What does a short life line on your hand tell you? Life line

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She is the first to appear on a person’s palm - even before his birth. She is one of the seven main signs for those who read hands. Life line. A diagram of a person’s energy and health, the threats he will face, and the amulets that will protect him.

The “sickle” in the palm surrounding the tubercle is the life line on the hand. At first, just below the index finger, it merges with the line of the mind (head) or intersects with it, then goes down in a semicircle and ends at the base of the palm. Only isolated pathologies are known when people had no life lines on their hands.

Fortune telling from hand drawings has accumulated not only many accurate observations, but also a lot of misconceptions. One of them: the long line of life is the longevity of a person, and the short line is short life. Modern palmistry speaks of the fallacy of this judgment: in fact, the longer the line, the better the owner of the palm is able to “disconnect” from problems and plan their time.

Vitality, health, energy, love of life, endurance and vitality - this is what determines fortune telling by hand. And in order to predict whether a person’s life will be long, you need to look at other main lines - fate, mind and heart.

A clear life line in the form of a clearly readable and continuous semicircle is an ideal and rare case. To understand the meaning different types of this drawing, let us turn to the explanations that palmistry provides today.

We read like a book - from left to right

In the image there are lines: 1 - heart, 2 - mind, 3 - life, 4 - fate.

The patterns on the right and left palms are usually different. On the left we see a “list” of what is given to us by fate. On the right - life “records” everything we have done and corrects upcoming events.

The fewer times a person makes wrong decisions, the more noticeable the difference becomes over the years. Drawing on right palm becomes more favorable than on the left (for left-handed people it’s the other way around). There are almost no differences - it means that a person simply “goes with the flow.”

Palmistry distinguishes three options for the beginning of the life line: above the line of the mind, at the same point with it, or below. If it starts immediately from under the index finger and then crosses the line of the mind, the person may be characterized by vanity, arrogance and perseverance in achieving goals.

The joint origin of the lines of life and mind says that the mind partly controls the vital (vita - life, lat.) energy. If their paths then diverge with a clearly visible fork, this indicates the practicality of the owner of the palm.

It is typical for impulsive and unrestrained people if the life line begins on the hand below. Fortune telling advises them to first “measure seven times” and then “cut”.

When at the beginning the lines of mind and life are connected and are not very well read, a person will often have to overcome natural shyness.

  • A wide pink life line on the hand indicates the smooth and calm energy of its owner. The life of such a person is measured and leisurely. Her way of life is not too active, but orderly.
  • If the feature we are interested in is narrow, but of good color, this means that life events are developing rapidly. In some situations this can result in acute emotional reactions, especially if the line has defects.
  • If it is shallow, then, most often, the person is lethargic, weak or sick, he wastes the lion's share of energy, and does not have enough strength to do the necessary things.
  • On the contrary, mobility and enthusiasm are promised to its bearer by a deep feature of life in the palm of the hand.
  • The meaning of a weak and pale life line in the palm is the high sensitivity and excitability of a person.

A line that runs too close to (between the middle of the palm and the thumb) indicates a person’s vital weaknesses, fatigue and some lack of self-confidence. If its drawing extends beyond the middle of the brush in the form of a wide arc, a person tends to have an exaggerated perception of his vital forces.

The end of the life line closer to the outer part of the hand, pointing to the Mount of the Moon or crossing it, means high sensitivity. Such a hand pattern can characterize a person as creative, but fickle. Their owner is constantly drawn to travel; under appropriate conditions, he can emigrate.

If the line ends in the middle of the base of the hand, palmistry believes that this is a sign of balance between the desires and capabilities of a person. But even in this case, in order to assess the situation as a whole, you need full analysis hand drawings.

Doubles and branches

Does your line split at the end, at the base of your palm? This means that you are one of those who avoid illnesses and illnesses. If at the same time and at the beginning it is double and is in parallel with the line of the mind, this is a very sign good health. Branches at the beginning of the “channel” vital energy” also often carry the meaning that a person is truthful and reliable.

When the life line ends and branches out at the base of the palm into a “broom”, this is a sign that a person is dissipating his energy: it dissipates in the same way as a life pattern branches out. Palmistry advises not to waste your time on failed things, but to concentrate on one thing, this will bring satisfaction - both moral and material.

A double line along the entire length or some section is a favorable sign. Two lines of life symbolize the presence of a guardian angel in a person’s life. A person can feel the presence of such a guardian angel either throughout his life, or at some stage of life when such support is most needed.

However, if the double line is present on only one hand, this is not the most favorable sign of fate. Two features only on the right (for left-handed people - on the left) palm can mean not only the presence of a guardian angel, but also that a person has a double life.

If the life trait is double only on the left (for left-handed people - on the right) hand, then no matter how favorable the situation is, a person rarely knows how to use his advantages. And sometimes it would be worth taking a risk.

