Online reading of the book Twelfth Night, or whatever? twelfth night, or what you will "Twelfth Night, or Whatever"

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Shakespeare's comedy in five acts was written between 1600 and 1601. Spectators saw the first performance of the play in early February 1602 in London. The work received its name in honor of the Twelfth Night holiday.

The story takes place in the fictional country of Illyria, which often featured in fairy tales during Shakespeare's time.

Orsino, an Illyrian duke, fell in love with a countess named Olivia. A young woman mourns after the death of her brother and rejects the advances of her gentleman. However, the persistent fan does not intend to back down. He hired the young man Cesario, who should go to Olivia as an envoy. No one knows that Cesario is actually a young girl, Viola. Viola was traveling on a ship with her twin brother. After a shipwreck, brother and sister lost each other. But the girl continues to hope that Sebastian did not die. Left alone, Viola is forced to take care of herself. She dressed in men's clothing and hired herself into the service of the Duke. Orsino's unexpected request is unpleasant for Viola, since she has fallen in love with the Duke and wants to become his wife.

Olivia agrees to receive Orsino's envoy. She listens patiently to Cesario, and then declares that, despite all the undeniable merits of the Duke, she does not want to be his wife. The countess liked the messenger so much that she gave him a ring. The unsuccessful matchmaking did not discourage the Duke. He intends to send Cesario to Countess again. Viola tries to convince the Duke that there will certainly be a woman who will love Orsino the same way he loves Olivia. But the Duke only laughs at this statement.

Cesario sets off again in the countess, who no longer hides her sympathy for the messenger. Olivia has other contenders for her hand and heart. One of them, her uncle's friend Sir Andrew, wants to challenge Cesario to a duel. The countess's second admirer serves as a butler in her house. They planted a fake letter on him, in which the hostess supposedly confessed her love to him. The butler Malvolio begins to pursue the Countess.

Viola's brother Sebastian survived thanks to Captain Antonio. The young man is convinced that his sister is dead. Sebastian is going to seek his fortune in Illyria. Antonio cannot follow him due to a long-standing enmity with Duke Orsino. The captain persuades his friend to take his wallet with money that he may need at first.

Viola and Andrew went to duel. At this time, Captain Antonio passed by the duelists. Mistaking Viola for her twin brother, he covers the “young man” with himself. As a result, the duel took place between the captain and the countess's uncle, Sir Toby. Antonio was arrested. Before leaving, the captain demands Viola's wallet. But “Sebastian” not only does not understand what kind of money we are talking about, but also refuses to recognize his savior. When the captain is taken away, Viola comes to a joyful conclusion: if she was mistaken for her brother, it means he is alive.

Sir Andrew attacks his opponent in the street. However, this time he is dealing with Sebastian, who gives the sir a fitting rebuff. Sir Toby stands up for his friend. Olivia stops the fight. She takes Sebastian home and proposes engagement. Sebastian is surprised that this does not prevent him from giving his consent to the charming beauty.

Despite the confusion, the situation becomes clearer when the twins meet. The play ends with the union of several couples in marriage. Olivia became Sebastian's wife. Having come to terms with the loss of his beloved, the Duke decides to marry Viola, who managed to become a good comrade for him. The girl is very beautiful and cannot but inspire admiration. Sir Toby married the chambermaid Olivia Maria, who gave the butler Malvolio a love letter “from the countess.” Olivia's uncle appreciated the brave woman's sense of humor. Offended, Malvolio leaves his mistress's house. Orsino orders him to be brought back for reconciliation.

Men's images

Each of the images presented embodies a certain trait masculine character. The prototype of Duke Orsino could probably be the Duke of Bracciana. This Italian aristocrat visited the capital of Great Britain at the end of 1600 and beginning of 1601. Orsino certainly has an Italian temperament. He loves Olivia ardently and passionately. The Duke is power-hungry and is not used to rejection. At the same time, this person cannot be called selfish or vindictive. The magnanimous Orsino immediately retreats upon learning that the Countess chose someone else.

Sir Toby is presented as a frivolous and unreliable person, a lover of feasts and all kinds of opponent of duties. That is why, despite his rather young age, Olivia’s uncle continued to remain a bachelor. Maria is just a maid in his house. However, with such a wife there will never be a dull moment.

Sebastian became the embodiment of knightly valor, a kind of “Prince Charming”. He is brave, courageous, honest and, most importantly, very handsome. Olivia prefers him over the rich and influential Duke.

Women's images

Female characters have more in the play positive aspects than men's. Maria shows courage and ingenuity in her joke. The Countess is also worthy of all praise. An honest and decisive woman refuses a marriage of convenience and chooses an unknown young man, obeying the dictates of her heart.

Viola became the most striking and powerful image in the play. The brave girl was not at a loss when she found herself in a difficult situation. life situation. Having become Cesario, the main character completely takes on the male role, not even refusing a duel with a more experienced opponent. She not only managed to survive, but was able to defend her love.

main idea

You should never despair - this is the main idea of ​​the play “Twelfth Night”. Shakespeare, of course, would have conveyed the summary in precisely these words. Difficulties are not an obstacle to happiness. This is just an additional chance to become stronger.

