Never give up! Success stories of famous people that inspire.

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In every disaster, in every failure there is a breakthrough, a seed of success, new opportunity, but we simply don’t know about it. We were simply not taught this. We perceive every failure as a blow of fate, as a slap in the face, as a trip, as bad luck, as a disaster. But only through the struggle with failure can you achieve something worthwhile if you stubbornly continue your work.

All over the world, successful, rich, healthy people treat life's trials and blows of fate in the same way. Their credo: “Everything that doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.” Strong man perceives any trial and failure as a step of growth.

The weak and poor also have the same attitude towards failure. Failure for them is God's punishment, bad luck. Born at the wrong time, in the wrong country, received the wrong upbringing. In short, any pain kills them. A weak person, weak in all respects - spiritual, physical, moral, mental - any failure makes him even weaker. When faced with trouble, he feels only fear.

We invite you to be inspired by the destinies of people who, seemingly from the deepest bottom, from the deepest abyss, soared upward, turning into beautiful, great princes and queens.

Michael Jordan

I've missed over nine thousand times in my athletic career. I've lost over three hundred matches. Twenty-six times I was trusted to make the last throw for the team to win - and I missed. I fail again and again. That's why I am the Champion!

These words belong to the greatest athlete of our time, the legendary man Michael Jordan. The great basketball player who earned about five hundred million dollars during his sports career. A man who has become an idol of youth around the world.

In America and Europe, Michael Jordan is a megastar. Moreover, this man is not just an excellent athlete, but also an exemplary father, an exemplary family man, teacher, and thinker. And it is his words that best describe the attitude of outstanding people towards failure.

Michael Jordan wasn't selected for his school basketball team as a child because the coach decided he didn't have talent. It was a test. So what did the black boy do? Did you burst into tears, start crying and give up your favorite sport forever? Not at all! He just started training more. Much more than his peers, happy members of the school team! Thus, from defeat to defeat, from misunderstanding to misunderstanding, from trial to trial, he became an outstanding athlete and champion.

Every failure carries a huge charge of success. No wonder in Chinese and Japanese The hieroglyph "catastrophe" has two meanings. The first meaning is failure, disaster, and the second meaning is new opportunities. If you ask any businessman or entrepreneur what caused his rise, you will definitely get to the bottom of the true starting point. It will be nothing more than failure.
V. Dovgan

Michael Bloomberg

Listen to the life story of the mayor of the financial capital of the world, New York City, Michael Bloomberg. The multi-billionaire created a unique company with a multi-billion dollar turnover and became a vivid embodiment of the Cinderella story or the great American dream. A young man from a poor family, almost by accident, entered college, and upon graduation began working in a brokerage company. He gave this company many years of his life, but he was fired. Disaster, failure, fiasco. Why was he fired and not some other employee? Because he is the weakest? Because he's a loser? After all, he gave so much time and heart to this company, treated it like his own family!

It would seem like a complete failure, a complete disaster. But it was at that moment that I was born great empire Bloomberg. None today financial institution the world cannot do without TV channels and information systems that he created. He achieved not only tremendous success in business, but also in politics, becoming one of the brightest mayors of New York, and this is a very complex city with large debts, high crime, with huge problems - and all of them he inherited from previous mayors .

When he was elected mayor, he discovered that the city budget was in a catastrophic state: it was bursting at all the seams, New York had been living beyond its means for many years. But Bloomberg was not bothered by this. He said he would work for one dollar a year to quickly make up the shortfall. He, like all ordinary New Yorkers, rides the subway, and when subway workers put forward impossible demands for the city and went on strike, he calmly, in front of all the citizens, went into the store, bought a bicycle and rode to work on a bicycle.

Marvelous bright man, bright destiny! But it would not have happened if Michael had not been fired. He would not have become a multi-billionaire, he would not have become a famous politician.

Walt Disney

Another story of defeat. Walt Disney is a man who left an indelible mark on the earth. Young Walt was fired from the newspaper with the humiliating, shameful wording “for lack of ideas.” Some small newspaper, some insignificant Chief Editor throws Disney out with the verdict that he is mediocrity, that he is a fool. And it was this pain, it was this tragedy in his fate that led to the birth of a great empire, the great world of Walt Disney.

The second failure did not await Disney for long - after drawing his first cartoon character, the donkey Oswald, he entered into a partnership with an extremely dishonest person who secretly rewrote all the contracts behind his back. One fine day, when Disney came to work, he heard: “All the cartoons, all the contracts with film distributors belong to me, and even the donkey Oswald, who has already become famous, also belongs to me. Here, dear Disney, your salary, work for pennies.” "You are no longer the owner or the author, just nobody!"

