DIY mousetrap from a plastic bottle. Homemade mousetrap from a plastic bottle

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People have been fighting mice and rats in an apartment or private house for many years. If you don’t want to kill even harmful, but cute rodents, you can use various traps. Today we will tell you how to make a mousetrap from plastic bottle at home from scrap materials.

To do it yourself good trap, just take a used plastic bottle of water or sunflower oil. Nowadays, it is not customary to recycle such containers, so they are not returned with other plastic. To create the design, you should stock up on the bottle itself, an elastic band for clamping, scissors (for making holes), wooden stick, a piece of cardboard and a paper clip (to attach the bait), tape to secure the lid.

The principle of operation of such a homemade trap is simple - once a rodent gets into a bottle for food, it cannot get out on its own. Depending on the embodiment, the device either slams shut or hangs vertically above the floor. The guideline for making holes in the bottle with your own hands is the little finger on your hand - through a gap measuring 1.5 - 2 cm, the mouse will definitely get inside.

Video “Mousetrap with improvised means”

The video shows the process of creating a simple and effective trap for rodents from a plastic bottle and other improvised means.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of such a device include the simplicity of its implementation. Even a person who does not have the skills to create such things can make a design. You will need ordinary materials that are available in every home - a bottle, rope, and so on. For bait, it is permissible to use lard, sausage, vegetable oil, as well as seeds or bread available in every refrigerator.

Manufacturing will take a minimum of time and will bring maximum benefits. Most designs can be made reusable or self-charging. This will make it possible not to constantly monitor their operation (relevant if the device is left at the dacha for some time). You can catch several rodents in one bottle, but you should not leave the traps unattended for more than a week to avoid spreading the characteristic mouse odor.

Do-it-yourself devices are good for homes with small children and animals, where it is better not to use pesticides. Such designs will save money that you would spend on purchasing ready-made mousetraps.

As the practice of using such handmade traps has shown, they do not always work. In addition, it will take a lot of time and effort to catch rodents one by one in this way. You will also have to think about where to put the unwanted mice that you caught humanely.

Creation technology

For hunting mice and rats to be effective, it is important to know all the options for making bottle traps with your own hands. The technology is not as complicated as it seems - you just need to cut and install the bottle in a certain way, placing the bait in it. It is important to securely fix all the elements with tape, and place the bait at the very bottom of the plastic bottle.

In order for the animals to show interest in the structure, do not put cheese in it - the love of rodents for it is too exaggerated. A bait made from a piece of bread soaked in toasted sunflower oil works great. Mice are partial to the aroma of sesame oil.

Several types of design

Folk craftsmen have adapted to create with their own hands different kinds designs from used bottles, showing imagination, using a minimal set of tools and available materials. But the most popular traps are the one with a plastic bottle, which is placed on kitchen table, a bottle mousetrap and an oil structure. Let's look at each manufacturing method in more detail.

Simple device

You can make the following mousetrap with your own hands from a plastic bottle. To do this, the top of the container is cut off with scissors, and a small hole is made in the remaining part. The fishing line will be inserted into it. It will need from 30 to 40 cm. One end is attached to the bottle, the second is fixed on the kitchen table with Velcro or tied to something. Install the structure so that half hangs from the table.

Don't forget to put bits of food in the bottom of the bottle. The mouse, sensing the smell of food, crawls into the bottle, causing it to tip down and fall off the table. The rodent can no longer get out of it on its own. Because the fishing line holds the mousetrap upright.


It’s possible to make another mousetrap from a plastic bottle. To do this, the top of the container is cut off evenly. Then, with the same sharp scissors, the plastic is cut along the radius into peculiar petals.

The length is such that they cover the lion's share of the diameter. Next, they need to be bent inside the bottle. When a rodent gets into such a structure, it will no longer be able to get out, since the petals located quite close will interfere. Don't forget to put something tasty and attractive to pests inside.

Oil mousetrap

For creating following design Take a 2-liter plastic bottle, you need to cut off one fourth of it. The cut part should be turned over and attached to the container using glue or wire. To make the device more stable, you can put several small pebbles or sand on the bottom. The device is called oil-based because the cut neck is rubbed with sunflower oil.

