​folk beliefs. Folk signs and superstitions about life for all occasions

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The existence of folk signs and superstitions has lasted since the beginning of humanity. And they accompany us throughout our lives. Their origins go back to the distant depths of antiquity. This was helped by the absolute and undeniable meanings that generally accepted signs and superstitions about life have. Existing in a wide variety of forms and manifestations, often folk signs and signals contain an accurate reflection of the essence of the processes that happen to us almost every day.

Interpretation may vary

Folk signs and superstitions about life are human observations that have been passed on from mouth to mouth for several millennia. Very often situations occur when the interpretation of the same symbols and signs among representatives of different nations is completely different from each other. For example, a Russian person perceives a black cat that crosses the road as a very negative omen, while an Egyptian, regardless of color, perceives this animal as a sign of impending good luck.

Signs played an important role

In ancient times, generally accepted signs and superstitions about life accompanied people not only in their personal lives, but also when making decisions at the state level. There were often cases when the outcome of a war was determined only by which foot the leader got up from in the morning. Folk signs and superstitions are considered to be those that have already gone out of use, but continue to influence our actions.

Very often, various signs perfectly reflect the true essence of what is happening to a person. But it must be remembered that folk signs and superstitions about life also contain a large number of false assumptions and misconceptions, giving an explanation for almost any sacrament in the form of a manifestation of forces of a supernatural, mystical nature. That is why we should not perceive the various signs encountered at every step as exclusively correct explanations of the events that happen to us. This may just be parting words for making an internal decision.

What could be the signs?

There are a huge number of folk signs and superstitions, but it just so happens that in most cases a person remembers and attaches greater importance to bad omens. Therefore, it is not surprising that the most famous and popular beliefs, to a significant extent, do not promise us anything good. Good folk signs and superstitions come across much less often.

Generally accepted signs regarding our lives are associated with the daily manifestation of everyday activities, important events that occur regularly. We should consider in more detail those folk signs and superstitions that may be associated with our daily activities.

Beliefs that can accompany people in everyday life

The bad ones are not noticed by many at the present stage. And this happens until something happens. This is due to the fact that we simply ignore superstitions. Of all the signs, many talk about failures in business or endeavors. And it was they who attracted more attention, since a negative result in solving problems is always stored in memory. In addition, there are many more bad signs.

The most well-known negative superstitions include the one that states that if a black cat crosses your path, then nothing good can happen after that. And if a plate breaks, then you have to wait for happiness. But such a sign will speak of good things only if everything happens by chance.

Popular superstitions

Some signs should be highlighted.

  1. If you leave the slippers you wear at home in a crossed position, you are inviting disaster.
  2. Soggy salt portends bad weather.
  3. Sweeping dust from your own home means sweeping good fortune from your family.
  4. Under no circumstances should you place a hat on the table, as this will lead to lack of money.
  5. It is not a good sign to exchange glasses during a meal.
  6. Misfortune is foreshadowed by porridge running out of the pan.
  7. To prevent misfortune from befalling you, you must return the knife that was taken for the purpose of cutting an apple or other fruit. This must be done “with a smile.”
  8. A change in weather is indicated by creaking and crackling furniture in the house.
  9. What other signs and superstitions are there about life? The mirror that fell and broke has negative meaning. This indicates the imminent death of a loved one.
  10. Passing salt to someone at the table during a meal portends a quarrel with this person. To prevent this, you need to laugh when passing this product.
  11. If you are returning a previously taken bucket, basket, bag, plate, jar, you need to put something in them. These items should not be given away empty. Then you too will have more.
  12. It is believed that laughter at the table encourages the demon to shit in the food.
  13. Uneaten food and unfinished drink are considered abandoned evils.
  14. Leaving the keys on the table means there is no money in the house.
  15. If you put on your left sleeve first in your clothes, expect trouble.

What are the birds trying to tell us?

There are signs and superstitions about birds. Even in ancient times, many peoples used birds in mystical rituals, casting spells or simply telling fortunes. The bird symbolized human soul. And such an association has remained. Today there are not only good superstitions, but also superstitions about life. Birds play the leading role in them. And it is worth noting that some signs have been scientifically substantiated.

Among the verified observations, one should highlight the belief regarding swallows that fly low. This indicates that it will rain soon. The veracity of this sign is very easy to explain. Before the rains there is a decrease atmospheric pressure. Accordingly, the insects that swallows catch begin to fly very low.

A large number of folk signs are associated with crows, chickens and sparrows. For example, there is a belief that if all the hens start clucking at once, a quarrel will occur in the family. If a chicken starts crowing like a rooster, then we should expect trouble.

A hero of both bad and good luck is a tit. If she suddenly flies into the window or knocks on it, expect trouble. There are other interpretations that explain the behavior of the bird. Her arrival suggests that good things should be expected soon. This is due to the fact that the tit is considered by some people to be a representative of the forces of light. And in folk legends it is often equated with the Blue Bird, which symbolizes happiness.

Several signs with birds

What other signs and superstitions are worth highlighting? Birds often make people nervous with their behavior. Here are some examples of superstitions:

  1. If a bird flies into a house through a window and immediately flies out, this indicates that a message will arrive soon. In some beliefs, this symbolizes that someone will die soon.
  2. A stork made a nest on a pipe? This is for wealth and happiness.
  3. If a bird flies into the chimney of a fireplace, it means someone's death.
  4. The raven cawing above the house speaks of illness.
  5. If a bird lands on a window, the owner of the house will face material costs.
  6. If a woodpecker starts knocking on the roof of a house, then you should expect trouble.
  7. If a bird dies in a cage on the morning of the wedding day, the marriage will be unhappy.
  8. If a stork begins to move away from a certain place before the allotted time, then a misfortune will occur in that area.
  9. When a bird hovers over or around a house, it indicates that someone will soon become ill.
  10. The three-time cawing of a crow flying over the house speaks of death.
  11. The flight of a bird of prey around the house symbolizes betrayal.
  12. When a swallow, having built its nest, leaves it, disaster will occur.
  13. An unexpected change in flight direction indicates approaching danger.
  14. If the rooster starts walking pompously at the door and crowing, then you need to wait for a stranger to come visit.
  15. Good luck will be indicated by the flight of a bird towards you. If they fly away from you, this is a bad omen.

Maybe the birds aren't trying to warn us?

If you analyze the behavior of birds and understand it, then it does not have any signs. They can be affected by weather, predatory animals, or lack of food. Good and bad omens and superstitions do not play any role in this case. Birds may knock on the window if it is cold. They are attracted to food and light. Don’t think that the tit is calling you for trouble, it’s just hungry.

Is it possible to protect yourself from bad omens?

If you are interested in signs, then take into account not only their interpretation. We must also take care of how to protect ourselves from the consequences if the belief is bad. For example, if you return home halfway, this indicates bad events that will happen in the future. To correct this situation, you need to look in the mirror before leaving again. This way you can protect yourself.

Has the salt crumbled? This is a bad omen. According to interpretations, such carelessness in actions will lead to a quarrel. But this can also be avoided. You just have to laugh, and the promised disagreements and disagreements will not happen. And if they do happen, it will not be the fault of the salt. Did a bird fly into the window? It is too Bad sign. Try to let her out of the house as quickly as possible. And you should try to spend a few nights, for example, with friends.

What can insects talk about?

Signs can be associated not only with weather, clothing, money and things. Animals or birds may be affected. But insects do not stand aside either. Some superstitions in which spiders and flies play the leading roles should be cited:

  1. If you killed the firefly, then your love was killed. Or a loved one may even die.
  2. What else do signs and superstitions say about life? A spider, or rather its fall onto your face from the ceiling, promises pleasant consequences.
  3. If a white spider nests above your bed, expect happiness. If it is black, the consequences will not be very pleasant.
  4. A fly falling into a glass from which you are about to drink or is already doing so is a sign of success in business.
  5. The descent of a small spider in front of the eyes - to a message, a letter.
  6. Ants in the house symbolize happiness.
  7. What other signs and superstitions about life can you identify? Flies getting into food promise a gift.
  8. If you find a spider on a dress, then you should expect profit.
  9. Killed a ladybug? Expect trouble. Killed a beetle? The result will be exactly the same. Killed a spider? 40 sins will be forgiven and misfortune should await.
  10. Is there a bug flying around the house? This speaks of trouble.
  11. You should expect bad news if you saw a spider and got scared. And if you didn’t scare me, everything will be fine.

You shouldn't always look for double meaning in what you see

Signs and superstitions do not have an unambiguous interpretation. And people have quite contradictory attitudes towards them. Some are convinced that these are just prejudices and are not worth attention. Others believe in omens whether they are good or bad. You choose how to relate to superstitions. Sometimes they can come true. But sometimes you should not look for any signs in them, since they can be explained quite simply.

The national traits of the Russian people imply the preservation of the traditions of their ancestors, which have come down to the current generation in the form of signs and beliefs. More common is the veneration of signs. The word "sign" comes from the word to notice or observe. In a broad sense, signs denote the transfer of accumulated observations from the older generation to the younger.

Signs contain a great deal of practical knowledge related to people’s everyday life, observations of weather and nature. They have preserved the traditions of ancient folk holidays and all of them, one way or another, have influenced our lives since ancient times. Russian folk signs echo signs existing in other countries, which once again confirms the commonality of human civilization contained in cultural traditions.

A similar situation arises with the category that is usually classified as superstition. If we compare signs and beliefs, the latter represent not just short remarks about life, but sometimes entire folk legends are concentrated in them. Beliefs are associated with mysticism, which is present in the world around people and influences their destinies. Therefore, beliefs, as a rule, contain a deeper meaning than omens. However, they apply equally to different sides human life, and the examples given will reveal the depth and completeness of their influence on the current state of affairs.

