Nikita Denisovich meaning. Male name Nikita - meaning: description of the name

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Translated it means "winner". Since ancient times, it was considered the most popular in Rus'. Remember Nikita Kozhemyaka - the great Russian hero. He did not know defeat in battle, and was truly a real Winner.

Nikita: the meaning of the name. Character

From the early childhood this child is as active as mercury. He understands everything, grasps a lot on the fly. It is almost impossible for a stranger to talk to little Nikita. The boy will look closely at him for quite a long time: what if this uncle or aunt is evil? But if a child believes an adult, then it will be simply impossible to tear Nikita away from him. Questions pour in like from a cornucopia. In the company of children, little Nikita is a real leader. He always has a lot of friends. However, there is one “but” - parents must monitor their own behavior very carefully so as not to raise the Winner to be an Egoist. Even raising a child can be greatly spoiled. Screaming and spanking will not help in your relationship with Nikita. This will only make the baby closed and unsociable. It is worth showing more patience and trying to understand what problems your child has and helping to deal with them. Indeed, despite his big name, he is rather indecisive and gets lost in a difficult situation.

Age and changes in character

“Winner” is the meaning of the male name Nikita. And this trait begins to manifest itself more noticeably with age. The older he gets, the more success he achieves in life. Most likely, having matured, Nikita will become a successful businessman, and there will always be many friends around him on whom he can rely in everything. This is not surprising, because since childhood he himself was accustomed to helping everyone. However, he has such a character trait as self-confidence and the inability to sensibly evaluate his actions. If at a certain period of his life he does not learn this, then fate may cease to be favorable to him.

How do seasons affect the meaning of the name Nikita for a child?

Winter Nikitas really don’t like creativity. At school, getting them to write an essay is simply an impossible task. It’s easier for Nikita to tell everything in words than to transfer thoughts to paper. He sorely lacks exercise while studying. This child is a real fidget, and therefore combining physical exercises with mental labor for him - the most important condition good academic performance. He is persistent and very stubborn. Growing up, he learns to set goals and achieve them in any way. At the same time, he always knows his worth.

"Spring" meaning of the name Nikita for a child

Children of this time of year are very vulnerable and selfish. They do not accept criticism, even if they know they were wrong. Admit the mistake yourself - please, but never agree that he is wrong. At the same time, Nikita, born in the spring, is very attached to his parents. He is able to empathize with others and take their place, and therefore can give a lot of practical advice.

The meaning of the name Nikita for a child born in summer

This boy is exceptionally talented. He is slow and fair. He can't stand pressure from above from anyone. Independent from early childhood. In his family, he does not strive to be the main one - the solution to all problems will fall on the shoulders of his wife. But in work no one can go ahead of him. If Nikita can’t decide what he wants from life as a child, you shouldn’t decide this for him. The child will grow up and find his own path.

The meaning of the name Nikita for a child: autumn baby

A child born in autumn is the most incredible of all Nikitas. It was as if he had collected all the best in himself. This was the ringleader, the artist, the painter, the mathematician, and so on ad infinitum. He will always find interesting story or funny joke for friends, will give useful advice and will help in difficult times. He has many friends, and the girls around him hover like moths to a flame. This is how he is - Nikita the winner.

A cheerful, positively thinking person with obvious leadership abilities - this is how Nikita’s character can be described. But these are only the most striking, obvious features of his nature. But in fact, our hero also has many secrets. True, he doesn't keep any skeletons in his closet. Nikita prefers honest, open conversation and equal partnership. However, this man will never reveal his trump cards. And all because he sincerely strives to be the best. But not at the expense of others, but at the cost of his own efforts, which he can put in in huge quantities.

How does Nikita manage to be who he is? Some secrets can be revealed if you learn something about the meaning and origin of his name.

Like many other names, the word “Nikita” has ancient Greek roots. Literally translated into Russian, it means “winner,” which essentially makes it similar to the name Victor. And this simple, understandable word gives us general idea about the energy of our hero. Nikita is a man of courageous character who is not accustomed to retreat from difficulties by definition. His principle is to reach the end and never deviate from the path due to difficulties.

