Punishment for driving without a sign for a beginner. What does the exclamation point sticker on your car mean?

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I, like most of the participants traffic with experience, I always pay close attention to drivers with a “novice driver” badge on their car. The intensity of traffic on our highways and city highways is so great that it is quite difficult for them to feel confident on the road. Many yesterday's graduates of driving schools, coming to see me legal advice, people often ask, is it necessary to put an identifier on the car in the form of an exclamation mark on a yellow background? How long do you need to drive with a “novice driver” sign? Are there penalties for violating requirements and restrictions while driving? Let's explore these issues together in more detail.

An exclamation mark on a car is a sign that this is a yesterday’s driving school graduate. Clause 8 of the Traffic Regulations, which regulate the procedure for admitting cars to operation, stipulates that special identification badges must be installed on cars driven by a certain category of citizens. This type of equipment also includes those that are operated by novice drivers.

The identifier is glued to the rear window of any vehicle, and means that this is a novice driver.

It may not be used by persons managing:

  • motorcycle;
  • tractor;
  • self-propelled machine.

How long should you drive with an exclamation mark on your windshield? The answer to this question follows from the very definition of drivers in this category. Current legislature Russian Federation determines which road user belongs to the “inexperienced driver” category. These are persons whose driving experience is less than 2 years.

Changed appearance icon a few years ago. Previously, a white triangle in a red frame was glued to the glass, with the letter “U” in the middle. And only starting in 2009, Russian drivers were required to use a new identifier.

What is the exclamation mark on glass for?

Experienced drivers who received their licenses many years ago in Soviet times, remember that previously cadets of driving schools were allowed to practice with an ordinary experienced road user in cars that were not equipped with an additional set of pedals. To do this, you had to have a certificate with you stating that you are undergoing training at a driving school, and attach the “U” sign to the car. As practice shows, such classes helped beginners adapt more easily to the road. Today, driving school students do not have such an opportunity.

People who find themselves on a crowded highway for the first time may become confused difficult situation, endangering both yourself and other road users.

Therefore, when you see a yellow rectangle with an exclamation mark on a car driving nearby, remember your first days behind the wheel and give way to it.

Restrictions for inexperienced road users

I am often asked whether there are restrictions for drivers whose car is decorated with Exclamation point, or is the main idea of ​​using it a warning that a novice is driving?

The difficult situation on the country's roads has led the government to think about returning to the standards that many years ago limited the capabilities of newly minted warriors. They were not allowed:

  1. drive at a speed of more than 70 kilometers per hour;
  2. carry more than one person in a car.

In addition, the possibility of using the vehicle at night was limited.

The initiative was supported, and on March 24, 2017, by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, some changes were made to the Traffic Rules, which specifically affected novice road users. Now they are prohibited:

  • tow a vehicle;
  • transport people on motorcycles and mopeds.

It’s difficult to call these requirements strict, but every beginner will have to fulfill them. Many consider this innovation useful and capable of reducing the number of accidents on the country's roads.

Punishment for not having a badge on your car

Now, yesterday’s driving school graduates will have to “decorate” their cars with the badge of a novice driver, since, in accordance with the new changes, the operation of vehicles without such an identifier is prohibited. Many people ask how long to drive with a sign? The answer is as simple as possible. Until your driving experience exceeds 2 years, you cannot remove the exclamation mark from the car window. Starting from April 4, 2017, its absence is considered an administrative offense and is punishable by a fine of 500 rubles. However. In accordance with Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, in some cases you can get off with a simple warning.

Psychological moment

I remember well my first months spent driving a car. This is a state of constant stress, especially when you find yourself in some unusual situation. Special psychological pressure Newbies on the roads experience this when irritated experienced drivers begin to honk at them and obscenely express their opinion about the driving of yesterday's driving school student. This is a rather serious problem, because under such pressure even the most diligent student is capable of making a mistake, putting himself and others in danger.

It should be recognized that the level of training in Russian driving schools is quite low, and the number of hours driven is absolutely not enough to become a confident road user.

Every year the number of cars on the country's roads increases significantly, which leads to the fact that in some situations even an experienced driver does not know what to do correctly.

Yesterday's student may get confused and forget to turn on the turn signal at a busy intersection, stall while driving, drive at too low a speed, or brake sharply. The presence of a yellow rectangle with an exclamation mark on the rear window of the vehicle warns that in front of you there is a person who is already too worried, which means that you need to special attention treat such a “neighbor” on the road.

