Is it possible to dry the cellar with a heater? Tips and effective ways to dry a cellar in a garage

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When you make repairs, of course, you want it to be of high quality, good, and durable. After all, who wants, for example, to spend a year again renovation work? I think no one. Why am I asking this?

Crazy will tell you how to dry the underground floor in your house. You may ask, why do I need this? And what difference does it make how to dry this underground? After all, they will put a floor on it, and everything will be fine. But here you are wrong. It's no secret that everything starts with the basics. Everyone knows that the earth that is under the floor is an eternal source of moisture. Which leads to dampness and an unpleasant rotten smell. This is why it is so important to know how to dry the underground in your home. After all, no one wants to be in a room where it’s humid and damp, and what’s more, there’s a terrible smell? Read now, how to dry the floor in a house and this problem will bypass you. And your home will always be cozy, warm and comfortable. How excess moisture comes into our homes?

1. So, if you do not have a good quality foundation, then water will enter through cracks in the foundation. If this is the case, then be sure to find out how to dry out the underground in your house and do a good job.

2.Spring and autumn, when the location groundwater so high, water soaks under your floor. And lastly, wet and warm air falls under the floor. And that’s why condensation occurs in our house, or rather, dew drops appear on the walls of the room.

Several ways to dry the subfloor (basement) in your house

The first mechanism is sealing

1. To dry the basement (underground) in the house, you need to install an exhaust pipe so that it reaches the bottom of the underground.

2. A fairly effective way to dry the underground (basement) in the house, to speed up the process of drying the underground, you can place a lit candle under the bottom of the pipe.

3. You will need to carry out groundwater drainage. The first thing you need to do for this is to punch small grooves along the entire length of the underground foundation.

Tip: make them with a slope towards one corner of the building. The second thing is to put the pipe down. This is done to allow water to flow out of the tubules.

5. You can use the same principle as with grooves to make drainage with pipes. But for this, the pipes should be installed before the construction of the underground.

6. And one more, in my opinion, the easiest way, how to dry the underground in a house. So, to do this you will need to cover the underground with any material that isolates water, for example, a good option roofing felt, polyethylene film. But, it is very important to do this before laying the subfloor. Waterproofing materials will not allow moisture to pass through, and the subfloor will remain dry. Press down the roofing felt or film in several places so that it does not move.

By the way, this option for dealing with underground humidity is simple but effective. Of course, these are not all the methods for drying out the basement in a house. But still basic and not very expensive, which is also important. Know that the key to your quality, good repair It's in the little things. No, technologies for drying the underground in a house are not trifles, but many do not think about it. And then they arise various kinds Problems. Condensation on the walls, dampness, unpleasant rotten smell. Control everything and make your home cozy and warm. Repair issues need to be approached very thoroughly. So don’t be lazy and find out how to dry the subfloor in your house. And believe me, many problems can be avoided. After all, it is important for your health. Who will benefit from humid, damp air or maybe condensation on the walls?

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With the onset of autumn, the life of all gardeners becomes one more problem: how to preserve the entire harvest. It's no secret that all grown vegetables and fruits, and subsequently jars of seaming, are stored in the cellar. But for summer season the air there became heavy, unpleasant and damp. And here the question arises: how to prepare the cellar for wintering?

First thing

Where can you start all the work? First of all, it is necessary to bring to Fresh air everything that is stored inside:

  • pallets;
  • racks;
  • bins;
  • boxes;
  • shelves.

All these storage tools need to be cleaned and washed thoroughly warm water with the addition of soap and soda. After which the structures must be completely dried and ventilated in fresh air.

For the purpose of disinfection, all wooden structures are treated with a solution of copper sulfate, and then whitened. If you don’t trust the old “old-fashioned” method, then you can purchase a special antifungal composition that will also do an excellent job with this difficult task.

After completing the procedures, you can begin to treat the walls and floor of the cellar. First of all, they need to be washed and treated with a solution copper sulfate to prevent mold. Only after completing these steps can you begin to dry the cellar.