The principle of operation is that the rodent makes its way to the bait and finds itself in a hole from the neck, from which it cannot get out. It's all because of the oil on which the paws slide, and the mouse has no way to catch on the surface of the plastic. It is recommended to place the structure near small shelves so that the animal can get there.

Video "Ingenious Mousetrap"

An example of simple device for catching a rodent, which is also quite humane.

The problem with mice is relevant for you, but your cat can’t cope with its task? We will tell you how to get rid of pests without extra material costs using homemade traps. Complex wooden, metal and electronic models will be considered, as well as simpler ones that do not require specific skills for implementation. But most importantly, this article will reveal the options for the best baits.

Pros and cons of homemade devices

When there are rodents at home, it is not necessary to immediately purchase poisons that are very toxic to people and animals. The simplest and safest solution in all respects would be a mousetrap.

The classic version can be purchased at a hardware store. Only it has one significant drawback - if there are a lot of mice, you will have to spend a lot of money. The mechanism is simple, but its work is one-time only. After each capture you have to recharge the device. The conclusion follows from this: leaving a few mousetraps at the dacha and leaving with the hope that upon return the rodents will be exterminated will not work.

As practice has shown, most homemade traps, in addition to reusable use, have a number of advantages:

  • Does not contain poisons. Most chemicals used in rodent baiting are toxic and can cause bad feeling in a person or pet. Mousetraps made from improvised materials do not contain hazardous substances, as they operate mainly mechanically.
  • There is no need to leave the premises. Professional rodent exterminators also use toxic substances. It is better not to appear indoors for some time after treatment, as there is a risk of intoxication. Mousetraps are completely safe in this regard.
  • There is no threat of unsanitary conditions. The caught mouse will die on the spot and the remains will be easy to dispose of. Being poisoned, she will most likely die in her hole, from where it will be impossible to get her. The body, decomposing, will begin to spread bad smell and attract carrion insects.
  • Saving. Homemade designs save the family budget from unnecessary expenses on purchased mechanisms. They are made from simple things that can be found in every home.

Advice: when there is a threat of a large invasion of mice, rather than two or three hosts, it is better to give preference to reusable traps. With them you don’t have to make new ones all the time and install them around the house.

The disadvantages include the fact that a person who is not accustomed to creating various mechanisms and structures needs practice. His first complex traps will be ineffective and, most likely, inoperative. It is better to start with simple ones and remember that each model has advantages and disadvantages.

DIY mousetrap from a plastic bottle with oil

Not everyone will catch a pest with the goal of killing a living creature, even if not through direct contact. The most humane way to catch a rodent without harming it is a bottle trap. The mouse can then be released somewhere away from the house.


This is the most important component of any trap. After all, if the mouse doesn’t want to get there, the mechanism won’t work. Even the most successful design will be useless without the appropriate bait.

It’s worth clarifying right away that the notorious passion of rodents for cheese is nothing more than a stereotype. They treat this product no better than any other. Mice are much more attracted to raw seeds. To enhance the effect, you can lightly fry them in sunflower oil. Bread dipped in sesame oil also works great. You can use crackers, lard or even popcorn.

A do-it-yourself mousetrap made from a bottle can be of different types. Let's consider the simplest and most common option.

Tools and materials

  • plastic bottle - 2 l;
  • iron wire;
  • stationery knife;
  • bait;
  • sunflower oil.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

  1. Cut the bottle, but not exactly in the middle, but closer to the neck (divide the container by 2/3).
  2. Remove the plug.
  3. Turn the top over and insert the narrow part down.
  4. You can use a stapler, glue or wire to secure the edges.

Design in finished form on the picture.

How to charge a mousetrap: step-by-step instructions

  1. Sprinkle seeds or bread crumbs into the bottom.
  2. Lubricate the sides of the neck with vegetable oil to make them slippery. A pleasant smell for the mouse will attract, but it will not be able to get out of the trap.

The design itself is very light, and a rodent can turn it over. To avoid this, you need to strengthen the bottom or glue a wooden block to it.

How to make other types of mousetraps at home: instructions

Human ingenuity is limitless. He can put almost any object to good use. Enough to stock up detailed instructions, improvised means and your own ingenuity to get rid of mice.