Many people are interested in the position of the life line relative to the fate line. Let's turn to the sources for clarification.

  • If short line in the middle of the palm “merges” into the line of fate, then luck accompanies a person even in the most difficult situations, such a sign is often present on the palms of successful military men. The only risk is that your luck may run out unexpectedly.
  • The life line branches, and one of the diverging strokes touches the fate line - such a sign calls for caution. If the junction is located in the middle of the hand, then danger - illness or accident - will occur in the middle of life, by the age of 35–40. If closer to the wrist, in old age (60–70 years old) you should not neglect medical recommendations.
  • The life flow approaches the line of fate in the middle of the palm and then continues further - the owner of such a palm is not inclined to rely on his own strength. You should trust yourself more and not miss favorable opportunities.
  • These two lines intersect - a person is prone to sacrifice for the sake of others. If the trait of fate is pronounced, this indicates a developed sense of duty.

Auxiliary signs

The life line bifurcates and then converges again - such a pattern most often means an obstacle or shock. But it will eventually end without loss.

The “island” sign predicts periods when a person will be susceptible to disease attacks. An island repeated several times in the form of a chain may indicate exacerbations chronic disease: Every island is an outbreak of disease.

And if a person is prone to self-examination, each island can be a period of emotional decline. The island at the very beginning of the life line, after which it continues smoothly, symbolizes some important information about the birth of a person, which he does not know about.

A nervous and restless disposition is revealed by a series of short strokes that make up the life line. For parents, such a “drawing” can tell them what ability fate has gifted their child with. He may be talented in art, but at the same time he is not endowed with very good health.

A star on the life line gives a person patience, but not towards the unknown and various kinds omissions. A cross at the beginning of a life pattern - a person will have to “carry his cross”, several crosses - litigation is possible, a cross at the end - a person will die a natural death.

Often there is such a sign as a break in the life line. A breakup in itself is not an unfavorable sign. To tell whether a gap is positive or negative, you need to look at additional signs. Good readable line In life, the gap is less critical than in a pale and thin one.

Basically, a breakup symbolizes big changes in life. Most often, where a break occurs, the line overlaps itself. If the gap is small - no more than 4 mm - the person adapts to the changes.

There is a gap of more than 5 mm on both palms - the changes will affect both inner world person, and outside life. The gap is only passive hand portends a change in worldview, a gap in the active hand - a change in life circumstances.

The life line may also carry other signs. Palmistry has been explaining them for more than one century. One of the most favorable signs is considered to be a square - in any part of the life line.

This is a guardian sign. Protection from death and disease is provided by the square through which the life line passes. An island inside a square - a misfortune will happen, but the person will remain alive and recover. The life line is interrupted and reappears inside the square - protection against accidents.

The triangle also carries the same protective meaning. A small triangle can also mean serious material reward for conscientious work. This could be buying a house, land plot, farm- that is, those objects where the owner of his hands can occupy them with serious business.

Another triangle can also form on the palm. With a favorable arrangement of the lines of life, mind and health, forming geometric figure, it promises a person fame.

The lines of life, mind and fate can form the so-called. Its meaning will depend on the direction of the fate line. If the triangle’s apex points towards the thumb, towards the Mount of Venus, a person with such a sign on his hand will never be left without financial support, be it a bonus for work or winning the lottery.

But if money triangle will look with its top away from the Mount of Venus, you should not expect easy money. You will have to learn to live within your means and appreciate what you have.

Prudence and prevention

You can see that all the explanations of palmists interpret the life line as the main indicator of a person’s energy and health. Often the pattern on the right hand is more favorable than on the left (remember that for left-handed people the opposite is true). What needs to be done to improve the health and energy given by nature?

  • First of all, pay attention to the warning signs and do not risk your health where it may be dangerous.
  • If fate has not endowed you with great endurance, you need to learn how to properly distribute energy, not “gush” and not be scattered on those projects whose future is extremely vague.
  • Remember that a short life line on the palm is rarely a reflection of short life years. This means that nature has not given humans the ability to plan their time. But you can learn this and have time to do much more.
  • A short line on a child’s palm is not a reason for parents to panic. Children grow and form, and their hands grow with them.
  • Parents should pay attention to the palms of their children in order to understand how best to take care of the health of their sons and daughters and how to develop their natural talents.

Having found out your weak sides, we get huge opportunity correct shortcomings and improve your life. Author: Olga Inozemtseva

In the old days, a short life line on the hand was deciphered as an unfortunate event in a person’s life. It meant that its owner would live a short time and would soon die. Modern experts in the field of palmistry are confident that this is just a myth and should not be believed in. The stripe can indicate many other factors destined by fate.

How to decipher the length of the life line

Using the life line on one palm, it is impossible to clearly determine how much time nature has given a person. You will never be able to accurately determine the date of your death. Therefore, in order to be one hundred percent sure of the date of death, it is necessary to analyze both palms at once.

