Outbuildings in private. Creative ideas and photos for decorating a country yard with your own hands

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Original and practical ways to organize space in a small yard. Don’t be afraid to combine objects that seem incompatible at first glance; use optical illusion and zoning techniques.

You will definitely find your own, comfortable and amazing design that will bring you pleasure and arouse the admiration of others!


The area should not be flat and easily visible. You should not lay straight paths that visually shorten distances.

Design your yard to accommodate functional areas. Arches, screens, container plants, paving will help you zone the area different materials, terracing.

Make even a short walk around the site rich in sensations: plant spicy, aromatic plants; gravel path can rustle pleasantly underfoot; Berry bushes will give you the opportunity to eat several delicious berries.

Make the paths so that two people can walk along them.

We organize storage spaces and select colors

Where to store garden tools, children's toys, bicycle or watering hoses?

Decide where to store these things. Then there will be more free space in the yard, the eye will not cling to piles of scattered objects, and the feeling of clutter will disappear.

For the yard small sizes limit the color palette to a few calm shades. For example, white, silver, pearl, sand colors will be an excellent contrast for plants and yard elements, and will also be clearly visible even in the dark.

Light colors will visually make the space lighter and more voluminous. Cool shades of blue and gray will visually push back the boundaries of the yard.

Dark-colored plants in the background will create an additional effect of depth. Your territory will appear larger than it actually is.

Using lighting

The level of illumination plays a big role in the perception of the space of the yard. Brightly lit areas immediately catch the eye, shady areas are convenient for secluded resting places, hidden from view. Be sure to take these nuances into account when planning.

Use artificial lighting, after all, even in the dark you can distinguish interesting elements or entire areas: patio, central path, bench, beautiful plant or flowerpot.

You will definitely like the LED lighting options for their efficiency and ease of placement. This type of lighting is easy to install and invisible during the day.

Flowers and plants

You should not plant a lot of different plants if the area is limited. Focus on a few spectacular species, trees with a neat, narrow crown.

Place tall (evergreen) plants in the background, plant low bushes of hydrangeas, roses, astilbe in the middle, and low-growing petunias, pelargonium, coleus, hosta, heuchera, and lobelia in the foreground.

Use vertical gardening, and also use other surfaces with good access for planting plants and lawns (for example, the roof of a garage).

Check out the landscaping in your yard with moss! Having a small territory, this method should definitely not be overlooked. As a result, you will get mega green spaces without any loss in area. Be sure to see how it works and see for yourself!

Use container plants to quickly change the layout of your yard.

There are many ways to fit into a design small yard barbecue area, hearth or fire pit. The warmth and glow of such a garden hearth is no less pleasant than from an expensive and large one. There are also models of barbecues that are attached to the wall and do not occupy the territory of the site at all.

There is also good news for lovers of water, melodious murmurs and freshness in the air: in a small area of ​​your yard it is quite possible to place a small fountain, organize a stream or a mini pond.

If there is absolutely no free space, build beautiful drinking bowl for birds. All of these options are sure to add freshness and attract birds, dragonflies, and butterflies to your yard!

Today local area have ceased to be perceived only as a place for vegetable beds And garden trees. All more people They try to make their yards attractive, cozy and original. How to do Beautiful design Location on? More on this below.

Nuances to pay attention to

If your site is a relief terrain, and you do not want to give it the appearance of alpine hills, then get ready for the fact that it will have to be leveled. Keep this in mind when designing your own yard.

Think in advance about what you will do with fencing the area. Of course, you can leave everything as is if the existing fence does not require repair. But a hedge looks much more beautiful. Therefore, many began to replace boring and dull stone and metal structures with it.

As can be seen in the photo of the landscape design of the house, the correct layout of the yard plays an important role. Zoning does not tolerate haste and unnecessary fuss. You must carefully consider what functional areas you want to have.

Most often they stop at the playground, summer kitchen and recreation area. Be sure to take time to organize lighting.

Each person has their own requirements for arranging their yard. But modern designers They offer so many projects for every taste and budget that there is no problem choosing the right option.

When thinking about the design of a private house’s yard, experts advise considering the following tips:

The area for children's games should be clearly visible from the window of a residential building. This way adults will be able to control the safety of their children. In addition, you need to consider additional lighting and decorative details that are interesting for children.

The ideal place for a recreation area is the backyard. There will be no prying neighbors' eyes here, which will make your vacation better.

