substrate if it has been laid recently and, most importantly, with high quality. Often, linoleum fabric is used as a lining for laminate flooring in new apartments, where their owners decided to change the interior.

Linoleum under laminate

Is it possible to lay laminate flooring on linoleum if it is laid on a soft substrate? No! In this case, the laminate floor may become deformed. It should be added that between the linoleum covering and the laminate, a substrate, including cork, can be laid, which will improve the heat and sound insulation characteristics of the floor.

Floors in hallways, bathrooms, toilets and kitchens are often covered with linoleum. When renovating them, apartment owners rightly believe that ceramic or porcelain tiles better meet the requirements for flooring in premises of this type. But is it possible to lay tiles on linoleum?

The linoleum covering does not need to be dismantled if the base underneath does not require repair. A reinforcing mesh or grate is placed on the canvas, then the floor is filled with a leveling screed. After the solution has hardened and the surface has been treated with antiseptic and priming compounds, glue is applied and the tiles are laid.

Linoleum on wooden floor

Wooden floors require regular maintenance. This applies to both parquet and plank flooring. Linoleum is used to cover the floor to hide its defects. Can linoleum be installed on any type of wood floor? Are there certain rules high-quality installation of finishing materials?

Linoleum on wooden floor

It must be said that the floor with rotten boards should be dismantled. Simply covering it with a cloth will speed up the process of destruction of the coating. In some cases, the entire wood may need to be replaced.

You can repair the floor if the boards are in good condition, but:

  • cracks appeared in them;
  • Gaps have formed between the floorboards;
  • The paint has peeled off in some places.

Installation of linoleum over old

Loose floorboards are securely attached to the joists. Protrusions in the floor are treated with a planer, scraper, etc. Small cracks and crevices are filled with putty. Large ones close up wooden planks appropriate sizes. Peeling paint is removed. Unpainted areas are treated with an antiseptic and primed.

Depressions are sealed with putty. Additionally, the floor can be leveled by laying fiberboard on it, pre-impregnated with drying oil and painted. It should be remembered that the slabs can only level out minor unevenness. There should be no voids under the laid panels. The fiberboards are fixed to the base with self-tapping screws.

Laying linoleum

It is much easier to cover a plank floor with plywood or OSB. More durable than fiberboard, these materials allow you to level even more uneven surfaces.

However, the base for laying plywood sheets and OSB must be prepared. The protrusions need to be removed from it, and the surface should be treated with an antiseptic and primed. It is recommended to soak everything wooden structures fire retardant. Antiseptic and primer are also necessary for processing plywood. OSB does not need to be impregnated with an antiseptic.

Another way to level wooden base Before laying linoleum, cover the floor with gypsum fiber sheets. Sometimes GVL is laid in 2 layers.

Another way to level a wooden base before laying linoleum is to cover the floor with gypsum fiber sheets

Linoleum on heated floor

Is it possible to lay linoleum on a warm floor? It is undesirable to finish the flooring in this way, and the motives of the builder who wants to save on finishing gender are not entirely clear.

You cannot use material with an insulated base for installation, as it has low thermal conductivity. Yes, and single-layer linoleum laid on a heated surface does not The best decision, since the efficiency of the heating system will be low. In addition, when heated, linoleum may release substances that are hazardous to health.

It is not advisable to lay linoleum on a warm floor

The answer to the question of whether it is possible to lay a heated floor under linoleum is clear. Similar heating systems, both water and electric, are designed for coatings that have good thermal conductivity and high environmental friendliness.

Parquet is a durable coating, but any material has its own service life. Time is also merciless to noble parquet flooring. Has it become worn out, old, no longer pleasing to the eye, and are the dies in a deplorable state? There are three options:

  • If the defects are removable, the parquet can be restored;
  • You can replace the old coating with new parquet
  • No funds for an expensive solution to the situation? Choose economical way– replacement of parquet with linoleum. Moreover, it is not necessary to remove the parquet to install it. You just need to know some of the nuances of laying linoleum on parquet

Preparation stage

The installation is immediately preceded by an assessment current state parquet Damaged areas are removed, boards are replaced, and the surface is treated with bioprotective care products. If there are creaking parquet floors, the cause of the squeak must be identified and eliminated. You should also make sure that the floor is level and level.