The bottom line is that the length of the strip is not directly related to a person's life. She can't tell the time life cycle its owner. Despite this, this stripe on the palm is not simple, and it is worth paying attention to it Special attention.

What is the life line

This dash can look like a straight line or a curve. This does not affect life expectancy in any way. You only need to pay attention to its length. It originates from the rib between the thumb and index finger, on the hill of lower Mars, and is directed towards the wrist. Its beginning is located between the three brightest hills. On the right side it is surrounded by the hill of Venus, on the left by the hill of Jupiter, and on the lower part by the plain of Mars. If its end is marked with a fork, then you have several options for living your life. The vital line is considered the most important line on the human palm. Specialists who for a long time conducted research in the field of palmistry, they believe that it is the most unpredictable feature. Its meaning makes a very big contribution to human life.

Most often, it is presented as the brightest and most pronounced stripe on the palm. It contrasts beautifully at a very large quantity other bands. Looking at it, you can identify many other characteristic features person:

  • the state of human health and the level of his immunity;
  • what is the level of activity of the owner of the life line;
  • what kind of lifestyle a person has.

In order to determine what significance the life line has, it is important to pay attention to the two palms as a whole. It is their tandem that is able to give an accurate definition of this band.

What does it mean if you notice a short life line?

A short life line can be seen quite often. It must be remembered that the side of the hand plays a huge role in decoding. It is important to understand that each personality has an active and a passive hand, so there is no exact answer to the question of which hand should be used to read a personality. There is no indication of whether to read the right hand or the left hand. It all depends on what kind of person is in front of you.

Many people are interested in the question of what a short life line means. This question can be answered with confidence only after all additional signs and symbols on the hand have been examined. When reading a hand, you need to pay a lot of attention not only to the main features, but also to additional signs, because they can help you correctly and effectively interpret your destiny.

If a short line is visible on the active palm

If a person has a short life line on his left hand, but on the palm of his right it is long, then this means that this is an individual who has had a hard life. If you communicate with a left-handed person (he has an active left hand), then most likely such a person has a weak immune system. It is quite possible that his health was hampered by bad habits, an unhealthy lifestyle or frequent stress, which influenced the short line.

Unfortunately, modern world dictates its own rules, which do not always benefit the body. As a recommendation to such individuals, we can say the following: you need to urgently reconsider your life position and way of living. Only after you do correct conclusions, you can improve your health and extend your life.

If a short stripe is found on the passive hand

When you see a short line, don't panic. If the life bar is weakly expressed on the passive hand, for example, right-handers have the left hand, and left-handers have the right hand, then this always means only good moments in life. Palmistry is confident that situations that are destined by fate are indicated on the left hand. You can't change anything. You were born with this sign, and it cannot be changed. The right hand indicates events that a person can build independently throughout his life.

We can come to the conclusion that a long stripe on an inactive (passive) hand indicates a good outcome. This may mean that your energy level high. You are not in danger because negativity cannot enter your life. Most likely, you have already managed to go through all the difficulties and successfully overcome them. Therefore, nothing threatens you, and your life will be long. It is quite possible that you are a representative of centenarians.

Short life line. Life is not always short!

Do not panic! Have you seen an unfavorable sign on your hands? Look for signs of protection. Palmistry. #1

Palmistry. The short line of life is always death.

If you notice a short line in a child

You need to decipher the child’s fate a little differently. The point is that children have not yet fully formed their destiny. That is why you need to pay attention only to their left hand. If you notice a short life line in your child, then do not panic. Everyone knows that the stripes on the palm can change, so over the course of the baby’s life, his fate will gradually change. You need to wait some time, and only then can you draw any conclusions. Seeing a short line is not a death sentence.

Despite the beliefs of professionals, people always start to panic and think that their child will die soon. They do not yet understand the fact that the baby’s life is just beginning to develop. Everyone knows that a child is not immediately born with fully developed bones or other body parts. Likewise, he is not immediately born with developed lines on the palm. It takes some time to effectively read to a baby.

Final part

Experts in the field of palmistry are confident that all signs and lines on the palm are not constant. Over the course of your entire life, they can not only change their appearance, but also be replaced at moments, and then return to their previous position. That is why all instructions are subject to complete change. All in your hands. You just need to make an effort and try to change your destiny. If your life bar indicates that your health level is low, then there is always an opportunity to improve your condition. You can:

  • completely abandon bad habits;
  • reconsider your diet and those around you.
  • It is quite possible that it is your environment that negatively affects your health and standard of living. Remember that a specialist will not be able to read you from a photo. For a quality interpretation, you must be present at the appointment in person. Only in this way will a specialist be able to give you a final and truthful verdict. A person can independently change his destiny. But for this he needs a push in in the right direction. This is exactly the kind of push that a palmist gives when he reads negative signs on the palm.

