Scientific style of speech, what do you know about it? Scientific style.

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Scientific style- style of scientific communications. The scope of use of this style is science and scientific journals, addressees text messages Scientists, future specialists, students, or simply anyone interested in a particular scientific field can speak; The authors of texts of this style are scientists, experts in their field. The purpose of style can be described as describing laws, identifying patterns, describing discoveries, teaching, etc.

Its main function is to communicate information, as well as prove its truth. It is characterized by the presence of small terms, general scientific words, abstract vocabulary, it is dominated by a noun, and many abstract and real nouns.

The scientific style exists primarily in written monologue speech. Its genres are scientific article, educational literature, monograph, school essay, etc. The stylistic features of this style are emphasized logic, evidence, accuracy (unambiguity).

Officially- business style

Business style is used for communication and information in an official setting (the sphere of legislation, office work, administrative and legal activities). This style is used for drawing up documents: laws, orders, regulations, characteristics, protocols, receipts, certificates. The scope of application of the official business style is law, the author is a lawyer, lawyer, diplomat, or just a citizen. Works in this style are addressed to the state, citizens of the state, institutions, employees, etc., in order to establish administrative-legal relations.

This style exists more often in writing speech, type of speech - mainly reasoning. The type of speech is most often a monologue, the type of communication is public.

Style features - imperativeness (due character), accuracy, not allowing two interpretations, standardization (strict composition of the text, precise selection of facts and ways of presenting them), lack of emotionality.

The main function of the official business style is informational (transfer of information). It is characterized by the presence of speech cliches, a generally accepted form of presentation, a standard presentation of the material, the widespread use of terminology and nomenclature names, the presence of complex unabridged words, abbreviations, verbal nouns, and the predominance of direct word order.

Journalistic style

The journalistic style serves to influence people through means mass media. It is found in the genres of articles, essays, reports, feuilletons, interviews, oratory and is characterized by the presence of socio-political vocabulary, logic, and emotionality.

This style is used in the spheres of political-ideological, social and cultural relations. The information is intended not only for a narrow circle of specialists, but for broad sections of society, and the impact is directed not only on the mind, but also on the feelings of the addressee.

It is characterized by abstract words with socio-political meaning (humanity, progress, nationality, openness, peace-loving).

The task is to provide information about the life of the country, influence the masses, and form a certain attitude towards public affairs

Style features - logic, imagery, emotionality, evaluativeness, appeal.

Conversational style

The conversational style is used for direct communication, when the author shares his thoughts or feelings with others, exchanges information on everyday issues in an informal setting. It often uses colloquial and colloquial vocabulary. It is distinguished by its large semantic capacity and colorfulness, giving liveliness and expressiveness to speech.

The usual form of implementing the conversational style is dialogue; this style is more often used in oral speech. It is missing preliminary selection linguistic material. In this style of speech, extra-linguistic factors play an important role: facial expressions, gestures, and the environment.

Linguistic means of conversational style: emotionality, expressiveness of colloquial vocabulary, words with suffixes of subjective assessment; use incomplete sentences, introductory words, address words, interjections, modal particles, repetitions. Genres - dialogue, personal letters, personal notes, telephone

Art style

The artistic style is used in fiction. It influences the imagination and feelings of the reader, conveys the thoughts and feelings of the author, uses all the wealth of vocabulary, possibilities different styles, characterized by imagery and emotionality of speech.

The emotionality of an artistic style differs from the emotionality of colloquial and journalistic styles. Emotionality artistic speech performs an aesthetic function. Artistic style requires pre-selection linguistic means; All language means are used to create images.

Genres - epic, lyric, drama, epic, novel, story, story, fairy tale, fable, ode, hymn, song, elegy, sonnet, epigram, epistle, poem, ballad, tragedy, comedy, drama (in the narrow sense).

Which is characterized by a number of features: preliminary consideration of the statement, monologue character, strict selection of linguistic means, and a tendency towards standardized speech.

The style of scientific works is ultimately determined by their content and the goals of scientific communication: to explain facts as accurately and completely as possible, to show cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena, to identify patterns of historical development, and so on.