Sheet material must be laid on top of the parquet so that the fastenings of nails and screws and the joints of the parquet boards do not show through the linoleum. Options are plywood sheets or fiberboard. If the floorboards sag to some extent, use thicker material.

Before laying linoleum, it will not be superfluous to make sure that each joint and recess from the screw heads are carefully puttied and smoothly sanded. Even dense multilayer linoleum with a foam base or insulation is not able to completely hide all defects in the base surface.

How to lay linoleum on parquet?

Stage of laying linoleum

It is strongly recommended to transport the material only in rolled form. Do not fold linoleum: it will undergo irreversible deformation. To acclimatize and level the roll, you can roll it out in the room after all the preliminary preparatory work and leave it like that for a day or two.

When the linoleum has taken an even position, you can “cut” the edges from the walls of the room.

How to lay linoleum correctly

This procedure is necessary as a measure to prevent wrinkling of linoleum during operation. When measuring the dimensions, leave a 10mm gap near each wall - it can be masked with a plinth.

Then comes another important step– fixation of canvases. This is sequential gluing of each canvas from the wall to the floor, leaving an overlap (about 2-5 cm) at the edges. After waiting a couple of days, you can cut the joints with a knife and secure them with glue. Alternative method Joints of linoleum seams can be “hot welded”. If you have no experience working with linoleum, it is advisable to contact specialists. If you still want to complete this task on your own, consult those who have ever laid linoleum over parquet, and also watch training videos on the Internet.

We continue the series of articles on the topic “How to lay new flooring without removing the old one.” Today will tell you how to lay linoleum on old parquet. So, in principle, the installation technology is similar to laying linoleum on a wooden floor. However, there are also some minor nuances.

Saving time, greater noise and heat insulation - these are the advantages of laying linoleum on parquet. Many people are also attracted to this method by the fact that they do not need to dismantle the old floor and pour a new screed - these processes, to put it mildly, are not the most pleasant and certainly not the cleanest. But don’t think that everything will be completely easy and simple - you will still have to knock off a couple of parquet floors.

This must be done in order to make sure that the old parquet has not rotted. We remove one board near the wall, one in the center of the room, and one for each damp place in room. If mold, rot, or just a musty smell is found in at least one of the places, we have bad news for you: the old parquet will have to be dismantled. You can find out how to do this in this article.

If the old parquet is in good condition, we proceed to next stage installation

The surface must be leveled as much as possible. We lay fiberboard sheets on top of the floor and nail them. The seams between the sheets can be covered with mastic or plaster.

However, you can do without fiberboard sheets. Then you need to carefully go over the entire parquet with a plane and remove all protruding edges of the planks. Then sand the surface sandpaper, and cover the recesses with plaster. By the way, it is not necessary to use store-bought plaster. You can simply take PVA glue and wood flour, mix to the required consistency and spread it in the required places.

So, if the parquet floor has become even and smooth, it’s the turn of linoleum. Read about laying linoleum in this article.

The only caveat is that you can only use cold welding of seams. At hot welding linoleum, the parquet below can deteriorate, and in exceptional cases, even catch fire.

Is it possible to lay linoleum on parquet?

Not everyone is lucky enough to have a new, turnkey apartment; many live in old buildings with old and creaky parquet flooring. Even if the parquet is not in a completely deplorable condition, it is still inferior in appearance to even the cheapest linoleum.

This situation can be corrected by laying linoleum on the parquet. Carefully inspect the parquet; if it is uneven, we advise you to go over it with a plane - the plane will correct the main irregularities, but small ones can be removed using sandpaper.

Fiberboard sheets are laid out on the leveled parquet and screwed on with self-tapping screws or nails are used. Instead of fiberboard, you can use thick sheets of plywood - they do not bend so much.