    The life line on the hand is considered the most important. It begins to form on the palm of the embryo at eight weeks of age. This strip cannot predict the date of death; it only determines the supply of vital energy and is not a sign of long-livers. Over the years, the appearance and marks on the line change. Most often this happens on the right hand, which is responsible for events that we ourselves influence. Signs, marks and the life line itself need to be read in conjunction with other drawings on the hand.

    Appearance and main characteristics

    Where is our life line? It originates between the index finger and thumb, then bends in an arc and goes down to the wrist. The branch divides the palm into two uneven parts. Sometimes at the start it can be closely intertwined with the line of the head and approach the Mount of Jupiter. The ideal life line is long, of medium depth, clear, it completely surrounds the Mount of Venus, there are no signs or breaks on it, the line is the same on both hands.

    Fortune telling by hand begins with an assessment of the main characteristics. Palmistry along the life line can read a lot. Here they are short description and designation:

    • A long life line on the hand means a large supply of strength and energy, which can be rationally used for many years. The life of its owner will be harmonious and stable. It is important to remember that the length of your life line does not indicate how long you will live. Its duration often changes.
    • Short life line. Its owner has a small energy reserve and poor health, but his path can be very simple and easy. Much is given to such people for nothing; they are very lucky, but a little frivolous. Children have a short branch, but then the years can lengthen it. If the line is shortened, then hard times await the owner.
    • A wide life line and its interpretation can show that the owner will have a long and happy life. They are realists and have their feet firmly on the ground, although they are not devoid of emotions. Personal and professional life is going well. If the life line looks too wide in the palm of your hand, it means the person has a stormy, even slightly aggressive temperament.
    • Medium thickness. This life line is on the hand of a successful and energetic person. He doesn’t like to be frank with people too much; he hides his emotions in order to appear to everyone as a realist and pragmatist. But his soul is gentle, kind and sensitive.
    • A deep life line is a trait of strong-willed people who know exactly what they want from life. They often have to face difficulties, but they go towards the goal, despite any obstacles. If such a trait is also red, it means that you have a powerful personality with pronounced leadership qualities.
    • A shallow, thin and narrow branch. The supply of vital energy is weak; its owner can be advised to rest more and correctly calculate their strength.

    Sometimes there is a thin second line next to the main branch. What is it and how to understand it? Such a life line in palmistry is called double, and the additional branch is called the sister line. The owner of the hand has an additional supply of energy that he can use in critical situations. If a sister dash appears over the years, it means its owner has become seriously interested in religion, spiritual development, and has acquired a new profession.

    Beginning and the end

    Palmistry pays special attention to where the life line begins and ends on the hand. This characteristic tells a lot about the owner of the hand, his nature and fate.


    For most people, the life line begins on the hand in the interval between the large and index finger. Here it is clearly visible, no matter what type and duration comes next. But a branch can start in different ways. It also interacts differently with the branch of the mind that also originates in this place. Here are some examples worth checking out:

    • The life line and the head line begin at the same point, but one barely touches the other and quickly diverges. The picture shows sensible people with the right approach to life.
    • The two lanes merge over a large area with complete overlap. Here is a dependent person who lives at the behest of her elders, and is too strongly attached to her parents. If the line of life on the right hand is connected to the line of the mind in a smaller area than on the left, it means that during the course of life the owner leaves parental care.
    • The intersection of two branches, when the vital strip begins closer to the index finger, means the presence of great ambitions. If the line begins on the very tubercle of Jupiter, you have a power-hungry person who loves praise and flattery.
    • The life line starts on the palm above the Mount of Jupiter. These people are proud, at the same time touchy and hot-tempered. They always want to be bosses and are able to work hard to achieve a high position.
    • The stripe starts at the thumb, far from the line of the head. Such people's feelings are little controlled by reason, they are impulsive and unrestrained, often aggressive and cruel. If the distance between the two lines is small, this is, on the contrary, a sign of harmonious individuals with a strong position and moral principles.
    • When the stripe does not leave the thumb, it shows an amorous person who tends to idealize his companion.

    Depending on which hand the life line is viewed on, its interpretation changes. The right palm represents the events of these and future days, the left palm represents the events of the past. It is important for us to see the picture on both hands in order to find out more information.