In fact, this character trait is also manifested in the fate of a man named Nikita. It’s as if he is constantly proving to himself that he can overcome this or that obstacle. And these small daily victories over himself really give him the right to consider himself a winner.

Conversational forms reflect Nikita's simple attitude towards everyone around him. We can call him Nikitka, Nikisha. Nikesha, Kesha, Nikenya, Kenya and even Nikusha and Nikusya. Most often, of course, it is the full form that is used.


In connection with the meaning and colloquial forms of the name Nikita, many are probably interested in the question of what the middle name of this man’s son and daughter will be. Everything is very simple here: according to Wikipedia and other authoritative sources, middle names will be non-standard. The son will be called Nikitich, and the daughter Nikitichna (pronounced with the sound “sh”). That is, Nikitovich and Nikitovna, although they are used in everyday life, do not correspond to the norms of the Russian language.

Foreign analogues of the name

It is interesting that among all nations the spelling and pronunciation of the name Nikita, if not one hundred percent the same, are certainly very similar to each other. Here are some examples:

  1. In Belarus and Ukraine this man is called Mikita.
  2. In England we can meet a sir named Nikita (pronounced the same).
  3. The same is true in Germany (Nikita).
  4. Who doesn’t know the French equivalent of Nicetas (Nikit A with emphasis on the last syllable).

Signs, talismans, patrons of Nikita

You can choose the name Nikita for a boy not only based on its meaning. It is useful to know both the secrets of origin and those signs that will have a special influence on a person’s fate. We are talking about talismans and patrons that favor a man named Nikita:

  1. In the starry firmament, many faces bring good luck to our hero. This unusual sign zodiac refers to air element. Its representatives have remarkable intellectual abilities. They usually say about such people: they grab everything on the fly. Even if Nikita doesn't learn the lesson, he can probably prepare an answer in a matter of minutes. Yes, this man has a rich imagination. Sometimes there is a feeling that he himself cannot draw the line between real world and fictional worlds. But this guy's reasoning and logic are simply impeccable. And it is this combination that makes him an unusually interesting person.
  2. The planet that patronizes a man named Nikita is Mercury. It is located closest to the Sun than all other bodies. This manifests itself in the character of our hero: he really strives to be a leader. Moreover, the techniques used by Nikita are distinguished by honesty and transparency. Of course, he is not against cheating, but this is the result of the work of his intellect. But blatantly breaking the rules of the game is not at all like this guy.
  3. The colors that bring good luck to Nikita are related to purple shades. They symbolize a person’s inner dignity, moderation, and a harmonious combination of different character traits. Indeed, our hero is a real chameleon. But only in the best sense of the word. He skillfully adapts to the situation and understands perfectly when it is worth going into battle, and when it is better to just go with the flow. This truly wise approach works: apparently, that’s why Nikita can be considered a real winner.
  4. IN flora gives good luck bell. This flower symbolizes the cheerfulness, energy of a person and his brightest, selfless thoughts.
  5. And among the animals that patronize Nikita, one can especially highlight hedgehog. He personifies wisdom, ingenuity and at the same time belligerence and intransigence. There are no aggressive traits as such in Nikita's character. But the leader’s natural nature constantly influences his fate: our hero is often forced to literally fight for his place in the sun. And such a struggle gradually turns into the habit of defending one’s interests at every opportunity.
  6. The stone that will become a real talisman for this man is. This is a symbol of abundance material well-being, as well as transition to a new life stage. By the way, it is even associated with immortality. In a word, the gem provides good health and allows you to accept correct solution even in the most confusing situation.

Name day

Nikita can remember his heavenly patrons - the saints of the same name - more than 18 times a year. Here are the dates of his name day:

  • February 13;
  • March 4;
  • April 2, 16 and 17;
  • May 13, 17 and 27;
  • June 2, 6, 10 and 30;
  • July 4 and 7;
  • September 22 and 28;
  • October 26;
  • December 30th.

