Wallpaper for a teenage boy's room. Selecting wallpaper for a teenage boy’s room: ideas and photos What wallpaper to hang for a teenager

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From about the age of 13, when a boy begins to grow up rapidly, the time comes for a complete or partial renewal of his personal space. From this article you will learn how to arrange a room for a teenage boy of 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 years old, where he can relax, study, read, chat with friends, play video games and even play sports. The material will be useful for those who are arranging an interior from scratch and for those who want to update their existing furnishings.

13 tips for decorating a room for a teenage boy

Tip 1. Do you want the owner of the room to take care of things and keep it in order?

It is not common for young people to be passionate about creating comfort and beauty in their home, but they can and should participate in repair and some decorative processes. So, for example, a boy can independently choose a mattress, a work chair, a sports complex, select, frame and hang posters on the wall. You can choose the color of the walls and the style of the room together by arranging a joint viewing of photos of modern teenage interiors.

  • The more the owner of the room contributes to its arrangement, the more thrifty and tidy he will be.

Tip 2. The most universal colors for walls in a boy’s room aged 13-17 are white, light gray and beige.

These shades can be safely used in large quantities in almost any room - classic or modern, in the room of a 13-year-old schoolchild or a 17-year-old graduate. They can be easily combined with any other colors.

  • If the room is too small or there is not enough light in it, then it is best to decorate the walls in white. And so that the interior does not seem hospital-like, complement it with bright accents.

Design of a small room for a 15 year old teenage boy with white walls

If the room has enough light and free space, then more complex shades are also suitable as the main shade: gray-blue, blue, gray-green, khaki, graphite, brown, orange and even black.

  • Remember that if there is a problem of lack of light in the room, then you should give preference to warm or neutral shades: beige, orange, green, brown.

For more information about color in the interior of a children's room, see the section:.

Tip 3. You can choose accent colors according to the boy’s character

In large quantities, saturated and bright colors begin to irritate and overwhelm, but as accents they are good both aesthetically and psychological point vision.

  • If your son lacks activity and perseverance, he is shy and gets tired quickly, does not like to sit through his lessons, then yellow, orange and red colors will help him develop communication skills, they will charge him with cheerfulness, energy, every day. good mood, optimism, desire to learn new things. The perfect backdrop for so bright colors– neutral (shades of white, gray, beige). Ideal companions are shades of blue and green.

  • If a young man lacks perseverance, patience, and the ability to calmly deal with problems and difficulties, then it is better to choose discreet shades as accents: green, blue, blue, brown or black.

Tip 4. Loft, industrial and Scandinavian style are the most suitable interior styles for teenage boys

In a boy's room, it is not so much decorativeness that is important, but rather practicality, functionality and comfort. Therefore, it is loft, industrial and scandinavian styles so suitable for teenage interiors. It is easy to maintain order in such a room, and numerous posters and banners will fit well into the decor.

  • To create a teenage or industrial interior, decorate the walls brickwork or “concrete”, finish the floor with textured wood, furnish the room with wooden/metal furniture, select simple natural textiles, leather accessories and retro-style lamps.

  • To design, use primarily natural materials, neutral colors, furniture with modern design or 60s style. Geometric and abstract prints will look good in the decor.

Other suitable styles:

  • Sport style;
  • Strict and simplified classics (American classics);

Three teenage boys can live in such a room of different ages eg 13, 15 and 17 years old

Tip 5. Suitable height and an orthopedic mattress are the main requirements for a teenage bed

A teenage boy should buy a bed that is “adult” in width and length. Perfect option— an ordinary single bed made of wood/metal with additional “bonuses”: drawers, upholstered headboard or headboard with built-in shelves. The mattress must be hard and orthopedic.

  • A good choice would be a couch, which often has not only drawers, but also a soft backrest and a mechanism for transforming into a double bed. Plus, it can be used as a sofa when friends come to visit. True, often the couches are not very large and can be cramped for tall guys of 16 and 17 years old.

  • If the room is small, then instead of a regular bed it is worth buying. So, on the ground floor it will be possible to arrange work area or a sofa for relaxing.

A room for a 16-year-old teenage boy with a double loft bed and a workspace on the ground floor

Tip 6. The work area should be as functional and comfortable as possible

After 13-14 years, when the boy’s height exceeds 150 cm, a desk and chair can be purchased standard sizes in an adult store. However, ideally, it is better to purchase furniture for study that is transformable and adjust the sizes individually to suit the child’s growth. Read more about the principles of selecting work furniture for a schoolchild, creating the right lighting and storage system for school things in our article:. In the meantime, we suggest taking a look at some successful examples of arranging offices in the rooms of teenage boys.

Workplace for computer studies and lessons

Two jobs for two teenage boys aged 13 and 15

Tip 7. Choose practical and not too expensive pieces of furniture, textiles and wall decorations

Frequent snacks in bed and at the desk or, say, fun get-togethers with friends are fraught with rapid damage to walls, curtains, carpets and upholstery. Therefore, you should not decorate a teenager’s bedroom with too high-quality wallpaper, furnish it with expensive furniture and decorate it with curtains made of expensive fabric. Ideally, the walls should simply be painted, and the furniture should be purchased without carvings and unnecessary details, complicating cleaning. The ideal curtains for a teenager's room are thick or (they are easy to wash and adjust in length), as well as blackout curtains.

Here are a few useful tips who will help young man learn to keep order:

  • Buy a shallow closet and/or chest of drawers. Narrow furniture(30-45 cm deep) will not only save space, but also allow you to store things more intelligently. The fact is that in shallow closets it is very convenient to put things not in piles, according to the principle vertical storage, when things are first folded into rectangles or rolls and then stacked one after another (rather than on top of each other). This way, the house of cards effect on the clothing shelves will be eliminated! However, in standard cabinets with a depth of 60 cm you can store things in the same way.

It’s more convenient to store things in a chest of drawers than on the shelves of a closet, but still, you can’t do without a closet, or rather without hangers, in a teenage boy’s room, because they allow you to store school uniform, shirts and T-shirts so that they do not wrinkle.

