Payback of the coffee machine. Why do experts recommend choosing coffee vending equipment to start a business? Profit per month on coffee machines

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Often ideas for business are in plain sight, but people don’t notice them or don’t understand that you can earn good money from simple and familiar things. One of these ideas is coffee machines as a business. They bring good money without requiring you to be constantly present on site. Essentially you get passive income, spending a minimum of time on business.

Principle of operation

Selling goods and drinks through machines is called vending. This is enough profitable business, which quickly pays for itself and is guaranteed to start making a profit. The main thing is to choose a good place for the machines. They are usually installed in public places: shopping centers, gas stations, universities, etc. A good location is the key to constant and high profits.

Coffee vending business quickly pays for itself

The coffee vending machine does not require an operator or regular maintenance—it can operate autonomously for several days. All you need is to collect it as needed and fill it with ingredients. You can do this yourself or hire an employee to completely automate your business.

Where to get the devices

Coffee machines are sold in many places - you just need to enter the corresponding query on the Internet and choose the most suitable one. suitable option. Be sure to read reviews about the machine and study its capabilities before purchasing. Typically, this business uses equipment from Korea and Europe. A high-quality Korean machine costs about 90-100 thousand rubles, a European one 120-150 thousand.

Note: if you don't have starting capital, then you can rent machines. In any case, vending pays off quite quickly, and the leader in payback is coffee vending.

You should also ask the seller/lessor about the availability of documents for the device. Usually there are no problems with this, but if the documents are missing, then you will probably have problems with regulatory authorities. License for this type no business needed.

What is the best way to build a business around coffee machines: buy them or rent them? Let us list the main advantages of both solutions.

  1. The purchase requires a large starting capital, but from the start you work only for yourself. You won't have to hand over a portion of your rental income, but you will need to find a really good place to sell, otherwise you risk losing your money.
  2. Renting is beneficial because there is no risk. Typically, the device costs 10 thousand rubles per month, and it is the owner who is responsible for its repair and maintenance. You will be able to understand the business without major investments and check the profitability of the point without risking your money. True, you will have to pay approximately 10-15% of your earnings for the machine itself.

It is more profitable to buy a machine so as not to pay rent

How to work correctly

The costs of running a business selling coffee are minimal - you just need to register as an individual entrepreneur and sign a lease agreement for the place. You should also find a raw material supplier who offers the most favorable prices with excellent product quality. After that, all you have to do is take money from the machine and add ingredients to it.

The coffee vending business is a vending business and is the most profitable in this area. It involves making money from selling coffee and tea. To open a business, it is enough to purchase a special machine, the ingredients for it and find a place to install the machine. According to experts, business profitability proper organization reaches 140-150%.

Registration and documents

To start a business, it is enough to open an individual entrepreneur. No additional permissions are required to install machines.

You may also need:

  • Space rental agreement.
  • Quality certificates from coffee producers and Supplies.
  • Permission from the SES if you are installing a machine in a hospital or educational institution.

Equipment selection

Your income will come exclusively from the coffee machine. Your profit largely depends on how correctly it is chosen. If it breaks frequently or is designed for a small number of servings, then you will lose your money, as well as customers.

To begin with, it is advisable to purchase one new good coffee machine; a little later, when you learn how to service it yourself and eliminate minor breakdowns, you can purchase several more used ones.

Before purchasing a device, it is advisable to read the instructions for its maintenance and clarify all points of interest to you from the seller.

When buying a car, pay attention to the following points:

  1. Is there a service center nearby that services machines from this manufacturer?
  2. Is the equipment of the machine suitable for installation outdoors or only for a protected area?
  3. Warranty terms and conditions. It is advisable that the warranty period be at least 3 years. Also check the cost of servicing the device after expiration warranty period.
  4. The maximum load of the machine - how many servings it is designed for. It is desirable that from refueling to refueling the machine can dispense at least 300 servings. In this case, it will be enough for you to check it once every two to three days.

Selecting a location

It’s worth starting a business by choosing a suitable place to install the device. This should not just be a building in which there are more people, but a place where people have to spend a lot of time. In addition, it is advisable that there are no canteens, buffets or other coffee machines nearby.