Signs and beliefs regarding brownies

When a person builds a house, he hopes to become the absolute owner of it. But the fact is that since ancient times, Russian people considered the main owner to be a little man with affectionate name Homebody. No one knows where exactly he lives in the house, and what appearance he has, but according to popular beliefs, he can sometimes take the form of some kind of animal.

You need to live amicably with the brownie, since he is considered the protector of the home, and is very active in the sense that he can express his dissatisfaction. For example, when they say that the cat is not in the yard, this may mean that the brownie did not accept the animal. This is due to the popular belief that the cat should be the first to be allowed into a new home. This was a kind of ritual of sacrifice, where the cat plays the role of a sacrificial animal saving a person.

According to legend, the first person to cross the threshold of a new house or spend the night in it will also die first. Following the rules of bioenergy, a cat is able to identify places in the house with positive and negative energy. By choosing unfavorable points, the cat helps to neutralize them, but the dog will indicate favorable places in all respects, suitable for placement, for example, bedrooms.

According to legends, the brownie becomes visible before an approaching misfortune, and his housewife wife may cry loudly at night before this. The brownie family includes many of their relatives and assistants, such as a yard worker, a haystack worker, a barn worker and others. The story of their appearance says that they were the ugly children of Adam and Eve, whom Adam wanted to destroy because of their ugliness. Eve begged him not to kill them, but to hide them from human eyes where no one would see them. Since then, they have been hiding from people and “working” as brownies.

Signs for home

Continuing the topic of signs and beliefs associated with human housing, it is necessary to note the great role of such a necessary household item as a broom. According to folk traditions it is under it that the brownie’s residence is located. Therefore, it is recommended to take the old broom with you when moving to a new home with the owner, who will preserve family well-being. In order for a broom to protect the house from witchcraft, it needs to stand in the corner with the whisk facing up. It is worth noting that this also has a purely practical significance: this way it will wear out less and last longer.

The sign prohibiting whistling in the yard and in the house is associated with monetary or material losses or damages. It is also not recommended to clean the house, sweep and wash the floors immediately after guests leave. This is due to the fact that in this way their traces can be washed away, which will block their path to this house.

In the system of Russian signs, great importance is given to the threshold. It represents the boundary between inner world home and external surrounding the home. On the threshold, it is not customary to greet each other and say goodbye, since, firstly, this is contrary to the rules of etiquette, and secondly, signs say that this can lead to a quarrel and open access to the house for evil spirits, rejoicing in your troubles. And the sign that one should not sweep dirty linen over the threshold of a house is also well-known, and is reflected in the well-known saying “don’t wash dirty linen in public.” In fact, it is prohibited to take trash out of the house after sunset, as this is fraught with losses and poverty.

Bread and salt

People have always had a special relationship with bread. This is reflected in the signs. It is believed that bread subtly senses the mood of the housewife baking it, therefore, in order not to offend him, you need to be in a good mood. It was impossible to clean until the bread was baked; this promised a drain on wealth. For the same reason, a knife should not be stuck into a loaf. Bread should never be thrown away if it is not suitable for food; it is better to give it to animals or birds.

An indispensable companion of bread, salt is also the heroine of omens. Her powers beware evil spirits, the so-called Thursday salt is used in various rituals. Famous sign that throwing salt into a quarrel has a practical basis. Since salt was quite expensive in Rus', it was therefore highly valued.

Everything connected with signs today is perceived by people on a subconscious level. They may remember them mechanically, often just as a joke. Many people treat them as superstitions, however, they switch sides as soon as they notice a black cat, or knock on wood so as not to “jinx” anything. Russian signs and beliefs have always been distinguished by their sincerity; some researchers have noted their poetry. But the most important thing is that people still believe that their implementation will help protect themselves from evil forces in our high-tech, but so fragile world.

Signs, beliefs and superstitions

Signs, beliefs and superstitions surround a person from birth to death. All peoples of the world have many signs and beliefs, some of which are common to many countries. Slavic peoples remain very superstitious. All occasions and phenomena in life have their own signs. Our ancestors gave great value phenomena of the world, noted all events and on this basis signs and beliefs grew.

What are signs? People's ingenuity, captured in vivid figurative expressions, the experience of mankind, evidence of its observation, ability to read celestial signals... Actually, this is not so important. It is important that such a phenomenon as omens exists, and you should not just discard centuries-old folk wisdom.

The universe was created by a certain order, a law, ignorance of which does not exempt you from unexpected twists of fate. If you do not follow these laws, if you break them, exactly what needs to happen to you will happen to you in order to teach correct behavior.

Sometimes it can be some small signals, such as a broken cup, a lost wallet, a chance meeting on the street, bad weather - just at the moment when you are getting ready for an important meeting.

Have you ever been in such a state when everything falls out of your hands or, on the contrary, everything goes like clockwork and succeeds? You are probably familiar with the situation when everyone, as if by agreement, is preventing you from doing something. Think about it, maybe you shouldn’t do it if things don’t work out from the very beginning.

There are cases when, with the help of such signals, celestial forces managed to prevent imminent disasters. At the last minute, the man suddenly changed his mind about going on tour, whether his sixth sense told him or something suddenly interfered, and he remained alive, but the passengers of the airliner in which he was supposed to fly died. What is this? Accident? Or the pattern according to which every change occurs in this world. Only the pattern is hidden, which not everyone can comprehend.
We call this ability intuition, the sixth sense, the gift of providence. Not everyone has it to the same degree, but it can be trained. You just have to take a closer look at life. And she herself will answer all the questions.

It would be most logical to start with signs associated with pregnancy, childbirth and the first years of a baby’s life.

A pregnant woman should not cut her hair before giving birth: the baby may be stillborn.

It was believed that the life force of a person was hidden in hair. Hair related big number prohibitions: they cannot be combed out and thrown into the wind; cutting, washing and combing hair was allowed only on certain, strictly agreed days. It was categorically not recommended for a child under one year old to even comb his hair - not just cut his hair. Lose your hair - reduce your hair vitality, shorten your life or, at the very least, deprive yourself of income. In some places it is believed that if a child is cut before the age of seven, then his “mind is cut.” All the main rituals are associated with hair, such as a wedding (the bride's braid), burial (the widow letting her hair down), etc. Hair was perceived as a part of a person that could “replace” him. That is, by having someone’s hair with you, you can influence that person. Therefore, mothers often wear the curls of their children on their chests in a special medallion, just as lovers wear the hair of their halves. The “substitution” effect also explains the belief that any sorcerer, having a person’s hair, can harm him or cause damage. Therefore, it is not recommended to leave cut hair in sight (which, by the way, is good for cleanliness). As for the ban on cutting a pregnant woman's hair, it may have its roots in ancient times, when hair partially protected against the cold.

You cannot sketch the appearance of a pregnant woman (and therefore take photographs): the child may be stillborn.

This superstition hardly has any real basis. It appeared, most likely, under the influence of the “doubles effect”: they say, if a child is captured before birth, it means that his development has stopped, as in a portrait (in a photograph).

A pregnant woman should not look at scary animals and freaks: the child will be a freak.

This sign has every reason. What the people came to through centuries-old observations has now been proven by medicine. Indeed, while still in the mother’s womb, the child reacts sensitively to sounds, light, and the emotional state of the mother. Therefore, expectant mothers are advised to look more often at something beautiful, aesthetically attractive, and experience more positive emotions. This affects not only the character, but also the appearance of the unborn child. Now they can be found in any manual for the expectant mother.

A pregnant woman should not step over earthen fruits (radish, beets, potatoes, etc.): a miscarriage may occur.

The key word in this case is “earth”. The dead are buried in the ground; therefore, if you step over the fruit of the earth, you will not respect it - and the earth will not respect your fruit, it will take it into itself.

A pregnant woman should not sew, cut or patch anything, especially during Christmastide and Semitic week, otherwise the child will either have a “patch” on her cheek ( birthmark), or his path to this world will be “sewn up”.

As you can see, we are talking about sharp objects - a knife, scissors, a needle. If, God forbid, a pregnant woman injects herself or injures herself, she will naturally experience a feeling of fright and fear, and this affects the condition of the child. A connection between the skin of the mother and the skin of the fetus cannot be ruled out.

Born in a shirt - happy. - This refers to the uterine "shirt".

If after birth it turns out to be undamaged, then this is evidence of the happy fate of the newborn. This “shirt” was then treasured and worn around the neck in a special medallion.

A pregnant woman should not eat twin fruits or eggs with two yolks: twins will be born.

The sign is primitive enough to come true. Although we can assume some influence of the “double” on the body. The essence of the sign is a warning, because twins have always been considered a misfortune. Of course, this is superstition. It is based on the fact that two people share one destiny and soul. Although, as for animals, they were specially given fused fruits so that they would bear double offspring.

An empty cradle cannot be rocked.

The ban is based on the same thing as the ban on sketching a pregnant woman: if you rock the cradle, then it turns out that it is already occupied, and there is no place for the unborn child in it.

On Fridays, pregnant women should not comb their hair.

The superstition is associated with the name Makosha, who can be offended by this, and then she will not come to the rescue during childbirth.

A pregnant woman herself should not prepare a dowry for the child, otherwise he will be born dead.

This can be partly explained by the belief in "doubles". Like, if the clothes are already ready, then the child should be in them, and not separately. But another explanation is no less realistic: it’s already difficult for a pregnant woman, but here she has to deal with the dowry - sewing, choosing. It is possible and necessary to prepare a dowry, but this should be done by one of the family members, and not by the expectant mother herself

There is no need to drop your child off after sunset: he will not sleep well.

A logical observation, because It’s impossible to put a child to bed, and sunset and children’s bedtime are almost next to each other. Parents, as a rule, are still young and playful, and this sign is a lesson to them.

There is no need to kiss little children: they may become dumb.

On a mystical level, it can be explained by the fact that an adult can “take away” or “kiss” the baby’s first word with his lips. The essence of the belief is in observing the rules of basic hygiene and, therefore, in caring for the baby’s health.