Analysis of the work

William Shakespeare. Twelfth Night, or whatever


Orsino , Duke of Illyria.

Sebastian , Viola's brother.

Antonio , captain of the ship, friend of Viola.

Valentine , Curio - close associates of the Duke.

Sir Toby Belch , Olivia's uncle.

Sir Andrew Aguechick .

Fabian, Feste , jester - Olivia's servants.

Olivia .

Viola .

Maria , Olivia's maid.

Courtiers, priest, sailors, bailiffs, musicians, servants.

The scene is a city in Illyria and the seashore near it.


Duke's Palace.

Enter Duke, Curio And other courtiers; musicians.


O music, you are food for love!

Play, satisfy my love,

And let desire, quenched, die!

Repeat that aching chant again, -

He caressed my ears like the trembling of the wind,

Slipping over the violets secretly,

To return to us, wafting with the aroma.

No, enough! He was once more gentle...

How powerful you are, how marvelous you are, spirit of love!

You can contain everything, like the sea,

But what falls into your abyss

Even if it is the most valuable thing in the world,

Loses value instantly:

You are filled with such charm,

That only you truly enchant!


Would you like to hunt today?


And what animal?


On a deer.


O Curio, I myself have become a deer!

When my eyes saw Olivia,

As if the air was cleared of stench,

And your duke turned into a deer,

And from that time on, like a pack of greedy dogs,

Desires gnaw at him...

Included Valentine.


What message does Olivia send me?


I was not allowed to see her, Your Grace.

The maid gave me the answer,

And he said that even the heavens

They won't see her face open,

Until spring gives way to winter seven times.

Sprinkling my abode with dew of tears,

She will live as a recluse,

So that the tenderness of a brother taken away by the coffin,

It could not decay in a grieving heart.


Oh, if she knows how to pay like that

A tribute to sisterly love, as he loves,

When a feathered golden arrow

All other thoughts will be killed,

When the thrones of the highest perfections

And beautiful feelings - liver, brain and heart -

A single ruler will occupy forever! -

Let us go under the arches of the green groves;

Their shadow is sweet to the dreams of lovers.

They leave.

Sea shore.

Enter Viola, captain And sailors.


Where are we now, friends?


We, lady, have sailed to Illyria.


But why should I live in Illyria?

I saw it myself.


Here's gold as a reward for the story.

He strengthens timid hope,

Born of my salvation,

That my brother is also alive. Have you been here?


No more than three hours' walk from here

The place where I was born and grew up.


Who rules here?


A high-born and worthy duke.


And what is his name?



Orsino! My father talks about him more than once

Told me. The Duke was single then.


He was single when I went to sea,

And only a month has passed since then,

But the rumor passed, because small people love

To gossip about the deeds of great people -

That our Duke is in love with Olivia.


And who is she?


The charming and young daughter of a count.

He died a year ago, leaving her

In the care of his son.

He soon died too, and, according to rumors,

Olivia, grieving for her dear brother,

I decided to live as a recluse.


I could enter her service,

Hiding from people for a while,

Who am I?


It will be difficult:

She doesn't want to sit anyone

And he doesn’t even accept the Duke.


You seem straightforward and honest, captain.

Although nature is in a noble form

Sometimes it inspires a base heart,

It seems to me that your features are open,

Like in a mirror, the soul is reflected.

Believe me, I will reward you generously, -

Just keep quiet, who am I really?

And help me get some clothes,

Suitable for my plans.

I want to go to the Duke's service.

Whisper to him that I am not me, but a eunuch...

He will be pleased with me: I sing,

I play various instruments.

Don't let the truth slip out of your mouth.


Sir Toby

No, sir, these are the legs and thighs. Come on, show me your knees. Higher! Higher! Excellent!

They leave.

Duke's Palace.

Enter Valentine And Viola in a man's dress.


Cesario, if the Duke continues to favor you so much, you will go far: he has known you only three days and has already brought you closer to him.


If you are not sure of the duration of his favor, then you are afraid of the variability of his character or my negligence. Do you think that the Duke is fickle in his affections?


For mercy's sake, that's not what I wanted to say at all!


Thank you. And here comes the Duke.

Enter Duke, Curio And courtiers.


Who knows where Cesario is?


I am here at your service, sir.


Let everyone stand apart. - I've read,

Cesario, the whole book of the heart is for you.

You know everything. Go to Olivia

Stand at the door, don't take no for an answer,

Say that your feet are rooted in the threshold,

And get a meeting with her.


My lord,

She won't accept me if it's true

That her soul is so full of longing.


Make noise, knock, force your way into her,

But fulfill my order.


Suppose I get a date with her:

What should I tell her?


Let her understand

All the devotion, all the ardor of my love.

Talk about passion and longing

More than your youth has come,

Than a strict, imposing old man.


Don't think.