A vile stab in the back, a vile betrayal. But this is precisely what served as the impetus for the birth of the famous character Mickey Mouse. Who knows, without this betrayal, the history of world animation could have taken a completely different path, and you and I would never have had the opportunity to laugh and grieve with this wonderful character; there would not have been such an extraordinary attraction in the world as Disneyland. At the moment of betrayal, Disney was killed and suffered a colossal nervous breakdown. But he found the strength to tell this scoundrel: “Take this freak! In the world with which I am friends, there are a huge number of new heroes!” And on the way home he drew the famous Mickey Mouse.

Don King

The story of the rise of the famous boxing producer Don King is interesting. A black boy grew up on the outskirts big city- in the black ghetto, where alcohol, drugs, and crime reigned. What fate could await him ahead? Prison or death.

At first, that’s how it turned out. Being a gambling guy, Don King ran an illegal betting shop. After a fight with a debtor whom he killed, he went to prison for a long time. And here a miracle happens. He begins to read smart books from morning to night, begins to completely change his life, his worldview. The prison administration, seeing positive changes in the prisoner, petitioned for early release.

A completely different person came out of prison. A highly educated, well-read person who constantly quotes Dostoevsky, Socrates, Plato, Einstein. He started producing in professional boxing, raised it to a completely new level and became his legend. Don King went down in history as the man who first organized the fight between Muhammad Ali and Furman with a prize fund of the then unimaginable sum of $10 million. Who knows, if a tragedy hadn’t happened in his life, if he hadn’t gone to prison, maybe he would have simply become a drug addict, drunk himself, and turned into a homeless person.

Soichiro Honda

Every failure brings new opportunities.

These words are quite applicable to the fate of one of the entrepreneurs - Soichiro Honda. An illiterate mechanic from a small Japanese village dreamed of opening his own business. Having collected all the money, even selling his wife’s jewelry, he set up the production of piston rings for the Toyota automobile company. His fellow villagers were puzzled and surprised - how could an illiterate person open a business? In addition to making piston rings, Honda constantly worked on his technical inventions. For a long time nothing worked for him.

Colleagues laughed at him, they believed that he should just continue to produce these rings and not invent anything new, otherwise he would soon go broke. They mocked him, and this always happens, because little people who are afraid to take risks, who are afraid to take a step, who are afraid to do anything themselves, accept any of your defeats with delight. They are happy that you didn’t succeed either. This is an excuse for their gray, boring, miserable life. This is an internal guarantee that they live correctly, do not stick their neck out, do not take risks and do not suffer.

Imagine how Soichiro Honda felt when he heard these ridicules. But it was at this moment that a miracle happened. Soichiro came up with a way to ride a bicycle without expending energy. He attached it to his wife's bicycle small motor and made my first moped. If at that moment he had listened to the “well-wishers” and refused to continue inventing, perhaps all his life he would have been just one of thousands of Toyota suppliers. An unknown, but quite wealthy man.

It was out of failure that the great Honda empire was born, which is now one of the five largest automobile giants and produces 75 percent of all motorcycles in the world and a huge amount of necessary household appliances. Remember Soichiro Honda's formula for success: “99 defeats give one victory!”

Akio Morita

Let's look at how Sony was born. The first product of the designer Akio Morita were rice cookers, which worked disgustingly, burned rice and often failed. It was a defeat. The product was extremely unsuccessful. But it was this failure that served as the impetus for Akio Morita to create the first tape recorder, the first transistor.

The first failures of the Sony company changed its face and determined a completely different path of development. And it was this path that turned out to be fantastically successful, and it was he who brought Morita wealth and fame (in the 70s, Akio Morita was the richest man in the world).

Pietro Ferrero

You are all well aware of such wonderful candies as “Roche”, “Raffaello”, “Kinder Surprise” - chocolate eggs with amazing toys. But few people know how the Ferrero empire was born. Today it is a company with a turnover of more than 10 billion dollars and a worldwide reputation.

It was after the war in a small provincial Italian town. Pietro Ferrero decided to start a business on homemade sweets and bought cocoa, milk powder, butter, sugar, investing all his savings in them. The family spent several days preparing for the city holiday and made sweets, hoping to sell them profitably. And then, literally the day before the holiday, a tragedy occurred. The day was very hot and all the candy melted. Ferrero's wife, entering the makeshift warehouse, saw instead of sweets a spreading sweet mass. The tragedy was so strong that her legs gave way, and Ferrero himself, looking at this disaster, simply turned gray.

But a way out was found. They cut the bread and began to spread this sweet paste on it, making sweet sandwiches. The next day, Ferrero and his wife not only saved themselves from complete ruin, but also earned good money, because these sweet sandwiches flew away “like hot cakes on a frosty day.” This is how an amazing product was born - Nutella chocolate-nut spread.

Later, when Ferrero tested financial difficulties, Ferrero proudly said: “Holy Nutella will help us!” Indeed, this product has always generated super profits for Ferrero and has been popular with children all over the world for decades.

on the picture : Michele Ferrero, son of the company founder, who contributed to the development and success of the Ferrero Group

Joanne Rowling

We all admire the amazing literary hero Harry Potter. But few people know that the miracles happening to this amazing boy and his friends are nothing compared to the miracle that happened to his literary mother, writer Joanne Kathleen Rowling, or Jo, as her family called her from childhood.