Features of the scientific style

The scientific style has a number of common features that manifest themselves regardless of the nature of certain sciences (natural, exact, humanities) and differences between genres of statement (monograph, scientific article, report, textbook, etc.), which makes it possible to talk about the specifics of the style as a whole . At the same time, it is quite natural that, for example, texts on physics, chemistry, mathematics differ markedly in the nature of presentation from texts on philology or history.

Scientific style is characterized logical sequence of presentation, orderly system of connections between parts of the statement, the authors’ desire to accuracy, conciseness, unambiguity when saving saturation content.

Logic- this is the presence of semantic connections between successive units (blocks) of text.

Consistency only a text has the conclusions in which the conclusions follow from the content, they are consistent, the text is divided into separate semantic segments, reflecting the movement of thought from the particular to the general or from the general to the particular.

Clarity, as the quality of scientific speech, suggests clarity, availability. In terms of accessibility, scientific, scientific-educational and popular science texts differ in material and in the method of its linguistic design.

Accuracy scientific speech presupposes unambiguity understanding, absence of discrepancy between the signified and its definition. Therefore, scientific texts, as a rule, lack figurative, expressive means; words are used mainly in direct meaning, the frequency of terms also contributes to the unambiguity of the text.

The strict accuracy requirements for scientific text make restriction on the use of figurative means language: metaphors, epithets, artistic comparisons, proverbs, etc. Sometimes such means can penetrate into scientific works, since the scientific style strives not only for accuracy, but also for persuasiveness, evidence. Sometimes figurative means are necessary to implement a requirement clarity, clarity presentation.

Emotionality, like expressiveness, in a scientific style, which requires an objective, “intellectual” presentation of scientific data, is expressed differently than in other styles. The perception of a scientific work can evoke certain feelings in the reader, but not as a response to the emotionality of the author, but as an awareness of the author himself. scientific fact. Although a scientific discovery has an impact regardless of the method of its transmission, the author of a scientific work himself does not always abandon his emotional and evaluative attitude towards the events and facts presented. Striving for limited use of the author's self- this is not a tribute to etiquette, but a manifestation of an abstract and generalized stylistic features scientific speech reflecting the form of thinking.

A characteristic feature of the style of scientific works is their richness of terms(in particular, international ones). However, the degree of this saturation should not be overestimated: on average, terminological vocabulary usually accounts for 15-25 percent of the total vocabulary used in the work.

Plays a big role in the style of scientific work use of abstract vocabulary.

In the field of morphology there is using shorter form options, which corresponds to the principle savings linguistic means.

To connect parts of the text are used special means(words, phrases and sentences) indicating subsequence development of thoughts (“first”, “then”, “then”, “first of all”, “preliminarily”, etc.), on the connection of previous and subsequent information (“as indicated”, “as already mentioned”, “as noted” , “considered”, etc.), on cause-and-effect relationships (“but”, “therefore”, “due to this”, “therefore”, “due to the fact that”, “as a result of this”, etc.), to move to new topic(“let’s consider now”, “let’s move on to consideration”, etc.), on the proximity, identity of objects, circumstances, signs (“he”, “same”, “such”, “so”, “here”, “here” and etc.).

Substyles of scientific style

The difference between scientific and all other styles of speech is that it can be divided into three so-called substyles:

  • Scientific. The addressee of this style is a scientist, a specialist. The purpose of style can be called the identification and description of new facts, patterns, discoveries.
  • Scientific and educational. Works in this style are addressed to future specialists and students in order to teach and describe the facts necessary to master the material, therefore the facts presented in the text and examples are given as typical ones.
  • Popular science. The addressee is anyone interested in this or that science. The goal is to give an idea of ​​science and interest the reader.

Genres using scientific style

Scientific texts are presented in the form of separate completed works, the structure of which is subject to the laws of the genre.

The following genres of scientific prose can be distinguished: monograph, journal, review, textbook (textbook), lecture, report, information message (about a conference, symposium, congress), oral presentation (at a conference, symposium, etc.), dissertation , scientific report. These genres belong to primary, that is, created by the author for the first time.

TO secondary texts, that is, texts compiled on the basis of existing ones, include: abstract, author's abstract, synopsis, abstract, abstract. When preparing secondary texts, information is collapsed in order to reduce the volume of the text.

