Multimedia technologies as a means of increasing learning efficiency. Using interactive equipment

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UDC 373.5(47)


Medenets Natalya Alexandrovna,

computer science teacher,

GBPOU KK "Krasnodarsky" teacher training college»,

Krasnodar, Russia

Annotation. This article discusses modern interactive equipment and its possibilities for use in the educational process.

Keywords: interactive equipment, interactive whiteboard, document camera, interactive voting systems, interactive tablet, interactive panel, interactive table,interactive platform.

Technology in education is one of the most important aspects modern society. Education needs to change not only because employers and modern technologies require it. Students today are also significantly different from those even ten years ago. And we’re not just talking about IT specialties - humanities students are also “friendly” with computers, mobile devices and other modern technology. The study of almost all disciplines is more successful if they are taught using the latest information, communication and audiovisual technologies. From the students' point of view, information technology is no longer a separate subject of study. Today, most people already have knowledge in this area and feel confident when working on a computer.

In a dynamically changing world, constant improvement and complication of technology, informatization of the education sector is acquiring fundamental importance. This direction of development of the educational industry, as emphasized in government documents, is recognized as a top national priority. the main task modern education- not just give fundamental knowledge, but provide everything for him the necessary conditions for further social adaptation, develop a penchant for self-education. Therefore, one of the tasks of the current teacher is to make the learning process interesting, dynamic and modern. And teachers came to the rescue with this interactive technologies.

The word “interactivity” itself came to us from the Latin language from the word interactio, which means inter – “mutual, between” and action – action. Interactive- means capable of interacting or being in a conversation mode, dialogue with something (for example, a computer) or someone (person). The concept of interactive technologies can be found in V.V. Guzeev, he defines them as: “a type of information exchange between students and the surrounding information environment.”

Interactive equipment is simply necessary in educational institutions. It allows the teacher to make the learning process more interesting. Students' perception of knowledge obtained through interactive means is as accessible, effective and visual as possible.

Interactive equipment can change the very culture of presenting material, since these systems are good not only for making presentations, but also for organizing group work, the skills of which are now especially valuable.

Classes built using interactive equipment allow you to save time on note-taking, since anyone can receive a recording file, which they can then play using a regular personal computer.

Considering the potential of modern interactive learning tools, we will especially highlight the following:

Implement interactive dialogue and interaction between participants in the educational process;

Improve the perception of difficult-to-understand processes or abstract concepts using the dynamics of the presentation of information objects on the screen and imagery, the multimedia tools used in them;

Flexibly manage the educational process both directly in direct contact with the teacher in class and virtually;

Go mobile and easy to various types visibility;

Integrate electronic multimedia educational materials, simulators and test tasks for them into one pedagogical tool

Let's consider the main interactive equipment, which includes:

Interactive board. The image on the interactive whiteboard is not drawn with chalk, but with a special electronic marker, a pointer or even a finger. The possibilities of the interactive whiteboard are almost limitless: you can now write, draw and draw using color and different line thicknesses; display any graphic information, photographs, diagrams, tables directly from the computer’s memory, organize viewing of video materials directly from the Internet. All projected information can be quickly edited and the necessary changes can be made directly during the lesson. Regular mouse mode allows you to manipulate displayed objects. Annotation mode allows you to make notes, designate important details, leave comments. In addition, all changes made can be saved and used in the future. The interactive whiteboard is a very convenient and flexible tool for working with information of any format; working with it does not require special knowledge and skills. Lessons, lectures and practical exercises become truly interesting, and the information received is vivid, memorable and convincing.

Rice. 1 Interactive whiteboard

Document camera. Now, in real time, it is possible to broadcast ideal image quality of absolutely any objects, including three-dimensional ones. Moreover, this image can be broadcast not only on the screen - thanks to the presence of various interfaces, it can be entered into a computer, transmitted over the Internet, and shown on TV screens. Moreover, the majority modern models Document cameras have several audio-video inputs, which makes it possible to use them as a multimedia switch. But that's not all: when you transfer images to a computer, you can record them - both in photo format and in video format, and if you connect a microphone, you can also record video with sound. Thus, a lesson conducted using a document camera remains not only in the form of a summary plan in your archives, but also turns into an additional teaching aid that can be used more than once in the future.