    Palmistry pays no less attention to the finish of the life line. IN classic version the stripe ends near the wrist. It can be shorter or longer, wrapped in one direction or another. Here are the main varieties with examples:

    • On the hill of the moon. People with this branch are very restless and fussy. They love to dream, make plans that almost never come true.
    • On the Mount of Venus. The owner of such a palm needs the support of family and friends, regardless of age. He is attached to his parental family, only in the circle of relatives he feels calm and confident.
    • Wide fork at the end. The hand belongs to a sociable person who loves vivid impressions. He loves to travel, often changes friends and lovers, and lives like in a movie. Often in old age he remains lonely because he could not find a soul mate.
    • The bifurcation of the line at the beginning and the connection at the end is also typical for lovers of change.
    • At the end there is a small fork. Such a bifurcated life line belongs to dreamers with a developed mind and imagination. They constantly come up with new ideas, but are not always able to make them real. When difficulties arise, they lose heart and do not have enough strength to resist.
    • Branching at the end. The owner of the palm is very absent-minded, constantly moves from one thing to another, does not invest in the schedule, because of this he is haunted by failures.
    • Another situation arises if the life line is abruptly interrupted by a trident, and does not simply branch. A triple fork will tell us that the owner has many casual love affairs; they cannot choose their spouses. Although family life, for such a person has little meaning, she cannot correct him either.
    • Small strokes at the end. Here is a sensitive person who takes other people’s problems and joys to heart. He knows how to sympathize and always comes to the rescue in difficult times.
    • A completely forked and slightly crooked branch foreshadows a rich and prosperous life. True, wealth is often acquired through dishonest means. The owner of the hand is a dark personality; he is characterized by a complete lack of principles.

    If the life line ends abruptly, its owner may face serious troubles. It is important to understand which hand the life line is looked at when doing fortune telling. The picture on the right may be completely different than the one on the left.

    Location and breaks

    The life line in palmistry and its meaning are largely determined by its location on the palm and integrity. Sometimes the line shows bends in one direction or another, deviations. It also happens that at some point a thread is interrupted, and then continues again. It is very important to correctly read the break in the life line; they are not harbingers of imminent death; deciphering them is more difficult.

    Palm position

    Let's see how and where the life line on our hand can come from. Which means if it passes through the palm with an offset, it is almost straight or, on the contrary, it is strongly bent. All these options are an important characteristic of a person and predict turns of fate. Check out some examples:

    • Shift of the life line on the hand to the middle of the palm. Such a branch bends in a steep arc and can even reach the lunar tubercle. By this hand you can recognize a person whose thoughts are difficult to understand, whose ideas are ahead of their time, such people are often persecuted.
    • The life line in the palm bends smoothly, running almost through the center of the palm. Speaks of the abundance of vitality and energy in women and men.
    • Displacement of the branch towards the thumb, almost straight line of life. In front of you are people who are fearful, like children, unsure of themselves, dependent on the opinions of others.
    • There is a shift towards the Mount of Jupiter. This life line denotes ambitious and strong people striving for power and success. They are charismatic and know how to lead others.
    • Crossed or touching branches of fate and life are characteristic of people who constantly miss their opportunities. They are pessimists, but will you be happy here?

    Much depends on which hand the life line is located on. We cultivate some qualities in ourselves, this is displayed on our right palm. They do not always correspond to natural inclinations; they can change both for the better and for the worse.


    The life line and deciphering its meaning is not an easy task, especially for beginners. Very often, a breakup is seen as a sign of death, but this is not entirely true. It is better if there is no such sign on the palm. But its presence is not a death sentence. It is important to look at what the other part of the line looks like after the break. So here are some detailed explanations with examples:

    • One gap on the life line in the middle of the palm. Here is a person who is always dissatisfied with his life. Grouchy, criticizes others, or complains constantly. Such a sign can also warn of illness, sudden changes in life or serious problems.
    • The broken line became clearer after the break. Tests will be beneficial and will give you strength and self-confidence.
    • The line is weakening. Problems or illnesses will seriously undermine the health of the owner of the palm; he will never return to his previous state.
    • If the life line first breaks and then moves to the center of the palm, life will become brighter, richer and more active than before.
    • Shifting the line to the first finger reveals the desire to retire, to live calmly and measuredly.
    • Thin and broken line of life. Its owner is in very poor health. When there are small lines instead of a line, this means that you are dealing with a nervous and impressionable person, with many psychological problems.

    If the transition behind the gap is very unfavorable, the life line is corrected. To do this, you need to complete the missing area with henna or a regular pen. In the same way, they extend the branch in order to delay the time of death. If there are breaks on the left hand, but not on the right, then their owner had problems growing up and conflicts with parents.

    Branches and parallel lines

    During fortune telling, you can see many small lines on the hand. They all interact differently with the life line. Some cross it, others parallel to it. Often small ones branch off from the main branch and head towards the tubercles or wrist. Let's look at what the life line is and how it is interpreted in palmistry, taking into account additional branches.