A child's lost tooth should be thrown into a corner. A mouse will take it, and then the baby will grow a tooth as strong as a mouse’s tooth in place of the one that fell out.

Most likely, this is just a funny, “amusing” belief invented specifically for children, so that they don’t feel sorry for parting with a tooth, and so that they don’t ask where it is. It’s a shame to just throw it away, because until recently the tooth was an integral part of the body. Leaving it is not aesthetically pleasing. The mouse is a wonderful way out of the situation. On the other hand, the magical role of the corner as a symbol of bonding and the strength of the house can also be taken into account.

You cannot dry children's clothes in the yard at night.

This belief is due to the fact that at night it goes wild devilry and damage can be caused to the child through clothing. In modern times, clothes can simply be stolen, so from this side it makes sense to listen to the old belief.

A pregnant woman should not eat in secret: the child will be born timid or a thief.

This sign is aimed at protecting pregnant women: eating secretly, in the dark, on the go is not healthy, and can lead to sudden fright. Through signs, they also tried to influence the husband’s attitude towards the pregnant woman: her increased appetite should be perceived kindly, without forcing her to rush or hide.

You cannot talk about the day and hour of birth to strangers.

Moreover, they try to hide it even from relatives, informing them about the accomplished fact. This is due to the fact that a woman in labor may be tormented as to whether everyone who knows about the birth will influence its outcome. At this time, they often deliberately distract household members and neighbors by finding them some kind of work. The main role in this case is played by the fear of the evil eye.

There should be no knots on the mother's clothes. If the braid is braided, it must be undone.

This is due to the idea of ​​the nature of the node. It is believed that the knot ties the child's exit into the world. For the same reason, a pregnant woman should not deal with ropes (here there is a direct association with the umbilical cord, which can strangle the child) and winding threads. At the same time, among the mystical amulets worn by pregnant women are bundles of yarn, red threads, etc. (everything is not braided into knots). Perhaps this sign has its roots in ancient times, when knotted writing existed in Rus' - it was used by wise men and storytellers, knitting threads into a kind of hieroglyphs (hence the ancient expressions: “weaving words”, “woven three boxes”). Thus, the knot could mean some kind of verbal sign, possibly unfavorable.

A pregnant woman should not sit on the doorstep.

First of all, this is due to those magical properties, which are attributed to the threshold as the border between two worlds - the external, foreign, and the internal, home, one's own. But, in essence, behind this one can see concern for the health of the expectant mother, because, firstly, sitting on the threshold is far from the most comfortable position for a pregnant woman, and sometimes downright dangerous, and, secondly, the threshold is a place of drafts, which There is absolutely no need for a woman in such a state.

Walking through a log is hard to give birth to children.

Again, it is primarily a matter of prescribing caution. Beliefs include not only a log, but also a rope (association with the umbilical cord), an axe, a pitchfork (piercing, sharp objects), a broom (a brownie lives under it and may be offended), etc. But, if you think about it, there is one thing in common here - you cannot step over an obstacle, take long steps, which are contraindicated during pregnancy.

A pregnant woman should not climb through the window: childbirth will be difficult.

The explanation is the same as in the previous case. It is only supplemented by a mystical prohibition associated with the window, through which, according to the old custom, the deceased was taken out of the house, so that he would not remember the way back through the door and would not appear as a ghost in the house.

Light three months of pregnancy - a boy will be born, heavy ones - a girl. The pregnant woman steps forward with her left foot - a boy will be born, with her right - a girl.

These signs should be taken as an experienced observation, without much explanation, just like the sign: “poke the belly towards the boy.” Even with certain discrepancies, they still have some basis.

To meet a pregnant woman is a sign of good luck; to see a pregnant woman in a dream is a sign of success.

The belief is based on the association of a pregnant woman with fertility and the continuation of life. It was believed that if she hit the cow three times with her apron, it would calve better. They also believed that caring for a pregnant woman could cure infertility. In exactly the same way, but in reverse, explains the belief that a pregnant woman should not be denied food, otherwise the person who refused will suffer a loss.

You can’t swear in front of a pregnant woman: the baby will be born with a birthmark.

This is more likely not a belief, but a sign, that is, noticed by long-term observation. It is no coincidence that doctors now recommend that pregnant women stay away from noisy places, sharp sounds, and nervous situations. All this negatively affects the child. Maybe it’s not a birthmark, but some other flaw will turn out to be the result of a quarrel or fear.

If you pour water on a pregnant woman during a drought, it will rain.

It is unlikely that there is any basis for this superstition, other than the mystical one, connecting two concepts: a pregnant woman, as a symbol of fertility, and rain, on which the harvest depends (it is just as groundless that communication with a pregnant woman can relieve infertility).

If a boy looks like his mother and a girl like his father, they will be happy.

Perhaps, from a genetic point of view, this observation has a certain meaning, but it is still unknown to us. Anyone can notice that in life the opposite often happens. And there are people who are not like either of their parents, and yet are not deprived of happiness. But remembering the belief that a pregnant woman should look at beautiful things and then the child will be born beautiful, we can guess what the essence of this is: love. If the expectant mother spends a lot of time with her husband during pregnancy, loves him, considers him the best, then the child will be like him. Why a girl? Perhaps because when carrying a girl, the first three months of pregnancy are more difficult than when carrying a boy, and therefore the presence and help of the future father are more necessary, and the pregnant woman often thinks and remembers him in his absence. Of course, children born out of love and not for other reasons are healthier and happier. But, I repeat, it is quite possible that geneticists have more accurate observations and explanations in this regard.

To prevent the child from being jinxed, he must be washed for the first time in water whitened with milk.

On the one hand, in this case the attitude towards milk as the main food of the child is expressed: they want it to be in abundance. On the other hand, water whitened with milk is not only good for the skin, but is also opaque, which helps protect the baby from the evil eye, even if unwittingly (after all, her own mother, without meaning to, can put the evil eye on the baby by excessively praising him).

The father of a newborn is treated to over-salted porridge with pepper.

This is more of a custom, rather than a belief or sign. The meaning of the custom is for the man to understand that it was “salty and bitter” for his wife to give birth. These are the words that will be uttered when presenting him with a spoon of porridge.

If a child does not begin to walk independently for a long time, you need to put a broom between his legs and then scatter the rods.

The superstition is based on a primitive image: a tied broom - legs tied with invisible fetters, scattered rods - free steps.

Anyone born on a new moon will live happily ever after.

It is logical if we take into account the influence of the moon both on the seas and oceans (high and low tides) and on the human body, which mainly consists of liquid. “On the waxing moon” it is easier for a mother to give birth and for a child to be born. The fullness of the moon is interpreted as the fullness

The newborn should be immediately placed on an inverted sheepskin coat - then he will be rich.

The motif of the “shaggy sheepskin coat” is often found, including in wedding ceremonies, where it is also associated with wealth and childbirth. The root of the belief is in the mystical relationship to hair, as well as in the worship of the beast chosen as the patron of the clan or tribe.

If more and more girls are born this year, then there will be no war during the year.

A primitive mystical belief that implies that only men go to war and, therefore, nature ensures their constant number, giving life to boys instead of dead men.

Until the child learns to speak, he should not be fed either fish soup or fish.

There is a direct connection here with the fact that fish “don’t talk.” Consequently, the child may remain mute. But, I think, a more prosaic, everyday explanation cannot be ruled out: there are small bones in the ear and in fish, and a child who has not yet learned to speak will not be able to say that he choked or pricked himself with a bone, which is fraught with complications and even the death of the baby .

You cannot cut a child's hair before he is one year old - he will grow up poor.

Again we see a manifestation of the forgotten cult of a hairy animal (as in the case of the sheepskin coat). It has long been believed that hairy people are happier, healthier and richer than others. Therefore, deprivation of hair is deprivation of all the mystical benefits associated with it. Another thing was added to this belief: until a baby is one year old, they don’t even cut their nails.

If a pregnant woman grabs her face in fear, the baby will have a birthmark on her face. The same applies to all other parts of the body.

This belief was partly explained above - by the fact that the mother and unborn child constitute a single organism. It is worth saying that this belief is one of the most tenacious and in any village there will definitely be a woman who knows about such a case. The author has heard about this more than once, especially in Ukraine. Once they even pointed to an adult with a huge birthmark on his face, explaining that his mother grabbed her face during a fire.

When visiting a woman in labor, you need to bring bread with you.

This is more a custom than a sign. Here we see both the attitude towards bread as the main food and a symbol of well-being, and the attitude towards the woman in labor, since she is still weak and needs help with housework (remember that housewives used to bake bread themselves). Now this custom has been transformed into giving a gift “for the first tooth”; most often it is a silver spoon.

Wedding signs.

If you sweep someone with a broom, you will remain single forever (you will not get married).
The belief is associated with several symbols: a circle, a broom, garbage. The broom symbolizes the strength of the house (all the rods are tied together) and drives away evil spirits. But if, during sweeping, a circle is closed with it, then the person will remain alone in this symbolic circle. They also believed that the souls of the dead could find refuge in household trash. When sweeping a person, they leave him with some of the unswept garbage, all around as if betrothed to him forever. In this regard, let us remember that a broom was often used in fortune telling about the groom.

If you sweep the floor unevenly, leave garbage behind, you will marry a pockmarked man.
The meaning of the belief is purely educational: with the help of such a tangible threat, they try to teach girls to clean the house clean. In fact, if garbage is visible everywhere, then which of the guests would want to take such a girl as a wife? Unless "pockmarked" is the one whom no one marries.

A guy can’t sit on the doorstep - no one will marry him.
WITH mystical point In terms of vision, this belief is explained in the same way as others associated with the threshold. The threshold is a sacred place, symbolizing the separation of worlds. It is the border between home and the outside world. At the same time, the threshold is an unfavorable place for health: it’s easy to catch a cold here. For all these reasons, you can neither greet each other across the threshold nor stand on it (the bride is carried over the threshold so that she does not step on it).