Rice. 2 Document camera

Interactive voting systems. The system's capabilities allow you to create Various types questions: with one or more answer options, arrangement of options according to any criteria, entering an answer (without predefined options). The use of such a system is a reliable and reliable way to obtain answers from a large number of respondents and reduces the time for checking and processing the results. With the help of special equipment and software, in a short time and excluding the possibility of error, you can organize a knowledge test, obtain the results of a survey, a test task. The use of such a system is very important when holding events where it is necessary to provide instant feedback from the audience. In the educational process, there is no need to waste time checking tests, but based on the results of a detailed report, determine which topics cause the most difficulties and track the dynamics of academic performance based on accumulated statistical data.

Interactive tablet. A wireless tablet is a convenient, compact, portable device that provides the most comfortable work. Most often, a tablet is used as an addition to other equipment if it is necessary to ensure free movement around the classroom. The tablet is used for remote work with documents, images and management of computer applications. It allows you to make the necessary changes when working with interactive whiteboards (sign documents, draw, move objects). Thanks to its mobility, the interactive tablet can be transferred to other participants at any time, which ensures their involvement in the dynamic process. The interactive tablet is controlled with an electronic pen, and communication with the computer is carried out wirelessly.

Rice. 4 Interactive tablet

Interactive panel. A distinctive feature of the interactive panel is the absence of a keyboard and mouse; instead, using a wireless pen, you can write and draw on the screen just like with a pen on paper. The interactive panel is very similar to an interactive whiteboard in use. The small size of the panel and the internal visualization system allow it to be used anywhere, and data can be projected onto a screen of any size. The panel can be installed vertically, placed on a surface or even on your lap. The portability of the panel makes it ideal for working in various rooms from small classes to conference rooms. This is another one effective method increase interaction with the audience and enhance the perception of the information presented. Interactive panels can also be combined with some video conferencing systems, with the ability to synchronously view data on multiple panels connected via the Internet or local network.

Rice. 5 Interactive panel

Interactive table. This device is essentially a huge touch screen with control elements connected to a computer built into the table. Images, text, multimedia and tables, controls (including dynamic ones) are transmitted to the screen, which looks like a tabletop. Built-in motion tracking lets you control these elements directly on the screen surface with a simple touch. Along with the interactive whiteboard, it creates opportunities for quick access to information, greater activity of children in the lesson and a greater degree of assimilation of the material. Maps, diagrams, tables and diagrams become available to all participants in the educational process.

Rice. 6 Interactive table

Interactive platform. To conduct presentations, lectures, reports in a lightweight and accessible form, there is a set of devices integrated into a single solution - an interactive platform. For productive work, the podium has a full range of audio and visual means of transmitting information. Using interactive touch display all capabilities of interactive equipment are managed. A microphone and an audio and video playback system are connected to the podium. Using a document camera, you can demonstrate text documents or demonstrate three-dimensional objects without leaving the podium. All features of the stand are easily controlled using a single control panel.

Rice. 7 Interactive platform


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To optimize the educational process in modern educational institutions, it is necessary to use a visual teaching method. When organizing the educational process, teachers try to use a variety of technical means training, illustrations, technological maps; Quite recently, audio and video equipment was used for these purposes: tape recorder, television, vinyl disc player, film projector and overhead projector. But time does not stand still, and in modern conditions multimedia functions are successfully combined in a personal computer, supplemented by a subject media library.

More recently, there was a common opinion that a computer can only be used by a computer science teacher, and that other subject teachers don’t seem to need it, but today it is already becoming clear that information technologies truly open up huge opportunities V professional activity. The use of a computer allows you to combine various technical teaching aids with visual aids; arrange methodological material and use it effectively in lessons, taking into account the individual characteristics of students.

