Vengeful horoscope. How Aquarians take revenge

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Vengeful Zodiac Signs:

Geminis cannot be called great avengers at all, and they themselves often say that they will not stoop to that level low level. However, in moments when someone manages to seriously touch Gemini, a plan to strike back is immediately born in his head. He may start exaggerated gossip, make caustic comments towards the offender and inadvertently hit him in his sore spots. Well, you shouldn’t have started this, now bear with it.

Vengeful Zodiac Signs:

Cancers take revenge in an original and completely unsightly way. It’s their style to be offended, get drunk and go off into the night, and let the offender (as they think) suffer and torment his soul from emotions. However, reality differs from their fantasies, and Cancers often find themselves in completely ridiculous situations thanks to such actions. What is also characteristic of Cancers is that they remember the pain caused to them for quite a long time and dream of revenge, although they do not always bring their plans to life.

Vengeful Zodiac Signs:
a lion

It is quite difficult to bring Leo to the point where he wants to take revenge. But if this happens, it’s better not to catch his eye. Lions will not cause physical harm, no, they will act much more subtly. Representatives of this zodiac sign will make every effort to show the offender how intellectually he is inferior to Leos. They will mock him and show their place, forever excluding this person from their environment.

Vengeful Zodiac Signs:

In the ranking of the most, Scorpio is always in the lead; in this they simply have no equal. Scorpios are especially successful in taking revenge on their own, who somehow did not please them. They can turn their life into hell, harassing a person with small demands and large claims, and may even resort to blackmail. And if Scorpios have been cheated on (those who can save themselves), they will not hesitate to scrawl on the car everything that I think about their ex-betrothed. Also, quite often, when parting with their partners, Scorpios want to take away or sue all their property.

Compatibility horoscope: the most vindictive zodiac sign Cancer is the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Before you seriously quarrel with any of your friends, be sure to check who they are according to their Zodiac Sign. This can help you a lot in the future, tell you about his strengths and weaknesses, and give you an idea of ​​which Zodiac Sign is capable of what.

Take, for example, Aries. If your ill-wisher is Aries according to your horoscope, then rest assured, he is not vindictive by nature and is moderately irritable. However, if you somehow manage to offend or, even worse, offend him, then the counter-reaction will be immediate. You may subsequently have to reassure your opponent for a long time, but he will not hatch plans for revenge. The best revenge for Aries is self-defense, and he is not comfortable waving his fists after a fight.

U Taurus according to your horoscope, your idea of ​​revenge. In their understanding, a person who dares to stand in their way should be taught a sophisticated and cruel lesson so that he learns a lesson well for the future. However, in order to become an object of hatred for Taurus, you still have to try very hard. And if you still couldn’t avoid the conflict, then don’t even try to make friends with him again, since these people don’t give second chances to anyone.

Twins- real pros when it comes to vindictiveness. All means are good here, from dirty gossip to almost blackmail. Just don’t feed this restless Zodiac bread, just let someone take revenge. They always try to be aware of everything that is happening around them, so that later, as necessary, they can skillfully use their information.

Cancers In terms of revenge, the main lever of pressure is the conscience of the offender. It doesn’t matter by what means they get to her - they will press for pity, reproach or recall past grievances. They will easily bring you to the point where you will kill yourself.

Lviv It’s more expensive to offend yourself. All of them have an excellent command of eloquence, which will help them easily bring you, as they say, “below the plinth.” The most the right way to make an enemy of this fire sign is to deceive him.

Virgo they approach revenge professionally. By nature, they try to approach everything with their own personal structured method, which allows them to always achieve the desired result. Official documents, certificates, money, and, in fact, anything can be used. There can be only one chance for your pardon; this Zodiac Sign has a huge reserve of patience, so try not to be zealous in disputes and conflicts with them. So, you see, it will pass.

And here Scales, despite all their touchiness, are not at all vindictive. These are excellent diplomats who will find a compromise and get away with any unpleasant situation, simply leaving you in the cold.

For Scorpios Revenge is a dish that is always served cold. After a serious quarrel, they will torment you for a long time with caustic, poisonous remarks, each time savoring your irritation.

Sagittarius also very vindictive Sign Zodiac. They prefer to take revenge publicly, since lynching in public, in their opinion, is the worst thing that can happen to you if you cross their path. There is also a place for revenge in bureaucratic terms if they have the opportunity to influence the state of affairs at your work or the financial side of your life.

Harmless at first glance Capricorns can become a serious problem for you. After a quarrel they are very for a long time They hatch plans for your punishment, and then, when you have already forgotten about the conflict, they will remind you of themselves with serious meanness, the consequences of which you will have to sort out for more than one week. They think through everything very carefully down to the smallest detail, so in this case you will not be able to come out unscathed. Moreover, it is likely that you will not even know who caused your misfortunes, since Capricorns prefer not to get their hands dirty, but to influence you through third parties.

For Aquarius to bother taking revenge on you is beneath one's own dignity. However, you will still get yours. But it will be more likely ordinary mockery, in the form of barbs that will periodically fly at you from their sharp tongue.

And here is the Zodiac Sign Fish They may be boring, look no further. They don’t even need a reason to be offended by you - they can easily come up with one for themselves. For many months, you will be bothered by gossip and tales started by them. This gives them real pleasure. Most of this “attention” goes to the people closest to them. Maybe this is how this Zodiac Sign expresses its love and affection, who knows. In any case, try not to allow negativity and conflicts into your life and don’t forget to push the buttons and

Horoscope: how are zodiac signs offended?

The question regarding how zodiac signs get offended is quite an interesting one. In general, the topic of astrology is incredibly fascinating and diverse. By studying it, you can understand a lot about the characters and temperament types of people. After all, each sign gives a person born under its protection something special.

These people are not vindictive. If someone offends Aries, he will not hatch a plan for revenge and think about what to do to the person in response. No, he will give an answer instantly. To make this person want to take revenge, his offender must “harass” him for a long time, and seriously.

And if we talk about how the zodiac signs are offended, it is worth noting: Aries in this regard is cruel and merciless. Unless, of course, we are talking about revenge. She is always radical with him. This person will never stoop to something frivolous, to some little dirty tricks. No, he will do everything so that his offender is afraid to come into his field of vision after that. And he will succeed in this in the shortest possible time. Because representatives of this zodiac sign really don’t like it when someone interferes with their peaceful life.

The way in which zodiac signs take revenge and are offended is considered quite interesting. Speaking of this, we cannot forget about Taurus. In general, they, like Aries, need to be bullied for a long time in order to awaken anger and a desire to respond. They are very good people and forgive almost everything. But if

take revenge, something worse than Aries. They simply inexorably destroy their offender.

But if someone close to you upsets Taurus, then they become powerless. They are hurt and offended, but they can’t do anything about it. Say something harsh, quarrel heartily, but not take revenge or do anything in response. Taurus are powerless in front of the people they love. Therefore, they will simply endure the pain caused to them and try to forget about everything as soon as possible.