  • Hang a trouser hanger and a couple of hooks for belts, caps and sweatshirts in the closet.
  • Place a basket for collecting laundry in the dressing room area so that mom doesn’t have to look for scattered socks and T-shirts throughout the room.

It is highly desirable in a boy's room. It's so great when young man there is a place where he can warm up, let off steam, work on muscle tone and health. You should choose a sports complex based on the room's capabilities. So, in a small room, the ideal choice for a teenager would be a horizontal bar on which you can hang a punching bag or gymnastic rings.

  • If there is at least 1 free person in the room square meter, then you can install a sports complex consisting of a wall bars, a horizontal bar, parallel bars and an abdominal bench.

In addition to the sports complex, a basketball hoop, weights and dumbbells will be useful in the boy’s room (up to the age of 16, these should be light weights; before this age, it is more correct to train with your own weight).

The photo below shows examples of how a sports complex can fit into the interior of a teenage boy’s room.

Room of a 13 year old teenage boy

Tip 10. Let there be a little decor in the room, but it should be super stylish and reflect the interests of the owner

There is no need for decorations in a teenage boy's room, because they only clutter the space and complicate cleaning. But this does not mean that there should be no decor at all. Here is a small list of things that every boy aged 13-17 will want to have in his bedroom:

  • Original wall/table clock;
  • Pillows are plain or printed;
  • Stickers and plates, posters, playbills and placards of your favorite musical artists, video games;
  • Living plant (to purify the air);
  • Stylish lamps;
  • Globes and wall maps (can even be in the form);
  • Musical records;
  • Framed conceptual photos;
  • An organizer board on which you can pin lesson schedules, memorable concert tickets, photos with family and friends, etc.

The main thing is that all decorative items not only please the eye, but also reflect the interests and character of the boy, mean something to him, amuse him and even motivate him. Below in the selection of photos are examples of room decor for teenage boys.

Uniform lighting creates a cozy atmosphere and visually enlarges the room, and most importantly, does not strain the eyesight of its occupant. Ideally, the chandelier should be supplemented/replaced with spotlights. There must be table lamps or sconces on the desktop and by the bed, and a floor lamp can be placed in the play/sofa area.

Tip 12. If possible, arrange a place to relax and receive guests

In their room, boys not only sleep and study, but also, of course, relax, read, watch movies, play video games and chat with friends. Therefore, a recreation area here will be very useful.

  • A TV in a teenager’s room is not the most useful thing, but it is very desirable, especially if the boy is the proud owner of a game console. Most compact version placement of equipment - with fastening to the wall, the console is placed on a narrow wall shelf. An example of such a solution is shown in the photo below.

Another good option is placement in a rack/bedroom set.

  • It’s good if there is space in the room for a couple of armchairs or for one that can accommodate 2-3 friends at once and where a guest who has stayed too long can spend the night.

If there is not much space in the bedroom, put cozy armchair or ottoman.

Well, if there isn’t even enough space for ottomans, then just lay a carpet on the floor and have guest pillows, which, if necessary, can simply be scattered on the floor for Turkish-style gatherings.

  • In addition to the console and TV in the room of a teenage boy, you can put a table for chess and board games, synthesizer, drum set, table football.

According to sports superstition, you should not count your trophies, so as not to scare away your luck. But we are sure that it is possible and necessary to store them on shelves and in plain sight. After all, diplomas, certificates, cups and medals not only decorate the interior, but also inspire new achievements.

Renovations in such an interior cannot be durable: very soon your children will change their interests, but for now all that remains is to listen to their ideas and help decorate the room in accordance with their teenage preferences. Therefore, it is useful for parents of teenagers to pay attention to their interests in order to decorate the walls with wallpaper that matches the style and shade.

What wallpaper is best to put in a teenager's room to create a cozy environment for your children?

You can trust fashion trends, imposed by manufacturers of wall materials, but even in this case, adjustments will have to be made to the interior, taking into account the interests of the son or daughter.

Let's figure out which options for decorating the walls in a teenager's room can be considered successful and why.

General features of the design of teenage bedrooms

Let's start with the fact that the design of even such rooms requires compliance with several rules in choosing shades, image themes, and other characteristics of wallpaper for the walls:

Advice: Wallpaper for a child's room for a teenager must be chosen taking into account the lighting of the room. In the bedroom, your child will not only relax, but also study and pursue his hobbies, and this requires bright light. Therefore, in rooms located on the north side, it is better to decorate the walls with the lightest possible materials.

By focusing on these principles, you can ensure correct finishing walls in a teenager's bedroom, but we do not guarantee that your child will be satisfied with the option you choose. Therefore, we invite you to familiarize yourself with several successful examples photo of wallpaper for a teenager's room, taking into account the interests and gender of the child.

Girl's room: wall design ideas

Choosing wallpaper for the nursery for a teenage girl, start with a color scheme: Many people mistakenly believe that best option for such an interior these are all shades, but in reality this color can have irritating properties.

If you feel like it emphasize femininity and romance for such a room - give preference to light pink tones combined with other shades.

Advice: do not use more than three different shades in such interiors. The abundance of bright colors in the design indicates its children's orientation: in teenage rooms this approach is inappropriate.

TO good options The color scheme of wallpaper for a teenage girl's room includes all shades of the pastel palette. But, since in such a room your child will not only relax, but also spend time with friends or engage in his favorite hobby, add a few bright details to the design (pillows, carpets, accessories).

To decorate a girl-dreamer's room, it is better to use wallpaper with small prints on a spring theme or plain coverings in bright colors:, and others.

The darker and more saturated the colors used in the decoration of the walls, the more adult the interior of such a room will be perceived.

Choosing wallpaper for a teenage girl's room, take into account their possibilities for transforming space. It's no secret that with the help of properly selected materials you can correct interior imperfections.

In cramped rooms for girls, do not use them as background colors. But when combined with plain ones, they will not only expand the area of ​​the room, but will also form a bright and stylish accent.

If children's interiors are often decorated on a specific theme, then wallpaper for a teenage girl's bedroom is increasingly less often chosen taking into account a certain direction. The thematic design of such rooms is more typical for boys' rooms.