The lesson lasts only 45 minutes, and the teacher needs to do a lot: conduct a survey, check homework, conduct some practical exercises, explain new material, secure it. How can you do without the almighty electronic assistant - a computer? After all, when used skillfully, it can take on a significant part of this work, and its powerful intellectual base, interactivity, combined with clarity, makes it possible to become a direct participant in events and allows you to manage its development.

Computer technologies are qualitatively changing the content, methods and organizational forms of training and certain conditions can contribute to the development individual abilities trainees, their personal qualities; formation cognitive abilities; the desire for self-improvement. Practice shows that using a computer has many advantages over traditional methods training. When using a computer in class, the student is involved in the learning process as an active participant. Computer programs allow individualization of learning and make it possible to organize independent actions of students.

Each student has the opportunity to work at his own pace, without depending on weaker or, conversely, stronger classmates. The computer helps children develop reflection on their activities and allows them to visualize the results of their actions.

Experience shows that students who actively work with computers develop more high level self-educational skills, ability to navigate turbulent stream information, the ability to highlight the main thing, generalize, and draw conclusions. Therefore, the role of the teacher in revealing the capabilities of modern information technologies in the process of teaching both natural and humanities is very important.

In the learning process, one of the most important roles is played by the clarity of the material being studied. Scientists physiologists have proven that about 95% of information a person receives using a visual analyzer. Thus, the more clearly the material being studied is presented, the better it is remembered by students.

In recent decades, the most important methodological aid in the educational process has been the textbook. But modern information technologies are developing in such a way that a multimedia presentation can claim to be a textbook in the educational process. Thanks to modern information technologies, it is possible to develop teaching aids that will more clearly show the material being studied. One of active forms training that offers the use of computer technology is the creation of a multimedia essay or presentation. The purpose of a multimedia presentation is to convey information in a visual, easily understandable form. Yakupova G. Z. The use of interactive and multimedia equipment in educational activities// Journal of informatization of education, 2007, No. 1.

Power Point makes it easy to create multimedia presentations. The main property of this program is that it supports the use of not only text information, but also allows you to insert and manipulate objects created in other programs. Examples of such objects are audio fragments, which can be used to soundtrack, and graphic objects, which allows you to most clearly present the material being studied. Multimedia presentations can be used to explain new topic, knowledge control, as a means of information in extracurricular activities.

When showing multimedia presentations important role interactive whiteboard plays. She is one of the most important tools when acquiring student knowledge. With the help of this board, the teacher can make the lesson more interesting and exciting. The interactive whiteboard makes it possible to use multimedia resources and enrich the lesson additional material. Electronic interactive whiteboards enrich the capabilities of computer technology by providing a large screen for working with multimedia materials.

Interactive equipment, in particular, an interactive whiteboard, a document camera, ensure the effectiveness of using computers when conducting lessons, classes, extracurricular activities, parent meetings, meetings, presentations, etc.

An interactive whiteboard is a flexible tool that combines the simplicity of a regular whiteboard with the capabilities of a computer. In combination with a multimedia projector, this board becomes a large interactive screen, with one touch on the surface of which you can open any computer application or page on the Internet, demonstrate necessary information or just draw and write. Everything that is drawn or written during the lesson can be saved as computer files, printed, sent by e-mail, save as Web pages and post them on the Internet.

interactive board- This is a touch screen connected to a computer, the image from which is transmitted to the board by a projector. You just need to touch the surface of the board to start working on your computer.

It implements one of the most important principles of learning - visibility.

The interactive whiteboard works together with a computer and a video projector, representing a single complex. You can do everything on it that you can on a regular computer.

An interactive whiteboard combines projection technologies with a touch device, so such a board not only displays what is happening on the computer, but allows you to control the presentation process (two-way traffic!), make corrections and adjustments, make notes and comments in color, and save lesson materials for later use and editing. A microscope, document camera, digital camera or video camera can be connected to the computer, and, as a result, to the interactive whiteboard. And you can work productively with all the displayed materials right during the lesson.

Multimedia presentation is a modern and promising information advertising technology. The created audio, video, photographic series ensures effective and interesting perception of information. Multimedia technology includes the following components: digital photographic images; formatted text; computer drawings and animation; audio sound, voice accompaniment of sketches.