The third object of discussion on the topic: “How are zodiac signs offended?” become representatives of the constellation Gemini. Well, that’s who with whom, and with them in terms of offenses you should be as careful as possible. These people are unpredictable. Sometimes they can be offended by literally some little thing. They are so hot-tempered that they can even resort to assault. Geminis have no time to think about the consequences if someone has offended them, so the turn of events could turn out to be anything. In addition, it is the representatives of this sign who are the most sarcastic and vindictive of all. And if a person accidentally offended Gemini, then you don’t even have to wonder why other people suddenly began to look askance at him. A representative of this zodiac sign will not hesitate to spread sophisticated gossip and dirty rumors in order to take revenge.

How are zodiac signs belonging to the element of Water offended? It’s worth starting the story about this with Rakov. Well, these are very impressionable people. Emotional, subtle natures - they take everything too close to their hearts. If you study touchiness according to the signs of the zodiac, then you can say with complete confidence: Cancers are considered one of the most vulnerable. They rarely take revenge. They only sigh quietly, furtively casting sad glances towards the offender with a bit of anger and pain.

Cancers never forgive the suffering caused to them. And if the offense was too strong, then they will take revenge. Only before this they think about everything, even the smallest details, and hit the most vulnerable spot. And it would be better if the “showdown” took place immediately on the spot - with fights, breaking dishes and throwing chairs. Cancer is much worse when it accumulates resentment within itself and hatches a plan of retribution. The touchiness of zodiac signs belonging to the water element is great, and Cancer is a prime example of this.

Talking about how each zodiac sign is offended, one cannot ignore Leo. This is a different story. To seriously offend Leo, you simply need to deceive him. The fact is that representatives of this zodiac sign hate lies. So deception is the most effective way to anger Leo and turn him into your enemy. Because the revenge prepared by this man is terrible even when executed very easily. People who are representatives of this zodiac sign, when offended, do not sit in the corner and cry quietly. They do their best to show their offender that he is a complete nonentity. It comes to the point that even if Leo has never engaged in a task in which the person who insulted him is a recognized master, he will make every effort and accomplish what he has planned better than him. If the offender is lucky and does not offend the representative of this zodiac sign too much, then he will only get away with public humiliation and insults. But in this regard, Leo is a true professional.

An amazing science - astrology. How do zodiac signs get offended? Are they reacting? Are you worried? Do they accumulate grievances within themselves? Astrology can provide answers to all of these questions. She talks in detail about such a sign as Virgo. This is a separate case. Experts say the following about people belonging to this sign: “Not vindictive. Just angry. And the memory is also good.” A well-known joke that in this case turns into truth. Virgos, like no one else, know very well that revenge is a dish that is served cold. And in rather perverted forms. Virgos hatch their plan for a long time, looking for the most painful spots of their opponent, and then, having prepared everything properly, they enjoy the work done. The offender must be punished - this is their main principle.

When talking about how zodiac signs react to insults, one cannot ignore Libra. These people are perhaps some of the most touchy in principle. It's very easy to hurt them. Libras are sensitive to their interests, hobbies, and what they love. It’s enough to make a sarcastic joke about any of the above, or make everything that these people love look insignificant - and you’re done. Their pain is especially strong when someone close to them does this. Or when he gets personal. Libras are very kind, sympathetic, loyal, sensitive. And when they hear something offensive and deceitful addressed to them, tears well up in their eyes. It hurts them because they open up to a person, love him, do everything for him, and they do this to them. Libras do not know how to take revenge on their loved ones. They, like Taurus, are defenseless in front of those who are dear to them. The maximum they can do is try to talk with the offender, provide psychological impact. And the abyss. Disappear from sight. By the way, many perceive this as revenge, especially those close to Libra. They cannot take revenge, but it is easy to fray their nerves in response. Go somewhere in an unknown direction without warning, turn off all means of communication, not answer calls, and appear only when they please. For many, this indifference hurts more than revenge.

But on those people for whom Libra has no feelings, they can take revenge cruelly and mercilessly. If they were really hurt, essentially. If there are no special reasons, they won’t care.

Let's continue our conversation about how people are offended different signs zodiac As you can already understand, this happens differently for everyone. Likewise, Scorpio, who seems to be standing next to Libra (according to dates), is distinguished by bitchiness and vindictiveness. If someone offends his interests, which for a person born under the auspices of this sign are a holy cult, he can run away. This is not Libra, who will be offended, express everything to your face and withdraw into yourself. These are individuals who instantly become filled with poison and begin to splash it out on the one who dared to do this to him. The one who could have been a friend for him in the last minute becomes evil enemy. It is important for Scorpio not only to neutralize his opponent, but to inflict as many injuries on him as possible. Therefore, friends of these people should be more careful in communicating with them. Why? Yes, because Scorpio will not hesitate to “sting” his friend in the most painful place in the event of a dispute.

This is a peculiar mixture of Leo and Scorpio. They make the Avengers meticulous and boring. Most often it happens like this: they, being incredibly angry, burning with the desire to destroy their offender, begin to think about what to cook for him. But deliberations usually drag on, and when the plan is ready, then, in fact, there is no one left to destroy. And, plus everything, reprisals for Sagittarius are a special event, a concert. Even the horoscope confirms this. How are zodiac signs offended? Some take revenge immediately, others get upset and withdraw into themselves, others don’t care at all. It is important for Sagittarius to gather more people so that everyone can see his revenge. They find it very edifying and spectacular. Moreover, it is important for them to make this not only a concert, but also an instructive lesson.

In general, Sagittarius are people who are offended in a bureaucratic way. What does it mean? Let’s say that if a person offended Sagittarius, forgot, and then approached him with a request to do something that only he can do (there are connections, opportunities, etc.), then you can immediately go back. Sagittarians remember everything very well. And if their offender has not apologized and repented, then they will quickly and gladly refuse him help.

When telling how different zodiac signs are offended, we cannot forget about Capricorn. The case is interesting. In general, it is very difficult to offend them. They will most likely do it themselves. There is such a quality in their character. But even if Capricorn managed to offend, revenge should not be expected. He's not offended. He begins to get angry and do everything to ruin the life of his enemy. But this happens very rarely. Once every hundred years. Because Capricorns don't get offended. They simply divide the people who tried to hurt them into two groups. There is simply no point in being offended by some, since they are nothing of themselves. Dust, garbage - that's his opinion of them. And the latter are those in power, to whom he will prove them wrong in any case.

For what reason and how do zodiac signs get offended is an interesting topic. And finally, there are only two left to talk about. Aquarius and Pisces. What can I say? Aquarius is a person who loves to exaggerate and make mountains out of molehills. These people can easily turn an ordinary phrase with a dose of sarcasm into a personal insult, screw themselves up and become seriously offended. However, they will not take revenge. They don't like it and don't know how. They would rather show their offenders that they were fundamentally wrong. Did you laugh at his financial capabilities? Yes, in order to prove the opposite, Aquarius will become a millionaire!

But if this person is upset by someone close, it’s already more painful. He will throw a scandal, and then he will be offended for a long time. Maybe even declare a boycott. It is really unpleasant for them when family and loved ones throw words at them that can cause pain.