Therefore, you should not choose wallpaper with a glamorous print, bright floral arrangements, or images of animals for such a room. Ideally, decorate the walls in a neutral style., and let your children add thematic notes to the design themselves.

Wall decoration in a boy's bedroom

As a rule, teenage boys are more active. Therefore, it would not hurt to use in design shades that promote a calmer character at your children. Wallpaper for a teenage boy's room should not be too bright: it is better to choose options that combine light and dark tones.

Eg, excellent option For such an interior there will be wallpaper with green elements.

The depth and richness of these shades will calm and develop creativity.

Successful shades in the interior of a teenage boy include colors.

Wallpaper for a teenage boy's bedroom should not be boring and monotonous. If these are standard ones of the same shade, dilute the design with posters, inserts of wallpaper with geometry or abstraction.

Striped wallpaper in neutral shades will have a calming effect. You can use textured materials or wallpaper, stylized to match other surfaces:,.

Against the background of plain wallpaper, other materials used as accents look great. In most cases, accents are created on a free wall in the bedside area. Here your teenage son can be creative: paint the wall with his own drawings or stick stylish ones. Photo wallpapers on the theme or images are suitable.

How older child, the more serious hobbies characterize his personality. Your son's hobbies and preferences should be reflected in the room's design.

For example, if a teenager is interested in the computer field, decorate the room in a high-tech style and choose or. And for music lovers, you can look for wallpapers with images vinyl records, guitars, famous performers.

Attention! For older teenagers, neutral wallpaper made in contrasting colors is suitable. color scheme. To decorate such a bedroom, you can use combinations of blue or brown colors.

For creating stylish interior For a children's room, you can choose several wallpapers for a teenager's bedroom.

Patterned wallpapers should not be combined with each other, but in combination with plain coverings they will look harmonious.

Wallpaper of different types can be pasted in the form of vertical or horizontal lines, inserts on the walls or used to highlight niches, partitions, and separate areas of the room.

Bedroom for two children: how to divide the space?

Often one nursery has to be shared by two children: if two teenagers of the same age live in the bedroom, it is not necessary to delimit the space using color accents. Besides, different design walls can be the cause of quarrels between your children, so choose a single color scheme and let them complement the walls with accessories to their taste.

In a room where two girls will live, use light-colored wallpaper. Since having more furniture will reduce the available space, it is better to use wallpaper that will correct this deficiency. Therefore, experts recommend giving preference not to bright, but to pastel colors.

In the room of two teenage boys You can use shades from the same palette, differing in tonality. It is better if they are monochromatic materials: wallpaper for children's rooms for teenage boys with patterns does not fit well with each other.

It is much more difficult to ensure the creation harmonious design and divide the space into two equal zones if teenagers of different genders or ages live in such a bedroom.

If a teenager has to share a room with a small child, decorate the walls with wallpaper of different colors. Paste lighter materials with children's patterns in the part of the room allocated for the baby.

The bedroom of a boy and a girl should be separated not only visually: Every child needs an isolated space, so take care to create partitions or curtains between separate areas of the room.

The wall design in this bedroom will be exactly the opposite, so dividers will help hide the sharp transitions between shades and images on the walls.

Each part of the room for children of different sexes is decorated in accordance with the rules for teenage boys and girls.

Adolescent children have long formed their own preferences and interests, and planning their bedroom design on their own is a traditional mistake many parents make decorating teenage rooms.

You just need to push your child to a decision that corresponds to the principles of wall decoration described in our article, look with him at good photos with ready-made finishing options - and he himself will create an interior that will look cozy even for you.

The question of choosing wallpaper for a child’s room arises before each parent from time to time. Children grow up, their tastes and needs change, and the atmosphere of the children's room should always remain as comfortable and meaningful as possible for the child.


Children's wallpaper is on sale today in large assortment, so there is plenty to choose from. All wallpapers are different, they differ in their texture, the material from which they are made and the design. We can distinguish the main group of children's wallpapers that are most popular today:

  • wallpaper on paper based;
  • wallpaper type decorative plaster with fibers of mineral and plant origin (they are called liquid wallpaper);
  • photo wallpapers and so-called glass wallpapers, which make it possible to decorate a wall with any photo image, even your own portrait;
  • wallpaper that can be washed from children's “creativity” (washable).

Under no circumstances should wallpaper for a boy's children's room (as well as girls) be vinyl (non-woven). This wallpaper does not breathe and creates an unhealthy microclimate in the baby's room.

Velor wallpaper is not the best choice, although they are now at the peak of popularity, but what to do with their ability to collect dust? This is definitely of no use to the child.

Design and color palette

Creating a comfortable design in a boy’s nursery is not easy even for a professional. It is important to maintain the harmony and integrity of the whole picture in everything. Some minor detail, chosen incorrectly, can affect the entire interior as a whole. And in many ways, the overall design of the nursery will depend on the correctly chosen wallpaper.

Durability? Not in this case

The baby will grow up and simply enjoy the cute images and designs on the wallpaper for not so long. Soon he will stand on his feet and walk, taking with him a felt-tip pen (other options for tools for children's “creativity” are also possible). Therefore, it is as clear as two times two that the durability of wallpaper in a boy’s children’s room is something out of the realm of fantasy. And the baby’s preferences will change with age, so in about three years you will definitely have to update the walls in the nursery.

Bright and unusual

These are the factors that should also be taken into account when choosing wallpaper for a boy’s nursery. In this case, there should be no boredom or monotony; the children's room should be distinguished by its unique design and rich colors. And it is also very important that the baby, to the best of his ability, takes part in everything that happens to his home - perhaps he will be able to introduce such interesting nuances into this process that an adult would simply never think of.


The uniqueness and unusualness of this relatively new style, literally translated as “scratched”, lies in its origin. It appeared in disadvantaged American neighborhoods and suddenly became super popular around the world.

Moreover, the graffiti style has moved from the streets into homes and “feels great” there. For a teenage boy, graffiti-style wallpaper can become ideal solution, especially if it is photo wallpaper. But at the same time, we should not forget about the harmony of the color and size of the picture with the size and interior of the boy’s room. Everything should be in the same color scheme and not be in contrast with other items. The most combinations will be with graffiti photo wallpapers and modern furniture.