The exclamation point for novice drivers is a storehouse of controversy and problems, especially for car owners just starting their driving career. Some calmly stick a badge on their car (sometimes even on both sides), realizing their inexperience in matters, while others, on the contrary, hide their position, trying not to stand out from the general background.

Most likely, two opposing opinions arose from the same dilemma based on the presence of such a mark on the car. A car with such a sign warns other road users that there is an inexperienced person next to them who is limited in performing many maneuvers. In other words, this icon causes different reactions from both beginners and experienced drivers.

Advantage or shame?

Only a person who has received a license to drive a vehicle experiences great joy on such an important occasion for him. However, while driving he is not yet able to perform all actions correctly. Now there is no instructor next to him, ready to correct the wrong movement at any moment, and he drives the car in real conditions, on the road, and not separately on the racetrack. Active city traffic can easily cause a lot of stress for a new driver; a lot of problems and difficulties can arise while driving. Most likely, such unpleasant sensations will arise “thanks” to the surrounding car owners who have the majority of experience and who are unsympathetic to newcomers.

The traffic rules state that the “Beginner Driver” sign should be affixed to the glass or body of a car by those people who have less than 2 years of driving experience. It is worth considering that this is not just a recommendation, it is a rule that everyone who falls under this category must strictly follow. Despite the fact that this rule has been in effect for almost 6 years, most beginners consciously do not put on the “shameful” sign, since they treat it not as a privilege or the possibility of understanding on the part of other road users, but as a mark showing the driver’s incompetence. Many simply do not believe that such a sign gives them new opportunities and eliminates misunderstandings from the outside. In order to find out whether this is so, a novice driver can independently conduct the following experiment: try driving without this sign one day, and stick it on the next.

Not all novice drivers like this sign

Legal basis

Introduced on March 1, 2009, the “Beginner Driver” sign was forced measure, this was facilitated by the increased Lately the number of road traffic accidents, the culprits of which were, for the most part, inexperienced drivers. They are the ones who are considered a risk group on the road until they “gain” a certain amount of driving experience. Seeing a person with such a sign in front of them, neighboring drivers will show understanding and will not honk at every wrong move.

In paragraph 8, which describes the provisions for the approval of vehicles for operation, there are the following lines: “Vehicles that have been driven for less than 2 years must be equipped with a special “Beginner Driver” sign, which looks like a yellow square with a black exclamation mark. This mark must be located on the rear window of the motor vehicle. The only exceptions are motorcycles, self-propelled vehicles and tractors...”

Are there any penalties for violation?

Despite the fact that every novice driver is required by law to observe these symbols, not a single legal document states the punishment to which the offender will be subjected. Therefore, installing a “Beginner Driver” sign is just a matter of awareness. Only the car owner himself decides whether he needs such a mark or not. It is worth noting that some conscientious traffic police inspectors, who stopped a car for inspection, impose penalties on newcomers for the absence of the required sign. The main argument is the Code of Administrative Offences, where in Part 1 of Article 12.5 there is a list of faults prohibiting, however, in fact, it does not contain any single word, speaking about the sign in question. From which the conclusion follows: consider such actions of the traffic police to have no legal basis.

Operation of the “Beginner Driver” sign

When should I remove this badge? How long does it take to travel with it? The time required to use this sign is clearly regulated by law. Only two years after receiving a driver’s license, a “newbie” ceases to be considered such, he moves into the category of experienced drivers. Although, if a person still feels unsure on the road, he can leave a warning sign on his car. In this case, he will not receive any fines or punishments. Some drivers even resort to a kind of trick: having more than one year of experience behind them, they continue to drive with the “newbie” tag. For what? And in order to enjoy its privileges longer. After all, no self-respecting car owner would want to cut off such a “careless” neighbor; most likely, he will be let out of harm’s way.

Some experienced drivers continue to use this sign

Necessity when passing a technical inspection

Is the “Beginner Driver” sign required to pass a technical inspection? If the sign is not affixed, no one will receive a fine, as previously stated, but neither will a mark indicating a completed technical inspection. The absence of such a bright badge is a serious non-compliance with the requirements for vehicles coming for inspection.