This is the last zodiac representative of all 12. Vulnerable and sensitive - like Libra. They are very easy to upset. It is enough to say a couple of unpleasant words, make a remark, or offend something that Pisces is very sensitive to. They will worry for a long time and may even withdraw into themselves. In terms of grievances, Pisces are maximalists. Therefore, others should really be more correct with representatives of this zodiac sign. True, Pisces do not take revenge. These people are very kind, sensitive, vulnerable - they do not want to hurt people, to do to them what they did to them. Pisces can forgive the offender. They are easy-going individuals. But if the situation repeats itself more than once, not twice, not five times, then Pisces will act cunningly. They are excellent psychologists. It will not be difficult for them to intelligently spread unpleasant rumors that touch a nerve, and even present it with a backstory, with emotions, with a plot. In this case, everyone will believe Pisces. And it will be difficult to justify yourself. It's not even possible.

Horoscope of enemies



It is almost impossible to return the location of representatives of this sign. In order to have a pleasant conversation with these insidious cuties again, you will have to come up with so many laudatory speeches and surprises for them!


This is always an aware and implacable enemy who is truly worth fearing.

The most vengeful zodiac signs

Imagining a vengeful Aries is quite a difficult matter. If someone steps on Aries's sore spot, then Aries usually gives it to the offender in the ear without any delay or preamble. And this is not considered revenge, because it is a normal reaction of a healthy body. I will say more, if the attack on the said callus was virtual and the offender was unattainable for hitting the ear, Aries can easily forget about everything in an hour, and the next day, as if nothing had happened, hug and kiss the offender.

Therefore, in order for Aries to have a desire to take revenge, it is necessary to get at him very systematically and get at him very seriously... Well, for example, every day and loudly talk about his (her) weak points at the very moment when he is present in the immediate vicinity (her) passion. In this case, however, you will also immediately get hit in the ear, but if you have the courage to continue in the same spirit further, then after a while Aries will take root in the opinion that you need to be beaten. Exactly. Aries' revenge is always radical. He will never stoop to any kind of retaliatory petty dirty tricks. Aries needs only one thing - for the object of revenge to cease to exist (at least in the immediate visible space). What Aries will consistently strive for:

- Sir, you must die.

- Could it be some other way? Maybe you will be satisfied, at least, by cutting off a hand or, say, an ear? A? Well, please...

- No, sir, you must die.

In general, an Aries who decides to take revenge can easily force you to at least move to another organization (or even move with your whole family to another city). Moreover, it is characteristic that Aries himself will consider this not revenge, but self-defense.

In order to awaken vindictiveness in Taurus, in general, you also need to try hard. Taurus people take root in the opinion that a person is a bastard only after carefully collecting statistical information on this topic. But they take revenge much more perversely than Aries. In all likelihood, this sign (together with Scorpio) became the founder of the vendetta. Taurus's revenge, as a rule, consists of a systematic and inexorable blocking of all gateways and channels to the offender. And Taurus is a sign that, for some reason, always turns out to be the owner of those very cranks that block these gateways and channels. For example, in a party, Taurus are often not only the main breadwinners, drinkers and hosts at home, but also unspoken trendsetters and tastemakers. This does not mean that they are such leaders. No. Here the matter is different. They simply always have a very valid and weighty opinion on any matter. Therefore, they do not impose new people and new tastes on anyone - they only approve or DO NOT approve of what others bring. So, if you receive Taurus’s revenge, then be prepared for the fact that Taurus will categorically disapprove of you wherever and whenever he can reach. This means that you will almost certainly “be left without sweets” and find yourself in isolation. And if someone tries to stand up for you, then Taurus will “cross out” him too - and so on until the twelfth generation. Moreover, these sanctions are almost irrevocable. In order to once again earn the trust and respect of Taurus, you will have to repent and fawn so much that it would be easier to hang yourself right away.

This is one of the main ulcers of the Zodiac. The fact is that most Geminis have a passion for being great and respected, but no one perceives them that way. Therefore, it is very easy to make a Gemini inflamed with a thirst for revenge. Having received Gemini's revenge, you will certainly become the object of the most incredible rumors and gossip, ugly flat barbs and blatant misinformation. Gemini boys can even get into a fight with superior enemy forces (and they are always superior), but in two minutes these Don Quixotes will already be whimpering in the corner. Now, if this were a computer fight, Gemini would have killed anyone in it. So, Gemini can seriously take revenge on you only if you own a computer - sending, for example, some kind of letter with a virus - this is always welcome. At the same time, the mood of most Geminis changes much faster than the weather. Having decided in the morning to take revenge on you until retirement, by lunchtime Gemini may already be offering you a mutually beneficial business or sharing with you freshly invented gossip about a new object chosen for revenge.

However, if you decided that you shouldn’t be afraid of Gemini’s revenge, then you were mistaken. Firstly, people tend to believe even the most incredible rumors (and then go and wash yourself off). And secondly, Geminis tend to know everything about everyone, and therefore, when inventing yet another gossip, they can reveal something really painful and compromising about you - without knowing it. In general, the understanding that the one who owns the information owns the world is inherent in these figures at the instinctive level.

The simplest and most common way of crayfish revenge is to leave without a hat on a cold night so that everyone feels bad. It can be used for any reason, as well as for no reason - depending on the mood. This category also includes a complete break in relationships. In the case of Cancer, this means that Cancer will not react to you at all - in no way and never, even if you drown before his eyes. Moreover, the likelihood that Cancer will forgive you (even if the offense was small) is extremely small. If Cancer is seriously hurt, the consequences can be the most unexpected. Aware of their generally small strength, Cancers can even use heavy artillery to kill a cockroach (not to mention taking revenge on more serious opponents). For example, in a vengeful impulse, drowning someone’s bag in the nearest body of water or completely burning someone’s documents would be like a crustacean. I'm not even talking about physical revenge. If it comes to a fight, then it will be with the use of something like a crowbar, a stool with iron legs, or something else like that... So, Cancer is terrible in anger. But in general, the worst thing is not even the crab’s revenge, but the crab’s resentment itself. This creature will look at you reproachfully with its big tearful eyes, like a lapdog abandoned in the forest, and you will be ashamed, ashamed, ashamed. But you will not be able to make amends for your guilt, and therefore your conscience will strangle you, strangle you, and strangle you until it strangles you until you faint.

In order to awaken a thirst for revenge in Leo, he just needs to be seriously deceived. And deceiving Leo is a piece of cake, you just have to want to. The question is: why do you need this? The lion's revenge, even when executed lightly, is as terrible as death. And when performed hard, it is completely crushing (but it rarely comes to that). The simplest way to take the lion's revenge is to clearly demonstrate that you are a complete, worthless nonentity and even worse. This is demonstrated on by example. That is, Leo publicly shows how much cooler he looks, works and relaxes than you. Moreover, even if he has never been involved in the business that you are busy with, in order to show your insignificance, he will manage to make him better than you. Next in the lion's ranking of revenge are public insults and exposure. That is, Leo will publicly tell you everything he thinks about you. Moreover, the sympathies of those around him will naturally be on his side - because these sympathies are always on the side of Leo. This is where the easy revenge ends. And Leo’s tough revenge doesn’t end there and doesn’t stop at anything. You may be pursued by dark personalities who for some reason suddenly turn out to be Leo’s closest friends, thrown down by examiners everywhere from the traffic police to the institute, abandoned by friends and acquaintances, and also quartered and cut on the wheel by people from the other world. And behind all this you will see a terrible lion’s grin. Over time, you will become a puny schizophrenic and begin to see the lion's machinations in all manifestations of life - including a clogged toilet and sour milk.