As practice shows, the most good options This:

  • shopping and entertainment centers;
  • universities, colleges, schools, where there are always a lot of students and pupils;
  • beauty salons, gyms;
  • clinics and hospitals;
  • car dealerships;
  • airports and train stations;
  • libraries and information centers;
  • markets and stops, metro;
  • a cultural center where clubs and activities for children are held.

Please note that profit depends on the choice of location. If the machine does not make a profit for several months, it needs to be moved to another location.

An area of ​​1 square meter is sufficient to install the device. In some cases, a little more space may be required - up to 2 square meters, depending on the size of the machine. There should also be some free space around the machine so that several people can stand near it.

Please note that it is advisable to install a waste basket near the machine. Otherwise, a person may refuse to purchase only because he has nowhere to throw away the used glass.

Ingredients for the coffee machine

The selection of ingredients must be approached carefully, since the number of buyers will depend on the quality of the product. This is due to the fact that most buyers are regular visitors to the building where the coffee machine is located.

Please note that the products must match your brand of machine, otherwise the taste of the resulting drink may differ significantly.

To begin with, it is advisable to use the specified recommendations for preparing coffee, indicated in the instructions for the machine. In the future, you can improve the recipes somewhat.

To operate the machine you need to purchase:

  • coffee – both instant and natural;
  • tea – one or two varieties are enough;
  • sugar;
  • cream – dry or granulated;
  • drinking water;
  • powdered milk;
  • cocoa or chocolate;
  • drinkware - cups and stirrers.

Please note that water is poured into the reservoir in the device.

When choosing a supplier, you need to purchase a batch of the product and try drinks made from it. It is not recommended to take samples, as the taste of coffee prepared from a sample may differ significantly from that prepared from purchased ingredients.

Estimated expenses and income

Let's consider a sample business plan for installing one coffee machine.


  1. Buying a machine gun. The cost of the car depends on the manufacturer and ranges from 130,000 to 330,000 rubles.
  2. Rent of premises – 500-1,000 rubles per month.
  3. Payment for electricity per month is 3,000-5,000 rubles.
  4. Ingredients for a month – 16,000 rubles.
  5. Cups – 700 rubles.
  6. Maintenance – 2,000 rubles.

Total costs for one car: 354,700 rubles.


  1. On average, the cost of one drink is 3 rubles.
  2. The markup on drinks in this business segment starts at 250%.
  3. The average price of a check is 11 rubles.
  4. On average, with high traffic, 70 cups of drink can be purchased per day.
  5. Thus, the income per day will be 770 rubles. Per month – 23,100 rubles.

The average payback of a machine is from 1 year to 1.5 years.


How can you achieve more income when running a business?

  1. Within a month or two, you should evaluate the profitability of the business and purchase several more machines for installation in other locations. It is advisable to install at least 5 machines.
  2. Install coffee machines in different places. For example, if one is installed at a university, then it is better to install the second in a clinic or entertainment center. Please note that in summer time the demand for coffee is much lower, and in educational institutions and tends to zero, since the main buyers are students and are at home.
  3. Follow appearance machine. Clean it periodically. Few people will approach a dirty, stained car.
  4. If you have the means, install a snack machine nearby. This way you will not only increase the demand for coffee, but also be able to earn additional funds from a new car.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • A small retail area for installing the device.
  • Low rental costs.
  • Machines of this type are less likely to break down.


  • Looters and vandalism.
  • High risk of incorrectly chosen location.
  • High competition.

Video: Business review of coffee machines

How much can you earn from a coffee machine? How to build a business in this segment? What should you pay attention to? You can get answers to these and many other questions from this short video:

The coffee machine business is considered one of the most profitable. With the right approach to starting a business, its profitability can be up to 140-150%, and the machine will begin to generate income within 4-6 months after installation.

Often business ideas lie on the surface, but people do not notice them or underestimate them. But in vain, sometimes you can make good money on familiar and ordinary things. One such idea is a coffee machine business. They do not require the constant presence of an operator and bring good money. That is, the owner of the devices has passive income when minimum costs energy and time.