Place for an icon

Where to put such a label? Traffic regulations take this question into account, but do not give an exact answer to it. The bill says the sign must be placed on the rear of the vehicle, but does not say where exactly. The most suitable place, according to driving school instructors, is the rear window of the car, or more precisely, either of its two upper corners. This is due to the ability of neighboring cars to see an exclamation mark from afar and to behave more carefully around such a car.


So, the “Beginner Driver” sign must be installed on all cars whose drivers do not have 2 years of experience. According to inspectors, a person needs at least two years of driving experience to gain confidence in driving a car. It is worth noting that this is just a conditional generalization, since experience comes to everyone differently. However, for new drivers it increases by 1.6%, in contrast to people with more than three years of driving experience.

A novice car owner needs a car sign to pass MOT. Similar badges are sold in most auto stores.

Our neighbors abroad use a similar sign everywhere, due to its necessity for new drivers and law enforcement agencies.

To ensure safety (primarily their own), beginners are required to overcome their “inferiority” complex and recognize themselves as temporarily less experienced in relation to other drivers.

"!" Where should I put the “novice driver” sign?

For a novice driver, this coefficient has the following values:

  • 1.8 - if the driver’s age is less than 22 years.
  • 1.7 - if the driver’s age is over 22 years.

Thus, the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance increases by 70-80 percent. Let's summarize this article. Novice drivers have several restrictions when driving a car, which can cause some inconvenience. In this regard, if you plan to obtain a driver's license in the future, I recommend doing so as early as possible.

Ideally, 3 years before driving. In this case, restrictions for novice drivers will not affect you. So if you are going to get a driver's license, I recommend doing it as early as possible. If your children plan to get a license, then recommend doing so immediately after reaching the age of 18.

Where to put traffic signs on a car


A horizontal bright yellow rectangle measuring at least 120x20 cm with a red border is hung on the back of the vehicle. At his own discretion (if there is reason), the driver has the right to install signs on his car:

  • “Disabled person” is a yellow square with a side of 15 cm and a conventional image of a person on wheelchair. Can be installed front and rear on vehicles driven by disabled people of the first and second groups or transporting such disabled people;
  • “Doctor” is a blue square 14x14 cm with an inscribed white circle with a diameter of 12.5 cm, in the center of which there is a red cross.

Studded wheels can cause accidents because the presence of studs reduces the braking distance of the vehicle. To ensure that the driver behind the vehicle has this information, the Rules provide for mandatory identification of vehicles traveling on studded tires.

Traffic rules for novice drivers

The warning sign must be clearly visible from a distance of more than 20 meters. To do this, it is placed on the rear window of the car. If there is tinting, the sign is glued to the outside. There are no specific requirements regarding the location of the sign.


The provisions of the Traffic Regulations for the admission of a vehicle to operation state that the driver is obliged to affix the “Ш” sign, however administrative responsibility for the absence of a sign was not provided until April 2017, now the fine is 500 rubles. There is also no direct ban on the presence of the “Ш” sticker in the summer. Where to put the “disabled” sign? The “Disabled” sign can be affixed at will by disabled drivers of the first and second groups.

This sign can also indicate vehicles transporting disabled people of groups 1 and 2 or disabled children (in this case, the identification sign must be removable).

Spikes sign: mandatory or not in 2018?

And keep in mind that its presence despite the absence of “spikes” is not punishable. But the absence of thorns, if present, entails punishment. And further. WITH inside glass you have glass heating lines.

If you peel and stick stickers too often, you can naturally expect them to wear out prematurely. So it is more profitable to glue from the outside. comment You are required to attach the “Spikes” sign to the back, but where exactly is not specified, which means you can place this sign wherever you want, the main thing is that other cars that are behind see it, so that they know that you have a shorter braking distance and that you should stay away from this car at least 2 times more than usual. This is not regulated by the rules. The main thing is that there is a “Spikes” sign.
Especially in summer. Glue wherever you want. And a couple more “Newbie” badges.

Where to put the novice driver sign

Installed at the front and rear of the car (can additionally be mounted on the roof of a car);

  • “Road train” - this sign in the form of three orange lights located on the roof indicates cargo vehicles with trailers, as well as articulated trolleybuses and buses (of the “accordion” type);
  • “Transportation of children” - is a yellow square with a red border and an image of a symbol road sign 1.23 (“Children”) in the center. The size of the sign at the front is at least 25x25 centimeters, at the back - at least 40x40 cm (the width of the border is 1/10 of the side);
  • “Deaf Driver” - sticker on the back and front of vehicles driven by deaf drivers.