Multimedia presentations help convey information to the audience in a short time and clearly show objects in three dimensions. The uniqueness of the multimedia presentation lies in the fact that it can be used in all types of lessons.

In a lesson dedicated to presenting new material, a multimedia presentation can become an indispensable assistant teacher: the material presented in an accessible form is partially shown on the presentation slides; the teacher can only supplement it, add his comments and explanations to the most difficult moments and images.

Multimedia presentations can also be used in a knowledge control lesson. Using a multimedia presentation, you can create shells for testing students on any topic. In addition, the possibilities of multimedia presentation in the educational activities of a teacher are unlimited. The use of multimedia presentation in the educational process allows you to improve the quality of learning and save time spent on the methodological activities of the teacher. It's hard to imagine teaching nowadays Tatar language and literature without using various computer textbooks and books.

The use of electronic interactive whiteboards can make the educational process more exciting, bringing real pleasure to students. Selevko G.A. Modern educational technologies. - M: Public Education, 1998. - 255 p.

Observations show that when using an interactive whiteboard, students are more attentive, enthusiastic and interested in the lesson than when working on regular blackboard. Additionally, researchers say that distracted students perceive information best when presented on a television or computer screen, and the interactive whiteboard meets these requirements. Using an interactive whiteboard can make the educational process more exciting, bringing real pleasure to students - and they, in turn, begin to pay more attention to their studies. An interactive whiteboard can enrich any lesson and keep students focused on learning. This technology helps teachers creatively capture the attention and activate the imagination of their students.

Thus, in our opinion, interactive whiteboards allow you to solve the following problems when organizing the educational process:

· Move away from the purely presentational form of presenting material introduced by computer culture. The latter is good for an introduction to the topic, for an initial acquaintance with the material. Deeper mastery will require interactive interaction with a computer, preferably involving the student’s motor skills.

· Allows you to save class time by not taking notes on the material. At the end of the lesson, students receive a file with its recording, which can be viewed at home on a PC in a step-by-step mode. In this case, not only the illustrations and notes offered by the teacher are available, but the sequence of his actions at the blackboard is also correctly reproduced.

· Increase the efficiency of material supply. The projector displays a background picture or background slide show pre-selected by the teacher on the surface of the interactive whiteboard. Acustic systems create the necessary background sound in the classroom, and the teacher remains to take care of the content of the material; he can, say, write or draw on an interactive board. In terms of the strength and depth of impact on the audience, a well-constructed lesson using a computer and an interactive whiteboard can be compared with cinema and theater. However, this will require the teacher to have directing knowledge and skills. However, just a couple of decades ago photography and videography were the preserve of a select few; Perhaps in the coming years, directing will also become popular among the masses.

· Allows you to organize group work (or group games), the skills of which are fundamentally important today for successful activities in many areas. Zakharova I.G. Information technologies in education. Tutorial for students of higher pedagogical institutions. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2003. - 192 p.

When working with an interactive whiteboard, the teacher is always in the center of attention, facing the students and maintaining constant contact with the class. Thus, the interactive whiteboard still allows you to save valuable time.

Using such a board, you can combine proven methods and techniques of working with a regular board with a set of interactive and multimedia capabilities.

Thus, multimedia presentations help to convey information to the audience in a short time and clearly show objects in three dimensions. The uniqueness of the multimedia presentation lies in the fact that it can be used in all types of lessons.

Information and interactive technologies make it possible to use text, audio, graphic and video information in a new way when organizing educational work, increase interest in creativity, and further use creative works completed on a computer, stimulates the cognitive activity of students. IN research work The child completely moves away from cramming; he consciously absorbs knowledge.

