Features of the main artistic styles. Briefly about the artistic style of speech

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In school literature lessons, we all studied speech styles at one time or another. However, few people remember anything on this issue. We invite you to refresh this topic together and remember what literary and artistic style of speech is.

What are speech styles

Before talking in more detail about the literary and artistic style of speech, you need to understand what it actually is - a style of speech. Let's briefly touch on this definition.

Speech style must be understood as special speech means which we use in certain situation. These means of speech always have a special function, and therefore they are called functional styles. Another common name is language genres. In other words, it is a set of speech formulas - or even clichés - that are used in different cases(both orally and in writing) and do not coincide. This is a speech manner of behavior: at an official reception with high-ranking officials, we speak and behave this way, but when we meet with a group of friends somewhere in a garage, cinema, club, it is completely different.

There are five in total. We will briefly describe them below before proceeding in detail to the issue that interests us.

What are the types of speech styles?

As mentioned above, there are five styles of speech, but some believe that there is also a sixth - religious. IN Soviet time When all speech styles were identified, this issue was not studied for obvious reasons. Anyway, it's official functional styles five. Let's look at them below.

Scientific style

It is used, of course, in science. Its authors and recipients are scientists and specialists in a specific field. In writing of this style can be found in scientific journals. This language genre is characterized by the presence of terms, general scientific words, and abstract vocabulary.

Journalistic style

As you might guess, he lives on a budget mass media and is designed to influence people. It is the people, the population, that are the addressee of this style, which is characterized by emotionality, brevity, the presence of commonly used phrases, and often the presence of socio-political vocabulary.

Conversational style

As its name suggests, it is a communication style. This is a predominantly oral language genre; we need it for simple conversation, expression of emotions, and exchange of opinions. He is sometimes even characterized by vocabulary, expressiveness, lively dialogue, and colorfulness. Exactly at colloquial speech often, along with words, facial expressions and gestures appear.

Formal business style

It is mainly a style of written speech and is used in an official setting to draw up documents - in the field of legislation, for example, or office work. Using this language genre, they are compiled various laws, orders, acts and other papers of a similar nature. It is easy to recognize him by his dryness, information content, accuracy, the presence of speech cliches, and lack of emotionality.

Finally, the fifth, literary and artistic style (or simply artistic) is a subject of interest of this material. So we’ll talk about it in more detail later.

Characteristics of literary and artistic style of speech

So, what is this - an artistic language genre? Based on its name, one can assume - and not be mistaken - that it is used in literature, specifically in fiction. This is true, this style is the language of literary texts, the language of Tolstoy and Gorky, Dostoevsky and Remarque, Hemingway and Pushkin... The main role and purpose of the literary and artistic style of speech is to influence the minds and consciousness of readers in such a way that they begin to reflect, so that an aftertaste remains even after reading the book, so that you want to think about it and return to it again and again. This genre is intended to convey to the reader the thoughts and feelings of the author, to help see what is happening in the work through the eyes of its creator, to be imbued with it, to live their lives together with the characters on the pages of the book.

The text of a literary and artistic style is also emotional, like the speech of its colloquial “brother,” but these are two different emotionalities. In colloquial speech, we free our soul, our brain with the help of emotions. When reading a book, we, on the contrary, are imbued with its emotionality, which acts here as a kind of aesthetic means. We will tell you in more detail about those signs of a literary and artistic style of speech by which it is not at all difficult to recognize it, but for now we will briefly dwell on the enumeration of those literary genres that are characterized by the use of the above-mentioned style of speech.

What genres is it typical for?

The artistic language genre can be found in fable and ballad, ode and elegy, in story and novel, fairy tale and short story, in essay and story, epic and hymn, in song and sonnet, poem and epigram, in comedy and tragedy. So both Mikhail Lomonosov and Ivan Krylov can all equally serve as examples of literary and artistic style of speech, regardless of how different their works were.

A little about the functions of the artistic language genre

And although we have already stated above what the main task is for this style of speech, we will still present all three of its functions.