If you shake the bread crumbs off the table, there will be no money and you will marry a bald man.
This sign demonstrates the attitude towards the table, as one of the main symbols of the house (you must respect it, wash it after dinner, and not wipe it), and towards bread as a deified product (bread crumbs should not be thrown away). In childhood, this intimidation affects girls, and then they get used to how they have to clear the table so as not to marry a “bald man.”

There are so many wrinkles between the eyebrows, so many times to get married (or get married).
Most likely, the sign is of a humorous nature, warning against a gloomy frown. But physiognomists can explain it differently: the ancient science of the face is based on its observations.

To sit on the corner of the table means to remain a wench for seven years (not to marry).
The four corners close the plane of the table, its isolated space. And to sit on a corner is not to have a corner, because in this case it is outside the person, directed away from him, and does not capture him in the field of its influence. From an everyday point of view, this sign does not allow the hostess to seat guests poorly, awkwardly, because any of them, being seated “on the corner,” may be offended.

The matchmaker came to hand-shake - the door was hooked.
As soon as the matchmaker or the matchmaker with the groom's relatives enter the house of the bride's parents, the door is immediately closed with a hook - so that a person who accidentally enters does not jinx the matter.

The matchmaker should not sit in the bride's house. If he sits down, things won’t work out. - They also say that if the in-laws are imprisoned, then the young people’s children will be seduns and will get back on their feet late. If he agrees to drink, then his children will grow up to be drunkards. If they persuade her to eat, then the children will suffer from gluttony.
Nowadays, either matchmakers are less experienced than before, or they have stopped attaching importance to omen, but the author has more than once had the opportunity to see a matchmaker sitting and drinking tea at weddings.

Before the wedding, the bride and groom need to stick pins into their clothes.
This is done so that a sorcerer or simply an envious person does not put the evil eye on the young.

You have to get married in April, before the last day.
The advice and sign is based on the fact that getting married in May means “toiling for the rest of your life.”

Its roots go back to the times when May was firmly associated with the sowing season. However, even now May matchmaking and weddings are an advantage of the city, but not the village.

Before starting wedding negotiations, the matchmaker warms his hands by the stove - otherwise there will be no sense in the agreement.
The sign goes back to the belief that the souls of the dead live in the oven. Warming his hands, the matchmaker seems to welcome them. Although, if you think about it, it really doesn’t bother a person who comes in from the cold (and there have been reservations when it’s late autumn outside) to warm up - then things will go better. Moreover, the matchmaker had to stand all the time; she was forbidden to sit. The matchmaker was usually greeted with the refrain “Oh, Lada, Lada!”, which called upon the ancient Russian goddess Lada, the patroness of love and marriage, to help. Since then they say: “the wedding will get along,” “the family will get along,” that is, they remember the name Lada.

To get married in May means to toil for the whole century.
This sign has already been briefly discussed earlier - we will dwell here in more detail. People also say this: “I would be glad to get married, but May doesn’t tell me to”; or: “Good people don’t get married in May.” This is primarily due to the fact that in May they begin field work, which end only in the fall. May was considered a difficult month also because winter supplies were already running out, and summer food was not yet available. In May they tried not only not to get married, but also not to get married: it was believed that the May family would not be strong. Close to this belief is this: “To be born in May means to suffer for the whole century.” In practice, this belief still retains its role in rural areas, where everything is subordinated to the agricultural cycle. And the townspeople try not to ignore him. However, there are many May weddings, and they are not always unlucky. I can testify: the author’s parents, who got married in May, lived in harmony for about forty years, until the death of their father.

To avoid quarrels in the future, the young wife, entering her husband’s house, breaks a plate. Then they step over the fragments together.
The custom of breaking dishes at a wedding has survived to this day. In Moscow, the author has seen more than once how, on Vorobyovy Gory or on Poklonnaya Hill, where wedding corteges are arriving, young people, after drinking champagne, immediately break their glasses. However, the groom does not have to break the dishes. The tradition probably goes back to the days when the bride broke the pot. If it was broken, it means the bride is chaste, but if not, it means she didn’t protect herself. There is another explanation: breaking the dishes means: giving up your single life.

Drop wedding ring before putting it on your finger is a bad omen.
In essence, the sign does not carry a special load; it is built only on an external symbol. Indeed, dropping the ring at such a moment can ruin the mood of yourself and your spouse, especially if one of the spouses is superstitious. But this sign has roots, and they go back to the times when the symbol itself - the ring - was interpreted as a symbol of eternity. It’s not for nothing that young people were led around a lectern (a circle), and even earlier - around a tree. In other words, the dropped ring suggested that this marriage would not last forever.

No one should cross the path of the bride and groom.
Crossing the road for anyone is popularly interpreted as “cutting” it, violating the integrity of the path. Evil people deliberately tried to cross the road in front of the wedding train in order to deprive the newlyweds of luck in life. To avoid this, people go ahead of the wedding procession and take it upon themselves: in this case, it turns out that the young people themselves were not crossed.

The bride's heel broke, which means... family life will be "limping".
The sign is as primitive as the sign of the dropped ring, for it is built on a superficial comparison of the “lame” bride and the “lame” life. But, alas, they believe in it, and almost all brides test the strength of their heels before the wedding. And if, God forbid, the heel does break, then they try with all their might not to show it and keep the secret for years. In fact, the worst thing that can happen in this case is that the mood will be a little “lame”, and only if the bride herself believes in this sign.

If the bride loses a pin, she will lose good luck.
A pin (like other sharp metal objects) - a traditional amulet. Accordingly, such a loss was interpreted as a deprivation of magical protection from evil spirits.

Before the newlyweds enter the house, an unlocked lock is placed under the threshold; As soon as they entered, the lock was locked with a key and thrown away.
This custom symbolizes that the young people have already stepped beyond their free, “open” life. The locked castle is immediately thrown away - so that it cannot be found - for example, into a well. It is believed that after this the husband and wife will be inseparable.

Both the bride and groom put money in their shoes on the first day of their wedding; as a rule, the groom - under both heels, the bride - only under the left heel.
On the one hand, this custom symbolizes the desire for wealth (all life “to spend money”). On the other hand, the coin serves as a talisman (let’s remember the student custom of putting a nickel in their shoes before an exam). The protective function is also emphasized by the fact that the bride keeps the coin under her left heel. When the bride, according to custom, takes off the groom's shoes in the evening, she takes the money from his shoes for herself. This custom reminds the young husband that he must bring wealth to his family, wife and children.

At weddings they always shout “Bitter!”
This custom has a long history. Previously, the bride walked around the guests with a tray; the guest put money on him to set up housekeeping, took the glass standing on the tray, drank it and said: “Bitter!”, confirming that he drank vodka, not water, for the health of the young people; after that he kissed the bride. Those who didn’t give money simply drank, saying “It’s bitter!” and being content to watch others kiss. Gradually, this custom was replaced by a playful demand for more and more kisses from the newlyweds themselves.

The father-in-law and mother-in-law greet the newlyweds at home with bread and salt. Whichever of the young people bites off the largest piece without using their hands will dominate the family.
The sign is funny, invented rather so that everyone’s mood is light and cheerful. But the very custom of greeting with bread and salt is ancient, as has already been mentioned above (bread symbolizes prosperity, salt is a talisman against evil forces).

The day after the wedding, the mother-in-law feeds her son-in-law pancakes.
This is one way to inform those present about the bride's chastity. If the groom ate the middle of the pancake and put it aside on his plate, this indicated that the bride had not maintained her virginity.

The funeral starts with pancakes, and the wedding ends with pancakes.
The meaning of the second part of this custom is explained above: it is about confirming the bride’s chastity or that she is not a virgin. Presumably, the mother-in-law will be quite nervous while she waits to see whether her son-in-law will eat the pancake or, having eaten the middle, leave it on the plate.

Wedding cars are often decorated with red ribbons.
They do this according to tradition, without thinking about its meaning. Sometimes they decorate the car with both red and blue ribbons, believing that red indicates the presence of the bride in the car, and blue indicates the presence of the groom. But previously, these two colors together were simply unthinkable, because the red ribbon symbolized (on the second day after the wedding!) the innocence of the bride, and the blue one - completely the opposite! On the second day, the son-in-law came to his mother-in-law with a scarf or ribbon of one color or another. If the bride was unchaste, it was considered a disgrace for her family. In public, her mother was given a pie with a hole, and her father was given a cup with a hole.

Unexpected rain on your wedding day means wealth in a young family.
This is due to the attitude towards rain as a celestial phenomenon that has magical power. Without rain, fertility, harvest, and therefore wealth are truly unthinkable. In some places there is an opposite belief: rain means tears; but it is much less common.

The bride should not cross the threshold of the house where she will live with her husband alone: ​​either she crosses the threshold together with the groom, or he carries her over the threshold in his arms.
This is due to the mystical role of the threshold in the house, which we have already discussed. The requirement to cross the threshold together symbolizes the desire from now on to do everything together, in complete agreement.

During the wedding, the bride's shoes are stolen and a ransom is demanded for them.
Holding the bride's shoe in one's hands was considered good luck (if a girl gets married and doesn't remain a wench, it means she is lucky).

It is customary to throw old, worn-out shoes after the bride and groom.
The author has observed several times in villages: a wedding cortege is rushing by, the women do not have time to run into the house for shoes, so they take the worn-out shoe off their feet and throw it after the cars, and then put on their shoes again. They explained this custom to me this way: let everything that is old, passed through, worn out, remain in the past for the young and will never be remembered, like worn-out shoes; let them only go forward, “in new shoes.”

For a wedding, they bake a “grove” - a wedding cake decorated with dough figures on sticks. - The figures symbolize the bride and groom, the sticks symbolize a grove in which all the trees are together, and not individually. Dough is a symbol of well-being and fertility.