The genres of the educational and scientific substyle include: lecture, seminar report, course work, abstract message.

History of scientific style

Emergence with the development of different areas scientific knowledge, different areas human activity. At first, the style of scientific presentation was close to the style of artistic narration. The separation of the scientific style from the artistic one occurred in the Alexandrian period, when Greek, which spread its influence at that time to the entire cultural world, scientific terminology began to be created.

Subsequently, it was replenished from the resources of Latin, which became the international scientific language of the European Middle Ages. During the Renaissance, scientists strived for conciseness and accuracy of scientific description, free from emotional and artistic elements of presentation as contradictory to the abstract and logical representation of nature. However, the liberation of the scientific style from these elements proceeded gradually. It is known that the too “artistic” nature of Galileo’s presentation irritated Kepler, and Descartes found that the style scientific evidence Galileo is overly fictionalized. Subsequently, Newton's logical presentation became a model of scientific language.

In Russia, a scientific language and style began to take shape in the first decades of the 18th century, when authors of scientific books and translators began to create Russian scientific terminology. In the second half of this century, thanks to the work of M.V. Lomonosov and his students, the formation of a scientific style took a step forward, but it finally took shape in the second half of the 19th century, together with the scientific activities of the largest scientists of that time.


An example illustrating the scientific style of speech:

The most important economic and biological characteristics of varieties are: resistance to growing conditions (climate, soil, pests and diseases), durability, transportability and shelf life. (G. Fetisov.)


  • Ryzhikov Yu. I. Work on a dissertation in technical sciences: Requirements for a scientist and for a dissertation; Psychology and organization of scientific work; Language and style of the dissertation, etc. St. Petersburg, BHV-Petersburg, , 496 with ISBN 5-94157-804-0.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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Scientific style is a style that serves the scientific sphere of public activity. It is intended to convey scientific information to a prepared and interested audience.

The scientific style has a number of common features, general conditions functioning and linguistic features that manifest themselves regardless of the nature of the sciences (natural, exact, humanities) and genre differences (monograph, scientific article, report, textbook, etc.), which makes it possible to talk about the specifics of the style as a whole. To such general features relate: 1) preliminary consideration of the statement; 2) monological nature of the statement; 3) strict selection of linguistic means; 4) attraction to standardized speech.

The specific features of this style are determined by the purpose of scientific texts to convey objective information about nature, man and society. The main form of thinking in science is the concept, therefore the scientific style of speech is characterized by emphasized abstraction and generality, which is expressed in texts by the use of words of abstract semantics and neuter words with an abstract meaning.

Terminology, being one of the main components of scientific speech, embodies such a quality of scientific style as accuracy. The most important features of the scientific style - accuracy, clarity, logic, strict argumentation, unambiguous expression of thought - serve as the main task of this style - the transmission of objective information about the subject of research. In scientific speech, words are widely used that reflect the relationship between the parts of the statement and serve to create a coherent, logical text: adverbs are often used in the connecting function; verbs and personal pronouns are characterized by the use of 3rd person forms, which helps emphasize the abstraction and generality of the style. You can note the priority in the syntax complex sentences over simple ones, the use of common sentences, the widespread use of participles and participial phrases. Passive constructions.

The style of scientific works is ultimately determined by their content and the goals of scientific communication: to explain facts as accurately and completely as possible, to show cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena, to identify patterns of historical development, and so on.

The scientific style is characterized by a logical sequence of presentation, an ordered system of connections between parts of the statement, and the authors’ desire for accuracy, conciseness, and unambiguity while maintaining richness of content.

Logic - is the presence of semantic connections between successive units of text

Consistency is possessed only by a text in which the conclusions follow from the content, they are consistent, the text is divided into separate semantic segments, reflecting the movement of thought from the particular to the general or from the general to the particular.

Clarity , as the quality of scientific speech, presupposes understandability and accessibility. In terms of accessibility, scientific, scientific-educational and popular science texts differ in material and in the method of its linguistic design.

Accuracy scientific speech presupposes unambiguous understanding, the absence of discrepancies between the signified and its definition. Therefore, scientific texts, as a rule, lack figurative, expressive means; words are used mainly in their literal meaning; the frequency of terms also contributes to the unambiguity of the text.