The easiest way to dry

Many may think that just ventilating the cellar is enough. Alas, this is not true. The air in such a room is very humid, stagnant, and most importantly, heavy. This is why simply opening the door will not help. Many people spent their whole lives only ventilating the room and only after a while began to ask themselves the question of how to dry the cellar correctly.

The most in a simple way in the fight against musty and stagnant air is the introduction of additional exhaust hood. All that needs to be done is to extend the ventilation inlet almost to the floor, and place a jar with a candle under it (it will create the required draft). This way the musty air will leave the cellar. To create initial draft, you can burn a sheet of paper and then place a candle in the ventilation pipe. With the help of such a device, within a few days there will not be a drop of moist air left in the cellar. But do not forget to leave the front door open - this will provide an influx of fresh air.

How to warm up the cellar

Of course, the option with a candle is far from the only one. There are a huge number of ways to deal with excessive humidity. For example, warming up. Today in stores you can find all kinds of special thermal appliances. They allow you to both dry out the cellar and use them in everyday life for other purposes.

The most popular device is a heat gun. With its help you can warm up the walls of the cellar very well. To do this, you just need to point it in the right direction and leave it that way for a while. Despite the fact that this method is quite easy, not everyone uses it. And then the question arises again, how to dry the cellar outside.

Previously, a fire was simply lit for this procedure. But, of course, this is not the safest option. It was replaced by an easy-to-use device - a roaster. It won't be difficult to do it. It is enough to take a metal bucket, make legs for it or simply place bricks along the edges and punch small holes at the bottom. Afterwards, you need to load wood chips into this structure and ignite it. When the flame burns well, you can add large logs to the fire.

The brazier is placed in the cellar. The flame from it will not only dry out all the walls, but will also drive out the old, stagnant air, and the smoke will kill all the fungi and bacteria that lived there before. This procedure is more effective than a regular fire, and also much safer.

How to make a cellar well ventilated

Often the air in the cellar is stale and musty, and it is quite difficult to get rid of it. Installing additional ventilation will help solve this problem.

For proper air circulation, it is necessary to make two shafts at different ends of the room. For ventilation, it is better to use pipes with a diameter of about 15 centimeters. They must allow air flows in and out. Don't forget about maintaining the temperature. In winter it should be from -2 to +5 degrees Celsius. If everything is done correctly, then the question of how to dry the cellar will not constantly bother you. All that needs to be done is to thoroughly disinfect the room.

How to dry a cellar after a flood

With the arrival of spring, every summer resident suffers. After all, there is nowhere to escape from the melted snow, and all this water will certainly collect in the cellar. So where do you start?

First of all, you need to completely pump out the water. The best way to do this is with a pump. After the water level reaches the minimum value, it is necessary to remove everything wooden structures from the cellar. If possible, throw them away altogether. You can dry the cellar using a brazier. In such a situation, this method will be the most effective (it was described above).

Drying the cellar in the garage

Not all owners store their food and supplies in a room separate from the house. Many people do not have this opportunity, so they set up their cellars, for example, in garages. But here another problem arises: how to dry the cellar in the garage?

Most of the methods described above in the article are suitable for this procedure. But there are more effective means. For example, in any agricultural store you can get advice on how to dry the cellar, and, most likely, the seller will advise using a sulfur bomb for this. In terms of efficiency, it is comparable to a Dutch oven, but does not emit as much heat and smoke.

Those who know how to remove moisture from the cellar using a brazier, and deny all other methods, need to take care of building a hood so that everything there does not become smoky from smoke.

Cellar in the house

A small living space forces you to make the most of all the space. Therefore, people often have to build a cellar directly in the house. Yes, it's not the best convenient option, but nothing can be done.

In such a situation, finding the answer to the question of how to dry the cellar in the house becomes problematic, because you cannot use a brazier there - all the walls will become smoked. The option using a candle is not so simple, but heat gun Not everyone can find it.