From a bucket of water

This option allows you to catch several rodents at once without reloading, but we are not talking about humanity here. The presence of water in the container already suggests that the caught animal will drown. The structure should be placed near the pest’s habitat. Attracted by the smell of the bait, the mouse will climb up a special “slide”, but when it steps on the bottle, it will lose its balance and fall into the water.

What you will need for the craft:

  • a bucket made of any material;
  • metal knitting needle;
  • tin can or plastic bottle;
  • two small boards;
  • scotch;
  • bait.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Fill a third or half of the container with water.
  2. Pierce a bottle or jar with a knitting needle. Design the hole so that nothing prevents rotation.
  3. Attach the bait to the container using tape. Better fit a piece of lard, as the bread will turn sour in the water.
  4. Place the knitting needle on the bucket.
  5. Place a board at each end of the rod, making a kind of bridge to the trap. A rodent will climb along them.

There is no need to constantly configure the device. A single installation and periodic updating of the bait is enough if there are a lot of pests.

Important: This option is also suitable for catching rats.


The structure consists of a piece of wood or plywood that is attached to a steel cage. The spring that slams the door is triggered when you try to take the bait. You can twist the rods yourself from thick wire or make an upper frame using an old cage for a small pet. If a mouse is detected in time, it can be released into the wild away from the house.

Effective Electric Mouse Trap

Not entirely simple and completely inhumane, but effective. One contact is connected to metal grill with a small cell. The second one is raised above this platform and holds the bait. Peanut butter works best in this situation.

At the other end of the wire there is a plug that only needs to be connected to an electrical outlet. The discharge is enough to kill the animal. If the individual is not large, the shock force of the current may be too much. You should prepare for the fact that the electric mousetrap will become a source of unpleasant odors.

Made of wood or “Beehive”

Attracted by the aroma of food, the pest will run into the hole. Inside you will come across a thread that will block the path to food. The mouse will chew through it and cause the exit to close.

Important: To create such a mousetrap you need a certain skill in wood processing.

What you will need:

  • wooden block - 120x90 mm, height 40 mm;
  • wire;
  • spring;
  • drill;
  • harsh thread;
  • bait.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Make a drawing on paper, marking the centers of the main positions. Transfer the diagram to the block.
  2. Drill along the axis blind hole 30 mm in diameter and 50-70 mm in depth.
  3. On one of the faces wooden block draw a marking of a longitudinal line and two more parallel to it. There should be at least 20 mm to the front edge.
  4. Do through holes with a diameter of 3-4 mm and connect them with a line, deep to the middle of the hole. It will be more convenient to make small holes and then get rid of pieces of wood with a chisel or mounting knife.
  5. A trapping loop, U-shaped trap or flap will be lowered into the resulting slot. The latter option is being considered for a more humane solution to the problem - the animal will not be suffocated, but simply will not be able to run out. If you decide to thread the wire, you need to select a product no thinner than 2 mm in cross section. Based on 4-5 turns of the clamp and up to 70 mm at the ends. One of them is rigidly attached to the body, and the second is threaded through the loop and bent with a hook.
  6. At a distance of 30-35 mm from the edge and 5 mm from the central line, drill two holes through. Tie a strong thread through them.
  7. Compress the spring and tighten the knot from above. This is the mechanism for triggering a mousetrap. When the mouse chews the thread, it will set the hinge or flap in motion.
  8. The bait is placed at the very bottom of the hole.

Advice: When planning how to place a mousetrap, assume that you should not place it close to the hole. It is better to choose a place next to the food that the rodent is stealing.

A person is much smarter and more perspicacious than a mouse, so pest control should not cause much difficulty. Making a trap with your own hands from available materials or spending money and buying a ready-made one is everyone’s business. The main thing is that the method works.

Rodents are the main enemies of dachas and country houses. They not only destroy grain reserves in the barn, but also sometimes chew through electrical wiring, spoil valuables and bring various infections. There are many devices on sale that allow you to quickly get rid of small pests. Homemade mousetrap made from a plastic bottle works no worse than a purchased model, and also saves money.