The strict requirements for accuracy imposed on a scientific text limit the use of figurative means of language: metaphors, epithets, artistic comparisons, proverbs, etc. Sometimes such means can penetrate into scientific works, since the scientific style strives not only for accuracy, but and to persuasiveness, evidence. Sometimes figurative means are necessary to implement the requirement of clarity and intelligibility of presentation.

A characteristic feature of the style of scientific works is their richness terms . However, the degree of this saturation should not be overestimated: on average, terminological vocabulary usually accounts for 15-25 percent of the total vocabulary used in the work.

The use of abstract vocabulary plays an important role in the style of scientific papers.

Features of scientific style:

To connect parts of the text, special means are used (words, phrases and sentences), indicating the sequence of development of thoughts (“first”, “then”, “then”, “first of all”, “preliminarily”, etc.), the connection between previous and subsequent information (“as indicated”, “as already said”, “as noted”, “considered”, etc.), on cause-and-effect relationships (“but”, “therefore”, “due to this”, “therefore”, “due to the fact that”, “as a result of this”, etc.), on the transition to a new topic (“let’s consider now”, “let’s move on to consideration”, etc.), on the proximity, identity of objects, circumstances, signs (“ he”, “same”, “such”, “so”, “here”, “here”, etc.).

Genres using scientific style

monograph, journal article, review, textbook (textbook), lecture, report, information message (about a conference, symposium, congress), oral presentation (at a conference, symposium, etc.), dissertation, scientific report. These genres are primary, that is, created by the author for the first time.

Secondary texts, that is, texts compiled on the basis of existing ones, include: abstract, abstract, summary, abstract, abstract. When preparing secondary texts, information is collapsed in order to reduce the volume of the text.

The genres of the educational and scientific substyle include: lecture, seminar report, course work, abstract report.

Substyles of scientific style

Scientific . The addressee of this style is a scientist, a specialist. The purpose of style can be called the identification and description of new facts, patterns, discoveries. In the actual scientific style of speech, facts that are generally known in science are not explained, and only new terms are explained. This style is distinguished by a large volume of sentences and frequent use of quotations. The title of texts of this style, as a rule, reflects the topic or problem to which the work is devoted. (“About language fiction"). The leading type of speech style is reasoning.

Scientific and educational. Works in this style are addressed to future specialists and students in order to teach and describe the facts necessary to master the material, therefore the facts presented in the text and examples are given as typical ones. Almost all terms are explained; the educational text usually begins with an explanation of the concept. The volume of sentences is much smaller than in the scientific genre itself, and quotations are used less often. The title indicates the type educational material(textbook, collection, etc.). The leading type of speech is description.

Popular science . The addressee is anyone interested in this or that science. The goal is to give an idea of ​​science and interest the reader. Naturally, the accuracy of the presentation of facts in this substyle is much lower than in the previous ones; it approaches the journalistic style. To interest the reader, the texts of this substyle examine not only the facts necessary to reveal the topic, but also intriguing, entertaining, and sometimes even unproven hypotheses. There are much more examples than in other substyles. The terms here are less frequent than in the scientific and scientific-educational substyles proper; they are explained through analogy, that is, everyday situations familiar to every reader (Brownian motion - a crowd in the subway at rush hour). The volume of sentences is smaller than in other substyles. The purpose of the style allows the use of quotations that are not very precise and without detailed footnotes. The predominant type of speech is narration. The title not only names the theme of the book, but also arouses interest and intrigues the reader (“Why are we not alike?”). Among the features of this substyle are the use of emotional words, comparisons, metaphors, epithets, interrogative and exclamatory sentences.

Used in the field of science and teaching. Its main features are the following: generality and abstraction, terminology, emphasized logic. Secondary features: unambiguousness, semantic accuracy, standardization, objectivity, brevity, rigor, clarity, non-categoricalness, impersonality, imagery, evaluativeness, etc.

There are three substyles: the actual scientific style of the text (articles, monographs, dissertations, scientific reports, speeches at scientific conferences, debates), scientific and educational (lectures, textbooks, reports, essays).