So, how to dry the cellar in the house, if there is such a need? According to tradition, before starting the whole action, everything should be taken out of the cellar. Then dry all the walls, best using electric heating devices (a regular heater is quite suitable). After this, all surfaces must be treated with an antibacterial and fungal agent and the basement waterproofing must be improved to prevent such cases.

Expensive drying method

Many people believe that it is easier to pay money than to do the work themselves. They came up with a special way to dry the basement - using injections. This is the most complex and expensive method of all those presented above, which consists of introducing special waterproofing agents into the soil with a pump. These injections are made around the entire perimeter of the cellar and prevent moisture from penetrating into it.

The cellar is undoubtedly one of the most important rooms in the household. Its construction must be carefully thought out. But if, nevertheless, the cellar urgently needs to be dried, then in this case only improving the waterproofing and installing more new system ventilation.

“My cellar began to cry. There are always drops of water on the ceiling, the wooden hatch is wet through, the carrots and cabbage have long since rotted, the potatoes are still holding up,” writes FORUMHOUSE member Syava_1.

“Crying” cellar – always a big problem. How to dry it urgently and what to do to no longer encounter increased dampness? We tell you what the participants of our portal do.

For high-quality storage of vegetables, the temperature in the cellar should not be higher than +5 degrees, the air should be clean and fresh, but without drafts.


The Russian scientist A. T. Bolotov wrote more than two centuries ago that there should be no damp and musty air in the room where vegetables are stored - the vegetables will rot. And at the same time, he notes that there should be no draft, as it will dry out our vegetables.

But you can’t overdry the cellar; there is even data from observations of FORUMHOUSE participants in their cellars, which indicate that excess humidity is not as dangerous for storing vegetables as excessive dryness.

Humidity level for optimal storage reserves should be 70-80%.

Having measured the temperature and relative humidity in the cellar with a thermometer and hygrometer, we bring them into accordance with the necessary indicators (recommendations BogAD):

  • If the cellar is cold (temperature in winter is below +2 0 C), we insulate the basement or roof.
  • If the cellar is too warm (temperature above +5 0 C), we lower it by isolating the cellar area from heat sources. Provide adequate ventilation and isolate the area from heat sources.
  • Slight excess relative humidity corrected by ventilation.
  • If the relative humidity is significantly exceeded (abundant condensation on the walls and ceiling), we do waterproofing, and then we begin ventilation.
  • If the air is musty - the ventilation system does not correspond to the area or is missing, we eliminate this omission.
  • If there are drafts in the cellar, ventilation system also needs modernization, perhaps it will be enough to simply add a damper to the inlet.

Based on the diagnosis that was made to the cellar, a work plan is drawn up. But there are situations when the stored crop needs emergency help, and there are several ways to provide it.

The picture on the left shows a cellar drainage diagram that a FORUMHOUSE member DoctorBo I saw it in some book from Soviet times.

DoctorBo FORUMHOUSE Member

The light bulb heats the air, which rises through the open basement hatch.

The right picture shows an improved, modernized scheme, in which the light bulb is located not under the hatch, but under the exhaust pipe. This scheme is better, especially when we are not dealing with a cellar, which is located under the building - then the air does not go into the house, but outside it.

Variants of this method, successfully tested by members of our portal:

  1. A light bulb from the refrigerator is inserted directly into the pipe, 5-7 cm.
  2. If the light bulb does not fit into the pipe.

Glebomater FORUMHOUSE Member

Place a lampshade on the bottom of the pipe with a light bulb in it. The light bulb lights up, heats the air in the lampshade, and the draft begins to work.

Instead of a light bulb, you can use a candle (to avoid fire hazards, place the candle in tin can). It is better for the spark plug to be as close to the floor as possible, and to improve traction, the exhaust pipe is lengthened by adding a tin link to it.