Advantages of homemade mousetraps

DIY devices have a number of advantages over ready-made traps and electronic mousetraps. If there are small children or pets in the house, then simple trap may be dangerous. They can pay attention to toxic substances that look like seeds, eat them and get poisoned. Or damage parts of your body. Advantages of a homemade bottle mousetrap:

DIY structures can be disposable or reusable. If you compare them with each other, then reusable devices are better, since several mice fall into one trap at once. Once the mouse falls into the disposable mousetrap, it will have to be taken out and the device reinstalled.

Mouse bait

Mice are smart creatures and they won’t go anywhere in vain. Therefore, even the most high-tech device will be useless if the bait is not installed. Before you make a bottle trap, you need to take care of a good bait. What mice like:

Plastic bottle traps

A mousetrap made from a bottle has simple design. It can be collected in three ways. Materials you will need:

  1. Two liter plastic bottle.
  2. Metal wire.
  3. Stationery knife.
  4. Stapler and glue.
  5. Bait.

Let's look at how to make a mousetrap from a bottle at home in a few minutes.

Method No. 1

This is the simplest and quick way making a trap, which will take no more than 10 minutes:

Once the mouse falls into the bottle, it will no longer be able to escape.

Method number 2

Due to the unusual design, making a trap using the second method is a little more difficult. Manufacturing technology:

  1. The bottom of the plastic bottle is cut off and long teeth are made along its edges.
  2. Each tooth is bent inward. There is a small hole in the middle.
  3. The structure is securely fixed, and the bait is placed inside.

Once the rodents crawl for food, once they get into the bottle, they will not crawl back out.

Method number 3

The operating principle of this trap is based on balancing. Manufacturing:

When the mouse goes inside to get the seeds, the center of gravity will be disrupted. She will slide further into the bottle and fall down with it, hanging on the rope. Do-it-yourself mousetraps from a bottle are reusable structures that can be left unattended for several days.

Construction from a bucket and a plastic bottle

A mouse trap is made not only from plastic bottles, but also from other available materials. Making a mousetrap from a bucket:

When the mouse stands on the bottle to grab the bait, the container will turn over and the animal will fall into the bucket.

From a bucket using the swing principle

To make a trap you will need a five-liter bucket. If there is no bucket, then use a saucepan or any container with a wide neck instead. Manufacturing technique:

When the rodents reach for prey, they will fall straight into the container.

From a glass jar and a coin

The trap has a simple design and is easy to make. The jar can be replaced with a small saucepan, glass or any other container. Manufacturing Description:

  1. The jar is turned upside down and placed on flat surface. Having previously attached the bait inside. Scotch tape is used for fixation.
  2. One edge of the jar is lifted and a coin is placed under it.

The coin will fall and the mouse will be trapped inside the container when it tries to reach the bait.

Glue mousetrap

A good and quick way to catch a rodent is to make a glue mousetrap. Plywood or a plastic pallet is used as a base. It is smeared with a special glue for rodents. Glue is sold in the store. The bait is placed in the center of the base. When the mouse tries to get to it, it will stick to the glue, and it will be impossible to peel it off from the base. This trap is considered not very humane and unaesthetic.

Rodents are carriers of dangerous infections. In addition to being an aesthetic inconvenience, they pose a health hazard to children and pets. Available in stores big choice mouse traps. However, there are times when there is no time to find the necessary mousetrap or there is not enough money to purchase them. In this case, self-made devices that are not inferior in quality to store-bought designs will come to the rescue. How to make a mousetrap with your own hands? You will find the answer to the question in the article.

Advantages of homemade mousetraps

Ready-made traps differ in their operating principle. Some restrain or kill the mouse, others scare it away with ultrasound. The use of some types of traps is unacceptable if there are pets and children in the house, who may accidentally fall into the trap or be poisoned by the chemicals used.

The main advantages of homemade mousetraps:

How to prepare bait?

The most sophisticated trap, thought out to the smallest detail, does not guarantee that the rodent will be caught. The main thing in a mousetrap is the correct bait. Pay attention to the location of the trap; the access paths to it must be open so that the mouse can easily reach the treat. There is a well-known stereotype imposed by cartoons that mice are crazy about cheese. In reality, things are a little different. Rodents really love this product, but catching a mouse with such bait will be quite problematic. It is better to use as bait:

  • a piece of smoked lard or sausage;
  • white bread croutons;
  • sesame;
  • bread soaked in sesame oil;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • peanut.

