Is it possible to glue polyethylene foam with instant glue. Simple methods for gluing polyethylene film

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At home, vapor and waterproofing can be done with ordinary foamed polypropylene (polyethylene). Polypropylene insulation, although primitive, is highly effective, allowing you to save on the purchase of more expensive analogues.

But you can’t get by with polyethylene alone, since its use requires polyethylene glue. In rarer cases, other adhesive-based mixtures are also suitable. They are needed for fixing polyethylene (the so-called polyethylene gluing) on ​​the surface of thermal insulation or any other building structure.

And among the many different adhesive-based mixtures, it is necessary to choose the most optimal and effective one.

In order to glue polyethylene to thermal insulation, experts recommend using a specialized adhesive-based mixture “Easy-Mix PE-PP”.

1 Product information

An adhesive-based mixture with the name “Easy-Mix PE-PP” from the company “WEICON” is a two-component material for fixing polyethylene in unnecessary structures, made on the basis of methyl acrylate and an adhesive base.

The chemical structure of this adhesive-based mixture has extremely high adhesion rates for so-called “low-energy plastics and plastics.”

This foam adhesive can be used not only for polyethylene, but also for materials such as:

  • Rigid PVC (polyvinyl chloride);
  • PMMA (recommended together with it).

IN modern world foamed polyethylene, due to its technical features, since ductility, elasticity, ultimate strength and chemical resistance, it is used everywhere in the industrial field and in everyday life.

However, to interact with polyethylene, traditional preliminary preparations its surface. For example, such as:

  • Mechanical processing by grinding or sandblasting;
  • Chemical treatment (most often fluoridation);
  • Physical treatment (applied heat treatment fire).

However, the “Easy-Mix PE-PP” foam material completely eliminates the need for such work. With it, gluing polyethylene is possible without preliminary preparations.

The “primer” device found in this glue activates the surfaces, thereby completely changing their structure, after which the polyethylene is glued very effectively, and the strength of the connection is simply amazing.

The device "Easy-Mix PE-PP" can be used for both household construction work(as a rule, this is thermal insulation), and for use on conveyors and various assembly plants.

2 Features and benefits

The “Easy-Mix PE-PP” gluing device has a number of quite significant properties that have a positive effect on its effectiveness:

  • There is no need to pre-treat the required surfaces to be joined;
  • This gluing machine is capable of long time located in an open area without the threat of evaporation or losing its properties;
  • Gluing polyethylene with the “Easy-Mix PE-PP” mixture quickly “sets” even if it is used;
  • Immense final power;
  • Bonding polyethylene with so-called “residual elasticity”;
  • Resistance to conditional “aging”;
  • Gluing polyethylene with this glue has a controlled time period of fixation;
  • Pasty soft consistency.

Among the advantages of the “Easy-Mix PE-PP” adhesive mixture it is worth noting the following:

  • Immediately upon opening the package it is ready for use as;
  • The process of dosing, mixing and even applying can be done in one operation;
  • Possible errors during the dosing and mixing process are completely eliminated;
  • Quick and easy application - can be used in production;
  • The efficiency of the glue is a special dispensing device that minimizes the consumption of the adhesive mixture.

2.1 Selecting adhesive material for polyethylene (video)

Currently, polyethylene film is actively used in everyday life, in some cases it is simply irreplaceable. Polyethylene is an unpretentious material, and it is also affordable. But all the people who use it sooner or later ask themselves the question: how can polyethylene be glued together? Simple glue cannot cope with this task; you will need a special glue for polyethylene with good adhesive characteristics.

Let's glue the polyethylene (click to enlarge)

Polyethylene is a very popular material, which is endowed with many beneficial properties. It is used as insulation, electrical insulator, packaging and greenhouse material, reliable protection from moisture. Polyethylene is capable of absorbing neutrons, which are the most dangerous type of radiation. Due to the fact that this substance is a chemically resistant material, a reasonable question arises - how to glue polyethylene?