Is it possible to lay linoleum on parquet?

All irregularities are removed with sandpaper.

If swelling occurs parquet board, it is necessary to create temperature conditions for drying it; damaged parquet boards can be replaced.

The cracks formed in the parquet must be sealed; for this, special putty and sawdust are used, everything is mixed and all the cracks are carefully sealed. Cracks in the parquet are repaired with wood chips, which must be soaked in wood glue, put it into the cracks and wait until it dries completely. If nails are peeking out from the old parquet, they need to be “buried” deeper.

Before laying linoleum on the parquet, it must be spread in the room for several days so that it can straighten out. After it becomes smooth, the excess is cut off and glue is applied to the entire surface of the linoleum, the glue is allowed to dry a little and installation begins. The glued part of the linoleum is laid on the parquet and smoothed, making sure that “air plugs” do not form.

The floor needs to dry for several days, the duration depends on the type of glue used. The seams between the sheets are treated with a liquid specially designed for this purpose and subjected to cold welding. The seam is sealed with adhesive tape and then cut along the seam itself. The seam is filled with a welding compound and after 4 hours, the “welding” process is completed, the tape is removed. For welding, two types of glue are used: type “A” and type “C”. Type “A” is used when welding just laid linoleum; it quickly fastens the edges, and it can also be used to glue cuts.

If you have not yet purchased linoleum and do not know what type to use for covering in residential premises, when choosing, pay attention to its safety and environmental friendliness. All floor coverings are classified according to their purpose, the first digit indicates the type of room in which they can be used this type linoleum. If the classification contains the number 2, then this type of linoleum can be used in residential premises, if 3 – in office premises, 4 – in production. The higher the class of linoleum, the better its wear resistance, heat and sound insulation. A dense base affects resistance to deformation and mechanical damage.

So, in order to lay linoleum on parquet, you will need:
- cut off all protruding parts from the parquet;
- fix loose parquet boards;
- seal cracks and gaps between boards.

If your floor covering is simply no longer pleasing to the eye, has become old, excessively worn, and you would like to have better quality parquet boards, you are forced to think about what to do in this situation. Of course, you can try to restore the old parquet if the resulting defects are removable, or you can lay a new parquet flooring. But often homeowners do not always have the funds for such floor covering repairs. Then it is best to use linoleum.

Floor finishing - durable coating, therefore, the choice of material must be approached responsibly. Linoleum is a durable, practical and inexpensive material.

Very often, many homeowners are interested in the question: how to lay linoleum on an uneven parquet surface? It often happens like this: you have linoleum and an uneven parquet floor that you absolutely don’t want to dismantle, but you need to use such a set to build a masterpiece of construction skill without additional investments and without attracting a highly paid work force. This is exactly what will be discussed in this article, because, according to experts, in order to lay linoleum on old parquet, it is not at all necessary to dismantle it.

Preparatory stage

Before you begin to decide how to lay linoleum on an old floor covering, you first need to assess its condition. If necessary, partially replace parquet strips, restore damaged areas, and treat the parquet with a bioprotective agent. If there are creaking parquet floors, they must be removed and the cause of their creaking eliminated.

After this, using building level, it is necessary to measure the floor level in a horizontal plane, since if there are unevenness, linoleum will not solve this problem.

Before laying linoleum, tidy up the parquet. If necessary, replace the dies.

It should be noted that when laying linoleum on parquet, mandatory it is necessary to place a special gasket between them sheet material, otherwise the joints of the boards and fastening points (screws, nails) will be visible. You can cover the parquet with plywood sheets or fiberboards. If the floorboards sag slightly, it would be correct to lay linoleum on a floor that is previously covered with a thicker material.

Before laying linoleum, you need to make sure that on the entire surface of the parquet the joints and recesses formed by nail heads or screws are thoroughly puttied, and then sanded no less conscientiously. You should know that even the most multi-layer linoleum, which has a foam base or any other insulation, will not hide unevenness or defects in the subfloor surface.