  1. Impactful (and a strong impact on the reader is achieved with the help of a well-thought-out and written “strong” image).
  2. Aesthetic (the word is not only a “carrier” of information, but also constructs an artistic image).
  3. Communicative (the author expresses his thoughts and feelings - the reader perceives them).

Style features

Basic style features literary and artistic style of speech are as follows:

1.Usage large quantity styles and their mixture. This is a sign of the author's style. Any author is free to use as much as he likes in his work. linguistic means various styles- colloquial, scientific, official business: any. All these speech means used by the author in his book form a single author’s style, by which one can subsequently easily guess a particular writer. This is how Gorky can be easily distinguished from Bunin, Zoshchenko from Pasternak, and Chekhov from Leskov.

2. Using words that are ambiguous. With the help of this technique, hidden meaning is inserted into the narrative.

3. Use of various stylistic figures- metaphors, comparisons, allegories and the like.

4. Special syntactic constructions: often the order of words in a sentence is structured in such a way that it is difficult to express oneself using this method in oral speech. You can also easily recognize the author of the text by this feature.

Literary and artistic style is the most flexible and borrowing. It literally absorbs everything! You can find in it neologisms (newly formed words), archaisms, historicisms, swear words, and various argots (jargons of professional speech). And this is the fifth feature, the fifth distinctive feature of the above-mentioned language genre.

What else you need to know about artistic style

1. One should not think that the artistic language genre lives exclusively in in writing. This is not true at all. In oral speech, this style also functions quite well - for example, in plays that were first written and are now read aloud. And even listening oral speech, you can clearly imagine everything that happens in the work - thus, we can say that the literary and artistic style does not tell, but shows the story.

2. The above-mentioned language genre is perhaps the most free from any restrictions. Other styles have their own prohibitions, but in this case there is no need to talk about prohibitions - what restrictions can there be if the authors are even allowed to weave scientific terms into the fabric of their narrative. However, it is still not worth abusing other stylistic means and presenting everything as your own author’s style - the reader should be able to understand and understand what is before his eyes. Abundance of terms or complex structures will make him get bored and turn the page without finishing.

3. When writing a work of art, you need to be very careful in choosing vocabulary and take into account what situation you are describing. If we are talking about a meeting between two officials from the administration, you can introduce a couple of speech cliches or other representatives of the official business style. However, if the story is about a beautiful summer morning in the forest, such expressions will be clearly inappropriate.

4. In any text of literary and artistic style of speech, three types of speech are used approximately equally - description, reasoning and narration (the latter, of course, occupies the largest part). Also, types of speech are used in approximately the same proportions in the texts of the above-mentioned language genre - be it a monologue, dialogue or polylogue (communication of several people).

5. An artistic image is created using all means of speech available to the author. In the nineteenth century, for example, the technique of using “speaking surnames” was very widespread (remember Denis Fonvizin with his “Minor” - Skotinin, Prostakov and so on, or Alexander Ostrovsky in “The Thunderstorm” - Kabanikha). Similar method made it possible, with the very first appearance of the character in front of the readers, to indicate what this hero is like. Currently, the use of this technique has been somewhat abandoned.

6. Every literary text also contains the so-called image of the author. This is either the image of the narrator or the image of the hero, a conventional image that emphasizes the non-identity of the “real” author with him. This image of the author actively takes part in everything that happens to the characters, comments on events, communicates with readers, expresses his own attitude to situations, and so on.

This is a characteristic of the literary and artistic style of speech, knowing which one can evaluate works of fiction from a completely different angle.

Art style- concept, types of speech, genres

All researchers talk about the special position of the style of fiction in the system of styles of the Russian language. But his highlighting in this common system perhaps, because it arises from the same basis as other styles.

The field of activity of the style of fiction is art.

The “material” of fiction is the common language.