Bonding polyethylene surfaces is a process that has not only a chemical basis, but also an electrical one. This means that the glue must stick well to plastic film, and when hardening, firmly adhere the parts to each other. Modern industrial production found ways to firmly glue polyethylene.

Properties of polyethylene (click to enlarge)

Here is an example of the most popular options:

  • welding of polyethylene parts with a hot object;
  • usage various types glue.

Hot iron for gluing polyethylene

Before gluing the polyethylene, using a hot iron, lay out the edges polyethylene film to the surface wooden slats and align them. Fold the newspaper in two layers and iron the parts to be glued through it. The lath is necessary to create an even joint.

When using an iron, a reasonable question may arise: to what temperature should it be heated? It’s difficult to give any advice here, because it directly depends on how thick the plastic film you use. Therefore, adjust the temperature during the gluing process of the material. If the polyethylene parts become less durable and the seam is almost invisible, then the temperature must be reduced. If the parts are poorly connected to each other and no changes occur to them, then the temperature is too low and should be increased.

From the video you will learn a lot of new things:

To prevent burning of the polyethylene, the iron and the parts to be glued should not touch for more than one second.

To check the strength of the connection, pull the glued parts in opposite directions. If the seam comes apart, the process will have to be repeated again.

Bonding polyethylene with glue BF - 2 and BF - 4

To reliably glue the polyethylene film, you can use BF - 2 or BF - 4 glue. However, their use is possible only after the surface preparation stage. This work can be done even by people who do not have experience or practical skills.

  • before gluing the plastic film, clean and then degrease its surface;
  • Apply a layer of glue to the treated surface. It hardens very quickly, so apply the parts to each other immediately;
  • leave the glued parts for several hours until the glue has completely set;

Glue BF-2 (click to enlarge)

This procedure is suitable for working with different types of glue.

Remember that glue is a rather toxic substance that causes an allergic reaction. Therefore, prepare protective gloves for working with it in advance.

For greater convenience, apply glue glue gun, for charging which ready-made cartridges are used. This is especially true when gluing polyethylene in large volumes. For example, if you need to do work such as gluing film for a greenhouse.

Two-component acrylate adhesive for gluing polyethylene

An excellent option for gluing polyethylene is Easy – MixPE–PP adhesive, manufactured by Weicon. It is designed specifically for materials with low adhesive properties. As a rule, most liquids do not adhere well to plastic film. However, this adhesive contains tiny glass beads, which allows the adhesive to remain in place, leaving a gap. the right size. This ensures strong bonding of the bonded surfaces. It is one of the best adhesives for polyethylene, making it ideal for firmly bonding polyethylene greenhouse film.

MixPE–PP glue is perfect for polyethylene (click to enlarge)

The glue is a paste-like substance that is well dosed, easily mixed and applied to the surfaces to be glued.

Easy – MixPE–PP is good because it can be used immediately after opening. The adhesive contains a special primer that changes the structure of the surfaces intended for gluing. This makes it possible to ensure strong adhesion of materials at home, while preparatory work are not required for their processing.

Epoxy adhesive for polyethylene surfaces

Another means that can be used to glue polyethylene film is epoxy glue. It is worth noting that it is not designed specifically for polyethylene, but it does contain a phenol-formaldehyde resin that has excellent adhesion to polyethylene surfaces.

When using epoxy glue, the following sequence of work must be followed:

  • treat each of the bonded surfaces with emery cloth, degrease them and dry them;
  • Next, both surfaces will need to be treated with an oxidizing agent. To do this, you can use chromic anhydride (15 - 25% solution) or potassium dichromate (20 - 30% solution). Be extremely careful as these substances are carcinogens and are dangerous. An equally effective, but safer oxidizing agent is a strong solution of potassium permanganate. After treating the surfaces, you need to let them dry again;
  • prepare epoxy glue as stated in the instructions;
  • Apply a thin layer of glue to the surfaces to be glued and join them;
  • leave for several hours, observing temperature regime ranging from +30º to + 45˚Celsius. For stronger bonding, the holding time can be extended to a day.