But first of all, it should be remembered that the board is just a tool, and the effectiveness of the educational process largely depends on the skill of the teacher and the quality of specialized software. Popova E.N. Interactive technologies are not a luxury, but learning tools // Internet and Education, August, Volume 2009, No. 11 (

Interactive equipment Interactive a virtual reality– providing the user with control capabilities that he would want to perform if he were in the created artificial world. Interactive multimedia equipment is multimedia equipment that provides the ability to arbitrarily control video image and sound in dialogue mode. Interactive user – a user working with the system in dialog (interactive) mode. F.S. Voroisky Informatics. New systematized Dictionary

interactive board Convenient tool for work, both teacher and student. Fully Russified interactive whiteboard software provides a wide range of convenient functions for managing applications, creating and saving notes and comments on an image. The user can choose the functions and tools that are most necessary for him. The user can customize the toolbar so that these functions are easily accessible.

The interactive whiteboard software can recognize simple figures- rectangles, circles, triangles, arrows - which allows you to quickly draw clear, understandable, neat diagrams using the Smart Pen tool. A unique set of tools allows you to not only make notes over a static image, but also over a video. interactive board

The interactive whiteboard has a durable surface. Used as a base for the surface of the board steel sheet, which not only increases the strength of the board and its service life, but also allows you to attach paper materials to it using magnets, if necessary. The additional surface will increase the life of the board when used with markers. interactive board

Interactive whiteboards - have you tried it? An interactive whiteboard (ID) is new equipment that can provide invaluable assistance in organizing the learning process, during presentations and meetings. This device, appearance and the size is very similar to a regular board. However, the differences are simply colossal. The interactive whiteboard is first and foremost Newest technologies, which turn it into a powerful tool for solving a wide range of problems. How do they connect? To work with an interactive whiteboard, no special skills or knowledge are required. Before starting work, the ID is connected to the computer and projector. An image from any source (computer or video signal) is projected onto it, like a screen, with which you can now work directly on the surface of the board. Manipulation computer mouse are carried out by touching the surface, thereby the presenter has full access to control the computer.

What can they do? The board allows you to show slides, videos, make notes, draw, draw various schemes, as on a regular board, make marks on the projected image in real time, make any changes and save them as computer files for further editing, printing, sending by fax or e-mail. The use of interactive whiteboards in the field of education is very relevant. The teacher has the opportunity to make the learning process much more visual and interactive. This is facilitated by software that allows the teacher to create educational material By different subjects, simulate experiences and experiments, test the audience with instant display of the results obtained on the board, conduct listening tests during training foreign languages, demonstrate thematic video materials.

How do you work with them? Writing on the interactive whiteboard is done with a special marker. The presenter, having picked up a special marker, can: - work with the image on the screen (highlight, underline, circle important areas, draw diagrams or correct them, make corrections to the text, move objects). - control computer applications (open/close windows, turn pages in documents and presentations, move, change the scale of objects), i.e. perform all the functions of a computer mouse. The speaker can pre-set the color of the marker that he will use during the speech.

Working with an interactive whiteboard is first and foremost practical work! A student called to the ED carries out the teacher’s assignment and closely interacts with modern technologies. The more practice at school, the more qualified the specialist will become. A presentation on a projector is not a practical lesson; students may not follow the slide show. Just imagine what an interactive whiteboard can do. The forum mentioned a compressed time frame = 45 minutes. So, imagine using the "SMART PEN" function you can draw 4 times faster geometric figures and draw a graph. You can draw and make marks over any document, even if it is a live video broadcast. (Most laptops have video cameras, and by using the VIDEO INPUT mode, you can quickly take notes directly on the video.) Two users can work on the board at the same time. News from the forum “Network of Creative Teachers”

The board can connect to up to 50 other boards simultaneously via the Internet to host a remote conference. The interactive whiteboard has 24 customizable function buttons. The teacher can customize the working menu “for his subject” by placing the most necessary functional buttons in the menu. You can draw on the board not only with any object, be it a pointer or a pen, but even with your fingers. Moreover, the new software allows you to control the board with special gestures, for example, with a special technique you can easily enlarge or reduce the picture on the screen. I wrote the main functional features of ID, thanks to which it is possible to conduct a full-fledged lesson, grounding the students’ knowledge with practical skills of the modern 21st century. If you look at Foreign experience, then we can conclude that interactive technologies in school are a necessity. + The most important point is the analysis of the reaction of the schoolchildren themselves. Children love coming to the board - they are passionate about the learning process. Moreover, the lesson can be saved to disk and distributed to students for home study and repetition. News from the forum “Network of Creative Teachers” (