It is also better to place car parking behind the house.

All functional areas should be connected to each other by a network of convenient paths.

In the depths of the plot, you can set aside space for vegetable beds or a small garden.

When choosing landscape decorations, correlate their sizes with the size of the yard. In a tiny area, massive decor looks out of place, and small decor will simply get lost if the area is too spacious.

Yard landscaping

Every modern design The yard necessarily includes landscaping elements. Here are some tips:

  • Coniferous plants and trees should grow in the ground, not in tubs. Otherwise, you will have to constantly rake out piles of fallen needles.
  • It is better to choose unpretentious representatives of the flora.
  • Do not plant deciduous trees near water bodies if you do not want their leaves to clog them.
  • An excellent option for landscape decor would be green hedge. As an addition, you can use flower beds.
  • If you have the desire and opportunity, then decorate your yard with a beautiful flower garden.
  • If the yard is small, then opt for a multi-level layout and use the principle of vertical gardening. In this case, the construction of cascades, alpine slides, and multi-tiered flower beds is encouraged.

In conclusion, we note that making your home space attractive is not so difficult. The main thing is to follow the rules - carefully consider the layout of the yard and consistently implement your ideas.

Photo of the courtyard design of a private house

A beautiful courtyard of a private house often arises not from an excess of imagination or money, but from the need to solve specific problems and realize the owners’ vision of what kind of courtyard will be convenient and pleasant for them.

So, behind a fabulous flower curtain there is often hidden an unsightly wall of a neighbor’s barn.

And the lush flowering of rose bushes near the fence is intended for maximum visual expansion space of a tiny garden.

In a small yard, even a vegetable garden should carry its own aesthetic load.

How to plan a beautiful courtyard of a private house.

This small beautiful courtyard of a private house began with such a gravel-paved area in front of the house. Which was intended only for parking two cars and small flower beds on the side. It's hard to imagine here beautiful garden in any form.

The total area of ​​this plot in front of the house is 2.5 acres. Because At first there were attempts to combine the garden with a parking lot and they were unsuccessful, it was decided to divide the garden as such with a parking lot. This is what the new site layout looks like.
Next to the house, on one side, there is a paved area, which is separated from the parking lot by a fence with a gate; on the other side, a small vegetable garden and a garden are planned. In the garden, on the left side, in order to raise the fence as high as possible, an artificially raised small terrace is planned.

Design of the courtyard of a private house. Parking lot.

This is what the new parking lot in the courtyard of this private house looks like from the street. Ahead is the entrance to the house, on the right is the entrance to the garden, on the left are the neighbors.

In order to make a reliable covering on the site for cars, which would not come into dissonance with the overall landscape design of the garden, it was decided original solution— build a decorative fence between the parking lot and the garden. Cinder block fence, from above concrete plaster. To prevent it from looking too massive, it has windows with flower boxes. From the street side, this fence will continue with a decorative wrought iron fence. On the side of the yard near the fence, in front of the house entrance, a gate is planned. There is also a gate in the fence for access to the garden.

View of the parking lot after completion of work. The entrance to the garden was decorated with an arch of climbing roses. Rose bushes also grow along the entire fence, complemented by perennial ornamental grasses and flowers in containers.

A beautiful courtyard of a private house with your own hands. Fences.

View of the fence from the street (parking lot on the left). In order to give the flower beds above the fence more decorative, we used a natural stone. Flower boxes perfectly complement the overall landscape design of this piece of the yard.

On the street side, the fence will be forged (the standards of this area do not allow building a solid fence on the street side). For privacy, garden vines and ornamental bushes will be planted next to the fence on the garden side.

A small ridge - a flowerbed with regularly repeating groups of flowers, is in perfect harmony with the clear rhythmic design of the fence itself.

This is what the fence between neighboring properties looks like.

In that part of the yard where there is a desire to communicate with neighbors, a chain-link mesh is used for the fence, along which climbing roses rise.

How to design a beautiful courtyard of a private house. Garden.

Small beautiful vegetable garden- the highlight of this yard.

As we remember, the entire area was paved with gravel, so before starting work, we raked up the gravel and installed a frame for a small greenhouse at the end of the beds.

Using garden borders, we formed a shape for four beds and filled the beds with soil.

In the corner of each bed they installed a large flower pot- flowers will grow there, which will add some color to the green bed.