This amazing woman was born on July 31, 1965 in England, in the small town of Chapingrodtree. She spent a typical childhood of a girl from a small town without any troubles or shocks. After graduating from school, Joan enters the University of Exeter, where she chooses to specialize in Philology, studying in depth French, Latin and Ancient Greek.

Joan began writing her first book about Harry Potter back in 1990, when she was twenty-five years old and worked as a secretary in a publishing house in London. She didn't have a computer, she wrote her bestseller on pieces of paper and put them in a shoe box.

At the age of 26, Joan goes to Portugal to teach. English language and soon meets Jorge Arantes, a journalist and playboy, and a year later marries him. The ambitious husband could not find a job for a long time, and therefore Joan, in order to support her family, had to teach English almost until the birth of her daughter Jessica. And already in October Joan, family life which never worked out, with three-month-old Jessica in her arms, she went to her only relative and to a loved one- to my sister in Edinburgh. She became a semi-impoverished single mother and lived on state benefit on the outskirts of the city in a gloomy slum. Rowling received only £70 a week, which was entirely spent on food and some clothes for Jessie. She was very embarrassed by her plight, literally turning into a beggar.

The death of her beloved mother, a constant lack of money, a difficult separation from her husband, who literally pushed her out of the house with a small child in her arms, contributed to the development of severe depression. Sometimes on rainy evenings, when her daughter was sleeping, it seemed to Joan that this dark streak of life would never end. Joan's only escape from the terrible reality was at her desk.

Joan wrote her first book for almost five years. Joan sent the manuscript of the book “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”, retyped on an old typewriter, to various publishing houses, from where they received standard replies: “Too difficult for children. Children will not be interested in it.”

But in 1995, the streak of terrible failures finally ended - the manuscript ended up in the Bloombury publishing house, which specialized in publishing children's books. From this moment on, an amazing turn takes place in the fate of J. K. Rowling - ugly duck turns into a beautiful swan.

The first book was published in July 1997, the same year Joan received a grant of 12 thousand dollars and finally bought a computer. Further more. The Americans bought the rights to " Philosopher's Stone"for 110 thousand dollars, and by the summer of 2000, the first three books had sold thirty-five million copies and been translated into 36 languages. Books about Harry Potter literally conquered the whole world. And Rowling herself became a superstar, a cult writer of our time. So what there of our time! of all times!

Oprah Winfrey

The number one star in show business, TV presenter Oprah Winfrey, has broken all records in terms of money making and popularity on television. Today, tens of millions of television viewers look with admiration at this plump African-American woman. She is an idol for millions of people on the planet. Imagine what this means in America, where two hundred years ago black people were slaves, and a hundred years ago they refused to even ride on the same bus or buy goods in the same store.

But Oprah did not come to her victory quickly. In childhood and adolescence, Oprah's fate was not the most in the best possible way. She was born in the slums of one of the poor neighborhoods, where prostitution, violence, drugs, and crime were almost the most important occupation of young people. She left home very early, wandered, took alcohol and drugs, and led a promiscuous sex life. At the age of 16, she gave birth to a stillborn child, without even knowing from whom. As a child, it was only by chance that she was not sent to a juvenile prison for theft - she was saved by the fact that the prison was overcrowded.

A tramp, thief and drug addict, Oprah naturally missed classes for months and wrote with many errors. Most people with her fate would have folded their hands long ago and never dreamed of millions of dollars, of fame, of fame. But Oprah had hope, she had a dream to achieve the best in life. And fate smiled at her: she managed to find a job at some small provincial radio station. At first she did all sorts of auxiliary work around the office, then she was entrusted - for the first time in her life - to go on air.

Shorten the path to your Dream!!

It’s hard to force yourself to do something, let alone start a project, hoping only for prospects.

Many people have tried to build a business and failed, but there are also those who succeeded. Finding out how they acted and what they needed will be the best motivation.

Stories of successful earnings on the Internet can be listed endlessly. The same Mark Zuckerberg was a student and he is not from a rich family, but now his company has a multimillion-dollar turnover. A real success story, of which there are a huge number on the Internet.

The story of my successful earnings

I would like to start this article with the story of my enrichment. Once upon a time I was a beginner, I was interested in making money on the Internet, but I was not a programmer, I didn’t understand anything at all about creating websites, and so on.

In parallel with my training as a car mechanic, I began to actively use click sponsors. As you already understand, this was just a hobby, because my profession has nothing to do with what I do now.

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Someone is moving millions and billions, but it’s not you yet? To be honest, what do you think when you hear success stories about Her or Him, for whom everything is going fantastically well: the first million years like this at 25, the most expensive car, a luxurious house, several operating businesses with impressive assets…. The success stories of rich people, in fact, are too varied to be “combed” with one brush and perceived as stereotyped.