    • Small strokes on the inside, as if there are many lines of life. You will spend a long time looking for contact with the owner of the hand, even though he looks friendly. His circle of friends is very narrow and time-tested.
    • The life line resembles a spruce branch and has small shoots going upward. The owner is haunted by problems and troubles all his life, but he knows how to resist them and copes well with difficulties.
    • A “spruce branch” pointing downward characterizes a gifted personality, stubborn and courageous. Such people set high goals for themselves and live by achieving them. Unfortunately, they are interested in everything, cannot concentrate on one thing, and because of this they fail.
    • Branches going upward are characteristic of intellectuals with developed analytical thinking. They are distrustful, a little snobby, and loners.
    • Branches going down. When the life line takes the form of a zigzag, it means that he is a conscientious, friendly person, but very weak. When the branches are located opposite each other, then their owner is a freedom-loving and independent person.
    • The line is crossed by numerous perpendicular strokes, as if someone had drawn them under a ruler. This is a sign of an insecure and indecisive person who often gets upset over little things. His words and actions will be subject to analysis and understanding, but without results.
    • Two deep transverse lines cross the branch. The hand of a dreamer, very soft and indulgent. He always makes concessions to others, preferring spiritual communication to physical intimacy. When there are three lines, you see a temperamental person who has difficulty controlling his emotions.
    • The rays are like a comet, coming from the Mount of Venus through the strip of life. Such people are characterized by frequent mood swings. They are prone to cheating and do not know how to concentrate on important matters.
    • The branch towards Jupiter is characteristic of ambitious people with pronounced leadership qualities, confidently moving towards their goal.
    • Branch to Saturn on the hand. For such people, money is the most important thing in life. They are smart and dexterous, and easily carry out risky but very profitable financial transactions.
    • A branch towards Mercury characterizes its owner as friendly and easy to communicate with. Such people know how to negotiate, make useful contacts, and therefore earn good money.
    • Deviation towards the sunny hill is typical for artistic people who like to be the center of attention.
    • A branch towards the hill of Mars. Here is a charismatic leader who knows how to lead people well. He is not friendly with money, he is capable of squandering any fortune, since he does not deny himself anything.

    When reading additional lines and strokes, it is important not to confuse them with faint branches. Such additional markings may appear or disappear throughout life. This means that a person actively influences his destiny.

    Signs on the hand

    Signs on the life line can be present from birth or appear over the years. In most cases, they warn of diseases and dangers. Sometimes such marks can indicate sharp turns of fate, problems, or, conversely, success. This is how palmistry interprets the signs on the palm and what they mean:

    • The island at the beginning of the life line warns of frequent illnesses and lack of vital energy. Such people really need the support of close and good friends. An oval, fish or island in the middle of the line indicates a sudden illness or loss of strength.
    • Several islands at the beginning of a branch or a figure eight mean possible problems with the justice authorities, which you can forget about if you don’t get involved in dubious enterprises.
    • The chain of islands speaks of a contradictory and difficult character, weakness, and the need for approval of one’s actions. If there is a division between the islands, then there will be prosperous periods in life.
    • The cross speaks of a difficult period of life. If there are several crosses, they are located at the very beginning of the branch, then their owner is an esthete; he combines the features of a romantic and a pragmatist.
    • The grid is found on the line of life among careless, idle people who have no goals, they live one day at a time and do not know how to look into the future.
    • The triangle speaks of diplomatic abilities. The owner of such a sign easily finds a common language with people; in life he is guided by reason, not intuition.
    • The star warns of injuries and emotional breakdowns. Like a break in the life line, a star on the hand, right or left, should be assessed in conjunction with the characteristics of the branch after it. If it has become more pronounced, it means that after the misfortune, strength will be added. A star on the inside of the line speaks of cowardice and unprincipledness.
    • Points along the entire life line indicate fragile health and a tendency to bleed.
    • A square is considered a protective sign on the life line. The quadrangle neutralizes the effect of other marks, all threats are avoided. Protection is especially strong if the unfavorable sign is surrounded by a rhombus and inscribed in a square.

    Sometimes a scar, a black mole or white spots appear on the life line. They must be viewed in conjunction with the entire palm pattern. Signs may appear or disappear on the life line; you should pay special attention to this. It is also important to calculate the time of an event. We will discuss how life line dating is carried out in the next section.

    Time and age on the life line

    Reading life from the palm of your hand is not as easy as it seems. After all, it records the events that happen in different time by date. To accurately determine when to expect happiness or misfortune, you need to correctly determine the dates. Conventionally, the line is considered to correspond to 75 years. Classical palmistry recommends measuring a branch and dividing it into fifteen sections, each corresponding to five years. Accordingly, we can predict the event with an accuracy of 5 years.

    You can learn to read the meaning of lines on your hand from photos and videos. But it is better to seek clarification from a specialist. After all, palmistry is not an easy science; not everyone can see life in full view. Many people gain experience over the years and still make mistakes. An incorrect prediction or interpretation of the life line can completely change one’s fate. You should start fortune telling when you are completely confident in your abilities. You can believe in palmistry or not, wonder whether it is true, but it has helped many to look at themselves and life differently.