The aroma of the products will attract the attention of mice and lure them into the prepared trap. It is worth noting that the smell of unrefined sunflower oil can overpower the smell of a person, so they need to lubricate the trap before use.

The bait in the mousetrap should be changed periodically, since, sensing danger, the mouse stops responding to the aroma that is attractive to it.

Homemade trap made from a jar and a coin

A mousetrap made from a jar is suitable for those who are not ready to kill rodents. The mouse will be trapped, but its health will not be affected. To make a trap you will need a jar (you can use a pan) and a coin or button.

The edge of the jar is raised and placed on a coin, which serves as a support. The hook with bait is fixed inside the container with a thread. It is better to place treats for rodents at a distance of 2-4 cm from the surface. This ensures greater efficiency of the device.

The thread is attached to a rod, which is installed in the middle of the can. You can use a branch or wire as a rod. The principle of operation is to tension the thread and pull out the support from under the jar after the mouse tries to get the treat while inside the container. The jar covers the rodent and holds it in the trap (watch the video).

The main drawback is the lack of automatic recharging. Having caught one mouse, the device must be reinstalled. To get a caught rodent, place a thick sheet of cardboard or a flat plate under the structure. To make the construction of a mousetrap easier, instead of a rod and thread, you can glue the bait to the wall of the jar with your own hands. When the mouse touches it, the structure will lose its balance and the rodent will be trapped.

Trap made from a jar and paper

A mouse trap made from a jar and paper is an easy way to catch the pest. To make a mousetrap you will need a deep container, a sheet of paper, an eraser and a knife (razor).

A sheet of paper is placed on the neck of the jar, the edges of which are folded down and tied with thread or secured with a rubber band. In the center of the hole you need to make a cut using a razor and a sharp knife “crosswise”. The bait is placed in a container or suspended above the jar at a short distance. If you use a small treat, you can put it on paper. To ensure that rodents can reach the bait, a special bridge should be installed connecting the surface with the upper edge of the container.

As soon as the mouse gets into the center of the paper, its edges will move apart under the weight of the pest and the rodent will fall into the trap. To prevent the trap from escaping, you can pour water into the container. This method is not very effective, since the mice sense danger and do not go to the center of the paper. As a rule, young individuals are caught in the adaptation.

How to catch a mouse with a bucket and ruler?

The design feature is the interchangeability of the main elements. Instead of a bucket, you can use a saucepan or other deep container; instead of a ruler, use a flat, thin strip.

To make it, you need to securely fasten a wire or knitting needle to the bucket. You can make holes in a plastic container on both sides and insert a wire through them. The ruler should be placed on one edge of the bucket and wire so that a large length of the rod remains suspended. The bait should be placed on the far edge of the ruler. Then you should build a special “ramp” so that the mouse can climb up to the treat.

Having sensed pleasant aroma, the rodent will follow the rail. By crossing the intersection of the ruler and the wire, the pest will change the gravity of the structure, the ruler will turn over, and the mouse will be trapped. If you secure the bait in such a way that it does not fall into the bucket along with the rodent, you will get reusable mousetrap with your own hands. To prevent the pest from getting out, you can pour water into the container.

There is an easier way to make a mousetrap using a bucket and ruler. You need to put a thick sheet of cardboard or plain paper on the edge of the table, placing a ruler under it (look at the photo). Place a bucket or other deep container with water under the surface. Attach the bait to the edge of the cardboard. The mouse will follow the smell of the treat and turn the structure over with its own weight. When you attach a ruler with a table and bait, you get a reusable structure with which you can catch several pests.

Options for plastic bottle traps

Mousetraps made from plastic bottles are easy to make and effective. There are several types of structures that can be built at home.

You need to cut off the neck (the part with the thread) from the plastic bottle. For ease of operation, you can use stationery knife. Make a hole on one edge of the container using an awl and insert a thick thread into it, which should be securely fixed. One end is attached to the bottle, the other to the table (to a nail or screw) or pan. The length of the thread should keep the bottle suspended. The bait is placed at the bottom of the container.