Such wallpapers are divided into two main groups: classic black and white designs, reminiscent of old photographs, and multi-colored designs with bright inscriptions and images.

Consequently, the style of “artistic hooliganism” is not necessarily provocatively bright and flashy pictures; they can also be calm, strict and laconic. Such self-expression in the interior of your room will reveal the inner world of a teenager and charge him with a great mood every day.


A boy's children's room will look best with plain wallpaper. Drawings with stripes and in the form of all kinds of cars, airplanes and other toys will be interesting for children up to three years old to look at. At an older age, wallpaper of the same tone is preferable.

Another option is wallpaper with ornaments. The best choice would be stripes - this is a neutral pattern that is suitable for any age. It is possible to combine stripes with plain wallpaper, the main thing is to observe the combination of shades. The peculiarity of striped wallpaper is its ability to visually correct the proportions of a room - vertical stripes will make the room taller, and horizontal stripes wider.

In a small drawing

You should not buy wallpaper with small patterns for a boy’s nursery - such a room will seem boring and uninteresting to the baby. The wallpaper on his walls should have plot drawings or one large image that is interesting to the child. The boy will really like the image with one of the cartoon characters he likes.


His psycho-emotional mood will largely depend on the color of the wallpaper in the boy’s room, and therefore the color must match the temperament of the owner of the room. If the child is not very active, wallpaper in warm, rich colors will suit him. And in the room of a hyperactive baby, the shades should be calm and cold.

As for the green color, it is considered universal because it can simultaneously charge with energy and calm. In a little boy's room, the green shade should be warm: apple, olive, herbal or mint, but it is better to avoid cold green, it is depressing.


Little dreamers who are fond of cartoons about space travelers and are already dreaming of future exploration of the Universe will be interested in seeing space scenes on the walls of their rooms. They will be in place and in play area, and in the bedroom, and then your baby’s play table will turn into a control panel, and his crib into a space capsule.


There is probably no child who doesn’t love watching cartoons. So, diversify the interior of the children's room with wallpaper with your baby's favorite characters. You will immediately see how much more cheerful your child will become, and how much more interesting it will be for him to be in such an environment.

Until recently, it would have been Tom the cat, Jerry the mouse, the Hare and the Wolf from “Well, wait a minute!”... but today other heroes take precedence, and the leaders among them are heroes from Japanese anime. These beautiful, lively and interesting cartoons contain a whole storm of emotions, exciting plots and indescribable dynamics.

Naruto characters with the main characters being ninja children are perfect as wallpaper for a boy's nursery. It is important, in addition to wallpaper, to select similar pillows and blankets with ninja symbols and opt for warm and bright colors: red, green, olive and brown.

If the child is very small, the wallpaper will be suitable with cute characters from Hello Kitty and Totto. In this case, your baby is guaranteed great mood and harmonious development together with funny anime animals. Basically, everything should be done in light colors, and the characters themselves should be moderately colorful.

How to choose

What parents should not forget about when decorating a child’s room for a boy is that it is not for them to live in, but for their baby. Everything in it should be in accordance with his age and with what he likes, and not mom or dad. This is his world, where nothing should interfere with his comfort, coziness and peace.

Only in this case can a little person really feel like the owner of this home, where everything he needs for a full life is located. But that's not all, parents must make sure that everything they need to take is accessible. He must freely get toys, and for this they must be laid out on shelves located at the correct height.

The room will be ideal for a boy of any age if everything in it matches the taste and needs of the baby, as well as the design requirements.

As a rule, boys in early childhood They are mostly interested in cars, so if you ask your child what kind of wallpaper he wants, the answer will be obvious. And it doesn’t matter - it will be one car, the size of an entire wall or several, or the child himself will paste a 3D picture of cars on the wall. And, of course, the little car enthusiast will be completely delighted with the volumetric 3D wallpaper with cars, which he will immediately want to show to his friends and comrades.

If the boy is 4 years old or 5, 6, 7 years old

These are individuals who are already more or less formed, they know what they want, they know how to reason and even defend their point of view. This guy will like the wallpaper in accordance with his personal preferences or hobbies. Parents of a child of this age try to choose educational wallpaper: letters, numbers, etc.

In this case, other options are also suitable: images of plants, animals - but only simple ones, age-appropriate, that do not distract from the main activity - the educational process.

Striped wallpaper in a boy's children's room can help him concentrate and calm down after active games. For a very active boy, creative and nimble (who is impossible to keep track of), it is best to take care of practical wallpaper that can be restored without much difficulty. These include washable and liquid wallpaper, and in a room where several boys are in charge, other options will not be so appropriate.

If the boy is 8, 9 or 10 years old

It’s better to take such young people with you to the store to choose wallpaper for their room. These are small men who have their own opinions about the appropriate colors. Making your own choices at this age is very important - it increases a guy’s self-esteem and instills in him a sense of responsibility (in in this case- for the design of your home).

If disagreements arise between a boy and his parents when purchasing wallpaper, you should definitely try to come to a common opinion: the child should be satisfied with the choice, but at the same time, everything should, in the parents’ opinion, be within the limits of comfort and safety.

If the boy is 11-12 years old

This age is called transitional, and with cars on the wallpaper, a child’s room will no longer be happy - he will feel very uncomfortable and uncomfortable in it. The tastes of a guy of this age are very different from children’s, and the world, just like the world, limited by the walls of his room, is already perceived completely differently.

When choosing wallpaper for a guy 11-12 years old, you need to listen to his personal wishes. At this age, one cannot help but take into account his hobbies and preferences regarding, for example, the color of the wallpaper and what will be depicted on it. So, going to the store is only possible with the “master of the situation.”

If the guy is 14, 15 or 16 years old

In the room of such a teenager there is usually a minimum of decor. It is important that the guy himself makes an effort to choose wallpaper for his room and, in general, to decorate his home. Most likely, at this age, these will be posters on the walls, posters, photographs and other decorative elements. Here it would be appropriate to decorate all this with special borders or frames - this way the wallpaper will not deteriorate, and it will be easier to change the posters.

