You need to open a frozen garage lock. What can I do to prevent my garage door from freezing? Lock in garage freezes

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A lock on a door, gate, gate lock or garage lock should work well in any weather, winter or summer. However, in practice it happens that the castle freezes in winter. Is this a normal situation, can this situation be considered an inevitable evil associated with our climate, or can this phenomenon be combated? This situation is common; locks can indeed freeze in winter, but it cannot be considered normal. It is possible and necessary to take some “preventative” measures. What should I do to prevent the garage lock, the lock on the entrance door, the gate, and the street gate from freezing? There are two measures, the use of which will reduce the risk of the lock freezing to a minimum.

1) Lubricate the lock with high-quality lubricant, such that it is designed for use when low temperatures, without significant thickening and hardening of the lubricant in the lock. Locks should not be lubricated with grease. It is better to use thinner lubricants, such as oil for sewing machines. But all oils and lubricants tend to get dirty and leave greasy spots, and besides, there is never a guarantee that if you buy a lubricant for a lock that says that it can be used in winter, at low temperatures, then it will actually be suitable. I would recommend lubricating the lock with HP fluid, antifreeze or antifreeze to prevent the lock from freezing. These liquids are both a lubricant (even if not the most effective, but quite suitable for a lock), a rust solvent (also not the strongest) and an antifreeze liquid that is not prone to hardening at low temperatures.

2) Lubrication to prevent the garage lock from freezing is more of a fight against the effect than an elimination of the cause. Yes, you need to lubricate the lock in winter, but it would be more important to prevent moisture from getting into the lock mechanism. And if we cannot fight the moisture in the air in the form of vapor, it will still fall out in the form of condensation on the metal when the temperature drops sharply, then we must “fight” rainwater and prevent it from getting into the lock mechanism on the gate, doors or gates. Very effective means To prevent the lock from freezing, it turns out that there is a way mechanical protection locks from rainwater. This refers to various canopies, canopies and roofs. For example, a roof over a gate or a canopy. You can also install a canopy over the gate. Well, about the benefits of awnings over the entrance to the house and canopies over entrance doors and there is no need to talk. Installing a canopy or canopy is the best thing we can do to prevent the castle from freezing.

Probably every garage owner has encountered the problem of frozen garage door locks. Sometimes there are cases when the door freezes constantly, and the owners of the garage do not know how to solve this problem. In addition, there are many tips on the Internet on how to protect the lock from freezing.

But as experts say, some of this advice can only do harm. The lock in the garage freezes, we will look at what to do, videos, photos and much more in this article.

Why do castles freeze?

If your lock freezes, it is not enough to simply defrost it. It is necessary to find the reason for this in order to prevent such problems. There are three most common reasons that cause locks and doors to freeze:

  • dirt;
  • moisture;
  • lubricant

The most common cause of freezing is that dirt, grease and moisture are present in the lock at the same time. If the inside of the lock is in a perfectly clean condition, in most cases it will work perfectly, even in the most severe frosts. It should be understood that there are different types locks with different design features. Therefore, some types of locks will withstand frost well, while others will not. For example, cylinder ones work very poorly on the street. Such products are made with increased manufacturing precision and are therefore resistant to even small grains of sand. The code elements and the small spring stick together in the cold and it becomes impossible to open the lock. If in addition to this a drop of water gets inside, the problem will become even more serious. When purchasing a lock, you must immediately clarify whether it can be used outdoors. Some manufacturers indicate whether their products are suitable for outdoor use.

Lever locks are better suited for garage doors. They tolerate aggressive environments better than cylinder ones. Unlike small and very delicate code elements cylinder mechanisms, levelers have fairly large plates and a reliable spring, which better tolerate dirt or lag. A deadbolt lock is also often used for garages. Although the mechanism of this lock is quite durable, it is not recommended for use to protect expensive property. In most cases, it is quite easy to open it, so this option can only be used in conjunction with other types of locks.

How to lubricate a door lock

There is an opinion that lubricant will help the lock withstand sub-zero temperatures and extend its service life. But that's not true. In most cases, lubricant will only harm the mechanism. Why? It collects dirt and dust, and also thickens in the cold. It would be best to avoid lubrication completely. More suitable option- from time to time, disassemble the lock and clean it from dirt.

How to protect a lock from freezing

The first thing you should do to prevent the lock from freezing is to choose it correctly. You should only buy mechanisms that are intended for outdoor use. As we have already discussed above, lever locks are better suited for this task. It is even better if this mechanism has a closed key window.