The paths between the beds were beautifully paved with narrow blocks of brick-like paving slabs and covered with crushed stone

The vegetable garden turned out no worse than the flower bed!

A small beautiful courtyard of a private house.

The courtyard design of this private home actively uses a variety of materials for garden paths in order to create new interesting textures and interesting effects.
Those paths that are most often used are paved with smooth paving slabs, the area near the gazebo is paved with larger tiles and a different shade, and the cozy paths leading to the secluded corners of the garden are made of cobblestones and bricks.

A small snow-white arch creates the main accent for the main flower bed with a garden sculpture.

By changing the flowers of this sweet girl, you can create a different mood for this corner of the garden.

This beautiful flower bed with sculpture is located on a raised terrace along the fence with the neighbor's property. The task here was to raise the fence as high as possible. Therefore, in the flowerbed, roses climbing high along the arch and fence in combination with decorative shrubs were used to the maximum. A garden sculpture harmoniously balanced the size and proportions of this flowerbed with the entire garden.

The entire garden is built on a sensitive balance of open and closed space, tall flower beds with perennials and containers with annuals.

Every corner of the garden is used for flowers - the area in front of the house, fences, vegetable garden, parking lot, and, of course, the garden itself.

To make garden paths look cozier, some flowers grow both on the path itself and “extend” onto it from the side.

In addition to perennials, which create the basic foundation of the garden, annuals are actively used in the design of this garden. It’s easier to experiment with them and create a fresh new color and composition solution.

In order for the beautiful courtyard of a private house to become elegant in the spring as early as possible, numerous flower seedlings are grown in a small greenhouse next to the garden.

One of the favorites of last season was ornamental cabbage - unpretentious, graceful. In autumn, when the garden takes a break from the riotous whirlwind of colors, ornamental cabbage, which only becomes more beautiful and brighter after the first frost, looks like a real queen of the garden.

Everything you do in the garden and yard with your own hands will delight you every minute. Use non-standard and unexpected approaches to the design and layout of the yard of your private home - after all, only you know what you would like to see from the window and what height of the fence should be for each neighbor. Enjoy the garden and your right to make it your own!

Depending on the type of house itself, whether it is individual or guest, huge or small, built in a village, cottage community, historical part of the city or on endless expanses of land measured in tens of hectares, the design of the yard of a private house changes. Based on the location of the hacienda, based on the possible use of the land and taking into account your own preferences, you can begin planning landscape areas yard and the choice of objects that decorate them.

Ways to implement the plan:

  • on one's own;
  • by the craftsmen of a company specializing in landscape work;
  • by hired workers, who are organized and controlled by the owner of the house himself.

Each owner has his own home

Bench among a luxurious flower garden

The location of the home dictates the corresponding design requirements for the surrounding area.

buildingsHouse in a cottage villageHouse in the villageHouse in the historical centerEstateCountry house in gardening
Features affecting the design projectClosed area

Same type buildings

Regulated height, transparency and fence material (or lack thereof)

Strict requirements for the appearance of secondary buildings on the site

You can choose a style according to your desires, but build, be sure to comply with technical standards

If the destination land plot Private household plots, then outbuildings in the yard are allowed

It is prohibited to violate urban planning norms or urban development plans

Its appearance must correspond to the existing image of the city

Fulfillment of any fantasy, limited only by available meansPlot small area designed for relaxation and gardening work. Due to the minimal space, mini-zones of the yard landscape are planned

In addition to the above features, each type of private house has characteristics that influence the main design solutions when developing a zonal landscape project for a courtyard area.

Planning of private areas

The styles most often used in the design of the yard of any private house are English landscape, Japanese garden, French regular, Mediterranean, Russian estate style, as well as “domestic”, free from all signs of the times, i.e. eclecticism, a combination of a variety of elements. When implementing the landscape design of your property, there is no need to maintain the style completely; you can limit yourself to only a few techniques and “throw” a stylistic flair over the object.

No matter how you position the house (it is recommended to plan the construction of the main building so as not to shade the garden area), it is still the center of the yard. Pedestrian paths, a driveway, and the rest of the estate's buildings are connected to it. Each of the elements must correspond to the main building on the site, emphasize it, and present the author’s design of the courtyard of a private house to the view of the visiting guest in the best possible way.

All private property can be divided into three large areas, according to their purpose. These include: a place of rest, an area bordering the main house, a green area with outbuildings.