He depicts in words thoughts, feelings, concepts, nature, people, and their communication. Each word in an artistic text is subject not only to the rules of linguistics, it lives according to the laws of verbal art, in a system of rules and techniques for creating artistic images.

Form of speech - predominantly written; for texts intended to be read aloud, prior recording is required.

Fiction uses all types of speech equally: monologue, dialogue, polylogue.

Type of communication - public.

Genres of fiction known - thisnovel, story, sonnet, short story, fable, poem, comedy, tragedy, drama, etc.

all elements of the artistic system of a work are subordinated to the solution of aesthetic problems. The word in a literary text is a means of creating an image and conveying the artistic meaning of the work.

These texts use the entire variety of linguistic means that exist in the language (we have already talked about them): means of artistic expression, and both means of the literary language and phenomena outside the literary language can be used - dialects, jargon, means of other styles and etc. At the same time, the selection of linguistic means is subject to the artistic intention of the author.

For example, the character's surname can be a means of creating an image. This technique was widely used by writers of the 18th century, introducing “speaking surnames” into the text (Skotinins, Prostakova, Milon, etc.). To create an image, the author can, within the same text, use the possibilities of word ambiguity, homonyms, synonyms and other linguistic phenomena

(The one who, having sipped passion, only gulped down mud - M. Tsvetaeva).

Repetition of a word that, scientifically and officially, is business styles emphasizes the accuracy of the text, in journalism serves as a means of enhancing impact, in artistic speech can form the basis of the text, create the artistic world of the author

(cf.: S. Yesenin’s poem “You are my Shagane, Shagane”).

The artistic means of literature are characterized by the ability to “increase meaning” (for example, with information), which makes it possible different interpretations artistic texts, its various assessments.

For example, critics and readers assessed many works of art differently:

  • drama by A.N. Ostrovsky called “The Thunderstorm” “a ray of light in a dark kingdom,” seeing in its main character a symbol of the revival of Russian life;
  • his contemporary saw in “The Thunderstorm” only “a drama in a family chicken coop”,
  • modern researchers A. Genis and P. Weil, comparing the image of Katerina with the image of Flaubert’s Emma Bovary, saw many similarities and called “The Thunderstorm” “the tragedy of bourgeois life.”

There are many such examples: interpretation of the image of Shakespeare's Hamlet, Turgenev's, Dostoevsky's heroes.

The literary text has the author's originality - the author's style. This is this characteristics language of the works of one author, consisting in the choice of characters, compositional features of the text, the language of the characters, speech features the actual author's text.

So, for example, for the style of L.N. Tolstoy is characterized by a technique that the famous literary critic V. Shklovsky called “detachment.” The purpose of this technique is to return the reader to a vivid perception of reality and expose evil. This technique, for example, is used by the writer in the scene of Natasha Rostova’s visit to the theater (“War and Peace”): at first, Natasha, exhausted by separation from Andrei Bolkonsky, perceives the theater as an artificial life, opposed to her, Natasha’s, feelings (cardboard scenery, aging actors), then, after meeting Helen, Natasha looks at the stage through her eyes.

Another feature of Tolstoy’s style is the constant division of the depicted object into simple constituent elements, which can manifest itself in rows homogeneous members offers; at the same time, such dismemberment is subordinated to a single idea. Tolstoy, fighting against the romantics, developed his own style and practically abandoned the use of figurative means of language.

In a literary text we also encounter the image of the author, which can be presented as an image - a storyteller or an image of a hero, a narrator.

This is a conventional image . The author ascribes to him, “transfers” the authorship of his work, which may contain information about the writer’s personality, facts of his life that do not correspond actual facts biography of the writer. By this he emphasizes the non-identity of the author of the work and his image in the work.