Place the linoleum in the room and leave it for a day.

After everything has been completed preparatory activities, you can bring a new coating into the room and roll it out, and to acclimatize and level it, experts recommend leaving it in this position for at least one day.

An important nuance in solving the problem of how to lay linoleum on an old parquet floor is the method of its transportation. Here you need to take into account that it is necessary to transport linoleum only exclusively in rolled form (roll); it is strictly forbidden to fold it, based on the fact that linoleum is irreversibly deformed.

After the linoleum has acclimatized and leveled, you can begin to adjust the edges of the material to the walls of the room.

Direct laying of linoleum

Cut the edges of the linoleum evenly and accurately, otherwise over time it may wrinkle and the edges will come out from under the baseboard.

This must be done with sufficient quality, because its service life depends on the correct cutting of linoleum. Often, after a short service life of linoleum, it wrinkles - this is the result of improper cutting. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to cut the linoleum with a gap of at least 10 mm from the wall. The resulting gap will still be masked by the baseboard.

Next important point is the fixation of strips of material. Each of the canvases must be glued sequentially to the floor, starting from the wall. Please note that the edges (10 cm) should be overlapped (3-4 cm). After a few days, the joints are simply cut using a knife and an iron ruler, and then glued.

There is another method of joining sheets - “hot welding”, which consists of welding sheets using construction hair dryer with a special nozzle. Thus, a special cord is welded into a small recess prepared in advance between the linoleum sheets, which, under the influence high temperature melts and creates a strong connection. As a rule, this method of joining linoleum sheets is used when using durable commercial material.

More often for docking household linoleum applies cold method welding (cold welding), based on the fact that a temperature of 300-400°C, which is used for hot welding, can damage the fabric. IN this method an adhesive mixture is used for PVC products, which differs in the consistency of its base:

Technology diagram cold welding linoleum.

  • type A - used when fixing commercial or hard new linoleum. This adhesive mixture is quite liquid, allowing you to get a barely visible seam;
  • type C - used for old, already laid linoleum, has a fairly thick consistency. This type the adhesive mixture allows you to weld fabrics with larger gaps (up to 4 mm). At the end of the process of welding the sheets, excess will appear on the joining seam; they are removed only after the seam has completely hardened;
  • type T - this type of adhesive mixture is usually used in a highly professional version for welding PVC coatings which have a polyester base.

Linoleum comes in different thicknesses - the sound insulation and thermal insulation of the floor depends on this indicator. Of course, the thickness of the coating also depends on appearance the entire floor, because it is no secret that the thinner the linoleum is, the more pronounced all the defects and unevenness of the rough coating will be.

Diagram of the structure of linoleum.

If your parquet floor has no cracks, unevenness or height differences between the parquet blocks and you purchased a fairly thick coating material (2.2-3.5 mm), then this will be quite enough. Having small area rooms up to 30 m², such material does not necessarily need to be glued over its entire surface; it will be absolutely enough to apply glue along the edges of the material (crosswise). But according to experts, the more of the surface is glued, the better the abrasion resistance will be.

If the thickness of your linoleum is less than 2 mm, and the floor is uneven (there are cracks, differences in height), the surface must be pre-leveled. In the presence of wooden floor or parquet, leveling the subfloor involves sanding and then sealing the cracks. As an option, the dust remaining after sanding is used to seal cracks; it is mixed with glue or epoxy resin. The end result will be an excellent mixture for sealing cracks.

You can lay linoleum without using an adhesive mixture, but use double-sided tape to secure the sheets.

Install skirting boards on newly laid flooring it is necessary no earlier than a few weeks, since only after this time the linoleum will be able to press tightly to the floor. It should be taken into account that the plinth must be attached only to the wall, since when attached to the floor surface through linoleum, it will certainly “go” like a wave; due to the difference in humidity and temperature, the material simply “plays”.

If you are not sure about own strength or you simply do not have the necessary experience, there are several ways: turn to more experienced friends for help or use the services of specialists.


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