Read more about landscape design zones

The recreation area can be divided into a place where the active part of the family spends time, a “summer kitchen” sector and a relaxation corner, have a relaxing holiday. The first includes a gazebo, a children's corner (sandbox, swings, ladder), a tree house, and a sports ground. The second consists of a barbecue, barbecue, and oven complex. The third unites the reservoir, bath complex, shady corners of the garden: an openwork bench for book lovers under a tall tree, a summer house for creative solitude. They should be decorated with flowerpots that support the overall garden color scheme. The combination of color, peace and aroma is what relaxation in a country house is all about.

The “green” zone includes a vegetable garden, an orchard, hedges from berry bushes. It should be located away from the entrance to the site in order to minimize the contact of roadside dust and exhaust smoke with the plants. Outbuildings can be designed in a rustic or fairytale style. A fad that has become fashionable among absolutely urban residents is a chicken coop for laying hens, made according to original project, will decorate the area. And the cellar - Bilbo's hobbit house with an earthen grass roof - will allow you to show your creative imagination.

Sometimes it is recommended to make a green roof “pseudo-grass”, to replace freezing grasses, which require a significant layer of soil, fertilizing, and regular watering, with drought-resistant creeping succulents and low-growing sedums. These plants create a spectacular voluminous carpet that does not require special care.

The local area, consisting of a front entrance area (entrance, parking, garage, gate) and a plot adjacent to the house on the back side, is the calling card of the owners. It is very important not only what is behind the fence, but also what others see when approaching the house. Paved driveway, attractive fencing, beautiful mailbox on a gate or stone fence post, blooming bindweed - everything creates the atmosphere of a friendly, hospitable home, pleases the eyes of neighbors, and evokes the admiration of people passing by.

The private side implies access from the house to the garden, the presence of a patio where groups of forged or wicker furniture, an alpine slide or a man-made fountain are placed. Plan your yard design so that the living room window, the central room in the house, has a beautiful view. Looking at the garden changing from season to season - snow-covered, blooming, bright autumn - you will admire the creation of your own hands every time.

Special objects of a large-scale estate

When designing a large space, the priorities of the owners, the direction of their activities, and hobbies are taken into account. On the territory of the estate, special areas include stables, alleys for riding and walking, a garden, and a park with trees connected by lawns. For the owners, their adult children, and service personnel, several buildings are provided far from each other. Other buildings - a garage housing a collection of vintage cars, a pseudo-barn as a place for an art gallery, an elevated belvedere allowing views of the surrounding area, an indoor swimming pool, a winter greenhouse - reflect the hobbies of the owners. A tennis court, a football field, a mini-golf course, a boat pier, large bodies of water surrounded by canals, with passages connecting individual corners of the estate can also be planned.

In addition to large objects, a large space must be filled with “highlights”, corners where it is interesting to look, and once you get there, you will not want to leave. A gazebo entwined with grapes, a white statue in the thickets of blooming jasmine, a sun lounger behind a plant curtain where you can hide from your family, feel the taste of solitude, merging with nature.

As a special decorative technique on the territory of a large estate, it is interesting to use signs with the names of routes, designed based on the style of the overall design. This is organizationally correct, and in addition, it will allow you to play “Find Me” with guests.

Gardening fun

Let’s pay a little more attention to the design of the “green” zone of a private house. Favorite in garden design recent years there was a regular vegetable garden, a replica of the French royal gardens. In addition to the aesthetic impression, this option for arranging a garden area is convenient when caring for and working in it. Paved paths, high borders, bordering beds, symmetry, clear lines, adherence to proportions make it almost ideal. Plant objects planted as if on a ruler, necessarily ranked by height, the configuration of bushes maintained by annual formative pruning, fruit trees on trellises - all this makes the garden mathematically harmonious, visible in different planes with a pronounced volume of details. And the lush colors of garden vegetation smooth out the impression of a soulless standard, introducing the turbulence of life.

Regular planning organizes a garden of minimal dimensions well. Clearly calculated space required for each plant, high or stepped beds, flatly distributed fruit tree branches occupying less space, compacted plantings vegetable crops provide the opportunity to realize all desires, to show an unlimited flight of imagination in a limited area.