A burning candle or light bulb accelerates air circulation and intensively ventilates the cellar. The musty atmosphere of the cellar is replaced by fresh air, and within a few days the cellar is usually completely dry.

If instead of a candle or light bulb we use dry alcohol tablets, we will get additional benefit: alcohol combustion products have antiseptic properties.

Member FORUMHOUSE topos proposes to bring the science of chemistry into the service of draining the cellar.

topos FORUMHOUSE Member

1 kg dry calcium chloride takes 1.5 kg of water. Buy 50-100 kg. Loading. Every other day you remove it, dry it (calcinate it) and load it again. Have fun working.

You can also use a good household dehumidifier (the kind used to dehumidify swimming pools) or a heat gun. Or place a regular oil cellar in the center of the cellar - in this case, drying will be carried out due to thermal radiation. But this process is long and expensive (several weeks of continuous operation of the device may be required). Most importantly, without normal ventilation of the cellar, the desired effect with the help of a heater is unlikely to be achieved.


Using an electric heater to circulate air is a stupid thing to do if the soil is damp, the air is humid and there is no ventilation. You will create a regular bathhouse. You need exhaust ventilation with air intake near the basement floor.

To store supplies in the cellar, poor ventilation will be sufficient. Strong ventilation is more likely to cause harm.

Jeeper Moderator-consultant FORUMHOUSE

With strong ventilation you disturb the climate in the cellar - for example, in winter you can cool it down very much, and in summer you can heat it up very much. This promotes the formation of condensation and mold.

However, competent, well-thought-out cellar ventilation is the key to successful storage of vegetables until the next season.


The ventilation began to work, the cellar stopped crying (before that, one might say, it roared incessantly).

Ventilation in cellars and basements is arranged as follows:

Installed on the north side of the basement exhaust pipe, which drops 10-15 cm relative to the ceiling.

Installed on the south side supply pipe, which should drop to a level of 10-20 cm above the floor.

Typically, pipes are installed diagonally, in opposite corners of the cellar. To avoid the formation of condensation in the cellar in the summer, close the exhaust vents during the warm season, and also make sure that the lid is tightly closed and insulated as much as possible from heat (to do this, you can put a piece of polystyrene foam on it). In the fall, when it becomes more clear outside low temperature than in the cellar, the cellar lid is opened and left open until the temperature reaches about +2 - +3 degrees. The warm, humid air of the cellar will be replaced by dry and cold air from the street, so during such ventilation the wet cellar usually dries out quickly.

For the winter, with the exception of especially frosty days, only the inlet is closed.


I can advise you to leave one hood open for the winter and insulate the pipe itself well (so that it doesn’t get sucked in by the kurzhak). No inflow, and nothing will freeze.

Some participants in our portal do not have ventilation in the cellar, but condensation does not form in it, since the reasons for the dampness were different - bad and cold walls and floors. Sometimes these shortcomings are easy to eliminate, but sometimes they require global rework cellar

For most summer residents and country residents, dampness in the cellar is a huge problem. The reason for the increase in humidity is considered to be poor-quality thermal or waterproofing. Another reason may be the lack of a ventilation system.

Whatever the reason, a wet basement is not suitable for storing food. Therefore, moisture needs to be removed and condensation removed. Today we will tell you how to dry the cellar, disinfect it and prepare it for planting the harvest.

How to dry a cellar

For drying, choose a dry sunny day. First of all, we remove all the products and boxes remaining there from the room; we also need to remove the shelves, disassemble the racks and pallets. Next, you need to sweep out all the debris and sand. If there is water, it needs to be pumped out.

All existing structures are cleaned hot water with the addition of soap and baking soda. Next, all parts are treated with a solution of lime and copper sulfate. This will help get rid of fungus, mold and harmful bacteria. After this, all the parts are left to dry in the sun for several days.

Note: The places where the furniture stood are thoroughly washed to remove dirt and mold. For greater effect, you can use a mixture of salt and sulfuric acid, which is left inside for three hours.

After that we open the doors, that's it ventilation pipes and hatches for drying the room.