Believe me, dear boy:

Who will say about you that you are a man,

He will slander the spring of your days.

Your soft mouth is rosy like Diana's,

As if created for a female role.

Your star for this kind of business

Favorable. Let them come with you

Here are these three. - No, you all go!

It's easier for me to be alone. - Come back with good luck

And you will live freely, like your duke,

Sharing a happy fate with him.


I will try to persuade the Countess to come to you.

(To the side.)

It’s not easy for me to get you a wife:

After all, I would like to be her myself!

They leave.

Olivia's house.

Enter Maria And jester.


Tell me now where you’ve been, otherwise I won’t open my lips enough to beg your forgiveness; For this absence the lady will hang you.

Well, let him hang: he who is hanged by the executioner has nothing to do with death.


And why is that?

Because two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided.


Flat sharpness. Do you know who says: “there can never be two deaths”?

Who, dear Mary?


Brave warriors. And you only have enough courage for stupid chatter.

Well, may God grant the wise men more wisdom and the fools more luck.


And anyway, for such a long absence you will be hanged. Or they'll kick you out. What difference does it make to you whether they kick you out or hang you?

If they hang you on a good rope, then you won’t marry the evil woman, but if they throw you out, then in the summer the sea is knee-deep to me.


So you're no longer clinging to this place?

No, don't tell me. I still have two clues left.


It turns out that if one bursts, the other will remain, and if both burst, then the pants will fall off?

She shaved deftly, by God, deftly! Continue in the same spirit, and if, in addition, Sir Toby stops drinking, I will consider you the most splintering of all the daughters of Eve in Illyria.


Okay, you scoundrel, hold your tongue. The lady is coming here: ask her for forgiveness, but properly, wisely - it will be better for you. (Leaves.)

Wit, if it be your will, teach me cheerful tomfoolery! Clever people often think that they are God knows how witty, and yet remain a fool, but I know that I am not witty, but sometimes I can pass for a smart guy. No wonder Quinapal said: “A smart fool is better than a stupid wit.”

Enter Olivia And Malvolio.

God bless you, madam!


Get this stupid creature out of here.

Do you hear what the lady says? Get her out of here!


Get out, you fool, your wit has run out! I can't see you! Besides, you have no conscience.

Madonna, these vices can be corrected with wine and good advice: give wine to a dry fool and he will be filled; give an unscrupulous person good advice - and he will improve. And if it doesn’t improve, call a chiropractor, and he’ll handle it. Everything that is corrected is only patched up: the holey virtue is patched up by sin, and the corrected sin is patched up by virtue. If such a simple syllogism suits you - excellent; no good - what can you do? Misfortune is always a cuckold, and beauty is a flower. Did the mistress order the stupid creature to be removed? So I say: remove it.


I ordered you to be removed.

What injustice! Madam, cucullus non facit monachum, which means that a stupid cap does not spoil the brain. Worthy Madonna, let me prove to you that you are the stupid creature.


And do you think you can do it?

Without a doubt.


Well, give it a try.

To do this, I will have to interrogate you, worthy Madonna: answer me, my innocent mouse.


Ask: there are no other entertainments anyway.

Worthy Madonna, why are you sad?


A worthy fool, because my brother died.

I believe his soul is in hell, Madonna.


I know his soul is in heaven, fool.

Madonna, only a complete fool can be sad that his brother’s soul is in heaven. - People, get this stupid creature out of here!


Malvolio, what do you say about our jester? He seems to be starting to improve.


Still would! Now he will constantly improve until death kills him. Old age only harms the smart, but it benefits fools.

May God grant you, sir, to suddenly grow old and become a useful fool. Sir Toby will bet that I am not a fox; but he won’t even guarantee with two pence that you’re not a fool.


What do you say now, Malvolio?


I can’t understand how your honor tolerates this empty-headed bastard: recently, before my eyes, he gave in to an ordinary fairground jester, brainless as a log. You see, he immediately went numb. When you don't laugh and encourage him, he can't put two words together. In my opinion, the wise guys who giggle at the witticisms of such inveterate fools are themselves no better than the buffoons.


Malvolio, you have a sick pride: it cannot digest jokes. A noble, sincere and open-minded person considers such witticisms to be harmless peas, but to you they seem like cannonballs. A household jester cannot offend, even if he mocks everything, just as a truly reasonable person cannot mock, even if he condemns everything.

May Mercury grant you the ability to lie smoothly as a reward for your kind word about jesters.

Included Maria.


Madam, some young man at the gate really wants to see you.


From Duke Orsino, probably?


I don't know, madam. He is a handsome young man, and his retinue is not small.


Who doesn't miss it?


Your relative, madam, Sir Toby.


Take him away from there, please: he's always talking all sorts of nonsense. Just a shame for him!

Maria leaves.

Fuck you, Malvolio. If this is the Duke's messenger, then I'm sick or I'm not at home - anything, just send him away.

Malvolio leaves.

Now you see for yourself, sir, that your jokes have grown a beard and won’t make anyone laugh.