The complete opposite of a regular garden is a free-style garden, where different plants are mixed, and their presence is determined only by desire. Following the principle “dear to my heart,” rose bushes, ornamental cabbage, marigolds, and potatoes are placed here next to each other. The vegetable garden is separated from other space and the barbarity of domestic animals. And the guard in front of the gate can be a figurine of a funny man in a wide-brimmed hat. An interesting technique - planting on the brim of a hat in thin layer substrate for succulents that do not require a lot of soil and moisture.

Site lighting is an effective design technique

Landscape design The yard cannot be imagined without lighting at night. At night, the garden and houses take on different shapes, emphasized by the rays of lamps, selected according to the style and material of manufacture. general design local area.

You can organize the illumination of paths by laying a network of electrical cables, powering them from the main source of electricity, or provide for the use of completely free solar energy. When using the latter option, you won’t get fabulously bright lighting, but the storage batteries will perform their main function – to ensure the safe movement of people along private paths in the evening.

You can play with light special object adjoining space. Well-thought-out light groups will limit the recreation area that goes around the path, highlighting a pond with shining lights on the water surface - a charming sight that attracts you like a magnet. Sitting on the shore of an illuminated pond, looking at the stars - it’s for the sake of this pleasure that Vacation home, the design of his yard is being thought through.

A private country house with a local area needs proper organization yard Landscape design is a complex and painstaking process. To create a truly picturesque exterior, you will have to spend no less effort and money than on building and finishing the house itself. But you will be satisfied, as the result will please you long years, and the comfort of a personal plot will allow you to spend a lot of time on fresh air in an atmosphere of bliss and bliss.


To create a landscape design around your country house You can invite a professional who will draw up a project for you and, after approval, will begin the actual work. This option is suitable for wealthy and busy people who do not like to work on the land and rely on the opinion of professionals in matters of design and style.

But organizing your own piece of paradise with your own hands means immersing yourself in the creative process and creating a truly unique territory design that fully meets your personal requirements, using a minimum of funds.

Nowadays, all landscape tricks can be learned online completely free of charge.

There is another way to save money: you can purchase very young plants. In this case, it is worth considering that it will take time for them to grow and become stronger. You will not see the final result immediately, but only after a few years, but such an investment in the future will keep your wallet in the present.

When purchasing young plants, keep in mind that as they grow, they will need more and more space. Before purchasing such a seedling, study information about what an adult plant looks like and what parameters it reaches. When planting, give each young seedling enough space to mature.

Competent landscape design not only creates cozy place for spending time in nature, but helps solve many issues of imperfect terrain and site size. So, certain order planting flowers, shrubs and trees will help to visually enlarge the yard area, and the harmonious organization of the entrance area can declare your hospitality and prepare you to welcome guests into the house itself.

Climate and relief

Landscape design largely depends on the characteristics of the area. Climate and terrain dictate their own rules, and while something can still be done about changes in ground level, the weather always has its own opinion.

Be sure to study the flora of the strip in which the house is located. Those plants that grow naturally in your climate are best tolerated. winter frosts or very hot summers and high humidity. Specialist breeders are constantly working to develop new varieties of plants that winter better and are at the same time resistant to heat.

Some shrubs or flowers need to be covered for the winter so that they survive it, for example, roses, which often freeze and are afraid low temperatures, or thuja, which in early spring"burns" until root system didn't thaw. Bright spring sun destroys the crown, so it is closed in the fall.

The “unfortunate” terrain of the site can complicate the task of creating an ideal design, but it will definitely add uniqueness. For a beginner, a flat area without strong elevation changes is best. If desired, the level can be leveled, but a voluminous garden can become the highlight of your site.

It is easy to beat a small hill and organize an alpine slide on it; a depression is suitable for an artificial reservoir - a pond with decorative fish and water lilies.

The complex terrain will help you decide on the zoning of your backyard area, designate a place for a gazebo, sun loungers, swings, and a secluded bench where anyone can read a book or indulge in daydreaming.

In addition, descents and ascents can be played out beautiful stairs, which will add originality to the local area. Also, for a sloped area, you can think of a system of interconnecting reservoirs, between which a stream will flow, and the uneven terrain will even organize small waterfalls.

Many companies providing landscape design services specifically develop projects for the vertical layout of the site, artificially creating relief terrain in accordance with the general style of the site and the facade of the house. For example, a chalet-style house needs to imitate the alpine mountainous terrain.

Often difficult terrain can cause water stagnation in the spring during the period of active snow melting and rainy autumn. Because of this, the roots of plants planted in lowlands may rot, and to avoid this, consider drainage system water drainage.