How to quickly dry a cellar from dampness with ventilation

There is a certain algorithm for drying underground storage, which depends, first of all, on the presence of ventilation in it. Let's consider how this process occurs in rooms with ventilation systems or openings.

Heating the cellar

If the weather is warm outside, and the dampness needs to be removed now and ventilation does not help, you need to heat the air. To do this, take an old metal bucket and make holes in the bottom and walls. Then they securely attach it to the cable and pour coals into the bucket. The coals are ignited and a constant combustion is established. A bucket of smoldering coals is lowered onto a cable into the basement and secured so that it hangs above the floor, and the room itself is closed (Figure 1).

The doors need to be opened every 20-30 minutes. But you can’t go inside, as the temperature there is high and accumulation is possible. carbon monoxide. After the coals have burned out, take out the bucket and close the cellar. You can’t look inside for three days; the smoke will kill mold and disinfect the room. In this way you can get rid of dampness in the basement under the garage.

Figure 1. Drying basement heating method

Instead of a bucket of coal, you can use: a potbelly stove (just lower it into the basement and heat it), a heat gun high power, propane or kirogas burner. However, it should be borne in mind that these methods are considered quite dangerous and cannot be used alone.

How to dry a cellar from dampness without ventilation

If a ventilation system was not installed during the construction of the basement, it is necessary to install some kind of pipes. They can be installed in the wall or ceiling. You can also purchase a fan with a supply and exhaust mechanism.

After flooding, you first need to pump out the water. Then take everything out and dry it at open doors and hatches and whitewashing with lime. After this, you can use the methods described below.

A cellar without ventilation can be dried using hydrophilic materials:

  • Slaked lime - destroys fungus and removes moisture. Placed on shelves and along walls.
  • Dry sawdust helps reduce humidity.
  • Calcium chloride tends to absorb moisture. You lay it out, assemble it after a day, heat it up and can use it again.
  • Dry carton boxes used to prevent condensation on the ceiling.

You can purchase special equipment - household dehumidifier air, which can also effectively cope with the problem high humidity.

Disinfection and control of fungi and mold

After drying, they begin to combat the main problem of underground storage facilities - mold and mildew. There are several for this effective methods, which we will describe below.

Lime vapor

Lime is a quick and inexpensive way get rid of the fungus. It is used to combat fungal colonies and for prevention.

Before starting work, the premises are pre-treated with disinfectin. The drug is diluted in water, then applied to all painted surfaces.

Figure 2. Disinfectant treatment with lime

There are two folk recipes, according to which you can clean the basement from fungus with lime:

  • Lime mixture with copper sulfate. To do this, take two buckets of water, 1 kg of slaked lime and 100 g of vitriol. Apply using a spray bottle (Figure 2).
  • Mixture with formaldehyde. For a bucket of water, use 200g of formaldehyde and 500g of bleach. The resulting solution is used to lubricate all surfaces inside the basement. The room should then be dried and ventilated.

Sulfur (smoke) bomb

Sulfur gas vapor is considered an effective method for removing fungus. To use a sulfur bomb, you need to block the air supply to the room, place the bomb in a tin basin and set it on fire. Then quickly exit and close the doors tightly (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Disinfection of the cellar with sulfur bomb vapors

Be careful, as sulfur smoke is dangerous to people and animals. After 12 hours, the room must be thoroughly ventilated and treated with slaked lime.

Mold Remover

There are cases of white fluffy mold appearing. This is a type of fungus. To combat it, use the methods described above, and you can also use a foam remover.

By applying the product to the site where the fungus appears, the mold immediately begins to curl. Subsequently, it does not appear on the treated area.

Floor bedding

If your basement has an earthen floor, you can lay a dense plastic film(this will prevent excess moisture from appearing).

To do this, do wooden gratings and place them on the floor. Scatter pieces of slaked lime over the film. This will help prevent fungi and thus reduce moisture.