In addition, the mechanism should be protected as best as possible from moisture. If the castle is constantly exposed to rain or snow, it will constantly freeze. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the mechanism from snow and rain.

Another problem is condensation. Some people decide to properly insulate their garage doors and the lock itself. You can also make a so-called “pocket”. This is a metal box that is welded on all sides. Only one edge is not welded, for installation in the lock pocket. After this, the made “pocket” is welded directly into the door. In addition, this technology can even be used to install a lock on a wicket or gate without fear of it freezing.

How to defrost a lock in a garage in winter

There are some ways to open your garage door if the lock is frozen. But before that, I would like to mention that in such a situation you cannot use force, because this can lead to the key breaking and the situation will be even worse.

Most in a simple way will pour boiling water over the castle. This method is very simple and does not require much effort. But, after this procedure, the mechanism must be completely dried. Otherwise, the problem will recur and quickly disable the mechanism.

The next method will be the method using fire. To do this, simply set fire to the newspaper and bring it to the key hole. The fire will quickly melt the ice and most likely help open the door. This method is very common, but it is worth paying attention to its disadvantages. For example, after use, the paint on the doors burns or black spots appear that cannot be washed off. Therefore, after using this method, it is necessary to repaint the garage door.

If the newspaper does not help to defrost the locks, and there is very little time, then you can use a blowtorch or gas torch. This method is suitable better than boiling water for the reason that after using the burner the mechanism does not need to be dried. But the disadvantages of the method remain the same as those of the newspaper. Although some gas burners have flame adjustment, so when careful use the burner will not harm the doors.

The next method is to pour antifreeze, alcohol or antifreeze inside the lock. When interacting with ice, they loosen it, restoring the functionality of the mechanism.

The easiest way is to buy a special liquid, with which you can quickly defrost this mechanism. You can buy defrosting liquid at almost any big city at an affordable price.

There is probably no car owner in our latitudes who has not at least once encountered such an unpleasant phenomenon as a frozen lock in the garage, which sometimes requires a lot of effort and nerves to open.

And, of course, according to the law of world meanness, the lock freezes on the very day when the owner of the car is in a hurry to get somewhere. What to do when you're cold internal lock in the garage - reasons and methods quick solution Problems.

Before considering ways to open a frozen lock in a garage, it’s worth considering one more small topic - why it freezes in the first place.

There are only three reasons why locks freeze: there is grease, dirt, and moisture inside the mechanism. And often everything is mixed up.

It has been noticed that lever-type locks resist frost much better than cylinder-type locks. It's all about the size of the components of the castle themselves:

  • in the lever lock, large flat plates loaded with springs are used as code elements, due to which such a device fights moisture and dirt quite successfully;
  • A cylinder lock freezes much more often, because the elements of the mechanism are very small and manufactured with high precision. Often, a grain of sand is enough for the device to jam, and here such aggressive conditions exist.

Another reason is the use of lubricant. In severe frosts, its use is harmful proper operation lock, as it collects waste and dirt, and then thickens in the cold, so it is better to refrain from using it altogether.

Let's summarize the reasons for freezing locks on garage doors:

  1. The device is not adapted for use in cold weather or generally outdoors.
  2. The mechanism is clogged with grease, moisture, waste and dirt. Or even all together.

Be that as it may, the main problem is the presence of moisture inside the lock. And understanding the essence of the problem is already half the solution.

How to defrost a lock in a garage in winter

There are several proven ways to quickly warm up a frozen interior lock in a garage:

  1. Simple and convenient option- open fire.
    Very important when the owner is in a hurry. Often an ignited piece of paper held close to the lock's opening is enough. Despite its simplicity, the method is effective and helps in most cases. The problem is different - you will have to use the lit paper constantly, because before the next opening, the melted moisture will freeze again and jam the mechanism. You can also heat the key itself - if the mechanism is not frozen too much, this may be enough.
  2. Another more reliable option is to warm up a frozen padlock (or internal one) with a blowtorch or gas torch.
    High temperature allows not only to melt, but also to remove moisture altogether.
  3. An effective option is to use antifreeze, alcohol, and antifreeze.
    They need to be poured inside frozen castle, after which they will enter into an active reaction with ice. In just a few minutes, performance will return.

In addition to the substances indicated in the last paragraph, you can use brake fluid; it is no less effective, but slower - you will have to wait about 15 minutes.

In winter, it is best to always have with you a small medical syringe filled with one of the above reagents, which will allow you to open a jammed garage lock at any time without any problems.

Another option is ready-made pocket defrosters. Purchase them in advance and there should be no problems opening them.