Site layout

Before you start buying your favorite flower seeds and plants and building small architectural forms, draw a plan that you will stick to. Small drawing will help you understand how many trees, shrubs and flowers are needed, where it is best to locate a recreation area, how and where it is best to lay decorative paths to create the ideal landscape design. In the process of direct work, it is better to correct minor points than to redo everything later.

If you have a small area at your disposal (about 6 acres), be sure to take into account the size of the buildings that are usually found on suburban areas.

The following are considered mandatory:

  • House for living;
  • Garage or parking space;
  • Utility room (shed);
  • Gazebo or solarium like a pergola;
  • Paths;
  • Lighting elements;
  • Green spaces;
  • Decorative elements;
  • Garden area;
  • Vegetable garden area.

If the site is larger, the project may also include:

  • Children's playground;
  • Bath;
  • Swimming pool or artificial decorative pond;
  • Greenhouse.

Only after all the necessary buildings have been put on paper is it worth considering in more detail the design of the plan for planting green spaces. In order to see the plan of your site in 3D mode, use a special computer program in landscape design.

The library of such resources contains all kinds of plants, which the creators of the program divided into groups by species and habitat.

Projects designed to design territories of several hectares deserve special attention. Often such open spaces already have a beautiful and established natural landscape, which may include a natural pond and part of the forest. It can be supplemented by creating a large orchard, shady linden alleys, several recreation areas with gazebos. But the adjacent territory of a mansion or a small courtyard of a villa should be decorated with smaller plants and flower beds.

Zone division options

Proper zoning of the garden area allows you to solve many functional problems, as well as create a cozy atmosphere.

There are several main zones that should be visually separated from each other:

  • Entrance or front door;
  • Parking area;
  • Economic;
  • Vegetable garden area;
  • Gardening and fruit;
  • For an active and quiet holiday;
  • For children's games.

Sometimes the proper location of the house itself on the site solves part of the problem. In this case, for example, the backyard, which is hidden from view, can be reserved for a utility and garden area. If this is not possible, then there is an equally drastic way to fence yourself off - build fences.

A wide gazebo with one blank wall can be an alternative opportunity to hide utility rooms. Hedge from densely planted shrubs or pine needles can become not only a beautiful decorative element, but also a way of zoning. The creation of podiums and open terraces for pergolas and solariums, as well as recreation areas can also be classified as methods of dividing the territory into zones.

Terrain can help solve zoning problems. Construction of retaining walls on multi-level area and finishing them, for example, with stone, looks very stylish and southern.

Even at the site planning stage, try to create a project in which the recreation area is located as far as possible from the parking lot, then the sound of a running engine and exhaust gases will not disturb your peace.

Late in the evening correct lighting will hide the utility and garden area from view, bringing to the fore the silence, harmony and relaxation atmosphere of the recreation area.

Path design

Garden paths are original guides that connect elements of landscape design, small and large architectural forms into a common harmonious ensemble. These lines allow you to set the direction of movement for you and your guests, indicate the advantages and hide the disadvantages of the site.

In the design of paths, the general style of landscape design and the facade of the house is of no small importance.

Already at the design stage it is worth thinking about the shape, width, and material of the paths. Decide what kind of paths they will be - with straight or rounded corners, decorative, winding, or intended exclusively for utilitarian functions.

Decorative options require more imagination and expense to implement, so such paths can only be used in gardening areas and recreation areas. And the rough utilitarian ones are in the transport and access area, between outbuildings for functional purposes.

The width of decorative paths can vary from half a meter to one and a half meters. These parameters are individual for each individual area and depend on its size. The material for creating paths can be stone, concrete, tiles, bricks, pebbles, crushed stone.

When choosing the material and design of the track, consider some factors:

  • soil soil;
  • Possible seasonal ground movements;
  • Level groundwater;
  • What is the expected load on the path (pedestrian walks or parking area);
  • Intensity of use.

During direct construction decorative path take care of drainage. To melt or rainwater flowed into the ground, the surface of the path is made slightly inclined. It can be gable or single-pitch.

Landscape road surfaces are divided according to the type of coating into hard and soft. The first type includes brick, concrete, paving slabs, natural stone, to the second - pebbles, gravel, crushed stone. There are combined types of tracks.

To design a parking area, geogrids are increasingly being used.

The advantage of this method:

  • Clean and well-groomed appearance;
  • Durable design can withstand any weight;
  • Even the parking area is landscaped.