Sale of drinks and goods through automated systems(vending machines) – vending. This is a fairly profitable business with a short payback period and guaranteed profit. To open your own business, you only need to buy a coffee machine, ingredients and choose a location for installation. At competent organization business profitability can reach 130-150%.

Where is the best place to buy equipment?

There are many sellers of coffee machines. An Internet user just needs to enter the corresponding query in a search engine and select an acceptable option. It doesn’t hurt to study the reviews and capabilities of the device before purchasing. The leading positions in this business are occupied by European and Korean equipment. In the first case, you will have to pay 130-150 thousand rubles for a high-quality device, in the second – 100-120 thousand. If there is no start-up investment, then the equipment can be rented.

You need to request the availability of documents for the machines from the seller or lessor. Their absence can lead to problems with regulatory authorities. A license is not required to operate this business.

Beginning entrepreneurs often wonder: how to properly organize a coffee vending business - buy or rent? Each solution has its pros and cons:

  1. A significant start-up capital is required for the purchase, but from the very beginning the businessman works only for himself, and he will not have to share part of the profit for rent. At the same time, a lot of effort should be made to find a profitable place for equipment, otherwise there is a high risk of going into the red.
  2. The monthly rental fee for a machine is about 10,000 rubles, while repairs and maintenance are at the expense of the owner. This approach makes it possible to study the business and check the profitability of the point without the risk of going broke and losing your hard-earned money. True, every month you will have to pay 10-15% of the profit for the device itself.

Coffee has long been one of the most favorite drinks for many. With a morning cup of aromatic drink it is easier to wake up and get into the normal rhythm of life; during a break from work, meeting with friends, discussing important issues, we drink coffee. And when you can’t enjoy your favorite taste in a cafe or at home, the already familiar coffee vending machines help out - on the street, in the office, in mall. And there are many who want to stop, take a break in a busy day and drink their favorite drink, and therefore these products are always in demand. Thus, a coffee machine business can be very profitable, if, of course, everything is calculated and organized correctly.

Vending: advantages and disadvantages

Vending is a business that is built on the sale of a wide variety of goods using vending machines. And it has its undeniable advantages.

A very small retail area: 1 sq. m is enough to install a coffee machine. meters. Some of them, quite large, may require an area of ​​1.5–2 square meters. meters, but this is quite a bit. Of course, the machine needs free space nearby: people should be able to approach it without hindrance; 2-3 people should be able to fit near the machine without any problems.

Low rent: This naturally follows from point one. To rent square meter space is possible even for little money (500–1000 rubles is a very realistic price). However, the price depends on the location, it can be much higher.

There is no need to hire staff, register employees for work, or pay them salaries. Of course, the machines need to be serviced, but human presence is required no more than once every 2-3 days.

It is coffee machines that are considered the most profitable among all others. They require less maintenance (one machine can “charge” up to 300 servings of coffee with necessary ingredients), and the markups on coffee are very high. With a cost of 7–15 rubles, a serving of coffee can cost 25–35 at the end. That’s why coffee machines, according to experts, make up about 70% of the total vending business.

If we talk about the disadvantages of this business, the main one is high competition. Finding a good, profitable place for a slot machine is now quite difficult, but possible.

In addition, there are also certain risks, for example, a coffee machine can be damaged by vandals. To avoid this, machines should be installed only in secure areas. If you decide to place it on the street, you should choose a place next to CCTV cameras.

Where is the best place to install a coffee machine?

Begin new business It's better to choose a place. There is hardly anything more important. If you manage to find a good place where coffee is in great demand, in the future you will only be able to load the ingredients on time and get money.

The following are traditionally considered good places to place coffee machines:

  • train stations, bus stations and bus stations;
  • airports;
  • clinics
  • government institutions and any other organizations where people conduct for a long time pending: social services, tax office, city administration departments;
  • banks;
  • educational institutions;
  • cinemas, parks and other places of entertainment;
  • shopping centers, markets and shops;
  • office and business centers.

Of course, most of these places may already have coffee machines. But this is no reason to despair. You can try to find another place that is no worse, or you can not be afraid of competition with existing devices. Here you can experiment: if after installing the machine you do not get the profit you expected, it is never too late to change its location: you can hardly expect that the situation will change on its own.