    Many have heard and know about what a life line is. But not everyone understands its meaning and can interpret its messages. Palmistry will help you understand the signs from above.

    Palmistry is a beautiful and reliable way know yourself and anticipate difficulties in time. Knowledge of palmistry allows you to tell fortunes by hand. But no less important is a timely understanding of the pattern on the hand. Especially when it comes to the life line.

    What is the life line and where is it located?

    The life line is an arc that exists in the palm of every person. It begins between the thumb and index finger and extends down toward the beginning of the thumb and hand. It is named so because it shows the vitality of a person and even the development of such a character trait as love of life, depending on what this line is. It can be used to determine a person’s endurance and energy.

    The more clearly defined the life line and the deeper it is, the better. It encircles the Mount of Venus, thus directly connecting with vital energy and strength. The closer the life line is to the thumb, the more likely a person is to develop qualities such as passivity, slowness and increased fatigue.

    Dating along the life line

    Often people, seeing a short life line, are afraid that a person will not live long. Actually this is not true. To determine the death of a person by hand, many other factors must be taken into account. Moreover, throughout life, the pattern on the hands can change. This means that negative events read in your hand and associated with some dangerous incident may soften or be eliminated after some time.

    There are several ways to tell about a person’s age at the time of certain events, based on the life line. This is not so easy to do, however.

    The first and easiest way is to draw a vertical line from the middle finger down and see where it intersects with the life line. This would be an age indicator of 35 years.

    There is another way to approximately determine the time period in which this or that event will occur. Find the point closer to the base of your thumb where the life line begins to curve around it. This is approximately the 70 year mark. You can measure the length of your life line (using, for example, a thread) and determine the time frame relatively accurately. Or you can divide it into three equal segments, each of which will be equal to a period of 20 to 25 years.

    Life line signs

    Gap in the life line: this is a sign of change, which is often associated with serious psychological stress. This could be a break in a love relationship, an illness, or any other dramatic event. But due to mitigating circumstances, they can be less painful.

    Square on the life line: this sign may turn out to be both favorable and, conversely, undesirable. It’s good if it seems to contain a break in the line of life within itself. IN in this case the square shows that the person will have enough strength to cope with difficult situation. If it is simply located on the life line, then it indicates the isolation of a person. It could be a monastery, or it could be a prison.

    Ovals (islands) on the life line: this sign most often speaks of emotional problems, illnesses and hospitalizations.

    Drawings often found near the life line

    Sister line: goes next to the line of life, located a little closer to the thumb. It often begins from the very beginning, but can occur at any point in your life line. It indicates that during these periods you will be protected from bad influences.

    Concern lines: Most people have many fine lines that move from the thumb towards the life line. Sometimes there are a lot of them, but they can also be located in a specific area. These are lines of concern. They indicate periods and events that will cause you a lot of trouble and worry.

    It is believed that with the help of palmistry you can even find out. But still this is not always necessary. Remember that you yourself can change your life. Best wishes, and don't forget to press the buttons and

    21.08.2016 05:07

    The lines on the hand can tell a lot about a person, including his future. Should...

    Basics of corrective palmistry. How to change fate along the lines of the hand Kibardin Gennady Mikhailovich

    Life Line

    Life Line

    The Life Line also attracts big number of people. Everyone who comes to me lately for classes or for consultation always asks to clarify what the short or long line of his Life means. I will say quite definitely that it is impossible to determine the date of death of a person only by the Life line on his hand. To do this, it is necessary to analyze a number of other factors. Moreover, it is strictly not recommended to tell a person the date of his death, because such a prediction can trigger a persistent mechanism of accelerated decline of a person.

    Therefore, if I see in the palm of a person who comes to me the imminent end of his life’s journey, then I don’t talk about it. I try to target a person to actively change his behavior and habits. I try to direct him to search for something new and interesting. Only a significant change in one’s life position in better side can push aside the shadow of approaching death.

    By the way, a short Life Line on the palms is not a sign that a person will live a short life, just as a long Life Line does not guarantee you a long life.

    I have come across people in whom all three main lines (Life, Mind and Heart) are short, and people live happily ever after.

    The Life Line forms on the arm of a human embryo by the time it is eight weeks old. This line is followed by the line of the Heart, and then the line of the Mind. These lines appear on the child's hand long before he has the opportunity to move and move, so these lines cannot in any way be called folds formed as a result of the work of the hand, as some people claim.

    From the point of view of human physiology, such lines reflect the presence of individual neural pathways (roads) in the brain, along which stable neural impulses will preferentially follow, forming certain rules behavior this person. This determines his basic emotions, vitality, talent, life expectancy, etc.

    By and large, the Life Line is an indicator of a person’s vitality and love of life. It reflects the level and quality of our life, showing how much vitality a given person has. The Life Line also shows how strong, resilient and energetic a person is.