Freezing Prevention

To prevent the lock in the garage from freezing, and to avoid the headache of opening it altogether, choose devices for installation that are intended for use outdoors. As mentioned above, the best choice– locks with a lever mechanism.

In general, it’s good with the key window closed, that is, when, when turning the key, both of its bits are in contact with the lever. A practice-tested parameter is springs on levers. The tougher they are, the less likely they are to jam and freeze.

Another important point– be sure to exclude the possibility of direct moisture. Even an expensive professional lock will freeze if snow and rain pour directly into it.

Another one bad reason freezing - condensation. When it’s frosty outside and the temperature inside the garage is above zero, the lock will inevitably become covered with frost and freeze.

In this situation, it is a kind of cold bridge, and, unfortunately, it will no longer be possible to prevent the occurrence of condensation - this is thought out in advance, even at the stage of designing the room.

Bottom line

The reason for freezing of any lock on the street is moisture getting inside it, which turns into ice in the cold. The best options for quickly opening the device are high temperature and chemical reagents - antifreeze, alcohol, brake fluid, antifreeze.

To prevent the garage lock from freezing in cold weather, it must be kept clean and under no circumstances should it be lubricated. Periodically, it is worth taking care of cleaning the mechanism, because dirt and waste will inevitably accumulate in it.

In the end we got three simple conditions that will help get rid of the problem of freezing locks:

  1. The mechanism must be kept clean.
    No working out, grease or dirt inside.
  2. The device must be protected from direct exposure to precipitation.
  3. And most importantly, the lock must initially be designed for outdoor use.

If the lock in the garage is frozen, then experienced car owners know how to solve this problem quickly and painlessly. However, they simply try to prevent such a problem and regularly lubricate the locks, so as not to find themselves one fine, or rather, not at all beautiful frosty morning, at a closed gate without the ability to get inside.

The lock in the garage freezes due to condensation, which turns into ice when outside subzero temperature. That is why you must, first of all, try to avoid its occurrence, so that each time you do not resort to more and more sophisticated methods of defrosting a frozen lock in the garage.

But still, if the problem has already arisen, then it will be too late to “sprinkle ashes on your head” and reproach yourself for not lubricating the lock in time, allowing excess moisture, etc., especially if you need to quickly open the garage door.

So, how to defrost a lock in a garage. The first thing anyone who has encountered this problem at least once would recommend is to use open fire. You don’t need a flamethrower; a lighter, preferably with a “turbo flame,” and/or a newspaper (matches will also work) will suffice. In the first case, everything is simple - you activate the lighter and place it directly on the “cylinder”, in a matter of seconds the lock is ready for use. We do the same thing if we have a newspaper with matches. There is only one danger - the possibility of condensation, which can lead to a situation where when you put the car back in the garage, you will have to again decide how to warm the lock in the garage. Therefore, you will need to stock up on “flamethrower” equipment.

If there is no opportunity to use the previous advice, then there is no need to despair, because we have several more options in stock for how to open a frozen garage lock.

For example, great option– pour alcohol, antifreeze or antifreeze over the lock. In this case, these substances, reacting with the ice, melt it, and you safely end up in the garage. Enough available method, if these funds are at hand. You can use brake fluid in a similar way - literally 15 minutes after you pour it on the lock, it will open without any problems. By the way, it is more convenient to pour antifreeze into the lock using a syringe. In addition, there are special “defrosting” liquids on sale today, with the help of which the question of how to defrost a lock in a garage can be solved quite quickly and simply. They contain alcohol, and the principle of action is described above.

A good thing is a burner, which experienced car owners recommend in winter time always have with you, that is, keep one at home and the other in the car.

There is one more original way, how to warm up the locks in the garage if your car is with you and not inside. You just need to drive up to the garage door backwards, with the expectation that the exhaust pipe will be directed directly at the lock. In general, the idea is not bad, but there is also a “minus” - to suffer with “ the right entrance", you may have to.

And again let's return to preventing the problem of how to open frozen garage locks. Do not neglect regular drying and lubrication of the lock. In autumn, you can dry the lock in the sun, and in winter - on a radiator. It can be lubricated with liquid graphite, which is poured directly into the lock. After this, it must be kept in a dry place for some time so that the graphite hardens. After this, you can forget about the problem of a frozen garage lock for exactly two years. If there is no liquid graphite, then you can use any liquid containing oil. By carrying out this procedure regularly, you will prevent the formation of ice inside the lock, even with sudden changes in temperature and humidity. In addition, during snowfalls, do not forget to pay attention to whether the lock hole is not clogged with snow, which can subsequently firmly block the lock no worse than ice.