By watching the video you will learn even more:


One of the most important disadvantages of polyethylene glue is its high degree of toxicity, so it must be used with extreme caution. You can always choose exactly the type of glue for polyethylene that is most suitable for you. If you doubt your level of competence, it would be advisable to seek help from professionals. They will not only recommend this or that type of glue, but will also provide qualified practical assistance.

Polyethylene is one of the most popular and widely known materials. Not too expensive and, in general, unpretentious. Polyethylene is quite often used in the construction of greenhouses and greenhouses, for insulation and moisture insulation of various objects. At the time of work, many craftsmen are faced with the need to glue this material. This is where the problems begin. The fact is that polyethylene is difficult to join. But you can still fasten it with glue. This can also be done under the influence high temperature. How to choose a suitable adhesive for polyethylene and what should you pay attention to when carrying out work? Answers to these and other questions can be found below.

Properties of polyethylene

This wonderful material has many interesting properties. Polyethylene is used to protect against moisture, is an excellent electrical insulator and is capable of absorbing one of the most dangerous species radiation. It is almost completely resistant to chemicals. It is this last quality that sometimes turns from an advantage into a disadvantage. How to fasten such material and how to choose glue for polyethylene?

Interestingly, gluing is not only chemical, but to some extent electrical process. The molecules of the substances being connected are attracted to each other due to the difference in their charges. Therefore, it is quite difficult to find a substance that adheres well to polyethylene, and after drying, firmly holds the fastened parts together. Since the molecules of this material are quite “balanced”, it can be very difficult to glue it with other elements. But still, the chemical industry has created an adhesive for gluing polyethylene. And not alone. Such an adhesive must have certain properties. Let's look at which ones exactly.

Requirements for adhesive material

If you decide to glue polyethylene or phenol foam (its foamed version) to a concrete or brick surface, then the fastening adhesive layer must have a number of properties:

  • Remain resistant to weather conditions.
  • Do not destroy the materials being fastened.
  • Possess a high degree of hygroscopicity and adhesion.
  • Be resistant to temperature changes.
  • Have antiseptic and fungistatic properties.
  • Maintain its properties for a long time.

Consumer reviews indicate that it is also worth paying attention to environmental safety adhesive. This is especially important when using materials for interior decoration. And if you decide to use polyethylene (penophenol) when arranging a sauna or bathhouse, you need to pay additional attention to the heat resistance of the glue and its resistance to hot water vapor.

How to choose glue?

If you don't know which polyethylene adhesive is right for you, ask the seller to look for one that contains methyl acrylate. This substance ensures rapid softening of polyethylene and its high-quality gluing. The product may also contain chromic anhydride, various acids and xylene. An undeniable advantage such glue is that when using it you will not need additional processing surfaces. But users claim that it also has a drawback. This glue for polyethylene is very toxic. Therefore, it is better to carry out all work on outdoors. Well, or you will have to at least ensure high-quality ventilation of the room. The glue “works best” at a temperature of +35˚C. It is not afraid of moisture, but it ignites easily.

You can also find products for joining polymers in stores. They are sold in the form of a thick paste. They usually come with a solvent included. After connecting these two components, the glue acquires the desired structure. Since the solvent evaporates instantly, the mixture must be used quickly. So you shouldn’t breed a lot at once.

But it is better not to use neoprene glue for polyethylene. This composition is more suitable for joining rubber and rubberized parts, neoprene fabric, leather, felt, ceramics, metal in any combination. But for styrofoam, polypropylene foam, polyethylene and plasticized PVC it ​​is better not to use it. There will be no point.

Filled acrylate adhesive

If you don’t know what to glue with, try using a two-component composition based on the same methyl acrylate. Alternatively, you can try Easy-Mix PE-PP trademark Weicon. It has excellent adhesive properties. Used for gluing polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride and others polymer materials. When working with this glue you will have to hurry. It retains its properties in the open air for no more than three minutes.