The wedding wreath cannot be thrown away.
A wedding wreath is an indispensable decoration of the bride to this day (now, however, all that remains of it is a bouquet of myrtle in the bride’s hairstyle); it symbolizes, along with the ring and crown, eternity. At the same time, this is the girl’s last headdress, because, having become a wife, a woman, she no longer has the right to wear a wreath on her head. During the wedding, the wreath also served as a talisman, since protective plants (for example, basil) were often woven into it. And it was not allowed to throw away the wedding wreath because healing and even medicinal properties were attributed to it: the flowers were specially selected for it and received a charge of light energy during the wedding period.

Now let's look at the signs about the house - the most important place for a person.

The old man is the first to enter the new house.
The belief primarily reflects respect for elders. But there is also a mystical meaning in it. It is connected with the fact that starting a new business, a new stage of life requires sacrifice. The role of the victim was taken on by the old man, since it was believed that the one who first crossed the threshold of the new house or spent the night in it would be the first to die.

The cat is the first to be allowed into the new house.
In essence, this custom is based on the same thing as the previous one. But another interpretation is added to it: a cat is able to find the healthiest thing in the home, cozy place. They enter the house after the cat has settled down in this place. Usually a bed is placed there for the young, and after the birth of a child - a cradle. The author specifically observed the further fate of the cats that were the first to be let into the new home. There were no deaths among them. Moreover, one lived a fantastically long life - about twenty years.

On the first night in a new house, the rooster must be locked up.
It is clear that the reason for this belief is the same as the previous ones. The main thing is to make a sacrifice, and it is desirable that it be as “bloody” as possible, not human. In addition, the rooster Slavic mythology the ability to disperse evil spirits was attributed (the rooster crowed three times, announcing the dawn, and the devils fled). A rooster is also allowed into the house for the reason that it was considered one of the symbols of fertility. Consequently, his stay in the new hut provided the new settlers with children and wealth.

Don’t let the copy out of public view of Fedora.
In every hut there is a “grandfather”, an “owner” - a brownie. He lives wherever he wants - behind the stove, or in the closet, or under the threshold. His favorite item in the house is a broom. On Fedorin's day, the brownie does not come out from under the broom, so the housewife must be careful not to throw out the “grandfather” with the garbage, otherwise he will be offended and start doing dirty tricks.

When moving to a new house, take the old broom with you.
This belief, like the previous one, is due to the fact that a brownie can live under a broom. But, in addition, people have developed a difficult attitude towards the broom due to its mystical duality. On the one hand, a broom and a broom are the favorite tools of witches, who fly on them, shake off dew with them, cause damage, and send diseases (throw the broom after them or throw it under the threshold - and you’re done!). On the other hand, since a broom is used to get rid of dirt, it is also credited with the ability to get rid of evil spirits (they sweep the path in front of newlyweds, etc.). If a broom was used to sweep away the straw on which the deceased was washed, such a broom must be thrown away. But when moving to a new house, they always took an old broom with them: firstly, to move the brownie; secondly, so that they don’t step on the discarded broom and thereby cause trouble to the owners.

Don't whistle in the house - there won't be any money. You can't whistle in the house, otherwise it will be empty.
People generally have a negative attitude towards whistling. Whistling is a pastime for idle people. In addition, by whistling sharply, you can scare a child or a pregnant woman, so this fun is dangerous. And mystically, this is associated with the whistle of the wind, which can take money and property away from the house. But the closest thing in this case is an everyday explanation: how can everyone else in the household like it when one of them constantly whistles? So they let him know: if you whistle, you will bring misfortune on everyone, including yourself.

Washing or sweeping the floor immediately after the departure of a loved one or guest is the same as washing it out of the house.
A belief, the essence of which is the mystical perception of a person and “traces from him.” The man left, but the atmosphere in the house where he stayed for some time still remained, as did a certain “spiritual trace” of the food on the dishes from which they had just eaten. There is no need to destroy these mystical traces immediately (unless, of course, we are talking about the “traces” of the enemy).

Forgetting something in someone else's house means returning there soon.
I think it’s clear here, even without any mysticism: if you’ve already forgotten something, then willy-nilly you’ll have to come back. And since they usually carry things necessary for every day with them (in our time - a telephone book, an umbrella, etc.), it is logical that they will need to return as soon as possible.

A brick falls out of the oven - don't expect anything good.
This is due to the attitude towards the stove as one of the most important symbols of the house (not to mention the everyday danger of such damage). The stove in the minds of the people is not only warmth and hot food, but also a place through which the house is connected with the outside world (we remember stories about witches flying out of the chimney). Previously, people also slept on the stove, so dreams and the image of the stove were also combined. A fallen brick violates the integrity of the stove as the boundary between the house and open world. Through the resulting hole, evil spirits, the soul of the deceased, illness, damage, etc. can enter the house. Some beliefs connect the falling brick with the penetration of the mythical fiery serpent into the house. It seems that there is also a hidden everyday meaning in this, since we are talking about the increasing possibility of a fire.

Saying hello and goodbye on the doorstep means a quarrel.
The meaning of this belief goes back to the special role of the threshold in the house (like the stove) - the mystical boundary between the outside world and the home (which we have already discussed). But the everyday meaning is also quite clear: it is inappropriate to start greetings before inviting the person to enter, or to continue the conversation when the guest has already left. That is, we are talking about the rules of decency and politeness.

The broom should stand in the corner with the handle down: this saves you from the evil eye.
A broom is perceived not only as an object for cleaning the house, but also as one of the important mystical symbols. Garbage was associated with the restless souls of the dead, and a broom was in constant contact with garbage. The broom is also one of the brownie's shelters. At the same time, witches fly on a broom (on a broom), evil spirits cover their tracks with them, and with the help of a broom left somewhere by a careless housewife, one can cause damage and send illness. Based on all this, the attitude towards the broom is ambivalent. Putting it with the handle down means using it protective function, namely, to call on the brownie for help and show the enemies of the house that you are ready to sweep them out. In essence, thrifty housewives always hold the broom with the handle down for the simple reason that it lasts longer this way. And finally, only a clean broom can be placed with the handle down, which is what this custom implicitly suggests.

Storing broken dishes is bad luck.
Broken dishes symbolize damage, lack of integrity (one can recall the custom of breaking dishes at a wedding, associated with the fact that the bride loses her virginity). Consequently, storing broken dishes in the house can lead to discord and disagreement. From an everyday point of view broken dishes It’s simply dangerous: you can get hurt. And therefore it is better not to provoke misfortune by gluing together shards, but to get rid of them. It is not for nothing that the ancient belief has been preserved: “Dishes breaking are good luck.” Everyone has forgotten that this has to do with the bride, and repeats it just so as not to darken their mood because of a broken cup.

The doors began to creak - unfortunately.
This belief can be explained in the same way as the beliefs about the stove or threshold. A door is not only a real protection from strangers, but also a symbolic obstacle to evil spirits. Naturally, its creaking is perceived as a kind of warning. In reality, the creaking of the door escalates the situation more than any mystical interpretation of it. And the longer the door remains unlubricated, the greater the likelihood of mutual claims and a possible quarrel, which is one of the manifestations of “misfortune.”

Don't sit on the doorstep - you'll get sick.
We have already spoken more than once about the mystical role of the threshold. In the everyday sense, everything is clear: sitting on the threshold, a person holds the door open and finds himself in a draft. In addition, the threshold is located close to the ground, to dampness, which also provokes the disease.

When moving to a new house, do not leave garbage in the old one: it can cause damage.
Very useful advice, we will say, especially if we imagine the words and thoughts of the new owners that will be addressed to the sluts. And the word, as you know, also has physical power. Sometimes it is proposed to move old garbage to a new house and throw it away there. I think this is excessive zeal; It’s better to use such diligence for cleaning - then there will be no reason to cause damage.

Don't throw out trash in the evening: they might steal.
The mystical meaning of the belief is associated with the danger of losing something, of taking something away from oneself after sunset, when evil spirits begin to rule. A trace of the belief that garbage is a refuge for restless souls remains in this ban; therefore, it is not good to get rid of it at night, in the dark. For the same reason, the custom of throwing garbage on the road, at an intersection, has been preserved in some places (the author of these lines observed this many times in Ukraine, in particular in Ilyinka and Znamenka, where this is exactly how the meaning of the actions was explained). And for the same reason, it is not recommended to burn household waste.

To protect the house from witches and evil people, you need to stick a pin or needle into the door with the point outward.
The belief is associated with the attitude towards sharp objects as a mystical protection from an ill-wisher. It doesn't matter whether he sees the needle or not. The main thing is that the owners should be calm, knowing that the evil look is neutralized. Mystical powers were also attributed to amulets plants that either have thorns (thistle), or are capable of causing a burning sensation (nettle), or have a pungent odor (mint) or a pungent taste (pepper).

Moved into a new house - ceiling whole year no need to whitewash.
Over the course of a year, the house will settle, the ceiling will deform and the whitewash will still be damaged. After whitewashing the ceiling, the housewife will walk around with a broom and sweep all the time (as this happens now in all new houses, especially urban ones).

Don't sit on the windowsill, girl, you won't get married.
One of the prohibitive signs that should work if the normal explanation that it is inappropriate for a girl to sit on the windowsill does not work. First of all, it's dangerous; and secondly, from time immemorial, a girl should not have exposed herself. The girl sitting on the windowsill, who does nothing but stare at the street, will be famous for having only one thing on her mind: meeting guys, looking out for her groom.

Don’t start building a house when you are old, otherwise you will sooner die.
There is another version of this belief: buying new clothes in old age means death. Many, unfortunately, believe in this and deprive themselves of small human joys. Although, if you think about it, the basis of the belief is just an ordinary law: in old age you don’t know whether you will finish building a house, how long you will have to wear new clothes.