How and where to stick the “spikes” sign

Only one thing is clear - the sign must be installed in the rear of the car so that other road users can see it, that is why it exists. Most often, the “Spikes” sign is glued to the rear window of a car. However, the “Spikes” sign, which complies with GOST, is quite large and can impair the driver’s visibility or end up in the range of the rear wiper.

403 - access denied

Is the novice driver sign required in 2018? Let's consider paragraph 8 of the main provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and responsibilities officials to ensure road safety: 8. Vehicles must be equipped with identification signs:..."Beginner driver" - in the form of a square yellow color(side 150 mm) with a black exclamation mark 110 mm high - on the back of motor vehicles (except for tractors, self-propelled vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds) driven by drivers who have been licensed to drive these vehicles for less than 2 years. List of faults and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited: 7.151.

When carrying out international transportation, a simplified version of the sign is used (a simple orange rectangle 40x30 cm with symbols);

  • “Oversized cargo” - this warning sign in the form of a shield measuring 40x40 cm with white and red stripes 5 cm wide applied diagonally is applied to vehicles carrying oversized cargo;
  • “Low-speed vehicle” - installed behind vehicles whose speed technically cannot exceed 30 kilometers per hour. It is a red equilateral triangle with a yellow border (the side of the triangle is 35-36.5 cm);
  • “Long vehicle” - the sign designates vehicles whose length exceeds 20 meters (with or without cargo).

Novice driver sign and where to glue the spikes

Its presence is regulated by such a document as “Basic provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the responsibilities of officials to ensure road safety”, or more precisely, paragraph 8, which specifically states that a vehicle with studded tires must have the appropriate identification "Spikes" sign. By the way, the same paragraph also indicates other signs that must be present on the car - for example, “Beginner driver” (exclamation mark on a yellow background). The notorious paragraph 8 in the “Basic Provisions” also indicates the size of the “Spikes” sign: it must be an equilateral triangle white with a base of at least 200 mm and a red border, the width of which should be 1/10 of the side. A black letter “Ш” should be inscribed in the border. Maximum dimensions signs can be any.

This is not surprising, because as soon as a student graduates from a driving school and receives a license, he immediately gets behind the wheel and becomes the culprit of an accident. And even though he was the best student at school and learned all the rules perfectly, his lack of experience shows up immediately. The driving school pays attention to practical lessons, but driving with and without an instructor are completely different practices.

There is also congestion on Russian roads, where there are a lot of cars, creating traffic jams and crowded traffic. Norm Few people know that according to traffic regulations, the “Beginner Driver” sign is required. This requirement is clearly stated in the rules. In particular, it is specified that a yellow plate with an exclamation mark must be installed on the rear of the vehicle. Citizens with no more than two years of driving experience must drive with this sign. The duration of ownership of rights is taken as length of service.

It may be small, but it will ruin your mood. Situation before April 4, 2017 Before this date, the “Beginner Driver” sign was mandatory, but no liability was provided for such a violation, so beginners rarely installed these signs. This is logical, because there will be no punishment. The traffic police inspector could only recommend that the driver stick a sign. But from April 4, a fine will be imposed for the absence of a “Beginner Driver” sign, which cannot but rejoice at many experienced road users.

Now the number of yellow signs on cars has become much larger, and it is easier to identify an inexperienced driver who can do anything on the road. Therefore, we advise you not only to use this sign yourself if necessary, but also to stay away from cars with this sign.

A.S. Pushkin said that “inexperience leads to disaster,” and the sad statistics of road accidents confirm this statement, which hits the target. Unfortunately, a third of accidents now occur due to the fault of novice drivers. It is for this reason that a special sign was introduced to identify motorists on the road who have recently received a license. Let's talk about the need for the “Beginner Driver” sticker, the place where it should be located, and the fine for its absence.

Is it necessary to put up a “Beginner Driver” sign?