The character and fate of Nikita

Those who were lucky enough to observe the development of Nikita’s character can note one interesting truth. When we talk about the development of human nature, we rather mean not the emergence of new traits, but rather the modification of what has already been laid down. In other words, already in childhood You can see that Nikita is an independent, strong-willed boy. When he matures, all these qualities will not only be preserved, but will also be able to turn the little bully into a real representative of the stronger sex.

By character, our hero is distinguished by a balanced, even modest disposition. However, this external idyll can collapse at any moment and give way to an assertive, unbending nature that can always stand up for itself and its loved ones. Indeed, Nikita is honest and fair. But he is disgusted by the very idea that someone is trying to get into his affairs and dictate what to do. It turns out that this man himself established the rules of the game and strictly follows them. This situation seems absolutely fair to him, so he perceives any attempt to change the existing order very painfully.

Nikita Mikhalkov, actor and director (young years)

However, his masculine nature coexists with the tenderness and caring that Nikita shows towards ladies, parents, and people older than him. Beautiful manners and good manners are not an empty phrase for this person. In the name Nikita we can feel a certain lightness that goes well with solidity and reliability. And these wonderful qualities are felt by everyone who finds themselves in his company.


In most cases, Nikita, even if she is not a public person, is definitely drawn to society and loves to be the center of attention. There is nothing wrong with this quality, but our hero should sometimes behave more prudently so as not to seek attention at any cost. It’s also useful for young Nikita to know that many of his friends can use flattery to openly manipulate his behavior. Nikita simply loves praise, but you shouldn’t trust people you don’t know too much, who could use his gullibility for evil.

Nikita in love and marriage: compatibility with female names

Nikita's inner charm practically guarantees him success with the fairer sex. Another thing is that it is not easy for our hero to reap the benefits of popularity. Yes, he is a real ladies' favorite and in some ways even a heartthrob. Another thing is that flirting, the external ease of developing a relationship does not mean that this man will offer his hand and heart to the first girl he meets.

Nikita makes great demands on the character, appearance, and way of thinking of her future chosen one. That is why he can have many affairs, spend a thousand and one nights, but at the same time he will persistently search for the one thing that is dear to his heart. Of course, over time, our hero will learn to compromise, and in general one day he will look at human shortcomings as a continuation of advantages - or rather, their reverse side. Then everything will fall into place, and those around you will only have to rejoice for their beloved Nikita.

And so that this cherished moment comes as quickly as possible, let’s pay attention to how the meaning of the name Nikita affects its compatibility with female names. The warmest contact can develop with representatives of the fair sex, whose names are:

  • Antonina;
  • Ulyana;
  • Veronica;
  • Galina;
  • ;

    Famous Nikitas

    All famous namesakes named Nikita have one thing in common: they are certainly great personalities. They may be more famous or less famous, but once you get to know their biography, you understand that we are talking about a person strong character. These are Nikita Odoevsky, Zotov, Mikhalkov, Bogoslovsky and others.

    A cheerful guy and a reliable man - this is exactly how Nikita’s relatives and friends imagine him.

  • Name Nikita

    Origin of the name. Nikita is transferred from Greek language as in “to conquer” or “victorious.”


    Little Nikitas usually look like their mother. But they take on their father’s character. Since childhood, there have been no problems with Nikita - he takes care of himself, studies well, and does not cause his parents much trouble. Obedient but stubborn. Fidgety, but not harmful. Loves sports and dogs. Big dreamer. This is how he will grow up.


    Nikita is a purposeful person and knows his worth. Hesitation and doubt are not for him. Nikita is usually selfish, stubborn and persistent. He achieves his plans at any cost. He goes straight through life and is not distracted by secondary issues. Nikita is practical. The only thing that hinders him in life is impatience. Doesn't like to obey, behaves on an equal footing with elders, and is a little impudent. As the opposite of hardness, vulnerability and sensuality live in him. Nikita has a sense of beauty. Nikita's curiosity and natural charm always surrounds him with friends.


    Nikita's weak point is blood pressure and heart. He needs to avoid stressful situations and nervous strain, otherwise the risk of a stroke or heart attack increases.