Scientific style: its main characteristics

Academician D. S. Likhachev indicated in his works:

1. The requirements for scientific style differ significantly from the requirements for the language of fiction.

2. The use of metaphors and various images in the language of scientific work is permissible only if it is necessary to put a logical emphasis on a certain thought. In the scientific style, imagery is only pedagogical technique necessary to draw attention to the main idea of ​​the work.

3. Indeed good language scientific style should not be noticed by the reader. He must notice only the thought, and not the language in which the thought is expressed.

4. The main advantage of scientific language is clarity.

5. Other advantages of the scientific style are brevity, lightness, and simplicity.

6. Scientific style involves minimal use subordinate clauses in scientific works. Phrases should be short, the transition from one sentence to another should be natural and logical, “unnoticed.”

7. You should avoid frequent use of pronouns that make you think that they have replaced what they refer to.

8. There is no need to be afraid of repetitions, try to get rid of them mechanically. The same concept must be denoted by the same term; it cannot be replaced with a synonym. The only repetitions that should be avoided are those that come from the poverty of the writer’s language.

10. Scientific style encourages conversion Special attention on the quality of words. It is better to use the word “on the contrary” instead of “on the contrary”, “difference” instead of “difference”.

Scientific style texts: characteristics of linguistic means

- high frequency (approximately 13%) of prepositions, conjunctions, prepositional combinations (due to, with the help of, on the basis of, compared with..., in relation to, in connection with..., etc.);

- complex sentences (especially complex sentences);

- sentences with introductory words, adverbial and participial phrases.

Scientific style should be familiar to everyone.

In their speech, people use a wide variety of speech styles, depending on the society in which they communicate. That is why it is necessary to use different styles in speech.

What are speech styles?

Speech styles are a system of linguistic methods and means of organization that have historically developed and are used in any particular sphere of human communication, his public life: sphere of literary and artistic creativity, science, business relations, propaganda and mass activities, everyday communication. In this regard, the Russian language is divided into the following: scientific, colloquial, journalistic and official business. Moreover, all styles, except colloquial, are considered bookish.

In this article we will consider all speech styles, with special attention paid to the scientific style, which is used in scientific works, textbooks, speeches at conferences. requires more stringent rules of use than others, since it requires the use of terminology applicable in a narrow field of knowledge. That is why it is worth paying special attention to the scientific style of speech. Examples of texts will help you understand it in more detail.

Features of speech styles

The emergence of a variety of speech styles is justified by the diversity of speech content, as well as its communication goals, that is, communicative orientation. It is the goals of communication that usually dictate their own rules for choosing a style in a given situation.

Each of the functional styles of speech has its own typical features, has its own lexical range, as well as its own syntactic structure, which should be realized to a certain extent in each of the genres. Thus, each style has a number of its own characteristics. Examples and examples will help demonstrate all speech styles. short description their features.

Business style can be determined by professional terminology, precise definitions of the words and expressions used, also due to clichés. For example: I, Alevtina Vladlenovna Mironova, ask for another vacation.

Scientific style of speech: main features

Scientific style is intended to communicate and explain results. Although there are many fields of science, there are some basic features that apply to scientific style in general:

  • logical sequence of text;
  • an ordered system of connections between all parts of statements;
  • the author's desire for unambiguity, accuracy and brevity in expressions.

If you have an idea of ​​all the main features, it will not be difficult to write a text or determine the scientific style of speech. Examples of texts in this style will help you understand everything more specifically:

"Since 2009, NCC has been processing Visa cards, Union Card and MasterCard, and also issues combined Maestro/NCC cards. And in 2008, the company was awarded the title of International Payment System, which significantly expanded the range of its services."

“The head of the enterprise or Chief Accountant. If the deadline for submitting the report is not met, the enterprise, represented by its director, will be subject to a fine in the amount established by law.”

Substyles of scientific style of speech

As you know, in speech very rarely there are styles in their pure form. In most cases, they are combined, which is the reason for the formation of substyles. Substyles of the scientific style include:

  • scientific and business;
  • scientific and journalistic;
  • popular science;
  • scientific and technical;
  • educational and scientific style of speech.

Features of a scientific style text at the lexical level

All major distinctive features, which are inherent specifically in the scientific style of speech, can be divided into three main groups: at the level of vocabulary, syntax and at the morphological level.