The “exclamation mark” appeared on Russian roads in March 2009. The reason for its appearance was the increase in the number of accidents involving novice car enthusiasts. Of course, this is absolutely logical, since classes in a driving school are not always able to prepare a person for the variety of situations (often complex and stressful) that arise on our roads every day and in real time, when there is no time to think slowly - there is no time, but you need to act quickly and exactly. Previously, the “Beginner Driver” sign could be affixed to a car at will, but in the spring of 2017, the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate issued a number of new laws, one of which concerns newcomers to the road and obliges them to hang an “exclamation mark” on their vehicle.

Important: a motorist who received a driver's license less than 2 years ago must indicate his inexperience with the “Beginner Driver” sign.

There is one more nuance - “!” According to traffic rules, beginners who drive:

  • Tractors;
  • Self-propelled vehicles;
  • Motorcycles;
  • Mopeds.

Probably, any young driver will be interested in what the sticker looks like and are there any requirements regarding its size? It is a yellow square with a side of 15 cm, in the center of which there is a black exclamation mark 11 cm high. Operating a car without a sign is prohibited if you are an inexperienced driver with less than two years of experience. If you want to print a sticker yourself, then you should keep in mind that its dimensions are established by law, and failure to comply with them will constitute a violation. That is, you cannot make the sign too large or small; you need to glue a 15 by 15 cm square (“!” - 11 cm) onto the car. You can print it on a color printer. If this is not the case, then a regular one will do, then the yellow area should be left white, and after printing, color it over with a yellow pencil or felt-tip pen.

Who should wear the Novice Driver sticker?

Driving with an “exclamation mark” is mandatory for those who passed the test and received a driver’s license less than 2 years ago. It is absolutely logical that the inexperienced driver himself should take care of the presence of the sticker. Since the fine for her absence will be issued to him. You can buy a sign at an auto store or make it yourself.

Important: It is interesting that a person could have had his license in his document folder for, for example, 5 years, but for some reason he had not driven a car. There is experience, but no experience. If such a citizen suddenly decides to use his driving skills on the road, then in this case the sticker is not required by law. But, in essence, it is needed because it serves to ensure road safety.

Where should I put the “Beginner Driver” sign?

The place where the sticker should hang is determined by law - this is the rear of the car. Nothing more specific is said, so a beginner can find it himself appropriate place for a sign. For example:

  • Inner or outer part of the rear window. Usually they choose the internal one, as this will ensure better preservation of the sticker.
  • Bumper (rear) of the car.
  • Trunk - you can stick a sign on its lid or on the door (depending on the type of car).

Important: If you recently received your license, bought a “Beginner Driver” sign and are thinking about where to stick it, then choose a place, taking into account one main nuance - nothing should block your view, so the rear bumper or trunk will be preferable to glass. Although many drivers place the sticker at the top of the rear window, because this is how it is most visible to other motorists.

How long do you need to drive with a “Beginner Driver” sign?

In the driving community, it is believed that motorists driving cars with an “exclamation mark” should be wary - it is not very clear how they will act in non-standard situation, and there is practically no reaction yet. The owners of the sticker themselves often dream of getting rid of it faster; it seems to them that it provokes other road users to all sorts of unpleasant actions - overtake, teach a lesson, cut off, show their superiority, etc. How long do you have to wait before legally joining the masses of experienced car enthusiasts? You need to drive with the “Beginner Driver” badge for 2 years from the moment the coveted driver’s license is in your pocket. As soon as the experience exceeds 2 years, you can peel off the sign.

Important: If you have been driving for more than two years, but do not feel confident in yourself, and the sign gives you a little confidence, then you have every right to leave it.

Penalty for missing an “exclamation mark”

Since April 4, 2017, new drivers are penalized if they do not indicate their status with the “Beginner Driver” identification sign. This is regulated by Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - you can receive a warning or a monetary penalty in the amount of 500 rubles.

Important: Please note that the absence of a sticker with an exclamation mark will not allow you to pass the inspection if your driving experience is less than 2 years.

Seeing a newcomer on the road, other motorists should be extremely attentive and forgiving, since everyone once started their driving life. The mandatory “exclamation mark” is dictated by the fact that people who have recently received a license are objectively at risk. Why? Because skills are not yet enough - young drivers may forget to turn on the turn signal, simply stall, sharply press the brake and simply fall into a complete stupor. The sticker encourages other traffic participants to treat newcomers with tolerance and understanding. Don't neglect it. It's not even a matter of a fine (only 500 rubles), but of ensuring safety. There is no need to perceive the sign as a banner indicating your “yellowness”. The sticker simply informs you that there is a driver on the road who may sometimes act more slowly and less clearly than others.