How to dry a cellar after flooding

Drying should begin immediately after flooding, as mold forms quickly. First you need to pump out the water in a way accessible to you. Next, take out all the furniture elements. The cover and ventilation hatches should be opened.

Once most of the water has been removed, fans can be installed in the cellar and directed at the walls of the room. If possible, use a dehumidifier.

The dried-out room should be treated against fungus using copper sulfate or use ready-made product against mold. The walls should be whitewashed with lime. Don't forget to use rubber boots and gloves while drying to prevent electric shock.

A quick and easy way to dry a basement is shown in the video.

How to dry a cellar in a garage from condensation

To get rid of high humidity in the garage you should install good system ventilation:

  • Install one pipe for inflow, the second for outflow;
  • Mount one pipe (through the ceiling or wall) with an exhaust fan.

If condensation has already penetrated into the garage, you can use several proven methods for removing moisture:

  1. Spread slaked lime along the perimeter of the walls and on the shelves. This will get rid of fungus and reduce moisture.
  2. Place dry cardboard boxes on the floor. Change as moisture accumulates.
  3. Scatter dry sawdust on the floor and change it when it gets wet.

You can also use dehumidifiers. For this purpose, the device model should be selected with medium power. After the walls have dried, they should be whitewashed with lime.

Carry out preventive drying every spring. After heavy summer and autumn rains, the room should also be dried. If you carry out preventive work, the fungus will not be scary for you.

Owners of private homes should have an idea of ​​how to dry out the basement when humidity levels rise.

Various reasons can lead to the appearance of dampness in the cellar: floods, penetration of groundwater, the appearance of condensation on the walls.

Sometimes it is possible to get rid of moisture quickly and without serious financial costs.

In other cases, in order to dry the cellar, serious construction work and some financial investments will be required.

It was necessary to take care of waterproofing and ventilation of the basement during the construction stage. But measures can be taken to eliminate high humidity in the finished building.

How to prevent the appearance of dampness even at the construction stage:

  • When building a cellar in a private house or garage, do not use bricks and porous materials (foam and expanded clay blocks, shell rock). Best material for walls and floors it is concrete;
  • Conduct construction works in summer in dry weather to prevent groundwater from entering the pit;
  • Waterproof walls and floors;
  • Take care of ventilation. Properly organized air exchange will prevent the appearance of condensation on the walls and the appearance of mold;
  • Pay attention to the groundwater level; if there is a risk of flooding, make an external or internal drainage system.

If groundwater does not rise above the floor level, then bitumen or heated mastic can be used to waterproof the basement.

After application to walls and ceilings, the materials polymerize and form on the surface protective film. A more reliable method of protection is penetrating waterproofing.

The material impregnates the walls, changing their structure. Penetrating insulation reliably seals all microcracks, making concrete more frost-resistant and stronger.

There is also membrane-type waterproofing based on polymers. Once applied, the material transforms into a membrane that is impermeable to water.

Right organized ventilation in the basement consists of an exhaust air duct and supply openings.

The exhaust duct is installed in one of the corners of the room, on the ceiling or the top of the wall.

The upper end of the pipe is located 0.5 meters above the ridge of the roof. The air duct is installed strictly vertically, in order to reduce the amount of condensation, its outer part should be insulated.

Fresh air is supplied to the basement through the supply opening; the air duct is installed in the corner opposite from the hood.

Moreover, the lower part of the channel should be located 30 cm from the floor. The supply and exhaust openings are closed mosquito net. This ventilation operates under the influence of natural draft force.

Fresh air penetrates into the lower part of the basement, gradually warms up, rises and is removed through the exhaust hole.

The best time to dehumidify the basement of your home or garage is during the summer. Old stocks have almost come to an end, and the period of new procurement has not yet begun.

Previously, the basement is completely cleared of stocks of fruits, vegetables and canned goods. It is also necessary to dismantle and remove all structures intended for storing supplies.