To be honest, I have a hard time imagining what exactly needs to be done in order for Virgo to decide to take revenge, but many representatives of this sign have a tendency towards this. Moreover, Virgos take revenge, as a rule, in especially perverted forms. Now, if you watched a film about the heroic Sergei Lazo, who was burned in the furnace of a steam locomotive by the Japanese, you should have a rough idea of ​​what can be done to a person with a certain amount of girlish imagination (and girlish fantasy because Japan is under the sign of Virgo). Remember, for example, there was such a beautiful vase with holes, designed to place the enemy’s head. The idea of ​​pumping water into a person through the ears is also good. In general, whatever you can think of when you are seriously and girlishly puzzled by the question. The everyday revenge of Virgos is no less subtle, but is distinguished by one funny feature: the person who is being taken revenge learns that this happened to him last. For example, to draw up some long-awaited documents for you, having made just one minor mistake, leading to you going through all the circles of hell that preceded it again - it will be like a girl: nothing is immediately clear, but it will be devastating in the end.

In general, Virgos, more than any other sign, are prone to revenge using official and documentary methods. That is, if you offended Virgo, and she has something to report you to the official authorities, she will almost certainly report it there. There is also a well-known girlish technique of charming someone and marinating them to death solely for the purpose of deeply hurting someone.

Libra is a rather touchy sign. However, they don’t really know how to take revenge. Here everything is somehow more like children's version: oh, that’s how I like it, well, okay, and that’s how I like it to you. They say, give me my toys and don’t pee in my potty. At the same time, when Libra themselves already believe that they have reached the limits of severity and deceit, the subject at whom the revenge is directed only begins to realize that they are taking revenge on him. In addition, by blocking some opportunities that depend on them, Libra often completely loses control over the one they were going to take revenge on, which makes further murder practically impossible. Well, the most extreme thing that Libra is capable of is to challenge the offender to a verbal duel, present his accusations to him and demand an explanation. As a rule, the explanations are beyond the roof - not everyone is as honest as Libra... However, one strong point, which Libra can use for revenge - terrible and terrible - they still have. They can, for example, masterfully discourage their offender from the sympathy of some person valuable to him. They can also, to spite their enemies, infiltrate somewhere high to warm places and from there brazenly stick out their tongue at the offender, so that he becomes bitter and envious. In general, such intellectual and behind-the-scenes intrigues... A good sign. I knew one person who was (and remained) a Libra and was engaged in such difficult activities in his company as contacts with all sorts of “boys” and “roofs”, so he was famous for the fact that thanks to his activities there were no serious disputes there. once, although his boss was a surprisingly bitchy man and there were enough violent passions around this company.

This sign traditionally holds the lead in bitchiness. Although not deservedly so. In fact, Pisces is much more bitchy than him, but no one knows that. So, a normal Scorpio is different in that he cares about everything. Everywhere he, you see, has his own interests, he needs to control everything and keep him on the hook. Accordingly, as soon as someone’s interests are offended, Scorpio immediately becomes filled with poison and runs to bite. Scorpio's biting can be different, but it differs, first of all, in that its main goal is not to neutralize the enemy, but to inflict on him the deepest possible moral (and, at worst, physical) injuries, with which he would suffer to the end of your hard days. For the same reason, Scorpios are the founders of the principle “beat your own so that strangers will be afraid” - inflicting deep, bleeding and permanent wounds on your own, you see, is a hundred times more convenient than on strangers. Our people know everything in advance weak spots and it’s not difficult to poke them. For example, I knew a Scorpio woman who had a husband obsessed with looking respectable - so she endlessly reproached him on one single occasion when he looked undignified, having become extremely worked up in the store and telling the saleswoman everything that she (the saleswoman) wanted. deserved it. The husband blushed, turned pale and lowered his eyes. And Scorpio - the infection - was waiting for a large gathering of guests, and again: “Do you remember, in the store...” But, what is characteristic is that not a single Scorpio will ever forget to spill a little balm on freshly inflicted wounds, so that the object of the bite would not completely close his shell from him and didn't get off the hook. That is, so that he remains a convenient victim. Only Geminis have immunity against scorpion bites - because most of them do not have such depth in their souls that a scorpion sting can scratch them. Or maybe there is depth, but the attitude towards it is not so deep. That is, Scorpio catches them, and they themselves joke about this topic, as if they were not being stabbed with a sting, but their heels were being tickled with a feather.

Well, these are boring Avengers. A la “little red devils” and “elusive Jack” (whom no one catches). That is, they would be happy, in the name of justice and all sorts of principles, to chop up everyone they come across with a sword, but while they are there talking about justice and principles, you stroke, and there is no one left to chop. And most importantly, they practically cannot commit reprisals if there is not a large crowd of people. It's boring for them and somehow not at all edifying. For that very justice, they first need to gather a whole veche, explain to the people there that, they say, look at what a bastard, and then, with fireworks and fanfare, let him go, the bastard.

True, like everyone who is sick with principles, they are quite vindictive. Therefore, if they meet the offender in twenty years, and then they have the opportunity to give him a full ride, they will do so with great joy and will not blink an eyelid. Sagittarius succeeded in revenge alone like no other. In bureaucratic revenge. Let’s say, if you need to get a certificate from some aunt saying that you have been vaccinated against the flu, and you stepped on this aunt’s foot in the last year and did not apologize, then it will come off. Moreover, according to all the rules. For the sake of this certificate, you will go around all thirty circles of hell, heaven and purgatory until you collect certificates about the purity of your pedigree up to the twelfth generation and present them to justify the fact that you have some rights to the requested certificate. And then she will consider all this for three years, coordinate it in ten commissions, and deal with other such dirty tricks.

And then, he will give you a certificate without stamps and send you to receive one at one end of the city, and the other at the other (and forget to call there to get it for you).

I can’t even imagine what needs to be done in order to force Capricorn to take revenge. There is practically nothing to get at these people - they themselves will get anyone they want... Well, okay, let’s assume you managed to get Capricorn by hooking something, for example, on his passion. This is bad. There will be no revenge anyway. And there will be consistent survival from all surroundings available to Capricorn. Moreover, this does not mean at all that Capricorn will carry out some special work in this direction there. It’s just that Capricorn probably already managed to dig in there much earlier and much better than you, and therefore all the levers are in his hands... But that’s how it is, it’s all about the little things. It could be worse, perhaps. This is when you managed to evoke antipathy in Capricorn for some inexplicable reason and a strong antipathy - reaching the point of white heat. Then Capricorn becomes capable of everything that Virgo is capable of, only on a hypertrophied scale. That is, if it is enough for Virgo to simply tighten the tap of your drip and leave, Capricorn definitely needs to replace the contents in this drip with some kind of caustic substance and then sit and watch what happens. Capricorn's revenge can only be overcome by massive bombing of his habitat within a radius of three hundred kilometers for ten days without interruption. (And even then, if you are sure that this Capricorn does not have his hand at the command post of the contingent of forces that will be entrusted with this bombing - which is unlikely). In general, what am I telling you? Better watch the Sherlock Holmes episode about Professor Moriarty. Here Moriarty is a typical Capricorn.