In a teenager’s room, everything should be thought out to the very last detail: wallpaper on the walls, wallpaper on the ceiling, how the room is lit, how harmonious the furniture is with the technical component...

The main thing is that the teenager feels comfortable and comfortable, that he knows exactly where and what is in his apartment and that everything would contribute to his studies, creativity and relaxation.

For a newborn

When arranging a room for a newborn boy, forget about expensive wallpaper! Choose the most ordinary ones - paper and smooth ones, on which, on the one hand, it will be convenient to spread the baby’s porridge (or something else), and on the other hand, it’s also not a pity to tear them off and throw them away. You can buy new ones and it will practically not affect the family budget.

The main thing for a newborn is that the wallpaper in his room should be light and warm shades. It’s good that they have drawings in the form of children’s toys: boats, cars, bears. The drawings should be moderately bright, then the little boy will be interested in looking at them.

And try to avoid any hint of aggression in the room for a newborn, and he will still have time to familiarize himself with the military arsenal, of which there is so much in children’s stores, when he grows up.


Boys preschool age are different and their preferences can be completely different, so only they themselves, and also their parents, can know exactly what they like. Now, taking all this into account, you should choose wallpaper for your preschooler’s room, but there cannot be a single piece of advice here.

The most popular for preschool boys are educational wallpapers, that is, those with beautiful and interesting images of letters and numbers, with which you can playfully learn to read and count.

Even if your son is very young, still consult with him, so that later the atmosphere of the children's room will be filled only with joyful experiences and pleasant emotions.


The theme of wallpaper in a student’s room also largely depends on his preferences:


This topic is close to many children, and they will be happy to choose wallpapers with balls, football players and various other sports components.

Nature and travel

And this topic is interesting for any boy, here everyone makes his own choice. It is important in any case to maintain a neutral color of the room: green, yellow, beige and similar tones.


Science and technology

There are kids who are drawn to technology almost from the cradle, and no other toys can surprise them. Whatever equipment falls into the hands of such a toddler turns out to be disassembled into spare parts and cannot be restored (at first). Here, parents will have to take care of the appropriate design of the room for the future designer and the same “technological” and at the same time childish wallpaper.

For a teenager

Teenagers are emotional people, they often rush from one extreme to another, but all this is age-related and passes over time. You can help a guy by properly decorating the room in which he is often alone with his problems.

Firstly, we select the wallpaper; it should look original, bright and the color will please the teenager himself. Experts believe that the following wallpapers are most suitable in color:


Warm shades of this color surround humans in nature, and therefore are the most familiar and comfortable.


It is customary for boys to be taken from the maternity hospital in envelopes with a blue tint (or with a blue bow on top of the blanket), because the power of the elements and masculine destiny are attributed to this color. White trim goes perfectly with blue.

Creating a modern, comfortable style for a teenage boy’s room using wallpaper is quite a difficult task. In order to combine desires young guy With the capabilities of parents, and the basics of design rules, a talent for persuasion combined with the correct vision of the future appearance of the room will be required.

The best wallpaper for a room

Any wallpaper that is chosen should suit the teenager. Therefore, be sure to purchase them together or at least after discussing them with your child.

Preferred types

What wallpaper is suitable for a boys' room? Any that do not release toxic substances when wet or exposed to direct sunlight.

  • Paper webs . Best wallpapers for the walls of a multifunctional teenage bedroom. They are completely environmentally safe and allow air to pass through well. The option is the cheapest, but short-lived.
  • Non-woven fabrics . The rolls are strong, fit well on the surface of the bedroom walls, and are breathable. In color options, if desired, teenage boys can change the color scheme up to 10 times.
  • Vinyls. The option is very practical. Even in a teenager’s room they “survive” up to several decades. The wallpaper is stylish, does not absorb dust and odors, can withstand wet cleaning, and successfully masks problems in the walls. Considering the average price category, vinyls can be classified as “beneficial” for covering the walls of teenagers’ bedrooms, especially boys of a calm disposition.
  • Corkwallpaper. Eco-friendly 100%. Excellent sound insulation. Pleasant to the touch and very durable (subject to wax treatment). They are slightly let down by their small range and high price.
  • Liquid coatings. Wallpaper is safe and practical, easy to “repair”. Only the high price can stop their use for the walls of a children's room.
  • Photo wallpaper or photo printing. The best opportunity to accentuate walls and zoning space, especially if the room is shared by two boys of different ages or a brother and sister. Photo printing successfully supports the general theme of teenage interiors.

A good option for walls would be washable wallpaper of any kind, from which dirt can be removed much more easily than from regular canvases.

The seller must have an environmental safety certificate!

Features of choice

What is special about choosing wallpaper for a teenage bedroom? First of all, the room can be used for many other purposes at the same time. In most cases - for preparing lessons, studying with a computer and sports recreation. The teenager most often invites his friends to the same room. Based on this, what requirements should be presented for decorating a bedroom with wallpaper?

  • Feature and brightness. Try to make the space bright and unique. This does not mean that wallpaper should “scream” wildly from the walls and ceiling bright colors or be decorated with accessories that evoke fear (skulls, zombies). It is important that the room has a sense of style, and the emphasis is placed on the best hobbies of its owner.
  • Designed for a short period of use. Adolescence doesn't last long. Therefore, you need to choose wallpaper with the expectation that in a minimum number of years the boy’s needs will turn into more serious preferences of the young man and the interior of the room will have to change a lot.
  • The ability to make a room look modern. The wallpaper in the room should correspond to the youth environment. The parents’ task is to “correct” serious distortions in the perception of reality, but in general the situation should be suitable for a young guy, but not necessarily correspond to the ideal parental ideas about the classic wallpaper “genre”.

Every parent also rightly wants the glued-on canvases to last a long time and remain of high quality. Here are some more tips for those who will invest in repairs.