    Loves animals, especially big dogs. Enjoys working with cars. Music, good wine, beautiful woman and a comfortable apartment - this is how Nikita relaxes.


    Nikita is a natural leader, but too soft to be a real leader. Luck does not often smile on this man, but he is always afloat, thanks to his acumen, hard work and life principles.

    Love and marriage

    Nikita’s family life cannot be called everyday gray. Possessing great imagination and curiosity, Nikita will constantly move, change the environment, furniture, and work. The wife will have to keep up with her Nikita and not contradict him. He is a leader, he creative person, he would rather change his muse than change his desire to learn new things. Nikita does not know how to adapt at the right time and that is why he has repeated marriages. A serious father, a caring husband, trying to earn as much as possible more money and provide for your family with dignity.


    Every woman can wish for such a sensual partner as Nikita. He experiences the highest degree of pleasure from sex. But the main thing in the relationship between him and his partner is still feelings. He is a supporter of long-term, non-binding relationships. It is not so easy to excite him, although he is very vulnerable and gentle. Women fall from the charming Nikita left and right. But only a smart, unique woman can “hook” him. Nikita is picky.


    Blue, purple.

    Patron planet




    Bluebell, ash.


    How to communicate with Nikita

    He loves to argue and knows how to keep his interlocutor in good shape. Never praise him in vain - he may completely turn away from you. Nikita is interesting and he demands the same from his interlocutor. Capable of engaging in a long, ongoing philosophy.

    Famous people named Nikita

    Hieromartyr Nikita of Constantinople; Confessor of Midice Nikita; Nikita Pustosvyat - theologian, ideologist of schismatics; Nikita Golyi - leader of the Cossack uprising, Don Cossack; Nikita Odoevsky - prince, boyar, governor; Nikita Muravyov - Decembrist, Nikita Khrushchev - politician; Nikita Mikhalkov is a Russian film director and actor.

    Diminutive for Nikita


    Alexander's name day

    Compatibility of the name Nikita

    Alla, Augusta, Veronica, Zinaida, Claudia, Raisa, Lyubomila, Lyudmila, Nina, Natasha, Svetlana, Ulyana, Tatyana.

    Nikita in different languages

    • Ukrainian Nikita - Mikita.
    • English Nikita – Nikita.
    • Belarusian Nikita - Mikita.
    • French Nikita - Nicetas.
    • Polish Nikita – Nicetas, Nykyta.


The name Nikita is of ancient Greek origin. Translated, it means “winner.” This name has no other interpretations, but it does have a synonymous female name. It sounds exactly the same, but in which the emphasis is placed on the last letter (NikitA). In Russia, the female variation of the name is not in demand...

Male name Nikita is used quite rarely today, but new parents who want to name their baby an iconic male name that promises well-being should pay attention to it, because it has strong energy and a sea of ​​positive properties...

Conversational options: Nikitka, Nika, Nikiha, Nikusha

Modern English analogues: Mikita, Nikitas

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Nikita promises a lot of interesting things. The owner of this name is always a person who has ambition, talent, seriousness, poise, but also excessive selfishness. This is a person in most cases, capable of a lot, but does not understand how to unlock his potential and use his advantages for his own benefit. He needs to be pushed, supported, and directed everywhere and always.

On the one hand, Nikita is always a sociable and friendly person, ready for new acquaintances, communication and spending time in big companies. But at the same time he lacks eloquence. It is difficult for him to establish relationships even with family members - many simply do not understand him. But on the other hand, he is ready to protect his loved ones at any cost from all sorts of troubles, even where he himself may suffer from this.

Advantages and positive features: friendly, always acts kindly towards other people, tries never to get emotional and is very reserved. And the most important thing is that this person will never do a bad thing in order to achieve even the most cherished goal.

Nikita treats him badly people who try to take advantage of his kindness. He hates people who are selfish, unfaithful, dishonest and unreliable. He also tends to avoid communicating with people who were once seen as treacherous.

The most interesting thing is that the male name Nikita has been popular in the CIS countries for a long time, while its female variation became known only after the film adaptation of the film of the same name by Luc Besson.