At the level of vocabulary, the scientific style has the following features:

  • saturation with the terminology of a certain science;
  • the use of direct meanings of words, without various metaphors and interjections;
  • the use of phrases and words with abstract meaning: number, property, law; as well as the use of verbal nouns: use, processing, study;
  • a rather private use of words and phrases that indicate the sequence and connection of thoughts: therefore, vice versa, therefore, first of all, first of all, first.

All these lexical features will help determine the scientific style of speech. Examples of texts for visual representation of scientific style are presented below:

“Gastritis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach wall. The symptoms of gastritis are the following: pain in the stomach after eating or on an empty stomach, nausea, diarrhea, constipation or vomiting, etc. A diagnosis is made based on an endoscopic examination of the stomach.”

“The most significant economic and biological criteria of varieties are: durability, resistance to all growing conditions (climate, pests and diseases, soil), shelf life and transportability.”

Morphological features of scientific style text

At the morphological level, the following features that are inherent specifically in the scientific style of speech should be highlighted:

  • the use of gerunds, participles, as well as their expressions;
  • rare use of pronouns “I” and “we” in works and verbs in the first and second forms of the singular;
  • the use of impersonal and vaguely personal constructions in the text.

Features of a scientific text at the syntactic level

Also at the syntactic level, the scientific style of speech has its own characteristics; sentences of this style have the following characteristics:

  • frequent use of references and quotations;
  • refusal to use exclamatory sentences or their very rare use;
  • use of graphs, diagrams, various formulas;
  • the use of complex sentences using conjunctions to connect phenomena in parts of the sentence.

Examples of scientific style texts

Will help identify distinctive features and correctly determine the scientific style of speech; examples of texts:

“The problem of theft requires timely and adequate actions on the part of the business entity, namely, the use of additional tools to eliminate the potential risk from the attacker.”

“Based on the results of the experiments, the data of which are presented in the appendix and displayed in Fig. 3, we can conclude that the change in the demand curve in the short term is influenced by the price level.”

Genres of scientific style

All scientific texts must be designed in the form of finished works, and their structure must be subject to all the laws of the genre.

All genres can be divided into primary and secondary, depending on who exactly is the author of the text. also in separate group highlight educational and scientific texts.

Primary genres include reference books, journal articles, monographs, textbooks, reviews, reports, dissertations, scientific reports, oral presentation at a conference and others. These genres can be considered primary, since they were created by the author for the first time.

Secondary texts can be considered abstracts, abstracts, theses, various notes, annotations. These works are classified as secondary, because they are compiled on the basis of existing texts. When preparing such texts, information is often collapsed to reduce the volume of the entire text.

Genres of the educational and scientific substyle include lectures, seminar reports, term papers, abstract messages. Regardless of the genre, all the basic features that are inherent in the scientific style as a whole must be observed.

How exactly did the scientific style originate?

The origin of the scientific style is determined by the development of fields of science, different areas of human knowledge. Initially, the style of speech, scientific and artistic, were very close and similar. Later there was a separation of the scientific from the artistic style, as the Greek language began to appear various kinds scientific terminology.

The scientific style gained increasing popularity during the Renaissance. It was during that period that all scientists tried to present their works as accurately as possible, but in a condensed form; they tried to remove emotional and artistic descriptions from the text, since they contradicted the abstract and logical reflection of nature.

However, during that period, conflicts arose over the presentation of scientific material by various scientists. It is known that Kepler considered Galileo's work to be overly artistic, and Descartes considered the style of presentation of Galileo's scientific works to be “fictionalized.” Newton's presentation is considered to be the first example of scientific language.

The development of the scientific style also influenced the Russian language. The scientific style of speech in Russia began its development at the beginning of the 18th century. During this period, translators and authors scientific publications began to create their own terminology. The development of this style continued in the second half of the 18th century thanks to the work of Lomonosov and his students. The final formation of the scientific style of Russia occurred in the second half of the 19th century thanks to the scientific works of the great scientists of that time.

In this work, all speech styles were considered. Examples clearly illustrate the differences between them, and detailed description scientific style will help you easily use it in your speech.


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