When drawing up a business plan, you should not lose sight of the fact that the cost of renting space for a coffee machine can vary. The most expensive places are considered to be airports, train stations, large shopping and business centers, and banks. In markets, shops, educational institutions and clinics, prices can be significantly lower.

In some cases, it may be more profitable to pay a certain percentage of sales rather than a fixed rental price. This is relevant for those who have just installed a machine and cannot yet know exactly what income they can expect. If the owner of the premises is ready to meet halfway, you can negotiate this with him.

Choosing a coffee machine

Today, the coffee machine market is vast and varied: there is plenty to choose from. You can buy a modest, reliable and inexpensive model imported or domestic production. “Advanced” expensive devices are no less popular: more massive, with bright design and an expanded menu that includes the most different types coffee Tea.

If we add to this the abundance of brands and manufacturers, it becomes clear: choosing a coffee machine is not an easy task. But doable.

You can study reviews on the Internet, but you need to treat them with caution: if somewhere they only praise or only scold a certain model or manufacturer, you should assume that this is part of an advertising or anti-advertising campaign. You can conduct your own monitoring: go to places with coffee machines, personally see how the machines work, ask regulars (if the machine is located in the building of a university or institution, this is possible) whether it often breaks down.

What you need to pay attention to when choosing:

  • Do you have a service center in your city for the manufacturer you like?
  • What is the equipment of the machine: do you need a vandal-proof model for the street, or will the machine be installed in office space where there is security.
  • Warranty: conditions, terms, and cost of post-warranty service.
  • The cost of the machine itself is also important factor. However, what is more important here is not the cost itself, but the payback: very often the more expensive option turns out to be more profitable.
  • How long has the model been on the market? New models can be attractive in price and features, but how proven they are is also important.
  • Maximum load of the machine: how many servings of drink it can dispense without “refilling”.

Machine maintenance

You can do the maintenance yourself, or you can hire an employee for this - it depends on the availability of free time and the number of machines themselves: one person can cope with servicing 10 coffee machines during the day. Ingredients need to be added once every 3 days, so it is easy to calculate that one worker can cope with maintaining 30 machines.

The unit must not only be “refueled” on time, but also kept clean so that it looks attractive to customers and lasts as long as possible.

Malfunctions and breakdowns, unfortunately, also happen. And this is fraught not only with lost profits, but also with expenses for repairs. As a rule, repairs are carried out by specialists from the supplier company. That is why it is better to give preference to a new machine: they have a warranty (usually 3 years), and they break down much less often.

What do coffee machines run?

To make coffee tasty, and therefore in demand, you need to purchase ingredients High Quality, It is obvious. Before concluding contracts with suppliers, it makes sense to test it personally. Those who have been working in this field for a long time recommend giving preference not to experimental samples and new products, but to those that are already in operation.

To fill coffee machines use:

  • coffee (beans or ground) in various mixtures;
  • tea (black, green, fruit - there can be many options);
  • hot chocolate, cocoa;
  • filtered water;
  • powdered or granulated milk (can be used as an additive to coffee and cocoa, and the menu of some models includes hot milk as a separate drink);
  • dry or granulated cream;
  • disposable cups and stirrers.

Fillers for vending machines differ significantly in the ingredients from which they are prepared. regular coffee. They are designed specifically for automatic cooking: they can be stored for a long time without sticking or caking; do not accumulate foreign odors; do not absorb moisture; dissolve quickly. To achieve this, coffee is roasted in a certain way.

It is better to purchase ingredients from trusted manufacturers and follow the recommended dosages when preparing - then the coffee in your machines will be really tasty.

Enterprise registration

To start a coffee vending business, all you need is . When choosing a taxation system for this activity, you should give preference to or.

You don’t need a license, nor do you need permission from any authorities. You just have to take care of quality certificates for fillers: you will need to get them from the supplier.

Another document that will need to be prepared is a lease agreement with the owner of the premises in which you will install the machine.

Expenses and income

The first question asked future entrepreneur How much does a coffee machine cost? The variety of offers on the market suggests that the price range is quite wide: from 80 to 350 thousand rubles, however, a used machine can be bought for 50–60 thousand, but, as already mentioned, in this case, in this case, unforeseen repair costs are possible in the future.