You stood up for us so much, Madonna, as if your eldest son was destined to be a fool. I wish you that Jupiter does not skimp on brains for his skull, otherwise one of your relatives has one - here he is, by the way! - pia mater has completely softened.

Included Sir Toby.


Honestly, he already had a drink! Uncle, who is that at the gate?

Sir Toby



Nobleman? What nobleman?

Sir Toby

This nobleman... (Hiccups.) Damn that pickled herring! - How are you, fool?

Worthy Sir Toby!


Uncle, uncle, it’s still very early, and you’ve already reached such an outrage!

Sir Toby

Reverends? I don't care about reverence! Let him stand at the gate!


Who is there, finally?

Sir Toby

Even the devil himself, if he likes it that way, what do I care? Well, whoever, I won’t lie. Why talk to you! (Leaves.)


Fool, what does a drunk look like?

Like a drowned man, a fool and a madman: with one extra sip he goes crazy, with the second he goes crazy, with the third he goes to the bottom.


Go and get the bailiff, let him examine my uncle’s body: he is in the third degree of intoxication, which means he has already drowned. Keep an eye on him.

No, Madonna, he is still only crazy; the fool will have to look after the madman. (Leaves.)

Included Malvolio.


Madam, this young man wants to see you at all costs. I said you were sick; he replied that he knew and that’s why he wanted to see you. I said you were sleeping; He also foresaw this, and that is precisely why he especially needs to see you. What should I answer him, madam? You can't bring him down with any excuses.


Let him come in. Just call my maid first.


Maria, the lady is calling you! (Leaves.)

Included Maria.


Cover my face with this blanket:

Ambassador Orsino will come to us now.

Enter Viola And courtiers.


Which of you is a worthy owner of this house?


Contact me: I will answer for her. What do you want?


Most dazzling, most charming and incomparable beauty, tell me whether you are really the mistress of this house. I have never seen it, and I would not like to waste my eloquence: not to mention the fact that I composed a wonderful speech, it still cost me a lot of work to recite it by heart! - Dear beauties, don’t even think about making fun of me: I get very offended when people treat me unkindly.


It is intended for your hearing only. I have no intention of declaring war or demanding tribute: I have an olive branch in my hands. My words and intentions are full of peacefulness.


However, you started with rudeness. Who are you? What do you want?


This rudeness is born of the reception I received here. Who I am and what I want should be surrounded by no less mystery than virginity. For your ears - a holy revelation, for outsiders - blasphemy.


Leave us alone: ​​let's listen to this revelation.

Maria And courtiers leaving.

So, sir, what does the text say?


The most charming ruler...


A very pleasant doctrine, and it can be developed endlessly. Where is the original text stored?


I mixed blush with whiteness in it.

You are the cruelest of women

If you are going to live to the grave,

Without making copies of this beauty.


What are you saying, sir, I’m not so heartless at all! Believe me, I will definitely order an inventory of all my charms to be made: they will be entered into the register and a label with a name will be stuck on every particle and accessory. For example: first - a pair of lips, moderately red; the second - two gray eyes and eyelids in addition; third - one neck, one chin... and so on. Were you sent to evaluate me?


I understand you: you are too arrogant.

But even if you are a witch, you are beautiful.

My master loves you. How he loves!

May you be more beautiful than all the beauties in the world,

Such love cannot be rewarded.


How does he love me?



Reminds me of the thunder of his groans,

Sighs burn like flames, and tears

Like fruitful rain.


He knows that I don't love him.

I have no doubt, he is exalted in soul

And, undoubtedly, young, noble,

Rich, loved by the people, generous, learned, -

But still I don’t love him,

And he should have understood this long ago.


I love you as my ruler loves you,

With such indestructible constancy,

I would not understand your refusal,

And I wouldn't find any meaning in it.


What would you do?


At your door

I would weave a hut from it

Call to your beloved; would compose songs

About true and rejected love

And he would sing them in the dead of midnight;

Would scream your name to the echo

"Olivia!" transmitted to the hills:

You would not find peace on earth,

Until they take pity.


Achieve a lot... Where are you from?


I'm happy with my lot, even though it's my lot

And lower than my family: I am a nobleman.


Return to the Duke and tell him:

End of free trial.

William Shakespeare is a great English playwright, a true reformer in such fields as literature and theater. that he and his work are very famous all over the world, we know very, very little about his personality.

This does not prevent his works from being the most quoted in the world, after the Bible, of course. Shakespeare's quotes have become truly popular; they are used even by those who may not have read the work itself. The playwright's heritage includes more than ten comedy plays. Everyone knows the comedy "Dream in summer night", The Merchant of Venice", "Much Ado About Nothing", "The Taming of the Shrew" and others. Despite the fact that all Shakespearean comedies are not alike, they also have something in common. All of them are filled with unbridled fun, which is sometimes intertwined with sadness. They also have extraordinary, life-loving heroes.