We also want to give a couple of tips on what not to do when you need to decide how to thaw frozen locks in the garage. Do not pour boiling water on castles under any circumstances. Having done this once, you will then have to suffer for a long time with ice-covered and non-opening locks, because due to hot water Stronger condensation will form inside the lock, and each time it will be more difficult to open the gate.

When a lock freezes, it is not enough to simply defrost it. We need to find the reason to prevent similar problems in the future. There are three most common reasons why locks and doors freeze:

  • Lubrication.
  • Moisture.
  • Dirt.

Most often cause of freezing is that moisture, dirt and grease are simultaneously present in the lock. If the insides of the lock are in a perfectly clean condition, then in most cases the mechanism will work perfectly even in severe frosts.
It should be understood that they are used different types locks with their own design features. Some of them tolerate frost well, while others do not. For example, they work very poorly on the street cylinder locks. Similar design It is manufactured with increased precision, so it is afraid of even small grains of sand.
The small spring and code elements stick together in the cold, making it impossible to open the lock. If another drop of water gets inside, the problem will be even more serious.
When purchasing a lock, you should immediately check whether it can be used outdoors. Some manufacturers indicate whether the lock is suitable for outdoor use.
For garage doors the best option there will be sulvad castles. They tolerate aggressive environments better than cylinder ones. Unlike the very delicate and small code elements of cylinder mechanisms, sulvad ones use a reliable spring and fairly large plates that better withstand moisture or dirt.
A deadbolt lock is also often used for garages. The mechanism of this lock is durable, but it should not be used to protect valuable property. In most cases, they are easy to open, so this option can only be combined with other types of locks.

Defrosting methods

First, let's look at what not to do if if the lock won't open. The first reaction to the problem of a frozen lock in the garage, what to do can be disastrous. The issue of a frozen lock is not fatal, so there is no need to aggravate the situation. Often, angry car enthusiasts begin to twist the key in the lock with all their might in order to open the garage lock with brute force. If the lock is frozen, you cannot force it open, but the situation can be made even worse. Nowadays, keys are not made strong enough, so they can simply break inside the keyhole. You can’t just get the key from there, and the lock will most likely have to be completely changed. This extra strength, time and costs. What to do then? Follow the instructions on how to open a frozen garage door:

  • Most convenient way for the conditions under consideration - use open fire. This is possible without special effort and quickly warm up the garage lock. In the simplest case, it will be enough for the garage owner to set fire to a rolled piece of paper or newspaper and bring it to the lock hole. Despite its simplicity, this technique most often helps solve problems with defrosting the lock. This method does not guarantee 100% success the next time you try to open the lock. Melted moisture in very severe frosts can quickly turn into ice again.
  • More reliable way heating the lock using an open fire is an application for these purposes blowtorch or gas burner, which should be in constant readiness in the winter and stored at home.
  • Even more effective way To solve this problem there will be a method when antifreeze, alcohol or antifreeze is poured into the internal volume of a frozen lock. The use of this technique is that all of the listed substances enter into an active reaction with ice, which will loosen it and restore the functionality of the locking mechanism.

Brake fluid can be used to fill the internal volume of the lock mechanism. After filling it, after some time (approximately 10 - 15 minutes), the lock can be opened without much difficulty.
You can also purchase a special alcohol-based defrosting liquid. With its help, any ice formations are quickly removed.
In winter, especially during severe frosts, it is advisable to carry all these liquids with you. This will allow you to quickly resolve any problems that arise. To pour these reagents into the lock mechanism, it is convenient to use a medical syringe. It is better not to carry a syringe with technical fluid in it along with documents.


The first thing required to protect a lock from freezing is to choose it correctly. You should purchase those mechanisms that are intended for outdoor use. As written above, sulvad locks are best suited. It is also necessary that the lock has a closed key window.
The mechanism must be protected from moisture. If snow or rain constantly falls on the lock, it will freeze.
Another problem is condensation. Can be insulated garage doors and the castle itself. There is a method for making a “pocket”. This is a metal box welded on all sides. Only one edge of it is not welded - for installing the lock in a pocket. Then the created “pocket” is welded into the door. This technology can even be used to install a lock on a gate or gate without fear that it will freeze.
If you have questions about whether the lock in the garage freezes, what to lubricate, then prudent garage owners lubricate the internal mechanism with graphite or machine oil in advance. Before applying a layer of lubricant, it is necessary to garage doors remove the lock and dry it at home, for example, on a battery.
If you follow the instructions and do not act rashly, then solving the issue of defrosting the lock is quite simple.


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