It is usually very easy to offend a normal Pisces. But only a person close enough can offend her so that she wants to take revenge, because Pisces easily forgets about all other insults. And Pisces take revenge in every possible way, except for the obvious ones. They weave intrigues, cross the path of the offender exactly where he does not expect and delight his life in all sorts of other ways. The easiest way for a fish to take revenge is to walk everywhere with an offended face and tell how you are not good man and how cruelly you treated her. Pisces always does this very naturally, because they are truly offended sincerely. Therefore, sympathizers may have a bad opinion of you for a long time. If this doesn’t seem enough to Pisces, she can unravel the most terrible rumors about you, no worse than Gemini, and even better: because Pisces’ rumors are much more naturalistic than Gemini’s - firstly, and absolutely irrefutable due to a fair amount of fog and omissions - in the first place. second. Having a very big grudge against you, Pisces can pretend that it was not offended by you at all, and then, under the guise of a sincere desire to help, tell you such fables and give you such advice that you will spend a very long time unraveling the mess you brewed with your own hands. Moreover, you still won’t be able to accuse Pisces of malicious intent - she will take care to construct all her slippery speeches so that she has somewhere to retreat (they say, she warned that this information is unverified). No worse than Scorpio, Pisces knows how to hit on sore spots. No worse than Sagittarius, he can torture you with bureaucratic torment. Not worse than Libra wins in intellectual battles, although he does not even have the rudiments of intelligence in the traditional sense of the word...

The only vengeful Aquarius I knew was a rare idiot of about fifty, and even offended by early childhood. And despite all this, he still took revenge jokingly and playfully - not even seriously (which, however, did not make the objects of his revenge any better). In short, he doesn't count. Aquarians do not like to take revenge and do not know how. Some mentally unhealthy representatives of this sign can betray, set up and blatantly deceive, but they do this not out of revenge, but just like that - out of love for art and self-affirmation. It is practically impossible to piss Aquarius off to such an extent that he begins to take revenge. This sign has such a strong innate sense of humor that its representatives will make you look like a complete idiot long before you get to them. If you like it, you can consider it revenge, but they don't think so. A typical Aquarius is a character like Home Alone. That is, he will roll you half to death without even knowing it. He has such strange habits that any close contact with him is fraught with self-harm, and contact with evil goals - especially. Suppose you are quietly sneaking up on Aquarius from behind, in order to do something wrong, and Aquarius, just at this moment, for some reason remembers that he, it turns out, knows how to do a backflip... What will happen?

Do you remember the grievances? Should the offender remember them after a while? Each of us finds our own answers to these questions. Today I will tell you about the most vindictive signs of the zodiac according to astrologers.

  1. Scorpion
  2. Most astrologers recognize this zodiac sign as the leader of this rating. Scorpios are very sensitive by nature. In this regard, they experience grievances hard and remember them for a long time.

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    Rare Scorpio knows how to forgive; for a long time he is consumed by thoughts about the troubles that have occurred. Therefore, he often makes plans for revenge. And often these plans come true.

    Let’s say that if Scorpio is offended by a work colleague, then this person will have to regularly endure caustic remarks addressed to him. Moreover, attempts to fight Scorpio often turn into a fiasco, because he is one of.

    Representatives of this sign are convinced of the truth of the saying that “revenge is a dish best served cold.” The offender may not even suspect that a plan of action has already been hatched against him. Scorpio is able to hide and not show his hurt feelings. Remember the Count of Monte Cristo?

  3. Aries
  4. Aries is a hot person. In a sense, he is the opposite of Scorpio. Aries will not hatch plans for revenge for long. He prefers to act immediately, without delay.

    Aries is a serious competitor who does not tolerate disdain. Therefore, he is unlikely to leave caustic remarks addressed to him without attention.

    An even sharper, unceremonious response to the offender can act as revenge. Or entering into competition with him.

    Aries are not vindictive; they quickly forget insults. Not so much out of the kindness of their souls and the Christian principles of forgiveness, but because of the desire to move only forward, not to stir up the past that slows them down.

    Cancer is a peaceful and friendly person. So where does his vindictiveness come from? The fact is that it is, and therefore very sensitive. He is easy to offend. People around him often wonder why he was offended this time.

    The deep experience of grievances leads to the fact that Cancer cannot forget about them, cannot let go of the situation, and replays the grievances in his thoughts again and again. This is where plans for revenge are born. Fortunately, they rarely come to fruition.

    In the case when Cancer was offended by a friend or close person, he can withdraw into himself and even interrupt communication with the offender.

    This will become a kind of revenge: let the offender suffer, let his conscience gnaw at him - he deserves it.

    If you seriously offend a representative of this sign, he can be an insidious opponent. Cancer reacts especially sharply to everything that concerns his family. So, the young mother Rakinya will no doubt fight with anyone who dares to offend her baby or, even worse, threaten him.

    In general, Leos are not vindictive people. They are noble and generous. Therefore, they often prefer to simply not notice the baseness towards themselves, considering it below their dignity.

    However, everything has its limit. And the limit of Leo’s patience comes when he is humiliated in public.

    The fact is that it is very important for representatives of this zodiac sign to “save face.” For them, there is nothing worse than being ridiculed in front of everyone.

    In this case, Leo's revenge will be severe. He will try to prove his superiority over the offender. For example, if this is a work colleague, then Leo will make every conceivable effort to be better and belittle the performance of this colleague.

    Leo does not forgive those who laughed at him. This is especially true for love relationships. And here he will not just go nowhere, like Cancer, but will cause a lot of problems for his former lover.

  5. Taurus

Taurus has a lot of patience. This zodiac sign is capable of turning a blind eye to teasing and ambiguous jokes addressed to itself for a long time. He will not immediately rush to take revenge if he is treated without due respect, since he considers himself above all this fuss.

Taurus acts differently in different situations. Somewhere he can immediately bring down all his anger on the one who dared to hurt and insult him. And in other cases, he will harbor a plan for revenge.

Taurus knows how to wait. He, like Scorpio, can take revenge after a while, when the offender has already forgotten about everything.

But Taurus good memory. He reacts especially sharply to everything related to love relationships and money. Thus, the revenge of a deceived bride can be severe. She will not hesitate to contact her ex’s new passion in order to ruin their relationship.

These are the most vindictive signs of the zodiac from the point of view of astrologers. However, don't forget that this characteristic depends not only on the horoscope, but also on the upbringing and internal culture of the person.

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The list is for those who have done a dirty deed and want to know how they will be punished for their dirty tricks.


In general, Aries are not vindictive by nature., not to say that at all, but the likelihood that he is thinking through insidious plans for destruction at night is extremely small. Most likely he is sleeping peacefully and no longer remembers this little thing. If a conflict has occurred, then a response should be expected at the same moment, he may break loose and hit, he may simply belittle him in response, that is, there will be an immediate reaction, like everyone else. If you didn’t have a chance to give back, for example, the offender is on the other side of the monitor, then within an hour Aries will no longer want to swear, and the next day the hurt feelings will subside and you can behave as if nothing had happened, he doesn’t care about this story anymore.

That is why if you really bother an Aries, then in order to react with revenge you need to frantically pester him for a long time, well, if you really want to have a thorough fight. In order to push an Aries to action, it is necessary to pester him with a certain frequency, for example, every day putting pressure on his weak points and declaring them publicly in the presence of his close people, for example, his beloved, belittling his authority.