Interactive learning resources on the Internet graduate School Early childhood development interactive educational programs for SMART devices advertising and presentation materials

Interactive learning resources on the Internet General education secondary vocational education (Network of creative teachers (a single collection of digital educational resources

Olesya Galushko
Effective use of interactive equipment in the educational process of preschool educational institutions

Currently, information and communication technologies are actively being introduced into educational process of preschool educational organizations . Many simple and complex ones have been created computer programs for different areas of cognition in each age period. There are various interactive tools, aimed at developing various mental functions of children, such as visual and auditory perception, attention, memory, verbal and logical thinking, etc., which can be successfully used in teaching children preschool age.

In our kindergarten "Rainbow" interactive the Elit Panaboard from Panasonik appeared in 2013 and used regularly to work with children and a team of teachers and parents. Interactive board - universal tool, allowing any teacher to organize the educational process is so so that children's interest in educational activities, stability of attention, speed of mental operations. Methods of application interactive whiteboard in educational and independent activities in kindergarten can only be limited by your imagination. These include presentations and interactive training programs. and creation of projects in graphical, software environments.

Teaching preschool children becomes more attractive and exciting. Interactive and multimedia are designed to inspire and challenge them to strive to acquire new knowledge. Interactive The board significantly expands the possibilities of presenting educational information and allows you to increase the child’s motivation. Application of multimedia technologies (colors, graphics, sound, modern video equipment) allows you to simulate various situations and environment. Game components included in multimedia programs activate cognitive activity students and enhance their learning of the material.

Interactive and multimedia tools have significantly expanded the possibilities of the presented cognitive material and made it possible to increase the child’s motivation to master new knowledge. We we use board in almost all educational fields.

Our creative teams have developed and implemented educational activities with children: complexes interactive didactic games on speech development for different age groups; cognitive complexes interactive foundation games proper nutrition; cognitive complex interactive educational games with converters(OTSM - TRIZ and RTV technology); Currently, a methodological complex of cognitive interactive games to develop the foundations of healthy lifestyle using OTSM technologies - TRIZ and RTV.

We noted that educational activities using interactive games become more attractive and exciting. Game highlights included in educational activities, activate the child’s cognitive activity and enhance the assimilation of material.

Another advantage use of interactive boards in kindergarten - the opportunity to make virtual trips, conduct integrated classes. It is known that older preschoolers have better developed involuntary attention, which becomes especially concentrated when children Interesting. Their speed of receiving and processing information increases, and they remember it better.

Interactive The board significantly expands the capabilities of the educator and teacher. The unique concept of our developments provides the teacher with a range of benefits:


The teacher can use interactive tasks as they are, in which they are presented, integrate them into our own OD development, replacing individual Images or inscriptions on pages or use resources as a reference or a source of ideas for your own developments.


Ready educational resources are complexes of didactic games and educational activities. They can be used not only in development activities, but also during monitoring.


The educational the resource gives the teacher access to editing the materials we present. This does not require programming knowledge or special skills - just a general acquaintance with software boards.

Skills required to apply interactive whiteboard:

Basic knowledge of computer devices

Working in programs: Word, PowerPoint

Work practice in Internet(For search images, sound and multimedia files, ready-made presentations and training programs).


The resources are designed this way way to use all the possibilities interactive whiteboard, having done so way any activity more intense and interesting, contribute to more active work of children and allow them to achieve more high results. In the structure of games are used audio files and videos (cartoons).


Developed educational resources allow you to save time when preparing activities, but do not limit the freedom of creativity of the teacher.

Based on personal experience we can say that the application interactive whiteboard in the educational process in combination with traditional methods and innovative technologies significantly increases efficiency education and training of preschool children. At the same time, there is a high-quality mastery of program material, sensory, cognitive, speech development, development of grapho-motor skills and orientation in space. By using interactive boards, the speed of information transfer to children increases, the level of its understanding by children improves, which contributes to the development of all forms of thinking.


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