  • actively participates in the lives of the heroes,
  • included in the plot of the work,
  • expresses his attitude to what is happening and characters

Lesson plan:

Theoretical block

    Linguistic features of artistic style of speech

    Features of the artistic style and its characteristics

    Areas of use of artistic style of speech

    Genres of artistic style

    The role of sentences in the text

    Text-forming functions of a sentence

Practical block

    Working with texts: determining the style of the text and highlighting the linguistic features of each of them

    Highlighting the main features of artistic style in texts

    Distinguishing between substyles and genres of artistic style

    Analysis of artistic style texts

    Composing texts using reference expressions

Tasks for SRO


1. Russian language: textbook. aid for students Kaz. dept. University (bachelor's degree) / Ed. K.K. Akhmedyarova, Sh.K. Zharkynbekova. – Almaty: Publishing house “Kazakh University”, 2008. – 226 p.

2. Stylistics and culture of speech: Textbook. Allowance/T.P. Pleschenko, N.V. Fedotova, R.G. Taps; Ed. P.P. Fur coats.Mn.: TetraSystems, 2001.544 pp.

Theoretical block

Artstyle– functional style of speech, which is used in fiction. The artistic style influences the imagination and feelings of the reader, conveys the thoughts and feelings of the author, uses all the richness of vocabulary, possibilities different styles, characterized by imagery and emotionality of speech.

In a work of art, a word not only carries certain information, but also serves to have an aesthetic impact on the reader with the help of artistic images. The brighter and more truthful the image, the stronger its impact on the reader.

In their works, writers use, when necessary, not only words and forms of the literary language, but also outdated dialect and colloquial words.

The means of artistic expression are varied and numerous. These are tropes: comparisons, personification, allegory, metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, etc. And stylistic figures: epithet, hyperbole, litotes, anaphora, epiphora, gradation, parallelism, rhetorical question, silence, etc.

The style of fiction has its own specifics. It serves the emotional and aesthetic area of ​​personal activity. The main properties of the artistic style are: a) aesthetic; b) impact on emotions: with the help of artistic images, the feelings and thoughts of readers are influenced; c) communicative: the ability to evoke a response in the mind of the reader, due to which thoughts are transmitted from one person to another.

Art style

Scope of application

The sphere of art, the sphere of fiction

Main functions

The function of emotional and aesthetic impact on the reader


Prose (epic)


Poetic (lyrics)

Novel, story, fairy tale story, essay, short story, sketch, feuilleton

Tragedy, drama, farce, comedy, tragicomedy

Song, ballad, poem, elegy

poem, fable, sonnet, ode

Main style features

Imagery, emotionality, expressiveness, evaluativeness; manifestation of the author's creative individuality

Are common language features

The use of stylistic means of other styles, the use of special figurative and expressive means - tropes and figures

The artistic style of speech is not distinguished by all scientists. Some researchers, distinguishing artistic style among functional styles of speech, consider its main features to be:

    using it in works of art;

    depicting with its help a living picture, object, state, conveying to the reader the feelings and moods of the author;

    concreteness, imagery and emotionality of the statement;

    the presence of special linguistic means: words with a specific meaning, with the meaning of comparison, juxtaposition, words in figurative use, emotional-evaluative, etc.

Other scientists consider it as the language of fiction, and the concepts of “artistic style,” “style of fiction,” and “language of fiction” are considered synonymous.

Try writing a comment in book style!!!

Greetings, dear readers! Pavel Yamb is in touch. A captivating plot, an interesting presentation, an inimitable, unlike anything else style - and it is impossible to tear yourself away from the work. By all indications, this is an artistic style of text or a type of bookish style, since it is most often used in literature, for writing books. It mainly exists in writing. This is what causes its features.

There are three genres:

  • Prose: story, fairy tale, novel, story, short story.
  • Dramaturgy: play, comedy, drama, farce.
  • Poetry: poem, poem, song, ode, elegy.

Who hasn't done this yet? Leave any comment and download my book, which contains a fable, a parable and a story about copywriters and writers. Look at my art style.

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  1. Task 1 of 10

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    - Yes, he spent the entire scholarship. Instead of buying a new computer, or at least a laptop

  2. Task 2 of 10

    2 .

    What text style does this passage belong to?