The bottle is placed horizontally on the edge of the table so that the bait is suspended. The mouse will try to get the treat and will go inside the bottle to its bottom. Under the weight of the rodent, the center of gravity of the structure will shift and the bottle will fall. The mouse will be trapped, like in a house.

For the second method you will need a plastic bottle and bait. Even a schoolchild can make such a trap. It is necessary to cut the bottle into 2 parts (the part with the bottom should be larger). The other part is turned over so that the neck is inside the bottle. Bait is placed at the bottom and the neck is lubricated with vegetable oil. To securely fix the structure, you can fasten the parts of the bottle with thread, wire or tape. The mouse will easily penetrate the bait through the lubricated neck, but will not be able to get back out.

Glue traps

Such traps use special glue as the main element, which can be purchased at hardware stores. The method involves applying glue to cardboard or plywood, in the center of which there is a bait. Once on the adhesive surface, the mouse cannot get out and dies.

Glue traps are not humane, since the death of a rodent can be long and painful, and it is impossible to remove the pest from the composition.

For ease of use of glue mousetraps, you can build a reusable trap. To do this, you will need a shoebox with a hole made for mice. Cardboard with glue is placed in the box under the hole, and bait is placed in the center. The pest will fall into the trap when it smells the treat.

Glue traps are best made in rubber gloves, avoiding getting into open areas skin. If there are small children and pets in the house, it is better to avoid this method. Most suitable way- electric trap. Electrical device guarantees the safety of family members and pets.

With the onset of autumn, mice begin to search for warm places for wintering, sometimes covering quite long distances. And if in natural conditions animals feed on nuts, seeds or insect larvae, then once they enter a residential building, they become omnivorous, tasting the supplies in the pantry, the remains of food in the trash can, and even such inedible things as candles or soap. When rodents enter a human home, getting rid of them can be quite problematic.

Harm from mice to humans

In a relatively short period of time, mice can cause serious damage to stored vegetables and fruits and spoil cereals and pasta. Pests gnaw wires, make nests in various places and transport dangerous infections. Diseases caused by them include:

  • leptospirosis,
  • hemorrhagic fever,
  • tularemia,
  • pseudotuberculosis,
  • salmonellosis,
  • helminthiasis

These diseases can be transmitted:

The pests are incredibly prolific - they can bear their first offspring as early as the eighth week after their birth, and replenish the population five to ten times each year. On average, an individual lives for about a year in natural conditions. It is surprising that rodents have not yet overrun the entire planet with such indicators. This does not happen only because the total number of mice is regulated by both natural factors and human intervention.

How to catch a mouse

It's easier to fight a pest when you know what it is.

Table: distinctive features of mice

A medium-sized animal can easily slip into a round slot with a diameter of about a centimeter and, in an extreme situation, jump up to one meter in length.

Control of domestic rodents includes the use of spring mousetraps, glue traps, various kinds of repellers, poisoned baits. At the same time, people have to change tactics all the time, inventing new devices. Live traps are the most humane means of getting rid of rodents and they are quite easy to make with your own hands from scrap materials.

Humane plastic bottle mouse trap

To make such a trap you will need a plastic bottle, rope, a heavy object and bait. The rope must be tied to the neck.
The rope must be of sufficient length

We put bait in the bottle. Mice are most attracted to foods with strong aroma, but smelling chemical additives, most likely, will not work.
It is better to use natural products as bait

The bottle should be placed on the edge of a table or other surface. We fix the end of the rope using a heavy object.
Homemade mouse live trap installed and ready to go

Live trap from a jar with a coin

Making this mousetrap requires an empty glass jar, a coin and bait. Installation takes literally a few seconds.
Trap from a jar with a coin - the simplest, but very effective method catching small rodents

Attach the bait to the inside wall of the jar. Set up the trap as shown in the photo below.
This live trap may require concentration when setting up

Catching pests with a bucket and ruler

You can catch a boring mouse using a plastic bucket. To prevent the rodent from jumping out of the container, apply a little to the bottom and walls. vegetable oil.
Any sufficiently deep plastic bucket is suitable for catching mice.