Of course, this will be followed by the response described above, and if its manifestation does not satisfy you, then you can repeat these actions over and over again until you feel outright hostility. After this, you can safely fear for your life until you are if Aries decide to take revenge, then it becomes radical and is aimed at the complete destruction of the object. Eliminating the offender is the main goal; he must disappear from all radars and never appear on the horizon.

Aries will do his best to push you to the idea of ​​leaving with everything family tree to another city, and in most cases he will succeed and it’s definitely not worth working with him in the same organization, just like living in the same area. The representatives of the sign themselves will never admit their actions are too aggressive, and they will not consider it as revenge, only self-defense, nothing more.

Through their carelessness, they can come up with something even too bloodthirsty, well, just an insidious plan, and again, without suspecting it, this is their game, in fact, it seems to them that you are threatening him, trying to plot intrigues, and in general make you nervous.

5 most vengeful sign zodiac: at the bottom of the post!


Taurus are also very calm and it is quite difficult to arouse in them the need for revenge on the offender, by the way, during a quarrel they may not even react, use just a couple of words in their defense and leave. To recognize a person as the last bastard, a Taurus needs time and reasons for conviction, but if the diagnosis is made and you pester him thoroughly, then revenge will become perverted and absorb all the person’s thoughts until he finishes what he started.

The revenge plan itself usually involves completely cutting off the victim’s oxygen supply.. Let's look at an example of an airlock, you are in it and there are many taps that can shut off the flow of air, and the body will definitely have a control system that can shut off all these channels. I hope it is clear that we are not talking about the gateways at all, but about your deplorable situation. Taurus by nature are not such leaders, but in their crowd they are the breadwinners who have tamed everyone and understand that they will be immensely grateful.

Thanks to his opinion, unlike others, Taurus manages to occupy the place of the founder, to whom everyone listens and imitates. All actions that are performed by others are either approved or not, no more difficulties. So now you won’t get the fertilizer of an angry calf and he will criticize in such a way that others will think that it’s true that you are not the nicest person, and you don’t have much taste, so you can achieve one thing - isolation in all areas.

By the way, if a person appears who begins to stand up for you, then he will also have a hard time, because isolation will affect both and there will be no forgiveness. Of course, it is possible to earn trust again, but here is the main root “ serve“, you will be doing this for a very long time and maybe you will be entrusted with a small role as an assistant, a friend, but not a friend. If you start to offend in response, then the turn may be unexpected; you can expect simple whining from this serious man.

Well, they are not used to the fact that they are answered with even more dirty tricks, that they generally try to defend themselves, and if he notices his powerlessness, then he will come to tears.


In fact, it is very easy to provoke aggression in twins and a great desire for revenge; they flare up like a match, you just have to say the “right” words. These people want to earn universal recognition so much that they resort to any tricks, although they rarely succeed, but they sharpen their ingenuity.

So you can expect a stream of rumors, gossip and dirt, which they will pour out with fair frequency, inciting others to do so. Gemini males may really want to measure their strength, even if you are clearly stronger than him, if you offend the poor thing and he may hide in a corner, cry and at the same time come up with a plan for revenge. Do you know what kind of fight this sign can handle? Computer, of course, he can clearly handle such a war, he can even send a caustic letter with a virus, or even start a fight in the comments. In fact, he may change his mind, deciding that you are still beneficial to him and that he can conclude a profitable non-aggression treaty and neutralize another, already common enemy.

This is not to say that revenge from a twin is harmless; after all, he may also possess quite valuable information about your personality, having received it even from the most unexpected source. He will get to your school enemy, who knows that you are afraid of cockroaches (this is an example) and will slip these insects to you everywhere, and will also persuade everyone, and dirty tricks, as a rule, are contagious. So it’s more expensive for you to conflict with chatterboxes and dreamers; it will take a long time to wash yourself off, because everyone also willingly believes gossip.

As for protecting yourself from these whiners, you shouldn’t offend or provoke them again. Try to make friends again, especially good location from more strong people the opposite will be regarded as new opportunity to assert himself, but you shouldn’t take him as an ally, he will betray you and embellish him.

Cancers, by nature, love to play the offended victim., who will run away in tears from the offender in the pouring rain and cold, proving by her action that he was offended and is trying to make “everyone feel bad” and he doesn’t care that these children’s escapes have no effect on anyone.

He will also want to break off any relationship with you, in all areas, and even if it is at his loss, this is how he will begin to avoid you, directly demonstrating that you are an empty place.

And he won’t help you, you will drown, call for help and cry, he won’t even look and will leave to be content with his victory. In general, it is extremely difficult to achieve forgiveness; you cannot do it with pleas and requests; you will have to prove it with actions. But if you managed to touch Cancer right to the quick, then problems cannot be avoided. This sign has little strength and he himself knows this very well, so he will invent such a special operation, using all possible weapons. Or he will come up with a cunning cunning plan for how he will steal your bag and happily drown it in the nearest river, this is such harmless revenge, but he will think about it for a long time. More serious ones are ready to beat up the offender in a dark alley.

An angry cancer is quite dangerous, his impulses are difficult to restrain and it is possible that he will grab the stool standing nearby and want to hit your aggressive head. But crayfish are generally not good at revenge, their imagination is not so perverted, but they know how to take offense.

They will begin to press with every fiber of their soul and appeal to your conscience, and even if it was not there before, the cancer will get to the bottom of it, painfully pressing with its pitiful eyes. He can be compared to a child who has been wronged and is not making amends for his guilt, and no one will let you make amends, he has no trust in you.

The most vengeful ZODIAC SIGNS!

Leo will very willingly begin to come up with a plan for revenge if he is simply deceived. Deciding to deceive and carrying it out is generally as easy as shelling pears, the question is the consequences. Leos take revenge in a big way, even without special opportunities. If their simplest plan is deadly, then if it reaches the boiling point, it will flare up with such ideas that it will leave them running for the hills.

The most common way a lion begins his plan is to recognize a person as a complete nonentity who does not even deserve to live in the same city with other people.

Then he will want to demonstrate his own coolness, saying that he has a better job, and more money, and he knows how to relax to the fullest. Even if you succeed in a matter that the lion has never had the strength to understand, now he will decisively destroy these boundaries, take it and become more successful, demonstrating this to others. When the stage is completed and you take second place, you can move on to humiliation, publicly and with the most disgusting accusations.

He will quickly gain the attention of the public, who will happily listen to his opinion, albeit embellished, but at least leading, because they have a privileged position. In general, the simple program of revenge is over and he doesn’t seem to be interested in you, but if there’s a fierce battle ahead, then the show is just beginning. This is where your streak of bad luck will begin, Leo always has a bunch of acquaintances, everywhere, so you shouldn’t be surprised if you are suddenly denied permission to travel abroad or fail your exams; your enemy may be involved here.

He is ready to put on a whole show just to scare you and feel his power. Such revenge can lead to schizophrenia and the lion will appear to you everywhere, even pouring expired milk into your cup. Be prepared that pity is not characteristic of lions at all., they take pleasure in watching your attempts to resist, they will either have to mock you no less sophisticatedly in response, or surrender to the enemy.