  • Choose wear-resistant wall coverings. Remember that a ball or dart may well fly into them in the heat of active games with friends.
  • Look for wallpaper that can be washed. Not all coatings can withstand frequent cleaning.
  • Be sure to involve the boys in planning the wall designs. Here you are “killing two birds with one stone” - the teenager will happily accept the design idea he has chosen on his own and will take care of the room much more than one covered with wallpaper that he does not like. Moreover, boys are often frightened by the idea of ​​their parents introducing certain “girly” attributes into their masculine “color” of the bedroom.

Wallpapers for different styles

Each child is, of course, unique, although there are some general trends in hobbies that are characteristic of the teenage environment. Try to choose a well-known wallpaper style that is in harmony with your son's hobbies.

  • Teenagers aged 14-16 will positively appreciate minimalism. Against its background, posters, placards and everything that your son likes will look especially bright and meaningful. To accentuate and at the same time better preserve the wallpaper, we can place accessories on borders, adding graphic wallpaper to them.
  • With fans of sports and “hanging out” on the computer, you can discuss high-tech or loft, or suggest avant-garde.
  • Ethnic style will organically “play” on the walls of the bedroom of a fan of oriental cultures.
  • A dreamer of distant lands will love the design in the style of exotic places or sea beauties.
  • For a boy with creative inclinations, kitsch is suitable, but in his own, favorite direction.

With all the variety of styles, you should definitely “hear” your child - evaluate his personal design ideas, desire for masculine attributes and selecting wallpaper for walls in accordance with the requests of the owner of the room.

Photo wallpaper is a universal material for wall decoration

Photo wallpaper can play a special role in decorating any style of “boy’s” room. Thanks to their wide range of modern market, a design solution can be chosen for any age and for almost every style. There are workshops where you can order wallpaper according to your design and even with a photograph provided by the client.

Advantages of photo wallpaper:

  • High-quality photo wallpapers are easy to glue and remove, which gives scope for quickly changing the design of the room.
  • Create an atmosphere of orderliness.
  • They are selected in the interests of the owner of the premises.
  • They are inexpensive.

Photo wallpaper should not be “lost” against the background of the walls.

Finish options

After choosing the wallpaper, they proceed directly to updating the room. Working with a boy's room has its own peculiarities.

Color preferences

The most important component of wallpaper interior is the color that dominates the walls of the room.

The best option is calm, plain canvases, combined with bright borders to zone the space.

  • “Warm” colors will refresh the walls in a room facing north. It will create an atmosphere of calm and comfort, and will “dull” the harshness of dividing space into comfort zones. Recommended colors: beige, orange, yellowish. Light colors have a positive effect on the learning process.
  • “Caustic” colors will have a bad effect on the boy’s psyche. It is better to try to convincingly convince him of the advantage of calmer tones.

The most popular colors for teenage rooms are: blue, green and brown with shades. It is worth sticking very carefully with red (the color of aggression) and black (if in excess it causes depression).

It must be remembered that too saturated shades of any colors (with or without drawings) can cause an overly excited state in a boy.

Psychology of colors:

  • Green. For relaxation and creativity.
  • Blue and its shades. Male creative color.
  • Variations of yellow. They improve mood and “expand” space.
  • Violet. The color of aggression, like black and red.
  • Orange. Cheerfulness and positivity.

Selection of drawing

Which wallpaper pattern to choose for the room where a teenager “lives”? See what your boy is passionate about, don’t forget the advice of child psychologists and create an exclusive. The choice is completely limitless. We can only name some of the most popular stories.

  • Graffiti.
  • Trips.
  • Landscapes of the sea.
  • Geometric designs and abstractions.
  • Stripes.
  • Technique.
  • Sports motives.
  • Pictures of nature.
  • Hieroglyphs.

The pattern on the wallpaper should match the general style of the room where the boy lives. Then it will definitely look harmonious and fit into the “system of preferences”, which any teenager applies very strictly.

Combination possibilities

Combining wallpaper in a room for guys primarily solves the problem of separating thematic zones.

Popular combination options:

  • Combining wallpaper with wall panels.
  • A combination of completely practical canvases below with expensive and beautiful ones above the main level of active pollution.
  • Gluing stickers onto the base covering.
  • In the “new classic” style, cornices, baseboards and moldings are possible (without bright contrast).
  • Posters of your favorite life and movie heroes will fit beautifully on a white wall, which the boy will be happy to see every day.
  • Variations green shades in the area for lessons, with pastels in the “corners” of relaxation.
  • Horizontal or vertical lines, inserts - as accent stripes to highlight partitions or niches. A teenager must perceive different parts of his space differently.

“Chips” in the interior – necessary and dangerous

To please a teenager with a special style in his room, it is very important to find a special “trick” in the interior. There is no point in turning your living space into a theater, even if your teenage son has an infinite number of interests. But it is very desirable to highlight in the interior the main thing that is important for its self-development.

Depending on the son’s hobbies, these can be very different “objects”:

  • Paintings by his favorite artist or painted by himself.
  • Posters of great athletes or artists.
  • Sports attributes. Particularly important are the certificates, cups and medals that the boy earned himself.
  • Items from the musical world. A teenager can place his favorite musical instrument or a poster of a popular band here.
  • Photos the latest achievements global automotive industry and much more.

Some “innovations” in decorating boys’ rooms with wallpaper are best avoided:

  • many drawings and bright ornaments that will subconsciously put pressure on the psyche;
  • design in a classic style, if the boy is not a real fan of this design;
  • wallpaper abstractions - in the room of a pre-teen child.

Your grown-up boy should feel a masculine “color” in the room, but at the same time do not allow the environment to set an aggressive or too “loose” style of his behavior. Any accents and color schemes should be moderate.

Room zoning

A teenage room of any size is necessarily divided into zones of “responsibility” - a study corner, a place to sleep and personal space. This is especially important in a room where two children live.

If possible, it is very good to highlight a hobby area. Mini-spaces are separated by the color of the wallpaper, although the process of “delimitation” can include furniture, partitions, blinds and everything else that is possible.

  • Space for studying. Almost every teenager's interest in studying is reduced. Therefore, the place of study should be designed as interesting as possible, with a hint of future prospects in life for those who study well. There should be no relaxing motives.
  • Sleep area. Made in light (but not white) colors. Here you can use photo wallpaper so that the teenager sees calm pictures or landscapes before going to bed.
  • A place of personal relaxation. As close as possible to the door to the room, with shades of wallpaper that are pleasing to the eyes of a child.