Do not sweep with two brooms in one day; you will sweep away your wealth.
Here we can see a mystical connection with the brownie, who is alone in the house and therefore cannot be under two brooms at once. The everyday reason lies in the proverb: “Every broom sweeps in its own way”: That is, sweeping with different brooms, the housewife, against her will, can leave garbage somewhere.

If you sweep the house with a wormwood broom, evil spirits will not appear.
The belief is based on the attitude towards wormwood as one of the amulets. It is believed that the pungent smell of this herb repels not only evil spirits, but also evil people, and also resists damage.

When you sweep a house, sweep away from the threshold rather than towards it, otherwise you will sweep away all the wealth.
Revenge on the threshold means moving beyond the boundaries of your home, your space. At the same time, along with the garbage (which, as we know, has also been mystified), you can sweep away something of your own - good, valuable. Even in the yard, after the dead person was taken out, the garbage was swept towards the house, motivated by the desire for everyone alive in the house to remain.

There was a hum in the chimney - the soul of the dead man was tormented.
It was believed that if you close the stove damper, the connection between the house and the outside world stops. This means that the soul that wanted to visit the house remained in the chimney and is tormented there, howling. In this case, you need to pray for the dead. The stove was closed with a damper when someone went on the road, so that conversations at home about him would not go down the drain and would not be heard by “strangers.”

The front corner of the house is cracking - bad luck for the owner.
For the Slavs, a corner is not only a symbol of their own home (to have their own corner), but also one of the habitats of a brownie. In some areas, it is believed that evil spirits generally live in the corner (hence the fumigation of the corners of the house to drive away illness and all evil spirits). Water was poured under the outer corner of the house, which was used to wash the deceased, and the garbage left after the funeral was burned there. This mystical attitude towards the corner also explains the beliefs associated with it. Unexpected sounds - crackling, knocking - coming from the corner were considered a sign of otherworldly forces. The everyday explanation of the belief is that the owner simply needs to pay attention to the condition of the corners of the house. If they settle (it is because of this that the cracking sound is heard), then things will certainly not go well - not only for the owner, but also for all household members.

The rooster shook his head - there will be trouble.
The belief is based on a dual attitude towards the rooster. On the one hand, it is a prophetic bird, capable of fighting evil spirits. On the other hand, he himself, having aged, becomes a representative of devilish forces (he may even “lay an egg”, from which a “baby” is born, which then brings the owners to death). As a rule, it is the old rooster who starts shaking his head. Therefore, in popular belief, there is a recommendation to get rid of it as soon as possible. It is clear that an old rooster is not needed on the farm. And superstition is a reason to part with it in the name of well-being in the house.

Knocking in the house for no reason means someone's death.
The basis of the belief is the same as in the case described above with a crash in the corner. It is believed that someone’s soul has come and warns about the imminent death in the house.

Sweep the rubbish out of the house where the deceased lies before he is taken out - that means sweep all the living from the house.
Since household litter and garbage retains part of the aura of the deceased (as in all objects and in the very air of the home), the garbage does not need to be swept away while the body is in the house. If this is done earlier, then the soul of the deceased will be restless: part of it is already being swept away, as if in a hurry to get rid of it. The everyday explanation lies in the fact that you really need to clean up after removing the body, and not hastily, but properly.

Now let's talk about signs associated with food.

You can’t eat in the dark or on the sly, otherwise the children will become thieves.
We have already talked about this sign in connection with caring for pregnant women, but this applies to all people. Probably, the belief has primarily an ethical meaning. Eating is an important life process, and it should take place in convenient, comfortable conditions. Unlike animals, who, having obtained food or stolen it, eat, hiding from prying eyes, man eats openly: he has no need to hide, he earned his bread himself. If someone eats in the dark, it means that he is hiding. Why? Maybe he is a thief? Then his children can become thieves, according to the proverb about the apple tree and the apple. The parable of a father who sent his son to steal a ram is appropriate here. The son did not steal, but bought a ram, but did not tell his father about it. They ate the sheep whole month. The son became healthier and looked well-fed, but the father remained just as thin. And all because one was calm, and the second was constantly afraid that the theft would be discovered, and the food did not serve him well.

A large grain harvest means imminent famine.
The belief is based on the observation of the cyclical nature of harvests and crop failures. Usually, due to the small plot of land, peasants sowed cereals in the same place, without being able to alternate crops. As a result, the land could not constantly bear fruit, it required “rest,” and a harvest year was often followed by a lean year. The belief encouraged economy and prudence.

Don't eat from a knife - you'll be evil.
The belief is associated with the mystical perception of the knife as a talisman against evil spirits. Therefore, one must treat him with respect. The everyday side of the issue is much simpler: if a person eats from a knife, he can injure his tongue or lips. Here you will inevitably become evil.

He who eats stale bread swims well and is not afraid of thunderstorms.
Modern doctors also talk about the benefits of dried, “yesterday’s” (but not stale or moldy) bread. Maybe that’s why crackers have been so popular for centuries. But I think it’s better to agree with V.I. Let us say that it is based on the usual pedagogical “trick”: they say, eat, children, don’t be picky about what they give. And since everyone wants to swim well, this skill also promises. The connection between swimming and thunderstorms is interesting here. The fact is that in the old days it was considered very useful to swim during a thunderstorm: people who lived in unity with nature could not help but notice the energy saturation of water during a thunderstorm. They went and communicate with the god of thunder and lightning - Perun.

Throwing away bread is a great sin. He who throws away half-eaten pieces rather than feed them to the birds will become poor.
The belief is very ancient, and its meaning is clear: bread must be protected, it grew with the help of Dazhbog (the Sun), a lot of labor was spent on its cultivation and processing. Whoever is not thrifty with bread will be punished by the heavenly forces. This is also true in an everyday sense: whoever is not thrifty is doomed to be poor. As for birds, people from ancient times had careful attitude, since birds symbolized the souls of the dead. It is better to give the bread to them and thereby perform a good deed than to throw away a piece without any meaning.

The first pancake is funeral. They put it on the windowsill, saying: “Our honest parents! Here is a pancake for your soul!” Whoever bakes pancakes for a funeral cares about satiating the soul of the deceased. You can’t let strangers watch you bake pancakes: they can jinx it and the pancakes won’t work.
Pancakes are a favorite ritual dish among the Slavs. This is due to the fact that the pancake personified the Sun, the solar disk, and the Slavs in ancient times worshiped the Sun as supreme god. That’s why pancakes were baked for Maslenitsa (to welcome the arrival of spring, the bright Sun), and for weddings, and for funerals. There are many beliefs associated with the first pancake, and each of them is based on the fact that it is intended for the soul of the deceased. The pancake is deliberately left either on the windowsill or on the grave. The second of the above beliefs (whoever bakes pancakes cares for the soul of the deceased) restores the root connection between the words oven and bake. Pancake is rightfully considered older than any other bread product; Moreover, it is also a symbol of eternity (circle). Housewives noticed that if a stranger watches how pancakes are baked, then they are not baked so perfectly. Probably, the reason should not be sought in the evil eye, but in the fact that in front of strangers the woman begins to rush, gets nervous - and as a result, does not watch the pancakes as carefully as in her usual environment.

Don't eat peas on an empty stomach - you'll jinx someone.
The belief is associated with a dual attitude towards peas. On the one hand, this is one of the magical symbols of fertility (it is no coincidence that they sprinkle it on the bride, wishing a new family many children). On the other hand, peas are quite heavy food and should be added to food little by little. A breakfast that starts with peas can ruin a person's mood for the whole day. And this will have a bad effect on your attitude towards others.

A pot of porridge cracked in the oven - not good.
A pot of porridge is one of the symbols of well-being in the home. The respect for the pot in the oven is further enhanced by the fact that it is round and hot (echoes of the deification of the Sun). With the help of a stove pot (like a broom) they transferred the brownie from the old home to the new one. The stove pot was often used in fortune telling, to communicate with the souls of the dead. But even without this ancient mysticism, a pot of porridge cracked in the oven is, of course, not good: what kind of good can we talk about if the family is left without porridge and needs to buy a new pot.

Do not eat while crossing the threshold: the unclean can take possession of you.
As we have already said, the threshold separates one’s own, homely, protected space from someone else’s, inhabited by various forces, including evil ones. Therefore, by crossing this border with an open (chewing) mouth, a person gives the opportunity for the unclean to move into him. But perhaps even more important is the everyday meaning of the belief: while eating while walking, you can trip over the threshold. You have to eat at the table.

Don't eat while studying: you'll remember what you've learned.
The same belief applies to reading while eating. Its essence is based on physiology: during eating, blood rushes to the stomach, and not to the brain, so what has been learned is “stuck”, that is, it is simply not perceived or remembered. The belief also reflects a respectful attitude towards food, towards the very process of eating, which among the people is quite strictly regulated: when, where and how you can eat.

Forgetting a spoon on the table after dinner means visiting a guest.
These and many other signs and beliefs associated with the guest are based on the inseparability of the guest and the treat, food. Leaving a spoon on the table after everyone is full and has had lunch is only for the guest. Let us also note the partial overlap of this sign with the belief about two pieces of bread: if you start eating the second piece when the first one is still uneaten, it means that someone close to you is starving. That is, everything that accidentally turned out to be unnecessary at the table is for someone else or in memory of someone else. On the day of remembrance of a loved one, they even installed a separate device for him.

If you cook corned beef during the new moon, it will soon spoil.
The new moon is popularly associated with spoilage of almost all food products. This is not accidental, for many legends and myths are based on the fact that the Moon is the planet of the dead, where their souls live, having flown away from the Earth; Accordingly, the light of the Moon is a dead light that negatively affects all living things. In this sense, the Moon is opposed to the life-giving Sun. “On the waxing Moon” (from new moon to full moon) its light is more active than “on the waning Moon.” Therefore, all food preparations at this time are doomed to failure. There is some reason to listen to this sign, based on experienced folk observations, because in different phases of the Moon some processes (including salting) proceed differently.