Personality of the name Nikita

The character of the name Nikita is such that it is capable of endowing its bearer with a whole complex interesting characteristics, moreover, regardless of the influence of additional astrological factors, be it the zodiac sign, the year Chinese calendar, or patron element. The character of the bearer of this name is simple, kind, and such that those around him always try to be close to the guy named Nikita. Plus, Nikita’s character does not allow him to leave people in trouble and ignore their troubles, and this also attracts - he can become good friend and a comrade, such a person as are few today. And the nature of this name suggests a bright inner world, and this, too, is worth something...

True, there is one “but” - the nature of this name form may be strong, it may give all of the above, but in principle it is only a theory, which means a lot may differ from what is assumed in this article. Almost everything, including character, depends on many factors, including upbringing, the origin of the guy himself, environment, and astrological patrons.

Early childhood

The childhood of a boy named Nikita is filled with movement, so much so that everyone around him, including his parents, can be shocked. Activity, persistence, mobility, restlessness, energy, unpredictability, desire to develop and an overwhelming desire to move forward - these are just some of the characteristics that promise the meaning of the male name Nikita itself.

This is a child who is unable to sit still, disobedient, overactive, always inventing things and activities for himself, and unwilling to obey. Another important feature that this parameter promises is the absence of fear and understanding of the word “danger” - he is not afraid of anything, sometimes takes actions that have no basis, takes a lot of risks and makes an incredible number of rash decisions. Is it true. While all this may frighten parents, on the contrary, it will attract peers. Such is the significance of this little name that thanks to her, despite the fears and worries of the parents.

On the contrary, his peers will try to be as close to him as possible - in their eyes, he was not just a leader, but also a leader, undeclared, unspoken, but a leader. Plus, the meaning can also endow him with a sense of thirst for justice, honesty, selflessness, lack of conflict and attentiveness, which naturally cannot but be appreciated by his peers.


At this stage, the meaning of the name Nikita can endow the boy named so with even more frightening characteristics. Most often, Nikita even in adolescence remains the same active, risky, brave and noisy adventurer, but there is also a “but” - in addition to all of the above, the love of money can be added, and selflessness can be replaced with selfishness. This parameter of his essence is due to the direct meaning of the name of the boy so named, although again. This trait may not appear if the due influence is exerted not only by the meaning, but also by the talisman stone of the name form Nikita and the patron planet.

As for his studies, Nikita can exceed all expectations - despite his pampering and restlessness, frivolity and inconstancy, he is obligatory and diligent, which is how he can bribe teachers. Hence, success in studies. Although he himself is not attracted to all subjects of study - he is an admirer of the humanities, but not the exact ones.

Grown man

Adult Nikita remains subject to such a factor as the meaning of the name form, but other factors begin to patronize him, in particular, important role plays the symbol's patronage Chinese horoscope. However, there are also qualities that are promised regardless of the symbol, among them sociability, eloquence, charm, loving-kindness, justice, honesty, fidelity, devotion, good nature, goodwill, and cheerfulness - for all this, a man named Nikita needs to thank the parents who decided to choose him a name with such good energy.

Regarding work and professional activity, so everything is simple here - this boy has had a love of communication since childhood, which means he will most likely choose a profession that involves a lot of contacts, communication, and acquaintances. Well, the most important thing for him is that his work pleases and brings pleasure, while the financial factor plays far from a primary role for him.

Interaction of Nikita's character with the seasons

Winter - born at the moment of dominance of meaning winter period year, the bearer of the name Nikita is always restless and impulsive. He is difficult to understand, but purposeful and persistent, which helps him achieve success in his personal and career life. Has a negative attitude towards shouting, reprimands, rudeness and teachings - at any moment he can withdraw into himself.

Leto - born in summer period the boy, on the contrary, is by nature a born leader. Talented, comprehensively developed, self-reliant, proud, independent, disciplined and responsible - he was born for leadership. He is successful in communicating with the opposite sex, charming them with his courtesy, but only in return for the proper attitude he receives.