A romantic tale about a wonderful land of love

One of Shakespeare's most fun and cheerful comedies is the comedy "Twelfth Night". A play that one would like to call a wonderful romantic fairy tale, telling about the extraordinary country of Illyria, a country where fun and love reign. The playwright shows the viewer the country in which the hero is looking for love, and he will certainly find it, although sometimes it is completely different from where he was looking for it. This comedy is one of his most fun plays, which is filled with a variety of jokes and optimism. "Twelfth Night" by William Shakespeare is a brilliant, exquisite work, which the author built on precise aphorisms, on the play of not only words, but also the game of the mind. The happiness of the heroes of Shakespeare's play is very close, they do not even expect that it is around the next corner. They will also see their relatives, whom they do not even hope to meet, very soon. And it’s all so pleasant and so unexpected. Here's the basics summary. "Twelfth Night" - Shakespeare is here, as always magnificent and unusually witty.

About William Shakespeare's comedy "Twelfth Night, or Whatever"

At the center of Shakespeare's play "Twelfth Night" we see love feelings, which are shown as a natural principle with its whimsicality and subjectivity. Shakespeare's quotes perfectly highlight this attitude towards love. Such feelings are inherent only to free natures, such as the main characters of the work. When is that strong feeling love encounters various unfavorable circumstances, conflict occurs. But what is a comedy without comic effects? They are achieved by the playwright by the way he depicts the various obstacles that arise on the path of the main characters in love. After all, these barriers are actually illusory. The entire action of this film is accompanied by amazing tension, which does not leave us until the climax, which turns out to be no less vivid. This is clearly visible even if you read the summary ("Twelfth Night", Shakespeare).

Current characters

All the events of this famous Shakespearean comedy will take place in the fabulous country of Illyria, near the seashore. To understand what is happening, you must first get acquainted with the main actors plays. Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, main characters:

The girl Viola, who pretends to be Cesario's page;

Duke of Illyria Orsino;

Young Countess Olivia;

Viola's twin brother Sebastian;

Friend of Viola and Sebastian, captain of the ship Antonio;

Olivia's uncle Sir Toby Belch;

Olivia's admirer and her uncle's companion, Sir Andrew Aguechick.

Also in the comedy there are such characters as the Duke's close associates Curio and Valentin, Olivia's servants Feste and Fabian, and the chambermaid Maria.

Theme, events, main characters

The main idea of ​​"Twelfth Night" is revealed by a talented playwright through the eternal theme of love and consists in the value of a person in itself, without taking into account his title or wealth. His soul and moral qualities come first. Let's look at the summary anyway. "Twelfth Night", Shakespeare. The events of the comedy will develop based on the situation shown in the exhibition. The main character, named Viola, lost her beloved brother during one of her sea voyages, which she tells the captain about. Another heroine of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night is the young Countess Olivia, who is in mourning. She mourns the death of her brother and father, so she lives as a recluse. She is courted by Duke Orsino, who just wants to be in love. The beautiful Olivia turns out to be a suitable candidate in his circle. He invented this love for himself, but does nothing to personally explain his feelings. He does not seek meetings with the young countess, but sends his courtiers to her.

Plot plot

It is with the beginning of the plot in the comedy that various misunderstandings will begin, which will often look funny, partly funny. When Viola makes a strange decision - to go into the service of the Duke. But she comes to serve Orsino not as Viola, but as Cesario. From this moment on, everything is confused, everyone has new object love. So, Viola falls in love with the one for whom she serves. But how to open up to the Duke? This is impossible. Viola herself really liked young Olivia, who begins to experience sincere feelings for the page Cesario.

But Viola as Cesario, of course, cannot answer them. As a result of these events, the jealousy of Sir Andrew flares up, and he challenges young Cesario to a duel. The denouement in the comedy will come only when Cesario's secret is revealed. This will happen with the appearance of Sebastian, Viola's twin brother. Only then can the suffering of the disguised girl end (read the summary, “Twelfth Night” by Shakespeare).

Characteristics of female characters in Shakespeare's comedy "Twelfth Night"

The female characters portrayed by Shakespeare in Twelfth Night are determined and active, they are more generous and noble than men.

Despite the fact that Viola's monologue ("Twelfth Night", William Shakespeare) emphasizes: "Oh, how weak we women are, alas..." They have more positive qualities than male characters. The most in a bright way in this sense is the image of the main character Viola. He perfectly shows the man of the Renaissance. Viola is a beautiful, educated and well-mannered girl, who is also enterprising, active and courageous. She can confidently be called the mistress of her life; she easily wins people over. And when she finds herself in an unfamiliar environment, she quickly gets used to it, acts boldly and charms everyone who is near her.

Countess Olivia is also worthy of much praise. She is determined and also honest. He lives by the dictates of his heart, so he doesn’t hesitate for a minute when choosing a young man he doesn’t know, for whom he has deep feelings, instead of a marriage of convenience.

Even Maria, the countess's chambermaid, can fight back and stand up for herself if necessary. She is brave, inventive, and very sharp-tongued.