Easy-Mix PE-PP contains a special additive consisting of microscopic glass beads. This filler prevents the glue from leaving the bonding site. Therefore, the seam is quite strong. This adhesive for polyethylene foam should only be applied from a branded mixer. It is best to work with it at a temperature of +22 °C. Complete hardening is ensured no earlier than after 5-6 hours.

Epoxy adhesive

Of course, this is not a very suitable glue for gluing polyethylene. But if you can’t find anything else, then you can try. You just have to prepare the surfaces first:

  1. Clean the edges of the parts to be glued with fine sandpaper. Then degrease them thoroughly.
  2. Treat both parts with a 20% solution of chromic anhydride or a 25% solution. If such substances cannot be found, you can use a strong solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. After treatment, dry the surface.
  4. Dilute the glue according to the instructions. Apply to surfaces to be bonded thin layer. Immediately connect the details.
  5. Leave for several hours, or better yet a day, until the seam completely hardens.

Required tools and materials

To get started, stock up on everything you need for work. You will need some double-sided tape, depending on the amount of polyethylene you need to glue. To weld, you will need a soldering iron, but if you don’t have one, you can use an iron. In this case, you need metal plates - 2 pieces, as well as a piece of cotton fabric.

In addition, you will need butyral phenolic and chromic anhydride glue. The latter should have a concentration of 25%. By the way, you can use chromium as a replacement.

Finally, be sure to stock up on personal protective equipment, because working with chemicals may be harmful to your health.

The first and easiest way is to use double-sided tape.

If you need to connect the ends of the film and polyethylene together, you can use tape. Be careful: this method does not imply further withstanding increased load.

Before gluing the polyethylene with double-sided tape, do not forget to thoroughly clean the surface of the film. This is necessary so that the tape sticks most tightly to the surface and lasts long enough. Dust and dirt interfere with normal adhesion. Remember that the tape needs to be changed from time to time and try not to expose it to moisture.


This method is used most often because it is considered the least expensive, but at the same time very high quality and durable. Important: you must carry out the work with extreme caution, because there is a risk of not only spoiling the material itself, but also getting burned.

The most commonly used method is bonding with plates. To do this, place the two edges of the polyethylene sheet that need to be glued on top of each other between the metal plates. The edges should protrude slightly. Gently press the plates and run the soldering iron along the very edge of the polyethylene. In this case, plates are necessary to ensure that the film simply does not curl under the influence of high temperature.

If you don't have a soldering iron, you will need an iron. Place the pieces of fabric to be glued slightly overlapping (1 cm). Lay strips of cotton fabric under the reverse side of the polyethylene and on it. After this, run the iron, heated to maximum temperature, over the fabric from above.

Available in stores a large number of himself different glues for plastic. However, keep in mind that the vast majority of compounds are not suitable for polyethylene. But do not discard this method - to glue polyethylene, you can use standard glue for plastic after careful preparation of the material.

In order to make the surface of polyethylene more active for adhesion, you will need chromic anhydride or chromium. Such products are sold in specialized chemical stores. If you have chemist friends, you can ask them for the composition. Chrome gently acts on the surface of polyethylene, making it receptive to glue.

Anhydride or chromium should be applied to the film, and only then the usual BF-2 glue, which is sold in every store. Such a simple method of gluing polyethylene would become very popular if the necessary chromium-based substances were easier to obtain.

Special glue

Finally, there is another method for gluing polyethylene. Currently, a special glue has appeared in stores that is intended only for this material. It can be an adhesive for plastics or a structural adhesive for materials such as polypropylene and polyethylene.

The glue is applied to the clean surface of the film. However, it does not need to be treated with any substances. The fact is that after applying the glue, polyethylene begins to change its structure, which makes gluing simple and reliable.