It may often seem that rich people became rich without lifting a finger - after all, such a successful person already had mountains of gold behind him, green rustling bills given by his parents, and not taking advantage of all this is a sin.

So that nothing seems, and finally understand the reality for yourself - that you can sit in the soft leather interior of a car, or open a bottle of the most expensive wine on your own terrace, and all this without being tied to ready-made soil, we will simply demonstrate 10 real stories becoming the richest people in the world from virtually nothing. From scratch, without support and golden diapers.

By the way, not all the biographies of the rich people of the world that we will now tell you about are familiar to you. If you were guided only by Forbes ratings, there will be a discovery. What's not a reason to expand your own borders?

10. Michael Rubin reveals the top ten richest people on the planet. The future billionaire and founder of the Kynetic company sold seeds to neighbors as a child. At the age of 10, the enterprising boy was already hiring 5 guys to remove snow from his neighbors’ lawns for a fee. At the age of 14, Michael already had his own store, and at the age of 23, under his leadership there was a company with a turnover of 50 million dollars. Michael's fortune is estimated at $2.3 billion. Practical always strong personalities They start exactly like this: by demonstrating their entrepreneurial spirit from an early age.

9. Oprah Winfrey will be the only woman in our ranking of the richest people in the world. Yes, not in first place, but if it were a ranking of hard work and determination, she could easily be given the championship. Now she is 62 years old and her path to success has nothing to do with the story of Cinderella. She can answer questions about how rich people got rich based on personal experience: She worked hard and achieved everything herself. Oprah Winfrey was born into a poor family. The mother was a maid, and the father was a miner.

For the first 6 years of her life, Oprah lived with her grandmother in the middle of nowhere. The American TV presenter herself admitted in an interview that she was raped at the age of 9 and became pregnant at 14. The child died shortly after birth. At the age of 17, Oprah began working as a reporter, and in 1986 she created her own program, “The Oprah Winfrey Show.” In 2011, she launched her own TV channel, OWN. The TV presenter's fortune is estimated at $3.2 billion.

8. This guy doesn’t move tens of billions, like some representatives of the rating, but he has something in stock: almost 10 billion dollars of capital earned by his own labor. He owns 7.6% of Facebook shares. Dustin Moskowitz was born in Jewish family in Washington. His father worked as a psychiatrist, but more information about Dustin's family has not been disclosed.

7. In honorable seventh place in our TOP 10 richest people Canadian-American engineer Elon Musk. He is 12 years older than Dustin Moskowitz. Elon Musk's capital is $12.3 billion. He founded SpaceX company and The latter, after merging with Confinity, was named PayPal and was sold for $1.5 billion. Musk was born in South Africa. True, the father was a businessman, and the mother was a famous model, so it is difficult to call the family poor. But there is back side medals - Elon was often beaten at school, and this, of course, left a considerable mark on the level of self-esteem.

At age 12, Elon made his first video game and sold it for $500. This was the first independent income on the way to billions. If you look at what these children do from an early age, you can predict their future success. And success “overtook” Elon.

6. Meet Li Ka-shing - the richest and most influential person in Hong Kong and Asia. While Forbes assessed the capital of the Hong Kong “Superman” and counted 25.5 billion dollars, it grew to 34. And this is data for 2015. We think Lee has done even better in 2016. In narrow circles, this enterprising Hong Konger is called “Superman” and is now 87 years old.

Li Ka-shing is the chairman of Cheung Kong Group and Hutchison Whampoa, which account for about 15% of the Hong Kong stock market. Among the stories of rich people who started from scratch, his is one of the most difficult. To understand: Lee was born into the family of an ordinary teacher.

From the fifth grade, Kashin began selling watch straps, and a little later he got a job in a factory producing plastic watches. 16 hours of work in a factory and then attending evening school - this is how the Hong Kong guy Li Ka-shing began his path to his first million. Having gained experience at the factory, he began selling plastic flowers himself, and soon headed his own company.

5. The stories of rich people who started from scratch are not similar to each other. Just like the story of Sergei Brin, who also falls into fifth place in our ranking of the richest people in the world. Sergey is nothing at all - 42 years old and he is the co-founder of Google. Sergei was born into a Jewish family of mathematicians who moved to the United States in 1979, and the future billionaire was only 5 years old. In 2016, according to Forbes magazine, the fortune of an American entrepreneur with Russian roots was estimated at almost $35 billion.

4. You’ve probably heard about this guy too. Larry Page is an American billionaire who, together with Sergey Brin, created the first search engine, which eventually grew into the most powerful tool for searching for any information - Google. Larry was born into a professorial family, and while receiving his education at the prestigious Stanford University, he met Brin. The joint launch of Google, as we see, has become a goldmine for the guys. Now Larry Page's fortune is estimated at $32.3 billion, and this is 17th place in the Forbes ranking, however, in 2014. We dare to assume that in 2 years a couple of billions have been added.

Biographies of the world's richest people: TOP-3. Who's in the lead?