Their features

We continue to consider the work written by William Shakespeare. "Twelfth Night" - This is a comedy that clearly shows the equal value of women and men. Each of the male characters presented in the playwright’s work embodies one of the female character traits.

Duke Orsino with a purely Italian temperament. He is very power-hungry, so he does not tolerate refusal. Despite such behavioral characteristics, it is very difficult to call him vindictive or selfish. At his core, he is still generous. Having learned about the countess's sympathy for the page, at first Orsino does not take her feelings into account. He is jealous, takes revenge, but, having received a refusal, immediately retreats.

Sir Toby also has a lot negative qualities: he is frivolous and unreliable, loves feasts and hates any responsibilities. It is not surprising that at his advanced age he is still a bachelor. But love also makes him more attractive.

As for Sebastian, he is a positive character from everyone possible sides. He is very handsome, but also honest and courageous. It is not surprising that Olivia chose him over the power-hungry Duke. The image of Sebastian is the image of a kind of “Prince Charming”, the embodiment of knightly honor and valor.

Depiction of love feelings in W. Shakespeare's comedy "Twelfth Night, or Whatever"

Love in Shakespeare's works, in particular in the comedy "Twelfth Night" is one of the main themes through which the author affirms the basic humanistic idea. But the love he depicts is a kind of whimsical feeling in various options. Most often it occurs unexpectedly, even suddenly. Shakespearean love has many forms, depending on the hero in love. After all, they all love not equally, but in their own way. The playwright shows each person as a person, individuality, who are characterized by personal experiences that are not similar to others.

Love relationships using the example of couples in love from the comedy "Twelfth Night"

Duke Orsini has an imaginary love for Olivia. When he recognizes Cesario as Viola, who is in love with him, he decides to immediately marry her. Which, on the one hand, may seem hasty, but given how well the Duke already knew Cesario, his action does not seem frivolous.

Olivia's love for the simple page suddenly flared up. But she doesn't care social status the chosen one, nor his financial situation. She acts and seeks reciprocity. Sebastiano, who is mistaken for Cesario, considers the countess's love a gift of fate, immediately reciprocating her feelings.

Another pair of lovers is Sir Toby and Maria. For the nobleman Toby Balch, the fact that Maria is a simple servant does not matter. Social status plays no role for any of the characters in love.

Comedy "Twelfth Night, or Whatever" (summary) was written in 1623. Below is a summary of this immortal play. All the action takes place in the fabulous country of Illyria. Orsino, Duke of Illyria, is hopelessly in love with Countess Olivia, who is in mourning after the death of her brother, and does not want to hear anything about love. Then the Duke decides to send Cesario to Olivia, young man, whom he had recently accepted into the service, but had already managed to appreciate his devotion, so that he told the young countess about the love experienced by the duke. Orsino does not know that the young man Cesario is actually a girl named Viola. The ship she was on with her twin brother crashed off the coast of Illyria. There is hope in her heart that her brother also managed to escape.

She entered the duke's service, dressed in a man's dress, and she herself managed to fall in love with Orsino, so it will not be easy for her to carry out the duke's order. Olivia's uncle, Sir Toby Balch, believes that his niece's mourning has gone on too long. He himself is a dashing reveler who loves to feast. And now he has persuaded a knight named Sir Andrew Aguechick to stay for another month, to whom he promises to give his niece as his wife. During a conversation with Countess Olivia, Viola paints all the virtues of the Duke.

Olivia agrees that he is a very worthy husband, but at the same time, she is absolutely fascinated by Viola herself, dressed in a man’s dress. She persuades Viola to accept a ring as a gift from her. Sebastian, Viola’s brother, who was saved by Captain Antonio, appears in Illyria to find his sister if she is still alive. Antonio decides to secretly follow Sebastian in order to protect the young man from possible harm. Maria, tired of the arrogant butler Malvolio, decides to fool him by writing a letter declaring her love on behalf of Olivia, thereby exposing the impudent man to general ridicule. Orsino, suffering from hopeless love for Olivia, does not believe the assurances of the imaginary youth Cesario that a woman’s love can be as strong as his own, unaware that Viola is talking about her love for him. Sir Toby finds Mary's trick delightful. He amuses himself greatly by overhearing the butler dreaming aloud about marriage with his mistress and how he will put Sir Toby himself in his place in the future. Maria decides to continue to tease the butler, throwing him letters with instructions on how to behave. Sir Toby is delighted with both Maria’s antics and the girl herself.

In the garden, Viola, Olivia and the jester exchange witticisms. Olivia becomes increasingly delighted with the “young man.” Sir Andrew is offended that Olivia prefers the company of a servant rather than a master, and then Sir Toby invites his guest to challenge the daring youth to a duel. Antonio meets Sebastian in the city and explains why he cannot follow him openly. They might recognize him. He took part in the battle with the duke's galleys and won. Antonio gives Sebastian money for unexpected expenses, and they agree to meet in an hour at the inn. The stupidly smiling butler Malvolio flirts with Olivia, allegedly quoting her love messages. Olivia decides that the servant has gone mad and instructs Sir Toby to take care of the unfortunate man.