    Rice. 89. Clear line of Life

    The life line surrounds the thumb (Figure 89). It begins at the inner edge of the palm on the index finger side and outlines in a semicircle the hill at the base of the thumb.

    Like other hand lines, the Life line should be clear and deep. Ideally, the semicircle it forms should be as full and wide as possible, since the area of ​​the hand that is encircled by the line of Life (the Mount of Venus) is directly related to the amount of energy and vitality of a person.

    Rice. 90. Weak vitality

    A person whose Life line is located close to the thumb (Figure 90) is characterized by physical weakness and increased fatigue. He is often slow and passive. Such a person sometimes suffers from a lack of vital energy, and therefore needs regular rest and relaxation. Such a person should pay more attention to the condition of his body and exercise regularly. physical exercise. Then he will become more resilient and energetic.

    On the contrary, a person with a line of Life forming a large, regular, well-defined semicircle on the palm (Figure 91) is very hardy, cheerful and energetic.

    If such a person is engaged in an activity that gives him pleasure, then long time he does not feel physical fatigue and does not feel the need to rest. He enjoys all types of physical activity. Deep sleep allows him to quickly recover vitality, in the morning he is active and ready to resume his daily and other work.

    Rice. 91. High vitality

    On the hands of many people, next to the Life line on the side of the thumb, you can find a thin parallel line (Figure 92). As a rule, it is located at the beginning of the Life line, but can appear on any other segment of it. For some especially lucky people, this line accompanies the Life line along its entire length, which makes it seem as if they have two Life lines. This line is called the guardian angel line.

    Rice. 92. Guardian Angel Line

    It shows that this person is protected from above, especially during difficult and dangerous periods of his life. Events that could cause great harm to another person will not have a strong impact negative impact for a person who has a guardian angel line on his hand. This line is an extremely favorable sign. If it is located closer to the end of the life line, this indicates that the person will lead an active lifestyle even in old age.

    On the hands of many people, especially with age, you can find many thin lines running from the base of the thumb to the Life Line and sometimes even crossing it. These small ones fine lines are called lines of concern (Figure 93).

    Rice. 93. Lines of concern

    A person whose palms are covered with them worries constantly about everything in the world. If there are few lines of concern on the hand, they can be used to determine the period of time when a person faced a serious problem. Sometimes there are people on whose hands there are no worry lines. This means that such a person rarely worries or worries. If the lines of concern cross the Life line, this indicates serious troubles that have caused or could cause adverse effect on human health.

    Contrary to popular belief, breaks in the Life line are not always serious unfavorable signs. Often such a break in the line only indicates significant changes in a person’s life during a specified period of time (Figure 94).

    As a rule, such changes in views allow you to look at life differently, relate to yourself and the people around you, and to your work.

    In most cases, in places where there are breaks, the Life line overlaps itself. Thanks to this, life changes take place without any major shocks for a person.

    However, in some cases these changes can be dramatic, unexpected, and associated with great psychological and emotional stress. Such changes include, for example, the breakup of a love relationship or a serious illness. By analyzing other areas of the palm, you can fairly accurately determine what type of problem there will be.

    Rice. 94. A sign of significant changes in life

    It is quite difficult to unambiguously determine the boundaries of the time period along the Life line. Today there are several ways. The simplest way is to draw an imaginary vertical line on the palm, starting from the middle of the Saturn finger (middle finger). The point of its intersection with the Life line approximately corresponds to 35 years (Figure 95).

    Rice. 95. Period 35 years

    Another way is to measure the length of the Life line. The point where it reaches the base of the palm and turns around the thumb is approximately 70 years of age.

    By measuring the length of the line from its beginning to this mark, you can quite accurately determine the boundaries of time periods. For example, the middle of the Life line will correspond to 35 years.

    In India, palmists use a very similar system, measuring the duration of the Life line using a thread. On the hands of some people, the line of Life goes around the thumb and ends only because it is followed by an area of ​​skin devoid of a pattern. This is considered the 100-year mark.

    However, we should not forget that a very long Life line does not necessarily mean that a person will live long life. Based on the length of the Life line, we can only determine the time boundaries of certain life periods of a person.

    Another dating method is to divide the Life Line into three equal segments from its beginning to the 70-year mark. Each segment is equal to a time period of 20–25 years.

    Hiro developed his own dating system, based on dividing the Life line and the Fate line into seven-year segments-cycles (Figure 96).

    Rice. 96. Dating the Life Line

    In Germany, many palmists date events starting from the base of the palm and moving upward. This method began to be practiced under the influence of Julius Speer, the famous author of the book “Children's Hands”. It is quite difficult to accurately date any events based on analysis of the Life Line.

    Rice. 97. Average dating scale on the Life line

    Each dating system has its drawbacks, and none of them guarantees a 100% accurate result. For a beginner palm reader, it is quite enough to use the recommendations given in Figure 97.

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