3. Another example of crazy success without any seemingly chance of it from birth is American businessman Sheldon Adelson. Sheldon is one of the twenty richest people according to Forbes magazine. Adelson once again proves: the richest people on the planet are not those who were born and immediately fell into golden swaddling clothes. The son of a taxi driver, a newspaper salesman at the age of 12, a court reporter and even a toiletries salesman. Sheldon suffered a lot. The future American billionaire was born into a Jewish family. And, by the way, he is recognized as the richest Jew.

According to the most recent data that was announced, Sheldon Adelson's net worth is $38 billion. Not bad, right? The billionaire receives his main income from his investments in real estate: the construction of casinos, hotels, shops, exhibition centers, etc.

2. We just write “Mark”, and you already understand who we are talking about. And yes, you were not mistaken. The founder of the social network Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, is also in the TOP 10 richest people in the world. In May, information on Mark’s condition was updated (talking about money), and the capital amounted to $51.6 billion. But the guy is only 32 years old! By the way, like many on the list, he is of Jewish origin. Father is a dentist, mother is a psychiatrist. Mark has 3 sisters. Do you think doctors could provide much for 4 children? While still a schoolboy, Mark developed an online version of the game “Risk”, and while studying at Harvard, he developed an internal one social network, which he didn’t bring to mind himself, but the guys came to the rescue: Dustin Moskowitz, Eduardo Saverin and others.

1. The ex-president of Inditex could not be left out of our list of the TOP 10 richest people in the world. And, you know, we put it first. While many people multiply their income several times, Amancio Ortega, we are sure, is not “lost.” It was he who in October last year received the title of the richest man on the planet according to Forbes magazine. But in May 2016, his fortune was estimated at $72.9 billion. If the name of the company Indetex does not mean anything to you, then about brand Zara You heard. Amancio is also the founder of this brand.

Amancio's father was a railway worker, and his mother, even better, was a servant. The family was so poor that the guy didn't even graduate high school, and at the age of 13 he began working as a messenger in a shirt store. Yes, did the 13-year-old boy then think that in 2015 he would top the ranking of the richest people on the planet? We doubt it. Today, the billionaire invests considerable sums in real estate in Florida, Madrid, London, as well as in banks and tourism.

This is what the ranking of the richest people in the world looks like, who started their path to success from scratch. Are there no boundaries? There really aren't any. Just take action and any goal will be achieved. Who knows, maybe you will end up in the Forbes ranking in a couple of years.

If you think it's too late for you to start something that you lack brains, health, money and something else to start new life- then this article is for you! In it, I collected dozens of success stories of people who are over 50, 60 or more years old, and who have achieved great results in life, in business, in art and sports, science, etc. These people are from big cities and small villages, from other countries and our compatriots, contemporaries and people who no longer exist.

« If you think that you are capable of something, or you think that you are not capable of it, you are right in both cases! - Henry Ford. (It’s all in our head, friends! :)

With the development of the Internet, the number of opportunities has increased astronomically. Never before in the history of mankind has it been so easy and cheap to start something new. All that is required of a person is to do what he loves and believe in himself!

😎 Hello everyone! Timur Mazaev is with you, akaMoneyPapa - Family finance expert.

Personal story

My personal heroes are my parents! Simple Soviet engineers who started life from scratch several times, changing countries and cultures, but never giving up. Having higher education, experience as a manager, the title of inventor of the USSR, my father did not disdain work in difficult times and worked as a loader, taxi driver, market seller, etc. Mom, at the age of 45, changed her profession and turned from an engineer to an accountant.

Parents moved to Russia after the collapse of the USSR, with $5,000 in my pocket and no home. For $1,500 they bought me a computer, which “fed” me for many years (I wrote and sold accounting programs throughout my student years). There was a time when their only source of income was the little money that I, a student, managed to earn. There was a time when they ate mushrooms found in the nearest forest belt))). They've been through a lot.

And they never, never, never lost heart, They didn’t blame anyone for anything, they always held on to each other and their children, they were (and are) always positive, they always smiled and found great happiness in small trifles and joys. They were not afraid to start life over again. And now, closer to 70, they are ready for serious changes on all fronts that are happening in our family. God bless you, my dear ones!

Quotes on the topic

“People who fail to motivate themselves will settle for mediocrity, no matter how impressive their talents.” – Andrew Carnegie

Everyone knows the story of Colonel Sanders, who created the KFC brand after 60 years

Hollywood is not a dream, but a reality

Sylvia has gone through a difficult path, which included a few orders from friends and a serious illness - however, all this is left behind, and now 82-year-old Sylvia is the main supplier of cakes for world-class celebrities, loves her job and creates without days off; Each cake is decorated with her signature logo - an image of her round glasses with black frames.

Always on the top

Rock the dance floor? Easily!

"Tornado in a Turban"

Beat cancer by dancing

Michelangelo began work on the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel when he was already 61 years old (work on the Sistine Chapel lasted five years). He became the chief architect of St. Peter's Cathedral at the age of 71.