(2 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

The number of cars in our world is growing every day, so maintaining safety on the roads is becoming increasingly difficult. An important component of traffic rules are signs on cars. Today we will look at training signs, namely “Beginner Driver”.

When does the student sign hang while driving?

An exact answer to the question “When is the “newbie on the road” sign posted? no, since each person accumulates experience individually. Some people drive professionally within a year, while others don’t even need five years. But if you don't think you drive well enough, be sure to put up a learner sign. IN mandatory attach a sign to your vehicle if you just graduated from driving school. Do not neglect safety on the road, because the lives and health of other people depend on your decision!

Novice driver as the culprit of an accident

According to statistics, more than a third of all road accidents occur due to the fault of novice motorists.

There are two reasons for this:

  • Lack of driving experience among new drivers;
  • congestion of Russian roads due to the appearance of vehicles among more citizens.

To protect other motorists from accidents, we strongly recommend that you purchase a “New on the Road” sticker and attach it to your vehicle.

What does an exclamation mark on a car mean?

An exclamation mark on a vehicle means that the driver is a person whose driving experience does not exceed two years. A decree approving this was adopted in 2009 and is still in effect. This decree does not apply to all vehicles.
The exceptions are: self-propelled vehicles, agricultural machinery and motorcycles.
Other vehicles driven by a person with no driving experience MUST have the “Beginner Driver” designation.

The “Beginner Driver” plate is a yellow square with a side length of 150 millimeters and an exclamation point inside it that is 110 millimeters high.

But sometimes car enthusiasts replace it with other options:

  • a white triangle with a red frame and a teapot inside it;
  • if a girl is driving a car, then an image of a shoe is added to the exclamation mark;
  • a white equilateral triangle with the letter “U” inside it (applies only to a training vehicle driven by a driving school student under the guidance of an instructor, but as soon as training at the driving school is completed, the sticker must be removed and replaced with another one).

You can purchase a sticker at any specialized automobile store or gas station.

A white triangle with a red border and an exclamation point inside it - this designation is often confused with the beginner's sign. In fact, it DOES NOT relate to the experience of the motorist. It stands for "Other Hazards" and is installed on roads, not vehicles.

Where to put the “Beginner Driver” sign and how long should it hang?

Before you hang up the “Beginner Driver” badge, you need to know a few rules for installing it:

An exclamation mark should hang on a car for about two years, although there is active debate on this issue among the authorities and car enthusiasts.

Many people leave it even after two years of driving and there are many reasons for this:

  • the number of cuts is reduced;
  • the risk of a traffic accident is reduced
  • the carefulness of other motorists towards you increases (read the article about);
  • Road safety increases.

Experience is an uncertain concept that is individual for each car enthusiast, therefore, as soon as you begin to feel more confident behind the wheel, you can safely remove the sign.

Is there a fine for not having a “Beginner Driver” sticker?

Previously, the authorities did not force motorists to hang this sign on their car. Therefore, if a traffic police officer tried to issue a fine for his absence from the car, then the driver had the right to appeal his decision to judicial procedure. Other traffic police officers limited themselves to only recommending purchasing a sticker and hanging it on the car.

But March 24, 2017 an amendment was made to the 2009 decree, according to which motorists who do not have two years of driving experience are required to stick the “Beginner Driver” designation on their car. From April 4 a law comes into force according to which For the absence of an exclamation mark, a fine of 500 rubles is provided. Now it will not be possible to appeal the fine and you will have to bear responsibility.

Let's summarize the article:

  1. The sign is installed by beginners who do not have two years of driving experience, since experts believe that this time is enough to acquire the necessary experience. Inexperienced drivers get into traffic accidents 2% more often than others.
  2. Abroad, such designations have been mandatory on new cars for a very long time, which has significantly reduced the number of accidents on the roads.
  3. The sticker must be located on outside car, preferably from behind.
  4. It will be useful when passing a technical inspection.
  5. If you don't want to put on the "novice driver" label, then you most likely have newbie syndrome. Psychologists advise overcoming it and sticking an exclamation mark so as not to endanger yourself and others.
  6. The plate is removed after two years of driving.
  7. By placing this sign on your car, you show your disrespect for other road users.


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