    “Varenka, such a sweet, good-natured and sympathetic girl, whose eyes always shone with kindness and warmth, with the calm look of a real demon, walked towards the “Ugly Harry” bar with a Thompson machine gun at the ready, ready to roll these vile, dirty, smelly and slippery types into the asphalt, who dared to stare at her charms and drool lustfully."

  3. Task 3 of 10

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    What text style does this passage belong to?

    - But I don’t love him, I don’t love him, that’s all! And I will never love you. And what is my fault?

  4. Task 4 of 10

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    What text style does this passage belong to?

    “Based on the results of the experiment, we can conclude that simplicity is the key to success”

  5. Task 5 of 10

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    What text style does this passage belong to?

    “The transition to a multi-tier architecture of Internet-oriented client-server applications has confronted developers with the problem of distributing data processing functions between the client and server parts of the application.”

  6. Task 6 of 10

    6 .

    What text style does this passage belong to?

    “Yasha was just a petty dirty trickster, who, nevertheless, had very great potential. Even in his pink childhood, he masterfully stole apples from Aunt Nyura, and not even twenty years had passed when, with the same dashing fuse, he switched to banks in twenty-three countries of the world, and he managed to clean them out so skillfully that neither the police nor Interpol could in any way catch him red-handed."

  7. Task 7 of 10

    7 .

    What text style does this passage belong to?

    “Why did you come to our monastery? - he asked.

    - What do you care, get out of the way! – the stranger snapped.

    “Uuuu...” the monk drawled meaningfully. - Looks like you weren't taught any manners. Okay, I'm just in the mood today, let's teach you a few lessons.

    - You got me, monk, hangard! – hissed uninvited guest.

    – My blood is starting to play! – the churchman moaned with delight, “Please try not to disappoint me.”

  8. Task 8 of 10

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    What text style does this passage belong to?

    "I ask you to grant me a week's leave to travel abroad. family circumstances. I am enclosing a certificate regarding my wife's health. October 8, 2012. "

  9. Task 9 of 10

    9 .

    What text style does this passage belong to?

    “I am a 7th grade student who took school library the book “Alice in Wonderland” for a literature lesson. I undertake to return it on January 17th. January 11, 2017"

  10. Task 10 out of 10

    10 .

    What text style does this passage belong to?

    “During the war in the village. Borovoe, 45 houses out of 77 survived. The collective farmers had 4 cows, 3 heifers, 13 sheep, 3 piglets. Most gardens personal plots, as well as an orchard with total area 2.7 hectares belonging to the Krasnaya Zarya collective farm were cut down. Damage caused German fascist invaders property of the collective farm and collective farmers is estimated at approximately 230,700 rubles.”

The ability to write in this style gives good advantage when making money by writing articles for a content exchange.

Main features of the artistic style

High emotionality, the use of direct speech, an abundance of epithets, metaphors, colorful narration - these are the features of the literary language. Texts influence the imagination of readers, “turning on” their fantasy. It is no coincidence that such articles have gained popularity in copywriting.

Main features:

Artistic style is the author’s way of self-expression; this is how plays, poems and poems, stories, short stories, and novels are written. He is not like the others.

  • The author and the narrator are one person. In the work, the author’s “I” is clearly expressed.
  • Emotions, the mood of the author and the work are conveyed using the entire wealth of language. Metaphors, comparisons, phraseological units are always used when writing.
  • Elements of conversational style and journalism are used to express the author's style.
  • With the help of words, artistic images are not simply drawn; hidden meaning is embedded in them, thanks to the polysemy of speech.
  • The main task of the text is to convey the author’s emotions and create the appropriate mood in the reader.

The artistic style does not tell, it shows: the reader feels the situation, as if transported to the places that are being narrated. The mood is created thanks to the author's experiences. The artistic style successfully combines explanations scientific facts, imagery, and attitude to what is happening, the author’s assessment of events.

Linguistic diversity of style

Compared to other styles, linguistic means are used in all their diversity. There are no restrictions: even using scientific terms you can create vivid images, if there is an appropriate emotional mood.