"Diana and Actaeon"


It's never too late to change your life and start from scratch! However, success does not fall on your head and may require several years of work, and strength and health after 50-60-70 may be significantly less than in at a young age! Therefore, it is so important to do what you love so as not to notice physical and moral fatigue. All the people from this article are the same people as us, made from the same “stuff”, no smarter and no more stupid than us. This means that anything is possible! The main thing is not to rush (despite your age) and move at your own pace, breaking big goals into small, “edible” steps!

Call to action

2. Download the Goal Setting Matrix, which I use - and try to come up with and write down your (new and old) goals into steps that can be completed. Read articles about goal setting.

3. For those who want to find new job — download for free Sample Resume + Cheat Sheet “10 Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions with Examples of (Correct) Answers.”

It will be useful!


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👋 And I wish you well-being in finances, family and in life!
Timur Mazaev was with you, aka MoneyPapa - an expert on family finances.

Many people want to achieve success in some kind of activity, but are absolutely sure that they will not succeed. In fact, anything is possible if you believe in yourself and work on your knowledge and skills. Motivational stories successful people- this is one way to raise morale and set yourself up for victory. Each of them started small, gradually striving more and more for victory, for their goal. To make sure that you have the opportunity to achieve the desired result in any business, read the life stories of successful people who, like you, did not know whether they would be able to achieve their goal.

Incredible people live all over the world. There are a huge number of them in Russia, much more than anywhere else. Therefore, you should not make excuses by saying that you do not live in a promising country. So, read the stories of successful people in Russia who at first had nothing. But let's not forget about other countries.

Andrey Krylkov

Andrei Krylkov is a man whose story begins with the fact that he is given a terrible diagnosis. The boy lived with cerebral palsy since childhood. When it was time to go to school, he was sent to a special orphanage where children with disabilities studied. Among these children, Andrei stood out for his intelligence, intelligence and resourcefulness. Despite his situation, the boy never lost hope of recovery.

One day Andrei heard from another attending physician that if he wanted and wanted to, he could cure himself on his own. So, the guy starts reading medical literature and actively playing sports. Andrei's family began to seriously worry about his state of mind, the boy wanted to get back on his feet so badly.

The guy's first exercise machine was a homemade barbell. While studying sports literature, the young man trained at home. Over time, his arms and legs began to obey him. He greatly impressed the medical commission when he came for an examination on his own.

Today Andrei Krylkov is a successful bodybuilder, although more delicate work, for example, screwing in nuts or repairing small objects, he cannot yet do. But the guy does not lose hope. He has a great desire to act and an unshakable belief in himself, so no one doubts that Andrei will soon overcome his diagnosis completely. And therefore, all the stories of successful people in Russia are often revealed by this incredible biography.

David Smith

Today, many people, especially the fair sex, dream of getting rid of the hated folds of fat, but cannot find the motivation for this. David Smith is a man who... special methods was able to lose as much as 186 kilograms.

This guy's story begins with the fact that he could not move without assistance. His weight was 268 kilograms, and he decided it was time to change his life.

Surely you will wonder how a young man of 26 years old brought himself to such a state. The fact is that the guy suffered from a tendency to be overweight since childhood. When his mother, to whom he was strongly attached, died, he tried to fight despair with food. Less than a year had passed, and the guy no longer knew how to get rid of fat.

Through sports and proper nutrition David got into shape, but had to turn to professional surgeons because his skin was so sagging.

Now the young man, satisfied with his result, lives a full life and is not going to stop there.

Ingeborg Mootz

Surely you are interested in stories of financially successful people. If so, then you will like the biography of Ingeborg Mootz, who is already 83 years old. She, like any old woman of her age, lives in a small private house, which is filled with old-fashioned furniture inside. Ingeborg keeps photographs of friends and relatives and leads a normal life. It would seem that there is nothing surprising in this phenomenon. But Ingeborg stands out because she is a successful stock speculator in Germany.

One day, when her husband died, the old woman realized that she simply had nothing to live on. The woman’s starting capital was the shares purchased earlier by her husband. Not missing her chance, Ingeborg began to play on the stock exchange. Behind a short time the woman was able to earn 500 thousand euros. Moreover, her relatives trust her with their capital so that she increases it.

Today, the pensioner is not going to stop there, she wants to earn a million and is actively moving towards her goal. Moreover, Ingeborg gives practical advice everyone, helps poor people and conducts courses for people who want to play on the stock exchange.

Mark Goffeny

No story of successful people begins with pleasant circumstances. Likewise, the biography of Mark Goffeny is interesting because the guy dreamed of learning to play the guitar, but one difficult circumstance prevented him. The young man is disabled; he is missing both arms.

Any story of successful people in the world fades when it becomes known that the guy has become a skilled guitarist, and he plays his favorite instrument with his feet. His music is filled with a special charm, which is why Mark already has thousands of fans all over the world. The guy gives guitar lessons, enjoys life and is not going to stop there, improving his skills and continuing to work on himself.