On Vozdvizhenye, pickles should be shaken in a tub - then they will be stored better.
It is advisable to shake pickled cucumbers not only on Vozdvizhenye. But here we are dealing with a popular play on words: Exaltation - move, move. In the same way, people say: on Tikhon the Sun is quieter. In this case, the play on words reflects an astronomical phenomenon: by the end of June, the Earth actually rotates around the Sun at a speed that is 3,600 kilometers per hour less than at the beginning of the year.

Don’t drink by attack (that is, lying down or on your knees), otherwise the devil will push you with a spatula.
On the basis of this belief, fairy tales were created about brother Ivanushka and sister Alyonushka, about the peasant and the devil, etc. It is based on a mystical prohibition to drink water from open bodies of water, without separating oneself from them, but on the contrary - connecting with them, as if bowing to the merman and other evil spirits, submitting to them. The everyday meaning is even more clearly visible: after all, drinking while leaning towards the water (river, lake) means exposing yourself to the danger of drowning. In addition, using a glass or mug for drinking, a person is able to evaluate the quality and purity of water.

Wiping the table with paper means a quarrel.
This belief is not so old, but it is based precisely on the ancient respect for the table, which must not only be wiped, but thoroughly washed, and wiped not haphazardly, but carefully, with a soft cloth or even a towel intended for this purpose. The belief is also based on association: noise, rustling paper - the sound of a quarrel.

Don’t brush crumbs off the table with your palm, otherwise you’ll have to ask for crumbs with the same palm.
A prohibitive belief emphasizing respect for bread. Even the crumbs must be collected and eaten. Or give it to the birds, but under no circumstances throw it on the floor.

At the beginning and at the end of lunch, eating a piece of bread with salt is good luck.
Bread and salt is not only a symbol of hospitality, but also magic amulet. It was believed that salt protects against evil spirits and is useful to eat along with another holy product - bread. The very origin of the word salt is connected with the Sun: the ancient Slavic name for the Sun is Solon; “to walk in salt” (an ancient expression still in use in some places) means: “to walk along the Sun.” "Bread and salt!" - traditional wishes for goodness, prosperity, good appetite. And hospitality is close in meaning to hospitality. Finally, one more explanation for this sign: if you can eat bread and salt before lunch, it means you are hungry; and if you can do it after lunch, it means you didn’t overeat. A good omen.

The bread in the oven split in two - signifying the departure of one of the household members.
This refers to the separation of part of a loaf from the whole. Bread is a symbol of family unity: about those who find themselves outside the family, they say: “a cut off slice.” And based on the association “splitting a loaf - splitting a family,” they make the assumption that someone may leave.

Spilling tea means misunderstanding.
One of the many “softening” signs that carries neither a positive nor a negative load. Its purpose is only to defuse the situation and prevent psychological discomfort from arising. Someone spilled tea (it’s already a misunderstanding!) - and everyone remembers the omen. The misunderstanding is over and you can immediately forget about it.

A tea leaf floating in a glass means a gift.
A similar belief exists about a fly caught in soup. We are dealing with the function of a sign, which is aimed at reassuring a person, with a hypothetical promise to brighten up a slight annoyance.

An apple fell from the table - a date with your lover.
The point here is the symbolism of the apple as the fruit of love (you can recall the myth of Paris, the biblical apple, and the apple on a plate, which helps you see your sweetheart). The second symbol is a fallen object; it is believed that it foreshadows a meeting: a masculine object (knife) falls - to a meeting with a man, a feminine object (spoon, fork) - to a meeting with a woman. Since the apple is neuter, it is easy to interpret it in one’s favor for both the girl and the boy.

Before Midsummer's Day, women do not eat berries, otherwise the children will die.
The ban is based on the fact that not all berries ripen by this time, and unripe berries are dangerous to health. On the other hand, ripe berries, while there are few of them, are primarily given to children. Therefore, the belief is partly interpreted as a reminder: first feed the child (“so that he does not die”), and only then eat yourself.

The shell of an eaten egg must be crushed into small pieces. If it falls into the water, the mermaids will build boats from it. If you leave an uncrushed shell in the yard, magpies will drink water from it, and you will get a fever.
The reason for these two beliefs is simple. Ducks peck at the shells thrown into the water, “pecking” their own eggs. And a dog or chicken can become addicted to uncrushed shells lying around in the yard - and then spoil real eggs. So the threat of fever appeared - just to make things worse.

After cutting off a slice, do not stick the knife into the loaf - this will lead to hunger.
The sign reflects a special attitude towards bread, which we have already discussed more than once. Researcher folk art A.L. Toporkov notes and a number of other signs: “It was not allowed for one person to finish eating bread after another: you will take away his happiness, strength. You cannot eat behind another person’s back - you will also eat his strength. Poverty awaits those who give bread from the table to dogs during a meal,” etc. .d. And a knife stuck into bread without use is blasphemy. Bread may be offended and deprive the house of its protection.

A woman oversalts her food, which means she has fallen in love.
It is connected with one of the love spells, which involves salting food for a lover: in order for everything to work out, the girl did not spare salt. One of the wedding rituals required that the bride salt the food for the groom's parents; in this case, so as not to be suspected of greed, she threw more salt into the pot. In such cases, oversalting was not the result of a mistake, but of intent, the root cause of which was the desire to achieve love. By the way, not so long ago another explanation appeared in the press, shedding light on this old sign. It turns out that in a state of love, a woman’s body feels a lack of salt, which is why a woman oversalts her food without knowing it, because what is salty for others seems just right to her.

For whomever you drink, you accept his sins.
In addition to the mystical meaning, in this case the simplest explanation is also acceptable: by drinking from someone else’s glass, you can become infected (accept someone else’s sins).

Scattering salt means a quarrel. Collect the sprinkled salt into a pinch and throw through left shoulder, laughing at the same time - then everything will work out.
Salt is one of the most ancient food amulets. In this capacity it has been known since pre-biblical times. The fact that it does not deteriorate over time has made it possible to treat it as a symbol of eternity. Salt in Rus' for a long time was expensive, which contributed to the attitude towards it as a very valuable product. Accordingly, spilling salt meant incurring anger. It is believed that evil spirits are afraid of salt. That is why the custom arose of greeting guests with bread and salt - a symbol of well-being (bread) and a talisman against dark forces(salt). The one who tasted bread and salt with you cannot be an enemy. Spilling salt means contributing to the triumph of hostile forces. To prevent this from happening, you must either spit over your left shoulder three times, or throw a pinch of salt over your left shoulder, not getting upset, but laughing.

If at the table you are asked to pass salt, you must smile when passing it, otherwise you will quarrel.
The hidden meaning of the advice lies in the fact that the person giving it runs the risk of spilling the salt - and then he will involuntarily become angry with the person who asked. To prevent this from happening, smile and don’t be nervous. In addition, a smile is an indispensable attribute of table etiquette, a manifestation good manners. The belief does not even mention caution: everyone knew that when passing a salt shaker, one must be careful not to drop it or tip it over. This is what Judas did during the Last Supper. The disastrous result of this oversight is well known.

Drinking containers cannot be kept open - the enemy’s force will take up residence. In a container with a drink left open overnight, evil spirits frolic.
Such beliefs are common (sometimes with specification of harm from evil spirits: “the devil will spit in a bucket”). It was believed that open, unprotected vessels were susceptible to attack by all kinds of evil spirits more often than closed ones. The author of these lines had the opportunity to translate from Ukrainian language- for the book “Fairy tales, legends, myths and traditions of the Slavs” - several similar cases told by “eyewitnesses”. In fact, the essence of the belief is that water (like other drinks) must be covered so that midges, flies, dust, etc. do not get into it.

Porridge coming out of the pot towards the oven exit is unlucky, but if it comes out towards the far wall it means abundance.
Despite the fact that this belief contains three symbols at once (porridge, a pot, an oven), its essence is quite simple, because it is based on an external comparison: to the exit from the oven means to the exit from the house, and to the wall means there will be more in the house, there will be abundance. On a mystical level, this is interpreted as the actions of the spirits living in the oven: they push out food or keep it for themselves, thereby expressing favor.

Bread is not baked, remains raw - to separation or ruin.
In previous cases we dealt with the relationship of man to bread, and in this case - with the relationship of bread to man. It was believed that when baking a loaf, the souls of the dead are fed by the smell that comes out (that is, the spiritual substance of the food). Bread is not baked - this means that the souls of the ancestors do not need to be fed; they have left the oven and the house. And then expect any trouble.

Choking at the table means someone is in a hurry for dinner.
Haste in eating is transferred to the guest in a hurry. Everything that happens at the table is interpreted broadly and allegorically. “As much as there is at the table, so much in the Kingdom of Heaven,” and therefore do not rush, treat food with respect. Any incident at the table is not an accident, but a sign from above. Haste for food was condemned in every possible way - such, for example, with a joke: “He eats, he pushes in so that someone else doesn’t get it if he has time.”

Spilling salt into the fire means a quarrel.
The belief is very close to one of the previous ones: “spilling salt means a quarrel.” But if, having spilled salt on the floor, you can collect it and throw it over your left shoulder into the eyes of the tempter, then, having spilled it into the fire, you will no longer be able to collect it. And then the tempter starts quarrels with his neighbors. The everyday meaning of the belief was the high cost of salt in the old days.

Don't clean the house when the bread is in the oven - there will be no prosperity.
While baking bread, it was forbidden to leave the house or even make noise. All this is due to the fact that bread was treated as a living (spiritualized) being. If you leave the house, bread will be offended that he was left alone. And the noise can scare him. As for cleaning, it's just an insult to bread! At the everyday level, the belief is interpreted as useful and rational: you don’t need to do several things at once - none of them will succeed. Especially something as complex as baking bread, which requires the constant presence of the housewife at the oven.