For zoning, you can use stripes, horizontal separation of the lower part of the wall from the upper, vertical glued rolls on the general horizontal background of the wall, coatings with the same texture in different colors, moldings and much more. Great opportunity To work with accents on the walls, paintable wallpaper with a structure is given.

When the space in a room is shared by two boys of approximately the same age, the color divisions of the space are carried out at the request of the “inhabitants”. If brothers are of different ages, it is necessary to take into account the interests of each. To the younger boy would be more suitable light colors wallpaper, an older teenager will prefer canvases with more richness and “creativity.” The room shared by brother and sister is decorated completely differently. The space for each teenage child is pasted in accordance with the recommendations for choosing wallpaper for their gender.

Planning the design of a teenager's room on their own is a huge mistake many parents make. Do not forget that the son must establish himself in the company of his peers and a very important ritual for this is inviting them to visit, any joint activities in the living space that will be equipped for him at home. Help your teenager express his or her creativity in own room, and then he will not leave her for a suspicious company, he will be sincerely grateful to his parents for the new renovation.

When our children grow up, they not only change their tastes and style in clothing, music and much more, they also yearn to change the interior of their personal space. And now it stands before us not an easy task choose the color of wallpaper for a teenager's bedroom.

It is not necessary to choose expensive wallpaper for a teenager’s room, since their tastes change quite often and it is possible that in six months to a year, your child will want different colors. In addition, do not forget that the walls will be covered with posters of your favorite idols.

If your teenager really wants bright or dark colors, don’t categorically refuse them right away. In fashionable modern interiors Such color solutions are very relevant, and combining wallpaper will help to dilute the colorfulness and gloomy darkness.

It is worth discussing with your child not only the color scheme of his room, but what kind of wallpaper it will be:

  • Plain wallpaper will look in the bedroom as a background either for furniture or for drawings and posters. It is good to choose wallpaper for painting, this makes it possible to change the color background over time.
  • Geometric wallpaper- This is the type of wallpaper often chosen by teenagers. The frequency of figures and their colors affect the mood of the entire room.
  • Wallpaper with stripes fit well into the interior of a child's bedroom. Its colors and intensity will make the room cheerful, rich and fresh.
  • Classic patterns suitable if your child wants a bedroom in classic style interior But this style is rarely chosen by teenagers.
  • Photo wallpaper Very good decision for a teenager's bedroom. He can choose the design himself, taking into account his preferences.

Advice! Wallpaper for painting a good choice for a teenager’s bedroom, with his constant changes in tastes and desires.

Photo wallpaper and wall decoration

Photo wallpapers are often used for a teenager’s room; their choice is huge, especially since in our modern times it’s not a problem to create something of your own, according to individual order, their price is quite reasonable.

Photo wallpaper in a teenager's room:

  • They give him the opportunity to express his inner world.
  • Show off your interests or hobbies.
  • Easy to replace if hobbies change.
  • You can change it if you want something new.
  • This is a good replacement for numerous posters.
  • They will last quite a long time and will make the room tidier.

Important! Giving your child the freedom to choose wallpaper for their room will earn their respect. And his self-esteem will noticeably increase, not only in his own eyes, but also in the eyes of his friends.

In this video, detailed instructions How to properly apply photo wallpaper with your own hands.

Photo wallpaper is not the only choice for decorating the walls of a teenager's bedroom - it can be large map peace. Colorful, glossy and bright on the entire wall, the map will not only become a decoration and accent of the room, it also has a practical and useful application for a student teenager.

Graffiti or wall painting will delight the modern teenager. Especially if you let him do the painting himself. At the same time, you will see his self-expression as an individual.

Teen colors

Of course, every parent puzzles over what color to choose wallpaper for their child’s bedroom. After all, in our minds, it should be light and calming, but a teenager rebels and wants bright colors.

At the stage of choosing a color scheme for a child’s bedroom, it is very important to take into account his preferences, since color affects the psyche and emotional condition. The color that will predominate in a teenager’s room determines how stable his inner world will be.

Teenagers are rebels who try to provoke us to make sure how much we trust their independence and choice. Therefore, you should not be surprised when, when asked what color the wallpaper should be in the bedroom, he answers - black.

Don’t be scared, keep in mind that children’s tastes change quite often, and multi-colored posters will soon be displayed on the walls, which will push black into the background. You can make one or two walls black and this will become a kind of compromise.

The color red is much more dangerous for teenagers; in children with unstable psyches it can cause irritation and anger. In addition, it is the color of intimacy and passion, which will not allow you to concentrate on your studies. If the child insists, try offering him calmer shades of this color.

You can also make red accents or inserts, and make the main color something calm. Combining wallpaper of any type, depending on the volume of the room, will help with this. Light furniture in warm shades will also help to set off the red color.

The blue color, although dark and cold, is still a very good choice for a teenager's bedroom. It relieves feelings of irritation and relaxes. It also goes well with the color red and can calm its aggressiveness.

But Blue colour and its main blue shade is worth choosing for active children. If your child does not like to move a lot, is shy and quiet, such colors will relax him even more and it will be difficult for him to study and think about studying.

Psychologists say that perfect flowers for teenagers, green and yellow and their shades are considered. These colors are reminiscent of summer, nature and make you feel cheerful and active. At the same time, they do not negatively affect the mental and emotional state of the child.

Green has a calming effect on everyone, while yellow is very invigorating. Green color goes well with all other colors except purple and its shades. Yellow will visually enlarge the room and bring lightness and light into it.

Orange color is very good in its emotional impact, but it should be chosen carefully for a teenager’s room; it is best to choose calm shades of orange. This warm color raises activity and mood, but also increases appetite.

There are several basic concepts of teenage rooms:

  • Bright colors encourage an active lifestyle, give energy and awaken enthusiasm.
  • Calm - calm and inspire confidence and stability.
  • Light colors encourage positivity and communication.

The following colors and shades are popular for guys:

  • Blue.
  • Green.
  • Brown.
  • Violet.
  • Grey.