Zhang Yin

History necessarily has its oddities. So, Zhang Yin, owner small company, which only a few people knew about, was able to make a fortune by studying US landfills. Having bought most of them, she supplied waste paper to China, where the raw materials were recycled and delivered to America in the form of packaging boxes.

Zhang Yin is the first lady of China. Any incredible story Successful people begin with the fact that a person does not imagine that he is capable of achieving great results. But in Zhang Yin's case, things are much more serious. In China, women are assigned the role of housewife and secondary person. It is unthinkable that a woman, without education, starting capital and family ties, goes to leadership positions and becomes the country's first businesswoman.

This biography motivates and inspires a large number of people all over the world. Main lesson, which Zhang Yin gives, is that profit can be made from everything, even from garbage, and everything can be achieved if there is a desire. Today, the queen of landfills is very popular, she is not going to stop, she plans to develop her business to reach an even larger level.

Serikbol Kuldeybaev

All stories of successful people in business begin with the fact that they dream of earning a certain amount of money. Thus, Serikbol Kuldeybaev, who has been disabled in the first group since childhood, dreamed of becoming a millionaire. It would seem that his desire is impossible. But the guy proved to the whole world that nothing is impossible.

After graduating from school in orphanage for the disabled, the guy learned sewing. He worked in this field for seven years, saving small amounts of money. Later, he decided that repairing shoes was not for him, and with the saved-up finances he opened six shoe stores. But this was only Serikbol's first step as a businessman.

The guy set up points all over the city where he could buy soda, and later he decided to open his own kebab shop. Since he did not want to buy expensive meat from private entrepreneurs, he bought his own farm. This is how Serikbol earned a million for the first time.

But there were also difficulties in the life of a successful entrepreneur associated with moving the capital in which he lived to another city. A man and his family decided to try themselves in a new place. Serikbola had to experience a lot of difficulties to open a business in a new city, read a lot of books and meet a lot of people. But the result quickly made itself felt.

Today the man lives in abundance, but the desire for new achievements has not left him. He assures that nothing would have worked out if he had not met kind and sympathetic people on his way who helped him in his endeavors.

Jean-Claude Van Damme

Stories of rich successful people are always interesting. Nowadays it is very difficult to find a person who has not heard such a name as Jean-Claude Van Damme. Indeed, it's worldwide famous actor, but few people know that his path to success was extremely difficult.

Jean begins his development by entering ballet school. Thanks to his talent, efficiency, self-confidence and strong desire to succeed, the guy quickly conquers the world of sports and becomes its star. But the dream of becoming an actor haunts him.

At the age of 20, having given up everything, Jean goes to Hollywood. The first few years were very difficult, because the guy had to work in the worst positions in order to somehow earn a living.

Fate decreed Jean's life in such a way that one day he met Chuck Norris, who helped the guy get a small role in his first film. Talent young man was noticed immediately, so they began to invite him to castings and give him the main roles. Soon Jean became a Hollywood star, which he always dreamed of. Such a biography once again proves that it is absolutely impossible to give up when there is at least a small chance of winning.

Susan Boyle

The stories of the world's most successful people are not only related to business. Susan Boyle was recently an ordinary woman 47 years old, who did not stand out from the crowd. She does not have a bright appearance and does not strive to win the love and attention of all the people of the world. She just has a dream, which is to become a singer. With this thought, the woman decided to go to the British Got Talent show.

When Susan appeared on stage, the audience in the hall and the jury members were somewhat skeptical about her appearance. Everyone was amazed, looking at the woman's appearance, that she really wanted to become a singer. But after Susan's grandiose performance, amazed spectators and jury members gave her a standing ovation.

Literally an hour after the broadcast aired, the video of the woman’s performance was watched by millions of Internet users. Today, the number of Susan's fans is growing in geometric progression, and the woman rejoices that she was able to muster up the courage and fulfill the dream of her life.

Randy Pausch

Randy Pausch is a man who teaches that life stories Successful people's journeys don't have to end on a positive note. The man is not known for his incredible wealth, successful film career, or phenomenal talent in music. All people know him as the author of the so-called “last lecture”.

At the age of 45, Randy learned of a fatal diagnosis. A man who was well versed in philosophy and computer science, who sought to gain knowledge and apply it to improve the world, had no more than 2 months to live.

Usually in such a situation people despair, withdraw into themselves and stop hoping for the best. But this is not about Randy. Before his death, he gave a lecture about life, about how important it is to appreciate every moment, how to live in such a way as not to regret the things not done. This story has touched and motivated millions of people around the world. The guy left behind a mark in history that will never be erased.

The biography of Randy Pausch proves that you don’t have to be full of strength and energy, you don’t have to look far into the future in order to achieve success and do good to the people around you.

Tatiana Bakalchuk

The stories of successful people in business continue. This time we will talk about This woman is the owner of one of the largest online stores.