Sauerkraut will not spoil if you put an aspen branch in it.
People associate many beliefs and signs with aspen. Our wonderful folklorist S.V. Maksimov writes in this regard: “Aspen, or trembling poplar, unlike other trees, has some peculiarity in the structure of the leaf petiole. The leaf petiole is long, often longer than the blade, and widely flattened... This is the reason that from the slightest breeze, the leaf begins to tremble. This is how botanists explain this phenomenon. At the same time, they forgot that, compared with other tree species, it brings the greatest benefit to humanity, especially to our Russians. In the villages, everything from it home dishes, and in cities - even the paper on which these lines are printed." In addition, aspen is the best material for arcs. And it really has the ability to preserve cabbage - thanks to the characteristics of its bark.

Flowers donated in pots will not grow unless a symbolic ransom is given for them.
We have already talked about the reason for at least symbolic payment for a gift, especially a living one (whether it is a cat, a bird or a plant): for a gift there must be a return; Since you can forget about paying a gift for an inexpensive item, it is better to “buy it back” right away. On a mystical level, one can accept this version: a plant simply left in someone else’s house considers itself a stranger here, and if it is bought, it understands that it has a new owner.

Before Apple Spas You can't eat apples.
The belief originated on a mystical level: until the Savior, apples should not be eaten by those whose children have died, so that they will get apples in the next world (meaning the spiritual substance of the fruits preserved on the tree). But this was forgotten over time, and only a ban remained for everyone. It is based on the fact that in the villages until August (that is, before the Savior) not everything

Superstitions and signs have great importance: they tell us when luck awaits us and warn us about possible troubles. But most signs are often misinterpreted, not knowing their true meaning.

From time immemorial, the Russian people have been considered superstitious. Signs based on observation hide much more meaning than we used to think. For example, spilled salt promises discord in the family and tears. Why salt? Many people will think that this sign is related to the taste of the product, but this is not so. Now salt has become accessible and cheap, but in the old days only rich people could afford it. If such a valuable product appeared on the table of a poor family, they used it sparingly and tried to preserve it. By spilling salt, the culprit incurred the wrath of the household. To neutralize this superstition, just throw a pinch of scattered salt over your left shoulder and laugh.

One way or another, all superstitions are time-tested and are often signs of Fate. They warn us against rash actions, warn us of difficulties or, on the contrary, promise luck and joy. This knowledge will be the key to a happy and successful life every person who believes in their action.

Whistling in the house

Many have come across the expression “don’t whistle, there won’t be any money.” According to legends, whistling attracted evil spirits and scared away the brownie, who protected the home from negative attacks. The whistle also calls for the wind to blow out of the house financial well-being. Sailors are careful not to whistle on board for fear of attracting a strong storm. According to the sign, by whistling we turn away the Higher powers and attract failures into life.

Clothes inside out

In the old days, people treated clothes with care and tried to preserve them for as long as possible. Sewn by hand, it kept the warmth of hands and protected the owner from damage and the evil eye. A careless attitude towards clothing was usually accompanied by a caustic comment: “wear your clothes inside out and you’ll get beaten.” This expression meant that a person had lost protection and was subject to negative influence from the outside.

Sewing on yourself

“If you sew on yourself, you will sew up a memory.” Another sign that means that repairing clothes on yourself means exposing yourself to an unjustified risk. Carelessness was never encouraged, and in ancient times it threatened with serious illness and even death. A needle prick could cause infection, and in the absence of medicine, it was difficult to prevent the disease.

Knock on wood

It is believed that the tree is a strong source of earthly strength that can ward off adversity. In the old days, and even now, people, having heard unflattering words addressed to them or said too much, try to cancel the negative consequences by knocking on wood three times. Three is a symbol Higher powers- also mystically influences a successful outcome. Knocking on a tree was complemented by spitting three times over the left shoulder: they believed that this gesture drove away the evil spirits located on the left side.

Empty bucket

Meeting a person with empty buckets means losses. In the past, a woman with empty buckets did not bode well: in times of drought, wells dried up, and people had to look for water in remote places. This was often a risky activity, because if you accidentally slipped on the river bank, you could lose valuable equipment and get hurt. Nowadays, when they meet someone with an empty bucket or wheelbarrow, people spit over their left shoulder and say: “Keep me away, mind me.”

Passing things over the threshold

Our ancestors always protected the threshold of the house from negative influences, so the transfer of something was carried out only if the person’s foot was on the threshold. Spellbound things are not uncommon in modern world, so energy protection will not hurt. If someone hands you something, stand with one foot on the threshold and cross your fingers - this will help cancel bad influence things being passed on to you.

Sit on the table

The table has always been a revered place among Russians. All meals and holidays took place at spacious tables located in the upper room. Each household member was assigned a specific place. Also on the table there was food collected and obtained through hard work, so sitting on the table desecrated both the meal and the food. He who sits on the table brings poverty not only on himself, but also on the owners of the house.

Sit on the path

Travel used to be a risky activity, especially during times of mud. Predatory animals, bandits and bad weather could delay the traveler and bring disaster to his head. “By sitting down on the path,” people attracted good luck, because the help of their native walls gave confidence in the successful outcome of any journey.

Black cat

Everyone knows that a black cat crossing the road is bad luck. This superstition also comes from ancient Rus'. In those days, black cats were treasured and people tried not to let them leave the house. They were a kind of amulets against fires and were the guardians of the hearth along with the brownie. The owner's cat wandering alone was a symbol of the misfortune of the family from which it ran away.

Broken mirror

An expensive mirror in the old days was not the same as we see it now. In those days, mirrors were not just expensive, but status items that spoke of wealth. The difficulty of manufacturing and transporting the fragile item further increased its cost. It is no wonder that a broken mirror brought 7 years of misfortune - it was precisely this period that our ancestors considered sufficient to save up for a new attribute.

Table corner

According to legends, an unmarried girl should not sit on the corner of the table. It was believed that she would not be able to get married and would remain old maid. Later they came up with an excuse. If a girl had to crowd together and sit where she was not supposed to, she would whisper: “The groom will be with the corner.” This meant that her betrothed would take the bride to his home and provide a roof over her head.

If you sweep badly, the groom will be crooked

Young girls are often told this phrase when cleaning. It means that a bad housewife will not attract a decent groom and only a loser will be able to marry her. Previously, matchmakers came to the bride's house and agreed on marriage. What kind of housewife the future bride will show herself to be, such will be her future fate and marriage.

Signs and beliefs can also attract good luck and prosperity into our lives. Paying attention to them will help you avoid trouble. Remember that the more positive thoughts you have in your life, the more protected you are from negative impacts. Set yourself up for positive emotions, boldly strive for your goal and don't forget to press the buttons and


You don’t have to believe omens, you don’t have to be afraid of strange coincidences and unexplained phenomena, legitimately resisting “obscurantism” and believing that God will still protect and have mercy. Yes, many of us, accustomed to considering ourselves the right masters of life in everything, keeping up with the times of high technology, are disgusted by even thinking about some kind of superstitions, and even more so, allowing them to influence your decisions and plans, thus agreeing with them . However, they should not be underestimated. These beliefs were born in the immeasurable distance of centuries, and were based on the laws of existence and coexistence with entities of other worlds and the laws of life in the dense and subtle worlds known to ancient magicians. The most famous example of such an entity is the brownie. It is impossible to ignore, let alone offend, such an entity; the subtle world will sooner or later prove its truth. Signs and superstitions have existed for many centuries, and it is difficult to say what foundations were laid in their origin, but they still have undoubted power. Mainly due to their long history of origin and their wide popularity, the fact that they are passed down from mouth to mouth by many generations of people, adding strength to them with their emotions, and whether you believe in them or not, they can still work. Let's consider the most famous of those that it would be desirable for any person who cares about their own well-being to know.
Parents about children
You cannot spank children with a towel or rag - they will be poor.
If a man urinates in a hole, he will give birth to bad children.

In the year of the Horse, you cannot name a child by the name of Hippolytus, otherwise he will not complete any task.

If a ninth daughter is born in a family (abortions also count), it is advisable to name her Nonna (“ninth daughter”).

If, upon discharge from the maternity hospital, a menstruating (unclean) woman is among those greeting her, then the child’s body and face will be unclean.

Do not allow your child to sit on a freshly dug garden bed.

Don't tickle the child - it will be stupid.

You can't blow in a child's face.

Whoever the cuckoo craps on as it flies by will be abandoned by his children.

For expectant mothers
A pregnant woman should not sit on the table, much less eat in such a place.
It is not advisable for pregnant women to cut their hair.

During childbirth, there should be no ties, bows on the body or hair (this also applies to the decor of the shirt), tied ropes, etc. Hair should be down. No elastic bands or ponytails.

If a pregnant woman steals something, the child can also become a thief.

It is believed that if an animal frightens a pregnant woman, a birthmark may appear on the child’s body, similar in outline to that very animal.

Strangers should not be allowed to touch the belly of the expectant mother.

Pregnant women should not go to funerals. It is also undesirable to be present at the cemetery. Perhaps in a very old one, where no one has been buried for a long time. You can remember a deceased friend at home. It is also undesirable for a pregnant woman to cook kutya.

Until it becomes too noticeable, you should not talk about your pregnancy, especially in front of strangers. Even in the antenatal clinic among those waiting at the doctor’s door. Especially among the first patients we meet at the antenatal clinic...

No matter what they say, pregnant women do not have to go to church. It's not even desirable. Pray during the service at home.

Brownie, house, household
You can't whistle in the house - you'll whistle the brownie
If you see a brownie, it means the death of one of the household members

If a chicken crows like a rooster, it’s not good. Kill her, cook the meat and bury her, but not in your yard.

If there is a cat, a dog and a rooster in the house of the same color, then people will live in the house without any troubles.

You can’t throw change in the palm of your hand - you’ll live in poverty.

If the stove door opens by itself three times during the evening, expect trouble.

Whoever sees his brownie will soon die.


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