Autumn - an autumn newborn will become a unique personality, combining such character traits as a love of creativity, ease of contacts, practicality and wit. Courtesy exceeds all limits of understanding - he is popular among ladies, strives to be in the center of society, but is ready to become an outcast at any moment. Touchy and vulnerable, so much so that it sometimes contradicts gender.

Spring - this “man” is selfish and vulnerable. Does not tolerate criticism and teachings, a philosopher, often delves into dirty laundry in order to find the truth. He is susceptible to other people's problems, experiences other people's grief as if it were his own, is emotional, demanding of himself and the people around him.

The fate of the name Nikita

As for such a parameter as the fate of the name Nikita in love, marriage and relationships, it cannot be completely interpreted, but for one simple reason - despite multiple research activities, the fate of the name, whatever it may be, is only a theoretical meaning , and also a parameter that depends on many side factors.

But if you believe in the correctness of the research statements, then you can assure that the fate of a boy named Nikita in relationships with female representatives is such that it implies a stormy personal life. He is a romantic, a loving suitor, a gentleman and a gentleman with a good sense of humor and ideal inner world– he is a magnet for women, a competitor to many men.

But having reached maturity, Nikita will face a lot of problems - one of them is his own fear of the seriousness of the relationship. Such is his fate that he will endlessly run away from marriage, until the very last age - well, he is not created for the constant, monotony of family life, responsibility and marriage bonds, he loves freedom.

Love and marriage

Nikita looks like such a courageous, attractive and charming man that women fly to him like moths to the light. He does not give empty hopes, but tactfully and gently makes it clear that he is not interested in them. For a long time he periodically changes his muses, always choosing a beautiful, intelligent, strong, patient and at the same time easy-going lady. She should complement his image of a successful, handsome and accomplished person. But Nikita has absolutely extraordinary views on life, frequent changes of image, constant moving, changing jobs. Not every woman can stand it. Usually, early relationships Nikitas do not develop into a strong marriage.

Already at a more mature age, Nick takes the issue of starting a family seriously, but his wife will still have to adapt to his changeable and creative nature. Nikita always follows her desires and does not want to make concessions or compromises. Nick compensates for his tough character with care and a responsible approach to material support families. A patient and intelligent woman will have the opportunity to play the role of leader in the family with good material well-being.

To change the interior of the apartment, furnish it to his taste - such a desire may arise in him once every few years. The wife needs to come to terms with this and be glad that Nikita earns the money for all this himself. He also tries to maintain warm relations with his wife’s parents, but interferes with their family relationships won't let anyone. At home he only relaxes and does not take part in household chores.

Nikita as Father

Nikita consciously approaches the issue of fatherhood and clearly knows when he is ready to become a father. He loves his kids very much and enjoys spending time with them. free time. But due to his heavy workload and hobbies, he doesn’t have much free time. Raising children falls on the shoulders of his beautiful wife. You shouldn’t count on his help in caring for small children either.

Nikita is a fairly strict father and is always interested in how the process of raising and educating children is going. In case of disobedience, frequent whims and poor performance, he can punish them. The children adore and obey him, and he teaches them respect for him and their mother. By the way, just as his connection with his son is much stronger than with his daughter, so it was with him in childhood.

Sports play an important role in life for him, so in his free time he likes to go with his children to the sports ground, to the swimming pool or to the football field. As the children get older, he enjoys teaching them the game of tennis, which he simply adores. Nikita's children can count on early travel and trips together, perhaps even abroad.

Compatibility with female names

The most best compatibility the name Nikita with such female names as Agnia, Angela, Valeria, Claudia, Flora, Eleanor and Taisiya.

To build a strong and happy marriage, a couple should be created with Zinaida, Veronica, Ulyana, Nika or Isabella.

But with Victoria, Irina, Kira and Nora, unfortunately, astrologers do not recommend creating couples, because none of such unions will bring anything good.

The name Nikita came into the Russian language from Greece, along with its adoption into Kievan Rus Orthodoxy. Translated from Greek the name Nikita (Νικήτας) means winner. Surnames derived from this name are quite popular, such as Nikitin or Nikitenko, etc.