You can make garden paths yourself. The choice of materials is very large, and the technology is not the most complicated. Often paths are made of wood. This coating is not as durable as, for example, concrete, but it looks very stylish. Various fantasy elements greatly enliven the site. Patterns laid out from small stones add fabulousness and originality.

It is important that the paths are safe. A surface that is too smooth after rain can become very slippery and cause injury. Choose ribbed materials.

If the site has elevation changes due to the terrain, it is better to include elements with steps or entire stairs.


The issue of landscaping is complex and multi-tasking. It is necessary to properly prepare the soil of the site for green spaces and a lawn, study the types of plants that grow in your area, take into account the flowering period of flowers, know what shrubs and trees look like in a mature state in order to competently work out a composition that will look harmonious in a few years and even decades, to know the basic combinations for a possible neighborhood for the purpose of proper watering and fertilizing the soil.

But the result will definitely please you, because a beautifully designed plot is the pride of any amateur gardener.

First of all, you need to decide on a style - regular or natural. Regular involves a symmetrical arrangement of flower beds with flowers and ornamental shrubs along the center line. Often in the center there is a round flower bed with the most beautiful plants.

The paths extending from the central alley have a regular rectilinear or radial shape. Along the paths, flower beds are arranged in the form of ridges; the paths themselves can be framed by low, neatly trimmed boxwood hedges or thujas with a spherical crown, planted at the same distance from each other.

The plants chosen for these flower beds are noble. In spring these are tulips, daffodils, crocuses and hyacinths, which are selected by color and size so that the flowerbed does not look variegated, but harmoniously uniform. In summer, primroses are replaced by hybrid tea roses or floribunda roses. Roses are complemented by large-flowered lilies. Lilies are divided into Asian species, trumpet and la hybrids. IN middle lane La hybrids winter better in Russia.

Lilies and roses have a huge variety of colors; they are selected according to harmonious shades and placed in flower beds of geometric shapes. The garden is filled with the aromas of these flowers. Lilies of the valley or hostas are planted in shady beds, and border roses are planted in the sun.

Arranging a flower bed continuous flowering, select a set of perennials whose blooms replace each other throughout the season. In spring - bulbous, in summer - roses, lilies, clematis, hydrangeas, in autumn - Belgian aster, physalis, chrysanthemum.

Spruce, thuja, and cypress trees create vertical accents with their regular shape. In the center of the flower beds or at the end of the alley, a fountain or decorative waterfall will look interesting, which will add a romantic mood to the entire area.

Small architectural forms and sculptures look very harmonious among the green foliage, and benches placed in beautiful places will allow you to relax and enjoy the beautiful view.

In a natural type design, plants are arranged in random order, and symmetry is deliberately avoided. The tracks have irregular shape, can vary in both material and width in accordance with the landscape. This design of the site goes well with the uneven terrain. This is the case when a disadvantage can be turned into an advantage. It is worth building a pond in the lowlands, placing picturesque compositions of conifers on the hills, bright colors, decorative leaf shrubs.

The compositions are made up of a vertical accent - spruce, pine, thuja, cypress, which are located in the background; medium-sized plants with beautiful foliage or flowers are planted on the second row. These may be thunberg barberries with yellow, burgundy, light green foliage, which is shaded by silver needles. Floribunda roses or ground cover roses make up the near row; their flowering is supported by wormwood, catnip, and sage.

These simple perennials frame thick clusters with their tenderness pink flowers. Creeping juniper will be a picturesque frame for such a flower bed. It is also planted along paths. The paws extend onto the path itself, hiding the edge, thereby creating a picturesque forest path.

You can decorate the local area with a rock garden. Choose a place on a hill or on a flat area. Drainage is done, boulders are laid out, earth is poured between them, and plants are planted in these “pockets.” perennials. This could be a composition in the form of a dwarf coniferous forest, junipers, miniature pines, thujas, and spruces. A rockery planted with ground cover perennials looks impressive and is easy to care for. Juvenile, thyme, jasmine, saxifrage and ornamental grasses will be appropriate in the compositions.

The rockery will look organic when decorating a yard in Japanese style, here the entire emphasis is on the beauty of the stone, so the choice of boulders must be approached especially carefully. The plants used in this case are conifers, dwarf forms, sedges and grasses.