The next step is to place a ruler with bait on the edge of the table. It is important to properly balance the mechanism here.

The installed ruler with bait must support the weight of the mouse until the latter gets close to the fragrant piece

Place the bucket exactly in the center of the bait and go about your business with peace of mind. The caught rodent will not be harmed.
Live trap using a bucket and ruler installed and configured

Mousetrap made from a can and thick paper

To make the next trap you need glass jar, a sheet of thick paper, a rope, a knife and a piece of something tasty.
Cheese, of course, will do, but mice don’t like it too much, oddly enough.

Place cheese in a container, cover with paper and twist with a rope in the same way as jars of jam are sealed.
It is advisable to tighten the neck of the container more tightly

Using a knife, cut the top of the paper into a cross. The corners should be recessed a little deeper.
Using sharp knife, cut the paper with a cross

Place the trap in an area where pests are most active. Don't forget to check it from time to time.
Live traps should be checked more often, as a caught pest can escape with some effort.

Another live trap made from a plastic bottle

Take an empty plastic bottle. Cut it lengthwise with a knife by about a third of the total length. Be careful, the plastic may slip on the surface.
When working with a knife, be careful not to cut yourself

Turn the cut part over and secure it with clothespins, paper clips or, for example, hair clips.
The process of making such a live trap will not require much time.

All that remains is to put goodies in the live trap, place it in places where mice are active and provide easy access.
So that the mice can gain access to the free cheese, we will use the ruler again

Spiny mousetrap

To make a trap, you will need the bottom of a plastic bottle cut in half and a knife (or scissors).
Bottom half plastic container is a live trap preparation

Next, being careful, you need to cut out pointed elements with a length approximately equal to half the diameter of the container.
The step width of each element does not play a big role

All that remains is to put a fragrant piece of banana in the product to attract pests, bend the cutouts inward and wish yourself a successful hunt.
The mousetrap should be installed in areas of increased rodent activity, so the chances of success increase significantly

Video: how to catch a mouse without harming it

How to lure a rodent

Contrary to popular belief, cheese is not an ideal bait for catching mice. Of course, animals will not refuse a piece of fresh product, but if given a choice, they will prefer seeds or smoked bacon.

Table: which products are suitable as bait

SaloMice really like it. Use fresh, non-rancid product. Stale lard is unlikely to be of interest to animals.
Sunflower oilFor bait, an unrefined aromatic product is best suited. Drop oil on the bread crust, this will attract even more pests.
Bread and grainsEveryone loves fresh baked goods, and mice are no exception. Grains and bran are somewhat smaller, but are also loved by these animals. Wetting a piece of baked goods with sunflower oil will enhance the effect.
FishRodents love fish, and most of all cold-smoked seafood. Such bait must be fresh; mice keenly sense the smell of stale fish and will not go for it.
SausagesThis option only works if the product is made from natural ingredients. Presence of flavorings, flavor enhancers, preservatives and others chemical substances will not tempt pests.
CheeseRegular cheese is not suitable for bait; use a smoked sausage product. Again, the presence of chemical components in the latter will not help in catching uninvited guests.

To catch mice even more effectively, it is important to know what rodents do not like. Dried cheese, apples, chocolate and dry bread crusts will most likely not work.

Do not trap any products containing preservatives, flavorings or flavor enhancers.

Where is the best place to set traps?

Controlling rodents indoors using live traps also involves correct installation the latter. To do this, first of all, you need to understand in what places mice appear, how and when they feed and move.

Did you know that mice really like sunflower oil, smoked bacon and seeds. They are nocturnal animals with very fast metabolic processes in the body, so during the dark they can go out in search of food up to thirty times. It is very easy to notice that mice have ruled the house; the animals always leave black, oblong-shaped droppings about one centimeter long.

Mouse droppings reach a length of 0.5–1 cm

As a rule, these animals do not travel long distances in search of food, and usually the animals move only ten to twenty meters from the nest.

Based on this, live traps should be placed along the expected paths of movement of pests, and where they appear most often. It should be noted that mice often move closer to walls and other objects, while being quite inquisitive creatures, they can explore any object along the path of their movement.


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