Sir Toby makes fun of the butler and locks him in the closet. He then takes turns talking to "Cesario" Viola and Sir Andrew about how strong each's opponent is in fencing. When the duelists, pale with horror, draw their swords, Captain Antonio, who mistook Viola for Sebastian, intervenes in their fight and begins to fight with Sir Toby. Antonio is arrested. He asks Viola to return his wallet with coins. He is outraged that the man whose life he saved regrets giving the money, which now, in prison, Antonio himself will need. Viola realizes that she has been confused with her brother and rejoices at his salvation. Sir Andrew decides to get even with his timid opponent on the street; he slaps him in the face, thinking that it is Cesario in front of him. But it is not Viola, but her brother Sebastian, who bravely takes the fight. Olivia stops the fight and takes Sebastian into the house, thinking that it is Cesario. There she invites the young man to get engaged.

Sebastian agrees. He also liked Olivia. He would like to tell Antonio about everything, but the captain disappeared somewhere. The duke's jester, heeding the butler's pleas, brought writing materials to his closet. Viola and Duke Orsino are waiting in front of Olivia's house to talk to her. Antonio is led past, in whom Viola recognizes her savior, and Orsino - a daring pirate. Olivia leaves the house to accuse "Cesario" of infidelity and reject the Duke. The priest married Olivia and "Cesario" a couple of hours ago. Orsino is shocked. Viola-Cesario tries to convince the Duke that he (she) does not need a woman’s love, that only he, the Duke, is in his (her) heart. At this moment, Sir Andrew and Sir Toby appear, complaining about Cesario, who beat them. Sebastian follows them out.

He notices Antonio and rushes towards him. Duke Orsino and Captain Antonio are shocked by the twins' resemblance. Brother and sister throw themselves into each other's arms. The Duke, who realized that a girl to whom he had become very attached while he considered her a young man was in love with him, was finally consoled. From now on, Olivia will become his sister. He can no longer wait to see Viola in women's dress. The butler explains his strange behavior to everyone, but no one punishes him, like Maria, whom Sir Toby eventually married.

The comedy takes place in a fabulous country for the English of Shakespeare's time - Illyria.

The Duke of Illyria Orsino is in love with the young Countess Olivia, but she is in mourning after the death of her brother and does not even accept the Duke's envoys. Olivia's indifference only fuels the Duke's passion. Orsino recruits a young man named Cesario, whose beauty, devotion and subtlety of feelings he manages to appreciate in just a few days. He sends him to Olivia to tell him about his love. In reality, Cesario is a girl named Viola. She sailed on a ship with her beloved twin brother Sebastian and after a shipwreck accidentally ended up in Illyria. Viola hopes that her brother was also saved. The girl dresses in men's clothing and enters the service of the Duke, with whom she immediately falls in love. Behind the Duke’s back she says: “It’s not easy for me to get you a wife; / After all, I would like to be her myself!”

Olivia's prolonged mourning does not at all please her uncle, Sir Toby Belch, a merry fellow and reveler. Olivia's chambermaid Maria tells Sir Toby that her mistress is very dissatisfied with her uncle's carousing and drinking, as well as with his drinking companion Sir Andrew Aguechick - a rich and stupid knight, whom Sir Toby fools by promising to marry his niece, and in the meantime shamelessly using his wallet. Sir Andrew, offended by Olivia's neglect, wants to leave, but Sir Toby, a flatterer and joker, persuades him to stay for another month.

When Viola appears at the Countess's house, she is allowed to see Olivia with great difficulty. Despite her eloquence and wit, she fails to achieve the success of her mission - Olivia pays tribute to the duke’s merits (he is “undoubtedly young, noble, / rich, loved by the people, generous, learned”), but does not love him. But the young messenger achieves a completely unexpected result - the countess is fascinated by him and comes up with a trick to force him to accept a ring as a gift from her.

Viola's brother Sebastian appears in Illyria, accompanied by Captain Antonio, who saved his life. Sebastian grieves for his sister, who, in his opinion, died. He wants to seek his fortune at the Duke's court. It pains the captain to part with the noble young man, to whom he has sincerely become attached, but there is nothing he can do - it is dangerous for him to appear in Illyria. Yet he secretly follows Sebastian to protect him in times of need.

At Olivia's house, Sir Toby and Sir Andrew, in the company of the jester Feste, drink wine and bay songs. Maria tries to reason with them in a friendly manner. Following her, Olivia's butler appears - the swaggering bore Malvolio. He tries unsuccessfully to stop the party. When the butler leaves, Maria makes fun of this “inflated donkey,” who is “bursting with self-righteousness,” and vows to fool him. She is going to write him a love letter on behalf of Olivia and expose him to everyone's ridicule.