Reading the work is clear and easy, and the use of other styles is only to create color and authenticity. But when writing articles in an artistic style, you will have to carefully monitor the language: it is the book language that is recognized as a reflection of the literary language.

Language features:

  • Using elements of all styles.
  • The use of linguistic means is completely subordinated to the author's intention.
  • Linguistic means perform an aesthetic function.

There is no formality or dryness to be found here. There are no value judgments either. But the smallest details are conveyed to create the appropriate mood in the reader. In copywriting, thanks to the artistic style, hypnotic texts appeared. They create an amazing effect: it is impossible to tear yourself away from reading, and reactions arise that the author wants to evoke.

The obligatory elements of the artistic style were:

  • Conveying the author's feelings.
  • Allegory.
  • Inversion.
  • Epithets.
  • Comparisons.

Let's consider the main features of the style. There are a lot of details in works of art.

To form the reader’s attitude towards the characters or what is happening, the author conveys own feelings. Moreover, his attitude can be both positive and negative.

The artistic style owes its rich vocabulary to epithets. Usually these are phrases where one or more words complement each other: incredibly happy, beastly appetite.

Brightness and imagery are a function of metaphors, combinations of words or individual words used in figurative meaning. Classical metaphors were especially widely used. Example: His conscience gnawed at him for a long time and insidiously, causing cats to scratch at his soul.

Without comparisons, artistic style would not exist. They bring special atmosphere: hungry like a wolf, unapproachable like a rock - these are examples of comparisons.

Borrowing elements of other styles is most often expressed in direct speech and character dialogues. The author can use any style, but the most popular is conversational. Example:

“How beautiful this landscape is,” the writer said thoughtfully.

“Well,” his companion snorted, “the picture is so-so, not even ice.”

To enhance a passage or give a special coloring, reverse word order or inversion is used. Example: It is inappropriate to compete with stupidity.

The best in language, its strongest capabilities and beauty are reflected in literary works. This is achieved artistic means.

Each author has his own style of writing. Not a single random word is used. Each phrase, each punctuation mark, the construction of sentences, the use or, on the contrary, the absence of names and the frequency of use of parts of speech are means of achieving the author’s intention. And every writer has his own ways of expressing.

One of the features of the artistic style is color painting. The writer uses color as a way to show atmosphere and characterize characters. The palette of tones helps to dive deeper into the work, to present the picture depicted by the author more clearly.

Features of the style include deliberately identical construction of sentences, rhetorical questions, and appeals. Rhetorical questions are interrogative in form, but they are narrative in essence. The messages in them are always associated with the expression of the author’s emotions:

What is he looking for in a distant land?

What did he throw in his native land?

(M. Lermontov)

Such questions are needed not to obtain answers, but to attract the reader’s attention to a phenomenon, subject, or to express a statement.

Appeals are also often used. In their role, the writer uses proper names, animal names, and even inanimate objects. If in a conversational style the address serves to name the addressee, then in the artistic style they more often play an emotional, metaphorical role.

It involves all the elements at the same time, as well as some of them. Each has a specific role, but the goal is common: filling the text with colors to maximize the conveyed atmosphere to the reader.

Features of speech

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The world of fiction is the world that the author sees: his admiration, preferences, rejection. This is what causes the emotionality and versatility of the book style.

Vocabulary features:

  1. When writing, template phrases are not used.
  2. Words are often used in a figurative sense.
  3. Intentional mixing of styles.
  4. The words are emotionally charged.

The basis of vocabulary is, first of all, figurative means. Highly specialized combinations of words are used only slightly to recreate a reliable situation in the description.

Additional semantic nuances are the use of polysemantic words and synonyms. Thanks to them, an original, unique, imaginative text is formed. Moreover, not only expressions accepted in the literature are used, but also conversational phrases, vernacular.