On average, a high-quality device with a large selection of drinks that will work properly without creating problems for its owner costs about 140–160 thousand.

Such a machine pays for itself in about six months. This means that in 6 months it can bring a profit of about 150 thousand. However, this figure can be either significantly higher or lower.

Let's calculate expenses and profits

  • the cost of a serving of coffee is 7–15 rubles;
  • the cost of a portion for the buyer is 25–35 rubles;
  • income from the sale of one serving averages 15–20 rubles;
  • number of servings per day – 50–100.

Thus, income can range from 750 to 2,000 rubles. Per month - from 22 to 60 thousand rubles.

Now let's move on to expenses:

  • rent can cost from one to 15 thousand rubles;
  • payment for electricity – 2.5–6 thousand;
  • maintenance – from 1000 rubles monthly.

As you can see, the profit from the enterprise can be 20–50 thousand rubles per month. Moreover top bar is achieved provided that the machine is located in a good location and not too high cost rent. Receiving 20 thousand monthly is not at all necessary: ​​under unfavorable circumstances, the profit can be zero.

Another important question is how many coffee machines you need to purchase. The main factors here are your financial capabilities and availability good places for installation of devices. Experts recommend starting with one or two in order to first understand how it works, assess the ratio of income and expenses, and then, if necessary, expand the business.

Sometimes entrepreneurship can be built on things that for some reason simply do not come to mind from the very beginning. For example, a business on coffee machines: how long does it take to pay off, reviews from other entrepreneurs in this business, what are the risks and disadvantages of the business, as well as other aspects similar project you are probably interested.

Coffee is a popular drink, on par with tea and hot chocolate, which is why its sale is one of the most profitable. Well, a coffee machine allows you to do it without direct human intervention. Let's take a closer look at the coffee project.


The undoubted advantages of this project are:

  1. Relatively small investment for opening from scratch.
  2. Possibility of opening in a small retail space.
  3. There is no working staff as such; the business can be managed independently.
  4. Without spending on a marketing campaign, the coffee machine will become popular almost anywhere.
  5. Possibility of moving the machine to another location.
  6. Extremely high profitability of the project.

There are some disadvantages to using coffee vending machines as your main source of income. The most obvious of these is strong competition. There are machines of this type almost everywhere, so it’s difficult to find a room where you can put yours. The problem is that the most profitable places, from a commercial point of view, are occupied, and in order for the project to pay off, it is important to search for a suitable premises for a long time.

The second extremely unpleasant disadvantage is the activity of vandals. Of course, in Lately Such people are already extremely rare, although in the regions there are still a sufficient number of them capable of opening the device without a key. Therefore, it is important that the installation is located in a protected area or in the field of view of surveillance cameras.

Registering a business

To legitimize it, it is enough to register you as Individual entrepreneur. This is done with the help of the tax office, where you also need to choose a tax system: UTII or simplified tax system.

Personally, as a novice entrepreneur, you should turn to the first system. You don’t have to license anything; you only need a quality guarantee for fillers obtained from suppliers.

The following documentation will be required:

  • Agreement with authorities local government, received by any vending machines.
  • SES permission.
  • Fire department permit.
  • Space rental agreement.

Choosing a suitable place

As mentioned above, before opening, it is important to find a suitable location by commercial standards. The most suitable premises For such trade, the following traditional places can be confidently named:

  1. Train stations, bus stations and other route stations.
  2. Airports.
  3. Hospitals and clinics.
  4. Other government agencies, for example, social service centers, tax inspectorates, departments of the state road inspection, etc.
  5. Banks.
  6. Educational institutions - schools, universities, colleges, etc.
  7. Cinemas, theaters and similar recreation centers.
  8. Trade fair centers, markets, wide supermarkets, etc.
  9. Business business centers.

Unfortunately, each of these places probably already has its own vending coffee, so the search will be quite difficult. Of course, some entrepreneurs decide to compete with an existing machine, and this too the right approach with proper strategy planning.

Try to experiment: if the machine in a given location is inferior in profit to a similar competitor, try to change the supply of the product or move the coffee machine to another location.