Virgos by their nature are very, very balanced, they are not interested in your worldly machinations, they have their own kingdom in their heads, which they leave for minimal interaction with others when necessary. That is why coming up with a plan for revenge is somehow not interesting to them, but if you do something serious, then you will not find a more insidious enemy.

They have countless thoughts spinning in their heads, and they will also remember the story from Chikatilo’s life and include it in the basis of the plan, decorating it with new plots.

Virgos will be so puzzled that for your sake they will even postpone their plan to take over the world, all in order to prove to themselves that they are stronger. They also really like to stay away from what is happening and watch your torment and powerlessness; they will even try to “help” and smile sweetly, meanwhile pulling the strings. Virgos are usually smart and their brain is capable of sticking to any little thing, and then because of some insignificant piece of paper that was slipped to you with a ready-made mistake, your whole life will go down the drain.

It’s not for nothing that a documentary example was given, because Virgos know what it means to achieve something in life, and they’ve also encountered losses, so they will influence you in this way, making you lose everything more money and time. In general, they can play on your nerves in a more sophisticated way, gain the trust of you and even your loved ones and act psychological techniques, destroying your entire personality. Will they forgive you? Never.


Representatives of the Libra sign are quite touchy, but they do not know how to make special plans for revenge. Here everything is no less childish, like with crayfish, only it doesn’t go as far as escape. They don’t really understand how to take revenge on a big scale, this is not their level. In general, they will respond in the same way that you offended them. You may not even notice their ingenuity and cunning at first, although your opponent is already exhausted and his ideas are running out. After all the energy has been spent, there will be final stage- using every opportunity to harm you in business.

They will most likely lose control over the situation, they may even forget about the plan, and for you their increased attention may even turn out to be something beneficial.

The extreme act for representatives of this benevolent sign is talk. Not in the way everyone is used to raising arguments, but quietly sorting out what happened. Rest assured, you will be given every opinion, every detail of your behavior will be analyzed, and you will have to answer for it. As a rule, it is very easy for other, often more resourceful people to come up with an excuse and they can even be easily believed, because Libra is accustomed to honesty in relationships.

But for special occasions, this sign also has one trump card hidden, they are excellent conversationalists and easily find contact with people, literally “infecting” them with their thoughts and ideas, so you shouldn’t be surprised if suddenly one of your loved ones grows cold, the opportunity has been tried here Scales. It's not that hard for them to create bad reputation, which will then haunt.

They can also, in spite of everyone and everything, not even out of motivation for their own success, achieve such heights from which they can watch you from top to bottom. And if he turns out to be your leader, then this will be a cultural way of bullying; he will not want to let you go without retribution for what he did, even if in fact a trifle happened. So if you piss off the scales, then the consequences will not be the most pleasant.


Scorpios have an interest in everything; they want not only to know everything, but also to control it. It may seem like these are the most bitchy people, which you have ever met, but it’s just that you haven’t encountered fish, they will be worse. It is common for a person with such interest to defend these interests, and with his wide range of interests, it is very easy to offend them, then he will feel that not everyone is on the hook and will begin to attack with all his might.

Scorpios, possessing a large amount of poison, really want not to destroy the enemy, but to poison him little by little. He needs to influence you in every possible way in order to harass you, to inflict deep injuries, even physical ones, if necessary. He is not interested in whether you leave his horizon or not, he will finish off every day and will not calm down. Especially often, loved ones fall under the poisonous stream of Scorpios; it is very convenient for them to harass that person whose weaknesses have long been known. They will reproach and humiliate you in every possible way and preferably in public, remembering those incidents for which you are wildly ashamed.

So when you do something dirty to a Scorpio, remember that he has already written down everything, taken it into account, and the incriminating evidence is stored in a folder “on demand.”

They won't go after you as aggressively as others. This morning they talked bad things about you, and by the evening they will try to recover and improve relations. And tomorrow the same thing will happen again, and so on until you start begging for forgiveness, by the way, it’s not so difficult to earn it, only again in an uncomfortable situation for you, jokes will start about some kind of mistakes.

Only twins can laugh at this; they don’t care so much about these dirty tricks that they themselves will smile cordially in Scorpio’s face. They do not pay attention to this torment of the soul, do not react to the poison, they simply perceive everything as a game, who remembers more about each other. In fact, this is the ideal tactic of behavior in the war with scorpions, they really don’t like criticism and ridicule, so after a couple of painful jokes they will simply start to bypass, bleeding poison.


This is the most boring avenger, they think about everything like Virgos, but they don’t know how to take revenge. If some people immediately play out their fantasy, then for others everything is limited to endless reasoning, which can continue for so long that one can already forget about the conflict. But no, they will savor this story for a long time, preferably with a crowd of people, in their thoughts, of course, they have already cut you into pieces and fed the hungry dogs.

In general, there is a certain amount of bloodthirstiness in their heads, as well as the struggle for the triumph of justice, but they don’t want to start it, at least one on one, it doesn’t seem to amuse them, it’s boring. But to gather a crowd, persuade and laugh until your stomach hurts, periodically beating with rods. And without the people, he won’t even be interested in sorting things out.

Sagittarius have a special love for mischief, they may not even hold big positions, but if you need even a small thing with his participation, then the script here will be written with a great desire to mock. It could even be the issuance of a minor certificate with a couple of stamps, but it will have to be obtained with blood and sweat. What if you even write an application for extradition in illegible handwriting and the application is rejected, and then only a month later they will tell you about it, then a new application and it will take months to consider it.

Such petty but dirty deceit is very typical of representatives of the Sagittarius sign. They are interested in pressure on the psyche and recognition of you as schizophrenic. While there is no opportunity for revenge, they can be nice, even be friends, but as soon as the right situation arises, expect a set-up, maybe not the most painful, but right in the back.


Capricorns are all about calmness and indifference, well, they don’t care about your dirty tricks, try, don’t try, but it’s almost impossible to break through his armor. But if your ingenuity and perseverance allowed you to do something catchy, then you need to be afraid not of treachery, but of a war for territory.

This war will play out especially vividly if you have affected the interests not so much of Capricorn himself, but of his beloved (wow), here they can boil. His character does not allow him to appear weak, but going on an open offensive is also not their style. But surviving is my favorite thing. He will seize all the territories that are available to him only in order to directly push you out of there, and also leave you with nothing. Your usual habitat may suddenly find itself under occupation and he will almost use sticks to drive you out, increasingly gaining the authority of those around him.

If you managed to achieve complete antipathy on the part of Capricorn, then that’s it, your end has come. Although they are vindictive like virgins, but if the virgins are more interested in their own person and they don’t want to get dirty for a long time, then Capricorn needs to wait for the moment of truth, when you scream for help in agony, then they will think what am I doing, but won’t don't expect help. They will decide that the work has already begun anyway and there is no point in interrupting, well, they can at least watch.

He will not leave until he reaches the end and begins to change plans, you are now stuck in his head. Perhaps it’s better to run until the passions subside, you’ll be healthier, and then you can try to come back.

Capricorn could have already forgotten about you, he has his own life and now he will only enjoy the fact that you look so timidly and worry about whether there is a catch somewhere.


If you decide to bring Aquarius to the boiling point, then there is generally little chance here. It’s not that they don’t care, it’s more that they simply don’t even know how to intimidate you. They are not inventive, and they don’t want to think about it at all; they are often depressed and don’t want to come out of their shell at all.