In the Duke's palace, the jester Feste first sings him a sad song about unrequited love, and then tries to cheer him up with jokes. Orsino revels in his love for Olivia; previous failures do not discourage him. He convinces Viola to go to the Countess again. The Duke ridicules the pretended youth's assertion that some woman could be as much in love with him as he is with Olivia: "A woman's breast cannot bear the beating / Of such a mighty passion as mine." He remains deaf to all the hints of the loving Viola.

Sir Toby and his accomplices are simply bursting with laughter and anger when they overhear Malvolio talking about the possibility of marriage with his mistress, about how he will rein in Sir Toby by becoming the master of the house. However, the real fun begins when the butler finds a letter written by Maria, who forged Olivia's handwriting. Malvolio quickly convinces himself that he is the “nameless lover” to whom it is addressed. He decides to strictly follow the instructions given in the letter and invented by Maria specifically so that the enemy cheerful company behaved and looked in the most stupid way. Sir Toby is delighted with Maria’s invention, and with her herself: “For such a witty little devil, even to Tartarus itself.”

In Olivia's garden, Viola and Feste exchange witticisms. “He plays the fool well. / A fool cannot overcome such a role,” says Viola about the jester. Then Viola speaks with Olivia, who has come out into the garden, and who no longer hides her passion for the “young man.” Sir Andrew is offended that in his presence the Countess was being nice to the Duke's servant, and Sir Toby convinces him to challenge the impudent youth to a duel. True, Sir Toby is sure that both will not have the courage to fight.

Antonio meets Sebastian on a city street and explains to him that he cannot openly accompany him, since he participated in a naval battle with the duke’s galleys and won - “they will recognize me / And, believe me, they will not let me go down.” Sebastian wants to wander around the city. He agrees with the captain to meet in an hour at the best hotel. In parting, Antonio persuades his friend to accept his wallet in case of unexpected expenses.

Malvolio, smiling stupidly and tastelessly dressed (all according to Maria’s plan), playfully quotes passages from Olivia’s supposed message to Olivia. Olivia is convinced that the butler is crazy. She instructs Sir Toby to take care of him, which he does, only in his own way: he first mocks the unfortunate arrogant man, and then shoves him into the closet. Then he takes on Sir Andrew and "Cesario". He slowly tells everyone that his opponent is fierce and skilled in fencing, but it is impossible to avoid the fight. Finally, the “duelists”, pale with fear, draw their swords - and then Antonio, passing by, intervenes. He covers Viola with himself, mistaking her for Sebastian, and begins to fight with Sir Toby, furious that his trick failed. The bailiffs appear. They arrest Antonio on the Duke's orders. He is forced to obey, but asks Viola to return the wallet - he will now need the money. He is outraged that the person for whom he did so much does not recognize him and does not want to talk about any money, although he thanks him for his intercession. The captain is taken away. Viola, realizing that she was confused with Sebastian, rejoices at her brother’s salvation.

On the street, Sir Andrew pounces on his opponent, whose timidity he has recently become convinced of, and slaps him in the face, but... this is not the meek Viola, but the brave Sebastian. The cowardly knight is soundly beaten. Sir Toby tries to stand up for him - Sebastian draws his sword. Olivia appears and stops the fight and chases her uncle away. “Cesario, please don’t be angry,” she says to Sebastian. She takes him into the house and proposes engagement. Sebastian is confused, but agrees; the beauty immediately charmed him. He would like to consult with Antonio, but he has disappeared somewhere and is not at the hotel. Meanwhile, the jester, pretending to be a priest, spends a long time playing Malvolio sitting in a dark closet. Finally, taking pity, he agrees to bring him a candle and writing materials.

In front of Olivia's house, the Duke and Viola are waiting for a conversation with the Countess. At this time, the bailiffs bring Antonio, whom Viola calls “savior” and Orsino calls “famous pirate.” Antonio bitterly reproaches Viola for ingratitude, cunning and hypocrisy. Olivia appears from the house. She rejects the Duke, and “Cesario” reproaches him for his infidelity. The priest confirms that two hours ago he married the countess to the duke's favorite. Orsino is shocked. In vain Viola says that he became her “life, light”, that he is “dearer than all the women in this world”, no one believes the poor thing. Then the beaten Sir Toby and Sir Andrew appear from the garden with complaints about the Duke's courtier Cesario, followed by Sebastian with an apology (the unlucky couple ran into the man again). Sebastian sees Antonio and rushes towards him. Both the captain and the duke are shocked by the twins' resemblance. They are completely at a loss. Brother and sister recognize each other. Orsino, realizing that the one who was so dear to him in the form of a young man is in fact a girl in love with him, completely reconciles himself with the loss of Olivia, whom he is now ready to consider as a sister. He can’t wait to see Viola in a woman’s dress: “...a maiden will appear before me, / My soul’s love and queen.” The jester brings a letter to Malvolio. The butler's oddities are explained, but Maria is not punished for the cruel joke - she is now a lady, Sir Toby, in gratitude for her tricks, married her. The offended Malvolio leaves the house - the only gloomy character leaves the stage. The Duke orders to “catch up with him and persuade him to peace.” The play ends with a playfully melancholy song sung by Feste.


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