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When choosing insulation separate place occupies foamed polyethylene - a material with sound, heat and vapor barrier properties. Depending on the manufacturer, it can be penofol, isolon or polyfoam. The construction market offers different types: with one-sided or double-sided foil, as well as with a self-adhesive surface. The material on which the insulation is attached also varies. Based on all the parameters, you need to be able to choose the appropriate adhesive for polyethylene foam.

Adhesive for penofol (click to enlarge)

Features of penofol fastening

Penofol (isolon) is produced by special foaming of polyethylene. The insulation is covered with aluminum foil, which maximizes heat retention. It is used for internal and external works, in the finishing of production mechanisms, heat preservation in pipelines or air conditioning systems. It comes in rolls and individual plates. May possess additional characteristics– thickness, color. The bonding of foil to the plane of foamed polyethylene can be chemical or physical (cross-linked).

Pros of penofol:

  • small thickness;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • does not require additional funds protection of skin and respiratory tract;
  • there is no need for special tools;
  • ease of fastening.

We attach penofol to glue (click to enlarge)

Glue is used for penofol with foil on one side.

Double-sided insulation is used for thermal insulation of loggias, garages, and pipes. They are attached to the sheathing or purchased polyethylene foam with a self-adhesive surface.

Due to the lightness of the insulation material, load bearing capacity glue is not so important.

Glue selection

Line of adhesives for penofol on modern market wide enough. Therefore it is important to consider different characteristics materials.

General rules

Penofol adhesive is selected based on the following:

  • the product has durable adhesive properties;
  • the thermal range coincides with the temperature characteristics of the insulation;
  • in interior decoration residential premises (apartment, office) use a non-toxic certified product;
  • at exterior decoration you need glue that is resistant to temperature changes and weather conditions;
  • saunas and baths require mixtures with water-repellent properties;

Watch the video to understand better:

Glue on water based not suitable for gluing isolon!

A water base will not create the required level of penetration into all the pores of foil polyethylene foam. The grip on the surface will be insufficient.

Types of glue

You can select glue according to the table (click to enlarge)

Choose what to glue with, also evaluating the surface:

  • Weicon Easy-Mix PE-PP 45. Bonds polypropylene and polyethylene. It hardens for a long time;
  • Titanium. Optimal for concrete base;
  • Atlas Stopter K-20 glue. Adheres to mineral substrates;
  • T-Avangard-K is used at high humidity;
  • Contact Acrol or Neoprene-2136 spray is glued to penoplex;
  • Ceresit and Olfix are universal - they are attached to any surface, including concrete;

Atlas Stopter K-20 glue will good choice(click to enlarge)

The seams are treated with Tilite or special tape.

Surface preparation

Level the surface, clean it from dirt and dust. Cracks on concrete walls putty, eliminate any chips and unevenness.

There are no special preparation requirements for polystyrene foam - remove dust and unevenness.

Metal, wood, and polymers are coated with a primer suitable for the type of mixture chosen.

How to attach penofol

Attach penofol with the foil side facing the inside of the room. A greater thermal insulation effect is created by additional air gap 1-2 cm thick (using a backing - lathing).

By watching the video you will learn more:

Glue different compositions for foamed polyethylene it can be ready-made or requires preparation on site. You must carefully read the instructions for the selected mixture:

  • glue is applied in an even layer, Special attention focusing on the edges. Before sticking, you need to wait up to 1 minute so that the composition has time to be slightly absorbed. This ensures better adhesive properties.
    Attach the treated penofol to the insulated surface. The plates are fastened joint to joint, but not overlapping;
  • setting time varies depending on the characteristics of the glue (at least 15 seconds);
  • smooth the surface of the polyethylene foam, removing folds. Tape the seams, you can use foil tape;
  • glued insulation in residential premises requires additional decorative finishing. Installed on the sheathing last layer structures (plasterboard or lining).

Nothing brings satisfaction more than a job done correctly and skillfully. If you follow all the recommendations, attaching the insulation will not cause much trouble.


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