The doors to the room should be left open for several days, thanks to this the basement can be quickly dried from settled condensation.

While the room is being ventilated, take care of the structures removed from the basement. Wooden shelves You need to dry it in the sun and wash it with soapy water.

Finally, the wood is covered with a layer of whitewash with the addition of copper sulfate. To destroy mold, you can burn the structures with a blowtorch.

Metal elements also need to be dried, then cleaned of rust and painted.

After the basement has been ventilated, the walls and floor are cleared of debris and treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.

To completely destroy mold and larvae of harmful insects, it is recommended to fumigate the basement after ventilation with special smoke bombs containing sulfur.

You can buy them in stores that sell agricultural implements.

If there are still high levels of humidity and mold in the basement, then it is recommended to resort to one of the forced dehumidification options.

Which additional accessories can be used to dry out the cellar in the house or garage:

  • Metal brazier – you can use an old metal bucket with holes in the bottom for draft as a brazier. You need to attach legs and a hook with a cable to the bucket, with which the frypot will lower down. The bucket is filled with firewood or charcoal. After igniting the flame, the brazier is lowered down and placed on a flat, non-combustible base. To completely dry the basement, the fire must burn for at least 12 hours. It is prohibited to go down to the basement during fumigation; to add fuel, the bucket must be pulled up. You can use a brazier to dry the cellar only in rooms with a concrete or earthen floor;
  • Candle - in order to dry the cellar after penetration of groundwater, an ordinary lit candle is placed in an iron can and installed near the exhaust hole. Entrance doors however they remain open. The burning flame increases the draft, air exchange occurs more intensely, and the stale air is replaced by hot streams from the street. In order to dry the underground, instead of a candle, you can use a burner with dry alcohol;
  • Electrical appliances - an infrared or oil heater. This method can take a lot of time, so if possible, it is better to replace the heater with a heat gun. Due to the high power of the heat gun, this method can be used to dry basements even after the penetration of sewage and groundwater.

Drainage system design

At high level When groundwater occurs, it is necessary to take care of installing a drainage system when building a basement.

If this is not done, the subfloor will periodically be subject to flooding. Most often used outdoor system drainage, it can be erected around an already finished building.

The main difficulty is that you will have to dig out the foundation along the entire perimeter of the building. If this is not possible, it is better to opt for more affordable internal drainage.

The basis of the drainage is a perforated pipe, through the holes of which groundwater and sediment will leak. The pipe is laid at foot level along the entire perimeter of the basement.

Keep in mind that internal drainage does not guarantee a 100% result. In addition, after all the work is completed, the basement will be at least 30 cm lower.

Therefore, this method is resorted to only as a last resort.

Internal drainage device:

  1. Dry the basement thoroughly after groundwater has penetrated;
  2. Waterproof the walls, preferably with penetrating materials. As a last resort, use liquid rubber;
  3. Remove the finished floor (if there is one) and place a layer of crushed stone on the base plate;
  4. Lay perforated pipes on top of the crushed stone cushion and lead them outside the basement into a well to collect water;
  5. Place a layer on the crushed stone cushion insulating material and do concrete screed. This will be the new floor.

External drainage device:

  1. After removing the formwork, cover the foundation with waterproofing materials;
  2. Dig a drainage trench around the foundation. The ditch should be located at a slope towards the water collection point (drainage well);
  3. Dig it up drainage well. It should be located no further than 10-15 cm from the cellar. Strengthen the walls of the well casing pipe with a diameter of 300 mm and a depth of at least 3 m;
  4. Make a trench for the pipe connecting the drainage and catchment well;
  5. Place geotextiles at the bottom of the drainage trench and add a layer of gravel;
  6. Lay down drainage pipes, fill with gravel and cover with overlapping edges of geotextile;
  7. Connect the drainage catchment well with a pipe;
  8. Fill the trenches with the previously selected soil.

Carry out construction work better in summer. If the basement is located on an area with loose soil, then the walls of the trench must first be strengthened.


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