The main thing in book styles is its imagery. Every element, every sound is significant. That’s why common phrases and original neologisms are used, for example, “nikudism.” A huge number of comparisons, particular accuracy in describing the smallest details, the use of rhymes. Even the prose is rhythmic.

If the main task of the conversational style is communication, and the scientific one is the transmission of information, the book style is intended to have an emotional impact on the reader. And all the linguistic means used by the author serve to achieve this goal.

Purpose and its tasks

Art style - construction material to create a work. Only the author is able to find the right words to correctly express thoughts, convey the plot and characters. Only a writer can make readers enter the special world he created and empathize with the characters.

Literary style distinguishes the author from the rest and gives his publications a peculiarity and zest. That’s why it’s important to choose the right style for yourself. Each style has its own characteristics, but each writer uses them to create his own style. And there is absolutely no need to copy classic writers if you like him. He will not become his own, but will only turn publications into parodies.

And the reason is that individuality was and remains at the head of the book style. Choosing your own style is very difficult, but this is what is valued most of all. So the main features of the style include sincerity, which forces readers not to tear themselves away from the work.

Artistic style differs from other styles in the use of linguistic means of other styles. But only for aesthetic function. And not the styles themselves, but their features and elements. Literary and extra-literary means are used: dialect words, jargon. All the richness of speech is necessary to express the author's intention and create a work.

Imagery, expressiveness, and emotionality are the main things in book styles. But without the author’s individuality and special presentation there would not be the most artistic work as a whole.

There is no need to get carried away excessively with conversational style or include scientific terms in the text: only elements of styles are used, but all styles are not thoughtlessly mixed. And a description of the smallest details of the apartment, which I briefly glanced at main character, also no use.

Colloquialisms, jargon, a mixture of styles - everything should be in moderation. And a text written from the heart, not compressed or stretched, will become hypnotic, attracting attention to itself. This is the purpose that artistic style serves.

Pavel Yamb was with you. See you!

The artistic style of speech, as the name implies, is characteristic of the language of fiction.

Literary scholars and linguists call it one of the most important means of artistic communication. We can say that it is a linguistic form of expressing figurative content. We should not forget that when we consider the artistic style of speech, we are talking at the intersection of literary criticism and linguistics. It should be noted that the norms of a literary language are just a kind of starting point for qualitatively different language norms.

Features of artistic style of speech

This style of speech can include colloquial, colloquial, clerical, and many other styles. Every writer's language obeys only those laws that the author himself creates. Many linguists note that in last decades literary language gradually removes restrictions - it becomes open to dialects, jargon, colloquial vocabulary. The artistic style of speech presupposes, first of all, freedom in the choice of words, which, however, must be associated with the greatest responsibility, expressed in a sense of proportionality and conformity.

Artistic style of speech: main features

The first sign of the described style is the original presentation of the word: it seems to be torn out of its schematic connections and placed in “unusual circumstances.” Thus, a presentation of the word arises in which it becomes interesting in itself, and not in context. Secondly, it is characteristic high level linguistic organization, that is, additional ordering. The degree of organization of speech in prose consists in dividing the text into chapters and parts; in a dramatic work - on acts, scenes, phenomena. The most complex level of linguistic organization in poetic speech seems to be metrication, stanza, and the use of rhymes. By the way, one of the most striking properties of artistic speech in a poetic work is a high degree of polysemy.

In literary prose, as a rule, ordinary human speech comes to the fore, which is one of the means of characterizing characters (the so-called speech portrait of the hero).


Comparison is of great importance in the language of almost any work. This term can be defined as follows: “Comparison is main way formation of new ideas." It serves mainly to indirectly characterize the phenomenon and contributes to the creation of completely new images.

Language of the work of art

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that the artistic style of speech is characterized primarily by imagery. Each of its elements is aesthetically significant: not only words are important, but also sounds, rhythm, and melody of the language. You can find examples of artistic style of speech by opening any literary work. Every writer strives, first of all, for a fresh, uncluttered image - this explains the widespread use special means expressions.


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