Tatyana's story begins with the fact that she was on maternity leave. At this time, the woman decided to open a virtual clothing store. The warehouse was located right in her apartment. Since 2004, Tatyana has managed to promote her business, increasing her capital several times. Today, Tatyana's net worth is 380 million US dollars.

The example of this woman shows that even while on maternity leave you should not sit idly by. Perhaps fate will meet you halfway, and you will become one of them. After all, Tatyana did not have connections and large start-up capital, she only had a desire to work, ingenuity and the ability to feel the needs of clients.

Eduard Tiktinsky

Eduard Tiktinsky is an exemplary businessman. From a young age, he was sure that he wanted to become an entrepreneur. His dream came true, but Edward had to work hard to achieve it. His biography continues the stories of successful people in Russia.

Since the guy was born into a poor family, his career began as an assistant to one of the managers of a real estate company. Soon Eduard's talent was noticed and he became a marketing manager for one of the leading companies, and after that he founded his own holding company.

The man assures that there is simply no one way. To achieve the desired result in your work, you need to enjoy it. Therefore, go towards your dream, make what you want into reality, without thinking that something may not work out.

Vadim Kulubekov

Vadim Kulubekov is a guy who, at the age of 21, managed to create his own company, while having 100,000 rubles in his pocket, which became his starting capital.

The story of this man, like most biographies of successful people, began with a tragic event. When Vadim was 19 years old, his father died, who always supported the guy in everything. Then he realized that there was no one else to hope for in this life.

Having a strong character, Vadim did not want to work for a stranger, while receiving pennies. After thinking about his future fate, the guy decided to become an entrepreneur. He found small room, where the employees of his company both lived and the office of this company was located. Thanks to his abilities and love for his business, Vadim managed to expand production and become one of the most promising entrepreneurs of his time.

Albert Einstein

Who doesn't know Einstein today? This is the most outstanding scientist of the last century, it would seem that his life should have been filled with successful discoveries. But this is far from true.

When little Albert was born, no one had any idea that phenomenal success awaited him. The boy began to speak only at the age of 4, and when his peers already knew how to write, he could barely read. Parents and other adults considered Albert a mentally retarded child, and his teachers had long given up on him.

But in fact, the growing young man simply thought differently from other people. He stood out from the crowd. And soon Einstein received Nobel Prize in physics. Then he made discovery after discovery, gradually becoming the greatest scientist of the century. No one dared to say that Albert was an inferior person, since he left a visible mark on the history of science.

Walt Disney

What story of successful people would be complete without the creator of Disneyland and the childhood cartoons we all love? Walt Disney suffered failure after failure when starting his career. Because he didn't have enough creative ideas, he was fired from the newspaper and his animation studio went bankrupt.

Walt had to work hard to get funding to create Disneyland. He was rejected 302 times, after which he was finally given this chance.

The most famous cartoonist of his time suffered more failures than any person striving for success would dare to endure. Perhaps that is why he achieved his goal. This story proves once again that you cannot give up in order to gain recognition.

Steven Spielberg

Steven Spielberg was expelled from two schools, which did not particularly upset the young man. He tried to enroll in film school three times, but all these attempts failed miserably. Members admissions committee They answered the guy that he was mediocre and would not be able to achieve anything.

However, Stephen was able to get into one of the popular universities. He studied hard, trying to be as close to his dream as possible. His efforts were not in vain, as Spielberg became the director of the most significant films in the history of cinema. Without much difficulty he managed to get 3 Oscars. By the way, the film school, which he never managed to enroll in in his youth, awarded the already adult and successful Spielberg an honorary academic degree.

There are many more awards in the man’s collection, and he also managed to earn more than one billion US dollars, but for him this is not a priority. His main goal was to achieve his dream of mastering his favorite profession and becoming successful, which he achieved by overcoming all obstacles.

Marilyn Monroe

It's hard to believe, but Marilyn Monroe, the most famous blonde of all time, a sex symbol for many generations and simply a successful actress, suffered many failures on the way to her goal. So, the girl decided to try her luck in Hollywood, but one of the companies refused her, citing the fact that she was not attractive and could not act decently in films.

The young woman did not give up, continuing the fight for her happiness. She faced many challenges both in her career and in her personal life. There are rumors that Marilyn was not a happy person, as she tried to commit suicide several times.

Nevertheless, the girl is the most popular blonde of our time, the ideal of beauty and the standard of femininity. So think a few times. If you were rejected, perhaps fate is giving you a chance to try your hand at another, more successful place for you.

So, these motivational stories make you think that you don't have to be the ideal beauty or the smartest person around to achieve phenomenal success. It is enough to love what you do and do it with soul, skillfully avoiding all obstacles. Believe in your strength, then success will knock on your door. Don't stop there, but don't become a slave to what you do. Most likely, you will be haunted by failures, perhaps in large quantities. But this means only one thing: fate tests your strength in order to give you the success that you have dreamed of and strived for for so long.


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