Girls are divided into two groups:

  • Glamorous.
  • Boys.

Glamorous young ladies prefer bright and calm colors and their shades are as follows:

  • Lilac.
  • Lilac.
  • Pink.
  • Yellow.
  • Orange.
  • Light green.
  • Blue.
  • Beige.

Tomboyish girls choose richer and darker colors and shades:

  • Brown.
  • Grey.
  • Black.
  • Blue.
  • Green.
  • Violet.

The main thing is not to limit the teenager’s fantasies, but to help him combine it all. After all, his self-confidence depends on his decision on what color wallpaper to choose for the bedroom; for him, this is a demonstration of his inner world and external perception.

Selecting the style

Let's look at several bedroom interior styles that a teenager might like. The main thing is that you together select a style and bright accents for it; this is very important for your child.

Interior styles that suit your hobbies:

  • For future artists or musicians – loft, kitsch or avant-garde.
  • For athletes - avant-garde, hi-tech or loft.
  • For lovers of technology and the Internet - constructivism, avant-garde or high-tech.
  • For fans of Eastern teachings and cultures - all Eastern styles.
  • For future travelers - sea or safari, aka African style.
  • For fashionable glamorous young ladies - Paris.
  • For home handicrafts - shabby chic, country or Provence.
  • For princesses - baroque, rococo or classic.
  • For lovers of mysticism - gothic.
  • For those who are passionate about fairy tales and fantasy - Scandinavian.

Of course it's not full list and here you and your child can show your imagination and taste.

Types of bedroom styles for a teenager

More information about interior styles for a teenage bedroom:

  • Loft style

It's a mix of trendy and modern with old and shabby. It contains nearby:

  1. Snow-white walls and rough brick or shiny steel and rough shabby boards.
  2. Modern appliances and old, faded, but very comfortable furniture.
  3. Bright cushioned furniture and all sorts of trinkets.
  • Shabby chic style

A room in this style is covered with antiquity, there are no newfangled things and the decoration is made of natural rough materials. This style is more suitable for girls, as it involves a lot of handicrafts:

  1. Toys.
  2. Embroidery.
  3. Lace.
  4. Knitten things.
  5. Patchwork quilt.
  • Provence style

This style is a variation of country, but lighter and airier. This style is not suitable for a boy. Its characteristics:

  1. Light, warm colors and shades.
  2. Lots of floral textiles with ruffles.
  3. Natural shabby furniture.
  4. A huge variety of accessories.
  5. A large number of pillows.
  • Rock style

In adolescence, rock is one of the main hobbies and creating a room that matches the hobby is not so difficult. Suitable for him:

  1. Beige or gray wallpaper.
  2. Blinds instead of curtains.
  3. Simple furniture.
  4. Graffiti on the wall.
  5. Guitar on the wall.
  6. Lots of posters and magazine clippings of your favorite musicians on the walls.
  • Classic style

Classic suits everyone, but the problem is that few teenagers will choose this style. Its characteristics:

  1. Wood in decoration and furniture.
  2. The walls are plain or with a discreet pattern.
  3. Formal textiles.
  • Paris style

This is the style of romantically minded girls. It is simple and at the same time sophisticated. Its characteristics:

  1. Light wallpaper.
  2. Black and white drawings or photos of Paris.
  3. Carved or forged furniture.
  4. Lots of cute little accessories.
  • New York style

Suitable for fashionistas both boys and girls. Its characteristics:

  1. Embossed wallpaper or plaster.
  2. Complex color scheme.
  3. Chesterfield style sofa.
  4. Furniture reminiscent of antiques.
  5. Accessories and accents of your hobbies.
  • Scandinavian style

This style will do. If your child loves order and restraint, light and as few trinkets as possible. It is characterized by:

  1. Light colors.
  2. Wooden furniture.
  3. Naturalness and simplicity.
  • Avant-garde style

This is a modern and experimental classic. Its characteristics:

  1. Pure bright contrasting colors.
  2. Large geometric shapes.
  3. Non-standard solutions in everything.
  4. Hanging bed.
  5. Shapeless chairs.
  6. Rotating shelves.
  • High-tech style

A bedroom in this style is functional and simple, for lovers of science fiction and space. Its characteristics:

  1. Minimum textiles.
  2. No drawings.
  3. Smooth or glossy surfaces.
  4. Cool colors.
  5. Shelving instead of cabinets.
  6. Functional furniture.
  7. Lots of metal surfaces.
  • Safari style

This style is suitable for those who dream of travel, adventure lovers and animal lovers. Its characteristics:

  1. Lots of pictures of exotic animals.
  2. Textiles reminiscent of animal skins.
  3. Natural wallpaper - bamboo or cork.
  4. All shades of brown in interior and design.
  5. Lightweight, better wicker furniture.
  6. Ritual masks for decoration.
  • Sea style

This style is also suitable for adventure lovers, but this time at sea. Sea romance is very suitable for a room for two boys, as bunk bed it will come in handy here. Its characteristics:

  1. Brown, blue and white colors and their shades.
  2. Dark wooden furniture.
  3. Plank flooring and wallpaper simulating planks.
  4. Metal legs for furniture.
  5. Chains and nautical accessories and accents.
  • Kitsch style

Good for a rebellious teenager. An incompatible room in decoration and color scheme is a kitsch style. But complete chaos, as it may seem, has something in common and creative children with artistic taste will choose this style. Its characteristics:

  1. Bright poisonous colors.
  2. Tasteless accessories.
  3. Incompatible furniture.
  • Constructivism style

Ideal for a child who loves perfectionism - organizing and classifying everything. It's good if it's a large room. Its characteristics:

  1. Minimum furniture.
  2. No accessories.
  3. Compact and simple.
  4. Thoughtful and functional storage spaces.

This is just a small selection of teen-friendly bedroom styles. Whatever style you and your child choose, there is always room for imagination and desires to come true. Help your child combine all this with taste.


We found out what color wallpaper should be in a teenager's bedroom, what interior styles would suit them, taking into account their interests and hobbies. Be patient and stock up on photos of sample interiors.


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