The most low prices They will almost always be in educational institutions and stores. You can also agree to pay the lessor not a fixed rent, but a percentage of sales, which is extremely beneficial for a novice coffee machine owner.

Selecting the machine model

It is important to find a device that does the job well, but is not too expensive. You can purchase both a domestic version and a foreign brand; it is always difficult to understand which model will ultimately perform better.

It may be worth investing in a more expensive model that has good reputation and performing more features, like green tea or mulled wine, in order to quickly recoup the business and in the future make more profit.

Try to monitor the quality of work of models located in different places in your city. Some work more efficiently and offer more services. Be sure to read reviews on online forums about the model you want to purchase. Don't get hung up on expensive options and pay attention to the following signs:

  • Are there any service centers of this company in your city.
  • Is it important for you to overpay for vandal-proof protection of your device?
  • How long are the guarantee periods?
  • How much will the device and its maintenance cost?
  • Is the model you have chosen widespread on the market and how long has its production been in existence?
  • Which varieties, ground or instant, of coffee are used in making drinks.
  • Exactly how many servings of the drink the coffee machine is ready to dispense before the next refill.
  • How strong specifications has an automatic for its price.


It is recommended to refill the machine once every three days. In the beginning, it is better to ensure its operation with frequent presence, because, unfortunately, it is impossible to predict how well the machine will work. It is the first days that influence the future reputation of the place.

Keep the machine clean; there will probably be dirty coffee stains or just unpleasant stains. Dirt may well scare away the client, so it is necessary to wipe the device and clean around it. Periodically you need to collect the proceeds from the machine.

Also sometimes you have to repair various kinds If there is a problem with the manufacturer, it is worth contacting them to fix the problem. It is for the availability of such services that it is important to buy a new, and not a used device.

Internal filling

It is important to find truly delicious coffee that would be in demand among customers. Therefore, it is worth testing each option yourself. Those working in the vending coffee market have long been well aware that varieties that are classic and have been sold on the market for quite a long time will pay off better. Remember that you need to purchase the following products:

  1. Bean or ground coffee of a couple of varieties.
  2. Black and green teas, as well as fruit-flavored teas.
  3. Hot chocolate.
  4. Cocoa.
  5. Filtered water.
  6. Powdered milk powder for additives or hot milk.
  7. Dry cream.

You will also need disposable cups and spoons for stirring. You also need your own fillers that differ from store-bought options. Such ingredients are stored longer, have a non-stick consistency, are not able to absorb foreign odors, do not absorb moisture, and dissolve much faster than standard ones.

We select staff

On ready business you will only need two workers, and it makes sense to do both of your jobs yourself at first. The first vacancy is a manager responsible for purchasing fillers and other goods, relations with suppliers, etc. organizational issues. He must monitor the business project, plan its work, identify what is most profitable at the moment, and also keep track of documentation and money.

You can remain in this position permanently. In addition, you need an employee to service the coffee machine itself. He must have a driver's license, and it is also important to have knowledge of the city in order to navigate to different machines.

Calculating expenses

Expense line Amount of costs, thousand rubles.
1 Rent of space 2
2 Coffee machine with advanced features 200 x 2
3 Delivery of the device to the site and its installation 2
4 Public utilities 1
5 Paperwork 3
6 Purchase of beverage refills, sugar and water 5
7 Purchase of cups and other equipment 2
8 Wage service employee 10
9 Taxes 3,5
10 Unexpected expenses 10
Total: 436,5

It is not necessary to buy two machines at once, and in this case the amount of expenses will be only 236 thousand, which is really small for a business project. Remember, in addition to the starting capital, you will have to invest monthly, paying taxes, rent and public utilities, as well as purchasing some materials and paying wages.

What is the yield?

Calculations show that on average the cost of one serving of a coffee drink should be 35 rubles, tea – 25 rubles, and cocoa or hot chocolate about 30 rubles per glass.

It may seem that the prices are quite low, but a machine in a place with a large flow of people will sell 70-100 portions, making a monthly profit of 50-120 thousand rubles. The most minimal income after paying expenses will bring about 30 thousand rubles in profit. Increasing the number of machines will bring greater profitability, but even one machine can pay for itself in 7-8 months.

Video: coffee machines as a business.


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