There are also representatives who show the initial stages of mental illness, so they won’t give you peace, wanting to set you up or humiliate, but not out of revenge, these are just options for self-affirmation, especially at the expense of loved ones.

They really like to ridicule any attempts to mock them, as if you are meddling with him out of idleness, imagining yourself as some kind of fool. In public, he will be able to hurt you more than you hurt him, but it’s not like revenge, it’s just... defensive reaction . Aquarians are by their nature strange personalities; sometimes they have the urge to harm you without knowing it.

Either he accidentally spills the oil, and while he’s using a rag, you’re already lying unconscious, he’ll want to sharply open the door right in front of your face. In general, he will grab you and will be very apologetic, even help, but this help will also be no less specific. So, to protect your health, you should be more careful.


Making an avenger out of a fish is quite simple, just like making it angry. When the offense is small and there is no point in harassing, they limit themselves to a small prank, not wanting to continue the war. Soon this good fellow will completely forget that there were disagreements. This is good, then you managed to avoid participating in the most cunning intrigues and insidious gossip. And if you’ve finished it, you’ll get it and sign it, fish have a spontaneous imagination, they’ll come up with something that you won’t have the strength to figure out.

It is not necessary that revenge will immediately be so terrible; at first, the offended fish will groom like a child with a snotty, offended look and wait for your public apology, and, moreover, in public, after all, he had already managed to tell everyone around him what a bastard and scoundrel you are, who treated the poor thing harshly. By the way, they often deserve people’s sympathy, and all these compassionate people don’t like you either. Pisces naturally play offence, this incites the development of new rumors, especially since they don’t say the most interesting things, and they figure out the rest on their own.

Pisces do not always pretend to be offended; after all, they can be friends, smile, even help, but at the same time they try to suppress psychologically. Here you will have a difficult situation, you need help or advice, then they will help you so much that you will spend half your life clearing away the rubble of the consequences of solving problems using the fish method. It’s difficult to show him that this is his vile idea; he will rely on what he warned about possible consequences.

The fish can even begin to push intellectually, while not even having basic knowledge in many areas, so you have to fight with them. The struggle can be very, very long, because the fish have a lot of strength, they will not want to just retreat, especially since they cannot lower their own authority.

5 most vindictive zodiac signs!

Be careful not to anger them, otherwise it will cost you dearly. Here are the signs that can be the most vile and insidious: Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn.

Aquarians can forgive even very serious offenses and offenses. They are calm and reasonable: why change their lifestyle because of an accidentally thrown phrase or insult. Representatives of this sign will emerge victorious from almost all conflict situations thanks to a sense of humor and the ability to turn the problem towards the offender.

11th place. Capricorn

These are not conflicting or vindictive individuals at all. Capricorns have simply fantastic calm. According to these guys, any gossip and intrigue makes them even more popular. Capricorn's rancor appears only if his loved one has been offended. In this case, he will not hold anger within himself for long and will strike from all sides precisely when no action is expected of him at all, and he will most likely do this not with his own hands.

10th place. a lion

Leos have a certain degree of rancor. But they show it indirectly, the kings of beasts are above revenge. For example, they can simply ignore their offender or opponent and try to demonstratively get ahead of him in all matters (career, personal relationships). And due to perseverance, Leo does this very well, which gives the zodiac sign moral satisfaction and does not allow them to harbor a grudge for a long time. Leos can openly expose their enemies and express to public censure everything they think about them.

9th place. Scales

People of this sign hate any conflicts so much that they are ready to approach the problem philosophically, pretend that what happened does not concern them, and that everything is fine. But this is only the external alignment of events, but forgetting and forgiving is a completely different matter. They will long remember the one who violated the harmony that Libra tried to build around themselves. However, in general, this zodiac sign is very good-natured; its representatives are more likely to remember positive life situations than they harbor a grudge.

8th place. Twins

These guys can easily get offended and harbor a grudge. Gemini's rancor usually results in a huge number of rumors, gossip and incredible stories and barbs about the offender. For more serious actions, representatives air sign, as a rule, are not capable. Gemini's revenge turns into the need for their offenders to make excuses for common lies.

7th place. Aries

Aries is a hot-tempered person and acts immediately. He has no need to remember grievances. He will not harbor a grudge, but will respond with lightning speed and cruelty to a joke, a caustic remark or betrayal. But after this he will very soon forget about the insult. Because she will only disturb him peace of mind. To make an Aries vindictive, you need to try very hard, and not everyone succeeds.

6th place. Cancer

This overly sensitive sign will pretend that the apology is accepted... but will not forget anything. He will digest the conflict or resentment within himself for a long time, which can sometimes lead a representative of the water element to very absurd conclusions. Rancor makes Cancer's life full of worries and worries. Basically, this unpleasant feeling brings harm to themselves, and not to the offenders. Therefore, if you have to apologize to Cancer, then try to give the most clear explanation of everything that happened, so that the representative of the sign is not left with a feeling of misunderstanding.

5th place. Fish

Pisces know how to endure and forgive insults for a long time. However, there is a limit to everything. If these guys really hold a grudge, it will last for a long time. Pisces' rancor will manifest itself in intrigue and gossip. The public will listen to them, they will be believed and sympathized with. The rancor of people of this zodiac sign can bring you a lot of trouble in all areas of life. For your well-being, it is better not to conflict with Pisces.

4th place. Sagittarius

People of this sign are quite calm and forgive easily... but rarely forgive insults inflicted in the presence of others. In general, rancor is not typical for Sagittarius. They don't stay angry for long, sometimes only for a couple of hours. Some Sagittarius can take a long time to come up with a plan of revenge for offenders, but never put it into action. Usually their vindictive actions stop before they even begin. But long-dormant grievances can easily wake up after many years. Having met the offender after a while, representatives of fire will remind him in every detail of what happened a long time ago.

3rd place. Virgo

Virgos are critical of themselves and others. Representatives of the sign can very easily get angry at any little things, for example, at bad jokes or incorrect questions. In retaliation, Virgo will constantly launch psychological attacks and put the spiteful critic in his place with caustic remarks and other negativity on his part. This kind of behavior is very difficult to tolerate. To punish a more serious offender, she will use all her intelligence and imagination, not disdaining any methods to turn the hated person’s life into hell.

2nd place. Taurus

Taurus is very susceptible to criticism, easily offended and does not forget his offenders, especially if they hurt his feelings. In his anger he looks like a mad bull, but don't expect quick revenge. Taurus can systematically turn the life of their offender into torture. Representatives of the earthly element will never accept an apology right away. Forgiveness is not easy for them. Stubbornness plays a very big role. Remember that Taurus, who forgave you, stepped over himself.

1 place. Scorpion

Scorpio is the leader in vindictiveness. People born under this sign are very sensitive, hard to bear insults and everything bad done against them. They will always remember this. Scorpios practically do not know how to forgive. Thoughts about what they experienced tormented them for a long time. They plan revenge, sometimes over a very long period of time. Representatives of the sign are ready to wait for a favorable moment as long as necessary. And from the outside you can never say that they are harboring some kind of grudge. Remember that with Scorpios, all issues must be resolved only peacefully, otherwise you will make yourself a sophisticated and powerful enemy.


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