Thin multi-colored spikelets of cereals add sophistication and awe to many plant ensembles. Their height can be adjusted from 50 cm to 1.5 meters. Cereals vary in color - gray, burgundy, golden colors dilute the green foliage of garden plants. Grasses have one unpleasant feature - they are very aggressive towards other plants, so you should think carefully about whether this type of grass is needed on your site.

This flowerbed will have to be constantly monitored to prevent the invader from spreading.

For true aesthetes there is an alpine slide. Its creation is a very labor-intensive process that requires studying specialized literature, but the result will bring untold satisfaction and pride. Natural stone is laid out in steps on top of each other, without forming pockets, the cracks are filled with sandy soil and small crushed stone, creating an analogy to a natural rock formation. Drought-resistant miniature plants are rooted in the spaces between the stones; their growth is extremely small, the flowers are inconspicuous and small, but overall the result is a magnificent appearance.

Vertical accents and decoration of the area during flowering will be shrubs such as barberry with a sweet caramel aroma and many small flowers. The spreading form of barberry creates a natural round cap with a diameter of about 3 meters.

Black elderberry has a graceful shape and does not require pruning; in the spring it is covered with clusters of flowers with an unusual smell, and in the fall with clusters of berries, which combine medicinal properties with toxic substances.

Similar to it are rowan and chokeberry or chokeberry - one with clusters of scarlet color, the other after spring lush flowering By autumn it is covered with black berries full of vitamins. These slender shrubs grow up to 4 meters in height and do not require pruning.

Chubushnik or Russian jasmine is best placed in the background. After the most fragrant flowering, it turns into an inconspicuous bush 2-3 meters high, over time it acquires a “shaggy” appearance and requires shaping.

The beautiful lilac is good both as a separate tree and in a hedge, but here you need to remove the shoots in a timely manner. In garden breeding forms, the shoots are not as aggressive as in natural species.

Viburnum, in addition to wonderful flowering, has a good bush habit, does not require formation, in the fall the foliage acquires a purple palette, in winter the flaming clusters effectively contrast with the whiteness of the snow. It is good both as a tapeworm and as a hedge.

Medium shot will be decorated with thujas, junipers and cypresses. It is better to choose thujas from the western group; they are the most winter-hardy and have a wide variety of species. Medium height yellow Aurea, Yellow Ribbon, majestic Columna and Holmstrup, spherical Danica, Hoseri will find their place in garden compositions or as tapeworms.

Thuja Brabant and Smaragd are indispensable for hedges.

They lend themselves well to pruning, which allows you to create green shapes from them for decorating the garden. Cypresses and junipers have a picturesque natural shape that gives natural outlines to garden ensembles. The outside can be decorated with flowers.

Vertical gardening complements the visual diversity of garden flora. These are various climbing vines on supports. The palm among beautifully flowering vines belongs to clematis. They are placed on arches or metal mesh supports, often in a duet with roses or hostas, which cover the inconspicuous lower part of the vine.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle has a strong sweet aroma and beautiful pink flowers, similar to oriental chrysanthemums.

Maiden grapes are indispensable for decorating unsightly buildings. You can grow a living wall from Schisandra chinensis and actinidia and get a harvest of healthy vitamin-rich berries.

Paths and flower beds, trees and vines look good against a lush green background, which gives a dense lawn. It needs to be watered regularly, cut at least once every two weeks, and it is not advisable to play outdoor games on it to avoid scuff marks. Such bald spots occur after winter, and then lawn repairs are needed.

In the garden, it is enough to water the area, that is, regularly trim the green vegetation until a green carpet forms, which can be done in a couple of months and 4 haircuts. This grass carpet is durable, you can lie on it, hold competitions, and it does not require watering.

You can arrange a Moorish lawn. The territory is dug up, weeds are removed, the entire area is sown beautifully flowering herbs. Such a lawn has a significant drawback - it is short-lived, and after flowering it loses its decorative qualities.


Do not neglect the creation of a pond or stream on your estate. Manufacturers offer a lot of ready-made options for arranging a small pool or pond.

The reservoir can be very small - less than 1 meter in diameter, to large ponds in which you can fish and swim, and sunbathe on the shore or sit by the fire in the evening. The shore of such a pond is lined with grasses, sedges, hostas, irises, and daylilies. Such a pond will look harmonious next to a house built of wooden logs or with stone facades. WITH wooden terrace you can admire the reflections of water in the sun and drink tea.


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