Nikita is a purposeful, sometimes selfish man. He knows his worth and achieves his goals with confidence in his eyes. He is independent and does not like to obey. Despite his active life position, he can be vulnerable and sentimental. Nikita's appearance is more likely from his mother's, although many character traits are closer to his father's side.

They value family, although this is more likely due to their love for children. Family life rather complex, but there are pleasant exceptions. They adore their parents. In general, Nikita’s family occupies an important place in his life.

Nikita usually has several talents and the main thing is to consider them in time and work in these directions. He shows a penchant for leadership in almost all areas of life, except at home. At home, Nikita likes to take a break from the leader's halo. He has few friends, since diplomacy is not his thing. But if he has friends, then they are the most faithful and reliable that fate can send.

The meaning of the name Nikita for a child

Little Nikita pleases his parents with his intelligence. He has shown a penchant for knowledge since childhood. The boy grows up cautious and always looks closely at strangers first. It will be difficult to talk to little Nikita if he doesn’t know you. Parents will need a lot of patience, since Nikita is very sensitive to psychological and physical pressure. Pressure on him may cause a backlash, but explanation works well. Nikita is growing up to be a good, active child. His activity requires an outlet, so do not forget to take breaks during classes for active games. Studying is good for him, but only if he himself has a craving for it. The parents' task is to teach Nikita to love learning.

Short name Nikita

Nikita, Niki, Nick. (Tsar Nicholas II at home called himself Niki; his abbreviated name Niki was also his name in childhood.)

Diminutive pet names

Nikitochka, Nikitushka, Nikitonka, Nikitos, Nikiha, Nikitosik.

Patronymic name of Nikita's children

The correct spelling of the patronymic is Nikitich and Nikitichna. Among the people, they may change to Nikitych and Nikitychna. Another option" folk art"Nikitovich and Nikitovna, which is not correct.

Name Nikita in English

Nikita in English is written as - Nikita. The name is written the same way in German.

Name Nikita for international passport written the same way as in English spelling- NIKITA.

Translation of the name Nikita into other languages

in Arabic - نيكيتا
in Belarusian - Mikita
in Greek - Νικήτας
in Georgian - ნიკო
in Yiddish - ניקיטה
in Spanish - Nikita
in Italian - Nikita
in Chinese - 尼基塔
in Latin - Nicetas
in German - Nikita
in Polish - Nicetas and Nykyta
in Romanian - Nichita
in Ukrainian - Mikita and Nikita
in Finnish - nikitas
in French - Nizier and Nicétas
in Japanese - ニキータ

Church name Nikita(V Orthodox faith) invariably, as indicated by the names of the saints. Read about Nikita of Novgorod, St. Nikita of Chalcedon and other patrons of names in a separate article.

Characteristics of the name Nikita

Nikita's character is active and joyful. He loves to be in noisy companies and feels comfortable there. Activity of character pushes to travel. Nikita enjoys traveling if he has the means. Even if you don’t have much money, you will always find an option, even if it’s not for long and not far away, but still to leave. Easy to talk to and can be the life of the party. The sociable character on vacation changes dramatically at work. In work relationships, Nikita is more of an individualist and does not like teamwork. Can only obey personally chosen authorities.

Nikita's character in relation to the weaker sex manifests itself with the best side. He is seductive and relaxed. His wonderful sense of humor is especially good at such moments. Loves children.

The secret of the name Nikita

Nikita's mystery is not easy to unravel. His cheerful and assertive character hides one peculiarity. Nikita is a vulnerable and deeply worried person. Behind his determination and drive lies empathy and sentimentality. Despite the external similarity with the mother, relations with her are often tense. Nikita has a hard time experiencing reproaches and reproaches from such loved one. The relationship with the father is rather trusting or even friendly. Nikita can turn to his father in difficult situation for advice.

Planet- Mercury.

Zodiac sign- Twins.

Totem animal- Hedgehog.

Color of the name Nikita- Violet.

Tree- Ash.

Plant- Bell.

Stone- Pomegranate.


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